The unicorn is a mysterious creature. Magical creatures - unicorns What is the name of a unicorn with wings

Which are considered useful in almost all traditions. In the modern understanding, it is simply a mysterious beautiful horse with one horn. The traditional unicorn is a symbol that is represented slightly differently: with a goat's beard, a lion's tail and cloven hooves.

History of the unicorn as a symbol

Unicorns occupy a place of honor in Greek mythology, Chinese traditions, and the art of the Indus Valley and India. Greek writers, including Pliny the Elder and Aristotle, mention them in their writings. There are at least eight mentions of the unicorn in the Old Testament of the Bible.

In the art of the Middle Ages, the unicorn is a symbol with religious meaning. According to legend, a beautiful maiden in the image of the Virgin Mary managed to catch this wondrous beast and tame it in such a way that the animal trustingly laid its head on her lap.

Here the unicorn is a symbol of rethinking, the incarnation of Christ, and his death was seen as the Passion of Christ. The one-horned pagan became highly valued by the church.

Unicorn magic

The unicorn is a symbol of magic. His magical powers are also legendary. His horn is harder than the strongest diamond, and is capable of neutralizing poisons. And the tears of a unicorn can heal both physical wounds and sorrows of the heart. Some of them can fly and talk to all kinds of other living things. The magical unicorn is a symbol of freedom, healing and beauty. Powerful magic wands had unicorn hair at their core, and its blood could heal a person who was dying.

What does the unicorn mean as a symbol?

The legendary white horse or pony with one horn is a symbol of purity and innocence in European mythology. Only a virgin could catch and tame him. What is the meaning of the symbol?

  • Protection. The unicorn is the protector and patron of all virgins. Its horn has magical healing powers and was a popular ingredient in medieval medicines. It was a powerful antidote and protection from evil.
  • Virtue. The white unicorn is a symbol of dignity, chastity and purity.
  • Love and harmony. Unicorns are associated with the light of the moon, love, harmony and understanding. In medieval Europe, this gentle creature stood in opposition to the lion, which represented the more violent solar influence.
  • Another meaning of the symbol is associated with courage, strength, and sometimes cruelty.

Unicorns in heraldry

The unicorn is also a prominent and significant figure in heraldic symbolism and is usually represented with a spiral horn of red, black or any other color.

The unicorn in 15th century heraldry is profiled with the tail of a lion and the hooves of a goat, symbolizing the breaking of the shackles of slavery. This was prompted by the sacred status of the unicorn in medieval times. Becoming more refined, it was associated with the attributes of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.

These solitary creatures personified the model of monastic life. The connection with the Holy Spirit made them a symbol of mysticism and spiritual values. In Scotland, two unicorns are depicted on the royal coat of arms; the British coat of arms displays a unicorn with a lion.

Belief in unicorns

Of all the mythical and legendary creatures, from the scaly dragon to the cunning sphinx, the unicorn has always been the most beautiful and most beloved. At the same time fierce and proud, he was noble and kind. While many magical creatures foreshadowed danger, the unicorn usually brought good luck. For many centuries, Europeans believed in its existence, as if it were a real animal that lived in a foreign country, such as India, Persia or Abyssinia. There was an opinion that it was not a magical creature, but simply a sample of foreign zoology. At present, there is hardly a person who believes in their real existence.

Description of unicorns

One day, a fragment of a description of an unknown beast was found, made by Photias, Patriarch of Constantinople (circa 810-893 AD). He's writing:

“In India there are some as big as horses or even bigger. Their body is white, their head is dark red, their eyes are bluish, and they have an elbow-length horn in their forehead. The lower part of the horn, at a distance of about two palms from the forehead, is completely white, the middle part is black, the upper part is fiery red. Those who drink from a cup made from it are resistant to convulsions, epilepsy and even poison, provided that before or after taking the poison they drank wine, water or other liquid from these cups. Their ankles are very beautiful. These animals are very strong and fast, neither a horse nor any other animal can overtake them.”

Female symbol

According to legend, the unicorn is a symbol for women. It was believed that only a chaste young virgin with pure thoughts could catch him. Often on ancient paintings and manuscripts one could see images of these noble animals along with beautiful young maidens.

Unicorn in Canada?

