Sweets in the story of a horse with a pink mane. Formation of a person in the story of V. Life lessons in the story of V.P. Astafieva "Horse with a pink mane"

For children, I always write with bright joy and try myself all my life not to deprive this joy.
V.P. Astafyev

According to Viktor Petrovich, Viktor Petrovich Astafieva, his distant rustic childhood spent in Siberia, despite the early death of the mother, was bright and happy sometimes. The description of this period of life has become the main content of the works of the author created for children.
The central theme of the story of Astafieva is the moral cultivation of a person, the formation of a person, the formation of character. For this it is necessary to understand the good, justice, a sense of responsibility for their actions, nobility towards weak. This path passes the main character of the story "Horse with a pink mane".
This is an orphan boy living in a village with grandfather and grandmother. It characterizes the naive perception of what is happening. The child does not see the dark, cruel parties of life. So, describing the Uncle of Levonia's uncle, he draws attention only to joyful and bright moments. After the pay, a drunken Uncle Levtoni sat for children a holiday, treats everyone with gingerbread and sweets, and in the evening they swore and beat the glass. His wife, aunt Vasene, after a few days had to occupy money and products from the neighbors. Uncle Levontei likes a teller, because he "floated sometime in the seas." Levontyev children are named in the work of "Orcils". They "gave each other in dishes, floundered", fought, teased, stole vegetables, fruits and berries in neighboring goggles. However, a storytellor likes to spend time with them, play, catch fish. The boy does not feel the life of this family, only sweets and a fun time remain in his memory.
Grandma promised to buy a spinning story as a horse with a pink mane, if he gave the berries. He and the children of Levonia together went to the forest. In this episode, they are opposed to each other, because in different ways refer to their own actions. Levontyevsky guys swear, fought, teased each other. They look like their father, adopted his habits. Children are aggressive, drachliva, cruel, irresponsible. The narrator of the same berries "took diligently and soon covered the bottom of the neat tuska glass for two or three." He behaves as if her grandmother watched him. But the fear seem like a weak, greedy and cowardly forces the hero to succumb to Sanki's persuasion and deceive grandmother.
The narrator suffers from the remorse of conscience. "Grandma pissed.<...> What will be? " - He thinks. The boy is tormented, he sleeps all night, going to tell her grandmother. His regret and mental suffering form a sense of responsibility for their own actions. The reader understands that the boy will never do it anymore.
The next day, the narrator and Sanka caught fish and saw a returned grandmother in the boat floating along the river. Sanka offers a friend: "Go to the hay and attach. Petrovna is afraid - suddenly you will thin. Here it is how it squeezes<...> - You come here and get out! " But the narrator refuses to deceive grandmother again. The last lesson was understood by the boy and went to him.
Grandmother still bought the grandson of the gingerbread. Her confidence became the best lesson for the hero. He remembered the long-awaited horse with a pink mane for his whole life and learned that it was impossible to deceive.
In the story "Horse with a pink mane" sounds the author's protest against cruelty and indifference. Astafyev shows how evil swallows the voice of conscience and displaces good from the human heart.

Formation of a person in the story of V. P. Astafieva "Horse with a pink mane"

According to Viktor Petrovich, Viktor Petrovich Astafieva, his distant rustic childhood spent in Siberia, despite the early death of the mother, was bright and happy sometimes. The description of this period of life has become the main content of the works of the author created for children.

The central theme of the story of Astafieva is the moral cultivation of a person, the formation of a person, the formation of character. To do this, it is necessary to understand the goodness, justice, a sense of responsibility for their actions, the nobility towards the weak one is the main character of the story of a horse with a pink mane.

This is an orphan boy living in a village with grandfather and grandmother. It characterizes the naive perception of what is happening. The child does not see the dark, cruel parties of life. So, describing the Uncle of Levonia's uncle, he draws attention only to joyful and bright moments. After paying, a drunken uncle of Levoniy sat for children a holiday, hesitate all with gingerbread and candy, and he himself swore and beat the glass. His wife, aunt Vasene, after a few days had to occupy money and products from the neighbors. Uncle Levontei likes a teller, because he "floated sometime in the seas." Levontyev children are named in the work of "Orcils". They "gave each other in dishes, floundered", fought, teased, stole vegetables, fruits and berries in neighboring goggles. However, a storytellor likes to spend time with them, play, catch fish. The boy does not feel the life of this family, only sweets and a fun time remain in his memory.

