The infinitive as the main members of the sentence. Syntactic functions of the infinitive. Infinitive sentences Infinitive as subject

The infinitive is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon, which, apparently, is one of the reasons for inaccuracies in the analysis of the syntactic role of the infinitive.

The infinitive - the initial form of the verb - is very syntactically mobile: it is able to occupy the syntactic positions of both main and secondary members in a sentence; those. in speech, the infinitive shows a variety of functional and semantic properties. Depending on this, the subjective infinitive, the predicate infinitive, the object infinitive, the circumstantial (target) infinitive, and the attributive infinitive are distinguished.

The most common among them is the predicate infinitive.

The traditional idea of ​​the independent infinitive and the dependent infinitive (here we single out the subjective one) seems to be insufficiently adequate and correct. The future language teacher needs to be guided in the functional and semantic properties of the infinitive, in its syntactic role in the sentence. Knowing this makes it easier to understand the multifaceted communicative essence of the infinitive.

subjective infinitive

The subjective infinitive denotes a grammatical subject, i.e. the subject of thought (statement) is the subject of a two-part sentence, because its actual feature is expressed by the second main member of the sentence - the predicate. The infinitive subject usually stands before the predicate, grammatically does not depend on any member of the sentence, i.e. does not agree with any word, is not controlled by any member and does not adjoin any member of the sentence, it reveals syntactic synonymy with the verbal noun in the form of the nominative case, the position of which it occupies.

For example:

Smoking is injurious to health. (Proverb); … chasing lost happiness is useless and reckless. (M. Lermontov); Hunting on skis is very tiring... (S. Aksakov); Staying in Bogucharovo became dangerous. (L. Tolstoy); To invent is to dream. (Kozhevnikov); It is forbidden to eat here. (Ad).

Cf.: Smoking is injurious to health; The pursuit of lost happiness is useless and reckless. Hunting on skis is exhausting. Etc.

In the examples given, the infinitive acts as a subject, although not morphologized, atypical. A.M. Peshkovsky wrote: "The infinitive here is not the real subject, i.e. the designation of the" subject "to which the sign expressed in the predicate is attributed." Such an infinitive subject is a "substitute" for the subject, "substitution is a grammatical fact ...", the infinitive form itself is not indifferent to such substitution, because of all verbal forms, the infinitive alone, by its very nature, is capable of some (minimum) approximation to the noun.

The subject infinitive takes one position with the personal verb, forming a compound verbal predicate with it, but only if this personal verb is auxiliary (phase, modal or emotional), as in the sentences: ... In the end, I completely stopped thinking about the purpose of my trip. (Yu. Nagibin); ... All people sometimes want to cry ... (E. Yevtushenko); She was afraid to speak loudly. Compound predicates here - I stopped thinking, I want to cry, I was afraid to speak. Another condition for the participation of the infinitive in the formation of the predicate is its dependence on the predicative and the predicative adverb, for example: But by the way, you can’t put on shoes without spending. - You can stand and sit in them. In any weather. (N. Matveeva). The infinitive cannot be put on depending on the predicate and forms a predicate with it; the infinitives stand and sit form predicates with the predicate can. In the sentence I am ashamed to shake hands Flatterers, liars, thieves and scoundrels ... (A. Tarkovsky) the infinitive to shake depends on the predicative adverb shamefully and forms a predicate with it.

The subject infinitive is associated with a personal verb that does not belong to the category of auxiliary, therefore, it cannot be in the position of the predicate, but occupies other positions, which are also determined by substituting the question. Consider suggestions. Small children! Do not go to Africa for anything in the world, go for a walk in Africa! (K. Chukovsky). In combination, do not go for a walk, the personal verb, having the meaning of movement, is not included in the category of auxiliary ones, therefore it is a simple verbal predicate, and the infinitive is a circumstance of the goal: do not go (for what purpose?) to walk. We ... walk around Africa Forever forget! (K. Chukovsky) - let's forget (about what?) Walking.

Thus, the function of the subject, i.e. subjective infinitive in speech is not clear enough. Nevertheless, the prepositive position of the infinitive when the predicate follows it and the possibility of its syntactic synonymy with the nominative case of the noun confirm the subjective function of the subjective infinitive.

predicative infinitive

The predicate infinitive is the most important semantic center of a two-part sentence, a component of a simple analytical predicate, in which the grammatical meanings of the future tense and indicative mood are expressed by the conjugated form of the verb to be; for example: We were surprised to ask: is Silvio really not going to fight? (A. Pushkin); ... during a thunderstorm, clouds will descend to my roof. (M. Lermontov); Some month would pass, and Anna Sergeevna, it seemed to him, would be covered in a fog in his memory and only occasionally would dream with a touching smile, like others dreamed. (A. Chekhov); We will play a wedding, I will crawl on my knees ... (K. Serafimov). I will speak to the whole world. (K. Paustovsky); I don't know yet what I'm going to write. (K. Paustovsky).

The predicate infinitive is an indispensable component of a widely used compound verbal predicate, in which it depends on the conjugated form of the connective-auxiliary verb of semi-abstract, modal and phase infinitives such as become, be able, continue, stop, etc .; For example: Everyone began to interpret furtively, joke, judge not without sin, Tatiana read the groom. (A. Pushkin); ... I could not look around for a long time. (M. Lermontov); The girl stopped crying ... (N. Korolenko); He did not answer and continued to look at Claudine. (Panova); Let him just try to come! (K. Paustovsky).

The predicate infinitive is an essential component of a compound predicate. The last infinitive expresses the lexical meaning of the predicate in it, and the previous infinitive of the type decide, wait, endure, start, dare, etc., a short predicative adjective like ready, much, must, must, is able, etc. as a semantic complicator along with connective- auxiliary verb (materially expressed or "null") forms a connective part. For example: I was ready to love the whole world ... (M. Lermontov); Princess Marya ... could not make up her mind to leave him alone, and for the first time in her life allowed herself to disobey him. (L. Tolstoy); But still, he could wait to boast of the order in his boys' school. (Prilezhaeva); I shouldn't dare to tell you about it. (I. Turgenev); In the middle of the road, he once again forced himself to stop thinking about the impossible. (K. Simonov).

We also note that when analyzing a complex predicate, it is sometimes difficult to determine its syntactic connection with the subject-infinitive. Wed:

To teach is to sharpen the mind. (Proverb);

To teach is like sharpening the mind;

To teach means to sharpen the mind.

These varieties, perhaps, limit the connection of the predicate with the infinitive subject. You cannot call it grammatical agreement, since the infinitive subject is devoid of inflectional formants (affixes), and therefore the predicate cannot have adequate ones either. Here, apparently, coordination manifests itself, i.e. logical agreement.

object infinitive

The objective infinitive performs the function of a grammatical object in a sentence, i.e. additions. It refers to a verbal predicate with a lexical intellectual-imperative meaning (ordered, demanded, asked, forced, offered, advised, helped, forced, persuaded, etc.), is connected with this predicate by the method of adjunction.

The object infinitive denotes an action (state) as an object of activity of someone, something that is not the subject. The object infinitive never occupies the same position as the personal verb, i.e. cannot be predicated. To determine its syntactic function, we use the usual technique - we substitute the question: And I ask you not to pester me - the infinitive takes the position of the complement. Similarly: We invited readers to work as private detectives ... (from the newspaper), the infinitive to work is an addition. He answers questions of the complement (semantic questions homonymous to questions of indirect cases).

The object infinitive can enter into syntactic synonymous relations with the object noun (prepositional-substantive combination) in the function of the complement. The infinitive object is a kind of atypical, i.e. non-morphologized complement. For example: Domestic circumstances forced me to settle in a poor village in the N county. (A. Pushkin). The drizzling rain made me return to the tent. (Arseniev); ... grandfather forbade me to walk around the yard and in the garden for some kind of offense. (M. Gorky); She seemed to be asking her not to call and not to shame, because she herself is not feeling well in her soul ... (K. Paustovsky). This belief in the imaginary is the force that makes a person seek the imaginary in life, fight for its realization, follow the call of the imagination, as old Hidalgo did, and finally create the imaginary in reality. (K. Paustovsky). Cf .: Domestic circumstances forced me to settle in a poor village ... Cf. See also: He will teach you to save words, brevity, accuracy. (M. Gorky); He will bring you food and vodka. (M. Gorky).

Here, in one context, infinitive and ordinary (substantive) additions are used in parallel.

In rare cases, it is possible to use an infinitive object dependent on a difficult predicate, for example: No one dared to offer Sobol to correct his [story]. (K. Paustovsky).

The object infinitive can take the position of the circumstance of the goal: He willingly gave them (books) to read. Wed also a replacement: gave for reading.

Infinitive adverbial

It performs in the sentence the syntactic role (function) of a secondary member - the circumstance of the goal. He spreads the predicate - a verbal word form with the lexical meaning of movement (to go, come, sit down, put down, come, sit down, get together, etc.), depends on this predicate, connects with it by the method of adjunction, answers the questions why? for what purpose? However, we must remember about the ambiguity of words. So, for example, the verb to go is polysemantic: along with the direct meaning "to move", it can realize a figurative one - "to start doing something, start to carry out", in the latter case it acts as an auxiliary and together with the infinitive forms a compound verbal predicate, cf .: And they went to laugh - Limpopo. (K. Chukovsky). Went to laugh means they started to laugh, this is a compound verb predicate with a phase auxiliary verb denoting the beginning of the action.

The circumstantial infinitive easily enters into a relationship of syntactic synonymy with an infinitive turnover that has a pronounced target meaning and is attached to the part being explained by a subordinating conjunction to. For example: It became stuffy in the sakla, and I went out to freshen up. After the rally, Cherepanov invited Frolov to dinner.

