Research work literature in human life. The importance of literature in human life. As one of the items in my survey, I asked students at my school to indicate which books they like

Literature is a huge repository of spiritual and moral values.

It would seem that each of us has long been familiar with the concept of “literature”. But sometimes we don’t even think about how polysyllabic and multi-valued literature is. But literature is a grandiose phenomenon, it was created by the genius of man, is the fruit of his mind.

What is the role and significance of literature in human life?

Literature is a means of understanding the world; it helps us understand “what is good and what is bad,” and points to the origins of universal human conflicts.

Literature helps us see the inner beauty of a person, learn to understand and appreciate it.

Literature is a powerful source of education of the spirit and personality. Through the disclosure of artistic images, literature gives us concepts of good and evil, truth and falsehood, truth and lies. No reasoning, the most eloquent, no argument, the most convincing, can have such an impact on the human mind as a truthfully drawn image. And this is the power and significance of literature.

There is a very important concept in literature - “text”. Proper work on the text by the best wordsmiths and writers is of great importance. It broadens a person’s horizons, teaches him to read thoughtfully, to understand the ideas that the author expresses through images. Competent work on the text enriches a person’s vocabulary, develops the ability to master the literary language and various artistic techniques.

Literature is a powerful weapon that can heal.

Literature shows us ways of self-improvement.

Say a word about Russian literature. Among the advantages of Russian literature there is one, perhaps the most valuable. This is her constant desire to sow “reasonable, good, eternal”, her persistent impulse towards light and truth. Russian literature has never been confined to the area of ​​purely artistic interests. Its creators have always been not only artists describing phenomena and events, but also teachers of life, defenders of the “humiliated and insulted,” fighters against cruelty and injustice, adherents of truth and faith.

Russian literature is extremely rich in both positive and negative images. Watching them, the reader has the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of feelings - from indignation and disgust for everything low, rude, and deceitful, to deep admiration and admiration for the truly noble, courageous, and honest.

Literature erases the boundaries of time. She introduces us to the spirit of a particular era, to the life of a particular social environment - from Tsar Nicholas to the gymnasium teacher Belikov, from the landowner Zatrapeznaya to the poor peasant woman - the mother of a soldier.

The disclosure of artistic images is the main part of literary reading, its basis. Every artistic image, as is known, is at the same time both a reflection of reality and an expression of the writer’s ideology. It is not enough just to familiarize yourself with a literary work. We must try to penetrate the secrets of the plan, to know the background to the creation of the essay.

Literature develops the mind and feelings. She is our teacher, mentor, guide. A guide to the world of the real and the unreal. The ability to express thoughts in words is a distinctive feature of a person. Words are a mirror that clearly reflects the degree of spiritual development. Everything that enters our soul from the outside is imprinted in our feelings, thoughts, and in the very way of their expression.

In the works of one writer we find laughing pictures, picturesque images: this is because his spirit was brought up in the bosom of nature, where she scatters her gifts with a generous hand.

Another sings on the lyre of his battles and battles, the horrors, the sad phenomena of a suffering life: this is because the soul of the creator knew many groans.

In the works of the third, human nature appears in the most pathetic contradiction with the idea of ​​beauty: because, on the one hand, evil, always at war with good, and on the other, disbelief in the high purpose of man, have embittered the owner of the pen.

Literature is multifaceted, its creators are very different. Literature grew up along with Pushkin and Lermontov, Gogol and Chekhov, Blok and Akhmatova. It is still developing now. Her ideas continue to live and fight on our planet, they help rid the world of filth, cruelty, and insignificance.

Mytishchi budgetary educational institution

Secondary educational school No. 8

Research work for a scientific and practical conference on the topic:

“The place and role of historical books in teenage reading.”


Listovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna



Chapter 1. Features of reading among teenagers in the modern period.

1.1. Research on the reading interests of adolescents.

1.2. Features of the historical genre of fiction.

1.3. Teenager as a reader.

Chapter 2. Cooperation between MBOU Secondary School No. 8, Children's Library No. 1 and the Library named after. Kedrin on introducing students to the study of historical literature.

2.1. Analysis of the activities of MBOU Secondary School No. 8, Children's Library No. 1 and the Library named after. Kedrina.