Mostly any mention of unicorns is associated with China, India and Africa, as well as with gullible medieval Europe, which was characterized by belief in fairies, goblins and dragons. What do Canada and a unicorn have in common? Which country's symbol looks like a horse with one horn on its forehead? It is still located in Scotland, and it also has its own legends associated with it.

As for North America, disproportionately horned creatures lived here during the time of dinosaurs, capable of piercing several other large animals with their horns. These include the suborder Ceratopsia (centrosaurs). These creatures looked like giant rhinoceroses, which were incredibly impulsive and cruel and belonged to the Cretaceous period. As is known, more than sixty-three million years separate the last dinosaurs from primitive man. However, early fossil finds were very helpful in fueling the idea that large fairy creatures such as dragons and unicorns once roamed the earth.

In nature there are only two animals that possess one and the narwhal. The latter's tusk can reach 3 meters. It was truly a mythical sea horse with a horn. Found in Arctic seas, including the northern waters of Canada, the narwhal appears on a number of Canadian coats of arms. Animals, including bulls, deer, lions, griffins, unicorns - strong, fast and often ferocious - are a common practice in heraldry.

Unicorn as a national animal

Oddly enough, the official animal of Scotland is the unicorn. A fantasy character may seem like the wrong choice for a country's national animal, but that is not the case for a state that celebrates its love of a long history of myths and legends. Since the 12th century, the unicorn has been a Scottish heraldic symbol, appearing on an early form of William I's Scottish coat of arms.

Unicorns were worshiped by the ancient Babylonians, and written descriptions of them have been found in the texts of the ancient Persians, Romans, Greeks and ancient Jewish scholars. In Celtic mythology, the unicorn of Scotland symbolized innocence and purity, healing powers, joy and even life itself, and was also seen as a symbol of masculinity and strength. During the reign of King James III (1460-1488), gold coins were introduced depicting a mythical creature with one horn.

Unicorn today

People at all times have been fascinated by all kinds of monsters and mythical creatures. This fairy-tale character is still incredibly in demand and popular today. The image of a unicorn is found in films, literature, children's fairy tales, and comics. In souvenir shops you can buy a variety of figurines, jewelry, trinkets of all types and sizes.

How many unimaginable, beautiful horses in legends were given to us by Greece, Scandinavia, China and many other countries and peoples. Whatever they came up with, fantasized about, you can’t count all the mythical horses! The most famous magical horses are the unicorn and pegasus. Whatever people added to these horses, sometimes they made monsters out of them, which is simply terrible, to disfigure this holy and truly faithful, kind, wise, noble creature! But it never occurred to anyone before to unite two loving hearts and see what would come out of the love of a pegasus and a unicorn. Unfortunately, the pegasus and the unicorn found their love only in our time!

As I already said, the foal of a pegasus and a unicorn was born only in our time, starting somewhere in the 20th century.
Since there were many creators of the winged unicorn, it has many names and legends. For example, an alicorn is also called a winged unicorn or lionfish. But now the more scientific and common names for these indescribable horses are alicorn and lionfish.

Now let's talk about legends.
There are many legends about lionfish, but there are two most famous, I think everyone knows them.
The first legend says that one day in the spring, when a unicorn stallion entered into battle for a unicorn mare, instead of the second unicorn stallion, a pegasus stallion, who had long loved this mare, came out. His love was so strong that he easily defeated the unicorn stallion. If a pegasus, unicorn, or alicorn creates a family, then it’s forever! Over time, they had three foals - a unicorn, a pegasus and an alicorn. The fact is that in such a family a unicorn and a pegasus are usually born, and very rarely an alicorn, so alicorns are very rare creatures. But a pegasus whose parents are a unicorn and a pegasus does not have much magic, and a unicorn from such a family can jump very high and hang in the air for a short period of time. As for the alicorn, he is almost five times more powerful than the unicorn and pegasus, this combination gives him even more strength and magical abilities.

The second legend says that in very ancient times, the land of all unicorns was ruled by one very powerful mare, but she was terribly afraid that she would also be attacked by a very powerful stallion - the king of all pegasuses. And then the queen of unicorns made a deal with him that she would give him magical powers and a horn, and in return he would give her wings and the ability to fly.
Soon they fell in love with each other, united their kingdoms and had foals - alicorns, who found their soul mates among pegasi and unicorns, and so the great line of winged unicorns continued!

