Marvel's Spider Man Walkthrough Walkthrough Amazing Spider-Man (2012), The. Passing the main tasks

The long-awaited release of the superhero action game, which has already been named by most foreign critics, has finally taken place. the best game about Spider-Man. In it, you will have a multi-hour adventure with a friendly neighbor "spider", in which you have to not only bludgeon the bad guys, but also solve all kinds of puzzles. To simplify this task for you, we decided to publish a detailed walkthrough of the story missions of Marvel's Spider-Man.

Clear the way

It is about a kind of training mission in which you will be taught to fly around the city on the web and fight opponents. The mission will begin with a short cutscene in which Peter rushes to the aid of the police officers. After that, you will find yourself on the streets of New York and take control of the "spider". Take a couple of minutes to get comfortable with the controls, as flying on the web will become an important part of the gameplay. When ready, head over to the yellow marker that demonstrates the next objective for the main quest.

As soon as you get to the right place, the following scene appears before your eyes: a handful of police officers are surrounded on all sides by a group of criminals. Join the battle - now the game will teach you how to fight thugs. The combat system can hardly be called complex, but it turned out to be quite complex, since it allows players to perform a large number of combos and use multi-stage strikes.

The evasions that need to be done when a small glow appears around the spider's head also play an important role. Your enemies in this encounter will turn out to be rather weak, so you will surely deal with them in a couple of minutes.

After the battle, go to the next pointer that appears on the map. Use the cobwebs to fly over the police cars and get to the building occupied by thugs. After a short cutscene, this mission will end and a new mission will automatically begin.

Main event

Once you reach the building, you will notice a large number of enemies. Go forward and fight them. The game will tell you about the concentration scale, thanks to which you can heal the hero and use finishing blows. Concentration is restored with long combos, successful dodges, and mid-air attacks. Keep fighting enemies armed with firearms and try to fill the scale to the maximum.

Having dealt with the criminals, you will face the next wave of attackers. Click on L2 + R2 to go up one level and deal with new enemies. After the cut-scene you will reach the elevator shaft - click on R2 and quickly go upstairs. Go to the next room and deal with the new villains.

In the large hall, you will face a considerable number of enemies, so carefully monitor your health and, if necessary, replenish it. You can also use the L1 + R1 combo to throw objects and quickly restore the concentration bar. Having calmed the thugs, go up and climb into the ventilation shaft. Continue crawling along it until you find yourself above the grate - click on the "square" to stun the enemy. Do not forget to use this technique, which allows you to quickly incapacitate enemies without causing an alarm.

Jump down - you will find yourself in a room with a countdown timer. You will need to defeat the enemies before the clock shows 00:00 (after that, an explosion will occur). Focus on quickly eliminating single enemies and use the spider webs to hang them upside down. After that, click on the "triangle" and turn off the timer. Watch a short video and deal with another group of bandits.

Exit the room. You will see an explosion on the top floor. Go there and scatter the criminals. Go upstairs and enter the room engulfed in flames. Approach the column and press the buttons L1 + R1 to move it and open a new path. Climb through the narrow passage and help the woman lying under the rubble.

Continue forward and climb into the ventilation shaft. Go further, and after a certain period of time you will reach a room with a new type of enemy. Opponents will be armed with rocket launchers, inflicting huge damage. Dodge projectiles without letting them hit you.

After the fight, knock down the door that leads to Fisk and go forward. Hold the R2 button for Peter to use his parkour skills and overcome all obstacles. Then deal with the group of enemies and keep moving towards your goal. This time you will face villains dressed in police uniforms and wearing shields. These enemies can block any of your head-on attacks, so hold down the circle button on your controller to get behind them.

Boss Fight - Wilson Fisk

Having finished dealing with the "sixes", run to the red door to meet Fisk face, so to speak, face. It is he who is responsible for everything that happens, and therefore you definitely need to acquaint your fists with his muzzle. However, first you will need to destroy the turrets. Avoid the machine gun bursts and then press L1 + R1 to rip out the turret and launch it at the boss. Repeat these steps several times until the second stage of the contraction begins.

The Kingpin is a real beast with incredible strength. Catch the objects that Fisk will throw at you, and then launch them back by pressing the L1 + R1 buttons. Then use the spider webs to weaken your opponent and click on the triangle to complete the hit sequence. Dodge boss hits as they do even more damage than weapons.

After a while, both of you will find yourself in a new room, where the third stage of the battle will begin. The mechanics of the fight will not change - however, now you will have to fight not only with the boss, but also with his henchmen. Focus on the criminals. Having disassembled them, return to Fisk and use the web to throw various objects at him. At the end there will be a small QTE-fragment in which you need to quickly press certain buttons.

After the battle, Kingpin will be put behind bars and the mission will end there.

Reward: 4100 experience points.

My job is completely different

Unlike previous games about Spider-Man, in the new action game the developers decided to show what Peter Parker does in real life. It turned out that he likes scientific activities, so he goes to a part-time job in a local laboratory. Head to the desired building and enter it through the door on the roof.

Watch a short video, and then take on a tour of the laboratory. The first step is to examine and repair the defective prosthesis. After analysis, you will find 3 areas with malfunctions: power voltage control, servo circuit and servo motor. You can solve these problems in special mini-games.

You will need to connect the green cell of the circuit to the orange (final) one using the replaceable circuit elements presented in the left area of ​​the screen. Sometimes it will be necessary to follow certain requirements, for example, use only one-sided blocks or not allow differences between the actual and required voltage.

Once the prosthesis is repaired, you can start analyzing an unknown substance that Peter's mentor intends to use in his future experiments. The identification of the material is also realized in the form of a mini-game.

This time, you need to match the fragments of the existing substance, located in the left column, with the template indicated on the right. In the first puzzles, you will be able to get by with one layer of lines of behavior, but in the latter you will have to tinker a lot.

After completing the mini-game, exit the laboratory and change into a "spider" costume. By the way, you can come back here at any time and go through other puzzles that give you a lot of experience points.

Reward: 250 experience points.

Guarding the world

After getting out of the laboratory, we talk with Yuri Watanabe. She will ask to meet her on the roof of the police building located in Chinatown. We head to the desired point and find out that about an hour ago, for some unknown reason, the security towers of the Oscorp company went out.

Spider-Man has to repair the towers. Repairing structures is done in the form of another mini-game in which you need to choose the right wavelength by interacting with the left and right sticks on the controller.

After activating the first tower, you will start to see street crimes happening in a certain area on your map. For example, not far from the police station, a robber is trying to rob a peaceful citizen. We head to the scene of the crime and deal with all the bandits, while earning one token (point) of crimes, which will be useful to us later.

Information about a new crime will appear on the map - save the girl from a group of villains, among whom there will be a new type of enemies - a thug. Deal with all the bandits, and then help the woman who was taken hostage. Next, head towards the second guard tower. Repair it and take a look at the map, which will show another kind of secondary activity - finding Parker's backpacks scattered throughout New York.

Collecting backpacks also gives tokens that can be spent on upgrading equipment or unlocking new costumes. Then you have to stop the robbery of the jewelry store. Deal with the criminals and fly to the third tower. After fixing it, Spider-Man will remember that he needs to fix the suit. This completes the mission.

Reward: 2500 experience points.

Old and new

Having restored the guard towers, Peter decides that he needs a new suit. You can do it in the laboratory, from where his boss recently left. Once in the right room, go to the workshop located in another part of the room and examine the costume.

Watch two videos, and then create yourself a new "outfit". This completes the mission. Note that almost every skin in the game has a special feature that allows, for example, to quickly eliminate groups of enemies or prevent them from calling for reinforcements. You can change these options, giving the suits you like with the functions you want.

Reward: 250 experience points.

Fisk's stash

Watanabe will call you again and tell you that it would be nice to investigate one building located nearby. In it, apparently, Fisk continues to carry out his illegal activities, even sitting behind bars.

Having reached the building, we find many bandits in it. In addition, you will have the opportunity to use a new gadget - a shock web, with which you can knock enemies back, instantly stunning them. If the enemy was standing not far from the wall, then he will immediately be nailed to it.

Start destroying bandits at the construction site - you can do it loudly or secretly. We recommend choosing the second option, as it reduces the risk of taking damage. True, when the second wave of enemies arrives, you will still have to fight them in the open. Deal with all the thugs and get a thank you from the police captain. Other underground Fisk bases will also appear on the map, the clearing of which is a side activity.

Reward: 2500 experience points.


To improve the work of its scanner to search for secondary activities, the "spider" will be engaged in finding and photographing city attractions. First, he decides to take a picture of the Empire State Building, one of the very first skyscrapers in New York.

Follow the marker, and then take out the camera, point the lens at the desired building and take a picture of it. After that, icons with other tourist attractions of the metropolis will appear on your world map. Several similar attractions can be found in the same area. For their pictures, you will receive corresponding tokens, which can later be spent on improving the protagonist's equipment.

Do not forget that signs with landmarks and other side missions on the map will appear only after the guard towers are turned on. A total of 50 architectural monuments can be found in the city.

Reward: 250 experience points.

Very good friend

Soon, Spider-Man will receive a call from Martin Lee, owner of the PIR Homeless Shelter. He will ask you to approach him as you have free time... Complete additional missions and head to the desired building.

Lee will contact you again in a couple of minutes. Fly to the roof of the shelter building and find a bag with your usual clothes. Enter "P.I.R." and talk to the locals. Then head to the kitchen, where Martin is waiting for you.

