"international godfather" Leonid Minin. So who is this "merchant of death" Viktor Bout? Minin is the head of the Ukrainian mafia in Europe

Today he distributes awards for achievements in the development of culture, not remembering that he made his first capital by buying and reselling stolen cultural property. Today he speaks on behalf of millions of Jews, and once profited from the problems of repatriates. Half a century ago, Boris Fuchsman smuggled diamonds out of the USSR, hiding them in his "secret place". Now, in his ass is a significant part of the Ukrainian economy, which he and his partners once heated for hundreds of millions, and Ukrainian cinema, which he buried with his brother Alexander Rodnyansky.

Nothing is sacred

Boris Fuksman, for obvious reasons, does not like to talk about his past, preferring to remain an “investor and philanthropist” with a short business biography for everyone. Even photographs of his youth have not survived - they say they were removed from the family album by investigators from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the OBKhSS and other bodies that were very interested in Fuchsman. Then he himself avoided cameras, so as not to facilitate the work of the SBU, the FBI and the FSB - until, finally, at an advanced age he legalized himself and frequented social events. Therefore, the main information about the life of Fuchsman in the 20th century is given by the stories of his acquaintances - both associates in business, including criminal, and law enforcement officers chasing him. Let's add: the archives of the Soviet KGB and the East German Stasi (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit) could tell even more about him.

Even the date and place of his birth are disputed. According to a mean biography, Boris Leonidovich Fuksman was born on February 12, 1947 in Kiev. However, according to other sources, this happened a little earlier and in a completely different place: February 10, 1947 in Riga, from where his family later moved to Kiev. The only thing that is certain is that the Fuchsmans were very close to art: dad, Leonid Fuchsman, loved to draw pictures, and even more loved to collect works by other artists. He could not pass on his talent to his son, but he taught not only to understand art, but also to know the price of its objects. He also explained to his son the cost of antiques, which in the future was also very useful to him.

In 1966, nineteen-year-old Borya Fuksman, having somehow evaded three years of military service in the Soviet army (or four years in the navy), entered the Kiev Institute of Trade and Economics (now the National Trade and Economic University). He managed to combine his studies at this rather "thieves" university with another profitable business - fartsovka imported clothes. However, it is worth knowing that Kiev, like other megacities of the USSR, was only a large market for their sales, but they brought goods through cities that had direct wide contact with foreign countries - Moscow and trading ports across the western border. Thus, Boris Fuksman had to establish contacts with old acquaintances of his parents in Riga and start his own in Odessa. As a rule, 9 out of 10 peddlers worked only in one direction: they bought imports from sailors and diplomats, and resold them to Soviet inhabitants who were eager for a “company”. This gave a good "fee" in Soviet rubles, but nothing more. Fuchsman immediately became one of those who worked in the opposite direction. This illegal business was the most dangerous, because it was no longer about speculation, but about the export of valuables, works of art, precious metals and stones from the country, as well as large-scale foreign exchange transactions.

It was said that at first, young Boris Fuksman tried to push antiques to the West, with which the barrels of his relatives Rodnyansky, a well-known Kiev family of hereditary filmmakers of the documentary genre, were packed. Its patriarch Zinoviy Rodnyansky (1900-1982) worked as the editor-in-chief, first of Ukrkinokhronika, then of the Kiev Documentary Film Studio. And despite the fact that, according to his biography, he was repressed twice (in 1937 and 1948), each time he received early release and returned to creative and leadership work, which consisted in glorifying Soviet Ukraine. His daughter Larisa Zinovievna, grandson Alexander Efimovich Rodnyansky (born 1961), cousin Esfir Shub followed in his footsteps, the family also had relatives among literary critics, composers and (which was much cooler) store managers of the Kiev Consumer Cooperation. No one has specified exactly which side the Fuksmans belong to the Rodnyanskys, however, according to the official version, Boris Fuksman and Alexander Rodnyansky are cousins.

In a word, not the Bondarchuks or the Mikhalkov-Konchalovskys, of course, but by the Kiev standards of that time, the real creative elite of the country. And the Rodnyanskys, as they said, over the years had accumulated a lot of "props" that had antique value - but there was no channel for its distribution. This service was offered to them by an efficient young relative Borya Fuksman. However, it is clear that it was almost impossible to take old chests of drawers or candelabra out of the country, which could not be said about snuff boxes, paintings and icons. Actually, Fuchsman soon began to specialize in the latter. When the Rodnyanskys ran out of "transportable" antiques, Borya began to buy them from others, and became especially interested in icons. It was a specific product: shrines for millions of believers, they had no price in the USSR, but Western collectors gave a high price for them. For swindlers who bought them in the villages or criminals stealing from churches, these were just “boards”, but the professionals who dealt with them put the export of icons on stream, since it was easier than smuggling paintings or jewelry. According to Soviet laws, if an icon did not represent cultural value for the state or did not fall into the category of antiques, then it could be taken out quite legally. True, such icons were not valuable for collectors either, so the smugglers were engaged in the export of valuable icons, turning them into “remakes” and obtaining export permits. It was a specific business in which a whole chain of "professionals" worked: from buyers and thieves in the USSR to owners of antique shops in the West. Boris Fuksman in it "appeared" only as an intermediary, albeit an efficient one, but not the main one. And he very quickly found himself on the hook of law enforcement agencies: they said that he was handed over by his "suppliers" from the criminal fraternity. The Criminal Investigation Department and the OBKhSS just wanted to imprison Fuchsman, and this put one more tick in the reporting. However, the KGB, which had its own interests, became interested in his case, and he offered Boris Fuchsman cooperation in exchange for freedom and the prospect of working in an area that a simple Kiev farce could not even dream of. And Fuchsman agreed: the man who traded in icons hardly felt remorse from working as a “mole”.

This explains why in 1970, when Boris Fuksman graduated from the Kiev Trade and Economic Institute, he got a job ... as an assistant at the Kiev documentary film studio. A person with such a diploma (and connections) could easily become the head of a base or the director of a department store, make a career in Soviet trade, even in Vneshtorg. And instead, the Rodnyansky relatives attached him to their film studio, to carry boxes of films to the operator! This could only happen to those who received a “wolf ticket” or got into huge problems with the law. Of course, in three years Fuchsman grew up to be a director of a documentary film with a budget of as many as a few hundred rubles, but this was the peak of his film career, which the Rodnyanskys could provide him with. And it seems that this work was just a fictitious cover: at that time, a Soviet person needed to be listed somewhere so as not to get caught for "parasitism."

Worse than kapo

In 1970, the official emigration of Jews from the USSR began, and in the first three years, more than 70 thousand descendants of Abraham left the country, who decided to start a new life in more prosperous, in their opinion, states. In the 70s, emigration took place in parallel with the repatriation program, so that an exit visa was given mainly only to Israel, and only 11% of Soviet Jews left for the USA, Germany and Great Britain. There was another reason for this: Israel provided social assistance to repatriates, but in America and Western Europe, emigrants had to rely only on themselves. Therefore, very specific categories of emigrants immediately went to the West: artists, specialists, born businessmen, owners of family or business ties, as well as Soviet "underground millionaires". The latter suffered especially because of the problems with the export of their "hard-earned" capital from the USSR, without which they would have been no different from the impoverished Mexicans. However, this was a common problem for all Jews leaving the country: even when a family of simple provincial teachers was allowed to go to Israel, the Soviet customs was careful not to take an extra gold chain or ring with them.

It was just at that time that an anecdote appeared about a Jew traveling to Israel with a portrait of Lenin in a gold frame. But real emigrants, naive in their inexperience, tried to hide gold in their heels and "causal places", some even bought dollars from Soviet money changers and put them in books or shorts - which risked falling under a harsh article on foreign exchange transactions. It is quite understandable that the emigrants immediately had a demand for the service of illegal export of their property abroad - and the smugglers immediately provided this service to them. Of course, for very high interest, reaching up to a third and even half of the amount. It was a frank robbery of people put in a hopeless situation: either give part to swindlers, or leave everything in the USSR. The old Jews remembered the Nazi ghettoes and grumbled that the similarly acting food speculators, who profited from the starving compatriots, were shameless and worse than the KAPO.

The first system of "emigrant transfers" worked as follows: in the USSR, those leaving turned their property into a transportable and quick-liquid means, smugglers helped to take it out and then sell it for foreign currency. As such a means, experienced smugglers preferred to use works of art and precious stones. The former could be issued for legally exported "circulations", while the latter were easy to hide on one's body - unlike gold, no metal detector could detect diamonds, and they were much more expensive. And this is exactly what Boris Fuksman did. He began with the “icon business”: many of the first repatriates tried to take old icons abroad, passing them off as their own religious relics - and the entire Soviet customs laughed at the crowds of “Orthodox Jews” who dragged with them suitcases of holy images.

