Research work the role of literature in human life. Research work on literary reading “Why should you love reading? Subject of study: reading books

Bikbaeva Miramgul Maratovna

In this work, the student explores the problem of what role a book can play in the life of a modern student, and concerns the question of the history of the book. By personal example he shows that the classics are not outdated. As an example, he takes L.N. Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace”. The results of the study are not reassuring: modern students are not interested in the classics. They read little and do not find an ideal among the heroes of classical literature.



Essay on the topic of:
"Books in Everyday Life"

  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………..3
  2. Main content of the study

Chapter 1. Evolution of the book…………………………………………..5

Chapter 2. Books in everyday life

2.1 The role of books in human life……………………………………………..7

2.2 The role of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”…………………8

2.3Questionnaire among my classmates, his analysis.....11

  1. Conclusion. Conclusions. Prospects…………………………….13
  2. List of sources and used literature…………..14

Annex 1. Questionnaire for the reader

Appendix 2. Memo " Ten facts about the benefits of reading."

  1. Introduction.

He who loves a book will never feel

Lack of a devoted friend, a saving adviser,

A cheerful comrade, a real comforter.

By reading, studying, thinking, a person can innocently

Entertain yourself and enjoy your leisure time in all sorts of ways

Time and with all the accidents of fate.

Isaac Barrow

People are accustomed to the book, they don’t even notice its miraculous effect on them, they have the right to say that if a person created a book, then there is no doubt that the book was created by a thinking and reasonable person!
Both young and old are drawn to the book as a source of light; in the book people find answers to many questions. Often humanity turns to books to solve their own problems - how to live, who to follow as an example, which path to follow, what is the meaning of life, etc. And the book, a faithful friend and mentor, gives answers to these questions.
The book shows our whole life - after all, even take such a case when the mother took the child to the library for the first time in his life, then the child begins to learn with the help of the book much that is still unknown to him. Until old age, when a book awakens in people the reflections of memories of the past, allows them to relive what they have experienced, share the experience of past years, and reflect on the day they have lived through.
The book helps people choose a path in life, teaches them to avoid mistakes and take the right road. Over the pages of books, the reader rejoices and saddens, suffers and is indignant, calms down and worries.
A book makes our life brighter and richer, our feelings deeper, our thoughts sharper. The book is indispensable as a means of human development; it teaches one to think, penetrate into the essence of phenomena, see discoveries, and find new things.
All the features and properties of a book bring it and a person closer, bind them with the strongest ties, and attract them to the book. The power of the book in our time is enormous, it is truly limitless, influencing the entire course of history.
The child listens to the reading of fairy tales, experiencing the magical adventures of Ivanushka and the Little Humpbacked Horse, Pinocchio, learning the treachery of Koshchei the Immortal and Baba Yaga, receives the first information about good and evil, the power of justice, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance. Reading fairy tales and other children's books develops a child's thinking abilities and enriches the language.
Pilot-cosmonaut V. Sevastyanov very accurately defined the meaning of a book and a person’s reading: “For me, a good book is, first of all, a teacher who expands my knowledge, an interlocutor with whom I can argue.”
The astronaut’s words once again demonstrate the indispensability of reading a book for a person, no matter how he is armed with modern technical means that convey to him the necessary knowledge. Now people can get information through newspapers, the Internet, television, and, despite this, the book has not lost its relevance, it is still necessary, it is still read and expected. The book has existed for a long time and will exist forever.

“The Tale of Bygone Years” also speaks about the value of books: “Books are rivers that water the universe, sources of wisdom, they have incalculable depth.”

Goal of the work : studying the influence of reading and the role of books on a person’s life in general and on my life in particular.

Tasks :

  1. Study literature on the topic.
  2. Determine the path the book has taken in its evolution.
  3. Analyze the role of books and reading in my life.
  4. Explore the reading culture of high school students.

Hypothesis : a book can play an important role in the life of any person; a book is a friend and adviser.

Research methods: observation, comparison, generalization, oral survey, questioning, analysis of survey results.

Novelty and practical significanceThis work consists in the fact that for the first time the reading range and attitude towards the book of high school students is considered. The results of the work can serve as a basis for further study of reading and the reader.

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the followingwork structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. The introduction provides a rationale for the relevance of the topic, formulates the main goals and objectives, characterizes the methods used, and determines the novelty and practical significance of the work.

The first chapter analyzes and summarizes the evolution of the book in human history.

The second chapter reveals the essence of reading as a creative process, paying attention to the process of perceiving fiction as the main factor in the reader’s creative activity. The survey data is analyzed.

In conclusion, the main conclusions from the study of reading and the reader of literary and artistic books are given.

CHAPTER 1. Evolution of the book.

The evolution of the book embodies all the major achievements of mankind.

Everyone probably knows what the BIBLE is. Bible (Greek βιβλία– pl. h. from βιβλίον – “book”) – a collection of Christian sacred texts consisting of the Old and New Testaments. It is in the Bible and the Gospel that the birth of Christ and his wanderings are told. It is also told how, having fled with all the other Jews from Egypt, the great sage Moses heard the voice of the Lord God, who said: “Moses, go up that hill.” Moses obeyed and went up. And then 2 clay tablets, on which were written the 10 commandments of God, descended from heaven into his hands. These tablets are called TABLETS. I think that the origin of the book began with these tablets.

The ancient Egyptians invented PAPYRUS. The length of such a scroll sometimes reached 150 meters.

Papyrus was replaced by a new writing material - PARCHMENT. It was made from the skins of calves, lambs, and donkeys.

Papyrus and parchment were very expensive, so they began to write letters and books, drafts on PLATES covered with wax. In Rus' they wrote on the bark of an ordinary birch - BERESTA.

PAPER was first made in China in 105 AD. It turned out to be cheaper and lighter than other writing materials. Paper came to Europe from the Arabs. Since the 12th century, paper has become the most convenient material for writing.

The first creators of handwritten books were monks. The work of a scribe was very honorable and equated to a great feat. The scribe wrote out letter by letter, line by line. And the artist filled the pages with drawings and wrote the title in a fancy font. Then the book was bound and decorated with silver and precious stones. The binding covers were closed with clasps. One book took a very long time to make and was very expensive (they gave a herd of horses for it).

Thus, books were true works of art and an expensive pleasure.

Do books remain an important source of knowledge in today's information age? How do their form and content change? What will books, encyclopedias and libraries look like in the future?

Nowadays there are micro-libraries where no one monitors the return of books. These are original public bookcases both indoors and outdoors. Anyone can not only take the book forever, but also replace it with their own. This practice originated in Germany.
With the spread of the Internet, almost any book can be found in digital libraries. In today's realities, the phrase “How to get to the library?” It would sound better like this: “Which site can I read or download a book on?”
The reading process has undergone three revolutions. Until the 12th century, they read only in case of some special events. Only a few people did this. The practice of reading “to oneself” took hold only with the invention of printing. By the early 18th century, a limited number of books were usually read. They were reread all their lives and memorized by heart. These were predominantly religious texts that had a sacred character. The next revolution was led by the spread of periodicals and small-format books. Reading has become faster, more superficial and more relaxed. The third revolution is now taking place. When reading from the screen, the reader can already change the font, structure, write comments and even change the text.

The international Global Libraries program is implemented by the Bill Gates Charitable Foundation. It provides for the creation of free access to all libraries in the world via the Internet. To implement this program, 2 years ago Ukraine was allocated $25 million to equip libraries with computer equipment, as well as to create a network of training centers for the training and education of library staff.

A library is a kind of ark in a boundless sea of ​​books. In our information age, not only reading, but also choosing the right books becomes an art. And although both their content and form change over time; The eternal human need for knowledge, to discover something new, remains unchanged.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not know how to put letters into words. But someone doesn't want to spend their money on a wonderful book, and instead they buy themselves a bookreader and says it’s convenient! That an e-book does not take up as much space as a regular one.

Many people don’t read at all! They're lazy! It's easier for them to watch a movie than to waste time on books!

What are the benefits of reading books? What does a person learn by reading books?

There were times when our country was considered “the most reading country in the world.” A worthy title, one must assume, because it also means “the most thinking person in the world.” Nowadays, most people prefer television, computers, etc. to books. But is this replacement worth it?

CHAPTER 2. Books in everyday life.

2.1. The role of L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” in my life

Friendship with a book I started from early childhood. Mom sat at the head of my crib and read a book of fairy tales with colorful pictures. I closed my eyes, and my imagination took me to an unknown, magical world full of adventures and miracles.

Ever since I learned to read, the book has become my constant companion. From everything I read, I learned a lot about myself, and then for the first time I realized thatbook - source of knowledge, not just a story.The role of books in human lifeinvaluable. Only by reading a real, living book with paper sheets, do you plunge into the world of its characters to the end, experience their sorrows and joys with them, look at everything through their eyes, plunge into the whirlpool of the events described, go to the very end, after which you either die or you remain a winner and, in fact, you are filled with real emotions.

Book in my lifehelps to find the right solution to a personal problem or a way out of a difficult life situation. It’s as if I’m mentally consulting with the characters of my favorite works. I imagine what they would do in this case. I analyze, go through the options, and suddenly I find the answer - simple and perfect, like a folded puzzle.

There are books in world culture without which it is impossible to imagine the artistic development of mankind. More and more generations are discovering them and finding there an echo of their thoughts and feelings, hopes and anxieties. And if a prose writer or poet retains their significance and weight over the centuries, this is not explained by the fact that they were once included in the ranks of geniuses and classics or immortalized by monuments erected in their honor, but by the fact that new generations recognize them as valuable and necessary for life. The fate of the book is decided by a living person, the reader. All the strings that the author controls in his own way are in the hearts of the readers. The author has no other strings. Depending on the quality of playing on these strings, they resonate in the souls of people, sometimes dully, sometimes loudly, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly. These eternal companions include the great works of the classic of Russian and world literature Leo Tolstoy.

