For teeth whitening at the pharmacy. Which teeth whitening gives the best results: reviews. Whitening toothpastes

In this article, we will look at the best way to whiten your teeth without harming them. Today, the possession of a Hollywood smile is a desire not only for representatives of show business, since the price of the procedure is available to many, but good means for teeth whitening are not in short supply.

Unfortunately, now people do not pay attention to the advice and instructions of dental specialists, they cannot refuse a cup (possibly several) of coffee, chocolate, harmful carbonated sweet drinks, cigarettes, juices with dyes. And this is not the whole list of "enemies" of healthy white teeth.

How whitening strips work will be discussed in this article.

When dark spots and yellow plaque are found on the once white teeth, people panic, looking for information on ways to whiten teeth, read reviews of those who were able to find a snow-white smile, study methods to solve the problem and certainly run to the dental clinic.

We can say that in modern world this branch of medicine is at a higher level. Therefore, dentists offer a large number of different effective methods solutions to this problem, the choice of which depends only on the wishes of the patients and individual characteristics enamels.

All good teeth whitening products are diverse, differ in cost, purpose, and quality in the final result. Some specialists support only health-improving teeth cleaning, others - they can give anyone who wants Hollywood smile, which is shown by stars of various sizes on TV screens. Thus, it is necessary to be able to navigate in the amount of information that exists to address this issue, and to choose the right method that most closely matches and satisfies the desires of each patient.

Many people think that this procedure is quite simple and harmless, but nevertheless, you should be very careful when choosing a method to whiten your teeth. It is clear that every person faced with this problem is interested in what are the pros and cons of this or that procedure. The answer is simple - the presence of positive and negative aspects occurs with each method. As for the price and efficiency, they often depend on the individual structure of the teeth and the existing state of the enamel. In this article, we will also consider home way whitening teeth.

What are there?

In the practice of modern dental clinics, there is a certain list, including several methods of whitening, divided into two groups, which include both professional (on special equipment with medical devices, performed by a specialist) and at home. The latter means that the procedure is carried out at home, but not only with special preparations developed by dentists. This should be done under the supervision of a physician. How to find a good teeth whitening product?

Consider which remedies are the most popular and widespread of the professional options offered, as well as home and folk whitening methods that have proven themselves from the best side and are quite successful. In addition, we will identify all the pros and cons of these methods.

Folk remedies

Teeth whitening at home is not prohibited. To do this, you must have an idea of ​​safe means and not overdo it during the procedure. For a long time, a large number of folk remedies have been used that can freshen breath, eliminate dark plaque, give teeth shine and even achieve whitening in several tones. Such methods, undoubtedly, can cause a large number of doubts, discussions, discussions. And of course, folk methods bleaching has both its supporters and people who do not recognize them.

  • The paste is mixed with coal (it is better to choose the paste without coarse abrasive). Then they brush their teeth according to the standard scheme.
  • Activated carbon is diluted to a paste state, a few drops of lemon juice are added to it. The product should not be used for hypersensitive teeth.
  • You can use a mixture of baking soda and charcoal. The powders are mixed with water and gently rubbed into the teeth. Cleansing is aggressive and often cannot be used.
  • The charcoal is mixed with honey - this will soften the product. It has a positive effect on the gums.

Home remedies are very popular due to their affordability and low cost. Sometimes it is even higher than that of professional bleaching methods. To the most popular folk remedies include: hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, lemon (lemon juice or acid), wood ash, activated carbon, strawberries, etc.

The advantages of these methods include:

  • affordability of prices for everyone;
  • ease of use;
  • if used correctly, you can achieve the whitening effect of more than one tone.

The disadvantages include:

  • you never know what the end result will be in each case;
  • the occurrence of side effects is possible.

Effective preparations for whitening teeth will be presented below.


A wide range of inexpensive home whitening products include mouth guards, whitening gels and strips, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. The main components found in each of these products are hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The difference between them lies only in the methods of application. Teeth whitening products are available at the pharmacy.

Since mouthguards are the most popular, consider their use.

There are two options for them: some of them are developed based on the impression of a particular person's teeth, the second are universal, which are manufactured in an industrial environment. It goes without saying that it is best to use trays made individually, due to the morphological characteristics of each oral cavity.

