Vocabulary formation in children with general speech underdevelopment Speech therapist Nikonova I.L. Formation of a subject dictionary in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech Development of a dictionary of children with ONR

Sections: speech therapy

The vocabulary of these children is characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Against the background of relatively extended speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, states of objects and actions. The inability to use word-formation methods creates difficulties in using word variants, children do not always succeed in selecting words with the same root, forming new words with the help of suffixes and prefixes. Often they replace the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object, the desired word with another, similar in meaning.

Agrammatism is noted: errors in agreeing numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case. A large number of errors are observed in the use of both simple and complex prepositions.

Comprehension of the addressed speech develops significantly and approaches the norm. There is an insufficient understanding of the changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes, suffixes; there are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing causal, temporal and spatial relationships.

Vocabulary is approximately 2.5-3 thousand words. It lacks or contains in a distorted form less common words denoting the names of objects, objects, actions, their signs.

The most characteristic lexical difficulties relate to knowledge and naming:

- parts of objects and objects (cabin, seat, trunk, foundation, porch, nape, whiskey, mane, udder, etc.);
- verbs expressing the refinement of actions (laps, licks, gnaws, bites, chews - everything is expressed by the word "eats"),
- prefixed verbs (sailed, sailed, swam, surfaced, etc.);
- antonyms (smooth - rough, brave - cowardly, deep - shallow, thick - liquid, etc.);
- relative adjectives (woolen, clay, sandy, cherry, pear, strawberry, etc.).

Grammar errors are common:

- in the use of prepositions В, К, С (СО), FROM UNDER, BEHIND, BETWEEN, THROUGH, OVER (“The handkerchief lies in the pocket”, “Mom took the book from the shelf”, “The boy came up to the closet”, “The cat got out under the bed”, etc.);
- coordination of various parts of speech (“I approached two horses”, “I took care of the hedgehog”, “We watched the monkeys”).

Mastering the vocabulary is the basis of the speech development of children, since the word is the most important unit of the language. The dictionary reflects the content of speech. Words denote objects and phenomena, their signs, properties and actions with them. Children learn the words necessary for their life and communication with others. The main thing in the development of a child's vocabulary is mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication takes place.

Vocabulary work in kindergarten is based on familiarization with the surrounding life. Its tasks and content are determined taking into account the cognitive abilities of children and involve the development of the meanings of words in the lesson of elementary concepts. In addition, it is important that children master the compatibility of a word, its associative links (semantic field) with other words, and the features of use in speech.

In modern methodology, great importance is attached to the development of the ability to choose the right words for the statement, to use ambiguity (antonyms, synonyms, metaphors). Vocabulary work is closely connected with the development of dialogic and monologue speech.

With a general underdevelopment of speech, the unformed speech and thought activity associated with linguistic material of different levels is revealed. Among other modalities, the vocabulary, semantic and morphological structure of the word is not formed. In children, poverty and qualitative originality of vocabulary, insufficient development of the processes of generalization and abstraction, violation of the process of thematic selection and semantic choice of words in case of damage to speech utterance are noted. The passive vocabulary significantly prevails over the active one and translates into an active one extremely slowly. Children do not use the inventory of linguistic units they have, do not know how to operate with them, which indicates the unformed structure of the ordered structure of linguistic means, the impossibility of spontaneously choosing linguistic signs and using them in speech activity. There is reason to believe that this happens as a result of a violation of the very structure of linguistic signs.

In children with underdevelopment of speech, the dynamic structuring of the meaning of the word suffers, there is no correct grouping of words during their assimilation. The vocabulary of such children is inaccurate in meaning. Functional substitutions are revealed with the expansion of the meaning of words, with numerous interchanges. Significant violations of the lexical side affect all the features of words, the lexical stock is not formed as a system of multidimensional relationships. Features of verbal behavior are revealed at all stages of development of such children. This is based on the poverty of the child's auditory and visual representations, difficulty in abstract thinking, shortcomings in auditory and motor memory, and narrowing of the processes of analysis and synthesis. And the poverty of the dictionary, in turn, does not provide children with the opportunity for full-fledged communication and, consequently, general development, because the word is the most important link in the structure of each mental process.

The nature of the unformed vocabulary with a general underdevelopment of speech is different. In some cases, the main is a defect in understanding, in others - difficulties in repetition and the impossibility of independent expression. A low level of language ability manifests itself in weak differentiation of lexical meanings, in difficulties in speech expression of spatial and temporal representations, inability to use synonyms, antonyms, generalizing vocabulary. There is a delay in the formation of the semantic fields of the lexical system. Verbal associations are unmotivated. The volume of semantic fields is small, the number of semantic links is limited. Semantic fields are functional-dynamic structures that are characterized by various forms of connections, linear and hierarchical. With the organization of lexical consistency, the dependence of words-reactions on the environment decreases, and the nature of the reactions begins to be determined by the very structure of the semantic field. The formation of the semantic field takes place in the direction of increasing differentiation, with the allocation of the core and periphery of the semantic meaning of the word. With general underdevelopment, a child does not feel the difference between the core and periphery of the semantic meaning of a word for a long time and cannot use words adequately. The process of systematization of vocabulary and organization of semantic fields with general underdevelopment of speech is reduced, the correct grouping of words is not available or is significantly difficult. Children cannot explain the meaning of the word. Find the common part in related words. These and many other manifestations of a reduced level of language competence are found to varying degrees in all children with general underdevelopment of speech and at all stages of speech unformedness.

In the verbal behavior of a child with speech underdevelopment, a violation of the understanding and use of verbs is especially noticeable. The verb, as the most important lexical and grammatical group in the dictionary, has two functions - naming actions and organizing a sentence. With a general violation of speech, either one of them or the other is not formed. Children experience difficulties under the condition of paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections. Numerous substitutions of words in terms of meaning and sound, difficulties in mastering the unity of the meaning and form of each word are revealed. There are persistent shortcomings in the assimilation of abstract vocabulary, figurative meaning. Sometimes children use neologisms, the meaning of which they cannot explain, pseudo-words in an autonomous sense. There is an inadequate use of words, difficulties in the perception and reproduction of complex lexical and grammatical relations behind the word included in the context. The range of normative use of adjectives in speech is limited. To a certain extent, this is due to the fact that adjectives require the meaning of color, shape, size for their assimilation. Children should have formed emotional and evaluative categories that have certain lexical expressions.

In the systemic manifestation of speech underdevelopment, an important place is occupied by violations of the forms and processes of speech: understanding, repetition, activation of the existing vocabulary, underdevelopment of all aspects of speech: phonetic-phonemic and lexico-grammatical, with predominant underdevelopment of the latter. The lack of formation of all types of speech is noted: independent naming, construction of one's own statement, speech reproduction. Difficulties in searching for a word and its reproduction are explained by the decrease in the semantic and grammatical components of the language system, the unformedness of the model of speech action, the main operations of which are the choice and compatibility of lexical units. The formation of syntagmatic connections involves the exact use of a word in a speech stream.

Summarizing the material on the features of the lexical development of children with general underdevelopment of speech, one can note the lack of formation and instability of speech-cogitative activity, a decrease in the level of abstraction and generalization, difficulties in all links in the structure of generating a speech statement, poverty of logical operations, insufficiency of thought processes requiring the participation of speech. With speech underdevelopment, children master each new type of speech activity to an unequal degree, which is associated with a different level of development of speech prerequisites - special abilities, language competence. Language competence is inseparable from other human intellectual abilities. Understanding the lexical meaning of a word, contrasting it with other words that are semantic dependent on the given one, introducing the word into the system of semantic fields, the ability to correctly build a sentence from words reflect the level of the child’s language ability and the degree of formation of his logical thinking.


  1. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.N., Filicheva T.B. speech therapy. - Ekaterinburg: "ARD LTD", 1998. - 320p.
  2. Speech therapy: Textbook for students. defectol. Faculty of Pedagogical University / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. – M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 1999. - 680s.
  3. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech of preschool children. Educational - methodical manual / Under the general. ed. T.V.Volosovets. - M .: Institute for General Humanitarian Research, V. Sekachev, 2002. - 256 p.
  4. Tkachenko T.A. We learn to speak correctly. Correction system for general underdevelopment of speech in 5-year-old children. Handbook for educators, speech therapists and parents. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2001. - 11


Chapter I. Analysis of literary sources on the research problem

The development of vocabulary in ontogenesis with normal speech development

Features of the development of verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP level III

Chapter II. Experimental Study of the Verbal Dictionary in Preschool Children with General Underdevelopment of Speech of Level III

Goals, objectives and stages of the experimental part of the study

Characteristics of children in the experimental group

Features of the development of the verbal vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment according to the ascertaining experiment

Chapter III. Methodological developments on the formation of a verbal dictionary in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of level III

Methodology of the forming (training) experiment

Determination of the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work according to the control experiment





The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that at present the number of children with speech disorders has increased dramatically and continues to increase, in particular, with a mild degree of dysarthria with OHP level III. Of great importance in the general system of speech work is the enrichment of the dictionary, its activation and consolidation. The formation of vocabulary is directly related to the development of his cognitive activity. The level of intellectual development of the child depends on the process of correlation of thinking, speech and other mental processes. The birth of vocabulary is due to the development of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality.

The disclosure of the child's ideas about the world around appears when interacting with real objects and phenomena in the process of non-speech and speech activity. And, of course, through communication with adults, which is the most important condition for the mental development of the child.

If there is a violation in the perception of the lexical side of speech, then there is a difficulty in communication, a delay in the development of oral and written speech, logical and semantic memory is disturbed, the development of gaming activity is inhibited, which does not favorably affect the future fate of the child.

Distinctive features in the formation of vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment are: the scarcity of vocabulary, inaccuracy in the use of words, difficulties in updating the dictionary.

The problem of the development of verbal vocabulary in children with ONR at this point in time is not in last place and is still relevant. For the most positive result in the development of verbal vocabulary, it is necessary to conduct specially designed didactic exercises with methodological support in all types of children's activities.

G.A. Volkova believes that when forming the lexical structure of speech in children with severe pathology, due attention should be paid to the development of the predicative vocabulary, since the predicate reflects the attitude of the object to reality: "The predicate is the basis of the phrase and the basis of inner speech." In order to form the skills of the correct use of verbs in speech, it is necessary to carry out correctional work with children. In order for a child to fully master coherent speech, he needs to accumulate a rich verbal dictionary. Assimilation of the vocabulary in children most effectively occurs at preschool age, so this period must be used to carry out work on its formation.

The problem is that the insufficient formation of the predicative vocabulary, verbal vocabulary in children subsequently leads to difficulties in the child's assimilation of the school curriculum.

R. E. Levina, G. I. Zharenkova, L. F. Spirova, G. A. Kashe, G. V. Chirkina, T. B. Filicheva, T. V. Tumanova and etc.

At the same time, today there is no single method of work on the formation of a verbal dictionary in children of older preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level.

The object of the study is the verbal dictionary of older preschool children with OHP.

Subject of study: a system of speech therapy classes for the formation of a verbal dictionary in children with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level.