Watch the next cut-scene, and then leave the building. You can come back here at any time convenient for you to explore the surroundings.

Reward: 250 experience points.

Do not touch exhibits with your hands

When you receive a message that someone illegally entered the sale of the former Kingpin property, immediately head to the right place. Here you will find masked bandits who have taken the manager hostage. Climb into the ventilation and crawl along it to the nearest grate.

Move to the beam a little lower and attract the thug. When he comes to you, immobilize him with the web, without causing alarm. Climb back into the vent located on the opposite side of the room and walk forward. In a minute, you will notice another enemy. Stun him and jump down.

Now sneak up on the next guard and deal with him quietly by clicking on the "square", being behind him. Return to the ventilation shaft again and crawl along it until you find yourself in the storage room. Below you will notice two masked criminals. It will not be possible to fill them up at the same time, therefore, first distract one of them by shooting a web into a box next to the shelves, and immediately "pack" the other into a web.

Stun the remaining enemy using standard methods. Then examine the camera hanging on the cabinet. You learn that it is owned by Mary Jane Watson (MJ), who is also in the warehouse. Talk to her to find out how she got here. Her story will be presented in an interactive form, that is, you have to play as a girl.

Follow the manager, then interview her and photograph some of the exhibits. The exhibition worker will not want to answer Watson's questions and will return to her office. Then the journalist will ask where the toilet is and will try to sneak into the office. You will need to hide behind various objects, trying not to catch the manager's eye.

Once near the office, start examining the statue that interests the heroine. Her limbs can be changed, so take a look at the picture of Fisk on the wall and the brochure lying on the table to understand what position to choose for the figure and what to put in her hand.

MJ will manage to find the folder where the "Breath of the Devil" is mentioned, for which the masked criminals arrived. After that, the players will again get control over the "spider", which will need to deal with the thugs. You can solve this problem covertly or loudly. In the first case, you need to stick to the ceiling and eliminate the "demons" one by one.

Having dealt with the threat, prepare to help Mary Jane, who is about to be shot. Break into the hall with the villains and fight them. Deal with criminals and take one of the demon masks for research. Then get outside and get a message from the police captain.

Reward: 2750 experience points.

Shocking return

Patrolling the city streets, you learn that Herman Schultz, who is better known in the underworld as Shocker, has returned to the city. Past skirmishes with the "spider" did not teach him anything, so he decided to start robbery again.

Having met Shocker, you will not be able to talk to him for a long time, since he will immediately try to escape. You will need to catch up with him, and then deliver the decisive blow by clicking on the "triangle". However, it will not be easy to do this, since Schultz runs quite fast.

We do not recommend that you gain altitude - it is better to increase your speed by releasing R2 in time. Also, do not forget to jump from a point. When you overtake the villain for the first time, he will be able to throw off the hero and again escape from him. However, now, while running, he will also shoot at you.

Do not forget to dodge Shocker's attacks in time by pressing the appropriate button as soon as a sign is displayed above Spider-Man's head. If you fail to do this, you will lose speed and health. After catching up with the enemy for the second time, nail him to the ground with cobwebs, and then hand him over to the police.

Reward: 2500 experience points.


After solving the problem with Shocker, Parker will want to know more information about the demonic mask that he found earlier. To get answers, he decides to visit Martin Lee at the "PIR" shelter. Of course, he does not work at night, so the hero will first wait until morning comes.

After dawn, Peter will enter the building. Climb to the second floor and walk along the corridor to the very end. There you will find Lee's office. He will not give any useful information about the mask, but will ask you to be more careful in the future.

Reward: 1500 experience points.

Unforgetable day

The hero recalls that soon an important guest is to come to his laboratory. After talking with Lee, Peter's mentor will inform him about it again. Fly to work and watch a short video. In it you will learn that Norman Osborne, the head of the New York administration, decided to take all the equipment and deprive the scientist of the grant. In general, Parker will no longer receive wages.

Such a decision will lead to extremely negative consequences for the entire city, but more on that later. In the meantime, watch the cut-scene to the very end.

Reward: 250 experience points.

Harry's Favorite Project

Having lost the source of money, the protagonist will remember that Harry Osborne had an idea about the implementation of one unique project that should bring significant benefits to New York. We are talking about special scientific stations - one of them is located near the last place of work of the "spider".

Navigate to the desired design and turn on the interface to figure out its main purpose. It turns out to be designed to control air quality. The city is full of dangerous gases, so Parker will need to collect a couple of samples for analysis.

First, fly past the smoke bunches marked on the map with special icons. You have to go straight to the center of pollution. As a result, you will find out that smog is formed from a broken chimney and two types of cars. It will be necessary to photograph the necessary machines and pipes of the plant. After that, the mission will end. You will also have access to Harry's other Science Stations, which will reward you with Science Tokens.

Reward: 100 experience points.

Financial shock

After solving the problem with the smog in the city, you will receive a message from Watanabe, which will say that Shocker was able to get free. He was released by one of the guards, who appeared to be under hypnotic control.

The villain is currently at the bank. Fly there at all times to deal with the new boss of the game.

Boss Fight - Shocker

It will not be possible to arrange a usual scuffle, since the first thing you will have to remove is his force field. The battle takes place in a fairly extensive location, however, we still do not recommend staying on the ground often, because in this case, you can easily miss the enemy's attack.

The first step is to learn how to dodge his ranged attacks, which he makes as soon as his hands start to glow. Shocker will perform this technique 3-4 times in a row, and then will try to get closer to you and release a shock wave. If you see a dash in your direction, then immediately fly away to another part of the hall.

After the wave, the boss will need to rest. You will have time to throw some debris or other heavy object at him. The shield will fall, and you will be able to fill your opponent's yellow face. Then the field will be restored. Repeat the above technique several times until the second stage of the battle begins.

Now, after ranged attacks, the Shocker will move to the center of the room. There he will make a powerful burst of energy, which has a rather large radius of destruction. At this moment, you should be as far away from the boss as possible and at the same time not be on the ground. Then again throw a part of the column at the enemy and hit him several times.

Repeating this technique 3-4 times, you will go to the third stage of the battle. In it, Shocker will start shooting in different directions as if she were insane. Dodge all attacks, and then drag the remains of the columns down. Perform this trick twice and Shocker will end.

Reward: 2500 experience points.

So, before us flashes the screensaver Activizion, then Marvel. Well, let's start.

The menu is not that complicated. We start the game, choose one of three difficulty levels and start. Part of the plot will be revealed during loading. If you do not speak English well, then use subtitles. After loading, press the Start button and start.

We observe the familiar OSCORP corporation.

Our girlfriend drags us to this science center. We pass through the door and observe the whole scientific complex. A lot of scientists engaged in the development of something beyond the new. We approach the door. The girl enters the password. We can take a look around for now. We pass forward. Behind the glass we will see the latest military developments: robots, mutants. Damn, it's a rhino. Ugh, he almost got out of control. The thug will be pacified. A certain doctor Smyf will run out, who will help the fallen girl to get up. She will introduce us to the scientist.

We are Peter Parker. Then a little dialogue with him. The girl is unhappy with the experiments of the Connor corporation. It turns out that the OSCORP eagles have learned to change the genes of people. Here you and lizard-like mutants and others. We approach a huge capsule. Here we have an incomprehensible mutant. The doctor warns that contact leads to infection and death. Otherwise, we mutate. And the creature is not the most affable.


Next, someone will distract Dr.Smayf. Something must have gone wrong. We approach the capsule and observe something that will awaken. Feels like this is our future enemy. The creature begins to break the capsule and asks out.


We are taken outside, but we do not want to leave our friend, but we must. The critters get out. This scorpion-like one begins to dismember everyone. Including one of our boyfriends runs away with our friend. This is where we dress up and use our abilities. Well, let's go.

We jump up and save our beauty. Next, we put it on our mighty shoulders and run forward. We run along the corridor until we reach the place where robots are fighting monsters. We are waiting, and the door will open. We run forward and to the left. We reach the round hall. We are fighting with robots.


Cut scene

The path is blocked. We must clear the way, and then return for a girlfriend.

We continue the game. Lasers are everywhere. We jump into the free window in front.


Before that, we use the console to open the door. Next, we go to the fan. We stop the fan with shots on the B key and go further.


Please note, it stops for a while. There will be two of them in total. Then we get out into the corridor and jump to the panel, which will turn off the laser in one window in front.


We jump into the passage. Then at the door. It will close behind us. Upstairs in one of the corners there will be a hatch. Use the RB keys to pull towards it and open the cover.

We crawl into another room. Here we are fighting a mass of robots. The door will open. We pass further. We run to the room with our girlfriend and take her away. We break through to the exit.

We sit our friend on a chair. She asks to find Professor Smythe. She's infected. Peter doesn't know what to do. We promise her that everything will be okay and we will definitely help her. We get new level... It's time to pump yourself up.

Manhattan. 4 hours have passed since the incident. Peter throws himself from a skyscraper, and control passes to us.


We use the already familiar controls. We have a whole city at our disposal. So, a whole point is marked on the map. We go there.

The journalist broadcasts from the scene. The sea of ​​creatures began to attack the city. At the last moment we save her, and a real spider falls out of the bowels of the Earth. It is not difficult to kill him.

He has a luminous eye, to which you have to attract using the RB keys, and then break it. These eyes are highlighted in red and will appear in different places.


