Feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. Mexico, Teotihuacan de Arista "Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl images of Indians

The Mexican pyramids of the Moon and the Sun are a pictogram of extraterrestrial civilizations. This complex transmits information only and is not intended for residential use.

The dragon is a symbol of global cataclysms. In the complexes of extraterrestrial civilizations, dragons come with open and closed mouths and contain symbolism of consciousness. In the Mexican Moon and Sun complex, dragons are represented only with closed mouths. This informs that the mechanism of the onset of global cataclysms is inherent in the nature of planet Earth.

The complex says that even at the dawn of the development of human consciousness, extraterrestrial civilizations knew that a time would come in the life of the Earth’s civilization when global cataclysms would begin on the planet.

Global cataclysms are a mechanism used in the universe for the most important stage in the development of human consciousness - the transition of individual consciousness into a united one. This first transition is so difficult for humanity that it takes place under pain of death. Complete destruction awaits civilization if it does not unite consciousness and make the Transition to the next cycle of life in time - before the second preliminary cataclysm. That is why extraterrestrial civilizations placed the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl at the very beginning of the complex, which tells about the consciousness of humanity.

The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl was built at the very beginning of the Avenue of the Dead, which links together all the blocks of the pictogram - the Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. This indicates that the unification of the consciousness of humanity on Earth and the Transition to the Highest level of the material world is the main condition for the continuation of life.

The pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is decorated with 365 images of the heads of two dragons - the Feathered and fiery Tlaloc, according to the number of days in the year. This indicates that three preliminary cataclysms and the beginning of global cataclysms will occur within one year.

The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent stands out clearly with its unique ornament in the form of constantly alternating two heads of dragons - the Feathered and the fiery - Tlaloc. On the one hand, they warn of the onset of cataclysms, and, on the other hand, they indicate the only way out of the current situation.

Tlaloc talks about a laser beam that should destroy our bodies at the level of global cataclysms. The laser beam will cause the united consciousness of humanity. The Feathered Serpent represents the wings of the Transition.

The constant alternation of these two heads of dragons informs that salvation from global cataclysms contains two stages. The first stage is the unification of the consciousness of civilization in order to cause a laser beam that will destroy our bodies at the level of global cataclysms. The second stage is the Transition and general resurrection at the Highest level of the material world.

Two heads of dragons, i.e. couple, remind us of the Principle of united consciousness and the action of united consciousness, with the help of which we can make the Transition. Numerous repetitions of pairs of heads of the Feathered and Fire Dragons depict pairs of the united consciousness of the entire civilization of the Earth, 7 billion people.

The onset of global cataclysms on Earth explains the Barkhausen effect, which occurs in ferromagnetic materials at a certain magnetic field strength. It exhibits spontaneous displacement of interdomain boundaries, which causes spontaneous jumps in magnetization. At the macro level of the planet, they manifest themselves in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, faults in the earth's crust, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters.

The Teotihuacan complex is a pictogram built by extraterrestrial civilizations

The huge Mexican complex of the pyramids of the Moon and the Sun is the so-called city of Teotihuacan. It was built 2000 years ago. From 1 to 150 AD, all the largest pyramids of Teotihuacan were created - the Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. It is believed that the city existed until 750, but for unknown reasons it was abandoned by its inhabitants. The Aztecs, who much later came to the amazingly beautiful complex, gave it the name Teotihuacan, meaning “Place where gods are born” or “City where people become gods.” The exact purpose of the pyramids of the Sun and Moon still remained unclear.

As it turns out, Teotihuacan is not a city. This is a pictogram built by extraterrestrial civilizations to transmit the most important information to humanity about the onset of global cataclysms at a certain stage in the development of planet Earth. The purpose of the complex is to transmit information. It was not built for human life.

In the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations, the Pyramid of the Sun, more than 60 meters high, depicts a cell of individual consciousness with a small area of ​​the brain. It is a 5-tier structure with a flat top on which a small structure once stood. The Pyramid of the Moon, more than 40 meters high, depicts a cell of the united consciousness of the Earth's civilization. This is one of the main and oldest buildings of Teotihuocan.

The Teotihuocan complex begins with the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl - the Feathered Serpent. The complex got its name because of the huge number of dragon heads. The heads of the dragons are presented both horizontally - on each step, and frame the staircase on both sides leading from the base to the top of the pyramid.

The facade of the temple is very unusual. It features high reliefs of large dragon heads carved from stone. They protrude from the collars of feathers. Each head image weighs 4 tons. The heads of dragons are also installed on both sides of the stairs leading from the base to the top of the pyramid.

At the bottom of the vertical part (risers) of each step of the pyramid, bas-reliefs of dragons with long wriggling bodies consisting of individual feathers are also shown.

Why are dragon heads represented in this complex in such a huge number?

If a huge pyramid is covered with this symbolism, then apparently extraterrestrial civilizations highlight this symbolism as extremely important. Why? Let's look at this pictogram with the help of the Dictionary of Symbols of the Consciousness of Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

The dragon is a symbol of global cataclysms in the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations

In the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations, images of snakes and dragons are symbols of global cataclysms. There are two types of dragons - with closed and open mouths. In the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, only one type is represented - dragons with a closed mouth.

Many complexes that display images of snakes or their heads warn of the onset of global cataclysms. These include the Mexican complexes: Chichen Itza, Xochicalco, the Pyramids of the Moon and the Sun, Cholula and others.

On the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl - the Feathered Serpent, the Mexican complex of the Moon and Sun pyramids, dragons are represented everywhere. They are presented in large numbers at all levels.

Dragons with long bodies lie at the base of each step. They are located in the plane of the wall.

