Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shchors: biography. The death of Nikolai Shchors - The name of the shchors

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The meaning of the word shhors

shchors in the crossword dictionary


Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


SCHORS (until 1935 Snovsk) a city (since 1924) in Ukraine, Chernihiv region, on the river. Dreams. Railroad station. 13.6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Furniture factory, railway transport and food industry enterprises. Named after N. A. Shchors, who was born in Snovsk (memorial museum).


SCHORS Nikolai Alexandrovich (1895-1919) hero of the Civil War. In 1918-19 he was commander of a detachment in battles with German invaders, of the Bohunsky regiment, brigade, 1st Ukrainian Soviet and 44th rifle divisions in battles against Petliura and Polish troops. Killed in battle.

Shchors (film)

Shchors- film by Alexander Dovzhenko 1939. Historical and revolutionary film about the legendary commander of the Civil War Nikolai Shchors.



Shchors (opera)

Shchors(also known as commander”) is an opera by Boris Lyatoshinsky, written in 1938 and first staged at the Kiev Opera House. Libretto by I. Kocherga and M. Rylsky

Examples of the use of the word shchors in the literature.

Oh, through the Smithy in Totma Ivan the terrible ruler Sing, balalaika, collect onion tea in Kustanai, Gorky from to the godfather of the name, Kirov, Shchors and Grozny In the furnace of our silver fret to the Chinese-Malay alas and Tuva collect.

After all, my student Khalatnikov, having married Valya Shchors, remained Khalatnikov, although we all bow before the name of the hero.

Then the Civil War began, and now he was already the deputy head of the division, and the head was Shchors.

Pavlovsky - an old Chernihiv partisan of the civil war, commissar of the regiment of the times Shchors, back in the nineteenth year, received the military order of the Red Banner, - remained in the rear of the Germans and was Kovpak's assistant for the economic part.

It was not far to go, to Maly Prospekt, the former Shchors, Lekha walked all the way, from door to door, in half an hour of a walking step: first along the Makarov Embankment, then across the Tuchkov Bridge, then along the Zhdanovskaya Embankment.

In the very north of the Ukrainian Polissya, at the crossroads of the borders of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, on the banks of the picturesque river Snov, there is a small district town of Shchors in the Chernihiv region (until 1935 - Snovsk) with a population of 13.5 thousand people. Founded after the reform of 1861 on the site of the farm Korzhovka, he still lives his leisurely life. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shchors, a native of Snovsk, one of the brightest personalities of the Civil War in Ukraine, brought him fame.

In the history of the Civil War 1918 - 1921. there were many iconic, charismatic figures, especially in the camp of the "winners" - the Reds, about whom, it would seem, everything is known. Chapaev, Budyonny, Kotovsky, Yakir, Lazo, Shchors ... Many books have been written about the commanders of the Red Army, dozens of fictionalized biographies have been published, more like a myth (who was lucky enough to survive this turbulent era, and later the repressions of the 30s - even autobiographies) , memories of colleagues in the struggle for a "bright future".

However, not all the legendary Red commanders fit into the rigid Bolshevik scheme that controlled everything and everyone; therefore, with the help of revolutionary tribunals or under mysterious circumstances (Frunze, Kotovsky ...) they often left the arena of a bloody fratricidal drama. Often, for ideological needs, they, sprinkled, it seemed, with the mothballs of time, were “pulled out” of oblivion. So Philip Mironov and Boris Dumenko - the leaders of the Red Cossacks, were declared traitors and shot. They were rehabilitated only in the early 90s of the twentieth century, that is, after 70 years. In the case of Dumenko, the main role was played by the popularity of the latter - "comrades-in-arms" - Budyonny and Voroshilov (leaders of the First Cavalry Army) can be said to have "ate" a more successful and well-known competitor, a favorite of the Cossack masses.

Not the last role in the fate of the legendary and very talented Ukrainian Red Divisional Commander Nikolai Shchors was played by the envy of the people who fought side by side with him on the fronts of the Civil War. A native of Snovsk, Gorodnyansky district, during his short life (1895 - 1919) he managed a lot - he graduated from a military paramedic school in Kyiv, participated in World War I (after graduating from Vilna in Poltava - evacuated to the rear due to the advance of the Kaiser troops - a military school, N. Shchors was sent to the South-Western Front as a junior company commander), where, after difficult months of life in the trenches, tuberculosis “earned”. During 1918 - 1919. The ensign of the tsarist army made a dizzying career - from one of the commanders of the small Semenovsky Red Guard detachment to the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet division (from March 6, 1919). The brigade in this division was commanded by Vasily Bozhenko, a no less colorful figure that requires a separate story.