In my work I want to tell you what significance the epic novel “War and Peace” has for me, and especially my favorite character of Natasha Rostova.The English writer John Galsworthy states: “If I had to name a novel that corresponds to the definition so dear to the hearts of the compilers of literary questionnaires: “the greatest novel in the world,” I would choose “War and Peace.”This book, this image of a wonderful girl, Tolstoy’s thoughts not only have not lost their significance, but are, in my opinion, a kind of guide to the world of human relationships, in whatever century - the 19th, 20th, 21st - there lived a reader. This book has no time limit.

Tolstoy was often deeply mistaken, but he always made people think and worry. Some admired him, others protested against his teachings. But it was impossible to calmly pass by him: he posed questions that worried all of humanity.The image of Natasha Rostova expresses the ideal of a woman that the great writer worshiped all his life.

Who said that the image of Natasha Rostova is outdated? I learn a lot from the example of this heroine. Agree, modern girls are different from Natasha Rostova: they don’t wear muslin dresses and have Greek hairstyles, they don’t sing romances to the piano, they don’t call their mother “mama, darling.” But is this the only thing that makes Natasha Natasha? After all, the other heroines of the novel are also in ballroom dresses, and they also speak in French. But how different they are!

Let's remember what happens to Natasha Rostova. At thirteen, she kisses a boy. Then he vigorously participates in his brother’s affair. Loves dancing and fun. She is not marked by either wealth or special beauty. Vain, frivolous, writes with errors. The groom is a brilliant officer, an intelligent, deep person, but Natasha almost cheats on him with a handsome bastard. And then she marries a kind, and also rich, man, and becomes a selfless wife and mother.

Isn't anything similar happening today? After all, in life you can find every “twist” of Natasha’s novels right up to the ending. Because all girls thirst for love, do not understand life well, make mistakes, cry, and rise again to happiness. And nothing has changed here in more than two hundred years. And in two hundred years, one must think, it will not change. Tolstoy directly writes about this: “... all Natasha’s impulses began only with the need to have a family, to have a husband.”

In this sense, our contemporaries are no different from Natasha. Like her, Natasha’s, contemporaries: meek, selfless Sonya, educated Julie Karagina, cynical Helen, Vera, Marya Bolkonskaya. However, Leo Tolstoy, the wisest of the people born on our land, is most interested in Natasha. So why?

Let's look at Natasha through the eyes of other heroes. She is immediately distinguished from others by smart old women, and all men.

Let's remember the scene of the first ball. Natasha really wants to behave “as it should,” but she doesn’t know how: “She couldn’t accept the manner that would make her funny, and she walked, frozen with excitement and trying with all her might to hide it. And it was this very manner that suited her most.” Natasha is natural, that is, as she is. And her “nature” is attractive: kind, passionate, full of energy, “tuned to joy.”

A friend of the house, Pierre, asks Andrei Bolkonsky to invite Natasha to dance. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time,” this frightened and happy girl seemed to say with her smile that beamed due to ready tears.” The dry, harsh, even gloomy man felt at the same time “revived and rejuvenated.” He felt in Natasha “the presence of a completely alien to him, special world, filled with some joys unknown to him”

Prince Andrei, of course, fell in love with Natasha: “The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one - she and there is all happiness, hope, light; the other half is everything where she is not there, there is all despondency and darkness...”

Here it is, Natasha’s secret: next to her, people feel life not as an ordinary day, but as magic and a miracle. Natasha gives people a rare feeling of happiness. Sonya then “felt envy of Natasha... who never needed sacrifices and forced others to sacrifice themselves and yet was loved by everyone...”.

Is it really today, when we are all so confused, lost, obsessed with the thirst not to miss what we have, isn’t it interesting to know how Natasha, devoid of cunning and calculation, natural, reckless, impractical, still did not break down and became happy?

Of course, no one will be able to repeat Natasha’s version, just as it is impossible to grow two completely identical flowers. Natural means unique. Natasha can “teach”, perhaps, only one thing: to live every minute allotted to you, not to be afraid to feel, to love. She is in love all the time, deeply attached to her family and friends. People in general give her a good impulse.

I seem to understand the secret of Natasha’s happy family life. At the end of the novel, she “gave up all her charms at once,” gained weight, stopped taking care of her hair and outfits, and became ridiculously jealous. And her husband is happy with her. On the one hand, he seems to be under his wife’s thumb. On the other hand, “Pierre only had to show some kind of passion for what he loved to be constantly fulfilled. As soon as he expressed a desire, Natasha would jump up and run to fulfill it.” And further: “The whole house was guided only by the imaginary commands of her husband, that is, by the desires of Pierre, which Natasha tried to guess. Image, place of life, acquaintances, connections, Natasha’s activities, raising children - not only was everything done according to Pierre’s expressed will, but Natasha tried to guess what could flow from Pierre’s thoughts expressed in conversations.”

Natasha is not at all meek and obedient: “every minute of his life belongs to her and the family,” she will not allow any idle conversations between her husband and other ladies, or any spending that, from her point of view, is unjustified. Quite a despotic person. But come on: “After seven years of marriage, Pierre felt a joyful, firm consciousness that he was not a bad person, and he felt this because he saw himself reflected in his wife.”

After all, we are all looking for people around whom we feel good. So, shouldn’t we get to know Natasha better and take advantage of this opportunity just because she wore outfits that were different from ours? No other book, in my opinion, will give us more than “War and Peace” in understanding that there is a woman and a man, what love is and how it is expressed.

This book cannot be read like detective stories, skipping the “long”. We weren't taught much. However, we also find hope in the novel. Without hiding from us anything dark in people, in their thoughts and actions, Tolstoy writes: “Love interferes with death. Love is life... Everything is connected by love alone... As long as there is life, there is happiness.”

So what is a book? From my point of view, this is the greatest creation of all mankind. It is not only a carrier of information, but also a TEXTBOOK OF LIFE. We learn from the mistakes of heroes. They remind me of how to behave correctly in a given situation, they advise me in any case to remain as you really are, and not hide behind a mask. I know for sure, book is best friend. When something in life doesn’t work out - misunderstandings with loved ones or a dead end - you pick up your favorite book and get answers to all your questions. Unnoticed by yourself, you always find a solution, draw the right conclusions, and move forward again easily and fearlessly..

A BOOK IS PEACE OF MIND. That's what a book is.

I would like to finish this part of the work with the words of the thinker Clément: “There is no more laudable waste of savings, or even their squandering, than spending on books in which we seek refuge, the bliss of the soul, honor, moral purity, teaching and immortal glory.”

CHAPTER 2 .2.2 Results of a survey among my peers.

I found it interesting to find out how my contemporaries read books. The survey method was chosen for the study. I compiled a questionnaire consisting of 6 questions . 20 readers aged 15-17 years took part in the survey.

Goal: to determine the place and significance of reading and books in the life and development of my peers, to identify their literary passions

Analysis of survey results

The first question helped me find out if my peers read anything other than textbooks. The questionnaire showed that only 25% do not like to read, and the remaining 75% do it with pleasure.

The second question is about the purpose of reading. “To relax” was answered by 3, “to obtain the necessary information” - by 15, “other” - by 2.

The third question of the questionnaire is genre and thematic preference.

All people are different. And everyone reads what he likes. The answers look like this: they like to read novels: 30%, 25% of respondents like to read science fiction, fantasy, poetry - 10%. It’s a pity that my peers are of little interest in classics: only 15%, 5% prefer historical books, 5% prefer scientific literature.

The fourth question on the survey helped me find out how often my peers read. Every day 35% turn to a fiction book, on weekends - 20%, once a week - 15%, when there is free time - 30%

Conclusions: Unfortunately, not all young people have time to read beyond the curriculum. Rare works can leave a long memory in the minds and hearts of readers; it is not always possible to independently evaluate the artistic merits of a work, but it remains in memory thanks to literature teachers.

Therefore, it seems necessary to instill in modern schoolchildren an interest in books and reading.

III. Conclusion. Conclusions. Prospects.

As a result of my work, I achieved my goal. For this The following tasks were solved:

  • literature on the topic was studied;
  • the material I found about the history of the book’s creation interested my classmates;
  • the role of books and reading in my life is analyzed;
  • A study of the reading culture of high school students was conducted.

I also consider the recommendations I developed for raising a literate reader to be a result (memo “Reading Algorithm”). I assume that this work will be of interest not only to my classmates, but also to students in other classes.

So, my hypothesis was confirmed: A book can really have a serious impact on a person’s life.

Based on the results of our work, we can do the following: conclusions .

  • Reading is one of the main skills that a person should have. Today, a book is available to everyone, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly.
  • The book is a textbook of life. People learn from the mistakes of book heroes.
  • A book also means peace of mind and harmony. By appreciating and loving literature, everyone can enrich their inner world.

For the uninitiated, Aladdin's magic lamp was just an old crumpled lamp, and only to those who could handle it did it reveal its true properties. Discover the riches hidden on the pages of books.

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.

A book is a close comrade and friend.

The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,

If you let go of the book.

A book is an adviser, a book is a scout,

The book is an active fighter and fighter.

A book is an imperishable memory and eternity,

A satellite of planet earth, finally.

The book is not just beautiful furniture,

Do not use oak cabinets,

The book is a magician who knows how to tell tales

Turn it into reality and into the basis of the foundations.


IV. List of used literature.

  1. Agenosov V.V. A word to the young reader: article / V.V. Agenosov. – Russian literature of the twentieth century. - Moscow: ed. House “Bustard”, 1996. – p.36.
  2. Ledenev A.V. Modern literary situation: article / A.V. Ledenev. – Russian literature of the twentieth century. Moscow: ed. House “Bustard”, 1996. – 350 p.
  3. Levchenko A.N., Dudnik O.D. Studying the attitude of high school students to some problems of our time / Reading by children and adolescents at the end of the twentieth century. Based on materials from regional studies of libraries / Rep. Ed. I.A. Betenko, E.I. Golubeva, V.P. Chudinova. M.: RGDB, 1999. – 230 p.
  4. Matyushina V.S. Contents of schoolchildren's reading / Reading by children and adolescents at the end of the twentieth century. Based on materials from regional library research (edited by I.A. Butenko, E.I. Golubeva, V.P. Chudinova). M.: RGDB, 1999. – 120 p.
  5. Lebedev Yu.V. Russian literature of the 19th century. Textbook for general education institutions. At 2 o'clock / Yu.V. Lebedev. 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2001. – 350 p.
  6. Marantsman V.G. Literature. Textbook for general education. institutions / V.G. Marantzman - M.: Education, 1996. - 456 p.
  7. Osokin V.V. Native word. Collection / Osokin V.V. Tomsk: Tomsk book publishing house, pr. im. Frunze, 14, 1963. – 151 p.

