Pig horoscope characteristic. The Chinese horoscope is a pig. Gemini and Sagittarius

Nata carlin

A person born in the year of the Pig (Boar), kind, sympathetic, compassionate... He can peacefully settle any conflict situation, stop disagreements, restore peace and justice only by the power of his word and his authority. He is balanced, patient and silent, but this does not mean at all that he is spineless.

The pig is hardworking and determined if she is going to get rich, she will definitely succeed and the set goal with perseverance and perseverance. If she has undertaken certain obligations, then fulfill everything in full, she will definitely bring the matter to a logical ending. She takes every word she says, especially one given as a promise, very seriously.

The Pig Man is a workaholic, but with the same zeal with which he works, he knows how to rest

He has great sense of humor, however, sometimes it oversteps the boundaries of what is permissible and can be rudely rude. But this is all due to the lack of an innate sense of tact. He certainly does not want to offend.

Pig people tend to gourmets who love delicious food, and cook excellently themselves. They adore companies, but only those who are close to them in spirit. In general, they have a fairly large social circle and, as a rule, do not choose friends in accordance with their social status, preferring to communicate with everyone.

A person born in the year of the Pig (Boar), who loves to eat deliciously

In front of strangers in a business setting, the Pig man loses all his eloquence and cannot connect even two words. However, in the company of like-minded people, having eaten and drunk well, quite can gather a large audience around itself and entertain her with interesting and funny stories.

Nothing in this world is given to the Pig-Man for nothing. He is well aware of this fact and develops in character resistance to the blows of fate, perseverance and determination. Thanks to all these qualities, multiplied by hard work, The pig necessarily achieves success in this life.... The first years of a career for a person of this sign are a series of disappointments and trials. But it is in this way that he finds himself in this world and sooner or later realizes that it is best for him to work in a team.

In his youth, the Pig chooses a life partner for a long time, making mistakes and parting

The ideal for her is a person you can trust and cry... The one with whom it is calm and reliable. Having truly fallen in love, the Pig will do everything so that peace, prosperity and prosperity reign in the house.

What is the year of birth of the Pig (Boar)?

When the Year of the Pig (Boar) comes, the last cycle comes eastern horoscope... Sometime in time immemorial, the Buddha summoned the animals to himself and the first 12 who arrived at his call, received power over a whole calendar year. So the Pig was the last to arrive.

Pig (Boar) comes 12 in the annual cycle of the eastern horoscope

In addition, in the East, it is believed that everything in the world consists of 5 matters:

  • land;
  • water;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • fire.

Therefore, each subsequent year of the animal is endowed with the characteristics of a certain element.

Pig (Boar)Year of birthSpecifications
Metal1911, 1971 Ambition, energy, purposefulness, gullibility, excellent sense of humor, friendliness, sociability
Water1923, 1983 Friendliness, gentleness, generosity, gullibility, hard work, heightened sense of duty
Wooden1935, 1955 Straightforwardness, energy, enterprise, optimism, activity
Fiery1947, 2007 Enthusiasm, susceptibility to momentary desires, luck, attentiveness
Earthen1899, 1959 Kindness, generosity, organizational skills, active social position, tendency to abuse alcohol

Next year 2019 is the year of the Fire Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of Pig Man Chinese Horoscope

Pig guy, according to astrologers, considered the most decent and honest among men of all signs of the eastern horoscope. He is a conservative, a defender of justice, those who do wrong, from the point of view of morality, "punish" without delay. He has a kind and easy-going heart, which quickly forgives all insults and pain, as soon as a person apologizes.

Kind and fair guy-Pig

Its big problem is that he just doesn't want to see bad in people, idealizing them and sometimes attributing even non-existent qualities. Naive and gullible to the extreme, he is very often disappointed in people. The Pig man in every possible way avoids conflict situations, trying to please and yield, just not to enter into a fight. For many, this position is misleading, and they consider it weak in character. This conclusion is not entirely correct, because it is not worth anyone to bring the Pig man to the limit of patience.

The man of this sign loves society very much and is in the spotlight. However, only in the company of familiar people. In an unfamiliar group, he becomes a pale shadow of his companion.

It is always calm and comfortable next to him, because any disasters and problems for him are just a trifle that can be corrected and survived

The Pig man carefully thinks over and weighs each of his decisions. but self-doubt does not allow him to take the initiative, believing that other people will do his task much better. However, he understands many issues much better than those around him, although he will never show this.

The man of this sign often achieves the desired level of well-being in life, however, this is given to him by really hard and hard work. He has a peaceful and conflict-free disposition, allowing him to get along in any team. He very quickly becomes a favorite of his bosses and colleagues, absolutely everyone turns to him for help and advice.

Wealthy Pig Man

As a chief, it is fair and reliable leader, who is demanding of himself and his employees. However, all requirements are justified and fair. He does not shun any work, he can perform any difficult task together with ordinary employees.