In 1972, Boris Fuksman became a member of the smuggling chain of the “highest standard”: diplomats of the USSR and the GDR were involved in it, exporting valuables to the FRG, as they say, in containers - and now you could already find antique chests of drawers in them! Sources reported that Fuchsman, who had previously worked with an ordinary "riff-raff", was attached to this chain by the KGB - as his "mole". The Committee had two interests in this matter: firstly, to track the entire chain and all its participants, and secondly, to obtain information about the CIA currency-ruble scheme being created. The essence of this little-known scheme was as follows: in the USSR, emigrants sold all their property for rubles and gave them to an intermediary who issued them a “letter of guarantee”, according to which another intermediary in Israel or in the West paid them the amount in dollars, shekels, pounds and etc. The meaning of the operation is that both intermediaries worked for the CIA: in this way, the Directorate got into their hands the necessary amount of real rubles (for operational work), without resorting to the need to import fake ones into the USSR. In the same way, it was possible to buy gold and valuables from those leaving, also used to bribe informers and agents of influence. Accordingly, the second intermediary paid the emigrants money from a special CIA fund intended to finance intelligence activities. The scheme was simple and worked perfectly - in fact, there was nothing to officially present to its participants. The KGB needed to trace this mechanism and find a way to destroy it.

Whether the KGB covered this scheme remains unknown. But Fuksam successfully infiltrated the chain of value smugglers! Moreover, its second participant Leonid Bluvshtein from Odessa, who changed his surname to Minin, became his business partner. In 1972, Minin emigrated to Germany - where he immediately opened an antique shop. He did not have enough income from emigrants alone, and Minin engaged in a banal buying up of valuables exported from the USSR in a row - including stolen ones, which were exported for sale through a number of channels (including diplomatic ones). Of course, there were many more people in the chain, but their names and fate remained unknown.

In 1974, Boris Fuksman himself received permission to repatriate. However, he leaves not for Israel, but for Germany - where Leonid Minin was already waiting for him. It was said that the KGB personally arranged this emigration for Fuksman and his family, while finally wiping the nose of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - whose operatives unsuccessfully tried to arrest Fuksman just before leaving.

In Germany, Fuchsman and Minin become official business partners, but with different shares and positions. Minin held all connections and contacts in his hands, using Fuchsman only for parcels. That is why, in the period from 1975 to 1977, Fuksman suddenly became frequent in the USSR as a foreign tourist, under the pretext of heightened nostalgia. In fact, he worked as a smuggler, and carried the most valuable cargo - diamonds, hiding them in his anus. How he managed to go through customs without showing any sign, one can only guess! But the nickname "diamond ass" stuck with Boris Fuchsman for a long time. SKELET-info also knows that during these "tourist tours" Fuchsman often appeared in Kiev at the Rodnyanskys, and not only to drink tea with relatives. However, the Soviet authorities did not touch the Rodnyanskys: the masters of culture were allowed small sins, but they did not cross a certain line. Fuchsman himself continued to be covered not only by the KGB, but also by the Stasi, who needed his man in the FRG. When in 1977 the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested Fuchsman, who had fake documents of a Finnish tourist in his hands, the KGB agreed to deport him as a foreign citizen - after which, both officially and in a personal conversation, he was forbidden to continue to appear in the USSR.

However, Leonid Minin insisted that Fuchsman continue to work as a “container” for smuggling (fortunately, during the work, the “container” acquired a significant scale), promising to make him new documents - and otherwise threatening to break off all relations with him and throw him on street. With his misfortune, Fuchsman turned to his curators from the KGB and the Stasi, and they suggested a way out for him. In 1978, Fuchsman planted a wanted stolen painting and several contraband valuables in Minin's apartment, after which he “snitched” on him to the police. And during the arrest, Minin managed to divide their joint business in his own way, taking away all the valuable paintings from the antique shop - with which he soon opened his own art gallery in Düsseldorf on Immermanstrasse. From that moment, Boris Fuksman began to promote himself as a connoisseur of art, travel with exhibitions around Europe and earn money on the trade in Russian paintings and antiques. At the same time, the main channel for the supply of antiques from the east was provided to him by a new business partner - Michael Schlicht, who previously studied at MGIMO, worked at the Ministry of Culture of the GDR and was responsible for cultural cooperation with foreign countries. According to one version, they were introduced together by the Stasi, whose freelancer was Schlicht. His task was similar to that of Fuchsman: to participate in smuggling chains and supply information about the right people and transactions. Over time, several smuggling channels from East Germany to West Germany ran through Schlicht. But the most important thing for Fuchsman was the acquaintance and ties that developed during this acquaintance with the officers and generals of the Soviet contingent in the GDR.

Scam after scam

By the end of the 80s, Boris Fuksman had settled down in Germany so much that he was able to accommodate others there. The first was his cousin Sasha Rodnyansky, who, with the help of Schlicht, was hired by the Def studio. As soon as the Berlin Wall collapsed, Rodnyansky immediately broke into richer West Germany and, with the help of Fuchsman, got a job on the ZDF television channel - fortunately, it was state-owned, and therefore no one demanded commercial success from Rodnyansky. At the same time, in 1990, he became the producer of the Innova Film company created for him by Fuchsman - which, however, almost did not shoot anything.

Fuchsman did not attach the rest disinterestedly, because they were not related to him. With the beginning of the mass exodus from the USSR to Germany, first of Jews and Germans, and then of everyone in general, Boris Fuchsman opened the Center for the Adaptation of Emigrants - where, for a fee, they were helped to find housing and work. At the same time, the prestige (and salary) of the future work depended on the amount of payment for this service: they said that Fuchsman earned a lot of money from the sale of positions! And in the process of this activity, Fuksman met Vladimir Dvoskin, an emigrant previously convicted twice (in the USSR) with very pronounced criminal inclinations and huge criminal connections in his homeland, who really wanted to do business on an international scale. At first, they organized a supply channel for alcohol and cigarettes to the collapsing USSR, but the relative small profit in the "wooden" did not suit Dvoskin. But in Fuchsman's contacts with the commanders of the Soviet contingent of troops, who were quickly leaving Germany and practically abandoning military depots, Dvoskin saw the possibility of a new business. And he persuaded Fuchsman to make peace with Leonid Minin, who by that time had become the "authority" of the Russian-Ukrainian mafia in Italy and was engaged in the international arms trade. Minin immediately forgave his companion, who had once thrown him, as soon as he found out about his promising connections, and soon the GDR Kalash sailed in the holds to Africa - in exchange for diamonds, for which Minin had long had a special passion. Among the buyers of Minin was the "United Revolutionary Front" of Sierra Leone, whose members cut off the hands of their opponents so that they could not vote in the elections. At the same time, machine guns appeared in the Russian-Ukrainian mafia in Italy, and then in other criminal groups in Europe. This drew attention to Minin and his entourage (which included Boris Fuksman) of law enforcement agencies in Italy and the United States.

However, in the arms business, Fuchsman only gave the contacts of the sellers. In the scheme created by Minin, he had a different role. Dvoskin brought him together with his "sidekick" Grigory Luchansky, a former Komsomol bonze of Latvia, in 1982-87. "Washed the term" for theft and embezzlement, after which he became the director of the private enterprise "Adazhi", which was engaged in the export of fertilizers. The business ended in a scandalous investigation, after which Luchansky left for Austria, where in February 1990 he registered the Nordex GmbH company, which soon thundered with loud scandals throughout the entire former USSR.

A company of interesting people has formed around Nordex, including Boris Fuksman, who was offered the position of its financial director. Here he became close to Vadim Rabinovich ( ), who in the fall of 1993 became the representative of Nordex in Ukraine, as well as with the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Efimov Zvyagilsky, who signed a large contract with the company.

So, according to the statements of the American intelligence services, many criminal schemes were carried out through Nordex, including money laundering of Minin's arms business. In addition, in 1994, the Ruslan aircraft bought by the company from Ukraine delivered Scud missile kits to Iraq. Because of this, the entire management of the company (Luchansky, Fuchsman, Rabinovich) was denied entry to the USA and Great Britain for several years. In Europe, Nordex aroused the interest of prosecutors and special committees because the company's capital grew rapidly (1.2 million in 1990 and 900 million in 1992), then suddenly disappeared, scattered over a multitude of offshore accounts. But in Russia and Ukraine, Nordex became famous for numerous scams, when loans issued to the company and paid for goods simply evaporated somewhere - and, of course, its financial director Boris Fuksman was behind all this. In the end, the leaders of Nordex began to throw not only their business partners, but also each other: in 1993, a whole ship with Ukrainian goods, supplied to the company in exchange for oil, disappeared somewhere. Subsequently, information appeared that the ship behind Luchansky's back was stolen by Fuchsman and Rabinovich, who agreed between themselves, and when it turned out, the collapse of Nordex (in 1995) only accelerated.

Well, Fuchsman was not the first to rob and throw companions. Having become the financial director of Nordex, Fuksman will use his connections and opportunities to now attach his relatives and acquaintances to a profitable business in the former USSR. So, with his help, Michael Schlicht arrived in Moscow in 1991, who soon opened the Gemini Film International company, which received the rights to distribute American films in the CIS countries and distribute Russian and Ukrainian films in the West. At the same time, it was reported that Fuchsman received 15% of the shares of his Gemini Film from Schlicht for the service of “settling down in Moscow”. Subsequently, a conflict arose between them: in 2001, Schlicht, who had thoroughly got on his feet, decided to return this share to himself and used the established contacts in the FSB, having achieved a ban on Fuchsman's entry into Russia. In response, Fuchsman sent him "greetings from the Russian mafia in Europe" with a warning not to appear again in his native Germany.

"Pros and cons

In 1993, it became clear that the television career of his cousin Alexander Rodnyansky in Germany did not work out. He returned to Ukraine with an ambitious project to create his own TV channel and proposed the idea to Oleksandr Zinchenko: he picked up the idea, but later implemented it with other people in the form of the Inter channel. Then Rodnyansky turned to his cousin Fuchsman and his Nordex partner Vadim Rabinovich for support. Those engaged in "slicing cabbage" in especially large sizes, at first reacted very coolly to the undertaking, not seeing much interest in it. But with the collapse of Nordex, they began to look for new areas of business, including advertising.

