Kefir diet for 7 days by Larisa Dolina. Larisa Dolina's diet. Diet rules of Larisa Dolina

Despite her age, Larisa Dolina continues to be in good shape. The woman managed to do what many girls only dream of - the singer lost 25 extra pounds. Larisa was able to correct her figure using a low-calorie diet, which is based on the use of kefir. The method is called Larisa Dolina's diet for quick weight loss or simply the Stellar Diet. To understand how the singer lost weight, you need to carefully study her method.

Like most women, the singer was no stranger to overweight problems. For a long time, Larisa struggled with excess weight, trying to bring her figure back to normal. However, the usual methods did not give results. But Larisa Dolina did not despair and continued to move towards her goal. After a while, the singer surprised everyone by entering the stage refreshed and thinner. In an interview, Larisa Dolina admitted that she owes a quick loss of extra pounds to the kefir diet. The singer is not the author of the method. Ruslan Gorobets advised her to correct the weight using the method, and Dr. Saykov developed the menu for the week. However, it was thanks to Larisa Dolina that the method became popular and widespread. In order for a diet to promote weight loss, a number of important nuances must be taken into account. We will talk further about how effective the method is, about the main features of the method and menu for every day.

If a girl doubts that Larisa Dolina's diet can help her, it is necessary to study the reviews and results of those who have lost weight. Fashionistas who have used the method claim that it allows you to effectively lose weight. You can lose 7 kg in a week. In addition, the feeling of hunger does not arise. This is caused by eating small meals every 2 hours. The body feels full and does not require supplementation. Losing weight happens very quickly. Colon cleansing is not a problem. However, the method also has a number of disadvantages. Not all girls can use Larisa Dolina's diet for weight loss.

Before applying the diet in practice, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and disadvantages, which include:

  • kefir diet belongs to the category of strict,
  • a meager diet is not able to give the body the entire list of substances necessary for normal functioning,
  • due to sudden weight loss, stretch marks may appear,
  • due to the small amount of water that is allowed to be consumed according to Larisa Dolina's kefir diet, dehydration may begin,
  • enemas and other methods of stimulating bowel cleansing can lead to stomach upset.

Doctors are wary of Larisa Dolina's kefir diet and do not advise patients to get too carried away with it. The fact is that losing more than 5 kg per month can lead to health problems. For this reason, losing weight on the Valley diet should be under the strict supervision of a specialist. This is the only way to minimize the risk of harm to health.

As the name suggests, the staple of this diet is kefir. The girl must prepare herself in advance for the fact that she will have to drink it every day. There are several diet options available today. All of them are designed for 7 days, but 1 can be extended for another week. In this case, there will be no harm to health. The 7-day diet of Larisa Dolina requires the use of a large amount of kefir, but the volume of other liquids drunk must be reduced. You need a thread of no more than 0.5 liters of water per day. Larisa Dolina advises girls who decide to take advantage of her diet to go in for sports. Without following the recommendation, body shaping will take much more time. You don't have to go to the gym and endure grueling workouts. The singer advises fashionistas to increase the amount of time they spend outdoors and add active walking to their usual schedule. The exercise is best done in the evening.

Note! Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina for 7 days implies strict adherence to the schedule. A fashionista must prepare herself mentally in advance for what is prohibited after 18:00.

Kefir not only promotes weight loss, but also has a number of other positive effects. With the help of a fermented milk product, a girl can stimulate the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

There are a number of rules that must be strictly observed if a girl decided to lose weight using the Larisa Dolina method:

  • you need to eat at least 5-6 times a day,
  • the break between meals should be no more than 2 hours,
  • before starting a diet, you need to do a fasting day,
  • bowel cleansing during the use of the method must be performed with enemas or laxatives,
  • daily before meals you need to drink a cup of herbal infusion.

If the girl's choice is the diet of Larisa Dolina minus 25 kg per week, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the fact that the usual diet will undergo a significant correction. Many products will have to be discarded.

If a girl loses weight with the help of Larisa Dolina's kefir diet, she will be able to eat:

  • carrots and potatoes,
  • low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese,
  • prunes, dried apricots, raisins,
  • meat, preferably chicken breast.

The basis of the Valley's diet is kefir. In addition to it, it is allowed to drink non-carbonated water. In addition, you can drink green tea or coffee, but the number of drinks should not exceed 1 cup per day.

