How to reach the waist. Evehealth Information Portal is for women looking for results! Get ready to change your diet

Over time, many of the fair sex are faced with changes in their appearance, and especially in the silhouette. This is due not only to age, but also to motherhood. Most women have to say goodbye to the waist after giving birth. To get your figure back into an hourglass, you don't have to find time to go to the gym in your schedule. There are many home exercises available.

Fascia during pregnancy increases in volume and becomes much stronger. This is due to the fact that it performs the function of supporting the abdomen. After childbirth, as a rule, the fascia does not return to its previous shape, that is, it remains thickened. This is due to the fact that at the same time it is very difficult to get rid of excess weight and return the waist to its previous girth.

In order not to feel discomfort from the belly falling out forward, to finally forget about the problem of "bunny ears", it is recommended to master a fairly simple set of exercises, compiled by a professional fitness trainer. This training is ideal for women suffering from constant bloating and weight gain in the waist area. Only by regaining a toned belly can you regain self-confidence.

Why is there an accumulation of fatty deposits in the waist area?

The reasons for the increase in body weight are different. They are primarily due to severe stress, violation hormonal background, frequent snacks in attempts to "seize" experiences, leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. Even when doing fitness, many people focus on the buttocks, legs and other parts of the body, but not on the waist.

All of these factors, of course, play a significant role in the appearance of fatty deposits in the abdomen, sides, back. There is also a physiological feature of a person associated with the force of gravity and the effect that it has on the spine and connective tissues. Its role in the process of "enlarging" the waist area is quite significant.

The mass of the upper body, combined with the force of gravity, leads to the fact that the existing space between thigh bones and the ribs begin to decrease, the waistline becomes shorter and less pronounced. This process negatively affects the internal organs, muscles, fatty layer, skin.

They begin to literally bulge in different directions, which does not in the best way affect both the appearance and the sensations, makes a person feel much fatter than he really is. This does not pass without leaving a trace, but negatively affects the digestive system, metabolism, blood circulation and oxygenation of the blood, condition and function internal organs... The result of all this is problems such as bloating, excess weight.

The presence of free space in the abdomen leads to the stabilization of blood circulation, contributes to the normalization of digestion. The result of this is that the waist acquires a more pronounced shape, the "belly" ceases to stand out forward. In addition, a person begins to feel a surge of energy, feel more comfortable both physically and mentally.

In everyday life, unfortunately, only a few think about how a sedentary lifestyle, which is mainly led by everyone modern people, negatively affects not only the weight, but also the waist line. Equally important is the presence of some stiffness and tension, which is reflected even in the gait.

The gait of constantly worried people lacks any grace and grace. This cannot be reflected in the condition of the fascia. Light and weightless steps, on the other hand, make the connective tissues work constantly. Without much effort, a person with an "elegant" gait manages to maintain muscle tone, which allows you to quickly get rid of toxins, stress, nervous tension.

The average person takes about 5900 steps every day. If you put more energy into each one, moving correctly, then tissues and organs will begin to receive more oxygen, and the waist will become significantly thinner.

What is the influence of the fascia on the waist size?

Fascia is a kind of thin connective tissue located directly under the skin, enveloping each individual muscle, "holding" organs and tissues in place, giving the body shape. A similar thin fibrous layer is seen on chicken breast every housewife when she prepares white meat.

The healthy fascia appears as a transparent film. Against the background of an unstable emotional background, stress, incorrect posture, an inactive lifestyle, injuries, it becomes denser, becomes much shorter and tighter. Restrictions that appear in movement provoke a large amount of toxins into the fascia, accumulating in a kind of pockets at the waist. This process is reversible.

The pliability of the fascia allows this "shell" to return to its previous shape. It is enough to lead an active lifestyle, do exercises and workouts that allow you to remove toxins accumulated in the waist area in order to make the silhouette attractive.

What to do for those who have never had a pronounced waist?

Literally every person has a waist, regardless of gender and age. The difference lies in the girth, due to the genetic predisposition, the structure of the body. Some people naturally have thin waist, while others, on the contrary, are initially broader. It is simply impossible to correct this physiological feature. This also applies to creating a figure with ideal proportions.

Exercises to reduce the volume of the waist allow you to achieve the most optimal result, that is, exactly the starting point that every woman is endowed with by nature, as well as keep the abdominal muscles in good shape, which is certainly an adornment of the silhouettes. Lessons with a roller - a foam roller are especially effective.

This sports equipment for myofascial release - moderate to gentle stretching that has a strong effect on body tissues. Classes with a foam rubber roller help to increase circulation in joints and tissues, eliminate stress, and help to relax. The impact of the roller is comparable only to a deep massage. It “breaks down” stagnant toxins, even works out scar tissue, giving the muscle structure greater elegance.

