Factors affecting the fate of the child in the womb. Fertile days - days of possible conception of a child Is it possible to conceive a child during an uraza

Medical science has already confirmed that the physical and psychological health of the child, even its character, largely depends on the period of the mother's pregnancy.

The development of the embryo in the womb, especially the last stage of this development, has a serious impact on the future life of the child. The Islamic religion went even further in this matter and stated that the embryo is affected not only by the period of pregnancy, but also by the time of conception and the beginning of pregnancy.

On what day, and under what conditions, the parents laid the foundation for the unborn child is also an important question.

Parents who want the health and happiness of their unborn child should take a responsible approach to recommendations on this matter. They can be called in modern language the recommendations of the Islamic religion for family planning.

Below we bring to your attention some recommendations from the book "Makarim al-ahlak" (Noble properties) by the famous scientist Raziyaddin Tabrisi.

Prophet Muhammad (s) in his will to Imam Ali (a) informed about a favorable and unfavorable time for conceiving a child.

Unfavorable time for conceiving a child and its negative impact on the child

Beginning, middle and end of the month - when a child is conceived at such a time, mental disorders can be observed, the child can get leprosy or become disabled.

On the night of the holiday Fitr (Ramadan) - growing up, a child can do dark deeds.

On the night of Gurban Bayram - a child can be born with four or six toes.

The time between the adhan and ikama - growing up, the child will be prone to bloodshed (This refers to the time between the adhan in the mosque and the beginning of the collective prayer).

If you enter into a relationship with a woman during her pregnancy without taking ablution (dastamaza), the child will be a dead soul (ignorant) and a curmudgeon.

On the average night of the month Shaban - the child will be pockmarked and ugly.

In the last two nights of the month - when the child grows up, he will serve tyrants, many people can die from his hand.

On the night a man is sent on the road, the child, after he grows up, will waste all his property.

On the first three nights of a family trip - growing up, the child will become a novice of tyrants.

At the beginning of the night - growing up, a child can become either a wizard, or he may prefer the benefits of worldly life.

It is also unlawful to conceive in the period from the morning adhan to sunrise, from sunset to evening adhan, on the day of the solar eclipse, on the night of the lunar eclipse, earthquake, with a very strong wind, and on those days when it is imperative to perform the ayah prayers.

Auspicious time and its positive impact on the child

On Monday night - growing up, the child will become a Hafiz of the Koran and will not express dissatisfaction with the fate sent to him by Allah.

On Wednesday night - after the child swears allegiance to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (s), Allah will bestow his goodness on him.

Allah will not allow him to suffer in hell next to the Gentiles, such a child will be merciful in soul, generous in his hand, far from slander, gossip and lies.

Thursday night - the child, when he grows up, will become either a judge or a scientist.

On Thursday afternoon - then the shaitan will not be able to stick to the child, and growing up, he will become the owner of a clear and sound mind, Allah will be merciful to him.

On Friday night - the child will become a great speaker.

On Friday - after the onset of the asr prayer - when the child grows up, he will become known among the people.

According to hadith, conceiving a child on the first night of Ramadan is also considered a successful time.

Dear sisters, by the grace of Allah, Ramadan, the month of the Qur'an, fasting and worship, is approaching.

Praise be to Allah this will be the third Ramadan, which we will spend together with our website, Insha Allah! We have received a lot of positive feedback on this article in the past years and are very pleased that the article was helpful to you.

Insha'Allah, at the end of the article we will give some feedback from the sisters about their observance of the fast.

First of all, I would like to say that a pregnant woman is obliged to fast, just like any other person, except when she fears for herself or her child. In this situation, she is allowed not to fast.
Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said regarding the verse:
"And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor man in redemption (every day)." (Al-Bakara, 2: 184)
“It was an indulgence for elderly men and women who are able to fast, but it is difficult for them, so they are allowed not to fast and they have to feed one poor man every day. (Source)

Also, Pregnant and breastfeeding women who do not fast should make up for the missed fasts, it is not enough for them to just feed the poor.

(A source)

Therefore, we urge you sisters to prepare for this month and not to miss these blessed days, to prepare your soul and body for fasting. Because simply pregnancy and breastfeeding are not the reason for abandoning this type of worship.

We would like to give you some HELPFUL recommendations regarding fasting for a Muslim woman during pregnancy and lactation. And also for our nursing sisters, being pregnant.

