How to write off additional capital. Additional capital - an asset or a liability? Formation of additional capital from the revaluation of non-current assets

) - the amount of additional capital at the beginning of the reporting period.

Credit turnover - an increase in additional capital.

Debit turnover - reduction of additional capital.

Closing balance (on a loan) - the amount of additional capital at the end of the reporting period.

The sources of additional capital formation are:

  • increase in the value of non-current assets based on the results of revaluation;
  • share premium;
  • positive exchange differences resulting from the contribution of foreign currency to the authorized capital of the organization;
  • funds allocated from the budget and used to finance long-term investments, etc.

Use of additional capital funds:

  • repayment of the amount of reduction in the value of non-current assets as a result of revaluation;
  • negative exchange differences resulting from the contribution of foreign currency to the authorized capital;
  • increase in the authorized capital of the organization;
  • distribution of additional capital among the founders of the organization;
  • in the event of disposal of a previously revalued fixed asset.

According to PBU 3/2006, exchange differences associated with settlements with the founders on deposits, including in the authorized (share) capital of the organization, are subject to crediting to the additional capital of this organization. In this case, the exchange rate difference means the difference arising between the official foreign exchange rates quoted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and as of the date of state registration of constituent documents.

Additional capital is joined by appropriations received from the budget of any level, which are spent by the organization to finance long-term investments. Funds can only be used for the intended purpose.


On the balance sheet of the organization there is a woodworking machine, the initial cost of which is 100,000 rubles. The depreciation amount of this machine is 50,000 rubles.

As of January 1, the machine was revalued: the initial cost in the amount of 60,000 rubles, depreciation - by 25,000 rubles.

In the accounting of the organization, these transactions should be reflected in the following entries:

Dt 01 Kt 83 RUB 60,000 - increased cost of the machine;

Dt 83 Kt 02 RUB 25,000 - depreciation added.

Thus, as a result of the revaluation, the additional capital will be increased by 45,000 rubles. (60,000 rubles - 25,000 rubles)


It was decided to increase the authorized capital of OAO "Magnat" through an additional issue of shares with a nominal value of 100,000 rubles. As a result of the subscription, the amount from the sale of shares amounted to 150,000 rubles.

In this case, the following entries should be made in the accounting of the company:

Dt 75 Kt 80 100 000 rub. - the authorized capital of the company has been increased; Dt 51 Kt 75 150 000 rub. - received funds to pay for shares;

Dt 75 Kt 83 RUB 50,000 - issuance income is taken into account.


According to the founding documents of Alfa LLC, the contribution of a foreign founder to this company is 10,000 US dollars. The US dollar exchange rate as of the date of registration of constituent documents is 26 rubles/dollar. USA, and on the date of receipt of funds to the foreign currency account - 26.5 rubles / dollar. USA. These operations in the accounting records of Alfa LLC are reflected as follows:

Dt 75 Kt 80 260 000 rub. - the authorized capital was formed as of the date of state registration of documents;

Dt 52 Kt RUB 75,265,000 - funds were received in payment of the authorized capital to a foreign currency account;

Dt 75 Kt 83 RUB 5,000 - written off the exchange rate difference.


Organization LLC "Consent" received from the local budget targeted funds in the amount of 100,000 rubles. to purchase equipment. The following entries were made in the accounting records of the organization:

Dt 76 Kt 86 100 000 rub. - a decision was made to provide investment funds;

Dt 51 Kt RUB 76,100,000 - funds have been received on the bank account of the organization;

Dt 01 Ct 08 100 000 rub. - the equipment is put into operation;

Dt 86 Kt 83 100 000 rub. - additional capital increased by the amount of actually used investment funds.


At the meeting of shareholders, a decision was made to increase the authorized capital of OAO Kama by 75,000 rubles. by issuing additional shares at the expense of share premium distributed among shareholders.

In accounting, in this case, the following entry is made: Dt 83 Kt 80 75,000 rubles. - the authorized capital was increased.

Register of synthetic accounting - journal-order No. 12.

Analytical accounting is carried out according to the sources of additional capital formation and directions of use.

When an organization uses an automated form of accounting using the 1C: Enterprise software product, the registers of synthetic accounting are the turnover of account 83 (General Ledger), analysis of account 83, balance sheet, etc. The registers of analytical accounting are the balance sheet on account 83, analysis of account 83 by subconto, turnover between subconto, account card 83, account card 83 by subconto, etc.

