Sleep in a dream: what does such a dream mean? Dream Interpretations: Online Interpretation of Your Dreams Dreamed that h

What does he mean, dream books tell. Various sources interpret this dream in different ways.

American dream book

If a person in a dream sees himself asleep, then most likely this means that he travels in the subtle worlds and sees his body from the side. This dream can still be deciphered as a strong reluctance and resistance to change. It can lead to stagnation. What it means This gives the right to say that a person sees lucid dreams.

Idiomatic dream book

If that he went to sleep in a dream, then in reality he wants to distance himself from business. Waking up in a dream is awakening to a new life. Sleep soundly - to unconsciousness.

Italian dream book: what do dreams mean in a dream

If a person dreams that he is sleeping, this suggests that he needs a pause, respite or respite in making some important decisions or in overcoming difficulties. Such dreams are not so rare.

Small dream book of Veles

It is not a good sign. The sleeper may be deranged. Sleeping in a dream - to various obstacles in business, illness and laziness. Doing this while standing is in trouble. Sleeping on the grass is a joyful and carefree life.

The newest dream book: - what does it mean?

As a rule, when a person sees himself asleep, this is a harbinger of a protracted illness, the result of which may even be a disability or a serious complication.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A dream in which a person sees himself asleep, or he has a dream, may portend his death. He can also say that the dreamer should awaken some of the positive aspects of his personality (faith, conscience, etc.).

Dream Interpretation of Winter: sleep in a dream - what does it mean?

When a person sees a dream in which he is sleeping or about to go to bed, this is a sign of his inattention and inaction. If in a dream the atmosphere is heavy and bad, then in reality you should expect trouble. However, if a person is going to go to bed in a great mood, in real life he needs to forget about some painful problems and troubles. Most likely, they will decide by themselves, or in the future the sleeper will find a way for this himself.

Modern dream book

When a person in a dream sees that he is sleeping and at the same time he is dreaming, this means that in reality he is two-faced in relation to a very good man and doubts the correctness of their actions. If someone talks about his dream to a sleeping person in a dream, his relatives will have trouble and they will turn for help. Seeing a nightmare is a happy solution to a very difficult situation. Colorful and good dream- to disappointment.

The interpreter from A to Z

A dream in which a person, after a hard day, dozed off in a comfortable soft chair, is a foreshadowing of the betrayal of a loved one at the very moment when the sleeper's trust in him is almost unlimited.

Esoteric dream book: sleep in a dream - what does it mean?

If a person realizes that he is dreaming another dream, he needs to try to fix this state. In the future, he can learn to order himself dreams. Such dreams mean that a person is inclined to work with dreams and receive from thin world information in this way.

Disclose the meaning of dreams with the help of dream books people studied for a very long time, since ancient times, but this issue is still relevant at the modern stage. A person is always curious when he thinks about his future, because foreseeing future events, in the opinion of many, is the sure way to success. Interpreting dreams using online sonnik is one of the most common ways to shed a ray of light on your own future.

Why should you use a dream book?

The life of every person is full of dreams, no matter how we try to deny the meaning of dreams, this does not prevent them from arising in the subconscious again and again.

Dreams are filled with various images and plots, but they do not always relate to the future, according to many esotericists - some dreams are nothing more than just a subconscious assessment of past events that are relevant and important for the dreamer.

For a long time, dream books have been an important and powerful clue in understanding the meaning of dreams. Because dreams are, first of all, a "product of the subconscious", therefore, the symbolism and content of dreams have a common semantic foundation for all, which, first of all, is based on stable associations of the psyche.

Among the variety of dreams, a number of common topics can be distinguished, these are dreams about:

  • falling;
  • flights;
  • money finds or, conversely, about the loss of money;
  • appearing naked in front of the public;
  • loss of teeth or their loss;
  • pursuit;
  • sex.

This section contains information from dozens of various thematic and author's dream books which you can download online from this page. A large volume assumes a certain organization of information, because the interpretation of dreams can be presented both within the framework of one dream book, for example, the "Felomen's Dream Book" written by our authors, and in the form of an interpretation of a certain symbol from the point of view of several different sources.