Cleansing the soul

We draw your attention to some important points that will help you spend this month as efficiently as possible, in worship, without harming your body.

We especially want to remind pregnant women that this is the most favorable time when we must make dua for ourselves, our child, for a favorable outcome of childbirth, etc.

It is also important to prepare your soul for Ramadan, to purify it through dua, tawb, remembrance of Allah, reading the Koran and meditating on its verses.

Based on our experience, we can say that it is easier for a pregnant woman to fast than a lactating woman, but both are possible with the right intention and a rationally structured food and water intake schedule, and many sisters have extensive experience of fasting during feeding, feeding a newborn, feeding tandem, etc.

If you are among the pregnant in the last stages, then we especially recommend you to fast and even outside the days of Ramadan, that is, to keep the post-Sunnah.

Of course, it is difficult to find the optimal diet for all women, since we live in different areas, we have different traditions, way of life. And this certainly affects what products we have access to.

Regardless, we would like to provide you with some tips that you can follow during Ramadan to make fasting easier:

1. Theoretical preparation.

Before Ramadan, study the verses, hadiths, fatwas, articles about Ramadan, the importance of fasting. So that a woman waits with all her heart for a meeting with this blessed month, and with impatience would dream of performing this type of worship as soon as possible. And we also know that everything that is fard, preparation for this is also fard. Just like Hajj, Namaz, etc.

2. Studying your body

If you are already reading this article now, praise be to Allah, there is an opportunity to fast now on the days of the Sunnah of fasting, to prepare your body and listen to it. Observe your body, feel what difficulties arise during fasting. Also, at any time, the fasting of the Sunnah can be interrupted if it becomes very bad.

3. One of the important points for a successful fast is suhoor.

The basic rule is not to miss the suhoor, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Eat before dawn! Truly, there is grace in suhoor! " (al-Bukhari, Muslim, al-Nasai, at-Tirmidhi).

And for a good suhoor, you need to wake up at least an hour and a half, and not 15-30 minutes. This will help to replenish enough water and improve the water-salt balance, because food supplies are not so necessary, since the average person may have enough for a month. But this does not mean that you should starve all the time, on the contrary, Ramadan is a month of worship and you will need a lot of energy, but at the same time remember that Ramadan is a month of refusing food and a month of fighting your nafs, so we urge you not to overdo it. !

4. Do not eat too much.

From the fatwa of Sheikh Munajid: “... A believer should reduce the amount of food consumed, and he should not worry about satisfying his desire for food and other things, even if it is from the permitted. Umar bin al Khattab went to his son Abdullah and, seeing him eating meat, said: “What kind of meat is this?” He replied: “I wanted it.” Umar said: “Every time you want something, you eat ? To fall into excessiveness, it is enough for a person to eat whatever he wants “May Allah be pleased with him. A Muslim must limit himself to what he needs and not go beyond that. "

A source

5. Ensure adequate water and fluid intake.

Replenish the required amount of water. Since iftar, we have to drink a little water, even if we don't feel like it. From Maghreb to Fajr, a pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of clean water, and a nursing woman can drink more. At the same time, in addition to nursing, we recommend drinking herbal teas, broths. If you can replenish enough water, it will be much easier for you to fast.

The addition of watermelon and peeled cucumbers to the diet also facilitates fasting and prevents dehydration. Ie foods with a high water content.

6. Selection of the ration for iftar and suhoor.

Also, when we work with pregnant and lactating women, we often repeat: "Do not eat for two, but eat for two," that is, it is important to provide your diet with nutrients to the maximum, and not to increase the amount of food several times.

Your diet should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals: such as dried fruits, nuts, various seeds (including sesame), fresh fruits, vegetables, seasonal berries, various vegetable oils (olive, sesame, pumpkin, linseed, etc.). If you have a need for meat, then let it be chicken (preferably homemade) or lamb. Among cereals, we recommend buckwheat, dark unpolished rice, millet. It is also advisable to eat non-salted sea fish. Use unrefined sea salt actively in cooking, as it will help replenish the necessary minerals. We also highly recommend drinking a glass of carrot juice with black cumin seeds a day, for pregnant women - half a teaspoon per glass, for others - at will. Include fermented foods (sauerkraut, etc.) in your diet.

