Types of medlar. Medlar is a tree with aromatic berries. Medlar. How to grow at home from a bone

Medlar is a very beautiful, deciduous tree (or shrub) with sweet, edible, but rather tough fruits. Long, dark green medlar leaves, on outstretched branches, can decorate any garden. The fruits of the medlar contain a large amount of substances necessary for a person and, in addition, they are unusually tasty.

German medlar (Mespilus germanica). © dumabyt

In plant taxonomy, medlar belongs to the pink family ( Rosaceae), where it is separated into a separate genus Mushmula ( Mespilus). The genus includes 3 species of medlar, of which the most famous is the species Medlar (Mespilus germanica) or ordinary.

Medlar has many synonyms. So, the German medlar in the Caucasus is called Caucasian, real, chishkovy (cup) tree, chishka. In other areas, the name cones, ezgil, and others have taken root.


Description of the German medlar

Although the medlar is called Germanic, the real homeland of the culture is the mountain slopes in northern Iran, regions of southern and southeastern Asia Minor.

German medlar is a deciduous tree up to 4-8 m tall, the life expectancy of which is about 50 years. It attracts in the summer with its unusual green crown and for its beauty is attributed to the group of decorative deciduous plants used in the decor of parks, recreation areas in summer cottages.

The root system of the German medlar is branched, but superficial, located in the upper 60-70 cm layer of the soil, well developed. The trunk is straight, the branches are curved, forming a wide spreading crown. The bark of the trunk and skeletal branches is gray-brown. The branches and trunk of wild forms are dotted with small thorns.

At the German medlar at the ends of the shoots of the previous year, single flowers are formed, which begin to bloom in May-June. The flowers are regular, with a white or pinkish corolla, up to 3 cm in diameter. Very similar to quince flowers.

The fruits of the Germanic medlar have a round apple-shaped shape, with a diameter of 2-5 cm. In appearance they often resemble the fruits of a large rosehip. The skin of the fruit is brownish or brownish-reddish in color.

The pulp of ripe fruits is sweet, slightly sour, tart with an apple-quince taste. Harvested for consumption after the first frost or earlier, laying for long-term storage. Frozen fruits acquire a sweet taste and lose their astringency. Fruits on the branches persist until severe frosts, and in mild winters until spring.

Some gardeners compare the taste of ripe fruit pulp to applesauce and call it a fragrant jam on a branch.

Cultivation of German medlar does not require special techniques when planting seedlings and caring for trees.

Distribution of the German medlar

IN natural conditions loquat grows well and develops in countries with hot summers and warm, low-frost (even better - frost-free) winter. At the same time, shrubs and trees of culture have a fairly good frost resistance. In the wild, Germanic medlar is common in the Balkans, the Transcaucasus, Armenia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan. Ornamental wild plants are found in southern and western Ukraine, in amateur gardens of warm regions of Moldova and even in the Baltic states.

In the Russian Federation, it grows naturally in the light forests of the southern Crimea, the Caucasus region, and the Caspian regions. Considering beneficial features German medlar, more and more gardeners began to grow cultivars of German medlar in their dachas and house plots.

The fruits of the German medlar. © Takkk

Why do they love medlar?

The benefits of medlar for the body have been proven for thousands of years of use in food and for the treatment of many diseases. The medlar contains a fairly high content of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP and others), trace elements, including iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, which are responsible for human immunity and the work of the thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands.

The fruits of the German medlar are used in the production of jam, jams, marshmallows, preserves, marmalade, juices, compotes, and wine. Medlar fruits are low in calories and are used in weight loss diets.

At the same time, it is necessary to carefully introduce medlar into the diet, especially for children. It irritates the gastric mucosa and is contraindicated in gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by high acidity, in inflammatory processes of the pancreas.

Medlar should not be used for food in case of allergic reactions to increased amounts of vitamins and other substances found in the fruits of the German medlar.

Germanic medlar flower. © Rasbak

How to grow German medlar in the open field?

As an ornamental plant, loquat grows everywhere in the southern regions. IN last years breeders have obtained garden forms that are capable of forming fruit yields in fairly cold growing conditions.

Attitude to the environment

Medlar grows and bears fruit in the open field in all southern and nearby regions, the climate of which meets the requirements of the culture. It produces edible fruits that are highly palatable. The trees are highly frost-resistant, withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. Some varieties grow in the middle lane.

