In a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Friendly atmosphere. Practice flexible thinking


The training is aimed at removing the fear of speaking in front of an audience: so that you can calmly go out in front of the audience and start speaking on almost any topic, while holding the audience’s attention, speaking at a good level of energy, actively and competently using gestures, intonation, eye contact... To learn how to speak competently in the most common genres: “persuasive speaking,” “storytelling,” “making toasts.”

So that your speech is bright, interesting, exciting,

Lively, fiery, charismatic!!!


The training is specially designed for anyone who has to speak publicly ( present your services, establish relationships with clients/customers/partners): executives, middle managers, sales managers, consultants, teachers, politicians, students. And not only! The training will be an excellent platform for releasing your tensions. Everyone will learn to enjoy themselves and their performance.


  • Relieve fear/intimacy when speaking in public.
  • Give a clear idea of ​​the main parameters on which the success of a performance depends (more than 30 elements).
  • Launch a mechanism of constant self-learning, allowing you to develop in everyday life after completing your training (including based on the analysis of your video recordings).
  • Develop confidence and ease in public speaking in genres such as persuasive speaking, storytelling, toasting...

Planned results

Form of training. This is the most practical training in format.

Teacher is not a profession name. This is even more than a calling. In this word we see first-graders frozen in anticipation of a miracle before school. In this word we hear the voice of a person drawing us to the secrets of the universe. In this word we find a strict but fair assessment of our own first research steps in the world of the unknown. This word is the beginning of the journey of each of us. We should all be grateful to teachers for their wisdom and patience, for the fact that they teach perseverance and determination, teach us to believe in goodness and justice, courageously admit our mistakes and sincerely forgive offenses.
Only under the skillful guidance of good teachers can students effectively use new technologies and new knowledge, which are rapidly developing and becoming a priority in the educational process.
Every teacher wants the school in which he works to be comfortable, to have a good psychological atmosphere for the children, for the entire team - from the director to the cleaning lady. So that parents come to school with joy, try to cooperate with teachers, and not be afraid that they will be scolded for poor upbringing. It is important that the school has a favorable environment, an atmosphere of mutual understanding, friendliness, and support is created. If everything is in order in this area, then it will be possible to talk about results in studies, creativity, and sports.
September 1, 2016 is a holiday not only for schoolchildren, but also for my beloved school No. 1980 in South Butovo, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Our school has long become such that children come to it with pleasure, the level of education is growing every year. School No. 1980 is a winner of the Moscow Mayor's grant in the field of education. Having risen in the ranking of the best educational institutions in Moscow in one academic year from 135th to 77th place, the teaching staff is not going to stop there.
One of the main tasks of our team is the further development of the educational process. We provide specialized training in high schools. Our students have the opportunity to qualitatively prepare for exams by choosing a study profile that is rich in academic subjects that are most interesting to them. Students not only master knowledge within the walls of the school, they grow into active and creative people. Teachers do not just impart knowledge on a subject to children, but teach them how to learn. Because a person has to learn all his life.
At the secondary school, classes for extended study of not only mathematics and English are open, but children have the opportunity to study a second foreign language of their choice: Chinese, Japanese, French or German. The school administration, represented by director Igor Vyacheslavovich Sibilev, and the teaching staff are doing everything to create favorable conditions for the development of our students, so that every graduate is a worthy person.
After all, how is a teacher’s work measured? The success of his students. Moreover, for the most part, these successes are not immediately visible. This is not only victories at Olympiads and competitions, not only graduates with medals, but an opportunity for any student to realize self-realization in life, to find himself and his business. And if the teacher was able to teach him this, this is the most important creative success. After all, our work is daily creativity. The teaching path is one of the noblest, most responsible and difficult. And I want to believe that the prestige of the teaching profession will grow every year.
They say that society lives and develops as it learns. And it learns the way it wants to live. I see the role of a teacher in overcoming the difficulties that life prepares, and I believe that education in our country will become as modernity requires.

Yulia ZAKHAROVA, mathematics teacher at school No. 1980

People lose motivation, become distracted, and unsure. We may feel that we influence how much pleasure we get from our work. And we have a lot more opportunities for this than we might think. Research shows that positive thinking has far-reaching potential for enhancing not only psychological well-being, but also performance in the workplace.

Positive psychology explores and tries to understand what is “right” in our lives. It shifts the focus to experiences that help us build a positive foundation so that we can resolve issues and problems. The psychological resources of hope, self-confidence, resilience and optimism can influence how we approach our daily work routines. These resources, which together form the construct of psychological capital, directly influence our behavior.

Managers, team leaders or employees themselves take an active role in creating a more positive workplace, thereby proving that they are a worthy investment. Take a moment to analyze your own psychological resources, as well as those of other people around you. Do you think you are capable of meeting the demands of your work life? Do you feel like your team has the tools to handle the challenges you face at work? How confident does your team feel in their abilities? What needs to change to create a more positive environment?