82 years ago, on August 30, 1919, the divisional commander arrived at the site of the Bogun brigade near the village of Beloshitsa (now Shchorsovka). The official version of the death of N. Shchors looked like this (in the film by A. Dovzhenko of the 1939 release “Shchors”, of course, she was reproduced): the divisional commander watched the Petliurists from binoculars and listened to the reports of the commanders. The Bogunians went on the attack, but on the flank an enemy machine-gun crew came to life, pressing the Red Guards to the ground. At this moment, the binoculars fell out of the hands of Shchors; he was mortally wounded and died 15 minutes later in the arms of his associates.

To try to figure out whether everything really happened, let's build at least one version. In early September 1919, the ashes of Shchors were taken to the deep rear - to Saratov. Is it to hide the truth about his death? After 30 years, in 1949, on the day of the death of the division commander in Saratov, his remains were reburied and exhumed. The reburial was carried out at a high government level. When the coffin was opened and the skull was exhumed, the medical commission, consisting of the best pathologists, admitted that Shchors had been killed by a shot from a small-caliber pistol from a distance of only 10-15 meters. As one would expect, this fact was hushed up. The protocols of the government commission ended up in the special depository of the NKVD, and later - the KGB of the USSR.

The official version of the heroic death of the divisional commander from the bullet of the Petliurists was thus called into question. Until now, the museum of Nikolai Shchors in the city of Shchors does not have a copy of the decision of this commission, despite repeated appeals to the relevant authorities. There were also no accusations against the commander of the III rank Nikolai Dubovoy in 1937 (when he was repressed). From July 1 to August 21, 1919, and after the death of Shchors, N. Dubova was the commander of the 44th Infantry Division of the Red Army. For a short 9 days, this very division was commanded by Shchors (subordinate formations to him - two brigades of the 1st USD - merged into the 44th division). Of course, the arrival of a new commander caused an ambiguous reaction from the command and headquarters - perhaps someone considered this fact a direct insult. In addition, in the Nezhinsky brigade of the 44th division, they remembered the role of Shchors in disarming and bringing to justice the instigators of the rebellion.

At that moment, when N. Shchors was in the trench, only N. Dubovoi and one very mysterious person were near him - the military specialist of the 12th Army Tankhil-Tankhilevich. Interestingly, under unclear circumstances, he ended up on the front line of the 44th division, and traces of him are lost already in the first days of September 1919. It is difficult to understand why N. Dubovoy ordered to bandage the division commander's head and forbade the nurse, who had come running from a nearby trench, to unbandage it. This begs the question - perhaps Dubovoi and Tankhil-Tankhilevich were customers, perpetrators, or accomplices in the crime? It cannot be said that this version has appeared recently. In his book of memoirs, published in 1937 and republished in 1956, Petrenko-Petrikovsky (chief of staff of the 44th division) insisted on this version of the death of Shchors (it was he who first recorded the presence in the trench where Shchors died, only two people - Oak and Tankhil-Tankhilevich).

If we talk about "partisanism", often attributed to Nikolai Shchors and Vasily Bozhenko (the commander of the Tarashchanskaya brigade, poisoned by Petliura scouts, died on August 19, 1919), then the entire military path of these commanders suggests the opposite. The capture of Kyiv (February 5, 1919), the defeat of Simon Petlyura's units near Proskurov, the defense of the Korosten bridgehead, the organization of the school of red commanders ... What kind of "partisanism" can we talk about? In the article “Polish-Petliura Front” (newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda”, No. 70 of June 20, 1919), Commissar of Ukraine N. Podvoisky, after examining units of the 1st Ukrainian division, gave them and their commanders the following assessment: “Among the Red Army men, N. Shchors and V. Bozhenko enjoys very great prestige. They have iron discipline.

There are no winners and losers in a civil war, of course. One thing can be said with certainty - the Red Army proved to be a more organized force, using the numerous mistakes of its enemies (in the field of strategy and tactics and in the field of political and economic); the Bolsheviks very successfully exploited populist slogans such as "Land to the peasants, factories to the workers ..." Finally, the discipline and cohesion of the Red Army units, confusion, ideological disputes in the camp of their numerous opponents (on the territory of Ukraine in 1918 - 1921, the forces of the Hetmanate acted, The Ukrainian People's Republic - the army of Simon Petlyura, the Ukrainian Galician Army, the peasant "father" Nestor Makhno - who alternately fought with everyone, the White Guard units of Anton Denikin, and later Baron Wrangel, who did not recognize anyone and fought for "United and indivisible Russia" ...) , became the main component of the victory of the Bolsheviks.

