What is the difference between a dwarf and a midget. The most famous dwarfs How tall are dwarfs

Little people have always aroused interest among “normal people”. It is no coincidence that dwarfs are depicted in the paintings of many great artists. They were loved at court and shown in the circus.

Valentina Aleksandrovna PETERKOVA, current director of the Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of medical sciences, looked at dwarfs differently. As a doctor, as a scientist. She took up the problem of little people and practically solved it.

The Great and the Unfortunate

In fact, dwarfism is a huge misfortune for people deprived of growth hormone. Ordinary people grow throughout childhood and adolescence (men - up to 25 years, women - up to 19). They also produce growth hormone later, but in smaller quantities.

The secrets of growth hormone became known to science not so long ago, some fifty years ago. As soon as it became clear that growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland, they immediately began to prepare it from the pituitary glands... of the deceased. If the cause of death of a person was not an infection or a tumor, somatotropin (growth hormone) was isolated from the pituitary gland of the deceased. This drug began to be produced in the world in the 60s, in our country - in the 70s. The dwarfs have grown up. But just a little, just a little. In addition, this “human drug” was too vulnerable - a deceased person during his lifetime could be sick with a dangerous undetected disease.

The whole world worked to invent a synthetic analogue. In 1986, in America, genetic engineers created a synthetic growth hormone that is completely identical to human growth hormone. I started using this growth hormone in my department, which I headed, at the Endocrinology Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Diagnosis: nanism

I must say that over the past years we have done a colossal amount of work: we have created a register where all dwarf children in Russia are entered. To date, there are 2,470 boys and girls who have been diagnosed with nanism (dwarfism) - a congenital deficiency of growth hormone. Today this is no longer a sentence. It is possible not only to recognize why the pituitary gland (the boss of all glands) does not produce growth hormone, but also to cure the pathology itself. And a miracle happens: someone who was previously doomed to grow 100-120 centimeters can grow to 180 and higher. We give most of our patients normal socially acceptable height (boys 165-170 cm, girls 150-160 cm).


A boy, Andrei, came to me, 13 years old, whose height was only 120 cm. Over 6 years of treatment, we “pulled him out” to... 187 cm. The young man drives a car perfectly. In two years he will become my colleague - he is studying at medical school. He is seriously interested in medicine - we often meet at conferences and congresses. And no one will ever believe that he was once a dwarf.

There are many such examples. There was an eight-year-old boy, a child from an orphanage, who was adopted by a family of adult dwarfs. His height was 62 cm. In just two years, he grew by 22 cm.

There are triplets. Mom brought them to me when they were six years old, but they looked like they were four years old. We increased their height “to normal”, improved their metabolism, and two years later the triplets went to school as completely normal children.

Real flight

“With growth hormone I fly,” one patient told me.

But the treatment process is difficult and lengthy: daily injections without a break for 4-6 years. During this time, the dwarf really grows. But you then need to maintain hormone therapy for the rest of your life. You can’t stop, because growth hormone is responsible for the work of the heart, for the growth and formation of the brain, for cardiac activity, for bone density, for muscle strength, for vitality, finally. After all, dwarfs who are 120 cm tall are not only short in stature, they are physically weak. And they live shorter lives - they die mainly from cardiovascular diseases.

Is it possible to recognize the pathology of dwarfism in utero and use replacement therapy to prevent deformity?

It is possible if we examine absolutely all pregnant women, or at least those who have one of their parents who is a dwarf. It is unrealistic to examine all pregnant women in this regard. The disease occurs in one out of 4 thousand newborns (as they believe in the world). We believe: one in 10 thousand.

- At what age can you detect the pathology of dwarfism?

Such children will usually be born with normal weight and height. In utero they do not lag behind; the mother’s hormones are sufficient for their development. But by about a year, the mother notices some inconsistency with other children. Most often people come to us when a child needs to go to school. And that's okay, it's not too late.

- At what age can a dwarf be treated?

