The most bloodthirsty maniacs in the history of mankind. Minute Horror: The Most Brutal Assassins Ever. "Hammers from Irkutsk" - Academovsky maniacs


Every second, somewhere in the world, a crime is committed. But not every criminal's name is imprinted in history. Here are the top 10 most infamous cruel maniacs and serial killers in history.

10. John George Haig

English Serial killer, known as "The Acid Bath Killer" and "The London Vampire" who was convicted of 6 murders in the 1940s. After committing the crime, he used acid to dispose of the body, but substantial forensic evidence still remained. On August 10, 1949, he was executed.

9. Georg Joachim Kroll

German serial killer and cannibal. Known as Duisburg the man-eater. He was found guilty of eight murders, but confessed to a total of 14. He claimed to have eaten the flesh of his victims to save on food. Kroll received nine life sentences but died of a heart attack in 1991 at Reinbach prison.

8. Richard Trenton Chase

Richard Trenton Chase was charged with the murder of six people in a month. He was nicknamed the "Vampire of Sacramento" because he drank the blood of his victims. On December 29, 1977, Chase killed his first victim. On May 8, he was found guilty of six counts of first-degree murder and was sentenced to death in a gas chamber. On December 26, 1980, he committed suicide with an overdose of prescribed antidepressants.

7. Gilles de Rays

Before starting the deadly spree, he served as a captain in the army under the leadership of Jeanne d'Arc. He earned a name both as a captain and as a serial killer of children. According to survivors, Race lured children, mostly boys with blonde hair and blue eyes, to his residence and raped, tortured and maimed them. He was executed on October 26, 1440.

6. John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy was involved in the sexual assault and murder of at least 33 teenagers and young adults between 1972 and 1978. The perpetrator lured his victims in handcuffs under the pretext of showing them a few tricks, and then strangled them with a rope. After committing the crime, he buried the victim either on his own site or in the nearest river. After his arrest, he was sentenced to death and executed in May 1994.

5. Dennis Rader

Was born in 1945, and in the period from 1974 to 1991. took the lives of 10 people. The raider didn't just kill his victims. Previously, he tied them up and tortured them. And then he reported the details of the killings to the police and newspapers. Through this, he was caught in 2005. He is currently serving 10 life sentences at El Dorado Correctional Facility. And this monster, in fifth place in the Top 10 most brutal maniacs and serial killers in history.

4.Andrey Chikatilo

He is the Rostov Butcher. Most of the crimes were committed on the territory of the Rostov region. And there were quite a few of them: at least 53 women and children in the period from 1978 to 1990. For his crimes, 10 innocent people were imprisoned. The killer was executed by firing squad on February 14, 1994. This is the most famous maniac and serial killer in history.



3. Jeffrey Dahmer

Participated in the murder of 17 men and boys between 1987 and 1991. His cases include rape, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism. Jeffrey committed his first murder in the summer of 1978, at the age of 18. He was arrested and sentenced to 15 life sentences, and on November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by other inmates at the Columbia Correctional Institute.

2. Theodore Bundy

American serial killer, rapist, kidnapper and necrophile, who has many women and girls on his account from 1974 to 1978. After a decade of investigation, Bundy finally confessed to 30 murders, although the actual figure remains unknown. He was electrocuted on January 24, 1989.

1. Albert Fish

Born Hamilton Howard Fish on May 19, 1870. On account of his harassment of a horrifying number of children - to 100 innocent minors. He was suspected of killing five, but only three cases were proven. In addition to violence, he confessed to cannibalism. The monster was executed on January 16, 1934.

In the popular tourist country - the Republic of Cyprus - the first serial killer in the history of the state was arrested this week. This is a 35-year-old soldier who killed at least three people, one of them is a child. The man got acquainted with foreign women on the Internet, called them on dates, and there he dealt with them. The bodies of two citizens of the Philippines were found in the flooded mine Mitsero - near the capital of Cyprus - Nicosia. Unfortunately, in most countries, serial killers and maniacs are not uncommon.

The first documented serial killer in human history was American Henry Holmes. The man was a respected pharmacist, businessman and fraudster. He not only killed people, but also carried out scams, using the insurance of his victims. Holmes confessed to 27 murders, however, according to the investigation, there could be up to 350 of them. The criminal was executed on May 7, 1896. He bequeathed that his body be buried in concrete, as he was afraid of abuse. MIR 24 remembered the most bloodthirsty and terrible maniacs that mankind had to face.