Grandmother promised to buy a teller of gingerbread and the form of a horse with a pink mane, if he gave the berries. He and the children of Levonia together went to the forest. In this episode, they are opposed to each other, because in different ways refer to their own actions. Levontyevsky guys swear, fought, teased each other. They look like their father, adopted his habits. Children are aggressive, drachliva, cruel, irresponsible. The narrator of the same berries "took diligently and soon covered the bottom of the neat tuska glass for two or three." He behaves as if her grandmother watched him. But the fear seem like a weak, greedy and cowardly forces the hero to succumb to Sanki's persuasion and deceive grandmother.

The narrator suffers from the remorse of conscience. "Grandma pissed.<…> What will be? " - He thinks. The boy is tormented, he sleeps all night, going to tell her grandmother. His regret and mental suffering form a sense of responsibility for their own actions. The reader understands that the boy will never do it anymore.

The next day, the narrator and Sanka caught fish and saw a returned grandmother in the boat floating along the river. Sanka offers a friend: "Go to the hay and attach. Petrovna is afraid - suddenly you will thin. Here it is how it squeezes<…> "You get out here!". But the narrator refuses to deceive grandmother again. The last lesson was understood by the boy and went to him.

Grandmother still bought the grandson of the gingerbread. Her confidence became the best lesson for the hero. He remembered the long-awaited horse with a pink mane for his whole life and learned that it was impossible to deceive.

In the story "Horse with a pink mane" sounds the author's protest against cruelty and indifference. Astafyev shows how evil swallows the voice of conscience and displaces good from the human heart.

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  • horse with pink mane analysis
  • writing a horse with a pink mane
  • essay of the exam in the story of Astafieva horse with a pink mane

In his essay, the "horse with a pink mane" touched on the theme of childhood, the time when even strawberries seem like a special delicious, when it wants to conquer the authority among other guys and at the same time it does not want to upset their relatives and loved ones.

Story Astafieva Horse with a pink mane

In the story of Astafieva "Horse with a pink mane", the main character is an orphan boy who lives with his grandparents. Once the grandmother asked the grandson to narrow the strawberries, which she will sell, and such a cherished sweet gingerbread will be bought on the revennated money. Not just a gingerbread, but a gingerbread in the form of a horse with a pink mane. With such a gingerbread, you will definitely become a pet in the courtyard, and even you earn the respect of neighboring guys.

The boy with pleasure goes into the forest, already anticipating how the gingerbread will eat, but everything went awry. The boys in the courtyard with whom he played all the time, began to ask him berries, calling him greedy. In addition, they constantly distract him with games, and meanwhile, the evening comes and the boy does not have time to score Lukoshko berries. But to get the desired, he goes to deception. Instead of berries, it fills the basket of grass and only from above throws berries.

Such an act does not give him peace and he wants to confess in everything in the morning, but does not have time. Grandmother has already left the city, and returning himself, he told all the neighbors, as his grandson led her. The child did not decline for a long time to meet with her grandmother, but the flour of experiences do not give him peace and he is just happy to receive a punishment from her grandmother. Having met her grandmother and receiving a reprimand from her, the child asks for forgiveness, and his grandmother, so that the boy would remember the lesson forever, and the horse gave a sweet. What, and such a lesson and love grandmother the child forever remembered, as will always remember the grandmother's gingerbread.

The work teaches us to be responsible, shows our mistakes. Here we see how bad to go to deception, as it becomes unpleasant from what caused pain to your loved ones. In addition, the author calls in his work not to make mistakes, and if they committed some kind of mistake in life, it is necessary to admit it and be sure to fix it. Only realizing the error and recognizing it, you will not repeat this again, and therefore, you will not hurt your family and relatives.