It is better, of course, to treat before the age of 18. But if a person has never been treated and his growth zone is still open, then it is not too late to seek help even at 22 years old. There is a case when a 34-year-old man came to us, and we “pulled him out” - for this he had the necessary indicators. We have now created a national register of all dwarf children. An effective system for their diagnosis and treatment has been developed. Our method has already been implemented throughout Russia. Endocrinologist specialists are trained. The systemic and metabolic effects of growth hormone, possible indications and contraindications for treatment have been studied. For the first time in our country, we applied the “accelerated growth” program. Now we can treat dwarfs not for 4-5 years, but only for two years.

- Is it possible to help not a dwarf, but just a short person, grow up? There are just very small people...

It's real. In Japan, for example, this method is used not only to treat dwarfs - they also administer significantly more growth hormone than in other countries. Over the past 15-20 years, the Japanese nation has grown significantly - this is a fact. But as a doctor, I would not advise anyone to experience excess growth hormone. Because the medicine has many effects that affect metabolism, and this can result in troubles such as: something that is not needed will grow, an existing tumor may develop, the chin will become larger, etc. After all, all the consequences of such a powerful action of the hormone have not yet been studied.

Hormone will save beauty

- And yet growth hormone has great prospects? Can it be used for other diseases?

Growth hormone is already widely used throughout the world. It works well for bone diseases, muscular dystrophy, strokes and brain pathologies, and even for rejuvenation. From a medical point of view, growth hormone is the most powerful anabolic steroid. Athletes use it for muscle growth, fading beauties use it for rejuvenation. So over time, this drug will have much broader indications. For the first time, we began to treat adult dwarfs (no one had treated them before). We don’t add growth to them, but we improve their well-being and metabolic processes.

- Is it true that short people are more talented? And can this statement be transferred to dwarfs?

As a doctor, I can say: if Lenin and Napoleon lived today, we would be able to help them as they grew. By the way, these people are often musically gifted. As is now known, the gene for musical talent is located near the gene responsible for height. Talented people with a height of up to 1 m 50 cm often have large heads and small hands. In all other respects, including sexually, they are absolutely complete

- Was there an attempt to create a domestic growth hormone?

At one time, Soviet growth hormone was created. It was developed by our Institute of Endocrinology together with Soviet geneticists. But... During the collapse of the Union, the development remained in Lithuania - a plant for the production of this kind of pharmaceutical products was located there. But we do not purchase it from Lithuania, since the drug has not been improved since then and has fallen behind the times.

- The benefits of growth hormone are clear. Does this drug have any contraindications?

Theoretically possible, but we have not had such a case. If you start treatment late (after 20 years), your joints may hurt for some time, and swelling will appear in the first days. Then everything goes away. We warn our patients about this.

- Do dwarfs also give birth to their own kind?

Not necessary. Now we can predict whether the dwarf will have offspring and what kind. Mothers know that an absolutely full-fledged person will be born who can simply be “raised.” And you don't need to buy medicine. In our country they are free, although they are not cheap: ten thousand dollars a year for just one person, and treatment takes 4-6 years.

Youth elixir

Don't you feel like you're living in another dimension? After all, you are subject to secrets that could not even be dreamed of ten years ago...

Now I really live as if in a different era. And I started with despair: you are a doctor, but you are powerless to help these unfortunate little people. Over the past 15 years, a real revolution has taken place.

- And rejuvenation of the body is no longer a fantasy for you?

People who remain productive even in old age and have a youthful appearance have more growth hormone than “passive” people. But in principle, over the years, when a person ages, the amount of growth hormone in him decreases. Therefore, it is logical to assume that by increasing the concentration of growth hormone, other functions can be affected. Improve well-being, metabolism, the brain will work better, the bones will be stronger... Using the example of adult dwarfs (after taking a dose of growth hormone), we saw that their muscles become stronger, brain activity increases, memory and associative thinking improve, they become more resilient, heart function improves.

