Plastic policy c. Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. Is it possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy online?

Since 2014, a program to replace paper compulsory health insurance forms with a plastic counterpart has come into force. All information about its carrier is stored by an electronic chip. All residents of our country can become its owner. How is the electronic version different? What changes should be expected in connection with the introduction of the new document?

The new format refers to another type of health insurance policy, on a par with a standard policy or electronic card. Its owner can receive high-quality medical care in the same way as with a paper document, but throughout the entire territory of Russia. Insurance is carried out by commercial organizations that have certain powers to do so.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The initiative to replace it with plastic cards appeared after holders of old cards had time to appreciate all its shortcomings. The old form is a blue A5 piece of paper. The form cannot be folded, as there is a barcode at the fold. In addition, this form cannot be laminated due to the insurance information provided.

The benefits of the plastic version are no different from the paper version, but there are several functional differences between them.


  • The cards are easy to use.
  • Small sizes.
  • They are well preserved as they are strong and durable.

In addition to a number of advantages of the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, not all residents of Russia can use it to make an appointment with a doctor.

To make an appointment with specialists, medical institutions must be equipped with special devices for electronic recording, specially programmed to read chips.

However, now all cardholders can easily make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet without visiting a clinic.


  • Not all insurance companies can issue the document.
  • If the owner changes his place of residence, he will have to get a new card.

Information about the owner and the insurance company is stored by the chip, so cardholders need to know by heart the name of their insurer (CMO) and the place where the card was issued.


The new analog looks like a plastic card with a chip knocked out. Its front side is made in three colors, indicating the name of the insurance company and a unique policy number. The inside of the card includes information about its owner: full name, date of birth and policy validity period. The plastic version is usually issued for an indefinite period.

Plastic forms for adults are supplemented with a photograph; this is not provided for children’s copies. Unlike the paper format, the electronic version does not require the owner to indicate information about the work. This is especially convenient when the card holder does not have a permanent job.

The plastic sample series is located on the front side of the document and consists of 16 digits, so it is impossible to confuse it with anything else. The document number is indicated on the back of the card. The remaining eleven digits located under the photo of the card holder are the number of the old copy.

Who has the right to apply?

More recently, policies differed from each other in external characteristics, since each insurance company preferred to issue its own forms. They differed in size and color combination, and if its owner moved to another city, he might have problems getting proper medical care.

You can receive a plastic policy:

  • All citizens of Russia, regardless of place of registration.
  • Foreign residents who temporarily or permanently reside in our country.
  • People who do not have citizenship, but are permanently located in the Russian Federation.
  • Refugees temporarily staying in Russia in accordance with Article 16 of Federal Law No. 326-F3.

For temporarily residing citizens, a form is issued that they can use during the entire time of their stay in Russia.

Despite the introduction of electronic policies, this does not mean that the validity of the old ones will be stopped. At the moment, in Moscow alone there are 12 million people who have compulsory medical insurance, and at least 7.5 million people still have the 1998 model (green card).

If a person does not have the opportunity to personally visit the insurance company and issue an electronic policy, another person can do this for him, but with a notarized power of attorney.

Where can I get it?

Not all health insurance providers can provide electronic records. Therefore, before going to the insurer, it is better to contact him by phone and clarify the information - whether he can issue a plastic card. You can find out the address and telephone number of your insurer at any medical institution.

To change the paper version to a plastic one, a citizen should contact the insurance organization with which he previously insured with a corresponding application. Unlike a paper card, a plastic card is not issued in all regions of the country. The standard production time for the electronic version does not exceed 30 days.

In Moscow, only 11 insurance companies, including large insurance companies, can provide the opportunity to replace an old model with a new one. Find out the full list of suppliers providing this opportunity on the FGFMS website.

Among the authorized companies that allow you to issue an electronic analogue of compulsory medical insurance and have certain powers to do so, there are such large representatives as SOGAZ-Med, Ingosstrakh-M, RESO-Med, VTB Medical Insurance, Rossgosstrakh- Medicine". You can apply for a new card at any branch of the insurer.

Required documents

To receive it, you must provide the following list of documents:

  • Statement.
  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate of a child (up to 14 years old).
  • Passport of father or mother (up to 18 years old).
  • SNILS.

Cards are issued free of charge for all categories of the population.