The purpose of the study: to study the features of the formation of the verbal dictionary of older preschoolers with a general underdevelopment of speech of the 3rd level.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are formulated:

1. Based on the analysis of literature and scientific research, to characterize the specifics of the formation of the verbal dictionary in preschool children in conditions of normal and impaired development.

2. To select a set of methods for experimental study of the state of the verbal dictionary in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of the III level.

3. To identify the characteristic features of the formation of the verb vocabulary in preschool children with OHP level III and compare with their normally developing peers.

4. To develop, based on the analysis of the data obtained, taking into account a differentiated approach, a methodology for the formation of a verb dictionary in preschool children with OHP level III and experimentally test its effectiveness.

The WRC consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and 2 appendices.

Chapter I. Analysis of literary sources on the research problem

The development of vocabulary in ontogenesis with normal speech development

The most important part of the social life of people, necessary in human society, is speech. The formation of a child's speech occurs gradually, going through each stage of language acquisition, and the verb is no exception.

Considering children's speech, we see that different language elements are assimilated by children at different times, some earlier, others later. Therefore, some parts of speech from language groups have already been mastered, others only partially or not mastered at all. In this regard, the child's dictionary is first filled with words of a specific meaning, and later begins to have a generalized character.

The development of vocabulary in ontogenesis is also due to the development of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality. The child enriches his vocabulary through acquaintance with new objects, phenomena, signs of objects and actions. In the process of speech activity, with direct interaction with real objects and phenomena, as well as through communication with adults, the child masters the world around him.

L. S. Vygotsky noted that the initial function of a child’s speech when establishing contact with the outside world is the function of communication. Communication is situational precisely because the speech of a young child is compatible with adult speech.

An analysis of psychological and psycholinguistic literature has shown that it emphasizes two processes of speech development: the child's non-verbal activity, i.e., expanding connections with the outside world, as well as speech activity and vocabulary enrichment through the speech of adults and their communication with the child.

Initially, adults communicate with the child unilaterally and the emotional nature of speech causes the child's desire to make contact and express their needs. Then, adult communication shifts to introducing the child to the sign system of the language with the help of sound symbolism. There is a conscious connection of the child to speech activity, attached to communication through language.

This connection occurs predominantly through the simplest form of speech, using words relevant to the situation.

In this regard, the development of vocabulary is largely determined by the social environment in which the child is brought up. The average age vocabulary of children of the same age varies widely depending on the socio-cultural level of the family, since the vocabulary is acquired by the child in the process of communication.

A large number of studies have been devoted to the development of a child's vocabulary, in which this process is covered in various aspects: physiological, psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic.

The early stage of speech formation, including mastery of the word, is comprehensively considered in the works of such authors as M. M. Koltsova, E. N. Vinarsky, I. N. Zhinkin, G. L. Rosengart-Pupko, D. B. Elkonina and others.

By one and a half months, the child first has a cry, at 2-3 months cooing, by 3-4 months babbling. By six months, clear sounds appear in the baby's babbling, short sound combinations later. The verb, in addition to the word "give", is used as a sound combination naming the action: "bang", "di". In the first words of children, the same sound combination can express a different meaning in different situations, their meaning will be clear only based on the situation and intonation. During this period, the names of actions appear and are used in the form of the infinitive and imperative. Non-conjugated forms of the verb also appear in the 2nd person singular of the imperative mood: "nisi", "di". The qualitative characteristics of pronunciation vary depending on the state and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

According to the observations of M. M. Koltsova, at the end of the first and beginning of the second year of a child's life, the vocabulary gradually expands, but during this period of development there is no differentiation of words from each other.

The initial stage of speech development is the child's reaction to a verbal stimulus, manifesting itself in the form of a so-called reflex (turning the head, fixing the gaze). In the future, on the basis of this reflex, the child begins to develop imitation, repeated repetition of a new word. During this period of development, the first non-segmented words appear in the child's speech, the so-called babble, i.e. a word that is like a fragment received by a child, consisting mainly of stressed syllables (milk - moko, dog-tank).

Most researchers call this stage of speech development the "word-sentence" stage. In this word-sentence there is no combination of words, according to the grammatical rules of this language, sound combinations do not have a grammatical character trait. The word also has a grammatical meaning. Words-representations at this stage express either a command (give), or a sign (s), or name an object (kisa, Lyalya) or an action (bai).

Later, at the age of 1.5 to 2 years, the child is dismembering the complexes into parts, which are combined into various combinations (Katya bye, Katya Lyalya). During this period, the child's vocabulary begins to grow rapidly, at the end of the second year of life it is about 300 words of various parts of speech.

The development of the child's speech goes in the direction of the subject of correlation of the word, and in the direction of the development of meaning.

Initially, new words appear in the child as a direct connection between a particular word and the corresponding object.

At the first stage of development of children's word formation, conditioned reflexes occur. Those. the word (as a conditioned stimulus) the child associates with a specific object and at the same time reproduces it.

The transition from the passive acquisition of words from the people around him to the active expansion of his vocabulary occurs in a child aged 1.5 to 2 years using questions like "what is this?" "how does is called?".

Thus, at first the child receives signs from the people around him, and then he becomes aware of them, discovers the functions of the signs.

From two years to three, verbs have a special meaning, since the child develops phrasal speech. For some time, the verb does not agree with the word to which it refers. But later, the child begins to form the same word grammatically in different ways, depending on the syntactic construction of the utterance. In addition to using the verb in the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular, the infinitive, they begin to use the endings of the 3rd person of the indicative mood in the verb and begin to use the verb of the 3rd person singular in the present and past tenses. True prefixes are omitted, but the first reflexive verbs appear in speech. The scope of the sentence is expanded to three words and the same verb in two or three forms. The subject and the predicate agree, the mastery of such a syntactic construction leads to the independent construction of grammatically correct sentences, already consisting of modified words. Children agree on a verb with a noun, first in number, then in person, and after three years in gender. They distinguish and correctly use the present and past tenses of verbs. Gender is mixed in the past tense.

Despite the fact that by the age of 3.5 - 4 the subject correlation of a word in a child acquires a fairly digestible character, the process of forming the subject of word classification does not end.

In the process of vocabulary formation, the meaning of the word is clarified.

Firstly, the meaning of the word is ambiguous, its meaning is amorphous, vague. A word can have multiple meanings. One and the same word can denote both an object, a sign, and an action with an object. In parallel with the clarification of the meaning of the word, the structure of the meaning of the word develops.

The word takes on different meanings depending on intonation. The word good can indicate a high degree of praise, irony, sarcasm, mockery.

The main components are the following meanings of the word (according to A. A. Leontiev, N. Ya. Ufimtsev, S. D. Katsnelson and others):

-denotative component, i.e., reflection in the meaning of a feature by a denotation (a table is a specific object);

-conceptual or conceptual, or lexico-semantic component, reflecting the formation of concepts, reflecting the relationships of words in semantics;

-connotative component - a reflection of the emotional attitude of the speaker to the word;

-contextual component of the meaning of the word (cold winter day, summer day, cold, cold water in the river, cold water in the kettle).

Of course, not all components of the meaning of a word appear in the child at once.

In the process of ontogenesis, the meaning of a word is not static, it develops. L. S. Vygotsky wrote: “in every sense of the word ... is a generalization. But the meanings of words develop. At the moment when the child first learned a new word ... the development of the word has not ended, it has just begun; it is the first generalization of the most elementary type, and as it develops, it passes from the generalization of the elementary type to all higher types of generalization, completing this process with the formation of genuine and real concepts. The structure of the meaning of the word in different age periods is different.

At an early stage of speech development, the topic of word correlation is influenced by the situation, gesture, facial expressions, intonation, the word has a diffuse, extended meaning. During this period, the correlation of a word with an object can easily lose its specific affiliation and acquire a vague meaning (E. S. Kubryakova, G. L. Rozengart - Pupko). For example, a child can also name a fur glove with the word Mishka, because. She looks like a bear.

At the initial stage of mastering languages, the name of an object is a part or property of an object. L. S. Vygotsky called this period of development of the meaning of the word "doubling the subject." ES Kubryakova calls this period the stage of "direct reference". At this stage, the meaning of the word is a way of fixing in the mind of the child the idea of ​​this subject.

At the first stages of acquaintance with the word, the child cannot yet acquire the word in its "adult" meaning. The phenomenon of incomplete acquisition of the meaning of this word is noted, since initially the child understands the word as the name of a particular object, and not as the name of a class of objects.

In the process of development of the meaning of the word, mainly in children from 1 to 2.5 years old, the phenomena of “compression” or “stretching” of the meaning of the word (E. S. Kubryakova), “overgeneralization” (T. N. Ushakova) are observed. There is a transfer of the name of one object to others, associated with the original object. The child isolates a feature of an object known to him and extends its name to another object with the same feature. The child uses the word to name a whole range of objects that have one or more common features (shape, size, movement, material, sound, taste, etc.), as well as the general functional purpose of objects.

At the same time, he draws attention to the fact that the child combines in one word signs that are psychologically more significant for him at this stage of mental development.

The vocabulary of development "stretching" the meaning of the word is gradually narrowing, as when communicating with adults, children learn new words, clarifying their meanings and correcting the use of old ones.

L. S. Vygotsky, in the development of the meaning of a child's word, identified various stages in the development of conceptual generalization in a child. The moment of acquaintance with the word occurs in early childhood. In adolescence, mental prerequisites mature, which create the basis for the formation of concepts.

L.P. Fedorenko also identifies several degrees of generalization of words in terms of meaning.

Zero generalizations are the names of a single object. Between the ages of 1 and 2, children learn words by relating them to a specific subject. Object names, so they are the same names as people's names.

By the end of the 2nd year of life, the child learns the first level of generalization, that is, begins to understand the generalized meaning of the name of homogeneous objects, actions, qualities - common nouns.

At the age of 3, children begin to learn words of the second degree of generalization, denoting generic concepts (toys, dishes, clothes), generalizing the names of objects, signs, actions, and in the form of a noun (flight, swimming, blackness, red color).

About 5 years old, children learn words denoting generic concepts, that is, words of the third degree of generalization (plants: trees, herbs, flowers; movement: running, swimming, flying; color: white, black), which are a higher level of generalization for layers of the second degree of generalization.

Analyzing the vocabulary of speech of children aged 6 to 7 years, A. V. Zakharova identified the most common significant words in the speech of children.

Among the nouns in the children's lexicon, words denoting people predominate.

Among the most common adjectives that are regularly repeated in the speech of children, adjectives with a broad meaning and active emphasis are used (small, large, childish, bad mother, etc.), antonyms of the most common semantic groups: designation of size (small - large), estimates (good bad); words with weakened concreteness (real, different, general); words in phrases (kindergarten, New Year).

The vocabulary of an older preschooler is a kind of national language model, since at this age the child has time to learn all the basic models of his native language. During this period, the core of the dictionary is formed, which does not change significantly. (A. V. Zakharova).

In the period from three to six years, the most intensive speech development of children. The child actively uses all parts of speech, but nouns and verbs predominate. Children begin to form verbs from other parts of speech after the age of five. Knowledge in the assimilation of verbs in children normally makes it possible to correctly assess the language development of children, which will later help in planning correctional work.