Harold "Doctor Death" Shipman

Harold Shipman was born in 1946 in the UK. He grew up in a Protestant family, excelled in school and distinguished himself favorably against the background of his peers. Parents were proud of their precocious son. When Shipman was 17, his mother died of cancer, and he decided to become a doctor to help other people cope with their ailments. Quite early, the young man got married and had four children. Some time later, Shipman was caught stealing drugs, forced to undergo drug addiction treatment, and his medical license was suspended. Three years later, the man returned to work and moved to another city.

The first murder was carefully planned. Shipman came to a call to an elderly woman who complained of terrible pain. Instead of an anesthetic, he injected the patient with a critical dose of narcotic substances and watched for half an hour as the old woman died. The next day, the "doctor" returned and stated "natural death."

More often than not, Shipman for some reason killed elderly women and took a souvenir from each crime scene. Perhaps, envy was so manifested that his mother could not live to see honorable gray hairs. When relatives learned of the death of elderly women, Shipman sent them condolences and a forged will. The investigation believes that "doctor death" killed about 200 people. However, the police paid attention to Shipman only when they were approached by the daughter of the widow of the former mayor of the city. She noticed that the will was written with errors, although her mother spoke English almost perfectly. After the exhumation, it turned out that the woman's death also came from a drug overdose. When the police began to investigate the case, it turned out that the doctor was already suspected by many acquaintances of the elderly victims. During interrogation, the killer fell to his knees and cried, he was sentenced to fifteen life sentences. On the eve of his 58th birthday, he committed suicide in a prison cell.

Luis Garavito

Colombian serial killer was born on January 25, 1957 to a poor family with many children. According to him, as a child he was sexually abused, physically and mentally bullied. Garavito has received the status of the most brutal serial killer, nicknamed "The Beast". Victims number from 130 to 400. Most often Garavito attacked children from poor families or orphans. The offender walked free for a very long time, because local law enforcement agencies hunted the drug lord Pablo Escobar, ignoring other crimes. An accident helped to arrest the maniac. Once a homeless person saw a child being raped in a field and immediately ran to the police. When the police arrived, Garavito was no longer there, however, he did not go far. The maniac was detained, at first he pretended to be a famous politician, hoping that the village police would take his word for it. However, after conducting an investigation, it became clear that Garavito is a bloodthirsty killer. Interestingly, according to Colombian law, a person cannot be held in custody for more than 30 years, and the killer also received a “discount” of eight years for cooperating with the investigation. Very soon, Garavito's 22 years in prison will expire, and if nothing changes, he will be released again.

Ted Bundy

The American serial killer, rapist and necrophile went down in history as the most "charming" maniac. Bundy was born into a wealthy and respected family. He was raised, however, by his grandparents, and it was only in adulthood that Bundy learned that they were not his real parents. As a child, Bundy was heavily dependent on pornography, wandering the streets and looking in garbage cans for images of naked women. However, this did not stop him from graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in psychology.

After graduation, the future killer got a job with the governor of Washington, where he worked on an election campaign. Moreover, after a while, Bundy entered law school. The young man showed great promise, seemed extremely successful and respectable.

However, at the age of 27, Bundy committed his first murder, and could no longer stop. The maniac confessed to thirty crimes, but the episodes, most likely, are much more. Bundy's victims were young girls and little girls. Psychologists describe Bundy as a sociopath and sadist who took pleasure during and after the murders, so he felt his power. Bundy blames violent pornography for his crimes, to which he is addicted, allegedly only through violence he could experience sexual pleasure. Each time Bundy conquered strangers with his charisma, they, of their own free will, got into his car and drove off in an unfamiliar direction. Moreover, the criminal was married, he managed to do it, already being sentenced to death. The serial killer was exposed thanks to his girlfriend Liz Kendall. The girl suspected her boyfriend of committing crimes, which then all of America was talking about. I must say, the arrest and detention were very difficult, Bundy skillfully cleaned the tracks, and only by a lucky chance in his car was it possible to find the hair of one of the victims. At the trial, Bundy tried to charm the jury to the last, he was confident of his success. That is why he refused a deal that would guarantee the replacement of the death penalty with life imprisonment. But the evidence against the killer was strong, so Ted Bundy was sentenced to death in the electric chair. During his imprisonment, the maniac actively communicated with the media and the investigation, there was even an interview that the man gave right an hour before his death. In it, he explained the motives of his crimes and the feelings he experienced during the murders. As a result, Bundy was electrocuted in 1989.