And on September 3, 1995, a new television company began broadcasting in Ukraine (until 1997 on the UT-1 channel, then on its own) called "1 + 1" or, as it was called by the people, "Pluses". Initially, its main owner was Boris Fuksman's company Innova Film (50%), Alexander Rodnyansky, who became the general director of 1 + 1, received a 20% share, and Vadim Rabinovich got 30%. And literally immediately, the cousins ​​scammed the experienced Rabinovich as the last sucker: first, they extorted 2 million dollars from him for the development of the company (expansion of airtime), and then forced him to sell them his share of shares for 2.5 million dollars. At the same time, Fuksman's proprietary method of setting up was used as a means of blackmail: criminal compromising material was leaked onto Rabinovich, and more threatened. Rabinovich did not fight for the TV channel, because at that very time he himself was busy "squeezing" from Luchansky his half of the shares of Ostex AG, which he then turned into his RC-Capital-Group.

Having thus concentrated 100% of the shares in their hands, Fuchsman and Rodnyansky immediately sold half for 10 million to the American company Central European Media Enterprises Ltd, owned by former US Ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder (now President of the World Jewish Congress). This is how the most popular Ukrainian TV channel actually belonged to citizens of Germany and the United States. In the meantime, the revived Rabinovich decided to take some revenge on Fuchsman, publicly accusing him of "rat-mongering." According to him, Fuksman robbed partners (in this case, Ronald Lauder), transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars a year received for advertising to the accounts of his offshore company Irving Trading, and declaring that the channel was unprofitable. And this is not counting the fact that Rodnyansky, who was in charge of the channel, wasted the company's money at his own discretion, as he wanted, littering them on business trips abroad. This prompted an investigation, as a result of which Fuchsman was temporarily banned from entering Ukraine. However, his cousin Rodnyansky, who skillfully pretended to be a creative person not in financial affairs, continued to manage Pluses until 2008. And it was he who, in 2007, attached a new passion to Boris Fuksman, a young Kiev notary, Irina Berezhnaya, on “1 + 1” in the show “Dancing with the Stars” ( read more about it in the article). Two years later, Irina gave birth to a daughter, Daniella, still hiding the identity of her father - who everyone believes is Boris Fuksman.

In 2004, Fuchsman sold a 26% stake in the TV channel to Surkis ( read more about it in the article), and merged the rest of his share to Lauder. In 2008, Rodnyansky also sold his shares to Lauder, who then left the TV channel. However, a year later, Lauder himself sold "1 + 1" to Igor Kolomoisky. But Alexander Rodnyansky moved to Moscow, where he opened the company A.R. Films, which is engaged in film distribution and the creation of video games, and also engaged in the production of Russian films. It was said that the reason for this was not only the larger scale of the Russian film market and the practical coma of the Ukrainian one: in principle, Fuchsman and Rodnyansky could become the fathers of the new Ukrainian cinema by investing in it, but they did not find a common language with the Ukrainian authorities of the Yushchenko era. The last point was their personal conflict with Katerina Chumachenko-Yushchenko because of the refusal to publicize Viktor Andreyevich, who pushed many hours of monologues for free. The reorientation of Rodnyansky (and Fuchsman's money) to Moscow had a serious consequence: visiting Russians began to make films in Ukraine, and not their own film studios. Moreover, due to the efforts of Rodnyansky, back in the mid-90s, the most promising Ukrainian film studio named after Dovzhenko was ruined and entangled with unthinkable obligations (he bought the rights to all her future films). Therefore, Ukrainian cinema is still at the amateur stage, and Rodnyansky can now be seen in the United States, where he brings new Russian films for presentation.

But his joint project with his cousin of the Kiev Hilton hotel, which they began to reconstruct with the expectation of Euro 2012, ended in nothing. Since then, success in business seemed to have turned its back on Boris Fuksman. So, in 2008, Focus magazine estimated Fuchsman's fortune at $224 million, in 2009 at $261 million, but in 2011 at only $156 million, and in 2013 at all only at $116 million. This was more than surprising: during the global crisis, Fuchsman's capital increased, and then more than halved. However, it was said that Fuchsman, taught by almost half a century of experience, opens only part of his business for public review. In addition, he directed some of his money to other projects, including getting seriously involved in the art trade again. Moreover, Fuchsman's money is scattered all over the world: from the USA, where he is a sponsor of the Our Heritage festivals of Russian culture and co-owner of a number of companies, to Russia, where he invests his millions not only in Rodnyansky's films.

But then what else binds Boris Fuchsman and Ukraine, where he now only occasionally visits between presentations in New York and exhibitions in Berlin? Perhaps only that he is a co-president of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine and in this capacity sometimes appears in Ukrainian politics. After all, it seems that there is nothing more to “squeeze out” in this country devastated by the oligarchs ...

Sergey Varis, for SKELET-info

Boris Fuksman: the story of a diamond ass updated: November 22, 2016 by: creator

In Africa, a Kalash costs $10.

"The recent arrest in Thailand of Viktor Bout, suspected of illegal arms trafficking, is presented as a great success for the American intelligence services. For experts, this came as a surprise. "Elusive Joe" did not hide from anyone. At the same time, he was caught for 6 years, and was caught just now. This it is all the more strange that numerous colleagues of V. Bout are walking free.

Nevertheless, on the global “black market” for weapons, the ball is ruled ... by our people. This business gave the world seven "arms oligarchs". All of them are immigrants from the former USSR.

The assortment in their catalogs is such that Rambo never dreamed of. All hand weapons, tanks, mines, grenades, MANPADS, fighter jets, submarines and helicopters are offered for sale. The arms barons' business is on a grand scale. According to various estimates, the "black" arms trade brings in 5-10 billion dollars a year. According to the UN, a quarter of the world's small arms are sold on the "black market"! Most of the profits end up in the pockets of the Magnificent Seven. These people are rich enough to afford gigantic fleets of 50 transport aircraft and their own fleets of cargo ships. And where to go? With all your will, you can't rent a commercial flight to drop machine guns on rebels in the jungle. Many special services and the entire world police are hunting for the gun barons. But they rarely get caught. And the timing is ridiculous. Why? A significant part of the "knights of the cloak and dagger" secretly supports the merchants of death.

Raised from hell

YOU DID NOT think about why, a few years ago, huge military depots left over from Soviet times began to regularly fly into the air throughout the CIS? Rumbled in Siberia, in the Far East, in Kronstadt, Moldavia, Armenia and Zaporozhye. So many weapons perished in the fires that they could equip the armies of several states to the teeth.

Most likely, that's how it happened. “There is no better way to hide the theft. In Russia alone, more than 750 thousand wagons of weapons are concentrated at military bases. The protection of these arsenals, as evidenced by repeated inspections, is put out of hand,” says Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.

It is clear why the "burnt" trunks are fired all over the world. Most often - in those countries where deliveries are strictly prohibited. There is plenty of evidence for that. Here is a typical example. An Israeli plane with 270 passengers took off in the capital of Kenya. The terrorists fired a missile at him from the Soviet anti-aircraft complex "Strela". An analysis of the serial numbers of the charge showed: MANPADS rolled off the assembly line ... in 1974. It is hard to imagine that in Africa, with its continuous wars and an acute shortage of weapons, they could “pickle” valuable ammunition for so long.

Most likely, MANPADS came from Ukraine. In this country, weapons were stolen from warehouses by wagons. According to Interpol, $30 billion worth of military equipment was stolen on the territory of Ukraine. Add to this the empty arsenals of many Asian republics, the scandal with the theft of weapons in the Western Group of Forces ... Where are these millions of barrels and hundreds of armored vehicles now?

They are in Africa. The countries of this continent account for 90% of the demand on the global “black market” for weapons. Well-established "deliveries" from the warehouses of military equipment is the reason why the seven of "our" weapons oligarchs managed to get their hands on this profitable business. They offered the best price! There was also a second benefit. The main clients are African countries located south of the Sahara belt. Many armies there are “sharpened” for Soviet weapons. The demand for it is huge, and official supply channels have dried up due to UN sanctions.

Schengen powder

IT IS CLEAR that the sellers are out of business. Who are they? Let's start in order. Despite the noisy scandals, only two of the seven "weapons barons" were brought to the "landing". Which in itself is already strange.

True, now, most likely, V. But will be the third. And one of them ended up in jail because of his own stupidity. Here is how it was. In August 2000, the Milanese police were very surprised when they found the owner of the respectable Europa Hotel naked in the company of several prostitutes. The company made a lot of noise, the neighbors called a squad. Everything would be fine if it didn’t turn out that the owner of the room and the hotel - Leonid Minin relaxed, seasoning alcohol with cocaine.

During the search, 120 g of magic powder was found in his possession. In addition - 150 thousand dollars and rough African diamonds for half a million greenbacks. But the most interesting find of the police were two luxurious briefcases. They were filled with documents proving that the owner of "Europe" turned dozens of illegal transactions. He sold weapons to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Côte d'Ivoire. Unfortunately for him, all these countries are subject to the strictest UN embargo. In addition, it turned out that Mr. Minin - the holder of Russian, Chilean, Israeli and Bolivian passports - was strictly forbidden to enter the countries of the Schengen zone.