And, on the contrary, the number of lipids (harbingers of atherosclerosis) decreases and even... fat folds become thinner. The skin is rejuvenated. Therefore, growth hormone is actively used in cosmetology today. I think there are great prospects for this hormone. After all, growth hormone not only helps, it activates many other processes. And a whole cascade of reactions appears in the body that have a positive effect on other processes.

Studying these processes in experiments on mice will lead to human knowledge of the aging process. This means that they can be influenced. Thanks to this, even the weakest can live 100-120 years - this is the normal programmed age of a person. I think we will definitely achieve this. I myself would not mind living to see these years.

- It is known that there is no limit to perfection. What is the future of your method?

I hope that a growth hormone will soon be developed that will be enough to inject a dwarf once a month, and not give him injections every day, as now. And in general, any broken gene can be “straightened” with one injection into the pituitary gland. Maybe we'll invent a pill for dwarfism. I hope to work more in that wonderful future.


Last Sunday at the State Conservatory “Russia” at the ceremony of presenting the National Prize to the best doctors of Russia, Valentina Aleksandrovna Peterkova was named the winner in the nomination “For creating a new direction in medicine.” The cash equivalent of the award is $10,000. Congratulations!

“She developed a new system for diagnosing and treating short stature in children. Having studied the molecular genetic features of growth hormone deficiency, Peterkova, for the first time in Russia, conducted a large-scale study of short stature caused by diseases not only of the endocrine system. She was the first in the world to describe some mutations associated with dwarfism; The effectiveness of the use of growth hormone in the treatment of short stature has been proven and demonstrated. If a child is given growth hormone, he will grow up absolutely normal. Peterkova’s discoveries mean incredible changes in the lives of thousands of sick people; the problem of dwarfism has actually been solved,” says the award nomination.

The fact that being a dwarf is not easy is clear to everyone. Not breaking down, finding your place in life, being able to get a job and find a life partner is much more difficult for such people than it seems. But for strong individuals, physical characteristics do not become a limitation on the path to happiness and self-realization, which is why among dwarfs there are many who have achieved success and recognition. The most famous among them are easily recognizable, loved and respected.

Actors, circus and film performers, writers, stuntmen - it seems that they have long mastered even the most complex and exotic professions in which they need to show intelligence, dexterity, ingenuity and talent. There is a lot to learn from these people with small stature but great potential.

A boy born in 1514 into a family of hereditary doctors turned out to be a dwarf, so hopes for the continuation of the dynasty faded. However, as a teenager, Andreas convinced everyone that the remarkable intelligence and natural persistence that he possessed could serve medicine. Andreas’ teachers were the best doctors in Belgium and France, who were able to assess the student’s potential.

Having received his doctorate and become a professor, Vesalius began to study in detail surgery and anatomy, which at that time were considered not particularly important branches of medicine. Despite the fact that autopsies were prohibited by the church, he performed them to study human anatomy. The result was a huge work, published at the age of 29, in which many facts were presented for the first time, for example, that the basis of the circulatory system is the heart, and a woman has 32 teeth, and not 38, as doctors previously believed.

It was during the teaching activity of Andreas Vesalius that students in the lessons could study not only theoretical material, but also engage in dissection. The successes of this doctor were so great and significant that he was appointed court surgeon of the Holy Roman Empire. Now Vesalius is considered the founder of anatomy; it was thanks to his work that surgery acquired enormous importance in medical practice.

A charismatic and very attractive person is the dwarf Michael Jay Anderson from the USA. His appearance is recognizable all over the world, since it was he who got the role of a dwarf from the other world in the cult TV series of the 90s “Twin Peaks”. Until the age of 30, Michael successfully worked as a computer engineer and made good money, but then he decided to try his hand at a new field and came to cinema.