Experts who worked on the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading note that “the current situation in Russia can be characterized as a systemic crisis of reading culture. Russia has reached the critical limit of neglect of reading.” One cannot but agree with this statement. Despite the fact that reading is a means of mastering and maintaining the intellectual, spiritual and ideological values ​​of society, the number of the non-reading population is growing, the number of users of state libraries and people buying books for home libraries is falling (research data from the Yuri Levada Center, 2003–2005 gg.).

According to VTsIOM, 34% of adult Russians no longer read! In the future society, reading and “the person who reads” will certainly be considered a national value. But reading nations are created from children who read. Today in Russia it is also necessary to recognize the problem of reading by children and adolescents as a national one, due to the fact that at present children’s reading especially needs protection and support not only by society, but also by the state.

There have been changes in the cultural life of the country that have led to a sharp increase in interest in national history, the origins of national culture, and lost traditions.

During critical periods for society, people always try to find answers to the most pressing questions of our time in the historical past. “By reading a person survives centuries” (A. S. Herzen)

To talk about great commanders, outstanding compatriots, to remember those who made history means to instill in the younger generation respect for the history of the Motherland, for the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland, and a sense of pride for their country.

In connection with the above, the topic of the report is relevant, as it poses the task of studying a teenager’s reading of historical literature; the specifics of the genre “historical book” will allow us to outline ways to become familiar with this literature.

Object of study: teenagers in grades 5–9 as readers of historical literature.

Subject of research: the influence of historical literature on the reading development of adolescents.

Base for the research: Children's library No. 1 and MBOU secondary school No. 8.

Purpose of the study: what place does historical literature occupy in the reading of adolescents, ways of introducing them to reading this literature in the interaction between school and library.

Objectives of the study: generalizing the experience of school and library work in accordance with the topic of the study, determining the place and role of historical books in adolescent reading.

Research topic: “Books in human life.” Purpose of the study: to determine the reader’s interest in
reading and what place the book has in his life.
Research objectives:
1) find out about the origin of the book;
2) determine the level of reader interest
students and residents of the village. Pavlovka;
3) identify the reasons for reluctance to attend
library and read books;
4) encourage reading books among students

Subject of study: reading books.

Object of study: school library and Pavlovskaya
rural library.
Hypothesis: people read library books less because
that information technology is replacing them.
Research methods:
1) study of literary sources on history
the origin of the book and its significance;
2) survey of primary school students of municipal educational institution secondary school
Pavlovka village;
3) analysis of attendance at the Pavlovsk rural library.
4) promotion of reading books among students of local secondary schools
Pavlovka village;

I conducted my first research at the municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Pavlovka. In order to determine reader interest, I conducted a survey among students.

I conducted my first research at the municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Pavlovka. WITH
In order to determine reader interest, I conducted
survey among students "Reader's Interests".
34 students were interviewed. After analyzing the results
survey, I received the following results:
How often do children read books?
Number of students, % 15%
Several times a week On weekends
Very rarely

As one of the items in my survey, I asked students at my school to indicate which books they liked.

Based on the results obtained, it is clear that children give greater preference to computer games than to reading books. And time is running out

Based on the results obtained, it is clear that
children give more preference
computer games rather than reading books.
Moreover, children also devote time to reading
not enough.
In order to determine the reading level
interest, I analyzed the visit
school library students and
Pavlovsk Rural Library for 2015
The comparative analysis is presented as

Student attendance at the school library and Pavlovsk rural library
School library
50% of students, %

But what about visiting the Pavlovsk rural library among
children and adults? For reader visit data, I turned to
librarian Valentina Ivanovna Zvereva. From the information provided
It is important to note that the total number of readers by the end of 2015
decreased by 28%, of which children’s readers – by 22%.
Analysis of the number of readers of the Pavlovsk Rural Library for 2015
Total number of readers
Readers aged 7 to 17
1 sq.
2 sq.
3 kv6
4 kv6

research data
libraries for 2015 it is clear that there are fewer and fewer people
are interested in books and visit libraries less often. During
research, I confirmed the hypothesis that
Indeed, very little is read nowadays.
About the reasons for low library attendance by students I
asked the librarian Valentinva Ivanovna: “There is
reasons: students have computers and children at home
more interested in games than reading. And also significantly
library and information
service lack of titles and number of copies
popular science,
reference and encyclopedic literature, visual
manuals and periodicals. Basic library
The book stock is replenished slowly. Primary students
classes don’t have enough bright, colorful books.”

