Grill bosh electric recipes. Recipes and cooking time. Beef rump steak

Summer is the time for gatherings in nature and, of course, simple but very tasty food cooked right in the fresh air. Barbecue is traditionally common in our country, but recently it has become popular to cook on the grill, which provides more scope for culinary creativity. As with all cooking methods, grilling has a few important rules and secrets that anyone who wants to achieve perfection in outdoor cooking simply needs to master.

Your grill is a thing in itself, a complete outdoor kitchen. From salads with grilled bright summer vegetables to hearty grilled chicken and fish dishes, and even grilled fruit desserts, you'll be spoiled for choice. This short guide contains the basics to get you started grilling, and with enough practice, you'll practically be doing it with your eyes closed.

What is a grill?

Grilling involves cooking food on a grate over a heat source, usually coals or ceramic briquettes, heated by a gas burner. Direct exposure to heat quickly burns the surface of the food, creating a characteristic, rich aroma, sometimes with pleasant "burnt" notes, and a wonderful crust. If food is cooked over moderate heat, it will acquire not only a crust, but also a more intense smoky flavor.

In addition to what we call a grill here and later in this article, there are other devices and ways to simulate grilling. One of them is the grill pan, a heavy pan with a grooved bottom that allows you to fry food over high heat with a minimum of , getting an appetizing "grid" that is imprinted on their surface. I talk more about it in the article, but here we will talk about outdoor grills.


When choosing between a gas or charcoal grill, focus on which suits you best: the end result will be very similar, if not the same. Of course, charcoal-grilled dishes take on a wonderful aroma, but it can be brought in with wood chips added at the right time. For more versatility, choose a grill with a large frying surface and lid. In the US, where championship grilling is held, two-thirds of buyers prefer a gas grill because of its convenience and the consistent heat produced by a gas burner, the rest opt ​​for traditional charcoal heat.

Another family of grills are electric outdoor grills, in which the heat source is a coil located under the grate, heated by electricity. This is a very handy device that makes cooking on the grill almost hassle-free, but you won’t take it with you on a picnic, so this is the choice for those who prefer cooking in the yard of a country cottage equipped with electricity.

Among other useful tools that you will need in the process of grilling, I will name the following:

  • charcoal ignition device
  • long tongs
  • shoulder blade
  • brush for lubrication
  • tight mittens
  • wire brush
  • foil disposable tableware
  • meat thermometer

Direct and indirect heat

The basis of master grilling is the correct use of two types of heat, direct and indirect. The difference between them lies in how you arrange the food relative to the heat source, that is, a pile of coals or heated briquettes, as well as in adjusting the heat with a lid.

For thin cuts of meat that cook quickly (cutlets, steaks, chops, etc.) and for most vegetables, direct heat works best - the food is directly above the heat source and the lid is usually not closed. Just like regular frying, this method involves rapid cooking with high heat, and is not suitable for large cuts, because due to the high heat, the surface of the meat will burn before it is cooked inside.

For foods that require a longer cooking time (such as pork shoulder or whole chicken), indirect heat is used - the coals are raked from the edge into one or two piles, and the food is positioned away from them so that hot air circulates around it. With this method, the grill is covered with a lid, which creates convection heat. This is a more delicate method of grilling and can fully cook large pieces without burning them.

The simplest rule of thumb for determining the right grilling method is: if the dish takes less than 20-25 minutes, use direct heat, otherwise use indirect heat.

The exception is large fish fillets, which work best with indirect heat, although they could be cooked directly over a fire in less than 15 minutes. Fish fillets are so tender that direct heat will cook too quickly and dry out. In addition, if the skin burns, there will be a fishy aftertaste that many do not like. If you use indirect heat, the fish will cook the best and retain their juiciness.

Maintaining cleanliness

Preheat the grate on the highest heat for 10-15 minutes, depending on the cooking method you are going to use. This will help burn off any leftovers from previous use of the grill, so it's easy to clean off. Then go over the grate with a sweep, preferably with copper bristles - steel can damage the enamel of some grates (if you do not have a copper brush, crumple a sheet of foil, pinch it with tongs and wipe the grate). Thoroughly clean the bars of the grate to remove food residue from previous cooking. Repeat this procedure before each use of the grill.

