Start in science. Coursework: the influence of color on the emotional state of schoolchildren. Survey table in children: how color affects

MBOU "Petropavlovsk secondary school"

named after Hero of the Soviet Union D.A. Zhukov"



4th grade student

MBOU "Petropavlovsk Secondary School"

Lopatin Igor


educational psychologist Lopatina L.V.



1. The influence of color on a person

    Color perception graphics:.....……………..……………….…………..4

    Association of color and music………………………………………………………6

    Studying color………………………………………………………..7

    Emotions and color……………………………………………………...………………8

2.Our research


    Carrying out a colorful week………………………………………………………...10

    Experiment “The influence of color on health and emotional state” using a heart rate sensor (hand-held heart rate monitor)………………………………………………………………………………..11

3.Research results…………………………………………………….….12





A person sees the world in colors, color is present everywhere, so it affects a person just like everything else. Every person has their own favorite color. But despite this, we rarely think about the importance of color in our lives.
It was not by chance that we began to work on studying this problem.

On the shelf of my home library, I discovered Pamala Osley’s book “The Secret Color Code of Success and Happiness” and I wanted to figure it out and turned to my mother to find out how color affects mood, feelings, thoughts and, in general, human health. I also know that I personally like the color green and I wonder what this color says about me. I also wanted to know the favorite colors of my classmates, so the idea arose, together with the psychologist of the school and a neighboring class, to create a multi-colored week

Problem : Can color affect a person's mood?

Purpose of the study: study the scope of colors, on the emotional state of a person


    Study existing literature on this topic

    Identify the color preference of 3rd and 4th grade students.

    develop a booklet about the influence of color on humans

Object of study : emotional state of 3rd-4th grade students.

Research methods : studying literature, collecting information via the Internet, opinion polls, questionnaires, conversations with students and adults, holding a colorful week.

Hypothesis - color can influence a person's mood.

    The influence of color on a person

From various sources of information I learned the following information:

The frog only sees moving objects. To see everything else, she must begin to move herself.

Crepuscular and nocturnal animals (wolves and other predatory animals) almost do not distinguish colors.

The dragonfly sees colors well, but only with the lower half of its eyes. The upper half looks at the sky, against which the prey is already clearly visible.

Bees and other insects do not see red, but they do see ultraviolet colors that are invisible to humans, and many flowers have patterns in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

Studying the influence of color on the human psyche, scientists from the University of Wisconsin (USA) invited American housewives to try coffee from four cups standing next to boxes of brown, blue, red and yellow.

As a result, 75% of respondents said that the coffee standing next to the brown box was too strong, about 85% called the coffee from the red box the most aromatic and tasty. Almost everyone noted that the coffee next to the blue box was soft, and the coffee next to the yellow box was weak.

The coffee in all cups was the same, but the tasters were informed about this after the experiment

    Association of color and music

We will talk about the influence of color and music on our body. From the point of view of physics, color and sound are waves of a certain frequency that affect different senses: hearing and vision... Color music is a widespread phenomenon today.

But the Russian pianist and composer Alexander Scriabin is officially considered the official founder of color music. His color perception is shown in the figure.

In total, a sunbeam in a rainbow is divided into 7 colors, 7 notes in an octave, 7 chakras in humans, 7 endocrine glands...

Each element of the "Magnificent Seven" has its own "partner". This is what the methods of color therapy (color therapy) and music treatment are based on. To treat certain disorders, a harmonious color and/or sound is selected that balances the body: either removes excess or compensates for deficiency.

For example, green color balances disorders in the emotional sphere: depression, insomnia, absent-mindedness, anger and irritability.

If the choice of colors is directly connected with music - then bypassing translation into verbal language - the answer is “formulated” in the language of music.

This method has proven itself well and has been used for many years in the practice of domestic music therapists. In the 1990s, a dissertation research was the first to prove that there is an objective pattern in the subjective choice of color for music, which is revealed using the technique of sound-color simultaneity (SCS).

A little later, Elkin, in his works, established a pattern of color and tonal correspondences.

Here is his table:


Studying color.

Discovery of color
Color is light. This conclusion was reached by the English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton while conducting experiments on the study of the color spectrum. He, being at home in a dark room, opened the window and let in a small strip of light. By placing a glass prism along the path of a ray of light, he discovered that the light was refracted and split into six colors of the spectrum, which became visible when they hit an adjacent wall.

A few years later, another English physicist, Thomas Young, conducted a reverse experiment and found that the six colors of the Spectrum can be reduced to three basic ones: green, red and blue. He then took three lamps and projected rays of light through filters of these three colors: green, red and blue rays combined into one white beam. Jung recreated light. He also classified the colors of the spectrum as primary and secondary.

Surely, each of us has seen a rainbow at least once and remembers the famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits?

With its help, we can easily name the colors of the rainbow in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

All colors can be divided into three groups:




Cool colors include shades of violet, blue and cyan. Neutral colors are shades of green, while warm colors are shades of yellow, orange and red.
It’s not for nothing that cool colors are called “cool”! When we talk about blue, we imagine the sky, the purity of the ice, indifference and cold. Blue symbolizes kindness, loyalty, constancy. People of noble birth are said to be "Blue Blood".
Violet the color speaks of mystery, mysticism, nobility and wisdom. It's not for nothing that witches wear purple hats! It is much easier to be a person who knows how to fantasize when dressed in purple clothes.

Blue color is associated with depth, silence, calm and honesty. As my favorite heroine of Kirsten Miller’s book, Kiki Strike, says: “In blue, a man seems the embodiment of honesty, even if he lies at every turn!” Politicians often wear blue, do they always tell the truth?
Nature, life, harmony, naturalness, kindness – what color did you imagine? Certainly green. When we think of the color green, we think of forests, trees, grass. Green unites us with nature, it helps us be closer to each other, which is probably why people decorate their homes with plants and flowers. But I wouldn’t recommend painting the walls in our classroom green; it’s not easy to get into a working mood in such a room!
Warm colors can even be hot. Red – this is fire, struggle, energy, anger. A person wearing red is confident in himself and can be a leader in any company and feels the need to be active and achieve success;

People who prefer orange are active, sociable, cheerful and have excellent health. Orange – the color of energy. It is the favorite color of intuitive people and passionate dreamers.

Yellow color gives confidence in one’s abilities, helps to perceive new ideas more easily, and increases cognitive interest. This color can be used for children's rooms, but in small quantities, otherwise children will not be able to sleep peacefully.If you want your guests to feel at ease and have fun, decorate your living room with yellow items.

Colors that are not visible in the rainbow, but are always around us, are white and black.

White the color is considered “ideal”; it simultaneously conveys the shine of light and the coldness of ice. It is the color of purity, lightness, peace and innocence. White color can be preferred by a person with any character; it does not repel anyone. It’s not for nothing that medical workers wear white coats, and brides in many countries wear white dresses.

Black – the complete opposite of white. Night, mystery, infinity. Black plays a huge role in our lives - it balances the color white. Without darkness there is no light, that is the meaning of yin and yang. When we need protection or when we feel the need to be alone, we resort to the color black

Emotions and color

In “The Doctrine of Color” I.V. Goethe wrote: “color is a product of light that evokes emotion.” When we say: “blacked with grief; blushed with anger, turned green with anger, turned gray with fear,” then we do not take these expressions literally, but intuitively associate a person’s emotional experiences with a color capable of expressing them. The first fact that every researcher of the emotion-color relationship is faced with is that it is not of a random, arbitrary nature; emotions and color are “linked” to each other on a very deep basis. Colors are not signs of emotions capable of associatively evoking or expressing this or that feeling; they appear to a person themselves as emotions, or more precisely, as objectively embodied emotions.

    Following the task, children 3-4 years old should draw something “beautiful”, “pleasant”, “good”, as shown in the work of V.S. Mukhina (1981), most often use light, bright colors - yellow, red, orange, blue, emerald green. As V.S. points out. Mukhina: “the color scheme of what is beautiful among children of all countries is similar: the colors in most cases are warm and certainly pure, local” (p. 205). A comparative analysis of the use of “inimitable” colors by children from different countries showed amazing consistency in the choice of color to depict the beautiful and the ugly. Children, getting acquainted with the drawings of their peers from other countries, unmistakably determined by the color of the drawing where the “beautiful” was depicted and where the “ugly” was depicted.

    Our research


For my experiments, I invited 3rd grade students, my classmates. A sociological survey was conducted among the students of our school through anonymous questioning -

Annex 1

30 students took part in the survey.

Conclusion:After conducting the research and studying the results obtained, it was revealed that students who associate themselves with warm shades of colors, when associating the color of a friend, chose the same warm colors. The situation is similar with cool colors. From which it follows that energetic, active, quick decision-making children tend to communicate with similar children. And calmer, balanced, thoughtful, but prone to doubt children act similarly when choosing a friend.

    Experiment with cups of tea

We invited the children to try tea from four cups standing next to brown, blue, red and yellow boxes.

I conducted this testing among classmates and 3rd grade students

Conclusion:As a result, 75% of respondents said that the tea standing next to the brown box was too strong, about 85% called the tea from the red box the most aromatic and tasty. Almost everyone noted that the tea next to the blue box was soft, and the tea next to the yellow one was weak.

    Experiment “Listening to music with subsequent association of the color spectrum”

We listened to music with students of two classes and associated their color

Mozart - pink (childhood).

Beethoven - red (wrestling)

Bach - blue, blue (creative spirituality).

Appendix 2

Conclusion: I came to the conclusion that calm, pleasant music is associated with bright and warm tones, and restless music is associated with cold and dark tones.

    Experiment “The influence of color on health and emotional state” using a heart rate sensor (handheld heart rate monitor)

Only those students who were ready to seriously fulfill all the conditions took part in the experiment:

For example, they measured the processes occurring in the body when blindfolded children were covered with a single-color red and blue cloth. It has been found that we are able to perceive color even through our skin:

Experiment scheme:

- plant participants;


- measure your heart rate using heart rate sensor (handheld heart rate monitor)

Analyze the sensations, moods and feelings of the participants.

Research results

From a conversation with the participants in the experiment and the data identified using a heart rate sensor, it was found that the heart rate increased from the red color, the pulse slowed down from the blue color.

Appendix 3

Conclusion: The same color has different effects. It depends on the time, place, mood, emotional state of the person and many other factors.


All these days passed on a high emotional high. Smiles never left the faces of children and adults, there were no quarrels or fights in the classrooms, everyone was very friendly and attentive to each other. And everything was in order in the notebooks. Despite the different colored pens, there were fewer mistakes. A good mood always helps to study well!

The colorful week contributed to the development of students' communication skills, uniting class teams and improving the psychological climate at school.

Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. I have found that each color evokes subconscious associations. It has also been established that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms and improves communication between people. Color significantly affects a person's condition. Colors appeal to feelings, not to human logic, namely:

cause different reactions:
emphasize quality, mood, feeling; create a warm or cold environment; reflect the seasons, etc.;
have physiological consequences, like positive or negative optical stimuli;
touch sensations: satisfaction, pleasant appearance, etc.

Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb.

Also, one of the points in studying this topic is that color is capable of naturally expressing a person’s emotional (personal-semantic) attitude towards something significant and towards himself. Color visualizes an emotional relationship. The ability of color to transform our state of mind and signal this change has a downside. If we designate someone (or ourselves) using color, we communicate by this what state of mind this object evokes in us.

Color is a powerful means of influencing the human psyche. And the power of color largely lies in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the protective mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level. Therefore, in this capacity it becomes a very attractive means for psychological manipulation. Accordingly, a modern person must know and understand how color affects his body and psyche in order to better navigate the world around him.


1. Mironova L.N. Flower science. Minsk, 1984.
2. Frumkina R.M. Color, meaning, similarity. M., 1984.
3. J. Agoston “Color theory and its application in design” M. “Mir” 1982
4. B. A. Shashlov “Color and color reproduction” M. “Book” 1986
5. Janice Lindsey “All about color” Book club 36.6. 2012
6. Lusher M. The color of your character/Sarah D. Secrets of handwriting. – M.: Publishing house.
"Evening: Perseus", 1996.
7. Dragunsky V.V. Color personality test. – M.: Publishing house. "Harvest"
2000. (Series “Library of Practical Psychology”).
8. Klar G. Luscher test. Psychology of color. – M.: Publishing house. "Peter", 1998.
9. Lusher M. Personality assessment through color choice. – M.: Publishing house.
"EXMO-Press", 1998.
10. Frieling G., Auer K. Man – color – space. – M.: Publishing house.
"Peter", 1995.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Komarova Elizaveta Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, grade 9, Navoloki

One of the most stressful periods is the transition from primary school to secondary school. Uncertainty and fear worsen mood and desire to learn. One of the techniques for regulating mood is exposure to color. The work studies the influence of color on the mood of fifth grade students. To diagnose the operational assessment of their mood, we used the method of L.D. Stolyarenko. Corrective work aimed at improving mood through color was carried out for two out of three classes for two months. To test its effectiveness, one class did not participate in the activities. As a result, indicators of good mood scores increased and activity in the classroom increased. The indicators of a good assessment of the mood of those students for whom correctional work was not used increased slightly. Consequently, color evokes a corresponding human reaction, shapes emotions, and, therefore, mood.





Research competition "YOUTH, SCIENCE, CULTURE"


The influence of color on the mood of schoolchildren.

Komarova Elizaveta

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, grade 9, Navoloki

Scientific supervisor: Shalaeva T.S. teacher - psychologist

I qualification category

Novikova Vera Leonidovna - teacher

highest qualification category

Obninsk, 2010/2011 academic year


One of the most stressful periods is the transition from primary school to secondary school. Uncertainty and fear worsen mood and desire to learn. One of the techniques for regulating mood is exposure to color. The work studies the influence of color on the mood of fifth grade students. To diagnose the operational assessment of their mood, we used the method of L.D. Stolyarenko. Corrective work aimed at improving mood through color was carried out for two out of three classes for two months. To test its effectiveness, one class did not participate in the activities. As a result, indicators of good mood scores increased and activity in the classroom increased. The indicators of a good assessment of the mood of those students for whom correctional work was not used increased slightly. Consequently, color evokes a corresponding human reaction, shapes emotions, and, therefore, mood.

  1. Introduction.
  1. Relevance of the topic.
  2. Goal and tasks.
  3. Subject and object of research.
  1. Literature review.
  2. Description of work.
  1. Corrective work.
  1. Results of the work.
  2. Conclusions.
  3. Bibliography.
  4. Application.


One of the most acute problems of modern school is educational overload and, as a consequence, negativepsycho-emotional state of schoolchildren, leading to serious health problems. Stress exacerbates these harmful effects. There are several most stressful periods. This is the period of entering school, the transition from primary school to middle school, as well as from middle school to high school. The school is doing serious work to adapt students. However, uncertainty, fear, doubt worsen the mood, and, consequently, the desire to learn. It is known that “increasing the emotional content of educational sessions allows you to increase the number of positive emotions, helps relieve stress and improves mood.” One of the techniques for regulating mood is exposure to color. It has been proven that a person’s emotional state affects the perception of color, however, color can be used to correct mood.