7. Natural immunomodulators according to Sunnah

Consume all the Sunnah natural immunomodulators you are accustomed to using, such as black cumin oil and seeds, qist al hindi, helba, ginger, propolis and bee products, flower (palm pollen), etc.

Also include nutritional supplements such as blue-green algae in the diet. For example, spirulina.

To replenish minerals such as calcium, magnesium. We highly recommend that pregnant, lactating and other women use white or blue lumpy clay. Since the lump retains its beneficial properties better, it is also a sorbent, which will be discussed below, Insha'Allah.

8. Exclusion of intolerances.

If you know what foods are causing you food intolerances, then do not eat them.

But if you have never been interested in healthy eating and cleansing the body and adjusting the diet before Ramadan, then try not to eat a large variety of foods in one day. Keep your food simple and healthy. But if you are preparing for Ramadan in advance, we advise you to read the following two articles. Perhaps they will reveal to you the reasons why you have trouble fasting.

Sunnah Healing Part 2

Individual diet

Everyone should give up “NEEDA” forever: mayonnaise, ketchup, foods containing E-dyes and acids, chips, soda, store juices (make juices yourself, if you don't have a juicer, use a grater and squeeze through cheesecloth), thermophilic yeast, seasonings with monosodium glutamate, tea bags, etc. Of course, every innovation in the "culinary" fashion cannot be enumerated, but anything that has a complex composition of unknown components, a long shelf life, bright unnatural packaging is most likely an enemy to your health.

Refuse or reduce to a minimum the consumption of non-living food (that is, refined): white refined flour (replace with rice flour, corn or whole grain), white sugar (replace with agave syrup and stevia, honey can be used), unhealthy sweets (cookies, cakes, condensed milk, etc. etc.) can be replaced with natural and healthy hand-made sweets, refined oil (replaced with non-refined olive, sunflower, linseed, but not for frying. For frying (or better exclude fried food) - either ghee or animals fats, or food stewed in water, at the end pour a little with unrefined vegetable oil, for taste, as well as the beneficial properties of the oil are not lost).

9. Business schedule.

Prepare your home for Ramadan in advance. To do the main spring cleaning before Ramadan, so as not to waste energy on it during the fast. Decorate the house and bring it into a holiday-like atmosphere.

Cook food in environmentally friendly cookware (steel, cast iron, clay, glass, ceramics), as aluminum, Teflon cookware will slowly poison your body.

In addition, I would like to give some more tips:

Change your business schedule, namely, transfer all the activities that require strenuous physical activity from the daytime, to the time after iftar, or shortly before it, otherwise you will feel very tired, which will make it even more difficult to fast.

In order not to waste time in Ramadan on trips to the store, make a list of everything you need from household supplies in advance and purchase it in advance so that everything you need is already at home. Also, the main products from the diet that do not require fresh purchases, such as cereals, onions, carrots.

If you have a large family or you know that you will have a lot of guests for Iftar (although it is better to limit long gatherings), but since you feed the fasting ajras, you can buy disposable paper beautiful dishes to cut down on washing dishes and not strain yourself and waste strength.

10. Cooking food for future use

Some women cook for future use, for example, they cook dolma (stuffed cabbage) double the norm, the family dines the first portion today, and the rest is frozen and so done periodically so that a small supply is formed in case you do not have the opportunity to cook. cook a large number of rice pancakes to eat some part, and stuff some and freeze and defrost, if necessary, quickly prepare food. Minced meat dishes freeze very well. Any cutlets meatballs, zrazy, etc. Both ready-made and frozen. And closer to iftar, if you are weak that day, defrost, warm up and serve. Having prepared an easy and quick side dish, buckwheat, rice, potatoes (it is better to replace it with sweet potatoes) and a light salad.

During the time remaining until the holy month, in order not to think about what to cook, now write down what you serve on the table and cook according to the schedule in Ramadan. For example, chicken stuffed with rice and vegetables and dried apricots or potatoes, baked in the oven, looks very beautiful. The dish does not require special skills and efforts, but it is tasty and healthy and not for long.

Also, in our group of BGBK recipes, we will exhibit useful recipes for suhoor and iftar.

For nursing mothers.