Andrey Chikatilo

The most brutal and famous Soviet maniac, Andrei Chikatilo, committed at least 43 murders. Chikatilo's victims were children, adolescents and young women. The biography of the criminal is no different from the ordinary life of a Soviet citizen. After leaving school, he tried to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University, however, not having received the required number of balls, he went to school. Later Chikatilo graduated from the institute in the direction of "Russian language and literature." For some time he worked in schools and even replaced the director, however, he could not stay in one place for a long time due to sexual harassment of students. The first victim of Chikatilo was a nine-year-old girl. After the first crime, Chikatilo was noticed by the police, however, another killer, Alexander Kravchenko, was accused of the death of the child. When the latter was shot, Chikatilo began to kill again. In one 1984, the maniac killed 15 people, which is considered the peak of his crimes. Like other serial killers, Chikatilo was a narcissist, psychopath and sadist. In 1985, a man was arrested because the police found suspicious things on him: tape, rope, knife, petroleum jelly. There was no evidence then and Chikatilo was released. After that, he killed about twenty more people. The next year, the largest operation in the history of the USSR began to capture the criminal - "Lesopoval". The maniac was arrested only five years later, he denied everything for a long time and did not admit anything before talking with psychiatrist Alexander Bukhanovsky. And only two weeks later, Andrei Chikatilo confessed to the crimes. He was executed in 1994 with a shot to the back of the head.

Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

Even serial killers don't always act alone. For example, spouses Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka from Canada committed crimes together. The young people met in their youth, Paul did not hide his sadistic inclinations, beat Karla and humiliated her in every possible way, but the girl even liked it. After some time, outwardly attractive young people got married. It turned out that Bernardo had his eyes on the younger fifteen-year-old sister of Homolka. Karla did not interfere with her husband's dire desires and organized a meeting with her sister, inviting the teenager home for dinner. Sleeping pills were added to the food; in the process of violence, the girl woke up. At first she was nauseous, and then she suffocated. The whole process was filmed by the spouses. The killers did not stop there, they kidnapped a teenager on the street and mocked her for a whole day, and then killed her. The third victim of the sadists was the teenager Christine French. For her, the couple portrayed tourists, and later, threatening with a knife, Bernardo forced the girl into the car. She was tortured for two whole days before being killed. Once again, everything was filmed. However, after this incident, Karla Homolka decided to repent and brought cassettes with video recordings of the crimes to the police station. As a result, Bernardo was sentenced to life imprisonment, which he is serving in a small solitary confinement cell. And Homolka spent twelve years in prison, after which she got out and got married again.

Eileen Wuornos

Thinking that only a man can be a serial killer is a big mistake. Women can have bloodthirsty and sadistic tendencies. Eileen Wuornos was born when her mother was only fourteen years old, so her grandparents took the girl for upbringing. Worons claims that her grandfather raped her along with his friends, however, no evidence could be found. Already at the age of 11, Wuornos began to engage in domestic prostitution, she exchanged sex for cigarettes, and at 15, when her grandmother died, selling her own body became Wuornos's only income. Worons is guilty of the murder of seven people - all men, whom she killed with a firearm. When the woman was arrested, she claimed that everyone wanted to rape her when she was working as a prostitute, so she defended herself. Later, the woman changed her testimony, saying that in fact, she committed the murders for the purpose of robbery and did not want to leave witnesses. However, shortly before the execution, in a conversation with director Nick Bromfield, Worons claimed that she was on the defensive, but no longer wanted to be on death row, preferring to die, and therefore changed her testimony.

“You sabotaged me! Society and the cops and [the whole] system! The woman who was raped is going to be executed, and this [plot] is used in books, films! ”- these were her last words in front of the camera.

In the popular tourist country - the Republic of Cyprus - this week, the first serial killer in the history of the state was arrested. This is a 35-year-old soldier who killed at least three people, one of them is a child. The man got acquainted with foreign women on the Internet, called them on dates, and there he dealt with them. The bodies of two citizens of the Philippines were found in the flooded mine Mitsero - near the capital of Cyprus - Nicosia. Unfortunately, in most countries, serial killers and maniacs are not uncommon. The first documented serial killer in human history was American Henry Holmes. The man was a respected pharmacist, businessman and fraudster. He not only killed people, but also carried out scams, using the insurance of his victims. Holmes confessed to 27 murders, however, according to the investigation, there could have been up to 350 of them. The criminal was executed on May 7, 1896. He bequeathed that his body be buried in concrete, as he was afraid of abuse. MIR 24 remembered the most bloodthirsty and terrible maniacs that mankind had to face.

