Who is an alcoholic and a drunkard. What is the difference between a drunkard and an alcoholic? The essence of the problem, the difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard

Alcoholics are physically dependent on alcohol. How this manifests itself is naturally evident during binge drinking. When a person can become seriously ill from alcoholic beverages, if he “gets drunk” and does not think about alcohol problems in time.

What is the difference between alcohol problems and non-disease abuse?

Signs of a real alcoholic

So what are the signs of a real alcoholic? A true alcoholic does not recognize anything so important in life except alcohol. Those suffering from alcoholism will do everything to get their hands on this strong drink. Once they have taken this drink, they cannot stop drinking it. This continues until the patient is able to drink. It doesn't matter what kind of alcohol the alcoholic has, it doesn't matter whether it is appropriate or not and for what reasons.

In order to get drunk, which is what they strive for, such people are forced to use more and more. To observe the effect of intoxication of the patient at the apogee of the development of alcohol dependence on alcohol, it will take much more than to drink to the condition of a low-drinker person. True, such a craftsman in terms of drinking gradually becomes more and more unreliable, as he is increasingly unable to go to work or perform family functions, including marital duty. If you are interested in the practical side of giving up alcohol, read how to understand that it is time to quit and stop drinking.

Drinking due to withdrawal syndrome

If the alcoholic goes too long without the opportunity to drink, especially if the drinking was stopped abruptly, he will begin to suffer from withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include: heavy sweating, trembling, restlessness, confusion, body aches, fatigue, restlessness, and changes in mood. In the most severe cases, withdrawal symptoms may include seizures, hallucinations, and delusions. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be deadly, and it is important that there is not just an opportunity to consult a doctor, but real medical help to stop the withdrawal syndrome. Before you decide to leave the patient to get out of the binge on their own, and also to help him on his own, remember more than three days of drinking - a serious reason to call a narcologist, this is the only way to avoid very serious complications and even a tragic end.

Willpower will not make a drunkard out of an alcoholic

Although most people think that an alcoholic is not sick, but simply weak-willed drunkards, there is one main difference that has nothing to do with willpower. The main difference between them is manifested in the issue of the ability to control drinking. Alcoholics lose or lose quantitative control over alcohol. They lose the ability to control how much they have already drunk and stop in this process. At the same time, a drunkard can stop at any moment if he wants to. The actual difference lies in the introduction of ethyl alcohol into the metabolism and the formation of physiological dependence. Their bodies feel normal when exogenous ethyl alcohol enters them, in other words, to put it mildly, they feel uncomfortable, although they explain their need to drink in other most sophisticated words.

Alcoholics often unknowingly drink constantly in order to prevent withdrawal symptoms. And without it, they will get sick. Unlike them, drunkards do not need this, since the disease of alcoholism has not yet arisen in them. Over time, however, they are susceptible to the development of this disease. Any drunkard will sooner or later become an alcoholic, but even with the help of doctors it is not possible to do it back.

If you know anyone who has symptoms of alcohol abuse or is seeing signs of other drinking tendencies, it is very important for them to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if they have to stop drinking.

Restoring a sober lifestyle can be long and difficult, but detox and rehab centers can be very helpful for both the drunk and the alcoholic who decides not to continue on the alcohol hook.

Indiscriminately calling all those who like to drink alcoholics and drunkards, few people know what an alcoholic is and who is a drunkard. Differences in the definitions and form of addiction to strong drinks are quite serious, so it’s worth figuring out what type to attribute to a person who is aware of the amount of alcohol he has drunk and someone who doesn’t care how much to drink.

Who is considered an alcoholic?