Based on the results of the survey and
analysis of visit dynamics
libraries, I concluded that
need to interest readers
promote reading by example
active schoolchildren readers. With this
the purpose of our school is
various extracurricular activities,
dedicated to books, fairy tales, writers,
in which we actively participate.

A competition was held among primary school students
drawings “My favorite fairy-tale characters.” 84% of students
The heroes of Russian folk tales turned out to be favorites.
And to increase interest in Pavlovsk rural
library, we together with librarian Zvereva
Valentina Ivanovna developed an action plan
From the analysis of the work done to popularize the book and
promotion of reading activity can be done
conclusion: holding school-wide events and promotions,
dedicated to books, as well as the interaction of students with
rural library has a positive impact on
formation of a reading culture among children,
future generation.

MBOU Secondary School No. 12, Smolensk


in literary reading



student of 2nd grade

Mironova Anna


Chistova S.A.





Identifying the problem……………………………………………………………..4

The role of books in my family…………………….………………………….6

The role of books in human life………………………………………………………7

Monuments to books………………………………………………………8

Record-breaking books……………………………………......................9



Application……………………………………………………...………….. 12


A good book, my companion, my friend,

Leisure time with you can be interesting.
We're having a great time together

And we slowly carry on our conversation.

You're telling me about the deeds of brave men,

About evil enemies and funny eccentrics,

About the secrets of the Earth and the movement of planets -

There is nothing unclear about you.

You teach to be truthful and valiant,

To understand and love nature, people.
I treasure you, I take care of you,

I can't live without a good book.

B. Raevsky

Hello, my name is Anya Mironova. One of My favorite activities in my free time is reading good books. Every educated person should read constantly to accumulate valuable knowledge.

I was very excited by the information I heard in one of the TV shows. It reported that Russians have ceased to be the most reading nation. This made me very sad. Therefore, I decided that my research would definitely be related to reading.

So, the purpose of my work - determine the place of reading in the lives of my classmates and their reading interests, attract the attention of schoolchildren to reading books.

Object of study: children's book, book monuments.

Subject of study: introduction to reading.

Hypothesis: reading books broadens our horizons.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the followingtasks:

observe the role books play in the lives of my peers;

analyze the role of books in human life;

show classmates through architectural monuments that the existence of a large number of monuments to the book speaks of its significance.

To solve the problems I used the followingmethods How:

studying literature and sources from the Internet on this topic;

conducting surveys;

analysis of the results obtained.

1. Identifying the problem.

To determine why you need to love reading, a survey was conducted in which 23 students in grades 1-4 of vision protection participated. The questions were the following:

3. What book are you reading now?

4. Do you borrow books from the library?

5. What children's books do you have at home?

The results showed that 19 people like to read, 17 people borrow books from the library, and 20 people have children’s books at home. Most of all, children love to read about animals, magic and adventure. 17 people are currently reading a book. Basically, these are fairy tales or magical stories by Russian or foreign authors. The results pleased me, but I want more children to love and appreciate books.

2. The role of books in my family.

Everyone in my family loves to read. My grandfather Vladimir Fedorovich himself enrolled in the library when he was only 5 years old and visited it regularly. My parents also read a lot since childhood. Mom’s favorite books were the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lermontov, Dumas, and others. The books helped her finish school well. Dad was fond of historical works, adventures and detective stories. I also fell in love with books very early. My mother told me that when I was only a year old, I already enjoyed listening to fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Then they read books to me by Korney Chukovsky (“The Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Moidodyr”, “The Stolen Sun”, “The Tsokotukha Fly”) and other authors. Now I like to read by myself.

I have my own small home library. The beginning of its creation can be considered the day of my birth, and it was in 2009. My first books were given to me by my parents and grandparents. Our family library has about 500 books, about 100 of which are for children. These are fairy tales, poems, stories, fairy tales, stories about animals, children's fiction. In addition to art books, there are also encyclopedias. In these books you can find answers to many questions that interest me.