It is not surprising. Interpol had this man on the hook for a long time. According to him, Minin arranged large-scale arms supplies from Ukraine to West Africa. In March 1999 alone, he sold 70 tons of weapons there. The clients were the nicest people - the leaders of the "United Revolutionary Front" of Sierra Leone. In particular, the "Front" is known for the operation codenamed "Nothing Alive".

In 1999, breaking into the capital of Sierra Leone - Freetown, the RUF killed 6 thousand people, mostly women and children. Of course, the bandits had Ukrainian weapons in their hands. The RUF was marked by such atrocities that even the Nazis did not allow themselves. For example, in response to the call of the president of the country to "join hands" and establish peace, the rebels ... cut off the hands of 20 thousand people.

It is clear that the police were delighted with the arrest. From the documents found in Minin's room, it turned out that he was one of the closest friends of the big fan of the RUF - the Liberian dictator Charles Taylor. They tried to confuse the supply chain to the limit. When the investigation sorted it out, amazing things surfaced.
So, Minin bought barrels, mines, RPGs and cartridges in Kiev from the state company Ukrspetsexport. Formally, everything was according to the law.

The Ukrainian side owned an international license, and the recipient of the cargo was the government of relatively peaceful Burkina Faso. Then miracles began. The cargo was delivered to Ouagadougou (the capital of Burkina Faso) by a British airline. Then, on Charles Taylor's personal airliner, the boxes were transported in several steps to Liberia. From there, the goods were transported by trucks to the border with Sierra Leone. There he was handed over to the rebels. The funny thing is that Leonid Minin officially owned a Liberian company that was engaged in the extraction of valuable forest species and laying roads in the jungle. It is understandable why these roads led to the RUF camps.

Good question - where did the pebbles come from in the Milan hotel Minina? And these are the very famous "blood diamonds" from Africa. The world community has banned the circulation of these stones. But Mr. Minin is not ordered by the UN.

And now a tricky question. How did the Italian court assess the exploits of this man? Just don't fall - he was given two years ... And this is for everything about everything, including weapons, diamonds and cocaine.

death factories

STEALING from former Soviet arsenals is not the only source of weapons on the black market. When the warehouses were depleted, the "factories of death" came into operation.

For example, the infamous Pribor plant operates in Transnistria. They produce Grad rockets, grenade launchers and anti-tank systems, which are very cheap by world standards. All goods are sold through the Sheriff company, which is headed by the son of the president of the unrecognized republic, Vladimir Smirnov. Sheriff is the only company that has received the right to foreign economic activity. It is completely exempt from taxes and duties.

The equally scandalous Arsenal plant operates in Bulgaria. His machine guns and Kalashnikov assault rifles are produced without a license. But why formalities, if Bulgarian weapons fire in all the hot spots of the planet - from the Congo and Somalia to Chechnya and Georgia?

majestic deeds

A LITTLE longer term was obtained by a forty-year-old Canadian businessman Artur Borisovich Dudarev originally from Kaliningrad. He sincerely repented in the German court. Mr. Dudarev admitted that he sold Russian weapons to Jordan.

That's just, they say, he did not know about the complete illegality of this business. However, he was smart enough to push the Jordanians for 66 million dollars 40 anti-tank guided missiles, 200 thousand grenades and 3 thousand grenade launchers. The next major deal of the entrepreneur was to be the planned contract for the supply of 48 engines to Jordan for Russian fighters.

Caught a businessman like a child. Mr. Dudarev, who changed his name on his Canadian passport to Arthur Andersen, distributed a very entertaining catalog at a military exhibition. It offered for sale Russian-made rocket launchers, tanks, planes and submarines at a startlingly low price...

The police dug into Mr. Andersen's private life. It turned out that he had long moved from Canada to Germany, where he acquired a luxurious mansion. In the garage of this villa there was a collection of cars - several Mercedes, Ferrari and Maserati. When asked where they came from, Dudarev said that they were gifts from his good friend, King Abdullah II of Jordan.

For reference: in the international arena, His Majesty became famous for supplying Iran with weapons in circumvention of the UN embargo ... By the way, a good question: why did Abdullah II need 48 Russian jet engines? In his country, there is not even a trace of such a number of our fighters ...

But the seller did not ask questions. As, unfortunately, he did not open the sources from which submarines and jet bombers came to him at a bargain price. For some reason, the investigation also decided not to delve into such subtleties. Apparently, as a reward for his silence, Dudarev-Andersen's term was measured - 2 years and 10 months.

Angolan truth

The REMAINING five of the weapons oligarchs managed to avoid prison. Although some of them were from her by a hair's breadth. Famous Entrepreneur Arkady Gaydamak escaped with a fright. French investigators tried to "drown" him, accusing him of selling weapons to rebellious Angola for ... 790 million euros.

Mr. Gaydamak, although he was drowning, but in what company! There were 42 people involved in the case. Among them is the son of Francois Mitterrand. The investigation believes that during the civil war in Angola, the "conspirators" supplied the rebels with T-62 tanks and Mi-25 helicopters.

While the court and the case, Mr. Gaydamak from Europe was blown away by the wind. He is still afraid to look into the EU countries. Even his connections in the French special services did not help. Although during the "Angola Gate" the leaders of the French counterintelligence unexpectedly stood up for him. They recalled the merits of Arkady Alexandrovich before France. It turns out that he helped rescue pilots shot down over Bosnia from captivity. According to some reports, he also rescued French citizens captured in Chechnya. Subsequently, the entrepreneur even received the Order of Merit for France. True, they handed it through ... the Ministry of Agriculture. For success in the development of the Franco-Russian meat trade. However, the twists and turns of world politics are inscrutable. There are probably only a handful of entrepreneurs who are able to pull off deals like the Angolan contract. That is why every country needs...

The case against Gaydamak was put on the brakes.

Mysteriously "resolved" in Italy and the case against a citizen of Russia Mark Garber. A former psychiatrist who sold videocassettes during perestroika, somehow managed to rise to the top of the business by founding a large investment company in Britain.

But the quiet life of a banker quickly ended. In 1999, the Italian police launched a high-profile investigation. The tail has been trailing since the war in Yugoslavia. In 1994, the ship "Jadran Express" was covered in the port of Venice. 30 thousand machine guns, 10 thousand anti-tank missiles, 32 million rounds of ammunition were found on board. The cargo was destined for the warring Bosnia. The delivery was based on fake certificates.

Several years passed, it seemed - the ends could not be found. But then the Italian police arrested a Ukrainian in Germany Dmitry Streshinsky. He gave amazing testimony. According to him, he organized the transportation of the Venetian arsenal at the suggestion of Mark Garber, his then business partner. There seemed to be evidence. But a few months later, the Italian police abruptly withdrew the arrest warrant for Mr. Garber.

Investigators said he was not involved in the supply of weapons to Bosnia. True, no explanation was given. Perhaps the fact is that, unlike Streshinsky, who ended up in jail, Mark Garber was already a partner of the very respectable British bank Fleming by that time. Some time later, the bank was sold for $4 billion. It is possible that the British partners did their best not to stir up a scandal that could damage the deal. In a word, it's dark.

Learn from the CIA

WHO DO THE ARMORY BARONS WORK FOR? There are two versions. The official one, from Interpol, is this. "Black" dealers are engaged in "amateur activities" and fill their own pockets. “Already in the early years of the Cold War, the intelligence services began to use complex schemes involving private airlines for covert shipments of weapons. So they masked their operations. For example, it is no secret that the famous airline Air America was secretly owned by the CIA. With the end of the Cold War, independent arms dealers simply copied the schemes of the secret services,” Johan Peleman, the world’s largest expert on the “black market” of weapons, UN adviser, assures AN.

But think about it - in order to “copy” secret schemes, you need to know them from the inside. Amateurs in this business do not survive ... And that's right. As our investigation showed, the “gunsmiths” either work in “secret” structures or cooperate with them. Some do not hide that they are with several at once. Perhaps they are nothing more than mere performers?

good seller

NOW Mark Garber is a respected member of British high society. And Arkady Gaydamak bought a football club and several newspapers in Israel - in order to "create a positive image for himself." He sponsors Jewish communities, donated $50 million to the Jewish Agency. But his "image" is doing with varying degrees of success. It's no secret that Israel is a country where the authorities are loyal to "independent" arms dealers. As long as they don't trade with Hezbollah!

Therefore, it is not surprising that another alleged "weapon baron" moved to the same country - Vadim Rabinovich. It just so happened that this 60-year-old Kharkiv resident also "retrained" in Israel as a media tycoon. But the content of the media is sometimes a costly business.

Therefore, not everyone was shocked by the scandalous statement of the then deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security Viktor Ilyukhin and the representative of the General Staff, Major General Venedikt Yashkin. They reported that they had evidence that in Afghanistan, during the battles with the Northern Alliance, the Taliban terrorist movement used Soviet armored vehicles. And what! Judging by the license plates of the cars, they must have been on the territory of Ukraine. Moreover, Messrs. Ilyukhin and Yashkin obtained documents confirming that the combat power of the Taliban was strengthened by the commercial structures of Vadim Rabinovich and Semyon Mogilevich.

The accusations sounded serious: with the assistance of Pakistani intelligence, these entrepreneurs "pushed" at least 150 T-55 and T-62 tanks into Afghanistan. It is hard to resist noting: among other regalia, Mr. Rabinovich was awarded the golden order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the increase of good on earth" ...