Here are some ideas for creating a more positive workplace. (They are very simple, but, as practice shows, they need to be reminded.)

1. Express gratitude

Recognizing the contributions of others is a powerful motivator. I have seen many talented people who were eager to leave an organization simply because they did not feel valued. Regular gratitude shows respect for that person. Remember this simple word - “thank you” - which makes a huge difference to happiness at work and at home.

2. Take every opportunity to coordinate work with yourself.

Using our strengths in the workplace is key to developing self-confidence. To do this, you need to constantly communicate with your team members to assess how their skills are being utilized. And do your best to ensure that your daily work includes all the areas in which you excel. But when your weaknesses are at the center, then work becomes an unpleasant experience.

3. Appreciate the work of others

You may not agree with every idea or plan that is presented to you, but respect for the work of others is a must. We all work hard, so don't deprive others of the satisfaction of their work.

4. Communicate, even though it may be challenging.

In addition to public speaking, we are also very afraid of difficult conversations. However, the foundation of happy workplaces is open, diplomatic negotiations. So if you're on the fence about sharing something important, or you're trying to avoid conflict, think twice before walking away from the issue.

5. Improve feedback

It is crucial to our work life. However, we must remember that we have different feedback requirements and perceive the same information differently. You must be aware of the individual differences between team members.

6. Be resilient to negative information

We tend to dwell on the negative. We are often obsessed with the goal of accomplishing or bringing to life something that has already failed once. Learn to be resilient by refocusing your energy on success when you feel discouraged or find yourself in a stressful situation.

7. Practice flexible thinking

When you're working on a new task, be sure to research potential obstacles as well as ways to effectively overcome them. Thanks to this, you will be able to feel more confident in the daily “chaos” of work.

8. Take and celebrate small steps that lead to success.

We often focus on lofty, ambitious goals that require a lot of time to achieve. But don’t forget to celebrate the small wins along the way to keep your team morale and engaged.

How do you create a positive atmosphere in your workplace?

« Creating an atmosphere of creative goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness in lessons at a children's art school"

Having worked for 10 years as a deputy director for water management, I often asked myself the question - why do children go to one teacher in droves, with great pleasure, while another, no less qualified and respected teacher, teaching the same subject, has a constantly thinning class? The resentment of such teachers, and real professionals in their field, becomes understandable: “I put so much effort, so much work to achieve results from the child (children), so that the lessons become impeccable...”

Studying the experience of my colleagues and the literature on this topic, I can say with confidence thatvery often teachers are overly carried away by the use of professional techniques, forgetting about the atmosphere of creative goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness in the lesson.State of anxiety before class, weakening interest in classes,a decrease in cognitive activity, students missing lessons - unfortunately, negative phenomena of the educational process are still present. These are signs that students feel uncomfortable, but the teacher’s task is to create such a psychological space in the classroom that every student feels good in it. The main criterion for such a space is the creation of an atmosphere that is simultaneously developmental, psychotherapeutic, and psychocorrectional, since in this atmosphere barriers disappear, psychological defenses are removed, and energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but directly on educational activities and creativity. K. Rogers also said that in order for learning to be effective, the main condition must be met - the creation of a climate in the classroom characterized by “authenticity, value and empathy.” Teachers are simply obliged to create such a comfortable atmosphere so that students respect them and, strange as it may sound, are not afraid to go to their lesson. For the teacher, who by default owns the situation and controls it,the atmosphere doesn’t matter, he creates it himself, the one he considers necessary and correct. And for a child, such a favorable microclimate is important and pleasant also because he is weaker emotionally and is in a subordinate position in relation to the teacher.

It is very important to take into account the child’s individuality and feel it. After all, an individual approach helps to remove fear of the lesson, help the child to assert himself, become calmer, more confident, and kinder. Therefore, all this will be very difficult to achieve without using the individual approach method and, as a consequence, without creating a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom!

An atmosphere of goodwill in a lesson with a student can be created using the following techniques:

Relieving fear (using the phrases “It’s no big deal” or “You can handle this task if...”)

Pedagogical suggestion (“I know you can/can do this”)

Advance (“You will succeed because...”)

Motivation (“We really need to do/learn this…”)

Evaluation of the detail (“You did a great job with this tact!”)

Stopping at success (If something didn’t work out for a child for a long time, and suddenly it worked out, there is no need to repeat it again. Let this feeling of happiness remain with him!)

In order for an atmosphere of emotional and moral responsiveness to forever settle in your class, you must remember that:

  • You cannot compare a child with other children, a child’s successes with other people’s successes, a child’s failures with other people’s failures
  • information about the child should be considered not as finished, but as constantly developing material that is created each time and not reproduced according to a standard
  • it is important that the teacher himself is open to emotional experiences and retains the ability to enjoy life
  • For a good teacher, all students are different, for a bad teacher, all students are the same.
  • it is imperative to accept the child with his thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that in order to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, the teacher should not try to see only negative motives behind every negative action of a student. The teacher's forethought and correct behavior during the lesson significantly reduce the tension in communication. Believe in the limitlessness of the child’s abilities, believe in your pedagogical abilities, and then the joint activities of the teacher and the student will work towards rapprochement,promoting effective work and creativity.

