The original statuses are cool. Original statuses, statuses about love

Sometimes in the morning you look at your hairstyle in the mirror - and you think, what the hell are all these stylists needed?

Love is when the whole world is not able to replace a loved one, but he replaces the whole world.

I don’t want to write statuses, I want to shout that I LOVE you VERY MUCH !!!

Do not let go of your love, do not betray, no matter what temptations fate prepares for you!

When a loved one calls, I want to kiss the phone ...

Only new love can heal a heart wounded by love.

Life is only where there is love ...

I'm happy with you ..... LOVE ...

- Someday I'll kill you! ... - And if you don't? ... - I will love you all my life ...

The gray ash of a burnt fire is all that remains of you ...

I love her very much, and in short - dumbass))

Don't waste time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you.

You just have a good sense of humor. And I love mom, dad and the cat.

Did you know that love is pheromones? no pheromones, no love ...

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. - Original statuses

The world is overflowing with fake compliments and plastic emotions ...

I love to look at pregnant women, they are so beautiful with their cute tummies ...

To die of love is to live by it.

How long have I been waiting for my prince, maybe his horse broke ?!

The most original roast potatoes- this is when you eat it with your hands from a frying pan while no one sees!

Love is when one day becomes forever

There are men who say: "I am the only one!" You look and think: "Thank God!"

Don't expect miracles! Wonder yourself !!

It is better to regret that you loved than that you never knew love.

Love is when at his birthday, your name sounds in all toasts)

Love is eternity, granted for a time.

True love is when after a quarrel you realize that you love him even more and the fear of parting is like the fear of death ..

Original statuses - God loves idiots. Why else did he create so many of them?

Remember! If you sleep with another girl, the seat next to your girlfriend is vacant.

A man who is handsome, intelligent, generous, kind, gentle, teetotal, not walking ... I just want to see him.

If there is a husband - turn it around as a husband, if there is no husband - turn it around as men, if there are no men - turn it around.

Cats scratch their souls, they probably bury poop.

Who goes to bed early, he gets married late!

Love is when I don't even compare you with anyone because there is no one better than you ...

You know, but I loved you and I love you and I will love you forever ...

If the dream did not come true, then you did not want it too much.

Do you want to get married? Have you sniffed socks ?!

One in a million - the rest is fake And I'm the original and they are the remake

Dying for love is not difficult ... It's hard to find a love worth dying for.

In addition to statuses for classmates, we have statuses for contact that are no less original than these.

Best original statuses

N Some people think I'm crazy. And many have already realized that they do not think.

TO The next time I’m in an elevator with a few strangers, I’ll turn around and say, “You’re probably wondering why I brought you here?”

I AM I do not understand people who do not like to admit their mistakes. So I would easily admit my mistakes if I ever did them ...

V from, it used to be, you send someone in the heat of the moment, and then in your heart you worry: did you get it ... didn’t get it? ..

N I do not need to offend me, I am a vulnerable girl, I just burst into tears ... And then, with tear-stained eyes, it is so difficult to understand who I hit with a shovel ...

C The longest road begins with the words "I know a shortcut."

I AM not lazy. I save energy.

G They say: "Beauty will save the world," and I think that it is arrogance ... to blame me for such a responsibility!

G They say that true love lasts three years ... Strange, but for some reason I love myself for 17 years!

L people are very strange ... They do nasty things to each other, and they ask God for forgiveness.

G They say that something needs to be changed in their life. So today I will sit on and watch the sofa.

Have everyone has their own problems - someone has stale bread, someone has small diamonds ...

M not yesterday they said that I live in fantasies. I almost fell off the dragon.

O a queue is a place where people are afraid of losing each other.

T patience and labor do not suit me.

D depression is when you root for maniacs in films.

I AM I speak with a serious air, but inside me are dancing deer in purple hats and light green shorts!

TO When a salesperson in a store asks me, "Can I help you with something?", I like to answer: "You can, with money."

N An unforgettable adventure begins when a hot soul connects with two friends - a drunken head and a brave heart.

E there are such decisions, after the adoption of which, the cockroaches in the head give a standing ovation.

X ochu to work ... at the opera ... came ... screamed ... and that's it ... went home ...

O It is very difficult to give a gorgeous gift to relatives, because they already have me.

B The rod is hated on two occasions - when it rings, and when it does not ring.

D do you know onions - the only vegetable from which they cry? Have you ever received a pumpkin in the head?

M not from the traffic police sent a photo where I exceed the speed limit. I sent them a video where I pay a fine to a traffic cop in cash.

I AM I don’t know what you are taking for the head, but it doesn’t help you.

P Reasons for buying a tablet 1% is fashionable 8% - for work 11% - for study 80% - Internet in bed.

P about how a person rests in nature, you can immediately see how nature rested on him.

V it is good for guests, but at home - wash, iron. I'm going to visit.

M Their actions are divided into two types: 1. "Damn, what have I done?" 2. “Oh, don’t care, it will do.”