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1 Research work. Topic: “Book in human life” Completed by: Aidar Rafaelevich Harrasov, 3rd grade student, municipal autonomous educational institution of secondary school No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.P. Ferapontov, Belebey, municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Leaders: Zainullina Rauzaliya Raufovna, teacher Kharrasova Zinfira Nurullaevna, teacher, MAOU Secondary School 1, Belebey. 1

2 Contents Introduction. 3 Chapter History of books The role of books in our family.. 7 Chapter How a book is created. .11 List of attachments...12 Appendix 13 2

3 Introduction. “The Book is a teacher, the Book is a mentor, the Book is a close comrade and friend. The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old, If you let go of the book.” V.F. Bokov Book, book, sheets of paper or parchment sewn into one binding. (V. Dal, Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, vol. ii). What a simple short explanation, and how much there is behind this word book! It’s not for nothing that people have developed many proverbs and sayings about books: “You can’t bother living with a book forever,” “A book, like water, will make a way everywhere,” “A book is the best gift,” etc. .d. Work on the topic of my research began with the fact that this year we went to Moscow and visited the State Historical Museum 1. Where they told us the history of the creation of books, showed us the first chronicles, books, as well as printing presses 2. At home we talked about the role of the book in our life. And my dad told me that my great-grandmother worked in the printing house of our city for 38 years. She typed texts of books and newspapers at the printing press. All this aroused my great interest. I decided to study this topic and set myself a goal and a number of tasks. The purpose of the project: - to determine the role of books and reading in a person’s life. Project objectives: - find information about the history of the book’s creation in popular science literature; - conduct a survey among classmates; -together with the librarian, analyze library attendance by primary school students; 1 Appendix 1. State Historical Museum. 2 Appendix 2. Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. 3 Appendix 3. Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharrasov. 3

4 - identify the reasons for schoolchildren’s reluctance to read; - attract the attention of classmates to books and reading. The project is relevant because nowadays you need to know a lot, a lot of information. The book has always been a source of knowledge. But people stop reading. The Internet, TV, computer games have replaced reading books. Object of study: books. Subject of research: publishing books, the meaning of books for people. Research methods: 1. Studying information about books. 2. Visit to the museum. 3. Visiting city libraries. 4. Visit to the printing house. 5. Questioning classmates. 6. Analysis of book forms. 7. Creation of a booklet “The Book is a Source of Knowledge” and a baby book. 8. Generalization of results. Chapter History of books. The history of the book has its roots in the distant past. Different peoples came to writing in different ways, using different materials for writing: stone, bone, wood, metal, silk, leather, cornstalks. The word “book” comes from the Church Slavonic expression “knigi”, which means letters or writing in general. In ancient times, stone was used as a writing material. The first drawings by primitive artists were found on the walls of caves. Subsequently, laws, names of kings, and memorable events were carved on rocks, stone tiles and pillars. Clay books are the most ancient. On the still soft and wet clay, words-icons were squeezed out with a sharp stick. Then the board was dried and 4

5 were fired in ovens like pots. The size of the clay tiles was 32x32 cm and a real flat brick 2.5 cm thick. A book was created from a dozen, and sometimes hundreds of such pages. Such books were written in the ancient states of Mesopotamia and Assyria 1. And in the neighboring Egyptian state, books were made from river reed papyrus with a tall and thick trunk, cut into strips and dried. They wrote on them with sticks, dipping them in ink or colored paints. Then the sheets were glued together to form a book in the form of a long scroll, usually about 6 meters long. After reading, the scroll was rolled into a tube and stored in a special case. People have used papyrus for many centuries. Egyptian, Jewish, Greek, Persian papyri have reached us, which are stored in the largest museums in the world. The British Museum in London contains papyrus 40 meters long, but there were also scrolls 45 meters long. A scroll is one continuous page. The scrolls contain historical documents, scientific works, and literary works of the peoples of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome. Papyrus was replaced by a new writing material, parchment. In the ancient Pergamon state, it was made from animal skins (goats and sheep, and the thinnest was obtained from calf skin). It could be written on both sides. A sheet of parchment was folded in half to make four pages. The quarter in Greek was called “tetrados”, and all together they made up a notebook. Several of these notebooks were stitched together to form a book in which one could write and draw, and it was called a codex. In appearance, the codex resembles a modern book. It took a whole flock of sheep to write one book. The book was written by hand over several years. Papyrus and parchment were expensive. And the copying of books itself was expensive, because there were few learned people who could copy correctly. Therefore, only the most important messages were written, which 1 Appendix 4 Clay books. Papyrus. Parchment. Birch bark. 5

6 needed to be preserved for a long time. For everyday use, they used tablets on which they could destroy what was written. Sometimes the tablets were covered with a thin layer of wax and written with a thin point. When the recording became unnecessary, the wax was heated, it melted and the recording was erased; When the wax hardened, you could write again. In Ancient Rus' they wrote on birch bark. Marks were made on the bark using a bone rod with an eye at the top, through which a ribbon was pulled. The rod was hung from the belt 1. In the 2nd century AD. Paper was invented in China. It was cheaper material. Paper was invented by Cai Lun. He found a way to make paper from the fibrous inner bark of the mulberry tree. The Chinese learned to grind the bark in water to separate the fibers, then they poured the mixture onto trays with long, narrow strips of bamboo at the bottom. When the water drained, the soft sheets were laid to dry on a flat surface. On March 1, 1564, the first Russian printed book, “The Apostle,” appeared. Later he created the first Slavic “ABC” and a new edition of “Apostle” in Lvov. In published the first complete Slavic Bible (“Ostrozh Bible”) 2. The books are interesting not only in content. There are publications of different formats, shapes, colors and even composition 3. For example: a book that can be held only with your fingertips, a book that looks like a tennis ball and is made of the same material, a folding book, a wooden book with an unusual, convex cover. There is even a sculpture in the form of a book in St. Petersburg. Pushkin’s lines “I love you, Peter’s creation...” 4. The twentieth century gave us a new type of electronic book. This book is stored in the computer's memory. It can accommodate not thousands, but tens of thousands and even millions of works. By the way, 1 Appendix 4 Clay books. Papyrus. Parchment. Birch bark. 2 Appendix 2 Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. 3 Appendix 5 Books of different formats, shapes, colors. 4 Appendix 6. In St. Petersburg there is a sculpture in the form of a book. 6

7, the electronic book and the traditional one do not compete with each other, but coexist peacefully. And this is not surprising. After all, a multi-volume encyclopedia can fit on a small CD, instead of taking up an entire shelf of a bookcase. However, most of the books we need are better to have in print; unlike a computer, they do not require electricity, and they can be taken anywhere. So, the first conclusion that I came to while studying this topic is that a book is an invaluable heritage, because books are the main guardians and witnesses of human history. No matter how the world around us changes, no matter how time rushes forward, changing the way of life and the faces of rulers, the book always remains close to a person, gives him information, calms and encourages him in difficult times, nourishes him with hope and inspires. 1.2 The role of books in our family. Unfortunately, in our time, not only children, but also adults very rarely pick up books. Meanwhile, it has long been proven that learning to think helps: mathematics and reading classical literature. So everything is interconnected and indivisible. I have my own small home library. My parents gave me my first books. Our library has about 800 books, 150 of which are for children. These are fairy tales, poems, short stories, fairy tales, myths, tales and stories about animals, fantasy 1. But in addition to fiction books, there are also encyclopedias. They help me write speeches on the world around me. In these books you can find answers to many questions that interest me. My mother loves to read since childhood. Her favorite books: collections of poems by A.S. Pushkin, Yesenin, stories by A.P. Chekhov. Books helped her finish well: school, university and become successful. I also fell in love with books very early. My mother told me that at the age of one I already enjoyed listening to nursery rhymes and poems by Korney Chukovsky. At four years old I 1 Appendix 7 My favorite books. 7

8 knew by heart “Fedorino’s Mountain”, “Moidodyr”, “Stolen Sun”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”. My mother and grandmother instilled in me a love of reading. Now I like to read fairy tales and poems by A.S. Pushkin. I go to the school library very often; there are a lot of interesting books and magazines there. I read quickly 80 words per minute. Chapter How a book is created. Having visited the city's printing house, I learned that book printing is a complex and labor-intensive process. First, they come up with a text: stories, novellas, poems. They are printed on a computer and then brought to the editorial office. The editor will check the correctness of the text and correct shortcomings 1. After this, the book is printed on special machines. There is also a paper cutting machine and a “Sewing” machine, which is used to stitch together the pages of a book. The process of creating a book is a difficult process, so you need to take care of the books Questioning classmates. Unfortunately, in our time, interest in books and reading is sharply declining. Nowadays, print media has many competitors: television, computer, telephone... Schoolchildren read only what is assigned in class, and very rarely use additional literature. But I think the book is still necessary. Our class can be called a reading class. Our children are among the most active readers of both school and community libraries. But I know that not all children have such an attitude towards books and reading. This problem gave me the idea to conduct a survey among children in junior grades 3. After analyzing the results of the survey, I received the following results: 1. Do you like to read? 25 students answered yes, 10 answered no 1 Appendix 8 Excursion to the printing house of the city of Belebey. 2 Appendix 9 Printing press. Modern paper cutting machine. Sewing machine for stitching book sheets. 3 Appendix 10 Questionnaire. 8