The relevance and acute social significance of the identified problem prompted us to write a research paper.Purpose of the studycan be defined as follows:study the influence of color on the mood of fifth grade students. To achieve it, it is necessary to solve a series tasks:

  1. Diagnose the mood of fifth grade students at the beginning of the school year.
  2. Carry out comprehensive corrective work aimed at improving the mood of students through color.
  3. Check the effectiveness of corrective work.

As object of study we chose fifth grade studentsMunicipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 in Navoloki.Subject of study: the influence of color on mood.

Literature review.

Currently, much attention is paid to the younger generation. It is no secret that most Russian schoolchildren have serious health problems. The government of our country is taking measures aimed at resolving the situation. A priority national project is being implemented “Health”, in schools, much attention is paid to health-saving technologies.

But the intensification of the educational process and the corresponding overloads negatively affect the health of children. Stress exacerbates these harmful effects. The most stressful periods are the periods of entering school, the transition from primary school to middle school, as well as from middle school to high school. Both parents and teachers are aware of the difficulties associated with the adaptation of schoolchildren. Children experience them themselves. Uncertainty, fear, doubt affect the psycho-emotional state of schoolchildren, worsen their mood, and, consequently, their desire to learn. It is known that “increasing the emotional content of educational sessions allows you to increase the number of positive emotions, helps relieve stress and improves mood.” One of the techniques for regulating mood is exposure to color.

Interest in color arose in ancient times. Hindus considered man to be flower-bearing, and Indian yogis argued that the human body is woven from intertwining vibrations of sounds and colors. The founder of the science of color was J. V. Goethe. He was the first to talk about the influence of color on mood. It has been proven that a person’s emotional state affects the perception of color, however, color can be used to correct mood. Color not only evokes a corresponding reaction in a person, but also shapes his emotions in a certain way, and, therefore, his mood.

“Mood is the longest lasting emotional state that colors all human behavior. It is an emotional reaction not to the immediate consequences of certain events, but to their meaning for a person.”

It is believed that the colors of the sun and other light colors have a positive effect on a person. Dark colors are undesirable. Of course, all the colors around schoolchildren affect their mood. WeWe cannot change the color of the dull autumn sky, the gray asphalt or the dull color of the walls at school. However, with the help of the color of school supplies, elements of teachers’ clothing, teaching equipment, and elements of clothing of the students themselves, one can and should try to enrich the color palette that evokes positive emotions and adjust the mood of children.

Here are the most common associations with this or that color described in the literature.

Table 1.

Associations with color.


Psychological meaning of flowers according to Luscher

Psychological perception and meaning of color





Firmness, harmony






Development, liberation

Warm, beneficial


Wisdom, passion

Heavy, depressing







It should be clearly understood that we do not plan to aggressively influence schoolchildren through color. Our impact is strictly dosed, soft, unobtrusive in accordance with planned activities.

Description of work.

At the beginning of the 2009–10 academic year, only 75 fifth-graders were studying at the municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 in Navoloki: 5 “A” - 29, 5 “B” - 26, 5 “B” - 21 people. To diagnose their operational mood assessment at the beginning of the school year, we used the methodology published in the workshop “Fundamentals of Psychology” by L. D. Stolyarenko.

Diagnostic technique for operational mood assessment.

The questionnaire consists of 10 pairs of opposing characteristics, according to which the subject is asked to evaluate his mood over a certain period of time. Each pair represents a scale on which the subject notes the degree of expression of one or another characteristic of his mood.

Instructions. You are asked to describe your mood, which you experienced most often, using a table consisting of 10 polar characteristics. In each pair, you must choose the characteristic that most accurately describes your mood, and mark the number that corresponds to the strength of the characteristic.

Data processing.When calculating, the extreme degree of severity of the negative pole of the pair is assessed as one point, and the extreme degree of severity of the positive pole of the pair is assessed as seven points. It should be taken into account that the poles are constantly changing, but positive states always receive high scores, and negative states always receive low scores. Then the number of points is calculated. The results obtained are divided by 10. The average score is 4. Scores exceeding 4 points indicate a favorable mood of the subject, scores below 4 points indicate the opposite. Normal mood scores are in the range of 5-5.5 points.

Table 1.

Opposite Characteristics Questionnaire.



Good mood

Bad mood













Full of hope




Diagnostic results at the beginning of the school year.

75 people participated in the diagnosis of operational mood assessment at the beginning of the school year - students of 5 “A”, 5 “B”, 5 “C” classes. The technique was carried out on September 25, the data was processed and the following results were obtained:

  1. In 5 "A" class 8 people (27%) 20 people (73%)
  2. In 5 “B” class 9 people (36%) There was a good mood and high activity in the lessons. U 17 people (64%) there is a “negative” emotional state, indicating a bad mood and low activity in class.
  3. In 5 “B” class 8 people (38%) There was a good mood and high activity in the lessons. U 13 people (62%) there is a “negative” emotional state, indicating a bad mood and low activity in class.

Picture 1.

Diagnosis of the mood of 5th grade students at the beginning of the school year.

Corrective work.

Corrective work aimed at improving mood was carried out for students in grades 5 “A” and 5 “B”. To test its effectiveness, 5 “B” class did not participate in the planned activities.

Work plan.

  1. Working with parents.

On October 3, a meeting was held for parents of students in grades 5 “A” and 5 “B”. It recommended that parents purchase school supplies and clothing items for their children in the brightest colors possible. The minutes of the parent meeting are attached (Appendix 1).

  1. Working with the teaching staff.

On September 27, a meeting was held for subject teachers and class teachers working in grades 5 “A” and 5 “B”. It recommended that teachers use brightly colored visual material in lessons and, if possible, use bright colors in their clothing. The minutes of the meeting are attached (Appendix 2).

  1. Activities conducted by class teachers.

Monitor students’ keeping a mood diary (Appendix 3), provide subject teachers with tinted paper for writing tests, use colored surprises and exhibitions when working with children according to plan (Appendix 4).

Checking the effectiveness of correctional work.

To test the effectiveness of correctional work, we used the diagnostic method of operational mood assessment by L. D. Stolyarenko,the same as at the beginning of the school year. Studyconducted in 5 “A”, 5 “B”, and 5 “C” classes on December 26, processed the data and obtained the following results:

  1. 20 people (73%) in 5 “A” class There was a good mood and, as a result, teachers noted high activity in the lessons. U 8 people (27%) there is a “negative” emotional state, indicating a bad mood and low activity in class.
  2. In class 5 "B" 10 people (37%) 16 people (63%) there is a “negative” emotional state, indicating a bad mood and low activity in class.
  3. In 5 “B” class 19 people (91%) There was a good mood and, as a result, high activity in the lessons. U 2 people (9%) there is a “negative” emotional state, indicating a bad mood and low activity in class.

Figure 2.

Diagnosis of the mood of 5th grade students.

The result of the work.

  1. As a result of correctional work, the indicators of a good assessment of the mood of students in grade 5 “A” increased from 35% at the beginning of the school year to 62%.
  2. As a result of correctional work, the indicators of a good assessment of the mood of students in grade 5 “B” increased from 38% at the beginning of the school year to 91%.
  3. The indicators of good mood assessment of students in grade 5 “B” did not increase significantly from 27% at the beginning of the school year to 31%. It should be recalled that for grade 5 “B,” correctional work aimed at increasing the operational assessment of mood was not carried out.

Figure 3.

Comparative assessment of changes in the mood of 5th grade students.

Because as a resultcorrectional work, the indicators of a good assessment of the mood of students in grades 5 “A” and 5 “B” increased significantly, we decided to conduct the same events for grade 5 “B”. The work was carried out from 01/12/2010 to 03/12/2010. As a result, the indicators of a good assessment of the mood of students in grade 5 “B” increased from 37% to 62%.

Figure 4.

Comparative assessment of changes in the mood of students in grade 5 “B”.


Based on a comparative assessment of the initial and repeated diagnostic work, we can say that:

  1. As a result of corrective work aimed atenriching the color palette of surrounding objects,the indicators of good mood assessment of fifth-grade students increased noticeably and, as a result, their activity in the classroom increased.
  2. Indicators of a good assessment of the mood of those fifth grade students for whom correctional work aimed atenriching the color palette of surrounding objects, increased slightly.

Consequently, color really evokes a corresponding human reaction and in a certain way shapes the emotions of students, and, therefore, their mood.


  1. Psychological perception and meaning of color.
  2. Psychological meaning of colors according to Luscher.
  3. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended by Federal Laws dated 13.01.96 No. 12-FZ, dated 16.11.97 No. 144-FZ) // Normative acts regulating the activities of the Ministry of Education of Russia [Electron. resource]. - Access mode:
  4. Stolyarenko L. D. “Fundamentals of Psychology.” M. "Phoenix" 2008.

Annex 1.

Minutes of the parent meeting in grades 5 “A” and “B” dated October 3, 2009.

  1. There were 37 people present - parents of grades 5 "A" and "B".
  2. We listened to a speech by a psychologist - T.S. Shalaeva. – on the issue of the problem of adaptation of fifth-graders.
  3. The report was made by 9th grade student Elizaveta Komarov: “Rapid assessment of students’ mood and ways to improve it.”

Decided: Take into account the recommendations of the school psychologist and 9th grade student E. Komarova. Conduct a repeat parent meeting, at which it is necessary to introduce parents to the results of work to improve the mood of fifth-graders and, as a result, activity in the classroom.

  1. If possible, purchase school supplies in bright colors.
  2. Adjust children's clothing and focus on bright colors.

Chairman of the Parents Committee:

___________________________(5 “A” class Svetlakova N. A)

___________________________(5 “B” class Grigorieva N. A)

Classroom teacher:

___________________________(5 “A” class Molodtsov O.V.)

______________________________(5 “B” class Shalaev T.S.)

Appendix 2.

Minutes of the seminar for class teachers and teachers,

working in 5th "A" and "B" classes.

There were 12 people present - class teachers (2 people) and teachers working in grades 5 and 5 of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 in Navoloki.

On the issue of adaptation of fifth-graders, they listened to school teacher and psychologist T.S. Shalaeva.

With a report

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


We live in captivity of flowers. Our thoughts, our emotions - everything has its own color. Suffice it to recall expressions such as “blacked with grief; flushed with anger, green with anger, gray with fear,” we do not take these expressions literally, but intuitively associate a person’s emotional experiences with a color capable of expressing them.

Colors are invariably present in our environment. At home or at work, in a store or on the street, consciously or not, we constantly feel the influence of color. Each color contains a whole range of shades. A person can distinguish about ten million shades of color. How important the bright colors of the world are for us is evidenced by the fact that for the body to function normally, it is necessary that about 80% of all information entering the brain be related to color vision. There is even a special area in the brain responsible for decoding only color information. Color affects mood, well-being, it can direct us to make a certain decision.

Sometimes color stimulates certain reactions that can affect decision making. Color affects appetite and blood pressure. We usually don't notice the influence of color. But, for example, on a cloudy day, when we see only grayness outside the window, our mood immediately begins to deteriorate. Positive energy disappears, and the world around us suddenly becomes unpleasant and hostile.

Thus, many colors affect a person in different ways, causing depression or stimulation of neuropsychic processes in the body, affecting sensations, perception of objects around us, influencing behavior, emotions, thinking, consciousness and subconsciousness.


Color is one of the factors that shapes the state of our psyche, which monitors the functioning of all organs of the human body. Experts have long put forward the theory that color, through the emotional state, affects the general state of a person, including thinking and attention.

The power of color lies largely in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the defense mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level. Accordingly, a modern person must know and understand how color affects his body and psyche in order to better navigate the world around him.

Today, protecting the health of schoolchildren is one of the pressing problems, and their physical and emotional state, the desire to go to school in a good mood, and return home with the same, is the key to successful learning.

The influence of color on the human body

Color and its properties. Color classification

Color- a qualitative subjective characteristic of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range, determined on the basis of the emerging physiological visual sensation and depending on a number of physical, physiological and psychological factors.

In simple terms, color is feeling which a person receives when light rays enter his eye.

The main classification of colors divides all colors into chromatic and achromatic. Achromatic colors are colors that are not in the spectrum. Pure achromatic colors (without admixtures of shades of color) practically do not exist in nature.

Colors are also divided into warm and cold. It is generally accepted that red, orange and yellow colors are warm, and green, blue, indigo and violet are cold (Appendix 2). But among the shades of each color, both cold and warm can be distinguished.

The main characteristics of color are: lightness, hue (color), saturation (intensity) and color purity.

Basic colors on the color wheel: red, yellow, blue. Having in hand paints of only these colors, plus white and black, it is easy to create all the other colors (provided that the three primary colors are of iridescent purity, without impurities).

The same color can mean opposite things to representatives of different cultures. There is no single color that is interpreted the same way by two people. But, despite the uniqueness of the perception of color, the universality of many of its interpretations is beyond doubt.

The influence of color on a person’s physical condition

With physical effects, we are talking about the impact of color on human physiology. The objective effect of color has been confirmed experimentally and depends on the amount of color, quality of color, exposure time, characteristics of the nervous system, age, gender and other factors. The direct physiological effect on the entire human body explains the phenomena caused by red and blue colors, especially at their maximum saturation. Red color excites the nervous system, causes increased respiration and heart rate, and activates the muscular system. Blue color has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system (Appendix 3). Red, yellow, orange colors are the colors of extroversion, i.e. outward impulse. The group of blue, violet, green opposite for passive introversion and inward-facing impulses.

Orange and red colors, simultaneously stimulating the visual and auditory centers of the brain, which causes an apparent increase in the volume of noise. It is not without reason that these active colors are often called “flashy”. Green and blue, calming colors, reduce the excitation of the auditory center, i.e. as if they weaken or compensate for the volume of noise. personality.

The influence of color on a person

The influence of color on a person’s emotional state

Emotions are understood as time-extended processes of internal regulation of the activity of a person or animal, reflecting the meaning (meaning for the process of his life) that existing or possible situations in his life have. In humans, emotions give rise to experiences of pleasure, displeasure, fear, timidity, and the like, which play the role of orienting subjective signals.

One of the founders of experimental psychology, W. Wundt, in “Fundamentals of Physiological Psychology” (1880), describes the organic relationship between sensations and feelings.

An essential fact is a fairly strict degree of “attachment” to a certain color of a certain emotion. A mentally healthy person, both an adult and a child, starting from 3-4 years old, when he can verbalize his impressions, understands the emotional content of primary colors and can differentiate them by emotional sign. Employee of Prof. Kravkova L.A. Schwartz (1947-1948) revealed a noticeable change in color sensitivity (color discrimination thresholds) depending on the emotional state of a person. Positive emotions, such as joy, were associated with increased sensitivity to red and yellow and decreased sensitivity to blue and green. When experiencing negative emotions, the opposite picture was observed: sensitivity to blue and green increased, and to yellow and red decreased

The color effect on a person’s mental apparatus affects not only his emotions and character, but also cognitive processes, and above all, thinking.