Thanks to the roller, the main and hard-to-reach muscles are included in the work, which cannot be achieved when performing most exercises, both in cardio training and in gymnastics. In training with a roller, the exercises that are loved and known to many are ideally combined. You can study at any suitable time, without any restrictions in choosing a place.

A set of exercises for a thin waist

It consists of three blocks, each of which has its own focus, allows you to work out a particular muscle group.

Warm-up block

They allow you to open the chest, engage the intercostal muscles, stimulate blood circulation in the lungs, and feel significant relief during breathing. Thanks to such inclinations, you can get rid of the feeling of anxiety, relieve attacks of both allergies and asthma.


  • standing straight, legs are hip-width apart;
  • hands are raised up so that they were at shoulder width;
  • while inhaling, they lean to the right, and exhale - to the left.

At least 5 repetitions are performed on each side.


Perfectly warms up the lumbar region and the spine. Releases the fascia of the trunk.


  • legs apart at hip level;
  • a roller (roller) is placed behind the shoulders, held in the bend of the arms at the elbow joint;
  • on inhalation, the body in the lumbar region is turned in one direction, and on exhalation - in the opposite direction.

The main thing is to make sure that the legs remain motionless all the time. Make five turns in each direction.

Self-massage block

It allows you to quickly eliminate tension, helps to reduce the amount of salt deposits that accumulate in the upper back, relax the upper thoracic vertebra, and tone the cervical spine. Exercise helps to improve posture and gives you peace of mind.


  • lying on the floor, a roller is placed under the back somewhere in the bust area, completely resting on the roller;
  • hands are placed behind the head, closed in a lock, providing support;
  • using their legs, they push off the floor to move forward;
  • taking a breath, move upward, while the shoulder blades and upper back are massaged;
  • simultaneously with exhalation, they go down, rolling back approximately to the area of ​​the lower part of the thigh muscles.

You can't go too low. This will put unnecessary stress on the vertebrae and discs.

Helps reduce lateral tension and compression while stimulating lymphatic drainage.


  • lie on the roller perpendicular to the body, slightly turned by the right hips and armpits to the upper back;
  • the legs are bent at a right angle, the feet are firmly on the floor;
  • roll down the roller, first 10 centimeters down towards the waist area, and then return to the starting position, helping with the legs;
  • the body is turned to the left, a similar rolling is done.

Do at least 8 times to the left and right sides.

Using the diaphragm allows you to increase the amount of oxygen consumed, which speeds up the process of fat burning, increases the metabolic rate, and slows down aging. Exercise relieves the feeling of heaviness in the shoulders, relieves pain from the cervical spine.


  • lie on the roller, placing it at the bottom of the shoulder blades in the area where the bust line runs, clasping their hands behind the head;
  • with inhalation, the chest is bent forward, while lowering the head back, without disengaging the arms, stretching the neck to get rid of any tension;
  • with exhalation, the back is lifted up, thereby getting rid of excess carbon dioxide, which is replaced by oxygen.

Performing this exercise allows you to get rid of tension and discomfort in the intestines, to align the muscles in the abdomen.

Do 8 to 10 repetitions.

Internal organs and diaphragm

Due to the implementation of turns, toxins are removed from the body, an increase in the space between the ribs and hip joints occurs.


Similar to the previous one, but inclined are added knee joints to the floor, which allows you to warm up the muscles in the abdomen, helps to stretch the waist.

At least 3 approaches are made on each side.

"Snow Angel" - shoulder massage

Stimulates blood oxygen saturation, helps to work out the neck, shoulder, pectoral muscles, spine. Very beneficial for posture.


  • the roller is placed parallel to the spine so that it is between the head and the coccyx;
  • hands with the back side up, spread the sides, straightening and opening the chest;
  • make movements similar to those that are performed when creating the silhouette of an angel in the snow, which allows you to massage the shoulder blades while moving your hands up.

Make the "snow angel" 8-10 times.

Block for change, lengthening, strengthening and toning

On a graceful posture

This exercise is also aimed at expanding the space between the ribs and thighs, relieves the load from the spinal section.


  • on inhalation, both hands are pulled up, and on exhalation, they round the back and pull the chin to the chest, while simultaneously pulling in the stomach, touching the roller with your fingertips so as not to lose balance;
  • then, take another breath, roll the roller in the opposite direction, starting from the very tips of the fingers to the shoulder girdle, stopping to stretch when there is an elongation of the waist with a vertebra, shoulders with a neck;
  • exhaling, they return back to the position with a rounded back, drawing in the stomach.

The whole cycle of action is repeated at least 8 repetitions.