Above them there are also dragons, but already protruding perpendicular to the wall. These are alternating bas-reliefs depicting two types of dragons - the heads of ordinary dragons and the masks of fire dragons - the deity Tlaloc.

The dragon with a long curved body engraved on the wall of the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is reminiscent of the dragon with a curved body in the Mexican Xochicalco complex on the four walls of the Temple.

Dragon on the wall of the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl

Dragon on the wall of the temple in the Xochicalco complex

Numerous drawings and legends of the Aztecs and Mayans tell about a feathered dragon devouring a person.

In accordance with the symbolism of extraterrestrial civilizations, this indicates the possible death of humanity in global cataclysms.

Dates in the global disaster scenario

The pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is decorated with 365 images of the heads of two dragons - the Feathered and fiery Tlaloc. These images, like all pictograms of extraterrestrial civilizations, convey multi-level information.

The number 365 is the number of days in a year. Thus, it is possible that with this number extraterrestrial civilizations indicate the duration of the scenario of global cataclysms during which events will develop. From this point of view, three preliminary pre-cataclysms and the beginning of global cataclysms will occur within one year.

Dragons warn of global cataclysms. On the one hand, dragons inform about the onset of global cataclysms that can destroy humanity on Earth. This information is repeatedly emphasized in numerous complexes and ornaments of extraterrestrial civilizations. They show a man in the mouth of a dragon.

The ornament on the wall below, under the image of a man in the mouth of a dragon, shows that the only way out is the Transition. This depicts a stepped, expanding design, in the center of which is a crescent moon of unified consciousness.

Dragons inform about the need for the Transition. On the other hand, these same two dragons show a way out of this deadly situation. Thus, the Feathered Serpent talks about how we, like birds, must make a Flight-Transition to the Highest level of the material world. Tlaloc among the Aztecs is the deity of water and rain, lightning and thunder. Lightning and thunder indicate the appearance of a laser beam. Water means a transition to another environment at the Highest level of the material world.

The shape of the Citadel and the location of individual pyramids on it

The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent is the central structure of the Citadel, a complex that forms the center of Teotihuacan. Thus, the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is the heart of Teotihuacan. The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is the third largest pyramid in the Teotihuacan pictogram after the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon.

The huge size of the first two pyramids is explained by the fact that they tell about the consciousness of the people of Earth. Thus, the pyramid of the Sun depicts the individual consciousness of man, and the pyramid of the Moon depicts the united consciousness of humanity.

Pyramid of the Sun Pyramid of the Moon

The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent talks about the mortal danger that awaits humanity. This danger does not arise by chance, the pyramid pictogram tells us. It is inherent in the nature of the planet on which humanity lives. Mortal danger is global cataclysms that will arise on the planet unexpectedly for unsuspecting humanity. This will happen because the consciousness of humanity is still too imperfect to read information from the information world. This requires information vision, and it is only just emerging among humanity on Earth.

That is why the older brothers in mind came to the aid of earthlings. They understand that earthlings are a young generation of consciousness and have infinite love for our young civilization.

Extraterrestrial civilizations, like caring parents, take care of us in every possible way and completely imperceptibly contribute to the formation of our consciousness.

The quadrangular square on which the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is installed is called the Citadel.

The citadel has two levels. At the top level there are small truncated quadrangular pyramids. At the lower level there are large pyramids - the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent and the four-tiered pyramid in front of it. The two levels of the Citadel are connected by two high steps and blocks of small steps located near each small truncated pyramid.

The citadel is made in the form of a quadrangle. This means that it transmits information about a person at the fourth level of consciousness.

On the other hand, from above you can see that the shape of the Citadel is U-shaped. This is how the crescent moon of united consciousness is shown. A crescent is formed when a region of the brain shifts from the center to the border of the cell. The mobility of the brain region of a human cell is a distinctive property of human consciousness.

This information is emphasized by four small truncated pyramids installed on three sides of the square, while on the fourth side, closing the quadrangle, there are only three pyramids.

To the right and left of the main entrance to the square there are four truncated quadrangular pyramids. Each of the pyramids depicts a brain area of ​​a cell of individual consciousness of the fourth level, i.e. person.

Each pair of pyramids depicts the unification of the consciousness of two individual human cells, i.e. two people. The complexes of the Moon and the Sun convey detailed information about the consciousness of man and humanity.

The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl has been moved deeper into the square. The location of the pyramid near the far wall means a shift of the brain area in an individual human cell to the cell boundary. This happens when consciousness unifies. In symbols of consciousness it looks like this:

The quadrangular truncated pyramids located on the upper level also talk about the fourth level of human consciousness. At the same time, four pyramids located on the U-shaped part reveal the Principle of united consciousness.

The three pyramids at the top level indicate the three previous levels of consciousness included in the human cell.

All the low quadrangular truncated pyramids located on the upper level are shifted to the outer part of the square in the same way as the main high pyramid of the Feathered Serpent - red and blue arrows in the picture below. This shift is indicated by the steps that descend from each of the low pyramids, beyond the upper level.

This shift indicates that in each individual cell that forms a pair for the unification of consciousness, the brain region moves towards the cell boundary.

This process of shifting a brain area in each cell also once again emphasizes that a unification of consciousness is occurring. As a result, a single cell of unified consciousness with an expanded area of ​​the brain is formed.

Thus, the Citadel tells in detail not only about human consciousness, it indicates that only the unification of consciousness can save humanity from global cataclysms.

Global disasters are closely intertwined with the life of humanity

On the lower level of the Citadel there are two main pyramids. They are very tall. One of them is the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. Another four-tiered pyramid is located directly in front of the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. It is slightly lower than the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent and depicts the fourth level of human consciousness.

The four-tier pyramid transforms into the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. It was as if she had become one with her.