From the diet according to the kefir method of Larisa Dolina, it is imperative to exclude:

  • nutritional supplements,
  • sweets,
  • pastries,
  • salt,
  • sugar.

It should be remembered that if a product is not included in the diet menu, it cannot be consumed. If a girl neglects the recommendation, she will negate all the results that she could achieve using the Valley scheme.

There are several types of diet according to the Larissa method. Schemes differ in the number and range of foods that can be used for weight loss. The choice of method depends on the individual preferences of the girl.

Note! It should be remembered that you cannot adjust the menu every day. However, in addition to your diet, you need to drink 0.5 liters of water per day. The indicator cannot be exceeded, but the allowed value should not be reduced either. This can cause dehydration.

To speed up weight loss, it is recommended to drink 0.05 liters of herbal infusion before eating food. If a girl does not want to engage in accurate calculations, she can take a few sips of liquid. Experts recommend brewing the infusion in advance. Better to do the action in the morning.

As a basis for a drink according to the kefir method of Larisa Dolina, you can use:

  • chamomile,
  • calendula,
  • St. John's wort.

Having dealt with the permitted drinking, the girl can start choosing the menu. If a woman of fashion is afraid of making a mistake, it is better for her to consult a specialist. The nutritionist will tell you which way of eating is right for her. In fact, the methods were developed as equivalent diets that can be followed for no more than 7 days. After the expiration of the term, a break is required.

Option number 1

A variation of the diet is suitable for those who cannot eat by the hour. The allowed amount of food must be divided into equal portions and eaten throughout the day.

Note! It is prohibited to exceed the permissible volume.

The scheme is designed for 7 days. Over a period of time, you can lose 7 kg. When the period comes to an end, you need to take a break. This method is only for a week. It is prohibited to exceed the permitted period. Violation of the allowed time can cause health problems.

An approximate menu for 7 days according to the Valley diet:

Day of week Day name Sample menu
Monday Potato
Tuesday Sour cream 200 g or 5-6 tablespoons of sour cream, the fat content of which does not exceed 15%, + 500 ml of 1% kefir
Wednesday Curd 500 ml of kefir with 1% fat + 7 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Fatty foods are prohibited.
Thursday Chicken
Friday Vitamin 1 kg of green apples or 500 g of carrots + 500 ml of low-fat kefir
Saturday Unloading 1 liter of low-fat kefir during the day
Sunday Day off It is allowed to drink only 1 liter of non-carbonated mineral water

Option number 2

Unlike the previous method, girls using this diet option will have to eat on a schedule. Food should be taken every 2 hours.

Experts advise taking the following time to eat according to the Dolina scheme:

  • 8:00,
  • 10:00,
  • 12:00,
  • 16:00,
  • 18:00.

The Dolina scheme is designed for 7 days, but nutritionists admit that the method can be used longer. However, after 1 week, it is imperative to take a break. This will allow the body to recuperate before a new stage of losing weight. During rest, it is allowed to return to the usual menu, however, the portion size should be limited and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet.

Note! If the girl feels that her strength is already running out, there is no need to torture herself and start 2 weeks of weight loss. Better to increase the size of the break and give the body a break. In this case, it will be easier for the girl to survive the next stage of weight loss. In addition, the risk of breaking down will be less.

The break after the diet should be at least 1 week. During this period of time, a girl can gain 1 kg, however, repeated weight loss will consolidate the result and allow you to get rid of more excess weight.

Sample menu for the Valley diet:

Day of week Name of the day Sample menu
Monday Potato 400 g or 5 small potatoes, cooked in their uniform, + 500 ml of kefir, the fat content of which does not exceed 1%
Tuesday Curd 400 g of cottage cheese + 500 ml of low-fat kefir
Wednesday Fruit 400 g of any fruit except banana and grapes + kefir
Thursday Meat 500 g chicken fillet cooked without salt. In addition to the product, it is allowed to drink 500 ml of low-fat kefir
Friday Fruit 400 g of any fruit except banana and grapes + 500 ml of kefir
Saturday Day off 1.5 l of still mineral water
Sunday Fruit 400 g of one type of fruit, excluding banana and grapes + 500 ml of kefir

Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, honored author of Evehealth


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The popular singer Larisa Dolina, for most of her career, was distinguished by very curvaceous forms, while being overweight was at least 20 kilograms. Her dramatic weight loss gave rise to many different rumors. Assumptions were made about the singer's serious illness and about plastic surgery. However, the secret to gaining a slender figure so quickly turned out to be quite simple. The show business star discovered the secret of her rapid weight loss, and thanks to this, Larisa Dolina's kefir diet helped many of her followers to successfully get rid of the hated kilograms.