Attributive infinitive

It is a minor member in the proposal - an inconsistent definition. Such an infinitive depends on the noun and is associated with it by adjunction. The attributive infinitive answers the questions what? which? which? what?, coming from the noun being defined. Along with the main, definitive meaning, a substantive phrase with a dependent infinitive can express additional shades (objective, causal, etc.). The syncretic attributive infinitive reveals synonymy with the corresponding prepositional-nominal combination. For example: Zurin was ordered to cross the Volga. (Pushkin); I have an innate passion for contradiction. (Lermontov); [Compare: command to cross...; innate passion for contradiction…].

Finally, the infinitive is often used in the function of the main member of a one-part sentence.

The main member of a one-part sentence, expressed by the infinitive, is the predicative center of the statement. There are such varieties with the main member - the infinitive.

1. Infinitive - the main member of a one-part personal sentence. This is the main member in the form of a predicate.

I like to sleep long, but I am ashamed to get up late.

2. Infinitive - the main member of a one-part impersonal sentence. Here the infinitive is an integral component of the analytical construction.

They don't give away the good ones, but they don't want to take the bad ones.

3. Infinitive - the main member of the infinitive sentence. In this usage, it is absolutely grammatically independent, expresses a potential procedural meaning, which usually correlates with the dative case of the subject.

Russian infinitive Dagestan school

Do not catch up with you crazy trio.

The dative subject may or may not be present. Wed:

A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.

In linguistic analysis, cases where several infinitives are used in one sentence (especially those with different functions) cause particular difficulty. These are examples of the type The habit of wandering around the maps and seeing different places in your imagination helps you see them correctly in reality.

Possessing a small number of morphological properties, the infinitive has developed a complex system of syntactic properties that are found in a phrase, sentence, text. So, the indefinite form can be used independently, combined with several parts of speech, defined by semantics and form. Let's name, first of all, combinations with personal forms of verbs - seeks to find out, decided to go, wants to leave, went to ask, invited to talk; combinations with participles - striving to find out, deciding to go, wanting to leave; combinations with gerunds - trying to find out, deciding to go, inviting to talk; combinations with abstract nouns - the desire to leave, the decision to go, the desire to leave; with full and short adjectives - ready to help, inclined to exaggerate, intends to leave; with the words of the category of state - one must not be late, one can study, one must announce. Of all these combinations, the most frequent and productive are combinations with personal verbs and words of the state category.

Infinitive sentences

Infinitive sentences are one-component sentences with the main member-predicate, a pronounced infinitive, denoting a possible (impossible), necessary or inevitable action. For example:

Do not turn a stone out of the way with thought. (M. Gorky);

Be a great storm! (A. Pushkin);

The clouds of the sun cannot hide, the world cannot be defeated by war. (Proverb).

Infinitive sentences differ from impersonal sentences in the composition of the predicative stem. In impersonal sentences with an infinitive, the predicate necessarily includes a verb or a word of the state category, to which the infinitive adjoins: Yes, you can drink in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost, yes, you can starve and get cold, go to death, but these three birches life cannot be given to anyone. (Simonov). In infinitive sentences, the infinitive does not depend on any word, but, on the contrary, all words obey it in semantic and grammatical terms: Do not catch up with the crazy three! (N. Nekrasov). Wed See also: Don't (shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't) rush to answer! - Do not rush to answer!

Infinitive sentences differ from impersonal sentences in their general meaning. If the main (typical) mass of impersonal sentences denotes an action that occurs and proceeds independently of the agent, then in infinitive sentences the actor is encouraged to take active action, the desirability, the need for active action are noted. The nature of the agent (definite, indefinite or generalized person) in infinitive sentences has a semantic-stylistic meaning, and in impersonal sentences the indefiniteness of the producer of the action has a structural-syntactic meaning.

Infinitive sentences are one of the syntactic means of expressing modal meanings. In infinitive sentences, modality is expressed "by the very form of the infinitive and intonation, but is enhanced and differentiated by particles."

Infinitive sentences without a particle would express the modal meanings of obligation, necessity, impossibility, inevitability, etc.: Who are you talking to? Be silent! (A. Chekhov); Always shine, shine everywhere, until the last days of the bottom, shine - and no nails! Here is my slogan - and the sun! (V. Mayakovsky); Do not grow grass after autumn. (A. Koltsov).

Infinitive sentences without indicating the person-actor are often used in the titles of articles that are in the nature of an appeal, in slogans, etc.: Grow a big harvest! Harvest without loss! Create an abundance of food for the population and raw materials for industry! Wed See also: Don't be late for class! Don't talk during class! Do not smoke at the institute!

Often, infinitive sentences of this structure have the meaning of rhetorical questions: Well, how not to please your dear little man! (Griboyedov).

Infinitive sentences with a particle would express the desirability of an action, fear about its commission or warning, an unfulfilled action, etc.: I would like to mow, plow, sow, ride horses ... (A. Chekhov). I would pick a big, big bouquet here and bring it quietly to the headboard. (A. Surkov); Oh, if it would rain on my life, I would not consider my life wasted aimlessly! (V. Soloukhin); Don't miss the train! (E. Serebrovskaya); At least one mangy partridge to see. (V. Sanin).

Infinitive sentences as part of a complex syntactic whole are often “fitted” into the semantics of the sentence by the pronoun-subject of this: Wait? It was not in his rules (V. Kataev); Wandering through the mountains with a hammer and a bag on your shoulders, riding a horse, living in a tent, seeing peaks blazing under the sun ... Is it really going to happen? (L. Volynsky). In terms of their semantic-functional role, such sentences are close to the so-called "nominative representation", the structural core of which is formed by nouns.

The specificity of infinitive sentences is created by the infinitive, which combines the properties of the verb and the name. Approaching one side with the impersonal, the other with the nominative, infinitive sentences form a special kind of one-part sentences.

Determining the place of infinitive sentences in the system of types of a simple sentence and in modern linguistics is debatable. Some scholars single them out as a special kind of one-part sentences, while others include them in impersonal sentences. In a school textbook, infinitive sentences are considered as part of impersonal ones.

Infinitive sentences thus express a variety of modal and expressive meanings:

1) inevitability: Be in trouble;

2) desirability: Sleep for at least an hour;

3) duty: You go;

4) opportunity: Now just live;

5) impossibility: You can't get through here;

7) rhetorical question: Do you know him? - How not to know!;

8) other emotionally expressive meanings: Refuse the operation! How could you think of such a thing!; Retreat? Give up? Never!

The infinitive is widely used in interrogative sentences (How to get to the library?), as well as in complex sentences to express various modal meanings - in the subordinate goal: I came to talk; in the subordinate clause: If I were to talk to him, I am sure that he would change dramatically; in adverbial tense: Before taking the exam, you need to prepare.

Infinitive sentences usually have a paradigm consisting of one form, but sentences with the meaning of impossibility have four forms: There is no way here; There was no way to get through here (and today they laid boards); It will not be possible to pass here; It would not be possible to pass here (if the boards had not been laid).

Thus, in this paragraph we have shown that the infinitive is very actively used in speech and that the most striking feature of this form of the verb is that the infinitive can be any member of the sentence, both main and secondary.

As regards infinitive sentences, we can again note the following: they express different modal meanings; they must be distinguished from impersonal sentences. Infinitive sentences, according to some scientists, form a special kind of one-part sentences. Other scientists include them in the composition of the impersonal. In the school textbook, they are considered as part of the impersonal.


Faculty of Philology

Department of the Russian language


The syntactic function of the infinitive

(based on the stories of V. Shukshin)

E. S. Pronina

Work manager

cand. Phil. Sciences, Associate Professor

V. Kashtanova

Saransk 2014



1 History of the study of the infinitive in Russian linguistics

2 Semantics of the infinitive


1.2.3 Compound nominal predicate




The topic of the course work is "The syntactic function of the infinitive in the stories of V. Shukshin."

General characteristics of the work: this course work is devoted to the consideration of one of the most important aspects of Russian syntax - the role of the infinitive as the main and secondary members of the sentence.

The relevance of the topic is that the question of the nature of the infinitive is traditionally the subject of various studies and disputes and still receives an ambiguous interpretation in syntax. And as a consequence of this - problems in the interpretation of the syntactic function of the indefinite form of the verb in the sentence by schoolchildren.

The question of the infinitive has always worried grammarians. Some of them (the Fortunatov school, except for A.M. Peshkovsky) decisively separated the infinitive from the verb, referring to the fact that, by its origin, the infinitive is a name with a verbal stem (cf .: know-know and know, know; become-become and become , articles, etc.) that the infinitive does not belong to either the predicative or attributive forms of the verb. The infinitive was declared a special part of speech and was considered as a word not involved in conjugation. Note that the infinitive under the name of “verb” distinguished from the verb into an independent category by I.F. Kalaidovich. Only academicians D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy, A.A. Shakhmatov and linguists of the Baudouin school insistently emphasized that the infinitive in modern Russian is a "verbal nominative", i.e. the main, original form of the verb.

In order for a given form to be called a verb, it does not need at all to have a definite personal ending, but it is quite enough to be related to a person, even if unknown outside the context. “The relation to the person makes the infinitive a conjugated part of speech,” wrote D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky.

It is known that A.A. Potebnya, considering the infinitive as a special part of speech, nevertheless attributed to it a relation to an indefinite person. The infinitive, according to Potebna, "does not contain its subject, but requires it as an adjective and a verb."