In the speech of children aged 6 to 7 years, there is a periodic repetition of adjectives with the meaning of size (large, small, huge, large, medium, huge, tiny). A feature of the structure of the semantic field of adjectives with the meaning of size is asymmetry: the adjective "large" is presented much wider than the meaning "small".

An analysis of the speech of children from 6 to 7 years old shows that children use about 40 or more adjectives used to designate colors.

Adjectives of this group are more common in the speech of children than in the speech of adults. Most often, adjectives black, red, white and blue are presented in the speech of children of this age.

In the future, the child begins to combine lexemes into thematic groups, beginning to realize the similarity of certain elements of the situation. This phenomenon characterizes the third stage in the formation of a lexical system, which is defined as a thematic stage.

In the process of speech development, the child begins to perceive language as a system. But he is not able to learn all the laws of the language, the whole complex of the language system that an adult uses in his speech. In this regard, at each stage of development, the language of the child is a system that differs from the language system of adults, with certain rules for combining language units. With the development of a child's speech, speech as a system expands, becomes more complicated on the basis of assimilation, and the number of rules and patterns of the language increases, which fully applies to the formation of lexical and word-building systems.

According to T. N. Ushakova, “the initial development of generalized verbal constructions in terms of language stereotypes contributes to the possibility for further independent development of language forms, which is partly expressed in children's words. The main role in the words of children belongs to the active, creative attitude of the child to the word.

Thus, the acquisition of word formation is carried out on the basis of mental operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization and implies a fairly wide level of intellectual and speech development.

Features of the development of verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with OHP level III

The study of the problem of the formation of the verbal dictionary today remains a hot topic. It can be said about the assimilation of the verb that this part of speech is formed and assimilated by the child not immediately, but gradually. This is due to the gradual formation of the child's speech and the passage of each of the stages of language acquisition.

It is known about the assimilation of the verb that the names of the action (except for the words "give") appear somewhat later than the names of objects, and are initially omitted in the structure of the sentence. The names of actions are used in the form in which they are most often perceived from others, that is, in the form of an infinitive or imperative that encourages the child to certain actions or forbids them. Action names are initially used in one unchanged form (usually an infinitive) and at the end of a sentence.

For some time the verb does not agree with the word to which it refers. With the appearance in the child's speech of two or three forms of the same verb (drink-drink, sleep-sleep-sleep), an agreement was established between the subject in number, and somewhat later in person and gender. By the beginning of the formation of the inflection of verbs, their stock in speech reaches 50. These features in the assimilation of verbs in children normally will help in the future to correctly assess the language development of children. And when planning speech therapy work, in order to avoid premature or delayed presentation of lexical material in the classroom.

At the 3rd level of speech development, the child's vocabulary does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand words; the limitedness of the vocabulary is observed in the asset (use) and liability (understanding). The characteristic lexical features of the speech of preschool children in this category are: the predominance of words - the names of everyday household items and activities; lack of words-generalizations, words-signs, phrases expressing meanings and abstract concepts; frequent substitution of one name for another, where the replacement occurs on semantic, acoustic and morphological characteristics.

All these errors are recorded in children as indicated shortcomings in lexical transmission, the language instinct and the inability to use morphological elements in word formation are reduced.

In the grammatical design of speech in children of this category, they include a low level of ability to build sentences. These preschoolers (even at the 3rd level of speech development) often cannot correctly repeat phrases of more than four words, distort the order of words. There are frequent mistakes when using case endings, prepositions, coordinating various parts of speech, for example: caring for a hedgehog (hedgehog), caring for a squirrel (squirrel), touched the forehead (forehead), one of the tree (one tree), three bucket (buckets) playing with two kittens (with two kittens).

Lexical and grammatical errors, often combined. For example, to the question "What is plum jam?" one child answers, "creamy". In both cases, incorrect answers, both lexically (the meaning of words) and grammatically (word formations).

Noting the lexical and grammatical features of the speech of children with OHP level III, one can see that they belong to the predicative vocabulary of children.

Speech therapist practice I. A. Chistyakova writes that: “work on the development of coherent speech begins with the formation of a two-part structure of a simple sentence according to the “subject-action” model. At this stage, children with speech development disorders have difficulty choosing the correct verb. Their predicative vocabulary is poor and includes only verbs denoting general actions (sleeping, eating, sitting, walking, running, looking, dressing, listening, walking, playing, standing).

A child with speech development disorders speaks semantically close verbs (sleep - sleep, hurry - hurry), does not know the names of various actions characteristic of one object (for example, sneaks, attacks, caresses; sad, upset, happy (about a person).

Significant difficulties in children are caused by the use of the verb in a figurative sense.

Simple testing of 6-year-old children with normal speech development and children with speech pathology (diagnosis: "phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech", "general underdevelopment of speech") shows that preschoolers with normal speech development use about 5 names of actions (out of 8 possible ) for an inanimate noun and 8 (out of 14 possible) for an animate one. Preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech select 2 names of actions (out of 8 possible) for an inanimate noun and 4 (out of 14 possible) for an animate one.

T.A. Tkachenko, characterizing the speech of children with the third level, notes that at the age of 5 years, the vocabulary of a child is about 2.5 3 thousand words. In the child's dictionary there is a predominance of words - the names of everyday items and household items (sleep, dress, walk, wash).

The most characteristic lexical difficulties are caused by:

-verbs denoting actions of accuracy (splashes, licks, nibbles, bites, chews - everything is expressed by the word "eats");

-prefix verb (floated, sailed, swam, surfaced, etc.).

The limitation and inferiority of lexical means is manifested in the task of word formation, for example: she sewed a skirt (and not hem), she sews a sleeve (and not sewn to a sleeve).

T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina identified lexical features with general underdevelopment of speech (third level):

discrepancy in the volume of active and passive vocabulary;

the name of the action is replaced by words similar in situation and external signs (hems - sews);

many mistakes are made when using prefixed verbs.

R. E. Levina argues that children, not knowing this or that word - action, use a different meaning of the action or replace it with a similar one (instead of “planing”, the child says “clean”).

Children cannot always form the plural of nouns and verbs from words given in the singular, and vice versa (write-write, write, etc.).

At this stage of speech development, children still have a very limited speech reserve, therefore, in an altered situation, an inaccurate selection of words makes it difficult to differentiate verbs that are similar in meaning ("wash - wash", "put", "set-set").

A poor vocabulary characterizes the speech of children at this stage of its development. This poverty is partly due to the inability to distinguish and isolate the commonality of root meanings. A relatively large number of errors in the transformation, as a result of which the syntactic connection of words in sentences is violated.

It is possible to single out errors associated with the indefinite form of the verb (“eat until the rain stopped”, instead of sitting, “were bought while it was warm, and did not swim), less often incorrect agreement of nouns and verbs (“boy drawing”, “for girls games").

Comprehension of everyday speech at the third level is much better and more accurate than at others. Sometimes there are errors in the understanding of speech associated with the lack of differences between different forms of number, gender and case of nouns and adjectives, tense forms of the verb.

N. S. Zhukov said that the vocabulary of the child does not correspond to his age. Children at this level of speech development sometimes use the imperative and infinitive forms of verbs in the indicative mood. But there have been positive changes in the development of the predictive vocabulary. Correct use of the indicative verb forms, including returning the verb form.

Krotkov, V.A., Drozdova E.N. argued that the formation of verbs with a prefix is ​​quite difficult for preschool children. This is explained by the fact that the verb has a more abstract semantics than nouns of a specific meaning, and the difference in its derivational form is more complicated: it does not rely on specific images of objects.

The data obtained showed that the lack of a clear understanding of the lexical meaning of a word plays an important role in the process of grammatical formulation of an utterance. Many verb forms are replaced by children with loved ones ("you"). Sometimes in their answers there was no clear understanding of the difference between nouns and verbs that are close in meaning ("car - to go").

Shashkina, G. R. considering that one of the pronounced features of the speech of children with ONR is the discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary, concludes that children understand the meanings of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but the use of words in speech is very difficult . In the verb in the dictionary, words denoting daily household activities predominate.

With OHP, the formation of a grammatical structure occurs with greater difficulties than mastering a dictionary: the meanings of grammatical forms are more abstract, the rules of grammar that make it diverse.

Mastering the grammatical forms of inflection, methods of word formation, various types of sentences occurs in children with OHP in the same sequence as in the normal development of speech; the insufficiency of the grammatical structure is manifested in a slower pace of assimilation of the laws of grammar, in the disharmony of the development of the morphological and syntactic system of the language.

In the works of S. N. Zhukova, l. F. Spirovo, T. B. Filicheva, S. N. Shakhovskaya identified the following violations of the morphological system of the language of children with ONR.

This is an incorrect use in the personal endings of verbs, verb endings in the past tense.

In general, having a full set of prerequisites for mastering mental operations, children of this category lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking, without special training they hardly master the techniques of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

In children with OHP, there is a lack of stability of attention, limited distribution of it. With a relatively intact logical memory, verbal memory is reduced, memorization productivity suffers. Children forget complex tasks and the sequence of their implementation. There is insufficient coordination of the fingers, underdevelopment of motor skills. Deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere. Children have reduced observation ability, reduced motivation, negativism, self-doubt, irritability, aggressiveness, resentment, difficulties in communicating with others, in establishing contacts with their peers. Children with severe speech disorders have difficulties in the formation of self-regulation and self-control.

The third level of speech development is characterized by the appearance of extended everyday speech without gross lexico-grammatical and phonetic deviations. Against this background, there is a vague knowledge and use of many words and insufficient formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of the language. The pronunciation of sounds does not correspond to the age norm, they do not perceive similar sounds by ear and in pronunciation, distort the sound structure and sound filling of words. A coherent speech statement of children is distinguished by the lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, it reflects the external side of phenomena and does not take into account their essential features, cause-and-effect relationships.

The poverty of lexical meanings, the repeated use of the same-sounding words in different shades of meanings makes the free speech of children poor and stereotyped.

Understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. There is an insufficient understanding of the changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes, suffixes; there are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing causal, temporal and spatial relationships.

Often there is insufficient formation of grammatical forms of the language, which manifests itself in errors in the use of case endings, mixing of tense and aspect forms of verbs, errors in coordination and management. Children almost never use word-formation methods.

In conversations, children are increasingly beginning to use simple common sentences of 3-4 words. Retellings, stories based on plot pictures are characterized by monosyllabism and often a violation of the logic of the statement.

Thus, children with OHP level III need to create special conditions and a special approach to correcting their shortcomings in monologue speech.

Having studied various sources of literature on the problem of the development of predicative vocabulary in children from level III, the general underdevelopment of speech includes:

1.Children with level III OHP vocabulary of children does not correspond to age.

2.There are discrepancies in the volume of active and passive vocabulary. If a verb has a child in the passive vocabulary, it does not always use the active vocabulary or substitute others more understandable to it.

4.The child does not have semantically related verbs. The name of the action is replaced by words similar to the position and appearance, for example: splashing, licking, nibbling, biting, chewing - everything is expressed by the word "eats", sleep - doze off; in a hurry - hurry, sew - hem.