It is a unique teeth whitening system. Reviews on this account are available.

How to use this remedy? Everything is very simple: a mass with a whitening property is placed in the trays, after which it is put on the teeth and is not removed for a certain period of time, depending on the complexity of the plaque. The hydrogen peroxide contained in the agent is capable of releasing oxygen, which, in contact with the enamel of the teeth, performs the whitening function.

When choosing active substance you need to know that the more visible effect will be from hydrogen, and urea is a softer and safer enamel agent.

What kind of teeth whitening? More on this below.

It is best to discuss the time of wearing the caps with the dentist, as it depends on the condition of the teeth and enamel, and the whitening course can be up to 2 or even 3 weeks. In order to maintain the effect obtained, it is necessary to carry out the procedure 3-4 times every 6 months.


The advantages of this method:

  • simple enough to use;
  • low cost;
  • the procedure can be carried out at any time and in any place;
  • no need to waste time going to the dentist.

Consult a specialist for information on how to use a teeth whitening tray.


The disadvantages of this method include:

  • the procedure takes a long time;
  • the effect obtained does not last long;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions is possible;
  • if the whitening composition has leaked out of the mouth guard, then irritation appears on the mucous membrane;
  • there is a risk of increased sensitivity;
  • it is impossible to predict the results of the procedure, since they will be individual for everyone.

Whitening strips

  • Crest. You can whiten your teeth in 10 days. Product reviews are neutral or positive.
  • Bright Light. Available in two systems: classic and gentle for use at night while sleeping.
  • Dr. White. A course for sensitive teeth is offered, which lasts two weeks.


Also popular with gel. It can be used with mouth guards, brush and toothbrush.

Whitening toothpastes

The most demanded manufacturers in this segment are:

  • WhiteWash.
  • Oral-B.
  • Lacalut.
  • Parodontax.

AIR FLOW technique

Whitening using professional methods is performed in a clinic by a dentist. Special compositions are used here as bleaching agents, 1/3 of which consists of active substances. In addition, the effect is enhanced by catalysts (chemicals, heat, laser or ultraviolet light).

The Air Flow technique is not whitening per se. Rather, it is a form of professional dental cleaning that removes hard and soft surface plaque.

This method will be most effective in removing unstable dark spots that have appeared as a result of frequent consumption of large quantities of coffee or tea, as well as cigarette abuse. The active substances for this cleaning are soda and water mixed with each other. And the efficiency from water is enhanced by pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this technique:

  • the procedure is painless;
  • carried out in a short period of time;
  • minimizing the risk of damaging the enamel;
  • low cost.

There is only one drawback of such a product - the effect of whitening in this way is not great.

Zoom technique

Zoom is a photo whitening based method. The procedure has several stages:

  • First of all, a whitening gel is applied to the teeth.
  • Then the properties of the gel are activated under the influence of a special lamp with rays of the required length.

This procedure lasts 2-3 hours, since the gel is applied more than once.

Positive and negative points

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the effect is noticeable - the teeth are whiter by 12 tones;
  • the result appears immediately after the procedure;
  • if the doctor's prescriptions are followed correctly, the effect can last up to 5 years.

Cons of this procedure:

  • there is a strong increase in the sensitivity of the teeth immediately after the procedure, which lasts about two days;
  • irritation of the gums appears;
  • the procedure is quite painful during the procedure;
  • the result can lead to an unnatural whiteness of the teeth;
  • not everyone has access to the price of the procedure.

Intracanal and laser whitening

Intra-canal whitening is used in a situation in which staining of one or several teeth occurs from the inside, as happens after filling the canals of the teeth with special materials that have the properties of changing the tone of dentin.

In this case, the whitening agent is applied inside the dental cavity, and not on the surface, then the tooth is filled for a while. Intra-canal whitening is performed in two or three procedures, which must be carried out at intervals of several days. If it is impossible to carry out it, crowns or veneers are installed.

When using a laser, the whitening gel is activated to the desired consistency. This procedure should be performed by specialists who know the nuances of teeth whitening that do not harm the patient. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to isolate the gums and mucous membranes, so as not to expose them to the action of the active substance, this requirement is mandatory.