Allows you to stimulate the lymphatic system, increasing the tone of the internal organs and major muscle groups. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the fascia of the lower back.


  • place the roller under the sacrum;
  • the upper back with shoulders lies on the gymnastic mat, the waist, on the contrary, is raised;
  • legs are raised towards the ceiling so that they form an almost right angle;
  • hands grab the free outer edge of the roller;
  • the legs are lowered with an inhalation downward until a deflection is felt in the lumbar region;
  • using the deep abdominal muscles, exhaling, the legs are raised again.

The main thing is to control so that the spine does not shift and does not strain.

Do 8-10 repetitions.


The exercise is aimed at strengthening, lengthening, toning the neck, shoulders, forearms, buttocks, and upper back. It helps to straighten the spine, creating space between the thighs and ribs. The stretching effect allows you to feel higher, normalizes digestion.


  • face down on a gymnastic mat, and the roller is placed under the elbow joints, stretching the arms forward, putting the thumbs up;
  • pulling socks away from you;
  • the gluteal muscles completely relax;
  • simultaneously with inhalation, the roller is rolled with the effort of the forearms towards itself, while the stomach is pulled in and the shoulders are pulled back so that tension is felt in the hands, and the posture is straightened;
  • the muscles of the press are pulled up as much as possible, contributing to lengthening the front of the body and maintaining good posture;
  • exhaling, they return to their original position without haste.


The exercise is aimed at lengthening, compacting and strengthening the lateral muscles, which are necessary to maintain the spine in the correct position, to reduce the negative effects of pressure with gravity.


  • lying on your side, stretch your legs in front of you;
  • the roller is under the ankle;
  • on the elbow, the hands on which they lie are raised, and the forearm is placed on the mat;
  • control whether the roller is in a stable position;
  • they take in air, raise their free hand, feeling how all the weight is supported by all the lateral lines of the body, which resist the force of gravity;
  • exhaling, the body is turned towards the floor, the hand is lowered, trying not to lose balance, remaining on weight.

Both to the left and to the right do from 8 to 10 repetitions.


Due to the retraction of the abdomen, toxins are released, the body is renewed, which helps to make the waist narrower.


  • the roller is placed below the knees;
  • arms, forming a straight line with shoulders and wrists, are perpendicular to the floor;
  • the shoulder joint is stabilized in order to be able to move around it so that the body does not move forward or backward;
  • the stomach is pulled in, the spine is straightened as much as possible;
  • air is taken into the lungs and the roller is rolled towards itself, rounding the spinal section so that it forms a shape resembling a shell;
  • making a deep exhalation, the hips are lifted up as much as possible, using the roller as a support under the legs, keeping the stomach drawn in, freeing from a large volume of carbon dioxide.
  • breathe in again, return to their original position.

Make at least 8 "shells".

The presented complex is not intended for obtaining an aspen waist, but allows you to give this area the dimensions laid down by the physiological structure, to maintain the muscles and the body in good shape.

Based on materials:

Video "Thin waist in 7 minutes"

Fast food and late night snacks aren't the only enemies of a thin waist. Incorrect exercises also prevent us from making it like this! We present you 5 mistakes on the way to a wasp waist and a beautiful belly.

A thin waist is a matter of technology and proper nutrition

To begin with, a little anatomy: the girth of the middle part of the body largely depends on the hormonal characteristics of the body. For example, those ladies who have a lot of female sex hormones (especially estradiol) in their blood can boast of a thin waist. And those who lack these substances in the body are not such lucky ones.

The first mistake: craving low-calorie diets

Some, in an effort to make the waist thin, follow diets that allow them to consume less than 1200 kcal per day. This is pointless, experts say. "Yes, you will lose weight on a low-calorie diet, but only at the expense of muscle, and not fat, which will remain flabby swaying on your sides." warns Sasha Brown, Hollywood fitness model and personal trainer at Studio City Fitness Gym in Los Angeles. In addition, low-calorie diets slow down the metabolism, and when they are finished, the weight usually returns with "friends."

What to do? Adjust the power supply. "It is important not only to balance the diet, but also to monitor the portions: a distended stomach will definitely not make your waist thin."- Sasha Brown warns. It is not necessary to have scales or measuring cups on hand, you can use your palms to determine the correct portion size. “Your lunch might look something like this: vegetables should be as big as your two fists, animal protein as your palm, excluding your fingers. Everything else - cereals, legumes, fruits, dairy products, etc. - no more than one fist ”, - expert advises. On the way to a thin waist, it will not hurt to give up not only sweets and fatty foods, but also reduce the amount of fruit. “Despite the abundance of vitamins in them, fruits also have a high glycemic index. And the higher it is, the greater the chance of fat deposition in the middle part of the body ”, - explains Sasha Brown. It is also worth reducing the consumption of legumes, fermented milk products, soy and sticky cereals (oats, semolina) - these products can provoke bloating, which will also increase the waist circumference.