Main correspondence on account 83 "Additional capital"
Content of operationsDebitCredit
Increase in the value of non-current assets:
- increased cost of fixed assets01 83
- increased depreciation of fixed assets83 02
Decrease in the value of non-current assets:
- reduced cost of fixed assets83 01
- reduced amount of depreciation of fixed assets02 83
Share premium received from the sale of shares of a joint-stock company at a price above par (exceeding the sale price over par):
- reflects share premium75-1 83
- share premium is distributed among the founders of the organization83 75-2
Exchange differences:
- reflects the positive exchange rate difference resulting from the contribution of foreign currency to the authorized capital75-1 83
- reflects the negative exchange rate difference resulting from the contribution of foreign currency to the authorized capital83 75-1
Budget appropriations:
- increase in additional capital by the amount of actually used investment funds86 83
Additional capital is aimed at increasing the authorized capital83 80
Additional capital is distributed among the founders of the organization83 75
The amount of the revaluation for the retired fixed asset (previously revalued) is attributed to the increase in the organization's retained earnings, i.e., the amount of the previously accrued revaluation is written off83 84

Accounting for additional capitalsignificantaspect in the organization of effective accounting in the enterprise. There can always be financial difficulties in a company, some of which are helped by additional capital. But how can accounting correctly reflect transactions that entail an increase or decrease in additional capital? Our article is devoted to the answer to this question.

What is additional capital and why does an organization need it?

Additional capital can be defined as the amount of own funds formed within the company, the occurrence of which is not associated with the emergence of any obligations to counterparties. As a general rule, the more equity a firm has, the higher its net assets, and hence the more stable its financial position.

For net assets, see the article.

Therefore, the larger the additional capital, the more stable the company is financially. Therefore, additional capital acts as a kind of insurance against some crisis situations, a "safety cushion".

Important! The additional capital of the company cannot be formed at the arbitrary desire of the management. There are strictly defined situations that entail the formation and growth of additional capital. Such situations are established in the Regulation on accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 29, 1998 No. 34n.

Additional capital in an organization can be formed in 3 ways (clause 68 of Regulation No. 34n):

  • as a result of obtaining positive results of the revaluation of non-current assets (revaluation);
  • in the event that the cash income from the sale of a share in the company exceeds the nominal value of such a share (share premium of JSC);
  • in a situation where the company received other amounts similar in their legal meaning.

In addition to these methods, the company can increase additional capital at the expense of part of the profit (remaining after the payment of dividends), as well as when targeted funds are transferred to it (Chart of Accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

The legislator establishes not only the possible cases of formation, but also the cases when the company has the right to spend its additional capital in part or in full. The latter include:

  • repayment of the revealed markdown of previously valued non-current assets;
  • increase in the authorized capital of the company;
  • distribution of additional capital among business owners.

In addition, there are some ways of using additional capital, the legality of which is often disputed in practice.

About this, as well as about the cases of formation and use of additional capital, see the article.

Thus, the additional capital in the company plays the role of an important financial insurance, despite the fact that its use is limited. Therefore, the accounting service of each organization should know how to keep records of additional capital, as well as what postings should be used to process operations to change it.

On what account is the additional capital taken into account and how is it reflected in the financial statements

Since the additional capital is the company's own funds, and according to the general accounting rules, they are related to the liabilities of the organization, therefore, the accounting of the additional capital should be carried out in the context of a passive account.

Account 83 is such an account. Credit operations on account 83 mean that additional capital is growing. If the entry is made in debit, then, on the contrary, this means that the operation reduces the additional capital.

When compiling the financial statements of the company on any particular date, the value of additional capital is also subject to reflection in the company's own funds. To do this, there is line 1350 “Additional capital without revaluation” in the balance sheet. It should indicate the amount of additional capital, excluding from it the amount of the identified positive revaluation (revaluation) of fixed assets.

How to do it in practice? It is necessary to subtract from the total balance on the credit of account 83 the amount attributable to the previously identified total revaluation of the firm's non-current assets.

Pay attention! In accordance with clause 68 of Regulation No. 34n, each amount forming additional capital must be reflected in the accounting separately. Consequently, when accounting for additional capital, companies conduct analytics of individual amounts that form additional capital on separate sub-accounts in the context of account 83. Therefore, the company is able to identify the total amount of revaluation of fixed assets by looking at the credit balance on the corresponding sub-account of account 83.

The fixed asset revaluation amount, in turn, is recorded in another line of the balance sheet, namely line 1340.

For information on what aspects it is important for an accountant to know when accounting for other parts of a company's equity capital, see the article.

In practice, as mentioned above, there are several possible situations in which the additional capital of the firm can be formed or used. At the same time, some situations are “mirror”, i.e., under some circumstances, additional capital is increased, and under other circumstances, it is reduced.

Let's consider such situations.

Formation and use of additional capital (transactions) as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets

The value of additional capital is directly affected by the result of revaluation of fixed assets.

In particular, additional capital at the enterprise is formed if an additional assessment of non-current assets is revealed. Since they are accounted for on active account 01, the posting of an increase in additional capital due to the identified amount of revaluation of the fixed asset object will look like this:

Dt 01 Ct 83.

Pay attention! If an additional assessment of the fixed assets object is carried out, then the initial cost increases, which is subsequently subject to depreciation. Therefore, simultaneously with the reflection in the accounting of an increase in additional capital, in this case, an increase in accrued depreciation should be reflected.