If you do not have problems with lactation, then fasting will not become a reason for the loss of milk (most often this reason is improper child care, that is, rare attachment, not on demand, use of a nipple, supplementing with water, lack of joint sleep and many other reasons) ...

If there is not enough milk, is it not better to save it for feeding, so that the child can eat more?

How a mother's nutrition affects the quantity and quality of milk

It should be noted that for some sisters, the volume of milk during fasting may even increase due to barracks, as well as a more rational attitude to eating and drinking.

Change your schedule slightly so that you can feed your baby as much as possible during the dark, especially after eating and drinking. It is also imperative for you not to skip suhoor and choose food that increases the flow of milk (every mother knows what kind of food it is, but from our experience we can say that more often it is a glass of hot broth, 2 glasses of helba, nuts, dates, a spoonful of black cumin with a hot herbal drink: anise, oregano, thyme, chamomile, etc.). Also, all foods and drinks that increase hemoglobin have a beneficial effect on the outflow of milk, especially carrot juice. You can see the full list of products in the article: "Is it dangerous to lower hemoglobin during pregnancy?"

After suhoor, we recommend a long feeding of the child. You can feed while lying down, while reading the morning azkars. But it is important to remember that the key to good lactation is frequent latching on to the breast (that is, according to the first "squeak"), that is, milk is produced in the process of sucking, and not from eating, drinking or any other reason.

Getting ready for feeding!

Important: Breastfeeding is based on correct attachment

If something worries you about the baby's behavior, or someone scared you with something, and you doubt whether your baby is getting enough milk, then just follow the baby's daily "peeing". The color and smell should not be pronounced. Up to six months, the number of pee-pisses should be at least 12 times a day.

However, mothers who adhere to the principles of natural parenting (planting their children, if they use diapers, then cloth, and very rarely disposable), then it is much easier for them to determine the quantity and quality of urination of their baby. They know the norm for their baby.

Pregnancy. As you know, pregnancy is not a disease and abstinence from food, and unloading the body is very important during this period.

If you or your loved ones doubt whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to fast, then I would like to ask: "At the usual time of the year, do you eat 24 hours a day without interruption for other things and sleep?" No! For example, if during pregnancy you eat 3-4 times a day, what prevents you from eating the same amount of food, but at a different time and replenishing the liquid from Maghrib to Fajr? And at the same time, the main thing is to eat a little and effectively (see above about the diet) and then your nutrition will provide you and your child with useful trace elements, just according to a different schedule. If you have toxicosis, then you are all the more shown to keep fasting and, perhaps, this will cause appetite and improve your well-being.

Many women with toxicosis do not eat all day and do not even drink water, but, nevertheless, do not fast, which is extremely illogical.

Toxicosis: Beginning and Preparing for Pregnancy

For pregnant and lactating women, combine all the previous tips with the only difference that you should not consume cumin oil, especially hot and helbu (up to 34 weeks of gestation), because for some it can cause a stronger contraction of the uterus, which can cause discomfort. Replace them with other hot drinks, such as thyme, rose hips, dried apricot tea.

I would also like to draw your attention once again that all concerns about the fact that if you do not eat the next portion of empty carbohydrates (pasta with mayonnaise or bread with sausage full of chemistry, and do not drink it all down with soda or sweet tea bags with chemical dyes), then you will starve, and the child will suffer, milk will disappear and other horrors, then this is absolutely far-fetched.

Our task is only to restore the water-salt balance, as well as the necessary microelements, from iftar to suhoor, and not fill our stomach to saturation. Since eating a very small amount of quality food and drinking enough water, you may feel a slight hunger and lightness in your stomach, but at the same time, your body will not be poisoned or oversaturated, Ramadan is not a time of satiety and pleasure. it's time to work on your nafs.

The plague of our time - candidiasis

All pathogenic flora, dying off, releases toxins, and such a bad state of health is a sign of intoxication of the body, that is, a true signal that it is necessary to help the body cleanse itself. To do this, before suhoor and during iftar, try to drink a small amount, for example ¼ or ½ glass of strong broth of thyme in order to extinguish the pathogenic flora.

Try to consume a few spoons of fermented foods such as sauerkraut with your meals (if it doesn't make you bloated) and drink a sorbent after meals, namely 1 teaspoon of white clay for both Iftar and Suhoor. If you use lumpy clay, then it is better to use it in its pure form, chewed in your mouth and washed down with water. Those who can drink slimy drinks make jelly from flax seeds.