The patient is an alcoholic, this is an individual whose body is not poisoned by ethyl alcohol, but includes it in the natural process of metabolism. Without a norm of alcohol, the patient will suffer and literally experience hunger. The sight of alcohol, the smell, the talk of drinking bring the patient into a state of ecstasy, and in this he differs from the drunkard. Such "hunger" does not mean an immediate constant desire to drink, no, cravings can be sluggish for a while. This is especially noticeable if the patient is in a sober company, alone without alcohol and doing what he loves. But there should be the slightest opportunity to drink, for example, after a quarrel or nervous excitement, a person will drink alcohol, he does not know another way to splash out emotions.

Alcoholism is a disease that needs to be eliminated while the patient has not yet degraded into an antisocial personality. Who can be considered an alcoholic and how to determine whether a drunkard is a husband or not? People suffering from alcohol addiction are not aware of the disease: the patient spends a long time without a bottle, and then breaks down and begins to drink things, go into deep binges and demand more and more doses of alcohol to get rid of a hangover. For them, a hangover is not poisoning, when you don’t want to look at beer, vodka, but a hunger for alcohol. Starvation is expressed in the strongest craving for drinking, convulsive movements, tension, anger, fear, tremor of the hands and body. But it’s worth a little drink and everything returns to normal, people become cheerful and calm again.

Important! If hangover starvation is extinguished by a new dose only for a short time, the patient requires new portions for an uninterrupted hangover, the disease can be considered alcoholism. Each new portion of alcohol damages the brain, nervous system, vital organs, and that is why alcoholism is a disease. Not a habit, but a disease that requires timely qualified assistance.

It is not difficult to trace the process of brain damage: the patient becomes dull on emotions, people do not please him, he becomes little individual and descends to moral offenses. At the same time, the patient himself does not consider himself ill, according to statistics, more than 76% of people do not suspect at all that they have alcoholism, and treat the signs and symptoms indulgently. Moreover, you can hear from an alcoholic that he drinks for the sake of raising his tone, that it is easier for him to think with beer, or “without a glass - lunch is not lunch.”

The disease can and should be treated, but it is better to keep up with obvious brain disorders. The duration of treatment is determined by professionals who will explain to the patient who an alcoholic is. Subject to all the recommendations, the individual will again return to life as a full-fledged person. In the case of irreversible damage, the consequences can be sad: pathologies of the brain, liver, kidneys and, as a result, death.

Who can be called an alcoholic? If there are signs such as:

  1. The dose of alcohol is constantly increasing;
  2. A hangover is a normal procedure after any feast;
  3. Strong hunger for alcohol;
  4. Turning to vodka or beer is the best way to support joy or survive grief;
  5. There are changes in daily behavior that disappear after a dose of alcohol.

These people are called alcoholics. And it is desirable to start therapy on time, avoiding moral and physical degradation.

Drunkard - who is it?

What is the difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard? To understand the difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard, one should remember the definition: a drunkard is a person who is addicted to alcohol and is often “drunk”. Drunkenness is a social phenomenon that has only an indirect relation to alcohol dependence. The difference between a drunkard is that he can drink on any occasion, without getting drunk to the "state of reese." Most often, drunkards control the volume of alcohol well and it is they who are going to have a little rest in the evening after work, but at the same time they remember that they have to work tomorrow and need to be in shape. This is what drunkards differ from alcoholics - they know their norm!

The habit of drinking in this case characterizes a person who is licentious and self-indulgent. But, unfortunately, drunkenness is just the beginning, a person who loves to drink will soon also experience alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a serious and intractable disease. Many people died prematurely due to the abuse of ethanol, a large number of families were destroyed, as many destinies were distorted. Alcohol abusers are called alcoholics or drunkards. Both those and others are unsightly looking people who often drink without measure.

Are the concepts of a drunkard and an alcoholic the same? No. Despite the external similarity, there is a significant difference between them. To help a person return to a normal life, you need to understand what stage of addiction he is in and who he is - a complete drunk or a person who is just setting foot on a disastrous path.