Simultaneously with replacing the paper form, the citizen has the right to change the insurer. All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to do this, with the only condition that they will do this no more than once a year. You can view the full list of insurance organizations operating in Russia, as well as find out the possibilities of providing services in each specific region on the compulsory medical insurance website. There is also a lot of other useful information there.

After the insured person applies with a corresponding application, he receives a temporary certificate. According to it, a person can receive medical care before receiving a plastic card within 30 days. At this time, the insurance agent transmits all information to the territorial authority. Once a response is received, the insurer may notify the recipient of the time frame for issuing the policy.

The electronic medium indicated is the same as that indicated on paper. Some insurers may take a photograph of the cardholder at a company branch. Adults can get a plastic card for a child on their own.

Along with the new plastic card, the citizen receives convenient instructions, which contain a similar scheme of use and information about what kind of medical care he can receive according to the terms of the contract.
To issue a document, some insurers allow users to order the document on their website. An application form is also provided there, after filling out which the user is required to print it out and come to the branch of the insurance company with a personal photo if the document is received by an adult.

Replacing a paper compulsory health insurance policy with a plastic one

Due to the fact that insurance companies began issuing plastic copies in 2014, many are wondering whether the old-style documents will be valid. Old forms are being replaced with electronic ones in a step-by-step manner. That is why there are no exact deadlines that could limit their validity.
Replacement occurs on a voluntary basis, with the exception of some nuances:

  • Change of passport data.
  • Error in the policy.
  • Loss of policy.
  • Inadequate condition of the policy.

To change the previous policy, its holder must contact his insurance agent requesting the issuance of a new document. Replacement is made exclusively free of charge. Money for the operation of the program is distributed between compulsory medical insurance funds and authorized health insurance companies. For example, if in some situations it cost from 100 to 120 rubles to issue a paper version, then for a plastic analogue of compulsory health insurance the costs increase by approximately 30–50%.

If the owner of the document has changed his place of residence, he should notify the insurer about this. If his company does not function in the new location, he will have to choose a new insurance organization. If the whole family has moved, all family members need to change policies. Having a policy, its holder has the right to choose any government medical institution.

A new generation document throughout Russia, so it makes sense to take it with you every time in case an emergency occurs. It has already been appreciated by many users, especially those who often travel on business trips and often seek medical help.
Those who have an old-style document in their hands have nothing to worry about, since companies do not force them to change them, since the rules allow the use of the old version of the document.

Every resident of the capital should know where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow.

After all, it is impossible to get medical care without an insurance policy unless going to the hospital is an emergency. Therefore, in order to avoid refusal in medical institutions, you need to worry in advance about obtaining a new type of policy.

Health insurance allows you to receive qualified care for a number of diseases. The full list can be found in the official bill that describes this program.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 14 can obtain a policy, and this can be done completely free of charge.

How to do

There are several ways to obtain, restore or replace a policy in Moscow.

Below are the most popular options:

  • contact the insurance company;
  • order a policy through State Services;
  • contact the clinic at your place of registration.

Thus, anyone can avoid the queues that exist at insurance companies or clinics. The portal is quite convenient and does not require any special skills. To use it, a passport and a pension insurance certificate are enough.

Note: Previously, obtaining a policy was mandatory if you were officially employed by an employer. This practice has now been abolished. The policy is obtained voluntarily, although it is mandatory.

If you do not seek medical attention, you can avoid the entire procedure.

But it is important to understand that not everyone can order a policy online. An elderly person who does not have access to the Internet will not be able to do this. In this case, you can contact the provider where you receive medical care.

In addition, this is very convenient if you apply without a policy, as you can immediately receive a temporary document that confirms your rights to free medical care. Unfortunately, if the hospital is not located at the place of registration, then obtaining the policy will be denied.

It is worth noting: Children under 14 years of age can also receive a personal policy, but it is worth knowing that they can also receive assistance under the parent’s policy.

If getting to a medical facility is problematic, you should apply to the insurance company’s issuing points to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy. Specialists will help you fill out the application, take it from you, and then inform you about the production date.

The addresses of each company can be found on the Internet or by calling insurance companies.

What are the differences between the old and new policy models?

The format of the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) is constantly changing. Previously, they were book-shaped and small in size. Then the policy began to have a fairly large sheet format. More recently, the policy became plastic.