The German medlar is a great light-lover, in shady places it feels oppressed and develops poorly.

Given the shallow root system, trees need watering. They do not tolerate the proximity of groundwater, so watering should be moderate.

The planting of the German medlar is carried out in late autumn in October-November.

Germanic medlar tree. © High Contrast

Soil preparation and planting in open ground

The optimal type of soil for the German medlar is weakly acidic (pH = 5-6), fertile, loose, air and permeable soils (sandy loam chernozems, soddy, humus and others).

For planting the seedlings of the medlar, a planting pit of 40-50x40-50 cm is prepared in advance. The depth is up to 70-80 cm. The final size of the planting hole should exceed the root system of the seedling by 1/3. Set aside the topsoil to prepare the potting mix. At the bottom of the planting pit, lay a drainage 20-25 cm high from expanded clay, crushed stone, broken brick, small stones, so that during prolonged heavy rains the water does not stagnate in the zone of the root system.

To the separated topsoil (if it is physically heavy) add humus or mature compost and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix well, add nitrophosphate (70-80 g / pit) or other complete mineral fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium, respectively, 40 and 30 g / pit.

The technology of planting seedlings is no different from other fruit crops. During planting, it is necessary to monitor the location of the root collar of the German medlar. Its burial in the soil negatively affects the growth and development of the tree. It is necessary that the root collar is at the level of the soil.

It is necessary to drive a stake into the planting hole and tie a loquat seedling to it through the eight with a soft tape or wide twine so that the trunk does not bend. After watering, the soil around the seedling is mulched with humus, high peat, compost.

German medlar belongs to self-pollinated crops, but it is better to plant several seedlings (2-3) in a separate clump. When planting in a mixed garden, the seedlings are immediately placed in the designated area. The culture does not tolerate transplants.

Given the shape of the crown (it is quite spreading), an interval of 3-4 m is left between the trees. When choosing a place, you need to take into account that the medlar cannot stand the proximity of a nut and an apricot. The rest of the crops are tolerant, especially apple, pear, quince.

Outdoor medlar care

Top dressing medlar

The long growing season of the German medlar leads to depletion of the soil, so the culture needs additional fertilizing, which begins literally from the second year of plant life in a permanent place. Young plants are fed in 3-4 weeks, adults (with the beginning of fruiting) 2-3 times during the growing season.

Loquat is fed with organic fertilizers in spring or autumn. Fresh mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 8. If the soil fertility is low, then additionally during the flowering period they are fed with phosphorus fertilizers, and during the period of active growth and development of fruits with potash fertilizers.

Medlar responds positively to feeding with ash and microelements, solutions of which can be applied to the soil or foliarly through spraying. Since the leaf blade of the German medlar is smooth, soap or a special adhesive must be added to the nutrient solution. Solid fertilizers are applied for irrigation. After watering, the soil must be mulched.

The fruits of the Germanic medlar on the tree. © permaforet

Pruning medlar

Inside the crown, thickening branches are cut out and requiring sanitary pruning (dry, sick, growing inward, curves). In the first 2 years after planting a 2-3 year old medlar seedling, the skeletal branches of the first order are cut by 1/2, the next 2 years by 1/4. Lateral shoots of the 2nd order during this period are shortened to 20-25 cm. In the future, they mainly perform sanitary pruning and pruning of branches that break out of the main volume of the crown.

Breeding methods of the German medlar

Medlar german is propagated by seeds and vegetatively - by cuttings, layering, root shoots and grafting.

Propagation of medlar by seeds

With seed propagation of medlar, the varietal characteristics of the mother plant are preserved in the culture.

Condition: the seeds must be fresh, removed from the fruit before sowing into the soil. Dried seeds reduce germination by several times. The seeds of the German medlar are planted in the soil in late October - early November in the fall. During the winter, they undergo natural stratification and emerge the next year.

You can grow medlar seedlings at home (in a pot or other container) by stratifying the seeds in the refrigerator and planting them in the spring. open ground 20-30 cm plant. Further care for seedlings and adult fruit-bearing trees of the German medlar is the same as for other crops.

The fruits of the German medlar collected for storage. © cooketteria

Propagation of medlar by layering

German medlar reproduces well by layering. In the fall, a one-year-old branch is pinned to the soil with a V-shaped hook in a dug groove. On the side of the soil, cuts are made in the bark in several places, which contributes to faster rooting. The layering is watered with a root solution, sprinkled with earth, mulched.