Similarly, Academician A.A. Shakhmatov, following A.A. Potebney, insisted that “the idea of ​​the infinitive evokes the idea of ​​the producer of the corresponding action - the state; this is similar to how the adjective evokes an idea of ​​the carrier of the corresponding quality - properties. Under certain conditions, the infinitive, while remaining the name of a verbal feature, may not evoke an idea of ​​the producer of the feature; this is the case where the infinitive appears as a complement, where it has the meaning of an object [7, 343]. “It is impossible - without violence against the language and over one's consciousness - to see in the form of living a separate word that is not connected with the forms I live, I lived, etc.

So, the infinitive is inseparable from other forms of the verb. Even A.M. Peshkovsky, who for a long time considered the infinitive a special, albeit a mixed part of speech, was forced to recognize it as a verbal “nominative”: “As the nominative case (for the most part, singular) is taken by us for a simple naked name of an object without those complications in the process of thought that are introduced by forms of indirect cases, so the indefinite form, due to its abstractness, appears to us as a simple bare expression of the idea of ​​action, without the complications that are introduced into it by all other verbal categories.

Purpose of the work: to consider the syntactic role of the infinitive.

Work tasks:

Analyze the linguistic literature on this issue;

Consider the semantic nature of the infinitive;

Practically substantiate the syntactic role of the indefinite form of the verb with examples taken from the stories of V. Shukshin.

The theoretical basis for this work was the works of leading Russian linguists (Britsyn V.M., Vinogradova V.V., Zolotova G.A., Kazakova L.F., Lekonta P.A.).

Object of research: infinitive, its syntactic and semantic nature. We tried to confirm the theoretical provisions with examples from the works of V. Shukshin. The language of the writer's stories is rich, so the syntactic function of the infinitive in them is diverse, unusual, interesting, sometimes it is difficult to determine the syntactic role of the indefinite form of the verb.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, the main part, consisting of two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliographic list.

The introduction reveals the main provisions of the course work, defines the goal and objectives.

The first chapter of the main part - "The Syntactic Nature of the Infinitive" - ​​covers theoretical issues related to the nature of the infinitive, the ambiguity of interpretations on the status of the indefinite form of the verb in morphology.

In the second chapter - "The syntactic nature of the infinitive in a sentence" - the role of the indefinite form of the verb as a member of the sentence is considered.

The material for the study was the stories of V. Shukshin: “How a hare flew in balloons”, “Letter”, “I choose a village for residence”, “Instruction”, “Resentment”, “Hunting to live”, “I believe!”, “Master” , "Crank", "Ticket for the second session", "Wolves", "Strong man", "Woe", "Version".

In conclusion, the results of the course work are summarized.

syntactic infinitive indefinite verb


There is probably no more controversial issue that worries linguists as much as the question of the nature of the infinitive.

The modern interpretation of the infinitive, which is given in "Russian Grammar - 80", is as follows: "The infinitive, or the indefinite form of the verb, is the original form of the verbal paradigm. The infinitive is a form that only names an action and does not in any way indicate its relation to a person, number, time, reality or irreality. Of the morphological meanings inherent in the verb, the infinitive contains only non-inflective meanings of the form and voice (do, do, be done). The infinitive has special inflections -t / -ti and -chi, which are attached, as a rule, to the basis of the past tense.

These infinitive suffixes can be defined as formative within the verbal paradigm, some of them may be part of word-forming suffixes when forming verbs from other parts of speech.

The most productive is the suffix -т; it characterizes the infinitive of most Russian verbs: work, write, say, lie, cut, veil. The suffix -sti, -st characterizes the infinitive of a small group, the basis of the present tense of which ends in the consonants t, d, b, for example: put-put-lay, put; sit down, sit down, sit down. The suffix -ti (always under stress) is known for the verb to go and for a few verbs with the stem of the present tense on the consonants s, z; cf .: carry-carry, carry-carry. The suffix -ti preserves the most ancient form of the infinitive suffix. This suffix arose as a result of a phonetic change in the suffix -ti-reduction of the final -and in the absence of stress. The suffix -ch stands out in a few verbs with the stem of the present tense for the voiced back-lingual consonant r: shore-protect, guard-guard, can-can. This suffix goes back to the Old Russian suffix -chi (final and reduced).

1.1 The history of the study of the infinitive in Russian linguistics

The syntax and semantics of the infinitive are traditionally the subject of various studies of the Russian language.

In a number of studies, the infinitive stands out as a separate part of speech, sometimes moving closer to nouns. A.M. Peshkovsky qualifies the infinitive as "a noun that has not reached the verb by one step". The tradition of "considering the infinitive as one of the forms of the noun and ascribe to it the syntactic functions of the name", accurately noticed by G.A. , is also present in studies considering the infinitive in the system of verb forms, which manifests itself in attributing to this form the functions of a subject, object, inconsistent definition. In a number of works, the syncretic meanings of the infinitive are pointed out: "... the infinitive occupies an intermediate position between the category of the verb and the category of the noun". The infinitive is characterized as a specific interpartial form, devoid of clear morphological characteristics and used by two main parts of speech - a verb and a noun. The infinitive acts as the first (syntactic) stage of the transition of a verb into a noun, in which the attachment to the sphere of nouns is manifested in its syntactic positions, and belonging to the verb - in use with analytical morphemes.

According to some scientists, the answer to the question about the essence of the infinitive should be sought in the complexity of its functions. There are several such functions. The first, main function is the addition of modal and so-called phase verbs (that is, with the meaning of the beginning, end or continuation of the action). Two other points indicate the strengthening of the substantive nature of the infinitive: use as a subject, object or circumstance.

Like any other verb, the infinitive performs the function of connection, i.e. expresses the meaning of the relationship, content, or rather, the direction of which expresses its lexical meaning.

One of the traditions that has developed when considering the infinitive is to see in it a substitute (i.e. one of the forms) of the noun and attribute the syntactic functions of the name to it. This approach leaves unresolved a number of issues that are no less traditionally associated with infinitive constructions.

The basis for such an identity is usually taken as the possibility of posing a “nominal” question in the indirect case from the previous word and the presence of parallelism in constructions with the infinitive and the verbal name: am I learning what? - draw, drawing; hunting for what? - to wander, to wander. And also motivating this by the fact that, by its origin, the infinitive is not a verbal, but a nominal form and is a frozen form of the dative-local case of the singular of a verbal noun, inclined according to ancient bases to i. This name was drawn into the verb system and received the verbal categories of aspect and voice.

Proponents of this point of view argue that the proof that the infinitive in origin is a nominal, and not a verbal form is the fact that in the modern language its connections with the noun are still preserved. The following examples are given: the infinitive to be able and the noun to be able in the phrase to run at full speed, the infinitive stove and the noun stove, etc.

In the history of the Russian language, the suffix -ty of the infinitive changed into -th as a result of reduction and falling away [and] in an unstressed position; that is why in the Russian literary language the suffix -ti appears only in those cases when it is under stress: carry, grow, etc. In the written monuments, the forms of the infinitive in -ty have been noted since the 13th century, but the infinitive in -ty prevails. And this form appears according to tradition until the 17th-18th centuries.

A.M. Peshkovsky, offering his solution to the "mystery" of the infinitive, defines the modern infinitive as "a noun that has not reached the verb by one step." But such an interpretation contradicts the observations of Peshkovsky himself that “the indefinite form of the verb denotes an action, in contrast to the parallel verbal noun that denotes an object.” The categorical semantics of the class of words cannot be ignored. This is one of the important features that determine their nature and systemic place in the language, but in contrasting the meanings of the infinitive and the verbal noun as an action and an object, Peshkovsky relies not so much on semantics as on morphology. Semantically, the infinitive and the verbal name are related, the categorical semantics of both is the meaning of the action. But the verbal name, unlike the infinitive, means an objectified action, which is expressed in the morphological categories of the name. The discrepancy between semantic and morphological features determines the dual nature of the verbal name. The absence of any shade of objectivity, objectivity in the presence of verbal morphological features is the specifics of the modern infinitive and does not give reason to suspect a noun in it. It is no coincidence that a composing connection between a noun and an infinitive is impossible, to which D.N. Shmelev: the heterogeneous nature of these categories, reflecting the heterogeneity of the phenomena they designate, cannot give homogeneous relationships.

In rare and undeniably colloquial cases, where the infinitive appears in a composing connection with a noun, for example: Give me some food and tea; Bring a broom and wipe it with what, the impossible composition of the concepts of an object and an action does not occur: the infinitive appears here in a figurative sense, it names an object (usually a tool or means) according to its functional meaning.

According to Zolotova G.A. , experimental attempts to replace the infinitive in various constructions with subject names give a negative result, confirming the qualitative differences in the nature of these categories.

Thus, the point of view about the impossibility of considering the infinitive as one of the forms of the noun is confirmed.

Modern morphological theories consider the infinitive as one of the forms in the verb system. But the accepted syntactic approach just ignores the verbal nature of the infinitive, its meaning of action.

The common thing that predetermines the parallelism of the syntactic use of the infinitive and the verbal noun, as well as the infinitive and the personal forms of the verb, is not in objectivity, but in the verb stem, in the semantics of action.

The semantics of the infinitive, like any other lexico-grammatical category, determines its entire syntactic position. This is manifested in the fact that the name of an action can only enter into those syntactic connections that the action enters into with other phenomena of the extralinguistic world.

The connection of the action with the doer, the subject, is a condition for the very implementation of the action: the object exists, the action does not exist, but is carried out only as a function of the acting subject.

Peshkovsky, recognizing that “it is logically impossible to imagine an activity without any relation to the actor”, believed that due to the “irrationality of the language” it “created a special category (infinitive) with this meaning” . But, according to G.A. Zolotova, “it is hardly worth exaggerating the irrationality of the language, since the lack of expression of personal meaning in the morphological form of the infinitive is overcome syntactically by the language.”