Since depreciation will subsequently be written off at the expense of the revaluation amounts, i.e., at the expense of a part of the additional capital, the accounting for the increase in depreciation as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets will look like this:

Dt 83 Kt 02.

Subsequently, if the company has identified a markdown for those fixed assets for which the revaluation amount was previously included in additional capital, then the amount of additional capital must be reduced. This is one of the ways in which the firm uses the extra capital. In accounting, it is drawn up by posting:

Dt 83 Kt 01.

As in the case of revaluation, the identification of a writedown of non-current assets directly affects the amount of depreciation charged. Therefore, if, as a result of the revaluation, the value of the fixed assets object has decreased, then the additional capital should also include the amount of depreciation additionally accrued on the object. You need to do this by wiring:

Dt 02 Kt 83.

At the same time, the amount of the identified markdown should not exceed the total revaluation for previous periods. Otherwise, the value of the decrease in the value of the fixed asset (in terms of the excess of the markdown on the revaluation) will be included in the financial results as other expenses:

Dt 91-2 (subaccount "Other expenses") Kt 01.

Excessive depreciation in this case will be the other income of the company:

Dt 02 Kt 91-1 (sub-account "Other income").

The above rules apply to the case when a company initially identified an increase in the value of its fixed assets, i.e., underestimated them.

However, in practice, the reverse situation is also possible: at the first revaluation, the company revealed a decrease in the initial cost of the fixed asset (discounted it). In this case, by virtue of clause 15 of PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n, the amount of the markdown should be charged to financial results as expenses:

Dt 91-2 Kt 01.

Then the amount of the increase in the value of the fixed assets identified during the subsequent revaluation will not form additional capital, but should be written off to the financial result as other income:

Dt 01 Kt 91-1.

If the amount of the subsequent revaluation exceeds the previously made markdown of the asset (i.e., there will be a complete offset of the initial markdown and subsequent revaluations), then the general rules again apply: the revaluation amount increases the additional capital.

Permanent differences in the revaluation of fixed assets

Another important nuance is connected with the revaluation of non-current assets, which forms the additional capital of the company: the amount of the revaluation is not recognized as taxable income of the company (clause 1, article 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, an increase in the initial cost of revalued fixed assets will not affect the amount of depreciation accrued for such objects in tax accounting. And this means that depreciation on revalued fixed assets according to accounting rules will be charged in a larger amount than according to tax accounting rules.

Therefore, permanent differences will form in accounting, which, in turn, form a permanent tax liability for the company (clauses 4, 7 of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2002 No. 114n) . Accordingly, in accounting it is also necessary to reflect the accrual of a permanent tax liability (PNO) for the amount of the difference between depreciation, accepted in accounting and tax accounting:

Dt 99 (sub-account "PNO") Kt 68.

For more information on deferred tax liabilities, taxable and deductible temporary differences, see the article.

Otherwise, if the fixed assets object was discounted, the depreciation in accounting will become lower than the tax one, which will also lead to the formation of a permanent difference. In this regard, the company has a permanent tax asset, which must be reflected in the posting:

Dt 68 Kt 99 (sub-account "PNA").

Formation and use of additional capital as a result of the formation of exchange differences on the contributions of the founders

Additional capital at the enterprise can also be formed as a result of the formation of exchange rate differences when the owner makes contributions to the authorized capital of the company, which are denominated in foreign currency. The key here is the date of the actual transfer of the contribution to the firm's foreign currency account. On this date, the exchange rate difference arises, increasing the additional capital (clause 14 PBU 3/2006 “Accounting for assets and liabilities in foreign currency”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 154n). We will explain the reflection of such a difference in accounting with an example.


The founder decided to contribute 100 euros to the authorized capital in March. Therefore, in March, the debt of the founder for the contribution to the authorized capital will be formed in accounting based on the ruble exchange rate on this date (for March) by posting:

Dt 75 Kt 80.

However, in fact, 100 euros were transferred only in October:

Dt 52 Kt 75.

The euro exchange rate against the ruble in October is already different, it has become higher. This means that the company has generated additional ruble income - a positive exchange rate difference, which, by virtue of PBU 3/2006, should be written off to increase additional capital by posting:

Dt 75 Kt 83.

In the opposite situation, when the exchange rate fell on the date of the actual deposit by the owner of the funds, the situation is exactly the opposite: a negative exchange rate difference arises, which can be covered by reducing the additional capital of the organization. In accounting, such a fact of economic life is documented by the following sequential postings:

  • Dt 75-1 Kt 80 - the ruble debt of the founders on deposits in foreign currency is formed in the accounting;
  • Dt 52 Kt 75-1 - the corresponding amount was transferred to the organization's currency account;
  • Dt 83 Kt 75-1 - additional capital is reduced by the amount of the negative exchange rate difference.

Other cases of formation of additional capital of the company

The next way to form (increase) additional capital is to sell shares (for JSC) or a share of ownership (for LLC) in the company at a price higher than the nominal one.