The very close location of the two pyramids, as well as the fact that the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent is located directly behind the four-tiered pyramid, indicates that global cataclysms are not only closely intertwined with the life of humanity, but are located right behind it.

It is thus shown that cataclysms seem to await carefree, unsuspecting humanity at a certain stage of the planet’s evolution, and their unexpected and super-powerful blow from behind will be fatal.

Numerous images of dragon heads with closed mouths, surrounded by feathers on the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, mean that global cataclysms are an integral part of the development of planet Earth, its nature. And they will begin at a certain stage in the development of the planet.

The feathers surrounding the dragon's head indicate the only way out - the Transition to the Highest level of the material world into the next cycle of life. Humanity can make this Transition through the unification of consciousness, which is described by the Citadel and the main pyramid located at the very end of the complex - the Pyramid of the Moon.

The snake's attack is instantaneous, like lightning and unpredictable. By analogy with this property of a snake, extraterrestrial civilizations, using the image of a dragon-snake, convey that global cataclysms will also begin unexpectedly for humanity.

Therefore, extraterrestrial civilizations warn about future events through numerous images of dragons in their complexes and give instructions for the continuation of life. They indicate that humanity needs to make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world through the united consciousness of humanity.

Location of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl at the beginning of the Avenue of the Dead

The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is located at the very beginning of the Avenue of the Dead, which crosses the entire complex, sequentially connecting the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. This indicates that the mechanism for the onset of global cataclysms was inherent in the nature of planet Earth.

Even at the dawn of the development of human consciousness, extraterrestrial civilizations knew that a time would come in the life of the Earth’s civilization when global cataclysms would begin on the planet. Global cataclysms are a mechanism inherent in the universe for the main stage in the development of human consciousness - the transition of individual consciousness into a united one. This first Transition of individual consciousness into a united consciousness is so difficult for humanity that it takes place under the sign of death, i.e. complete destruction of civilization.

The reason for the onset of global cataclysms

The onset of global cataclysms on Earth explains the Barkhausen effect, which occurs in ferromagnetic materials at a certain magnetic field strength. It is known that the Earth's core is ferromagnetic.

The Barkhausen effect manifests itself as a spontaneous displacement of interdomain boundaries, which causes spontaneous jumps in magnetization. Jumps occur suddenly when reaching the so-called “start field”. Moreover, single Barkhausen jumps appear first. Then, their number increases. They overlap each other. During cyclic magnetization reversal, Barkhausen magnetization jumps form so-called “packs of magnetic noise”

Barkhausen effect. a – magnetization curve and Barkhausen effect; b, c – hysteresis loop on the oscilloscope screen with the Barkhausen effect; d – packs of magnetization jumps – magnetic noise

The onset of Barkhausen jumps, the rate of their growth and the shape of the “magnetic noise burst” depend on the properties of the ferromagnetic material in which they were caused. In soft carbon steels, Barkhausen shocks occur slowly and sluggishly. In hard alloy steels the number of jumps increases very quickly reaching the highest values. However, the amplitude of carbon steels is much greater than that of alloy steels. That is why the Barkhausen effect is widely used for non-destructive testing of the state of ferromagnetic materials in many industries: aviation, mechanical engineering, etc.

The Barkhausen effect is the prerogative of physicists and we will not delve into this theory. Let us only note that at the macro level of the planet, these jumps in magnetization manifest themselves in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, crustal faults, volcanic eruptions and other catastrophes and natural disasters.

Extraterrestrial civilizations claim that the critical state of the Earth's magnetic field has almost reached the launch field. That is why natural disasters will begin in the near future. At the same time, before the start of global cataclysms, three preliminary incredible forces will occur. Extraterrestrial civilizations claim that humanity on earth has never encountered natural phenomena of such power.

After three preliminary ones, continuous, ever-increasing cataclysms will begin that will engulf the entire Earth. Our planet will seem to come to life. It is impossible to wait out global cataclysms, since they will never stop, but will become stronger and stronger, unlike the plot of the American film “2012”. This is due to the beginning of a new cycle of the planet - a cycle of its active destruction. From this moment on, our planet goes into the category of planets of the past development of consciousness.

Steps are a symbol of the destruction of the body

Extraterrestrial civilizations convey that humanity can make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world only through the destruction of the body from the level of global cataclysms, which is at the level of Crystal Structures.

To destroy a body from the level of global cataclysms, it is necessary to trigger a laser beam by uniting the consciousness of the entire civilization at the same time. This is how the Transition of humanity to the Highest level of the material world will take place.

This information about the destruction of the body is conveyed by a special symbol. The symbol of body destruction is numerous radial stripes running from the brain area to the cell boundary, i.e. cells crossing out the body area. This symbol is very clearly represented in crop circles. In the complexes of Peru, this symbol is depicted by endless terraces covering the surface of the mountains. In the Great Sphinx pictogram, the symbol of the destruction of the body is represented by numerous stripes on the headdress.

The symbol of the destruction of the body at the level of global cataclysms is also presented in the pictogram of the Feathered Serpent. This symbol represents a shallow ladder that is located everywhere.

The symbol of the destruction of the body in the form of a small staircase, telling about the Transition, is also presented on all other pyramids of the Moon and Sun complex. This symbol is also represented throughout the Road of the Dead.

The symbol of the destruction of the body is also represented in the Citadel. The citadel and all the pyramids included in it, like the pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, as well as the four-tier pyramid, have a stepped shape. Pyramids contain two types of steps - high and small. The symbol of the destruction of the body is represented by small steps.

Similar steps are presented throughout the complex - they cover individual pyramids on the Road of the Dead, pyramids located on the square of the Pyramid of the Moon.

Head of a snake and long feathers of a quetzal bird

The Feathered Serpent depicted on the pyramid combines the image of the head of a snake and the feathers of a quetzal bird.

