How to learn to dance: video tutorials for those who are not afraid to try. List of modern dances for girls with recommendations for choosing and training How to dance a girl simple movements

Mastering basic dance moves for beginners is easy thanks to clear video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose a suitable dance style. Some directions are too difficult and not suitable for beginners, so before starting the first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.

Go-Go club dance

The go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in the nightclubs of America. It was originally based on twist dance moves performed by girls on tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs guessed to place the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique, Go-Go dances became incredibly popular: the exquisite and sensual movements attracted a huge number of visitors to the club.

This dance requires great physical strength, considerable flexibility, relaxedness and impeccability from performers.It is usually performed to modern pop music, includes many different styles, such as strip dance, hip-hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it's still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which movement is judged.

The group of Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners, simple for beginners, easy to master, they allow you to develop special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can independently learn to dance beautifully and, after a few lessons, shine on the dance floor!

Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic hip movements, relaxed and filled with freedom, a straight, proud posture and a high chin. It is important to consider that all steps are performed on bent legs. This direction requires good physical fitness, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will certainly bear fruit.


It is a beautiful and passionate dance that is usually performed in pairs. There are several types of tango: Argentinean, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last, ballroom, is often chosen as a wedding dance by happy newlyweds.

Even beginners can master the basic steps and positions, but in order to master the true skill, you will have to sweat a lot. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember and the couple always moves counterclockwise.

One of the most popular directions for girls is oriental dances, since the movements are very simple and beautiful, they help to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dance is much easier than strip dance, does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the shortest possible time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is even danced in discos. Basic belly dancing movements for beginners include swinging the hips, soft movements of the arms and chest. The video tutorial will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn how to dance, you need to overcome shyness and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video training, beginners can try themselves in various directions and choose exactly the one that works best and gives the most pleasure. Basic dance moves for beginners are easy to master, and regular practice will help you achieve your desired skill level.

The girl is an airy creature. Plasticity and beauty are inherent in their movements, and they dance, as a rule, gracefully and attractively. Ease in dancing is natural for girls, but sometimes they need to help her learn. How to dance for a girl in a club and what movements are in fashion now? Welcome to our helpful tips!

Nowadays, there are dance floors and clubs in almost every village, and the question of the correct dance technique is very relevant. Previously, one could simply jump up and down, shifting from foot to foot, but now the quality of the dance has increased significantly among the regulars of the club venues. This is not surprising, because quite a few directions appeared and a lot of room for developing their own style, which many rushed to take advantage of. Guys, of course, find it easier - break and tectonics seem to be made for them. Girls traditionally receive more demands, they are expected to be more graceful and plastic. Simple rules and simple home workout will teach you to dance freely and beautifully, delighting the visitors in the club with your confidence.


At home, see how flexible you are and what you do best. To do this, stand in front of a mirror and try to move only your hips, leaving your shoulders, arms and legs motionless. If it doesn't work out and at the same time the whole body is dancing, then you have to work on yourself. Listen to your body, feel each part separately. The amplitude of movements affects the beauty of the dance: high and sweeping will give you energy and expression, low - grace and tenderness.

Now on the Internet there are a lot of videos on different dance styles. Girls who do this professionally will share how to move, explain which parts of the body are involved in this and demonstrate various tricks in detail. You can watch one of the videos below.

You can learn how to dance and pick up fashionable movements by watching various chips and techniques in video clips.

Scroll through your head the combinations you like from pelvic rotations, steps. Figure out how you can move your arms. Try right away, do you like your image? Dance at home to different music, change the tempo and try it out. Feel free to improvise.

We join the atmosphere of the club dance

Do a little exploration: come to the club and, sitting at the bar, watch the dancing girls. As you can see, most girls dance without any complex movements, and their manner is about the same. Highlight what you like and take these movements into your arsenal. Note what looks clearly unfortunate from the outside and, accordingly, do not use this manner in your dance.

Consider the possibilities of your clothes and shoes, it is unlikely that tectonics will succeed in heels. Dress comfortably so that your clothes do not constrain your body.

Having entered the dance floor, do not immediately rush to actively dance, waving everything that you can. Smoothly tune to the rhythm of the music, tune in internally. Start the movements slightly and gradually increase their activity.