Before the start of the summer season, heat the grill to maximum heat for an hour, and then clean the grate. This should only be done once to prepare the trellis for the season. In fact, by burning everything you can, you are using the principle of a self-cleaning oven for your grill.

Fire up the grill

If you have a gas grill, simply turn on the burners to maximum power. In case you are going to use indirect heat, unplug one side of the grill after preheating.

In the case of a charcoal grill, the easiest way to light charcoal or logs is to use a starter, a special ignition device. If you don't have one, just use lighter fluid or crumpled newspaper to light the charcoal. Let the charcoal burn until it is covered in white-gray ash, which indicates that the temperature is right for cooking.

If you are using the direct method, spread the charcoal evenly over the entire surface of the grill, otherwise separate the charcoal and move it away from the center of the grate, under which place a disposable aluminum dish. Position food over a dish that will catch dripping fat and direct heat towards the food. Many cooks move the charcoal to one side of the grill, leaving the other empty - but distributing the charcoal on all sides of the food (if space permits) creates a sustained heat that envelops it.

How to grill

Actually, in the process of grilling there is nothing complicated, it is only important to maintain the desired temperature and keep an eye on the food so that they do not burn or, on the contrary, do not dry out.

Maintaining the desired temperature on a gas grill is very easy, you just need to turn the knob. On a charcoal grill, the heat is controlled by vents. To avoid restricting airflow, do not block the openings at the bottom of the grill with charcoal. Also, leave the opening on the top of the grill at least partially open. The more you open the vents, the more intense the heat will be. If you want a medium temperature, cover the holes about half way.

Love healthy and wholesome food? An electric grill will help you keep all the nutrients and vitamins in your food! With its help, barbecue, fish with a golden crust are quickly and tasty cooked, chicken is fried, vegetables and fruits are baked, pancakes, pies, pancakes and pies are baked. This is not a complete list of dishes that are cooked on the grill. An electric grill improves the taste of food and cooks it so that it is easily absorbed by the human body.

Deservedly loved by millions of consumers, it is practical, convenient, versatile. Real gourmets have already appreciated the delicious taste of dishes that can be cooked with this modern household appliance. All dishes have a unique taste and excellent appearance! Both novice cooks and masters of the kitchen can cook on the grill.

Safety rules when working on an electric grill

  • Connect the appliance only to a proper, safe, grounded electrical outlet.
  • Do not use multi-pin models of socket outlets.
  • You can not cook food in a room without a hood and a window.
  • Protect contact points from moisture.
  • Install the device strictly on a flat surface.
  • Insert the thermostat into the grill only before plugging the cord into the outlet.
  • Small children should not be allowed near the equipment.

The benefits of grilled food

Grilling pork, lamb, beef or chicken meat cannot be compared with other cooking methods, it is suitable for obtaining a perfect golden crust. Fish, meat, vegetables and other food cooked on an electric grill is a healthy food, it is cooked without oil, it does not contain excess fat, cholesterol, carcinogens, impurities of harmful resins from real coals and the poisonous smell of burning.

Cooking with this household appliance is a simple process, it allows even inexperienced cooks to create delicious and mouth-watering dishes. With the help of the grill, hot appetizers, pancakes, pancakes, sandwiches, meat, vegetables, fish, fruits, pies and pies are prepared. When starting cooking, it should be remembered that it will take much less time than with the usual method.

To cook juicy tender meat, it cannot be wetted. A knife will help to clear dirt (if any): scrape or remove the top layer. Cold meat needs to be warmed up so that the steak is at room temperature. Vacuum-packed meat should be taken out in a day and put in a napkin in the refrigerator to breathe. The electric grill must be preheated to the desired temperature. The meat is pre-rubbed with spices and salt. During the frying process, the steak can be sprinkled with pepper. The meat fried for 4 minutes is placed on a napkin and covered with foil for 8-10 minutes to reach.


Before frying, vegetables (zucchini, peppers, onions, and others) should be cut into circles or plastics no more than 1 cm thick. Then salt a little and put on the grill surface. The frying process will take 4-8 minutes.