What can you say? There was no court. Vadim Rabinovich denies everything. Semyon Mogilevich is not up to it at all now - he is in a Moscow pre-trial detention center on charges of tax evasion. However, smoke without fire is like cartridge without gunpowder. And the fact that the Ukrainian armored vehicles really ended up with the Taliban is a fact...

real baron

The brightest "star" of this business - a Russian citizen Victor Bout- Interpol also accuses of links with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Many threads converge on this person. Including - from Leonid Minin. He is known to have leased aircraft from Mr. Bout to fly over Liberia. Yes, and Ukrainian tanks for the Taliban flew by cars of the same airline.

It is also true that Viktor Bout owns the largest private transport fleet in Africa. The basis of the park is made up of old Soviet military transport aircraft, bought cheaply after the collapse of the USSR. Over the years, the fleet consisted of 30 to 60 ships. Without a doubt, Mr. Bout's planes fly to the hottest spots on the continent, including Angola, Liberia and Sierra Leone. There were also numerous flights to burning Afghanistan.

Viktor Bout himself insists that his business is transportation. Like, to study what the client loaded into sealed boxes is not his business. He never made contact with the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. I did not forge certificates for the supply of weapons. And in general - he did nothing that would make him abscond from justice.

Now let's hear the "side of the accusation". The UN and Interpol compiled a detailed dossier on Viktor Bout. Let's list the key facts.

So, in the list of sins - the sale of weapons to the rebel factions of Sierra Leone and the regime of Charles Taylor. The next item is the supply of Bulgarian weapons to the UNITA movement in Angola, famous for its bloody actions. Next on schedule is the supply of the Rwandan Hutu rebels who staged a genocide in the country that claimed the lives of a million people.

In general, it won't seem like much. It's scary to think what volumes of equipment and weapons were transported by aircraft in 15 years of operation. It is possible - a significant part of the former Soviet arsenals ... Although the businessman is caught not for this, but for banal money laundering.

Belgium put Viktor Bout on the wanted list. The US seized the accounts of his firms. The hunt for the "star of the" black market "has been going on for six years, and the result was zero. In the meantime, Mr. Bout was constantly flying around Africa, from time to time visiting his wife and children in the UAE. He wasn't hiding at all!

Perhaps he made it clear that they were looking for the wrong thing. The world fame of Mr. Bout is going through the roof. But the identity of the mysterious Los Angeles businessman with Russian citizenship Oleg Orlov much less known.

Recently, the well-known German journalist, author of numerous books on the activities of the special services, Jurgen Rott, put forward a sensational hypothesis. “If you dig deeper, it turns out that Oleg Orlov was behind Bout. He is one of the key figures in this business,” the publicist told us. True, according to him, he has not yet collected evidence sufficient for a new book.

So, the real "arms baron" was not But, but Orlov? Perhaps we will never know. In July last year, Oleg Orlov was strangled in a pre-trial detention center in Kiev. He was arrested by the police in the Czech Republic and handed over to the Ukrainians in connection with the investigation of "black" deliveries of Kh-55 strategic cruise missiles from Ukraine to Iran, China and Pakistan.

By the way, the head of Ukrspetsexport was also involved in the same case. Valery Maleev. He died earlier - in March 2002 (officially - he crashed in a car accident). Two other suspects in this case also passed away ...

So, not all weapons oligarchs managed to get off with a slight fright. Some of them have cost their lives. But the rest seem to be untouchable. As long as the "licensed" merchants of death are equally useful to the powers that be, their hands will be untied.

Weapon Baron

In 2005, the American blockbuster "Lord of War" was released. The prototype of the protagonist - Yuri Orlov (played by Nicolas Cage) was Victor Bout. Much of the American film is complete nonsense. For example, almost all illegal arms shipments to Africa are made by aircraft, not by ships.

“Although the episode with the forced landing of an An-24 aircraft full of weapons on an African road is true. Even the names of the pilots are known!” exclaims Konstantin Makienko, an expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.

Generals ask for fire

HOW MANY military arsenals went up in the air in the space of the former USSR? It is enough to continuously feed 16 military conflicts in Africa with “dead” ammunition for 15 years. AN has compiled an impressive list of disasters.

"In the Zaporozhye region. Ukraine, not far from Melitopol, shells continue to explode in military warehouses. The fire has not yet been extinguished, but the explosions sound less and less, and the fragments lie farther from the surrounding villages. Ukrainian authorities say residents can already return to their homes. Or what's left of them.

Newspaper editorials in May 2004 opened with such messages. Then, on Victory Day, warehouses were rushed in Zaporozhye, where 90 thousand tons (!) Of ammunition for all types of artillery weapons were stored. Among other things, rockets for multiple rocket launchers "Hurricane", "Smerch" and "Grad".

Vum, thousands of firefighters failed to put out the flames for 10 days. Tanks had to be used, because the crews could not get close to the fire because of the constantly bursting shells. Explosions at the Zaporozhye arsenals are the loudest. But in the CIS space, they were by no means the first and not the last.

The first incident took place in Armenia. There, in 1992, the army warehouses of the Civil Code of the Allied Forces of the CIS rushed. The order of the then Prime Minister of Russia Yegor Gaidar has been preserved. He allocated "to help the friendly republic" 10 thousand square meters. m of window glass...

Soon it began to rumble in Russia itself. In May 1992, the ammunition depots of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok exploded. The fire continued for two days. Nine storage facilities and seven sites with artillery shells burned down. A column of smoke 5 kilometers high rose above the city. The force of the explosions was such that the fragments scattered two or three kilometers from the arsenal. In October 1992, a fire broke out at a large military base in the city of Yelizovo, 36 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Then the "fire" took a long pause. But at the beginning of the century, the arsenals began to burn with renewed vigor. It has already spread all over the country. In July 2001, warehouses located near the village of Gusinoye Ozero, 120 km from Ulan-Ude, caught fire “with a single lightning strike”. They stored artillery shells, cartridges and mines. As the investigation noted, “there was one lightning strike, but two fires appeared in the warehouses at once.”

In November 2004, the ammunition depots of the Russian Air Force "banged". They were located 6 km south of Pskov, near the village of Kislovo. Reactive and high-explosive fragmentation shells, small arms, flamethrowers, grenades, explosives, and gunpowder were stored there.

The “cleansing” of the arsenals by fire continues to this day. In May 2005, army warehouses broke out in Kronstadt near St. Petersburg. In September of the same year, the Far East "distinguished itself" again. There, a huge ammunition depot, located near the village of Yuzhny Koryaki in Kamchatka, flew into the air. The explosion was so strong that within a radius of 50 km houses collapsed and glass flew out. The government had to allocate 70 million rubles. for compensation to the local population.

So far, another blow to the country's image has been dealt in the south of France. The Ukrainian mafia was exposed there. The French magazine L "Express devoted a whole series of articles to "cruel criminals from the east". One of the heroes of the publication is Leonid Minin, an international arms dealer who, with his person, dishonors two states - Israel and Ukraine, of which he is a citizen. The main article is devoted to the Ukrainian-Russian mafia group, of which Minin is an element.

Gangs from Rostov-on-Don and Odessa are the biggest headache for the Nice police. "Robbery, armed robbery, illegal trade in weapons and expensive cars" - this is only a small spectrum of crimes committed by these violent gangs that unite emigrants from the countries of the former Soviet camp.

"While the question of the legalization of prostitution is being debated in France, these organizations show the real face of criminal prostitution, where girls are treated like real slaves," notes L "Express.

The operation, dubbed "Wind from the East", was a striking example. Just like in black and white films, it all started with an idyllic scene: an evening walk along the Promenade des Anglais.

“But the object of interest was not the golden reflections of the sun and not the surfers on the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, but young women in short shorts, high heels and low-cut blouses, who beckon motorists on the side of the sidewalk. Tatiana, a former prostitute, supervises and checks the work done by this "cattle" belonging to an organization of which her friend "Sasha" is a member. Sasha is a pseudonym used by a former corporal of the Foreign Legion, of Ukrainian origin.

Sasha turned out to be a member of the Rostov group, a hierarchical structure led by Jacques, an Armenian naturalized in France. The organization was engaged in the supply of women from the countries of the former Soviet Union to Nice, Paris, Strasbourg (this is just what we managed to establish).

A very profitable business. Only from November 2000 to March 2001 Sasha himself received 220,000 euros. In general, according to Interpol, the Rostov group transported 330,000 women, the proceeds for the sale of which amounted to 1.5 million euros. The money was sent in cash via Western Union.

Sasha was released after three months of detention. The investigation established that he was connected through Jacques with the real father of the Ukrainian mafia, Leonid Minin, a native of Odessa.

Leonid Minin, who mixed up his own affairs with dirty money, is suspected of trading at the highest level. Minin ran the export-import network in Monaco until he was expelled from the principality. Among his henchmen are both Ukrainians and Russians, as well as people from the Cote d'Azur.

For example, Leonid Minin used a Frenchman known for arms dealing and his connections with the Sea Wind gang. […]

But the bad wind from the east blows not only on the sidewalks of big cities. Numerous criminal records indicate that some of these pimps were not satisfied with just their share of the income of "street girls". Many examples show that pimping is not their only activity. They are present today in all sectors of banditry: the sale of weapons, robberies, settling scores, the sale of expensive cars.