5.They do not know the names of various actions characteristic of one object, for example: sneaking, hunting, attacking, caressing; sad, upset, happy (of a person).

6.The use of the verb in a figurative sense.

7.Children partially master the grammatical forms of inflection, methods of word formation, but the inability to use them correctly in speech leads to many mistakes. The most common of them:

-not always children can form the plural of verbs from words given in the singular, and vice versa (letter - "write", "write", etc.)

-when the prefix formation of verbs (go, move, depart, arrive, leave, approach, etc.).

-distinguishing the type of verbs ("sat down until the rain stopped", instead of sitting, "were bought while it was warm, and did not swim), less often incorrect agreement of nouns and verbs ("boy drawing", "games for girls").

-sometimes they make mistakes in the formation of tense forms of the verb.

-find it difficult to change the present tense verb by person (I'm going, you're going, he's going, she's going, they're going, we're going, you're going).

Conclusions for chapter 1.

The development of a child's speech is closely connected, on the one hand, with the mental development and development of other mental processes, and, on the other hand, with the development of all components of speech: the phonetic-phonemic and grammatical structure of speech.

At the 3rd level of OHP in preschool children, the child's vocabulary does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand words; the limitations of the vocabulary are noted both in the active (use) and passive (understanding) terms. The characteristic lexical features of the speech of preschoolers of this category are: the predominance of words - the names of everyday objects and actions; lack of words-generalizations, words-signs, words expressing shades of meanings or abstract concepts; frequent substitutions of one name for another, and substitutions occur both in terms of semantic, and in terms of sound and morphological features.

In the grammatical design of speech in children of this category, one can note a low level of ability to build a sentence. Such preschoolers (even at the 3rd level of speech development) often cannot correctly repeat phrases of more than four words: they distort the order of words or reduce their number.

underdevelopment speech verb vocabulary

Chapter II. Experimental study of the verbal vocabulary in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level

Goals, objectives and stages of the experimental part of the study

The purpose of the experiment is to study the level of development of the verbal vocabulary of children of senior preschool age with OHP level III.

An experimental study was conducted in the preparatory group of the kindergarten GDOU school No. 2000 DO.

The following tasks were identified during the experiment:

1.To study and define research methods.

2.Direct carrying out of ascertaining experiment. 3. Implementation and presentation of the results of the study.

The diagnostic study was based on the following provisions:

· when assessing the level of cognitive abilities, not only the final results and the speed of the task are taken into account, but also the data of the analysis of the process of activity itself;

· the study of the child begins with the performance of tasks accessible to his age, if necessary, they are simplified until the child can cope with it on his own.

The study of children included two stages:

1.Preparatory stage.

2.Main stage.

The task of the preparatory stage was the collection of anamnestic data, the preparation of a preliminary idea of ​​the etiology of abnormal development. The medical records of children, speech therapy cards of speech development were analyzed, and a conversation was held with parents, with the leading speech therapist of the group and educators about the speech and psychological development of children.

The objective of the main stage was to study verbal vocabulary in children with OHP level III.

Characteristics of children in the experimental group

The study involved 20 children, 10 of which were with OHP level III and

with a normal level of speech development, which were allocated to the experimental group. According to the PMPK of all levels in children with OHP level III, a diagnosis of dysarthria was made.

The list of children is presented in table 1.

Table 1

No. F.I. Child Date of birth State of speech development 1.A. Natasha 05/07/2011 Normal level of speech development 2.A. Nikita 03/22/2011 Normal level of speech development 3B. Katya 11/29/2011 Normal level of speech development 4.V. Petya19.07.2011 Normal level of speech development 5.G. Dima 10/13/2011 Normal level of speech development6G. Olya 23.02.2011 Normal level of speech development 7.E. Masha 09/24/2011 Normal level of speech development 8. Zh. Sasha19.02.2011Normal level of speech development9.I. Ksenia02.02.2011 Normal level of speech development10.K. Nikita22.04.2011Normal level of speech development11.K. Maxim16.12.2011III level ONR12.M. Yaroslav02.06.2011III level ONR13.N. Sveta02.12.2011III level ONR14.N. Nastya12.04.2011III level ONR15.O. Zhenya11/18/2010 Level III ONR16.B. Angelina24.04.2011III level ONR17.A. Leah08/03/2011III level ONR18.A. Egor02.10.2010III level ONR19.T. Danil06/04/2011 Level III ONR20.Sh. Tamara04.09.2010III level ONR

The clinical picture of children with problems of speech development has only a general underdevelopment of speech without other pronounced disorders of neuropsychic activity.

An analysis of the children's medical records, examination data from specialist doctors, and the results of conversations with an educator, a psychologist, a teacher of additional education in speech development, and a speech therapist confirmed their normal mental development. There was information about frequently recurring acute respiratory infections and childhood infectious diseases. The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the children contained information that children have learning difficulties, their development does not correspond to the age norm. All children had unstable attention, its small volume, weakness of volitional processes, poorly developed memory, some motor disinhibition, unformed cognitive activity, the development of their thinking did not correspond to the age norm, speech was poorly developed, fine motor skills were not well developed.

The children of the experimental group did not have a motivation to learn. In the classroom, children often get bored, they are attracted only by the external design of employment (visibility, TSO), but children rarely show interest in the content of the activity.

Biological hearing according to the medical record in all children is normal. The topics of speech are accelerated, sometimes there were arrhythmias, an increase in tempo at the end of a phrase or at the end of a text. Speech is weakly expressive. In children, there was a violation of the differentiation of individual sounds.

Children found it difficult to determine the number and sequence of words in sentences with various prepositions. The number of syllables in a word was determined incorrectly, but the synthesis of syllables in a word was not disturbed. Children were able to isolate a sound against the background of a word, sometimes they made mistakes in determining the first and last syllable, in determining the place of a sound in a word, in determining the number of sounds in a word.

The passive and active vocabulary of children was characterized by poverty, inaccuracy, and the understanding and use of adjectives, as well as nouns with a generalizing meaning, suffered especially. In coherent speech, the children used mostly simple common sentences consisting of 3-5 words. Complex sentences were used only in extreme cases. Agrammatism in oral speech was noted when reproducing complex grammatical forms (incorrect agreement of a noun and an adjective in the neuter gender, incorrect use of case constructions). An incorrect understanding of the differentiation of constructions with reflexive verbs was noted, agrammatism was observed in the formation of adjectives from nouns.

Children knew the sounds and letters and called them correctly, recognized the letters hatched, superimposed on each other, unfinished, written in dotted lines, written correctly and mirrored.

In the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the children, there was no information that the children had learning difficulties, their development corresponded to the age norm.

When developing the research methodology, materials from a survey of a child with ONR, as well as materials from a methodology for studying the characteristics of vocabulary in preschoolers, were used.

The survey program consists of two sections:

Ithe section is aimed at studying the state of verbal vocabulary in impressive speech;

IIthe section is aimed at studying the state of verbal vocabulary in expressive speech.

The verbs of motion and displacement in space, the activity of the sense organs and the change of state were studied; verbs denoting everyday actions, professional actions, sound phenomena. The content of the methodology is presented in the following sections.

I.Study of the state of verbal vocabulary in impressive speech.

1.Study of understanding the verbs of movement and movement in space.

Research material: subject pictures: a boy is running, a boy is flying, a boy is swimming, a boy is crawling, a boy is jumping, a boy is riding, a boy is sitting, a boy is jumping, a boy is lying, a boy is walking.

Procedure and instruction: after the speech therapist calls the action, the child is invited to show it in the picture: “Listen carefully, show where the boy is running, the boy is flying, the boy is swimming, the boy is crawling, the boy is jumping, the boy is riding, the boy is sitting, the boy is jumping, the boy is lying, the boy is coming."

Completion score:


2.Investigation of the understanding of the verbs of the activity of the sense organs and the change of state.

Research material: subject pictures: a girl is crying, a girl is sick, a girl is happy, a girl is sleeping, a girl is laughing, a girl is listening, a girl is looking.

Procedure and instruction: after the speech therapist calls the action, the child is invited to show it in the picture: “Listen carefully, show where the girl is crying, the girl is sick, the girl is happy, the girl is sleeping, the girl is laughing, the girl is listening, the girl is looking.”

Completion score:


points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

3.Study of understanding of action verbs denoting professional actions.

Research material: subject pictures - a cook prepares dinner, a dressmaker sews, a teacher teaches children, a doctor treats a child, a builder builds a house.

Procedure and instruction: after naming the action by the speech therapist, the child is invited to show it in the picture: “Listen carefully, show where the cook prepares dinner, the dressmaker sews, the teacher teaches children, the doctor treats the child, the builder builds the house.”

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

4.Study of the understanding of action verbs denoting everyday actions.

Research material: subject pictures: a girl plays, a girl draws, a girl eats, a girl reads, a girl writes, a girl waters, a girl drinks, a girl sews.

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

5.Study of the understanding of verbs denoting various sound phenomena.

Procedure and instruction: after the speech therapist calls the action, the child is invited to show it in the picture: “Listen carefully, show where the thunder rumbles, the alarm clock rings, the car honks, the rooster crows, the cow lows, the dog barks, the ram bleats, the cat meows, the sparrow chirps, crow croaks, lion roars, wolf howls.

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

II.Study of the state of verbal vocabulary in expressive speech.

1.Naming verbs of various sound phenomena.

Research material: subject pictures: thunder rumbles, the alarm clock rings, the car honks, the rooster crows, the cow mooes, the dog barks, the ram bleats, the cat meows, the sparrow chirps, the crow croaks, the lion growls, the wolf howls.

Procedure and instruction: “Look at the picture and name what and who makes what sounds?”.

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

2.Naming professional actions (using the names of professions).

Procedure and instructions: "Pick the right profession - who does what?". A doctor heals, a teacher teaches, a painter paints, a builder builds, a cook cooks, an artist paints, a musician plays, a ballerina dances, a driver drives, a tractor driver plows, a hairdresser cuts.

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

3.Naming actions from pictures.

Research material: pictures depicting the action: a bird - flies, a woodpecker - knocks, a fish - swims, a snake - crawls, a hare - jumps, an airplane flies, a boat - swims, a dog - bites, a girl - sleeps, a boy - eats, a dog - gnaws, the boy plays.

Procedure and instruction: "Look at the picture and tell me who is doing what?".

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

4.Naming the verbs of the activity of the sense organs and changes in state.

Research material: subject pictures: a girl is crying, a girl is sick, a girl is happy, a girl is sleeping, a girl is laughing, a girl is listening, a girl is looking.

Procedure and instructions: the child is asked to show the action in the picture: “Show and tell what the girl is doing?”

Completion score:

3points - execution without errors;

2 points - 1 mistake was made while completing the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

5. Explanation of the meaning of the verbs of manifestation and change of sign. Procedure and instructions: listen carefully: “what does the word mean - to wrinkle, warm up, grow smarter, upset, make noise, brighten, darken, blush.”

Completion score:

points - execution without errors;

points - 1 mistake was made during the task; 1 point - 2-3 mistakes during the task.

The proposed method makes it possible to identify features of verbal vocabulary in impressive and expressive speech in children with general speech underdevelopment.