With this technique, several types of lasers can be used, which are represented by diode, erbium or gas versions. Their choice is influenced by the intensity of the desired tooth shade. The result after this procedure cannot be said unambiguously, since it depends on individual characteristics. After carrying out this procedure, it is imperative to apply a gel that restores tooth enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pluses include the following points:

  • the effect is noticeable immediately, the teeth become whiter up to seven tones;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • the result persists for a long time;
  • it is quite safe when compared with other whitening methods.

The disadvantages include:

  • increasing the sensitivity threshold of the teeth immediately after the procedure;
  • rather high cost, which makes this procedure not affordable for everyone.

We have covered good tooth whitening remedies.

You can change the shade of your teeth by making them lighter by contacting your dentist or using special means at home. Introducing an overview of 10 teeth whitening products: which one is better?

A lot of products designed to restore the whiteness of a smile are sold in pharmacies. You can use them yourself, following the instructions.


Pastes remove pigment deposits from the surface. This is due to the fact that they contain degrading enzymes and abrasive components. When choosing such products for whitening teeth, you need to pay attention to the abrasiveness RDA. For ordinary pastes it is 75, for whitening - from 120. Examples of such pastes:

  • LACALUT White with sodium fluoride, which reduces hypersensitivity;
  • PRESIDENT White Plus- due to its high abrasiveness (RDA 200), it is applied once a week;
  • SPLAT whitening - there are pyrophosphates that dissolve tartar;
  • ROCS- with two abrasive components and calcium, which promotes mineralization.

Be careful with the whitening paste, don't overdo it.

If the abrasion coefficient is higher than 120, the paste can only be applied no more than once a week. The tool is not able to cope with hard deposits; professional cleaning by the dentist is required to remove them. Contraindication to use is


The gels contain carbamide peroxide. This substance interacts with saliva, releases oxygen, which penetrates into hard tissues and discolors dark pigments. It is better to whiten teeth with such means after professional cleaning: due to plaque, the lightening can be uneven. Peroxide does not affect crowns and fillings, so their color will not change. Examples:

  • REMBRANDT plus, in addition to peroxide, contains a combination of Citroxain®, consisting of enzymes and polishing agents.
  • ROCS- oxygen bleaching. It contains pyroxide, but the abrasive index is low, so the surface plaque is poorly removed.

Rinse aids

Rinses are bleaching agents that perform several functions: they remove food debris, soft plaque, and freshen the breath. Most popular brands:


The whitening effect of pencils is ensured by special components:

  • hydrogen peroxide, which removes plaque by reacting with oxygen;
  • carbamide peroxide;
  • bactericidal components, flavorings.

How can you clean your teeth with a pencil? The procedure is as follows:

  1. Rinse your mouth.
  2. Apply the pencil gel to your teeth.
  3. Withstand the amount of time indicated according to the instructions without closing your mouth.
  4. Rinse your mouth.

Popular pencil brands:

This lightening method is only suitable as an aid. The use of a pencil is contraindicated in the presence of caries and enamel defects, since its effect aggravates them.


They are transparent plates designed to be glued to both rows. They are coated with a gel that acts on contact with the enamel. It contains peroxides that provide bleaching through contact with oxygen and the destruction of organic matter.

Manufacturers claim that with the help of strips, teeth can be whitened up to 6 tones. You need to use them daily, in a course of 10-14 days (the duration is indicated in the instructions). The effect becomes noticeable after the third procedure. The disadvantages include increased sensitivity, uneven clarification as a result of a loose fit of the strip to the surface.

Brands on the market:

Remedies that whiten teeth at home

There are a number of tools from the category " traditional medicine"With which you can whiten your teeth at home.

Activated carbon

Charcoal is a natural adsorbent that absorbs fine particles and thus cleans the teeth. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory effects and helps to cleanse the entire mouth. There are several ways to brighten enamel:

  1. Finely crush two tablets, mix with 2-3 drops of water until a slurry is formed.
  2. The crushed charcoal is mixed into the toothpaste.
  3. Dilute the powder with tea tree oil instead of water.

Activated carbon can damage the enamel.

These formulations are applied to the teeth for two minutes, after which they are washed off, then the usual Toothpaste... requires caution: even with careful grinding, large particles remain, scratching the enamel.