In this case, only the nominal value of the share in the company will go to increase the authorized capital. The excess of the selling price over the nominal value will be written off to additional capital. Therefore, if an organization has received such additional income from the sale of a share, it will have to reflect in accounting both an increase in the authorized capital and an increase in additional:

Dt 75 Kt 80 (in the amount of the nominal value of the share);

Dt 75 Kt 83 (in terms of excess).

In this case, the actual receipt of funds in payment for the purchased share from the new owner will be recorded by posting:

Dt 51 Kt 75.

The chart of accounts provides that account 83 can correspond with account 84. Therefore, the decision by the company's management to increase additional capital at the expense of existing retained earnings will be documented by the posting:

Dt 84 Kt 83.

In addition, the current legislation allows the organization to increase additional capital at the expense of funds that the owners contributed to the business in order to increase net assets (this follows from subparagraph 3.4 of paragraph 1 of article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, after the receipt of funds from the founders (which is documented by posting Dt 51 Kt 75), the increase in additional capital must be reflected by posting:

Dt 75 Kt 83.

Reflection of other cases of use of additional capital on account 83

Above were listed situations related to changes in the company's additional capital, including as a result of revaluation of fixed assets.

With regard to non-current assets, another point is also important. By virtue of clause 15 of PBU 6/01, if an asset is retired, then the amount of the remaining revaluation for it should be attributed to retained earnings. Therefore, if for any reason (sale, liquidation, transfer as a contribution to the authorized capital, etc.) the fixed asset in the company retires, it is necessary to record the operation to reduce the additional capital by the amount of the revaluation for such fixed assets:

Dt 83 Kt 84.

Pay attention! It is possible to write off additional capital for profit only if the fixed assets object has retired. Therefore, if a non-current asset is fully depreciated, but not retired, additional capital should not be written off. After all, a company can always upgrade or reconstruct such an asset, which will increase its value, which means that such a new value will have to be reassessed again.

Additional capital can be used to increase the share capital. This follows from the law "On JSC" dated 26.12.1995 No. 208-FZ and the law "On LLC" dated 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ, which allow increasing the authorized capital of the company at the expense of its own funds. In accounting, the corresponding operation is reflected in the accounting entry:

Dt 83 Kt 80.

In addition to the above ways of spending additional capital, it can be partially or completely distributed among the shareholders (owners). Such an accounting transaction is reflected in the following accounting entry:

Dt 83 Kt 75.

Pay attention! The above entry reflects the formation of the organization's debt to the owners in accounting.

The actual payment to the founders of funds at the expense of additional capital will subsequently be recorded in successive entries:

Dt 75 Kt 51 (in terms of the principal amounts paid to owners),

Dt 75 Kt 68 (withholding personal income tax).

In practice, a controversial question arises: is it possible to use additional capital to cover the losses of previous years? At the moment, the legislation does not prohibit this. The regulatory authorities believe that losses cannot be compensated only at the expense of the revaluation of fixed assets, but at the same time they note that the Tax Code does not provide for sanctions for this (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2000 No. 04-02-05 / 2). Therefore, it can be assumed that companies are not yet deprived of the right to use their additional capital to cover losses. To do this, it is necessary to reflect the posting in the accounting:

Dt 83 Kt 84.


Thus, the correct accounting of additional capital allows the company to mitigate such potentially negative situations as the identification of a writedown of non-current assets, a lack of funds to pay dividends to participants, etc. In addition, there are other ways in which the company's additional capital can be used.

According to accounting rules, the formation and increase in additional capital is reflected in the credit of account 83, and its decrease in debit. It is important for the accounting service of the company to remember that correct accounting is possible only if detailed analytics are maintained for each component of the additional capital (which includes amounts that are identical in their economic nature) on the corresponding sub-account of account 83.

The company's own capital is formed from the authorized, additional, reserve capital, as well as accumulated funds.

Sources of additional capital formation

Additional capital can be formed due to:

Share premium received from the placement of shares at a price higher than the nominal or redemption value;

The amount of revaluation of non-current assets - the amount of growth, which is achieved by bringing the property to the market price;

Excess of the actual value of the contribution to the authorized capital over its nominal amount;

Exchange differences arising from the formation of the authorized capital;

The amount of incoming restored VAT when making property in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital;

property received free of charge;

Appropriations received from the budget, which are used to finance; the basis for including these funds is their intended use.

Also, additional capital arises from the amounts of retained earnings aimed at long-term investments.

The company receives additional share premium when shares are placed at a price exceeding their nominal value. The latter is determined on the basis of the ratio of the authorized capital and the number of shares. If during the placement the shares were sold at their nominal price, share premium will not be received.

In the course of a secondary offering, share premium may be received from a secondary offering of shares after their repurchase from shareholders.

Exchange difference

Additional capital from the exchange rate difference arises if there is foreign investment in a commercial organization. Investments in the authorized capital in foreign currency are recalculated into the ruble equivalent. The exchange rate difference is calculated as the difference between investments in the authorized capital in foreign currency in terms of the ruble value at the exchange rate of the Central Bank and the debt of the founder as of the date of payment.