Harold "Doctor Death" Shipman

Harold Shipman was born in 1946 in the UK. He grew up in a Protestant family, excelled in school and distinguished himself favorably against the background of his peers. Parents were proud of their precocious son. When Shipman was 17, his mother died of cancer, and he decided to become a doctor to help other people cope with their ailments. Quite early, the young man got married and had four children. Some time later, Shipman was caught stealing drugs, forced to undergo drug addiction treatment, and his medical license was suspended. Three years later, the man returned to work and moved to another city.

The first murder was carefully planned. Shipman came to a call to an elderly woman who complained of terrible pain. Instead of an anesthetic, he injected the patient with a critical dose of narcotic substances and watched for half an hour as the old woman died. The next day, the "doctor" returned and stated "natural death."

More often than not, Shipman for some reason killed elderly women and took a souvenir from each crime scene. Perhaps, envy was so manifested that his mother could not live to see honorable gray hairs. When relatives learned of the death of elderly women, Shipman sent them condolences and a forged will.

The investigation believes that "doctor death" killed about 200 people. However, the police paid attention to Shipman only when they were approached by the daughter of the widow of the former mayor of the city. She noticed that the will was written with errors, although her mother spoke English almost perfectly. After the exhumation, it turned out that the woman's death also came from a drug overdose. When the police began to investigate the case, it turned out that the doctor was already suspected by many acquaintances of the elderly victims. During interrogation, the killer fell to his knees and cried, he was sentenced to fifteen life sentences. On the eve of his 58th birthday, he committed suicide in a prison cell.

Luis Garavito

Colombian serial killer was born on January 25, 1957 to a poor family with many children. According to him, as a child he was sexually abused, physically and mentally bullied. Garavito has received the status of the most brutal serial killer, nicknamed "The Beast". Victims number from 130 to 400. Most often Garavito attacked children from poor families or orphans. The offender walked free for a very long time, because local law enforcement agencies hunted drug lord Pablo Escobar, ignoring other crimes.

An accident helped to arrest the maniac. Once a homeless person saw a child being raped in a field and immediately ran to the police. When the police arrived, Garavito was no longer there, however, he did not go far. The maniac was detained, at first he pretended to be a famous politician, hoping that the village police would take his word for it. However, after conducting an investigation, it became clear that Garavito is a bloodthirsty killer.

Interestingly, according to Colombian law, a person cannot be held in custody for more than 30 years, and the killer also received a “discount” of eight years for cooperating with the investigation. Very soon, Garavito's 22 years in prison will expire, and if nothing changes, he will be released again.

Ted Bundy

The American serial killer, rapist and necrophile went down in history as the most "charming" maniac. Bundy was born into a wealthy and respected family. He was raised, however, by his grandparents, and it was only in adulthood that Bundy learned that they were not his real parents. As a child, Bundy was heavily dependent on pornography, wandering the streets and looking in garbage cans for images of naked women. However, this did not stop him from graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in psychology.

After graduation, the future killer got a job with the governor of Washington, where he worked on an election campaign. Moreover, after a while, Bundy entered law school. The young man showed great promise, seemed extremely successful and respectable.

However, at the age of 27, Bundy committed his first murder, and could no longer stop. The maniac confessed to thirty crimes, but the episodes, most likely, are much more. Bundy's victims were young girls and little girls. Psychologists describe Bundy as a sociopath and sadist who took pleasure during and after the murders, so he felt his power.

Bundy blames violent pornography for his crimes, to which he is addicted, allegedly only through violence he could experience sexual pleasure. Each time Bundy conquered strangers with his charisma, they, of their own free will, got into his car and drove off in an unfamiliar direction. Moreover, the criminal was married, he managed to do it, already being sentenced to death.