Baking soda is considered effective but unsafe. It is used in the following combinations:

  • with hydrogen peroxide (diluted to the state of gruel);
  • with lemon juice;
  • with mashed strawberries;
  • with apple cider vinegar.

Traditional medicine advises brushing your teeth with one of these remedies for 3 minutes with a soft brush. The method should not be used more than once a week.

Be extremely careful with baking soda.

Soda is an abrasive, corrosive substance. A short-term effect will be followed by problems - thinning of the enamel, washing out of trace elements, increased sensitivity, caries formation.

Hydrogen peroxide

Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, the enamel brightens due to the fact that oxygen is released and destroys the organic compounds that have accumulated on the enamel in the form of plaque. It is used as a remedy for teeth as follows:

  1. Rinse with two tablespoons for 1 minute.
  2. Cleaning with the addition of soda (until the consistency of gruel). To make the product fragrant, add a drop of mint extract.
  3. A mask of a few drops of peroxide, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of baking soda. The composition is covered with enamel for two minutes.

Peroxide can weaken the enamel.

Using peroxide as a bleach can be hazardous. This substance causes allergies, provokes caries, weakens enamel, damages mucous membranes.


Best teeth whitening gel in pharmacy: which one to choose?

In the modern world, various special gels are often used for whitening home dental procedures, which are easy to use, low cost, they do not take much time to use, are safe for tooth enamel, therefore, reviews from people using these whitening drugs are generally positive. ... Whitening preparations are used to lighten the enamel in several tones. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on the existing condition of the teeth, as well as on the use of a particular remedy. There are opportunities to purchase these teeth whitening products at the pharmacy.

The mechanisms of action of the whitening gel on the enamel

The main element in the composition of the whitening gel is hydrogen peroxide, it allows you to eliminate dark spots, the appearance of which is caused by excessive intake of tea, coffee or smoking. When hydrogen peroxide elements penetrate the tooth surface, they begin a chemical process with the release of oxygen elements, which as a result provokes enamel whitening.

Also, carbomide peroxide can serve as a whitening element, its action is similar to a solution of hydrogen peroxide, but by its nature of action, carbomide peroxide is recognized by doctors as a more gentle substance and, therefore, best gel for teeth whitening.

Tips for using bleaches:

  • The choice of the product takes into account the condition of the teeth, all gels have a different percentage of the content of whitening elements;
  • If there are carious processes and other dental pathologies in the mouth, then the use of whitening gels is prohibited;
  • It is not allowed to get the bleaching elements on the mucous tissues, there is a risk of irritation.

The bleach is applied by:

  • Toothbrush - it is spread on soft bristles and gently rubbed into the enamel with massage movements;
  • Brushes - a more gentle effect is possible, a small brush prevents the substance from entering the gum area;
  • Mouth guards - the effect of the product is similar to the result of using the whitening strips.

Advantages and disadvantages of bleaches

Benefits of using whitening gels:

  • Simplicity in its intake, time saving - the substance is distributed on the teeth within 5-8 minutes;
  • The enamel is brightened to several shades;
  • High efficiency - the result is maintained for a long time.

Disadvantages of taking whitening gels:

  • There is a risk of destruction of enamel in a situation of penetration of elements into the zones of dental microcracks, into carious areas;
  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • The possibility of irritation on mucous tissues due to improper distribution of the substance on the teeth;
  • Risk of accidental ingestion of bleach - burns to the esophagus, pharynx;
  • Signs of individual intolerance, allergic reactions to bleach elements are possible.

For safe teeth whitening CARBON COCO. Made entirely of natural ingredients, Carbon Coco breaks down and absorbs impurities. The coconut charcoal included in the composition does not destroy enamel and gently removes calculus and plaque.

The use of bleach is advisable in situations:

  • The existing dark natural color of the teeth;
  • Changes in dental shade due to the work of medicines;
  • Darkening of the enamel due to excessive intake of red wine, coffee drinks.

Do not use whitening gel:

  • If there are pathologies of periodontal tissues;
  • With existing caries;
  • If there are diseases in the area of ​​the gums, mucous tissues;
  • For allergic reactions to bleach elements.