Empirical observations show that in different color environments, a person “thinks” differently: color influence can either hinder or facilitate the solution of a task. G. Freeling and K. Auer (1973) do not recommend painting with dark, “cold” tones those rooms in which people engage in mental work - school classrooms, student auditoriums, scientific departments, laboratories, etc. Such colors cause inhibition and reduce the efficiency of mental activity. This applies not only to walls, ceilings or floors, but also to furniture. On the contrary, the colors of the “active side” improve mental activity and increase its productivity. In the minds of the subjects, successful solution of the problem is associated with bright, light shades. In the studies of N.A. Gustyakova(1986; 1988) studied the dynamics of color preferences of subjects in the process of solving a problem. It was found that changing the type of color choice during the decision process carries information about possible success or failure. Subjects who, after initially selecting the bright and light colors of the Luscher test, began to prefer dark, dull shades, did not find a solution to the problem and abandoned further efforts to solve it. The connection between color and thinking, intelligence is complex and ambiguous. Moreover, this connection is certainly mediated by the emotional sphere.

    Practical part.

3.1 Research results

This work is devoted to studying the influence of color on the physical and emotional state of students. In this regard, a study was carried out, which consisted of two stages:

    Diagnostic stage


    1. Find out which colors schoolchildren give the most preference to.

      Determine which colors are associated with which emotions.

      Find out the effect of color on students' appetite.

      Determine the influence of color on students’ well-being.

      Find out students' preferences for school interior design.

    Analytical stage - the goal of this stage is to analyze the result obtained and formulate recommendations for the design of the school interior.

The study involved 55 students in grades 2, 3, and 8.

As a result of testing, it was determined that students give the greatest preference to: red, black, green and yellow; least: purple and brown (Table 2).

Student color preferences table 2

Following the task of drawing something “beautiful,” “pleasant,” “good,” students in grades 2, 3, and 8 most often use light, bright colors—yellow, red, orange, blue, emerald green. The color scheme of “pleasant” is similar for children of all classes: the colors are warm in most cases. Children, getting acquainted with the drawings of their peers from other classes, unmistakably determined by the color of the drawing where the “good” was depicted and where the “bad” was depicted (Table 3. Appendix 4).

Expressing emotions with color Table 3

Also, thanks to testing, it was revealed: what color is associated with what emotion (Table 4, 5).

Table 4

Characteristics of the apparent effects of colors. Table 5


















As a result of the experiment, the effect of flowers on the appetite of students was determined. The greatest appetite is caused by: yellow, red, pink colors (Diagram 1. Appendix 5).

Also, thanks to the experiment, the influence of colors on the well-being of students was revealed (Table 6.).

The influence of color on the well-being of students Table 6


Impact on humans








Test results “Preferences in school interiors”

1. Answering the following question, what color would you paint the walls in your office, students choose colors:

green 40%,

yellow 27%,

orange - 23%,

other colors - 10%.

2. To answer the second question, schoolchildren would like their desks to be painted:

under the tree - 51%,

white - 22%,

in green - 20%,

in other colors - 7%.

The selected colors are most favorable for vision and do not tire the eyes.

3. The blackboard, according to students, should be:

green - 65%,

white - 17%,

blue - 10%,

brown - 8%.

Comparing these indicators with the standard and recommendations of psychologists, we came to the conclusion that chalkboards should be green or dark blue, but when the guys named the white color of the board, they meant interactive whiteboards.

In our school, blackboards in all classrooms meet the standard.

4. Painting the corridors. The guys listed the colors:

blue - 36%,

beige - 20%,

green 24%.

orange - 15%,

other colors - 5%,

5. Analyzing the answers to the question of what a gym should look like, we came to the conclusion that most of the guys would like the gym to be equipped with sports equipment. Only 12% of respondents indicated that the gym should be painted in brighter colors: yellow, orange, i.e. The gym does not satisfy the physical needs of schoolchildren, against the background of which emotional needs do not manifest themselves in the majority.

6. Are flowers needed in offices?

98% of students answered this question positively. Having explained that flowers purify the air, release phytoncides and thereby kill pathogenic bacteria, they decorate and create comfort in the office.

7. How do you feel about tables hanging on the walls? 92% of students answered that tables are needed because... The children believe that they help in the educational process; some children would like to increase their number in classes. However, the state standard does not imply that the office is overloaded with tables.

3.2 Chapter Conclusions

After analyzing the questionnaire data and the experiment results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) students intuitively choose colors that reflect their emotional needs, as evidenced by the answers to the questionnaire;

2) the majority of responses to the questionnaire coincide with the recommendations of psychologists on the color design of school premises. We believe that when planning school design and decorating classrooms, administration and teachers should take into account the impact of color on the emotional and physical well-being of schoolchildren.

IV.Conclusion. Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. I have found that each color evokes subconscious associations. It has also been established that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms, improves communication between people and increases productivity. Colors significantly affect the human condition:

    cause any reaction;

    emphasize quality, mood, feeling; create a warm or cold environment;

    have physiological consequences, both positive and negative

    the most acceptable colors for school design are yellow, orange, green, blue

Correctly selected colors in the interior of classrooms contribute to the active work of students during the day.

The research data obtained as a result of the work confirm the hypothesis - the color design of classrooms can influence the emotional and physical state of schoolchildren.

Based on an analysis of the literature and the data obtained, we have developed: “Recommendations for the interior design of a school classroom” (Appendix 6)

Having studied the literature on this issue, we can draw the following conclusions:

    Color has an impact on the human body, different colors can affect our emotional and physical state in different ways. There are colors that are active, stimulating our emotional state or calming, and there are colors that we reject.

    Acceptance or rejection of color depends on the age of the child; we try to compensate for the lack of one of the colors in clothes.


The influence of color on students' well-being


Impact on humans


Red has the longest wavelength. The effect on the brain of such radiation is maximum. At the sight of any red shades, our body comes into increased tone. Red activates all body functions. For a short time, it increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure and speeds up the breathing rate. It should not be overused - it can cause irritation and exhaustion.


Orange has a tonic effect, acting in the same direction as red, but not so sharply. Various soft shades of orange have a beneficial effect on performance.


It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has the most physiological tonic effect, stimulates vision and nervous activity, without being debilitating or tiring. Favorable for mental work.


Green color has the most beneficial effect on people's well-being and health. Green is a physiological color, it has a refreshing and at the same time calming effect on the body, and acts opposite to red.


Reduces muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, slows breathing, lowers body temperature, refreshes, improves patience, reduces appetite. Therefore, if you are not required to brainstorm, but require long and methodical (maybe even monotonous and monotonous) work, blue color will help you.


The calming effect of blue color turns into a depressing one, inhibits the functions of human physiological systems, distracts attention, and reduces performance.


Combines the effect of red and blue. Produces a depressant effect on the nervous system.

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1 Research work The influence of color on the physical and emotional state of schoolchildren. Completed by: Kuzenkov Ilya Maksimovich, 6th grade student, MBOU Secondary School No. 47, Penza Supervisor: Zapolovskaya N.A. computer science teacher, MBOU secondary school 47, Penza Penza 2016

2 Introduction We live in captivity of flowers. Our thoughts, our emotions - everything has its own color. Suffice it to recall expressions such as “blacked with grief; flushed with anger, green with anger, gray with fear,” we do not take these expressions literally, but intuitively associate a person’s emotional experiences with a color capable of expressing them. Colors are invariably present in our environment. At home or at work, in a store or on the street, consciously or not, we constantly feel the influence of color. Each color contains a whole range of shades. A person can distinguish about ten million shades of color. How important the bright colors of the world are for us is evidenced by the fact that for the body to function normally, it is necessary that about 80% of all information entering the brain be related to color vision. There is even a special area in the brain responsible for decoding only color information. Color affects mood, well-being, it can direct us to make a certain decision. Sometimes color stimulates certain reactions that can affect decision making. Color affects appetite and blood pressure. We usually don't notice the influence of color. But, for example, on a cloudy day, when we see only grayness outside the window, our mood immediately begins to deteriorate. Positive energy disappears, and the world around us suddenly becomes unpleasant and hostile. Thus, many colors affect a person in different ways, causing depression or stimulation of neuropsychic processes in the body, affecting sensations, perception of objects around us, influencing behavior, emotions, thinking, consciousness and subconsciousness. Relevance: Color is one of the factors that shapes the state of our psyche, which monitors the functioning of all organs of the human body. Experts have long put forward the theory that color through emotional

Condition 3 affects the general condition of a person, including thinking and attention. The power of color lies largely in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the defense mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level. Accordingly, a modern person must know and understand how color affects his body and psyche in order to better navigate the world around him. Today, protecting the health of schoolchildren is one of the pressing problems, and their physical and emotional state, the desire to go to school in a good mood, and return home with the same, is the key to successful learning. The influence of color on the human body Color and its properties. Classification of colors Color is a qualitative subjective characteristic of electromagnetic radiation in the optical range, determined on the basis of the emerging physiological visual sensation and depending on a number of physical, physiological and psychological factors. In simple terms, color is the sensation that a person receives when light rays enter his eye. The main classification of colors divides all colors into chromatic and achromatic. Achromatic colors are colors that are not present in the spectrum. Pure achromatic colors (without admixtures of shades of color) practically do not exist in nature. Colors are also divided into warm and cold. It is generally accepted that red, orange and yellow colors are warm, and green, blue, indigo and violet are cold (Appendix 2). But among the shades of each color, both cold and warm can be distinguished. The main characteristics of color are: lightness, hue (color), saturation (intensity) and color purity. Primary colors on the color wheel: red, yellow, blue. Having in

With 4 hands of paint only these colors plus white and black, it is easy to create all other colors (provided that the three primary colors are of iridescent purity, without impurities). The same color can mean opposite things to representatives of different cultures. There is no single color that is interpreted the same way by two people. But, despite the uniqueness of the perception of color, the universality of many of its interpretations is beyond doubt. The influence of color on the physical state of a person With physical effects we are talking about the effect of color on human physiology. The objective effect of color has been confirmed experimentally and depends on the amount of color, quality of color, exposure time, characteristics of the nervous system, age, gender and other factors. The direct physiological effect on the entire human body explains the phenomena caused by red and blue colors, especially at their maximum saturation. Red color excites the nervous system, causes increased respiration and heart rate, and activates the muscular system. Blue color has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system (Appendix 3). Red, yellow, orange colors are the colors of extroversion, i.e. outward impulse. The group of blue, violet, green opposite for passive introversion and inward-facing impulses. Orange and red colors, simultaneously stimulating the visual and auditory centers of the brain, which causes an apparent increase in the volume of noise. It is not without reason that these active colors are often called “flashy”. Green and blue, calming colors, reduce the excitation of the auditory center, i.e. as if they weaken or compensate for the volume of noise. personality. The influence of color on a person

5 Color/Action Exciting Depressing Calming Red + Orange + Yellow + Green + Light Blue + Blue + Violet + The influence of color on the emotional state of a person Emotions are understood as time-extended processes of internal regulation of human or animal activity, reflecting meaning (meaning for the process of its life activity) , which have existing or possible situations in his life. In humans, emotions give rise to experiences of pleasure, displeasure, fear, timidity, and the like, which play the role of orienting subjective signals. One of the founders of experimental psychology, W. Wundt, in “Fundamentals of Physiological Psychology” (1880), describes the organic relationship between sensations and feelings. An essential fact is a fairly strict degree of “attachment” to a certain color of a certain emotion. A mentally healthy person, both an adult and a child, starting from 3-4 years old, when he can verbalize his impressions, understands the emotional content of primary colors and can differentiate them by emotional sign. Employee of Prof. Kravkova L.A. Schwartz () a noticeable change in color sensitivity (color discrimination thresholds) was identified depending on the emotional state of a person. Positive emotions, such as joy, were associated with increased sensitivity to red and yellow and decreased sensitivity to blue and green. When experiencing negative emotions, the opposite picture was observed: sensitivity to blue and green increased, and to yellow and red decreased

6 The color effect on a person’s mental apparatus affects not only his emotions and character, but also cognitive processes, and above all, thinking. Empirical observations show that in different color environments, a person “thinks” differently: color influence can either hinder or facilitate the solution of a task. G. Freeling and K. Auer (1973) do not recommend painting with dark, “cold” tones those rooms in which people engage in mental work: school classes, student auditoriums, scientific departments, laboratories, etc. Such colors cause inhibition and reduce the efficiency of mental activity. This applies not only to walls, ceilings or floors, but also to furniture. On the contrary, the colors of the “active side” improve mental activity and increase its productivity. In the minds of the subjects, successful solution of the problem is associated with bright, light shades. In the studies of N.A. Gustyakov (1986; 1988) studied the dynamics of color preferences of subjects in the process of solving a problem. It was found that changing the type of color choice during the decision process carries information about possible success or failure. Subjects who, after initially selecting the bright and light colors of the Luscher test, began to prefer dark, dull shades, did not find a solution to the problem and abandoned further efforts to solve it. The connection between color and thinking, intelligence is complex and ambiguous. Moreover, this connection is certainly mediated by emotional sphere III. Practical part. 3.1 Research results This work is devoted to studying the influence of color on the physical and emotional state of students. In this regard, a study was carried out, which consisted of two stages:

7 1) Diagnostic stage Objectives: 1. Find out which colors schoolchildren give the greatest preference to. 2. Determine which colors are associated with which emotions. 3. Find out the effect of color on students’ appetite. 4. Determine the influence of color on the well-being of students. 5. Find out students’ preferences for school interior design. 2) Analytical stage The goal of this stage is to analyze the result obtained and formulate recommendations for the design of the school’s interior. The study involved 55 students in grades 2, 3, and 8. As a result of testing, it was determined that students give the greatest preference to: red, black, green and yellow; least: purple and brown (Table 2). Color preferences of students Table 2 Color Red 12 Black 10 Green 7 Yellow 7 Light Blue 5 Blue 3 Pink 3 White 3 Purple 3 Brown 2 Number of those chosen

8 Following the task of drawing something “beautiful,” “pleasant,” “good,” students in grades 2, 3, and 8 most often use light, bright colors—yellow, red, orange, blue, and emerald green. The color scheme of “pleasant” is similar for children of all classes: the colors are warm in most cases. Children, getting acquainted with the drawings of their peers from other classes, accurately determined by the color of the drawing where the “good” was depicted and where the “bad” was depicted (Table 3. Appendix 4). Expression of emotions by color Table 3 Beautiful, pleasant, kind Warm colors Yellow Orange Red Boring, scary, bad Cold colors Blue Black Purple Also, thanks to testing, it was revealed: what color is associated with what emotion (Table 4, 5). ColorInterest Color-emotional meaning in school-age children Joy Emotions Surprise* Sadness Anger Disgust* Shame Fear Tired* Table 4

9 White Characteristics of the apparent effects of colors. Table 5 light Yellow light warm dry Orange warm dry screaming Red heavy warm dry screaming Purple heavy Blue heavy cold wet calm Green cool wet calm Blue light wet calm Brown heavy wet Black heavy dry As a result of the experiment, the influence of colors on the appetite of students was determined. The greatest appetite is caused by: yellow, red, pink colors (Diagram 1. Appendix 5). The influence of color on the taste preferences of students (54 people were surveyed). Also, thanks to the experiment, the influence of colors on the well-being of students was revealed (Table 6.).