It takes very little time to cook. Take any fish, add spices and herbs. Large fish is cooked at 200 degrees. You can cook directly on the grill plate or place the pieces in foil and add butter for juiciness.

Every year, household appliances are becoming more diverse and affordable, so cooking from a tedious duty turns into entertainment for all family members. For example, everyone can show their imagination on an electric grill - a compact device that is easy to operate and operate. It is much safer and more functional than a conventional stove, so even children can use it. So, I will list three of the easiest recipes for an electric grill so that beginners can quickly get used to working with the device and unleash their potential in new, hitherto unseen dishes.


Today, all office workers know about panini, because it is a very popular snack at work. But the purpose of the dish is not limited to this: you can meet it in restaurants and cafes as a treat for gourmets, because the filling of this bun can be very fashionable. We will analyze the recipe, consisting of:

  1. Ham (several slices)
  2. canned pineapple (3 round pieces)
  3. Buns called ciabatta (available in many stores)
  4. Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  5. Grated cheese (200 grams)
  6. Basilica (to taste)
  7. paprika

This amount of ingredients is enough for 3 panini.


Preheat the grill to a high temperature (usually the third setting) for 3-5 minutes (depending on the grill). Cut the pepper into large pieces and send to fry for 3 minutes. Cut the ciabatta in half and then cut lengthwise to make two pieces: the bottom and the top of the panini. The pepper is ready, take out and put the two sides of the bun for 2 minutes.

making panini on the grill

Put the ham, cheese, paprika, basil and pepper on the finished bread. Then we spread the 2nd layer of cheese and paprika, pineapple and 3rd layer of cheese with basil.

Panini on electric grill

Now we put the finished breakfast on the grill for 4 minutes. We take out the panini and pierce with a toothpick. Eat carefully so as not to burn yourself)

Hawaiian panini with ham and pineapple

Other breakfast options:

  • seductive.

Lunch: Grilled vegetable salad with bacon


At lunch, not many of us have enough time to cook borscht and sculpt dumplings, and semi-finished products do not please with either usefulness or taste. Again, I found a way out in an electric grill: the food there is cooked quickly and without oil. Often, especially in summer, I cook a grilled vegetable salad.

We will need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Purple onion - 1 pc.
  • Medium-sized eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Medium-sized zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Bacon - 150-200 grams
  • Champignons - 150-200 grams
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • Fresh herbs and cherry tomatoes for garnish

For marinade:

  • Olive oil - tablespoon
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Worcestershire sauce - teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Black pepper and seasoning for barbecue - to taste

An alternative version of the marinade can be found.

The salad obtained from these ingredients is enough for a hearty lunch for mom, dad and child.


We cut vegetables and mushrooms so that it is more convenient to fry them. We don’t grind it, but we don’t completely put it in, after all, this is a salad.

cutting vegetables for grilled salad

When we get to the eggplants, we interrupt and make a marinade so that they do not taste bitter. We mix oil, spices, sauces and juice in the proportions indicated above (here for vegetables, if this one does not suit you) and shake together with eggplant. Let them soak in the sauce for 10 minutes.

marinade for grilled vegetables

In the meantime, we put the eggs on the stove and cook. Then we fry other vegetables and bacon: we heat the grill to a high temperature, lay out the products and give each side 3.5-4 minutes. Then turn over and wait again. The eggplant will take 5 minutes per side, as will the zucchini. Peppers, onions, bacon and mushrooms are made faster.

vegetables on electric grill

When you mix all the ingredients, you will realize that you have created something wonderful: bacon, vegetables, herbs - all this creates a harmonious taste and attractive aroma.

Other Grilled Lunch Options:

Dinner: Stuffed Chicken Envelopes


Dinner brings the whole family together at the table, so you need to cook something special. The smell from the kitchen should literally hypnotize the household. How? Very quick and easy: make a healthy and easy dinner with chicken and interesting toppings. What we need?

  • Chicken breasts - 2 pcs.
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • Basil - a few leaves
  • Mozzarella cheese - 200-300 grams

You can also use prunes and mozzarella as a filling, it will also be very tasty. On top of such a roll, you can anoint with honey and sprinkle breadcrumbs - the perfect combination!