The serial killer was exposed thanks to his girlfriend Liz Kendall. The girl suspected her boyfriend of committing crimes, which then all of America was talking about. I must say, the arrest and detention were very difficult, Bundy skillfully cleaned the tracks, and only by a lucky chance in his car was it possible to find the hair of one of the victims. At the trial, Bundy tried to charm the jury to the last, he was confident of his success. That is why he refused a deal that would guarantee the replacement of the death penalty with life imprisonment. But the evidence against the killer was strong, so Ted Bundy was sentenced to death in the electric chair. During his imprisonment, the maniac actively communicated with the media and the investigation, there was even an interview that the man gave right an hour before his death. In it, he explained the motives of his crimes and the feelings he experienced during the murders. As a result, Bundy was electrocuted in 1989.

Andrey Chikatilo

The most brutal and famous Soviet maniac, Andrei Chikatilo, committed at least 43 murders. Chikatilo's victims were children, adolescents and young women. The biography of the criminal is no different from the ordinary life of a Soviet citizen. After leaving school, he tried to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University, however, not having received the required number of balls, he went to school. Later Chikatilo graduated from the institute in the direction of "Russian language and literature." For some time he worked in schools and even replaced the director, however, he could not stay in one place for a long time due to sexual harassment of students.

The first victim of Chikatilo was a nine-year-old girl. After the first crime, Chikatilo was noticed by the police, however, another killer, Alexander Kravchenko, was accused of the death of the child. When the latter was shot, Chikatilo began to kill again. In one 1984, the maniac killed 15 people, which is considered the peak of his crimes. Like other serial killers, Chikatilo was a narcissist, psychopath and sadist. In 1985, a man was arrested because the police found suspicious things on him: tape, rope, knife, petroleum jelly. There was no evidence then and Chikatilo was released. After that, he killed about twenty more people. The next year, the largest operation in the history of the USSR began to capture the criminal - "Lesopoval". The maniac was arrested only five years later, he denied everything for a long time and did not admit anything before talking with psychiatrist Alexander Bukhanovsky. And only two weeks later, Andrei Chikatilo confessed to the crimes. He was executed in 1994 with a shot to the back of the head.

Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

Even serial killers don't always act alone. For example, spouses Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka from Canada committed crimes together. The young people met in their youth, Paul did not hide his sadistic inclinations, beat Karla and humiliated her in every possible way, but the girl even liked it. After some time, outwardly attractive young people got married. It turned out that Bernardo had his eyes on the younger fifteen-year-old sister of Homolka. Karla did not interfere with her husband's dire desires and organized a meeting with her sister, inviting the teenager home for dinner. Sleeping pills were added to the food; in the process of violence, the girl woke up. At first she was nauseous, and then she suffocated. The whole process was filmed by the spouses.

The killers did not stop there, they kidnapped a teenager on the street and mocked her for a whole day, and then killed her. The third victim of the sadists was the teenager Christine French. For her, the couple portrayed tourists, and later, threatening with a knife, Bernardo forced the girl into the car. She was tortured for two whole days before being killed. Once again, everything was filmed.

However, after this incident, Karla Homolka decided to repent and brought cassettes with video recordings of the crimes to the police station. As a result, Bernardo was sentenced to life imprisonment, which he is serving in a small solitary confinement cell. And Homolka spent twelve years in prison, after which she got out and got married again.

Eileen Wuornos

Thinking that only a man can be a serial killer is a big mistake. Women can have bloodthirsty and sadistic tendencies. Eileen Wuornos was born when her mother was only fourteen years old, so her grandparents took the girl for upbringing. Worons claims that her grandfather raped her along with his friends, however, no evidence could be found. Already at the age of 11, Wuornos began to engage in domestic prostitution, she exchanged sex for cigarettes, and at 15, when her grandmother died, selling her own body became Wuornos's only income.

Worons is guilty of the murder of seven people - all men, whom she killed with a firearm. When the woman was arrested, she claimed that everyone wanted to rape her when she was working as a prostitute, so she defended herself. Later, the woman changed her testimony, saying that in fact, she committed the murders for the purpose of robbery and did not want to leave witnesses. However, shortly before the execution, in a conversation with director Nick Bromfield, Worons claimed that she was on the defensive, but no longer wanted to be on death row, preferring to die, and therefore changed her testimony.

“You sabotaged me! Society and the cops and [the whole] system! The woman who was raped is going to be executed, and this [plot] is used in books, films! ”- these were her last words in front of the camera.

In 2003, the movie "Monster" was released with Charlize Theron in the title role. It is dedicated to the history of Eileen Worons.