Finally, and most importantly, relax and don't get nervous. The dance will be natural only when you feel free. Believe me, those who are dancing around do not care, they are resting and they do not care about you. Therefore, move as you feel comfortable, without pinching or limiting yourself. Gradually increase the complexity of the combinations and you will succeed.

Modern dances are those that emerged in the late XX - early XXI century. Basically, these are the directions used in a person's everyday life, for example, in a nightclub or at some kind of celebration (pole dance and many others).

Modern dances today include strip dance, jump style, go-go, shuffle, hip-hop. Let's take a closer look at each of the types so that you can choose the best one for yourself.

Many people compare strip dance with striptease, but these are different actions. Strip dance includes erotic and seductive movements that can be used with or without undressing elements, unlike striptease, where undressing is an obligatory part of the show.

Jump style dance (from the English jump - jump) is a movement accompanied by fast and very energetic electronic music. All dance elements of the jumpstyle resemble jumps, and if the jumpstyle is performed by a group of dancers, then non-synchronous movements are welcome. An important rule of jumpingstyle performance is that dancers should not be very close to each other, and touching during the performance of tricks is prohibited. Jumpstyle is incredibly popular today in Germany, the Netherlands and France.

Shuffle dance is a set of jazz movements that are performed in a new manner to modern electronic music. Shuffle is like the fresh air of modern dance. It fascinates with its novelty and exclusivity.

If we talk about Go-Go, then it is worth immediately emphasizing the purpose of the performance - go-go was invented as a dance direction that will help girls attract the enthusiastic glances of men. The go-go action is very rhythmic and sexy, and the dance is necessarily complemented by erotic costumes.

There are many more trends in contemporary dance. And their main plus is that movements of different styles can be combined, combined, updated. If you are dancing at a party with friends, feel free to perform a few strip-dance, hip-hop, go-go or jumpstyle moves to the incendiary music - all of them will be appropriate.

Modern dance lessons for beginners

For people who feel insecure in places where they need to dance, we recommend that you attend modern dance lessons. There are many tempting offers for beginners today - the Internet, along with schools and studios, makes it possible to learn anything.

Let's try to learn some simple, but very effective Go-Go style.

Getting started:

  1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, put your feet together.
  2. We step forward with our right foot, then raise our left, bent at the knee. When you begin to prepare to raise your left leg, start moving your arm up at the same time.
  3. After the hand is up, lift your head and look up.

This is a fairly simple move, but if done gracefully, it will be very sexy and alluring. It can be continued with another bunch of movements. After you have remained in the final position (standing on the right leg, the left is bent at the knee, the arm is up), lower the left leg back and take a step, then another step with the right. Then stop for a second and walk two quick steps forward, starting with your right foot. Then, without interruption, take the third step with your right foot, but not forward, but to the right side, and the fourth step with your left foot to the left.

You can continue this ligament with the most unexpected erotic movements. Think of them yourself or learn a simple technique - make a beautiful curve of your back, attracting hips to movement. Of course, the base may not be very clear in words, which is why we are giving you a video tutorial that will make it easy for beginners to learn a bunch of these movements.

Now let's try to repeat the movements of modern dance in a different style - a mixture of hip-hop and R&B.

We begin our training with rotations of the shoulder joints, and the faster, the sharper the movements, the better. At the same time, your hands should not dangle near the body - place them on the waist. Then they will move a little, complementing the rotation of the shoulders. You can improve the movement by stepping from foot to foot to the side.

We continue the training by stepping over, but we change the movement of the arms: it can be waving with bent arms at the elbows back or imitation of the movements of the scissors alternately left and right.

All the movements that are in this video lesson of modern dance, you can safely repeat on any dance floor and, believe me, no one will call you a boring dancer.

Modern dances for children and adolescents

Modern dances are very relevant in the life of children and adolescents, since it is at this age that they develop as individuals. Every child dreams of looking stylish among their peers, and the art of modern dance can help with this.

Modern dances can be practiced by both boys and girls. Each child should choose a style that is closer to him in spirit - exactly the one that attracts and likes the most, that he wants to dance in front of friends. Modern dance classes have a positive effect not only on the psycho-emotional, but also on the physical development of adolescents. The child strengthens the spine, forms the correct posture and flexibility, pumps up the muscles, and keeps them in good shape. Not every child or adolescent can be forced to do exercises in the morning or in the evening to maintain physical fitness, but every parent can instill a love for modern dance.