Features of the development of the verbal vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment according to the ascertaining experiment

The study of the state of verbal vocabulary in impressive speech showed the following. Preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech have an insufficiently formed understanding of the verbs of movement and movement in space.

It was noted that many children with general underdevelopment of speech experienced difficulties in independently compiling an utterance at the level of a simple complete phrase, and therefore there was a need for an additional question requiring the name of the depicted action (“What is the boy doing?”). Cases of semantic substitutions were observed. For example: the boy is walking fast - the boy is running, the boy is moving on the grass - the boy is crawling, the boy is stomping - the boy is jumping. So in the experimental group, only 45% completed the task without errors, 40% made one mistake and 15% made more than 2 mistakes. Children in the control group completed this task completely. Data showing the quality of the task is presented in diagram No. 1.

Characteristics of the understanding of the verbs of movement and movement in space by children of the experimental and control groups.

Chart #1

Children with normal speech Children with general development Speech underdevelopment

Even greater difficulties were caused in children with general underdevelopment of speech to complete the second task "Study of understanding the verbs of the activity of the sense organs and changes in state." The task was aimed at identifying the ability of children to establish lexical and semantic relationships between objects and verbalize them in the form of a complete phrase-statement. After naming the action by the speech therapist, the child was asked to show it in the picture:

“Listen carefully, show where the girl is crying, the girl is sick, the girl is happy, the girl is sleeping, the girl is laughing, the girl is listening, the girl is looking.”

Despite the question offered to all children: “What is the girl doing?” Only three subjects were able to independently answer the question. The rest of the children were given the task a second time (with an indication of the picture), but even after repeating the instructions, four children failed to compose a phrase taking into account the semantic links. Two people completed the task without errors (20%), five people (50%) made 1 mistake in their answer, three people made more than three mistakes (30%). All children in the control group successfully completed the proposed task. The results of the study are presented in diagram No. 2.

Characteristics of the understanding of the verbs of the activity of the sense organs and changes in the state of the children of the experimental and control groups.

Chart #2

Children with normal speech Children with general underdevelopment

speech development

The next task was aimed at studying children's understanding of action verbs. When evaluating the performance of this task, attention was paid to the correct perception of the action depicted in the picture. Children experienced difficulties in completing the task, attention was drawn to the children's inability to differentiate certain actions, which in a number of cases led to the use of verbs of a general meaning. When completing the task, the children were often distracted, they had to offer tasks to the children again, ask additional questions or suggestions of a stimulating nature. The task was completed without errors by four people (40%), one mistake was made by five people (50%), one child completed the task, making three mistakes (10%).

Characteristics of the understanding of action verbs denoting professional actions by children of the experimental and control groups.

A similar picture was observed when performing the task to identify understanding of action verbs denoting everyday actions.

During the execution, the children often turned to the experimenter with a question, and what he was asking about, clarified the question. One child (10%) completed the task without errors, seven children (70%) made one mistake, and two children completed the task with 2-3 errors (20%). Children in the control group coped with the task without errors.

The latest study was aimed at identifying children's understanding of verbs denoting various sound phenomena. The children coped with this task without errors in both the control and experimental groups. This situation can probably be explained by the fact that sound associations are formed faster in children.

Thus, it was found that children with general speech underdevelopment do not know many words denoting actions, they have differences in explaining the meaning of verbs, there are significant discrepancies between the quality of impressive speech of children with general speech underdevelopment and children without speech pathology.

The second direction of the experiment was the study of the state of verbal vocabulary in preschool children in expressive speech. The first task was connected with the naming of verbs of various sound phenomena.

In case of difficulties, children were assisted in the form of consistent use of stimulating, leading and clarifying questions. Three people (30%) from the experimental group successfully completed this task without making a single mistake, 5 people (50%) correctly stated the nature of the action with the help of a speech therapist, but made one mistake. It was found that the difficulties in children most often arose at the beginning of the task, when reproducing the sequence of the appearance of new pictures. In 2 children (20%), difficulties in completing the task were of a pronounced nature (semantic errors). The study revealed a rather low level of proficiency in verbs of sound phenomena used by children.

Characteristics of the naming of action verbs denoting various sound phenomena by the children of the experimental and control groups.

Completing the next task - naming professional actions (using the names of professions) caused the greatest difficulties for children, which, of course, is due to the lack of knowledge about professions, limited vocabulary in children. The poverty of the dictionary is manifested in the fact that preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech do not know many professions: a painter, a cook, an artist, a ballerina, a tractor driver. Accordingly, there are no actions of representatives of these professions in the lexical stock. A characteristic feature of the vocabulary of the children under test is the inaccuracy in the use of the words-verbs known to them. Among the numerous verbal paraphasias, substitutions of words belonging to the same semantic field were observed. In the substitutions of verbs, attention was drawn to the inability of children to differentiate certain actions, which in a number of cases leads to the use of verbs of a general meaning, for example: cook - works, tractor driver - works. Along with this, in 80% of the children, the performance of the task was characterized by persistent verb substitutions: an artist paints, a cook cooks, a ballerina jumps, a hairdresser strokes her head. This situation is explained by the insufficient formation of semantic fields. In children of the control group with normal speech development, the word search process was quite fast and automated. The results of the experiment are presented in diagram No. 7.

Characteristics of the naming of professional actions (using the names of professions) by the children of the experimental and control groups.

The next task involved identifying in children the ability to name actions from pictures, which made it possible to determine a number of specific features in the manifestation of verbal vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech. Despite the preliminary analysis and analysis of the content of the pictures, the task was not available to all children. Help needed:

“What the bird is doing in the picture is flying; what can a fish do, how does a hare move? In many children of the experimental group, omissions of moments of action were noted in their answers. This can be explained by the narrowing of the field of perception of the picture, which indicated insufficient organization of attention in children with general underdevelopment of speech. The semantic correspondence of the answer to the action of the object depicted in the pictures was often violated. For example, Aleksey offered the following answer: “This bird is doing something in the sky.” To the question “What can she do?”, He answered in monosyllables: “I forgot.”

The last task, connected with the explanation of the meaning of the verbs of manifestation and change of a sign, turned out to be inaccessible to almost all children in the experimental group. Children found it difficult to find a word to explain the meaning of verbs. Difficulties were caused by verbs: to grow wiser, to grieve, to be naughty. Ways of explaining verbs by children of the experimental group:

· explanation of the meaning through inclusion in the context (it gets dark early on the street);

· synonymization, i.e. reproduction of verbs that are similar in semantics (naughty - indulge);

· interpretation of the word by concretizing the action (to grieve - to grieve);

· random answers (the girl is sleeping - lying on the bed);

· failures.

Conclusions on chapter 2.

Thus, a comparative analysis showed that children with general speech underdevelopment are significantly behind normally developing children in terms of speech proficiency, which significantly limits their ability to use verbal vocabulary. Often there is a substitution of verbs associated with the inability of children to differentiate certain actions.

On the basis of the conducted research, a conclusion can be drawn. In children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech, there is a significant lag in the formation of skills to use verbal vocabulary in speech compared to normally developing children.

This indicates the need for corrective work with children to develop this type of speech activity.

Chapter III. Methodological developments on the formation of a verbal dictionary in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of level III

Methodology of the forming (training) experiment

Based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of the development of vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech, the results of the ascertaining experiment, a methodology for speech therapy work on the development of verbal vocabulary in children of older preschool age was developed and a training experiment was conducted, the purpose of which was the development of verbal vocabulary in an impressive and expressive speech of children with general underdevelopment of speech. To implement a complex of remedial classes, the content of work with children was specified, special methodological techniques were developed taking into account the age and speech characteristics of children with general underdevelopment of speech. The main work was carried out by the experimenter in speech therapy classes. In accordance with the named areas of correctional work, speech therapy classes were held to form the lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of the lexical side of speech. They included tasks on the formation of a dictionary, grammatically correct speech. These classes were held four times a week.

When developing the content of the experimental methodology, we relied on the work of N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, E.F. Arkhipova, L.I. Efimenkova, I.A. Smirnova.

According to the recommendations of G.A. Volkova, to work on the development of verbal vocabulary, a card index of the verb dictionary was created (based on the materials of O.A. Bezrukova) for working with children with general underdevelopment of speech in the following areas:

· verbs of everyday life (household actions): sleep, play, walk, dress, etc.

· verbs denoting movements and voices / cries of animals: jumps, crawls, runs, gallops, grunts, etc.

· verbs of motion, prefixed verbs: pours, pours, flies, enters, leaves, enters, etc.

· verbs expressing people's feelings: smile, laugh, be sad, etc.

· verbs related to the processes of nature: dawn, evening, dark

The above exercises and games will help to expand the verbal vocabulary of children and teach them to distinguish between words denoting similar outwardly actions.

1.The game "Who moves how."

Instructions: show the picture and name the action.

Equipment: subject pictures: grasshopper, swallow, snake, deer, horse, fly, turtle, frog, hare, fish.

Instruction: show the picture and say who gives the voice Equipment: subject pictures: sparrow, crow, frog, duck, rooster,

pig, cat, dog, tiger, wolf.

3.Game "Who does what".

Purpose: the introduction of the most common verbs in the active and passive vocabulary of the child.

Instructions: take a picture and say who is doing what.

Equipment: subject pictures: singer, artist, seller, doctor, cook, builder.

4.Ball game "Say the other way around." Purpose: acquaintance with the "antonyms".

Game progress: the speech therapist calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who caught the ball must come up with a word that is opposite in meaning, say this word and throw the ball back to the speech therapist.

Dress - (undress), raise - (lower), hide - (find), pour - (pour), open - (close), etc.

5.Game "Explain the Difference"

Purpose: to teach to explain the semantics of words that are close in meaning.

Sewing - knitting, laying - setting, building - repairing, stomping - knocking, washes - erases, cleans - sweeps.

6.The game "We will not tell, but we will show."

Purpose: to teach to show action with the help of movements.

Game progress: the speech therapist calls the verb and asks to explain what this word means.

7.Game Think and Answer.

Purpose: to get acquainted with multi-valued verbs.

Game progress: the speech therapist asks to match as many names of objects (nouns) as possible to the name of the action (verb).

Who is running? (boy, dog); what? (river,...); Who is coming? (girl…) what? (snow, rain, hours…).

Speech material: flies, lies, hangs, shines, waters, sweeps, rolls, pecks.

8.The game "Who will name the most words."

Purpose: the introduction of the most common verbs in the active and passive vocabulary of the child.

Instructions: Think of as many words as you can to answer the questions:

“What are they doing?”, “What are they doing?” (on the theme "Autumn").

Speech material: sun, clouds, rain, wind, grass.

Exercises and games on the formation of word formation of verbal vocabulary.

Exercise number 1.

Purpose: differentiation of perfective and imperfective verbs.

Instruction: invite the children to show in the pictures where the action has already been completed, and where it is being performed.

Speech material: soap - washed, puts on - dressed, strokes - stroked, draws - painted, waters - watered, repairs - repaired, chopped - cut down, cleans - cleaned, erases - washed.

Exercise number 2.

Purpose: differentiation of verbs with prefixes in impressive and expressive speech.