10 The influence of color on the well-being of students Table 6 Color Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Blue Violet Effect on humans Red color has the longest wavelength. The effect of such radiation on the brain is maximum. At the sight of any red shades, our body comes into increased tone. Red activates all body functions. For a short time, it increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure and speeds up the breathing rate. It should not be abused as it can cause irritation and exhaustion. Orange has a tonic effect, acting in the same direction as red, but not so sharply. Various soft shades of orange have a beneficial effect on performance. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has the most physiological tonic effect, stimulates vision and nervous activity, without being debilitating or tiring. Favorable for mental work. Green color has the most beneficial effect on people's well-being and health. Green is a physiological color, it has a refreshing and at the same time calming effect on the body, and acts opposite to red. Reduces muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, slows breathing rate, lowers body temperature, refreshes, improves patience, reduces appetite. Therefore, if you are not required to brainstorm, but need long and methodical (maybe even monotonous and monotonous) work, blue color will help you. The calming effect of blue color turns into a depressing one, inhibits the functions of human physiological systems, distracts attention, and reduces performance. Combines the effect of red and blue. Produces a depressant effect on the nervous system.

11 Test results “Preferences in the school interior” 1. Answering the following question, what color would you paint the walls in your office, students choose the following colors: green 40%, yellow 27%, orange 23%, other colors 10%. 2. Answering the second question, schoolchildren would like their desks to be painted: wood - 51%, white - 22%, green - 20%, other colors - 7%. The selected colors are most favorable for vision and do not tire the eyes. 3. The blackboard, according to students, should be: green - 65%, white - 17%, blue - 10%, brown - 8%. Comparing these indicators with the standard and the recommendations of psychologists, we came to the conclusion that blackboards should be green or dark blue, but when the guys named the white color of the board, they meant interactive whiteboards. In our school, blackboards in all classrooms meet the standard. 4. Painting the corridors. The guys listed the colors: blue - 36%, beige - 20%, green 24%. orange - 15%, other colors 5%,

12 5. Analyzing the answers to the question of what a gym should look like, we came to the conclusion that most of the guys would like the gym to be equipped with sports equipment. Only 12% of respondents indicated that the gym should be painted in brighter colors: yellow, orange, i.e. The gym does not satisfy the physical needs of schoolchildren, against the background of which emotional needs do not manifest themselves in the majority. 6. Are flowers needed in offices? 98% of students answered this question positively. Having explained that flowers purify the air, release phytoncides and thereby kill pathogenic bacteria, they decorate and create comfort in the office. 7. How do you feel about tables hanging on the walls? 92% of students answered that tables are needed because... The children believe that they help in the educational process; some children would like to increase their number in classes. However, the state standard does not imply that the office is overloaded with tables. 3.2 Conclusions for the chapter Having analyzed the questionnaire data and the results of the experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) students intuitively choose colors that reflect their emotional needs, as evidenced by the answers to the questionnaire questions; 2) the majority of responses to the questionnaire coincide with the recommendations of psychologists on the color design of school premises. We believe that when planning school design and decorating classrooms, administration and teachers should take into account the impact of color on the emotional and physical well-being of schoolchildren.

13 IV.Conclusion. Color can attract and repel, instill a feeling of calm and comfort, or excite and disturb. Colors appeal to a person's feelings, not logic. I have found that each color evokes subconscious associations. It has also been established that a color-balanced environment attracts, creates a creative atmosphere, calms, improves communication between people and increases productivity. Colors significantly affect the human condition: they cause some kind of reaction; emphasize quality, mood, feeling; create a warm or cold environment; have physiological consequences, both positive and negative; the most acceptable colors for school design are yellow, orange, green, blue. Correctly selected colors in the interior of classrooms contribute to the active work of students during the day. The research data obtained as a result of the work confirm the hypothesis - the color design of classrooms can influence the emotional and physical state of schoolchildren. Based on an analysis of the literature and the data obtained, we have developed: “Recommendations for decorating the interior of a school classroom” (Appendix 6) Having studied the literature on this issue, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. Color has an impact on the human body, different colors can affect our emotional and physical condition differently. There are active colors that excite our emotional state or calm them, and there are colors that we reject. 2. Acceptance or rejection of color depends on the age of the child; we try to compensate for the lack of one of the colors in clothes.

14 Appendix. The influence of color on the well-being of students Color Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Blue Violet Effect on humans Red color has the longest wavelength. The effect of such radiation on the brain is maximum. At the sight of any red shades, our body comes into increased tone. Red activates all body functions. For a short time, it increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure and speeds up the breathing rate. It should not be abused as it can cause irritation and exhaustion. Orange has a tonic effect, acting in the same direction as red, but not so sharply. Various soft shades of orange have a beneficial effect on performance. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has the most physiological tonic effect, stimulates vision and nervous activity, without being debilitating or tiring. Favorable for mental work. Green color has the most beneficial effect on people's well-being and health. Green is a physiological color, it has a refreshing and at the same time calming effect on the body, and acts opposite to red. Reduces muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, slows breathing, lowers body temperature, refreshes, improves patience, reduces appetite. Therefore, if you are not required to brainstorm, but need long and methodical (maybe even monotonous and monotonous) work, blue color will help you. The calming effect of blue color turns into a depressing one, inhibits the functions of human physiological systems, distracts attention, and reduces performance. Combines the effect of red and blue. Produces a depressant effect on the nervous system.

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Psychology of color. The influence of color on a child's psyche

“Color is a powerful means of influencing the human psyche. The power of color lies in the fact that it is able to “bypass” the protective mechanisms of our consciousness and act on an unconscious level...” Humanity has long noticed that color affects not only a person’s psycho-emotional state, but also his intellect. What can we say about children who are just developing their personal characteristics. Psychologists say that even the color of clothing, not to mention the environment, can reduce or increase self-esteem, improve or worsen a child’s well-being. About the influence of color on a child and how a child’s favorite color characterizes him, how a child’s room should be decorated depending on the child’s psychological characteristics, what the healing power of each color is, and much more this issue of the methodological newsletter will tell you about.

Color- these are waves of a certain kind of electromagnetic energy, which, after being perceived by the human eye and brain, are converted into color sensations. Each color has its own wavelength range:


Wavelength in n/m















Electromagnet Waves of different colors have different effects on people. The healing effect of color is immediate because we perceive its energy not only with our eyes, but also with our skin. By restoring mental balance, colors also have a positive effect on the human psyche and health. Food, clothing, makeup, furniture - all this can have a beneficial effect on you if you choose the right color. Knowing how different colors affect the human body, you can improve your well-being, appearance and even life itself.

Color is not available to all animals on Earth. Birds and primates have full color vision; others, at best, can distinguish some shades, mainly red. In evolution, color helped humans identify danger, remember terrain, distinguish between plants, and determine impending weather by the color of clouds. Color, as a carrier of information, played a huge role in human life. Information about objects or phenomena painted in a certain color was combined into an image that made a symbol out of color. This symbol changes its meaning from situation to situation, but is always understandable (it may not be conscious, but accepted by the subconscious).

How color symbols were formed throughout human history

In the rock paintings of primitive peoples, three colors are most often found - white, black and red, which allows us to conclude about the special role of these colors in the life of ancient people. Here is what the Chandogya Upanishad says about this: “the red color of material fire is the color of the primordial fire, the white color of material fire is the color of the primordial waters, the black color of material fire is the color of the primordial earth. Thus, everything that is usually called fire disappears in fire. Modification is only a name that appears in speech, and only three colors (forms) are true.”

In antiquity, Empedocles, identifying four main elements, gave each of them its own color. The color black corresponds to water; earth - yellow; fire - red; air - white.

One of the most widespread cults of ancient peoples was the cult of the sun, light, and also the closest resemblance to the sun - fire (Zoroastrianism). As in Ancient India, the sun was revered as the supreme deity, the source of life and good. Therefore, the attitude towards a particular color depended on how “sunny” it was - light and bright. The colors most similar to sunlight were white, gold and yellow. Therefore, these colors were considered divine. They were the flowers of gods, sacred animals, priests, etc.

In Ancient Egypt, Osiris, the god of growth and the kingdom of the dead, was depicted in green, which contains two opposing tendencies: life and death, i.e. is an ambivalent symbol. Green was one of the favorite color combinations of the ancient Egyptians: green - white - red. In Ancient Egypt, the red lotus was a symbol of the blood shed by Osiris. As in China, this color was considered the color of the noble class, warriors, and kings. The color blue or blue, corresponding to truth, had an important symbolic meaning in Ancient Egypt.

The most beloved and revered colors in Ancient Rome were white, yellow, red and purple. The combination of white and red was a symbol of aristocratic, noble origin. Purple was considered the color of emperors and members of the royal house, meaning power, spirituality, and greatness. When a Roman general celebrated his triumph, he rode out in a chariot drawn by four white horses, covered with gilded blankets, and dressed in red robes.

In early Christianity, the positive symbolic meaning of yellow prevailed, as the color of the Holy Spirit, divine revelation, enlightenment, etc. Red in Christianity symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed for the salvation of people, and, consequently, his love for people. For Christians, blue symbolized the sky, was the color of eternity, encouraged humility, piety, and expressed the idea of ​​self-sacrifice and meekness.

In medieval alchemy, colors were divided into “higher” and “lower”. The “highest” colors included the colors of the “triad” known to us - white, black and red. They symbolized the three stages of the “Great Transformation”: primary matter (black), mercury (white) and sulfur (red); - the result of which was the creation of the “stone” (golden). Gold denoted glory, and the main, initial color (generating all other colors) in this triad was considered black. The remaining colors were included in the group of “inferior” or “secondary”.

In the Middle Ages, brown and gray were the colors of the common people. Their symbolic meaning, especially in the early Middle Ages, was purely negative. They meant poverty, hopelessness, wretchedness, abomination, etc. During the Renaissance, brown and gray in everyday life were no longer considered symbolically negative. They meant moderation, practicality and sober calculation.

Despite the fact that throughout human history the content of color symbols has undergone considerable changes - their interpretation and attitude towards them have changed - the core of color symbolism has remained unchanged.

Modern color researchers have conducted numerous experiments that have revealed consistent patterns of the influence of various colors on the human psyche. The colors that surround each of us from birth have an objective, direct impact on the human body, setting it in unison with the world around us. Color causes aesthetic pleasure or displeasure. Color affects our nervous system, makes our heart beat faster or slower, affects our metabolism, etc. Color affects the human psyche, thoughts and feelings. It can make you happy and sad, soothe and irritate, its capabilities are simply amazing!

Color science is a comprehensive science about color, including a systematic set of data from physics, physiology and psychology that study the natural phenomenon of color, as well as a set of data from philosophy, aesthetics, art history, philology, ethnography, and literature that study color as a cultural phenomenon.

Coloristics is a branch of the science of color that studies the theory of using color in practice in various fields of human activity.

Children's favorite colors

Everyone knows that newborn children have only two colors of perception - white and black. But when the baby is about two months old, he begins to perceive other colors. Red joins white and black. After some time, the child will already be able to distinguish the color yellow and all its shades.

Children begin to learn the names of colors between the ages of two and five. It is usually easier for girls to remember all the names of colors than for boys. But this is not a fact. After all, the development of a child depends on the state of his nervous system.

Children are always interested in bright colors. Many different studies have been conducted that have shown that in childhood a child changes his preference for colors many times. Most children under ten years of age love red, pink or yellow colors. As soon as a child turns ten years old, he can already fall in love with the color blue with all its shades.

Also, the choice of favorite color depends on the gender of the child. According to research, girls prefer pink, lavender, and purple colors. Boys prefer dark and blue colors. Have you ever thought that children’s favorite colors may depend on innate and acquired preferences? After all, even in the maternity hospital, pink or blue ribbons are knitted for children, which respectively symbolize the birth of a girl or a boy. But most scientists still argue that children’s favorite colors are innate.

According to colorism, which was started by the German poet (philosopher and scientist) I.V. Goethe, the color environment influences human character. That's why there are color diagnostics and even color therapy. If you carefully observe what colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, and colored paper a child uses in his games and drawings, you can learn a lot about his character. As you get older, your preferred colors may change. Their choice is also affected by the child’s current mood: joy, sadness, creative inspiration and aggressiveness. Conversely, the working color environment can determine the condition, performance, business and communication qualities of a child, and this can and should be used as a positive stimulus for his physical and intellectual development.

Using coloristic methods as an additional tool for diagnosing children (and adults) and determining their personality types, clear relationships are identified between certain color preferences and the psychological characteristics of children. The preference that a child has for a particular color, for quite a long time and regardless of his current states, indicates the dominance in the structure of his personality of a function that is creative. The combination of several colors, predominantly chosen by the child, allows one to draw a conclusion about his personality type or correlate it with a group of types (four) that have similar enhanced functional qualities.

Children who prefer “Yellow” to all colors are most predisposed to creativity. In the language of flowers, yellow means spirituality (the yellow halo above the heads of saints in paintings and icons, the yellow-gold domes of Orthodox churches, the yellow-orange robes of Buddhist monks). As a rule, such people are free, liberated, original, dissident and therefore dangerous for those who put unshakable order and unlimited power at the forefront, for whom the main moral principle is not to stand out and not to be smart. On the other hand, people who prefer yellow are dreamers, visionaries, storytellers. They often tend to get off the ground in their fantasies, wishful thinking, and mystify others. Such children can be both good storytellers and inventors, a center of attraction for peers and younger children, and an object of ridicule. In early childhood, they love to play alone and transform their toys into any characters with the power of their imagination. As an adult, such a person prefers interesting, varied work. He always believes in something, hopes for something, lives more in the future than in the present, and in the present he is unadapted, impractical, “not of this world.”

Children who prefer “Purple” to all colors live in a rich inner world. They are often distinguished by artistry in their behavior. The color violet means night, mystery, mysticism, disguise, play, contemplation, identification, integration, suggestibility (in relation to oneself and to others), aesthetics and unaesthetics, modesty and the desire to shock others, abstinence and attraction to all kinds of vices, martyrdom and messianic trends. Such children (adults are no exception) are almost constantly torn apart by contradictions in feelings, desires, relationships, activities, etc. Such people are sensitive, suggestible, strive to impress others and at the same time are able to look at themselves from the outside. They are very vulnerable and need support, encouragement, and encouragement more than others. They are easy to hypnotize and excite.

The function closest to the purple color is the intuition of time, the most mysterious and not yet entirely understood function. It is most clearly manifested in the “mentor” and “experimenter” sociotypes.

Children who prefer “Red” to all colors are the most open and active. Red is the color of blood, health, life, expansion, energy, sexuality, aggressiveness, strength, power, war, revolution. Such children are usually leaders in their environment, both formal and informal. Submitting is not in their rules. Such children are more likely to do the opposite, “out of spite,” when they are asked or ordered to do something. It is necessary to awaken and stimulate the child’s own desire or go from the opposite, thereby provoking him to do what is necessary. Here parents will need greater flexibility, patience and diplomacy. Forceful methods will only embitter such a child. After all, it is from children of this kind that, when brought up incorrectly, adults with antisocial tendencies and a penchant for crime are formed.

With such a child - a fighter, lively, restless, breaking toys and not listening to anyone - it is very difficult for educators. When he grows up, his high efficiency and entrepreneurial spirit will be stimulated by the desire to make a career, achieve prosperity, power over things and people. Hence the prevalence of today's interests, assertiveness and selfishness. The most prominent politicians and leaders, military men and criminals are “red”. After all, even the traditional clothing of kings, generals, cardinals, and executioners was red. The flag of the revolution had the same color.