A drunkard is a popular name for a lover of alcoholic beverages. This is the name of people who can often be seen in a state of intoxication. Drunkenness is an opportunity to have fun in the company of the same lovers of strong drinks. Alcohol for them is a pleasant pastime. Drunkards enjoy their dose of alcohol, but do not get drunk to the point of being animalistic.

These people usually drink after work, on weekends and holidays, can afford to get very drunk, but at the same time remember their work responsibilities and maintain control over the amount of alcohol they drink. They always come to work in good condition.

Drunkards do not have delirium tremens and other serious complications from alcohol abuse. They can drink for many years without increasing their usual dose.

Their main difference from alcoholics is that they can give up alcohol and not experience serious discomfort. To do this, they need to show willpower. It is not necessary to seek medical attention. The love of ethanol for them is just a bad habit, not an addiction.

Who are alcoholics

An alcoholic is, first of all, a person who is addicted to alcohol. The pleasure of drinking for him is long gone. He drinks because the body needs another dose of alcoholic beverages.

If yesterday's drunkard becomes an alcoholic, then serious changes occur in the body. For normal health, ethyl alcohol must be present in his blood. If an alcohol addict does not drink his dose on time, then he develops alcohol withdrawal.

He ceases to control the amount of alcohol he drinks, he cannot limit himself if he has to work tomorrow. He drinks during the working day, at a completely inappropriate time for this.

An alcoholic does not care in what form to take ethanol. The quality of alcoholic beverages does not matter to him. Therefore, such people easily switch to counterfeiting, often getting severe poisoning. They may drink perfume, alcohol-based medicines, and other liquids that are not suitable for ingestion.

He is accustomed to drinking alone; an alcoholic does not need a company. He drinks without a reason, without a snack. The main goal for him is to avoid withdrawal (hangover).

Alcohol addicts often lose their jobs as a result of addiction. They are not able to control themselves and refrain from alcohol at least during work. The family is also often the victim of their addiction. Wife, children - all this goes by the wayside. Now their goal is to get another bottle. They quickly lose social status.

The scientific discipline of deviantology classifies alcoholism as a form of drug addiction. Therefore, it is believed that alcohol withdrawal and drug withdrawal are one and the same pathology.

It is very easy to cross the line between everyday drunkenness and alcoholism. The concept of "drunkard" is very arbitrary. Any drunkard can quickly and imperceptibly turn into an alcoholic.

If an alcoholic does not receive the required dose of alcohol, then his health deteriorates sharply. There is shortness of breath, palpitations, increased sweating, pain throughout the body. The mood changes to aggressive, hallucinations and convulsions may appear. All this often ends in delirium tremens.

The state of an alcoholic with a sharp interruption of binge is similar to a drug addict's "withdrawal". In this case, he needs urgent medical attention, otherwise serious complications are possible.

Stages of alcoholism

Determining at what stage the addict is, will help him choose the right treatment.

  • First stage. The drinker does not monitor the amount drunk. The usual dose gradually increases. The desire to drink becomes paramount and crowds out other needs. Behavior changes, the emotional background deteriorates, without a glass he cannot have a good mood. Feeling worse, insomnia, headache appear;
  • Second stage. The patient develops tolerance to alcohol. He is able to drink a huge amount of alcohol in the evening. A hangover syndrome follows - feeling unwell in the morning, before the first dose drunk. The health of the alcohol addict is noticeably deteriorating. Perhaps the occurrence of delirium tremens, other mental disorders. Personal degradation begins;
  • Third stage. Binges become more and more frequent, periods of abstinence less and less. Sometimes they become continuous. The hangover syndrome is very severe, only another drink can remove it. A person loses memory, health deteriorates sharply. The alcoholic ceases to be interested in anything other than ethanol-containing drinks. Mental and physical degradation occurs. This is followed only by death from cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular insufficiency or other pathology.