Why was this particular combination chosen – a snake and the feathers of a quetzal bird? Legends about the eagle, the snake and the quetzal tell that eagles reign high in the mountains. In the foothills and plains, the quetzal is the king among birds. He has beautiful and long feathers, and in a fight he is fast and merciless. The snake is a dangerous warrior; one of its throws is fatal. But the quetzal attacks from above. It is fast, strikes with its beak and legs. And defeats the snake.

These words emphasize that only by being at the top can you win a mortal battle with global cataclysms represented by the serpent.

Legends about the god Quetzalcoatl - the feathered serpent. The peoples of Central America worshiped the great god Quetzalcoatl, who is depicted as a snake covered with bird feathers. Quetzalcoatl was also sometimes depicted as a man with feathers in a mask.

Feathered Serpent - Quetzalcoatl in wall paintings. The Feathered Serpent - Quetzalcoatl in wall paintings is represented with wings, on his head he has the head of a bird and long feathers.

The custom of depicting a snake with feathers has been preserved among the Mexican peoples to this day and is a special ceremony.

The image of the Feathered Serpent emphasizes that there is no escape from the global cataclysms occurring on Earth. The only way out is a flight—a transition to another level of the material world. This Transition can only be accomplished through the unification of the consciousness of the entire civilization. The unification of consciousness will allow you to fly to the Highest level of the material world, where there are no cataclysms. This is how we save our lives.

Extraterrestrial civilizations indicate that a Transition is necessary for the continuation of life

Extraterrestrial civilizations associate our Transition with the flight of birds. Therefore, the dragons on the pyramid of the feathered serpent are depicted with the long feathers of the quetzal bird.

That is why the god Quetzalcoatl is often depicted with hummingbirds.

The image of a bird in the hand of the deity Quetzalcoatl reinforces the instructions of extraterrestrial civilizations about the Transition of humanity, as the only way of salvation from global cataclysms, depicted in the form of a snake.

Symbolism of consciousness in the image of the head of a Feathered Dragon

Images of dragons are separate, repeatedly repeated pictograms containing symbols of the consciousness of extraterrestrial civilizations - information cells of individual and united consciousness, crescents of united consciousness, spirals of expansion of the brain area during the formation of united consciousness, and others.

The expansion of the brain area during the unification of consciousness is represented by spirals on the side of the head. The spirals depict the expansion of the brain area of ​​an individual cell during the formation of a unified consciousness.

The symbol of the destruction of the body at the level of crystalline structures for the Transition to a new cycle of life is represented by numerous stripes on a line of spirals.

Expansion of the brain area during the unification of consciousness - the eyes. The eyes, made in the form of several concentric circles, indicate the expansion of the brain area during the formation of unified consciousness. The dark pupil represents the brain region of an individual cell.

The crescent of the united consciousness is the nostrils and teeth. The nostrils and teeth of the dragon are represented by crescents of unified consciousness.

The symbol of united consciousness is a zigzag of feathers around the head. The heads of the closed-mouthed dragons depicted in this complex are surrounded on all sides by feathers.

The double feathers form a zigzag, which depicts the unification of the consciousness of two individual cells, i.e. two people.

The unification of the consciousness of two people, which presents us with a zigzag, expressed by symbols of consciousness, looks like this:

Zigzag in other complexes of extraterrestrial civilizations. An extremely graphic depiction of a zigzag using three huge stone shafts is presented at the Sacsahuaman complex in Peru.

Numerous zigzag pictographs are depicted in the Chachapoyas complexes of Peru.

The oval of dematerialization is the shape of a feather. The elongated shape of the feather resembles an oval of dematerialization for the Transition. The Transition Oval is formed when the civilization of the earth makes a decision on the Transition.

Dragons indicate that global cataclysms belong to the nature of the planet. On the other hand, the pictograms of dragon heads indicate a way out of this critical situation - the transition to a new cycle of life in the mode of united consciousness by destroying the body from the level of Crystalline Structures.

The need to unify consciousness is very clearly conveyed by the pictograms located between the heads of the dragons. These pictograms of extraterrestrial civilizations are called the deity Tlaloc.

Tlaloc - a pictogram about the need to form a united consciousness

The Aztecs also call the deity Tlaloc the fire dragon. This shows the only way out for saving humanity - a laser beam, which should trigger the action of the united consciousness of civilization for the Transition. This is necessary to get away from the level of global cataclysms.

The pictograms claim that the unification of the consciousness of all humanity will cause an incredible force in the form of a laser beam. This ray will destroy our body at the level of global cataclysms. At this very moment, we will again arise at the Highest level of the material world, where we will continue life in a new cycle - the cycle of Correction.

Thus, at each step of the pyramid there is an alternation of the heads of two dragons, the harbingers of global cataclysms - the Feathered One and the fiery one - Tlaloc.

Let's consider what information is conveyed by the image of the head of the fire dragon - Tlaloc.

What does the head of the fire dragon Tlaloc warn about?

Tlaloc contains many levels of information. It consists of a base on which a mesh is applied, as well as front and side ornaments. Let's look at the Tlaloc pictogram from the point of view of the five levels of information, which are shown with dotted lines in the figure below.

Grid on the Tlaloc pictogram

The surface of the Tlaloc pictogram is covered with a grid consisting of numerous small squares. Each small square represents a brain area of ​​an individual cell of a person at the fourth level of consciousness.

The set of squares depicts the cell of consciousness of humanity, consisting of numerous areas of the brain of individual cells of individual people.

The cell of humanity on Earth in the form of a grid of numerous squares is also presented in the drawings in the margins. So, both drawings appeared in England in the county of Wiltshire, one of them on August 1, 1997, and the second on July 2, 2000.