Unfortunately, there is an opinion that there are age restrictions in the performance of modern dance and only people under the age of 30 can dance it, and even in general - only teenagers. But this is a misconception. In fact, modern dance is so versatile that it can be performed at 40 or 50 years old, you just need to correspond with the soul and body to this direction of choreography. If you are not fifteen long ago, but you are young at heart, love movement and have the physical preparation to repeat the dance tricks of jumpstyle or hip-hop, do not hesitate to start training! Drive away from yourself the thought that only young people can dance modern dance and convince others of this.

Over the years, a woman only blossoms. She becomes wiser, more romantic, and more confident. However, her figure is not getting better. And if you do not follow it, then by the age of forty, the first fat folds may already appear.

And this is due to the fact that after thirty-five in a woman's body, an irreversible aging process begins. The hormonal background changes. Estrogens are produced less and less. Muscle mass is lost and replaced by adipose tissue. Calcium leaves the bones, and along with it, strength.

Skin and hair suffer from a lack of vitamins and moisture. Due to the abundance of fat and the weakening of the muscles, the body becomes flabby. Lack of hormones affects a woman's lifestyle: she becomes less active, gets tired faster. Therefore, women after forty spend much more time in front of the TV than twenty-year-old girls.

Meanwhile, the body begins to suffer from a lack of estrogen and produces it from body fat. Therefore, layers begin to appear at the waist and hips. Is it possible to get out of this vicious circle? Of course.

Of course, it is much more difficult for women after 40 to keep fit or lose extra pounds than for twenty-year-old girls. It is often difficult for ladies of Balzac's age to force themselves. Moreover, if all your life you have not been fond of any sports.

Naturally, you need to start with low loads. You cannot immediately harass yourself with marathons. If physical activity does not bring pleasure, the woman will easily get tired of it soon, and it will become even more difficult to make herself sweat.

And this is where interesting workouts come to the fore, such as Pilates, yoga, basic aerobics and dance fitness. With little physical effort, you can make significant progress here, train your body and then start, for example, working with weights, as well as daily crosses.

In this article, we will talk about a variety of dance fitness, zumba fitness. And we will tell you what dance movements help women after 40 years.

Dancing, in general, is quite energy-consuming entertainment. And if it wasn't fun, it would be much less interesting. Good rhythmic music especially helps, thanks to it you want to move faster and faster.

This set of movements is based on a successful combination of world and Latin American rhythms.

Such music can be used both for morning exercises, and simply for raising the mood. Zumba is a fun and easy way to burn calories. In addition, when the body performs dance moves, it fatigue less, although hundreds of calories are expended. This feature of the zumba has made it a worldwide popular training method. Zumba is drum rhythms and Latin American dances, aerobics and positive energy.

There are no boring repetitions here, unlike other types of aerobics, as well as difficult movements. And most importantly, such training has no age restrictions.

But before we talk about the basic dance moves, let's list the main advantages of this type of dance fitness:

  • with the help of a zumba, they get rid of excess weight;
  • training gives an incredible burst of energy and vivacity;
  • Zumba fights stress well and prevents depression;
  • this type of fitness works out all muscle groups;
  • absolutely everyone can engage in incendiary zumba, including women after forty years;
  • fitness improves the tone of all muscles;
  • the overall endurance of the body improves.

Zumba movements:

  1. we start with a march. This movement is reminiscent of how people crush grapes with their feet. In this case, it is necessary, as it were, to shift from foot to foot, so that the hips go from side to side. Move your hands during such a fun march. In the beginning, they lie on the hips, so lift them onto your shoulders, spread them to the sides and lift them up. Repeat these movements;
  2. at the second stage, you need to take two side steps, first to the right side, and then to the left; at the same time, do not forget to perform the same movements with your hands, and smile;
  3. the third movement is very similar to that of a skater. You need to tilt the body forward a little, and put your hands behind your back. Now move your legs alternately, as if you are pushing off the ice and sliding. The heels must completely break away from the floor; at this time, wave-like movements must also be made to the body - a kind of wave by the body.

It is necessary to dance zumba at least two or three times a week. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

For such workouts, you don't even need special equipment, just comfortable sportswear, for example, a T-shirt, shorts and light sneakers, will do.

During the dance, do not forget to monitor your breathing, breathe only through your nose and evenly. Of course, for this kind of fitness, as for any other workout, you will need to do both a warm-up and a cool-down.