Each presented the interpreter of dreams (aka sonnik), in his own way, gives an accurate and true description of a wide variety of dreams... The choice of a dream book according to your taste and subject matter is very important, but it is a purely individual thing for each reader.

The most popular dream books are:

What do we understand by the name "Dream" and how to interpret it

Dream Interpretation Online - interpretation of dreams, which we understand under the name "Dream". Unsolved secrets of our subconscious in a dream excite the minds since ancient times. Night visions provide different clues for the interpretation of dreams in any life situation.

Our Dreams have been studied by many famous mystics, psychologists, scientists.

For example: Zygmunt Freud, collected a dream book, wrote a whole book on the study and interpretation of dreams. He said that under each of our dreams, it is possible that some kind of problem is hidden.

So, let's explain what a dream can dream about for each letter separately in the dream book:

dream book

interpretation of dreams online

Dream interpretation online and interpretation of dreams

  • Since ancient times, humanity has been trying to find correct interpretation dreams - events and images that arise in a dream.

  • The dream interpretation, interpreting the meaning of the dream, opens the veil of the future, in order to find out what fate has in store for him: whether a person and his loved ones are threatened with troubles or illness.

  • It is believed that if you correctly interpret your dream, you can get a warning of an impending disaster and try to avoid its onset by turning the course of events for the better. Dream books written by various authors by diviners help to get such interpretations.

  • Even in the distant ancient centuries, various dream books, their main goal was to interpret dreams. Many authors in the nineteenth century AD tried to look beyond this line. Based on the works of great people, we also built our attempts to cognize prophetic dreams and dreams.
  • If you are often tormented by nightmares, do not look for an explanation for this in dream books. Try to sort out your fears and feelings first. Then you will not wake up in a cold sweat and take anti-anxiety pills.

  • It was generally accepted that dreams indicate the events of this year, if they dreamed on the first day of the new year. A dream on the second day - will come true within the next 8 months. What I dreamed on the third day is already practically coming true or has come true in particular.

    In ancient times, they trusted more the dream book, compiled according to lunar days... They counted the days, starting from the new moon, compiled special treatises, painted on what day a prophetic dream might have.

  • What do the dreamed dreams mean in the interpretation of the dream book of diseases? How to correctly interpret all the elements in a dream?

    Dream Interpretation of Diseases helps us answer many questions regarding our visions in a dream and warn about impending diseases, so that we can correct the situation at the initial stage of the disease.

  • How to get the correct interpretation of your dream. The dream book of love will help you find the most accurate and reliable meanings of events that can predict important key moments in your life. To do this, you need to select from the dream all the images that we managed to remember and find them in our dream book, designating their meaning in one word, for example: "meeting" or "wedding". The dream book of love will determine the possible meanings of the desired event. The dream book of love will help you, because we will still try to open the veil of the mystery of dreams for you.

  • Before interpreting a dream, remember what colors prevailed in it, and then think about what associations or emotions a particular color evokes in you ..

    In the dream book, by colors, you can find out how the interpretation of sleep changes depending on color.

    For example, yellow may remind you ..

Dream Interpretation Online: Content with the Interpretation of Dreams

Here is a dream book made up of the most common dream interpreters that most people trust. Dreams can be interpreted in real time using a convenient search engine that has access to all the dream books presented.

It will be enough to enter a symbol or image from your dream in the search to get extensive and free information from the dream interpreters presented in the Dream Book, such as the dream books developed by Miller, Freud and Meneghetti.

If you trust the fortunetellers more, the prophecies of Vanga and Nostradamus are at your service. Ancient Assyrian dream book, Slavic dream interpreter, Muslim and other dream books for those who are used to referring to specific dream interpreters associated with religion or race.

  • We present author's dream books that will give us an understanding of our dreams.
  • Each of the dream books describes our dreams, which are ready to explain to us a lot of interesting things from dreams and give the necessary instructions for our well-being.