Children who prefer “Green” to all colors are extremely dynamic and determined to receive material returns. Green color is an indicator of human intensity and performance. Such children are great pragmatists, but they achieve everything through their own physical efforts and this differs from the “reds” who prefer to “go for a ride at someone else’s expense” either through physical coercion or by manipulating the feelings and attitudes of the people around them. Children whose favorite color is green are open in their intentions and actions. Their weak spot is a weak nervous system. Such children are easily unbalanced and provoked into aggression. They are very touchy and vulnerable, but not vindictive. If you admit your guilt and demonstrate goodwill and compliance towards such a child, he will quickly “move away”. As children grow older, such characteristic features of children as confidence, perseverance, and even stubbornness contribute to the development of good performing qualities in them. They are very hardworking and work tirelessly for the benefit of their loved ones. Green is the color of living nature, the color of leaves, grass, and unripe fruits. Therefore, people who prefer the color green often like to dig in the ground, grow something, they know how to use the gifts of nature, but not by robbing it, but by skillfully handling it and being careful.

The expression “young-green” speaks of such qualities of “greens” as a penchant for fun, humor, healthy sensuality, enthusiasm, optimism, all the signs of a person standing on the threshold of life and enjoying it.

Green color indicates the presence of naturally well-developed senses: hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch.

Children whose favorite color is “Brown” are often conflicted with themselves. It is caused, on the one hand, by the desire to act, to be useful, to make contact with others, and on the other hand, to withdraw into oneself, show petty selfishness and capriciousness, and fall into melancholy and depressive states. Prone to sudden mood swings, such children are often unsociable and are known among their peers as proud and arrogant. The isolation of such children is often caused by their reluctance to dissolve in the crowd, to be “sixes” or executors of the will of “red” children - leaders and ringleaders in the classroom and on the street.

Another reason for the isolation of “browns” among their peers is their intellectuality. They are very erudite, experience a constant hunger for information, satisfied by devouring a huge number of newspapers, magazines, books, even just reference books, encyclopedias and... advertisements on the streets. At school and in the yard they don’t really like “very literate” people, and they often simply beat them “so that they don’t become arrogant.” For this reason, such children may actually develop a feeling of superiority over others or its opposite - an inferiority complex.

Under unfavorable conditions in the family and school, adolescents who prefer the color brown develop and become quite firmly entrenched in such qualities as: negativism, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with themselves and others, inadequate perception of how others treat themselves, apathy, internal restlessness, avoidance of problems , fear and avoidance of stress, suspiciousness, suppression of sexuality, etc.

On the contrary, under favorable life circumstances, such children grow up to be quite proactive and enterprising individuals. They think not only about their own, but also about the public good, and are reliable partners with a developed sense of mutual assistance. They are excellent consultants and experts in a wide range of areas of activity - industrial and non-industrial. Pragmatism and a sense of common sense tell them the most optimal ways to solve everyday problems and develop a philosophical and critical worldview.

Brown color as a reflection of the desire for expediency of actions, stability in business and relationships.

Children whose favorite color is “Blue” is the complete opposite of “Red”. It is useful for psychotherapists, neurologists and pediatricians to know that children and adults whose favorite color is red can be calmed with blue, and “blue” children can be cheered up with red. By nature, such children are: calm, balanced; They like to do everything slowly, thoroughly, they try to analyze, reflect, and think about everything. They can be confidently classified as people who live primarily by reason rather than by heart. No wonder the color blue represents a calm night sky or sea. This is order, law, thought, reason.

Children whose favorite color is blue are rarely leaders among their peers. Nevertheless, they are often respected by others for their strength of character, lack of capriciousness, and arrogance. They are not selfish by nature, but they come to the rescue only when asked. They themselves are not inclined to seek support even in difficult situations; they steadfastly endure any adversity and deprivation.

They rarely have a spirit of enterprise or adventurism. In companies they tend to keep to themselves. They are not bothered by loneliness. The Blues always know how to keep themselves busy with something. They do not like to take on several things at the same time, but spend a long time and carefully working on one thing and always strive to finish what they start.

Parents and teachers often note a fair amount of coldness and severity in the character of such children. If the environment contributes to the development of these qualities, in adults they subsequently manifest themselves in harsh treatment of others, especially those who are dependent on them. They make good administrators, especially where discipline, hierarchy, the ability to “keep a low profile,” and subordination of one’s individuality to the opinion of management or the entire team are valued. “Blues” are always good specialists and performers, but in one narrow area or profession.

Such children are more “technical” in their thinking than humanists, although they can do equally well in all subjects. They are very diligent, patient and can sit for hours at textbooks, read useful books, tinker with construction sets, and help their parents around the house. They learn very early what is possible and what is not and tend to remain within the narrow framework of their ideas and beliefs. If such a child believes in something, it is almost impossible to dissuade him with words. Only obvious facts force him to change his mind.

Children whose favorite color is “Pink” are the softest. Pink color most closely corresponds to the infant period of human development. This is the color of infantility, naivety, tenderness, weakness, sentimentality, modesty, and pleasantness. If differentiated by gender, pink is considered a “girly” color. The boys' inclination towards it is a sign of the femininity of their character. In childhood, such boys can play with dolls, love to dress up, twirl in front of the mirror, and flirt. Growing up, they most often take a passive position in various situations - domestic or industrial. People who prefer pink to all colors are followers, not leaders in the family and at work, regardless of gender. In childhood, these are the cutest children and boys are often confused with girls.

Among their peers they are loved for their constant friendliness, gentleness, and compliance. Such children reduce the aggressiveness of the “reds” and make the “blues” more pliable. They are great conformists by nature and often act on the principle of “both ours and yours.” Almost always agreeing with others or promising to do something - children whose favorite color is pink can immediately change their opinion to the opposite and “forget” to fulfill someone else’s request. They are quite lazy and prefer contemplation to business.

Internally, they are quite vulnerable and sensitive, but they try to hide their grievances. Such children sense the mood of others very well and try to change it for the better. Such people are good harmonizers and diplomats, flexible and skillful in relationships, subtly and unobtrusively removing negative emotions and creating positive ones, improving overall psychological comfort. They themselves fall into melancholy quite easily, but they also come out of it just as easily and quickly if they feel that this negatively affects their relationships with others.

Such children are subconsciously drawn to stronger and more interesting peers. You can often notice a “pink” boy among desperate, “tough” guys, pugnacious and uncontrollable, who, despite the “alien” color, accept him into their midst. With this contrast, the masculinity of the “reds” is better highlighted, and the “pink” ones soften the climate in such aggressive groups.

Children whose favorite color is “Grey” are the least demonstrative. They prefer not to stand out among their peers, do not pretend to be leaders, and do not show initiative or enthusiasm. Gray color in color is sometimes interpreted as the absence of color or its neutrality. According to Luscher's eight color series, the following qualities are attributed to gray: isolation, separation, freedom from obligations. They are usually very kind-hearted and have a very strong sense of empathy. They cannot refuse others' requests. The help of the “grays” is always of an altruistic active nature and this is often abused by others, shifting their problems onto them.

Adults who prefer gray are the most honest and efficient workers who you can always rely on. Both in childhood and in adulthood they work modestly, and the fruits of their labors are often used in other, more expressive colors. A quiet, timid character and isolation do not allow them to fight for a place in the sun. Although, with regard to their inner world and personal space, such people can be intransigent and uncompromising. They are principled in defending their views, they do not like to bend their hearts or deceive.

Such children are very serious, obedient, and good helpers in everyday affairs. They love to do manual labor and are thorough and careful in their work. They are less likely than other children to cause problems for their parents and teachers. Such children may not “grab” the stars from the sky,” but they also do not lag behind. They exhibit such qualities as: constant self-control, a tendency to depressed states, withdrawal into themselves, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, suppression of their natural needs.

In adulthood, these tendencies often manifest themselves in a passive life position, stereotypical thinking, and self-isolation. Being sensitive by nature, such children worry about various conflicts and troubles in their environment. Peace and well-being in the family is their main motivation in life. Quarrels and divorces of parents hurt these children the most and affect their well-being and health.

Favorable colors for children

The industry that produces children's clothing or toys, as well as companies specializing in the production of children's furniture and interior design of children's rooms, have long been cooperating with psychologists. The latter claim that children respond best to red, yellow and blue colors and all their shades. This conclusion is based on the fact that the child, first of all, reacts to objects and toys of these particular colors. At the same time, some colors, although they attract the child’s attention, can be strong irritants, or, on the contrary, have a depressing effect.

So. Red is, of course, the leader of all colors - it immediately attracts attention and is associated with energy and leadership. At the same time, it is the most aggressive and irritating color, the contemplation of which can, in a very short period of time, significantly increase the activity of even a phlegmatic child, let alone a choleric child.

We associate the color red with cheerfulness and energy. Its use in the interior will increase the child’s mobility, and in older children it will promote activity at school. Red has a particularly positive effect on lethargic and inactive children. But this color should be used in moderation, since its dominance in a room has a negative effect on the psyche, causes aggression, depresses and interferes with sleep. Therefore, if the child is too lively or restless, it is better to completely abandon the color red, or reduce its amount to a minimum.

But yellow, on the contrary, has virtually no negative impact on the child’s psyche. Yellow color evokes a feeling of inner harmony, warmth, and stability. This is a life-affirming color that can drive away the deepest blues. In contrast to red, it does not provoke violations of generally established norms, but rather awakens the desire for order and tranquility. A children's room made in yellow tones is ideal for an overexcited and nervous child prone to hysterical states. In addition, yellow is a good appetite stimulant.

Yellow is one of the most suitable colors for a child's room. This sunny color not only improves mood, but also promotes mental work, improves attention and even promotes the development of intuition. So an interior with yellow color will help the child in his studies and make him more cheerful. Unfortunately, if the baby is too restless, the abundance of this color will have to be abandoned.

Blue color is also good for decorating children's rooms. The fact is that blue is the color of courage, order, willpower, internal composure and responsibility, and it also promotes the manifestation of the spirit of collectivism. True, if your child is not too active and emotional, it is better to avoid the predominance of blue. It can strengthen the phlegmatic component of character.

Rich and deep blue color helps relieve nervous tension and improves sleep. But, despite the beauty of this color, it should not be the main color in the interior of a children's room. First, it suppresses the mood. Secondly, it relaxes and interferes with concentration. Since this color is quite dark, a child in a blue room will feel sad and uncomfortable.

If you want to awaken curiosity in your child, a desire to develop and learn, then you need to focus on the color green. It will strengthen his self-confidence and healthy courage. At the same time, if a child is prone to excessive introspection, is withdrawn and shows all the signs of an introvert, it is better to avoid green.

Green color has a positive effect on the change and development of character in a child. The child begins to show a keen interest in learning and understanding the world around him. Green also gives the child self-confidence and courage.

Green color is primarily associated with nature and tranquility. Green shades in the nursery will really help the child relax and calm down, have a positive effect on blood pressure and heart rate, and improve vision. Green has a negative effect on overly calm children. In addition, too much green contributes to the appearance of poor health in a child, and, according to some assumptions, narcissism.

Orange color is very important for the healthy development of children, so it must be present in the wardrobe of both boys and girls. The fact is that orange adjusts all body systems in a healthy way. This is the color of psycho-emotional stability, physical endurance and an inquisitive mind, at the same time it is perhaps one of the most life-affirming colors that creates a holiday atmosphere. This color is recommended for children prone to hypochondria, shy children with a sensitive nervous system. However, it is important to remember here that orange should not be the only color, yes it can predominate, but there must be other colors nearby.

Orange has a good effect on the psychological state of children, as it increases their creative activity and energy, creates a feeling of confidence and comfort. Psychologists have proven that a child in an orange room will not feel lonely. In addition, this color will help mothers of children with eating problems, because it stimulates appetite. The little girl from “The Orange Song” by Irma Sokhadze loves the color of orange so much that she is ready to decorate not only her room with it, but also the sky, the sun, greenery and even her mother. But psychologists would not approve of her idea, since in large quantities orange can overstimulate and put pressure on the psyche.

Two more colors that deserve attention especially when applied to children are blue and pink. Using pink in the interior has many advantages. Pink color calms, reduces stress and improves mood. It promotes academic success, improves a girl’s self-esteem and simply makes her feel like a little princess. Shades of pink can vary from cool, close to lilac, to warm peach. The downside of pink is its pronounced femininity. To prevent the girl from growing up to be an eccentric coquette, psychologists advise complementing it with other colors. It’s easy to guess that pink is not suitable for boys, as it does not contribute to the development of masculine qualities in them.

Blue color in a nursery, like green, promotes calm and relaxation. But unlike the latter, it distracts attention. So if parents do not want the student to fly in the clouds instead of studying, it is better to limit the use of this color to the recreation area.

At first glance, the color gray is associated with sadness and loneliness. But such an attitude towards this color is not always justified. Gray color calms and gives confidence. So it can be used in a nursery, but doing it wisely and always diluting it with bright colors. Since gray reduces activity, it should not be used in the room of a sedentary, withdrawn child. All of the above colors are, by and large, highly recommended for children of any age, taking into account their psycho-emotional characteristics. The safest color and recommended for absolutely all children (as well as adults) is yellow.

Psychologists from Norway were able to establish that children who were registered with the internal affairs bodies or simply juvenile delinquents chose the color black in tests. This same shade is most often chosen by people who are prone to suicide. As for the psychology of the influence of color on the development and formation of a child’s personality, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • In everyday life, a child should be surrounded by a large number of flowers, however it is important to combine them in moderation.
  • The walls and ceiling in the child's room should be white or light colors. Dark shades can cause depression, impairment of memory and thought processes.
  • Blue color will save you and your child from stress, lower blood pressure and relieve headaches.
  • The green tint and white-blue tones will keep the nervous system in a stable state. And the green color itself can stabilize blood pressure and help fight fatigue.
  • Colors can be actively used in the development of speech and studying the world around us. From 1-3 years old you can play with your child, for example, in the association: apple-green, banana-yellow, etc.
  • If your child is lethargic, malnourished, apathetic and not in a good mood, then red, yellow and orange colors will help bring him to his senses.

Knowing the influence of color on the state of your growing person, you can regulate his mood, calm him down, cheer him up or interest him.

An important issue in choosing a color for a nursery is its saturation. Psychologists advise focusing on the child’s age in this matter. A colorful room is not suitable for an early age. It is best to choose pastel soothing shades. Natural bright colors should be surrounded by children from three to four years old to adolescence. Adding white to any of the spectral colors reduces its impact on a person. Therefore, if you doubt whether in your case it is possible to use a color that your child really loves, use its lightest shade.

Colors to avoid as a child

Despite its triumphant purity and immaculateness, white color must be used with caution. Yes, this is the color of innocence, mental and physical purity, sincerity. At the same time, this color can increase the feeling of insecurity, which is completely unnecessary for a child. White color in the interior helps the child calm down and improves his well-being. Unlike bright colors (red, orange, blue), it does not have a strong impact on the psyche and is universal. Since white is the base color, you can add any other of the above to it. But you can’t make a purely white room, because a child simply needs bright colors to feel life. The beige color is similar in its psychological properties to white.