For a Pig man, it is not so much a career that is important as strong and friendly family... He will never lie, cunning and cunning, you can rely on him in any situation. The reserves of tenderness, warmth and understanding for his family are truly inexhaustible. Trust and sincerity will be appreciated in the woman he loves. He needs a reliable, calm and homely wife. Careerists and eccentric ladies are unlikely to attract him.

Characteristics of the female Pig according to the Eastern calendar

The Pig Girl has a docile and calm disposition, she good-natured, loyal and loved by all... Her courtesy, affectionate treatment of others, benevolence, touchingness and charm amaze everyone. The girl of this sign knows how to be friends and knows how to do it. Once you trust her, you can become a friend for the rest of your life.

The Pig Woman is conservative, optimistic and absolutely confident that all people, without exception, in the world are very good.

Quite often, this delusion leads her to unpleasant situations, but even this cannot disbelieve in the ideality of this world. ... She is not afraid of any problems and obstacles in its path, overcoming them systematically and consistently.

However, the peacefulness and infantilism of the Pig woman are instantly replaced by terrible aggression, as soon as she realizes that her children and loved ones are in danger. As soon as the offender admits his mistake, he immediately goes into the category of forgiven. The Pig woman is used to helping everyone, who needs it, but will never ask for a piece of bread for himself, even if she is very hungry.

Good-natured and touching Pig girl

In love and family, the Pig woman is not used to expressing her feelings and emotions. She is rather closed and used to keeping everything in herself... But when she is absolutely sure of the love of her partner, she becomes different - relaxed, open and trusting. She tends to idealize her partner, therefore she very often experiences love failures until she meets a man who can understand her delicate and vulnerable soul.

For Pig Woman her home is a place where she can hide from all the sorrows and the hardships of the world, therefore, she attaches special importance to the creation of comfort and a warm atmosphere. To feel absolute happiness, she needs a piece of land where she can work and grow whatever her heart desires.

Pig (Boar) compatibility

The Pig Man will do everything to ensure that peace and tranquility reign in the family... He will never quarrel and sort things out if it is possible to achieve understanding peacefully. Life next to a loved one will become a real holiday for him.

Ideal in love for a Pig man Rat woman

There is little in common in the Pig-Rat tandem, their relationship will always be on the verge of a foul. They understand each other from a half-glance only in bed. In love, the Ox is suitable for the Boar like no other ... Both are quiet and calm, they will live their lives side by side, helping and supporting each other in everything.

Much in common with the aggressive and imposing Tiger. Both are strong and active, they will give each other a lot in a relationship. Tiger instructs the Pig and teaches him to live according to the laws of society, moving away from the illusory world. With the Cat (Rabbit), this marriage will be really perfect. Two people who are passionate about family and comfort will always have something to talk about and take care of.

The relationship with the Dragon will spiritually enrich the Pig, but there can be no question of mutual passion here.

Usually , the Dragon conqueror will receive his sacrifice and will lose all interest in her. And the Pig in love will suffer for a long time for unfulfilled hopes.

The cunning Snake will definitely try to take advantage of the good nature and trustfulness of the Pig. Therefore, the latter should stay away from such a partner. Good union with the Horse... However, in this case, the latter's selfishness will play a decisive role in the break.

Very high compatibility in love with the Sheep... Both adore wealth and are very similar emotionally and spiritually. The Monkey can count on the all-forgiving and wise Pig to turn a blind eye to her quirks.

The boar will not notice the sarcastic remarks and taunts of the Rooster, seeing in a partner exclusively nobility... One of the strongest and most durable alliances is possible with a Dog.

Pig woman and Dog man love each other

In a pair of Pig-Pig, relations can develop in a business plan and friendship. V married couple a number of everyday issues arise that cause constant controversy.

Compatibility table of the Pig (Boar) with other signs of the eastern horoscope:



Moderate compatibilityNot compatible
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
OxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
The DragonRooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
MonkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, rabbit, DogTiger
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Pig?

Pig (Boar) corresponds to the zodiac sign Scorpio according to the western horoscope. A person born in a combination of these signs is a rather attractive person. He loves to be in the spotlight, communicate and get to know the most by different people... The most important thing is that the Scorpio-Pig does not know what human complexes are.

This person is always absolutely confident in his strength and the correctness of his actions.

Lucky stones-amulets - agate, rock crystal, topaz.

Silver brooch with rock crystal and cubic zirkonia, Alkor(price by link)

Children born in the year of the Pig

The Pig child is very kind, honest, fair, tolerant and calm... He is a little naive, but this is only an appearance. In fact, he carefully looks at everything that happens around him and draws his own conclusions. From an early age, children of this sign are used to giving more than taking. Later in life, they are also guided by this principle.

The mind of a child born in the year of the Pig is always open to new and interesting

He can perfectly adapt to changing conditions, thanks to self-confidence and determination. At school, many subjects are not easy for him, but by perseverance and desire, he can move mountains.