With a sharp knife, we separate the upper layers from the breast to make chops out of them. It is easier to lay the filling in uniform flat pieces of meat. Then we cover them with cling film and beat them off.

chicken chops for roll

Now we spin the roll: cut the tomatoes and cheese, put them together with the basil in a chicken envelope and twist, fastening with a toothpick.

What are the benefits of an electric grill Zucchini on the electric grill

Most products are subject to heat treatment. Agree that boiled vegetables or meat lose their attractive appearance and taste. Not everyone likes steamed food either. And by frying it, we often add a lot of fat or oil, which not only makes them less useful, but also increases the calorie content of the dish as a whole. In addition, when frying, most foods lose their beneficial properties. But on the grill, they turn out to be appetizing, retain all the vitamins and micro and macro elements. Almost anything can be cooked on an electric grill. Vegetables, meat, poultry and seafood will turn out to be unusually tasty and fragrant. Baked zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, asparagus, tomatoes are good to use as a side dish for meat or fish. You can also cook both the main course and the side dish on the electric grill at the same time, it all depends on your imagination.

How to choose an electric grill?

how to choose an electric grill When I was going to buy an electric grill for my home, I read a bunch of reviews on the Internet on specialized forums. After all, you want to buy the best, so that the price matches the quality, and the dishes always turn out great. But I came to the conclusion that even simpler models guarantee excellent double-sided roasting, juiciness and an appearance that is in no way inferior to dishes on the fire. The only difference is that it is better to take a barbecue grill for the home in small sizes, compact, so that you can quickly assemble and disassemble. And for a summer residence or a country house, larger models are suitable, in addition, they have dampers that protect against wind and rain.

Electric Grill Recipes

  1. Salmon in electric grill
  2. Special grilled pork
  3. Grilled shrimp
  4. Crispy vegetables

Recipe number 1. Salmon in electric grill

Take 300 g of salmon, divide it into portions. Then salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices and send to the electric grill. That's all! After 30 minutes, the miracle fish is ready. It is better to serve it hot with boiled vegetables.

Recipe number 2. Special grilled pork

We take 1 kg of pork ribs, 4 tbsp. l honey, 50 g soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Wash the ribs, salt, pepper, add the sauce and melted honey. We leave everything to marinate for 3-4 hours. Next, put the ribs on the grill and cook for 40 minutes. These ribs will be a real highlight on your table.

Recipe number 3. Grilled shrimp

300 g of shrimp need to be cleaned and washed, add 2 cloves of garlic and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Sprinkle the pickled shrimp with lemon and leave for 30 minutes. We cook them on the grill for 20 minutes. These shrimp look very festive and beautiful. They can be added to salads, soups and eaten as an independent dish.

By purchasing a device such as an electric grill, the hostess is endowed with the possibility of preparing a wide variety of dishes. Of course, basic breakfasts, lunches, dinners can quickly get bored. In this case, you should learn new recipes and reach the heights in cooking. To simplify such actions, this article has been written, which will help to cope with the conceived undertaking.

What the electric grill functions allow you to cook

Thanks to the special purpose of the unit - uniform distribution of heat, maintaining temperature, making exceptionally healthy food - the user is provided with a diverse menu. In addition, the capabilities of all kitchen technologies (baking, stewing, frying, steaming food) are collected and transferred to the "hands" of the described apparatus. Therefore, unlike designs similar to it, this one is equipped with a much larger number of options for creating products. And due to its advantages in ease of use, even the most inexperienced person will cope with the task. So what is this modern device capable of?

  • All meat products, fish will easily and in a matter of minutes acquire an attractive appearance and unique taste.
  • Shawarma, sandwiches, sandwiches will also please the owner.
  • Pastries and omelettes. With double-sided heating, you save time creating your breakfast.
  • And of course, fruits and vegetables. Fresh appearance will not be lost the same as useful properties.

Overview of dishes that can be cooked on an electric grill

As mentioned above, the list of recipes can be as diverse as possible. Both beginners and lovers of the culinary field cope with it. Let us consider the methods of preparation for both the first category of people and the second.