The underdog color tops for kids are purple, brown and black. As an adult, a person, based on his inner feelings, makes a choice whether to wear clothes in this color scheme or not. But it is not advisable for small children to wear these colors:

Thus, colors have their own psychological charge. In order for the color in the children's room to have a positive effect on the child, parents can take into account the properties of color and the character traits of their child. Bright red, yellow, and orange colors increase activity and promote learning, while more restrained pink, blue and green colors calm. Blue and purple colors are relaxing. To achieve the best effect, the nursery can be divided into zones (play area, sleep area, study area) and painted in different ways. For example, in the study area, activity-increasing yellow color will predominate, and in the sleep area, calm blue or green will prevail. And of course, when choosing the color of a children’s room, it is important to take into account the tastes of the child himself, who may well have his own opinion on this matter.

Color preferences

A person’s choice of preferred (favorite) color is determined by his character. Based on sociological research, the following series of colors was obtained in order of decreasing preference: blue - violet - white - pink - purple - red - green - yellow - orange - brown - black. The dependence of the choice of preferred color on temperament is illustrated in the figure:

Temperament - this is an individual property of a person, which to the greatest extent depends on his innate, natural psychophysiological qualities. Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person in terms of the characteristics of his mental activity, such as intensity, speed, pace of mental processes. Temperament is the basis of development character . From a physiological point of view, it is duetype of higher nervous activity of a person, and manifests itself in a person’s behavior (character), in the degree of his vital activity. There are four types of temperament:

  • Choleric (from the Greek chole - bile) - a person of choleric temperament can be described as fast, impetuous, capable of devoting himself to work with passion, overcoming significant difficulties, but, at the same time, unbalanced, prone to violent emotional outbursts and sudden changes mood . This temperament is characterized by strong, quickly arising feelings, clearly reflected in speech, gestures and facial expressions;
  • Sanguine (lat. sanguis, sanguis, “blood”, “life force”) - a person of sanguine temperament can be described as lively, active, and relatively easily experiencing failures and troubles. Emotions in a sanguine person, they are predominantly positive, they arise quickly and quickly change. He quickly adapts to new conditions and quickly gets along with people. His feelings easily arise and are replaced by new ones, he is characterized by expressiveness, but sometimes inconstancy. This type of temperament usually characterizes a calculating person. Sanguine people are most suited for leadership positions or where they have the responsibilityresponsibility where they are most likely to realize their own potential;
  • phlegmatic (from the Greek phlegma - phlegm, “phlegm”, “mucus”) - a person of phlegmatic temperament can be described as slow, imperturbable, with stable aspirations and more or less constant mood , with weak external expression of mental states. A sanguine person strives for frequent changes of impressions, easily and quickly responds to surrounding events, and is sociable. A phlegmatic person has difficulty switching from one type of activity to another and adapting to a new environment. A phlegmatic person has a calm, even mood; his feelings and moods are usually characterized by constancy. It is characteristic that the new forms behavior in a phlegmatic person they are produced slowly, but are retained for a long time. He rarely loses his temper and is not prone to emotions; he is characterized by evenness, calmness, restraint, sometimes lethargy, indifference to others, laziness . Under unfavorable conditions, a phlegmatic person may develop lethargy and poverty emotions and a tendency to perform monotonous habitual actions;

It should also be noted that people who have a predominant right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity, intuition, and spatial thinking, love bright and saturated colors, for example, the impressionists, who often used such colors in their work. Left-hemisphere people (abstract-logical thinking predominates in them) prefer pastel colors. When a person's right and left hemispheres are developed approximately equally, people like both pastel colors and bright, saturated colors.

Aversion to a particular color is as informative as a specific color preference. A color that you reject or is unpleasant for you, as a rule, contains a message, revealing the reasons that prompt you to act in one way or another, and pointing to hidden internal needs and problems. The color you don't like contains both the reason for your rejection and the medicine to restore inner balance. The language of color vibrations is extremely informative. If you are attracted to a certain color, this may indicate a need for a certain color vibration and the information it contains.

At the same time, it should be noted that a color rejected by a person may be associated with a traumatic experience of the past, for example, a person was attacked on a green lawn, after which he began to perceive the color green negatively.


“A skillfully selected range of colors can have a more beneficial effect on the nervous system than other mixtures.”


All phenomena in the Universe are certain combinations of vibrations. Music and color are vibrations that control the body, mind and emotions. Individual cells, organs, and systems of organisms have special combinations of vibrations of a certain frequency, and, from this point of view, the human body can be compared to a complex piece of music. A healthy state of the body is characterized by harmonious vibrations, and a diseased state is characterized by “false notes” and dissonance.

Color helps to instantly find the root cause of the problem, no matter what level it is at - physical, emotional or mental, and restore harmony in the body. A living organism, if it is not healthy, absorbs more color to restore itself. For medicinal purposes, color can be looked at, inhaled, absorbed, visualized (imagined), and objects of a certain color applied to the body. Color therapy (chromotherapy) is an absolutely safe and extremely effective additional means of treating and restoring the body.

Schools of color healing have existed since ancient Egypt, where the ancient temples of Heliopolis used the power of color for both religious purposes and healing. Temples were built in relation to the sun in such a way that sunlight, when entering, would split into seven colors of the rainbow spectrum. This allowed the sufferers to take sunbathing, which imbued the body with the vibrations necessary for healing.

Color is a specific wavelength, but the effects caused by colored light vary across individuals, as demonstrated by years of research. For example, the color blue was used to reduce high blood pressure. But to their surprise, research scientists discovered that prolonged exposure to blue light in a patient caused an increase in blood pressure. The effect of the color violet on different people is extremely ambiguous; it pacifies some, and excites others.

There is no one recipe for everyone. Therefore, the use of color therapy must be strictly individual in order to ensure the most positive therapeutic effect. The uniqueness of this color therapy lies in the fact that from a multimillion-dollar palette, you will choose those colors and shades that characterize your particular problem, create your own personal color chart (during this process you will already harmonize your body) for accurate diagnosis, and subsequent effective correction of your condition. Color is living energy that shows us the way. Daily use of color therapy is the key to a healthy life.

Red color

Penetrates deeply into the human body. The feeling of red warmth is purely psychological. It can create a sense of well-being in a person and accordingly influence his physiology. When exposed to a person, red rays increase tissue nutrition, activate metabolism and blood circulation. Their penetration into the human body increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure, increases the breathing rate, has a stimulating effect, causes emotional reactions, and stimulates brain activity. Many centuries ago, in China, they discovered that lying in the sun, wrapped in red silk, could get rid of chickenpox scars. Studies have confirmed that red liquid consumed as food helps to effectively cope with various infectious diseases.

However, a person has a certain threshold of positive perception of the color red, beyond which it first overstimulates, then suppresses, depresses, leads to fatigue and overload of the nervous system, irritates, and finally, with prolonged influence, brings tangible harm, leads to loss of strength and general health. depression. The negative aspect of red is associated with animal instincts, selfishness, cruelty, and pride. In nervous people, especially children, the color red causes strong sensory reactions and irritation.

It embodies sensuality, inspires and governs sexual relationships. Wagner could only write music under red light, which is why his music has a stimulating effect. The color red encourages self-knowledge, stimulates and gives a large supply of vitality. It is energy, impulse and a powerful creative force.

Red color corresponds to the ancient element "fire", choleric temperament, and in the categories of time - modernity (while yellow indicates the future). In addition, I would like to cite the meaning of the color red in the Indian human energy structure: the fact is that the color red can be associated with the lowest frequency note “C”.

Lovers of red are usually optimistic, restless, cannot stand monotony and are rarely reserved. Such people are rarely aware of their own shortcomings. It is difficult for them to be objective, so such people blame others for any failures. Like the color red, located above all others in the rainbow, such people strive to remain in control. They are distinguished by their interest in life.

Concepts associated with the color red are winner, success, tension, impulsiveness, activity, competition, courage, aggressiveness, passion. “Red” people are exciting, they are active, optimistic and emotional, they are extroverts who crave fullness of sensations and life in general. Desire is the key driver.

Such a bright, joyful picture also has a downside... Since you crave bright colors in life so much, routine can drive you crazy; impatience leads to fickleness and inconstancy. It is difficult for you to remain objective, your behavior is characterized by self-confidence and stubbornness. You prefer, after listening to someone's advice, to do things your own way. Patience is not one of your virtues.

Nevertheless, others are interested in you and you motivate them to action. The world would be a boring place without red people.

Calm people who like the color red may feel a need for the warmth, strength and life-affirming qualities that this color can provide. Red is usually liked by open-minded people with an uncomplicated inner world, full of interest in life.

I do not like. Since the color red is associated with a frantic lust for life, excitement and passion, not liking this color may mean that you are unlikely to feel such intense emotions right now. Perhaps you are put off by the aggressiveness and pressure associated with the perception of the color red. Or perhaps you are still looking for more satisfaction from life, but are afraid of being drawn into its cycle? A person who rejects the color red either lacks vitality, or it seems to him that he is surrounded on all sides by insoluble problems.

People who are irritable, tired, worried about many problems often turn to cooler colors in search of rest and relaxation - this is a natural defensive reaction.

Burgundy color

Those whose favorite color is burgundy may have had unpleasant experiences in life that contributed to their development as individuals. Such people are endearing and radiate nobility.

Usually burgundy is the favorite color of those whom life has not been very kind to, but they were able to survive it. Burgundy color, related to red, speaks ofwell-disciplined personality . Having experienced some difficulties, a person did not stop, but developed andreached a certain maturity .

Pink color

It is a symbol of a pleasant, calm and happy life. “Pink” life is happiness, balance, primarily in the physical sense. The color pink is also a symbol of all-consuming love, spiritual beauty, compassion and selflessness. It tunes the body and prepares the ground for any type of treatment. Pink has the healing power of an all-understanding and all-forgiving “eternal love” that extends beyond human existence and helps to find the answer.

This is the color of kindness and romance. The paler the shade of pink, the stronger the all-encompassing and all-consuming love it corresponds to. It is extremely sensitive and encourages the fulfillment of desires. Everything bad melts in pink; this color helps get rid of obsessive thoughts. Light nuances of pink soothe and evoke a feeling of peace of mind, tranquility, security, and comfort. Pink color can defuse the situation and help in a critical situation; it is the color of reconciliation and forgiveness.

Like a magnet, pink attracts attention and promotes inner expression. Identified with the flowering of strength and the embodiment of possibilities, provides support in difficult times. In its negative aspect, pink means infantilism, immaturity, blind faith, inability to subordinate the course of events to one’s will, excessive compliance, and excessive emotionality. However, it is a reflection of immeasurable love and universal harmony.

This color is a softened red, it combines passion and purity. Pink is associated with romance, freshness, sophistication and tenderness. “Pink” people are keenly interested in the world around them, but they do not rush into the whirlpool of life with the recklessness that is characteristic of “red” people. They are upset by violence and violence in any form.

Pink was once considered an exclusively feminine color, but now men are not ashamed of the comfort that pink gives, since it is no longer considered indecent for men to show sensuality and other “feminine” traits.

Women who prefer pink have pronouncedmaternal qualities . Pink requires protection, special treatment and a prosperous life. People whose favorite color is pink need affection and the feeling that they are loved and protected, trying to create the impression that they are gentle and fragile. These people are usually charming and gentle, perhaps a little vague.

Pink is a color you like if you are talented and exude soft confidence, charm and warmth, and are likely to be an incurable romantic. “Pink” people are friendly and sociable, but they keep their innermost feelings to themselves.

I do not like. Soft, moderate shades of pink are not emotional, which is why many people are indifferent to the color pink. If you don't like pink, you may be looking for a splash of excitement and this color is too calm for you.

Orange color

Orange is the color of instincts, which contains the possibility of knowledge and the color of faith in one’s own strength. It has all the capabilities of red, but its strength is soft and non-aggressive. Orange color symbolizes a constructive approach to business, destroys barriers, expands opportunities, and provides freedom of action. Soft shades of orange help create trusting relationships between people, and helps to identify the relationship between past events and present problems. Orange color gives courage, accepts circumstances and adapts them to oneself. Also, he personifies fearlessness, generosity, justice and love of freedom.

It is the color of mercy and tolerance, which believes in the power of communication and friendship. It is the color of bringing things together at a new level of understanding. Orange is responsible for the ability to explore, the application of practical skills, as well as the satisfaction of physical needs and the assimilation of physical and spiritual food. With its optimism and benevolence, it provides a physical connection to intuition, and gives a person the opportunity to control the events of his life. This is inexhaustible energy that directs in the right direction, helps to cope with depression, phobias, unreasonable fear, autism, inhibition and various psychological blocks. Orange protects knowledge, creativity, expansion of intellectual capabilities, liberates the spirit and moves forward.

Improves digestion, accelerates blood pulsation, but does not change blood pressure. Relieves eye pressure, cures migraines (within 10 minutes), creates a feeling of well-being and cheerfulness, stimulates overall well-being. In particular, it was noted that when a person is in red-orange lighting, his headaches disappear and fatigue is relieved. After eating, orange creates a feeling of euphoria, like after drugs. North-facing rooms are painted orange, creating a warm feeling.

Orange restores broken connections within the body, helps in the treatment of diseases of ligaments, joints, tendons and bones, helps with rheumatism, and is used in the treatment of diseases of muscles and limbs. Effective for epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric diseases. Restores hormonal balance in both sexes, helps against infertility and during menopause.

Orange is a combination of red and yellow, combining the characters of both. Energetic and warm, like autumn leaves, orange has the physical strength of red, but at the same time less intense, less passionate... Those who like this color work diligently and play with passion. These people are active and full of energy.

If you like orange, you are obviously an expansive extrovert who prefers a vibrant lifestyle and enjoys spending time in company. Your ideas are unique, your passions are strong, and your communication is pleasant and courteous.

“Orange” people can be fickle: they will most likely call the person they recently met their best friend. In love they are independent and always ready to conquer new worlds!

If you prefer peach tones, you have the same qualities as "orange" people, but you are calmer and even less aggressive, you are just as friendly and charming, and even softer in communication. You are capable of working just as hard, but in the game you often choose the role of observer.

I do not like.

Apparently, you don’t like too bright colors in life: you don’t like noisy parties, irrepressible fun, loud laughter, boasting and intimacy on display. Therefore, you find it difficult to get along with people and may even be considered unsociable. You prefer a narrow circle of really close friends to a huge number of acquaintances, and if you find a friend, it’s a friend for life. Rejection of orange speaks of internal blocks, offended self-esteem, losses, a sense of injustice and an unwillingness to accept certain events of the past.


The color yellow represents the flow of wisdom, common sense and well-being. It sets you up for positivity and influences events with the help of your mind and intellect. Yellow gets things done because it is adaptable, flexible, and has the ability to get to the root and get to the bottom of problems. Helps overcome difficulties and rewards with mental alertness, clarity of thought and accuracy of judgment. This is the color of curiosity, intelligence, concentration, the ability to make instant decisions and rationalism. The color of information, interaction, communication, journalism, which is always up to date with the latest events.