Instruction: the speech therapist calls the word denoting the action, the children must show the corresponding picture. The speech therapist invites children to name actions from pictures.

Speech material: enters - exits, flies up - flies off, approaches - departs, flies in - flies out, pours - pours out, goes over - runs across, climbs in - gets off.

Exercise number 3.

Purpose: differentiation of verbs with prefixes Instruction: add a word denoting action.

Speech material: into the cage ... (flies in), out of the cage ... (flies out), across the road ... (passes), from the tree ... (leaves), to the house ... (drives up), into a glass ... (pouring), from a glass ... (pouring ).

4.The game "What is the difference between words?".

Purpose: to differentiate reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

Instruction: show in the pictures who ... washes, puts on shoes - puts on shoes, bathes - bathes, shakes - swings, puts on - puts on.

5.The game "The car is driving on the road."

Purpose: consolidation of prepositional constructions.

Children are offered a model of the road along which the car will go. On one side of the road is a garage, on the other side is a shop. Along the road there are models of multi-colored houses, slides, bridges.

Instruction: the speech therapist places the car in a certain place on the layout.

Children determine where the car "goes."

Speech material: the car left the garage, the car drove up to the house, the car drove over the bridge, the car drove away from the house, the car drives up the mountain, etc.

The results of the control experiment showed that in the whole group, children with general underdevelopment of speech showed positive dynamics, but with some variation in indicators. The best results were noted in such parameters as the characteristics of understanding the verbs of the activity of the sense organs and the change in state. The smallest dynamics was noted for the parameter characteristic of understanding verbs of action, denoting various sound phenomena. We assume that this is due to the short duration of the experiment (three months), as well as the individual characteristics of speech disorders and mental development of the child.

The active vocabulary of children became richer, preschoolers began to correctly use words-verbs of different syllabic structures, they improved their communication skills, which was expressed in the desire to enter into a dialogue with a speech therapist, with children in a group, children became more active in the classroom, especially in the development of speech.

Preschoolers began to better highlight not only the actions of objects. The games also reflected the dynamics of the development of children's verbal vocabulary. Often one could notice such a situation when a child told something to his toy or made up a story according to the created drawing.

The children of the experimental group learned to designate the actions they perform in everyday, play, and visual activities.

A characteristic feature of children's speech was the increase in verb forms, sentences became more detailed. The results of enriching children's speech with verbal vocabulary are presented in histogram No. 1.

Histogram #1

Characteristics of understanding the verbs of movement and movement in space

Characteristics of understanding the verbs of the activity of the sense organs and state changes

Characteristics of understanding action verbs denoting professional actions

Characteristics of the naming of professional actions (using the names of professions

Characteristics of naming actions on pictures

Description of the explanation of the meaning of the verbs of manifestation and change of sign

Chapter 3 Conclusions

Thus, specially organized work on teaching children with general underdevelopment of speech contributed to the development of their verbal vocabulary, solved the problems of understanding oral speech, the ability to listen to speech, and the ability to determine the actions of an object. This, in turn, made it possible to solve more complex problems of communication and speech development of preschool children with speech pathology.

The control experiment showed the effectiveness of the correctional and speech therapy work, as evidenced by the dynamics of the development of the verbal vocabulary of children in various types of their activities. Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed that the differentiated method of correctional speech therapy work contributes to the development of the verbal vocabulary of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.


The study was aimed at identifying the features of the verbal vocabulary of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech and creating a system of correctional speech therapy classes that contribute to the development of vocabulary in this category of children.

Until now, in the specialized literature there are only a few works purposefully devoted to the problem of the development of verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. Mastering the process of using verbal vocabulary confirms the transition to a qualitatively new level of speech-thinking activity. All this indicates the relevance of the topic of the thesis.

The theoretical foundations of the methodology of the presented study were the works of N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, L.I. Efimenkova, G.V. Chirkina. The proposed method makes it possible to identify features of verbal vocabulary in impressive and expressive speech in children with general speech underdevelopment.

As a result of theoretical analysis, it was revealed that the main prerequisites for the formation of speech in ontogenesis are formed full-fledged phonemic representations, vocabulary and its systematic enrichment, the formation of the ability to freely operate with models of syntactic constructions. Their insufficient formation affects the delay and decrease in the rate of speech development in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

To study the features of the verbal vocabulary of children, an experimental study was carried out in the preparatory group of the kindergarten of the GDOU No. 2000 DO. The study revealed that children with general speech underdevelopment do not know many words denoting actions, they have differences in explaining the meaning of verbs, there are significant differences between the quality of impressive and expressive speech than in children without speech pathology.

The study made it possible to draw the following conclusions: in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, there is a significant lag in the formation of vocabulary compared to normally developing children. Violation of the formation of vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech is manifested in the limited vocabulary, in the divergence of the active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias, unformed semantic fields, and difficulties in updating the dictionary.

Verbal vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech has a number of features:

in the verbal dictionary of a preschooler with general underdevelopment of speech, words denoting actions that the child performs daily predominate, i.e. sleep, walk, eat, etc.

there is an inaccuracy in the use of verb words;

Difficulties in comprehending a well-known word are characteristic.

Among the numerous verbal paraphasias, there are substitutions of words belonging to the same semantic field. In the substitutions of verbs, attention is drawn to the inability of children to differentiate some actions, which in some cases leads to the use of verbs of a general meaning (for example: cooing

-sings, crawls - walks, etc.).

Based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of the development of vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech, as well as taking into account the data of the ascertaining experiment, a methodology for speech therapy work on the development of verbal vocabulary in preschool children was developed and a teaching experiment was conducted. By the end of the experimental work, the verbal vocabulary of children with general underdevelopment of speech in the preparatory group had undergone significant changes. The active vocabulary of children became richer, preschoolers began to correctly use words-verbs of different syllabic structures, they improved their communication skills, which was expressed in the desire to enter into a dialogue with a speech therapist, with children in a group, children became more active in the classroom, especially in the development of speech.

Preschoolers began to better highlight not only the actions of objects. The games also reflected the dynamics of the development of children's verbal vocabulary.

The children of the experimental group learned to designate actions performed in everyday, play, visual activities. A characteristic feature of children's speech was the increase in verb forms, sentences became more detailed.

Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed that a differentiated method of correctional and speech therapy work, developed taking into account this speech pathology, contributes to the development of the verbal vocabulary of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.


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General underdevelopment of speech is a complex speech disorder in which the formation of all components of the speech and language system is impaired: the sound, lexical-grammatical and semantic side of speech with intact hearing and intelligence.

The main signs of general underdevelopment of speech are:

late development of speech

Poor vocabulary

Persistent deviations from the grammatical norm

pronunciation defects

violation of phonemic processes

The limited vocabulary of children with general underdevelopment of speech is associated not only with speech disorders, but also with the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of these children. With OHP, unformed speech activity and other mental processes are noted. In children with this speech disorder, the originality of the lexical system is revealed: the semantic and morphological structure of the word is not formed, the word is not formed as a center for connecting lexical and grammatical meanings, and does not become an element of the semantic field.

In general, the lexico-semantic side of the speech of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech has the following features:

v limited vocabulary

v difficulties in mastering the meaning of a word

v Difficulties in word formation, which affects the limitation of vocabulary

v the presence of paraphasias (verbal substitutions: by contiguity, semantic, paraphrases)

v some words are too broad

v difficulties in mastering synonyms, antonyms

v difficulties in mastering the lexical-semantic relationships of words

In children, poverty and qualitative originality of vocabulary are observed, the processes of generalization and abstraction are not sufficiently developed. When generating a speech utterance, there is a violation of the process of thematic selection and semantic choice of words.

Expressed violations of the lexical side affect all the characteristics of the word, the lexical stock is not formed as a system of multidimensional relationships, there is no correct grouping of words during their assimilation. The passive vocabulary significantly predominates over the active one, words from it are transferred into the active very slowly. A characteristic feature of the general underdevelopment of speech is also that children do not use the set of words that they have, they do not know how to operate with the available words.

The language ability is formed at a fairly low level, which is manifested in a weak differentiation of lexical meanings and difficulties in describing spatial and temporal representations. Children with speech underdevelopment do not know how to use synonyms, antonyms, generalizing vocabulary.

The vocabulary of such children is characterized by inaccuracy of meaning, which leads to functional substitutions, the meanings of words expand, and a large number of interchanges are noted.

At each level of speech development identified by R.E. Levina, there are some peculiarities of the dictionary.

1 level. Verbal means of communication are almost completely absent or limitedly developed. The active vocabulary includes a small number of everyday words that are not clearly pronounced by the child, babbling words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. These words and substitutes for words designate specific objects and actions and are polysemous. Children replace the designations of objects and actions with the name of objects and vice versa. Children widely use paralinguistic means of communication. Speech does not convey grammatical relationships. The speech of children with the first level of speech development is understandable to others only in a specific situation.

2nd level. The speech activity of children is increasing. Phrasal speech appears, but the phrase still remains phonetically and grammatically distorted. The vocabulary becomes more diverse and increases in volume. In the speech of children there are different lexical and grammatical categories of words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, some prepositions and conjunctions. Among nouns, children are unfamiliar with many words denoting animals and their cubs, body parts, clothes, furniture, professions. In the dictionary of adjectives, there are not enough words denoting shape, color, material. Children do not accurately understand the meaning of words, which is manifested in numerous paraphasias. Words are often used in a very narrow sense. Children quite freely answer questions about the picture related to the family, familiar phenomena of the world around them. Agrammatism is pronounced. The understanding of speech remains incomplete, as many grammatical forms are not sufficiently distinguished.

3rd level. A detailed everyday speech appears with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Despite a significant quantitative increase in vocabulary, children have inaccurate knowledge and use of many words and insufficiently complete formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of language. Children use all parts of speech, but nouns and verbs are the most widely represented in the active vocabulary. There are few adjectives (words denoting qualities, attributes of objects), adverbs (words denoting the states of objects and actions). At the same time, children can freely name, which is well known from visual experience. The main lexical errors are the replacement of the name of any part of the object with the name of the whole object, the substitution of the name of the profession with the names of actions, the replacement of specific concepts with generic ones and vice versa, the interchange of signs. Many children make mistakes in word formation: along with correctly formed words, non-normative ones appear, a large number of errors are observed in the formation of relative adjectives. Children do not know how to use word-formation methods, which creates difficulties in using word variants. Insufficient skill in the practical application of word formation impoverishes the ways of vocabulary accumulation.

Level 4 (highlighted by T.B. Filicheva). The speech of children is characterized by mild residual manifestations of underdevelopment of the lexical and grammatical structure and phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment. Children are silent, speech is not developed, minor violations of all components of the language system. In speech, some words denoting animals, some professions, a mixture of generic and specific concepts are missing, there is an interchange of words that are close in the situation, a mixture of words-signs. The word order in the sentence is broken.

Thus, all the described features of the lexicon: the limited vocabulary, the marked predominance of the volume of the passive vocabulary over the active one, the inaccurate use of many words, numerous verbal substitutions, the absence of formed semantic fields, the difficulty of updating the dictionary - indicate a violation of the formation of vocabulary in children with OND.