For a long time now I want to do something useful for my favorite site. I thought a lot about what is so interesting for me to write? About something that will be interesting to the inhabitants of the Horror Zone and not only them) And you know, everything somehow came by itself, the idea to create the top-most terrible and cruel killers came to me just now, since this is my first blog, (I never blog I have not led in my life) I ask you not to judge me strictly.

So let's go! ...

10th place John Wayne Gacy

Known in the United States as the "Killer Clown". As a child, he suffered from his father's alcoholism and aggressiveness. At the age of 9 he became a victim of a pedophile. Until his first arrest in 1968 (for the rape of a teenager), he was known as an exemplary family man and workaholic. He spent 18 months in prison instead of 10 years (exemplary behavior). Released and married a second time, he began to participate in a clown costume in all kinds of holidays and festivals. From 1972 to 1978 he strangled to death 33 people. As a rule, in the evenings he drove his car to entertainment places, looking for a sexy guy. Then he got to know him, brought him to his home, tortured and raped for a long time. The torture was accompanied by reading passages from the Bible for the dying person. The victims were buried in the basement of the house and in the nearby river. Executed May 10, 1994.

9th place Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer

One of the most brutal and brutal serial killers in US history. For 13 years (1978-1991), this maniac, who defended his doctoral dissertation in chemistry, killed 17 young men and adolescents. He found his victims in bars and invited them to pose in the nude. When those, having agreed, came to his house, Dahmer pumped them with drugs, had sex with them, and then strangled them. He continued to have sex with already dead bodies, dismembered them, and consumed some parts of the bodies for food. He loved to drill a hole in his head with an electric drill while still alive. He was arrested by accident. On November 28, 1994, beaten to death by his cellmate.

8th place Theodore Robert Bundy

American serial killer, known by the nickname "The Nylon Killer". He always looked like a needle, was friendly with everyone. But under the guise of a charismatic gentleman, the face of a cruel beast was hidden. From 1974 to 1978 he kidnapped and killed 30 young women. Experts argued that he was responsible for many more victims. Attracting the unfortunate, he often pretended to be disabled and asked them for a little help. Often he entered houses at night and killed sleeping women. Then he had sex with them, dismembered their bodies. He took with him "souvenirs" - the heads of the dead. Executed by electrocution in January 1989.

7th place Gary Ridgway

The Green River Killer strangled at least 71 women in the 1980s and 1990s. He was arrested after the investigation was able to prove with the help of DNA analysis his sexual relationship with the found corpses. Most of his victims were prostitutes. The favorite method of murder is strangulation. Arrested in 1997. In 2003 he was sentenced to 48 life sentences. The first of them he is currently serving in one of the American prisons.

6th place Ed Gein

This maniac has committed only two murders of women. However, their cruelty, as well as the sadistic inclinations of the fanatic, shocked all of America. He dismembered the corpses, gutted them like animal carcasses, and then used them as a kind of "decor" in the house. When the police broke into Hein's home, a terrible collection was discovered there - a maniac for several years secretly dug up the graves of recently deceased young women, brought bodies home. There he took off their skin and sewed clothes out of it, and hung the severed heads on the walls. Since the court found the killer insane, Gein spent the rest of his days in a mental hospital, where he died on July 26, 1984.

5th Henry Lee Lucas

This American serial killer has 11 proven victims. However, the criminal himself boasted that he had actually committed 350 (!) Murders. This subhuman began his bloody "activity" with the murder of his own mother. In 1998, he was sentenced to death in Texas, but George W. Bush, then governor of the state, canceled the execution. After a second trial, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison on March 13, 2001.

4th place Eileen Carol Warnes

The only female killer in this top ten. Many experts call her the first female maniac in the United States. This prostitute had a promiscuous sex life with both men and women. She did not disdain incest with her own brother. In 1989-1990, she killed seven men in Florida. As she later explained to investigators, they all wanted to injure her during sex. She was arrested in 1991. On October 9, 2002, a lethal injection stopped her heart.

3rd place Richard Trenton Chase

Nicknamed "Vampire from Sacramento" - he drank the blood of his victims, washed with it and ate parts of the bodies of the dead. Necrophiliac In just one month in 1977, seven people were killed in northern California. He suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, incredible and painful visions. After the murder with corpses, among which were the corpses of two children, he had sex. As a murder weapon, he preferred a 22-gauge semi-automatic pistol. Identified by a former classmate. In 1979 he was sentenced to death in a gas chamber. However, the execution did not take place - Chase committed suicide on December 26, 1980.

