Identification of the causes of actions and misconduct. Deed and misdeed. Example sentences with a paronym - misdemeanor

Info Lesson Plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms deed - offense

2. Examples of phrases with a paronym deed

3. Examples of sentences with a paronym deed

4. Examples of phrases with a paronym misdemeanor

5. Examples of sentences with a paronym misdemeanor


ACT- an action done by someone.

MISTAKE- an act that violates the norms, rules of conduct.


1) a good deed

2) a bad deed

3) the right thing to do

4) an honest act

5) a noble deed

6) selfless act

7) a bold act

8) unexpected act

9) brother's act

10) evaluate the act



2) Responsibility is the obligation to answer for one's own deeds, actions.

3) What deed can be called moral?

4) Feat - heroic selfless deed.

5) Whose deed

6)This deed worthy of all respect.

7) A person is reflected in his deeds».

8) Sometimes our words and deeds harm others.

9) How did your deed on another person?

10) Accustom yourself to good deeds!

11) The father was very upset deed son.

12) A person who has fulfilled his duty is a rather high concept. And the one about whom this is said should perceive it as a high and at the same time accurate assessment of his activity or his deed. (K.M. Simonov)

13) Conscience is a sensitive guardian of human deeds. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

14) Fail-safe readiness for self-sacrifice, active compassion determined deed Alesya Moroza - the main character of V. Bykov's story "Obelisk"

15) Sow deed

16) Man is nothing but his row deeds. (Hegel)


19) ... that literary work is moral, which makes the child fall in love with moral deed

20) Shameful deed a conscientious person remembers all his life.

21) How did Lydia Mikhailovna herself [the heroine of the story by V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons"] explained her deed?

22) He deed

23) Everyone deed

24) Keeping a diary helped Robinson analyze his mood and deeds.

25) What deeds

26) Is it possible to call a feat deed Princess E.I. Trubetskoy?

27) All deeds

28) An ignorant person thinks in vain that his deed will not be remembered by others.

29) To be kind, one must not only speak polite words, but also do good deeds, good deeds.

30) If your peer is ready to commit rash deed, stop him, keep him from a reckless step.

31) The American writer R. Bradbury warns in the story “And Thunder Crashed” that we are all responsible to the future for each of our deed.

32) A citizen is a person, thoughts and deeds

33) Why is it easy to answer a question, but for deed- difficult?

34) Not every person is capable of being brave deed.

35) What are the consequences of this deed?

36) Is this deed a crime?

37) What will your people bring deeds: good or evil?

38) It's better to beware of the bad ones deeds

39) What deed


41) A person should be able to make the right choice, be responsible for his deeds.

42) The people put together a lot of proverbs, sayings about good deeds.

43) Rudin's words remain words and will never become deed yet these words can confuse and destroy young hearts. (I.S. Turgenev. Rudin)

44) I weigh and analyze my own passions and deeds with strict curiosity, but without participation. (M.Yu. Lermontov. Princess Mary)


1) ignoble offense

2) malicious misconduct

3) big offense

4) petty misdemeanor

5) bad offense

6) a terrible offense

7) involuntary misconduct

8) serious misconduct

9) serious offense

10) any misconduct

11) administrative offense

12) immoral act

13) understand the depth of your misconduct




3) Administrative misdemeanor

4)From misdemeanor crime is one step away.

5) What is the punishment provided by law for the committed misdemeanor?

6) It is well known that the punishment for misdemeanor

7) He did not hide his misdemeanor.

8) If one family commits misdemeanor

9) For every perfect misdemeanor punishment will follow.

10) Any misdemeanor deserves condemnation.

11) Very often the cause of offenses, crimes and other violations of behavior is precisely a misunderstanding of the consequences misdemeanor.

12) Phraseologism “bread and salt” met dear guests, punishing for misdemeanor, they put him “on bread and water,” and to emphasize his great desire, they said: “Do not feed him with bread.”

13) Paul I was overly picky, strict with military people, for an insignificant misdemeanor severe punishment could follow.

14) An old Chinese legend about the appearance of tea begins with the fact that a Buddhist monk committed a serious misdemeanor

15) A person who is constantly blamed on someone else's fault, responsibility for someone else's misdemeanor

16) What misdemeanor

17) Even insignificant at first glance misdemeanor

18) Feel responsible for every human destiny, be responsible for every misdemeanor comrade is a wonderful quality. (A.G. Aleksin)

19) The memory of V.M. Shukshin forever captured this misdemeanor, and after many years the writer created the story "Uncle Yermolai".