A dozen or three luxury limousines were supposed to be smuggled in this way: the cars were stolen in France and Spain, transported to Thessaloniki, a port in the Aegean Sea, where they were laundered before being sold to the countries of the Persian Gulf.

But the surprise of the investigators was even greater when the identity of the Greek, one of this highly specialized gang, was established. He explained that he understood computer science, and by connecting his portable computer to the "cigarette lighter" in the car, he skillfully established all the secrets of their identification - the serial number of the tires, the date of manufacture and sale of the car - which later allowed the car to make new documentation.

In addition to this talented programmer, another character, like the hero of a bad detective, did not stop intriguing the police: "Oleg the janitor." They only know this nickname, which leaves almost no doubt in the work: Oleg is the patented killer of the group, who was asked to eliminate enemies or competitors.[…]

Another area of ​​activity of gangsters from the Soviet Union is the robbery of jewelry stores. In 2001 alone, 4.4 million euros were robbed.

With such activity, it is not surprising that bloody disputes break out between gangsters from time to time.

Multiplying attacks, robberies, arms dealing, murders and other crimes, these haulers without faith and law paint a disturbing side of the near future of this eastern crime. Crime has a double face. Along with the brutal robbery, we see the increasing prosperity of these merchants. These "new tsars" get the best estates of the Blue Coast, laundering the mafia's black money before our eyes.

A separate material "International Godfather" L "Express dedicates directly to Leonid Minin

His Interpol card resembles a black movie in which he plays all the roles. "This is the most important leader of the oil mafia in Russia and Ukraine, who is also suspected of illegal trade in icons in 1991, money laundering, arms and drug trafficking with the Middle East through bank accounts in Switzerland and Monaco in 1995; then, in August 2000, the supply of weapons to warring Sierra Leone in exchange for diamonds."

Leonid Minin was born on December 14, 1947 in Odessa (Ukraine), having received residence in Tel Aviv. He now holds Ukrainian and Israeli citizenship, while at the same time using German and Colombian passports. Hence the ease of movement of this "citizen of the world", accused at the highest level of international illegal trade.

He belongs to the category of new godfathers who have two faces: smart, he, without a moment's hesitation, began to threaten the customs inspector, who ordered his 40-meter yacht, anchored in the port of Antibes, to be arrested for non-payment of tax. Ultimately, Minin won back his ship, paying a fine of 230,000 euros.

Leonid Minin also has a private jet, three Grand Prix cars, including one Aston Martin, which was shot with 11.43 mm bullets while being loaded onto a ferry that was leaving for England. But this was never mentioned anywhere. The Mafia settles scores among themselves. In addition, Minin had no desire to further denigrate his reputation as a businessman, which already became the reason for his expulsion from Monaco in June 1997, where he ran a company for the export-import of raw materials, international trade and transport delivery.

This is a clever preventive measure against an entrepreneur who is at the head of many organizations based in various offshore countries, and who in this way hides himself under the darkest suspicions. At the same time, Minin can boast of unexpected contacts, like business ties established with two organizations of Baron Empain, where he is a shareholder, owning 98 and 20% of the shares, respectively.

Only two were brought to the "landing", now, most likely, Booth will be the third

Viktor Bout himself insists that his business is transportation. Like, to study what the client loaded into sealed boxes is not his business. He never made contact with the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. I did not forge certificates for the supply of weapons. And in general - he did nothing that would make him abscond from justice.

In general, it won't seem like much. It's scary to think what volumes of equipment and weapons were transported by aircraft in 15 years of operation. It is possible - a significant part of the former Soviet arsenals ... Although the businessman is caught not for this, but for banal money laundering.

So, not all weapons oligarchs managed to get off with a slight fright. Some of them have cost their lives. But the rest seem to be untouchable. As long as the "licensed" merchants of death are equally useful to the powers that be, their hands will be untied.


Generals ask for fire

How many military arsenals went up in the air in the former USSR? It is enough to continuously feed 16 military conflicts in Africa with “dead” ammunition for 15 years. AN has compiled an impressive list of disasters.

"In the Zaporozhye region. Ukraine, not far from Melitopol, shells continue to explode in military depots. The fire has not yet been extinguished, but the explosions sound less and less, and the fragments lie farther from the surrounding villages. Ukrainian authorities say residents can already return to their homes. Or what's left of them.

Newspaper editorials in May 2004 opened with such messages. Then, on Victory Day, warehouses were rushed in Zaporozhye, where 90 thousand tons (!) Of ammunition for all types of artillery weapons were stored. Among other things, rockets for multiple rocket launchers "Hurricane", "Smerch" and "Grad".

Two thousand firefighters failed to put out the flames for 10 days. Tanks had to be used, because the crews could not get close to the fire because of the constantly bursting shells. Explosions at the Zaporozhye arsenals are the loudest. But in the CIS space. The fire continued for two days. Nine storage facilities and seven sites with artillery shells burned down. A column of smoke 5 kilometers high rose above the city. The strength of the explosions was such that the fragments scattered two or three kilometers from the arsenal. In October 1992, a fire broke out at a large military base in the city of Yelizovo, 36 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Then the "fire" took a long pause. But at the beginning of the century, the arsenals began to burn with renewed vigor. It has already spread all over the country. In July 2001, warehouses located near the village of Gusinoye Ozero, 120 km from UlanUde, caught fire "with one stroke of lightning". They stored artillery shells, cartridges and mines. As the investigation noted, “there was one lightning strike, but two fires appeared in the warehouses at once.”


death factories

Theft from former Soviet arsenals is not the only source of weapons on the black market. When the warehouses were depleted, the "factories of death" came into operation. For example, the infamous Pribor plant operates in Transnistria. They produce Grad rockets, grenade launchers and anti-tank systems, which are very cheap by world standards. All goods are sold through the Sheriff company, which is headed by the son of the president of the unrecognized republic, Vladimir Smirnov. Sheriff is the only company that has received the right to foreign economic activity. It is completely exempt from taxes and duties.


Learn from the CIA

But think about it - in order to “copy” secret schemes, you need to know them from the inside. Amateurs in this business do not survive ... And that's right. As our investigation showed, the “gunsmiths” either work in “secret” structures or cooperate with them. Some do not hide that they are with several at once. Perhaps they are nothing more than mere performers?


Weapon Baron

In 2005, the American blockbuster "Lord of War" was released. The prototype of the protagonist - Yuri Orlov (played by Nicolas Cage) was Victor Bout. Much of the American film is complete nonsense. For example, almost all illegal arms shipments to Africa are made by aircraft, not by ships.

“Although the episode with the forced landing of an An24 aircraft full of weapons on an African road is true. Even the names of the pilots are known!” exclaims Konstantin Makienko, an expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.

The most famous gun barons in the world.
Leonid Efimovich Minin (before changing his surname before going abroad - Bluvshtein) was born in Odessa, in: 1972 he emigrated to Germany, then moved to Israel and received citizenship of this country. For a long time he lived in Italy, organizing the smuggling of antiques, currency, drugs, precious metals, diamonds and weapons. For illegal activities, Minin was denied entry to some European countries, and in 1999 the Security Service of Ukraine made a similar decision in accordance with Art. 25 of the Law of Ukraine "On the legal status of foreigners".
Information about this businessman, who uses documents under several fictitious names, is in the police of many countries and indicates his criminal activities, which was confirmed in February 2001 in an Italian court. There are materials on it in the Security Service of Ukraine.

A native of Dushanbe and a retired Air Force officer, Viktor Bout has a reputation as the world's largest illegal arms dealer. Traces of Bout's commercial activities have been found in all conflict zones in Africa without exception. According to experts, Viktor Bout owns the world's largest private fleet of cargo aircraft.
In 1991 he graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow. In the early 1990s, he served as an interpreter for the peacekeeping forces in Angola. Rumored to be fluent in six languages.

Bout himself claims that he was born in Ashgabat. However, in foreign sources, the first page of the international passport 44 No. 3570350, issued on February 4, 1998 and valid until February 4, 2003, was published in facsimile, which says that a Russian citizen Viktor Anatolyevich But was born on January 13, 1967 in Dushanbe, USSR. One of the UN reports also mentions the Russian passport Buta 29 No 0006765, which expired in April 2001.
UN observers accuse Bout of supplying weapons to anti-government groups in Angola, Sierra Leone and the regime of Charles Taylor in Liberia. Bout and its affiliates operate or have recently operated in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire, former Belgian Congo), Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Lesotho and Uganda. Until recently, he lived in Moscow.

Vadim Rabinovich occupies a special place among those businessmen to whom "evil rumor" ascribes participation in the smuggling of Soviet weapons to hot spots outside the CIS. Quite a respectable figure, philanthropist and president of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, holder of the Golden Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker "For the increase of good on Earth." Officially, Rabinovich's interests extend primarily to the media business - he owns a number of Ukrainian newspapers, publishing houses, and radio channels. He became widely known outside of Ukraine 15 years ago, when rumors spread about his plans to buy NTV, which had actually been lost by Gusinsky by that time, but had not yet fallen completely under the control of Gazprom.
However, inside Ukraine, Rabinovich has long been known as a "local Berezovsky." Business and political interests connected him closely with a number of influential Ukrainian politicians, primarily with the right hand of President Kuchma, the big businessman Alexander Volkov. In the early 2000s, he was caught selling 200 tanks to the Taliban.