A bit of history

The ration of the diet used by the Valley was developed by Dr. Saikin quite a long time ago. The singer just followed his recommendations. The impressive result achieved by the pop diva quickly made the diet famous. The Valley gained even more significant popularity several years after her weight loss, since the parameters of the star remained practically unchanged.

Larisa Dolina helped popularize the use of kefir for weight loss, sharing all the intricacies of its use. Kefir diet for weight loss from Larisa Dolina has several variations, thanks to which it is possible to choose the most suitable way to lose weight in each case.

Kefir diet from the Valley: method number 1

The first option for losing weight using the Larisa Dolina diet allows you to lose about seven kilograms of excess weight in one week. During the entire continuation of the diet, the diet should be designed so that the last meal was no later than six o'clock in the evening. Every day, in small portions, you need to drink 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir (1% fat). All other ingredients for each specific day must be divided into several parts.

The composition of the dietary food menu is designed for seven days:

Kefir diet from the Valley: method number 2

Another kind of kefir diet by the Valley lasts fourteen days. At the same time, the first seven dietary days contribute to the loss of two to five extra pounds. During the second week, two to four kilograms are lost. As in the previous version, every day, except for the sixth day, 0.5 liters of kefir is drunk. Additional meals, divided into equal portions, must be taken according to a strict schedule - six meals a day, with an interval of about two hours. A seven-day food consumption looks something like this:

The peculiarity of this version of the kefir diet is a break between two weeks of the diet. At the same time, in the intermediate period, you should eat as usual and not limit your diet. This allows you to consolidate the results achieved in the first half of the diet. The kilograms gained during the break are easily and irrevocably gone during the second week of the diet.

Before using this type of kefir diet, you should prepare the body. It is recommended to spend the day before. A few days before starting the diet, you need to cleanse the intestines daily, which consists of consuming 50 ml before each meal. Chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort are used as components. The herbal collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused.

It should also be borne in mind that throughout the entire diet, the volume of boiled water drunk per day should not exceed 500 ml.

Kefir diet from the Valley: method number 3

Another version, in which the kefir diet for weight loss from Larisa Dolina can be used, is the ban on eating after six in the evening and in the consumption of only certain types of products. During the period of dieting, approximately nine kilograms of excess weight are lost.

As in the previous versions, a constant amount of kefir is consumed during the day - 0.5 liters, and all other food is eaten in several doses. The dietary menu of a seven-day meal consists of the following components:

To consolidate the results obtained on the eighth day, you should drink mineral water without gas with a total volume of two liters, while no other food should be consumed.

Exit from the kefir diet and return to the usual diet

Despite the short duration of the kefir diet, it is quite complex and the way out of it requires a gradual return to the daily diet. It is advisable to reduce the usual portions by 1.5 times. Moreover, it is better to steam the food.

In the early days, you can eat low-fat soups and vegetable salads. Further, the daily menu must be supplemented with meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you should limit the consumption of fats, sweets, spicy foods and alcohol as much as possible.

In order for the lost kilograms not to return in the future, certain rules must be observed:

  • drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • continue to drink kefir regularly;
  • be sure to include fruits and vegetables in the daily menu;
  • half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water or green tea to improve digestion;
  • periodically go in for sports and take walks in the fresh air.

Contraindications to losing weight on kefir

Like any diet, losing weight with the use of kefir has its own contraindications:

  1. It is strongly not recommended to use kefir for weight loss for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. You should not use this method of losing weight if the body is weakened by colds.
  3. In the presence of chronic diseases, before starting a kefir diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor for its appropriateness.
  4. It is absolutely forbidden to lose weight on a kefir diet for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the kefir diet

Among the advantages that Larisa Dolina's kefir diet has, the absence of hunger should be noted, since food is taken often and in small portions, which contributes to its complete assimilation. Also, a significant plus is the speed of the diet, since the intestines are cleaned gently and quickly. With strict adherence to all dietary requirements per day, you can lose up to a kilogram of excess body weight.