9 2. Do you read only according to the school curriculum? 12 answered yes, 23 students answered no. 3. What books do you prefer to read? 18 children like to read humorous stories about children, 22 students love fairy tales, 14 children like to read stories about animals, 5 people love poems, 10 children’s encyclopedia. 4. Do you have any favorite authors? (if so, name them) Pushkin A.S - 20 students answered, Nikolai Nosov - 12, Arkady Gaidar - 4, Eduard Uspensky - 10 people, Vitaly Bianchi answered - 13 people, Agnia Barto - 15, Brothers Grimm -14, Andersen G .X Do you have a home library? Yes they answered - 27 people, no they said approximately How many books are in it? 60 books - 3 people, 100 books - 5 people, 120 books - 6 people, 150 books 1 person, the rest find it difficult to answer. 7. Do parents read at home? Yes answered - 22 students, no How often do you visit libraries? Yes they said - 19, no Why do you think you need to read a lot? Expand horizons - 2, develop memory - 9 people responded, develop thinking - 10, expand vocabulary - 5 students. 10. Do you agree with the expression “if you read a lot, you know a lot”? 25 people answered yes, 10 people said no. When asked: “Name your favorite book,” not everyone could name it. More often the children named books from the school curriculum. In connection with this problem, we created a book club in the class, which will help instill a love of reading books in children. Creation of a booklet “A book is a source of knowledge” and little books. Since a book is a source of knowledge, I picked up proverbs, sayings, poems, interesting facts about the book and together with Rauzalia Raufovna we created the booklet “The Book is a Source of Knowledge” 2. At a meeting of the book club on the topic of visiting a fairy tale, the guys and I composed fairy tales and decided to print a book with 1 Appendix 14 Meeting of the book club. 2 Appendix 12 Booklet “The book is a source of knowledge.” 9

10 with your own fairy tales. I typed the text on the computer and printed it out, sewed the pages together, designed the cover, and it turned out to be a little book. 2.4 Research results. In the process of research, I learned the history of books, how books are created, and visited the printing house of the city of Belebey. I also found out what libraries there are in the city. I compiled a booklet “The Book is a Source of Knowledge” and distributed it to my classmates. Conducted a survey. Conclusion. The process of printing a book is very difficult, so you need to take care of books. There are three libraries in our city: children's, settlement, and central. And also in every school in the city there is a library for schoolchildren and teachers. It is necessary to find time to read a book, because books give us a lot of new knowledge and help improve our reading skills. Reading books helps all people achieve success in life 1. I advise everyone to read. Read as much as possible. After all, from books a person obtains knowledge that helps him successfully cope with assignments in class and during tests, various competitions and much more. In addition, reading books is very interesting and useful. They expand our horizons, help us correctly express our thoughts, and enrich our spiritual world. Even those who don’t like to read now will often sit with a book later because each of us will have a favorite book and its characters and will remain in our hearts forever. Love the book! She teaches you to think, teaches you to speak, teaches you to understand people. The book is a true friend! 1 Appendix 15 My achievements. 10

11 List of used sources and literature. I. Archival sources 1. Fund of the State Historical Museum. 2. Personal archive. Photos. II. Memoir sources 1. Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharrasov, Belebey district, Belebey city, Donskaya street house 4. III. Literature 1. I want to know everything! (Habitual things). M.: Astrel Publishing House, Great Russian Encyclopedia. Volume 6. M, Krainova N.M. Countries and peoples of Europe and Russia. - Moscow: World of Books, 2006 IV. Internet resources

12 List of applications. Appendix 1 State Historical Museum. Appendix 2 Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. Appendix 3 Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharrasov. Appendix 4 Clay books. Papyrus. Parchment. Birch bark. Appendix 5 Books of different formats, shapes, colors. Appendix 6 In St. Petersburg there is a sculpture in the form of a book. Appendix 7 My favorite books. Appendix 8 Excursion to the printing house of the city of Belebey. Appendix 9 Printing press. Modern paper cutting machine. Sewing machine for stitching book sheets. Appendix 10 Questionnaire. Appendix 11 Answers to the survey questions. Appendix 12 Booklet “Book - source of knowledge.” Appendix 13 Visiting libraries. Appendix 14 Meeting of the book club. Appendix 15 My achievements. 12

13 Appendix 1 State Historical Museum. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, 2015) 13

14 Appendix 2 Exhibits of the State Historical Museum. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, 2015) 14

15 15

16 16

17 17

18 18

19 Appendix 3 Memoirs of Rafael Mugalimovich Kharasov. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, 2015) 19

20 Appendix 4 Clay books Papyrus 20

21 Parchment Books of different formats, shapes, colors and even composition. Appendix 5 21

22 In St. Petersburg there is a sculpture in the form of a book. Appendix 6 Carved on it are Pushkin’s lines “I love you, Peter’s creation...” 22

23 My favorite books. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, year 2015) Appendix 7 23

24 Excursion to the printing house of the city of Belebey. (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, year 2015) Appendix 8 24

25 25

26 Appendix 9 Printing press. 26

27 Modern machine for cutting paper. Sewing machine for stitching book sheets. Appendix 10 Questionnaire. 27

28 3. Do you like to read? 4. Do you read only according to the school curriculum? 5. What book do you prefer to read? 6. Do you have any favorite authors? (if so, name them) 5. Do you have a home library? 6. Approximately how many books are in it? 7. Do parents read at home? 8. How often do you visit the library? 9. Why do you think you need to read a lot? 10. Do you agree with the expression “if you read a lot, you know a lot?” Answers to the survey questions. Appendix 11 28

29 Appendix 12 Booklet “Book is a source of knowledge.” 29

30 Appendix 13 Visiting the library. thirty

31 (Photos from the personal archive of A. Kharrasov, year 2015) 31

32 32

33 33

34 Appendix 14 Meeting of the book club. 34

35 Appendix 15 My achievements. 35

36 36

37 Reading develops my thinking, which helps me in sports. 37

38 38

39 39

40 40

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Research work for a scientific and practical conference on the topic:

“The place and role of historical books in teenage reading.”


Listovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna



Chapter 1. Features of reading among teenagers in the modern period.

1.1. Research on the reading interests of adolescents.

1.2. Features of the historical genre of fiction.

1.3. Teenager as a reader.

Chapter 2. Cooperation between MBOU Secondary School No. 8, Children's Library No. 1 and the Library named after. Kedrin on introducing students to the study of historical literature.

2.1. Analysis of the activities of MBOU Secondary School No. 8, Children's Library No. 1 and the Library named after. Kedrina.





Experts who worked on the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading note that “the current situation in Russia can be characterized as a systemic crisis of reading culture. Russia has reached the critical limit of neglect of reading.” One cannot but agree with this statement. Despite the fact that reading is a means of mastering and maintaining the intellectual, spiritual and ideological values ​​of society, the number of the non-reading population is growing, the number of users of state libraries and people buying books for home libraries is falling (research data from the Yuri Levada Center, 2003–2005 gg.).

According to VTsIOM, 34% of adult Russians no longer read! In the future society, reading and “the person who reads” will certainly be considered a national value. But reading nations are created from children who read. Today in Russia it is also necessary to recognize the problem of reading by children and adolescents as a national one, due to the fact that at present children’s reading especially needs protection and support not only by society, but also by the state.

There have been changes in the cultural life of the country that have led to a sharp increase in interest in national history, the origins of national culture, and lost traditions.

During critical periods for society, people always try to find answers to the most pressing questions of our time in the historical past. “By reading a person survives centuries” (A. S. Herzen)

To talk about great commanders, outstanding compatriots, to remember those who made history means to instill in the younger generation respect for the history of the Motherland, for the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland, and a sense of pride for their country.

In connection with the above, the topic of the report is relevant, as it poses the task of studying a teenager’s reading of historical literature; the specifics of the genre “historical book” will allow us to outline ways to become familiar with this literature.

Object of study: teenagers in grades 5–9 as readers of historical literature.

Subject of research: the influence of historical literature on the reading development of adolescents.

Base for the research: Children's library No. 1 and MBOU secondary school No. 8.

Purpose of the study: what place does historical literature occupy in the reading of adolescents, ways of introducing them to reading this literature in the interaction between school and library.

Objectives of the study: generalizing the experience of school and library work in accordance with the topic of the study, determining the place and role of historical books in adolescent reading.

Batyrev Scientific and Practical Conference

"The science. Creation. Development"

The book and its reading in human life
Literature Research Paper

The book has been performing a huge cognitive, educational and entertainment function for several centuries.
Goal of the work : find out what a book is and what place a book has in a person’s life, prove that reading is necessary in the life of every person.

Relevance of the topic

Stages of work :

1. Definition of the goals and objectives of the project.

2.Collecting materials for project work, visiting libraries, reading literature, working with the Internet.

3. Questioning students

4. Preparation of a printed version of the research paper.

5.Final stage. Preparation of an oral report for presentation at the scientific and practical conference “Science. Creation. Development.".

2.Chapter 1. What is a book?

1.1. Philosophy of the book.

1.2. History of books. Chapter 2. History of the library of the village of Pervomaiskoye

Chapter 3. Statistics and analysis of the work of rural and school libraries.

3. Conclusion.

4. List of used literature.

5. Applications. Introduction.
Research topic“A Book in a Person’s Life” was not chosen by chance, since, unfortunately, the interest of young people in books has not increased in the 21st century in Russia and in the Chuvash Republic in particular.

Of course, we are not inclined to ignore progress in the field of information: television, computerization, the Internet. This is a new era with new information technologies. Relevance This topic is that young people spend hours (of course, where this technology is available) sitting at the computer, the circle of people receiving information via the Internet is gradually expanding, and this cannot be stopped, and is not necessary, but what about reading books, how to preserve young people's interest in reading and cultural values?

Target research - to find out what a book is and what place a book has in a person’s life.

Teachers and parents face tasks How to convince people that oral creativity, the human word, and not television with its entertainment character, still remains in the arsenal of all mankind?