Dreams are considered a kind of magic, a supernatural gift given to people by someone wiser and older.

Many, maybe, including you, do not in vain believe that absolutely all dreams in some secret way still have a certain, perhaps somewhat strange effect on a person or predict his future.

In the dream book of women, up to 891 interpretations of sleep

The dream book for women is intended for beautiful ladies who dreamed of a specific, purely female dream... If in a dream everything is connected only with women's problems and realities, it is this dream book that will come to your aid.

Dream interpretation of men

The dream interpreter for men contains up to 718 interpretations of sleep

The name itself says that the interpreter is intended for the male half of humanity. The male dream book contains signs and images that are characteristic only of the stronger sex. The dream book will help to interpret a dream in which there are purely male images and problems.

Ancient dream book

In the ancient dream book there are 846 interpretations of sleep

In another way, this dream interpreter is called Aesop's dream book or allegorical. Dreams that cannot be interpreted according to other dream books will help you to reveal exactly the dream book of Aesop. Sometimes, the subconscious mind plays with us, sends visions that can be deciphered by comparing them with memories from childhood, or with images from a fairy tale, from ancient history... These allegories come to us as the eternal wisdom of the ages, at the same time, helping to decipher the dream of modern man.

Big dream book

In the dream book there are 3682 interpretations of sleep

The author of the dream book, a healer from Siberia with paranormal abilities, Natalia Stepanova. Her long-term observations formed the head of the interpreter. The dream book is in great demand, as it interprets a large number of symbols. In terms of the accuracy of interpreting dreams, it also occupies a leading place among modern dream books.

The online dream book is easy to use, equipped with an alphabetical index that helps you easily find the symbol you need. If you have already found the desired image, it remains to drive it into the search system and wait for the result. He will not keep himself waiting long, you see information related to your sleep. Everything is easy and accessible at any convenient time.

Dream interpreter

In the dream book there are 4078 interpretations of sleep

People have always intuitively knew that dreams are dreamed for a reason. They contain encrypted information that will be useful to a person if it is correctly interpreted. To do this, we turn to dream books, looking for the most popular among them and complete in terms of information.

In the old days, people trusted priests who could guess a dream or look into the future. Today, people interested in this problem are engaged in dream books, some devote their whole lives to this. By combining images that come to different people in a dream, they create collections-interpreters of dreams.

The dream book interpreter of dreams gives the most complete picture of your dream. Interpreting your dream is not only curious, but also useful. Sometimes, in a dream, those solutions come that you have been looking for for years in real life. Sleep can change your destiny if you correctly understand the message of the subconscious.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

In the dream book 3705 interpretations of sleep

Dreams and the events occurring in them have interested a person since time immemorial. Mediums, people with paranormal abilities, were then engaged in the interpretation of dreams. V modern world interest in dreams does not disappear, on the contrary, even pundits turn their attention to the interpretation of dreams. Many modern interpreters are developed by specialists in the field of human psychology. And these dream interpreters are in demand, as they carry reliable information.

At the center of any interpretation is the person who is dreaming. This is the conclusion reached by modern scientists interested in dreams. The same symbol will be interpreted differently if it is seen by different people. For a woman and a man, images in a dream sometimes carry the opposite meaning. It is also important to know the age of the sleeping person, because the life principles and capabilities of older people and very young representatives of humanity are sometimes radically different.

In the dream book, the interpretation of dreams, you can find generalized concepts that are found in other different interpreters. To better understand your dream, the dream book advises you to decompose it into various small details. This will help you better understand what your subconscious mind wanted to tell you in a dream, what it hinted at or called for.

For a more complete interpretation of sleep, you can refer to several dream books presented on our website online and completely free of charge.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

The dream interpretation contains 2240 interpretations of sleep

Dream book alphabetically (Melnikov's dream book) interprets dreams and images from the letter A to the letter I.

Together with the symbols that dream books usually interpret, emotions accompany a person in a dream, he can also experience, suffer and rejoice in a dream, as in life. Dream Interpretation of Melnikov interprets the dream, linking it with the emotional component.