Yellow is filled with warmth, goodwill and confidence in the successful outcome of affairs. He loves to be admired and imitated. Eliminates feelings of false modesty, erases unpleasant memories from memory. He takes into account the real course of things, and prefers a bird in the hand rather than a pie in the sky. The color of prudence and self-control has a positive effect on performance, but in large quantities it puts pressure on the psyche. He can go beyond the limits, and then this will either lead to a breakthrough or complete exhaustion.

The sunny color has the greatest brightness: golden yellow is the most cheerful of all colors. Yellow color is dynamic, improves mood, creates a feeling of lightness, stimulates brain function, trains vision, has the ability to calm and relieve nervous tension (used in the treatment of psychoneuroses). Promotes the production of red blood cells, stimulates the functions of the lymphatic system, regulates the production of hormones, accelerates the child's growth, increases his activity and self-esteem. Helps to highlight the underlying causes of diseases, make the correct diagnosis, and show the way. On the physical level - tones, cleanses, removes waste, toxins, mucus, various harmful substances, renews and rejuvenates the body. Used to treat rashes and skin abrasions, and also helps control weight.

Yellow color is loved by brave and smart people who are looking for something new andstriving for self-realization . Yellow color is usually liked by cheerful and insightful people, with business acumen andgreat sense of humor . This is the color of intelligence and everything connected with the mind. Yellow color is loved by people who most often think clearly and clearly, are well aware of their mental abilities and have high ideals. Sometimes such people can avoid responsibility, preferring freedom of thought and action. Such people are original, endowed with a rich imagination and developed artistic taste. Possessing an inquisitive mind, they love everything new and interesting. If you like the color yellow, you are most likely a reliable friend. Your ambitions are often realized and you generally have a very bright outlook on life. Such people do not like to be second. They are generous, but often mistrustful, which can make them seem like they are shying away from people. They are sometimes intolerant of others' ideas that seem less well thought out to them. They genuinely care about the good of society, but are still more likely to ruminate about it than to take action. “Yellow” people are prone to pedantry, but at the same time they are quite satisfied with the world and are happy.

I do not like. If you dislike the color yellow, you dislike the traits that “yellow” people have. You are a realist, practical person with utilitarian preferences and are likely to be critical of those who do not share your views. You are skeptical of new ideas and would rather focus on familiar things than try something new. A guaranteed result is always important to you, since you prefer to reliably protect yourself from disappointment.

Green color

Harmony, balance, tuning into natural rhythms - these are the key concepts of green. Green reflects the state of the heart and all-encompassing love, through a sense of one’s own integrity and unity with all that exists. It is the color of nature, connection, coordination, growth, direction and restoration. This color absorbs polarities and reflects stability and reform, commitment and frivolity, practicality and disorder, developed imagination and obsession. He patronizes cooperation and is able to weigh and evaluate the chances, and then make the right decision, since he sees both sides of the matter. Balances and restores systems, seeks to establish a balance between the mind and heart. Wants to be the best, and inspires others, is not guided by old regulations, but creates new rules.

The color of the plant world, nature. Gives a feeling of freshness and moisture. Pain-relieving, hypnotizing color. Reflects the cause of the disease at the emotional level, for example, emotional imbalance leads to heart disease. It has a beneficial effect on a person, calms: it relieves the nervous system, lowers intraocular pressure, improves hearing, increases blood circulation, lowers blood pressure (dilates blood vessels), facilitates muscle activity, increases tone, creates a feeling of warmth.

Green color is associated with the idea of ​​horizontal and with a feeling of passivity, neutralizes the effects of noise, and makes a person patient. Refreshes, reduces too bright sunlight in the room. Gives some rest to the mind. Disciplines the mind and body. A person, when his mind is overtired, instinctively chooses the blue sea or the soothing influence of greenery for relaxation. Green contains sacrifice and selfishness, prosperity and struggle for existence, opportunity and low self-esteem, self-improvement and self-suppression, ups and downs. Having realized this color on a new level, you can self-determine and find your place in life.

Green is made up of yellow, which purifies, blue, which understands, so it opens the way to freedom. This is a universal healing color that helps get rid of phobias, nervous tension, fatigue, and insomnia. It has a beneficial effect on liver diseases, high blood pressure, stops the development of tumors, and helps stop bleeding. An aversion to green indicates dissatisfaction with oneself, self-flagellation, nervous overload, and accumulated negative emotions.

Those who prefer green are usually open, socially active, and quite sociable people. But they try to maintain peace and quiet at any cost. Green lovers can be too modest, reserved and patient, so they are sometimes taken advantage of by others. Usually such people are sophisticated, well-mannered and respected individuals.

Those who don't like green can hardly be called sociable or sociable. The natural need to be accepted by a group of people is more likely to push you away from them than to force you to join. You don't like to act, think, or look the same way as most people around you act, think, or look. Picnics and parties, and even trips to visit relatives are not for you.

If a person rejects green, it means he wants to free himself from the tension caused by non-recognition.

Light green color

This color carries two different characteristics: on the one hand, it is spectacular and rich and belongs to the range of warm shades, including their properties, on the other, it embraces the qualities of green and has a neutralizing function. It creates a feeling of “cheerful calm” or high spirits with relaxed tranquility. It is believed that the hidden power that was in green is released, which is why this color encourages the desire to establish as many contacts as possible, actively communicate with the outside world, and learn new things. Light green should be used in playrooms where there is contact with other children, in places and in furniture where children have group activities. When decorating a birthday or children's party, light green color is very suitable.

Light green is considered the favorite color of people with a powerful character. Such people like to suppress and boss not only at work, but also in the family. Such people generally have a fear of active action: they are always afraid of getting into a difficult situation. But they like to push others to be active and wait: what will happen?

If you don’t like the light green color, then most likely you are a reserved, uncommunicative person, you don’t like to command people, it’s much easier for you to obey. At the same time, you are an obligatory, tactful, and sometimes even delicate person.


Positive blue keywords are wisdom and patience, truth and tranquility, honesty and devotion, spirituality and meaningfulness. In the opposite aspect, blue is imbalance and excessive sentimentality, weakness and complacency, coldness and aloofness, changeability and constancy. Blue is the color of truth and self-expression; it brings peace and tranquility, relaxes and puts you in a philosophical mood. Helps you express your thoughts clearly and clearly, has insight and helps you solve problems calmly and knowledgeably.

Being the color of hope and change, blue helps to objectively assess the situation and make the best of circumstances. Often people who gravitate toward the color blue go with the flow, either because they are spineless and unwilling to concentrate, or because they sincerely believe in a positive outcome and universal wisdom. In the psychological aspect, blue smooths out corners and softens conflict situations, reconciles and makes it possible to see a good start even in the most disappointing situation. This color relieves emotional stress and counteracts rudeness and cruelty.

The color of water and sky creates the impression of freshness and peace, it seems transparent, light, expanding space (however, shades of blue, close to blue, dull perception, cause drowsiness, and depress). Blue color reduces muscle tension, blood pressure, normalizes pulse and calms breathing, encourages reflection, and reminds of peace. It calms nervous people better than green. But if exposed for too long, it causes a feeling of fatigue and depression. Pale blue color has greater healing power than dark blue.

Blue helps in the treatment of childhood neuropsychiatric diseases, inflammation of the nasopharynx, ear disease, teething, problems with voice and speech. Effective for inflammatory diseases, varicose veins, stomach ulcers, bedwetting.

People who like shades of blue are usually cool and confident (or do they just want to appear that way?), and at the same time can be very vulnerable. They trust and need trust. Sensitive to the needs of others, capable of strong attachment, such people have a hard time experiencing any betrayal or disappointment. They do not avoid large companies, but, nevertheless, prefer to remain among close friends.

If you don’t like the blue color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Blue color

Possessing strength and power, the color blue purifies, transforms, and brings to a new level of perception. He opens access to the unknown and rushes forward, confident in his own infallibility. Inspires to conquer peaks, but he himself creates fixed structures, believing in the hierarchy of existence. People who prefer the color blue tend to analyze, rethink and classify everything, sometimes they can be unyielding and prone to self-deception. They are good guides to the inner world and can help understand the meaning of life.

It is difficult for blue to follow the “golden mean”, so it suffers from mood swings, but the internal energy of this color makes it a perpetual motion machine. An excess of “blue” vibrations entails fanaticism, conservatism, intransigence, misunderstanding of the situation, addictions and dependencies. Also, sometimes it indicates mistrust and reflects hidden fears. Helps to identify the root cause of the disease.

Produces (like violet) a reaction opposite to red: it causes a feeling of passivity and depression, creates a feeling of coldness, lowers blood pressure, calms the pulse, regulates the rhythm of breathing, reduces muscle tension. Associated with the idea of ​​horizontality and helps to establish cause-and-effect circumstances.

Blue regulates the activity of the pituitary gland, controls the endocrine system, helps with diseases of the spine, spinal cord, back pain, as well as in the treatment of the eyes and paranasal sinuses. It has a beneficial effect on diseases of the lungs and chest, radiculitis, infectious diseases and various inflammations, helps in the treatment of any skin diseases, and reduces high blood pressure. It also has a beneficial effect on diseases of the thyroid gland, kidney diseases, promotes the resorption of tumors and tissue regeneration. Cures insomnia and is useful for headaches. Eliminates painful memories from memory, helps untie emotional knots.

If your color is blue, you have a strong sense of responsibility. You should be careful that pedantry does not make you too demanding of others. However, your attentiveness to people and gentleness will outweigh.

I do not like. Dislike for the color blue means anxiety, restlessness, and the need to break out of the surrounding monotony. Perhaps you want to change jobs, or even change your whole life in search of experiences. You are probably tired of the fact that someone is constantly “relying on you,” but your conscience does not allow you to give up everything. Do you wish you were rich or famous (or both?) because sometimes you feel like it allows you to enjoy life without having to work so hard.

Blue-green (Turquoise)

According to color psychology, turquoise is loved by complex,creative and original people . Such people do not let themselves down. They may be in a state of panic, but this is unlikely to be noticeable from their calm appearance. This shade inherits many of the features of blue and green, but there are also some perceptual features. If this is your color, you are a neat (maybe even a little fussy) and very neat person. You are sensitive, but also to some extent devoid of simplicity and naturalness, somewhat self-confident and distinguished by an even character and constancy of preferences.

You willingly help others and handle your own affairs well. Courtesy and charm are your virtues, but sometimes you tend to be narcissistic. You like to dress in a way that attracts attention and delights others, and often, along with admiration, provokes envy.

Because those who like blue-green shades value order and neatness. A dislike for this color may mean that no matter how much you want to be spontaneous, chaotic, some voice inside constantly reminds you to tidy up the room. You like to relax and not pay attention to minor details, and therefore do not like pedants.


People who love the color lavender often prefer it over all others. Such people like to be considered different from others; They are savvy, although they are not always distinguished by a subtle mind.

“Lilac” individuals strive for perfection and even sophistication in life; they have a fantasy about a world in which all the “dark” sides of life can simply be ignored. Appearance and the first impression of the interlocutor are very important for such people. Aristocraticism and a tendency towards sentimentality are associated with the color lilac, as well as romance, nostalgia and sophistication. Because this color is very close to purple, lilac people are often creative and enjoy supporting talented people.

This color is preferred by people who are above earthly problems, who never notice anything disgusting andalways dressed beautifully and flawless. People who like the color lilac may be in a constant search for new knowledge about culture and exquisite things, high and outstanding ideas. But they do all this in such a way as not to get dirty with worldly problems. Lilac lovers usually, charming , witty and well-mannered people.

I do not like. Your approach to life is businesslike. You don’t like it when your interlocutor flirts with you or avoids direct conversation, because... you prefer to be direct. You are not susceptible to nostalgic moods because you live in the present. Those who dislike the colors lilac and violet also have a strong dislike for superficiality in behavior or appearance, and usually do not hide it. They usually perceive the color purple as bland and boring.


The color purple represents aristocracy of spirit, power, creativity and dedication. This is the color of soul and spirituality, mysticism and magic. Patronizes unusual and strong people of high flight of thought, whose aspirations are based on high morality. Symbolizes unlimitedness, ingenuity, imagination, faith. It is a royal color that governs, inspires and promotes mastery over one's life. It expands consciousness and perception, enhances intuition and inspires. Possessing sacrifice and mercy, purple helps those who are strong in spirit and provides protection.

Violet is a transcendental and irrational color that beckons into the unknown and pushes into other spaces, either plunging into philosophical blue or giving a powerful red impulse. Purple is preferred by independent and self-confident people who strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement, intellectuals. An excess of purple color creates a feeling of heaviness, sadness, a melancholic mood, and a feeling of mental depression. It is no coincidence that poets often convey the state of melancholy through purple tones. In case of overdose, it should be diluted with golden, white, emerald green. The polar pairs of purple are dignity and swagger, humanity and cruelty, peacemaking and belligerence, faith and treachery, leadership and aloofness, superiority and modesty. Increases self-esteem and self-esteem, develops parapsychological abilities.

Violet rays contain the most electrochemical rays. This color reduces heart rate and has a beneficial effect on diseases of the central nervous system, migraines and concussions, if the appropriate shade is chosen correctly. Helps restore the functioning of the immune system and is used in the treatment of any skin diseases.

This color has an aura of mystery and intrigue. “Violet” personalities are mysterious, have a creative mind and quickly perceive sublime ideas. Purple is often favored by artists, as well as people who feel that they stand out from the monotony of the crowd around them.

If this is your color, you are most likely generous and charming. Purple is often associated with intelligence, observation, sensitivity, vanity and changeability. Since purple is a combination of red and blue, which are perceived as opposites, your character is characterized by a combination of contradictory traits, you are constantly trying to balance these opposites - the excitement of red and the calmness of blue...

Purple people are considered easy to live with, but difficult to truly get to know. You can be secretive, so even in those moments when you reveal your soul, your closest friends may not always fully understand you.

I do not like. You are a materialist, you are used to justifying your views on life, you value stability, clarity, and symmetry. They are straightforward and open in communication, and apparently do not like people who are arrogant, unnaturally refined, or judge things superficially.

A person who rejects the color purple does not want to commit himself to any relationships until the position of other people is determined. Rejection of purple also indicates a lack of sensory experiences.

Brown color

Brown color is characterized by integrity, reliability, confidence and restraint. It is a conservative color that calms and restrains. People who prefer the brown palette act thoughtfully and carefully, they soberly assess the situation and move towards their goal slowly but surely. It communicates stability, devotion and confidence, as well as resilience and the ability to overcome any difficulties. This is the color of common sense, inviolability and reliability, which will not let you down in difficult times. Moreover, with the help of brown, you can dive deeply into thought and “dig out” the cause of the mistake, as well as find support in difficult times and calm down.

Among other things, people need brown vibrations when they are unbalanced, restless, exalted, when they act under the influence of impulses and impulses, without deeply analyzing the situation. People who prefer brown are hardworking and law-abiding, efficient and neat. Focusing on the color brown indicates the need to focus on yourself and take a break from the hustle and bustle. Also, brown is used when you do not want to change anything in your life.

Dark brown and red-brown colors are calming: they have a soporific effect on students in classrooms, but can even cause depression, therefore, when painting the walls in a classroom brown, it is advisable to add yellow or orange paint, which removes this effect. Excessive “overthinking” of problems, characteristic of those who prefer brown, can lead to doubt in their abilities and depression. In excessive quantities, the color brown has a negative effect on the psyche, causing a feeling of sadness. Brown clothes are often preferred by singles and travelers.