The disadvantage of losing weight with the use of kefir is the limited diet. In addition, losing weight too quickly can cause health problems, so you should not follow a kefir diet too often. Due to the lack of a sufficient amount in the diet, the condition of the skin and hair may deteriorate, therefore it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes throughout the entire period of the diet. Since the kefir diet menu contains a very small amount of liquid, in some cases dehydration may occur. Therefore, you should not start the diet during the hot season.

Larisa Dolina's diet has various reviews. According to experts, such weight loss is ineffective and too harsh. However, people who have used this method of losing weight enthusiastically note its effectiveness and long-term effect.

All diet options are based on a combination of carbohydrates and proteins, while the intake of salt and fat is strictly limited. At first, such nutrition is a little difficult to tolerate, but with each subsequent session, dietary restrictions are perceived by the body more and more easily. If necessary, the diet can be repeated at intervals of 1-2 weeks, although, according to professional nutritionists, the repeated course of the kefir diet should be carried out no earlier than six months later. In any case, before starting to lose weight, it is advisable to consult with an experienced nutritionist. Alternatively, you can watch videos with reviews of people who used Larisa Dolina's kefir diet.

Video about Larisa Dolina's diet

Kefir diet video

Video about kefir diets for weight loss

Kefir diet video

Losing weight up to 7 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 510 Kcal.

The famous singer Larisa Dolina is famous not only for her creative achievements and amazing voice. Undoubtedly, the pop diva can boast of tremendous willpower and determination. After all, you must admit that not everyone manages to get rid of 25 kilograms of excess weight. Namely, the Valley was able to throw off so much. You can find many options for her diets on the Internet. As you know, not the only diet helped the star to transform the figure.

We invite you to consider the most popular and effective star diets, which last from 7 to 14 days and promise weight loss from 4 to 9 kilograms. The plumb lines will depend on how strictly you adhere to the prescribed recommendations. Of course, it is worth paying attention to how much excess weight you have objectively. Indeed, often many of the fair sex strive for harmony even when their body is already just perfect.

Valley Diet Requirements

All diet options vary somewhat, but in all options, a prerequisite is the elimination of fat and salt. Diets work by combining the right carbohydrates and proteins, and reducing calories. The main fermented milk favorite used in all popular celebrity diets is kefir. It should be consumed fat-free or at most 1.5% fat. Fatty kefir can slow down the process of losing weight.

Many other diets recommend staying hydrated daily by drinking at least 1.5 liters of clean water. In star diets, it is recommended to reduce the amount of free liquid to 500 ml per day (with the exception of purely drinking days). To give preference, in addition to ordinary water, you need green tea without sugar and various sweeteners. It perfectly suppresses hunger and helps to speed up the metabolism.

It is known that the Valley not only ate on a diet, but also went to the gym, where she was zealous on the simulators and was actively engaged in cardio workouts. So you try to follow the example of a purposeful singer and not neglect physical activity. This will help make the results of weight loss more noticeable and your reshaped body will become more attractive.

Since all the options for the Valley diets are quite complex, and the restrictions in them are very significant, if you want to maintain the result and, by switching to a normal diet, not harm the body, you must definitely do this very carefully. So, eat diet-friendly foods in moderation right away, adding some fruit as a snack. After a day or two, you can introduce 2 boiled eggs into the daily diet. So we gradually indulge ourselves with other products, of course, focusing on the benefits. After switching to a non-dietary diet, it is imperative to leave low-fat kefir, fruits and vegetables of a non-starchy nature, non-concentrated juices and fresh juices, empty green tea in your menu every day. Try not to eat fried potatoes, butter, pork, mayonnaise and other foods that are obviously harmful to your figure and health.

Valley diet menu

Option 1 (duration 7 days)

All products offered for one day should be divided into 4-6 meals and consumed up to 18 hours.

Day 1: 5 pieces. boiled or baked potatoes (it is recommended to bake in a peel); 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 2: 200 g low fat sour cream; 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 3: 200 g granular cottage cheese up to 5% fat; 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 4: chicken fillet without skin in an amount of up to 500 g; 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 5: Choose one of the options below and consume throughout the day (1 kg green apples / 500 g carrots / 300 g prunes soaked in water); as in the previous days, the meal is supplemented with 500 ml of low-fat kefir.
Day 6: 1 l fat-free kefir.
Day 7: full unloading; it is allowed to drink only plain water without gas (melted water is allowed).

Note... If desired, kefir can be replaced with home-made unsweetened yogurt.