This was due to the fact that many people began to contact insurance companies to replace this document, as they were constantly wrinkled and unusable. This served as the basis for the new format.

Note: The new policy is similar to a bank card, it is very convenient to store, you can put it in your wallet, it does not wrinkle or spoil.

In addition, with the release of plastic cards, special terminals appeared with which you can make an appointment with a doctor without queuing at the reception desk. For those who are not used to using the terminal, it has become possible to go to medical institutions without a passport. Since such a policy contains a photograph of a person, which allows him to be identified using one document.

By the way, it is not necessary to take out a policy for a newborn. The baby will be able to receive medical help under your policy.

Which companies provide services for issuing compulsory medical insurance policies?

There are quite a few insurance companies in Russia that issue these documents. It cannot be said that a certain company has a number of advantages or disadvantages. They all have approximately the same conditions. Some people prefer a company that is closer to home, others get a policy where their car is insured.

The largest companies include:

  • "Max-M";
  • Alfa Insurance;
  • ROSNO.

Note: Getting a policy in Moscow these days is quite simple and easy. To do this, it is enough to have two documents: a passport and an insurance certificate.

Registration is very fast, a temporary policy is issued immediately, but a permanent policy is received in 2-4 weeks. You can get the policy for free.

Watch the video in which experts answer the questions: where can you get a new policy, how long will the old compulsory medical insurance policy be valid and what you should pay attention to when choosing an insurance company:

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New type of insurance. Where can I get them? What will it take? Answering the questions posed is not so difficult. Especially if you prepare for the process in advance. Compulsory medical insurance policies of a new type appeared in Russia relatively recently. But they are easier to use than the old model. Therefore, the population is increasingly thinking about issuing new medical certificates. Not everyone understands where and how to get them. So what should every citizen know about new policies? Where can I get them? What is required to issue paper?


What are the new health insurance policies? Where to get them is a completely different question. First you need to understand what kind of document we are talking about.

This paper is a kind of identification that allows you to receive medical care. The new sample is presented with a plastic card. It resembles bank plastic. Serves as an analogue of a paper compulsory medical insurance policy and helps to receive free medical care.

The advantage is the durability of the document. On it, like on its paper counterpart, there is information about the owner. But data processing is faster thanks to information technology. And it is more difficult to spoil a plastic card. That is why it is best to use such a policy.

Insurance companies

Now a little about where and how to receive the specified document. The point is that modern citizens have a certain freedom of choice. They can contact several different organizations to bring their idea to life.

Where to get it? The first and most common option is to contact the insurance company. That is, a citizen submits an application to issue this document, then picks it up after some time.

You need to contact the insurance company that issued the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy. But if you wish, you can, in principle, change the insurance organization serving a citizen once a year.

"Government services"

But this is only the first scenario. In fact, there are several places to obtain these documents. Where can I get a new type of health insurance policy? You can choose the exact place of receipt on the State Services portal. There, when submitting an application for the production of a document, you will be asked to select an organization (depending on your registration) that will issue the card.

In each city you are asked to take the following document:

  • in the MFC that serves a particular area;
  • at the insurance company that initially manufactures the plastic.

The exact pickup location will be indicated at the end of the application. Or the citizen will be able to see it after receiving a notification about the successful submission of an application for the production of a policy.


It is not so difficult to guess which other organizations you can contact in this or that case. Where can I get new health insurance policies? In Russia, it is proposed to apply for this service to multifunctional centers. They are in every city.

You can either use “State Services” or independently go to the MFC of the region in which the citizen is registered. In the first case, it is enough to submit an electronic application for the production of a new policy; in the second, make a similar request in person through the multifunctional center. The process is no different from contacting an insurance company.


And now a little about where exactly to go in some cities to bring your idea to life. A new type of policy is a kind of innovation. It has not yet spread to all insurance companies. And every citizen should take this fact into account. It is likely that in a particular locality certain insurance companies are not yet issuing new policies. Then it is best to implement the idea through the MFC.

But where can you get new compulsory medical insurance policies in Moscow? At the moment, it is worth paying attention to some insurance companies offering a similar service. Namely:

  • "Sogaz-MED".
  • "UralSib".
  • "Consent-M".
  • "Ingosstrakh-M".
  • "Spassky Gate-M".
  • "MSK Medstrakh"
  • "RGS-Medicine".