If you have a Pig child growing up in your family, be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly console and exhort. Child of this sign tends to complain constantly for any ups and downs in life.

Calm and balanced child-Pig

To be pitied, he may even come up with a nuisance and tell you a heartbreaking story. Therefore, it is necessary from an early age to make him understand that you should not get upset over trifles, there are more serious situations for tears and worries.

Celebrity Pigs by the eastern horoscope

Among the people born in the year of the Pig (Boar) there are a lot of those who have achieved truly world recognition. Of the famous men born in the year of the Pig, you can mention:

  • Steven Spielberg,
  • Woody Allen,
  • Hector Berlioz,
  • Oliver Cromwell,
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.

Larisa Guzeeva - a famous woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar)

Famous Pig Women include:

  • Glenn Close,
  • Emma Thompson,
  • Hillary Clinton,
  • Larisa Guzeeva,
  • Eva Braun,
  • Zara, etc.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that in people born in the year of the Pig (Boar), much more positive than negative qualities ... These are one of those whose merits so prevail over character flaws that you can simply close your eyes to the latter.

April 24, 2018 4:07 pm

The last time the Year of the Pig was in 2007. The next, respectively, will be 2019. Let's find out a little more about what to expect in these years under the sign of the Pig.

Everyone knows: to find out about the personality and from the point of view of astrology, it is not enough to turn only to the celestial constellations. A more detailed description can be given by knowing how different horoscopes are combined with each other. The eastern, western horoscopes and even the horoscope of plants (druids) have been successfully helping in this for many millennia. Consider the zodiac signs of people who were born in the year of the Pig, and find out what character traits they differ in. Let's refer to the Chinese calendar and the eastern horoscope for information.

General characteristics of the year of the Pig

The Chinese name for this sign sounds like "Zhu", it is the twelfth in a row. Pig or Boar is a symbol of courage and nobility, something that contributes to prosperity in all areas. People born in the year of the Pig initially possess all those qualities that are now considered to be almost old-fashioned: altruism, generosity, indulgence and tolerance, as well as optimism and faith in the perfection of all mankind. They look naive and sometimes even silly, which often misleads those who sharpen their teeth against the piglet. In fact, the Pig is not so simple: while pretending to be detached, she at the same time carefully observes the environment and at any moment is ready to mobilize all her strength - both physical and moral.

The pig is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Remember the piggy bank? So it is here: she loves money very much and like a magnet attracts them to her. It is not so important how this will be achieved, but those born in the year of the Pig will never know the real need.

Pig Woman

Ladies born this year are gullible by nature. However, this quality does not prevent them from being picky enough and at the same time demanding. They are jealous, and jealousy often turns into a sense of ownership, a woman begins to simply demand from a partner identical mutual feelings for her person.

Many horoscopes say that a lady born in the Year of the Pig possesses such sensuality and sexuality that the rest of the fair sex can only dream of. They don't even need to say anything to express their feelings, one short but very eloquent look is enough. Frivolity and reticence easily coexist in them. Moreover, these states so often and quickly replace each other that it is sometimes difficult for a partner to keep track of this process. There is only one thing left: to accept and just love this beautiful woman.

Pig Man

Pig is a Chinese zodiac sign endowed with female characteristics... Therefore, sometimes they find it difficult to get along in a masculine nature. However, a man born under this sign is an excellent family man, because he has all the qualities that allow him to be a caring husband and a loving father. He remembers only good things, preferring to leave resentment behind. His house is a full cup, because the Pig is perfectly able to take care of his well-being, and it is not so important in what ways it will be achieved.

There is one that unites a man and a woman born in the year of the Pig. This is jealousy. However, this feature is skillfully disguised, for they are often simply shy of it, considering this feeling shameful. But the Pig men, on the contrary, do not hesitate to show their love and devotion. They do it with all their inherent dedication and strength.

Who was born this year

Let's clarify, before finding out the names of famous people born in the year of the Pig, what years have passed under her sign. The table will help us to understand this.

Year of the Pig

Year Symbol
January 22, 1947 to February 9, 1948Fire Pig
1959 to January 27, 1960Pig Earthy
January 27, 1971 to February 14, 1972Pig Metal
1983 to 1 February 1984Pig Water
January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996Pig Wooden
From February 16, 2007 to February 6, 2008Fire Pig
From February 5, 2019 to January 24, 2020Pig Earthy

In these years, such famous personalities were born, who left their mark on history, such as Elton John, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton, as well as Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Tanich, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Boris Yeltsin and many others.

Thus, it becomes clear that any year of the Pig is always rich in famous names. The characteristics of each of the above people are clear evidence of this. Now let's turn to the Eastern and European horoscopes and consider in detail all the representatives of the zodiac wheel signs born in the year of the Pig. We will consider the example of opposite signs.