The poverty of the vocabulary is manifested in the violation of the assimilation of many lexemes: children misunderstand and use verbs, they do not form the predicative or nominative function of the verb. In children with speech underdevelopment, from the very beginning, the initial verbal dictionary accumulates with great difficulty. The use of adjectives is limited. Adjectives are very difficult for children to learn, the difficulty is the assimilation of the meanings of adjectives. Adverbs appear very early in the dictionary. Adverbs are often used chaotically and act as emboli without expressing specific meanings. It is extremely difficult for children to master adverbs expressing spatial relationships. A great difficulty for children is the assimilation of abstract vocabulary, understanding of figurative meaning.

Children may use words inadequately, use neologisms, the meaning of which they cannot explain, pseudo-words in an autonomous sense. The word is acquired by children in isolation, they find it difficult to perceive and reproduce the complex lexical and grammatical relations behind the word included in the context. N.N. Traugott noted that the vocabulary of children with general underdevelopment of speech is of a narrowly situational nature: children do not immediately begin to use words that they learned in the classroom in situations of verbal communication, and when the situation changes, they lose words that are familiar to them and pronounced in other conditions.

A.N. Gvozdev spoke about the lack of differentiation of words by meaning in children with ONR. Children with general underdevelopment of speech, when using a word, put into it a general and undifferentiated meaning. Often the norms for the use of a word turn out to be insufficiently learned by children, and when naming objects, actions, qualities denoted by a word, a number of words of a semantic group emerge in children, which are equivalent to them. The speech of such children is characterized by a large number of verbal substitutions.

A child who does not have a sufficient vocabulary makes substitutions based on either the sound-syllabic or semantic similarity of the replaced and replacing words. According to the observations of L.F. Spirova, semantic substitutions are closely related to the level of development of children's speech. The lower the level of speech development, the greater the number of substitutions of one name for another occurs in the speech of children, and the replacement words are less well suited in meaning to the replaced words. The larger the child's vocabulary, the more successfully he selects replacement words for those that he will have to name. The psychological mechanism of replacing one name with another lies in the violation of the choice of words from several that have surfaced in the mind. There are two ways to search for words, as noted by L.F. Spirova: One way is a selection of a word that is similar in sound from those that have popped up in memory, based on the child's standard and an idea of ​​​​the sound composition of the word. Normally, this process occurs outside of consciousness, since it is internalized, reduced and automated. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, it remains conscious and unfolded.

The second way to solve the problem of finding the right word is the progressive development of the process of differentiation of the meanings of words. The child, sorting through a series of words, goes from common names to more and more differentiated ones, he approaches the name that most closely matches the necessary word.

The reasons for the violation of the correct selection and use of words are the poverty of the vocabulary, the insufficient use of the semantic variability of words, and the lack of a set of semantic equivalents. Difficulties in choosing words are also related to the fact that children with general underdevelopment of speech are not sufficiently aware of the variety of semantic meanings of words.

Difficulties in choosing words, inability to use the available vocabulary indicates the lack of formation of an ordered structure of language means, the impossibility to select linguistic signs (words) if necessary and use them in one's speech activity. Children have not formed a model of speech action - its main operations are the choice of lexical units and their compatibility. According to S.N. Shakhovskaya, this occurs as a result of a violation of the very structure of linguistic signs.

The formation of semantic fields in children with ONR is delayed. Semantic fields have a small volume and a limited number of semantic connections. In such children, verbal associations are unmotivated. As the organization of the lexical system takes place, the words-reactions become less dependent on the environment, and the nature of these reactions begins to be determined by the structure of the semantic field. The formation of the semantic field occurs in the direction of increasing differentiation, with the allocation of the core and periphery of the semantic meaning of the word. With a general underdevelopment of speech, a child does not feel the difference between the core and periphery of the semantic meaning of a word for a long time and cannot use words adequately. The process of systematization of vocabulary and organization of semantic fields in OHP is not sufficiently developed, the correct grouping of words is not available to children, or this process is significantly hindered. Children are not able to explain the meaning of the word, they cannot highlight the common part in related words.

Preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech do not know how to select antonyms, since this process requires a sufficient amount of vocabulary, it requires the formation of semantic fields, the ability to single out the main differential semantic feature in the structure of the meaning of a word. To master antonymy, children must be able to match words according to an essential semantic feature.

For children with general underdevelopment of speech, as with any other abnormal development, a slow process of concept formation is characteristic. For the formation of a new concept in these children, it is necessary to form a larger number of single connections than in the norm. The individual experience of children with speech disorders slowly creates the preconditions for the formation of a new concept, compared to how this process occurs in a normally developing child after the formation of two or three single connections.

So, the features of verbal behavior are revealed at all stages of development of children with general underdevelopment of speech. This originality is based on the poverty of the child's auditory and visual representations, the narrowing of the processes of acoustic perception, the lack of formation of abstract thinking, the insufficiency of auditory-speech and motor memory, and the underdevelopment of the processes of analysis and synthesis. The poverty of the dictionary does not give children the opportunity for full communication and general development, because. the word is the most important link in the structure of any mental process.

Thus, the most important tasks of speech therapy work with children with general underdevelopment of speech are the expansion and refinement of the dictionary. Clarification of the meaning of the word, its subject correlation, is necessary to overcome the non-differentiation of meanings. Differentiation of the meanings of words occurs in the course of clarifying specific ideas, and the assimilation of lexical units is most effective when based on practical actions with the subject. According to L.F. Spirovoy, the dictionary should expand due to the names of objects, actions, signs and qualities that can be visually demonstrated and directly perceived by children. These lexical units are first introduced into the plan of understood speech, then into active speech.

Thus, the mastery of word formation is carried out on the basis of the mental operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization and prefers a fairly wide level of intellectual and speech development.


Violations in the formation of vocabulary in children with OHP are manifested in limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of active and passive vocabulary, inaccurate use of words, numerous verbal paraphasias, unformed semantic fields, and difficulties in updating the dictionary.

In the works of many authors (V. K. Vorobieva, B. M. Grin-IIIpun, V. A. Kovshikov, N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva, etc.) it is emphasized that children with OHP of various origins have a limited vocabulary. A characteristic feature for this group of children are significant individual differences, which are largely due to various pathogenesis (motor, sensory alalia, an erased form of dysarthria, dysarthria, delayed speech development, etc.).

One of the pronounced features of the speech of children with OHP is a more significant than normal discrepancy in the volume of passive and active vocabulary. Preschoolers with OHP understand the meaning of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal. However, the use of words in expressive speech, the actualization of the dictionary cause great difficulties.

The poverty of the vocabulary is manifested, for example, in the fact that preschoolers with OHP, even at the age of 6, do not know many words: the names of berries (cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, lingonberries), fish, flowers (forget-me-not, violet, iris, aster), wild animals (boar, leopard), birds (stork, eagle owl), tools (planer, chisel), professions (painter, bricklayer, welder, worker, weaver, seamstress), parts of the body and parts of an object (thigh, foot, hand, elbow; cuff , headlight, body), etc.

Many children find it difficult to update such words as sheep, elk, donkey, rook, heron, dragonfly, grasshopper, pepper, lightning, thunder, felt boots, seller, hairdresser.

The work on the children's vocabulary takes place constantly, by explaining all the actions of the child, when answering the child's questions, when asking questions, talking about something - or in all types of children's activities:

household activities - in the education of cultural and hygienic skills, such words as clothes, shoes, toiletries, their qualities, actions with them;

labor activity - manual labor in the classroom, in the afternoon, duty, work on a walk, cleaning in a group. Words are tools, tools, actions, qualities of objects;

Game activity allows you to work out in a natural form all areas of the content of vocabulary work;

NOD. The vocabulary is practiced in special speech classes and other types of directly educational activities (mathematics, familiarization with the environment, ecology, productive activities, physical education, etc.).

The tasks, stages, directions in working with children on the formation of a dictionary at senior preschool age are highlighted.



E.I. Shakleina, teacher

MDOU No. 15 "Goldfish",

Olenegorsk, Murmansk region.

The development of speech is a purposeful and consistent pedagogical work. Speech is the main means and form of self-expression and communication of children; it serves as a way to regulate their behavior. With the help of speech, words, the child means only what is available to his understanding. L.S. Vygotsky noted that the primary function of a child's speech is the function of communication, establishing contact with the outside world. Currently, in the psychological and psycholinguistic literature it is emphasized that the prerequisites for the development of speech are determined by two processes. One is the non-verbal, objective activity of the child himself, i.e. expansion of ties with the outside world through a concrete, sensual perception of the world. The second most important factor in the development of speech, including the enrichment of the dictionary, is the speech activity of adults and their communication with the child. Analyzing the development of the meaning of a word in ontogenesis, L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “Speech and the meaning of words developed in a natural way, and the history of how the meaning of a word developed psychologically helps to illuminate to a certain extent how the development of signs occurs, how the first sign naturally arises in a child, how, on the basis of a conditioned reflex, the mastery of the mechanism occurs. designations "(Vygotsky L.S. Development of oral speech // Children's speech. 1996. part 1. p. 51).

Vocabulary is one of the components of a child's speech development. Mastering a dictionary is an important condition for mental development, since the content of historical experience in children is generalized and reflected in speech form, and above all in the meanings of words. The development of a dictionary is closely connected, on the one hand, with the development of thinking and other mental processes, and, on the other hand, with the development of all components of speech, the phonetic-phonemic and grammatical structure of speech. The development of vocabulary is due to the development of the child's ideas about the surrounding reality. As the child gets acquainted with new objects, phenomena, signs of objects and actions, his vocabulary is enriched. With the development of mental processes, expansion of contacts with the outside world, enrichment of the child's sensory experience, the child's vocabulary is formed in quantitative and qualitative aspects. Therefore, words of a specific meaning appear early in the child's dictionary, and later - words of a generalizing nature. Assimilation of the dictionary solves the problem of accumulation and refinement of ideas, the formation of concepts, the development of the content side of thinking. The poverty of the dictionary interferes with full communication, and, consequently, with the overall development of the child. Conversely, the richness of the vocabulary is a sign of well-developed speech and an indicator of a high level of mental development. The timely development of the vocabulary is one of the most important factors in preparing for schooling. A feature of vocabulary work is that it is associated with all educational work with children in preschool educational institutions. Enrichment of vocabulary occurs in the process of getting acquainted with the outside world, in everyday life, in communication. The work on the children's vocabulary takes place constantly, by explaining all the actions of the child, when answering the child's questions, when asking questions, talking about something - or in all types of children's activities:

  • household activities - when educating cultural and hygienic skills, such words as clothes, shoes, toiletries, their qualities, actions with them;
  • labor activity - manual labor in the classroom, in the afternoon, duty, work on a walk, cleaning in a group. Words are tools, tools, actions, qualities of objects;
  • game activity allows in a natural form to work out all areas of the content of vocabulary work;
  • GCD. The vocabulary is worked out in special speech classes and in other types of directly educational activities (mathematics, familiarization with the environment, ecology, productive activities, physical education, etc.).

Thus, the full mastery of the native language, the development of language abilities are the core of the full-fledged formation of the personality of a preschool child.