To dodge missiles, use the Y key. First, break 2 simple eyes. Then, full-fledged eye sockets will appear on his face, like a spider.


You need to be attracted to them and quickly-quickly press the X key to break them. At the right time, you will need to dodge the shot of the eye. Blinding the robot.

There were now blue markings on each of his limbs.


Shoot them with simple charges until all his sandals fall off. When he falls, go to his head and press the RB key to deactivate the robot. You don't have to do anything. We are watching a spectacular moment and that's it.


Spider-Man chatters briskly with the apparently one-armed convict. He says something about reptiles, but we're going to free him so he can help us.


RB will pull us in and crawl into another round compartment. Then on the left we jump over the railing and run to the control panel.


The Y key will open the panel, but at the last moment the guards will notice us.

The stunned guard will swear and scream for a long time. Say, what the hell, Spiderman, are you doing? We leave before he shot us as he said.

We continue the game. Find a hole in the ceiling and head into it.


Unfortunately, all the convicts ran out. It will be easy to deal with them. We effectively deal with them. Our friend is already running away. The door will open on the left - we pass through it. The guard will report that there are too many convicts. We run along the corridors, and then up the stairs. Here you can effectively deal with the enemies, being attracted to the trash can and then throwing it at the enemies. While they are dazed, wrap them in cobwebs (button B). Our friend will open the gate - we continue our journey.

We go further along the corridor. Here is another crowd of convicts. We deal with them. Then, in the middle of the corridor, pull the switch with the Y key. The gate will open - immediately turn on the aiming mode and pull yourself to the wall behind the bars, otherwise you will not have time to run. There will be an air collector on the wall. We pass through it into the room, then again into the air collector and get into the toilet. We kill one convict and go out into the rest room. We deal with the convicts. Household items can be used around. They are highlighted for more persuasiveness. Do not forget to pump yourself when you get a new level.

Then we get to the mentally ill. There will be a fire down the hallway ahead. Turn on first person mode and jump to the ceiling to crawl further.



We talk with her. Don't worry - the chatter won't last long. Go back a little. On the left along the corridor, you will see a window with a yellow frame. We jump into it. We go down and fight with the convicts. Then we run to the only exit and chat with our friend. There will be a hatch on the wall. Use it to go to the security room. In the room we find a highlighted green panel and use it with the Y button. Open the door for our friend. There is a shootout on the street at this time. To get out, you need to leave the control room into the common room and run up to the stairs. She'll be on fire, but we're Spider-Man. We jump to the other wall using the web. We pass quietly further and jump out of the window onto the street. Unfortunately, now the convicts are armed with cannons, but that will not stop us. After the reprisal against them, we run away with the doctor.

Now we are in the night city - beautiful. The doctor stuck to his back, but this does not prevent us from calmly moving around the city. The point to which you need to get is marked on the map.


Well, we are…. At home, just not at home, but we live here. There is a computer, books, a TV set.


Everything is fine. We chat with this doctor. He's not very happy with what we told him about Gwen. Plus, he's kind of puzzled about the OSCORP corporation. Actually, this Dr. Connor started it all and will help to end it.

Well, let's continue the game at home. You can look around. In front of us is a board with a city map on which you can activate tasks, and there is also a wardrobe where you can try on new found costumes. There is a window on the left that will allow us to go outside. We jump to the exit, but here the cut-scene with the dock is activated. Some kind of sensor that we used to use to listen to the chatter of the cops, but now it's useful for the agents of OSCORP. Loading.

On the street we pick up the card right in front of us, it will reveal something to us, and then we jump to the top of the antenna in front. Our hero will glue a spider on it himself.

The remaining antennas are marked on the map. We get to them and also install beacons. Nothing complicated. There are three of them. We carry out the task and jump a little around the city. We'll get a signal from the police shortly. We need to deal with a certain bogey. Note that it will scatter. The only thing that can overwhelm him is the SWAT armored vehicle.


Stand next to her and dodge at the last moment with the Y button. While he is in shock, you can beat him.


And so a couple of times. Nothing complicated. While he is in shock, kick him with his feet. After the reprisal over him, a point will appear on the map - we follow to it. There will be a ventilation shaft with a yellow ribbon around it. We go inside.

So, we carefully crawl forward. Downstairs, the guard is chatting. We pass through the mine. For a silent kill, press RB. Well, then we start a massive fight with the guards. After the fight, you will find a cradle with a load on the wall.


The camera will show how the moved cargo broke the barrels, and behind them there was a hatch, and we will crawl into this very hatch.


We jump to the elevator. The guards are moving some kind of capsule. We sit and listen. The elevator is coming and we need to kill these guys. Then we kill a couple of soldiers and continue on our way. There will be a hatch on one of the walls, we run through it.


We get out into a large free room. The OSCORP guards are here. There will be many of them. We fight with them. Remember how we moved the box on the ceiling with a load? Now we do the same. As a result, we will break the windows and just pave our way. Then we jump to the place where the windows were broken, and then into the hatch.


We go out into a small room, where we meet the reporter? What is she doing here? This is Whitney Chang. TV reporter. She's undercover here. We chat with her.


At one point, she will set a certain uncle on us.


Nothing personal, she just plays her part. So, now we kick the guard with the shield. Press L + A to jump over the enemy, and then X to hit him and so on several times. The reporter will open the door for us further. There are red rays.


Just cover the camera with cobwebs (button B) and jump onto the gun itself, and then pull it out.


The reporter lost her camera. He asks to look for her, and in return will help us. She also asks to shoot a little for her TV channel. She wants us to take a picture of the boxes with the symbols of the OSCORP company, for this we press LT, bring the focus closer and take a photo. She will open the door for us and continue the road. Kill the guards. She is armed with machine guns - this is already serious. But it’s not scary. Next, the camera will show the opened door - we run there.

We pass into the room with lasers in the center. Security is available. It's time to pile up the guards. Now turn off the lasers. Use the terminal to remove the lasers.


Then we take a photo of the OSCROP symbolism on the side of the column. Use the terminal near the same column, and a passage will open further. The reporter is here again. Just chatting with her.

Then she had a new idea. And we run to the window where they caught her. We run further and see that she is being interrogated.


We make our way into the room and pile on everyone. Next is a small cut-scene. Well, I won't reveal any surprises. And the task is as follows. While the Reporter is busy with something, we just need to protect her. She finished, but she got shot. We put her on her back, collect all 8 paws and bring down.


We get to the elevator, and the guard is on it - we kill him. Then we pick up the reporter again and run away. At the end of the assignment, we give her promises that we will take pictures of everything on the camera, and she gives us the iPad, that is, important data.


We cut through the air and get to the house. We give the data to the dock and go outside and a point on the map is waiting for us.

We open the sewer and forward. Then you need to turn one red tap to open the gate.


The gate is immediately to the left. As soon as they open, we jump into the passage, otherwise they will quickly bury. Inside we will see a green caustic slime - we jump over it. Then we go to the big fork. We are free to choose where to go. Our hero will let the web in all directions. You can search all the corridors in a row. They are small and comics can be found in some.


We also need a tunnel with the number "43" on the right side.


Inside you will have to fight the infected OSCORP guards. They are almost lizards already. We put them down and continue the road. First of all, after killing enemies, turn on the tap.


A door will open at the other end. Please note, you need to act quickly, otherwise it will close. Then into the hatch and fight the infected. Now they can, excuse me, vomit poisonous gastric juice.


Then we go down to the level below and we run along the sewers further, killing the guards. We meet this mutated rat again and continue chasing it. Then we jump into the hatch.


Now we are fighting this rat.


She's not the boss, it's easy to fight. Just hit her and dodge. After a couple of hits, a cut-scene will go, and robotic spiders will arrive. We kill them. Then we just go out onto the street using the stairs. Loading. Now we need to find this huge rat, and for this we follow the scattering rats - there will be a point on the map. We come, and our rat again runs into the hatch. We jump after her into this hatch.


Down the drain again. The fork again, as before. At the fork we go into the passage that is in the screenshot below.


Then a little sewer with robotic spiders, and at the end again a fight with a rat. This time he also set little rat pups on us, so they chase after us. We do not stand still, otherwise the rats will envelop us.


The fight with the rat itself is not that difficult. We just beat him until the cut-scene begins, where we draw blood into a syringe.


Having got out, we are met by hunters - such flying bastards.


Killing them is easy, but annoying. After their destruction, a point will appear on the map - you need to install a beacon on the tower. And so three times. Now our map has a lot of icons. The asterisk is the main mission, just red dots are infected people. We find them and deliver them to the camp - everything is simple.

Then we go home to give the data to the dock.


Then we watch the news.


Then we contact Gwen. The medicine is almost ready. Now we go to Gwen.

We leave for a point on the map. It is a large skyscraper, on the east side of which you can find a hole with a poisonous formation.


We pass into it and start the mission. We are back in the tower where we started the game. We lay out the protection. Then we go straight and fight again. To go further, you need to destroy the generator, which will open the power barrier.



At the end we reach the ventilation hatch. Then we crawl and reach a strange place. We fight with spider robots.


We need to throw the robots into the generator behind the barrier.


They can fly through it. So we clear our way and run forward. We run along the corridors of OSCORP. We reach the familiar panel and use it.


Then we jump into the free window. In the next. In the room, we again use the panel, also into the open window and go further. Then the familiar fans.


