The most advanced robot in the world. famous robots. Repair planes and do surgeries

This robot of little use in the household will only help to understand the very laws of robotics: what sensors are needed for iron men, how servos work and a lot of other interesting things. Recommended for beginner supervillains and mechanical enthusiasts. In the set, in addition to a screwdriver, you will find 16 drive modules, a whole system of connecting mechanisms, a scattering of LEDs and a number of assorted sensors, which depends on the configuration. The robot can do a couple of simple tricks right after assembly - the rest you have to teach it yourself through a special program. You can experiment endlessly not only with the actions of the robot, but also with the form itself: thanks to the unique system of connections, it can be a dog, a dinosaur, a spider, and everything that your imagination is enough for. One thing we know for sure - he will not replace your wife.

Price: from 23 000 rubles

This guy is already much more serious and suitable for experienced mechanics: in addition to 16 servos, the kit includes a gyroscope (to keep balance), professional programming software and even object capture tools! This robot can be trained in a variety of tricks, but you will never guess its main purpose - Bioloid was created to participate in robot football and robot battles competitions! Surprisingly, he jumps very quickly, and has already been trained in basic fighting techniques and hitting the ball. The infrared sensor plays the most important role here, because it is thanks to it that the robot is oriented in space and recognizes the ball and other objects. And what he will do with them with his manipulators later depends only on your imagination.

Price: from 30 000 rubles


Despite its toy size, it is absolutely impossible for an unprepared person to cope with this robot. A huge number of sensors are hidden in a small case, and the programmable system is suitable not only for training courses in robotics, but also for various scientific experiments. According to the creators, Nao robots recognize each other, are able to communicate in 19 languages ​​and adapt to environmental conditions. Sonar rangefinders, infrared emitters and receivers, pressure sensors and even 9 tactile sensors help him navigate in space. This means that if you stroke the robot, he will thank you. And if you accidentally touch it and drop it, falling, Nao will exclaim with Shakespearean pathos. At the same time, you just need to apologize to him - and the world will be saved from the invasion of angry Lilliputian robots.

Price: about 800,000 rubles


Since the 80s, this robot has been tirelessly improved by scientists from the Honda concern. In 2000, the Japanese introduced it to the public, and Asimo simply blew up the airwaves of the world media - it seemed that a couple more years, and the profession of a janitor would disappear as such. In fact, everything turned out to be much more complicated: despite the huge potential of the robot, it is still being improved. And he really knows a lot: he is able to walk, run (9 km / h), climb stairs and even dance (robo-boogie style). Asimo's hands are very dexterous, each with 14 degrees of freedom. This is enough to pour tea, bring drinks (balancing with the whole body so as not to spill) and even push the cart in the store without bumping into other visitors. The robot has sensors in its head, peculiar eyes, thanks to which it can track and recognize human faces and even understand the language of the deaf and dumb! And that means that he will understand your gestures on Saturday morning and bring cold beer. However, you can't just buy Asimo - you can only rent it, and neither the rental price nor its rules are publicly named.

This creation was developed by NASA's Lyndon Johnson Space Center (JSC). Just like Atlas, Project Valkyrie is backed by DARPA and is yet another attempt to create a specimen most suited to help with natural and man-made disaster relief. Our girl has everything necessary for such work: she has a total of 44 degrees of freedom, can turn her head and torso and, unlike Atlas, works for an hour on battery power. However, at the moment, the developers are in no hurry to reveal all the details, and whether the Valkyrie will be able to save the horse from the burning hut is not clear. For now, let's admire its appearance: unlike the competition, this robot is covered in a kind of clothing made of lightweight foam material and fabric. The developers claim that making “clothing” for a robot that does not restrict movement and does not interfere with access to the main nodes is a separate scientific process. And under it allocated a whole laboratory. However, even these guys did not get involved with shoes, leaving DC Shoes to solve this problem. And rightly so: if the electronic young lady does not like the “shoes”, she will refuse to save humanity.

What are now familiar elements of everyday life for us was once an amazing fantastic future. Yes, we don't have flying cars yet, and we don't live on other planets. But on the other hand, many of the ideas and devices described by science fiction writers of the 20th century are now part of everyday reality. Edition Vector told what robots can do today.

High five and call an ambulance

Robot pets are almost a trend. Perhaps in the future they will become as indispensable as Wi-Fi. Or become an alternative to pets. Anki recently released a home assistant called Vector. He responds to calls and just sounds, to movements and touches. You can pet him and give "five". Well, it is also constantly connected to the Internet and works as a voice assistant.