In this article we will talk about the story "Horse with a pink mane". Astafev Viktor Petrovich, the author of the work, has long been in the school curriculum. The writer often appealed to a rustic topic. Such stories refers and considered by us. In the article, we will consider in more detail the images of the main characters of the work and its brief content.

Structure and brief description of the story

The narrative in the work is conducted from the first person. With the help of conversational speech, the unique Siberian dialect of Astafyev reproduces. "Horses with a pink mane", the main characters of which are distinguished by the original speech, full dialectis, is also rich in the figurative descriptions of nature: the habits of animals and birds, the roots and sounds of the forest, river landscapes.

Now let's talk about the structure of the work:

  • Zaguka - a narrator with other children goes for strawberries in the forest.
  • Culmination - the protagonist steers Kalachi and deceives the grandmother.
  • An omission - the storytellers forgive and reward the "horse" gingerbread.

Astafiev, "Horse with a pink mane": summary

Grandma sends a storyteller with neighboring children behind the strawberry on the street. If the hero is pulling the hollow tusk, then she will buy him a reward - "Gingerbread horse". This gingerbread made in the form of a horse with a tail, mane and hooves in the pink glaze, was the cherished dream of all village boys and promised them honor and respect.

The narrator goes for strawberries along with the children of Levonia, their neighbor, who worked as a logging. Pictures different in the level of living and the taste of the village inhabitants of Astafyev ("Horse with a pink mane"). The main characters and his family are very different from Levontyevskaya. So, every 15 days, when Levonthius received a salary, in their family, where it was usually nothing, a real feast began. And Vasena, the wife of Levonthia, Rouges rang out. At that time, the narrator tried to get into a neighboring house as much as it became. It sought him as a siroto and treated with goodies. But the grandmother did not let the grandson, she does not want him to communicate with Levontyevsky. However, the money quickly ended, and after a couple of days, Vasena ran again on the village, already alone.

Levontyev family lived poorly, even their baths did not have. And the tyne, built by every spring, was distinguished in the fall.

Meanwhile, the main characters went on the yode. Astafyev ("Horse with a pink mane" in this regard is a very demonitive work) depicts not only social differences between families, but also moral. When the narrator has already scored almost a full basket of strawberries, Levontyevsky started a quarrel due to the fact that the younger children ate berry instead of collecting her. A fight began, and all the strawberries were poured out of the dishes, and then ate. After that, the guys went to the Fokinsky river. And it turned out that our hero of the berry remained all the whole. Then Sanka, Senior Levontyevsky boy, hit the storyteller to eat her, taking "on weakly".

Only in the evening the narrator remembered that his tusk was empty. He was frightened to come back home with empty hands. Then Sanka "prompted", how to - put in the dishes of grass and sprinkle her berry.

Deception revealed

So now we can answer the question of what the main characters of the story. V.P. Astafyev, as it is not difficult to notice, emphasizes attention not only on the storytellor. Therefore, we can also count on the main characters also sank and grandmother.

But back to the narration. The grandmother praised her grandson for rich prey and decided not to push the strawberries - and to sell it. On the story of the narrator, Sanka was waiting, who demanded a fee for his silence - Kalachi. The storytellor had to steal them from the storage room until the neighboring boy was found. At night, the conscience did not give a hero to sleep, and he decided to tell all her grandmother in the morning.

But the grandmother left before the main character of the story "Horse with a pink mane woke up. Vitya went fishing along with Sanya. There, they saw the boat from the shore, on which her grandmother sailed, mowing his grasses with a fist.

Home the narrator returned late in the evening and went to the storage room. The next morning returned from the promotion of the grandfather, who ordered to ask for forgiveness from her grandmother. Being the hero, Katerina Petrovna sat down to breakfast. And she brought her gingerbread to him, the same - "horse", the memory of which remained with the hero for many years.

The main character of the story "Horse with a pink mane"

The main hero of the work is Vitya. This boy lost his mother and now lives in the Siberian village at grandmother with grandfather. Despite the difficult time for the family, he was always wound, dressed, fed and well maintained, because her grandmother and grandfather cared for him. Vitya was friends with Levontyevsky kids, which did not like Katerina Petrovna, as the latter were poorly brought up and hooligani.