Previously in the 20th century AD. It was almost impossible to find an alicorn anywhere, but now there are a lot of them, from books to cartoons. Alikor, just like his parents, personifies wisdom, loyalty, kindness, nobility and rebellion! Among strangers, only those whose heart is open to him will love!
If you want to admire alicorns, then pay attention to the stunning, magical paintings of Josephine Wall, in which there is so much hidden magic!

Painting by Josephine Wall - "Sleeping girl riding an alicorn"

You can also meet many winged unicorns in the colorful and mysterious world of the North Country from the Bella Sara magazine series.

Spring Carnival, card of the Snow Tsar from "Bella Sara"

I don’t know about you, but I believe in mythical good horses, because horses are really capable of flying without wings, and without any magic, bewitching and making the hearts of many people fall in love with them! Horses - you are my heroes!

Knightmare is a mythical unicorn with a flaming fire instead of a mane. The Knightmare's fur is black with a bluish tint, its eyes are yellow or orange, without pupils. They are afraid of sunlight. They live in forests and near mountain meadows. The hooves of these unicorns are charged with a lot of negative energy. The blood of Knightmares is used by black magicians to prepare powerful poisons. These creatures are dangerous to approach, they are capable of breathing fire and tearing flesh with a single bite. Even a self-rescuer cannot save you from Knightmares. At the site of the death of the knightmare, a plant with dark poisonous berries grows. Untamed Knightmares serve only their own lust and rage. Unlike normal horses, Knightmares are intelligent and use the horse form only to deceive others. These black unicorns know your worst fears, and if you fall asleep in a place where they are found, they will appear in your dreams in the form of your fear.

Leber is a horse with swan wings. Lebers usually live in small herds, and most often fly to the coast of Loch Ness. Leber is distinguished not only by his specific swan appearance, but also by the so-called swan loyalty... This horse will be with you until your death, and will never betray you.

Continued under the cut. A lot of!

Kirin is a Japanese unicorn, a mythical creature that personified the desire for a bountiful harvest and personal security. It is said that he is a fierce follower of justice and law, and that he sometimes appeared in court, killed the guilty and saved the innocent. Kirin is the most important animal deity. The Japanese Kirin, unlike the Chinese Qilin, acquired much more “aggressive” features. So, for example, the ability to demand sacrifice for the bestowal of strength began to be attributed to him.
The Japanese kirin has many descriptions, but is most often depicted as having a scaly body reminiscent of a sika deer, a single horn, and a bushy tail. His body is often enveloped in flames, and the creature can breathe fire. According to mythology, he came out of the He Tu River, and on his back was a numerological diagram, which was called “He Tu”. This amazing animal does not step on plants and does not eat animal food. It is believed that Kirin is a messenger of favorable events, a symbol of prosperity and good luck. This celestial being lives for two thousand years, and can be seen only once every millennium, at the beginning of a new era - as they say, he appears at the birth of a great leader. Supposedly, Confucius's mother met Kirin before the birth of her child.
If the name is literally translated, “ki” and “rin” mean the male and female principles of the animal, and connect it with the yin-yang philosophy. In modern Japanese, "kirin" translates to "giraffe".

Thestral - Skeletal horses of enormous size. They can only be seen by those who have seen death. Thestrals are attracted to the smell of meat and blood. They are flying creatures. They are well oriented in space. But both Thestrals and Nightmares have a special dark beauty and require a very respectful attitude. Most likely the word "thestral" comes from the English word "thester" - darkness, gloom, dark. This word is rare and is not found in all dictionaries. But there is another curious fact that proves the linguistic relationship of thestrals with the Nightmares of Greek myths. The most famous Nightmares are those four individuals who were harnessed to the chariot of the Greek god of war, Ares. And Ares had two sons - Deimos (horror) and Phobos (fear). So, Phobos in Latin is “thestius”.