Capricorn and Cancer

The year of the pig is significant for Capricorn. People born at the intersection of these symbols are the most reliable partners, family men and friends. They are conservative and ambitious, and they always strive to build a career. Moreover, careerism is inherent not only in men, but also in the fair sex. And, it is worth noting, in the end they manage to achieve their goal and take an honorable place in society.

Cancer born this year does not like intrigue, preferring a cheerful and mostly carefree life. However, such a frivolous attitude towards existence does not prevent these people from achieving success in business, thereby increasing their financial position. The main feature of this sign is sensuality and affection, its representatives, like no one, are capable of manifesting the most powerful feelings, and the Pig only enhances these qualities.

Aquarius and Leo

The Year of the Pig plays an important role for Aquarius. After all, it is precisely those who are born during this period that can count on the fact that their negative character traits will be smoothed out by good nature. The pretentiousness and pomp of Aquarius is no longer so striking, it gives way to the creative principle. Aquarius-Pig becomes a balanced and almost domestic person who strives for comfort and constancy in everything. But Leo-Pig, on the contrary, has a strong strong-willed character. Already someone who, and he knows his own worth for sure and is unlikely to fall for the manipulation of anyone else. A firm hand and determination in any business often lead Leo to a leadership position, where he will certainly establish himself as a competent specialist who is able to cope with any scrapes and bring the business started not just to the end, but to an invariably successful end.

Pisces and Virgo

Fish born in the year of the Pig are endowed with even more sensitivity than those born in a different period. They are soft and sensitive interlocutors, the best helpers to everyone and in everything. Thanks to their kindness, Pisces often become peacemakers in any team, they skillfully brighten up any conflicts, finding the best solutions and ways out for any quarrel. But the Pig-Virgo can be safely called a recluse. Society causes her only anxiety, and sometimes even unreasonable fear. She just needs someone to lend her strong shoulder in case of danger. However, the horoscope suggests that Virgo, born in the year of the Pig, can become the leader of a small team, provided that it is created by herself.

Aries and Libra

Aries is an indestructible fountain of energy and strength. Born in the Year of the Pig, he is sometimes simply unable to be critical of himself. As a result, he often finds himself in a funny position, being in society. But no one ever holds a grudge against him, because usually Aries are distinguished, albeit noisy, but friendly in nature. They strive, if not to be friends, then to maintain good relations with the maximum number of people. Libra-Pig is vulnerable and emotional. The meaning of their whole life comes down to finding a compromise everywhere and in everything. They absolutely do not tolerate abuse and scandals, they are able to sacrifice their interests in the name of one utopian idea called "World Peace".

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus, born in the year of the Pig, is distinguished by diligence and perseverance. He knows the value of money, knows how to earn and spend it with pleasure. This outwardly calm and balanced person carries a volcano of raging passions inside himself, which not everyone is destined to see.

The main traits of the Taurus-Pig are patience and reliability in everything.

Scorpio-Pig is someone who can be called incredibly hardworking, stubborn and knows neither fear nor fatigue. He is ready to work day and night in the name of his idea. As a result, it achieves any set goals. However, it is worth considering that behind the external strength and perseverance lies an extremely sensitive and vulnerable soul of Scorpio, with which you need to be as delicate as possible.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Have you noticed that Gemini born in the year of the Pig often do things that cannot be explained from the point of view of logic? It's all because of their eccentric nature, which just needs to be taken for granted, because it can be difficult to understand it. V family life the opposite is true: the Gemini-Pig does not accept quarrels, always trying to find a way out of any situation in an exclusively peaceful way. V business sphere are distinguished by their dynamism and mobility, which allows them to achieve certain success in their work.

The opposite sign - Sagittarius-Pig - is surprisingly active and somewhat fussy. He is full of enthusiasm, can do several things at the same time.

The main thing is that all these things will be done perfectly. Sagittarius-Pig depends on the opinions of others, so it is difficult for him to distinguish the truth from outright flattery.

Thus, using the example of all the signs of the zodiac, it can be noted that the Pig actively smooths out and strengthens the positive, presenting people born in her year with gentleness, coupled with strength of character.

According to the Chinese horoscope, according to legend, the Pig was the last one to come to the New Year's holiday, which was organized by the Buddha. This is why the cycle that ends the year is named after the Pig. One who was born under the twelfth sign of the Chinese calendar has some noble qualities. Pigs are honest and sincere natures, they have a subtle sense of humor. They enjoy life, they can make a great company, and most importantly, they are respected.

Who is Pig Chinese Zodiac

The Pig has a sympathetic heart, she is very kind. When others have problems or are going through difficult times, the Pig offers his help and support. She is the perfect subject if you want to be heard or sympathized with. The pig knows how to help, her friends most of all value her responsiveness.

The Pig has an affable character, she can settle any conflict and end disagreements. She hates to argue and bicker for no reason and will do everything to keep it quiet and calm around her. Sometimes the Pig even turns a blind eye to something positive, if it does not threaten its calmness. The pig is balanced and patient, but this does not mean that it has no character.