The difference between the infinitive and personal forms lies in the absence of a morphological formant of the personality and in the case form of the syntactic expression of the personality: with the infinitive, the figure is named not in the nominative, but in the dative case: “You can’t ... unconditionally oppose the infinitive to all other “predicative forms” of the verb,” wrote V.V. Vinogradov. The difference between an infinitive sentence and a dictionary infinitive is that the subject of the action in the first case is always known. In a sentence containing a message about an action, the subject of the action, potential or real, in principle always realizes its meaning in one of the three hypostases of a person: definitely personal, indefinitely personal or generalized.

So, the syntactic position of the infinitive is determined by its semantics.

2 Semantics of the infinitive

The infinitive as an indefinite form of the verb significantly expands the range of modal meanings expressed by personal verbs. Sentences with infinitives form a complex system with simple and complex sentences, the members of which are in a relationship of mutual conditionality and complement.

The appeal to the infinitive as part of a sentence reveals its distinctly expressed predicative functions, associated not with the name of phenomena, as is typical, for example, of a verbal noun, but with the designation of manifestations. The infinitive, like personal verbs, has the properties of verb control. The combination of the infinitive with the subject is one of the most important prerequisites for the possibility of using this form. In this respect, the infinitive turns out to be even more "verbal" than the personal forms. This is evidenced by the limited functions of many infinitives correlative with impersonal verbs, for example, infinitives denoting manifestations of nature, functional, psychological and intellectual processes, modal relations: lighten up, shiver, feel, imagine, seem, etc. Such infinitives are used only in combination with modal and phase verbs. Thus, despite A.M. Peshkovsky, indicating that "she (indefinite form) also has an important difference from the verb, which consists in the fact that it does not contain any indication of the active subject", in terms of the actual use of the infinitive in the sentence, a regular focus of this form on the real or potential (generalized, indefinite subject.

The verbal position is one of the most characteristic of the infinitive. (According to the observation of Britsyn V.M., in the modern Russian literary language there are about four hundred verbs in which the use of a dependent infinitive is possible.

Numerous facts of both correlation and non-correlation of infinitives and verbal nouns testify to the presence of certain similarities between them, which, with individual personal verbs, become more significant than discrepancies. With other verbs, differences come to the fore, causing the possibility of using only the infinitive, or only the verbal noun. In this regard, the semantics of the supporting verb becomes an important tool for explaining the functional role of the infinitive in a sentence. The identification of the semantic properties of the verb, which contribute to fixing the position for them specifically for the infinitive, requires the development of a system of their opposition to the verb, which cannot be combined with the infinitive.

For example, Britsyn V.M. the following classification of verb constructions with a dependent infinitive is given:

Verbs denoting an impulse to act, and in their composition verbs expressing: a) the impulse itself, b) permission, c) an impulse to move, d) help;

Verbs of movement associated with movement in space and devoid of this sign;

Verbs denoting ability, disposition and other attitudes to action, divided into subgroups of verbs: a) ability, b) acquisition-loss of skills and habits, c) hopes, expectations, d) desires, e) aspirations, f) intentions, decisions, g) readiness, determination, h) attempts, i) consent, promises, j) haste, k) emotional attitude, m) prayers;

Verbs expressing the beginning, continuation or termination of an action.


The syntactic function of the infinitive in a sentence is varied. The indefinite form of the verb can be expressed as the main members of the sentence - subject and predicate - and secondary - definition, addition, circumstance. According to its semantics, the natural syntactic role of the infinitive in a sentence is the predicate.

1 The main members of the sentence, expressed in the infinitive

The members of the sentence are considered as the core of categories, characterized by a complete set of differential features. In addition, following Babaitseva V.V., we will consider as typical members of the sentence those in which the absence or weakening of any feature, as well as the appearance of any feature characteristic of another category, does not affect the syntactic meaning of the sentence member .

The main members of the sentence - the subject and the predicate - form the structural scheme of the sentence and usually express the linguistic component of the semantics of the sentence.

1.1 Infinitive subject

According to the classification of Lekant P.A., the Russian language is characterized by two main forms of the subject - nominative and infinitive.

The infinitive subject is very semantically capacious, since the infinitive retains its syncretic nature in this function as well.

The infinitive in the position of the subject does not receive an objective meaning, is not substantiated, while all the “substituents” of the noun are substantiated and get the opportunity to be combined with agreed definitions. With an infinitive subject, a verbal predicate cannot be used, which means that the infinitive in the position of the subject cannot denote the producer of the action.

The infinitive in the function of the subject retains its inherent meaning of the action, presented outside of connection with the subject and outside of the flow in time. Thus, the infinitive denotes an independent sign (action), the characteristic of which is contained in the predicate.

The grammatical independence of the infinitive subject is based on the invariability of the infinitive and is manifested in its position relative to the predicate.

A sentence with an infinitive subject is characterized by a clear division into two compositions - the composition of the subject and the composition of the predicate. In oral speech, this is expressed by intonation, in written speech - by the dash sign. The division into two compounds can be formalized with the help of the particle this and auxiliary verbs.

The infinitive can play the role of the subject even if the infinitive group comes after the composition of the predicate, which includes predicate words. Subject inversion is associated with the actualization of the infinitive subject, the feature of which is revealed in the predicate.

Structural types of the infinitive subject

Two structural types of the infinitive subject are distinguished, differing in the means of expressing grammatical meaning, - and infinitive-nominal (compound) subject.

proper infinitive subject

The infinitive subject itself is characterized by the combination of both elements of grammatical meaning in one lexical unit: the meaning of a predicatively determined independent action is based on the morphological nature of the infinitive, and the grammatical independence of the subject is expressed using the formal indicator of the infinitive.

The grammatical form of the infinitive subject itself is manifested:

In the infinitive of a full-valued verb.

For example:

I just lived and did not understand that it is wonderful to live.

In general, life is good.

In the infinitive of a verbal phraseological unit.

For example:

A stupid thing - to amuse the soul on the beast.

But going crazy with grief is also ... stupidity.

In the form of an infinitive of a verb-nominal descriptive phrase. We did not come across such examples in the course of Shukshin's analysis.

In each of the indicated means of expressing the grammatical form, there is no separation of the indicators of the elements of the grammatical meaning of the infinitive subject.

Compound (infinitive-nominal) subject

The compound subject is two-component. Each component has its own functions. The infinitive component indicates the independent, independent nature of the sign contained in the subject and expresses the grammatically independent position of the subject in the sentence. The nominal component expresses the syntactic meaning of the attribute and its material content.

The verbal component of the compound subject performs service (auxiliary) functions. It itself cannot act as an independent subject, since it is represented by the infinitive form of linking verbs, that is, verbs with a grammatical lexical meaning. In addition to the indicated elements of the main grammatical meaning of the subject, the infinitive - “bundle” introduces additional shades: statements of the presence of an independent feature (to be), indications of the occurrence of a feature (to become, etc.) or its discovery (to appear).

For example:

It was interesting to become a pilot.

Being a teacher is difficult.

The compound subject differs from the proper infinitive not only in structure, but also in semantics. In the infinitive subject itself, an independent action is expressed, in the compound subject - an independent quality, property.

1.2 Predicate expressed by the infinitive

As a structural-semantic component of a sentence, a typical predicate has the following properties:

Included in the block diagram of the proposal;

It is expressed by the conjugated form of the verb and nouns, adjectives and others.

Structurally subordinate to the subject;

Takes a position after the subject (not always);

Corresponds to a logical predicate;

Indicates a predicative sign of the subject of speech;

Expressed in predicative words;

Denotes a new, rheme (but can also designate a topic).

These properties of the predicate constitute a complex of differential features of the concept of a typical predicate and are included in its definition in various combinations.

An exhaustive definition of the predicate, as well as the subject, is difficult to give, since even the inclusion of all the features of the predicate noted above does not cover all cases of the functioning of the predicate in speech.

1.2.1 Simple verbal predicate

The infinitive in the meaning of the indicative mood is used under the following grammatical condition: the infinitive is directly related to the subject - without the help of a conjugated verb, and this is not a consequence of a gap or ellipsis. The result of this use of the infinitive is the designation of the action related to the subject, in terms of a certain time. This meaning of the infinitive characterizes it as one of the forms of a simple verbal predicate.

The infinitive expresses the main components of the grammatical meaning of the predicate differently than the conjugated verb forms:

The meaning of time is expressed descriptively - by the ratio of the predicate and the subject in the composition of the sentence, taking into account the syntactic environment. Therefore, the temporal meaning is not always sufficiently clear and indisputable.

The infinitive in the function of the indicative mood does not have one temporary meaning. In a certain context, it can be used in the meaning of the past tense, or the present tense. But in the indicated usage, the infinitive does not form a modal-temporal paradigm of the predicate, that is, it is not a means of regular expression of the correlative modal and temporal meanings of a simple verbal predicate.

The grammatical subordination of the predicate to the subject does not receive a fictitious expression. There is no dependence of the form of the predicate on the form of the subject: they have neither direct nor indirect influence on each other. Consequently, the relation of the predicative attribute to the subject is not expressed by the form of the predicate, but is conveyed by syntactic means that are outside the predicate - word arrangement (the postposition of the predicate is the norm) and intonation. Intonation in the constructions under consideration plays a more prominent role than in sentences with an agreed predicate: it is not only a means of connecting the predicate with the subject, but also expresses the modal meaning of the infinitive and the sentence as a whole (the incentive value of the infinitive in the sentence, etc.).