Numerous squares depict areas of the brain of individual people corresponding to the fourth level of consciousness. A common square, divided into numerous small squares, depicts a cell of humanity.

Central part of the Tlaloc pictogram

The central part of the pictogram consists of three levels. Above are two connected rings. Below are two blocks with three concentric circles located at a distance from each other. A spiral is shown on the side. All these elements are stories about the individual and united consciousness of man.

The spiral indicates the expansion of the brain area of ​​an individual cell during the formation of a unified consciousness. This is how the expansion of humanity’s consciousness in the process of its improvement is represented.

Two blocks with three concentric circles, spaced apart. Each block consists of two concentric rings, as well as a semicircle formed by reversing the spiral. The semicircle is located above the larger of the two concentric rings.

The ring in the center and the following ring of larger diameter represent the expansion of the brain area during the unification of consciousness.

The spiral, unfolding, turns into a semicircle above the larger of the two concentric rings, depicting the expansion of the brain area as a result of the unification of consciousness. This shows another stronger expansion of the brain area.

This semicircle of an unfolding spiral consists of numerous small circles that are set in twos. The two small circles are two brain regions of two individual cells. This shows two people uniting consciousness.

This shows that the greatest expansion of the brain area is caused by the unification of the consciousness of many people, i.e. civilization. Therefore, this greatest expansion of the brain region depicts the unification of the consciousness of civilization.

The second exactly the same cell with an expanding brain area as a result of the joining of more and more people to unite consciousness, is located at some distance from the first. This second block, depicting the expansion of consciousness, depicts an even greater expansion of consciousness. These two blocks indicate the joining of more and more people, because they also represent two elements that unite consciousness.

Two connected rings are two information cells of a united consciousness, since each of them has a large brain area. Consequently, to form these cells, not two, but many people united their consciousness. In addition, four small circles are shown in each central circle.

Four small circles inside the brain area. However, on the other hand, inside the brain area of ​​each cell there are four small circles. This shows small areas of the brain of individual cells. Thus, these are four people of the fourth level of consciousness who unite consciousness.

The close arrangement of the rings next to each other shows that two large groups of people unite consciousness.

Thus, these two rings also tell about a huge number of people who unite consciousness for the Transition to the next cycle of life. This is how the united consciousness of the Earth's civilization is represented.

Thus, the top level of the Toltec pictogram depicts the goal of humanity - the unification of consciousness. The principle of united consciousness is the basis of the Transition of humanity:

Two parallelepipeds in the Tlaloc pictogram

The bas-relief of the image of the deity Tlaloc consists of two parallelepipeds - a short upper one and an elongated lower one. This shows the expansion of the brain area during the unification of consciousness. At the same time, the short upper parallelepiped depicts a small region of the brain of an individual cell. The elongated lower parallelepiped represents the expanded brain region of the united consciousness cell.

It is on the elongated part, which talks about the unification of consciousness, that two merging cells are located.

Masks are about uniting the consciousness of civilization. The masks found in the same complex also speak about the need to unite consciousness. So, on the mask under the nose there are two rectangles similar to those presented on the Tlaloc mask - long and short, but rotated 180 degrees. On the mask there is a short parallelepiped at the top and a long one at the bottom.

The expansion of the brain area that accompanies the unification of consciousness is represented by the shape of the earrings. The extruded huge inner circle represents an expanded area of ​​the brain. This shows the unification of a huge number of people, i.e. consciousness of civilization. The raised sides of the earrings represent the body area of ​​the united cell. The shape of the eyes is a pointed oval of dematerialization.

Shift of a brain region in an individual cell. At the top, directly above the spiral, there is a long slot. This slot on one side rests against the end of the upper parallelepiped. At the other end there is a semicircle, one right side of which is extended downwards and connected to a long narrow slit.

This shows the shift of the brain area in individual cells, which are drawn in the form of a grid around this slot. This slot also determines the general information that Tlaloc conveys about the unification of consciousness.

Bottom of Tlaloc pictogram

The lower part of the pictogram consists of two legs and a long parallelepiped above them.

The legs are not solid, but are divided into separate sections. This shows individual consciousness undergoing unification.

The legs are united by a parallelepiped. The two legs represent the unification of consciousness. The parallelepiped above them depicts the shift of a brain region in each of the individual cells that make up the peduncles.

Thus, the lower level of Tlaloc talks about the unification of consciousness.

Another pictogram...

Between the heads of the dragons and the Tlaloc pictogram there is another pictogram that talks about the unification of consciousness. This pictogram shows the change in the mode of consciousness from individual to united.

The images of shells above and below the pictogram reinforce the information about the emergence of the epicenter of the first pre-cataclysm in the water element.

Deity Tlaloc or fire dragon in Aztec and Mayan legends

The deity Tlaloc was considered very important in Aztec religion. He was a good god who gave life and daily bread, but he was also feared for his ability to send hail, thunder and lightning. Tlaloc is the god of the strong and powerful water element - rain and water. In Aztec iconography, he is usually depicted with an astonished look, which is created by two huge cells of the united consciousness and fangs - the crescents of the united consciousness.

Thus, the Aztec legends complement the information transmitted by the pyramid of the Feathered Serpent through the symbolism of the consciousness of extraterrestrial civilizations. The heads of the Feathered Dragon signify the beginning of global cataclysms, and the bas-relief of Tlaloc, as the deity of thunder, lightning and strong water verses, shows the way out of a mortal battle with the elements of the planet. Tlaloc talks about the Transition.

Marine motifs in the depiction of dragons indicate the epicenter of the first pre-cataclysm in the ocean

The long body of the Dragon on the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, twisting along the entire length of each step, resembles waves.

