Shell amoebas. Shell rhizomes Life cycle of amoeba

Structure The two main components of the body of unicellular organisms are the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The cytoplasm is surrounded by an outer membrane. It has two layers: the outer ectoplasm and the inner endoplasm. The endoplasm contains cellular organelles: mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, elements of the Golgi apparatus, various supporting and contractile fibers, contractile and digestive vacuoles, etc.

Irritability of amoeba. Taxis Amoeba has irritability - the ability to sense and respond to signals from the external environment. Crawling onto objects, it distinguishes edible from inedible and grabs them with its pseudopods. She crawls away and hides from the bright light of mechanical irritations and increased concentrations of substances harmful to her. This behavior, consisting of movement towards or away from the stimulus, is called taxis.

Interesting Facts Amoeba was first discovered in 1757 by August Johann Rösel von Rosengoff. Early naturalists called the amoeba Proteus after the Greek god Proteus, who could change his shape. The killer amoeba, which is dangerous to people because it eats their brains, is a completely different organism and belongs to a different class of eukaryotes. It enters the body through the nasal canals and feeds on the olfactory cells of the brain, causing a fatal disease (mortality rate 97%).

summary of other presentations

“Amphibians” - In the order of anurans, approx. 3000 species. Many toads have warty skin that secretes toxic mucus. Amphibians are generally considered to be of no significant importance to humans. For vital activity, humidity is no less important than temperature. However, amphibian saliva does not contain digestive enzymes. Caring for offspring. 08/28/2012. Eventually the lymph is collected in lymphatic vessels and returned to the veins. We learned to breathe with the help of our lungs, although the skin helps in breathing. They were the first to “stand on their feet” and “invent” joints.

"Squad Sharks" - The mouth and gill slits are located on the ventral side. Bottom-dwelling fish. Liver. V.V. program Beekeeper Textbook V.V. Latyushin, V.A. Shapkin. N/Class Pisces. The largest fish in the world, length 20 m, weight up to 20 tons, feeds on plankton. Oviparous, ovoviviparous, viviparous Small amount of eggs. Class Cartilaginous fish (630 species). Features of animals of the Chimera order.

“Type Chordata 7th grade” - Chicks are naked, blind, helpless Pigeon, sparrow, eagle. Birds. Dorsal. Sternum. What is the advantage of double breathing? Gills. Tail vertebrae. Forearm. Placenta. O. Crocodiles. What orders belong to the class Cartilaginous fishes? Heart p/s + yellow. Ovary. Liver. Orders of reptiles. Amphibians. Name the adaptations of a frog to a terrestrial lifestyle. Class Cartilaginous fish. Fins. Sedentary.

“Family Legumes” - CARAGANA, a genus of shrubs or small trees of the legume family. Legume trees also grow in our country. Mouse peas. Common soybean (cultivated) grain, oilseed (up to 37% oil), and fodder crops are cultivated. Medicinal plants. Honey plants. Peas Beans Soybeans Peanuts Lentils Chickpeas Beans. Bean seeds of different varieties. BEANS, a genus of annual and perennial plants of the legume family. The largest sowing area is in India, China, Nigeria, and the USA.

"Types of Animals" - Numerous eggs are laid in the soil, in water or in the body of animals and plants. Sponge Sikon. How does the alternation of generations occur in coelenterates? The symmetry of the body is radial (radial). Conclusions. Based on the figure, explain how stinging cells function in coelenterates? Ordinary sponges? Cl. Polyps attached. What is the name of the largest coral reef? Sponge type. Shelter. vessel. Sink. Esophagus. Type Annelids.

“Protozoa biology” - Plasmodium vivax. Arcella vulgaris. May form cysts. Scorch frog. Diversity of Protozoa. They reproduce by cell division. Ciliate slipper. Acantaria. Eimeria. General signs of the Kingdom of Protozoa. Amoeba Proteus. Kingdom Protozoa. Conclusion. Questions on the topic Protozoa. Completed by Ekaterina Turanova, 8th grade.

“Protozoa” - Cause disease. Worms. Lesson topic. What is the role of different animals in ecosystems? slug Orion. Purify the water. Ringed. Differences Animals can move, swallow prey, and feel. Tropical scallop. Shellfish Serve as food for small animals. General. Breathe, create organic matter, grow, multiply, bloom.

“Protozoa” - Protozoa Presentation by biology teacher at Gymnasium No. 10 Protsenko L.V. Protozoa include animals consisting of one or several cells - colonies. Number of species Lifestyle Structure Habitat Example Meaning. Representatives of protozoa. Historical reference. Class Sporozoans. Class Sarcodae (Rhipodes).

“The simplest organisms” - Subkingdom unicellular or Protozoa. 20. Class Sarcodae (Rhipodes). Giardia. The structure of green euglena. 13. Class Flagellates. eleven.

“Types of protozoa” - The body shape is constant, there is a pellicle. Organelles of pseudopod movement. In autumn, macrogametes and microgametes are formed from generative zooids. Infection with cysts, orally. With the release of merozoites from erythrocytes into the blood plasma. The body shape is constant thanks to the elastic and durable pellicle. What type of division is typical for micronuclei and macronuclei?

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic

"The simplest"- Classification of the type Protozoa. Historical reference. Class Sarcodae (Rhipodes). Protozoa include animals consisting of one or several cells - colonies. Eating -? Tolerate adverse conditions - ? Class Ciliates. Number of species Lifestyle Structure Habitat Example Meaning.

“Single-celled organisms” - Molds. Unicellular algae. Chlorella. Missing words. Cell structure. Nutrition of ciliates. Unicellular plants. In the world of single-celled organisms. Penicillium. Cellular structure. Single-celled fungus. Unicellular animals. Cells of all organisms. Euglena green. Ciliates. Icebergs. Volvox.

"Protozoa Biology"- May form cysts. Questions on the topic Protozoa. Diversity of Protozoa. General signs of the Kingdom of Protozoa. Eimeria. Give examples of protozoa that pose a danger to people. Acantaria. Name the four classes of the Kingdom of Protozoa. Arcella vulgaris. Ciliate slipper. Scorch frog.

"The simplest animals"- Differences Animals can move, swallow prey, feel. General. Shell amoeba. Ciliate - shoe. Bivalve mollusk. Flagellates. Squid. Shellfish Sponge. Natural water purifiers. Ecological role. Octopus. Cause disease. Coelenterates. slug Orion. Flat. Worms.

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