The infinitive in the meaning of the indicative mood contains additional expressive and semantic shades, for example, an intense onset of action - “an energetic start to action”. The presence of "excessive meaning" determines the expressiveness of the considered forms, which is determined not by the lexical meaning of the verb, but by the construction of the sentence, the position of the infinitive. The very form of the predicate - the infinitive in the meaning of the indicative mood - is stylistically marked; its main area of ​​use is everyday speech.

You can sit on it, smoke and - think.

Now I can’t sit on its banks with a fishing rod, don’t visit the islands, where it’s calm and cool, where the bushes are bursting with every berry ...

... sand that eastern wall, as the master wanted, sheathe and lay the domes, and insert colored glass into the upper windows ...

1.2.2 Compound verbal predicate

In the main forms of the compound verbal predicate, the auxiliary component expresses one of the meanings - modal or phase. The grammatical nature of these meanings is also manifested in compatibility with the main component - the infinitive. It has no lexical restrictions, that is, any full-valued verbs in the infinitive can be combined with the corresponding forms of modal and phase verbs.

Specialized forms of a compound verbal predicate are a combination of the main component - the infinitive - with an auxiliary, which is expressed by conjugated forms of a phase or modal verb.

Phase verbs indicate the moment of the beginning of the action expressed by the main component, and, thus, they are not recognized independently. They seem to merge with the infinitive, playing with it the role of a kind of indicator of the moment of the action (beginning, continuation, end). Due to this, the construction of the predicate has integrity: both verbs complement each other.

The fusion of the components of the predicate is also manifested in the expression of specific meanings and shades. The main component is combined with phase verbs only in the imperfect form.

Sometimes it happened that the grandfather suddenly, for no reason at all, began to laugh.

And then - imperceptibly for themselves - they began to lie a little to each other.

Shurygin, stop being self-willed!

The verb continue is used in a compound verbal predicate only in the form of an imperfect form: the meaning of the limiting form of the perfect form is incompatible with the function of this verb in the infinitive - to express continuation, that is, the course of an action:

Maxim extinguished his cigarette on the sole of his shoe and continued to listen with interest.

A special position in the compound verbal predicate with a phase meaning is occupied by constructions in which the auxiliary component is expressed by the conjugated forms of the verb become. In its use in a compound verbal predicate, this verb differs from the proper phase verbs.

Sometimes the verb to become can be perceived as a phase verb with the meaning of the beginning of the action:

I began to slowly remove from the attic the books stolen earlier in the school cupboard.

During the war, from its very beginning, two misfortunes began to torment us children most of all: hunger and cold.

Mitka began to show signs of life.

In other cases, the verb become indicates the very fact of the presence of an action:

Philip began to think about his life.

And this deep quiet hatred also began to live in her constantly.

I began to think that again I did not pay tribute to Kolka Bystrov, so as not to think about Viy.

Sanka was completely sober, so they did not call the police.

In view of the extreme abstraction and indeterminacy of the lexical meaning of the verb to become in a compound verbal predicate, its role is mainly reduced to expressing the general grammatical meanings of mood, tense, and the relation of the action expressed by the main component to the subject.

Despite these differences between the verb to become and phase verbs, the forms of the compound verb predicate, including this verb, are close in their basic grammatical properties to constructions with phase verbs: firstly, the infinitive is combined with conjugated forms to become only in an imperfect form; secondly, the form of the compound verbal predicate with the verb to become is characterized by "fusion", a close cohesion of the components expressing the action, decorated with all the main grammatical meanings.

Thus, the compound verbal predicate with conjugated forms of become adjoins constructions with phase verbs, although the verb to become itself does not have a distinct phase meaning.

Modal verbs express a modal assessment of the action, the name of which is contained in the main component - the infinitive.

In the compound verbal predicate with modal verbs, there is no such fusion of meaning that characterizes constructions with phase verbs. Modal verbs retain the independence of their content, they do not indicate the moment of the main action, they do not contain the specific characteristics of this action. This is not necessary, since the infinitive is combined with modal verbs in two aspectual forms.

Lekant P.A. identifies eight main types of modal meanings of the auxiliary component, expressed by modal verbs:

Duty (should, must, forced, etc.);

Why did we decide that good must overcome evil?

The teacher suddenly took off, ran from the side of the church where she was supposed to fall, and stood under the wall.

Possibility (to be able, to be able, to be in time, etc.);

And Nikitich can talk in this manner even all night - just hang up your ears.

Can years age a person?

Fyodor, in the heat of the moment, could not immediately come up with what to promise such a thing.

The rest of the villagers could not believe in any way.

Will (want, desire, dream, etc.);

The heat is hot, but I still want to sleep to death.

I want to find a village to live in.

The guy just didn't want to listen.

With a hint of readiness, determination to take action (decide, think, get together, etc.);

Decided not to wait for the police.

People noticed this, and no one dared to speak to him at that time.

With a hint of an attack on action, attempts to perform an action (try, try, try, etc.);

We followed them and also tried not to look at the plane: it was impossible to show that we were really such a completely impassable "village".

With a hint of consent or “allowing yourself” to perform an action (agree, take, etc.);

Tell me now: we allow you to repair the Talitsky church.

Subjective-emotional assessment (to love, prefer, become addicted, etc.);

Actually, I like to travel too.

Well, some kind of shed, fussing there - I like to gouge in my free time.

Evaluation of the usual action (get used to, learn, adapt.

Then I got the hang of stealing books from the school bookcase.

Older people are all baptized in it, the deceased grandfathers and great-grandfathers were buried in it, as they used to see the sky every day.

In the considered types of modal meanings, the general concept of a modal evaluation of an action, the relationship between the subject and the action, is revealed - an evaluation, which is a mandatory grammatical meaning, expressed as an auxiliary component of specialized forms of a compound verbal predicate. This meaning is superimposed on the general grammatical meaning of the predicate.

In the compound verbal predicate, among non-specialized forms, two varieties are distinguished - synthetic and analytical forms.

In synthetic forms, the auxiliary component is mainly represented by either verb phraseological units or descriptive verb phrases.

Verbal phraseological units express the same modal meanings as the corresponding modal verbs in specialized forms. In the expression of the modal meaning, the entire composition of the verbal phraseological unit is involved. The general grammatical meaning of the predicate is expressed by the formal indicators of the conjugated verbal member of the phraseological unit. Since the modal meaning is characteristic of a phraseological unit as a whole, it must be considered that the expression of general grammatical meanings and modal ones is not distributed among the components of a phraseological unit, i.e. carried out synthetically.

Well already promised, no, let's poison the soul now!

So, Vanechka, you can sleep through the whole kingdom of heaven.

And, in a good way, it would be necessary to drive him in three necks.

And I just cry for you, I came to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

He passionately wanted to look at the hut.

In analytical non-specialized forms of the compound verbal predicate, the auxiliary component has a two-term structure. It consists of a link and a full word from the class of names; each member has its own function. The link in the conjugated form expresses the main grammatical meaning of the predicate (the meaning of the present tense of the indicative mood is found in the zero form of the link to be). The nominal member expresses modal meaning. Thus, in analytical forms, the grammatical meanings of the auxiliary component are expressed separately. However, the analytical construction as a whole is functionally adequate to the conjugated modal verb (was willing to leave - agreed to leave).

The nominal member of the auxiliary component can be consistent - these are forms of short adjectives or participles (glad, ready, much, forced, agree, etc.)

Bronka is silent for a while, ready to cry, howl, tear his shirt on his chest.

He was ready to cry.

The analytical constructions of the auxiliary component, although in principle they duplicate the main modal meanings of conjugated verbs, may differ from them in details both in some shades and in stylistic coloring. Some analytical constructions are not correlative in meaning with modal verbs (should, was glad, had to, etc.)

All the noted constructions of the main forms of the compound verbal predicate have an essential common feature - the expression of one of the specific grammatical meanings, phase or modal - and differ in the ways in which these meanings are conveyed, in the means of expressing the auxiliary component.

Complicated forms of the compound verb predicate

In the complicated forms of the compound verbal predicate, not one, but two grammatical meanings of the phase or modal type are expressed. This means that in addition to the main, real infinitive component, the compound form includes at least two auxiliary units. The grammatical complication of the compound verbal predicate is carried out at the expense of the auxiliary component.

The complication of the compound verbal predicate lies in the additional expression of the grammatical meaning specific to the auxiliary component, i.e. modal or phase. The elimination of the complicating component leads to the loss of the additional grammatical meaning, but does not affect the real meaning of the predicate.

No matter what complex structure a compound verbal predicate acquires, no matter how many grammatical meanings of a modal or phase type are expressed in it, the basis of the grammatical form of a given structural subtype of the predicate remains unshakable - its fundamental two-part, two-component nature. The complication occurs due to the auxiliary component, which acquires an additional meaning, but retains the main function unchanged - the expression of the grammatical meanings of modality, tense, and the relation of the predicative feature to the subject. The grammatical complication does not concern the main component - the infinitive of a full-valued verb.

The main component of a compound verbal predicate can only receive a lexical complication - due to the infinitive of the second full-valued verb. Two infinitives of full-valued verbs, not connected by object or target relations, can be included in a compound verbal predicate only if they denote accompanying actions, the meaning of the predicate does not change.

Thus, the grammatical complication of the compound verbal predicate occurs only due to the auxiliary component. This type of predicate is not distinguished by all scientists.

The girl Vera began to go to bed.