Amister A type of magical horse. Amisters are one of the most unusual mystical creatures. Despite their terrifying appearance, Amistras are kind and devoted companions, although it is not so easy to tame them, much less find them; they are found very rarely and, as a rule, in the most unexpected places. Amisters are immortal animals, it is impossible to kill them, since they, in fact, do not represent completely living matter, they are, as it were, woven from magic, fire and night. Graceful, black as night itself, Amistras are deadly in battle, incredibly fast, and their loyalty is legendary. The black skin of these magical horses shimmers with all shades of black and crimson, the tail and mane seem to be woven from tongues of magical flame, which does not burn only those whom the horse trusts. Amister's eyes burn with hellish fire, their breath is scorching, their hooves are hot to the limit, and stones melt under their steps. Many have tried to find Amisters, but so far not a single mortal has succeeded, although there are often rumors that they have sometimes seen a fiery horse in the night and heard its heartbreaking roar.

Tersan. No one knows for sure about their origin, but there is a legend. One day Neptune fell in love with a beautiful mermaid. There was nothing more beautiful than her in the world. They saw each other every day, but one day the mermaid did not appear. Neptune became worried. His servant sailed and notified Neptune that his beloved had been caught by evil people and wanted to show her around the world, but they had taken her to the other side of the world. Then Neptune called upon the powers of the oceans and seas and created a hundred Tersans. Faster than the speed of the wind, he rushed to the mermaid, but found that she was dead. The mermaid resisted, and the people killed her. Neptune grieved for a long time and ordered the Tersans to go ashore every night and leave bloody footprints in memory of the mermaid. They live exclusively in water, but at night they come ashore for just a couple of minutes and beat blood out of the sand or stones with their hooves. Nobody knows where they get the scarlet blood from. And why they come ashore at all also remains a mystery, because their environment is water and they feed, live and reproduce in water. Their bodies are made of their water. They are strong like a tsunami, fast like a hurricane and beautiful like the ocean. Their bodies are seething like boiling water. Their eyes are pearls of extraordinary beauty. Their blood is water from the purest waters on earth. When they come ashore, their bodies transform at the speed of the wave, and they become snow-white horses. But this lasts for several minutes.

Sleipnir - in German-Scandinavian mythology, Odin's eight-legged horse on which he travels between worlds. Odin's horse Sleipnir is also a huge ash tree that unites the heavenly, earthly and underworld worlds. So in this case, the image of a horse is associated with the universe as a whole. Sleipnir had a gray color, eight legs, and could ride on land and water. Symbolizes the wind blowing from eight main points.

Kelpie. This water demon, native to England and Ireland, can take many forms, although it most often appears as a horse with a mane of reeds. In Scottish lower mythology - a water spirit that lives in many rivers and lakes. Kelpies are mostly hostile to humans. They appear in the form of a horse grazing by the water, offering its back to the traveler. Demons also lure bathing children, and those, amazed by the beauty and docile nature of the horse, trustingly sat on it for a ride. The kelpie immediately rushed into the depths of the reservoir, carrying away its prey. The man’s legs were glued to the sides of the horse, and his hands to the mane, so there was no salvation for the man who sat on Kelpie. They say that Kelpies are able to jump on the surface of the water as if on land.

K'yaard is a very complex and difficult companion, which not every rider is able to cope with. Moreover, k'yaard chooses a rider for himself, as a rule once and for the rest of his life, and remains faithful to him to the end. Forcibly tame and enslave k'yaard is impossible. So what is a k'yaard? This beautiful, albeit frightening animal is often called “a relative of the snake,” and obviously for good reason - at least many of the features of these creatures clearly do not belong to the horse breed. equal to a medium or tall horse, its features are graceful but strong. They are bred in places located on islands. They can gallop on the surface of the water and in the air. They differ from ordinary ones only in the presence of huge fangs. Vampires usually use them to get out of the island to the continent.