Since I was 5 years old, I have been enrolled in city library No. 9 and borrow books from there once a month. During this time, I read such great works as “Pippi Longstocking” by A. Lindgren, “Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler, “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers” and “Yellow Fog” by A. Volkov. Most of all I liked the fairy-tale stories about Dunno by Nikolai and Igor Nosov, as well as the book by L. Petranovskaya “What to do if ...”, which gives advice on how children should behave in difficult situations. I am also interested in books based on popular cartoons: “Wonderful stories. Club Winx "I. Straffi, "Girls from Equestria. Rainbow Rock: A Big Event" P. Finn, "Happily Ever After School". Once Upon a Time” by S. Hale. I also like to read children's magazines, my favorite of which is “ WINX Club . Your style". In it, sorceresses give girls useful advice, tell them about the sights of different countries, offer recipes for delicious dishes and tests, and teach them how to make interesting crafts. I also love solving crosswords and various puzzles, so they always buy me the magazines “Crossword Kid”, “Scanword Kid”, “Riddle Factory”, etc.

3. The role of books in human life.

Many people talk about the importance of reading, but not everyone understands how much reading enriches a person’s spiritual world. Even old Russian proverbs convey to us the importance of reading: “Whoever reads a lot knows a lot,” “A book is small, but it gives you intelligence.” And if the ancient inhabitants of our land thought about the importance of reading, then how can we not understand how important this inconspicuous, at first glance, object called a book is? Books open new worlds, new horizons, deep impressions and experiences to a person.

Scientists have found that children need to be introduced to reading and books from an early age.

There are children for whom life without reading is unthinkable, and their number is becoming less and less every year. But the percentage of those for whom reading is a heavy duty is growing. They do not realize that reading guarantees academic success in all subjects. Parents, those who are most interested in the quality of their children’s education, should provide great assistance in introducing children to reading. Forced reading is usually unfruitful. It becomes fruitful when the child reads out of interest.

For previous generations, the book was the only source of knowledge. But times have changed: modern technologies have rapidly stepped forward, and children quickly mastered them. The question arises: do children need books?

“I owe everything good to the book,” said Maxim Gorky. I completely agree with him. I believe that books play a very important role in a person's life. And now I will try to prove it.

Firstly, life without books is boring and uninteresting! It’s sometimes unpleasant to look at guys who sit at computers and smartphones all day long. After all, a book is the key to knowledge. By reading it, you will learn a lot of new and useful things for yourself. In ancient times they said: “People stop thinking when they stop reading.”

Secondly, the book develops your horizons. After all, it is so interesting to look into it and see the past: battles, kings, knightly tournaments, geographical and scientific research, learn about the history of your homeland and experience the culture of other peoples.

Thirdly, the book develops thinking and imagination. How cool it is sometimes to imagine yourself as a Greek hero or scientist who is about to discover a new law of physics, a pharaoh or queen of Egypt!

Fourthly, books help us make the right decisions. Sometimes, looking at the characters in a book, we recognize ourselves or our friends, we learn from other people’s mistakes and try to avoid them.

Fifthly, by reading any work, we become more literate, both in oral and written speech. We expand our vocabulary, thereby making ourselves a more interesting person.

Yes, of course, you shouldn’t give up all the benefits of civilization - computers, televisions, mobile phones and other new technological trends, but you shouldn’t forget about books.

If we compare reading with other modern entertainments, such as watching movies, playing music, playing computer games, then its advantage lies, at least in its undeniable benefits for the development of thinking abilities.

4. Monuments to books.

In our country there are a large number of monuments to the book:


The monument is a book lying on a pedestal, the pages of which contain the Russian and Armenian alphabet.

Saint Petersburg

The memorial sign “Message through the centuries” in the form of an open book is located on Universitetskaya embankment opposite the building of St. Petersburg State University.

In the city on the Neva there is also a monument “Reflections on the Little Prince”. Here, on a stack of books, as if on a throne, sits the allegorical image of the philosopher of life, lover of truth and truth-bearer - the Jester - and holds in his hands the open pages of the wonderful story of Exupery.


A monument to N.M. Karamzin in the form of seven volumes of his famous work “History of the Russian State,” on which he worked in Ostafyevo near Moscow for 12 years.


Monument to the first Russian book printer Ivan Fedorov.


In Novosibirsk in 2008, this unusual book “Capital” appeared on the wall of a building on Gorky Street, timed to coincide with the opening of a bookstore of the same name in the same building.


This is a big book by A.S. Pushkin, which is installed in such a way that it creates a feeling of floating in the air. The book is open: on the left side is Pushkin’s profile, and on the right is his immortal poem about love: “I remember a wonderful moment...”