She is very hardworking and determined, can succeed and get rich. If she decided something, then no one can convince her. The pig is very stubborn. However, you can rely on it. If the Pig has undertaken any obligations, then most likely she will fulfill them. She prefers to bring the matter to the end, having given someone her word, she will keep him. She takes her obligations seriously.

The pig works a lot, but it also knows how to rest. She has an excellent sense of humor, although sometimes the Pig can say vulgarity or even be rude. She loves to eat and drink deliciously, to communicate with others. The Pig has a fairly wide social circle, she is familiar with people from different walks of life. As a rule, the Pig feels uncomfortable in front of a large audience, especially if she has to give a speech.

She is afraid to do something wrong. However, if she is in an informal atmosphere, when wine and other drinks flow like a river, and there is plenty of food, then the Pig feels like a fish in water. Witty, energetic and loving to chat, she can easily attract everyone's attention and amuse everyone. The pig has many advantages, and most importantly, it is very hardworking, so it will not be difficult for it to achieve high results.

But the road to success will not be easy, and the Pig must learn the unpleasant lessons that life has prepared for her. In particular, she is naive and takes a word. Her gullibility will cost her dearly: dishonest people can take advantage of this. The pig could achieve more in its life if it was more discerning.

Pig career and success by horoscope

The pig appreciates comfort and convenience, she understands that she needs to work long and hard to make her life prosperous. She is conscientious, always fulfills the duties assigned to her and never lets her colleagues down. The Pig takes his job seriously, sets the highest requirements for himself and tries to meet them.

Unlike others, who may refuse their work, leaving it unfinished, the Pig always gets things done. You can rely on her. Many Pigs do not think of themselves outside of work. The pig cares very much about its reputation, it is neat and active, gets along well with its colleagues, who over time begin to appreciate and trust her.

However, while the Pig may be successful in the job of his choice, it is not as competitive as others. Therefore, sometimes she does not move up the career ladder due to a lack of fighting qualities. She does not take the initiative, although promotion in the service primarily depends on her. The Pig's motto “Take me as I am” is a kind of lifestyle. She succeeds only because of her ability and reliability.

When it comes time to look for a job, most Pigs don't know what to start. In their youth, they often move from one place to another. The first years of work are a time of disappointment. At the beginning of his career, the Pig feels a little insecure. Those who take the risk may fail.

The pig will have to learn several lessons that life has prepared, however, having made a mistake, it can draw the right conclusions and not repeat these errors in the future. Over time, the Pig will realize that she must make the most of her abilities. Only she can help herself. If she devotes all her time to the cause, then she will achieve a lot.

Some Pigs have only achieved success after hard and long work. The pig works best in a team, and when choosing a career, she should keep this in mind. She can make a good teacher, doctor, or social worker. The pig is capable of doing design and design.

She loves to read and has extensive knowledge in many areas. Thanks to this, she can become a literary critic or even a writer. Pig is also interested in show business, drama and television. She loves to eat well, and, perhaps, she can make a good cook, or in extreme cases, the Pig will supply provisions. In addition, she has good business acumen, is shrewd, and has a good grasp of commerce.

Pig Money and Wealth

Money for the Pig is of great importance, although she does not want to admit it to herself. She prefers to live in luxury and works hard to have some fun later. Having finished her work, she admires its fruits for a long time. The pig is very wasteful. She has an exquisite taste, she buys expensive things, and pays great attention to quality.

If the item is top-notch but expensive, the Pig will buy it anyway. When she walks and has fun, she spends generously on others. The money does not stay with her. But despite the fact that she is a spender, the Pig is very careful with money, she is an astute investor and she will not invest her money anywhere. She can only entrust them to the company that guarantees her profit.

She easily spends her money, but she never forgets that she needs to earn it. If the Pig fails, then she will work hard to recover the lost funds. Moreover, she will try to increase her well-being. I must admit, she does it well. Having made a mistake, the Pig will most likely never repeat it again.

Since a high standard of living is important for the Pig, she always monitors her finances. To avoid mistakes, she should carefully weigh the pros and cons when she takes on some financial obligations. The pig often gives the price for the thing that is being asked. Her gullibility can lead to unpleasant consequences: she can become a victim of deceivers and crooks.

The pig should always be extremely careful, it should not be trusted to the first comer. Sometimes she is not able to resist temptations, so she should be prudent and prudent so that trouble does not happen. Through hard work, determination and luck, the Pig will achieve a lot. She will have a wonderful home and a lot of money that she will earn herself.

Pig love and relationships by horoscope

The pig is charming, generous, she has a good character, so many will gladly keep her company. She behaves calmly, is ready to listen to others and, when necessary, can be witty. In a word, it will not be difficult for her to win the hearts of others. The pig is a passionate nature, she will enjoy love.