Option 2 (duration 7 days)

If you wish, you can repeat this course in one week, during which you should definitely eat moderately and not allow yourself to eat fatty and too high-calorie meals.

Meals are recommended to be organized in such a way that they occur every 2 hours, and the last one - no later than 18 hours. Shortly before each meal, it is recommended to drink 50 ml of infusion from chamomile collection, St. John's wort and calendula.

Day 1: baked potatoes (up to 400 g); 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 2: 500 g of granular cottage cheese; 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 3: any sweet and sour fruit (400 g); 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 4: skinless chicken breast cooked without fat and salt (400 g); 500 ml of fat-free kefir.
Day 5: the food ration given for the second day is duplicated.
Day 6: 1.5 liters of clean water.
Day 7: any non-starchy fruits (up to 400 g); 500 ml of fat-free kefir.

Option 3 (duration 14 days)

Every day, in addition to the products below, drink up to 500 ml of low-fat or low-fat kefir. We divide all the food into 6 meals and eat until 6 pm.

Day 1: any dried fruit soaked in water (300 g).
Day 2: 10 pieces. potatoes, cooked in uniforms, without salt, seasonings and fat.
Day 3: medium sized green apples up to 10 pcs.
Day 4: chicken fillet (1 kg), cooked in unsalted water.
Day 5: 1 kg low-fat cottage cheese.
Day 6: up to 1 kg of sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat.
Day 7: only clean water without gas.

The next week we eat in the same way.

Valley diet contraindications

  1. On any version of the stellar diet, you definitely do not need to sit immediately after suffering illnesses, even seemingly insignificant ones. After all, the immune system is now already knocked down, and dietary nutrition can weaken the body even more and again provoke a deterioration in well-being.
  2. It is not recommended to diet after poisoning.
  3. Also, since these menu options are quite low in calories, the cold season is not the best time to use them. During this period, the body lacks vitamins. But this recommendation is individual. If you feel normal and want to lose weight, you can try it in winter. But in this case, do not forget about taking a complex of vitamins and minerals. Help your body.
  4. The presence of chronic ailments and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can become obstacles to adherence to the Valley's diet.
  5. Especially weighty there is no long-term nutrition on kefir must be said to people who have increased intestinal acidity.
  6. Of course, losing weight in this way will not work for those who suffer from kefir intolerance.
  7. Also, such a diet is not shown to adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Valley Diet Benefits

  1. An absolute plus is its effectiveness. Many ladies are delighted with how this fermented milk product helps to modernize the figure.
  2. I am also glad that this diet does not significantly hit the wallet. The products used are quite budgetary, and it is likely that you will be able to save a little at the same time.
  3. If after a diet you do not pounce on sweets, fatty and high-calorie foods, the new weight promises to hold on for quite a long time. According to reviews, with a reasonable exit from the kefir diet, there will be no need to repeat it or turn to another method for a long time. You will be proud of yourself and will be able to enjoy the desired figure.
  4. Also, a positive point is that kefir not only transforms the body, but also has a beneficial effect on health. Let's consider the main useful properties of this product. By the way, it's not a bad idea to include it in your diet at any time, not just during the dietary period. Kefir contains organic acids, probiotics, natural sugars, healthy fats, many vitamins, chromium, calcium, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium. All this makes it such a healthy food product.
  5. This drink has a wide range of positive effects on the body. It helps to get rid of excess fluid and toxins, helps to normalize sleep, relieves chronic fatigue, increases vitality, has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, perfectly quenches thirst.
  6. In many ways, the usefulness of kefir is due to the content of lacto-cultures-probiotics in it. These substances help to properly assimilate the foods that enter the body, and also strengthen the immune system. Many scientists strongly recommend including more kefir in the diet in the autumn-winter period, when there are a lot of viral diseases. This will significantly reduce the risk of meeting them.
  7. To put truly useful substances into the body, do not choose a fermented milk product with a long shelf life. Stop your choice on kefir, the shelf life of which is no more than one week.

Disadvantages of the Valley diet

  • Experts refer to the disadvantages of kefir weight loss rather rapid weight loss, which can hit the body. Therefore, it is imperative that you begin your diet in good health.
  • We also note that such food cannot be called sufficiently balanced. The diet for many days is rather poor. By the way, this also gives rise to the following disadvantage.
  • Some people complain of hunger while dieting. Considering that on certain days you need to drink only kefir or only water, you will need strong willpower.