What is the difference between drunkenness and alcoholism

The difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard is that the former is not able to control himself. The second drinks until the amount of ethanol in the blood reaches a critical point. Then he becomes ill, he stops taking alcohol and tries to quickly regain his normal state of health. To do this, he switches to coffee, breathes fresh air or just goes to sleep.

An alcoholic is unable to control himself. He will drink non-stop until he passes out. The taste of the drinks he drinks is indifferent to him, he will drink everything that is until the drink is over or the addict falls asleep.

Any drunkard eventually becomes an alcoholic. The reverse transformation is impossible, even with the help of modern medicine. Alcoholism is an incurable disease and only a complete lifelong refusal to use ethanol can save the addict.

Another difference between drinkers and alcoholics is that drunkards can stop drinking on their own. If they have health problems or ethanol interferes with work, family relationships, then they are able to get rid of this harmful addiction. Alcoholics can't do that. They will continue to drink, despite their rapidly deteriorating health. Even the threat of death will not force them to remove alcohol from their lives.

The finished alcoholic is constantly growing the dose of ethyl alcohol they need. In a drunkard, the dose of his favorite drink is constant, it does not increase.

Signs of impending alcoholism

How to determine that a domestic drunkard becomes an alcoholic? There are several characteristic features:

  • A person has an increased interest in alcohol. He does not perceive arguments against the use of alcohol;
  • The drinker himself becomes the initiator of feasts;
  • They happily react to the upcoming booze. They rush to set the table, quickly start the event;
  • The addict tries to drink as much alcohol as possible. Getting very drunk for him is an obligatory goal of the celebration;
  • The drinker comes up with excuses for regular drinking. It could be stress relief, purported health benefits, and other unconvincing reasons;
  • The drunkard's critical perception decreases. He denies the occurrence of a problem, refuses to take measures to solve it.

If a person has such signs, it's time to think about contacting a doctor. Treatment of patients with alcoholism is a very difficult and lengthy process. In the later stages, a cure becomes impossible. Therefore, the sooner the alcohol addict wants to change his life, the greater the likelihood of a full recovery.


Drunkenness and alcoholism cannot be considered an equivalent phenomenon. A drunkard is a person with a bad habit, which he can get rid of if he wants. An alcoholic is completely dependent on alcohol, he, like a drug addict, is not able to control his addiction. He can only be helped by treatment in a medical institution. But any drunkard eventually becomes an alcoholic. And early awareness of their problems will help the drinker prevent becoming addicted to ethanol.

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Alcoholism is a scourge of impressive proportions. It is possible that you are already familiar with the disappointing statistics, which are truly frightening. It consists in the fact that every third person who dies does so for reasons that are not necessarily directly, but at least indirectly related to the use of alcoholic beverages. And if we count those who “survived”, then a good third of all people who are in hospitals are sitting there again because of deviations, pathologies and diseases associated with drinking alcohol. Frightening statistics, isn't it?

So it turns out that the average life expectancy of an alcoholic is very short. Usually they do not live up to 55 years. A more realistic forecast is 48 years. A quarter die at an even younger age - so we can safely say that the fate of an alcoholic is very unenviable. Or drunkards. But what is the difference between these concepts? And does it actually exist? Let's try to understand this in a slightly more detailed way in order to better understand how these concepts differ and what terminology to follow in what situations in the future. Let's understand how to recognize an alcoholic, and how - a drunkard.

Who is a drunkard?

In general, the word "drunkard" is more popular, more colloquial. Who is this drunkard? Quite simply, he is a drinker. Probably, many people have a friend who, for any reason - and without the presence of one - will certainly reach for a glass. For him, drinking is a real pleasure. He constantly walks around in a slightly tipsy state, which is why, for sure, more than once or twice he becomes the object of all sorts of mockery.