For example, the constituent documents provide for a contribution of a person in the amount of 10,000 rubles, the founder paid off his debt by depositing $ 300 into the account, which at the rate of the Central Bank is 10,664 rubles. Thus, 664 p. will be included in additional capital.

Excess of the contribution to the authorized capital and VAT recovery

Not only money, but also other property (for example, materials, intangible assets, etc.) can act as a contribution to the authorized capital. If the appraiser concludes that the value of the property is higher than the nominal contribution of the founders, then the company will form additional capital.

If property is a contribution to the MC, then the founder needs to recover the input VAT on it. It is restored on the basis of the residual value of the property or at the actual cost of the acquisition.

Within the framework of this article, the issues of accounting for the formation of additional capital will be considered.

Reflection of additional capital in accounting

In accordance with 66 additional capital is included in the company's own capital. Additional capital includes the amount of revaluation of non-current assets carried out in accordance with the established procedure, the amount received in excess of the nominal value of the outstanding shares (share premium) and other similar amounts ( 68Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation). The specificity of additional capital lies in the fact that it allows you to take into account operations that cannot be carried out either at the expense of authorized capital or at the expense of profit.

To summarize information about additional capital Chart of accounts a passive account 83 “Additional capital” is provided. Chart of accounts does not suggest which sub-accounts are opened for account 83 "Additional capital". However, from the content 68Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation it follows that the revaluation of non-current assets, share premium and other similar amounts are reflected in the balance sheet separately. To fulfill this requirement, an enterprise can open sub-accounts “Increase in the value of property during revaluation”, “Share premium”, etc.

Analytical accounting on account 83 "Additional capital" is organized in such a way as to ensure the formation of information on the sources of education and directions for the use of funds.

General procedure for the formation of additional capital

According to the credit of account 83 "Additional capital", the following are reflected:
  • increase in the value of non-current assets, revealed by the results of their revaluation - in correspondence with the accounts of assets for which the increase in value was determined;
  • the amount of the difference between the sale and par value of shares, received in the process of formation of the authorized capital of the joint-stock company (during the establishment of the company, with a subsequent increase in the authorized capital) due to the sale of shares at a price exceeding the nominal value, in correspondence with account 75 “Settlements with founders”.
The difference between the sale and par value of shares can also be formed due to a positive exchange rate difference in the case when contributions to the authorized capital are made in foreign currency and for the period from the moment the debt is recognized for the shareholder to the moment of payment, the foreign exchange rate against the ruble has increased.

And now let's move on to a detailed consideration of the operations of generating additional capital.

Formation of additional capital due to the increase in the value of non-current assets

The procedure for the formation of additional capital as a result of an increase in the value of fixed assets is established PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets» . According to par. 5 p. 15 PBU 6/01 the amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset as a result of the revaluation is credited to additional capital, except for the following case. If the amount of revaluation of a fixed asset object is equal to the amount of its writedown carried out in previous reporting periods and charged to the financial result as other expenses, then it (revaluation) is credited to the financial result as other income.

The change in the initial cost during the revaluation of the relevant objects is reflected in the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets" in correspondence with account 83 "Additional capital". At the same time, depreciation is subject to a proportional change by means of accounting entries on the debit of account 83 “Additional capital” and the credit of account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”.

Example 1

The enterprise conducts a revaluation of fixed assets, the result of which is reflected in the accounting as of 01/01/2014. Previously, the object was not revalued. Excluding revaluation, the initial cost of the object is 76,271.19 rubles, depreciation - 24,843.20 rubles. The amount of revaluation on account 01 "Fixed assets" is 13,728.81 rubles, on account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", respectively, 4,471.77 rubles.

Example 2

The enterprise conducts a revaluation of fixed assets, the result of which is reflected in the accounting as of 01/01/2014. Previously, the object was subject to revaluation by way of its devaluation with reference to the financial result: on account 01 "Fixed assets" - 14,854.04 rubles, on account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" - 2,970.81 rubles. Excluding the second revaluation, the replacement cost of the object is 143,226.73 rubles, depreciation is 28,645.37 rubles. According to the revaluation statement as of January 1, 2014, the amount of revaluation on account 01 "Fixed assets" is 18,984.71 rubles, on account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", respectively, 3,796.95 rubles.

The following entries will be made in accounting:

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
Reflected the amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset within the previously made markdown 01 91-1 14 854,04
Reflected the difference between the amount of recalculated depreciation and the amount of accumulated depreciation within the previously made markdown 91-2 02 2 970,81
Reflected the amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset in excess of the previously made markdown

(18,984.71 - 14,854.04) rubles

01 83 4 130,67
Reflected the difference between the amount of recalculated depreciation and the amount of accumulated depreciation in excess of the writedown

(3,796.95 - 2,970.81) rubles

83 02 826,14

Formation of additional capital at the expense of share premium

When forming or increasing the authorized capital of a JSC, in the event that shares are sold at a price higher than the nominal value, a difference is formed between the selling and nominal value of the shares. This difference is called share premium and based on Instructions for using the Planaccounts refers to the credit of account 83 "Additional capital" in correspondence with account 75 "Settlements with founders".