In the upper and lower curves of the body of the long Dragon, which stretches the entire length of the step, various types of sea shells are presented. This means that the Dragon is in the water.

Sea shells are also presented to the right and left of two bas-reliefs of the heads of the Feathered and Fire dragons - Tlaloc.

Pictogram sink

The pictogram of the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent presents shells that contain digital symbolism that talks about the need to unite the consciousness of humanity. So, the upper part of the shell contains four rows of squares. Each square represents an individual area of ​​the human brain corresponding to the fourth level of consciousness.

The first two rows of the shell consist of five squares, indicating the fifth level of consciousness - the unified consciousness that the people of Earth must form. The third and fourth rows consist of three and two squares. Three squares indicate the three previous levels of consciousness included in the human cell. Two squares talk about the need to unite two areas of the brain of two people to form a unified consciousness.

Thus, the marine motifs depicted next to the head or body of the Dragon - various types of sea shells, as well as the writhing body of the Dragon, reminiscent of waves, indicate that global cataclysms will begin in the marine environment - in the ocean.

Epicenter of the first pre-cataclysm

In the Peruvian Chan-Chan complex, through marine symbolism depicting waves, currents and sea animals, it is also indicated that the epicenter of the first pre-cataclysm will be in the ocean.

Extraterrestrial civilizations convey that the only way out of salvation from global cataclysms is to unite the consciousness of civilization for the Transition to a new cycle of life.

Symbolism of the Transition in Teotihuacan

Extraterrestrial civilizations associate our Transition with the flight of birds.

The Teotihuacán complex displays numerous symbols of the Transition and images of birds, as well as people with feathers.

The paintings presented in the Teotihuacan complex show the symbolism of the consciousness of extraterrestrial civilizations: cells of united consciousness, crescents of united consciousness, the expansion of the brain area of ​​an individual cell in the form of spirals during the formation of united consciousness and other symbols are shown.

"Eye" symbol. The most important symbol is presented on the walls - the eye of dematerialization and Transition. It is highlighted with a blue stone. The “eye” is a pointed oval with an information cell inside. The symbol resembles an eye.

In the symbolism of consciousness, a wide pointed oval is the result of humanity’s decision to unite. A wide, pointed oval appears as an overlap zone when the brain regions of two individual cells join together.

The decoration shows cells of united consciousness with an expanded area of ​​the brain, and the “eye” symbol is shown inside.

Thus, the Teotihuacan complex tells about the beginning of global cataclysms and shows humanity the path to the continuation of life - through the unification of the consciousness of civilization, it is necessary to make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world.

One of the most popular gods of the peoples of Central America from the Olmec era (XII-VI centuries BC) was Quetzalcoatlus“snake covered with green feathers”, “precious father of serpents sweeping away roads” or simply “feathered serpent”. He was a kind of fabulous hybrid of a bird of paradise (quetzal) and a snake (coatl) and was considered a creator god, lord of the elements and creator of man.

Creation of worlds and people by Quetzalcoatl

According to the cosmological ideas of the Mayans and Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl, one way or another, took part in creation in each of the five world eras (and), ruled the Second Epoch and created (according to some myths, with the help of the Earth goddess Cihuacoatl) people of the last, Fifth era from bones inhabitants of previous eras, collected in the underworld– Kingdom of the Dead.

According to the Mayans and Aztecs, the Universe created by Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca went through four epochs (stages or eras) of development. The first era (“Four Jaguars”), in which Tezcatlipoca was the supreme deity in the form of the Sun, ended with the extermination of the tribe of giants who then inhabited the Earth by jaguars. In the second era (“Four Winds”), Quetzalcoatl became the Sun, and it ended with hurricanes and the transformation of people into monkeys. Tlaloc became the third Sun, and his era (“Four Rains”) ended with a worldwide fire. In the fourth era (“Four Waters”), the Sun was the water goddess Chalchiuhtlicue; this period ended with a flood, during which people turned into fish. The modern, fifth era (“Four Earthquakes”) with the sun god Tonatiuh should end with terrible cataclysms.

This is how it was according to the slightly different Mayan myths and the Aztec manuscript “Legend of the Suns” (1558). Quetzalcoatl descended into the underworld– Mictlan (9th Hell) to the lord of the kingdom of the dead Mictlantecuhtli and his wife Mictlancihuatl for the bones of the dead. Mictlantecuhtli first allowed him to take the bones, but then suddenly changed his mind. Quetzalcoatl (with the help of his double) nevertheless collected them (rushed to run) and made two bundles of themone contained the bones of women, the other the bones of men. Then Mictlantecuhtli ordered the gods of the underworld to dig a hole (he chased him and ordered the quail to attack the creator god). Quetzalcoatl tripped, fell into a hole (on bones) and broke the bones (a quail pecked them). Then, according to one version, he barely escaped from the Underworld, carrying away the loot. Having sprinkled the bones with his blood, Quetzalcoatl created people, but since the broken bones were of different sizes, men and women turned out to be different in height.
According to another version, Quetzalcoatl's double collected the bones and took them to Tamaonchan
land of the blessed. The goddess Cihuacoatl came there, ground the bones and put them in a precious vessel. Quetzalcoatl then shed blood on them from his reproductive organ. Other gods - Apantecuhtli, Huictolinki, Tepanquiski, Tlallapanak, Tsontemok, together with Quetzalcoatl, performed a rite of repentance. They exclaimed: “O gods, maseguali (common people) were born, because for your sake the gods performed repentance.” Thus, modern humanity was formed.