Very expressive turned out all the main characters. Astafiev ("Horse with a pink mane") depicted them with their unique features. Therefore, the reader immediately sees how much Vitya differs from Levontyevsky children. Unlike them, he thinks not only about himself, he knows what responsibility and conscience is. Vitya is aware of what he does bad, and it torments him. While Sanka simply enjoys the situation to fill his belly.

Therefore, the case with the gingerbread is so shook the boy that he remembered him for life.

Image of grandmother

So, what are the main characters of the story? V.P. Astafyev, of course, is paying great importance to the image of Katerina Petrovna, grandmothers Viti. She is a representative of the past generation, very sociable and conversation, is thorough, and is judged. When Vasena is trying to give more money than he occupied, then the grandmother speaks to her, says that it is impossible to contact the money.

Katerina Petrovna loves his grandson very much, but he brings up in rigor, often the demanding, scolding Vitu. But all this is because she is experiencing and worried about his fate.

Grandma is home in the house, she always commands to everyone, so her replicas usually sound like orders. However, Katerina Petrovna can be delicate, which manifests itself in its conversation with the buyer of strawberries.


Levontyev children also in the story the main characters. Astafiev ("Horse with a pink mane") highlights the older - Sanka among them. This is a reckless, greedy, evil and unprincipled boy. It was Sanka who forces Vitu first to eat a berry, then cast a grandmother, and to top off - and steal from the house of Kalachi. He lives on the principle "If I'm all bad, then everyone should be the same." It has no respect to the eldest, what is Viti.

Uncle Levonte

About Uncle Levonthy says a little, it is described only at the beginning of the work. Man, a former sailor who retained love for freedom and sea. He relates very good to Vita, regrets him - "He is an orphan." But there is one negative feature at Levonthia, which prevents him from living well - drunkenness. There is no prosperity in their family, because there is no owner. Everything is allowed on Samotek Levonity.

These are the main characters in the story. Astafyev ("Horse with a pink mane" - an autobiographical story) invested a lot in the characters and in the story of his childhood. Probably, that is why all the characters turned out so alive and original.

Viktor Petrovich Astafyev left the recent life. He had a difficult fate. He grew up with orphan, passed the war ordinary, barely alive returned home. But life prepared him a lot of tests: his first child died of hunger. How can all this be a difference? How to keep a human face? The author himself is Pi-sew: "For what fate gave me the happiness of life? Dos Tin Is I Him, this happiness? Did everyone do for the happiness of others? Didn't the last life of the fifox lives? Is it always honest in front of me? Was the bread from the mouth of loved ones? Did you rub the weak elbows from the bottom? " This man wrote a lot of numerical books about the war, about childhood. The theme of growing, the formation of a person's personality passes through many stories of the writer.

A minor case often can affect the whole life of a person, change it. The case, opi-sled in the story of Astafieva "Horse with Pink Gri," from these.

The strings of the story is the episode in which Ba-Buka sent a hero behind the strawberry, and for it, he was promised to him "Gingerbread Kon".

The dream of a hero is performed: "On a rollerous kitchen table, like on a huge land with arable land, meadows and roads, on the pink hoofs a white horse with a pink mane".

It would seem that the story is happily complete. But ka-what is the price of this fabulous horse? Many years have passed, and the author writes: "I can't forget the grandmother's spit - that wondrous horse with a pink mane."

The boy goes for the strawberry together with Le-Vontyevsky kids, so that the Gingerbread is "hard to work." He understands that nothing goes out.

Neigh-minded guys "carried glasses with chopped edges, old, half-he-wasopted on the extroduction of bere-wall Tueski ... WITHOUT HR". The fact that the dishes are bad, this is not a sign of poverty, but a sign of attitude to things, to work at all. Such people themselves do not love to work, and do not appreciate someone else's work. And our hero-storyteller walked with a "neat tusk." This family knew the price of labor.