Despite the fact that only joint-stock companies can have share premium, an analogy is applied to LLC when they sell shares above par - this is indicated letters from the Ministry of Finance of Russiadated 15.09.2009 No. 03-03-06/1/582 ,dated 09.08.2004 No. 07-05-12/18 .

Example 3

The authorized capital of the LLC is fully paid up and amounts to 50,000 rubles. The meeting of participants decided to increase the authorized capital

by selling to a new participant a share with a nominal value of 10,000 rubles. at a price of 15,000 rubles. The share was paid on 09/09/2013. Registration of changes in the charter was made on 25.09.2013.

Formation of additional capital due to a positive exchange rate difference

Based Art. 6 of the Federal Law of 09.07.1999 No.160-FZ "On Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation" foreign investors (unlike Russian ones) can make their contribution in foreign currency. In accordance with Clause 14 PBU 3/2006 "Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency" the resulting exchange rate difference shall be credited to the additional capital of the enterprise.

Accounting entries for the formation of additional capital at the expense of the amounts of exchange differences are made as follows:

1) the formation of debt of a foreign founder in the ruble value of this contribution in the constituent documents - Debit 75 "Settlements with founders" Credit 80 "Authorized capital";

2) receipt from a foreign founder of foreign currency at the rate as of the date of crediting to a currency account - Debit 52 “Currency accounts” Credit 75 “Settlements with founders”;

3) reflection of a positive exchange rate difference in the event of an increase in the exchange rate of a foreign currency - Debit 75 “Settlements with founders” Credit 83 “Additional capital”.

Example 4

The value of the authorized capital of CJSC Volga, according to the charter, is 5 million rubles. The shares are distributed between two shareholders: Strelets LLC - 3 million rubles, Wolf Limited - 2 million rubles. According to the agreement on the establishment of CJSC Volga dated October 25, 2013, Strelets LLC pays its share in rubles, and Wolf Limited pays in US dollars in the amount of USD 63,167.60.

The state registration of CJSC Volga was made on 04.11.2013. The shares of Strelets LLC and Wolf Limited were paid on 11/12/2013.

The exchange rate of the US dollar as of October 25, 2013 is 31.6618 rubles/USD, as of November 12, 2013 - 32.6622 rubles/USD.

The following accounting entries were made in the accounting of CJSC Volga:

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
The authorized capital was formed at the expense of the share of Strelets LLC 75-1 80 3 000 000
The authorized capital was formed at the expense of the share of Wolf Limited 75-1 80 2 000 000
A contribution was made by Strelets LLC 51 75-1 3 000 000
Contributed by Wolf Limited

(USD 63,167.60 × RUB 32.6622/USD)

52 75-1 2 063 192,78
Additional capital was formed due to a positive exchange rate difference 75-1 83 63 192,78

Formation of additional capital at the expense of targeted financing

Based Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts the use of the amounts of target financing received in the form of investment funds is reflected in the debit of account 86 "Target financing" and the credit of account 83 "Additional capital".

Example 5

On October 25, 2013, the Voskhod Foundation received a charitable contribution from a legal entity for the Living Forest target program in the form of equipment with a book value of 50,000 rubles. The equipment was put into operation on 04.11.2013.

In accounting, the fund will make the following entries:

Contents of operationDebitCreditAmount, rub.
Target funds received 76 86 50 000
Equipment credited 08 76 50 000
Equipment put into operation 01 08 50 000
The source of financing is reflected 86 83 50 000

Formation of additional capital at the expense of retained earnings

In addition to the above cases of formation of additional capital, the correspondence of account 83 "Additional capital" with account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" is provided. From this we can conclude that additional capital can be credited with amounts due to retained earnings of the enterprise.

Example 6

The Board of Directors of CJSC decided to replenish the additional capital of the enterprise in the amount of 5 million rubles. at the expense of retained earnings (minutes of the meeting dated December 17, 2013).

The following entry will be made in the accounting records:

Formation of additional capital at the expense of participants' contributions

The Tax Code allows the formation of additional capital through the receipt of funds in the form of property, property rights or non-property rights that are transferred to the enterprise in order to increase net assets by the relevant shareholders or participants ( pp. 3.4 p. 1 art. 251 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Example 7

The shareholders of the CJSC decided to contribute 4 million rubles in order to increase the company's net assets. in the additional capital of the company (minutes of the meeting dated December 19, 2013). Contributions were made by shareholders from 12/23/2013 to 12/25/2013.

The following entries will be reflected in the accounting records:


Account 75 "Settlements with founders" may be opened other than those provided Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts sub-accounts, for example 75-3 “Other settlements with founders”.