Nikolai Shchors was one of the brightest representatives of the "new wave" of commanders of the regular Red Army. To what extent the results of the victory of the Red Army would satisfy this independent, charismatic personality, this is another, difficult question. People of a completely different plan took advantage of its fruits - Stalin, Trotsky (they were still formally together), Voroshilov, Budyonny. The heroes or anti-heroes of the Civil War (on the part of the "winners"), for the most part, did not survive the repressions of the 1930s.

Propaganda is an amazing thing, it has the power to elevate the insignificant and destroy the great. Nikolai Shchors was neither one nor the other, but he was remembered at the right time and in the right place.

At the request of the leader

In March 1935 Joseph Stalin once again met with the so-called representatives of culture. “Why do the Russian people have the hero Chapaev and a film about the hero, but the Ukrainian people don’t have such a hero?” Stalin allegedly said. And soon the whole country learned about the red commander Nicholas Shchors. There were also witnesses to the front-line exploits of the newly-born hero.

Alexander Dovzhenko, by that time had already begun shooting a film about Vitaly Primakov(later he will go to work Tukhachevsky), quickly reoriented and made an amazing film "Shchors". Prosecutor Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko, who also had very little left, began to heartfeltly tell how Shchors was loved by both commanders and fighters.

It turned out that the newly appeared hero did not have an official burial place. They began to search for his grave in order to bury him with honors. The hero's widow restored the surname Shchors, took an active part in the campaign to revive the memory of her heroically deceased husband, and as a result, by order of Stalin, in 1940 she received an apartment in a government building.

Painting by Nikolay Shchors (1895–1919) cor

Songs and poems were composed about Shchors, unknown until that moment. Streets and state farms, ships and military formations were named in his honor. Every schoolchild was familiar with the heroic song ballad "A detachment was walking along the shore... A regiment commander was walking under a red banner... His head was tied... a bloody trail spreads over the damp earth...". And this trail has been spreading for more than 80 years.

Life and career

Leafing through the pages of the history of the Civil War, it is difficult to determine where truth ends and fiction begins. Shchors really existed - he was born, studied, fought, there are documents, photographs, memories. Moreover, historians are still arguing from whom the 24-year-old commander received a bullet in the head.

Nikolai Shchors was born in the village of Snovsk, Chernihiv province, into a large family of a railway worker. He graduated from the military paramedic school in Kyiv. After graduating from the cadet school, he was sent to the Southwestern Front as a junior company commander. There, as a result of a difficult trench life on the fields of the First World War, Shchors developed tuberculosis. But he was not noticed in the commission of any military feats, unlike, for example, Chapaev or other officers who later transferred to serve in the Red Army.

On December 30, 1917, Nikolai Shchors, as suffering from tuberculosis, was released from military service and left for his homeland. And the country was changing rapidly. What Shchors did from December 1917 to March 1918, there is no reliable information - only mention of his contacts with the Left SRs. Probably, they seduced the young countryman to go to the outbreak of the Civil War.

In March 1918, when German troops occupied Ukraine, Nikolai Shchors with a group of comrades moved to Semyonovka and led a united insurgent partisan detachment there - the so-called Bogunsky regiment.

Having understood in time which way the wind was blowing, in the fall of that year, Shchors became a member of the Bolshevik Party. This led to rapid career growth - in less than a year, the former ensign of the tsarist army rose to the commander of the 1st Ukrainian Soviet division. He managed to visit the military commandant of Kyiv.

The rebuke of chieftains Shchors and Bozhenko to the "pan-hetman" Petlyura. 1919 wikimedia

In August 1919, Shchorsa, which was joined by the 1st Ukrainian Soviet Division under the command of N. Dubovoy, who became the deputy commander, was part of the 12th Army.

On August 10, as a result of a raid by the Don Cavalry Corps under General Mamontov, the Cossacks broke through the Southern Front of the Bolsheviks and moved towards Moscow. The Red Army began to hastily retreat. Between the Whites and the Reds, only the 44th Streltsy Division of Shchors, which was fairly battered in battles (the 1st Ukrainian Soviet Division joined it), consisted of four brigades, which stubbornly defended the Korosten railway junction, remained to ensure the evacuation of Kyiv and the exit from the encirclement of the Southern Group .