Preparing for childbirth: nutrition, exercise and more ...

And also do not forget about the mercy of Allah bestowed on us - do hijama immediately after Maghreb, and do not put a lot of cans at once, preferably 2-3 cans per session, but regularly. During the fast itself, before iftar, it is not advisable to do hijama so as not to feel weak, but if it has already become bad, then do the hijama while lying down, put 1 can on al-kakhel in order to saturate the blood with oxygen and cleanse the body of stagnant blood.

The interval between hijama sessions and the number of cans per session

Point Atlas

Atlas of points for pregnant women in the article: Toxicosis. Getting started and preparing for pregnancy

If signs of intoxication persist, then repeat the hijama after a few days and drink alkalizing drinks, the easiest way is soda water (¼ teaspoon of baking soda for 0.5 cups of warm water to drink before meals).

Constipation is also the cause of intoxication. And to avoid this, be sure to watch your stool, usually sisters who follow the recommendations on nutrition and drinking enough water, as a rule, do not face this problem. If you do come across, then use a mild laxative, such as senna, castor oil, in extremely severe cases - an enema (for non-pregnant women), flax seeds, sauerkraut juice, prune decoction (for pregnant women).

Gymnastics, twisting the pelvis, are also the prevention of constipation, so that there is no congestion in the pelvic organs.

You may initially find it strange and difficult to implement our recommendations, which include the rejection of many familiar products for a modern person. After all, the month of Ramadan can become the reason for your transition to a healthy diet and approaching the Sunnah lifestyle, the main thing is to make the right intention that we strive for health, in order to fully worship, to give birth and raise righteous offspring, and to be full-fledged Muslims to the end of their days.

“A strong believer is better before Allah and is more loved by Him than a weak believer, although there is good in each [of them] ...” (Saheeh Muslim)

May Allah make this month of Ramadan blessed for all of us, grant us His mercy, save us and our children from the evil of shaitans from among the jinn and our children, grant us useful knowledge and make us one of those who will be forgiven this month !! !


Both the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar have 12 months. The merits of each of them are listed in numerous hadiths of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and the merit of the month, whose first day began on 01/02/2014 and is called Rabi-ul-awval, is that it was in this month that our Prophet was born ( peace and blessings be upon him).

So let's meet this month as it should be for real Muslims! And a real Muslim will love the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) more than himself and his family, as stated in one of the hadiths. Fasting was prescribed in the month of Ramadan. Rajab has come - one of the holy months. Then Shawwal, he refers to the months of Hajj, followed by Zul-Kaada - the holy month. Then Zul-Hijja is also from the sacred months. Then Muharram, another of the holy months. Why was the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) not born on a historically important day? Or a memorable, well-known day?

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was born in the month of Rabi'u'lawal, the usual month for the Arabs. They did not know his dignity. They knew him simply as Rabiul Avval. Why did it happen? Why did Allah, the Most Pure and Great, wish that the meaning of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was unique? Because if he was born on the day of Ashura, they would assume that the dignity of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is associated with the day of Ashura, if he was born on the day of Araf, they would assume that the dignity of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is associated with on the day of Arafa, if on the 10th day of Zul-Hijja, they would think that his dignity is associated with the 10th day of Zul-Hijja. If he was born in the month of Zul-Qaad, Zul-Hijja, Muharram or Rajab, this would be a reason not to pay attention to the peculiarity of the time of birth of the venerable Mustafa. The Chosen One, that is, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he was born in Rabi-ul-awval so that this event would become outstanding, so that his glory would not mix with the glory of previous significant dates and events. This is a month that you miss all year, you wait for its coming, and when it comes, your heart is seized with some kind of serenity, which you cannot even describe. This is not Ramadan, no. Ramadan is undoubtedly a great month, believers are connected with it a lot and every Muslim experiences its influence on himself. But the month of Rabiul-avval is special, which became such due to the fact that this month the Almighty gave us His Favorite - the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) This happened on Monday, the twelfth day of the month Rabiul-avval according to the lunar calendar, that Corresponds to April 24, 571 in the Gregorian calendar.