Hypothesis: The book has been performing a huge cognitive, educational and entertainment function for several centuries.

At the same time, teachers, sociologists, psychologists, book specialists, librarians, and parents are sounding the alarm: schoolchildren and young people turn to books less and less, and if they do, it is either for purely pragmatic reasons or to books of dubious artistic value. Quietly and almost unnoticed by the general public, reading is ceasing to be a favorite pastime of the population and an unconditional national value! The number of people in Russia who do not read books has increased from 23% to 36%; in their free time, only 33% of people are engaged in reading (in the USA - 39%); the number of people who have not read a single book over the past three months - 45%; Every tenth Russian does not read newspapers. As they say, comments are unnecessary.

Object of study: Rural and school libraries in the village of Pervomaiskoe.

In the first chapter we will briefly explain “what is a book?” The second chapter of our work is devoted to the history of libraries. And finally, in the third, practical part of our work, we will analyze, using the example of the work of libraries in the village of Pervomaiskoe, what place a book occupies in a person’s life at a certain stage of time.

Chapter 1. What is a book?

In one of the most famous dictionaries of the Russian language, the word “book” is given three meanings. The first is “sheets of paper or parchment sewn into one binding” (that is, the formal image of a book as a material object), the second is “writing, everything that is contained in the book” (that is, in modern language, the semantic side of the concept). And finally, the third is “a section, a department in an extensive written work.” If we do not take into account non-scientific interpretations, the entire basic meaning of the word “book” is in one way or another connected with scholarship, with information and the dissemination of information among one’s own kind, that is, the dissemination of knowledge and images.

Historically, in European and Western Asian languages ​​the content of the term (its concept, meaning) is the same. The Greek “biblio”, the Latin “liber”, the Semitic “sefer”, the Arabic “kitab”, like the Slavic-Baltic “book”, are interpreted in the same way: 1) subject, 2) work, 3) part of a work. Once it appeared, no matter how long ago it was, this term retains its root integrity to this day.

There is, however, an opinion about the non-Slavic, even non-European origin of the word “book”. The term was derived from ancient Chinese, Finno-Ugric, Assyrian, and Turkic languages, without bothering with evidence.

No later than 863 (the time of the famous journey of St. Cyril to Korsun, after which he set about inventing the alphabet), the languages ​​of the Slavs and Balts already had the oldest, stable and completely definite term “book”. The only surprising thing here is that our distant ancestors did not use for this purpose the vocabulary of the closest cultural peoples, which, of course, was familiar to them: “biblio”, “liber”, “manuscript”, “charter”, “letter”, but preferred word formation from the Proto-Slavic “kneti”, that is, “to know”. However, the terms mentioned were and are actively used as synonyms.

Scientists convincingly prove the relationship of the Russian word “book” with concepts that mean knowledge in general. Its identification into an independent semasiological series apparently occurred in the primitive era, when the Proto-Slavs migrated to the East European plain.

One of the strong proofs of the originality of the series mentioned is that in the course of development, derivatives were formed in it, and not just adjectives and epithets. In Slavic languages, the terms “prince” (Russian), “priest” (Polish), “knez” (Bulgarian) and others arose, relating to tribal leaders, priesthood and in one way or another connected with semasiology of knowledge (“chetehu and gaatahu ... "). Thus, etymologically, “book” is formed from the verb “to know.”

Philosophy of the book.

A book is a product of labor and the result of social development. However, for all the complexity and sometimes contradictory nature of its constituent philosophical, conceptual, etymological features, the book itself is an object that does not simply reflect reality. It acts as a dialectic factor because, thanks to its content and material properties, it can influence the development of society. Moreover, without the subject that we are accustomed to calling a book, there is no development at all in the history of modern times.

Obviously, in this case we are talking not so much about the usual bound paper book, but about a much more abstract concept. The philosopher says that if we do not want to perceive our sensations as a simple copy of the surrounding world, we must assume the presence of some intermediary factor, which itself, being a product of historical existence and having individual experience of development, will influence the realities reflected and felt through it. Such an intermediary is the book - an inseparable part of the entire system, the very subjective means through which the image of the objective world is reproduced. There are many such intermediary objects in the reality around us, and not only what we are accustomed to calling a book. And not even so much art and literature (for example: spectacles, images, folklore, etc.). Here are natural factors: electromagnetic waves (light), air vibrations (sound), radiomagnetic means used to transmit information.

A book as a means of historical influence is the result of such a unique property of the human body as reading, and everything that is psychologically connected with this, including font, alphabet, circulation. This makes it possible to almost simultaneously make a born thought accessible to every consumer and not just communicate it, but ensure its long-term creative assimilation. The book can not only be read, but also viewed, leafed through, examined, studied in full or selectively, simply stored, etc.

The problem becomes even more complicated if we imagine that book consumption, its forms and methods have changed from century to century. The consumption of books - papyrus scrolls, naturally, occurred differently than, say, the consumption of books - clay tablets. Around until the Crusades (X-XII centuries), people read only aloud; reading “to oneself” is one of the achievements of the early Renaissance. The consumption of church books, when the deacon, for example, read loudly, and the rest, regardless of their literacy, listened and listened, cannot be compared in any way with the consumption of modern bestsellers or comics, for example, with the assistance of audiovisual media.

Any thing extracted from nature, manufactured by man and having utility for him is considered as a use value. A book, as a product of the most complex labor, is, of course, also a use value. However, it is not just a material object, a carrier of information. It is itself information of culture at a certain stage of its historical development. Like some kind of instrument, it participates in the creation of other use values: structures, technologies, spiritual values, and in the formation of the intelligence and abilities of the consumers themselves. But even if books do not directly perform the functions of a tool, they act as a catalyst, an accelerator of development.

Thus, throughout its history, the book appears as a special kind of use value. The degree of a particular book’s ability to express, store, and transmit specific information is the level of its usefulness to society. The book is an expression and result of the historical development of such an important property of humanity as communication - information, communication.

Informativeness lies in the very fact of the book’s existence, as well as in the ethical, moral, psychological impact on both consumers and producers of information themselves, and finally, in the social value of the book.

Philosophers find that the volume of semantic information in culture is growing according to the formula of a falling avalanche. Every hundred years the need for information rises a mathematical order of magnitude higher. In relation to the book as a medium of information, this is the main incentive for its development.

The most significant difference between a modern book as a product of human activity is the interdependence of all its elements generated by the processes of creation and existence.

History of the book.

From scrolls to binding.

The first books, consisting of long scrolls of papyrus paper, appeared in Egypt, from where, around the 5th century BC, this method of writing spread to Greece, and then to Rome. The Egyptians long maintained a monopoly on papyrus production, but in the last years of the republic the Romans created their own papyrus factories. Among the Greeks and especially the Romans, despite the lack of printing, the book industry was at a very high level: the emperors had private libraries of 30,000 volumes (or more precisely, scrolls) or more. Bookstores were also found in the most remote provincial towns; in Rome there were both large and not so large bookstores and many second-hand bookstores. Large stores had rooms with numerous cursive writers; with their help, the author could publish his work, and for the exclusive right to sell it he sometimes received a fee or at least free copies. The Roman book was in the form of a scroll wrapped on a stick with thickened ends; a label indicating the title was attached to the upper end. Cases for storing scrolls were most often made of leather. For carrying, such scrolls were placed in round baskets with holes in the inner lid. In libraries, these scrolls were placed on shelves so that the labels were visible. They wrote on one side either in one vertical column, the length of which was equal to the length of the scroll, or in a series of many parallel columns. Bookstores in Rome served as meeting places for writers, scientists and literature lovers; There were also reading rooms near the stores, where for a small fee one could look through new items or compare one’s copy of a well-known work with one that had been corrected by a grammarian kept for this purpose. Due to the comparative cheapness of papyrus and the absolute cheapness of labor, books in Rome were inexpensive. In addition to ordinary cheap copies, there were also miracles of calligraphic art, luxuriously illustrated copies; there were crumb books; Cicero saw a copy of the Iliad that could fit in a nutshell.

The fall of ancient civilization, first of all, changed the appearance of the book; papyrus factories closed one after another. In Europe, papyrus became increasingly rare. Moreover, due to its fragility, it was inconvenient for those books that were in greatest use at the beginning of the Middle Ages. For holy Scripture and liturgical books intended for daily use, age-old parchment, which was used before, but was replaced by its cheapness, was more suitable. At this time it again comes into general use; its leaves are combined into volumes that correspond to the modern form of the book. In the eastern empire there were special workshops for processing it, and scribes received it ready-made; in the West, they mostly processed it themselves: they removed grease and stains with a razor, cleaned hair and veins with pumice, smoothed it and lined it with a special knife. They wrote large, clearly and beautifully; in the decoration of capital letters there were examples of extraordinary luxury. Sometimes (from the 3rd to the 7th centuries) the parchment was painted in red or other paint, and the manuscript was written in diluted silver, and the capital letters in gold. Books at that time were very expensive: sometimes entire estates were traded for a beautifully written and painted prayer book or psalter; There were times when there was not a single book in the entire Christian city. In the Muslim world, book publishing stood at a very high level at that time: in Spain there were about 70 public libraries, and the Cordoba library had up to 400,000 volumes. In Europe, books became cheaper and more common when the use of parchment began to spread, helped at this time by the strong rise of intellectual life after the Crusades, as well as the development of universities. In the 13th century, universities had a special type of officials, the so-called hospitals, they gave students textbooks to copy, took books on commission from Jewish moneylenders, who themselves did not have the right to sell books, and from students leaving; these stations were thus the first booksellers in the new Europe.