It is necessary to distinguish between receipts from shareholders (participants) to increase the net assets of the enterprise and other values ​​received free of charge - in relation to the latter, there are no legal grounds to recognize them as additional capital. In accordance with Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts Accounting for gratuitous receipts is carried out on account 98 "Deferred income", sub-account 98-2 "Non-compensated receipts", with subsequent write-off of account 91 "Other income and expenses" as a credit.


Despite the fact that the article describes both provided and not provided Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts ways of forming additional capital, it makes sense to make a reservation in conclusion. Additional capital as part of the company's own capital occupies an intermediate position between the authorized capital and retained earnings. This kind of specificity of additional capital requires a conservative approach to its formation. According to the author, transactions with additional capital are best carried out within the framework of those cases that are expressly indicated Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts. A broad interpretation of the norms, although it does not contradict the law, can lead to infringement of the interests of either the enterprise itself or its participants. For example, replenishing the net assets of an enterprise not by increasing the authorized capital, but by forming additional capital does not increase the property of shareholders (participants). Or the following example: crediting retained earnings to additional capital can lead to the fact that the enterprise will lose its flexibility in the future, since the procedure for using additional capital is not as simple as using the profit left at the disposal of the enterprise.

Additional capital of the organization can be formed by:

  • amounts of revaluation of fixed assets;
  • amounts of revaluation of intangible assets;
  • share premium from the sale of shares (stakes in authorized capital) at a price higher than their nominal value;
  • exchange differences formed during the formation of the authorized capital in case of its payment in foreign currency;
  • exchange differences that arise as a result of the conversion into rubles of the value of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency and used to conduct business outside of Russia;
  • contributions of founders (participants) to the property of the company;
  • amounts of VAT received when contributing property (property rights, intangible assets) to the authorized capital of the organization and restored by the founding organization (participant).

To reflect in accounting operations related to the formation of additional capital, use account 83 "Additional capital".

For more information on accounting for transactions related to the formation of additional capital from various sources, see:

  • ;
  • How to account for an increase in the authorized capital of a JSC due to an additional placement of shares ;
  • How to reflect in accounting the contribution of the founder to the authorized capital ;
  • ;
  • How to reflect VAT in accounting and tax accounting .

Revaluation of fixed assets

Revaluation of intangible assets

The amount of revaluation of intangible assets carried out based on the results of their revaluation is attributed to the additional capital of the organization (paragraph 1, paragraph 21 of PBU 14/2007, paragraph 68 of the Regulation on accounting and reporting). The procedure for the revaluation of intangible assets and the reflection of its results in accounting similar to the rules for revaluation of fixed assets . At the same time, there is a peculiarity: the revaluation of intangible assets is carried out by recalculating their residual value (clause 19 of PBU 14/2007).

An example of the formation of additional capital of an organization due to the amounts of revaluation of an object of intangible assets

As of December 31, Alfa CJSC carried out an initial revaluation of the object of intangible assets - exclusive rights to an invention (patent). The organization has no other exclusive rights to inventions.

The initial (book) value of the object is 50,000 rubles. As of the date of the revaluation, depreciation in the amount of 20,000 rubles was accrued for the specified object.

The residual value of the object is 30,000 rubles. The current market value of the patent based on the results of the revaluation is 36,000 rubles.

Since intangible assets are subject to revaluation at their residual value, the residual value of the object after revaluation should be 36,000 rubles.

The revaluation factor is equal to:
36 000 rub. : 30 000 rub. = 1.2.

The initial cost of an intangible asset after revaluation will be:
50 000 rub. × 1.2 = 60,000 rubles.

The amount of revaluation of the initial cost of an intangible asset is equal to:
60 000 rub. - 50,000 rubles. = 10,000 rubles.

The amount of accrued depreciation after the revaluation will be 24,000 rubles. (20,000 rubles × 1.2), and the amount of revaluation of depreciation is 4,000 rubles. (24,000 rubles - 20,000 rubles).

The results of the revaluation of an intangible asset, the accountant of Alpha, reflected in the accounting with the following entries:

Debit 04 Credit 83
- 10,000 rubles. - the amount of the revaluation of the initial cost of the intangible asset is attributed to the additional capital of the organization;

Debit 83 Credit 05
- 4000 rub. - revaluation of depreciation of an intangible asset after revaluation was made.

Share premium from the sale of shares and shares

The formation of additional capital at the expense of share premium occurs as follows. Share premium is the difference between the selling and par value of shares. This difference may result from:

  • formation of the authorized capital of a joint-stock company upon its establishment;
  • increase in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company due to the additional issue of shares.

In the first case, the difference is formed if the amount of money actually contributed by shareholders when paying for shares (or the value of property received as payment for shares) is greater than the nominal value of shares at their initial placement.

In the second case, the difference will arise if the actual share price, additionally placed with an increase in the authorized capital exceeds their face value.

The share premium of a joint-stock company is attributed to the additional capital of the organization (clause 68 of the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting).