Before settling down, the Pig will most likely change several partners. She will have several passionate novels that will give her true pleasure. When a Pig is in love with someone, it cannot think of anything other than the object of its worship. The pig dreams a lot, and all her dreams are only about him (her).

If for some reason she breaks up with her partner, then for some time she will be very worried. The pig needs someone to trust, to cry. When she is at odds with her beloved (oops), she hardly experiences this loss.

However, finding a soul mate is not so easy, and the Pig will make several attempts before meeting the one she needs. Choosing a partner for herself, she will be wise. The pig most often manages to establish a calm home life. She is considerate, treats her family members well and devotes a lot of time to her husband (wife).

The pig will do everything to keep her house calm. Least of all the Pig wants to argue and quarrel with his relatives. She is for a peaceful lifestyle and strives to ensure that it is not violated. She needs a partner for whom honesty and loyalty are paramount, a partner who has similar views of the world.

He, too, should be able to have fun and enjoy life. A pig is able to give a lot to its second half, life next to a loving person will be more complete and interesting. The pig is guaranteed happiness.

Compatibility horoscope for Pig

Pig - Rat

The Pig admires the Rat, they have a lot in common, so they will have a good relationship. In the relationship between parents and children, everything will turn out fine. The rat will be grateful to its parents for their care and attention. They understand each other perfectly and remember their obligations. Both the Pig and the Rat pay great attention to the family.

Pig - Bull

The Pig likes the Bull, they have common interests, so their relationship will generally be good. In the relationship between parents and children, everything will turn out well. Love and attention from the Pig will come in handy for a calm, quiet Bull. They will be able to perfectly understand each other.

Pig - Tiger

The Pig has a gullible personality and loves to communicate with others, so she has a lot in common with the Tiger. The relationship between them will be good.

Pig - Rabbit

The Pig appreciates the friendly, peaceful and sociable Rabbit very much, their relationship will be excellent. Everything will work out great in the relationship between parents and children. The Pig and the Rabbit understand and love each other. The rabbit appreciates the care and attention of its parents and tries to please them in everything.

Pig - Dragon

The pig believes that the Dragon can keep her wonderful company, so they will have a good relationship. Everything will work out great in the relationship between parents and children. The pig admires its brave child. The Dragon's parents support him in many ways, although most of all they will be worried about his intransigence and un-. dependent character.

Pig - Snake

The pig is so sociable, open nature that next to the secretive Snake it will feel uncomfortable. Their relationship will be difficult.

Pig - Horse

The Pig admires the energetic and courageous Horse, so they will have a good relationship. Everything will work out great in the relationship between parents and children.

Pig - Goat

The pig likes the friendly and calm Goat, so they will have a good relationship. In the relationship between parents and children, everything will turn out well. The Pig and the Goat have many common interests.

Pig - Monkey

The Pig admires the energetic and resourceful Monkey. Their relationship will be good. In the relationship between parents and children, everything will turn out well. The Pig and the Monkey have many common interests, the Pig will be able to support and encourage his child. They will love each other.

Pig - Rooster

The Pig believes that the Rooster is an interesting and pleasant company. Their relationship will be good. In the relationship between parents and children, everything will turn out fine. The pig is glad that she has an inquisitive child, she will be able to help and support the Rooster a lot. They understand and love each other well.

Pig - Dog

The Pig is sure that the Dog is trustworthy, she admires her and how well she treats others. Their relationship will generally be good. In the relationship between parents and children, everything will turn out well, too.

Pig - Pig

The two Pigs have so much in common that it should come as no surprise that they will have a great relationship. Everything will be fine in the relationship between parents and children. Only love and tranquility reign in the Pig's house.

Pig child chinese zodiac

The shrewd, impatient and courageous Pig does not miss any opportunity that circumstances offer her. True, throughout her life she will still face difficulties, make mistakes, but in each case, the Pig will somehow incomprehensibly manage to get out of the water dry.

The Pig's childhood is a happy time for her. She will behave well and easily get along with her peers. However, a Pig at this age needs someone to look after her. She often prefers to play in the yard instead of doing her homework, and if you ignore this, she will have problems at school.

After the Pig receives an education, at first she does not know what to do, she does not really think about tomorrow. This will lead to the fact that in his youth the Pig will waste a lot of time: it will move from one place of work to another.

Henry Ford, born under the sign of the Pig, said: "Failure is an opportunity to start all over again, but this time you have to be smarter." In his youth, when the Pig is just starting to work, she can get down to business again several times, but the experience gained will help her.

But despite the fact that at work, at first, the Pig will not work out everything, in her personal life everything will turn out just fine. She will begin to lead an active lifestyle, will often go out, she will have many stormy novels. This will be a happy time for the Pig, but sometimes disappointments await her.

If, at work or in her personal life, she encounters difficulties that she cannot cope with, she will be very worried. If the Pig is not supported at this moment, she may despair. On the other hand, it is at such moments that she realizes that a lot depends on her and that she can return to normal life if she tries.