Famous brands of bleaches

Now there is a large selection of whitening gels. Some brands are very popular among the population because of their ease of use, high efficiency, or because of the minimum cost:

  • Plus White Whitening Booster is the best teeth whitening gel. The composition has various protective elements that allow it to be safe, but with high efficiency improve the color of tooth enamel. Also, this whitening gel additionally has protective functions to remove plaque or calculus from the tooth surface, and gives fresh breath for a long time. The drug is applied to the brush, combined with a paste, then the teeth are cleaned. The whole process takes quite little time, and the effect after such whitening is noticeable immediately - the enamel is brightened by 2-3 shades, the result remains for several months. Bleach cost - from 400 rubles;

  • Colgate Simply White is a reliable whitening product that gives you a crisp white smile in 2 weeks at home. Does not damage tooth enamel, is a safe whitening agent. The effectiveness of this gel is noticeable already on the 4-5th day of its use. It is used in the morning and evening time period after cleaning the teeth, it is distributed by means of a brush, avoiding the gum area, in the future it is necessary to refrain from eating food and water for at least half an hour. It is well absorbed into the enamel, reaching its effectiveness after 2 weeks of taking it, the result lasts up to a year. Brightens the enamel by 3-4 shades. Bleach price - from 1,500 rubles;
  • Colgate Simply White Night tooth whitener is characterized by safe lightening of enamel by 3-4 shades with a single dose of the substance for 2 weeks. Treatment with bleach occurs in the evening, namely before bedtime, the result lasts up to a year. The cost of the gel is from 1,500 rubles;
  • Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel - the product is used to clean the enamel with a brush, mouth guard. It is applied for 2 weeks, the enamel is brightened up to 3-4 shades, the whitening result lasts for more than a year. Pricing policy - from 1400 rubles;
  • Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel for sensitive teeth - designed for gentle whitening of enamel with hypersensitivity, the substance is distributed on the teeth 1 time per day, then after 5-6 minutes rinse the mouth with clean water. Tooth enamel is brightened up to 3 shades. The effectiveness is pronounced even after a single dose, the whitening result lasts for 12 months. This gel costs from 2000 rubles;

  • R.O.C.S. Pro "Oxygen whitening" - is intended to return the teeth to their natural white color. Bleach is applied 2 times a day - with toothpaste using a brush or mouth guard. The course of procedures is 28 days. A significant result is observed after a month of using bleach, lightening - by 2-3 tones. Located in the price range from 400 rubles;
  • Global white "Whitening Gel" - allows you to whiten the enamel by 2-3 shades in 1 week of its use. The application of this drug enamel occurs through a toothbrush, mouth guard, cotton swab. By time - it takes about 7-8 minutes. It is used to whiten hypersensitive enamel to acids, temperature extremes. The course of procedures is 1 week. The cost of bleach is from 400 rubles.

Whitening gels are usually intended for home use, but before using a specific product, you should consult with your dentist, who, based on the results of a patient's dental enamel examination, will be able to authorize or, conversely, prohibit one or another bleach in order to prevent the occurrence of serious dental diseases.

Tooth enamel is not always snow-white, and there are many explanations for this. Before you start whitening your teeth, you need to determine the nature of the enamel discoloration - whether it is external or internal. External discoloration is mainly associated with colorants found in food or drinks.

Internal changes are associated with a change in the structure of the teeth and it is already more difficult to cope with them.

What can darken your teeth

  • Long-term use of food and liquids that lead to darkening of the color of the tooth enamel (black tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, red wine), smoking also has a negative effect on the color of the teeth;
  • Medicines - for example, the constant use of antibiotics destroys the density of the tooth enamel and leads to the formation of darkening on it;
  • Age-related change in the color of the teeth;
  • Failure to comply with oral hygiene (including untimely brushing of teeth);
  • The harmful effects of external factors associated with the profession (applies to metallurgical production);
  • Darkening of tooth enamel due to trauma.

Tooth enamel whitening options

There are 3 groups into which teeth whitening methods can be divided:

  • professional whitening with a mandatory visit to a dentist;
  • professional home whitening, in which some of the activities are carried out in the dental office, some at home;
  • whitening at home.

Teeth whitening services are offered by almost all dental clinics.