God Quetzalcoatl
A snake covered with green feathers

Feathered Serpent Statues
Basalt, X-XII centuries
Mexico, Tula

Quetzalcoatl - “a snake covered with green feathers” or “the precious father of snakes, sweeping away roads”, in the mythology of the Indians of Central America, one of the three main deities, the creator god of the world, the creator of man and culture, the lord of the elements, the god of the morning star, twins, patron of priesthood and science, ruler of the Toltec capital - Tollan. He had many hypostases, of which the most important are: Ehecatl (god of the wind), Tlayizcalpantekytli (god of the planet Venus), Xolotl (god of twins and monsters), Se-Acatl, etc. Quetzalcoatl is the son of Mixcoatl and Chimalmat.

13th century, Teotichuas

The first images of Quetzalcoatl, discovered in Olmec sculpture, date back to the 8th – 5th centuries BC. During this period, Quetzalcoatl was the personification of the winds from the Atlantic, bringing moisture to the fields, and the cultural hero who gave maize to people. In the 1st – 6th centuries AD, the cult of Quetzalcoatl spread throughout Central America. He became the supreme god, the creator of the world, the creator of people and the founder of culture. Quetzalcoatl gets food for people: having turned into an ant, it penetrates the anthill where maize grains are hidden, steals them and gives them to people. Quetzalcoatl taught people to find and process precious stones, build, create mosaics from feathers, monitor the movement of stars and calculate dates using the calendar. During this same period, Quetzalcoatl also appeared as the patron of the priesthood: according to myth, he is the institute of sacrifices, fasts and prayers. In the subsequent period, Quetzalcoatl enters into a fight with his antipode Tezcatlipoca. Tezcatlipoca seduces old Quetzalcoatl, and he violates his own prohibitions: he gets drunk, enters into communication with his sister. Misfortunes befall his subjects, the Toltecs, caused by the same Tezcatlipoca. The distressed Quetzalcoatl leaves Tollan and goes into voluntary exile in the country of the East, where he dies and his body is burned. According to one of the Aztec myths, Quetzalcoatl, after his defeat in Tollan, left on a raft of snakes to the eastern overseas country of Tlilan-Tlapallan, promising to return from overseas after some time.

Quetzalcoatl was depicted as a bearded man in a mask, with huge lips, or as a snake covered with feathers. The number of his images in manuscripts and sculptures is enormous. The veneration of Quetzalcoatl came to the Aztecs from the Huastecs, therefore in Aztec manuscripts he was often depicted in Huastec clothing: a high hat made of jaguar skin, the same loincloth, a breast plate in the form of a large shell, a plume of Quetzal feathers.

Quetzalcoatl is a very ancient god, known to the Mayans; traces of his veneration are found among the ruins of ancient Teotihuacan. It is believed that it was he who allowed Cortez and the Spaniards to penetrate deep into the Aztec lands. The Aztecs considered Cortez to be the incarnation of Quetzalcoatl, returning from the East to reclaim his lands, as many Indian legends said.

The cult of Quetzalcoatl was so strong that even hundreds of years after the conquest, it was common for merchants of small Indian cities to work hard, saving and saving money so that twenty years later they would spend it all on a luxurious banquet in honor of the great Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl, like the Wind God Ehecatl, was associated with Ehecailacacozcatl, or winds that blew during hurricane rainfalls. Lightning, so similar in shape to a snake, was also associated with this god and was called xonecuilli. Temples in honor of Ehecatl were round, since the wind god could blow or breathe in any direction.

Indian Codices such as the Codex Cospi and the Codex Borgia refer to Quetzalcoatl's association with the planet Venus and describe its destructive powers. In the Codex Magliabechiano, Quetzalcoatl is associated with Tlaloc, the God of Water and Rain. In the Vienna Codex, Quetzalcoatl is depicted as a vigilant youth sitting at the feet of the "Primordial", the Dual Divinity. He could also be referred to as Yacateuctli - Lord of the Leading Troop, or as He Who Goes Ahead, as Yacacoliuhqui - He Who Has an Eagle Nose or as Yacapitzahuac - Pointed Nose. Could also be revered under the names Our Reverend Prince and Ocelocoatl - the Embodiment of the Black, or Night, Form. In Boone's translation of the Codex Magliabeciano, Quetzalcoatl is mentioned as the son of Mictlantecutli, Lord of the World of the Dead. Boone in his work cites one interesting legend associated with Quetzalcoatl.

One day, after washing his hands, Quetzalcoatl touched his penis and, spilling, his seed fell on a stone. From the union of the seed and the stone, a bat was born, which the other gods sent to bite the Flower Goddess Xochiquetzal. The bat bit off a piece of the Flower Goddess's vagina while she was sleeping and brought it to the gods. They washed him with water and from this water “flowers with a bad smell” grew. The same bat took a piece of the goddess's flesh to Mictlantecuhtli, who also washed it, and from the water he used, "flowers with a good smell" grew. The Indians called them xochitril. Quetzalcoatlus was often depicted holding a spike used to draw blood. It is believed that it was he who created the precedent of self-sacrifice, becoming the forerunner of all subsequent human sacrifices. He bled himself in honor of Camaxtli (synonymous with Mixcoatl), whom the Aztecs revered as the father of Quetzalcoatl. The main sanctuary of Quetzalcoatl was located in Cholula (Mexico). The name Quetzalcoatl became the title of the high priests, the rulers of the real Tollan (Tyla).

According to the Chronicles of Cuautitlan, an anonymous source from the time of the Spanish conquest written in Latin in the Nahua language, Se Acatl Topiltzin devoted himself to the service of Quetzalcoatl from the age of nine.. Then he became the high priest of this god and, with the support of the nationalities conquered by the Toltec state and the Toltec opposition, the ruler of Tollan. Quetzalcoatl proposed a program of transformation to the Toltec society, weakened by constant military conflicts, based on the principles of “Toltecoyotl” (“Toltec spirit”) - an ethical and political doctrine that proposed the creation of a single culture based on the combination of the traditions of the Toltecs and the peoples they conquered, as well as civilizational predecessors, first Teotihuacan's turn. Toltecoyotl called for work, religious tolerance, non-discrimination on ethnic grounds, personal salvation through self-improvement, etc. Quetzalcoatl also carried out military reform, replacing old commanders with his own nominees, in order to secure his rule for socio-political and religious changes.