A drunkard is one who has made addiction to alcohol a voluntary choice. If he wanted to, he would quit. But he does not want to, because drinking strong drinks continues to give him really great pleasure. Well, why spoil it, if there is such a pleasure? But the drunkard is still a moderate drinker - he does not get drunk to delirium tremens, he does not drink in gigantic quantities. He just does it often - and therefore often in a state of intoxication. You can’t seem to call him a sick person - but, of course, there are very few healthy people in such behavior.

Who is an alcoholic?

An alcoholic is a completely different matter, he is significantly different from a drunkard. This is no longer a harmless drunk who sometimes likes to pour on alcohol. This is no longer just a person who loves alcohol and is looking for any excuse to use it a little more. Not at all. This is a person who does not enjoy alcohol. Although it sounds very paradoxical, it is true. An alcoholic is considered an addicted person who cannot refrain from drinking alcohol due to physiological changes that have occurred in his body. He doesn't drink for pleasure, he drinks because he can't fight the addiction. If he abruptly stops drinking, then he will begin to withdraw, and this is not a pleasant thing.

If a person does not drink another “dose” of an alcoholic drink, then he may begin to experience various side effects of increased negativity. It could be vomiting, it could be increased aggressiveness. In addition, negative changes have already occurred in his body for a long time, for example, liver fibrosis has developed, which is why alcohol is perceived by his body worse and worse, but he continues to drink, despite this. Even the face of an alcoholic will be more painful. By these signs it is easy to understand how to recognize an alcoholic.

Key Difference

So let's recap a little. In principle, the main difference between these concepts is as follows. A drunkard is a simple folk name for a person who is addicted to alcohol and loves to drink. It's not an official term, it's just a popular definition for the people we constantly see with bottles, glasses and glasses in their hands, day after day - and there are many such people.

An alcoholic is already a directly medical term for an alcohol-dependent person, for someone who has developed an addiction to alcohol. Most often, this term is used in medical practice, but you can often find it in everyday life when they talk about a person whose relationship with alcoholic beverages has already reached a dead end, and therefore he needs third-party help in order to somehow overcome this problem. .

Alternative opinion

However, sometimes you can find an alternative opinion about the use of these concepts. It consists in the following. A drunkard and an alcoholic are absolutely equivalent concepts, the face of an alcoholic is no different from the face of a drunkard, as well as their habits, and so on. The difference is only in the context. While drunkard is an evaluative term that is usually critical or derogatory, alcoholic is a more neutral expression that does not carry any evaluation, but simply states the fact that a person has a problem. Both options have the right to exist, which one to focus on is up to you.


There is no particularly big difference, what is the key difference between these concepts, which are still adequately related. The important thing is that they both denote a very important problem - excessive drinking. Well, this problem is relevant in the last time utterly. We can call people different terms, we can hang different labels on them - but the trouble is not resolved from this. And something needs to be done about it.

It is important to understand that both drunkards and alcoholics have a serious problem. If you can help them, then this will be the only right decision. If you have a similar problem, then you should not hesitate to seek help. The sooner you try to at least begin to deal with the problem, the more chances you have to succeed in this. So don't give up on this. And then neither the label of a drunkard nor the concept of an alcoholic will be attached to you - and you will be sure that you are leading an exceptionally healthy lifestyle that will not lead to any bad consequences.

A person who is unable to overcome an addiction to alcohol and regularly has problems with it can be called both a drunkard and an alcoholic. It would seem that the concepts are homogeneous and everything is clear here. In the minds of most people, an alcoholic is a subject with trembling hands, a swollen face, and a bluish nose. He was left without a job, drank away all his property, irretrievably lost to society. Indeed, there are many such people and this is the last stage of alcohol addiction.

But what about other people? Who drink on the weekends, know the best brands of beer or don't dine without a glass of wine. Who drinks for the sake of taste sensations, and who can be called a person who does not know the measure, who is a drunkard, and who is already in the "major alcohol league"? What is the difference and when is it time to sound the alarm?