Children with general underdevelopment of speech have significant difficulties in mastering the vocabulary even in conditions of special education. Therefore, they need additional stimulation in the formation of an active vocabulary. Violations in the formation of the vocabulary of children with OHP are manifested in limited vocabulary, a sharp discrepancy between the volume of active and passive vocabulary, and inaccurate use of words. The task of the educator is to activate the passive vocabulary. A.M. Borodich and V.I. Yanshin give the following definitions of the concepts of active and passive vocabulary:

Active Dictionary- these are words that the speaker not only understands, but also uses. The active vocabulary of the child includes commonly used vocabulary, but in some cases - a number of specific words, the daily use of which is explained by the conditions of the child's life.

Passive Dictionary- words that the speaker understands, but does not use himself in speech. The passive vocabulary is much larger than the active one; this includes words whose meaning a person can guess from the context.

The work on enrichment and activation of the vocabulary in children with general underdevelopment of speech includes the following areas:

  • familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the formation of concepts;
  • disclosure of the ambiguity of the word;
  • expanding the stock of synonyms and antonyms;
  • formation of the correct use of the word in connected speech.

Preschoolers with OHP understand the meanings of many words; the volume of their passive vocabulary is close to normal, but the use of words in expressive speech, updating the vocabulary causes great difficulties. In children with OHP, the word search process is slow, not automated enough. Violation of the actualization of the dictionary manifests itself in a distorted form (meows - meows). Particularly large differences between children with normal and impaired speech development are observed when the predicative dictionary is updated. Preschoolers with OHP have difficulties in naming adjectives used in speech. In the verb vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP, words denoting actions that the child performs or observes on a daily basis predominate. It is difficult to assimilate words of a generalizing meaning, words denoting evaluation, qualities, signs.

Substitutions of adjectives indicate that children do not distinguish essential features, do not differentiate the qualities of objects. The poverty of the dictionary is manifested in the fact that preschoolers with OHP, even at the age of 6, do not know the names of berries, fish, flowers, wild animals, birds, tools, professions, body parts.

Vocabulary of children with ONR:

1st level - sharply behind the norm; subject, everyday dictionary; the verb is almost absent; characteristic lexical substitutions.

2nd level - significantly behind the norm; does not know the names of primary colors, shapes, sizes, parts of objects; the vocabulary of actions and signs is limited; there is no word-formation and word-creation skills.

3rd level - the vocabulary increases significantly, uses all parts of speech, the predominance of nouns in speech is noticeable; inaccurate use of verbs, replacement of the names of parts of objects with the names of whole objects; the skill of word formation and word creation suffers.

Dictionary enrichment, its consolidation and activation occupy a very large place in the overall system of speech work in kindergarten. And this is natural. The word is the basic unit of the language and the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary.

Vocabulary tasks:

1. Enrichment of the dictionary with thematic groups of words.

2. Consolidation of ideas about generalizing concepts.

3. Development of ideas about the semantic side of the word:

  • work on the correct understanding of the meanings of the polysemy of words;
  • disclosure of semantic relations (familiarization with synonyms and antonyms of different parts of speech);
  • formation of word selection skills and word usage accuracy.

Attention should be paid to clarifying the meaning of words on the basis of opposing antonyms and comparing words that are close in meaning, as well as mastering the shades of word meanings, developing vocabulary flexibility, and using words in coherent speech.

Stages of vocabulary work in the preschool educational institution:

The introduction of new words into the children's dictionary, the assimilation by children of previously unknown words, as well as new meanings of a number of words already in their vocabulary. Enrichment of the dictionary occurs, first of all, at the expense of commonly used vocabulary (names of objects, features and qualities, actions, processes, etc.).

Consolidation and clarification of the dictionary. In children, the word is not always associated with the idea of ​​the subject. They often do not know the exact name of the items. Therefore, this includes deepening the understanding of already known words, filling them with specific content, based on an accurate correlation with the objects of the real world, further mastering the generalization that is expressed in them, and developing the ability to use commonly used words.

Dictionary activation. In working with children, it is important that the new word enters the active vocabulary. This happens only if it is fixed and reproduced by them in speech. The child must not only hear the speech of the teacher, but also reproduce it many times.Activation of cognitive processes can be solved by classification, generalization, seriation, comparison.The new word should go into the dictionary in combination with other words so that children get used to using them in the right cases. For example, children, washing themselves, say: “What a fragrant soap”, but, smelling a blossoming lily in a group, rarely anyone will say: “What a fragrant flower”. Attention should be paid to clarifying the meaning of words on the basis of opposing antonyms and comparing words that are close in meaning, as well as mastering the shades of word meanings, developing vocabulary flexibility, and using words in coherent speech.

Elimination of non-literary words from the speech of children. This is especially necessary when children are in a disadvantaged language environment.

Effective Vocabulary Techniques

Correction of speech disorders in general and in particular the enrichment of vocabulary are a necessary condition for the development of children's communication skills. The study of children with speech disorders and the accumulated experience of their upbringing and education convince of the possibility of successful corrective work with them and the need for further study of them, improvement and specification of a special methodology, since there are still a number of unresolved issues in this area. It is known that the preschool age is the most favorable for the development of all aspects of speech and for the correction of disorders. The difficulties that children with underdeveloped speech experience in mastering the kindergarten program are due to the insufficient level of speech development, which is largely determined by the volume and quality of the dictionary. The formation of a vocabulary is of great importance for the development of a child's cognitive activity, since the word, its meaning is a means not only of speech, but also of thinking. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. There are two groups of methods: methods of accumulating the content of children's speech and methods aimed at consolidating and activating the dictionary, developing its semantic side.

The first group includes methods:

a) direct acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary: examining and examining objects, observation, inspections of the premises of the kindergarten, targeted walks and excursions;

b) indirect acquaintance with the environment and vocabulary enrichment: looking at pictures with unfamiliar content, reading works of art, showing movies and videos, watching TV shows.

The second group of methods used to consolidate and activate the vocabulary includes looking at toys, looking at pictures with familiar content, didactic games and exercises.

The game is one of the means of mental education. In it, the child reflects the surrounding reality, reveals his knowledge, shares it with his comrades. Certain types of games affect the development of children in different ways. A particularly important place is occupied by didactic games - a common method of vocabulary work, the obligatory elements of which are cognitive content and a mental task. In preschool pedagogy and methodology, a traditional division of didactic games into games with objects, board games, and verbal games has developed.

Repeatedly participating in the game, the child firmly acquires the knowledge with which he operates. Solving a mental problem in a game, he exercises in arbitrary memorization and reproduction of words denoting objects, in highlighting properties and qualities, in classifying objects or phenomena according to common features.

A.V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of the didactic game, writes that it is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child, serves to form his abilities. Each didactic game has its own program content, which includes a certain group of words that must be learned.children. Examples include the games “Wonderful bag”, “What is superfluous?”, “Name it in one word”, “Don't forget anything”, “Continue yourself”, “Each picture in its place”. For example, wild and domestic animals, animals of the south and north, wintering and migratory birds must be grouped into groups. Keeping in mind that the basis of grouping and classification is comparison, in working with children it is necessary to use games like “Similar - not similar” (orange and lemon, cow and horse, birch and oak). When developing the ability to compare, special attention is paid to highlighting signs of similarity and a generalizing concept: these are fruits, these are animals, these are trees.

Fiction games "What's wrong?", "What did the artist mix up?" help to clarify and activate the dictionary in a playful way, while mastering the dictionary is easier.Among games with objects, a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games and games-staging. In plot-didactic games, children perform certain roles, for example, a seller or a buyer, etc. Dramatization games help clarify ideas about various everyday situations, literary works, and norms of behavior.

Another type of didactic games are desktop - printed games, which are diverse in content, learning tasks, design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes. Among the didactic games for preschoolers, games based on pairing of pictures, selected by similarity, predominate. This type includes various types of lotto, dominoes, labyrinths, split pictures, folding dice, etc.

In the process of vocabulary work, it is necessary to achieve the realization of such qualities of speech as accuracy, correctness, coherence, expressiveness. Ultimately, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to select for utterance those lexical means that accurately express the speaker's intention. In order to isolate words from the flow of speech, a variety of game exercises are used in which children call different objects and toys, their properties and qualities with words.

Word games are distinguished by the fact that the process of solving a learning problem is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of ideas and without relying on visualization. Therefore, word games are carried out mainly with children of older preschool age. In addition to speech development, the formation of auditory attention with the help of verbal games, an emotional mood is created, mental operations are improved, reaction speed and the ability to understand humor are developed.E.S. Slepovich notes that word games, which are a kind of didactic games aimed at developing a child's speech, are effective for replenishing and activating vocabulary. In any such game, a certain mental problem is solved, that is,at the same time, both speech and cognitive activity are corrected. To solve these problems, various descriptions of objects, their images, descriptions from memory, stories from representation are recommended.Verbal didactic exercises: “Who will say more precisely?”, “Who will notice more differences?”, “Who will tell in more detail?”, “Who will say otherwise?” (an exercise for the selection of synonyms), "Say the opposite." Positive results give tasks for inventing and guessing riddles. Didactic game "Guess the riddle." At the same time, the teacher not only makes riddles for children, but also encourages them, focusing on an object, a picture, to come up with their own. Thus, in the development of the vocabulary of children of older preschool age, two sides are distinguished: the quantitative growth of the vocabulary and its qualitative development, i.e. mastering the meaning of words.

When working on a word, one must take into account that any speech action, statement is a process of setting and solving a kind of mental task.

Special work is carried out with children of the senior preschool to familiarize children with the concept of "word" by means of fiction, in which the word plays a large role: "Magic Word" by V. Oseeva, "Word Game" by A. Barto, "Tell me a word" by E. Serova , "On the words of various, identical and different" Y. Kozlovsky. The idea of ​​the word is fixed in a variety of vocabulary exercises, exercises for word formation. At the same time, they help to draw the child's attention to the semantic side of the word (the word denotes an object, sign, action). In the wording of the assignments for the exercises, the teacher uses the word: “Choose a word that is close in meaning. Say a word that is opposite in meaning, etc.

In dictionary work, the main attention is paid to the accumulation and enrichment, activation and updating of the dictionary based on knowledge and ideas from the life surrounding the child, the active use of different parts of speech - not only nouns, but also adjectives, verbs, adverbs. The formation of the lexical system of the native language occurs gradually, and not all children equally successfully master semantic units and relationships, so the educational process takes into account the interests and capabilities of each child.

Conclusion. Successful speech development directly depends on the child's sensory perception of the world around him. The process of quantitative accumulation of words by children is carried out based on their active knowledge of the world around them, taking place in the play, labor, cognitive, everyday activities of children. In order for the vocabulary of a preschooler to be systematically replenished, refined and developed, it is necessary to acquaint the child with new objects and phenomena, with their names. Xgood speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out. As the child develops, his need for communication increases, which stimulates the development of his speech skills.
Vocabulary work occupies a significant place in teaching speech: expanding the vocabulary, clarifying the meanings of words, and activating the passive vocabulary. Since the game is the leading activity of the preschooler, it is necessary to use various games and game exercises in the development of the child's vocabulary.


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