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It is not very likely that you will be invited to a secular ball, much more likely to be in a club or at a friends party in another democratic setting.

The ability to dance will come in handy everywhere. Having mastered the technique, you will feel confident, increase your self-esteem, improve your posture and figure, change internally, feeling incomparable pleasure. Find out which modern dances are most popular for girls and where to learn trendy dance moves.

Dancing as a useful hobby

Virtually all people have control over their bodies in dance, but excessive modesty prevents many from realizing themselves. If you are shy in companies and refuse to invite men to dance, rebuild yourself internally. Particularly modest girls can try to learn how to dance modern dances at home, turning on their favorite music and improvising in front of the mirror.

This hobby is suitable for women of all ages, with any weight and body type. Do not be shy if you have a non-standard figure, curvy hips, large breasts or a protruding tummy.

Dancing is useful not only for mood and beauty, but also for good health... Thanks to dancing movements, blood flow increases, lung function improves, and the heart is strengthened. After regular exercise, posture improves, coordination of movements and the work of the vestibular apparatus are normalized.

For every girl and woman there is a suitable type of modern dance, in which it is easy to turn disadvantages into advantages. Regularly dancing, girls become more feminine, gait, facial expressions change. Choreography teaches the art of seduction and coquetry, playfulness and a confident look. At the same time, dancers know how to keep distance and are never toys in the hands of a man.

Where to learn to dance quickly and beautifully

There is two ways to learn to dance- independently and under the guidance of a teacher. The first option is ideal for those who once studied choreography, and now only want to master a new style. The second guarantees success for everyone.

Homeschooling and its features

For self-study for girls, you can use video lessons on modern dance, read books on choreography, watch films, study theory in magazines.

It is important not to neglect the recommendations of the virtual choreographer, but to strictly follow them. More importantly, finding good self-study courses and materials. It is better to choose a few, and only then weed out the unnecessary ones, having understood the nuances.

For a start, of course, you can do without a suit, but the suit helps you to tune in the right way and immediately teaches you to move, taking into account the clothes. You definitely need the right music, which will help you choose which tutorials and descriptions of the dance.

It is better for beginners to choose the directions in which improvisation allowed... As a rule, these are "natives" of street styles, they do not require special training, costumes and a partner. Having mastered the technique of free dance styles, you will feel confident on the dance floor.

It is more difficult to master the classic styles in which you need to learn the position of the body, head, arms, basic positions and steps. Such areas require lessons with a teacher at home or at school.

Education in schools and studios

If you are used to taking everything seriously and want to be not only a participant, but also the centerpiece of the dance floor, then it is better to enroll in a modern dance school.

The advantages of studying in the studio:

  1. Experienced teachers, professional choreographers in good schools.
  2. No need to think about where to find a partner or team for pair and group dances.
  3. Professional dance hall with mirrors, the right music.
  4. A special atmosphere and new friends with similar interests.
  5. For girls - an opportunity to find a mate not only for a waltz, but also for life.

To find out what services such schools provide, we called the studio Fashion Dance working in Moscow and asked several questions.

What dance styles can you teach a beginner?

We have a lot of directions, from waltz and tango, including ballroom and modern, fashionable Latin American and oriental dances, and ending with go-go and erotic styles for special occasions.

And what, you can teach any girl to dance?

For each client, we find the most suitable style for him, taking into account personal data and wishes. There are no people who do not know how to dance, this is given to man by nature, the main thing is to open up correctly.

And with what wishes do they come to you most often?

The most popular trend among young men and young girls is modern dances, older women want to master belly dancing, and ladies who have free time in retirement are drawn to waltz.

The global problem of modern youth is wedding. Especially for newlyweds, we have opened a course pre-wedding preparation, in which we stage a dance of the bride and groom, father and daughter, friends and girlfriends.

What do you need to start training and how much does it cost?

First you need to come to us and show your wishes. We help to navigate in names and styles, together we select a group and a teacher. Further, everything is individual, including prices. We have a lot of discount programs. Better go to the dance school website Fashion Dance, and if it is not clear, call us, we will gladly tell you everything!

Types of modern dance for beginners

It is easiest for beginners to master the styles of modern dance, in which there are no clear rules for choreography. Small flaws are practically invisible here, they are mistaken for improvisation and the girl's personal zest.

