What modern robots can do. Ten of the most unusual and advanced robots in the world. High five and call an ambulance

Who are modern humanoids like?

Robots are getting smarter and more and more integrated into our lives. We are not surprised by artificial intelligence in industrial production, we are used to voice assistants on smartphones. And although smart machines are already everywhere, when we talk about robots, we imagine something similar to a biological being or even a person. Perhaps films like "The Terminator" or "Bicentennial Man" have so influenced the public consciousness. In response to our expectations, development companies are trying to make intelligent machines as similar as possible to an ordinary person. Today, humanoid robots are already working in malls and hospitals, and you can even order such a mechanical friend to take home.


The latest innovations in robotics were recently presented at a conference in Beijing. More than 160 companies from all over the world showed their developments. At the exhibition, robots made cocktails, played drums and danced with visitors. Companion robots, that is, machines capable of social interaction, have attracted the most attention. The most popular among the public was a humanoid - a full-length copy of Chinese basketball star Yao Ming. He entertained guests by throwing balls into the basket.

In the future, companion robots will save not only people, but also pets from loneliness. Such satellites for pets were shown by the Chinese company Ant house. Their model will be able to entertain and feed a dog or cat when the owners are not at home. And if the animal is completely bored, the robot will contact the owner via the Internet. Of course, such an invention is more of a toy, created more out of commercial considerations than necessity. But where assistants are really useful is in medical and social services. In Beijing, P-Care was shown - a work (from Zhongrui Funing Robotics Co., Ltd), which is designed to take care of the elderly. He is able to study the state of health, bring food and medicine, and also help a person move around. P-Care can recognize faces and remember names. He can also distinguish between basic emotions: if his ward is sad, then the robot will sing a song.

Humanoid - a copy of Yao Ming

Japan is leading the way in the development of humanoid robots. In this country, not only expect to strengthen the economy. actively investing in advanced technologies, but also trying to solve their demographic problems. The population of Japan is aging, the death rate exceeds the birth rate, and many older people in the country are left all alone. Tech companies plan that companion robots will be in demand by lonely Japanese.

For a robot to be called an ideal humanoid, it must look, move, and act like a human. So far, clear progress has been made on the first point. Already in the world there are several examples of robots that are very similar to a real person. Geminoid DC is perhaps the most realistic humanoid that looks like a man. Its first model was presented 7 years ago by the Japanese company Kokoro and Osaka University. In the photographs, it is even difficult to distinguish where the humanoid is and where its prototype is Professor Henrik Scharfe from Aalborg University in Denmark. The robot is able to imitate muscle contractions on the face, so it can smile and blink. True, this machine is not autonomous, it must be controlled remotely.

Professor Henrik Scharfe and Geminoid DC

The Japanese company Toshiba released three humanoids in a couple of years, presenting them as sisters - Aiko. Junko and Kanae Chihira. The "oldest", Aiko, appeared in 2014, she spoke Japanese and recognized sign language. A robot in the form of a young girl was created to work in shopping centers. A year later, Junko Chihira appeared. Unlike "sister", she already speaks three languages ​​(Japanese, Chinese and English) and recognizes human speech. Yunko successfully works in the information kiosks of shopping centers in Japan. The latest model - Kanae - the developers tried to make it even more human so that she could work in nursing homes.

Sophia is a superstar among humanoid robots. Appearing for the first time in public in 2015, she immediately fell in love with the media, and her photos and videos scattered across the Internet. The developers indicate that the robot can show dozens of human emotions. Behind the eyes of the humanoid are cameras that allow her to make eye contact with the interlocutor. In her first interview, when asked if she would kill people and plan to take over the world, Sofia answered in the affirmative. Then, however, she said she was joking. On October 8 last year, Sofia received the citizenship of Saudi Arabia. So the robot for the first time became a citizen of the country. This humanoid is the brainchild of American inventor David Hanson. His company Hanson Robotics, based in Hong Kong, specializes in humanoid robots. The company's website now presents 9 models of humanoids. One of the first developments of the company is a small copy of Einstein, which will help the child to master the exact sciences. Such a professor costs $200. The remaining robots are not yet sold in the public domain. But judging by how rapidly Hanson Robotics is developing, it may soon release one of its humanoids on the market.