Re-dieting by the Valley

Experts advise against repeating a full course of any of the diet options for two weeks for seven-day menu options and one month for a longer option (14 days) after the diet course.

To maintain weight or get rid of another couple of extra pounds, if you need it, you can just practice pure kefir or combined unloading and spend fasting days 1-2 times a week.

Show business stars are always in sight, under the sight of millions, so they simply cannot afford to look bad. An attractive appearance and a slender figure are essential attributes of a celebrity. And even if nature has not rewarded with an ideal metabolism, they still cope. Take, for example, the famous singer Larisa Dolina, who suffered from overweight for a long time and tried in every way to lose weight. Not right away, but she succeeded - the singer's fans were shocked to see how she looked slimmer, younger and prettier. After that, in an interview, she admitted that a special kefir diet helped her achieve this. And today, being already middle-aged, the star looks great. This means that Larisa Dolina's kefir diet is a wonderful way to lose weight, which can help us achieve the desired parameters.

After Larisa's interview, many began to look for information about what the Valley's miraculous kefir diet is. Some argued that Larisa invented it herself, others that she adhered to a simple milk diet. In fact, the Valley was losing weight according to the diet of Dr.Saikov. And the author of her hit "Weather in the House" Ruslan Gorobets advised her such a system. Dmitry Saykov is known for certain cereals. He has developed such a weight loss menu for a long time, but it was thanks to the diet of Larisa Dolina that the diet gained fame.

Larisa Dolina's diet is based on kefir, which will need to be drunk daily. There are three diet options and you can choose the one that suits you. The classic version lasts a week, but if there is a lot of excess weight, you can increase the duration of the diet to 14 days.

Before eating, you will need to drink a quarter cup of herbal infusion. You will need to eat about six times, and after 18 hours food is prohibited.

It is recommended to combine your diet with outdoor walks and walking. If you have strength, you can go in for sports, but not everyone can combine physical activity and significant dietary restrictions, so look at your condition.

Results of the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina

Valley kefir diet gives very good results. It is especially suitable if you need to quickly get rid of a few pounds, and you are ready to endure tough restrictions.

The exact amount of kilograms you can lose with this diet will depend on your metabolism, baseline weight, and how well you followed the rules. On average, you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week and reduce your waist by 1.5 centimeters. But many who have tried the diet say that weight loss is much greater, because with the right exit from the diet, weight will go away after it ends.

Also, the diet of Larisa Dolina on kefir helps to improve bowel function. Many girls note that such a diet helped to improve the condition of the skin, get rid of rashes and excess oiliness, and had a beneficial effect on hair and nails. They also often notice an improvement in performance after dieting.

Diet menu

The diet of Larisa with a valley of 7 kg per week is presented in three different variations that are similar to each other. They differ in some features of the menu and the amount of products that will need to be consumed. In addition to the products that are on the menu, you will also need to consume 0.5 liters of water per day, and before meals, drink about 5 ml (a few sips) of herbal infusion, such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. It is recommended to brew it in the morning for the whole day.

First option

In this version, Larisa Valley's kefir diet for 7 days will allow you to get rid of up to 7 kilograms. There is no clear pattern of eating by the hour, so this option is suitable for you if you do not like to eat according to the normalized schedule. The foods that are offered for the day are divided into several meals. This 7-day valley diet suggests the following menu:

  • Day 1. You need to boil 400 grams of potatoes in their skins. Also, the daily menu includes 500 ml of kefir 0-1% fat.
  • Day 2. Take 500 ml of kefir and 200 grams of sour cream with 15% fat.
  • Day 3. 500 ml of kefir and 7 tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Day 4.500 grams of boiled chicken fillet without salt, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 5. A kilogram of green apples or 0.5 kg of carrots, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 6. Assumes kefir discharge - 1000 ml of kefir per day.
  • Day 7. On this day, food is excluded, and all you can afford is a liter of still mineral water.

Second option

The second option is the valley diet for 14 days. For the first week, it usually takes up to 5 kilograms, for the second - up to three. The menu of this diet involves meals by the hour. The offered products will need to be divided into five parts and consumed at 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 16.00, 18.00.

  • Day 1. 400 grams of jacket potatoes baked without salt, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 2.400 grams of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 3.400 grams of any fruit except banana and grapes, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 4. 400 grams of boiled chicken fillet without salt, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 5. Again 400 grams of fruit, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 6. Only 1.5 liters of still mineral water
  • Day 7. 400 grams of one type of fruit except banana and grapes, 500 ml of kefir.