All this month, Muslims zealously glorify the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), gather to study the life and work of the Messenger of Allah, actively conduct mawlids - Islamic call events where Muslims read salawat - blessings to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , talk about his life, family and everything connected with him. Thus, they express love for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and prove this love by their actions, following in all the example of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Zainudin Alikadyrov

Word "fertility" means the ability to conceive, from which the term "fertile days" originated. Fertile days are the most fertile days for a child.

Throughout a woman's menstrual cycle, there are days most likely to conceive. Favorable for conception are five days before ovulation and 24-48 hours after it. During this time, it is possible to become pregnant, and on the day of ovulation, the likelihood of pregnancy is higher.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. Without the release of the egg and its subsequent fertilization, pregnancy is impossible.

For those who want to get pregnant, information about fertile days is useful, as well as for those who want to protect themselves from pregnancy.

There are several ways to determine your fertile days.

Calendar method

By the nature of the discharge

Basal temperature measurement

Calendar method.

The method is based on the following principles:

The cycle begins from the first day of menstruation, the cycle can last approximately 26-32 days. If you want to create a cycle calendar to determine your fertile days, you need to have a regular cycle.

With a 28-day cycle, fertile days fall on days 11-16. 14-15 days are the most likely to conceive.

You also need to keep in mind that:

Ovulation occurs 14-16 days before the start of the next menstruation (provided that there are no gynecological diseases, stress or other adverse effects);
... egg viability after ovulation 24-48 hours;
... the viability of sperm in a woman's body is 3-5 days.

Fertilization can occur when sperm falls into the vagina three days before ovulation and 2 days after it. The egg can be fertilized no earlier than 24 hours after leaving the ovary, and the sperm can remain in the vagina for about 3-5 days. Consequently, the likelihood of conception is highest 3-4 days before ovulation and during the next 4 days.

Method for determining by the nature of the discharge:

From the last day of menstruation, the consistency of cervical mucus (discharge from intimate parts) should be monitored. Immediately after menstruation, there is little mucus; during this period, some dryness is noted in the vagina. Conception is impossible on these days, and such days are called "dry". After a few days, the nature of the mucus is different: it becomes more viscous, resembles glue. Further, the mucus continues to liquefy, this state of mucus facilitates the movement of sperm. There is a feeling of moisture in the vagina, women notice the appearance of marks on their underwear.

During ovulation, cervical mucus is more watery, transparent, similar to egg white, stringy. This type of mucus is most favorable for the activity of sperm, their movement and corresponds to the period of greatest fertility (ability to fertilize).
After ovulation, the amount of mucus decreases significantly.

Temperature method

Basal temperature should be measured in the rectum or orally (in the mouth) daily, after waking up, without getting out of bed.

The temperature should be measured at the same time, after 6 hours of sleep.

It is better to take a mercury thermometer for measurement. The measurement results can be influenced by an infectious disease in a woman, accompanied by an increase in the general temperature, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, a decrease in the duration of night sleep, stress. If there are any of these reasons, you need to mark them on the chart.

The measurement results are entered into a special table, a graph is plotted according to the temperature values. Due to the fact that about a day before ovulation, the temperature decreases slightly, and during ovulation it rises by 0.3 - 0.6 degrees and remains at this level until the end of the cycle, based on the resulting graph, you can clearly judge the date of ovulation.

In addition, a complete picture of body temperature changes, recorded in the form of a graph, also helps to determine the absence of ovulation and identify the cause of infertility.

There is also an ovulation test, much the same as a pregnancy test.

May Allah grant us righteous and healthy offspring! Amine.

Maryam Umm Abdullah

Read also
What is hijab?
Features of fasting Ramadan for women: common mistakes, tips in the kitchen
How to cleanse the body

Medical science has already confirmed that the physical and psychological health of the child, even its character, largely depends on the period of the mother's pregnancy.

The development of the embryo in the womb, especially the last stage of this development, has a serious impact on the future life of the child. The Islamic religion went even further in this matter and stated that the embryo is affected not only by the period of pregnancy, but also by the time of conception and the beginning of pregnancy.

On what day, and under what conditions, the parents laid the foundation for the unborn child is also an important question.

Parents who want the health and happiness of their unborn child should take a responsible approach to recommendations on this matter. They can be called in modern language the recommendations of the Islamic religion for family planning.

Below we bring to your attention some recommendations from the book "Makarim al-ahlak" (Noble properties) by the famous scientist Raziyaddin Tabrisi.