This is not the entire list of organizations that offer residents of the capital to obtain new health insurance policies. But they are most often used by citizens. Of course, we should not forget about multifunctional centers. The exact addresses of these companies can be found on the official websites of the MFC. There are a lot of them. Therefore, it is clearly not worth listing everything.


Where can I get new compulsory medical insurance policies in the Moscow region? Exactly in the same place as in the capital. More precisely, it is proposed to contact similar insurance companies, as well as multifunctional centers.

Residents of the Moscow region are more interested in the second type of organization. After all, it is often easier to issue a card for further free medical care. Where exactly should I go? Accurate information should be clarified regarding each locality. For example:

  • Svirskaya street, 2a, Shchelkovo - MFC No. 50.
  • Lenina, 96A, Orekhovo-Zuevo - MKU MFC.
  • Oktyabrsky Avenue, building 190, Lyubertsy - Lyubertsy MFC.
  • Sovetskaya, 4, Balashikha - multifunctional center in Balashikha.

Quite often, there are several multifunctional centers in the regions of the Moscow region. Accordingly, you can contact any of them. Preferably one that serves a particular area of ​​the city.


Now a little about other settlements in Russia. Where can I get new-style health insurance policies in Yekaterinburg? In this city, as in all others, you can use the MFC. What about insurance companies? Which organizations currently issue plastic policy cards?

Among the most common options are:

  • "Ural Recipe M".
  • "VSK-Mercy".
  • "Astra-Metal".
  • "Sogaz", Ekaterinburg branch.
  • "Astramed-MS".

This is not a complete list. It’s just that these companies are in great demand for the production of new policies.


What about residents of other cities? Similar principles remain in all cities of the Russian Federation. Either a person contacts an insurance company, or he implements an idea through the MFC.

Where can I get new health insurance policies? Rostov-on-Don is not such a small city. In it, unlike all the previously listed regions of the country, insurance companies are in great demand. Namely:

  • "MSK-Maximus".
  • "Spassky Gate".
  • "MSK-Panacea".
  • "RGS-Medicine".
  • "AsStra".
  • "Sogaz-Med".

In general, almost all modern insurance companies are already issuing compulsory medical insurance policies of a new type. There shouldn't be any problems with this task.


Where can I get new health insurance policies? Kirov invites the population of this area to contact:

  • "ROSNO-MS".
  • "Alfa Insurance"
  • "Sogaz".
  • "Max-M".
  • "Mercy".
  • "VTB MS".


What exactly is required in order to receive this document? Today, compulsory medical insurance policies of the old and new types are issued according to similar principles. The citizen must bring with him a certain package of documents.

Among them are:

  • application for the issuance of a policy;
  • old compulsory medical insurance policy (if any);
  • identification;
  • birth certificate (if we are talking about a child);
  • registration certificate (optional);
  • SNILS of the applicant.

If we are talking about a foreign citizen, then he will have to provide additionally:

  • migration card;
  • other evidence of legal stay in the country;
  • visa (if any).

Accordingly, these documents must be submitted either to the insurance company or to the MFC. The application must indicate that a new sample policy is required. After some time (usually about 30 days), the citizen will be able to present an identity card and receive a new policy. A similar principle is relevant for all cities of the Russian Federation.

What kind of medical policies can there be? The fact is that in Russia there is a health insurance system, both compulsory and voluntary. A kind of policy serves as a document confirming this. What could he be like? How to get it? How long is the document being studied valid? In reality, figuring all this out is not that difficult.

What it is

First, it’s worth finding out what kind of document we’re talking about. What is a health insurance policy (a sample of it will be presented below)? What is it for?

As already mentioned, this is a certificate that confirms the presence of medical insurance of one type or another. That is, participation in the compulsory medical insurance or voluntary health insurance system is assigned to the person. By the way, you can use several options at the same time.

If you have a medical policy, a citizen has the right to receive free medical care in hospitals and clinics. In private centers, they are also sometimes asked to present this document - it will confirm the availability of medical insurance. The policy is required for both children and adults.

Compulsory medical insurance

Now you can consider several types of document being studied. Medical policies may vary. For example, paper ones received under the compulsory medical insurance program. This is a fairly large piece of paper, which is placed in a special envelope. The document contains information about the recipient, as well as the name of the organization that issued the policy. Please note that each recipient is assigned a separate medical account number. This is an extremely important component for serving citizens.