Free dance - the choice of dreamers

Free, it is also rhythmoplastic or plastic dance, appeared at the beginning of the last century. The basis of this dance style is ballet, diluted with free movements from everyday life. The main essence of this direction is emancipation, energy, interaction with the environment.

In free dances to modern music, improvisation, spontaneity, and creativity are welcomed. Perhaps this is the best choice for beginners, since there are no strict rules for choreography and technique, but there is an opportunity for self-expression.

Girls can perform free dances both alone and together with a man. The lack of strict frameworks is a guarantee that you will not look like a bad dancer, because everyone can come up with their own movements.

Modern as the choice of the free

Modernity emerged against the backdrop of a rejection of traditional ballet techniques. His credo is the rejection of canons and conventions, the embodiment new choreography... Art Nouveau came to modern girls from the twentieth century. One of the founders of the trend was Isadora Duncan. Another dancer who contributed to the development and popularity of the style is Mary Wigman, who abandoned traditional beautiful movements in favor of unusual and even shocking ones.

Art Nouveau is danced barefoot, its main choreographer is nature. The technique cannot be called complicated, the main component of success is the dancer's emotionality. Sensuality in every movement is a guarantee of your own pleasure and the delight of others.

Electro - youth direction

Electro is one of the most popular dance styles for girls on the list for beginners. In fact, this is a street dance, born in the middle of the last century to club music. Electro is danced with hands rather than body, so it is ideal for beginner dancers and people with poor physical fitness.

There are two directions:

  1. Milky Way - calm movements, somewhat similar to the acting of an actor on stage. Each dancer's exit is a small performance with a beginning and an end. It is better to start learning to dance electro with this type, then moving on to a more complex direction.
  2. Electro - active movements that smoothly transition into each other at high speed. The main thing here is to feel the music and understand what they are singing about in the song, so that the movements do not contradict the meaning.

Tectonic - dynamics and energy

Tectonic is another modern dance trend for girls and guys. Tectonic combines dance elements of techno, hip-hop, popping, locking. True fans adhere to a certain style of clothing - skinny jeans, tight T-shirts, basketball sneakers. They are distinguished by futuristic hairstyles with gothic elements.

However, there are no strict requirements, you can dance tectonics in any clothes and with any hairstyle. Not only tight-fitting, but also loose clothing is permissible - hoodies, shorts, tops. Most suitable for movement flat shoes.

It is customary to distinguish two groups of tectonics - heavy and soft. Each group includes several types of dance. Learning dance elements on your own is difficult, it is better to do it in a group or with a teacher.

Break dance is the favorite of the plastic

Break dance is a dance for modern girls who know acrobatics, which originated in the seventies of the last century. Break-dance literally hit the broad masses in 1984 after the release of the movie Beat Street. They began to dance him in discos, in clubs and even at school evenings.

Break is divided into two large groups - lower and upper:

  • The top break is similar to the popular disco dance. It is characterized by sharp interlocking movements of the arms, legs and the whole body. The upper break group includes many stylistic directions.
  • The lower break dance is more difficult and filled with acrobatic stunts. It is danced on the floor, you need physical training and strength to hold the body. This kind of modern dance suits guys more than girls.

Break clothes need to be as comfortable and comfortable as possible. Girls - b-girls, dance break-dance in beautiful sportswear of famous brands to look stylish and attractive. There are no problems with a short haircut, but owners of long hair need to take care that the hair does not interfere with movement.

Hip Hop - mischievous and rhythmic

Hip Hop originated in the New York working class in the mid-seventies. Within a few years, he became a part of youth culture in many countries. In the late nineties, Hip-Hop became a full-fledged component of the music industry. Nowadays, this trend is singled out into a fashionable subculture, it is a popular style that has become a lifestyle for some.

Hip-hop is danced to rhythmic music, including rap. The rhythm, as a rule, is set by DJs, and dancers and dancers need to have time to hear the music and think over the movements to it.

Contempo - the flight of the soul

Contemp successfully combines several dance styles. It attracts girls with its simplicity of movement and the ability to improvise. The founders of the contempo, including Isadora Duncan, did everything so that everyone could master this dance.

Training contempo should begin with the preparation of muscles, joints and ligaments. The bottom line is the alternation of tense muscles with sharp relaxation. The contempo is built on the contrast of ups and downs that characterize contradiction and balance. It is better to dance barefoot so that nothing interferes with freedom.