The alphabetical dream book makes us understand that the key to unraveling the dream is the person himself, his condition, position in life, and emotional mood. Therefore, the dream book is not limited to interpretation only in a separate way, it considers sleep in conjunction with the events taking place around the person and his mood.

Modern dream book

In the dream book there are 1787 interpretations of sleep

The modern dream book is a tribute to the new time and modernity that surrounds us. The dream books that have come down to us from past centuries are wise and in demand. But they have one drawback - they do not cover objects, phenomena and events. modern life... Much that surrounds us today appeared quite recently, progress does not stand still. The person himself, his interests, environment and lifestyle are changing. The modern dream book reflects the time in which we live, it gives an interpretation to those phenomena and symbols that are familiar to our time.

Different dream books sometimes interpret the same event in completely different ways. In one event, that dreamed will surely happen in life in the same form as in a dream. Another dream book interprets the same event in the opposite way. Which dream book to believe? Dream Interpretations are all right in their own way, the truth can be found out by analyzing the dream into the smallest events. To get into the essence of the dream, you need to try to understand the meaning of the symbols and images that you dreamed. In the same way, one must try to understand the dreams that the modern dream book interprets.

A modern dream book will help you interpret the dream deeper, since events in a dream are always associated with the time in which we live.

Islamic dream book

There are more than 960 interpretations of dreams in the Islamic dream book

Any Muslim can turn to the Islamic dream book to interpret their dreams. It contains the postulates taken from the holy book of all Muslims, the Koran. Muslim interpreter of dreams, scientist, expert on the Koran, Ibn Sirin, also had a hand in this dream book. Another author is Imam Muhammad, an orientalist and a great scholar of his time, a faithful follower of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Islamic dream book contains examples that tell about dreams that have come true. He teaches you to properly analyze your dreams, reveals symbols for the interpretation of sleep.

Compiled by Svetlana Kuzina, who made a lot of effort to penetrate the secret of dreams. When interpreting images, she used psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), analytical psychology(Carl Gustav Jung and Robert Johnson), ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti) and Gestalt psychology. According to the compiler, "only those interpretations are collected here that have already been repeatedly checked, and in fact it has been confirmed that they work." And one more thing: "Sleep is the work of your subconscious mind on your current problems. In fact, you yourself order a dream for yourself to suggest the right solution to you. But since our brain can only talk to us in images, we have to solve them."

Gustavus Hindman Miller(1857 - 1929) compiled this dream book at the end of the 19th century. Many comments say that "most of the interpretations of this dream book are still relevant for a wide range of ordinary people." Perhaps, for more than 100 years we, in fact, have not gone so far: "vodka", "drugs", "envy", "slander" mentioned in the dream book accompany us now.

Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova, 1911-1996) is a blind Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant. Many famous people turned to her for predictions: poet Sergei Mikhalkov, writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semyonov, artist Sergei Roerich, poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov ...
Wanga believed that dreams are associated with real life... But I didn’t make up dream books. This selection of dream interpretations was compiled according to her individual phrases and sayings.

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) - the famous Austrian psychologist, was one of the most diligent explorers of the world of sleep. His work "The Interpretation of Dreams" reveals many of the most interesting mechanisms of dream activity, contains a lot of examples and analyzes of his dreams and the dreams of patients. This dream book has nothing to do with this psychologist. It may have been drafted to compromise this scientist and create a stereotype "yes he was obsessed with genitals." Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book without further ado begins with the phrase "is a symbol of the genitals."

Evgeny Tsvetkov professionally researches dreams and dreams for 25 years. His dream book of dreams is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore it seems to be the most suitable for a Russian person.

Michelle Nostradamus(16th century) - French physician, astrologer and fortuneteller. The interpreter argued that each image seen in a dream reflects not only the experiences of a person, but also the future of the world as a whole. There are very few interpretations in it, but ... they may be really interesting to someone.