L We know from asking again. Clinic "Horse in a Coat". The main office is in Karaganda!

N and what does not adorn a person like friendship with his own head.

Have I am very patient in nature, such as a cumulative discount system. The main thing is not to fall under my bonus distribution later.

AND how many of us are there that first try to untie the bag, and then freak out and just tear it apart.

M a miniskirt annoys men on one occasion: when she is on his wife

V 3/9 kingdom, in 3/10 kingdom everyone was obsessed with fractions.

V still, some people surprise me. It seems to be much dumber, but they somehow succeed ...

I AM like a button. Constantly come off!

M Dreams come true ... At a certain moment ... Most often this moment is called "Already nah ... th not necessary"

WITH The impatient bounty is looking for a nice sneaker for a regular tweak.

V I inform these girls waiting for a prince on a white horse! The horse is dead, I'm walking, so I'm late ...

L scratch the jubilees with your tongue behind my back, scratch them harder and lower!

G They say that life is a game ... why can't I start the level over?

M oops day begins with the fact that I want to sleep, and ends the same.

TO How to tie a sea knot? 1. Neatly fold the headphones from the player 2. Put it in your pocket 3. Take it out, the knot is ready!

V sem, tired of my bad temper and optimism, I sincerely wish ... TO BREATHE! ... put the stress yourself

E If you think that you are head over heels in love, sit on a chair, take a deep breath, think. Maybe you just want to fuck?

H he would not have been taught a rake, but his heart believes in miracles.

X I would like to wish the television workers that their girls at the most interesting moment of sex would get up and say: "Now - pause!"

Have I now have two foreigners living at home: the Japanese cat KuDasuKa and the Chinese cat HuLiMyaO.

P Redskazamus has hurt our future.

H then the Russian mate, then the Chinese surname.

H the human brain is excellent. It has been open 24 hours a day since we were born and only stops when we have an exam or when we fall in love.

I AM- creative personality! I want - I create, I want - I get up.

E If you look at the minuses in life through your raised middle finger, they become pluses.

TO What injustice, I tell you, is happening in this world! In some countries, men can have several wives, but we are given one and then signed!

I AM I will give you a condom, pass it on to your parents and tell them not to do this again!

N I’m in my rules to sit around! I'm going to lie down ...

P I will not be able to persuade you, so I will go straight to the insults ...

P revive - see, live - find out, survive - take into account.

No matter how bad they say about me, I always have something to add. 26

Nothing limits your actions as much as the phrase "do what you want" ... 51

Guys are jealous when they love. Girls are jealous even when they don't love. 37

Can't find an approach to me? Go around! 62 - cool statuses

Comrade, let's go to find out the cash ... 17

Nothing strengthens faith in a person like a 100% prepayment. 23

If you know exactly who is to blame, do not betray yourself. 30

I walk with my eyes closed and a smile from ear to ear, to meet future happiness, across a field of rakes ... 34

From the statement: "How is everything for me ..." Crossed out. "As I am of you all ..." Crossed out. "Yes, you all would go to ..." Crossed out. "Please give me another vacation." 21

Dear Money! I really miss you. I promise to buy a new wallet for you. If you want, you can invite your relatives from Europe or America - I will not object. I will accept everyone! 28

I want chronic health, progressive happiness, recurring success, hypertensive salary, and an eternally pregnant wallet without the threat of miscarriage!))) 30

The best way check the guy for loyalty - ask the sleeping man, in the morning the question: "Will you go to yours or will you stay with me?" 29

According to statistics, the phrase "How huge it is!" the spider hears most often. 39

Briefly about myself: Year of manufacture 1991, Mileage 20, Light color, Height 162, Blue headlights, Documents on hand, Tuning is present, The body is not broken, not rusty, The roof is in place, but there are no brakes. All options, start up with half a turn. 5

You can't look in the mirror when you eat - you will pass your happiness. And when you drink, you drink. And in the toilet it is generally better not to hang a mirror ... 33

Sex - when he wants, erotic - when she wants, porn - when both want. 31

No money to change wardrobe - change jobs! For the new team, all your old clothes are new. 41

Flowers should be for no reason ... Happiness should be unique ... The house should be warm ... The weather - but it doesn't matter what the weather is! But love should be mutual. 19

All people bring happiness - some by their presence, others by their absence) 34

What would I give to a person who has everything? I would have hit him in the jaw. 5

If men knew what women were thinking, they would be courting twenty times more boldly. 28

Only nesting dolls can live in perfect harmony. 44

I need to call my mom, tell me where I am. - Hello, mom? Where I am? 21

The little boy was watching porn. I didn't understand the film, but I was sweating a lot. 21

The main thing is that they are waiting for you at home, and not waiting for you. 16

Chocolate is twice as delicious if it is impossible) 28

The Lord protects us all. But the shelf life is different for everyone. 17

I am kept by the great ancient Egyptian god of peace and tranquility - DANUNAKH. 25

Every day, people around me prove to me that life without a brain is real. 26

Nobody dies a virgin: life will have us all. 26

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