If Vector is the analogue of the cartoon WALL-E, then Kuri is the real R2-D2. He also has a semblance of a “personality” who can read your child a bedtime story or remind you of a meeting on time. Just like Vector, Kuri charges itself.

drive a truck

American Uber launched a delivery service on self-driving trucks. As a test, a driverless car drove about 550 km through Arizona. Of course, the operator was in the cab all the time and controlled the process. Their competitor, a startup called Starsky Robotics, was running a driverless car 11km in Florida. Unlike Uber, Starsky wants to completely get rid of the people in the cab by the end of 2018.

Repair planes and do surgeries

A separate type of assistants are small robots that borrow the anatomy of insects and can get into hard-to-reach places. For example, the smallest surgeon Versius, which was developed by the British company CMR Surgical. It is used in the newest method of surgery - laparoscopy. Laparoscopy allows you to perform operations on internal organs without skin incisions. Instead, only small holes (0.5-1.5 cm) are made, through which the micro-camera and "hands" with tools are placed inside. In fact, Versius is these "hands". They have flexible mechanics and could revolutionize surgery.

Rolls Royce is also working on its "beetle". A microrobot is currently being developed to repair aircraft engines. This will make the troubleshooting process much easier. Engineers won't have to take the engine out and take it apart for hours. The robot can fix everything in minutes.

Insect robots can even prevent the extinction of an entire population. Like, for example, mechanical bees from the FOCAS research project. They must infiltrate the bee swarm and investigate it. New knowledge will help build a strategy for the survival of the bee population. True, for this you first need to create a synchronized network of robot bees.

Walk through fire and jump like humans

The DyRET robot from the University of Oslo trains itself to walk on different surfaces and even learns from its mistakes. And at the University of Michigan, they developed a more robust robot - Cassie. He walks more confidently, including walking through fire with ease. He also rides a Segway!

Do a back flip

Amber Lab teaches a robot how to jump. And while they teach, Boston Dynamics has already been taught. Their development is called Atlas. He already confidently walks in the snow, runs, and not only jumps, but also does back flips! He can also open doors and lift weights. Employees of the company constantly put sticks in his wheels, but the robot does not give up and each time stands up with pride.

Disney also has a development to facilitate the work of stuntmen. Stickman is a stick robot that Disney Research engineers also taught to do back flips, though with the help of a cable.

Sweat from push-ups

At the University of Tokyo, they created a robot that looks the most similar to a person. Kenshiro does exercises: squats, push-ups, tries to pull himself up and pumps an iron press. The most interesting thing is that it has a cooling system that causes the body to sweat!

resist man

What YouTube users have already dubbed "robot abuse" in the development environment is called "disturbance testing" ("resistance test"). This concerns both the physical stability of the robot body and its task. At Boston Dynamics, robots are not only pushed and beaten, but also prevented from performing their functions. But the four-legged SpotMini does not give up. If necessary, he will open the door at all costs.

Treat autism and deafness

Startup LuxAI created QTrobot to help children with autism. The developers believe that the robot will help autistic people acquire basic social skills. It turned out that the subjects react to robots in the same way as to people. At least they look at them for the same length of time. In addition, they have a reduced level of repetitive actions (a symptom of autism) in interactions with robo-assistants. In general, rather dubious results, as LuxAI engineers themselves say.

More useful seems to be the use of a robot avatar to help children with hearing impairments. Its large eyes are a thermal camera. She monitors the slightest changes in the temperature of the child's face, caused by involvement in the process. This helps to develop the language and communication skills of deaf children more effectively.

have sex

Sex robots have already created a niche in the intimate services market. The most famous sex worker with a robotic body is Harmony from Realbotix. The third version of the doll was designed for Christmas this year. It is equipped with internal heating, automatic lubrication and touch sensors. For the doll, forgive me for being direct, it is convenient to care for. For example, her genitals can be removed and washed in the dishwasher. And you can replace, like the chest, and hair.

be a citizen

For obvious reasons, sex dolls are the most anthropomorphic of all robots. But there is an even more human-like model. A vivid example of the development of technology and the implementation of utopian ideas of the last century is an android named Sophia. Last year she became a subject of Saudi Arabia. She is the first robot in history to receive citizenship. True, it is more like a political action.