Second mistake: prolonged cardio workouts

Get slimmer without aerobic exercise will not work. Just as you will not be able to make your waist thin by doing these types of activities for a long time: cardio training (jogging, aerobics, brisk walking or exercising on an elliptical trainer), lasting more than 50 minutes, will not rid your sides of the fat layer, but muscle mass can be destroyed. And without it, it is impossible to achieve elastic forms and rapid metabolism!

What to do? "In order to keep the muscles and make the waist thin, 25-40 minutes of effective cardio exercise several times a week is enough."- explains Sasha Brown. The easiest way is to divide your aerobic workout into 5-minute sections, adding lunges, squats, and jumping exercises in between. Such activities stimulate active fat burning. Start exercising twice a week and work out to three or four. If you can exercise before breakfast, you will see results much faster.

You don't have to spend hours in the gym for a slimmer waist.

Mistake # 3: Wrong Exercise

These include, for example, side bends with weights. It would seem that what could be more effective: after all, from these movements we feel tension in one or the other side? In fact, such exercises only increase the girth of the waist. "Bends to the sides develop the oblique abdominal muscles, and instead of beautiful curves, you will get absolutely smooth, rough lines", - Sasha Brown warns.

What to do? Give up these exercises in favor of yoga. “It has a lot of power asanas and dynamic complexes that stimulate metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the work of internal organs,”- says Natalia Minina, yoga therapist at the MICOMed Oriental Medicine Clinic. Experts advise to base the practice on those poses where you have to twist the body. "These asanas stretch the lateral muscles, making the waist thinner and improving blood circulation,"- explains Suvani Stepanek, professor of yoga at City College of San Francisco. In order for the muscle volume to begin to decrease, forming beautiful curves, in each position you need to linger for at least 30 seconds and perform the complexes at least twice a week.

Mistake # 4: Daily Abdominal Exercise

"Abs exercises are not fat burning",- explains Sasha Brown. Twisting is the same strength exercise as squats, and requires muscle recovery: that is, in order to "draw" beautiful cubes on the stomach, the muscles need to rest for at least a day after an intense exercise.

In addition, if your muscles are covered with a thick layer of fat, then soon after the first workouts, you may notice that your waist circumference only increases.

What to do? Strengthen your abdominal muscles by doing the plank. This exercise does not build muscle, but tightens the abdomen. Start with 15 seconds and gradually work up to 1 minute. Do the bar every other day for 3-4 sets. When the fatty layer at the waist becomes less, then you can start twisting. Sasha Brown shares her abdominal workout: “Do 15-20 crunches, immediately without rest, go to the leg raises from the prone position, and then do the plank for 1 minute. Relax and repeat 2-3 more laps. "

Fifth mistake: refusing other strength exercises

Many women, in pursuit of a thin waist, avoid training for other muscle groups, focusing only on the abdominals. “Losing weight only in the waist will not work in any way, since fat does not go away locally,” - explains Alexandra Burdakova, a physiologist at an Australian clinic. In addition, abdominal exercises are not energy-intensive enough, so most likely there will be no results from such workouts.

What to do? Work out all muscle groups. "Strength training improves metabolism and accelerates fat burning, even at rest." says the expert. Set aside at least one day of the week to work out your back and shoulder girdle. "Having formed muscle corset in the upper body, you visually harmonize the figure and reduce the waist ", - tells Alexandra Burdakova. Take another day to work your glutes to balance body proportions and create an hourglass silhouette. Do not forget to also take care of your skin so that it does not lose its elasticity and firmness. A contrast shower can tone the skin, and regular massage in the waist area will help accelerate the breakdown of fats and form graceful lines.

The information in the “Cleansing the Body” section will help you figure out how to properly get rid of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, as well as what procedures can normalize metabolism, tighten your figure and put it in order after losing weight. Experts share effective ways burning fat, talk about drying the body. Here you will learn everything about safe and effective preparations for cleansing and fighting extra pounds, as well as read the reviews of people who have already tried this or that remedy. The articles presented in the section will also be useful for those who want to always be healthy and support the body in the fight against negative external factors and daily harmful temptations.


The section "Diets" presents effective methods weight loss, disease-specific diets, gym nutrition programs, and a diet that uses fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, and other foods. Experienced nutritionists will tell you how to choose the right diet and how not to break down and get out of it competently in order to maintain the achieved result for a long time. Here you can also read about popular low-calorie, protein, author's, star and other diets, as well as choose best vitamins for yourself and your family. This section will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who monitor their health and are attentive to their diet.