The fact that Kyiv cannot be defended was clear to everyone. The Reds simply had to hold out to organize and cover the retreat. Nikolai Shchors and his fighters managed to do it. But on August 30, 1919, in a battle near the village of Beloshitsa (in Soviet times, the village of Shchorsovka, Korostensky district, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine), while on the front line, Shchors was killed under mysterious circumstances.

Shot in the back of the head

The official version is that the promising commander died from a Petliurist bullet while repelling an attack. Witnesses of the mortal wound confirmed the heroic version of death, however, in an informal setting, they said that the bullet was fired by one of their own.

During the reburial of the body of the division commander in 1949, the examination concluded that the bullet entered the back of the head and was fired from a very close distance. Eyewitnesses recalled that Shchors' deputy N. Oak did not allow the nurse to change the bandage on Shchors' head.

The death of the red commander has several versions. According to one of them, Shchors was removed by order Trotsky. The political inspector who was at the command post together with Shchors and Dubov P. Tankhil-Tankhilevich was from the neighborhood S. Aralova, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 12th Army, close to Trotsky. According to another version, the murder of Shchors was beneficial to the "revolutionary sailor" Pavel Dybenko(husband Alexandra Kollontai, old party member, friend Lenin), who, according to historians, flunked all the tasks assigned to him and was very afraid that the party leadership would find out about this.

One way or another, Shchors was quickly forgotten, because there was nothing out of the ordinary in the biography of the deceased commander. In that bloody war, both sides lost packs of such commanders for a variety of reasons - by denunciation, on the battlefield, from illness, at the hands of envious people and traitors.

And fifteen and a half years later, in the spring of 1935, the fortune of posthumous fame made a choice in favor of Shchors.

Sculpture of Nikolai Shchors in the former museum. Shchors in the former city of Shchors

Nikolai Alexandrovich Shchors. The biography of this famous hero of the Civil War is still the subject of much controversy and discussion. Today, on the 100th anniversary of his death, we will tell you some unknown facts from the life of the “Ukrainian Chapaev”.

On August 30, 1919, near the Ukrainian city of Korosten, under unclear circumstances, the head of the 44th Infantry Division, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shchors, died. However, what kind of Nikolai Alexandrovich? Simply - Kolya Shchors. In any case, his colleagues called him that. At the time of his death, the legendary Shchors was only 23 years old.

The remains of Shchors were embalmed, soldered in a zinc coffin, transported to Samara, and on September 14, 1919, they were buried in the "German sector" of the All Saints cemetery. On the last journey, the division commander was escorted by ten cadets of the Shchorsov school of red commanders, five employees of the 44th division, the widow of Fruma Rostova and her three sisters. A few days after the funeral, Fruma turned to the Gubkom with a request to erect a monument and a fence over her husband's grave. The Gubkom gave the go-ahead and allocated 20,000 rubles for these purposes. The stone stele was made and installed by the Samara craftsman Brannikov. For some reason, only a monument was erected, and in 1921 Shchors' colleague Joseph Tishchenko ordered the fence with his own money (on the newsreel below Tishchenko to the left of Shchors).

By the end of the 1920s, the All Saints cemetery was closed. Relatives were given the opportunity to rebury their dead loved ones at the new city cemetery. But since the population of Samara after the Civil War and the famine of the 1920s greatly decreased and changed, most of the graves remained ownerless. And gravestones, including those of Shchors, went to urgent construction needs.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Shchors. Birth of a hero

In 1935, director Alexander Dovzhenko was summoned to the Kremlin for an appointment with Stalin. Iosif Vissarionovich listened attentively to the progress report on the film Aerograd and said:

“When I told you last time about Shchors, I said this in terms of advice. But neither my words nor newspaper articles oblige you to anything. You are a free person. If you want to make Shchors, do it, but if you have other plans, do something else.

Dovzhenko thanked Stalin for the idea and confirmed that he was ready to make Shchors. Moreover, Alexander Dovzhenko was more than heard about the head of the 44th Ukrainian Soviet division - at one time the future director served in the Shchors division as a school teacher at the headquarters.

“History has fascinated us, lads. Here I also often think. Years will pass, the revolution will end and people will live as brothers on earth. How many fairy tales will be told about us! Frame from the film "Shchors".

On May 1, 1939, the premiere of the film "Schors" took place, and from that moment a real "Schors mania" began in the Soviet Union. Veterans of the Civil War told young people stories from the heroic vulgarity, which did not differ much from the events shown in the film. But the people closest to the "Ukrainian Chapaev" met the film with restraint. The widow of Shchors Fruma Rostova said in an interview with one of the newspapers:

“The film exceeded all expectations. He shocked with his spontaneity, monumentality, swiftness.