Easy Meals with an Electric Grill: Recipes for Beginners

Let's start with the most basic - sandwiches in french. Ingredients that will be required:

  • White bread 300g.
  • Butter 25g.
  • Ham 100g.
  • Hard cheese 200g.
  • Large eggs 4 pcs.

Now that all the components are ready to use, you can proceed to the process itself.


The dish is designed for four people.

Cooking order:

  1. Start by brushing each of the eight slices of bread with butter on one side.
  2. Place two slices of ham and cheese on each ungreased side of the fourth piece.
  3. Next, cover them with the rest of the bread so that the part that is in the oil is at the top.
  4. Turn on the medium fire on the unit and lay the resulting products inward from each other at a short distance.
  5. Fry until golden brown.
  6. Then it is advisable to set aside the finished products and start making fried eggs. To do this, you need to break the eggs and wait for them to readiness. After that, cover them with sandwiches. And a light snack is ready.

More sophisticated dishes for advanced users

In principle, all harvesting methods are equally accessible and there is nothing complicated about them. However, the following is beef steaks.

You will need:

  • Beef product 6 pcs.
  • Dried basil 0.5 - 1 tsp
  • Thyme 1 tsp
  • Paprika 2 tbsp. l.
  • Onion salt 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices as desired.

Now let's start cooking:

  1. Start by turning on the grill so that it warms up and reaches a medium temperature, pre-greasing it with a little oil.
  2. Next, prepare a special mixture of the above spices. Rub each piece of meat on both sides with the prepared liquid.
  3. Then you need to lay them down and bring them to the degree you want.
  4. Approximately it takes 10 minutes to roast an individual side at 70'.
  5. After that, for "rest", wrap the plate with steaks in foil for a while (5 minutes). And you can already serve.

Dessert in an electric grill

Naturally, not only a serious menu can be compiled, but also a sweet one. The most popular are waffles, since it is their most convenient time to cook, and this results in a crispy and graphed surface. In general, you need:

  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Kefir 200 ml.
  • Flour 200 g
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Butter 85 g.
  • Sugar 85 g.
  • Baking powder 0.5 tsp

The process itself is quite fast, so it will not take much time.

  1. To do this, it is recommended to combine butter, sugar, salt and beat thoroughly, it is best to use a mixer.
  2. Add eggs to kefir and, therefore, add everything to the first mixture formed.
  3. After mixing, you will get a slightly liquid dough.
  4. Warm up the device and start adding three tablespoons of this mass.

Usually baking takes four minutes. But, again, it’s better to make sure that there are no incidents.

Simple and quick breakfast with electric grill

Khachapuri with cheese- an unusual dish that will delight everyone in the morning. For test:

  • Kefir 150 ml.
  • Flour 400 g
  • Salt to taste.
  • Dry yeast 1.5 tsp

For filling:

  • Suluguni 500 g.
  • Butter 80 g.

Cooking order:

  1. For the mass, it is necessary to mix all the above products.
  2. Divide the dough into 3-4 pieces and roll out. Grate the filling ingredients and put inside the middle of each piece.
  3. The edges should be pinched and flattened to make something like a round cake.
  4. Next, heat the apparatus to 250 ′ and put them for a few minutes - until they turn golden.

Such a recipe is designed for a small company, it depends on how many parts you divide it into.

What unusual can be cooked on an electric grill

Nowadays lasagna- a fairly ordinary dish, but if it is made from vegetables and grilled, it will add exotic.

  • Pumpkin 250 g.
  • Cream 80 ml.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Green peas 4 pods.
  • Mushrooms 4–5 pcs.
  • Olive oil.
  • Bulbs 2 pcs.


  1. You need to chop and fry the onion with mushrooms until soft.
  2. Pour cream into them and add spices.
  3. Clean and cut the pumpkin into slices.
  4. Put them on a preheated device and lightly fry on both sides.
  5. Do the same with peas.
  6. Then lay out in this order: a layer of pumpkin, filling of mushrooms, onions and pods, again a slice, filling and close with another layer.

We bake. The lasagna is ready.

Now you can make many different dishes with the electric grill. Enjoy your meal!

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