The robot building industry is growing rapidly and the competition in this area is already serious. In the meantime, inventors are trying to create a perfect model, perhaps even surpassing a person in intelligence, the world is seriously concerned about the consequences of such innovations. At the end of July, a team of scientists from the University of Duisberg-Essen in Germany released a study that shows that robots can manipulate people. The scientists asked 89 people to interact with a small Nao robot and then turn it off. According to the plan, artificial intelligence was supposed to behave like a soulless machine with one group of people, and be humane with another. In the second group, the people hesitated when the robot asked them not to turn it off because it was scared. And 13 people took pity on the car and could not turn it off. This is an example of how we use the same social norms and reactions with non-living objects like computers or smartphones as we do with ordinary people. And since humanoids are capable of communication, can speak with human voices and look like us, people tend to behave with them even more socially. Because of this, a discussion arose: is it worth giving robots the appearance of a person at all, or let them remain machines so as not to mislead us and not cause unnecessary emotions? Here the world is divided - in Japan, Singapore, they improve the appearance of humanoids, bringing them closer to real people, and in Western Europe and the USA, on the contrary, they choose robots for the service sector, which look more like aliens.

"Rock Paper Scissors"

Robots are useful and different. Useful, of course, more. But there are those that amaze us with their "important" functionality. For example, a robot created by scientists at the University of Tokyo this month that plays rock-paper-scissors with a human. Moreover, he is able to win in 100% of cases, as he recognizes the formation of the figure even before the end, and then quickly shows the winning option. This is such an interesting game.

“Hit a target with a bow? No problem!"

Have you ever tried archery? Hitting the target is not an easy task. A person needs to train a lot for this. But the archer robot, created by the engineers of the Italian Institute of Technology, is able to learn in just a few attempts, adjusting to the target until the shot is perfect. Of course, he is still far from the Olympic champions in archery. If you add a wind that constantly changes direction, the archer robot will never be able to adjust to the target.

"Now I'll play for you!"

Toyota Robot is a Japanese robot capable of playing famous musical masterpieces. I wonder if you can call it "live music", because he really plays live?

“No one to play ball with? Play with the robot!

A specialist from Disney Research has created a robot that will not let you get bored. What can he do? Catch the ball and throw it back. You say it's too easy? But this is only at first glance. A whole system of ASUS Xtion PRO LIVE cameras and a flight prediction algorithm were created to track the movement. Moreover, if the robot drops the ball, it thoughtfully shakes its head and shrugs.

"Do not repeat after me!"

Japanese scientists have created robots that are difficult to distinguish from people at first glance. In addition, scientists have trained them to repeat the facial expressions and movements of a person. So don't be too surprised if you meet a strange type on the street, repeating after you. Maybe he's just a robot...

"Look who I caught!"

Meet ChouChou, the world's first butterfly robot. It looks like a real one, and even reacts to a knock on the lid of the jar!

"Pour me a beer!"

Imagine this situation: you go to your favorite bar, sit down at the counter and, out of habit, throw to the bartender: “I, as usual: a glass of light”. In response, you hear an electronic: "Your $2.50, please." You raise your eyes, and there ... a robot consisting of Lego blocks. He smiles cheerfully and hands you your beer, and at the same time he lets go of some topical joke.
And it's not fantasy! Such a robot really exists, thanks to the efforts of students from the Faculty of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics of the University of Saarland in Germany.

Educational presentation "What robots can do" for preschool children

Target: introduce children to the fields of application of robotics.