At the beginning of the 14th century. in Paris there was a separation of booksellers and hospitals; at the same time, the former still took an oath to the university and were subject to its jurisdiction. There were also sworn sellers of writing materials. At the end of the XIV and beginning of the XV centuries. in the “Latin Quarter” entire houses and alleys were inhabited by scribes, calligraphers, bookbinders, miniaturists (otherwise known as illuminators), parchment makers, paper sellers, etc. In London, text-writers united in 1403 into a special workshop, similar things happened and in Holland. In Italy in the 15th century. There were booksellers who kept a lot of scribes at their store, therefore, capable of publishing books even before printing. At this time, in all the big cities of Europe there were already public libraries, of which there were other books. were issued at home (libri vagautes); Valuable and voluminous copies were attached to desks with iron chains; Almost everywhere there were booksellers and societies of scribes, trying to satisfy not only rich lovers, but also people of average wealth with prayer books, instructive and even funny books.

The book came to Rus' along with Christianity, from Byzantium, at the time of the heyday of specifically Byzantine culture; but this culture was not assimilated by our ancestors in its entirety. Only liturgical and pious-edifying books are accepted; the work of book enlightenment is carried out by the clergy and a very few amateurs from high-ranking officials. According to Kirill of Turov, secular people said: “I feed the imam’s wife and children... it’s not our business to venerate books, but chernecheskie.” If a worldly person began to read or even copy books, he did it not for pleasure or even for instruction, but for the salvation of his soul. Book production was concentrated exclusively in monasteries: there is a well-known illustration from the life of Theodosius of Pechersk, which depicts Theodosius himself weaving a wave for binding, while in the same room Hilarion copies books, and Elder Nikon binds them. The monks wrote only with the permission of the abbot, so a book or article begins with the formula: bless, father. They wrote on haratje (parchment, from chartia), on large sheets, mostly in two columns, in large and straight letters - ustav (which gradually passed through semi-ustav into illegible cursive writing of the 17th century); capital letters and headpieces were painted with paints and gold. They wrote one book for many months and in the afterword they often expressed heartfelt joy that a difficult feat had ended happily.

The invasion of the Mongols stopped the development of the book business in the South, and how difficult it was to engage in it in the North is clearly demonstrated by the life of Sergius of Radonezh, who, having neither a book nor paper, wrote on birch bark. Only in Novgorod were there leisure and resources; about Moses, Archbishop of Novgorod (1353 - 1362), the chronicle says: “many scribes found and wrote out many books.” Since the 15th century, book writing has spread throughout central Russia: there are scribes and even professional writers, “fed from their labors”; calligraphy sometimes reaches a high degree of perfection; cunning fabrications appear, such as secret writing (cryptography) and so on. In the 16th century, the urban period in the history of books begins in our country: Stoglav mentions urban scribes, whose activities he wants to supervise. The most outstanding figure in the history of Russian books of this era is Metropolitan Macarius.

It took a long time for man to produce something resembling a modern book. Several thousand years ago, the Babylonians and Assyrians made clay tablets. Using sharpened sticks, they squeezed out wedge-shaped signs, or cuneiform, on the still damp clay of these tablets. For better preservation they were fired in ovens. Sometimes the entries were long and took up many clay tablets. Such a set of tablets, or “pages,” can roughly be considered a book.

This is what cuneiform looked like.

The ancient Egyptians made a kind of rough paper from reeds called papyrus. The flat sheets were made by hand, after which the pale yellow sheets were glued together into long strips, which were then wound around cylinders of wood or bone. Using ink from an aqueous solution of soot, the Egyptians wrote down poems, stories, and all kinds of information using hieroglyphs or pictorial writing. Since it was not very convenient to write on scrolls, sometimes notes were made on separate sheets. These sheets were then tied together to form something like a book.

And this is a preserved papyrus.

By the middle of the 15th century, papyrus was replaced by parchment. It was made from sheep and goat skin, and the thinnest was made from calf skin. The text was written on one side, then sheets of the same size were cut and fastened with leather straps.

Books as we know them appeared only in the Middle Ages. Four pieces of parchment were folded in half: two sheets came out of each. Then they were inserted one into the other: a total of 8 sheets, or one section. The completed sections were sent to the scribe. He wrote the text. The scribe separated the sheets and worked on each page separately. The parchment was thick enough to write on both sides. The completed sections were then sent to the bookbinder. He sewed each section together with twine along the fold line. Next, wooden covers were prepared. The ends of the strings were threaded through holes in the wood to secure the section and cover together. Then a large piece of leather was glued onto the wooden covers, covering the folds of the sections. The finished books were decorated and carefully stored. Most books in the Middle Ages were written in Latin.

The founder of book printing in Russia is Ivan FEDOROV. In 1564, in Moscow, together with P. Mstislavets, he published the first Russian dated printed book, “The Apostle.” Later he created the first Slavic “ABC” and a new edition of “Apostle” in Lvov. In 1580-81 published the first complete Slavic Bible (“Ostrog Bible”).

Books are interesting not only for their content. There are publications of different formats, shapes, colors and even composition.

For example… is a book that you can hold only with your fingertips. Tennis ball book

Folding book. Wooden book with an unusual, convex cover

There is even a sculpture in the form of a book in St. Petersburg. Pushkin’s lines “I love you, Peter’s creation...” are carved on it.

Chapter 2. History of the creation of the Pervomayskaya Rural Library

In 1935, the village of Pervomaiskoye was part of the Tarkhansky district. There was a library in the village of Tarkhany. In October 1939, the Tarkhansky district became known as the Pervomaisky district. And part of the Tarkhan Library collection was transferred to the village of Pervomaiskoye.

The library opened in the church, opposite the two-story Pervomaiskaya secondary school.

In the fall of 1957, the library was moved to a two-story wooden building. There was a road section on the second floor, and a library on the first floor.

In 1959, the Pervomaisky district was liquidated and the district library began to be called the subdistrict library.

In 1962, a new library building with a reading room was built.

In 1980, near the board of the collective farm "Rassvet", on the initiative of the chairman of the collective farm Nikitin I.I. a new House of Culture with 600 seats was built. And in the same year, the library was transferred to the building of the new House of Culture.

Librarianship master

The Pervomaiskaya regional library began operating in 1939.

The first librarian was Evgenia A. Ostroumova (1939-1947)

From 1952 to 1953, Varvara Vasilievna Stepanova worked as a librarian.

From September 15, 1954 to January 1960, Zinaida Pavlovna Kallina (Shagulova) worked as a librarian.

Shagulov Vitaly Fedorovich was appointed head of the reading room in 1953, and in 1960 he became head of the subdistrict library.
In 1953-1954, Tamara Konstantinovna Tumalanova worked as a librarian.

In 1957-1958, Smelova Maria Semenovna worked as a librarian

On May 9, 1958, the Ministry of Culture of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic sent Valentina Trofimovna Egorova to work at the Pervomaisk regional library.

Shuryakova (Nikitina) Zinaida Konstantinovna worked from 1963 to 1968.

From 1967 to 1968, Nina Fedorovna (Kozlova) Sergeeva worked.

Andreeva Lyudmila Yakovlevna was appointed to the position of head of the reading room in 1967. Together with Andreeva L.Ya. Tapirova Raisa Prokopyevna started working.

From 1973 to 1975, Yulia I. Chudakova worked as the head of the reading room.

From September 1977 to 1979 she worked in the Vankova library Natalya N.

From 1977 to 1995, Raisa Prokopyevna Peshkova worked as the head of the library.

Since December 1975, Evdokia Andreevna Ivanova was appointed head of the reading room of the Pervomayskaya Rural Library. From 1995 to 2005 - head of this library.

In April 1995, Tatyana Vitalievna Tikhonova began working as a librarian, and in 2006 she was transferred to the position of head of the library.

Since 2006, Tatyana Vladimirovna Stepanova has been working as a librarian.

Galina Vitalievna Gorshkova has been working in the library as a technical worker for many years.

Library achievements

In 1958, the library received the title “Best Library of the Republic”, and in connection with this it was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Culture.

Based on the results of social competition for a worthy celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, it was again recognized as the best.

In 1981, Peshkova Raisa Prokopyevna was recognized as “The best cultural worker of the region”, and in 1982 she was awarded a diploma for her contribution to the development of the national economy and culture of the region in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

On January 25, 1992, by a resolution of the head of the Batyrevsky district and the Coordinating Council of Trade Unions, Evdokia Andreevna Ivanova was awarded the title “Best Cultural Worker of the District - 91.” Since 1987, the library has operated a club of interests “Family”, which with the sketch “Gatherings” took third place at the republican show -competition for the best interest club.

Main indicators of rural library performance since 2007. Through 2009 (until October)

Main indicators in 2007

Number of readers – 1281

Book circulation – 23985

Fund turnover – 0.75

Readability – 18.72

Received by the fund: - 408 copies.

Of these books – 241

Newspaper names – 1) Avangard

2) Khipar

3) Soviet Chuvashia

4) Çamrăkse haçachĕ

6) Schoolchildren

7) Youth courier

8) Kil-surt khushma huçalăkh

Magazine titles – 1) Kapkăn

2) Tăvan Atăl

3) Peasant woman

4) Around the world

5)Home encyclopedia


8) Samant

Main indicators in 2008

Number of readers – 1283

Book circulation – 23975

Fund turnover – 0.72

Readability – 18.68

Received by the fund: - 127 copies.

Of these books – 127

Newspaper names – 1) Avangard

2) Khipar

3) Soviet Chuvashia

4) Çamrăkse haçachĕ

6) Schoolchildren

7) Youth courier

8) Kil-surt khushma huçalăkh

Magazine titles – 1) Kapkăn

2) Tăvan Atăl

3) Peasant woman

4) Around the world

5)Home encyclopedia


8) Samant


10) Children's encyclopedia

11) Read, study, play

12) Homestead farming

Local periodicals – 1) Pervomaisky Bulletin

Main indicators in 2009 (until October)

Number of readers – 1013

Book circulation – 18285

Fund turnover – 0.71

Readability – 18.05

Received by the fund: - 128 copies.