5. Books are record holders.

The smallest book in the world is a little book containing a story by A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon". It was created in 1996 by Omsk craftsman Anatoly Kononenko. One of the copies is in Prague, in the Museum of Miniatures. In total, the book measuring 0.9 mm x 0.9 mm on 15 pages of the book contained 11 first lines from the story “Chameleon”, two drawings and a portrait of Chekhov. To read 11 lines in this book, you need to use tweezers and a microscope.

The largest book for children was created in Russia. It has only 4 pages and 12 poems, but they are 6 meters high, 3 meters wide and weigh 492 kilograms. Among the authors of the book are children's poets Sergei Mikhalkov, Sergei Eremeev and Andrei Tyunyaev.


Concluding my small but informative project, I want to draw the following conclusions:

as a result of my work, more of my classmates began to read in their free time (this is confirmed by repeated surveys);

there was an interest in collecting and studying information for the next project: “Unusual Libraries of the World.”

I advise everyone to read it. Read as much as possible. After all, from books a person obtains knowledge that helps to successfully cope with tasks in lessons and tests, various competitions and much more.

By reading, we learn a very important skill: to listen and hear, to perceive what someone else says, to reflect on someone else's idea.

Even those who don’t like to read now will often sit with a book later because each of us will have a favorite book and its characters and will remain in our hearts forever.

A book teaches you to think, a book teaches you to speak, a book teaches you to understand people. A book can become a true friend! So read books, take action and improve your life.


Bugrimenko E.A. Tsukerman G.A. Reading without compulsion. // M., 1993

Chirova A. The book is in your hands. // M., Education, 2005

Koshurnikova T.M. A miracle whose name is a book. // M., 2009

Magazine “Family Reading” // RSBA, 2011

Magazine "Reader" // RSBA, 2011

http://irinastepanova5/ ?newsid=949



What book are you reading now?

Do you borrow books from the library?

What children's books do you have at home?

Size: px

Start showing from the page:


1 Research work. Topic: “Book in human life” Completed by: Aidar Rafaelevich Harrasov, 3rd grade student, municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.P. Ferapontov, Belebey, municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Leaders: Zainullina Rauzaliya Raufovna, teacher Kharrasova Zinfira Nurullaevna, teacher, MAOU Secondary School 1, Belebey. 1

2 Contents Introduction. 3 Chapter History of books The role of books in our family.. 7 Chapter How a book is created. .11 List of attachments...12 Appendix 13 2

3 Introduction. “The Book is a teacher, the Book is a mentor, the Book is a close comrade and friend. The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old, If you let go of the book.” V.F. Bokov Book, book, sheets of paper or parchment sewn into one binding. (V. Dal, Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, vol. ii). What a simple short explanation, and how much there is behind this word book! It’s not for nothing that people have developed many proverbs and sayings about books: “You can’t bother living with a book forever,” “A book, like water, will make a way everywhere,” “A book is the best gift,” etc. .d. Work on the topic of my research began with the fact that this year we went to Moscow and visited the State Historical Museum 1. Where they told us the history of the creation of books, showed us the first chronicles, books, as well as printing presses 2. At home we talked about the role of the book in our life. And my dad told me that my great-grandmother worked in the printing house of our city for 38 years. She typed texts of books and newspapers at the printing press. All this aroused my great interest. I decided to study this topic and set myself a goal and a number of tasks. The purpose of the project: - to determine the role of books and reading in a person’s life. Project objectives: - find information about the history of the book’s creation in popular science literature; - conduct a survey among classmates; -together with the librarian, analyze library attendance by primary school students; 1 Appendix 1. State Historical Museum. 2 Appendix 2. Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. 3 Appendix 3. Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharrasov. 3