1.2.3 Compound nominal predicate.

The infinitive in the function of the nominal part does not lose its categorical meaning. Estimated, characterizing the value of the infinitive in the composition of the predicate acquires due to the relationship with the subject, represented by certain categories of nouns. The infinitive is used in a predicate with a subject - a noun with a modal-evaluative meaning (goal, task, purpose, happiness, pleasure, etc.) or with a general meaning of activity (business, occupation, work, etc.).

Relations of identification are established between the subject and the predicate:

If only we could start over!

Complicated forms of compound nominal predicate

The complicated forms of the compound nominal predicate are built on the basis of the basic forms and differ from them in additional grammatical meanings.

The complication of the forms of the compound nominal predicate is achieved with the help of verbs (or other forms, in particular analytical ones) used as an auxiliary component of the compound verbal predicate. These complicating means introduce the corresponding grammatical meanings into the compound nominal predicate - phase and modal.

She wants to be like her mother.

Sasha was shaking, but he gathered all his strength and wanted to be calm.

And the driver, Mikolay Igrinev, is a year old for me, and he is trying so hard to drive evenly, you can’t hesitate too much either: we are retreating.

Philip was accustomed to doing this way in the morning - from home to the ferry, he made it thoughtlessly.

The generalized meaning of the interchangeable part, expressed by the infinitive, focuses on the meaning of specialized forms of nouns - the nominative and instrumental cases of the noun in the predicate. However, there is no reason to talk about duplication of the specified value. The infinitive denotes not an object, but an action outside its course and outside of relation to the subject.

Complicated forms retain the main structural features of the compound nominal predicate: functional separation of the main and auxiliary components, means and forms of expression of the nominal part. The complication affects only the auxiliary component, and its consequence is the expression of one or more additional grammatical meanings.

2 Secondary members of the sentence expressed by the infinitive

The members of the sentence, being a functional category for their material expression, use certain parts of speech, more precisely, the forms of these parts of speech. On the other hand, parts of speech, in the historical aspect, are frozen members of the sentence, that is, categories that have been identified on the basis of functional features. In this regard, there is a certain relationship between parts of speech and members of a sentence. The core of each minor member of the sentence consists of such members of the sentence, the syntactic function of which is correlative with their morphological expression. So, the most typical way of expressing a circumstance is an adverb; additions - prepositional case forms of names; definitions - adjective and other agreed parts of speech. Thus, there are ways of expressing members of a sentence that are typical, inherent in their syntactic and morphological nature, and there are ways of expressing members of a sentence that are atypical, not determined by their morphological and syntactic nature.

The members of the sentence, the way of expression of which corresponds to their syntactic function, are called morphologized, and the members of the sentence, the way of expression of which does not correspond to their syntactic function, are called non-morphologized. Thus, the syntactic function of the infinitive, which expresses the secondary members of the sentence, is atypical. There are few such examples in the works under consideration. Often morphologized and non-morphologized members of a sentence can be combined in a homogeneous series.

The infinitive can express both a definition, an object, and a circumstance.

2.1 Definition expressed by the infinitive

Definition - a secondary member of the sentence, explaining the word form with an objective meaning and naming the attribute of this object.

Definitions expressed by the infinitive serve to reveal the content of the subject, often denoted by an abstract noun.

She painfully experienced this indestructible, fireproof passion of her husband - to write, write and write in order to restore order in the state ...

So the idea of ​​Christ arose from the desire to conquer evil.

Solodovnikov felt a keen desire to act.

Found an opportunity to spoil an important minute.

And while he was walking, the very idea came to his mind - to call Yegor here.

There is an irresistible desire to look down into a dark corner.

2.2 Complement expressed by the infinitive

Complement - a secondary member of the sentence, denoting the object to which the action is directed, which is the result of the action or its tool, the object in relation to which the action is performed or the sign is manifested.

Complements expressed by the infinitive designate an action as an object to which another action is directed. The swarm of the complement can be a subjective or objective infinitive.

The infinitive is called subjective if the subject of the action indicated by it coincides with the subject of the action indicated by the verb being explained.

When I was very young, for example, I dreamed of gathering three of us - four of us, equipping a boat, taking guns, tackle and sailing along the rivers to the Arctic Ocean.

No one calls for wordlessly enduring insults, but immediately because of this, overestimate all human values, put the very meaning of life on the priest - this is also, you know ... a luxury.

An infinitive is called objective if the subject of the action indicated by the infinitive does not coincide with the subject of the action indicated by the word being explained.

I hate it when they teach you how to live.

2.3 Circumstance expressed by the infinitive

Circumstance - a minor member of the sentence, explaining the member of the sentence, which denotes an action or sign, and indicates the method of performing the action, its quality or intensity, or the place, time, reason, purpose, condition with which the action or manifestation of the sign is associated.

The infinitive expresses only the circumstances of the goal, which indicate the purpose of the commission of an action.

He was in the city (he went to buy a motorcycle), went to a restaurant there to eat.

I got up and went to their room to see what stoves were in the city.

Tomorrow we will call grandfather to spend the night, and you will read it all to us again.

Late in the evening we arrived at the brigade's house, where we sat down to sip our mash.

It's time to go to you - to be treated.

Kaigorodov stopped to light a cigarette.

As can be seen from the above examples, the syntactic function of the infinitive in a sentence is diverse. The indefinite form of the verb expresses all members of the sentence. This speaks to the complex and ambiguous nature of the infinitive both in syntax and morphology.


The syntax and semantics of the infinitive are traditionally the subject of various studies of the Russian language. Peshkovsky A.M. called the infinitive a mysterious category of the verb in its meaning”, Halaydovich I.F. singled out the infinitive under the name “verb” into an independent part of speech, representatives of the Fortunatov school separated the infinitive from the verb, referring to the fact that, by its origin, the infinitive is a name with a gagol stem and proof of this is the preserved connection of the infinitive with the noun, for example, the infinitive to be able and the noun to be able in the phrase to run at full speed, etc. In a number of works by L. Tenier, an intermediate position of the infinitive is indicated - between the category of the verb and the category of the noun.

According to G.A. Zolotova, such a variety of interpretations of the infinitive is based on the insufficient development of the principles for classifying parts of speech, and the lack of a comprehensive description of the syntactic positions of the infinitive.

In the course of the work, we came to the following conclusions.

First, the syntactic position of the infinitive is determined by semantics.

Secondly, two forms of existence of the infinitive should be distinguished. As a dictionary representative of all other verbal forms, the infinitive acts in a purely nominative function as the name of an action. In the speech use of the infinitive, in contrast to the dictionary one, the nominative function is dominated by the predicative, expressed in syntactic links.

Thirdly, the understanding of the infinitive in morphology and syntax is different. In morphology, the infinitive is taken as the original form (the rules for the formation of a number of forms are formulated from the basics of the infinitive). In syntax, the infinitive represents a secondary form: the modal and expressive coloring of the infinitive takes it beyond the main models of the syntactic "center". “The infinitive is not the center of the verbal system, but its outskirts,” wrote V.V. Vinogradov. . At the same time, the infinitive "outskirts" of syntax are in themselves quite extensive and not simply arranged. Thus, the syntactic function of the infinitive in a sentence is diverse. The indefinite form of the verb can be expressed as the main members of the sentence - subject and predicate - and secondary - definition, addition, circumstance.

According to its semantics, the natural syntactic function of the infinitive in a sentence is the predicate. The infinitive can be expressed:

proper infinitive subject

In general, life is good.

Compound subject

Being a teacher is difficult.

Simple verb predicate:

Well, I haven’t hit it with a horn yet - I would sit on his head like a sheaf on a pitchfork.

Compound verb predicate

From childhood, the father began to carry around the taiga with him.

Compound nominal predicate

I lie down and try to think more cheerfully about it.


There is an irresistible desire to look down.


I ask you to receive this iron today.

Purpose Circumstances

Kaygorov stopped to light a cigarette.

So, the infinitive is a category with a special syntactic behavior, with its own functions and constructive possibilities, due to its semantic specificity. All members of a sentence can be expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.


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Zolotova G.A. Essay on the functional syntax of the Russian language. -M., 1973.-351 p.

Zolotova G.A. On the syntactic nature of the modern Russian infinitive // ​​Philological Sciences. - 1979. -№5. -C 43-51.

Zolotova G.A. Syntax Dictionary. -M., 1988.- 440 p.

Lekant P.A. Types and forms of the predicate in modern Russian. -M., 1976.- S.29-32.

Meshchaninov I.I. Members of a sentence and parts of speech. - L., 1978. - 378 p.

General Linguistics / Ed. N.M. Kodukhov. -M., 1973.-318 p.

Peshkovsky A.M. Russian syntax in scientific coverage. -Mu, 1956. -511s.

Russian grammar in 2 vols. T.I.-M., 1980. - S.674-675.

Modern Russian language / Ed. V.A. Beloshapkova.-M., 1989. - 450 p.

Sunik O.P. General theory of parts of speech. -M.-L., 1966. - 132.p.

Suprun A.E. Grammatical properties of words and parts of speech// Questions of the theory of parts of speech. -L., 1968.- S.208-218.

Suprun A.E. Parts of speech in Russian. M., 1971. - 134 p.

Tenier L. Fundamentals of structural syntax. -M., 1988. - 654 p.

Fedorov A.K. Difficult questions of syntax. -M., 1972. - 239 p.

Fortunatov F.F. Selected works. -M., 1956. - 450 p.

Chernov V.I. Questions of classification of a complex predicate // Questions of the syntax of the Russian language. - Kaluga, 1969. - S. 64-81.

Shmelev D.N. Syntactic articulation of an utterance in modern Russian. -M., 1976. - 150 p.

Shukshin V.M. Up to the third roosters. Tales. Stories. - M., 1976. - S. 9 -392.