The section "Care" contains advice from cosmetologists, trichologists, dermatologists. The articles detail how to deal with wrinkles, acne, acne, hair loss, dandruff and other problems with hair, skin and nails. Each girl will be able to choose an effective mask, learn about the intricacies of care and popular cosmetics... Experts will tell you everything about wrapping, massage techniques, the intricacies of visiting a sauna, effective slimming baths. With our help, you can say goodbye to cellulite once and for all and choose the most effective method for this. Here you can also find information about why fingers go numb, back hurts, palms sweat and a lot of health problems can be solved.

The exercise

Correct your figure, return attractive forms after childbirth or weight loss, strengthen your arms, enlarge your breasts, form an ideal posture, get rid of cellulite - you will learn how to do all this in the "Exercises" section. Fitness trainers will tell you about the correct technique for performing exercises, about all the subtleties and nuances so that training becomes as effective as possible, and the results are noticeable to the maximum. short time... The sets of exercises are conveniently divided into parts of the body. You can also learn everything about yoga here.

Wasp waist

Almost every woman cares about being slim and always looking perfect. Still, flaunting in a bikini on the beach and catching admiring men's looks - isn't this the highest award for all those diets that we exhaust ourselves with and for the long hours we spend in gyms? After all, “building” a beautiful body is not as easy as talking about it. But, today, World Without Harm continues to tell you about. And, we propose to stop our attention this time at the waist.

Wasp or thin waist, female figure, similar in proportion to an hourglass - how to achieve all this? The answer to your question will be our publication, in which we will tell you about what steps need to be taken to keep your waist thin

What should be the ideal waist

Before we begin to step by step closer to our goal - the wasp waist, let's consider the standard of such a volume. In order to know how far or close we are to our goal. And, here, those who think that a figure of 60 centimeters taken out of the well-known proportion is the ideal volume, a big disappointment awaits. The fact is that for each type of figure there is an indicator of the ideal volume... Doubt? Then, what can you say to the next picture - a girl of small stature, and with a waist of 60 centimeters and the rest of the volume, close to 90 centimeters. The first impression you get when you look at a girl like this is very contradictory. It seems that the waist is thin, but all this looks as a whole is not at all as beautiful as that of a long-legged model with a height of 2 meters.

So, remember - there is no universal ideal waist size for everyone. For there is a volume.

How to calculate your ideal waist

If you are a perfectionist at heart and want to comply with the generally accepted canons of beauty, then you can find out the ideal waist size for yourself using one of the formulas below.

Formula number 1 for calculating the ideal waist

Subtract 100 centimeters from your height. This will be your approximate ideal volume, acceptable for your figure. The only thing that can be corrected is, taking into account the peculiarities of the skeleton, for women with large bones to add 3-5 centimeters to this indicator. Whereas women with fragile bones, on the contrary, must subtract 5 centimeters from this volume.

Formula # 2 for calculating the ideal waist size

In this case, you will have to measure the main parameters of the volume of the chest and the volume of the hips, add them, and then divide by 2. After, from the resulting figure you need to subtract 30%. The result is your ideal volume.

Why your waist size is far from ideal

Corset for a thin waist

After you have checked the measurements, calculations and summed up ... for some reason, the result you received did not please you. Although you do not seem to be overweight, and even, but for some reason, you are still far from ideal waist measurements.

Why? Actually, there are as many as 3 components of the indicator that have a direct impact on the size of your waist... And, they must be taken into account. So, removes you from the ideal volume of the center of the figure; excess fat in the abdomen, weak muscles in the abdominal area and decreased skin tone... And, against these 3 enemies, we suggest you declare war.

However, do not immediately count on quick effect, in order to get rid of fat deposits, put muscles in order and restore elasticity to the skin - it will take at least 2-3 months. In addition, the effect you have achieved will have to be maintained constantly. But, about everything in order.

By the way, an interesting fact,

Scientists and physicians argue that, in fact, waist volume depends on the amount of female sex hormones (estrogens) in a woman's body. The more there are, the thinner the waist ...

Physical exercise

First of all, let's declare war on body fat, and aerobics or fitness will help us in this. By the way, do not try to start pumping the abs during this period, since an increase in the load on the abdominal muscles will lead to their growth and ... the waist volume will increase instead of decreasing. In order to prevent this from happening, it is better to simultaneously work out the abdominal muscles with the back muscles.

For those who have led a rather passive lifestyle up to this point, training should be approached wisely, gradually increasing the load and the number of exercises performed, starting with a light warm-up. When you are in good physical shape, you will be able to exercise in full force within 1 month, then, the exercises can be performed every other day.