20) A guilty person, making another misdemeanor, says: "Seven troubles - one answer."

21) Once a thief cat committed an unforgivable misdemeanor: dug up a jar of earthworms in a closet. (According to K.G. Paustovsky)

22) During the reign of Qin Shi Huang in China for misdemeanor

23) Why do people commit misdeeds?

24) What feelings does a person experience when he makes misdemeanor?

25) Ivan Flyagin, the main character of N.S. Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer", commits a serious misdemeanor

26) For misdemeanor

27) Punish not only for misdemeanor


29) He who committed misdemeanor

30) During the reign of Alexander I, a decree was issued that abolished the right of landowners to exile their peasants to Siberia for unimportant misdeeds.

31) The question of why crimes are committed and misdemeanors, people have been studied since ancient times.

32) Immoral misdeeds

33) for what misdeeds in the Middle Ages, knights could not be allowed to participate in the tournament? For insulting a lady, for breaking an oath, for robbing church property, for murder, for violating the sanctity of marriage, for giving money at interest.

34) Tantalus was arrogant, he considered himself equal to the gods. He repeatedly tested the patience of the gods. But Zeus forgave his son misdeeds and did not punish even after the kidnapping of the golden dog.

36) Is it worth depriving children of pocket money for misdeeds?

37) The Spartan legislator Lycurgus decided that for misdeeds

38) Compliant, modest, quiet,
There is not a shadow of anxiety in the face, and in the soul misdeeds no...
(A.S. Griboyedov. Woe from Wit)

39) Under the influence of alcohol, the will and self-control are weakened, and often people commit misdeeds.

40) There were many poor people and people expelled from the tribe for any misdeeds

41) for big misdeeds

42) Rastriga - a former clergyman who voluntarily renounced his church rank or misdemeanor.


1) What misdemeanor can be called moral?

2) The question of why crimes are committed and misdemeanors, people have been studied since ancient times.

3) Immoral misdeeds differ from crimes and offenses in that they do not cause physical or material harm.

4) For what misdeeds in the Middle Ages, knights could not be allowed to participate in the tournament?

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) All offenses are divided into crimes and misdeeds.

2)misdemeanor constitutes a less serious illegal act.

3)His misdemeanor It is understandable: according to Christian customs, before each new business, undertaking, children turned to their parents for advice.

4) Administrative misdemeanor It is an offense that violates public order established by law.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1)deed the boy forced his parents to change their attitude towards grandfather.

2) A person must be able to make the right choice, be responsible for his deeds.

3) The people have put together a lot of proverbs, sayings about good deeds.

4) He who committed deed, who repented and admitted his guilt, experienced many unpleasant moments.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) If one family commits misdemeanor, nine other families will be called for complicity. (Wall writing in Suzhou)

2) For every perfect misdemeanor punishment will follow.

3) The American writer R. Bradbury in the story "And Thunder Rang" warns that we are all responsible to the future for each of our misdemeanor.

4) Any misdemeanor deserves condemnation.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) A citizen is a person, thoughts and deeds which are aimed at the good of the Fatherland, for the good of their people.

2)From deed crime is one step away.

3) Why is it easy to answer the question, but for deed- difficult?

4) Not every person is capable of being brave deed.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) What will your people bring deeds: good or evil?

2) It is better to beware of the bad ones deeds not to feel remorse.

3) Rastriga - a former clergyman who voluntarily renounced his church rank or was deprived of it for any deed.

4) What deed we call moral, and what - immoral?

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Is it worth depriving children of pocket money for misdeeds?

2) The Spartan legislator Lycurgus decided that for misdeeds children were punished and their parents.

3) There were many poor people and people expelled from the tribe for any misdeeds. The tribes began to fight among themselves.

4) Each misdemeanor hero, vile or noble, necessarily has its moral value.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Even insignificant at first glance deed can ruin a person's reputation.

2) Sometimes our words and deeds harm others.

3) How did your deed on another person?

4) Accustom yourself to good deeds!

In one of the phrases below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Find the error and fix it. Write the number of the phrase and the correct word.

1) Can it be called a feat deed Princess E.I. Trubetskoy?

2)deed, although it can cause temporary well-being, never brings true happiness. (W. Scott)

3) Keeping a diary helped Robinson analyze his mood and deeds.

4) What deeds and the statements of Katerina Kabanova [the main character of A.N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm"] testify to her honesty, striving for freedom, firmness of character, directness in relation to people?