Of these books – 128

Newspaper names – 1) Avangard

2) Khipar

3) Soviet Chuvashia

4) Çamrăkse haçachĕ

Magazine titles – 1) Kapkăn

2) Tăvan Atăl

3) Samant

4) Homestead farming
Local periodicals – 1) Pervomaisky Bulletin

Main performance indicators of the school library from 2007 to 2009

Main indicators in 2007

General fund - 10800

Number of readers – 444

Book issue – 20250

Fund turnover – 0.97

Readability – 444

Received by the fund:

Book titles – 241

Newspaper titles – 8

Magazine titles – 9

Local periodicals – 1

Number of subscribers – 444

Main indicators in 2008

General fund - 10837

Number of readers – 456

Book circulation – 21300

Fund turnover – 0.95

Readability – 456

Received by the fund:

Book titles – 37

Newspaper titles – 8

Magazine titles – 10

Local periodicals – 1

Number of subscribers – 456

Main indicators in 2009

General fund - 11008

Number of readers – 460

Book circulation – 21250

Fund turnover – 0.96

Readability – 460

Received by the fund:

Book titles – 180

Newspaper titles – 10

Magazine titles – 11

Local periodicals – 1

Number of subscribers – 460

What are our youth reading?(data from school library)

4.5 grades(predominant writers)

4 "a": Krapivin 5 "a": Pushkin 5 B": Tolstoy

Pushkin Drogunsky Alekseev

Zakhoder Andersen

Zhukovsky Uspensky

Tolstoy Agakov




7,8 grades(predominant writers)

8 "a": Krapivin 8 "b": Kozlov 7 "a": Tolstoy

Pushkin Nekrasov Gorky

Shakespeare Tolstoy Pushkin

Block Kataev Kataev

Tolstoy Alekseev Paustovsky

Tyutchev Gorky

Nekrasov Oseeva


10,11 grades(predominant writers)

10 "a": Gogol 10 "b": Goncharov 11 "a": Bulgakov 11 "b": Bunin

Goncharov Lermontov Gorky Chekhov

Ostrovsky Pushkin Ostrovsky

Lermontov Kuprin Kuprin

Nekrasov Sholokhov

Conclusion: Basically, students go to the school library only on instructions from teachers, or if the school curriculum forces them to do so.

Reading for children and adolescents in all civilized countries is a concern of society and the state. Reading is one of the ways to transmit and assimilate knowledge and spiritual values ​​developed by humanity, a means of education and upbringing of the individual.

Throughout the history of Russia, with the appearance of the first books in Rus', books were given special importance. Prince Vladimir also “ordered his children and boyars to study Greek and Slavic scriptures,” and also “he ordered them to take books from ordinary people for learning.” In Kievan Rus, children were taught reading from the age of 6-7. Reading was seen as a prerequisite for a righteous life: “You cannot build a ship without nails, you cannot make a righteous person without reading books.”

The famous “Isobornik” by Svyatoslav (11th century) contains a “Sermon on Reading Books” with advice on how to read: “When reading, delve into what you read with all your soul and mind... embed the meaning of each word into the depths of your heart.”

By the middle of the 20th century, Russia was the most reading country in the world. The book had significance as the most important source of cultural history. The level of development of reading ability among the population is a kind of indicator of well-being in society; what is read and processed by a person’s consciousness leaves a mark on his soul, affects his thinking, speech, actions and even appearance. Science has proven that a person who reads actively and seriously is more successful and competitive.

Particular attention should be paid to the role of reading fiction in personality development. The word, artistic, figurative, has an even greater power of influence on human consciousness, its power is multiplied tenfold. A talented work affects a person for a long time, sometimes throughout his life.

Reading is a form of verbal communication between people through printed and handwritten tests, an information-cognitive process, one of the types of speech activity that consists of receiving and semantically processing textual information.

With the development of television and information technology, there is a decline in the reading of literature by children and adolescents in Russia, as well as throughout the world.

If earlier the ability to read was the main source of knowledge of the world, then with the advent of television, media resources, and the Internet, the need for such a source for many has disappeared. With this approach, literature ceases to participate in the moral development of the individual. Over time, it became clear that man does not live by information alone. Informatization must be balanced by the humanization of man and, therefore, reading. According to Tikhomirova I.I., the opinion has become more and more noticeable in the humanitarian sphere that information that satisfies the utilitarian needs of a person does not lead to the rise of culture, to the ennoblement of the mind and heart of a person, and does not resolve the spiritual crisis: awareness and immorality get along well with each other.

The reading crisis with children and adolescents is causing concern and concern among the public and government officials in Russia. In a statement by Elena Lakhova, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Children, the issue of children's reading was raised: “We have forgotten about the role of books in the education and upbringing of children. According to the results of international testing, 15-year-old schoolchildren were ranked 33rd out of 40 developed countries in terms of reading quality.”

Mikhail Nenashev published an open letter to the Minister of Culture “I think that the appeal of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta with such a meaningful title “Tell me what you read, and I will tell you what Russia will be!” will be forgotten. And do you know why? The question posed by the newspaper was about 7-10 late. Now we need to say not what it will be, but what Russia that does not read has already become - ignorant, immoral, criminal.”

How to turn a non-reading Russia into a reading one? Reading - not for completing school assignments, and not for fun, and not for solving crossword puzzles, but in order to remain human and receive insurance against the degradation of oneself, children, grandchildren and the country as a whole. Joseph Brodsky, in his Nobel lecture, given in 1987, when the trend towards cultural catastrophe in Russia was just beginning, called non-reading the most serious crime not so much against the book as against oneself. “For this crime,” he said, “a person pays with his whole life; if a nation commits this crime, it pays for it with its history.”

We believe that a book is no less important for a person, and even more so for a student; as it develops speech culture, writing literacy, and memory.

The problems of children's and adolescent reading prompted us to conduct a study of the reading of schoolchildren of the municipal educational institution "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School named after V. Mitta". We interviewed 61 students.

The purpose of the study is to analyze reading as one of the leisure elements of children and adolescents realizing the possibilities of their self-development.

The purpose of our research was to identify the place of reading in the structure of a child’s interests as a factor in personality formation.

We see the practical significance of our work in the use of its results in literature lessons, for the teacher to attract students to creative reading of books, without which fruitful learning is impossible.

The analysis of schoolchildren's reading was carried out using a questionnaire (Appendix 1).

Analysis of reading as one of the leisure elements of children and adolescents realizing the possibilities of their self-development confirmed that the main task of school teachers and librarians is to identify students’ interests in reading books in the structure of education and upbringing as a factor in the formation of personality and its self-determination in society

Unfortunately, in our time, not only children, but also adults very rarely pick up books. Meanwhile, it has long been proven that the ability to think is developed in two ways: mathematics and reading classical literature. So everything is interconnected and indivisible.

The great writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky said: “I read strangely, and reading has a strange effect on me. I read something I’ve re-read a long time ago and it’s as if I’m exerting myself with new strength, I delve into everything, I clearly understand and I myself gain the ability to create.”

Voltaire, a French writer and educational philosopher, spoke about reading as follows: “By reading authors who write well, you get used to speaking well.” And one more thing: “When we read a good book for the first time, we experience the same feeling as when making a new friend. Reading a book again means seeing an old friend again.”

The great Russian pianist, composer, conductor Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein: “I judge a city by the number of bookstores it has.”

“To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure” - Charles Louis Montesquieu, French educator, jurist, philosopher.

But not only people of past centuries spoke intelligently and accurately about the benefits of reading. For example, the artist Nikas Safronov, well-known in show business circles, says: “One day I came to the store. I bought something, I don’t remember exactly. The saleswoman could not count the amount. She was looking for a calculator for a long time. And I realized that the general level of education in our country, people began to read less. As a result, excuse the harsh words, they simply became stupid. To develop intelligence, as well as imagination, when a person reads, he draws in his imagination what is presented in the book. Thus, Fellini or Todorovsky could be born from him."

And the Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: “The difference between material and mental poisons is that most material poisons taste disgusting, but mental poisons in the form of bad books, unfortunately, are often attractive.”


Our country ranks 66th in the world in terms of the level of use of human potential (physical, emotional, intellectual). And this is the cause of our social ills: lack of demand for young people, lack of moral values, drunkenness, drug addiction, hooliganism, banditry, including among children and youth, and other diseases of our society. In this regard, we consider it necessary to dwell only on some problems, the solution of which is in one way or another connected with the activities of libraries.

There are proposals in various directions:
- Create special centers for promoting books.
- Hold a book week every year.
- Adopt legislation aimed at improving financing of the cultural sector.
- Finally, provide schoolchildren with high-quality and accessible books and textbooks, through which the younger generation can be more successfully introduced to reading, etc.


1. Denisova E. On the sidelines, but not through their own fault... They got carried away with computerization, but forgot about the book // Teacher's newspaper. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 10.

2. Dobrynina N.E. Study of readers - children and adolescents in Russia in the 19th - 20th centuries: Textbook. Manual.- M.: School Library, 2006.- 144 p.

3.Biographies of memorable people of the Russian land.- M.: Mosk. Worker, 1992.- 333 p.

4.Setin F.I. History of Russian children's literature. The end of the 10th - the first half of the 19th century. / F.I. Setin.- M.: Education, 1990. – 301 p.

5.Tikhomirova I.I. Psychology of children's reading from A to Z: Methodological dictionary-reference book for librarians. - M.: School Library, 2004. - 248 p.

6. School of reading: Experience, theories, reflections: Reader / Comp. I.I. Tikhomirov.- M.: School Library, 2006.- 304 p.

Annex 1.


2.Can you say that reading is one of your favorite activities?

5.When do you usually go to the library?

A total of 61 people were interviewed during the survey.

Appendix 2.

Famous people about books and reading

Astafiev V.P.

(Russian writer)

“A good book is like a germinating seed, it sprouts in the soul, and when this happens, the book becomes a demanding and strict interlocutor”

Poor Damyan

(Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov, Russian writer)

“Human life is empty without books. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant eternal companion."


(Russian literary critic, publicist, editor)

“The book is the life of our time. Everyone needs it - both old and young, those in business and those doing nothing; children too. It’s all about choosing books for them, and we are the first to agree that reading poorly chosen books is both worse and more harmful for them than not reading anything.”

Belinsky V.G.