What sports equipment can help you achieve a slim waist

Waist hoop

Remember, in the past, every sports store sold or as it is now called hula-hoop. He is what we need with you. When you rotate such a hoop, the load is evenly distributed on the muscles of the press and back, plus - you also pump the press in this way. Every woman can do with such a sports hoop. True, the limitation is made by pregnant women and those who recently (3-4 months ago) gave birth to a baby.

Exercises for the waist

The exercises listed below for the waist are recommended to be performed strictly before meals, or one hour after it. Workouts are best done 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. However, you can set the training schedule yourself. So, the exercises themselves:

  • Support push-ups- you need to lie on your left side on a firm and level surface. Now bend your left arm at the elbow and place it under your head, place your right hand on your thigh. You need to raise your body, leaning on your arm and leg, linger in this position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. While it may seem difficult at first to perform such push-ups, in fact, the effectiveness of such a set of movements is very high. Therefore, start with 10 push-ups on each side, and bring them up to 30. Then, you need to roll over on the other side and repeat the same exercise in a mirror image.
  • Download the press- You can do this exercise while standing against a wall. So, first, squat down with your back against the wall, so that the shoulder blades themselves fit snugly against its surface. Legs bent at the knees must be spread apart, and with your hands resting on the groin area. Now, try, keeping your back straight, raise your legs in a bent position from the surface of the floor, hold them in this position in the air for a few seconds, and then lower them. During this exercise, you will feel tension in the muscles of your back and abdomen - as it should be. It is recommended to do this exercise for the press 10-20 times.
  • Heel-elbow- to perform this exercise, it is better to stand in the middle of the room. Take a starting position, spread your legs a little, straighten your back, pull your stomach in. Hands, clasped in the lock, put on the back of your head, spreading your elbows to the sides. You need to raise your right leg and try to touch your left elbow to her heel. Can't you do anything? Oh, this is because your waist is far from perfect, but when you remove a couple of centimeters, your elbow and your heel will meet. This exercise is recommended to be performed at least 40 times, dividing 20 times on one leg, and 20 times on the other.

Proper nutrition for a slim waist

Do not think that you are limited to physical activity in your difficult path to achieving the ideal size of your waist. You will have to reconsider your diet and even ... go on a special diet. It lasts at least 7 days, and now we will offer you a menu for such a diet.

Slim Waist Diet Menu

  • Your breakfast consists of 1 soft-boiled egg, 2 slices of black bread, or one made from wholemeal flour. An alternative to this breakfast can be either yogurt with 0% fat and 1 large orange.
  • Lunch consists of (do not forget to remove the skin) or lean fish (stewed or boiled). As a side dish, you can use vegetable salads, and their portion is dimensionless, how much you eat - and eat as much.
  • Dinner - grilled white meat and baked or boiled vegetables. By the way, you cannot eat during this diet.
  • Liquids - green tea,. Coffee is prohibited.

It is difficult to imagine the owners of the fair sex who would not dream of a thin, perfect waist. The fashion for bodies is changing, once curvaceous forms were in fashion, then thin, model standards became fashionable.

But at any time, the beauty and femininity of the body could be judged by the presence of a waist. The hourglass shape will probably never go out of style.

What should be the ideal waist

Many have long heard that among the people the ideal body parameters are the size of the circles 90-60-90. But is it possible, each type of body structure, height, weight corresponds to other parameters of an ideal figure.

In fact, this is quite individual and a waist size of sixty centimeters will be too small for one, and too much for another.

Scientifically, using formulas and calculations, the ideal parameters are compiled modern girl... They can be considered in the table and decide for yourself how far these calculations are from reality.

Height, cm Waist circumference, cm
149-150 55
151-152 56
153-154 57
155-156 58
157-158 59
159-160 60
161-162 61
163-164 62
165-166 63
167-168 64
169-170 65
171-172 66
173-174 67
175-176 68
177-178 69
179-180 70
181-182 71
183-184 72
185-186 73

It can be seen here that the waist volume grows in direct proportion to the weight, therefore, with a height of 175 cm, there is no need to strive for the parameters 90-60-90. It is not at all necessary to achieve the waist size indicated in the table.

Remember, it is important to be feminine and neat, and not frantically to achieve fifty centimeters in volume and look exhausted. It may be physiologically impossible to do this. There are always ways to become slimmer, the main thing is to understand what you need to do and try hard.

How to quickly make your waist thin

It is quite possible to make the waist thinner. Be patient, because nothing happens quickly and does not fall from the sky, especially a thin waist. Unfortunately, subcutaneous fat with an inactive lifestyle and overeating does not go away quickly.

After all, it is he who becomes a good camouflage for our wasp waist. Here is the answer to the popular question - can you quickly make your waist thin?