Herd of Coliostro. Magic horses of the Calyosto live in the taiga, from birth each individual is associated with a wolf, when one dies, another dies after it

Gurria. A variety of magical horses, the most unusual and rare of all known.
Gurria is the rarest creature in all of Avalor. Traditions and legends are written about them, songs and ballads are sung about them.
Few people have seen this mysterious creature, many consider the existence of the Gurria to be a myth, but only the ancients know that this is not the fruit of phantasia, they know that the Gurria still exist today.
Little remains of the description of these magical creatures; it is known that in appearance the Gurrii resemble the Frestals, but are also very different from them.
Gurriyas are majestic, proud creatures, dexterous and graceful, devoted and faithful, kind and at the same time merciless towards their enemies. The color of these horses is completely different but at the same time unusual, the wings are huge and wonderfully reminiscent of the huge wings of the ancient metamorphs who once lived in these lands. According to legend, the Gurria originated from metamorphs who left their lands and took the form of wonderful horses.
Gurriya magic is unique, but not fully studied, and is hidden behind many secrets and mysteries. There have been many hypotheses that the Gurrii have human speech and are able to communicate with each other at a distance using telepathy, but this is just one of many other assumptions and guesses...
During the great battle with dragons, Hurriyas were destroyed in large numbers for their loyalty and mutual assistance to the enemy. Now - they have gone down in history as well as the completely exterminated metamorphs, defeated in the battle for their faith and freedom...

Noggle. In the folklore of the Shetland Islanders there is a water horse. As a rule, the noggle appears on land under the guise of a wonderful bay horse, saddled and bridled. Noggle is not as dangerous as the kelpie, but he never refuses to pull one or the other of his two favorite jokes. If at night he sees work in full swing at the water mill, he grabs the wheel and stops it. You can drive it away by showing a knife or sticking a burning branch out the window. He also likes to pester travelers. As soon as someone sits on it, the noggle rushes into the water. However, apart from swimming, nothing threatens the rider: once in the water, the noggle disappears with a flash of blue flame. To avoid confusing a noggle with a horse, you should look at the tail: the noggle's tail curls over its back.

eh-eshchka. In Scottish folklore there are two water horses, gray in color, treacherous and dangerous. Sometimes they turn into beautiful young men or giant birds. Eh-ear in the form of a person can be recognized by the algae in his hair. Introducing itself as a horse, the eh-ear seems to invite you to sit on itself, but whoever dares to do so faces a tragic end: the horses jump into the water and devour their rider, and then the waves throw the victim’s liver ashore. Unlike kelpies, which live in running water, ech-ears live in seas and lakes.

Lame Argamak.
Each pegasus had its own rider, but with the advent of Christianity, all magical animals began to be hunted, including pegasi. Something happened to his rider, so they seized the pegasus, but all attempts to tame him led to nothing, and as a warning to the “fiend of hell,” they cut his wings so that he could not fly without pain, and attached knives to his legs so that he could not gallop without pain. pain, and gouged out his eyes so that he could not see beauty. After all this, he became embittered with the world, and they gave him the name Lame Argamak....
Argamak is the horse of death, which gallops over the earth and cuts the threads of life. And if he throws off the bonds from his muzzle, his voice, or rather howl and groan similar to a neigh, will kill all living things...

Horse Hel.
In the old days, before they began burying the dead in a new cemetery, a live horse was buried there. This horse appears as a ghost and is known as the Horse of Hel. She walks on three legs and foretells death to anyone who sees her. This is where the saying comes from about someone who managed to recover from a dangerous illness: “He gave death oats” (to appease or bribe it).
The horse Hel sometimes appears in the cathedral in Aarus. One man, whose windows overlooked the cemetery at the cathedral, saw her one day from his window. “What kind of horse is that?” “This must be Hel’s horse,” answered the one sitting next to him. “Well, I’ll look at her!” said the man. Looking out the window, he became pale as a corpse, but did not tell anyone what he saw. Soon after, he fell ill and died.

Fasfer is a demonic horse that became a victim of human cruelty. They caught him and chained him, tightened him very tightly and tied the bridle so that the rusty bit would tear his mouth. They stuck a chain into my back so that it came out of my stomach. After all the torment he endured, he became embittered with people. And he kills everyone who gets in his way. There is a legend that k"yaard is the son of Fasfer.

mythical horned horse

Alternative descriptions

. (narwhal) family of dolphins

Howitzer with a conical charging chamber and a reduced barrel length

Heraldic image of a horse with a horn on its forehead

A hybrid of a horse and a rhinoceros, “found” on some coats of arms

The guy whose wife cheated on him only once (joking)

Mythical wild animal, similar to a bull or horse with a horn on its forehead, fierce, strong and fast