We get to the panel again, use it in the window as well. In the room we destroy the turrets and run further. Cut scene. Met with Gwen and gave her the antidote. Unfortunately, the antidote wasn't exactly the antidote. The dude's legs were taken away.


We leave here. We are looking for a way out ourselves. To begin with, we jump into the shaft from the elevator, as in the screenshot.


And then we crawl upstairs. The path will be blocked by annoying spiders, but we will easily decompose them. After a little running around, a lizard will be waiting for us in the corridor. It does not cause any difficulties. Just tenacious, an infection.


A huge robot bursts out of the building. It resembles a worm. We dodge his lasers.


Then we shoot at the blue circle on the side.


After which it will disappear for a moment. Now attack the red dot on his back, behind his head.


Then he disappears again and reappears elsewhere. We shoot again, first at the blue dot on the side, and then at the red one on the back. Then a cut-scene. And we're on the roof. We shoot his web at the blue dots that resemble eyes.


We shoot until he falls on the roof, and inflict a fatal blow on the yellow eye, as shown in the screenshot.

First, you will have to complete the story to gain access to all types of collectibles. Most collectibles are locked at the start of the game and will open gradually as the story progresses. After the plot, you will have access to everything.

To complete each area 100%, you must complete all side missions and collect all collectibles. All of them are marked on the map after breaking the Observation System Towers. These towers will be marked on the map by default after completing the first few missions. Hence, there is no need for a collectibles guide. Just hack all the towers and the items will appear on the map. You can collect / go through everything after the story.

There are 9 districts in the game: Financial District, Chinatown, Greenwich, Hell's Kitchen, Midtown, Upper West Side, Central Park, Upper East Side, Harlem.

There are 358 collectibles / side activities in total in the game, divided into 15 categories:

55 backpacks: We get to them and click to pick them up.

16 side quests: Most of them open as you progress through the story, and some are quest lines that consist of several side quests that open one after another. The quest line with students is the only side tasks, for the solution of which you need to find the right place not by the marker on the map, but by the photograph of the place, but in general it is not very difficult. In all other tasks there are markers, and you do not have to run around the city and look for where to go.

47 points of interest: Find a point of interest and then tap to use the camera. Use to hover over the attraction and click to take a picture.

6 Fisk Caches: Defeat all enemies in secret places. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

5 Demon Warehouses: Defeat all enemies in the warehouses. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

4 checkpoints Sobol: Defeat all enemies at the checkpoints. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

4 prison camps: Defeat all enemies in the camps. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

17 scientific stations: These are unique mini-quests. Enter the science stations and use the display inside to activate the task. You will receive a task and they will tell you how to complete it (usually with markers on the map). The last Science Station will only be available on the Upper West Side after you complete the quests in everyone else. Passed stations are marked with a green check mark next to the icon on the map. If you just visited them (but did not go through), then next to the station icon there will be only two green arrows, indicating the ability to quickly move to this station. Science stations can be tracked through the quest menu.

11 mysteries of the Black Cat: You are required to photograph the hidden doll-cats and this is the only "difficult" kind of collectibles. Watch the video guide to find out their locations.

12 pigeons: To unlock the pigeons, you must complete the Helping Howard side quest in Chinatown. To catch pigeons during a chase, you need to get as close to them as possible and then press + to grab.

16 Brigadier Challenges: The game has 4 types of tests - Combat, Stealth, Bomb, Drone. In combat trials, you need to defeat enemies as quickly as possible. In Stealth Challenges, you need to take out all enemies as quickly as possible without raising an alarm. In bombs, you need to defuse the bombs as quickly as possible. In missions with a drone, you need to follow the drone and go through the control points that he leaves behind him and do it as quickly as possible. You don't need to get the highest score for completing challenges. For 100% passage of the area, it is enough to get the minimum number of points for bronze (amazing level). In order to unlock all the costumes, you need to try to get silver in most of the challenges. After passing all the tests, the Brigadier will appear to fight with you.

45 crimes of bandits:

40 Demon Crimes: watch the crimes of Sable.

40 crimes of prisoners: watch the crimes of Sable.

40 Crimes of Sable: Crimes are randomly generated events that appear 300-1000 meters, traversed within the same area (approximately every 30-60 seconds). Just fly around the area and they will appear. It does not matter if you have cleared the enemy bases in the area, as it has nothing to do with these types of tasks. After you have completed crimes of one type, only crimes of other factions will appear in the area. This means that you do not have to fly around the area to wait for the crimes of the desired factions. Thanks to the developers for saving us from unnecessary grinding.


Go to P.I.R., talk to Aunt May, and then on the news you will see a message about the attack of criminals. You will be credited with another 500 experience points.


Fight the prisoners first. They are poorly armed and rather weak, so there should be no problems. Over time, you will encounter even more fugitives. After a long battle, you learn that the prisoners are trying to steal the helicopter. Try to stop them, which will lead to the appearance of Electro. Soon you will find yourself in another part of the prison.

Escaped prisoners.

Here you will have to fight the next enemy wave. It is a great idea to use an electric web, since there are really a lot of enemies. When the crowd has calmed down, go to the door and open it. This time you will meet the Rhino. One by one, all known opponents of Spider-Man will join the battle. Run after your opponents and follow through the damaged door to meet Scorpio. Again, you will have to defeat the crowd of prisoners.

Follow the marker and run up to the wall. Follow through the hole and catch up with the fleeing Electro. When you catch him, the next criminal will appear - the Vulture. Accelerate in pursuit of the enemy and enter the warehouse. Avoid electrical shocks and move upward. At the top, you will see a scene with Vulture, Electro, Rhino, Scorpio and Mister Negative, united under the leadership of Dr. Octopus. Spider-Man will be defeated, the mission will be completed, and you will receive 4000 experience points.

... yes into the fire

Approach the nearest target to find Electro attacking a police skyscraper and locking everyone inside. Start dealing with the smaller enemies attacking Peter. Use your web to destroy the transformer. Move to the next skyscraper and repeat the previous steps. You will have to visit several buildings, defeat groups of opponents and destroy transformers. The last device is attached to the helicopter. Destroy him as soon as he is in the radius of destruction.

It looks like the police are being attacked by new enemies. Deal with them quickly to find a Rhino nearby. Go to the indicated location and watch the cut-scene. After that, you can fight the prisoners. Several barricades are marked on the map that need to be cleared of criminals.

As soon as you get to the top of the building, you will be attacked by Sable mercenaries. Enemies use jetpacks, so it's best to get close to them first and then quickly eliminate them. Opponents are vulnerable to your gadgets. As soon as you deal with the threat, you will hear a phone call from Mary Jane. P.I.R. building engulfed in flames. Hurry there to rescue Aunt May and Miles. When you reach your destination, a video will start. In the end, Peter manages to save his friends. The mission will end, and you will be awarded 5000 experience points.

On the trail

Go to the marker on the map to start the quest. Move to the plate on the ground, rotate it and begin testing the substance. You need to find a sample that will help identify a given substance. The screenshot below shows the solution to this puzzle.

Puzzle solution.

Start scanning the area and follow the trail of the substance. You will reach the ventilation shaft. Use it to enter the building. Use cobwebs to shoot the electrical panels to discover the villains' hideout. You can study their tables to find out about the motives and reasons for teaming up with Dr. Octopus.

Now go to the map on the chest and examine it. Then locate and charge the electrical box to activate the UV lamp. Return to the map and see the hidden plans of the criminals. Look at all the X's and Peter will take notes of everything he sees. After that, go to the box located on the chest with the inscription Icarus.

Battle against Vulture and Electro

You will be captured by the Vulture, after which the fight against Electro will begin. Rotate around the enemy and dodge attacks. Use web shooters to stun your opponent, then damage them by clicking on the triangle. The villain will go to the transformers. Find them and quickly destroy them with the help of the web.

When you deal with Electro, the Vulture will appear. Avoid charged attacks of the enemy and attack on the "triangle". After that, move away from the boss. The vulture will use its mechanical feathers. Catch them and throw them back at the villain to stun him. After that, Electro and Vulture will join forces.

The enemy's combat tactics are similar. The only problem is that you have to avoid attacks from both enemies at the same time. We recommend focusing on the Vulture, as its attacks are easy to dodge, and the boss itself will be disarmed after a few hits. As for Electro, it can be destroyed quickly with web shooters.

After a while, a QTE sequence awaits you. Next, watch the cut-scene and fight the evil duo again. Repeat the steps and you will soon be successful. The mission will end, the villains will be returned to prison, and you will earn 5000 experience points.

Poisonous streets

After being bitten, Spider-Man will suffer from hallucinations. The whole city will be transformed. You need to avoid poison on the streets and move around with the cobwebs. Proceed to the top of the building for Peter to start analyzing the substance. Below is a screenshot of the correctly selected template. Move forward and see the landscapes of New York, swallowed by poisonous rivers. Go to the greenhouse, inside which Peter's condition will only get worse.

The template you want.

You seem to be in a world created by Peter's mind. Dr. Octavius ​​is also here. Follow the scientist using spider webs and parkour. Eventually, you will be able to reach the plant you are looking for - this is one of the ingredients in the antidote.

You will return to New York. Again, use the cobweb to get to the science station. Peter's condition gets worse and worse, you will begin to see giant stings trying to throw the hero into a poisonous cloud. Avoid any attacks and move to the indicated location. Soon you will find yourself in a new world created by Parker's mind. This time it will be dark time days. Follow Dr. Otto and click on L2 and R2 to go through the tunnel. But the other side needs to climb the wall and demonstrate parkour skills. If necessary, use the spider webs to get to the next part of the road.