Many Pigs are successful after years of hardship. As soon as the Pig decides to change his life for the better, he immediately begins to act in order to quickly achieve the desired result.

For some Pigs, even in adulthood, some problems remain unresolved, in particular constant work. But as soon as the Pig feels that she has found a job to her liking and found happiness with her husband (wife), she will begin to lead a more measured lifestyle. The pig wants life comfortably.

She makes high demands on herself, works hard to earn enough money and to be able to help her family and those she loves. In old age, the Pig will more often admire the fruits of his labors.

She will have more time to devote herself to what interests her, she will communicate with friends and enjoy it. The pig, like all of us, makes mistakes and tries to correct them. She has something to give to others, she will love and from almost all the fights prepared by fate, she will emerge victorious.

According to chinese horoscope, the Pig man does not like to argue and shift the blame onto another participant in a conflict situation. He always tries to solve all misunderstandings with the help of a specific substantive conversation and, admittedly, usually achieves excellent results in this field.

Already in early youth, this person enjoys great success with the opposite sex, but does not rush into the maelstrom of his personal life, uses interest in himself with envy worthy of common sense. This is a rather sweet, charming person, whose courtship is distinguished by sincerity and spontaneity. He does not waste time if he liked some female person. With regard to women, Pigs are gallant and responsible. A man born under the sign of the Pig does not deny himself any pleasures in life.This gourmet understands good drinks, can just as well entertain a companion, is famous for its sense of humor.

However, the characteristic of the Male Pig is such that he never enters into relationships with women whom he does not trust, because he really needs a feeling of stability and must be completely confident in his partner.

Pig man in love

The eastern horoscope claims that a man of the Year of the Pig in love strives to create a family, strong unions, since the reserves of tenderness and warmth living in his heart are simply enormous, and the instinct of protection and guardianship is very developed. He is happy to take care of someone and is a wonderful partner in any kind of relationship.

The Pig man is a very loyal person, rarely changing and turning the state of affairs upside down. He loves it when the situation in which he finds himself is clear, concrete, hates games, even those that only aim to diversify their life together.

After being abandoned, the Man of the Year of the Pig suffers so much and openly that he is immediately surrounded by sympathetic and comforting women who use the juicy situation to get a good batch.

Pig man in sex

In physical love, the Pig-man is incredibly resilient, vital. Has a sensual nature, loves sex, affection and requires the same attitude to intimacy from a partner.

Horoscope Pig man in permanent relationship

In the society of a representative of this sign of the eastern horoscope, a lady in a relationship with him can feel safe, because his feelings are deep. This is, in fact, a faithful partner, although it happens that he succumbs to fleeting temptations, which is then sincerely ashamed. Believes in the sanctity of the institution of marriage and reluctantly agrees to divorce. He loves his other half with a rather possessive love, because he is afraid that someone will steal him the greatest treasure in his life. Sometimes a Pig Man in love becomes so jealous that he puts on scenes worthy of a Brazilian television series.

But in everyday life together, in a permanent relationship, the Pig man is basically an affectionate, attentive, caring, patient and also very hardworking partner. He cares about the financial situation of his girlfriend, pampers his beloved woman with gifts, and sometimes even surrounds him with luxury, even if he has to earn hard work for her.

Which woman will Pig Man like?

Self-confident. He is impressed by women who recognize their value, who are able to shine in any company. It is important for the Pig that the partner captivates the hearts of all his acquaintances. In a sense, she is his trophy, won in great battles.

Romantic. The boar loves to flirt, the love game for him drags on for a long time and worries him very much. His beloved must be able to play the role of a prey, a person whom an extraordinary person has managed to fall in love with (and at the same time must have great patience!).

Attractive. A pretty and well-groomed woman will quickly be able to win the heart of a Pig man. He loves to show off with her in front of everyone - colleagues, neighbors, relatives. Such is his character!

How to subdue the Pig Man?

  • Take care of him. From time to time, every man wants to feel like a weak creature. Nothing bad will happen if you sometimes support him, and not he for you. If you love caring for others, this man will be the perfect partner for you.
  • Feed deliciously. The man of this sign of the eastern horoscope enjoys spending time outside the city, in countryside, goes in for sports, but above all likes to eat well. Women of the "old school", convinced that the way to a man's heart is through the stomach, will be able to successfully win the heart of a Pig man.
  • Be seductive. The woman of his dreams is the charming Eve-temptress from paradise. A seductive smile, a cleavage, a good sense of humor work wonders.
  • Be romantic. The atmosphere of communication is important for him, so you should take special care of it.
    A candlelit dinner, evening walks, city tours for two, a trip to a jazz club - these techniques will help to conquer a male Pig.
  • Listen to him. For him, there is nothing more important than the kinship of the soul - as in the novel. If you do not like or cannot hear the words of the other person, then most likely you will have great difficulties in communication. So maybe start working on yourself now.

How to break up with a Pig man?