4 - identify the reasons for schoolchildren’s reluctance to read; - attract the attention of classmates to books and reading. The project is relevant because nowadays you need to know a lot, a lot of information. The book has always been a source of knowledge. But people stop reading. The Internet, TV, computer games have replaced reading books. Object of study: books. Subject of research: publishing books, the meaning of books for people. Research methods: 1. Studying information about books. 2. Visit to the museum. 3. Visiting city libraries. 4. Visit to the printing house. 5. Questioning classmates. 6. Analysis of book forms. 7. Creation of a booklet “The Book is a Source of Knowledge” and a baby book. 8. Generalization of results. Chapter History of books. The history of the book has its roots in the distant past. Different peoples came to writing in different ways, using different materials for writing: stone, bone, wood, metal, silk, leather, cornstalks. The word “book” comes from the Church Slavonic expression “knigi”, which means letters or writing in general. In ancient times, stone was used as a writing material. The first drawings by primitive artists were found on the walls of caves. Subsequently, laws, names of kings, and memorable events were carved on rocks, stone tiles and pillars. Clay books are the most ancient. On the still soft and wet clay, words-icons were squeezed out with a sharp stick. Then the board was dried and 4

5 were fired in ovens like pots. The size of the clay tiles was 32x32 cm and a real flat brick 2.5 cm thick. A book was created from a dozen, and sometimes hundreds of such pages. Such books were written in the ancient states of Mesopotamia and Assyria 1. And in the neighboring Egyptian state, books were made from river reed papyrus with a tall and thick trunk, cut into strips and dried. They wrote on them with sticks, dipping them in ink or colored paints. Then the sheets were glued together to form a book in the form of a long scroll, usually about 6 meters long. After reading, the scroll was rolled into a tube and stored in a special case. People have used papyrus for many centuries. Egyptian, Jewish, Greek, Persian papyri have reached us, which are stored in the largest museums in the world. The British Museum in London contains papyrus 40 meters long, but there were also scrolls 45 meters long. A scroll is one continuous page. The scrolls contain historical documents, scientific works, and literary works of the peoples of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome. Papyrus was replaced by a new writing material, parchment. In the ancient Pergamon state, it was made from animal skins (goats and sheep, and the thinnest was obtained from calf skin). It could be written on both sides. A sheet of parchment was folded in half to make four pages. The quarter in Greek was called “tetrados”, and all together they made up a notebook. Several of these notebooks were stitched together to form a book in which one could write and draw, and it was called a codex. In appearance, the codex resembles a modern book. It took a whole flock of sheep to write one book. The book was written by hand over several years. Papyrus and parchment were expensive. And the copying of books itself was expensive, because there were few learned people who could copy correctly. Therefore, only the most important messages were written, which 1 Appendix 4 Clay books. Papyrus. Parchment. Birch bark. 5

6 needed to be preserved for a long time. For everyday use, they used tablets on which they could destroy what was written. Sometimes the tablets were covered with a thin layer of wax and written with a thin point. When the recording became unnecessary, the wax was heated, it melted and the recording was erased; When the wax hardened, you could write again. In Ancient Rus' they wrote on birch bark. Marks were made on the bark using a bone rod with an eye at the top, through which a ribbon was pulled. The rod was hung from the belt 1. In the 2nd century AD. Paper was invented in China. It was cheaper material. Paper was invented by Cai Lun. He found a way to make paper from the fibrous inner bark of the mulberry tree. The Chinese learned to grind the bark in water to separate the fibers, then they poured the mixture onto trays with long, narrow strips of bamboo at the bottom. When the water drained, the soft sheets were laid to dry on a flat surface. On March 1, 1564, the first Russian printed book, “The Apostle,” appeared. Later he created the first Slavic “ABC” and a new edition of “Apostle” in Lvov. In published the first complete Slavic Bible (“Ostrozh Bible”) 2. The books are interesting not only in content. There are publications of different formats, shapes, colors and even composition 3. For example: a book that can be held only with your fingertips, a book that looks like a tennis ball and is made of the same material, a folding book, a wooden book with an unusual, convex cover. There is even a sculpture in the form of a book in St. Petersburg. Pushkin’s lines “I love you, Peter’s creation...” 4. The twentieth century gave us a new type of electronic book. This book is stored in the computer's memory. It can accommodate not thousands, but tens of thousands and even millions of works. By the way, 1 Appendix 4 Clay books. Papyrus. Parchment. Birch bark. 2 Appendix 2 Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. 3 Appendix 5 Books of different formats, shapes, colors. 4 Appendix 6. In St. Petersburg there is a sculpture in the form of a book. 6