You will soon reach the remedy. Take it and return to "reality." Move around the city dodging scorpion stings. Get to the indicated location.

You will find yourself in another unreal world, but this time with Scorpio. Your opponent jumps over objects and attacks with quick lunges. Avoid poisonous shots and use gadgets to stun enemies. Having won, move on. This time you will have to fight a group of scorpions.

Focus on attacking individual enemies and quickly neutralize them with electric webs and finishing moves. When all copies are destroyed, Parker will come to his senses and wake up in the laboratory. Exit the building to complete the mission and earn 5000 experience points.


Go to the P.I.R. building. and receive a phone call from Miles, who will tell you about the events taking place. You will be managing a teenager. Go forward and break the lamps. Then follow to the right and pass by the enemy, who has turned his back on you. Follow through the glass and go through the hole in the wall. Examine medical supplies. Unfortunately, there is nothing interesting here. Launch the drone and follow the guard on the right, moving through the boxes. Hack another device and distract the criminal's attention. Then move left. Get to the crates and fire up a new device to pave the way forward. Run to the yellow marker.

Again, you will need a hack to unlock the path further. Run to the tent and examine the medications. Unfortunately, this is again not enough for the residents of P.I.R. Approach the barricade and activate the drone on the left. Look at the glass and the sniper as you continue forward until you reach a destroyed car. Browse through another medical kit to find the items you want. Unfortunately, the joy will not last long as the Rhino appears here.

Move forward and hide behind the boxes. Activate the lanterns using your hacking skills and go through the hatch near the villain. Wait until the Rhino leaves and then get out of the hatch. You have to jump to the boxes, and from there to the other side.

The rhino will start throwing boxes around. Wait for him to follow a different path, and then get closer to him. Wait for him to move away and run forward as fast as you can. Follow the container, go through it and continue on your way. Jump down and head straight into the tunnel. Wait until the Rhino is busy, then leave the tunnel. The villain will smash everything in his path. Lure him to the right corner. Navigate to the specified container. Turn on the radio to make the villain move away from the entrance. When the Rhino runs alongside, then follow to the exit. There will start a cutscene that concludes the chapter and grants you 5000 experience points.


You will start a battle against the Rhino. As you might have guessed, the enemy mainly relies on its ramming attack. Your task is to lure him for objects that can be shot down using web shooters. The game will make your task easier by slowing down time (on the standard difficulty level), which will allow you to aim at an object. After the fall of the object, the Rhino will be vulnerable. Click on the "triangle" to inflict damage on the villain.

Repeat the steps several times until the Scorpio appears. Remember the scene when you fought several Scorpions? He has the same approach to attacks. The second boss is very fast, constantly interfering with you. Concentrate on using the web and stunning the enemy.

You can easily dodge the Rhino's attacks, so focus on the Scorpio. Electric web and quick dodges with combo attacks will do the trick. Do not forget that you can use webs to move around the arena and dodge attacks. As soon as you kill one of the bosses, then take care of the other.

After the victory, you will be rewarded with a cutscene with the conclusion of another couple of villains, as well as 5000 experience points.

Come visit…

Start the task by going to the yellow marker. Mary Jane will meet several groups of anxious people. Talk to them and ask them to act. After a few dialogs, a guard will appear. Make your way behind him and enter the open door. Keep walking forward and pick up the taser. It will be useful to you in this task, since it will allow you to stun opponents when you manage to get close to them from behind. Try to find a guard nearby and attack him.

Hide behind the trash can and use the sensor to attract the attention of the Sable mercenary. Stun him and keep moving. Enter the room with monitors of the security service and disarm another enemy. Go to the computer and activate the elevator.

Go through the door and enter the room with people. Wait for Osborn, Silver Sable and their assistants to appear. Take the moment to get into the open elevator, which will allow Mary Jane to enter the unguarded Osborn residence. Once in place, relax and search the rooms. There are many helpful materials here that provide additional information on the game's lore.

Put on the prototype mask and watch the cut-scene. This will reveal the hidden room. Walk up to the painting and press the button. Try using the panel, but you need a special code. Go to the dining table and take the note. You will learn that the lock code is the date when Harry left his house.

There is a locked door nearby - this is Harry's room. To get the key from her, you need to go to Osborn's bedroom, inspect the frame with a photograph of his wife and unfold it. Enter Harry's room and read the magazine to learn about the illness. Sneak to the left and move to the next cover. Wait until the area is clear and head towards the yellow marker. Go to the kitchen and stand in a place where you can monitor the situation in the living room. When the path is clear, then continue to move forward and get to the corridor leading to the elevator.

The right decision.

Wait for the moment when the guard stops and run to the left. Use the code to enter the secret room. Come to the table. You need to set up the blueprint to match the VIP, Oscorp building, and Sable patrol. This will reveal the Devil's Breath laboratory. The solution to the puzzle can be found in the screenshot above. From an important scene, you will learn the truth about Mister Negative's past.

Unfortunately, Mary Jane will make too much noise to catch the Silver Sable's attention. Leave the room and head right. Hide in the elevator corridor and wait for the guard to pass by. Follow the right and enter the dining room. Stun the mercenary and enter the pool room. Inside you will find another guy. You will have to get to the balcony, avoiding the next opponents, where there will be the last enemy available for stunning. Finally, Sable will catch up with Mary J., leaving her with no choice. Peter will appear, who will have time to save the girl. For completing the task, you will receive 5000 experience points.

Essence of the question

The mission will start in a well-guarded location. The first thing you need to do is deal with the snipers, and then with the rest of the opponents. You will face Brutes, whip warriors and other dangerous enemies. After a long battle, several more opponents will appear, this time - Sable mercenaries. Use gadgets and cobwebs to deal with them. After the fight, enter the building and chase Martin Lee.

Follow the trail of demonic energy, jump down and find your opponent. He teleports to another dimension. Review the different visions. Eventually, you will arrive at a photo of Lee's parents that will bring you back to reality. It's time to play with Mister Negative. The boss will use a sword that he wields perfectly. Plus, it will charge up energy and shoot at you. Throw monitors at him and wait for the moment when the weakened Li falls to the ground. Take advantage of this to inflict damage on the enemy by clicking on the "triangle".

The battle takes place according to a certain scheme, in accordance with which you need to perform several QTE-actions. Rely on dodges and try to attack the moment the enemy completes their hit combo. Once again, you will find yourself in another dimension. Kill the mobs and return to Martin. He will use the same techniques, but a new one will appear - beware of his jumps and move with the help of the web.

The biggest problem can be the large number of ghosts. Try to deal with them first using gadgets or special features of the suit. Hold out this part of the fight, using the web, and wait for the moment when Lee weakens. A long cut-scene awaits you after the battle. Doctor Octopus will join the battle and defeat Peter again. After resting at P.I.R. main character will prepare for the final battle. The reward for completing this quest will be 5500 experience points.

Pax in bello

Head to the lab for a cutscene in which Peter creates a new suit designed to destroy Octavius. The boss will be a really tough challenge for you. If you do not use the tactics described below, then it will be quite difficult to defeat him.

When the battle begins, then do your best to constantly move around the battle arena using the web. If you stay on the ground, the enemy will get close to Peter and start a series of quick strikes, causing massive damage. If you stay at the top, he will grab metal objects and throw them in your direction. Catch them and throw them back at the boss, which will stun him, allowing you to inflict damage by clicking on the "triangle".

The tactics are simple, effective and provide an additional bonus - successful rolls restore concentration, which can be used to restore HP. After a while, the boss, who has lost his strength, will climb onto the transmitter. Start shooting him. Repeat the cycle, including moving around the area on the cobweb. Eventually, a cut-scene will start and the battle will move to the outside of the skyscraper. Dodge the Octopus hits. After beating each other, you will see lengthy and, as always, dramatic cutscenes.

It remains to congratulate you on successful passage The main storyline of Marvel's Spider-Man. Marvel continues to live up to its tradition, so wait until the credits end to watch two secret scenes heralding the emergence of Spider-Man's new enemy, the Green Goblin.

Now you can continue exploring the city and performing side effects... From now on you can visit all scientific sites. In addition, for completing the last mission, you will be awarded 5500 experience points.

Superhero action-adventure game from Insomniac studio.

The game will give us the opportunity to feel like Peter Parker, who has already mastered his unusual power and succeeded in the fight against crime. Both acquaintances and new villains will appear on your way, of course, you will have to sweat a lot so that the city is no longer threatened.

Passing the main tasks

The first story mission is to familiarize players with movement around the city and participate in local battles.

Clear the way

The game Marvel's Spider Man begins with the movement of Spider-Man through the city of New York on the web. The main character's help was required in Times Square. The men of the head of the underworld of the city of Wilson Fisk blocked the passage to the square. This disturbs the police officers. As soon as the superhero is on the square, he will have to face the bandits and the fight with them is definitely inevitable. For battle, you can use the following techniques:

  • Light blows;
  • Throwing a bandit into the air;
  • The spider's kick knocks the enemy out immediately;
  • Using interactive objects outdoors;
  • Gadgets.

Main event

After getting out of the elevator shaft, the spider needs to pull himself up to the balcony on the floor above. Here a new group of opponents will be waiting for him. After a showdown with the bandits, Spider-Man gets to the floor above, where in the server room Fisk's people are trying to destroy dirt on him. To prevent this, you will have to move along the ventilation pipe.