List of references and sources used:

1. Rogers K. The Art of Counseling and Therapy. - M., 2002.

2. “Head teacher.” Management of a modern school." 2006. No. 8. P.106.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


CREATING AN ATMOSPHERE OF EMOTIONAL COMFORT IN THE LESSON Theoretical materials. When starting to work at school, it is necessary to take into account the following points: the tasks that modern society sets for the teacher,...

“Development of the creative potential and emotional sphere of pupils through the art of hand knitting.”

“Development of the creative potential and emotional sphere of pupils through the art of hand knitting.” Modern society has a need for a creative, independent, active personality, with...

Olga Musatova
Positive social and psychological atmosphere of the team as the basis for the full development of a preschooler

A positive socio-psychological atmosphere of the team as the basis for the full development of a preschooler.

In modern society, the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is more relevant than ever before. This is explained by the fact that very high demands are placed on preschoolers, which only healthy children can meet. And we can talk about health not only in the absence of any diseases, but also in the condition of harmonious neuropsychic development, high mental and physical performance.

There is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person. And in order to understand the complexity of this problem, let’s clarify what health is. The most comprehensive and generally accepted formulation throughout the world is that developed by the World Health Organization: HEALTH is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The loss of at least one of these structural parts leads to the loss of the whole.

This article will focus on the psychological health of the child.

The problem of maintaining psychological health is relevant. And it is especially good that teachers and psychologists of preschool education - people who surround the child from his first steps - talk about its maintenance and formation. Through us, adults and family, the child comprehends the world; it depends on us how easily the child will enter the complex adult world.

The main way to make a child’s stay in kindergarten interesting and desirable is to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere in the group, establish positive relationships between children and adults, an interesting play environment and involve the child in a variety of activities that are accessible and attractive to him.

The socio-psychological atmosphere of the team should create optimal conditions for the development of a preschooler: generate a sense of psychological security, satisfy the child’s need for emotional contact, and be significant to other people.

Creating comfortable conditions for a child to stay in kindergarten is one of the main tasks of a teacher.

The positive psychological and pedagogical potential of a children's team cannot develop spontaneously. We need an “atmosphere surrounding the child” of social thought (L. S. Vygotsky, external pedagogical influence and guidance.

There are many forms and methods that contribute to the emotional rapprochement of children, the formation of cohesion in the children's team and the individual socialization of the child in the group. The use of these forms and methods forms a communicative culture, promotes the establishment of friendships among children, the development of their interest in everything that happens, the creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and trust, compliance and at the same time initiative.

Let's consider several forms of introducing preschoolers to the team.

Exhibitions. Exhibitions can be thematic, representing objects united by a common content, and author’s (family, personal, in the creation of which a family or one child or adult can take part. In groups of primary and secondary preschool age, mainly thematic exhibitions are organized, dedicated to the closest and objects that are significant for the child (toys, stickers, etc.). By older preschool age, the range of thematic exhibitions expands. Exhibitions based on the results of joint creativity, original ones, reflecting the hobbies of children, parents, and teachers are added.

Game projects. These are group forms of interaction between children in activities, a method of organizing them, characterized by stage-by-stage practical interaction between teachers and students in achieving the game goal. It is recommended to carry out projects from middle age, giving preference to short-term ones, namely: publishing magazines about favorite fairy-tale characters, toys; design of albums for children at different ages. In older preschool age, special attention is paid to role-playing (with elements of creative tasks, when children take on the characters of fairy tales and solve problems in their own way) and creative projects.

Events. In pedagogy, the event-based approach presupposes the presence in the lives of children of bright, emotionally rich events that are significant and attractive both for the team and for the individual. Events can be timed to coincide with calendar holidays or significant dates for the group; based on the events, group traditions can be formed in the future, but, as a rule, this is an independent event. When organizing events, it is mandatory to select games and exercises where children can talk about different qualities of their peers, get to know each other better, as well as games and situations aimed at forming a moral foundation and developing children’s self-esteem.

An effective form that promotes the emotional rapprochement of children and the formation of cohesion in a children’s group is games.

Games will help the teacher teach children to be attentive to each other, negotiate, listen to the partner’s opinion, provide mutual assistance, coordinate their actions with a communication partner, flexibly use facial expressions and gestures in communication, and understand intonation.

Publications on the topic:

A favorable psychological atmosphere in the team is the basis for effective interaction between participants in the educational process Practical lesson with preschool teachers “A favorable psychological atmosphere in a team is the basis for effective interaction between participants.

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Preschool education is a means of motivating the development of personality towards knowledge and creativity through a wide variety of activities.

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