Presentation Tasks

  1. Stimulate the motivation of children to gain knowledge, help shape the creative personality of the child;
  2. To promote the development of interest in technology, design, programming, high technology, the development of design, engineering and computing skills;
  3. To develop the scientific, technical and creative potential of the personality of a preschooler.

Presentation progress

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Man has always strived for new discoveries and inventions. Previously, people did not have clothes, they did not know how to build houses, there was no electricity and various transport. Food was cooked on fire and stones, because there were no utensils. Imagine how people would live today if computers and telephones had not been invented?

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Every day, scientists around the world make discoveries, invent spaceships, medicines and robots. Who knows what robots can do? The first robots appeared at the end of the 19th century - the Russian engineer Pafnuty Chebyshev came up with a mechanism - a stop-walker with high cross-country ability.

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The first plantigrade machine created by Chebyshev himself can be seen today in the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow.

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Modern robots are used in all industries - space exploration, healthcare, public safety, entertainment, defense and much more. In some areas, robots have completely replaced humans. Let's get to know them better.

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Robots help people with disabilities lead a normal life. Scientists have developed bionic prostheses (limbs that can be controlled using muscles and the brain.

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For lonely elderly people, scientists have come up with robots - grandchildren with whom you can talk, play and even go for a walk.

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In Japan, robots work as waiters in cafes. They take orders, serve dishes and smile at customers.

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Robots are used to entertain people, create laser shows.

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The fire-breathing dragon robot entertains children and adults in the national park.

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But their main task is to come to the rescue in a difficult situation. Robots are used in places of increased danger to avoid human casualties. Here, for example, is a robot shield for police officers.

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A robot that can put out fires is controlled by a person who is far from a dangerous place and will not be harmed by fire.

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Robots are used to clear rubble, in places where a person cannot get.

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Robots help to film from a height, from space.

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Robots also come to the aid of the military. With them you can train, practice combat techniques.

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Robots help people make new scientific discoveries. They can even be sent to another planet. The robotic arm helps with the docking of spacecraft.

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And such a robot at the bottom of the ocean analyzes the level of water pollution, the amount of oxygen and other elements. It transmits its information to the surface and scientists plan their work.

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Robots are not afraid of severe frosts and can work where a person freezes. This robot explores the surface in the most inaccessible places.

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Robots can do almost everything that a person can: shift objects, distinguish emotions, make friends ...

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And even look like a person.

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Robots have been side by side with us for a long time and make human life interesting, full of new knowledge and discoveries.

WheeMe is the world's first massage robot developed by the Israeli company DreamBots. It weighs only 240 grams, does not exceed the size of a palm, and can easily move around the human body without falling - a complex system of sensors is responsible for this.

Curiosity is a medium-sized robot that NASA launched to Mars on November 26, 2011 and landed on August 6, 2012. The rover is a self-contained chemistry laboratory designed specifically to explore Gale Crater. This is one of NASA's longest-running and most expensive projects, taking 10 years and $2.5 billion to develop.

Pleo is a toy dinosaur from Caleb Chang that can sense the environment, learn and express emotions. Thanks to powerful sensors, Pleo can distinguish colors and shades, respond to sounds, and even sense food or medicine. He also depicts the process of eating and sleeping.

PackBot is a series of military robots from the American company iROBOT, launched in 2001. Used in Afghanistan and Iraq to collect information, search for mines and deliver equipment. PackBot travels at speeds up to 14 km/h and is either controlled from a distance or operates independently, relying on an advanced GPS system.

BigDog is the development of Boston Dynamics, the best robot in the world for moving over rough terrain. It is designed for military purposes, weighing 110 kg with a size of a meter in length and 80 cm in height. BigDog overcomes any terrain at a speed of 6.5 km / h, while carrying 150 kg of cargo and finds its way using the LIDAR optical system and stereo vision.

I-Sobot is one of the smallest humanoid robots in the world, at 16 cm tall and weighing 340 grams. Received the "Best Robot of 2008" award from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. I-Sobot walks, plays the "air guitar" and is able to imitate 200 different movements. Controlled by remote control or voice commands.