A similar income can arise in an LLC. This is possible if the participant's contribution to the authorized capital exceeds the nominal value of the share paid by him. In this case, the amount of such an excess is attributed to the additional capital of the organization (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 9, 2004 No. 07-05-12 / 18, clause 68 of the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting).

Exchange differences in the payment of capital

Exchange differences in the translation of the value of assets

The formation of additional capital occurs due to the differences that arise as a result of the conversion of the value of the organization's assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency used to conduct activities outside of Russia into rubles. The resulting exchange differences are reflected in the accounting at the date of preparation of financial statements.

A positive exchange rate difference on assets and a negative one on liabilities are reflected in accounting by posting:

Debit 01 (04, 08, 10, 52, 60, 62, 76) Credit 83

If, as a result of the recalculation of assets, a negative exchange rate difference is formed for assets and a positive one for liabilities, then the following entry is made in accounting:

Debit 83 Credit 01 (04, 08, 10, 52, 60, 62, 76)

- the exchange rate difference associated with activities abroad is attributed to the additional capital of the organization.

If the entity ceases operations outside of Russia, a portion of the additional capital corresponding to the amount of exchange differences relating to the discontinued operations should be recognized as other income or expenses.

Foreign exchange gains previously recognized in additional capital are recognized as other income as follows:

Debit 83 Credit 91-1

- reflects positive foreign exchange differences on activities terminated abroad.

Negative foreign exchange differences previously recognized in additional capital are recognized as other expenses in the following entry:

Debit 91-2 Credit 83

- Negative exchange rate differences are reflected on activities terminated abroad.

This procedure is established by paragraph 19 of PBU 3/2006 and the Instructions for the chart of accounts.

Founders' contributions

Recovered VAT amounts

The procedure for accounting for the formation of additional capital when calculating taxes depends on which taxation system the organization applies.


In most cases, the formation of additional capital of the organization does not affect the calculation of income tax. This is due to the following.

A similar procedure is also applied in the formation of additional capital at the expense of the amounts of revaluation of intangible assets. The results of such an additional assessment do not affect the calculation of income tax, since the Tax Code does not provide for the very possibility of revaluation of intangible assets (Article 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

As a result of revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets in accounting, the monthly amount of depreciation deductions will be greater than in tax accounting. In this case, a permanent tax liability must be reflected in accounting. The procedure for its reflection in accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets the same.

If the additional capital of the organization is formed at the expense of share premium, the amount of the difference between the selling price of shares (shares) and their nominal value is not taken into account when calculating income tax (subclause 3, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When forming additional capital due to exchange rate differences when founders (participants) pay contributions to the authorized capital in the currency of taxable income, the organization also does not arise. In this case, the resulting exchange rate differences are not reflected in tax accounting (subclause 3, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount of VAT recovered by the founder (participant) upon transfer of property as a contribution to the authorized capital, the receiving party submits for withdrawal . This amount is not included in the composition of taxable income (subclause 3.1, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


In most cases, the formation of additional capital of the organization does not affect the calculation of the single tax. This is due to the following.

When forming additional capital at the expense of the amounts of revaluation of fixed assets, the organization does not receive taxable income, since the results of the revaluation are not reflected in tax accounting. See more on this.How to reflect the revaluation of fixed assets in accounting .

A similar procedure is also applied in the formation of additional capital at the expense of the amounts of revaluation of intangible assets. The results of such an additional assessment are not reflected in tax accounting. This is explained by the fact that the amounts of revaluation of the value of intangible assets are not included in the composition of income taken into account for tax purposes (clause 1, article 346.15, articles 249, 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the additional capital of the organization is formed at the expense of share premium, the amount of the difference between the selling price of shares (shares) and their nominal value is also not taken into account when calculating the single tax (subclause 1 clause 1.1 article 346.15, subclause 3 clause 1 article 251 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When forming additional capital at the expense of exchange rate differences in the case of payment by the founders (participants) of contributions to the authorized capital in foreign currency, the organization also does not receive taxable income. In this case, the resulting exchange rate differences do not affect the calculation of the single tax (subclause 1, clause 1.1, article 346.15, clause 3, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for calculating a single tax in the event of the formation of additional capital at the expense of contributions of founders (participants) to the property of the company depends on the size of the share of the founder (participant) in the authorized capital of the organization. See more on this.How to reflect in accounting the contribution of the founder to the property of LLC .

Since simplified organizations are not VAT payers, when they receive property as a contribution to the authorized capital, additional capital is not formed on the amounts of VAT restored by the participant (clause 2 of article 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


The object of taxation of UTII is imputed income (clause 1 of article 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the formation of additional capital of the organization does not affect the calculation of the tax base.

Combination of OSNO and UTII

In organizations that combine the general taxation system and UTII, the formation of additional capital does not affect the calculation of taxes.

The exception is the case when the additional capital is formed at the expense of the contributions of the founders (participants) to the property of the company. See more on this.How to reflect in accounting the contribution of the founder to the property of LLC .

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