Subcutaneous fat serves to protect the body from temperature changes, protect internal organs and store energy when hunger strikes. One gram of fat contains nine calories, therefore, you can calculate how much energy needs to be expended to burn several pounds of fat.

Thus, to burn a kilogram of fat, you need to spend 9 thousand calories, given that one effective cardio workout (for example, running) burns between 500 and 800 calories. This is a time consuming job that requires a certain investment of time and effort. It all depends on you.

Let's say the body was starving all day, and even received physical activity, and in the evening it took an incentive prize as a bun, then in this case positive result wait is not worth it.

The fact is that the body does not give up fat during fasting, as it leaves it in reserve for a rainy day.

When food enters a hungry body, especially sugar (flour, sweet), it is immediately deposited as fat in problem areas.

Hunger slows down the metabolism. Therefore, you need to eat several times a day and be sure to only the right food... The sooner you start to follow all the measures, the faster you will achieve the result.

To obtain the required waist circumference, it is necessary to apply a set of certain measures. Consider the main principles of how you can make your waist thin.

Exercises for harmony at home

To form a thin waist and a beautiful toned belly, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym and spend cash... There are many waist exercises that you can do at home or in a nearby park. So how to make the waist thinner and remove the belly? Exercises to help!

You should know that fat is not burned locally, exactly in the desired place, it burns evenly throughout the body. This means that in order to get rid of belly fat, you need to work on all muscle groups. Pay particular attention to loads that consume the most energy.

These are cardio loads, such loads train the heart muscle by increasing the heart rate and blood circulation. These include: running, cycling, jumping rope, special cardio equipment. You can run in the park, jump rope maybe at home. There are many options, the main thing is to start.

Burning while lying

Quite simple in execution, but very effective exercise... It is performed with springy movements that will help burn excess fat through a large number of repetitions.

Lying on the floor, hands behind your head, your chin looks up, your legs are bent at the knees. With an exhalation, we tear off the shoulder blades from the floor to the height of a matchbox, lower them for a breath, feeling the work of the rectus abdominis muscle, especially its upper part, bringing to a burning sensation in the muscle.

The main thing is to breathe correctly, not to do the throat lock by holding your breath.

The exercise can be performed for 30-60 seconds. Repeat three approaches if necessary. It is important not to overdo it and leave the strength.

The peculiarities of performing the technique of this exercise is that the deep transverse abdominal muscle is included in its work, which is located in the inner layer of the abdominal muscles and performs a stabilizing, that is, supporting function. Pulling towards the spine, the muscle will flatten the abdomen.

Lying on our stomach, resting our feet on the floor, we begin slow lifts of the body, vertebra by vertebra up, feeling the work of the abdominal muscles. Hands in front of you or on your shoulders. The main thing is not to jerk. We also descend slowly and gradually.

It is important to breathe correctly. We take a breath and, with an exhalation, we begin to rise, we breathe in again at the top, and as we exhale we go down, without holding our breath. The number of repetitions is from 20-30 times, until the sensation of burning muscles for 2-4 approaches, taking into account physical fitness.

Raising the legs

This exercise is aimed at working out the rectus abdominis muscle, a large load is directed to its lower part.

This technique will help to strengthen the muscle, tighten the lower abdomen, while burning fat.

For the female type, fat is deposited in this area of ​​the abdomen and on the sides. Therefore, the exercise is worth mastering.

Lying on your back, palms under the buttocks, to prevent stress on the lower back. The lumbar spine is pressed tightly to the floor. Keep our legs straight below, and with exhalation raise both legs to an angle of 90 degrees, and lower them for inhalation. We perform 20-30 repetitions for 3-4 approaches.

Side crunches

This exercise is aimed at working out the oblique and intercostal muscles of the abdomen, it will help to reduce the waist. Exercise should be performed with your own weight, since excessive power load can increase the thickness of the muscles, this will only expand the waist. For example, block crunches for oblique muscles contribute to the set muscle mass, so avoid heavy weights.

So, lying on your back, legs are bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart, rest on the floor. We put our right palm behind the head and lifting the right shoulder blade from the floor, we stretch our elbow to the opposite knee in a diagonal. 20-30 reps on one side, then on the other.


An excellent exercise that engages absolutely all muscle groups. In particular, both the outer and inner layers of the press are well included in the work. The exercise is static, that is, it is performed by holding this position for a certain time.

We put our palms on the floor, at shoulder level, put our feet across the width of the pelvis, tear our knees off the floor and take an even position of the whole body parallel to the floor. It is important that the press is included in the work, because its work will not only strengthen the muscles, but also eliminate the load on the spine, and prevent sagging of the lower back.

We hold the position for 30-60 seconds as far as possible.

The familiar name is the waist hoop. To outline the waist and break body fat, after training the press, finish the complex with a hula-hoop rotation.