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) An old Chinese legend about the appearance of tea begins with the fact that a Buddhist monk committed a serious misdemeanor: fell asleep in the temple while praying.

2) A person who is constantly blamed on someone else's fault, responsibility for someone else's misdemeanor, called, using a phraseological unit, a scapegoat.

3) What misdemeanor did Filka, nicknamed "Yes, you" - the main character of the fairy tale by K. G. Paustovsky "Warm Bread"?

4)misdemeanor- this is a committed by the subject of any kind of act that has a moral assessment.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Whose deed in the story can be called heroic?

2) Under the influence of alcohol, the will and self-control are weakened, and often people commit deeds.

3) This deed worthy of all respect.

4) A person is reflected in his deeds».

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Ivan Flyagin, the main character of N.S. Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer", commits a serious misdemeanor- mocks the old and wretched monk and brings him to death.

2)For misdemeanor knight his coat of arms will be punished: he will be turned over or his corner will be cut off. Then everyone will know who is in front of them.

3) Sow misdemeanor You reap a habit, you reap a habit, you reap a character. (Folk wisdom)

4) Punish not only for misdemeanor but also for intent. (Periander)

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

2)deed Dasha is active compassion, that which gives a person the right to respect himself, which causes respect from others.

3) ... that literary work is moral, which makes the child fall in love with moral deed, moral sense ... (K.D. Ushinsky)

4) During the reign of Qin Shi Huang in China for deed one person was punished by all his relatives.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Man is nothing but a series of his misdeeds. (Hegel)

2) What is the punishment provided by law for the committed misdemeanor?

3) It is well known that the punishment for misdemeanor should be timely and fair.

4) For large misdeeds then students were punished with soldiery. (F. Buslaev. My memories)

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONG. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) To be kind, one must not only speak polite words, but also do good deeds, good deeds.

2) Feat - heroic selfless deed.

3)All deeds people must comply with the norms and rules of conduct accepted in society, in the state.

4) During the reign of Alexander I, a decree was issued that abolished the right of landowners to exile their peasants to Siberia for unimportant deeds.


test item number

Offer No.



What is the difference between a misdemeanor and an act? and got the best answer

Answer from Yatiana Goroshko[guru]
An act is a good thing, for which they praise and encourage, and a misconduct is a bad thing, for which you can get it.))

Answer from Takashi[master]
Actions are good and bad
and misbehavior is a bad deed.

Answer from Yoerega Merkulov[newbie]
any deed can be, but a misdemeanor is only bad))

Answer from Ѝks - minister[guru]
The offense has a clearly expressed CRIMINAL coloring. And an act is just any act.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Misdemeanor is always a negative action.
The act itself can be both positive and negative.

Answer from Oleh Huz"[guru]
can't be more precise

Answer from slaer[guru]
Misdemeanor - an action or inaction that encroaches on social relations established by laws or by-laws, characterized by a small public danger.
Misdemeanors are a generalized name for types of offenses that have a lesser social danger compared to a crime.
An act is a conscious action, a realized act of free will.
The content of the act determines the morality and morality of behavior, the difference between good and evil. Not every human action becomes an act, but only one that is a conscious choice.
An act is a personal form of behavior in which an independent choice of goals and methods of behavior is carried out, often contrary to generally accepted rules.
An act is a conscious action, evaluated as an act of moral self-determination of a person, in which he asserts himself as a person - in his relation to another person, himself, a group or society, to nature as a whole. A personal form of behavior in which an independent choice of goals and methods of behavior is made, often contrary to generally accepted rules. An act is the basic unit of social behavior. It manifests and forms the personality of a person. The implementation of an act is preceded by an internal plan of action, where a consciously developed intention is presented, there is a forecast of the expected result and its consequences. An action can be expressed as:
action or inaction;
position expressed in words;
attitude to something, designed in the form of a gesture, look, tone of speech, semantic subtext;
action aimed at overcoming physical obstacles and the search for truth.

Answer from Kolarov kolarov[guru]
Action - moving forward. Misdemeanor - you go to the left, without turning!

Answer from *Olly*[newbie]
misconduct - stumble, i.e. make a mistake
act - to make a decision (but it can be both bad and good)

Answer from Yo*sick[active]
Action - gingerbread! Misdemeanor - in a turnip

Purpose: prevention of crimes and offenses among minors, education of the legal consciousness of students,

be able to distinguish between positive and negative actions,

know the types of legal liability for committed misconduct.