Hakka - the choice of modern girls

Hakka appeared in the eighties of the twentieth century, thanks to the musical direction of hardcore. The energetic movements of this modern dance with a distinctive name dictate the bass kicks of heavy rock. This is one of the most emotional dance styles, requiring stamina and athleticism from girls.

During exercise, you can even lose weight, since a lot of energy is spent and calories are burned. Hakka strengthens the muscles of the legs, pumps up the hips and makes the lower body more toned and slender.

At the same time, hakka is easy to learn for beginners, there are few basic elements, and everything else is improvisation that fits into the framework of the style.

Go-Go - for disco stars

Go-Go originated in the mid-sixties of the last century, initially it was one of the ways to entertain visitors in places of entertainment, festivals, clubs, discos. Go-Go came to Russia only in the nineties, it was actively used not only in clubs and discos, but also to draw attention to any public events.

Don't think Go-Go is obscene, dancing woman always remains inaccessible... At the dawn of the birth of Go-Go, dancers were even hung in cages so that men did not even have a thought about the possibility of approaching.

The ability to dance Go-Go is essential for confident girls who love to attract attention and be in the center of events. Go-Go will come in handy in a club or disco, it will teach you to catch the rhythm, control your warmth, play and improvise.

The best dance directions for women

For women who look at dance as a hobby and one of the opportunities for self-realization, there are many modern trends. You need to proceed from the existing skills and initial physical fitness. Gradually, the bar can be raised, moving on to more complex styles.

Oriental and Indian dances for beginners

Oriental charm will never go out of fashion, because the spirit of the East leaves no one indifferent. Everything is exclusively female, they are playful and light. Modern looks are ideal for girls and women who cannot be classified as skinny - curvy shapes and even a protruding tummy are welcome. After a few sessions, the pyshechki forget about their complexes and present them as their virtues.

Most popular three directions:

  • Egyptian - it is characterized by modesty, more closed clothes;
  • Arabic - hair plays one of the main roles, the play of loose hair is an element of dance;
  • Turkish - revealing outfits, contact with the audience, dancing on the table.

Belly dance is the most beloved oriental dance, bright, spectacular, fabulous. You can learn it on your own, but it is better to attend at least a few classes at school. For belly dancing, costume, jewelry, make-up are important. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, belly dancing has come out of the underground and even entered the structure of the All-Russian Dance Organization.

Alluring Indian melodies make even those who have never learned to dance start dancing. Indian choreography is based on Natya- dance and musical style, born from the theory of Bharata Muni "Natya-sastra". Not only movements are important, facial expressions, play with eyes, and internal energy play a huge role here. These skills will not get in the way in life.

List of popular pair dances

Pair dances, both ballroom and modern, help girls quickly find a common language with men, teach them to be in a pair, dominate and obey, depending on the situation. For shy girls and women, this is the best way to get rid of excessive modesty and awkwardness from the touch of a man.

The most popular modern pair dances:

  • Waltz is a slow one that does not lose popularity and is constantly evolving. The ability to dance the waltz is a sign of good form.
  • Tango is an old Argentine dance that is still called modern. Today tango is divided into many types: Argentinean, Uruguayan, ballroom, Finnish and others.
  • Balboa - very close contact with a partner, the bodies must be closely pressed against each other so that there is no gap. There is not much movement, so this modern dance is great for beginners.
  • Rock and roll is a rhythmic pair dance with relaxed movements. Rock and roll requires acrobatic skills and long training, it is better to train with one partner, as it requires a lot of supports at a fast pace.
  • Flamenco is a bright cocktail of Moroccan, Spanish and Gypsy motives, full of improvisation and mystery.
  • Paso Doble is a dance style in which the Spanish bullfight is guessed. A man plays a torero, and a girl plays a cloak or mulet in the hands of a matador.
  • Rumba is a dramatic dance of love to the rhythms of African drums superimposed on the rhythms of the clave. The modern ruma is subdivided into ballroom, Cuban, African and Gypsy.

When choosing a dance, focus on initial training, posture, endurance, and the work of the vestibular apparatus. This does not mean that you have to bind yourself with frames, you just need to start small. You may first need to do or, and only then move on to dance exercises.

List and descriptions of contemporary dances prepared with the participation of Fashion Dance schools. Especially for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies".

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