On March 13, 1999, a large cargo of weapons arrived at the airport in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou: the declaration included 715 boxes of small arms and ammunition, anti-tank guns, surface-to-air missiles, RPGs and ammunition. The delivery was carried out under a contract signed on behalf of the Ministry of Defense of Burkina Faso by a company registered in Gibraltar and a Ukrainian manufacturer of these weapons. The supplier, the Ukrainian state company Ukrspetsexport, had an official export license issued by the government of Ukraine. The end user certificate was signed by Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert Dideret, Chief of Personal Security for the President of Burkina Faso. The cargo was delivered to Ouagadougou by a plane of a British company, chartered by a Ukrainian carrier.
In the capital of Burkina Faso, the weapons did not linger. A jet BAC-111 arrived from the Spanish island of Ibiza, registered in the Cayman Islands by a company with a registered office in Switzerland. Until the end of the month, he made at least eight flights from Ouagadougou to Monrovia and back, until he had transported all the goods, after which he returned to Spain.
This aircraft is well known to specialists. At one time, it belonged to the American basketball club Seattle Supersonics, and then became the property of Leonid Minin, who was one of the closest business partners of the Liberian dictator Charles Taylor. VAS-111 was at one time the presidential aircraft. In parallel, it was used to violate the arms embargo against Liberia; from there, weapons were shipped to units of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) of Sierra Leone. In particular, his flight with a cargo of weapons on board from the Niger capital Niamey to Monrovia was recorded just a few days before the infamous operation No Living Thing ("Nothing alive") in January 1999, when the RUF units turned Freetown into a bloodbath.

From Monrovia to the Sierra Leone border, weapons were delivered on trucks belonging to two other members of Taylor's "inner circle" - a Dutchman with Malaysian citizenship Gus van Kauwenhoven and an Israeli Simon Rosenblum, a resident of Abidjan (Cote d'Ivoire) and the owner of a Liberian "diplomatic passport. Both companies develop rare wood, pave roads in the jungle. By a happy coincidence, these roads come just to the very border of Sierra Leone.
Many people, fake and real firms, are involved in the process of transferring weapons, often unaware of the existence of each other. But sources call the Lebanese businessman Talal el-Ndin the link. In his office in Monrovia, the final settlement with sellers, buyers, carriers and intermediaries takes place. Buying weapons on the "black market" is extremely expensive. The customer must pay not only the cost of goods, services and overheads, but also bribes to officials and high officials providing legal cover in the form of registering aircraft in their national aircraft registers, issuing diplomatic passports, exemption from customs inspection and issuing end-user certificates.
A complex scheme - and this one is not the most confusing yet - is necessary in order to cover the tracks. And for the time being it succeeded. The pieces of information were difficult to piece together. Helped, as often happens, the case - the same one at the Europa hotel. In the early morning of August 5, 2000, Minin was detained in the suburb of Milan, Cinisello Balsame. During the search, 58 grams of cocaine, 150 thousand dollars in cash and another half a million diamonds were found as well as a briefcase with documents. Two weeks before the incident, Leonid Minin made big money by delivering 113 tons of AK-47 assault rifles, RPG grenade launchers, mortars, ammunition and military equipment from Kiev to Abidjan - and now he relaxed for joy.
The documents in the green briefcase turned out to be a real mine of information for investigators. It was the complete business archive of a "rare wood" dealer. It was then that the disparate pieces of the puzzle came together. Among the pearls of this collection is an end-user certificate signed personally in May 2000 by the then President of Côte d'Ivoire, General Robert Gea. ) doubted, the general ordered the same batch of weapons and ammunition, the successful delivery of which was managed in the Italian hotel by Leonid Minin. The order was completed by the Ukrainian state company Spetstechnoexport.
Among others, papers were found on the deliveries in late 1997 - early 1998 of Ukrainian weapons to Peshawar, from where they were delivered by trucks to the end user - the Taliban. During the war in the Balkans, Minin and his accomplices were engaged, in violation of the UN embargo, in the supply of weapons to Croatia. But the most significant discovery was the information that the Liberian lumberjack was already preparing for missile operations: Minin and his associates were considering selling SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missiles to China.

Victor Bout
After the resumption of hostilities in Angola at the end of 1998, which were unleashed by the fighters of the rebel army of the National Union for the Complete Independence of Angola - in other words, UNITA - led by Jonas Savimbi. Experts called Bulgaria the main supplier of weapons to UNITA.
Among those who helped Savimbi after his most loyal ally, the dictator of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, was overthrown in May 1997, are the heads of two states - President Gnassingbé Eyadema of Togo and President Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso. Both are named as the main patrons of Savimbi, who actively promote the illegal diamond trade and receive their percentage from this turnover. More or less openly, diamond and arms dealers made deals in the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, and the capital of Ivory Coast, Abidjan.
The question was very serious. In particular, the future membership of Bulgaria in NATO was called into question. Sophia was accused not only of illegal arms deliveries, but also of training UNITA officers, who, according to the documents, were listed as Congolese (Zairians) and in 1996 studied in Bulgaria how to handle SAM-6 and BMP-2 anti-aircraft missile systems.
It was Bout who in 1995 chartered a plane of the Tatar airline Aerostan to deliver a batch of AK-47 assault rifles and other military ammunition with a total weight of 30 tons to Kabul, at the disposal of the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani, whose forces at that time were desperately resisting the Taliban offensive. Flight However, ended in a forced landing in Kandahar, which was captured by the Taliban.During more than a year of negotiations for the release of the crew and aircraft, Viktor Bout turned from a friend of Ahmad Shah Massoud into a supplier of Mullah Omar.Then the crew of the aircraft escaped from Kandahar in their own car to Sharjah , where the headquarters of the Buta company was located. By the way, the commander of that very aircraft, Vladimir Sharpatov from Kandahar, on which the whole film was shot, now works as a deputy in the Tyumen Regional Duma.

The Kandahar incident attracted the attention of Western intelligence, primarily American intelligence, to Bout. In January 2000, a high official, British Minister for Africa Peter Hein, for the first time publicly accused Bout of illegally supplying weapons to UNITA units.
According to South African authorities, Victor Bout is a resident of the United Arab Emirates; however, he has at least five passports, two of which are Russian and one Ukrainian. Booth's brainchild, Air Cess was registered in 1996 in Monrovia and on December 1 of that year opened an office at Ostend Airport (Belgium), which became its base of operations. However, already on July 31, 1997, Air Cess closed the Belgian office and transferred its fleet to Sharjah (UAE). Observers attribute this maneuver to the start of an investigation by the Belgian authorities into the allegations against Bout.
On August 10, 1997, Air Cess Swaziland was formed. It was headed by Viktor Bout. Some of his aircraft registered in Liberia were transferred to Swaziland. Despite the Swazi registration, in reality, operations were carried out from Petersburg Airport in the north-east of South Africa. Soon Air Cess Swaziland entered into a consortium with local companies. Air Pass is a joint venture co-founded by Air Cess and South Africa's Norse Air Charter.
The enterprise flourished. A frequent visitor to the Air Pass office was the Lebanese Imad Kabir (aka Emad Bakri), whom UN experts call UNITA's chief intermediary in the purchase of weapons and military equipment between 1995 and 1999. Booth used to bring half a million dollars at once into the office in a plastic bag and lock them in a safe. In 1998, Viktor Bout was a guest at the wedding of King Mswati III of Swaziland (the king is a polygamist and from time to time enters into a new marriage without terminating the old ones). A Russian businessman presented the newlyweds with an old silver candlestick worth five thousand dollars.
A generous gift, however, did not insure him from trouble. Law enforcement agencies in South Africa became interested in Bout's company and eventually concluded that Air Pass violated national civil aviation law 146 times. South African authorities have informed the Swazi government of this, which has responded by deleting 43 Air Cess/Air Pass aircraft from its aircraft register. In the same year, 1998, Bout registered two more companies - in Equatorial Guinea and the Central African Republic. Aircraft removed from the Swazi register were registered in these two countries. Sharjah remained the base of operations. In Alma-Ata, meanwhile, the air cargo company IRBIS was established. She did not have her own aircraft and chartered only Air Cess aircraft. In March 2000, the tribunal of Bangui (the capital of the Central African Republic) sentenced Bout to two years in prison because his Il-62 flew to Gabon with the identification marks of the state Central African company on the fuselage.
Along with the South African of Belgian origin, Jacques "Kiki" Lemaire and Johannes Parfirio Parreira, a citizen of either South Africa or Namibia, UN experts call Viktor Bout the most important supplier of weapons and military equipment for UNITA in the mid-90s. Imad Kabir almost always acted as an intermediary in transactions, most often in Ouagadougou or Kigali. By the end of the decade, Booth's company dominated this black market sector.
Victor Bout started working in Belgium, he had only one plane, he rented the other two. Within three or four years, Bout operated a fleet of 50-60 vehicles. Together with Leonid Minin, he supplied the partisans of Sierra Leone and the regime of Charles Taylor in Liberia. Weapons came from Central Asia, Belarus, Romania, Moldova and Slovakia.
After 9/11, Bout's dossier was filled with new details. In January 2002, information appeared that Bout was taking a lively part in the operations of the Emirati airline Hying Dolphin, which makes regular cargo flights from Sharjah to Kandahar twice a week. The head of the company, the former UAE Ambassador to Washington, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Saqr al-Nayan, is Viktor Bout's business partner. The question of the Taliban's supply channels has been repeatedly raised in the world press. In January 2002, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported on a large delivery of T-55 and T-62 tanks to the Taliban. The supplier was allegedly an Israeli businessman, a native of Ukraine, Vadim Rabinovich, who acted with the support of Pakistani intelligence, and tanks with a total number of 150-200 vehicles were delivered to Kabul by Bout's planes via Sharjah. According to independent experts, Bout earned at least $150 million from operations with the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Payment for weapons
The Angolan rebel leader, the late Jonas Savimbi, like his Sierra Leonean counterparts, paid for weapons in diamonds. The diamond seems to be specially created for the illegal business: it is small, light, durable and very expensive. None of the most advanced technical devices "see" it. It can be hidden anywhere.
The topic of "blood diamonds" has long been the lot of independent human rights organizations. In the end, it became clear that without solving this problem, one cannot count on ending the fierce African conflicts, which have long lost any ideological or even tribal content. From a means of financing the war, diamonds have become its goal; both rebels and governments seek to capture the diamond-bearing areas first. Having established your control over the diamond mines, you can negotiate to maintain the status quo - in exchange for diamonds, everything you need flows like a river to you. First of all, weapons. There is a demand - there is an offer.
Booth tried to open a cutting factory in Kigali. If he had succeeded, the diamonds would have entered the Antwerp free market already in a processed, unidentifiable form.