The acting talent and personal qualities so impressed director David Lynch that he became close friends with the little actor. At the Cannes festival in 1992, they walked the red carpet together before the premiere of the new part of the film. In one of his best works, Mulholland Drive, David Lynch gave Michael one of the roles. Moreover, it was necessary to play not a dwarf, but a man of average height, which was an unprecedented case in the film industry. The task was difficult, since for the filming it was necessary to use special prosthetics that increased Michael’s height, but he succeeded perfectly, and the result was appreciated by a huge army of fans of this film.

In total, Michael managed to play more than 30 roles in films, and offers do not stop coming, so it is likely that the public will hear about this little man, but a great actor, more than once.

The 37-year-old actress, 109 cm tall, underwent more than 10 operations as a child. Despite the fact that the girl’s ideas about becoming an actress did not find support from her loved ones, she desperately dreamed of acting. She became famous after, at one party, a person from the film industry offered her a role in films for adults.

The little actress’s performance is admired by many of her colleagues: she starred in more than 100 films. In addition to adult films, she tried herself in 21 films from completely different genres: comedy, drama, thrillers and even documentaries. Her filmography includes such famous films as “The Bachelor Party in Texas”, “Confessions of a Dangerous Person”, “S.W.A.T.: Special Forces of the City of Angels”, etc. Colleagues note that Bridget exudes incredible charisma and a feeling of boundless self-love, which one cannot help but become infected with . This is probably what makes the army of fans look forward to new works with the participation of a small star - Bridget Powers.

An unusual job did not stop the woman from becoming a mother who teaches her children that we need to love ourselves the way we came into this world.

Dwarf Warwick Davis made his way to Hollywood at the age of 11. The filming of the Star Wars television epic took place not far from his home, so the boy went to the casting, where suitable dwarf actors were selected. Not believing his own luck, he easily got the role and earned his first fee.

George Lucas noted the guy's acting skills, so he invited the little actor to play supporting roles in his other films. The collaboration was so fruitful that Warwick was given one of the key roles in the film Willow, after which the short actor became famous.

Thanks to his participation in the films "Leprechaun", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", Davis's fees have increased several times, and he receives a huge number of offers to star in films along with real stars. But Warwick chose to open his own casting agency, helping to find work for dwarfs in the television and film industry.

This American dwarf is currently the richest in the world. This is how Peter Dinklage was made by his participation in the series “Game of Thrones,” recognized as the darkest and sexiest movie of the last decade.

The reason for Peter's short stature is the genetic disease achondroplasia. Until a certain age, he grew at a normal pace, but then the growth hormone stopped being produced, which is why the boy stopped growing.

As a child, he was very worried about this, since his peers teased a boy who was unlike them, but later he decided to channel his energy into a constructive direction and began acting in films. Peter believes that he was able to become famous thanks to his self-confidence.

At the moment, he has not only become famous, but has also achieved great success and recognition in the acting field: Peter Dinklage was twice awarded the Emmy and Golden Globe awards for best dramatic supporting roles. Peter is also lucky in his personal life: for 13 years he has been married to the beautiful Erica Schmidt, an actress and television producer, with whom they are raising two children. The couple was greatly pleased by the fact that both children did not inherit their father’s disease and were growing up absolutely healthy.

By the way, despite his dwarfism, Peter Dinklage has always been popular with women and famous beauties. According to the short actor himself, this happens because for women it is not the physical characteristics of a man that are important, but a sense of humor and the ability to be caring.

This girl was born in Russia. Faced with all the difficulties that fill the lives of “little people,” as dwarfs are called, Elena Gant did not resign herself to fate. Her position in life is very active: the girl was in a group that included representatives from different countries with the same problems as Elena. The group dealt with the implementation of the rights of people with dwarfism. Having arrived in America for a thematic conference, the girl decided to stay in this country, where she soon moved with her parents.

Today Elena Gant is a well-known media person who has her own channel on YouTube, and the number of subscribers on Instagram is growing every day. She is successfully mastering the profession of an actress, and to date has already starred in nine films and TV series. In addition, she works as a model and demonstrates clothes on the catwalk, acts in commercials, and does makeup.