  • Stay ice cold in bed, deny him any kindness, and serve tasteless healthy-grain meals instead of juicy pork chop for lunch.
  • After every drop of alcohol you drink, reprimand him and scare him with cirrhosis of the liver - this will help you quickly part with the Pig-man.
  • In addition, make fun of his weaknesses and never show sensitivity and warmth of the soul. The wild boar will probably not stand a long life with the Snow Queen!

The boar is the 12th sign Eastern calendar which combines pros and cons previous years. People born in the Year of the Pig believe in human kindness, and they themselves are so. Under this sign honest and respected people are born, whose energy is overflowing.

Year of the Pig and the five elements of the elements

Each year, five elements of the elements correspond - these are wood, fire, earth, water, metal. The horoscope sign will correspond to the elements of the year, and a person will acquire character traits from his animal and one of the five elements.

So, those born in the year of the Pig, what years of birth and elements of the elements correspond to them:

Now comes 2018 - this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The Year of the Pig will come in 2019. The corresponding element for the sign is earth, the color is yellow. That is, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

The following years of the Boar:

  • 2031 - Metal Boar;
  • 2043 - Water Boar.

The nature of men born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of men born under this sign suggest the presence of qualities such as straightforwardness and decisiveness. Pig men are used to achieving their goals. They act openly, but do no harm to others... They declare their intentions openly, they are not afraid of competition and enemies.

Men of this sign are distinguished by ease of communication. He does not raise his voice, always monitors what he says and knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Such qualities help him make new acquaintances and profitable connections. But he has few real friends. Due to his gullible nature, he often falls for deception, therefore he tries to maintain relationships that have been tested by time and situations.

In a relationship with a woman, she behaves like a gentleman. Knows how to look after beautifully. She will not cheat on her beloved, but she can.

Love relationship

Such a man completely surrenders to the relationship, takes care of his soul mate, spends with her free time... He is able to solve any of her problems.

It is difficult for a Pig man to build strong relationships at a young age. He trusting and generous, therefore, can live for a long time with a girl who will enjoy his noble character. There is a lot of betrayal in the fate of such a man, which leaves an imprint on the guy's heart.

After disappointments and resentments, a man will meet his other half, who will appreciate his qualities. If a man falls in love with a girl, he will not delay the wedding. This is a family sign, which has a wife, children and a cozy home in the first place.

Career and work

The Pig Man is a real workaholic. This person does not know how to juggle or do low-level work. Therefore, the superiors do not need to double-check their work performance.

A man of this sign cannot be called a careerist. A promotion at work will delight him only if it brings additional profits. He will not become a department head for the sake of prestige.

Such a man achieves success with honest work... He has no financial or conscience problems. If several more people apply for one position, besides him, then Kabana will not use dishonest methods of struggle.

The nature of women born in the year of the Pig

The characteristic of the Pig woman is distinguished by such qualities as complaisance, gentleness, good nature. Representatives of this sign do not like to argue and agree with her husband in everything. Therefore, of them are obtained ideal wives who value comfort and tranquility at home. She genuinely cares about her family and does not expect anything in return. This woman will never remind them of how much time and effort she spent on them.

Family for such a woman is an important part of life. She creates comfort in her house, but does not differ in pedantry. Loves her children and husband very much.

You should not cheat on the Pig woman, in this case she will release all her anger on her rival. She will not act from behind, so she will not follow her husband.

Pigs are kind to others and trust them, but people only use these qualities. Over time, Pig girls get stronger, they have a sense of justice. From that moment on, she is able to protect herself, her children and her right to female happiness.

In love and marriage

They are shy and withdrawn natures. If the girl is not sure of the guy's love, then she does not admit her feelings to him. V love relationship the girl lacks cunning, she does not know how to lie. But she knows how to talk with her beloved about relationships.

Girls of this sign are romantic, tend to idealize their partner and feelings for him. If the relationship is not going the way she imagined, then she may become desperate and depressed.

The Pig Girl does not know how to make quick decisions. She always doubts and runs the variants of events several times in her head. But if she made a choice, even if it is wrong, it will not work to convince her.

For girls, family is very important. They won't start a relationship if they don't lead to marriage.

Professions and career growth

The Pig woman has an inner strength that helps her achieve good results in a career. They can become good leaders, but they will not achieve great results in their careers, since they do not know how to lie and cheat.

The Pig Girl always knows what she wants and achieves it. Her goals are real, therefore, they are carried out accurately.

As a boss, she shows herself perfectly - she consults with her subordinates, forgives them many shortcomings at work, does not terrorize them strict rules... Such a person will do the work on an equal basis with everyone else.

The Pig woman loves delicious food. Therefore, he can achieve good results in the restaurant business. Professions are also suitable for her:

  • Doctor;
  • Scientist;
  • Architect;
  • Writer;
  • Poet.

Those born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by their straightforward and good-natured character. For them, family and children are always in the first place.

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