And not a word about the plausibility of the plot. Well, in one of the conversations, Dovzhenko even stated that the content of the film was invented by him from beginning to end. So who was Nikolai Alexandrovich Shchors? I think that some of the traits of his character can be learned from the unique archival materials that I managed to get acquainted with in the now former Shchors Museum in Snovsk.

Kolya Schors. Hero's youth

In the former Shchors Museum of the former city of Shchors (now Snovsk), I hope, the memories of a school friend of Shchors, a certain Kostenko, are still kept (by the way, this same Kostenko, most likely, was from Samara). Kostenko left extremely interesting notes from which one can make a portrait of the future hero of the Civil War.

Kolya Shchors, a student of the paramedic school

Apparently, Shchors was really fascinated by the military theme. At the first meeting, Nikolai explained in detail to Kostenko the meaning of shoulder straps and other insignia, which were hung out as visual aids in the corridor of the paramedic school.

Shchors behaved independently with his comrades. Kostenko recalled that one of the teachers at the school was a disabled veteran of the Russo-Japanese War. And once, during the construction, a student by the name of Muratov shouted an insulting phrase at the back of a disabled person. He naturally began to find out who insulted him. Everyone was silent. And then, suddenly, Shchors broke down and ordered: “Muradov! Get out of line and apologize to the teacher!”. Muradov blushed, got out of line and apologized. Well, the class is divided. Some said that Shchors acted badly by betraying a comrade, others that Shchors was a good fellow and did the right thing. In any case, there was no boycott - Shchors was considered at school.

One winter, several students of the medical assistant's school were walking along Khreshchatyk. At one of the crossroads, an elderly newspaper salesman called out the people, shouting out the names of publications. One of the students asked the seller:

- Do you have time?

- Then sing.

The seller was offended, the students laughed. Everyone except Shchors. Nikolai reprimanded the joker - “Is it possible to joke like that on a person who can barely make ends meet?”

And one more story.

It was in 1913. The Empire celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. On this occasion, a parade of garrison troops took place in Kyiv. As usual, everyone they could, including students of the paramedic school, was driven to the parade.

The parade was commanded by General Alexei Mavrin, riding a magnificent snow-white horse, prancing with impatience. After the parade, the students were depressed. But not from the fact that I had to stand in the ranks for several hours. The young men understood that the "cream of society", who shone at the parade with jewelry, orders and expensive clothes, was an unattainable level for paramedics. And only Shchors, usually restrained, was excited.

"You saw? No, did you see? What a horse! What a general! How magnificent they look surrounded by troops!”- Nikolai ran around the class.

And this excitement was passed on to the comrades. The guys perked up and began to draw a horse on the board, commenting on the details of the parade.

It's only been a few years. Behind Shchors there were already the trenches of the First World War, and tuberculosis, and battles with the Czechs near Samara, and a wound. Now he is the commander of the Soviet Ukrainian regiment named after Comrade Bohun. Shchors arrived in Unecha, so that a few months later, at the head of the regiment, he would solemnly enter Kyiv. But before that, in the small village of Naytopovichi, the fighters knocked down in search of a white horse for the commander. And the horse was found. True, not quite white. A real white albino horse is a great rarity. According to the recollections of fellow soldiers, the owner of the "horse in apples" was given an "old-fashioned mare" in return.

Shchors at the head of the Bogunsky regiment enters Kyiv. To the left of Shchors - Iosif Tishchenko

What would have been the fate of Shchors in the future, if he had remained alive, is unknown. But it is absolutely certain that Nikolai Alexandrovich Shchors is perhaps one of the most discussed heroes of the Civil War. The circumstances of his death are still the subject of debate. True, I think that in the near future one historical mystery associated with the name of Shchors will become less.

Recently, Samara collector Dmitry Khmelev put forward a version that explains one strange circumstance: why Nikolai Shchors was buried in Samara. According to Khmelev, Shchors was taken on a special propaganda train to be buried in Moscow near the Kremlin wall. The route passed through Samara. In Samara, the train was delayed until October, so Shchors was temporarily buried at the All Saints cemetery. But, as you know, "there is nothing more permanent than temporary." And the temporary "registration" at the Samara cemetery for Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shchors, as expected, turned into a permanent one.

P.S.. If you have questions related to the life of Shchors, write in the comments. We will try to answer as detailed as possible.

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