Shcherba L.V. On the parts of speech in the Russian language // Language system and speech activity. - L., 1974. - S. 77-100.


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The syntactic role of the infinitive

Among verb forms infinitive occupies a special place, because can act as any member of the proposal.

Main goal of this article is a generalization of information about the syntactic function of the infinitive.

The infinitive as the main members of the sentence

Acting as subject, the infinitive names an action or state as the subject of an utterance.

Options: 1. Both main members are verbs in an indefinite form: Repeat and teach - sharpen the mind. 2. One is a noun in the nominative case, the other is an infinitive: Learning is our task. Playing chess is his main occupation in life.

What may arise difficulties when parsing a sentence?

It is not always obvious which part of the sentence is the verb in the indefinite form . Independent infinitive, coming first in a sentence, intonation separated from the predicate and naming an independent action, the characteristic of which is contained in the predicate, is subject: It was not easy to convince him of anything. Living on earth is a glorious occupation. Loving you is a big challenge.

But the infinitive-subject can also stand after the predicate, if it has an estimated value: The worst thing in our work is to stop growing. His job was to take care of the younger ones and take care of the older ones. It is a waste of time to fish without a hook and learn without a book.

If under one of the main terms there is link THIS, it is clear that before us is the predicate, and the infinitive is the subject: It is against our law to remember the old. What a blessing it is to respect your parents.

The infinitive-subject, like the infinitive-predicate, can include words dependent on it, if one verb does not convey the meaning of the statement. Often this is found in proverbs, aphorisms: Stealing from a thief is only a waste of time. To teach a fool is to treat the dead. Playing a song is not a field to yell. Doing nothing is hard work. Leading the house - do not shake your beard. Drinking tea is not chopping wood. To talk about what has been decided is only to confuse.

The combination of the infinitive with words on -O:

    If the infinitive comes first in the sentence, and then the word for -O follows, we have a two-part sentence with the subject - the infinitive: Running in the morning is useful. Joking with the enemy is dangerous.

    Rearranging the infinitive to the second place after the -O word, which is a category of state, turns the sentence into an impersonal one: It is useless to argue with him. It was not easy to get to work that day because of the snowstorm.

    The presence in the infinitive of the words of the category of state must, necessary, necessary, impossible, possible, etc. suggests that this is a predicate of impersonal sentences, regardless of the word order: You can get lost here. It was impossible to ask about it.

Independent infinitive can act as a predicate in one-part infinitive sentences (in school textbooks they are considered as a kind of impersonal constructions): Get out of order! Who would you argue with?

Use of the infinitive in a compound verb predicate. It has two parts: auxiliary and main. The first conveys the grammatical meaning of mood, tense, person, number or gender, the second (infinitive) - the main lexical meaning: Athletes began to compete. We want to meet again.

Attention! In the presence of two verbs (conjugated and infinitive), both are part of the verbal predicate, if actions refer to one person- to the subject of action: Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived. (Griboedov) If actions are performed by different people, then the infinitive is not part of the compound verb predicate, but acts as a secondary member: I would strictly forbid these gentlemen to drive up to the capitals for a shot. (Griboyedov)

Infinitive in the role of minor members of the sentence

Inconsistent definition.

    The infinitive explains nouns with the modal meaning of possibility, necessity, desirability, will, etc.: There was an urgent need to talk. Suddenly, the opportunity arose to leave this city as soon as possible.

    Sometimes the infinitive defines abstract nouns with a different meaning: Your way of constantly arguing annoys me. Travelers did not leave the idea to return to the island.


If the conjugated verb has a full lexical meaning, and the actions of the verbs refer to different persons: As a child, my father taught me to fish. I advise you to read this book.

Purpose circumstance.

If the infinitive refers to verbs of motion: Chichikov went into the room to get dressed and wash. In the evening we went to the embankment to look at the ships.

Slotina Nadezhda Stanislavovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, KGOAU KFML

The infinitive in a sentence can be dependent or independent.

Dependent the infinitive is adjacent to another word, it can be in a sentence:

1) simple verbal predicate: Moska well on him rush up;

2) the main part of the compound verb predicate in a two-part sentence: You have become a little fade;

3) the main member of the impersonal sentence and depend on the words of the state category: Sad sit at home in winter. Need go to work.

4) definition: Nastenka took from him about rumble come behind her;

5) addition: He ordered the coachman lay droshky(object infinitive) ;

6) circumstance: In the morning went breakfast to the nearest cafe. The infinitive as a circumstance of purpose is adjacent to verbs with the meaning of movement, as well as to verbs of biological meaning: live, be born etc.: went for a walk, went to study, ran to swim(subjective infinitive).

The infinitive can be subjective and object. subjective the infinitive denotes the action of the same person as the auxiliary verb ( You have become a little fade ). Object The infinitive denotes the action of another person ( He ordered the coachman lay droshky).

Independent The infinitive is possible in two cases:

1) when it performs the function of the subject: Wanders through the forests - the best rest.

2) when it is the main member of the infinitive sentence: To you not to see such battles!

Infinitive as subject:

1. The infinitive in the position of the subject does not receive an objective meaning,


2. With an infinitive subject, there cannot be a verbal predicate,

only various forms of the nominal predicate are used;

3. The infinitive as a subject takes a preposition relative to the predicate:


infinitive infinitive: Play in cards means to rob comrades.

infinitive noun: drag forest and poles were not considered a sin.

infinitive adjective: Stay in Bogucharovo it became dangerous.

infinitive phrase: Issue it would be unworthy of him.

The difference between a compound verb predicate and verb combinations with an objective and subject infinitive:

It is necessary to distinguish combinations from a compound verbal predicate that include an infinitive in its composition, which plays the role of an addition, definition and circumstance of the goal in the sentence.

The infinitive, which plays the role of an object, is called "objective", since it denotes the action of another person (not the "subject" of the conjugated verb form): advised to seek, asked to protect, ordered to send etc. For example: He[Stendhal] taught me to understand war(L. Tolstoy); Antonenko ordered people to leave the barge(Konetsky).

The infinitive, which plays the role of a circumstance of the goal, is easily differentiated with the help of questions. why, for what, for what purpose?: ran(for what purpose?) swim in the river. Compare:

1. I will not let it(what?) bad in your presence respond (additional) about the life for which friends died(Lukonin).

2. And for some time now I've been afraid stay one(comp. verb. skaz.) (Dostoevsky).

A.V. Kuklina



The article attempts to describe the syntactic functions of the infinitive as part of verbal infinitive constructions in the unity of the linear and supralinear aspects.

The question of the syntactic functions of words and phrases in a sentence has not lost its significance in the science of language until now. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the members of a sentence are often interpreted from formal positions (members of a sentence are replaced by the logical concepts of subject, predicate, object), morphological positions (members of a sentence are identified with parts of speech), as well as structural ones (members of a sentence are determined by the position occupied by them in a sentence) positions. Little attention is paid to the grammatical side of the problem: as O.V. Alexandrova (Dolgova), the predominantly grammatical description of the members of the sentence is limited to the formulation of "questions" that are answered by these members of the sentence.

Numerous studies in this area, carried out primarily in the framework of the Moscow State University school under the direction of O.S. Akhmanova and her followers, convincingly showed that the most promising approach is in which the members of the sentence are interpreted as "the most typical combinations of a given syntactic connection and a given content of syntactic relations as the most regularly reproduced in various (diverse) statements" . In other words, the members of a sentence can be represented as more or less typical functions performed by words or phrases in the construction of an utterance.

The fruitfulness of the functional approach was demonstrated on the material of various syntactic constructions. Taking as a basis the methodological principle of the unity of syntagmatics and syntax, A.N. Morozova on the material of attributive phrases showed that the syntactic in-

© Kuklina A.V., 2006

Kuklina Anna Vladimirovna - Department of English Philology, Samara State University.

the interpretation of this phenomenon is ambiguous and depends on a number of colligation and collocation features that affect the prosodic organization of this phenomenon in speech. S. A. Suchkova, who studied substantive prepositional combinations, came to a similar conclusion.

However, the need for a functional description of the member structure of a sentence is not limited to substantive groups. Of particular interest in this regard are verb constructions, primarily combinations of the personal form of the verb with the infinitive. Verbal infinitive constructions have received a fairly complete description, primarily from the point of view of their structure (A.S. Hornby, Ya.M. Vovshin). The semantic aspect of the implementation of infinitive constructions has not been disregarded either: most works provide a fairly detailed list of verbs in the personal form, after which the use of the infinitive is mandatory (L.S. Barkhudarov, O.G. Yagodnikova). Regarding the functional load of infinitive constructions in a statement, it should be said that there are still no clear criteria to distinguish between the roles of the infinitive in each specific case.

It is well known that the infinitive in a sentence can act as a component of a sentence member and as an independent member of a sentence. So, I.P. Ivanova and her co-authors talk about the infinitive as an object in the construction I wanted to tell them before they discover, at the same time L.S. Barkhudarov describes the infinitive in the structurally identical construction He seems to know it as part of a verbal compound predicate. A different approach, based on the rejection of the opposition part of the predicate / addition, is offered by G.G. Pocheptsov. Here, as the scientist believes, one should talk about the so-called complication of the predicate, as a result of which a complex syntactic structure arises, its syntactic status changes. Therefore, infinitive constructions of the type I like to sing, where both verbal elements correspond to one subject, should be considered as a complicated member of the sentence.