If your choice is the Valley Diet for 2 weeks, it is recommended to take a break for a week after the first 7 days. During this period, you can eat as usual, but exclude fatty foods and reduce portions. During this week, you can gain 1-2 kilograms in weight, but the second part will make it possible to lose even more and at the same time consolidate the result.

The third option

With this diet option, you will not be dehydrated, since you will need to add a liter of mineral water without gas to the daily menu. The 7-day valley diet menu in this case will be as follows:

  • Day 1.300 grams of dried fruits, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 2. 10 boiled potatoes, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of mineral water.
  • Day 3. 10 green apples, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 4. Up to 1 kilogram of boiled chicken fillet without salt, 500 ml of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 5. Up to 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, half a liter of kefir, a liter of water.
  • Day 6. A liter of 15% sour cream, one liter of water, 500 ml of kefir.
  • Day 7. The menu includes only 500 ml of kefir and a liter of water.

You can choose any diet option that you like. But in any case, you should first set yourself up for the fact that the restrictions will be serious. If you love kefir, the diet should be tolerated relatively easily by you.

How to get out of the diet?

If the output is wrong, then the kefir diet from Larisa Dolina will lose all meaning, since the weight left will return in double volume. The diet itself is complex, and therefore getting out of it is also not so easy. The main thing is not to overeat immediately after the end.

You can get out of the diet in different ways. The first option is to remove fatty foods, sweets and alcohol from the diet for a month, and then consume them in moderation. It is also recommended to reduce your portions by about a third. It is worth building a diet on fish, lean meat, delicious vegetables and fruits.

Another option is to eat according to a clear pattern. You can take the same diet as a basis, but on the first day of leaving it, add vegetable salads, fruits as snacks to the main dishes. On the second day, add a couple of eggs, apples, vegetables to the curd. On the third day, you can eat chicken broth. Thus, the rest of the usual foods will be gradually added to the diet.

Another option for a gradual exit involves the consistent replacement of kefir with other products. You can start with the same fruits and vegetables, then add eggs, then meat and fish.

Regardless of how exactly you leave the diet, you will have to adhere to these rules:

  • Increase the amount of liquid consumed several times. Especially it is worth leaning on water and unsweetened green tea.
  • Leave kefir in the diet.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to drink some water or tea before meals - this will help cleanse the body and improve the digestion process.
  • Do not forget about walking and physical activity - this will prevent further weight gain.

When leaving the diet, butter, mayonnaise, fried potatoes, pork, fatty foods, sweets, fast food and other foods that are considered harmful to the figure are prohibited.


The diet from Larisa Dolina has quite typical contraindications. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, persons under the age of 18, suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, chronic diseases or has a weakened immune system. If in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor first.

Also, possible side effects cannot be ruled out. So, due to the fact that the amount of liquid is limited, and kefir has diuretic properties, the risk of dehydration increases. In addition, the weight goes away quickly, which can cause stretch marks.

Thus, the method of losing weight by Larisa Dolina is a difficult but effective way to quickly get rid of a few extra pounds. It really works, and the wonderful star figure is the best confirmation of this.

Larisa Dolina is a Russian singer who was popular in the 80s and 90s. She was always inclined to be overweight, so she was constantly struggling with being overweight. The singer has tried many ways to lose weight, but the kefir diet was the most effective. Thanks to this method of nutrition, she lost about 20 kilograms. What is Larisa Dolina's kefir diet for 7 days should be considered in detail. Since many modern women strive for the same result.

Basic principles of dietary nutrition

The essence of Larisa Dolina's diet is that the main product is kefir. There are several meal options available for 1 week. But, if a person does not experience discomfort for 7 days, then the diet can be extended up to 2 weeks. This will not harm your health, and, at the same time, it will help you lose more pounds.

The main principles of the kefir diet are:

  • the number of meals should be 4-5 times;
  • reduce the amount of water consumed per day to 0.5 liters;
  • before each meal, you need to drink herbal tea in a volume of 50 ml;
  • after 6 pm, eating is strictly prohibited.

Larisa Dolina's diet is very tough; during the period of its use, it is required to spend more time in the fresh air. This helps to saturate the body with oxygen, thereby keeping it in good shape.