The soil, with a dug-out medlar cut, should be constantly moist, but you should not flood it. Rooting lasts up to 2 years. The layering of the medlar forms a well-developed root system and several shoots. After rooting, it is separated from the mother plant and planted on permanent place that does not require transplants. The transplant of the separated plant is carried out in the autumn period after the leaves fall.

Propagation of medlar by grafting

The selected variety or hybrid of the German medlar can be grafted onto pear, quince, apple, hawthorn. Grafting method: for the bark, in the cleft.

You can try to plant the German medlar on the plum, the fruits acquire an unusual, very pleasant taste. In turn, the frost-resistant German medlar is used as a rootstock for pears.

Protection of medlar from pests and diseases

The German medlar is extremely rarely affected by pests and diseases. Gardeners note that of the pests, the medlar is damaged by aphids, scabbard. From diseases - fungal diseases, including sooty fungus, brown rust. Damage by other pests and diseases is manifested in some cases and practically does not harm plants.

For prevention, the trees and shrubs of the German medlar are treated with 3% Bordeaux liquid after the leaves are shed in autumn and spring before bud break. It is better not to use other chemical treatments, but to use, if necessary, biological products:

  • bioinsecticides - actofit, boverin, lepidocid, bitoxibacillin and others.
  • biofungicides - mycosan, trichodermin, phytolavin, phytosporin, glyocladin and others.

German medlar (Mespilus germanica). © Rwimmer

German medlar varieties for growing in the country

In appropriate climatic conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and other states, the following varieties of German medlar are most acceptable and widespread: Sladkaya Dracheva, Karadagskaya, Goitkhovskaya, Senteshi Rozha, Sochinskaya, Khvamli. All fruits of varietal forms of German medlar are large from 3 to 5 cm in diameter.

Of the other varieties of medlar known with many years of testing, gardeners recommend bushy with large fruits ‘Dutch’, upright trees with small fruits ‘Nottingham’ and ‘Royal’. All varieties are distinguished by aromatic, fruits with an unusually pleasant taste.

The beneficial properties of medlar have been known since ancient times. People to this day use the fruit to get rid of ailments of various etiologies. Another name for medlar is Japanese plum, lokva. In order to more accurately have an idea of ​​what benefit you will get from the consumption of fruits, we will consider the main features in order. So, let's begin.

Composition and features of medlar

  1. Medlar is an evergreen shrub that has thorns on twigs and is strewn with large clusters. The fruits have a sour aftertaste, their pulp is tender, pleasant to eat, does not knit the tongue. In terms of taste, the medlar resembles a trio - ripe strawberries, banana, sweet and sour apple.
  2. Today, more than 30 species of this plant are known to man. Medlar is extended to the whole world and is widely cultivated in household plots... The most popular and sought-after varieties of shrubs are the Caucasian and Japanese medlar.
  3. The beneficial properties of the fruit are made possible by the composition of the medlar. So, it includes flavonoids, protein, phenolic compounds, some fats, carbohydrates, amygdalin.
  4. The fruits are not deprived of vitamins. Among them are group B, PP, A, C. Of the mineral elements, it makes sense to single out the following: iron, potassium, iodine, magnesium, sodium, zinc, calcium, selenium.
  5. As for organic acids, medlar is rich in malic, oxalic, tartaric and citric acids. It contains a lot of natural saccharides, which are presented in an easily digestible form. The shrub is not deprived of tannins, pectin, dietary fiber, phytoncides.
  6. The bark, foliage, seed and fruits of the plant are of particular value. Some folk healers claim that the leaves of the bush are much more valuable than the pulp and other parts of the medlar. They argue that unique acids are concentrated in the medlar foliage: milling, ursulic, corosolic and others.
  7. The foliage also boasts the inclusion of plant polyphenols, glycosides, carafollin. The listed substances fight against foreign bodies in the body. Studies have been conducted in which scientists have proven that foliage is able to overcome the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  8. The bush foliage has the ability to suppress the action of free radicals and remove them completely. The green part contains triterpene, which is responsible for the synthesis of sugar and increases the volume of insulin.
  9. Pectin fights toxic compounds, heavy metal salts, radionuclides. It acts as a brush that is carefully passed through the cavity. internal organs... Despite the abundance valuable properties, medlar is not very high in calories. In a portion weighing 100 grams. accumulates about 50 Kcal. It all depends on the specific variety.