In order to define the difference between a drunkard and an alcoholic, it is necessary to understand the meaning of these definitions. A drunkard is a person who, under the influence of traditions, the collective, and other social phenomena, regularly consumes alcoholic beverages. He drinks with or without reason, and drinking alcohol is always associated with a pleasant pastime. Drunkards gather in companies in the evenings, stay after work, enjoy the state of intoxication.

The difference between a drunkard and an alcoholic is such that the former knows his limits, can stop in time or limit the amount of alcohol he drinks. If tomorrow there is an important matter, the drunkard treats him with responsibility, understands that he must be in shape. At the same time, the refusal of alcohol does not cause unnecessary discomfort, does not manifest itself in the form of increased excitability, irritability.

Sometimes such a person can afford to get drunk, as they say, “in the insole”, if this does not interfere with his professional activities. But if a meeting is scheduled in the morning, he can safely drink juice, he will not be influenced by friends and colleagues. Thus, a drunkard, with all his love for alcohol, can always pull himself together and say no.

An alcoholic is a person who experiences a painful craving for alcoholic beverages with a physical, mental dependence on them.

Over time, there is a loss of control over what you drink, tolerance grows (the dose required to obtain satisfaction increases), memory lapses appear at moments of intoxication, the organs and systems of the body are affected.

If the drunkard is picky in alcoholic beverages, then the alcoholic becomes indifferent to what he drinks. After all, his goal is not to get pleasure from the taste, but to achieve a certain state with the help of a dose of alcohol, without which he simply cannot exist normally. Alcoholism is not just a bad habit, it is a serious disease that needs to be treated. Unfortunately, when a person suffers from an illness, he cannot always sensibly assess his situation, find the strength to fight the green serpent. He can consider himself absolutely healthy, deny addiction, claim that he can stop drinking at any time, but now he simply does not want to do this, because everything is under control.

Know the enemy by sight

Often the problem of alcoholism is tried to be ignored or downplayed. For relatives and friends of an addicted person, this is a shame, a shame that they prefer to hide from prying eyes. It is important to understand that if alcoholism is not treated in time, it will lead to complete degradation of the individual. The person will be lost forever.

Signs of the first stage of alcoholism:

  1. The desire to drink dominates over other needs, but does not yet turn into a pathology. There is a craving for alcohol, it seems as if a glass of drink will improve mood.
  2. There is a loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, the dose of alcohol is gradually increased. Tolerance rises.
  3. The first symptoms of alcohol-related diseases appear: headaches, indigestion, sleep disturbance.

This stage has a hidden character, it can last from 1 year to 10 years. Neither the patient himself nor his relatives notice that alcohol at dinner and on a serious occasion is just an excuse for wanting to drink.

Signs of the second stage:

  1. There is a severe hangover syndrome, the need to drink alcohol in the morning increases.
  2. The amount of alcohol consumed increases, memory and health worsen.
  3. Mental disorders appear: delirium tremens, paranoia, irritability, aggression.

At this stage of the disease, great harm has been done to health, the range of interests is changing, and the personality is rapidly degrading. Desires become monotonous and are based on the need to drink alcohol.

Signs of the third stage:

  1. The hangover syndrome becomes unbearable, it can be overcome only with the help of alcohol.
  2. The duration of periods of mental disorders exceeds periods of remission. It is unbearable to communicate with a person, he is not interested in anything except for drinking.
  3. Systematic binges become uninterrupted.
  4. Memory, intellectual abilities suffer.
  5. The person has a sickly, bloated appearance. Health is lost forever.

The last stage of alcoholism is an almost certain death. Alcoholic drinks have had such an impact on the body that many organs are in critical condition. Many patients end their lives with a sudden stroke or heart attack, cirrhosis of the liver.