Elena is a surprisingly proportionate and beautiful girl. She says that she loves her body very much, so it gives her real pleasure to take care of herself. Her sparkling smile and infectious laugh evoke an involuntary sympathy for the girl. Despite the huge number of fans, Elena Gant was able to choose her only loved one with whom she started a family. The activity and energy of this little famous girl is growing every day, so there is no doubt that she will achieve a lot in her life.

Self-realization and a successful career for little people is possible not only abroad. They can become successful and famous in their homeland - in Russia. This is proven by the biography of Vladimir Fedorov, whose physical disability did not prevent him from receiving an education as a nuclear physicist and publishing more than 50 scientific papers. But he became famous not thanks to his scientific achievements, but through cinema.

When the scientist was 32 years old, film director Alexander Ptushko saw a special flavor in Fedorov’s appearance and invited him to play the role of Chernomor in the film production “Ruslan and Lyudmila.” The scientist was an experimenter by nature, and happily agreed. He didn’t know that working in the film industry was so exciting, but from the very first minutes he was fascinated by the atmosphere of the filming pavilions.

After his debut, Fedorov took part in many more famous films: “The Twelve Chairs”, “Kin-dza-dza”, “The House That Swift Built”, etc. He played his most unusual role in the film “Heart of a Dog”, reincarnating as a creature has not yet become Sharikov, but has already ceased to be a dog. Vladimir was willingly invited to famous theaters to perform on stage as part of the star troupes of the Vakhtangov Theater and At the Nikitsky Gate.

Fedorov was married four times, and all the wives were much taller than their husbands and were known as beauties.

Victor Beshlyaga

This dwarf became famous for his bright role as an actor at the Lilliputian Theater in Solovyov’s film production “ASSA”. The character Albert he played, who wanted to leave the criminal world, was remembered not only by the audience, but also by many directors.

His fate is very tragic, since Viktor Beshlyaga was born a healthy child, but after a strong fall at the age of five, his growth abruptly stopped. He was able to complete six classes at school, and then joined the circus troupe of the Kyiv Circus, where he worked with joy and ecstasy. At the Dovzhenko Film Studio, Victor took part in the filming of the film “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”.

Later he moved to Moscow and worked as an artist at the Mini Music Hall, where he was noticed by Sergei Solovyov. Despite the fact that Victor Beshlyaga was not a professional actor, he was able to convey the full range of feelings of his character at the highest level. After the premiere, Victor woke up famous; he was literally not allowed to pass and they demanded details and stories from the set.

A few years later, Beshlyaga starred in another film by Solovyov, and then returned to the circus. Now he lives in Moldova with his old mother.

Vladimir Tishenkov

The most famous dwarf in Russia was Vladimir Tishenkov, who is better known to viewers under the pseudonym Shket.

He was brought up in an orphanage for the disabled, after which he briefly worked at a factory. The path to fame began quite unexpectedly with a chance acquaintance near a liquor store with the musicians of the group “Metal Corrosion”.

At that moment, Vladimir Tishenkov had no documents and the young man’s lifestyle left much to be desired. The band members decided that he could add flavor to their performances, so in a matter of seconds they decided to invite Tishenkov to go on tour with them. The train was leaving in a few minutes, and there was no time to think. The dwarf went to Moscow without a ticket, hiding on the third shelf from the inspectors.

Thanks to the team’s contacts, he managed to restore his documents and get living space in the Moscow region. From that moment on, Vladimir Tishenkov became a real showman, hosting programs in the best nightclubs of the capital. He worked in the “Gold Rush” project, where he was an assistant to the presenter – Leonid Yarmolnik, then became a co-host in the “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” program. On NTV, Vladimir Tishenkov was the host of the project “You Won’t Believe It!”, which attracted millions of viewers in front of the screens.

In 2009, Russia's most famous little showman died of alcohol poisoning. In the memory of the audience, Vladimir Tishenkov remained a cheerful joker, known for his bold jokes.