2nd place went to Andrey Chikatilo

Perhaps the most famous of the Soviet Union's serial killers. In 1978-1990 he committed 53 proven murders on the territory of the Rostov region. The maniac himself claimed to have committed 56 murders; operational data indicate 65 murders. Its victims were mainly young people of both sexes and still children. Moreover, he killed not because of sexual intemperance (according to some sources, he was impotent), but being a very emotional sadist. For a long time he cleverly avoided the investigation. One person was mistakenly shot in the Rostov Ripper case. Captured as a result of a complex operation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR in November 1990. By the verdict of the court, he was shot on February 14, 1994.

1st place went to Denis Ryder

Received the nickname "BTK-killer" in the USA. This abbreviation denotes the way he killed his victims ("tie-torture-kill"). From 1974 to 1981, he killed ten people. After each murder, he sent letters to the police and newspapers, mocking the helplessness of the detectives. As a rule, he did not kill the victims immediately: he strangled the tied people until they lost consciousness, then brought them to their senses and over and over again repeated his terrible "experiments". The suffering of people gave him, as he himself admitted during the investigation, pleasure comparable to orgasm. A Kansas court in 2005 sentenced him to 10 life sentences.

P.S information is taken from the site

According to conventional wisdom, a serial killer is someone who has killed more than three people, often driven by their mental health problems. Most of these psychos act alone and are sociopaths, but some of them find similar maniacs who don't mind joining their crimes. Meet ten of the worst and sickest serial killers who have acted in pairs.

1.Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

They met in 1987 in Toronto and got married in 1991. Six months before the wedding, Karla wanted to give her future husband a special gift - the virginity of her 15-year-old sister. Bernardo knew Carla was not a virgin when they got together, and that haunted him. So on Christmas Eve 1990, Carla mixed alcohol and halothane to put her little sister to sleep. After that, she and her fiancé filmed how the poor thing was raped in turn.

In the middle of the night, Karla's sister suffocated in her own vomit and died. The death of the girl was then considered an accident, so Bernardo and Carla continued to realize their fantasies, raping and killing young girls. Finally, they were found by DNA on one of the victims. In 1993, Bernardo beat his wife badly. Then Karla decided to confess everything to the police, provided that her punishment would be up to 12 years in prison. Thanks to her testimony, Bernardo went to jail for life without the possibility of early release. Karla Homolka was released in July 2005.

2. Gwendoline Graham and Catherine May Wood

The two women met at a nursing home in Grand Rapids, Michigan and immediately became a couple. But ordinary sex was not enough for young lesbians. At first, they strangled each other during sex, but soon they got bored. Then they started killing old women in the nursing home where they worked. They committed their first murder in January 1987 - strangled an elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease, and then had sex next to her corpse. Such killings were repeated four times.

They even took away some items as a keepsake and bragged about what they had done to colleagues who did not believe in the seriousness of what was said. Everything changed when Graham - the dominant pair - ordered Wood to kill the woman just for fun, but Wood refused. Then Graham moved to Texas, changing jobs, and the couple broke up. Wood broke down and surrendered to the police. As a result, the lesbians began to testify against each other. At the trial, Graham received a life sentence, and Wood - 20 years in prison.

3. Fred and Rosemary West

One of the most infamous and feared serial killer couples in history. Both had difficult childhoods, and, presumably, incest took place in their biographies. Although most of their murders occurred between 1973 and 1979, the first was in 1971. While Fred was in prison for petty theft, Rosemary remained to look after Charmaine, Fred's stepdaughter from a previous marriage. Rosemary beat the girl, and when she stopped crying, Rosemary got mad and killed the baby. When Fred was released from prison, Charmaine's mother came for the girl, but disappeared. Presumably Fred killed her.

Fred and Rosemary had a pathological relationship - Rosemary often slept with her own father, and Fred not only knew, but approved. Fred also didn’t mind Rosemary doing a part-time job as a prostitute. He even set up a room in their house so that she could receive clients there. The room had holes in the walls for Fred to pry on. And a red lantern hung at the entrance so that their children knew if their mother was busy or not. When Rosemary became a prostitute in 1972, Fred raped their 8-year-old daughter for the first time. After that, he repeatedly raped his other daughters and filmed it on camera.