7, the electronic book and the traditional one do not compete with each other, but coexist peacefully. And this is not surprising. After all, a multi-volume encyclopedia can fit on a small CD, instead of taking up an entire shelf of a bookcase. However, most of the books we need are better to have in print; unlike a computer, they do not require electricity, and they can be taken anywhere. So, the first conclusion that I came to while studying this topic is that a book is an invaluable heritage, because books are the main guardians and witnesses of human history. No matter how the world around us changes, no matter how time rushes forward, changing the way of life and the faces of rulers, the book always remains close to a person, gives him information, calms and encourages him in difficult times, nourishes him with hope and inspires. 1.2 The role of books in our family. Unfortunately, in our time, not only children, but also adults very rarely pick up books. Meanwhile, it has long been proven that learning to think helps: mathematics and reading classical literature. So everything is interconnected and indivisible. I have my own small home library. My parents gave me my first books. Our library has about 800 books, 150 of which are for children. These are fairy tales, poems, short stories, fairy tales, myths, tales and stories about animals, fantasy 1. But in addition to fiction books, there are also encyclopedias. They help me write speeches on the world around me. In these books you can find answers to many questions that interest me. My mother loves to read since childhood. Her favorite books: collections of poems by A.S. Pushkin, Yesenin, stories by A.P. Chekhov. Books helped her finish well: school, university and become successful. I also fell in love with books very early. My mother told me that at the age of one I already enjoyed listening to nursery rhymes and poems by Korney Chukovsky. At four years old I 1 Appendix 7 My favorite books. 7

8 knew by heart “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Moidodyr”, “Stolen Sun”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”. My mother and grandmother instilled in me a love of reading. Now I like to read fairy tales and poems by A.S. Pushkin. I go to the school library very often; there are a lot of interesting books and magazines there. I read quickly 80 words per minute. Chapter How a book is created. Having visited the city's printing house, I learned that book printing is a complex and labor-intensive process. First, they come up with a text: stories, novellas, poems. They are printed on a computer and then brought to the editorial office. The editor will check the correctness of the text and correct shortcomings 1. After this, the book is printed on special machines. There is also a paper cutting machine and a “Sewing” machine, which is used to stitch together the pages of a book. The process of creating a book is a difficult process, so you need to take care of the books Questioning classmates. Unfortunately, in our time, interest in books and reading is sharply declining. Nowadays, print media has many competitors: television, computer, telephone... Schoolchildren read only what is assigned in class, and very rarely use additional literature. But I think the book is still necessary. Our class can be called a reading class. Our children are among the most active readers of both school and community libraries. But I know that not all children have such an attitude towards books and reading. This problem gave me the idea to conduct a survey among children in junior grades 3. After analyzing the results of the survey, I received the following results: 1. Do you like to read? 25 students answered yes, 10 answered no 1 Appendix 8 Excursion to the printing house of the city of Belebey. 2 Appendix 9 Printing press. Modern paper cutting machine. Sewing machine for stitching book sheets. 3 Appendix 10 Questionnaire. 8

9 2. Do you read only according to the school curriculum? 12 answered yes, 23 students answered no. 3. What books do you prefer to read? 18 children like to read humorous stories about children, 22 students love fairy tales, 14 children like to read stories about animals, 5 people love poems, 10 children’s encyclopedia. 4. Do you have any favorite authors? (if so, name them) Pushkin A.S - 20 students answered, Nikolai Nosov - 12, Arkady Gaidar - 4, Eduard Uspensky - 10 people, Vitaly Bianchi answered - 13 people, Agnia Barto - 15, Brothers Grimm -14, Andersen G .X Do you have a home library? Yes they answered - 27 people, no they said approximately How many books are in it? 60 books - 3 people, 100 books - 5 people, 120 books - 6 people, 150 books 1 person, the rest find it difficult to answer. 7. Do parents read at home? Yes answered - 22 students, no How often do you visit libraries? Yes they said - 19, no Why do you think you need to read a lot? Expand horizons - 2, develop memory - 9 people responded, develop thinking - 10, expand vocabulary - 5 students. 10. Do you agree with the expression “if you read a lot, you know a lot”? 25 people answered yes, 10 people said no. When asked: “Name your favorite book,” not everyone could name it. More often the children named books from the school curriculum. In connection with this problem, we created a book club in the class, which will help instill a love of reading books in children. Creation of a booklet “A book is a source of knowledge” and little books. Since a book is a source of knowledge, I picked up proverbs, sayings, poems, interesting facts about the book and together with Rauzalia Raufovna we created the booklet “The Book is a Source of Knowledge” 2. At a meeting of the book club on the topic of visiting a fairy tale, the guys and I composed fairy tales and decided to print a book with 1 Appendix 14 Meeting of the book club. 2 Appendix 12 Booklet “The book is a source of knowledge.” 9