Nature, which creates a person, is not always fair to him. Sometimes she rewards him with various physiological deviations and pathologies, which in the future prevent him from living a full life. Such people are dwarfs and midgets. We will look at the difference between them in this article.

Growth slowdown

It happens that serious diseases of various nature suffered in childhood lead to the fact that the child stops growing at a certain age. This occurs due to hormonal imbalances in the body. An insurmountable line stands between them and people of normal height.

Such people are short in stature and unprepossessing in appearance, which prevents them from being like everyone else. They have problems finding work; as a rule, they willingly accept midgets and dwarfs only into the circus. However, their mental abilities are like those of ordinary people, and their physical development is not inferior. They could very well occupy leadership positions. However, most often now they can be found in the field of cinema. Among such people there are many talented doctors, especially in pediatrics, because the child will show the greatest confidence in the doctor who is similar to himself.

About the difference

Many people wonder about the difference between dwarfs and midgets. At first glance, they appear identical, appearing to be disproportionate little people. However, there is a difference between them, and in this article we will try to answer this question, as well as understand the reasons why people stop growing.


They become dwarfs as a result of complications from diseases suffered in childhood. As a rule, they are called people of short stature. Sometimes the growth process stops as a result of injury.

One of the most common diseases that can lead to stunted growth of a child is dystrophy. Exhaustion, as a result of this pathology, leads to a disruption in the body's hormonal system, specifically that part of it that is responsible for growth. The difference between Lilliputians and dwarfs is of interest to many.

There is also such a thing as pituitary dwarfism. As the name suggests, it occurs as a result of a disruption in the functioning of the part of the brain of the same name - the pituitary gland. Patients with such a disorder are proportionally developed, externally and intellectually they are not inferior to people of normal height. It is quite rare for them to have an underdeveloped reproductive system.

More often, however, there are dwarfs with disproportionate bodies. As a rule, such disorders are associated with the pathological functioning of hormonal secretion, namely with dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are responsible for harmonious mental and physical development. If the production of these hormones is disrupted, rickets, kidney failure, or digestive problems may develop.

Ochondroplasia (body disproportion) is very common among dwarfs. This disease is characterized by an abnormally large head and torso, and short limbs. It is difficult for such people to adapt to normal life; it is difficult for them to study and work. What is the difference between dwarfs and midgets? Let's figure it out further.


Lilliputians are people who have received a congenital pathological disease from one of their parents. The normal height for midgets is 90 centimeters, and they weigh up to 15 kilograms. Absolutely no one can be immune from this genetic mutation.

At least one midget born in a family increases the chance of this anomaly repeating in subsequent generations. Lilliputians are a very rare and uncommon phenomenon. At least that's what experts say. According to official data, no more than 800 Lilliputians live in the world today. They are no different from an ordinary person in terms of the development of physical and mental abilities. Their main difference is their small stature, which makes them look like children. Most often they can be found working in circuses and fairs.

Unlike dwarfs, Lilliputians can boast of a harmonious physique. They are very active and youthful even in old age. All their movements, however, resemble something childish and playful.

The pathology of Lilliputians, as in the case of dwarfs, is of a pituitary nature. Their disease is also caused by a malfunction in the body’s hormonal balance and is called pituitary dwarfism. The difference between Lilliputians and dwarfs is not too obvious.

How to distinguish?

How do dwarfs differ from midgets? Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that dwarfs are characterized by the following features:

  1. Acquired nature of pituitary gland pathology.
  2. Body disproportion.
  3. Abnormally large head compared to the body.
  4. Disproportionately large body.
  5. Underdeveloped lower and upper limbs.

Lilliputians, in turn, also have a number of traits, including:

  1. Congenital genetically determined pathology of the pituitary region, transmitted from one of the Lilliputian parents.
  2. Harmonious physique.
  3. High degree of mobility.

This is the difference between a dwarf and a midget.