But here you need to be careful, in case of problems with the lumbar region and inflammation of internal organs, exercise is prohibited, as it can aggravate the disease. Rotation accelerates blood circulation and raises the heart rate, so it can rightfully be considered a fat burning method of training.

For a start, 5-10 minutes will be enough, then the time can be increased.

Nutrition for a thin waist

As already mentioned, nutrition is one of the main ways to get a wasp waist. The importance of nutrition accounts for 70–80% of success. Of course, there are factors that prevent you from getting the desired result.

For example, a genetic predisposition to obesity, hormonal disruption, a lack of digestive enzymes that digest fat and carbohydrates. In this case, you will need the help of doctors.

If the body is completely healthy, and excess weight is still present, rather you overeat or eat incorrectly.

You do not need to go on diets, as this is a temporary effect, forget about them. Make it a rule to eat right.

The main principles of proper nutrition:

  • less carbohydrates, more protein. Carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, flour, sweets) are necessary to maintain energy in the body for life. Therefore, it is not recommended to include them in the diet in the afternoon, since the unspent energy in the form of carbohydrates will turn into fat deposits in the waist and hips. We leave protein for the evening - meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables;
  • we remove simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. For weight loss, it is preferable to choose complex carbohydrates, cereals. These carbohydrates, unlike fast, easily digestible ones (fructose, glucose), do not increase insulin levels, which adds extra weight. Therefore, remove them from the diet, and leave cereals and fruits for the first half of the day;
  • we do not starve, we eat often. Hunger promotes fat retention to keep the body alive. This is its protective function. If you eat often, small portions, then the SOS signal does not come to the brain, and the fat is given up for processing into energy without any problems;
  • do not overeat. Although you need to eat often, this does not mean that you need to eat half for breakfast. daily allowance... Servings should be small and contain less variety per serving, as it will be very difficult for enzymes to digest all the ingredients. Thus, the metabolism may slow down;
  • drink water on an empty stomach and between meals. Water not only removes protein breakdown products (ammonia) from the body, but also removes the false feeling of hunger, removing it for a while.

Another way to get a very thin waist

This includes a pleasant and useful way - massage of the abdominal area. You can do both self-massage and with the help of a specialist. Massage improves metabolism, improves blood circulation, breaks down fat deposits, tightens and improves skin elasticity.

And also, massage will help restore strength after a completed set of exercises.

Self-massage is desirable to do on clean skin with the addition of cosmetic massage oil. Grasping the fat fold, as if with rolling movements, we stretch the skin up and down. We do not bring to pain and bruises.

How to make a thin waist and slim stomach during the week? Let's consider the most effective measures. By adhering to this complex, the waist will noticeably decrease in volume in just one week.

  1. We start running in the morning on an empty stomach. Energy will be taken from the fat depot immediately, this will lead to faster fat burning;
  2. We remove the sweets. We do not clog the body with extra calories, we observe proper nutrition;
  3. We eat more vegetables and proteins. They have the fewest calories, and the portions look more impressive, therefore they are quite satiating;
  4. We drink flaxseed or olive oil before breakfast. Surprisingly, the consumption of unsaturated fats leads to weight loss, since their molecular compounds are able to capture free fat from the body and remove it in greater quantities than was received.
  5. We consume less salt, but do not exclude it. Excessive salt intake traps water and leads to swelling, which adds extra inches at the waist.

How to make the waist thinner: reviews

A set of five effective measures helped me a lot to achieve the result. I started running in the morning on an empty stomach, removed sweets, ate more vegetables with the addition of olive oil. Got minus 5 centimeters at the waist. The result is evident in just a week!

Inga, 26 years old, Syktyvkar

I really liked the set of exercises at home. Exercise really helps reduce your waistline. I practiced every day for 15-20 minutes. First, I jumped on a rope for 5-10 minutes to warm up the muscles, then twisting, raising the legs, plank, side twisting. I performed a set of three approaches, finished the workout by rotating a hoop with special massage balls for breaking down fat for 5-10 minutes. The complex does not take much time, and the effect is obvious - minus five centimeters at the waist in two weeks and minus three kilograms of total weight.

Oksana, 30 years old, Moscow


To achieve this goal, have a thin waist, just 15 minutes of workouts are not enough, there must be a strong-willed work on yourself every hour, day and night.

To be healthy and beautiful is every girl's dream. Applying all the tips in practice, it will not be difficult to do this. Do not forget about the main principles:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. Physical exercise;
  3. Rest and sleep.

All this in combination will lead to the final result faster. It is quite possible to have a perfect waist, the main thing is just to want and go forward to the dream.

There are a few more exercises for a thin waist in this video.

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