Sophia was developed by the Hong Kong company Hanson Robotics. And it's very detailed. Sofia owns more than 50 facial reactions and some gestures. Can maintain a simple conversation and clearly answer a specific question. She imitates the presence of an opinion, as she can voice her “thoughts” in the first person. However, critics say that Sophia is just a chatbot with a developed body.

Advances in robotics are constantly taking place in the fields of space exploration, healthcare, public safety, entertainment, defense, and many others. Some of these machines are completely autonomous, some require human intervention. But all of them are designed to expand human capabilities, they can move and penetrate into difficult or dangerous places where we ourselves cannot go. Here are collected robots that have been created over the past couple of years.

The Atlas is a bipedal humanoid robot developed by the American robotics company Boston Dynamics. It was introduced to the media during a press conference at the University of Hong Kong on October 17, 2013. The height of this robot is 1.83 meters in height, weight is 149.7 kg. The robot is made of aluminum and titanium and cost $1.93 million. He is able to perform a variety of movements that are natural for a person, like walking or gymnastics.

French patient Florian Lopez, 22, holds a tree branch with his new bionic arm at the Coubert readaptation center, southeast of Paris, on June 3, 2013. Lopez lost three fingers in an accident in late 2011, and became the first French patient to receive such an artificial limb. The cost of such a mechanical hand is 42,000 euros, and is already in use in Scotland and the USA.

MVF-5 is a multifunctional robotic fire extinguishing system developed by Dok-Ing that extinguishes a car with a water cannon. It was presented at the annual conference on the theme "Robotics in emergency and crisis situations, the use of military robots for civil protection" in the city of Bouches-du-Rhone in the south of France.

A man holds a Telenoid R1 robot at the Innorobo Robotics Innovation Fair 2013. At the conference, companies and research centers showcase their latest robotics technologies on March 19, 2013 in Lyon. The Telenoid R1 robot is designed as a telepresence robot, i.e. in order to simulate the presence of a distant person, such as a grandson. And allows people to communicate in a more natural setting.

Two four-legged robots running across a field during testing. Such semi-autonomous vehicles are designed to help transport heavy loads over rough terrain, interacting in this way with troops, instead of real animals.

On October 9, NASA's Juno spacecraft flew close to Earth to use its gravity to propel itself and headed for Jupiter. The Juno camera captured the Earth at this moment in order to check the instruments and make sure everything was going according to plan. The Juno spacecraft was launched by NASA from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on August 5, 2011. Juno's Atlas 551 rocket was able to give Juno just enough boost to reach the asteroid belt. After that, the force of gravity of the Sun again forced Juno to return to the inner part of the solar system. The gravity of the Earth's gravity will increase the speed of the ship so that it can head for Jupiter, and will reach it on July 4th, 2016.

In this photo, taken on October 6, 2013, laser beams illuminate a robot during a performance at a Tokyo restaurant.

The RC SWAT robot is a small controllable tank with a shield for police officers. It was demonstrated in Sanford, Maine on April 18, 2013. Its maker says the device will help SWAT teams and other first responders defend themselves against armed adversaries.

A prototype robotic eel in a swimming pool inside the New Orleans Institute of Mechanical Engineering on October 2, 2012. The eel robot can navigate dangerous waters almost unnoticed by moving at low speed. Which does not allow it to be detected using radar detection systems, which are available for deep-sea mines.

US President Barack Obama shakes hands with a robot at the Science Projects Fair at the White House State Dining Room in Washington, DC on April 22, 2013. Obama attended the Science Fair at the White House and congratulated the winners of competitions in various fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from around the country.

A robotic dragon at the medieval spectacle "Dragon's Sting" sets fire to the Christmas trees in Furth im Wald, Germany on January 24, 2013.

A robotic flying platform with a camera captures Norwegian driver Andreas Mikkelsen and Finnish co-driver Mikko Markkul in a Volkswagen Polo R WRC during the qualifying round of the FIA ​​World Rally Italy Championship on the Italian island of Sardinia on June 20, 2013.

Robotic moving targets set up for use as moving targets for testing purposes at 2nd Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia on September 24, 2013. The robots, developed by the Australian company Marathon, are about the size of an average human, fall when hit by shots, and can move at the speed of walking or running. Such a test is the most effective method for learning to shoot at moving targets with an M4 carbine or M27 assault rifle.

Robots deliver meals to customers at a robotic restaurant in Harbin, China January 12, 2013. The restaurant was opened in June 2012, and immediately became famous thanks to the use of 20 robots, 1.3-1.6 m tall, who can cook and deliver meals. The robots can work continuously for five hours after two hours of charging, and are capable of displaying more than 10 facial expressions and saying basic greetings to customers.