Prophet Muhammad (s) in his will to Imam Ali (a) informed about a favorable and unfavorable time for conceiving a child.

Unfavorable time for conceiving a child and its negative impact on the child

Beginning, middle and end of the month - when a child is conceived at such a time, mental disorders can be observed, the child can get leprosy or become disabled.

On the night of the holiday Fitr (Ramadan) - growing up, a child can do dark deeds.

On the night of Gurban Bayram - a child can be born with four or six toes.

The time between the adhan and ikama - growing up, the child will be prone to bloodshed (This refers to the time between the adhan in the mosque and the beginning of the collective prayer).

If you enter into a relationship with a woman during her pregnancy without taking ablution (dastamaza), the child will be a dead soul (ignorant) and a curmudgeon.

On the average night of the month Shaban - the child will be pockmarked and ugly.

In the last two nights of the month - when the child grows up, he will serve tyrants, many people can die from his hand.

On the night a man is sent on the road, the child, after he grows up, will waste all his property.

On the first three nights of a family trip - growing up, the child will become a novice of tyrants.

At the beginning of the night - growing up, a child can become either a wizard, or he may prefer the benefits of worldly life.

It is also unlawful to conceive in the period from the morning adhan to sunrise, from sunset to evening adhan, on the day of the solar eclipse, on the night of the lunar eclipse, earthquake, with a very strong wind, and on those days when it is imperative to perform the ayah prayers.

Auspicious time and its positive impact on the child

On Monday night - growing up, the child will become a Hafiz of the Koran and will not express dissatisfaction with the fate sent to him by Allah.

On Wednesday night - after the child swears allegiance to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (s), Allah will bestow his goodness on him.

Allah will not allow him to suffer in hell next to the Gentiles, such a child will be merciful in soul, generous in his hand, far from slander, gossip and lies.

Thursday night - the child, when he grows up, will become either a judge or a scientist.

On Thursday afternoon - then the shaitan will not be able to stick to the child, and growing up, he will become the owner of a clear and sound mind, Allah will be merciful to him.

On Friday night - the child will become a great speaker.

On Friday - after the onset of the asr prayer - when the child grows up, he will become known among the people.

According to hadith, conceiving a child on the first night of Ramadan is also considered a successful time.


Answers to questions from our readers

Question: Can you please tell me, I bought myself a silver ring, can I wear it on my index finger? I read that it is not allowed to wear rings on the fingers other than on the little finger.

Answer: Putting a silver ring on the little finger is sunnah (desirable) because the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wore a silver ring on the little finger. It is not forbidden to wear rings on other fingers, if this does not lead to the likeness of women.

Teaching the Quran

Answer: The book on the study of the letters of the Koran can be touched without ablution, because there are not only suras from the Koran, but also simple words, but this is not desirable.


Answer: Dua, read in the morning between the adhan and the obligatory prayer, is in the book of imam al-Ghazali "Bidayat al-hidayat". It is very long, and if it is not possible to read it, then you can simply make duaa sincerely in your own language, for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The prayer between adhan and ikamat is not rejected by Allah."


Question: Is it good or bad if the child was conceived in the month of Ramadan?

Answer: It's good, of course, but it's even better if his life also conforms to the norms of Islam, and this already depends on his parents. Allah gave you a child in the blessed month, and this should prompt you to bring him up in an Islamic atmosphere.


Question: How long after the adhan is it possible to start namaz?

Answer: It is advisable to perform the prayer at the end of the proclamation of the adhan and after reading the ikamat before entering the prayer. In mosques, immediately after the adhan, they do not pray, because they expect parishioners.


Question: Can a newborn baby be taken out of the house before 40 days have passed?

Answer: As for the fact that 40 days after the birth of a child cannot be taken out of the house and the like, there is no such thing in Islam. But a newborn is weak, and it is better not to take him out into the street, in public places, until he gets stronger.


Question: How is “Aminat” or “Amina” more correct according to Islam?

Answer: Both options are correct, just with a pause or at the end of a sentence, "Amina" is read in Arabic, and "Aminat" is read with a link or in the middle of a sentence.

Shamil Zurpukanov answered questions


Muslims of Ingushetia celebrate the holy month of Ramadan

Anti-alcohol campaign

In the month of Ramadan, there is a lull in the central market of Nazran, trade is sluggish, but the sellers nevertheless come here every morning - they lay out the goods and leisurely stroll around the counters. There is still no other job.