Mythical animal with the body of a horse/bull and a long horn on its forehead (mythical)

sea ​​animal

Marine mammal of the dolphin family with a long horn-shaped tusk

Narwhal, an animal of the dolphin family, the male of which has a long tusk

Antique cannon

Antique artillery smoothbore gun

An ancient artillery piece, a type of howitzer, with decoration on the barrel in the form of an animal

Ancient Russian smoothbore gun

Equatorial constellation

This is a whale, and a constellation, and an ancient weapon

Disc of the group “T.Rex” 1969

Siege weapon

The hunt for this fantastic beast was described by Boris Grebenshchikov

It was this animal that was placed on the coat of arms of Count P.I. Shuvalov, who was in charge of the arms office and under whose leadership weapons were supplied to Russia

Modern scientists believe that the legend about this animal originated in Phenicia and Babylon, where bulls and aurochs were depicted exclusively in profile

Name a mythological and heraldic animal that is similar to one species of equid, but has the distinctive feature of another

Opera by American composer D. Menotti

It was this animal that the ancient Chinese considered the embodiment of philanthropy and considered one of the main among all animals

A fantastic horse that can gore

A fantastic animal that can only be caught by a chaste maiden

Insect, beetle

The husband who was deceived once (joking)

Marine animal of the dolphin family (narwhal)

A creature with a long twisted horn and the body of a bull in ancient Greek mythology

Fantastic horned horse

Horse with alicorn

Narwhal's middle name

A horse that can gore

The husband who was deceived once (jokingly)

Mythical creature

Smoothbore gun (obsolete)

Fabulous animal

Fairytale beast

Fairytale animal with a horn on its forehead

In fairy tales, if the prince is not on a white horse, then certainly on him

White horned horse in mythology

. "alias" whale narwhal

The second name of the whale is narwhal

Dolphin narwhal

Smoothbore gun in mythology

Symbol of virginity in mythology

Equatorial constellation

Antique artillery smoothbore gun

Marine mammal of the dolphin family with a long horn-shaped tusk

Mythical animal with a horn on its forehead

Dolphin, narwhal

The husband who was deceived once (jokingly)

The mythical animal unicorn is present in many traditions. Various images of it are known: a goat in the East, and later in the West a deer or horse. He was always depicted with one horn in his forehead, most often spiral. “The unicorn is not a single, clearly defined entity, but a fairy-tale creature with many variations: for example, there are one-horned horses, donkeys, fish, dragons, scarabs, etc. Strictly speaking, we are dealing with the theme of a single horn...” (C. G. Jung, “Psychology and Alchemy”)

In the ancient world, he was considered to have come from India, where he was depicted as red-headed, with a white or black horn. Then he appeared in Babylon, China, Tibet, Greece. In the West, the apogee of his fame occurred in the Middle Ages. The unicorn represents power, the force that opposes the forces of darkness, maintaining balance in the Universe. It is a symbol of the sun's ray, purity, turning towards unity, towards the center. The spiral is a reminder of what remains unchanged through time. In addition, the unicorn is a symbol of transmutation, freedom and knowledge, it shows the way to those who seek the truth.

Many traditions speak of the unicorn as a mythical animal that personifies the highest power of Being. He is clothed in mystery and embodies the original unity, the beginning and final goal of human existence, the unity of opposites and the ability to overcome internal contradictions, universal love and compassion.

IN Babylon he was represented as winged. The cylinder amulet, dating from around 1800 BC, features two unicorns on its opposite surfaces, symbolizing the two sides of the Tree of Life. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the unicorn is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses.

IN Ancient China the unicorn (qilin) ​​is interpreted as a combination of two concepts: “qi” represents the male aspect, yang, the driving force, the energy of creation; “Lin” is the feminine principle, yin. Thus, the qilin represents the creative impulse and its endless expansion, as well as the unity of the opposites of male and female. The unicorn is shown to people only in exceptional cases. He is considered a messenger of happiness, his appearance symbolizes the rise to power of a good ruler or the birth of a true sage. The appearance of the qilin marked the birth and death of Confucius.