The mobile fish system, developed by Lockheed Martin, constantly moves across the surface of the ocean, in waters over 12,000 feet deep. It does work to address potential issues related to impacts on water quality or impacts on the seabed. The system works by integrating satellite communications, remote sensing of the earth, is controlled by an engine and has software for describing the situation.

A Toshiba cleaning robot for working inside a nuclear power plant during a demonstration at Toshiba's technology center in Yokohama on February 15, 2013. A crawler-mounted robot spreads dry ice to remove dirt particles from floors and walls. It will be used to clean up the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Danish scientist Heinrich Scharfe (right) poses with his Geminoid-DK robot during a presentation at the National Robotics Olympiad in San Jose on August 16, 2013. The Geminoid-DK robot looks like an exact copy of its creator, Professor Scharfe.

This NASA image is one of a series of photographs taken during the undocking of SpaceX Dragon-2 from the International Space Station on March 26, 2013. The spacecraft, filled with experiments and old supplies, can be seen in the hand of the CanadArm2 robotic arm after it was undocked from the space station. The Dragon will be scheduled to land in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California later that day. The moon can be seen in the center of the photo.

Zach Water, a 31-year-old programmer from Seattle, prepares to climb the 103-story Willis Tower with the world's first neural-controlled bionic leg in Chicago November 4, 2012. According to the Chicago Institute of Rehabilitation, their Center for Bionic Medicine is developing technology that allows amputees like Water to better control prosthetic limbs with their own minds.

Camels ridden by robot jockeys during the weekly camel race in Kuwait on January 26, 2013. The robots are controlled by drivers who follow in their cars from behind throughout the track.

GROVER, a new remotely operated vehicle for exploring and exploring the peaks in Greenland, May 10, 2013. GROVER is an autonomous, solar-powered robot carrying radar equipment to study the Greenland ice sheet. Its results will help scientists understand how massive ice sheets are melting. After downloading and testing Grover, the team began testing the robot on ice on May 8, with wind speeds up to 37 km/h and outdoor temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Humanoid robot bartender "Karl" gestures to guests at the Robot Bar in the eastern German city of Ilmenau on July 26, 2013. Karl, designed and built by Mechatronics by engineer Ben Schaefer, makes cocktails and can have small conversations with customers.

X-47B, demonstration launches from USS CVN 77. After completing his first flight, he landed on the takeoff deck of an aircraft carrier. The landing of this robotic system is the first time an unmanned aircraft has landed at sea.

A robot helps passengers find their way through the baggage claim area at Geneva International Airport on June 13, 2013. The robot is designed to accompany travelers to various facilities such as the luggage compartment, ATM, showers and toilets.

NASA Rover Forward Camera View August 29, 2013. The still operational rover has been traversing the Martian surface to collect data for almost 10 years since its landing in January 2004.

Kokoro unveils a humanoid robot called "Actroid" (left) and its internals (center) at the company's headquarters in Tokyo February 7, 2013.

Rosser Pryor, co-owner and president of Automation, sits next to a new high performance industrial robot at Atlanta Center January 15, 2013. Pryor, who has laid off 40 out of 100 workers since the recession, says the company is making enough to hire a dozen more people, but he's investing in automation and software.

Chinese inventor Tao Xiangli assembles components for his homemade robot in his backyard in Beijing May 15, 2013. A 37-year-old Chinese man spent about $24,000 and about a year of work to assemble a robot from recycled scrap metal and electrical wires he purchased on the secondary market. The robot is 2.1 meters tall and weighs about 480 kilograms.

Photographers take pictures of Toshiba's new four-legged robot, which the company says is capable of performing tsunami recovery work in Fukushima. The new robot can walk on uneven surfaces, avoid obstacles and climb stairs. The robot is equipped with a camera and a dosimeter, and can move around in a nuclear power plant through remote control.

A robot inspects the ruins of a tunnel entrance at the archaeological section of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl near the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan at an archaeological site about 60 km north of Mexico City on April 22, 2013. The robot has discovered three ancient chambers in the last section of unexplored tunnels in the famous Teotihuacan. This is the first such discovery of robots in this Latin American country.

An engineer adjusts the Incredible Bionic Man robot at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC on October 17, 2013. For the first time in world history, a robot was created by artificial implantation of human organs.