“The book is the life of our time”


(French socialist)

“Tell me what you are reading and I will tell you who you are. You can get a true idea of ​​a person’s mind and character by examining his library.”

Blok A.A.

(Russian poet)

“A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it”


"Swiss" botanist)

“Look for people whose conversation would be worth a good book, and books whose reading would be worth a conversation with a philosopher.”


(English philosopher)

“Reading makes a person knowledgeable, conversation makes a person resourceful, and the habit of writing makes him accurate.”


“Read not to contradict and refute, not to take on faith; and not to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason"


“There are books that you just need to taste, there are those that are best swallowed and only slightly chewed and digested.”


(German sociologist, historian, economist, lawyer)

“What is not worth reading more than once is not worth reading at all.”


(French writer, moralist)

“The newest and most original book is the one that makes you love old truths”


(François Marie Arouet, French writer, poet, playwright, educational philosopher)

“The more you read without thinking, the more convinced you are that you know a lot, and the more you think while reading, the more clearly you see that you still know very little.”


“When we read a good book for the first time, we experience the same feeling as when we make a new friend. Reading a book again means seeing an old friend again.”


(French mathematician)

“The most valuable book of a true scientist is the one where he frankly declares what exactly he does not know. The worst thing for the reader is when the author hides difficulties."


(French materialist philosopher)

“Experience shows that a person considers every person erroneous and every book bad that differs from his views.”


(Russian writer, philosopher, revolutionary)

“We must respect the book, we must enter this temple of thought with reverence.”

Herzen A.I.

“Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation to a sentry taking his place.”

Herzen A.I.

“There is more than one past in the book; it constitutes a document by which we are brought into possession of the present, into the possession of the entire sum of truths and efforts found through suffering, sometimes drenched in bloody sweat; she is the program of the future"

Gorky Maksim

(Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich, Russian writer, publicist)

“Love a book - a source of knowledge, only knowledge is saving, only it can make you spiritually strong, honest, reasonable people who are able to sincerely love a person, respect his work and heartily admire the fruits of his continuous great work”

Gorky M.

“I owe everything good in me to books.”

Gorky M.

“Love a book, it will make your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for people.”

Gorky M.

“The book is perhaps the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by humanity on the path to the happiness and power of the future.”

Dal V.I.

(Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer, doctor)

“Just as rubles are made from kopecks, so knowledge is made from grains of what is read”

Descartes R.K.

(French philosopher, mathematician, natural scientist)

“Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.”

Diderot D.

(French philosopher, writer)

“People stop thinking when they stop reading”


(German democrat teacher)

“Reading means applying what you read in life”

Dode A.

(French writer)

“Books are your best friends. You can turn to them in all difficult moments of life. They will never change"

Dostoevsky F.M.

(Russian writer)

“Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest"


(Russian organic chemist)

“For me, the book that has a big man behind it is dear.”


(Russian political figure)

“An educated person is not one who reads a lot, but one who has acquired a system of reading, not fragments, not crumbs of knowledge, but a system of interconnected knowledge.”

Karamzin N.M.

(Russian historian, writer)

“Handling books prepares you for handling people. Both are equally necessary."

Carlyle T.

(English publicist, historian, philosopher, writer)

“Of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. The thoughts of past times live in books; The voices of people whose ashes have long scattered, like a dream, can be heard clearly and distinctly. Everything that humanity has done, changed its mind, everything that it has achieved - all this has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books.”


(Russian playwright, poet)

“It is read in three ways: first, read and not understand; second, read and understand; third, read and understand even what is not written"

Korolev S.P.

(Russian scientist, designer)

“A person cannot live without a book, like without air”


(Goldschmidt Heinrich, Polish writer, teacher, doctor)

“The purpose of the book is to facilitate and accelerate the knowledge of life, and not to replace it”


(political figure)

“It’s better to read a little, but thoroughly. “Swallowing” a book is the most unproductive activity.”


“You need to get into the habit of reading a lot and quickly to yourself. It is necessary to ensure that the reading mechanism becomes completely automatic and does not distract thoughts. But this is not enough. You still have to give yourself a report on what you’ve read.”


“One of the tools for acquiring knowledge, but a very essential tool, is the ability to use a book”

Laboulaye de L.E.

(French writer)

“In the overall picture of civilization, the place of each people is determined by the number of books they read”

Lamartine A.

(French romantic poet, political activist)

“If steam and railways destroyed distance, then printing destroyed time: thanks to it we are all contemporaries. I am talking with Homer and Cicero, and the Homers and Ciceros of the future will talk with us."

Latin aphorism

“Books have their own destiny... depending on the reader’s perception”

Likhanov A.A.

(Russian writer)

“Reading is the breath of the mind”


(German satirist writer, literary critic, physicist)

“The undoubted sign of any good book is that you like it the more as you get older.”

Lomonosov M.V.

(Russian natural scientist, poet)

“You can see and get to know your region either with your own eyes or with the help of books”


(German thinker and public figure)

“I acquired the habit of making extracts from all the books I read, casually putting down my thoughts on paper.”

Mayakovsky V.V.

(Russian poet)

“The Word is the commander of human strength”

Montesquieu S.L.

(French educator, jurist, philosopher, writer)

“There is no entertainment cheaper than reading books and no pleasure that lasts longer”

Montesquieu S.L.

“To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom, inevitable in life, for hours of great pleasure”

Morozov N. A.

(populist, scientist)

“A book is a magician. The book transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages."

Folk wisdom

“From time immemorial, a book raises a person”

Pavlenko P.A.

(Russian writer)

“A book is a collective experience. He who has read two dozen great books has lived two dozen great lives.”

Pavlenko P.A.

“A family that doesn’t read books is a spiritually inferior family.”


(French mathematician, physicist, philosopher and writer)

“You need to be able to read every book”

Paustovsky K.G.

(Russian writer)

“No failures of history and blind spaces of time are able to destroy human thought, enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books”


(Italian poet)

“You can’t keep books locked up like in a prison, they must certainly go from the library to memory”


(publicist and literary critic)

“There are many good books in the world, but these books are good only for those people who know how to read them. The ability to read good books is not at all equivalent to knowledge of literacy.”

Pushkin A.S.

(Russian writer, poet)

“Reading is the best teaching. Following the thoughts of a great man is the most interesting science."


(English writer)

“You must, first of all, have a sincere desire to learn from books and be imbued with their thoughts. Mind you, get into their thoughts, and not try to find your own from them.”


(book scholar, bibliographer, writer)

“Reading is the creation of one’s own thoughts with the help of the thoughts of other people.”

Rubakin N.A.

“Even many thousands of years ago, the book, in the hands of the best representatives of humanity, became one of the main weapons in their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this weapon that gave these people terrible strength.”

Rubakin N.A.

“Look through books every chance you get. Try to leaf through and review as many different books as possible in your lifetime.”


“Choosing books for your own and others’ reading is not only a science, but also an art”


“Reading books is just the beginning. Creativity of life is the goal"


Shchedrin M.E.

(Russian writer, publicist)

“Literature has been removed from the laws of decay. She alone does not recognize death."


(Roman politician, philosopher, writer)

“If you read something, then learn the main idea from what you read. This is what I do: from what I read, I will certainly note something.”


“What is acquired by reading through the pen turns into flesh and blood”


(English moral writer)

“Books are the best companions of old age, and at the same time the best guides of youth”

Sukhomlinsky V.A.


“One of the truths of my pedagogical faith is the boundless faith in the educational power of the book. School is first and foremost a book. Education is, first of all, words, books, living human relationships. A book is a powerful weapon. A smart, inspired book often decides a person’s fate.”

Sukhomlinsky V.A.

“People who are morally cultured and conscientious workers grow up in families where there is deep respect for books.”

Tank Maxim

(Skurko Evgeniy Ivanovich, Belarusian poet)

“Any house without books seems gloomy and cheerless”

Tolstoy L.N.

(Russian writer)

“What could be more precious than to enter into daily communication with the wisest people in the world”

toro g D.

(American writer, thinker)

“How many people who, after reading another good book, opened a new era in their lives!”

Ushinskiy K.D.

(Russian writer, teacher)

“Reading doesn’t mean anything; what to read and how to understand what you read - that’s the main thing.”


(French historian and critic lit.)

“If we read in order to acquire knowledge, we must read slowly, writing down everything that we learn from the book, everything that is unfamiliar to us in it.”


“Books are our last friends, who do not deceive us, always stay with us and do not reproach us with our old age.”

Fedin K.A.

(Russian writer)

“When your youth passes, when you are convinced that everything has already been achieved in your unique life, you will look for a friend. And you know, it won't be easy to find. A person living out his days is often burdensome and boring. Even if he is given honor, it is honor to his past. Only you will love yourself until the end of your days. And only one eternal friend will remain unchanged to you - this is a book.”


“Looking through or leafing through a book is not reading. You need to read it as if you were listening to a person’s confession. Delving into the book. Then she will reveal herself, and you will comprehend her charm.”


(German philosopher)

“The situation with books is the same as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.”

Hemingway E.M.

(American writer)

“All good books are similar in one thing - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain with you forever: good or bad, delights, sorrows and regrets, people and places, and what there was weather"

Zweig S.

(Austrian writer)

“The book is the alpha and omega of all knowledge, the beginning of the beginnings of every science”


(Roman politician, speaker, writer)

“A house without books is like a body without a soul.”

Chernyshevsky N.G.

(publicist, literary critic, writer)

“Learned literature saves people from ignorance, and elegant literature saves people from rudeness and vulgarity.”

Chernyshevsky N.G.

“All good books are especially similar in that they certainly arouse in the reader a desire to think about what is fair, beautiful and useful for people.”

Chekhov A.P.

(Russian writer)

“Everything pales before books”

Schopenhauer E.

(German philosopher)

“There is no better way to refresh the mind than reading the ancient classics; “As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.”


(Renaissance humanist)

“When reading, you must think through everything thoroughly, so that what you read turns into your flesh and blood, and is not put together in one memory, like in some dictionary.”

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