  1. The fruit is contraindicated for people who have high blood pressure. Medlar has a diuretic effect and thus fights hypertension.
  2. In a similar way, the fruit affects patients with persistent migraines and headaches. The fruit reduces intracranial pressure and improves the patient's condition.
  3. Medlar is prescribed for consumption by those who have the likelihood of developing a heart attack, stroke, ischemic disease... Fruits improve the health of the heart muscle and the entire circulatory system in particular.
  4. It contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Together, they prevent oxidative processes, carrying out the prevention of diabetes mellitus, eye diseases, and oncological ailments.
  5. Medlar frees the cavity of internal organs from free radicals. The fruit is useful for elderly people who are at risk of developing senile dementia.
  6. Fruits can help manage diarrhea and general stool disorder. They normalize digestive processes, remove congestion, and have anthelmintic properties.
  7. Medlar increases the production of the hormone insulin, making life easier for diabetics. Along with this, blood glucose levels are monitored.
  8. Organic acids eliminate cholesterol from the cavity of the blood channels, improve protein metabolism, and transform carbohydrates into energy. On this basis, the risk of atherosclerosis decreases and natural weight loss occurs.
  9. Medlar is used to eliminate small stones and sand in the cavity of the urinary system. The fruit is responsible for the correct functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  10. Decoctions, teas, freshly squeezed juices are prepared from the plant. These drinks remove phlegm from the respiratory tract, ease the course of asthma and lower body temperature in case of fever.
  11. The fruits strengthen the immune system during the period of viral infections, and also help to recover from a protracted illness. Medlar enhances wound healing, so lotions based on it are used for skin ailments.
  12. Interestingly, unripe fruit is effective for diarrhea. Ripe specimens, on the other hand, have a laxative effect and normalize bowel function. Medlar prevents food from fermenting in the esophagus.

  1. Various tonics, lotions and compresses for the face are prepared on the basis of green foliage. Such products help to eliminate dermatological problems, smooth out the relief and whiten the skin.
  2. The broth also copes well with diarrhea. To prepare a drink, brew the leaf menu in 300 ml. boiling water, let stand for 4 hours and strain. Drink 45-50 ml. 20 minutes before meals.
  3. The infusion according to the above recipe also effectively cleans the blood channels from cholesterol, cleans the body of toxic substances, and promotes recovery from stress and illness.
  4. Elderly people need to prepare decoctions and infusions in order to relieve painful sensations in osteoporosis, arthrosis and other ailments of this type.
  5. The powerful effect of the foliage and inflorescences of the medlar encourages people to use these parts of the bush for the preparation of remedies for colds. It's all about the ability of medlar to disinfect and relieve inflammation.

Medlar harm

  1. There are a number of restrictions under which medlar is contraindicated. Its reception should be limited with pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, allergies to the fruit itself, gastritis.
  2. In order not to cause significant harm to health, start taking with small amounts. Listen to the state of the body, stop taking it at the slightest sign of allergy.
  3. If you have any chronic diseases, use medlar after consulting your doctor. Do not forget that the fruit can be presented in the form of dried fruits, marmalade, jam and other forms.

Despite the variety of loquat varieties, their chemical list remains practically unchanged. Only differs appearance and taste. In order not to harm yourself and your loved ones, take precautions when using medlar. Then you will definitely get all the benefits.

Video: useful properties of medlar

Medlar has a number of important health benefits, including preventing diabetes, lowering cholesterol, lowering the risk of cancer, protecting bone mineral density, improving gastrointestinal health, vision, strengthening the immune system, and lowering blood pressure. Let's figure out what kind of fruit it is?

What is medlar and its origin

Medlar (nispero, shesek) is a plant native to Central-South China and Japan and is an evergreen shrub or tree 5-7 meters tall with bright orange fruits.
Many people think that the birthplace of Lokva is China, but in fact it appeared in Japan over a thousand years ago and spread to dozens of other countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, North America, South America and the Mediterranean regions.

How do you eat medlar?