Some twenty years ago, at the word robot, there was a clear association with a humanoid creature in a leather jacket and with a machine gun. Today, the situation has changed, and the robots have become completely different from their movie brother.
An amazing and very promising creation of South Korean scientists from the Chonnam team, which should become an alternative to chemotherapy in the fight against cancer. Bacteriobot is a symbiosis of a bacterium and a nanorobot. In the Salmonella bacterium, a team of scientists placed robots carrying medicine capsules. Salmonella penetrates into a cancerous tumor, focusing on the substances secreted by infected cells. The task of the robots is to release the capsules when the bacterium reaches the target. Thus, the drug goes directly to the cancer cells and it is possible to avoid damage to healthy cells, which occurs with the use of chemotherapy. At the moment, the downside is the ability of salmonella to find only cancer that manifests itself in the form of tumors.

Scientists say that soon the project will be improved and nanorobots will be able to fight all types of cancer. The brainchild of the Chonnam team has been tested on mice and has already been patented in Japan, the United States and several European countries.
Titan the Robot
Titan is the most classic model of a humanoid robot. With a height of 2.4 m, a width of about 1.5 m, a weight of 350 kg, in a silver case with many small, intricate details, it embodies children's ideas about robots. Titan not only moves freely, he dances, talks, blinks his eyes and cries. One would think that the future has already come and robots can live next to us, but in fact, only the head of the robot, which is responsible for the visual manifestation of emotions, is an automatic device, and the body is a suit, the operator of which is a person. Moreover, you can use Titan without harm to health for no more than 35 minutes.

Today, Titan creator Nick Fielding uses his machines to entertain attendees at various shows. In Moscow, friendly robots can be seen at the Robot Ball.
Tradinno is the Guinness World Record for the world's largest self-propelled robot. Its name comes from the fusion of the words "tradition" and "innovation", which can already say a lot about it. From the "traditional" Tradinno took the appearance - a dragon, as if descended from the pages of fairy tales about the Middle Ages. The monster breathes "fire", growls menacingly, has moving 12-meter wings and a huge tail - all according to the law of the genre. Unfortunately, while the robot is too slow to use it for filming in films, and in fact he could play a dinobot in Transformers, but is forced to play a dragon in Drachenstich in Germany.

The cutest and cutest robot. Paro has the appearance of a baby seal. The appearance of the animal, the texture of the fur, the voice and movements are fully reproduced. The robot is used in cancer centers to communicate with patients. Scientists have long argued that communication with animals helps patients cope with the disease. In many clinics, it is forbidden to bring animals for hygiene reasons, so Paro has become a good analogue of a real animal. The baby seal was chosen by psychologists as the most defenseless, not repulsive and not fearful creature. The robot quickly went into mass production and today it is purchased not only by clinics, but also by individuals.

Geminoid F
Geminoid F is the third version of Hiroshi Ishiguro's Geminoid robot, one of the favorite models in Japan today. Android surprisingly similar to a living girl. Silicone skin, as similar as possible to a human in texture, moving eyes, smooth actions, a thin voice - the creators did a good job to revive it. So far, the robot performs the main actions thanks to remote control. She independently reproduces breathing, controls her gaze, makes involuntary gestures, is able to communicate with people, imitating human facial expressions during a conversation. Moreover, Geminoid is capable of learning. It copies human behavior patterns in the course of communication with people.

Professor Ishiguro believes that similar robots are the future. They should firmly enter our lives as service personnel.

Geminoid F has already visited Russia in October last year. She played in the play "Three Sisters" by Oriz Hirata based on A.P. Chekhov.
Geminoid's stage competitor could be Thespian, the creation of British scientists, which is the most emotional robot in the world. He is able to theatrically roll his eyes, artistically gesticulate, recite poetry, distinguish between human emotions, but cannot show his own, which makes him different from his Japanese competitor. Thespian looks like a classic robot - a white body, mechanical fingers, a lot of LEDs, protruding wires, but big glass eyes give it a naivety that touches.

An android robot from Honda Corporation, resembling an astronaut in a spacesuit. ASIMO means "as well as legs" in Japanese. A body was added to the recognition technology, which allowed the robot to move freely. Android is able to recognize objects and objects, static and moving, can walk up and down stairs, i.e. well oriented in the surrounding world. Its main function is communication with people and it performs well.