Between 1973 and 1987, the couple killed 9 people, including one of their own daughters and several of the neighbour's children. They were only caught in 1994 when police began investigating the disappearance of one of West's daughters, who was last seen in 1987. Fred confessed to 10 murders, but was later credited with 11 more when police found the remains on the grounds of his home. Rosemary did not confess to any, but she was charged with 10 murders. In 1995, Fred hanged himself in prison while awaiting a hearing. Rosemary is currently serving a life sentence.

4. Charlene and Gerald Gallego

Between 1978 and 1980, the couple raped and killed 9 girls, including one pregnant. Gerald dominated the relationship, and Charlene did whatever he said. They had a sick imagination, and soon they wanted to have "sex slaves." The couple kidnapped girls (the youngest was 13), raped for hours, and then killed.

This continued until they kidnapped a young couple in the parking lot. The groom was shot, and the girl was raped, beaten and also killed. But the couple's friends who saw the abduction managed to write down the car number and reported to the police. As a result, Charlene and Gerald were arrested. In 1984, Charlene testified against her husband. She was sentenced to 16 years in prison in Nevada. Gerald was sentenced to death, but died in prison from cancer in 2002. Charlene was released in 1997.

5. Charles Starkweather and Caryl Ann Fugate

They fell in love in the 50s. Then Fugate was 14, and her stepfather and mother did not approve of the relationship with 19-year-old Starkweather. On January 21, 1958, Starkweather shot and killed Fugate's mother and stepfather, but he didn't stop there - he also strangled her younger sister. After that, the couple embarked on a journey across America, robbing and killing everyone they met on the way. As a result, they killed 11 people and two dogs. They were caught on January 29, 1958 in Wyoming. Starkweather received a death sentence, Fugate a life sentence. However, in 1976, Fugate was released early and now lives in Michigan.

6. Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck

Fernandez was in prison for robbery in the 40s, where he learned about voodoo and the occult from his cellmate. Upon his release, Fernandez decided that this new knowledge could be used to attract the attention of women. He planned to go on dates, seduce women, rob them and disappear. All went well until he met Martha Beck at the ad. She went on a date with two children. He told her that he would let her stay if she got rid of the children. Beck immediately dumped the children, which impressed Fernandez.

At first, they continued his plan together, but Beck's explosive nature constantly interfered with this. She was jealous of Fernandez women and began to attack them. As a result, the couple began to kill most of their victims. In late February 1949, they killed a young widow and her two-year-old daughter. The neighbors heard the noise and called the police. When the police arrived, Beck and Fernandez were still at the apartment. In total, they killed about 20 people. They were sentenced to death and in 1951 were electrocuted at Sing Sing Prison.

8. Myra Hindley and Ian Brady

Started dating in the 1960s. We read books about Hitler and the Nazis and were extremists. In July 1963, Brady spoke of the "perfect murder." On July 12, 1963, they kidnapped 16-year-old Paulina Reed, a friend of Hindley's younger sister. Brady raped the girl and hit her in the head with a shovel, and then slit her throat, practically chopping off her head. Between 1963 and 1965, the couple killed five children, brutally bullying them. When Sister Hinldie and her husband saw the couple killing a teenager, they called the police. The criminals were sentenced to life in prison. Brady was considered insane, and the rest of his days he lived in a psychiatric hospital. Hindley died at the age of 60 in prison.

9. Henry Lucas and Ottis Toole

In 1973, the two met and immediately fell in love with each other. In 1983, Lucas was arrested for possession of weapons, and he suddenly began to brag that he took many lives. As a result, the couple confessed to killing hundreds of people. They knew the details of the murders that only murderers could know. Lucas and Toole helped police find the bodies of 246 missing. They did not have a specific method of killing, they killed people of all races, ages and genders. Tula was charged with 5 murders, Lucas - 11. At first, both were sentenced to death, but then he was replaced by life. Toole died of liver problems in 1996, Lucas died in 2001 from a heart attack.

10. Susan and James Carson

In the early 1980s, the couple used a lot of drugs. Then they converted to Islam and moved to a marijuana farm in San Francisco. They considered themselves "Muslim vegetarians" and killed those who, they said, exuded "evil energy." The first victim was their neighbor in 1981. They beat her with a frying pan and stabbed her ten times. After that, they killed at least two, trying to "rid the world of witchcraft." When they were caught, the police found a list of people they wanted to kill, including celebrities. Both confessed to the murders and were sentenced to life in prison.

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