The spider attacks the bandits and eliminates them. After that, he has a conversation with Fisk. Before removing the compromising material on the gang leader, Spider Man copies the data to his flash drive and Wilson doesn't like it. And almost immediately after the end of the copying, another group of armed criminals will appear in the server room.

Fisk will hide behind a thick layer of glass. He will point two turrets at the spider. And it is important to avoid the crossfire, after which the fight with Fisk begins directly. The victory of the superhero will bring several punches to the face of the leader of the underworld. After completing the mission, 4100 experience points are credited.

My job is ALL different

The next mission is related to another work of Peter Parker. The main character, in addition to saving the city, is also engaged in scientific activities and moonlights in the laboratory. On the day of the fight with Fisk, he goes through the subsidy commission. Peter is already late. On the rooftop, he changes into a lab coat and helps his boss conduct an experiment. It failed and the device had to be turned off due to a malfunction.

While the chief is communicating with the commission, players can view the laboratory. Particular attention should be paid to a defective prosthesis. A mini-game awaits you here. When the equipment can be started, it is possible to analyze the substance that the boss used for the experiment. The player gets 250 experience points.

Guarding the world

In this part, we get to know the basics of the open world and side activities. After the lab, Peter will be contacted by Yuuri Watanabe and asked to meet on the roof of the police station in Chinatown. Here the hero learns about the failure of all Oscorp towers.

He has to restore the work of the towers. This can be done using the next mini-game.
There will be a wave of unnecessary criminal activities in the city. After that, you can go to the third tower in the city, for the repair of which 2500 points are awarded.

Old and new

In this mission, Spider-Man updates his wardrobe. The damaged suit is replaced with a new one. After fixing three towers, Peter notices that his suit is damaged. Tools for fixing it are in the laboratory. Here you can also create a new spider armor. For the passage, players receive 250 experience points.

Fisk's stash

In this mission, you can familiarize yourself with one more item of optional tasks. A man receives a request from Yuri Watanabe to check one of the construction sites nearby. This could be Wilson Fisk's new way of criminal activity. And indeed it is. At the construction site there are a lot of armed people who do not look like builders.

The hero will have to eliminate the bandits at the construction site, for which 2500 experience points are awarded.


In this mission, the protagonist goes on a sightseeing tour of New York City. To improve the side activity scanner, Spider-Man takes pictures of the symbols of the city. The first is the Empire State Building. After the skyscraper, other sights open up. For passing e, tokens for improving the costume and 250 experience points are issued.

Very good friend

In this mission, Peter Parker will take part in congratulating his aunt. After sightseeing, he will be contacted by the owner of the PIR Homeless Shelter. He asks for a meeting, but while there is time, you can do small tasks.

After his second call, go to the roof of the shelter. While visiting the establishment, communicate with the guests of "P.I.R." For completing the mission, 250 experience points are awarded.

Do not touch exhibits with your hands

This mission will introduce you to the basics of stealth, as well as new characters and enemy factions. At a Fisk sale, the manager was surrounded by bandits who held him at gunpoint. Spider-Man needs to crawl through the ventilation and find the grate.
Jump down to the floor beam in front of you and get the guard's attention. He will be closer, he can be neutralized with the help of a web. Next, crawl along the ventilation until you see another enemy. After dealing with them, jump down.

The next enemy can be attacked from behind to neutralize. Then go back to the ventilation through which you need to get into the storage room.
There will be two bandits below. You will need to separate them. Here in the arena there will be a camera belonging to Peter Parker's ex-girlfriend Mary Jane. She will tell you how she ended up in this place.

Controlling MJ, follow the manager who will show you everything and take pictures of the surrounding objects. During such an excursion, the manager will refuse to answer provocative questions... The journalist sneaks into the office, where the cherished statue is located. Also Em Jane finds a folder with documents "Devil's Breath". Now you need to control the Spider to eliminate the enemy forces.

All the bandits of the mission are in demonic masks, one of which the main character takes for himself. Peter invites Mary Jane to a business meeting at a cafe. After completing the mission, 2750 experience points are awarded.

Shocking return

In this story mission, Spider-Man tries to catch up with his old enemy, Hermann Schultz. After the battle with the demons, the main character will not have a rest, because his longtime enemy Herman Schultz has appeared in the city, who organized a robbery in the center of New York.

It will be possible to overtake the fleeing Shocker, but during the chase the criminal will begin to shoot back. And in order not to get hit by bullets, you need to dodge. Spider-Man immobilizes an enemy until the police arrive. For completing the mission, 2500 experience points are awarded.


In this part of the game, Spider-Man has to find out the origin of the demonic mask. After a showdown with Shocker, Peter Parker heads to the owner of a homeless shelter, who spends his evenings on the roof to figure out the origins of the demonic mask.
The art critic did not tell Peter anything about the mask, but asked him to be careful. And he manages to draw two conclusions:

  • Martin Lee (owner of the shelter) doesn't say something;
  • The symbol on the mask stands for "demon".
  • For the completion of the mission, 1500 experience is awarded.

Unforgetable day

During this mission, Spider-Man will be left without his daily work. Norman Osborne, who is the city's mayor, came to the lab to greet Parker and collect his boss's equipment. This means that Peter will no longer have income in this job. After the end of the mission, experience is awarded 250 points.

Harry's Favorite Project

In this mission, Spider-Man meets Harry Osborne's science stations. After losing his income, Peter thinks about the stations of his friend Harry, which could benefit the city. One of them is located not far from his former place of work.

After getting inside, learn about how the station works. With its help, Spider-Man will have to collect samples of New York air pollution for analysis. As a result of this procedure, it turns out that hydrocarbon contamination appears from two types of machines and a faulty chimney.

Cars do not stand still, but move, but you only need to take a photo of them. You will also need a photograph of the factory chimney.

After completing the mission, players receive two science tokens and 100 experience points.

Financial shock

In this mission, after getting out of prison, Shocker tries to rob a bank. After the hero tried to cope with the problem of smog in the city, the policeman informs him that Shocker is free again. Spider-man has to go to the bank, which is trying to rob a fugitive.
Shocker releases vibrational waves.

Neither x must be avoided. Otherwise, you can be knocked down and lose a lot of health. And with the help of the "Combat concentration" option, you can restore it. Shocker will make attacks several times, then make a dash and explode. At this time, it is better to stay away from the explosion site. After such a jerk, Shocker will want to rest, and this is the time to strike.

After a series of Spider strikes, the boss will again surround himself with a protective field, but at the same time the battle arena will be cleared, which will allow Spider-Man to move around it freely.

And the more he moves, the less chance he has to fall under enemy attacks. Sooner or later, the boss will get tired and he can be defeated by dumping two columns in the arena on him. For completing the mission, 2500 experience is awarded.

Tangled ball

During Fisk's absence, a gang of demons decided to attack the possessions of one of the city's crime bosses. It is within the framework of this mission that the main character will meet a new brave police officer and will again fight with old acquaintances. After arriving at the scene, Spider-Man notices Fisk's armed men, who are guarding something for a reason, and you need to find out what exactly. This will require the elimination of snipers. Then you need to kill the rest of the security, which is fashionable to handle manually.

After the battle, the police will drive up to the scene. In the car there will be officer Jefferson Davis, who will have to enter the territory with the help of an emergency entrance to enter the territory.

Next, you need to follow the policeman. Eventually, you will come to a container that will not open until the door is powered back. After opening such a cache, the officer will conclude that there is another similar one. It turned out to be like this. Another cache is located on the second floor. The policeman himself will not be able to get there and you will have to drag the non-working elevator to the floor.

To open the container, you will have to look for an electrical panel. It is located behind a running fan. The cache uses a double scheme and you need to look for another shield, which will appear if you lift an idle elevator on the first floor with the help of a web. After such actions, the basement will be opened, where you will have to follow along with the policeman.

So the main character ends up in an armory, which the demons have already robbed. But Spider-Man manages to stop one of their wagons. Only one demon from the truck will survive, he will sit behind the wheel and leave. But the main character will try to catch up with him. And when the truck heads straight for Spider-Man, Officer Davis will save him. After the cutscene, the police officer meets Em Jane and is awarded 2500 experience points.

Home Sweet Home

After a difficult night, Peter decides to go home to rest, but discovers that he was evicted from the apartment for non-payment of rent, and things ended up in the trash can, including a flash drive over the years. research work... But after rummaging in the box, he goes to the municipal garage, where a garbage truck could arrive, taking his things. After searching the car, Peter will not find his belongings. But there is another garbage truck that may be in the western China Town area. Before unloading, employees sometimes stop by Leo's Pizzeria.

There are two garbage trucks nearby. There were no things in them. There is only one last hope for an incinerator. Here the scavenger is beaten by hooligans. You need to deal with them and take your things. After that, the best solution would be to go to sleep with Mary Jane. For passing the level, 2500 experience is awarded.


At this level, Spider-Man learns that one of his acquaintances has returned to the city. An attempt to find an overnight stay at Peter's was unsuccessful. And therefore, when an old acquaintance on the phone asked to go to one address, he did not refuse. He was invited to the roof of a building in Greenwich by the Black Cat. You need to find a small figure nearby. Spider-Man takes pictures of her and sends the pictures to the police. After completing the mission, 250 experience points are awarded.