ASIMO can remember 10 different faces and greet them when they meet, it distinguishes the rest of the people by special cards on the chest. It also recognizes gestures that indicate and are used during communication, such as shaking hands, waving a hand in sign of goodbye. The robot captures and perceives the speech stream from three sources at once with 80% accuracy, which a person is not capable of. He also knows how to use local networks and the Internet. By connecting to the "smart home" system, ASIMO can answer the intercom call, open the front door and escort the guest to the appointed place. It should be noted that ASIMO has optimal dimensions for office and home - 130 cm high and 45 cm wide, weighing 48 kg. Many people would like to buy such a robot, but Honda does not sell an android, but only rents it out for $166,000 a year. There are only 100 copies of ASIMO in the world and most of them work in the office of the creator corporation.

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still. The latest technology is increasingly blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

Robots have long ceased to be science fiction. Today they are our indispensable assistants in many areas of activity. In this article, we will look at what the most advanced robots to date can look like and what they can do.

Curiosity rover

The most advanced third-generation rover to date. NASA spent 10 years and 2.5 billion dollars on its development. In fact, it is an autonomous chemical laboratory on wheels, the size of a small car. It was created specifically for the study of the Gale crater. Curiosity is literally stuffed with all sorts of instruments and sensors that can do almost everything from taking high-resolution photos to spectral analysis of solid ground rocks.

Geminoid DK

This is one of the most realistic humanoid robots. It was built by Hiroshi Ishiguro along with his colleagues from Japan's Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International. The appearance of this robot is an exact copy of Professor Henrik Scharfe from Aalborg University. The Geminoid DK can be controlled remotely using advanced motion capture technology. It allows the machine to imitate facial expressions and accurately repeat movements.


Baxter is an unusual industrial robot, although it looks quite ordinary. Such models can be found in almost all more or less modern machine-building enterprises. Its main feature is increased security. Ordinary industrial robots do not differ at all in this feature. If a person is unfortunate enough to fall under their mechanical pincer hands, then everything can end rather sadly. But not with Baxter. In his "head" there is a camera that makes sure that there are no foreign objects in the field of activity. If they come across, then the ultrasonic motors that control the grips of mechanical "hands" automatically release the "pliers".


Paul, perhaps, is the least like a robot in the usual sense. But what he does is amazing. This is a real robot artist, which consists of only one mechanical hand that holds a pencil or fountain pen. The drawing process is extremely simple: a person sits down in front of a camera that scans his face, and then Paul's "hand" begins to draw a portrait. Moreover, the robot does not draw according to a template, each portrait of even the same person turns out to be unique. There is a certain style in his drawings.

wild cat

The development of the famous company Boston Dynamics. This is a reconnaissance robot that is capable of moving over rough terrain, and in gallop mode it can accelerate to 25.7 km / h. Yes, yes, this robot can gallop. And stop abruptly and turn around. In addition, WildCat is incredibly stable, "dropping" it is a real problem.

S One

Rescue robot from the Japanese company Schaft, which was eventually bought by Google (as well as Boston Dynamics, by the way). S-One is a small, stocky, extremely stable and very strong robot. He can lift weights, wield a drill, easily cope with valves and doorknobs. Thanks to the special latest developments, the creators of the robot managed to achieve incredible speed and smoothness in completing the tasks.


This robot was created by two US software developers Jay Flatland and Paul Rose. The robot consists of 6 stepper motors, 4 webcams and a small number of publicly available parts. And his main task is to solve the Rubik's cube. And he does it, just think, in less than one second. Among people, the record for the fastest assembly of the Rubik's Cube now belongs to the American teenager Lucas Etter. In the fall of 2015, he solved the cube in 4.9 seconds. The Sub1 robot took only 0.887 seconds.


The latest development of scientists from the University of Bristol. Row-bot is a prototype robot that is designed to move around the surface of polluted water bodies and eat microbes that actually make the water dirty. It is noteworthy that Row-bot uses the “eaten” microbes as biofuel to generate energy and continue to work.


The Japanese company FANUC has developed the strongest robot in the world. His name, of course, is not very harmonious, but the possibilities are truly impressive. A strongman robot with an arm span of 4.7 meters can lift objects weighing up to 1,700 kg. The previous strongest robot on the planet, Titan, could manipulate objects weighing up to 1 ton, but its “arm” was also slightly longer - 6.5 meters.


Boston Dynamisc recently unveiled a new generation of its Atlas robot to the general public. B his abilities are simply amazing. A bipedal humanoid robot easily walks through a winter forest with a very difficult terrain. At the same time, he maintains balance even when his feet fall into the snow. But if it does fall, the robot is able to independently rise from almost any position.

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