If the strength remains, then you can do physical exercises aimed at losing weight. But few of the losing weight people are capable of this with such a diet.

It's important to know! During the period of observance of the kefir diet, it is forbidden to use laxatives! Since this method of cleansing the intestines flushes out all the beneficial substances from the body.

The duration of the diet is calculated for 7 days. After this time, minus 10 kg or more can be seen on the scales. The advantage of the first option is the ability to eat at will, not to depend on time intervals. All-day meals should be divided into small portions. Eating is required when hunger is felt. The menu should consist of the following products:

  1. First day. It provides for the use of boiled potatoes in their uniforms. Its total amount should be 400 g. As for kefir, on the first day you should drink no more than 0.5 liters.
  2. Second day. It is supplemented with 200 g of 15% sour cream, in addition to 0.5 l of the main fermented milk product.
  3. Third day. On this day, you need to eat a total of 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese along with the main product.
  4. Fourth day. Boil 500 g of chicken fillet with 0.5 l of kefir.
  5. The fifth day. It is required to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. For this, green apples and carrots are used, 1 kg and 0.5 kg, respectively. Don't forget about the main product.
  6. The sixth and seventh days are fasting days. That is, you need to drink 1 liter of kefir and 1 liter of purified water every day.

It's important to know! During the period of this diet, salt and spices should be completely abandoned when cooking!

Second option

This method of eating involves eating food by the hour, 5 times a day every 2 hours, starting at eight in the morning. This helps to get rid of the extra 7-10 kg. Menu for the week:

  1. On the first day, you need to eat boiled potatoes in the amount of 400 g without the use of spices and salt. You need to drink it with 0.5 liters of kefir.
  2. The second day involves the use of 400 g of 1% cottage cheese and the main fermented milk product in an amount of 0.5 liters.
  3. On the third day, you can delight yourself with fruit. Any fruit should be consumed, but not more than 400 g in total. The only restrictions are bananas and grapes. Also, do not forget about the main product.
  4. The fourth day includes in the menu 400 g of boiled chicken fillet without the use of salt and spices. Wash down with kefir 0.5 l.
  5. The fifth day is repeated by the third. Fruit can be varied.
  6. Sixth day. The most difficult period, since only 0.5 liters of the main product and 1.5 liters of still mineral water are allowed.
  7. The seventh day is fruity. Just like the third and fifth.

If a losing weight person has decided to extend the kefir diet, then after 1 week a short break of 7 days should be taken. In this case, it is required to exclude fatty and salty foods. During the break period, a slight increase in weight can be observed. But the continuation of the kefir diet will help consolidate the previous result.

The third option

This method of losing weight is ideal for those people who are afraid of dehydration. It provides exactly the same power scheme as in the second option. The only difference is the addition of purified water without gas in the amount of 1 liter per day. This diet is painless, especially in the warm season, when you can diversify the menu with seasonal fruits.

Exit from the kefir diet

In order to consolidate the result obtained, it is required to get out of this strict diet correctly. It provides for compliance with the following rules:

  • exclude fatty, salty, fried and spicy foods from the diet;
  • eat small portions;
  • do not eat after six o'clock in the evening;
  • do not overeat;
  • lack of sweets, muffins and alcoholic beverages for 1 month after the diet;
  • increased fluid intake (tea, water, juices, compotes);
  • leave kefir and other fermented milk products in the daily diet.

You should also remember that significant weight loss must be accompanied by physical activity. They are needed for body shaping, increasing muscle mass. The duration of the exit from the kefir diet of Larisa Dolina should be about 1 month.

Contraindications to use

The basic principle of keeping kefir diet is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. This diet has practically no contraindications. The only limitation is the inflammatory process in the gallbladder. The constant use of kefir in this case can aggravate the condition.

Side effects

Compliance with this strict diet can cause a number of ailments, namely:

  • inhibition of metabolic processes;
  • reduction in the size of the bust;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • decreased immunity;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • the appearance of stretch marks as a result of the loss of a significant amount of kilograms.

To avoid the above problems, you need to take complex vitamins and use special creams to improve the condition of the skin.

Long-term adherence to the valley diet can help to get rid of a significant amount of kilograms, up to 25. It depends on the metabolic processes in the body of each person.

Despite the large number of possible side effects, it gives stunning results. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, which is fixed for a long period, the functioning of the intestines, the condition of the hair and nail plates are significantly improved, and the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

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