Preparatory work:

Determination by the class teacher together with the students of a list of issues for discussion during the preparation and conduct of the class hour.


    What is responsibility for one's behavior? When does this feeling occur?

    Is there a difference between an act and a misdemeanor?

    Can you break the law? Why?

    What character traits lead to wrong actions?

    Is it possible to respect a person who has made a mistake in life?

A list of these questions is placed in the class corner in advance.

Design: The topic of the class hour and questions for collective discussion written on the board, equipped places for the work of 5 microgroups, cards with tasks.

Prepared by: class teacher E.V. Alekseeva.

Class: 7 "B"

Volgograd 2013

Event progress.

    Teacher's word.

The topic of our class hour is relevant today, since, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts he has committed, which lead to serious consequences. Every year teenagers commit more than 145 thousand crimes, almost every fifth of them is sent to serve a sentence of imprisonment in educational colonies. And so the goal of the class hour is to understand the difference between an act and a misdemeanor, the realization that a misconduct and an offense can lead to irreparable consequences.

    Work on concepts.

deed - resolute, active action in difficult circumstances.

Misdemeanor - violation of the rules of conduct, fault.

Offense - offense, crime.

Offenses are classified on various grounds: depending on the nature of the offenses, the degree of their harmfulness and danger to public relations, as well as the nature of the sanctions applied for their commission. According to this criterion, all offenses are divided into crimes and misdemeanors.

crimes socially dangerous, guilty acts, which cause significant harm to public relations and the established order in society, are called socially dangerous, guilty acts prohibited by criminal law.

Misdemeanors are guilty, unlawful acts, which are characterized by a lesser degree compared to crimes.
The code of administrative offenses is responsible for misdemeanors, and the criminal code is responsible for crimes.

    Group work.

Distribute the qualities of a person's character in the table.

Application No. 1

Positive +

Negative -

A set of qualities

a responsibility

mutual assistance


Appendix No. 2 What qualities can overcome the character traits proposed here:







    Lecture on the topic "Types of legal liability for violation of laws."

There are 4 types of legal liability for violations:

1. Criminal liability - liability for violation of the laws provided for by the Criminal Code. The crime provided for by the criminal law is socially dangerous, encroaching on the social system, property, personality, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order. (murder, robbery, rape, insults, petty theft, hooliganism).

For malicious hooliganism, theft, rape criminal liabilitystarts at the age of 14.

2. Administrative liability is applied for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative violations include: violation of traffic rules, violation of fire safety. For administrative offenses, they are held accountable from the age of 16. Punishment: fine, warning, correctional labor.

3. Disciplinary responsibility is a violation of labor duties, i.e. violation of labor laws, for example: being late for work, absenteeism without a good reason.

4. Civil liability regulates property relations. Punishment to the offender: compensation for harm, payment of damages.

IV. Workshop on the topic.

Guys, you have learned a lot about the offenses that are committed by teenagers in our city and the existing punishment. Try to determine the type of violation and its consequences.

Tasks for students.

1. Analysis of the situation.

1. Seryozha and Sasha played ball in the yard. The guys broke the window in the neighbor's house with the ball.

What offense did the teenagers commit?

2. A teenager was detained on the street at 23:40 without adult accompaniment.

What punishment does he face?

3. Pupils of the 5th and 7th grades, Dima and Zhenya, were in the locker room before the physical education lesson. After loudly, everyone went to the gym, and Dima lingered and stole a mobile phone from his classmate.

What crime did the teenagers commit? At what age is responsibility for this offense?

4. Roma and Petya were on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using foul language, reacting aggressively to the remarks of others.

What offense did the teenagers commit? At what age is responsibility for this offense? What punishment can be expected?

2. Determine the types of legal liability when considering various violations. Set a match.

Types of responsibility:

And - administrative responsibility.

G - civil - legal.

U - criminal.

D - disciplinary

Types of violations:

1. I tore a classmate's textbook. (G)

2. The appearance of a teenager on the street in a state of intoxication. (BUT)

3. Beat up a classmate. (U)

4. He stole a mobile phone. (U)

5. He skipped school. (D)

6. Crossed the road in the wrong place. (BUT)

7. Broke a window with a ball. (G)

8. Use foul language in a public place. (BUT)

V. Summary of the event.

Guys, now you understand the difference between the concepts of "misdemeanor" and "deed", you know what kind of responsibility threatens for committed offenses.

And I really want to believe that after our class hour you will do only good deeds. Good luck!

The book is presented with some abbreviations.