Finding an overnight stay

Peter goes to extreme lengths to find an overnight stay. During another small assignment, Peter Parker still tries to find a place to sleep. And for this he goes to work with his aunt in the "PIR" orphanage. She invites him to sit on a couch in her office.

In the morning, the hero discovers several hundred dollars that Aunt May lent him. During their conversation, Martin Lee will appear, who will report that he is leaving the city for personal reasons. In the next missions, the hero has to find out that he does not finish speaking. For completing the mission, 250 experience is awarded.

Straw and camel

This mission is dedicated to the fact that the hero will be engaged in the rescue of Fisk's people. On the morning after a difficult night, Spider-Man will be contacted by police officer Jefferson Davis, who will inform you that a gang of demons will appear on one of Fisk's construction sites. After arriving at the scene, the hero will see a Consolidated Shipping truck driving off.

After the battle with the demons, one of Fisk's builders will appear on the way of the protagonist, whom the Spider will hang upside down, and at the moment when the employer calls him, he will pick up the phone. Spider-Man will ask Fisk to tell who is at the head of the demons. But in exchange for this information, he will have to free his people from the attack of demons.

There are marked points at the construction site where you need to free Fisk's minions. After rescuing all six employees, Spider-Man will contact him. He did not disclose the identity of the leader, but asked to go to the roof. There will be a helicopter. The hero tried to stop him, but made the situation worse. Players need to click on the buttons that appear on the screen.

After approaching the helicopter, Spider-Man will knock out of his cockpit everyone except the leader of the Demons. It is necessary to disable two engines of the aircraft. For the completion of the mission, 2500 experience points are given.

And the award goes to ...

Officer Davis is being awarded on the square. During his speech on the phone, Norman Osborne is threatened by someone. And in a minute, the ceremony turns into hell. In the crowd, there were death demons along with their leader. After the cutscene, the officer's son Miles Morales will be in charge. Find his mother in the crowd. Make an effort to pull it out from under the beam. Now you need to find your father.

You need to move carefully so that the demons do not notice him. In the cutscene, Miles finds himself on the verge of death, but he is rescued by the organizer of this crime, Martin Lee. Next will be a cutscene with the funeral of Officer Davis.

After passing this level, 3000 experience points are awarded.

Dual purpose

At this level, the hero learns about the activities of Consolidated Shipping and meets the head of Sable International. A week after the accident, Mary Jane told Spider-Man that Lee bought up shares in a recycling company last year. Most likely, the building of the company belongs to the Demons.

The hero goes there, and sees many demons and a brute in the yard. Better not to fight them. We deal with three bandits in the first half of the yard and two near the truck.

It is required to enter the building, but the door is locked. To open it, you need to find four electrical panels and restart it.

After reloading them, the hero goes to the reload center. By ventilation you can get to the main office. The scene contains a map of the gang's operations. Next, the hero goes to the Consolidated Shipping office. Here a new gadget appears, a booby trap, which immobilizes enemies. It will not be difficult to deal with the bandits in the yard. After you've entered the company building, examine the map. She will help open access to the warehouses of demons. Pay attention to the check from the Rider on the Pale Horse car dealership.

Get out. After fighting the enemies, the hero learns that the mayor has summoned the Sable International army, led by the Silver Sable himself.
After this mission, 3000 experience is credited.

Secret plans

The hero has to learn about the true intentions of Martin Lee. Pi ter decides to ransack Lee's office. But before that, he recommends that his aunt hire Miles, and also help her clean up the shelter.

Then we penetrate into Martin's office. There are many objects, consider them. There is a key between the pages of the magazine in the office. It must be inserted into the karma of the picture that hides the Yin-Yang sign. To solve the secret of Martin, you need to solve a puzzle.

After that, the trap will be triggered. You need to protect yourself from her and get out of the office. After completing the mission, 3000 experience is credited.

New stage

The ex-boss will contact Peter. He immediately goes to the laboratory, but is in no hurry to approach the chief, wanting to look around and find out what his boss is up to. Then you need to go to him. He said that Norman was his friend, but the act he committed ruined everything and now he wants to fix the invention of his mentor. Peter helps him. Solve the puzzle to fix the denture. For passing the level, 3000 experience is awarded.

Dinner date

After the lab, Peter rushes to Mary Jane's for dinner. She had previously visited the Pale Horse Rider car dealership where she found many aggressive bikers.
You need to manage MJ. Make your way to the main office using new techniques. Use tools to distract bikers. Move carefully to get to the office.

Take pictures of the APC. Examine the GPS sensors on the table. The girl got out of the room. At this time, a message appears about the burglary of the apartment of Oscorp CFO Charles Standish. 3000 experience is awarded for this mission.


The hero hurries to the house of Charles Standish, where the police are already fighting demons. You need to rush into the battle. Get inside the building through the garage. There will be demons on the way. Fight them. We fall into a mine with four sections, on each of them we cope with enemies and get to the last one. We move through ventilation to the penthouse. There will be many demons on the way to find director Ozcorp's house. We cope with them and take Charles Standish out of the building. For the completion of the mission, 3000 experience is awarded.

What is in the box?

After the mission to rescue Ozcorp's findirector, Spider will be contacted by the Police Captain with a request to inspect the box in Hell's Kitchen. After opening the box, a stranger appears in front of the hero, who asks him to go through a small task to test his skills. You can earn tokens for completing challenges.

Back to school

In this mission, the hero finds himself at a student costume party. After the first test, Mary Jane will share with Peter pictures of university professors in costumes of the main enemies of the Spider.

Go to a party. There will be several opponents here. It will not be difficult to deal with them, but the dim lights at the party will bring difficulties. We need to get to Dr. Dylani, who has already been brainwashed by Martin Lee, learned the names of Oscorp employees and forced him to commit suicide. Further, a few more enemies will get to the place, which must be dealt with. For the completion of the mission, 3000 points are awarded.

Spider hack

Spider-Man needs to get to Norman Osborn's office and inquire about the Devil's Breath Project. You can get there through a small ventilation grill. To penetrate, first turn off the security system.

Once you reach your office, read the information about the Devil's Breath project on your computer screen. It is used to treat genetic diseases.

Morgan Michaels carries the only sample on the project. For the completion of the mission, 3000 experience is awarded.

Without an invitation

Mary Jane decides to infiltrate Sable's secure base. Spider-Man comes to the rescue when a journalist is at gunpoint. She was trying to make her way to the tent where the findirector of Ozcorp had entered. She is organizing a sabotage to distract the bandits. She photographs along the way of places where demons can hold their hostages. After some time, MJ will be in a tent, where Standish will point a pistol at her. He will tell you that tomorrow Michaels will be transferred from one shelter to another.

He also mentions the plans of the demons. 3000 points are awarded for the mission.

Strong bonds

After a while, Peter will be contacted by Otto, who is ready to test his prosthesis. The hero hurries to the laboratory, where he will play several mini-games. They are needed to fix the prototype. Otto advises looking at a magazine with an interesting article in his office before leaving. After this mission, 500 points are awarded.

First day

Peter was to visit him on Miles's first day on the job. He found himself in an enemy trap. The hero helped him. After Spider-Man saved him, he went to his new workplace... Next, you have to manage Miles. He will be contacted by a friend who will remind him that their joint invention may be of interest to the Spider. You need to get to the bazaar, where there will be a long line, but there is no time to wait. And in order to get to work on time, he has to get there, bypassing the guards. At work, Peter Parker will be waiting for him for instructions. After the mission, 3000 experience is added.

Conflict of interest

We need to keep Michaels and Devil's Breath out of the demons. Sable agents must transport Michaels to the new hideout. After the scientist is in the car, the Demon APC will appear nearby. It is necessary to catch up and stop the APC, otherwise the development of Michaels will go to the enemies. Before you can catch Lee, you need to deal with the bandits on the way.

Mister Negative will be in the cockpit of one of the cars. With him and have to fight in the end after the fight with his minions. However, after his defeat, only Michaels will be found in the Man Pak cockpit. His developments and projects will no longer exist. For completing the level, you will receive 3000 experience points.

The one who hid

In this mission, you have to thwart Martin Lee's plans at Grand Central Station. Spider-Man after the previous mission decides to catch Martin Lee. He calls MJ, but she is at Grand Central, where the Ozcorp exhibit is being held. Mary Jane decides to contact Spider when the terrorists show up. They demand that the mayor of the city come here.

Spider-Man arrives at the scene and gains access to M.J. Once she is freed from demonic observation, take control of her. While moving in the indicated direction, she will use the tablet, which was stolen to disable the drones. After that, the heroes need to act together and get to the bomb next to the hostages.

And while Martin Lee's henchmen are distracted by Spider-Man, Mary Jane will have to defuse the bomb. There will be a small logic game here. A gang of demons will not be difficult to cope with. However, the main battle of the hero will be with Mister Negative. There will be several rounds of confrontation. As a result, the Negative mission will end up in prison, and 3500 experience will be awarded for it.


Peter Parker will witness a breakthrough in his boss's case. After the showdown with Martin Lee Negative, Peter will return to his main job. Returning to the laboratory, he will witness his boss's breakthrough. During inspection new version Peter's inventions will reveal several problems that need to be fixed. For this, there will be several mini-games at this level.

After fixing the defects, Peter will indicate the insecurity of the device, which will anger his boss. But he will listen to the words of the hero. You will receive 500 points for the mission.