Features of behavior

The main role in the life of dwarfs and midgets is played by their parents and environment. Their future fate will directly depend on their upbringing. Parents need to set the vector of movement for their special child and not allow him to develop complexes within himself.

Tolerance and understanding are also required from others, so as not to hurt the feelings of the little person and not force him to withdraw into himself. It is not the child’s fault that he was born or became like this. This is not a matter of choice, but a given. Therefore, delicacy is the first thing you should not forget about when communicating with unusual people.

We found out what the difference is between dwarfs and midgets.

A disease in which physical development and growth retardation occur is called dwarfism. In another way - nanism, microsomia or nanosomia. Despite the studied etiology of the deviation, in half of the cases the causes remain unknown.

What does it represent?

– a hormone that is synthesized by the pituitary gland. It is responsible for human growth and physical development. If the production of this hormone is disrupted, development slows down or occurs with disturbances. Lack of growth hormone leads to dwarfism.

The disease is rare. Happens no more than 4 cases per 10 thousand people. Men are more often affected than women. It should not be confused with constitutional short stature. also has nothing to do with nanism. A dwarf is considered to be less than 130 cm in height for men and 120 cm for women.


There are about 300 types of the disease, differing in symptoms. They are divided into proportional and disproportionate microsomia. In the first case, the body of a sick person has the proportions of a healthy one, the only difference being the reduced size. In the second case, the proportions are significantly disrupted: some parts retain standard sizes, others do not.

Proportional dwarfism:

  • pituitary dwarfism;
  • thyroidism;
  • adrenal dwarfism;
  • nanism associated with abnormalities of the thymus gland;
  • infantile type, caused by poisoning, exposure to toxins;
  • nanism with rapid puberty, when growth plates close prematurely.


  • rachitic dwarfism;
  • chondrodystrophic dwarfism;
  • nanism with congenital fragility of bones.

This classification has been around for more than a century; it was proposed in 1902 by the German pathologist David Hansemann. Nevertheless, it is still the most popular.

Reasons for appearance

More often the disease is hereditary. If there were people in the family with this pathology, then it is possible to give birth to a sick child. If both parents are dwarfs, then half the time the child will be the same. However, healthy people who do not have relatives with this disease have a risk of giving birth to a baby with dwarfism.

During pregnancy, the fetus may not form correctly. If the pituitary gland develops abnormally, primordial dwarfism (primary) occurs. It is proportional, people with this deviation grow up to a meter tall, while there are no deviations in the functioning of the body.

Sometimes a child is born with normal height and body composition. This often happens when the fetus is deprived of oxygen, for example, during a multiple pregnancy. The first alarming symptoms appear at 3–4 years. The baby is behind in growth compared to his peers. When other children add 7–8 cm per year, for a dwarf this figure is 3–4 cm. To distinguish pathology from developmental delay and begin treatment on time, at the first doubt you need to consult a doctor.

Nanosomia can be acquired (pituitary). It occurs due to disorders of the pituitary gland, which cause:

  • birth head injuries;
  • tumors of the central nervous system;
  • radiation and chemotherapy;
  • operations performed on the brain;
  • autoimmune diseases with inflammation of the pituitary gland;
  • decreased sensitivity of body tissues to growth hormone;
  • liver pathologies;
  • a complication of some infectious diseases such as syphilis and tuberculosis.

The situation is complicated by an unhealthy lifestyle, uncontrolled diet, exposure to radiation, poor environmental conditions and the presence of other chronic diseases.


The main symptom of this pathology is short stature, which can be combined with both impaired and correct proportions.

Other signs of dwarfism include weak, flaccid muscles. The subcutaneous fat layer is either poorly developed or excessively deposited on the abdomen, hips and chest (outwardly it looks like mammary glands).

The skin is dry, thin, pale with an unhealthy tint. In the absence of therapy, it ages early and wrinkles appear. There is no secondary hair growth.

To identify the causes of the disease, the following tests are prescribed:

  • with glycine;
  • with arginine;
  • with insulin;
  • with clonidine.