Lokva fruits are also called medlar, pear-shaped, slightly larger than plums, if ripe - bright orange outside and white inside. Their taste is somewhat reminiscent of mango and peach. The fruit of the medlar can be eaten immediately, fresh, or can be used to make jams and jellies, as well as dried.

Here are some recipes for using medlar fruit

Medicinal tincture on medlar

You'll need
Medlar - 10 pieces
Honey - 3 tablespoons
Vodka - 200 ml


1. First, wash the medlar fruits and remove the seeds from them
2.Then the fruits of the medlar must be chopped in a blender
3.Add honey to the resulting jelly and mix everything thoroughly again
4.Then pour our jelly into a tumbler for a hand blender, add medlar bones there
5.Pour in 200 ml of vodka and stir everything again thoroughly until the bones are crushed
6.Now pour into a regular jar, close the lid and remove for a week to infuse
7.After a week we filter through a colander, or better through cheesecloth (the more times you strain, the more transparent the tincture will be) and you can use

This tincture is great for coughing, as it helps to remove phlegm.
To taste, such a tincture will resemble almonds with apples and apricots.

We will need
Medlar - 5 pieces
Water -1 liter
Sugar - 150 grams
Lemon - 1/3


1.Wash the medlar, cut in half
2.Put the water on the stove and add sugar, wait until it boils
3. As soon as the water boils, add our halves of the medlar directly with the seeds and let it boil for 2-3 minutes
4.After boiling the compote, add 1/3 lemon and turn off the stove
5.Now we put the fruit in a jar and fill it with compote, put a couple of mint leaves on top
6. It remains to pasteurize our compote for about 15 minutes and let it cool down, after which you can store it even at room temperature for a year

The leaves of the plant are also beneficial. They are dried and brewed into tea, which is a popular traditional remedy in Japan.

Poultices and ointments are also made from crushed leaves, which are applied topically to wounds and sore skin.
You don't need to throw away medlar seeds either - they are an excellent substitute for coffee. Dry and brew.

The composition of the medlar, its vitamins and minerals

The varied spectrum of nutrients found in the fruits and leaves of the medlar include: pectin, iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber, making it very effective for enhancing general condition human health.

The table below clearly shows how useful and rich medlar is. various substances and elements

Now let's take a closer look at the many health benefits of medlar.

Useful properties of medlar


One of the many nutrients found in medlar is potassium, which acts as a vasodilator for of cardio-vascular system organism. By reducing tension and pressure on blood vessels and arteries, potassium can lower blood pressure and protect heart health. Potassium is often viewed as a brain stimulant due to increased blood flow to the brain's capillaries, which can improve cognition.

Prevention of diabetes

Loqua tea is often suggested for the prevention or treatment of diabetes. Sugar levels have been shown to be significantly lower in those who regularly drink this tea. The unique organic compounds found in this drink are able to regulate insulin and glucose levels, which helps protect the body from diabetes. Also, for those suffering from diabetes, it is very important to avoid spikes in blood sugar. Drinking lokva tea in this case will also be an ideal solution.


There are a number of antioxidants found in medlar that are beneficial to human health. Antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals in the body, which are created as a natural byproduct of cellular metabolism. These molecules with unpaired electrons can mutate healthy cells, leading to chronic diseases, including cancer. Loqua tea has been shown to reduce the risk of lung and oral cancer.

Respiratory system

Expectorants are important in treating colds and other respiratory infections. Loqua tea is used as an expectorant. Drink it or use it to rinse your mouth. It is a very effective remedy for expelling mucus and phlegm.

The immune system

Medlar is an excellent source of vitamin C, one of the key components of the human immune system. Vitamin C helps stimulate the production of white blood cells and is the body's first line of defense against pathogens, and also works as an antioxidant, preventing chronic diseases... In addition, vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which helps tissue growth and repair throughout the body after illness or injury.


Pectin is a special type of dietary fiber found in medlar, which is why the fruit is highly praised for helping digestion. Dietary fiber increases stool volume and stimulates peristalsis, which promotes regular bowel movements. If you suffer from constipation, diarrhea, cramps, bloating, or other stomach upsets, fiber can help ease inflammation and improve your gut health.

Strengthening bones

Loss of mineral density bone tissue is a serious problem for many people. This is usually associated with age and menopause in women. Fortunately, medlar has been shown to prevent loss of bone density in various parts of the body thanks to its content of vitamins, nutrients and hormones that mimic chemical constituents.