The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages and the restriction of smoking in public places during Ramadan was first introduced in the republic under Ruslan Aushev. Since then, this tradition has taken root in Ingushetia. If earlier raids were carried out, the execution of the decree was monitored, now there is no need for this. According to local residents, "the main law is in the heart of a Muslim." And the document itself signed by Murat Zyazikov does not imply any administrative responsibility, it is addressed to the moral foundations of the residents. Our interlocutors could not recall a single case of violation of the presidential decree.

Previously, alcohol was sold on the market only at one point. Now, after the issuance of the decree, you will not find it even in the daytime with fire.

Here you will not find anything from alcohol, nothing is sold in the month of Ramadan. Yes, and it is not customary for us to trade in alcohol on the market, - a young resident of the republic, Alesandr Gurazhev, undertook to help me. - If you really need it, then you need to go to Russia.

Of course it won't, don't waste your time, - the elderly Nazran taxi driver Nazir Merzhoev sympathizes with me. - Now nobody drinks alcohol. Young people, of course, smoke, but on the sly, secretly from their elders.

At the post, both old and young

Now, on the streets of Nazran, you will not see a person smoking or snacking on the move.

I walk the streets, and my heart rejoices - it is so calm everywhere, so good. It is felt that people are devout, pacified, they remembered about universal human values, - said the deputy mufti of the republic Abdul-Mazhit Dudarov. - A person who is afraid of God's punishment will take care of himself. And a people without faith is not a people.

Employees of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs say that this month the number of accidents, crimes committed in the republic and even quarrels in the streets is sharply reduced. And not because they drink less, people just become cleaner. In general, alcoholization is irrelevant for Ingushetia, there has never even been a sobering-up center here.

Every year, Ramadan occurs according to the lunar calendar. This year the fast accompanying the holiday lasts from September 23 to October 22. It is strikingly different from the Christians' pre-Easter fast. Muslims should not even drink water all month from dawn to dusk. But after dusk falls, breaking the fast begins: neighbors visit each other, men gather for spiritual conversations.

I want to eat, ”a young girl walking down the street says quietly.

After the mule has sung, you can't eat, be patient, ”an elderly man, apparently her father, pulls at her.

In fact, there are some deviations for women: they do not fast on "critical" days. However, then the days they missed, they fast after Ramadan. Also, decrepit old people, sick people, pregnant women and children under 12-15 years old may not limit themselves to food.

Fun without alcohol

The holy month does not affect family relationships in any way. On the contrary, children conceived in Ramadan are born healthy. In Ingushetia, even statistics are kept on this score. "A child born of sober parents will not drink himself," the Ingush like to say. "We know how to have fun without alcohol" is the second favorite saying here.

Weddings, of course, don't play. And not at all because there is some kind of prohibition. What a Caucasian wedding is without a plentiful table? So the most impatient tend to get married before Ramadan, those who want to test their feelings after.

But abortions in this republic continue to be performed, despite the fact that the chairman of the Coordination Center for Muslims of the North Caucasus Ismail-Khadzhi Berdiev asked doctors not to carry out such operations until the end of Ramadan.

There was no talk about the prohibition of abortion, we did not receive any official instructions, - says the deputy chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital Funa Ausheva. - Everyone spiritually decides for himself these issues, especially since some patients need an abortion for medical reasons.

During Ramadan, devout Muslims can even get married, have weddings and celebrate nikah. Nikah is a kind of St. an auspicious ceremony, during which the spouses or their parents invite the mullah, who reads the surahs from the Koran and asks if the parties agree to marry. In this case, the silence of the woman is taken for complete consent. While performing nikah, the mullah usually recites the fourth sura of the Koran, which is called "Women". The sura emphasizes the man's right to polygamy, to unilateral dissolution of marriage, to the use of punishments, but the excessive cruelty of the husband to his wife is condemned, the property rights of a woman are stipulated - to a dowry, an inheritance. The Koran nevertheless somewhat softens the position of women, which, according to the patriarchal customary law of the Arabs, was very difficult. Nowadays, kalym - the ransom of the bride - is not seen as a prerequisite for marriage (but desirable).

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