Compulsory medical insurance policy is the most common option among the population, but it also has its drawbacks. You can get it without any problems. But about the registration procedure a little later. First, it’s worth understanding what kind of medical policies there are for citizens in Russia.


The next option is voluntary health insurance. There is a separate policy for this system. It usually comes in the form of either a plastic card or a small book containing information about the owner and the organization that carried out the insurance procedure.

There is one difference from the compulsory medical insurance program - with voluntary health insurance, the citizen will have to “buy” the corresponding policy. But at the same time, the person will receive an expanded list of free medical services.

More and more often, citizens turn to one or another authority to apply for a VHI policy. There are various voluntary medical insurance programs. But the policy remains the same. It differs from the one issued under the compulsory medical insurance program, although it contains similar information. The cost of this type of policy will vary. It all depends on the chosen insurance program.

New sample

It should also be noted that for citizens who decide to use the compulsory health insurance system, some changes have come into force. More precisely, innovations. The fact is that medical policies are now issued not only in the form of a paper sheet. The latest news indicates that from now on every citizen has the opportunity to obtain a new document.

Now the compulsory medical insurance policy is presented in the form of a special plastic card, which resembles a bank card. In this case, the document will contain all the information specified in the paper counterpart. Only information processing using such a card is faster.

Temporary and permanent

How long are medical policies valid? In general, all the previously mentioned documents can be of several types - temporary and permanent. As a rule, when replacing or initially issuing paper, a citizen is issued the first type.

How long is a temporary policy valid? On average 1 month. During this time, the citizen will have to produce a permanent document. If it is not ready, after a specified period of time you will have to re-obtain a temporary policy, if necessary.

But the main policy, as a rule, is of unlimited duration. But if personal data changes (for example, last name) or paper media wears out, it must be replaced. When using a VHI document, the validity period expires in accordance with the terms of the selected program.

Universal card

These are not all the features you need to know about. You should take into account the fact that medical policies can be found not only of the previously mentioned types. There is a so-called UEC. This is a universal electronic card.

This document cannot be called a purely medical policy. Instead, the UEC replaces most of the existing papers. Therefore, it is often considered as another type of document being studied. It is a small plastic card, usually silver, with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation on the front side, a photograph of the owner and information about him on the back. The validity period of such a document is 5 years. This is far from the most common option that is used by the population in practice.

Now it is clear what interpretations of the medical insurance policy exist. Whether it’s Moscow or any other city, the rules are the same everywhere.

Where to receive

But where can I get a medical insurance policy? In fact, not everything is as difficult as it might seem. The fact is that modern citizens are given almost complete freedom of choice.

As a rule, a medical company is responsible for issuing and processing the document being studied. The policy can be exchanged or issued at the points of issue of the paper being studied, which are located in clinics.

Most often, an insurance company issues a medical policy. Both under the compulsory medical insurance program and under the voluntary medical insurance program, a citizen himself can choose the organization to which he will apply with a specific package of documents.

You can also use the State Services portal or multifunctional centers for registration. On the relevant websites, the citizen will find out the exact location of the next MFC. These organizations have their own addresses in each city. A medical insurance policy is issued at the MFC in the same way as at insurance companies.

Documents for registration

What will it take to get it? Regardless of what type of policy is needed, citizens present a certain list of documents. It all depends only on the age and citizenship of the person. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation, adults, bring with them:

  • passport;
  • application of the established form (filled out on the spot);
  • SNILS (required);
  • previous medical insurance (if any).

For children the list is slightly different:

  • insurance certificate (SNILS, according to established rules - mandatory);
  • an application filled out on behalf of the legal representative (issued in the previously selected organization);
  • ID card of the applicant parent;
  • policy (if available);
  • child's passport (for children 14 years old);
  • birth certificate.

Medical policies are also available to foreign citizens. They bring the following list of documents:

  • application of the established form;
  • foreign passport;
  • residence permit (or any other certificate indicating the legality of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation).

A new type of medical policy is issued in a similar way. Where can I get it? The same place where the documents were submitted. When applying through “State Services”, it is proposed to either contact the district MFC to receive it, or the nearest insurance company that issues the policy. By the way, a document issued under the compulsory medical insurance program does not require any funds. Registration is completely free.

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