However, the matter is not limited to the problem of the independence of the infinitive as a member of the sentence. In the interpretation of the infinitive, the "eternal" question of distinguishing between secondary members of the verb group - additions and circumstances - is quite clearly manifested. V.V. Burlakova analyzes various approaches to distinguishing between complement and circumstance (primarily semantic and transformational) and comes to the conclusion that it is fundamentally impossible to find universal objective criteria for their differentiation. B.A. Ilyish proposes to speak of "neutralization of differences" in cases where the object and circumstance cannot be distinguished, to call them "secondary members" without clarifying the syntactic essence.

All of the above convincingly showed that it is not possible to resolve the issue of the role of infinitive constructions in a sentence using the methods existing in linguistic science. In our opinion, it is the appeal to the function performed by the infinitive in the statement that will allow us to get rid of both the structural and the semantic approach to delimiting the elements of the verb group.

A.I. Smirnitsky believes that "the function of the infinitive in a sentence ... is the further disclosure of the word to which the infinitive refers, that is, the function of explanation, while the specific relationship between the infinitive and the words combined with it is determined by the semantics of these words." It is on the meaning of the components of infinitive constructions that it depends whether the impersonal form of the verb approaches the object or circumstance. In other words, the explanation (extension) acts as a special member of the sentence, developing the content of the word preceding it. The syntactic connection of the explanation with the control word is characterized by sufficient mobility, approaching in its expression an attributive or complex connection.

The thesis that the appeal to sounding speech will allow finding objective criteria for determining the syntactic role of infinitive constructions was voiced in the doctoral dissertation of A.N. Morozova "Dialectical unity of linear and supralinear series in the dynamics of utterance". Within the framework of this article, the task is to describe the syntactic functions of infinitive constructions in the light of the interaction of their linear organization (morphosyntactic and lexical-phraseological features) and the supralinear utterance series (prosodic organization of speech segments).

Audio recordings of works of English fiction of the second half of the 20th century (J. Fowles "The French Lieutenant's Woman", J. Harris "Chocolate", S. Townsend "Adrian Mole and Weapons of Mass Destruction"), read by professional actors, served as the material for the experimental phonetic study. . The total sample size is about 530 speech units, which are distinguished by a significant variety both in morphosyntactic and lexico-phraseological terms.

The structural analysis of the material showed that both the verb in the personal form and the infinitive can have dependent components, and the latter are words, phrases and predicative units:

1. personal verb + infinitive + (dependent component):

When I got home to Ashby de la Zouch my parents informed me that they had decided to sell up (ST, p. 27).

I meant to do what was best (FLW, p. 428).

2. verb in personal form + dependent component + infinitive + (dependent component):

She warned me to take care (ST. P. 74).

- "I'll tell Anouk to remind you," I told them (Choc. P. 37).

As the analysis showed, the most typical construction is “personal verb + infinitive + (dependent component)” (74.5%), while “personal verb + dependent component + infinitive + (dependent component)” is less common. common (25.5%).

It is known that the speech flow is divided into syntagmas with the help of prosodic means. The phrasing of a particular speech work depends on its content, as well as the intention of the author, that is, due to the need to convey to the listener the meaning of the statement. First of all, the syntactic construction of the syntagma affects the phrasing of the text. As observations of speech material have shown, the factor of the contact or distant location of the infinitive in relation to the verb in the personal form can influence the supra-linear organization of the utterance. And although it is impossible to speak of an unambiguous correspondence between the prosodic design of the syntagma and its structural features, some regularities can still be distinguished:

(1) He Iknew at \once Z where he , wished to ...go|| (FLW. P. 117)

(2) She llooked to .see his reaction|| (FLW. P. 141)

(3) So I preltended to -search the \racks|| (ST. p. 14)

(4) There were \months| \years left in her| and she "wanted to -see A\merica| iNew \York + the iFlorida ...Everglades|| (Choc. P. 45)

(5) My \mother f had in\vited them| to lhave a -cup of \tea|| (ST. P. 72)

(6) And ,then| she turned \fully to .look at Charles|| (FLW. P. 170)

(7) I isat on the /balcony| to icool Mown|| (ST. P. 150).

(8) It "took longer than -I had "hoped| to ,get to ,Deepcut „ Barracks| due to the imany ciga\rette stops| delmanded by my ..passengers|| (ST. P. 50)

In examples (1), (2), (3) and (4), infinitive constructions have a close syntactic connection, as they are characterized by the global nature of the prosodic expression, as evidenced by the absence of a pause between the verb in the personal form and the infinitive, as well as the emphasis of both in the speech stream through even and uneven tones. In examples (5), (6), (7) and (8), the personal verb and the infinitive are in a distant position, and not only the controlling verb, but also the infinitive have dependent components. This factor affects the phrasing of the speech flow: syntactic links are weakened, as evidenced by the implementation of the pause. The prosodic solidity of the infinitive construction is destroyed, the syntactic connection between its components is weakened, as a result of infinitives with dependent components

nentami gains greater independence, functioning as an independent member of the proposal.

In addition to morphosyntactic factors, the prosodic realization of verbal infinitive constructions is influenced by lexical and phraseological features, that is, the semantics of the verb in the personal form. The literature on this issue contains information about the lexical characteristics of verbs in the personal form that attach the infinitive. Most control verbs have one of the following meanings: the value of the modal characteristic of the connection of actions with the subject (can/could, may/might, must, shall, should, to be, to have, ought, dare, need); specific characteristics of the action (to begin, to come, to continue, to get, to go, to leave, to move, to return, to run, to set out, to start, to stay, to stop, to turn); appearances of action (to appear, to seem, to take); expected action (to happen, to prove, to think, to turn out); the relationship of the subject to action (to bear, to bother, to care, to dread, to hope, to intend, to like, to long, to want, to wish); reality of action (to arrange, to decide, to manage, to pretend, to refuse); the feasibility of the action (to attempt, to deign, to try); processes of mental activity (to be expected, to be meant, to be supposed); communication processes (to be asked, to be said); provocativeness (to be allowed, to be called, to be empowered, to be forbidden, to be instructed, to be persuaded).

The prosodic globality of the infinitive construction can be destroyed if the verb in the personal form is so semantically saturated that it implements the predicative function in isolation from the infinitive. In such cases, the infinitive only complements the meaning of the verb in the personal form, which is reflected on the supralinear level through the implementation of a pause between the components of the infinitive construction and the use of uneven tones, and the presence or absence of dependent components in both the verb in the personal form and the infinitive does not matter. Most often, semantically more significant are the verbs denoting the reality of the performance of the action (1), as well as the specific characteristic of the action (2):

(1) I decided| to \talk to her to , day|| (Choc, p. 134)

II pre „tended| Not to \notice| until the "ladies f had left the \shop with their ..parcels|| (Choc, p. 31)

(2) iShe just -went up\stairs| to Ilie ...down|| (Choc, p. 104)

He I smiled - grimly at \Charles| then \stopped| to Itop lup their ...glasses|| (FLW, p. 152)

In our opinion, the results of the experimental prosodic study allow us to say that the colligative and collocation features of infinitive constructions have a significant impact on their functioning in a sentence. The infinitive as part of a construction can act either as part of the predicate, or as an independent member of the sentence, receiving a certain prosodic design. syntactic

the connection between the components of the construction is characterized by sufficient mobility, approaching in its expression in different cases to an attributive or complex connection.

Bibliographic list

1. Dolgova (Aleksandrova), O.V. Syntax as a science of speech construction / O.V. Dolgov. - M., 19S0.

2. Akhmanova, O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms / O.S. Akhmanov. - 2nd ed., stereotypical. - M., 19b9.

3. Morozova, A.N. Dialectical unity of linear and supralinear series in the dynamics of utterance: dis. ... Dr. Philol. Sciences / A.N. Morozov. - M., 199b.

4. Suchkova, S.A. A substantive phrase with the preposition "of" in the dynamics of an utterance. abstract dis. ... cand. philol. Sciences / S.A. Suchkov. - Samara, 199S.

5. Hornby, A. S. Constructions and turnovers of the English language / per. from English. A.S. Ignatieva / A.S. Hornby. - M., 1992.

6. Vovshin, YaM. Transformational Syntax of Verb Constructions in Modern English / JM. Vovshin. - M^ot, 19S3.

7. Barkhudarov, L.S. The structure of a simple sentence in modern English / L.S. Barkhudarov. - M., 19bb.

S. Yagodnikova, O.G. Grammar of the English verb in tables. Impersonal forms of the verb / O.G. Yagodnikova, L.P. Driga, L. A. Shamray, et al. - Kyiv, 19S9.

9. Ivanova, I.P. Theoretical grammar of modern English: textbook / I.P. Ivanova, V.V. Burlakova, G.G. Pocheptsov. - M., 19S1.

10. Barkhudarov, L.S. Grammar of the English language / L.S. Barkhudarov, D. A. Shteling. - 4th ed., Rev. - M., 1973.

11. Pocheptsov, G.G. Constructive analysis of the sentence structure / G.G. Pochep-tsov. - Kyiv, 1971.

12. Burlakova, V.V. Fundamentals of phrase structure in modern English / V.V. Burlakova. - L., 1975.

13. Ilyish, B.A. The structure of the modern English language / B. A. Ilyish. - L., 1971.

14. Smirnitsky, A.I. The syntax of the English language / A.I. Smirnitsky. - M., 1957.

List of sources of factual material and abbreviations adopted for them

1. Fowles, J. The French Lieutenant's Woman / J. Fowles. - Vintage, 199b. (FLW)

2. Harris, J. Chocolat / J. Harris. - Black Swan, 2000. (Choc)

3. Townsend, S. Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction / S. Townsend. -Penguin Books, 2005. (ST)

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The paper deals with the syntactical functions of the infinitive as part of verbal infinitive constructions in speech, their morphosyntactical and lexico-phraseological peculiarities and prosodic realization.

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