Unlike simple actions, an act, like a misdemeanor, is an action (or a whole chain of actions) that is directed by certain goals and motives and expresses a person’s attitude towards other people (and towards himself). At the heart of an act is the subordination of a person of his action to a certain social requirement; at the heart of misconduct is a violation of the rules established in society. The misdeeds of young children are simple, unsophisticated and "open". They are usually based on impulsiveness of action, imitation of a bad example, inability to get out of an unexpected life situation in which the child found himself for the first time.
Sometimes the reason for misbehavior is the child's poor knowledge of the circumstances in which he acts. Unable to compare several requirements and determine their hierarchy, the child often obeys not the rule that is well known to him, but the impulse that turned out to be subjectively strongest for him at the given moment.
Seryozha and Vitya (4 years 2 months old to 5 years old) were playing "sailors" under the dining table. They needed to set sail to escape the sinking ship in a boat. They quickly pulled the tablecloth off the table, not noticing that there were dishes on it. All cups are broken.
Natasha (6 years old) didn't want to wake up her dad when they brought the telegram and said that he wasn't at home. The postman did not leave a telegram, and the girl forgot to mention it. Dad was in big trouble, and Natasha was shamed for lying.
Such misconduct does not cause anxiety among educators. They are “simultaneous” and testify only to the “eternally childish” that appears in the great emotionality of the children, in their inquisitive creative attitude to the environment, in their growing independence, which is constantly limited by rules and prohibitions. In new life circumstances, guys often get lost. They do not know how to act, and, naturally, they make mistakes, sometimes very serious ones.
Misdemeanors of children of primary school age are much more difficult. Their nature is revealed only when they are repeated, which already indicates something stable, some reasons that violate the disciplined behavior of children. In such misdeeds of the child, the emerging negative traits of his character are manifested.
Kolya M. (7 years old, 2 months old), while washing himself, turned over the tap: the water spurted in a tall fountain and overflowed over the sink. There was a big puddle on the floor. The children watched Kolya with mute surprise and obvious admiration. The nanny who came in indignantly declared that all children are like children, only Kolya is not like everyone else. Of course, no one else would do this. Kolya stood with a satisfied and proud look. When the teacher ordered him to immediately take a rag and wipe the floor dry, and the children in the audience left for the group, Kolya became sad and reluctantly began to clean up the puddle.
Valya (8 years old, 2 months old) took five rubles from her grandmother from her purse. It turned out that she had lost her gymnastic shoes, and, afraid to tell about it at home, she took the money from her grandmother, hoping that no one would notice.
Lara (10 years old) was getting ready to perform at the festival. The girl is really good at reading poetry. She herself knows this and believes that no one else can read as well as she does. But the teacher instructed another girl, Nadia, to read this poem. On the same day, Lara cut Nadya's book and tore her notebook.
In order to correctly respond to such and other misconduct, the educator must “read” them, parse each of them. And the greater the number of observations of the child he has, the more versatile these observations, showing the behavior of the same child in different conditions and with different adults, the easier and deeper each misconduct of the child will be revealed.
The analysis shows that in each offense one can distinguish (conditionally) three layers. First of all - the external side, the content of the offense. Kolya poured water on the floor, Valya took money from her grandmother, Lara ruined Nadya's things. This is a "phenomenon", but where is its essence? In order to find it, it is necessary to remove the "top layer" - to reveal the "phenomenon" and look deep into it. Then the motives that prompted the children to take appropriate actions are revealed. For Kolya, this is a desire to stand out among other children. He invents various tricks, and the enthusiasm of the guys, their recognition of his superiority support his desire to always attract the attention of others. Vali has a fear of punishment. Lara has hurt pride, "resentment" at the non-recognition of her best and the inconsistency of the teacher's actions with the position she has taken.
But these motives are also the result of some causes that gave rise to them. Where did they come from? Where are their sources? To find these reasons, these sources, it is necessary to "remove" the second layer. Behind this layer, a cause is found that generates the corresponding motives. The reason lies in the way of life of the child, in the system of relations that he has with the people around him. It is from these relations that the motives of arrogance, the desire to take a special and the best position with Kolya and Lara, the motive of fear in Valya grow.
In this regard, the pedagogical impact will have a completely different effect, depending on which “layer” of the offense it is directed to. The impact on the “first layer”, an external fact (phenomenon) either has no effect at all (reproaches of nanny Kolya), or can only give a “local” effect, limited in its educational value. The child will apologize, cry, give the thing taken without asking, and the next time he will repeat his offense.
The impact on the "second layer", on the motive, will be more effective. But the greatest educational effect is achieved when the educator changes the system of relations in which the child lives, that is, the very reason. Only then it is possible to change the positions of Lara or Kolya, when in life, in the practice of their constant communication with peers and adults, they will be placed in a position of equal rights and obligations with other children; when they meet from the people around them a negative attitude towards their antics or a patient attitude towards mistakes; when Valya's fear or Lara's narcissism ceases to receive appropriate "business" and emotional reinforcement from adults and children.