Qilin is associated with some historical moments of Chinese tradition. So, one day, 5 thousand years ago, Emperor Fu-si was sitting on the shore near the mouth of the Yellow River. Suddenly a qilin appeared, and the dirty waters of the river brightened and became crystal clear green. Qilin stopped in front of the emperor, struck the rock with his hoof three times and spoke to him in a voice that rang like a temple bell. When the qilin turned to leave, the emperor saw that his back was covered with magical marks, which he tried to copy. This is how the first written language of China appeared.

IN Tibet The unicorn is called "se-ru", it is mainly a gazelle or fallow deer that lives on mountain peaks. The unicorn is a bridge between Heaven and Earth, between the world of light principles and the world of dark and dense matter, manifested and unmanifested. The unicorn is a symbol of awakened consciousness, integrity and inner peace, it enlightens, shines in the darkness and, like the morning star, shows the way, inspiring people in the search for wisdom. The pediments of Himalayan monasteries invariably depict two unicorns turning the wheel of Dharma.

IN India The unicorn represents the power of spiritual wealth. He is both a destroyer and a creator. The symbol of the unicorn is found in the Atharva Veda and in the Mahabharata in the myth of the flood, during which Manu tied a ship to the horn of a giant unicorn fish.

IN Persia The unicorn represents the fertilizing principle, strength and the ability to purify. In a Persian manuscript of the 15th century. it is said: “As for its horn, it appears golden, with its help all corruption and vileness will be destroyed and dispelled.”

IN Hebrew tradition legend says that when Yahweh asked Adam to name all the animals, the unicorn was the first to receive it, and thus he was elevated to the highest rank. When Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, God gave the unicorn a choice: stay in Eden or go with people. The unicorn chose the latter, and was forever blessed with compassion for people.

IN Greco-Roman traditions, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin, lunar goddesses, for example, Artemis (Diana).

IN Christianity The unicorn's horn is a symbol of divine unity, spiritual power and nobility, in connection with this the unicorn becomes the image of Christ. The small stature of the unicorn is associated with the humiliation of Christ at his birth; its white color symbolizes purity, that which must be acquired by following the ways of the sons of God.

IN knightly symbolism The unicorn is associated with purity of feelings. The Unicorn, accompanied by the Virgo, is the personification of chastity and purity. It often represents the devoted love of a knight for a lady. The unicorn also represents the abandonment of physical love for a purer and stronger love. This is something like a charm of purity, a miraculous purification of bodily life and sexual energy, giving the knight strength and courage.

Alchemical The unicorn represents the stage of purification, the White Work. It signifies transmutation and spiritual evolution. His horn symbolizes the possibility of the Spirit penetrating Matter.

Along with the decline of faith, the deep meaning of the unicorn symbol gradually disappears. But the mythical animal, immortalized in iconography and sacred texts, is present everywhere and is ready to reveal its message to those who are able to hear it.

The saint stood up, dropping pieces
Prayers broken by contemplation:
One who had escaped from legend walked towards him
A whitish animal with eyes like a doe's
Stolen, and full of melancholy.

In the relaxed balance of the legs
The whiteness of ivory shimmered
And the white shine, sliding, flowed through the wool,
And on the beast’s forehead, as on a platform,
The horn shone like a tower in the moonlight
And with every step he straightened up in height.

Mouth with grayish-pink fluff
Lightly highlighted with white
Teeth that became more and more sharply marked,
And the nostrils greedily absorbed the heat,
But things didn’t catch my eye:
He threw images around,
Closing the whole cycle of blue legends.

Rainer Maria Rilke

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Naryshkins Noble family. Not distinguished by their special antiquity or merit, the Naryshkins in old pre-Petrine Rus' did not stand out in any way from the ranks of the large, middle service class of the Moscow state. There are information about the origin of the Naryshkins
Mexico, Teotihuacan de Arista
The Mexican pyramids of the Moon and the Sun are a pictogram of extraterrestrial civilizations. This complex transmits information only and is not intended for residential use. The dragon is a symbol of global cataclysms. In the complexes of extraterrestrial civilizations, dragons sometimes have open mouths
Dioecious and monoecious plants Monoecious plants: characteristics
​Similar articles​ Monoecious plants: characteristics ​listen, let's get into botany and chemistry together? bring a dioecious cucumber for a snack, and I’ll grab undiluted alcohol!!