Circulatory system

A high level of iron in a person's diet is essential to avoid anemia and its unpleasant symptoms. Iron is found in high concentrations in medlar. This mineral is an essential part of hemoglobin, which transports oxidized blood cells throughout the body, thereby increasing circulation. It can speed up healing, increase energy, and keep all organs working at full capacity.

Contraindications to the use of medlar

When we consume something in large quantities, it can be toxic for one reason or another. For example, excessive consumption of medlar extract can cause toxic myopathy, which is manifested by weakness and nonspecific pain. Contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, and should be used with caution by allergy sufferers. Therefore, consume medlar and its derivatives in moderation and wisely.

Medlar. How to grow from a stone at home?

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Medlar is an evergreen fruit tree whose fruits resemble apricots in appearance. There are four bones inside. In height, the tree mushroom reaches 10 m, the leaves are oblong. The skin of the fruit is quite dense, but the inside is very soft and sourish, this is a combination of apple, apricot and strawberry to taste. Medlar has a yellow-orange berry color. This tree grows mainly in those countries where the climate is warm, not lower than 0 ° C. However, the medlar can also tolerate a drop in temperature to -15 ° C, but not for long. The homeland of this plant is considered to be South-West Asia. The usefulness of this fruit has no limits.

Types of medlar

There are about 30 varieties of medlar, among which there are 2 main ones:

  1. Germanic medlar (aka Caucasian);
  2. Japanese medlar.

The Germanic medlar blooms towards the end of May, and gives fruits after the first frost in the fall. She has a white flower with red stamens. The fruit of the German medlar is red-brownish in color and has a diameter of up to 5 cm. The ripe German medlar tastes like applesauce. Is growing given view medlar in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in southern Europe.

Did you know?Such a fruit tree as Germanic medlar has been known to people since ancient times, about a thousand years ago. In the old days, the fruits of medlar were traded in Ancient Greece and Ancient rome, and this fruit got to Europe. Today medlar is grown in Asia Minor, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Algeria, in Azerbaijan.

As for the fruit of the Japanese medlar, there are some differences from the German medlar.

The medlar that grows in the warm climates of China and Japan blooms in October and bears fruit in May-June. The flower has a white-cream shade with a very fragrant aroma. The fruit of the Japanese medlar has a bright yellow-orange color, resembles a pear in shape and has a maximum diameter of 10 cm.

Medicinal properties of medlar, its use in medicine

Medlar is a fruit whose benefits and harms to the body are incommensurable. Medlar is incredibly useful. This fruit contains all kinds of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, useful acids, including:

  1. Vitamin A;
  2. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9);
  3. Vitamin C;
  4. Vitamin K;
  5. Vitamin E;
  6. Carotene;
  7. Beta carotene;
  8. Potassium;
  9. Calcium;
  10. Magnesium;
  11. Phosphorus;
  12. Sodium;
  13. Zinc;
  14. Manganese;
  15. Selenium;
  16. Iron;
  17. Fructose;
  18. Sucrose;
  19. Organic acids (malic, citric).
Medlar is an irreplaceable medicine in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. With its astringent properties, the fruit normalizes the intestines, reduces pain in the kidneys with stone deposits. With the help of unripe fruits, inflammation in the intestines can be relieved. A ripe fruit acts as a diuretic.

With bronchial asthma, you can make an alcoholic tincture by rubbing the fruit together with the bones from 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 100 ml of vodka. After that, you need to let this medicine brew for a week in a tightly closed container. Then you should strain the tincture and take 30 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Important!The bones of this fruit are slightly poisonous, they should be consumed only in processed form - dried, fried, for making coffee drinks, but infused ones - for treating the bronchi and gastrointestinal tract.

Not only the medlar fruit itself has healing properties, but also flowers and leaves. Medlar leaves, healing properties which are known for diarrhea can be taken as a solution, or they can be applied for bleeding. At diabetes mellitus medlar increases the amount of insulin in the blood, thereby improving the patient's condition. Medlar reduces the risk of cancer.

The use of medlar in cooking

In cooking, all kinds of jams, preserves, compote, juice, kvass, wine, liqueur are made from medlar, sweet salads are prepared; you can make medlar and pumpkin seeds jam right in the microwave.