Stanley is a self-driving car created by Stanford University in collaboration with Volkswagen. Considered one of the best self-driving cars in the world, having won a $2 million award at the DAPRA competition in 2005. Stanley completed the 212 km test track in 7 hours at an average speed of 30 km/h using a Sick AG LIDAR terrain recognition system and a GPS navigator.

KeepOn is a tiny dancing toy designed by Hideki Kojima in 2007. This robot is designed to help children with profound autism by helping them develop social skills and motor coordination.

Shaft is a Google robot introduced at the DAPRA competition in 2013. Built for rescue work, it can lift weights, use drills, turn faucets and doorknobs—something other robots usually fail to do. Thanks to the latest developments, Schaft moves and performs tasks incredibly quickly and smoothly.

Titan is the strongest robot on the planet, included in the Guinness Book of Records, the brainchild of the German company KUKA Robotics. Titan can handle loads up to 1 ton at a distance of 6.5 meters, moving heavy engines, steel bars, parts of ships and aircraft, and even combining some parts.

These ten robots were designed either for experimental purposes or for the obvious purpose of benefiting humans. It is possible that they, or the machines inspired by them, will have a significant impact on our future.

People began to invent the first robots already in the middle of the last century. Of course, the first cumbersome developments only remotely resembled modern ones.

People began to invent the first robots already in the middle of the last century. Of course, the first cumbersome developments only remotely resembled modern ones, but only thanks to their appearance, science was able to advance in the study and design of robotics. The modern stage of the development of civilization can offer millions of modifications of automatic devices, let's get acquainted with the most famous of them.

AsimoAsimo is a Japanese robot created by the Honda Corporation. Initial technical developments have been carried out by the organization since the early 1980s. The finished product in the form of a robot Asimo was presented to the public at the beginning of the new millennium. It has become one of the most discussed projects of the 21st century.

At the moment, Japanese developers continue to upgrade the device. Asimo, assembled in 2014, is a robot with a height of 1.5 meters and a weight of 50 kg. An automatic device is able to independently maneuver in space, avoid obstacles, perform actions within its program, for example, bring tea at the request of a person.


The VGo robotic telepresence device is controlled via a Wi-Fi network. The robot can move, speak, hear and see the objects around it. The user can connect a device to the system and use it as a kind of camera.

Such a development was created for people with disabilities who cannot visit certain places. For example, a disabled child can see his school class while at home. He will be able to receive assignments and follow the lessons through the VGo robot.

Boston Dynamics

This robot was introduced in 2005. BigDog is a four-legged device that can cover considerable distances. The length of the BigDog model is 1.5 meters, the height reaches 1 meter. The weight of such a robot is 110 kg. With it, a person can transport loads weighing up to 150 kg, the minimum speed of the robot will be 6 km/h.


Employees of the University of Zurich created Roboy. This exhibit has movable tendons, so its gestures resemble human ones. Roboy construction has a soft surface, you can feel the individual joints. The robot can express different emotions. It is believed that he would be a good helper for lonely elderly people deprived of attention, care and care.


This is a giant robot with a height of 4 meters. The weight of the device reaches 4.5 tons. It implies the presence of a driver who controls the car from the cab. It is possible to control the actions of the giant from a distance using a remote panel. The maximum speed of movement of the Kuratas robot reaches 10 km/h.

The device was created by Japanese artist Kogoro Kurata, who designed it based on the design from the anime. Roboticist Wataru Yoshizaki completed the design. The cost of the robot is $1.3 million.


Italian experts have developed a humanoid robot called iCub, the appearance of which almost completely repeats the structure of the human body. The device responds when called by name. It is able to identify familiar people, remember the names and properties of inanimate objects.

The automatic device iCub can navigate in space and find a way out of complex labyrinths. He was taught to shoot a bow with perfect accuracy.

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