How to find all distorted students

Students are in several locations. To search, you need to complete the following tasks:
1. Classmates
There is a home in the South of the Financial District where students can be found.
2. Tick-Tock
In this assignment, students can be found under a bridge in east Harlem.
3. Overhead
Students are to be found in the central part of the park on the Upper East Side.
4. Topic for discussion
There are also students in the East Quarter of the Financial District, but fire trucks can be a guide for finding them.
5. Home victory
After completing this task, you must go to Greenwich not far from this place. There will be distorted students.

After finding all the corrupted students, you receive the Cruel Lesson trophy.

Network unavailable

Spider-Man helps a police officer deal with the jammer. For completing this side quest, players receive: 1500 experience points. It is available after the main mission "Guarding the World".

In the financial district, an engineer is waiting on the roof of the Spider-Man police station, who informs the hero that someone is jamming the signal using a jammer. There will be a sensor on the left side of the screen that you need to monitor closely. It will show you how much distance you need to cover to the next signal jammer.

The generators are located on the rooftops of high-rise buildings, and they are closely guarded by Fisk's men. In this mission, you should not rely on stealth mode due to the relief of the battle arenas. Bandits from the edge can be quietly removed, but others can notice it too.

First of all, you need to get rid of the shooters. And it should be noted that here enemies can be thrown down without any problems. To do this, you can use the shock web. When you start looking for and turning off the generator on the second building, first remove the sniper on the roof of the neighboring building. After eliminating all enemies, you can turn off the jammers. After that, you will receive a message that illegal actions have been noticed at the local docks and you need to go there.

After arriving at the docks, you can notice that there are Fisk's bandits, of which there are no more than 10 people so far. They can be easily dealt with by distracting their attention with web shots.

After clearing the area of ​​enemies, you will notice a helicopter. Fisk's men wanted to get their boss out of jail by disguising themselves as security guards. 4 more trucks with Fisk's thugs will drive up.

We'll have to fight them. At the same time, it is very important not to lose concentration and dodge their blows in time. Use finishing skills, suit capabilities, handy items and gadgets.

After the battle, the building will be cordoned off by the police. And the engineer will not tell anyone that Spider-Man is breaking into security towers.

Spider-Man is a private detective

This activity focuses on how suspicion of infidelity leads to the disclosure of a potential crime.

In Madison Square, Spider-Man meets a girl named Carmen, who says that her husband, Rodrigo, is behaving strangely. She suspects him of infidelity because he is dating some woman today. The hero takes on this matter.

When Spider arrived at the meeting point, he noticed that the lady was blackmailing Rodrigo. Spiderman takes a picture of her. After the conversation, she leaves by taxi. Under the flyover, a lady will meet a man in a tracksuit. And you need to get comfortable to take a photo of him. With the pictures, the hero goes to Carmen, who recognizes that man as an old friend of Rodrigo Deschon. He was recently released from prison.

We need to keep an eye on Deshawn. He will be on the seventh floor of the building, where he will study the casino robbery plan. It is necessary at this time to photograph the scheme of the gambling establishment. Deshawn and his assistant will have their backs to the hero, but you need to make sure they don't notice him.
When the bandits get into the cars, you need to follow them and eliminate each of them on a first come, first served basis. After completing the task, players receive a reward from Carmen and 1500 experience points.

Fortress storm

Stephanie, who watches birds in Central Park in the evenings, noticed armed men near Belvedere Castle. Spider-Man arrived at the scene and found Fisk's bandits guarding the laptop. Without attracting too much attention, you can get rid of the thugs. After eliminating them, go to the laptop.

But it will not be possible to find out what the bandits were doing with the computer, because the birds stole the flash drive from it. And now we have to catch up with them and pick her up. To do this, you need to get closer to the birds and pull up a pigeon with a flash drive. Then go back to your computer.

Thanks to the device, it became clear that the bandits were trying to infect the park wi-fi with a virus, and the transfer is still in progress and there are only three minutes left before its completion. After talking with Stephanie, find the remaining Fisk men.

Keep none of your enemies near your laptop. After you deal with one group of hackers, disarm the rest. Neutralize all enemies and keep them away from the computer.

After you deal with the enemies, go to Stephanie to protect her from Fisk's men. They rush to her, because they are sure that she is helping Spider-Man.

After dealing with the enemies, talk to Stephanie to receive a reward of 1500 experience points.

Help Howard

After an overnight stay at the "P.I.R." finds Howard's homeless man on the roof. He said that he lost his home and his pigeons. They were released into the wild. And out of 13, only one returned. You need to find the remaining 12 birds. Their location will be shown on the radar of the Spider-Man suit.

A green area will appear on the mini-map, within which each of the birds is located. And as soon as the hero approaches them, they will fly away, leaving a pronounced blue trail. Stay close to the bird so that when the opportunity arises, grab it.

For each bird caught, one scientific token is added. There will be 12 of them in total. And if you catch all the pigeons, you will also receive 1000 experience points.

Spider man

On one of the streets of Harlem, Spider-Man meets the owner of a butcher's shop, who told him that a few minutes ago a hero similar to him saved his daughter. The attack was not far from the theater, where the character is sent.

The place has already been closed by the police. You will have a talk with the policemen and the daughter of the owner of the butcher's shop, examine the robbers. The Spider-like hero went to the fire. In the South, you will see a burnt building, as well as firefighters and a rescued girl. After their complimentary remarks, go to the trash can where the fire extinguisher is. Play a mini-game to find out what is used as a fire extinguishing agent. Then follow the trail of this substance after the impostor. On the road, you will see a guy who has already been beaten up by him. He will say in an offended tone that the deal will take place on the roof.

After hitting the rooftop, you will notice that there will be a lot of drug dealers out there, out of whack. A splash role is activated near the fire escape.

Fisk's mobsters are interested in the Spider-Man doppelganger. You need to fight with them. In the first half of the battle, the impostor will become your assistant. Then you need to act independently, dodging their blows.

For completing the task, 1500 experience is awarded.

Internet star

Spider-Man takes part in an extremely dangerous online show for scanning QR codes. On the roof of one of the houses in Harlem, the hero meets a girl who invites him to take part in a quest invented by a streamer nicknamed Chudila. The task is to create pictures of QR codes that will help to find the location of the kidnapping victim.

The first code is right at the start. To create a snapshot of the second, you will need to choose the correct angle, since it is at the corner of the building. After completing the puzzle, Spider-Man will be attacked by Oddball's minions. The shooters and the bully will try to beat the Spider and must be dealt with. The third QR code is located on two buildings at once.

After that, the hero will be informed about three bombs that are planted nearby. The hero will not be able to neutralize them, but he can make the blow minimal.

After defusing the bombs, get the address of the kidnapped victim. A freak will come out to the hero. She decided to throw a party to celebrate the success of her show, but enemies came to her. You need to deal with them with the help of a web and turn off the brute. Then more bandits will appear. You will also have to fight with them.

Chudila will be arrested. 1500 experience is awarded for the mission.

Headstone: On the Go

After completing the mission "Upstream ..." Mary Jane will contact the hero. She will tell him that she got the transmitter from the Tombstone workshop and is going to take it to Peter Parker's lab. This device can help you find out what the Albino is doing with Alchemax chemicals.

Head to the laboratory where you have to solve a puzzle. With the help of the diagram, it will already be possible to track the location of the Tombstone trucks. After making the tracker, exit the lab and head towards the truck driving through Midtown. Land on the roof and eliminate the driver, then try to stop the vehicle.

After that, you can examine the contents of the truck, but you simply won't be able to do this because of the bikers. Eliminate them. After the battle, you will learn that empty chemical barrels are being transported to trucks. After completing the mission, 1500 experience points are awarded.

Headstone: what is he doing there ...

Visit the Alchemax plant and find out what the enemy Albino is up to. At this place, bikers are engaged in dragging and dropping mysterious cargo. It is best to complete this mission in stealth mode without being noticed.

There are a lot of bandits in the yard of the plant. You need to eliminate them gradually. It is better to first eliminate the two shooters on containers in the corner of the yard. Then you can remove three bikers nearby. Go to the pillar on the east side of the courtyard and eliminate the bikers. And gradually we move to the central part of the courtyard, where we also eliminate enemies. Gradually get close to the truck, eliminating all bikers and shooters. There are yellow barrels next to the truck, examine them. They contain a toxin that made the Tombstone immortal.

Several immortal bikers will appear on the arena. Wait until the effect of the toxin becomes weaker and hit them. The bikers will have inhalers, after the battle, one of which must be examined, and there will be a mini-game. When the Spider finds out what kind of substance is used in such inhalers, he can create an antidote. After completing the task, 1500 experience is awarded.

Headstone: prepared ...

The hero decides to do away with the Tombstone, and the antidote will help him in this. Spider-Man visits the villain Albino's workshop in Central Harlem. There will be a fight between a hero and a biker. He is immortal under the influence of a toxin. Therefore, you first need to wear it out and then introduce an antidote. The headstone strikes hard and hits quickly. Therefore, you need to dodge. And without tactics it is better not to start fighting the enemy. Before the attack, it is better to make shots with an ejector, or throw heavy surrounding objects at it.

Later, the enemy will summon his assistants to the arena. And during such a battle, it is important to carefully look around so as not to fall under their blows. After the defeat of all the villain's henchmen, he will complain of fatigue, and this is a chance to introduce him an antidote. The weakened enemy will use the chain to fight. Dodge his blows. As a result, after the battle, the criminal will be in prison and will not be able to produce drugs. For the mission, 1500 experience points will be awarded.

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