Popular site articles from the section "Dreams and Magic"


12) A person who has fulfilled his duty is a rather high concept. And the one about whom this is said should perceive this as a high and at the same time an accurate assessment of his activity or his act. (K.M. Simonov)

14) Fail-safe readiness for self-sacrifice, active compassion determined the act of Ales Moroz - the main character of V. Bykov's story "Obelisk"

25) What are the statements of Katerina Kabanova [the main character of A.

Class hour (grade 5) on the topic: Class hour - Act or misconduct

The purpose of this class hour is the prevention of crimes and delinquency among minors, the education of the legal consciousness of students. The material selected for the event will help to distinguish between positive and negative actions, to know the types of legal liability for committed misconduct.

Class hour "Act and misconduct"

Design: The topic of the class hour and questions for collective discussion written on the board, equipped places for the work of 5 microgroups, cards with tasks.

The topic of our class hour is relevant today, since, unfortunately, not every teenager is aware of the illegal acts he has committed, which lead to serious consequences. Every year, teenagers commit more than 145,000

Summary of the lesson "Acts and misconduct"

Continue to teach children to be critical of misconduct, develop the ability to see their own shortcomings, evaluate the behavior of other children, express and justify their opinions.

Ethical conversations, reading fiction and content conversations, instilling the skills of a culture of behavior and the cultivation of cultural and hygienic skills in everyday life, advice for parents.

Actions and we

The concept of “deed” is briefly formulated as follows: “A deed is an action performed by someone. "However... And the misdemeanor has exactly the same wording. In a word, misdemeanors are the same actions, only considered unworthy by someone. And here comes the questions:

However... There are such things on the scales of human life: on one side - the most shameful deeds, and on the other beautiful speeches - balancing the most shameful deeds.

Deeds and misdemeanors of children

Unlike simple actions, an act, like a misdemeanor, is an action (or a whole chain of actions) that is directed by certain goals and motives and expresses a person’s attitude towards other people (and towards himself). At the heart of an act is the subordination of a person of his action to a certain social requirement; at the heart of misconduct is a violation of the rules established in society.

Deed and misdeed

Determine the meaning of paronyms. What features do they differ from each other (meaning, compatibility at the lexical and syntactic levels, stylistic coloring)? For reference, use explanatory dictionaries. Give examples of the use of paronyms in context.

Definitions: to provide - to give someone something at the disposal, use of someone; give someone the opportunity to say, do something, dispose of something.

Russian language

Once I came to school very upset. At home, I sat for a long time on a math problem, but I could not cope with it. Then I decided that I would write off the task at school. Vanya Glushak, our excellent student, was surprised that I had not solved such a simple problem: only three actions. He generally believes that solving problems is a pleasure.

I started writing. I rewrote one action, another, started the third - and then I saw an error.

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What is the difference between an act and a misdeed?

The words "deed" and "misdemeanor" are paronyms in linguistics. And what is the difference between them. The words are clearly the same root, and differ only in the prefix. It is this small difference that creates a difference in their meaning, the compatibility of such words and their use in speech.

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Pedagogical Council Topic: "Creating a health-saving space in the preschool educational institution" Agenda: 2) Introduction - head of the kindergarten 3) Speech "Creating a health-saving space in the preschool educational institution" - senior educator 4) Certificate of the results of those
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Saying goodbye to a school or college may seem so cherished, but in fact it causes a storm of touching and sweet emotions. After all, now graduates become full-fledged adults and must continue to choose their own path. And it was the class teacher who helped
Successful poses of girls for a photo shoot (59 poses)
A beginner model first of all needs to make a portfolio, based on which customers will make a decision regarding the conclusion of a contract. And that means you have to work with a photographer. Many young models are wondering: how to
Aktimel: benefits and harms, reviews of doctors These include
Actimel can be called Danone's most popular and successful product. Yogurt has been produced for more than two decades, and the annual income from it is more than a million euros. The usual form of selling yogurt is a 100 ml bottle. Several bottles of