Unlike the Levontyevsky "Orlov", which "gave each other in dishes, floundered, two times were taken to fight, we were crying, teased", the hero of the story works in good faith: "I took a prospector." He remembers the grandmother's words: "The main thing is to cover the bottom of the sudine," it helps him, it is worthwhile, "it began to collect berries rather." He does not even want to go to the river, until he gets a complete ass. Le-Vontyevsky hectares, they are too lazy to collect berries.

Sanka, like an older and cunning, teased - the hero: "Grandmothers Petrovna frightened! Oh you!" Having learned about the gingerbread, Sanka quickly finds the right layers and catches the hero on the fishing rod: "Say it is better - more than her, and more greedy!" The boy did not want to seem greedy, "not to save, not to join, do not fall apart": "Do you want all the berries for rent?" So the "Levontyevskaya Horde" helped destroy the eaves, with such a labor collected by the boy. The author uses words: "I repent", "I shouted", "a gossiping voice," "diluted with myself", "waved up on everything" - they tell us that the internal struggle of the hero with his own name. It becomes like a neighboring guys: their entertainment was cruel. For a ugly look, fishery ripped out, stumbled the string, who died. They soon forgot about this death, because there was a new entertainment on themselves: "They ran into the mouth of a cold cave, where she lived ... unclean power."

But the narrator begins to realize that his misconduct will not be a gift, he is aware of his guilt. And with Levontyevsky, everything is not necessary: \u200b\u200bSanka "called", he triumphant: "We are Nishtyak! Haha! And you ho-ho! " Through the actions, the author opposes hero-eva: "I quietly flew about the Levontyevsky guys" - "They fled ahead of me with Gorn and drove on the road of the bucket without a handle."

Our hero decided to deceive her grandmother, as his conscience was already prepared for this deception with all the stupid and bad actions perfect for the day. So he decided to avoid unpleasant and punishment. But this decision is not easy for him: he "even almost stumbled", then "quoted to the square for the deed villain." He understood that he had committed "villainism." Therefore, the conscience is starting to finish their trial: "Grandma praised. Kalachi stole. What will be? " "And what if you wake it up and tell everything?" And on fishing, he thinks: "And why did I do that? Why did levontyevsky obeyed? Won how well it was to live! Go, run and do not think about anything. And now?" The boy remembers the grandmother, and about Mate-Ri, and about the grandfather. He suddenly becomes sorry for him: "And no one would regret me." But it comes a fracture moment: when Sanka again begins to teach him how to deceive her grandmother, he brightens her, the hero of re-flip: "I will not do that! And you will not obey you! " And when a boat with a grandmother is shown, he runs away from shame.

In order to brighten the inner struggle of the hero, the author introduces a description of a beautiful summer day into the plot. At first, the hero simply enjoys the in the afternoon, the aroma of flowers, herbs: "Known to Zer-le Raby Cukushkina tears", "on the long chronic stems dangled from the side towards the blue bells," "lying striped flowers-gram-backgrounds" . But his look rises up - on the Li-Falls of Birch, Osiennik, Pine. Peering in the distance, sees the lace the bridge, where the Baushka should be saved. His inner state of the soul is contrasting with the world of nature, beauty and harmony of the summer day.

The interchange is delayed, since the internal conflict of the hero with itself can be sewn. He hears the grandmother tells about his grandfather and his grandfather and all the oncoming: "Here I fell away through the earth along with my grandmother and could no longer be able to take what she said further, because I closed as a serrated coat, I climbed into it to stop more " He is ashamed not only for the fact that he deceived the grandmother, but also for the fact that the grandmother involuntarily had to deceive strawberry buyers. And the culmination moment comes: Grandfather regretted the grandson, and the disgraced tears "quietly slept." Grandfather helps to find a way out of the current position: "Ask forgiveness ..."

And yet the grandmother bought the grandson of "gingerbread ko-it." True love, faith in his grandson helped rake anger. She knew that he was repent of his "atrocities". And the hardest punishment is not on the thing that can make mercy, kindness. Therefore, after the past years he writes

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