Additionally, the development of the pituitary gland is being studied, neurological studies are being carried out, and studies are being carried out on the production of somatotropic growth hormone.


Before prescribing the correct treatment, the doctor needs to discover the causes. After all, the type of therapy depends on them. However, in some cases it is impossible to influence human growth and development.

Often, detection of the causes requires observation without therapy - from six months to a year. During this period, proper nutrition and intake of vitamins and minerals are prescribed. If the sufficiency of nutrients does not bring tangible results, then treatment is selected.

This process is long, lasting several years. It is important that during this period the growth zones do not close for as long as possible. If developmental delay is caused by insufficient production of growth hormones, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. Up to 13–14 years of age it is somatotropin, after and up to 18 years it is steroid hormones.

When concomitant diseases appear, which are the root cause, treatment is aimed at eliminating them. If necessary, the following is carried out:

  • adjustment of sex hormones during puberty;
  • thyroid hormone therapy;
  • taking vascular medications for central nervous system disorders;
  • restorative therapy, including a nutritious diet.

If there are changes in the nervous system and psyche, appropriate therapy is carried out, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed. The psychological environment and support of others are important.

Predictions and prevention

Nanism is a disease that cannot always be completely cured. Some forms of the disease cannot be corrected. However, if such a possibility exists, the causes are identified in a timely manner, treatment is prescribed, and the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the person has every chance of achieving the height of an ordinary person, developing normally and living a full life.

Even if growth cannot be corrected, patients are advised to undergo regular examinations and courses of maintenance therapy. This increases life expectancy and improves its quality.

In the absence of intellectual impairments, a person is able to adapt to society and realize himself as an individual. And the full production of sex hormones gives a chance to start a family and give birth to children who can be quite healthy.

The chance that a child of healthy parents will be born with dwarfism is small. This is a rare pathology. However, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that this will not happen.

To minimize risks, pregnancy should take place in a calm, healthy environment and with regular visits to the doctor. During this period and during feeding, it is important to have good nutrition and avoid stress and infections.

And proper childbirth with the help of qualified specialists will minimize the risk of birth trauma. A healthy lifestyle, caring for yourself and your child is not a panacea, but it is an opportunity to avoid not only this, but also many other diseases.

If two short people come to your reception, you will definitely think: who are they - dwarfs or midgets? What questions should you ask these people in order to determine who they really are? Today we will try to figure out the difference between a dwarf and a midget.


Dwarf is a short person who has stopped growing as a result of some disease. The most common are dystrophic dwarfs, in whose body there is a deficiency of growth hormone due to functional disorders of the pituitary gland (pituitary dwarfism). Such people, as a rule, are always proportionally built, look good and are mentally developed, but may have sexual underdevelopment. There are also dwarfs with disproportionate physiques. Very often they have a deficiency in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which is expressed in the form of delayed mental and physical development, and also predisposes to various chronic diseases, in particular, rickets, renal failure, and impaired absorption of food in the intestines. Today, a disease such as dwarf ochondroplasia often occurs in nature. At the same time, patients have a disproportionate structure: massive head and torso, large genitals and underdeveloped limbs.

Lilliputian- this is a person who inherited pituitary insufficiency from his ancestors as a pathology. Lilliputian height is 40-90 centimeters, and its weight ranges from five to fifteen kilograms. According to statistics, about eight hundred Lilliputians live on our planet today; most often they work in traditional circuses and at fairs. Unlike dwarfs, midgets are built quite harmoniously. Even as adults they have excellent proportions and look a bit like children. It is worth noting that Lilliputians are people suffering from pathology of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of growth hormone. That is why this disease is called pituitary dwarfism.

Conclusions website

  1. A dwarf is a person with an acquired pituitary gland disease; a midget inherits pituitary deficiency.
  2. Dwarfs have a disproportionate physique: a large body and small limbs. Lilliputians are proportionally built and look a little like children.

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