man who buys weapons
The civil war in Sierra Leone, a small West African country for which rich subsoil has become a source of trouble, began in 1991, when Corporal Fode Sankoh, dismissed from the army, organized the Revolutionary United Front. The RUF entered into an armed struggle with the authoritarian regime and soon gained notoriety for its wild cruelty, even by African standards. In 1995, the ruling military junta of Sierra Leone signed a contract with Executive Outcomes (EO), a South African company that provides military personnel and services and often acts as a private security agency in African oil, gold and diamond fields. Five hundred mercenaries, most of them veterans of the South African armed forces, drove the RUF troops out of the most important diamond-bearing areas and destroyed some of their bases in the jungle. After that, the concession for the development of diamonds was received by Branch Energy, a company closely associated with the EO, whose troops remained to provide security at the richest mines of Kono. The victory made it possible to hold elections in March 1996 and bring to power a civilian government headed by President Tejan Kabbah. The latter made peace with the RUF and in 1997 severed contact with Executive Outcomes. Less than four months later, the soldiers, dissatisfied with their pay, overthrew the Kabbah and invited the RUF to share power with them. A brutal terror began in the country, which lasted nine months. The deposed Kabbah, in turn, turned to external forces. In February 1998, Nigerian troops entered Sierra Leone under the flag of peacekeepers. Soon, Nigerian officers took control of diamond mining. True, this did not change anything for the forced laborers in the mines. Meanwhile, the Revolutionary Front managed to rearm. Planes loaded with weapons rushed in from Eastern Europe. Most often, they had their final destination in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, or the Liberian Robertsfshd International Airport.
In Sierra Leone, everyone was outrageous - both government troops, and a corps of peacekeepers, and tribal militia, whose traditional weapons are machetes, spears and ancient mystical military rituals. But the RUF army surpassed all historical examples, including the SS Sonderkommandos, with its merciless brutality. Mass rape, torture, executions, robbery and cannibalism are routine practices. But their "visiting card" is the systematic amputation of the hands of both hands to civilians in the occupied territories. In 1996, in response to President Kabbah's call to his compatriots to "join hands" for national harmony, RUF butchers began to cut off the limbs of their victims and leave the stumps on the steps of the presidential palace in order to inspire horror in all who "dare to heed the call of the president.
The war in Sierra Leone killed 75,000 people and left 20,000 crippled with stumps instead of hands, including children.

Booth's arrest
In 2008, Bout was arrested as a result of a special operation by the US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). DEA agents, disguised as militants from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), lured him to Bangkok from Moscow to complete a tempting deal. FARC fighters, waging a long-term guerrilla-terrorist war with the Colombian government, urgently needed the delivery of 100 domestic man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) "Igla" worth $ 15 million. MANPADS with false export documents were provided by a Bulgarian intermediary. Desperate and experienced pilots were needed to drop the goods into the jungles of Colombia by parachute. Negotiations with Bout were reportedly conducted through Andrey Smulyan, a British citizen, who requested $5 million for the delivery of MANPADS.
The DEA legend sounded convincing: Colombian Air Force helicopters got FARC. On the night of March 1, an air strike followed by a helicopter assault destroyed the FARC headquarters in Ecuador, one and a half kilometers from the Colombian border. Twenty-four militants were killed, including the second man in the FARC, Raul Reyes.
The Marxist Revolutionaries of FARC are a financially wealthy client as they control much of the Colombian cocaine drug trade. Booth had previously dealt with the drug-revolutionary FARC, which brought him close attention from the DEA. On an American tip, the Thai police arrested Bout, and the US arrested Smulyan.
In 2002, an international arrest warrant was issued in Belgium for Bout, and his planes continued to deliver weapons to Iraq, reportedly for the Pentagon, for several more years.

Statement by DEA Special Agent to Judge of the Southern District of New York

Between about November 2007 and February 2008, defendants Viktor Bout and Andrew Smulian entered into an illegal, deliberate conspiracy to provide "material support or resources" to the "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia" (FARC), which in October 1997 was named Secretary of State United States by a foreign terrorist organization.
The subject and part of the conspiracy was that defendants Victor Bout and Andrew Smulian agreed to sell FARC weapons for millions of dollars that FARC uses to protect cocaine traffic, and in doing so, encroached on the interests of the United States in Colombia, knowing that FARC was involved and still engaged in terrorist activities.
I've been a DEA agent for 10 years. I participated in the investigation of this case and spoke with others, including federal agents, law enforcement officials, and other witnesses.
During the course of the investigation, I became familiar with FARC material through various sources, including but not limited to DEA investigations into FARC and individuals associated with the group. From these sources, I learned that FARC is an international terrorist organization. In particular, I found out the following:
From about 1964 until now, FARC has been and is an international terrorist group whose goal is to overthrow the democratically elected leadership of Colombia. The group is involved in organizing bombings, murders, kidnappings and other acts of violence in Colombia. FARC is also the world's largest supplier of cocaine.
In order to protect their financial interests in the cocaine trade, FARC leaders order members of the organization to obstruct the Colombian government's campaign to eradicate cocaine, which includes, among other actions, attempts to shoot down planes (they destroy coca plantations from the air. - R. Sh.).
In 2007, the DEA directed a confidential source (CS-1) to contact Andrew Smulian, whom CS-1 knew to be associated with Viktor Bout.
CS-1 is a paid DEA informant who provided reliable information during this investigation. Much of the information has been independently verified through meetings and recordings made under the supervision of management agents.
CS-1 and Smulyan have been most closely associated with Viktor Bout since the mid-1990s. At the time, Bout asked Smulyan and CS-1 to take a flight from Bulgaria and fly over Chechnya to drop wooden crates and boxes from the air. Having never received a clear explanation of what was in the boxes, CS-1 decided that it was a weapon. Neither CS-1 nor Smulyan agreed to comply with this request.
Around this time, a CS-1 flew with Bout to Dubai from Africa. Since then, CS-1 has had occasional contact with Booth. He is also aware that Bout is involved in international arms trafficking. According to CS-1, Smulyan, whom CS-1 has known for several years, has an ongoing business with Booth and once served as an advisor to one of Booth's airlines.
Around November 2007, CS-1, at the behest of the DEA, sent an email to Smulyan asking him to contact Viktor Bout and let him know that there was a business proposal for him. Soon, Smulyan reported that Booth was interested and that CS-1 should make an appointment to discuss the venture. By order of the CS-1 department, he organized a meeting with Smulyan in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles), where CS-1 introduced Smulyan to those interested in buying weapons.
Around November 25, 2007, Andrew Smulian sent an email to CS-1: “Our man has been made persona non grata for the whole world. Frozen all assets and the like in the amount of about 6 billion dollars. And, of course, no way to go anywhere. Blacklisted in the USA. All communications are monitored. I use an email that automatically closes if it hasn't been used in 45 days. One way or another, I always use it from different Internet cafes. In any case, we will bring together business proposals and see what happens.”
Within a week, at the behest of CS-1, met with Andrew Smulyan in Curacao. During the meeting, CS-1 introduced two other confidential control sources to Smulyan. CS-2 is a paid whistleblower who has been working for the department for about 9 years. CS-3 is also a paid whistleblower who has been working for the department for over a year.
During a recorded undercover meeting in a hotel room in Curaçao, CS-2 and CS-3 introduced themselves to Smulyan as FARC representatives.<…>explaining that they are interested in acquiring various weapons, including surface-to-air missiles.
Around January 22, 2008, on behalf of CS-1, met with Smulyan in Copenhagen to discuss Smulyan's last meeting in Russia with Viktor Bout regarding the supply of weapons.
Smulyan said that Bout asked Smulyan to organize a meeting to discuss the supply of weapons, which would include Smulyan himself, CS-2 and one of Bout's representatives. Bout asked Smulyan to be very careful and instructed him to get rid of all mobile phones and other devices that could show where he was and who he met.
In addition, Bout told Smulyan that he was ready to provide money laundering services for 40% for an organization represented by CS-2 (FARC). According to Smulyan, Bout said that he could provide FARC with secret assistance in the future, because "any communists are our friends."

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