10 with your own fairy tales. I typed the text on the computer and printed it out, sewed the pages together, designed the cover, and it turned out to be a little book. 2.4 Research results. In the process of research, I learned the history of books, how books are created, and visited the printing house of the city of Belebey. I also found out what libraries there are in the city. I compiled a booklet “The Book is a Source of Knowledge” and distributed it to my classmates. Conducted a survey. Conclusion. The process of printing a book is very difficult, so you need to take care of books. There are three libraries in our city: children's, settlement, and central. And also in every school in the city there is a library for schoolchildren and teachers. It is necessary to find time to read a book, because books give us a lot of new knowledge and help improve our reading skills. Reading books helps all people achieve success in life 1. I advise everyone to read. Read as much as possible. After all, from books a person obtains knowledge that helps him successfully cope with assignments in class and during tests, various competitions and much more. In addition, reading books is very interesting and useful. They expand our horizons, help us correctly express our thoughts, and enrich our spiritual world. Even those who don’t like to read now will often sit with a book later because each of us will have a favorite book and its characters and will remain in our hearts forever. Love the book! She teaches you to think, teaches you to speak, teaches you to understand people. The book is a true friend! 1 Appendix 15 My achievements. 10

11 List of used sources and literature. I. Archival sources 1. Fund of the State Historical Museum. 2. Personal archive. Photos. II. Memoir sources 1. Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharrasov, Belebey district, Belebey city, Donskaya street house 4. III. Literature 1. I want to know everything! (Habitual things). M.: Astrel Publishing House, Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 6. M, Krainova N.M. Countries and peoples of Europe and Russia. - Moscow: World of Books, 2006 IV. Internet resources

12 List of applications. Appendix 1 State Historical Museum. Appendix 2 Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. Appendix 3 Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharrasov. Appendix 4 Clay books. Papyrus. Parchment. Birch bark. Appendix 5 Books of different formats, shapes, colors. Appendix 6 In St. Petersburg there is a sculpture in the form of a book. Appendix 7 My favorite books. Appendix 8 Excursion to the printing house of the city of Belebey. Appendix 9 Printing press. Modern paper cutting machine. Sewing machine for stitching book sheets. Appendix 10 Questionnaire. Appendix 11 Answers to the survey questions. Appendix 12 Booklet “Book - source of knowledge.” Appendix 13 Visiting libraries. Appendix 14 Meeting of the book club. Appendix 15 My achievements. 12

13 Appendix 1 State Historical Museum. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, 2015) 13

14 Appendix 2 Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, 2015) 14

15 15

16 16

17 17

18 18

19 Appendix 3 Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharasov. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, 2015) 19

20 Appendix 4 Clay books Papyrus 20

21 Parchment Books of different formats, shapes, colors and even composition. Appendix 5 21

22 In St. Petersburg there is a sculpture in the form of a book. Appendix 6 Carved on it are Pushkin’s lines “I love you, Peter’s creation...” 22

23 My favorite books. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, year 2015) Appendix 7 23

24 Excursion to the printing house of the city of Belebey. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, year 2015) Appendix 8 24

25 25

26 Appendix 9 Printing press. 26

27 Modern machine for cutting paper. Sewing machine for stitching book sheets. Appendix 10 Questionnaire. 27

28 3. Do you like to read? 4. Do you read only according to the school curriculum? 5. What book do you prefer to read? 6. Do you have any favorite authors? (if so, name them) 5. Do you have a home library? 6. Approximately how many books are in it? 7. Do parents read at home? 8. How often do you visit the library? 9. Why do you think you need to read a lot? 10. Do you agree with the expression “if you read a lot, you know a lot?” Answers to the survey questions. Appendix 11 28

29 Appendix 12 Booklet “Book is a source of knowledge.” 29

30 Appendix 13 Visiting the library. thirty

31 (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, year 2015) 31

32 32

33 33

34 Appendix 14 Meeting of the book club. 34

35 Appendix 15 My achievements. 35

36 36

37 Reading develops my thinking, which helps me in sports. 37

38 38

39 39

40 40

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