Willpower and alcoholism

Most people believe that an alcoholic is a weak-willed person who is unable to take responsibility for his life. But many forget that alcoholism is a disease that is almost impossible to cope with on your own. Alcohol thus subjugates the will of a person, is introduced into his metabolism, forms a physiological dependence. A drunkard differs from an alcoholic in that he can control the amount of alcohol he drinks or even refuse it altogether. An alcoholic, an addict, a sick person - loses quantitative control over alcohol, is ready to drink and drink, not seeing the measure. Often, without suspecting themselves, alcoholics drink to prevent a hangover.

When a drunkard crosses the permissible threshold of alcohol, he feels bad, stops drinking and tries to sober up: takes a shower, goes to fresh air, goes to bed. Thus, he tries to bring himself into a healthy state, to lead an active life. An alcoholic will pour strong drinks into himself until he becomes unconscious, without thinking about the amount of alcohol he has drunk, the consequences, and his future. Often, being in such a state, people do not think about the origin of alcohol, its quality. Such a liquid can not only cause irreparable harm, but also take life.

So, the difference between these people is that although the drunkard abuses alcohol, he thinks about his health. He will not drink if he is undergoing treatment, taking antibiotics, etc. An alcoholic lives for today, when vodka is the only need. Each time he is forced to increase the dose of alcohol in order to achieve the desired effect. A drunkard is content with the amount of drinks that he has. There are fundamental differences in this.

It is important to understand that there is a one-step boundary between drunkenness and alcoholism.

If a person who sees signs of drunkenness in himself does not take up his life, does not limit alcohol, in a few years he has every chance of becoming an alcoholic. And then you can't do without qualified treatment.

woman and alcohol

The problem of alcohol dependence of women is no less relevant than male alcoholism. Nevertheless, there are a number of misconceptions, myths that relate to the disease in the female half of humanity.

  • Female alcoholism is incurable. Actually it is not. Regardless of the gender, remission will last as long as alcohol does not enter the body. Women and men have the same chance to quit a bad habit and live happily ever after. The point is desire, perseverance, a firm decision to change life for the better.

  • Women fall asleep faster. It is believed that due to the physical predominance of men over women, the weaker sex is more susceptible to the destructive effects of ethyl alcohol. There is some truth in this, but the amount of alcohol consumed is also important. In addition, the individual characteristics of each organism should be taken into account.
  • A drunk woman is a loser. Contrary to opinion, both a simple worker and a person holding a high-ranking position can drink. It's not about weakness or weakness. Help in treatment from relatives and relatives, their support is also important.

A person often turns into an alcoholic imperceptibly: feasts with relatives, friends and work colleagues, everything looks like a normal pastime. But moderate drinking over the years turns into a habit, a stereotype. And so, a shot of vodka or a bottle of beer is justified by the need to relax and unwind. In the meantime, the body gradually gets used to ethyl alcohol, dependence begins.

Thus, male and female alcoholism is a serious disease that is almost impossible to overcome on your own. The only thing that can be done is to determine the impending disaster in time, to think before it's too late.

Signs of an alcohol problem

If a person is not aware of his craving for alcohol, does not try to fight it, over time, his drunkenness is transformed into alcoholism. This happens gradually, aggravated with each feast.

When you need to think about your health and future:

  • Craving for alcohol. If a person cannot imagine a gathering with friends without a bottle of strong drink, he never refuses when he is offered a drink.
  • Drinking alcohol is perceived only on the positive side.
  • The desire for alcohol intoxication. So he feels relaxed, confident.
  • Justifying the use of alcohol. A person knows many advantages, tells how it is good for blood vessels, blood circulation, etc. Wine at dinner, a glass for appetite at dinner turn into an addiction over the years.
  • When alcohol comes first. If today's feast becomes a priority over tomorrow's affairs, work, this is a serious reason to think.

A patient with alcoholism denies his addiction, does not notice the deterioration that is happening to him, does not try to fight. When native people raise this topic, the alcoholic enters into a discussion, brings arguments in his direction, justifies his behavior. This is the difference from a drunkard who is still able to think, realize his situation and try to improve his life.

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