Yuri Longo(Golovko Yuri Andreevich, 1950-2006) - known as an astrologer, folk healer, master of practical white magic, a member of the Australian Association of magicians and sorcerers, founder of the school of magicians and sorcerers.

Schiller-Shkolnik H.M.- Polish scientist, chiroman-physiognomist and phreno-graphologist. Despite the fact that he compiled his dream book at the beginning of the twentieth century, the interpretations set forth in it are still relevant. Each person, thinking about the meaning of their dreams, can find all the answers in his book. Simplicity and conciseness are what the readers of this dream book appreciate today.

Compiled by Elena Iosifovna Anopova, the author of the Teachings of the Third Ray, an adept of the Magic of Ophiuchus and a famous soothsayer. It is designed to help you sort out your inner, subconscious experiences, find inner harmony and understanding of what is happening around us, lift the veil over the secrets of the future.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, a popular dream book was The Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams, Compiled by the Famous Medium Miss Hasse. Lived and predicted Miss Hasse in the 19th century. She worked not only on compiling a dream book, but also performed a lot on stage throughout Europe, earning big money. This allowed her to create her own publishing house and publish books on esoteric topics.

The main feature of the dream book David Loff is that it is based not on a symbolic, but on an individual interpretation of dreams. According to the theory of David Loff, each person is characterized by their own dream scenario, conditioned by life experience, the characteristics of the sleeping person, his lifestyle, current events and how he relates to others. That is why the same dream seen by two by different people, can be interpreted in different ways. And it is completely unclear how, in this case, he offers thousands of people the same interpretations of images.

Each dream book interpretation of dreams offers on a common base of images - completely free. That is, on one page you can watch excerpts from different dream books dedicated to one image. It is this feature that distinguishes our resource from others. dream books online... Do not forget to read the opinions of our guests who share their dreams and impressions of their interpretations.

What are dreams? Where do they come from? What do the amazing fantasy images mean? Until now, neither scientists nor masters of esotericism give an indisputable and unambiguous answer to these questions. And although the attitude to the issue changes over time, dreams remain the most mysterious part of a person's life.

In ancient times, people were sure: night visions are news from the spirits of the clan, gods or ancestors, in this way the mysterious forces communicate with the living. Local sages, sages and shamans had to decipher these messages. When, over time, primitive beliefs were replaced by religious systems, the interpretation of dreams became the task of the priests of various cults. At the time, night visions were taken more than seriously. As you know, in Ancient Greece even special temples were built, where visitors came to sleep if they needed to see a prophetic dream, and clergymen helped with the interpretation. The first dream book that has come down to us also appeared there - a five-volume book written by Artemidor Daldiansky.

If you had a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times:
"Where the night is, there is a dream"

In the era of Christianity, dreams continued to be treated with great trepidation. They were looking for a secret meaning, trying to figure out what clues higher powers give. And this is not surprising: even in the Bible prophetic dreams are described.

At a later time, with the development of science, the attitude towards dreams began to change. Sigmund Freud created his own concept of their interpretation, discarding everything strange and mystical. From the point of view of the famous psychologist and his followers, dreams are a storehouse of information about a person, a valuable material for psychoanalysis.

But interest in the mystical side of night visions, despite the popularity of the scientific approach, has not faded away. The services of magicians and soothsayers, seers and interpreters of dreams have always been in demand, although they were not cheap.

So, in what worlds does the soul wander while you quietly snooze in your bed, what experience does it get from these wanderings and what can it mean? If all these questions bother you, if you are disturbed by a strange dream, if you want to know what it is for, our online dream book will become an excellent interpreter consultant. Moreover, here you can get all the answers completely free of charge.

Miller's famous dream book, interpretations from the legendary soothsayer Vanga, apt author's interpretations from Nostradamus, Loff, Yuri Long, Tsvetkov, as well as amazing ethnic collections: Old Russian, Muslim, Persian, Ukrainian, Chinese - you will find all this here. And for the interpretation of dreams to be as accurate as possible, use our recommendations.

A combined dream book of various authors presented on the site will help you find the maximum Full description every event or object seen in a dream.

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