Quetzalcoatl's relatively peaceful reign was marked by economic growth. The capital of the state, Tula, grew into a prosperous city with a population of more than 40,000 people and was larger in size than any Western European capital of the 14th century. A symbol of the transformation was a new temple in Tula, dedicated to the “Morning Lady” (planet Venus), who was considered the embodiment of the “Feathered Serpent”. The temple consisted of four rooms located at the cardinal points. The western one was decorated with turquoise mosaics, the eastern one - with gold plates, the southern one - with seashells, and the northern one - with jasper and red stones. By analogy with it, another temple of the god Quetzalcoatl was decorated with multi-colored feathers: blue– western compartment, yellow - eastern, white - southern, red - northern.
The progressive transformations of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl met desperate resistance from conservative priests of traditional cults. The priests of Titlaucan even led a conspiracy against him.
Se Acatl Naxchitl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl ruled for 20 years. At the age of 52, he left Tula forever, accompanied by several thousand of his followers. According to Bartolomé de Las Casas, in 968-987. he and his followers landed on the Yucatan Peninsula and by 1027 conquered the Mayan empire that still existed there, taking the name Kukulcan. Twenty Toltec leaders obeyed him. Diego de Landa describes the leader of the conquerors as a man “good-natured, without wife or children, revered as a god after his exodus from Mexico.” However, according to Mayan evidence, Kukulcan was most likely not Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, but one of his immediate successors who took over his title.

In the Temple of War at Chichen Itza, fragments of frescoes were discovered depicting a battle between red-skinned warriors and white men with large beards and helmets on their heads.

Why did Quetzalcoatl leave America?

Why Quetzalcoatl– "man" left America still remains a mystery. Many modern interpreters of Toltec and Aztec legends agree that he, not without the help of Tezcatlipoca (Titlaucan), became mired in sins and, having violated the orders and principles he had introduced, could no longer rule the people he had chosen.
Other researchers believe that Quetzalcoatl’s active opposition to sacrifices to himself (in the sense of God) and, in particular, to other gods, was met with hostility by the priests and, in the end, resulted in a massive conspiracy against him on the part of the followers of these gods. As proof of this, the fact is sometimes cited that after the departure or expulsion of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztecs revived the custom of making human sacrifices to him. At the same time, we were always talking about representatives of the nobility who were secretly strangled to carry out the ritual of sacrifice.
True, there is another opinion on this matter - this barbarism arose not because the priests revived the old cult, but because of a complete distortion of the idea of ​​Quetzalcoatl
"person". He suggested sacrificing his own will, not his body. It was the living soul of man, according to God, that had to move away from earthly life and find unity with the divine cosmic will in order to give real food to the existence of the Universe.


Who were the white bearded god Aztecs Quetzalcoatl and the white-skinned ruler of the Toltecs Se Acatl Naxchitl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl? Were they the same man or humanoid god who appeared first in Xochicalpo, then in Tollan, Chichen Itza, Aztlan and finally in Texcoto? Or were they different “people” of the same era who left traces from about 700 BC? (and according to Diego de Landa from 1000 BC) to 1300. in different places of the American continent, and perhaps appeared there even earlier.

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The roots of the Serpent cult in Mesoamerica go back to ancient times; The first images of bird-like snakes date back to the period 1150-500 BC. e. The snake represented earth and vegetation, but it was in Teotihuacan (circa 150 BC) where snakes were depicted with quetzal feathers. More detailed images were found in the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, built around 200 BC. e., on which you can see a rattlesnake with long green quetzal feathers.


The worship of Quetzalcoatl included the sacrifice of butterflies and hummingbirds, and in the later period of the cult (when Quetzalcoatl's influence as a politician waned) people were also sacrificed.

see also


  • Kinzhalov R.V. Mythological Dictionary / Ch. ed. E. M. Meletinsky- M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1991.
  • On the historical Quetzalcoatl, see: Demetrio Sodi, Great Cultures of Mesoamerica



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  • Quetzal (disambiguation)
  • Ketsbaia

See what "Quetzalcoatl" is in other dictionaries:

    QUEZALCOATL- (“snake covered with green feathers” or “precious twin”), in the mythology of the Indians of Central America, one of the three main deities, the creator god of the world, the creator of man and culture, the lord of the elements, the god of the morning star, twins, patron... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    Quetzalcoatlus- Quetzalcoatl. Drawing. Quetzalcoatlus. Drawing. Quetzalcoatl in the myths of the Indians of Central America is the god of the creator of the world, creator of man and culture, lord of the elements, god of the morning star, twins, patron of priests and science, ruler of the capital... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of World History

    Quetzalcoatlus- noun, number of synonyms: 1 pterodactyl (9) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

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    Quetzalcoatlus- (Aztec) - “snake covered with green feathers” - one of the three main gods, the son of Mixcoatl and Chiamat, the creator of the world, the creator of man and culture, the god of the morning star, the patron of priests and science. He had many guises, of which the most important: ... ... Mythological dictionary

    Quetzalcoatlus- (Quetzalcóatl), in the Nahuatl language the name of the Aztec god, usually depicted as a feathered serpent (Fig. 58). K. was the god of self-sacrifice, the patron of arts and crafts, who gave people agriculture and a calendar. He was also considered the god of the wind and... Archaeological Dictionary

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