To do this, you need to take 1 kg of medlar, 300 g of sugar and 4 tbsp. tablespoons of pumpkin seeds. Separate the pulp of the fruit from the stone and, mixing with sugar, place for 10 minutes. in the microwave. Then get it, add pumpkin seeds and finish cooking in a saucepan on a regular stove over low heat. Such jam will be doubly useful, thanks to the miraculous properties of not only medlar, but also pumpkin.

Medlar and cosmetology

Medlar is used in cosmetology. A loquat face mask will help those with sensitive skin prone to irritation and redness. This mask has tonic properties, will make the skin more elastic and give the face a fresh look. Masks can be made both from the fruits themselves and from the leaves of the plant. Here is an example of one of the masks. Mix the pulp of 5 fruits with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil. After 30 min. wash away warm water... This mask is perfect for those with dry skin.

The use of medlar in dietetics

For people who are struggling with obesity, medlar is also useful, because its main purpose is to remove toxins and toxins from the human body. Medlar, along with other fruits, occupies a significant place in any diet. Its caloric content is 52.5 kcal per 100 g of product, 2.1 proteins, 0.8 fats and 14 g carbohydrates. As you can see, medlar is an "easy" fruit for the body. It helps to digest "heavy" food.

Medlar is a tasty, healthy, but not familiar fruit. Outwardly, it resembles cherry plum or. But the medlar tastes like a mixture of apricot with apple and strawberry. Now we will tell you how to eat the loquat fruit and tell you about its beneficial properties.

Useful properties of medlar

The composition of medlar is close to apples - it contains about 7% malic acid, about 15% sugars, pectin, vitamin C and phytoncides. This fruit is extremely healthy because it is also rich in zinc, manganese, iron, selenium and copper. In addition, it contains such macronutrients as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. This fruit is often used as a medicine: the pulp of a well-ripened medlar is an excellent natural laxative and sorbent. While unripe medlar, on the contrary, strengthens. When coughing, the pulp of this fruit can be mixed with - and then an excellent medicine will come out that not only relieves cough, but also facilitates breathing and promotes the excretion of phlegm.

As mentioned above, in medlar, as in apples, there is a lot of pectin. Therefore, due to the frequent consumption of this fruit in food, the level of cholesterol is reduced, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances and toxins are removed from the body. Thus, medlar will improve metabolic processes, cure the pancreas from inflammatory processes and heal the liver. Thanks to all this, the body will work more harmoniously, and the appearance and skin will become much healthier.

But this is not the end of the beneficial properties of medlar. This miracle fruit is simply necessary for hypertensive patients - it contains substances that moderately lower blood pressure.

How to eat medlar?

Like any other fruit, medlar is best eaten fresh - then it retains a maximum of vitamins and the body will receive more benefits. But you can also cook preserves, jams and compotes from this fruit - even after heat treatment, medlar has a positive effect on the digestive system.

And in order to eat high-quality medlar, you need to know how to choose it correctly. Ideally, this fruit should be medium in size (like a plum), as too small medlar can be sour, and too large - overripe and tasteless. You should not store the medlar for a long time, it is better if it lasts no more than 2-3 days and then in the refrigerator. And just before use, do not forget to peel it.

Bon appetit and may this fruit bring you maximum benefit!

Articles on topic:
Irga - the benefits and harms of an unusual berry
The name of this product, unfortunately, does not mean anything to many. It's a shame that people don't know about the more plants that grow, bloom and smell right under their windows. This is a rather unusual plant that can really be
Diseases and pests of raspberries
170 209 Add to selected The fight against diseases and pests of raspberries should be given no less attention than other agricultural methods that stimulate active growth and increase the productivity of shrubs. Raspberry gall midge, nutcracker, raspberry beetles, raspberries are especially harmful.
Cedar: planting and care, types and varieties, photos Planting and care
Cypriot cedar, due to its qualities, is actively used in construction. The shoots and trunk of the kdr are distinguished by their reliability and strength. In addition, the treated and dried tree trunk is incredibly solid and attractive. He also highlights incredible people.
Zucchini leaves turn yellow: what to do
Zucchini that are easy to care for can sometimes bring unpleasant surprises. When growing seedlings, there are sometimes cases when the foliage of the seedlings turned yellow and began to fall off. At times, on mature plants, the leaves suddenly curled or became covered with spots. What are the reasons for