Various shades of brown are selected to correct neuropsychiatric diseases.

The color of Mother Earth is associated with strength and reliability. People who are partial to shades of brown have an even character, a strong sense of duty and responsibility, and value subtle humor, simplicity, comfort, quality, harmony and home.

Brown people are loyal friends, understanding but firm, they have strong opinions and can be intolerant of those who think, speak or act too quickly. They are attentive to money, know how to look closely at a product and make a profitable purchase.

If you like brown, you may be infrequent, careless, or do things without serious thought, while at the same time you may internally rebel against the need to accept things as they are. You fear losing control of a situation and will go to great lengths to try to correct injustice or overcome dishonesty.

You are a good spouse and parent because you yourself have a need for security and a strong sense of belonging.

If a person feels illness or physical discomfort, this color psychologically becomes more and more important for him. It is often preferred by those who do not have their own home, a stable feeling of physical satisfaction and security. That is, something is pressing on a person that he is not able to cope with, and he needs a safe environment.

I do not like. You seem to fantasize about a lot of things - for example, you dream of traveling with a traveling circus or becoming a racing driver... Everything new excites you, and everyday things seem incredibly boring. You are a witty, impulsive and generous person. Life on a farm is not for you, and being a couch potato bores you. You love people, but they must be bright and outstanding. A serious relationship can be very risky for your partner - it's so difficult to get you to sit in one place! The attitude towards the color brown informs about the attitude towards one’s own body: whoever rejects brown ignores the vital state of the body.

Beige color

“Beige” people have the same basic distinctive features as “brown” people, only these features are greatly softened and do not appear so clearly. Creamy beige and honey tones take on many of the qualities associated with yellow, while pinkish shades of beige are closer in mood to pink.

The color beige is liked by sincere people who value quality and practicality and strive to remain neutral in difficult situations.

I do not like. You are more reserved than those who don't like brown, but you have many of the same qualities. The pallor of beige color symbolizes for you a pale existence - boring and tedious. You hate routine.

White color consists equally of all colors; split white color gives rise to colors. The fundamental quality of white is equality, because in white all colors are one. Visualizing the color white allows the body to absorb the colors it needs for good health. This is the color of purity, purity, detachment and peace, which brings peace. It also promotes calming emotions, concentration and inspiration. White color slows down metabolic processes in the body, adjusts to subsequent changes, and helps the body rebuild. It is the color of justice and the starting point for understanding subsequent actions. It represents calm and encourages hope.

Too much white can cause feelings of disappointment, emptiness and detachment in some people. For some, white color causes feelings of cold and discomfort. White reflects all colors and is considered cool unless used with red, yellow or orange. Not everyone is able to withstand too much white vibration. White color provides psychological protection and relieves unpleasant experiences. He is non-conflict and impartial, in any situation he strives to maintain neutrality, takes everything into account, but remains in the position of an observer. White does not oblige you to anything, but attracts attention. This is the color of sophistication and elegance.

With the help of white it is easy to dispel negative energy and set one in a favorable mood. White vibrations bring calm and ensure synchronization of various processes, and are also responsible for coherence and coordination. Creates opportunities to expand consciousness and helps cope with stress. Clarifies the essence of hidden things and is the color of peace and harmony. Supports hope and purifies.

Many people consider white color to be a universal remedy for all diseases, but it must be used carefully. To treat with white color, it should be mixed with one or more colors, since containing equal proportions of all colors, when treating the body, it does not distinguish between one or another organ. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, helps maintain skin moisture, provides general control of the functions of the endocrine system, and tones in cloudy weather.

White color symbolizes purity. Those who prefer pure white to other tones are usually distinguished by accuracy in everything, they are careful and insightful, critical and somewhat fussy. White also signifies self-sufficiency and, often, innocence. He is like a memory of childhood and simplicity. For adults, a preference for white may indicate a desire for perfection.

Dislike for white does not mean that you are a disorganized or unkempt person, but it is unlikely that you are completely possessed by a passion for order, especially since you cannot be called too fussy a person. Slightly asymmetrical things are much more interesting to you than ideal proportions, and a few specks of dust on a bookshelf do not make you want to immediately start a big cleaning. You are relaxed and it’s a pleasure to spend time with your company.

Grey colour

Gray consists of black and white, it combines realism and idealism, rationality and emotionality, control and vulnerability. The borderline aspects of gray have a power that can destroy material shells, free human thought and bring it to a qualitatively new level. Gray is dull and dull, it evokes sadness and creates a feeling of colorlessness, but its desire for stability and harmony will help change the pessimistic outlook and provide the opportunity for further choice.

Those who are addicted to the color gray strive for ideal feelings and limit themselves in many ways, sometimes leading a rather ascetic lifestyle. They feel involved in high matters and do not stop there. Such people are firm, persistent and tenacious in achieving their goals, but are often internally vulnerable and defenseless. Often, gray is worn by those who are tired, need emotional peace and do not want to stand out from the crowd. Apathy, boredom and the desire to “be like everyone else” are a gray color. This is detachment from the outside world.

People who prefer gray, as a rule, have a sense of proportion and a sense of caution; they strive, at all costs, to maintain control over the situation, and do not preemptively express their emotions. They may be overly self-critical and feel useless; in this case, it is recommended to dilute gray with red, orange or yellow. Gray does not attract or repel, but inspires a feeling of good quality and solidity.

The key words of gray in the positive aspect are sanity, awareness, combination of the opposite, perseverance, endurance, respect. In the negative - pessimism, secrecy, indecision, suspicion, suspiciousness, criticism, depression. The polar pairs of gray are peace and restlessness, the search for novelty and asceticism, peace and melancholy.

Gray helps to identify self-deception and has a positive effect on reckless and rash people. Encourages prudence and common sense. It calms the nervous system and helps create a feeling of inner security. Silver-gray color is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

People who prefer this most neutral of all shades have the same neutral attitude towards life, as if they are trying to protect themselves from a crazy world by wrapping themselves in a reliable blanket of neutrality. If this is your color, you obviously prefer a safe, prudent, balanced lifestyle, and unlike red lovers, you seek contentment rather than excitement. It is important for you to maintain “status quo” in any situation.

You often make compromises in life. You are practical and calm, do not like to attract attention, enjoy work and strive to be useful. In general, you are an ordinary person - leisurely, conservative, reserved and reliable.

A person who gives preference to this color wants to isolate himself from everything, remain free from any obligations, not take part in anything, and hide from external influences and stimuli. This person’s participation in any activity is carried out remotely - it is as if he stands aside and observes his actions. This color clearly contains an element of concealment. People call such people “gray mice”, “gray cardinals”.

Not liking gray means not liking neutrality. Such people prefer to be right or wrong, but not to abstain. Ordinary life is too boring for them: they strive for a fuller, richer life. Perhaps this forces them to often change their attachments, interests and preferences in search of their happiness...

A person who does not accept gray does not accept non-participation in everything that happens around him. As a result, others may find him annoying, overly curious and intrusive. He wants to take advantage of every opportunity on the way to his goal and cannot afford to rest until he achieves it.

Black color

It is a symbol of mystery, hidden knowledge and the occult. The color of creation and serious intentions, which contains enormous unrealized potential. The power of higher knowledge and the desire to preserve it are painted black. A person who prefers various shades of black most often has information, knowledge and the situation, knows how to subjugate circumstances, but sometimes needs outside control. Black color negates other colors and absorbs light. Symbolizes sadness and secrecy.

In mythology, also widely used in Africa - associated with the rainy season (the color of trees and water) - denotes a feeling of the unknown, mystery, hard work. Offering a black animal is a call for rain. In the meanings of black, as among primitive peoples, the aspect of “ritual death”, death for the world, was preserved and even developed. Therefore, black became the color of monasticism.

Intransigence with external circumstances and immersion in areas inaccessible to others characterizes a person subject to black vibrations. This color absorbs, absorbs, and in return gives something that a person can perceive and comprehend. Has exclusive access to information, but hides it from the outside world, challenges those who want to find the truth and free themselves from the shackles of darkness. This is a non-staining color that is chosen by people who are searching, with young people expressing mainly their aspirations to black, and older people expressing their achievements.

On the one hand, black is peace and quiet, on the other, rebellion and rebellion. This is the color of such opposites as creation and suppression, comprehension and renunciation, wisdom and selfishness, unlimitedness and abstinence, meaningfulness and emptiness, discipline and freedom, beginning and end. Preference for black is given to people who need additional energy to realize their unfulfilled desires, those who want to get rid of the burden of the past and stereotypes.

Black is the color of elegance and severity, hidden sexuality and mystery. An addiction to black is experienced by people who feel a lack of something important to them in life, as well as by those who want, but are not yet able to change some circumstances in their lives.

Black in combination with any other color indicates a way out of a difficult situation, a possible solution to the problem. For example, black in combination with red speaks of something missing and a readiness for decisive action, in combination with blue - about a readiness to accept the situation and “fit into” circumstances, in combination with yellow - indicates favorable circumstances and happy coincidences.

This color is rarely chosen as a favorite... Perhaps because in reality black is not a color, but the absence of it. A person who prefers black may have a contradictory character - traditional, conservative and serious. Such people have a mysterious and attractive personality. Prefer black colorpeople with self-esteem , capable of impressing without being conspicuous. White and black - the beginning and the end. A person who chooses black strives to hide his inner world from others, rebels against fate. Every evening we are happy to return to the night to recuperate. But it is he who gives rise to everything new. Black gives a chance to relax, contains a promise - “everything will be fine.” He always, like death, speaks of silence and tranquility, it means the end. Black color reduces errors - all printed materials are printed in black.

I do not like. The color black can be associated with absolute negation... It is an eternal mystery, an abyss, a black hole... It can symbolize death and mourning. Perhaps you were afraid of the dark as a child and forgot about it, but feelings of discomfort haunt you when you look at the color black. However, black may simply seem too heavy and dark for you. You most likely feel uncomfortable in the company of people with sophisticated manners - you prefer sincere people who do not burden themselves and others with the conventions of social status.

A person who denies black demonstrates a desire not to give up anything, to control his actions and decisions.

Golden color

Being the color of spiritual maturity and immortality, gold symbolizes values ​​that are timeless. Golden is the color of the life-giving sun, and in a higher sense, the quintessence of spiritual experience. Having inexhaustible resources, it contains everything within itself, spreading generosity, forgiveness, wisdom and love. It contains purity of thoughts and confidence in the victory of good. The superiority of gold is undeniable. Gold is the autumn color of experience and maturity, which gives a deep understanding of the past and frees one from the burden of accumulated problems. He forgives, reconciles with the present, and rushes into the future.

Golden provides direct access to the world of knowledge and shares his experience, because he, like no one else, understands the meaning of the saying “what he gave, he kept, and what he saved, he lost.” Gold radiates warmth, goodwill, confidence and vitality. Gives a feeling of peace, harmony, joy and tranquility. These are successes on the path to knowledge, the result of hard work, and the continuity of knowledge. A person who feels the influence of this color has not only faith, but also a deep understanding of the situation, which allows him to look at things objectively. This is the color of a leader who overcomes all obstacles, unites people around him and lights their way.

The polarities of gold are self-worth and arrogance, trust and deception, experience and uncertainty, optimism and pessimism. However, the color gold balances energies, gives a feeling of well-being and promotes reconciliation with the status quo. It helps to get rid of obsessions, illusions and stereotypes, and brings you to a qualitatively new level of consciousness.

The soft golden color calms and encourages, so it is successfully used in the treatment of various depressive conditions and psychoneuroses. It helps erase emotional blocks, phantom experiences and pain. It has a positive effect in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, decreased thyroid function, and promotes the resorption of scars (direct irradiation, application of a golden bandage).

Many people do not choose bright gold, but rather paler, lighter shades that indicate caution and shyness. They are prone to illusions and often live in their illusory world, avoiding everything that they do not like.

Silver color

Silver carries exceptional cleansing and restorative powers. This is the color of the Moon, which opens access to the subconscious and enhances intuition. He is responsible for all cyclic processes in living organisms, and establishes a connection with other worlds. The metallic shade of light gray present in the silver color creates a feeling of sliding on the surface, the possibility of through penetration and mirror image. Silver not only sanctifies everything around, but also reveals the hidden nature of things, exposes what was hidden from prying eyes, reflects mistakes and gives the key to understanding hidden phenomena.

Silver color gives scope to fantasy, imagination and daydreaming, bestows inspiration, and promotes creativity. It smoothly relieves emotional constriction, makes the psyche more pliable, and thinking more flexible. It contains strong desires, as well as smoothness and fluidity, which calm and help establish peace of mind. Calms the mind, sharpens emotions and restores harmony. Used to induce trance, altered states of consciousness, and promote a deeper understanding of oneself. Helps you quickly find the answer to your question.

In the positive aspect, silver carries illumination, penetration, impartiality, and in the negative aspect - illusoryness, splitting, madness. Silver shows the essence, the true state of things. When there is a full moon, all neuropsychic diseases worsen and the speed of reactions decreases, so on the days of the full moon it is recommended to be more attentive to yourself and the world around you, and to control your actions. It has a strong cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the body, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, and has a beneficial effect on kidney function and fluid exchange in the body.

Silver color is durable and reduces anxiety. It always flows slowly, frees you from emotional constraint, and is distinguished by its ability to penetrate everywhere. Has the ability to stop arguments (due to impartiality) and indicates that the person likes to fantasize.

In its negative meaning, the color silver is usually associated with the inability to make decisions, with self-deception, illusions about current events (“I don’t know whether I’ve already arrived or am already leaving”). The color silver is often associated with the lunar path. A person who loves this color does not accept responsibility.

Treatment with silver color: it calms the nerves, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys.

Pearl color (mother of pearl)

It symbolizes luxury, gives strength, and can clear the mind. The properties of this color come from the pearl itself: it opens up when it itself likes what is happening around it, hence its isolation, mystery and inner warmth.

A person of this nature does not tolerate importunity and prefers to remain silent; he is outwardly closed and inaccessible - “in his own mind.” Such a person makes a mostly negative impression on others.

In healing, this color promotes digestion.

Each color contains a whole range of shades, from subtle and delicate to deep, rich. To feel color and its effect on the state of your body and mind, you need to immerse yourself in color, absorb it, be filled with color.

Color therapy is one of the simplest and most harmless ways to heal and harmonize the personality. Perhaps the diversity and luxury of flowers is the very beauty designed to save the world!

Knowledge of the psychological characteristics, properties of various colors and their correct use will help achieve the desired results and positively influence the harmonious development of the child. Make your child's childhood bright and interesting. Let him remember it for the rest of his life and be always happy. Good luck to you and your child in learning new colors.

The book highlights various aspects of the relationship between color and the human psyche. The history of the development of color symbolism is considered. The psychophysiological and psychological effects of color on humans are described. The factors and mechanisms of color preferences are analyzed. Extensive data is provided on the characteristics of perception and attitude to color in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Current issues of color psychodiagnostics are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the Luscher color test, as one of the most common methods of color psychodiagnostics.


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