Depending on the sensitivity of the gums and tooth enamel, the doctor will select one of the options: photo whitening, laser whitening and whitening based on UV rays - Zoom.

  1. Photobleaching. The essence of the method is that the dark areas of the tooth enamel are exposed to oxygen particles, which are formed as a result of the reaction of the gel applied to the teeth on the flash. The procedure is absolutely painless and durable - with proper dental care, the effect can last up to 5 years.
  2. Laser bleaching is similar to photo bleaching, but instead of a flash, a laser is used. Besides the visual effect of whiteness, this method helps prevent further cavities.
  3. Recently, teeth whitening technology has gained wide popularity. Zoom 3, which consists in the fact that teeth coated with a special compound are exposed to UV rays.

In order to whiten teeth at home, no special preparations are required; There are many tools available to help you make your smile more dazzling.

We recommend that you read this short video, in which you will find answers to the most common questions related to teeth whitening:

Features of teeth whitening at home

You can whiten your teeth at home, but you need to use only proven means so as not to harm the oral cavity. There are many methods, from using a special toothpaste to lightening with chemicals.

Choose whitening paste dentists recommend for intermittent use: the hard abrasive particles that make up its composition can scratch the tooth enamel, which will subsequently lead to damage to the tooth structure and staining with food and drink particles. When using such a paste, you need to listen to your feelings and pay attention to the condition of the gums for bleeding.

Teeth whitening baking soda is a proven method for decades. A small amount of baking soda is applied to the bandage and the teeth are rubbed. This method is not very effective, it is more suitable for those who have very little plaque.

The most effective, according to doctors, are whitening gels... The first option for using the gel is to apply it to the teeth and keep your mouth open for a while so that the gel has time to act on the plaque. Another option is to use a gel complete with plastic caps grasping your teeth. Here you need to keep in mind the fact that if it gets on the gums, such a gel can cause chemical irritation and discomfort, so you need to look at the content of the cleaning agent in the gel. This gel comes in the form whitening strips, pencils, in the form of syringes or in a tube, there are also kits with a lamp for activating the gel or without, with a lamp it is more effective, the main thing is not to run into a fake, therefore we do not recommend purchasing teeth whitening products on the first site that comes across without a reputation and reviews of real people ...

Also use compositions based on hydrogen peroxide, sea salt and activated carbon.
It is recommended to rinse your teeth with a composition of peroxide and salt for a minute; if you use a combination of these components as a mixture, then it must be applied to the teeth for a while, brushed and rinsed with water. Sea salt acts as an abrasive substance, since its particles are large enough.

A combination of citric acid, strawberries and mint can sometimes be used as folk recipes, but the effect of such a composition will remain almost invisible.

Before deciding on teeth whitening (either alone or in a clinic), you need to visit a doctor and get advice on the condition of tooth enamel, on the presence or absence of oral diseases. In the presence of such diseases, teeth whitening is contraindicated, since the whitening composition contains irritating substances that can increase the discomfort. Alternatively, you can start by removing tartar - you may not need deeper whitening.

You should also understand that teeth whitening at home is a long process, and you need to be patient and time-consuming and not expect a result after the first procedure.

Precautions for teeth whitening at home

Be extremely careful when whitening your teeth with acid-based products (lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and other folk methods), because irreparable damage to the enamel can easily be done. Ideally, it is better not to use folk methods, but to use certified products from renowned manufacturers, or to perform in-room whitening by specialists in a dental clinic.

Before you start whitening tooth enamel, you need to take some precautions so as not to spoil the mucous membrane or enamel, and not cause irreparable damage to yourself. First, you should stock up on herbal decoctions for rinsing - sage, chamomile, mint.

Nutrition should be balanced, including foods that should be high in calcium. As a rule, it is most abundant in dairy products.

Whitening procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women, children, people suffering from diseases of the oral cavity. You also need to take into account possible allergic reactions to the components of the whitening compositions.

And of course, you need to keep in mind that the results of whitening procedures are temporary, and only constant monitoring of the condition of the teeth and gums will lead to the expected result and a snow-white smile.

If you have any questions or want to add something, leave your comments below.

Sooner or later, almost every person encounters darkening of the tooth enamel, especially those who smoke or abuse coffee. In this case, professional whitening, which is done in every dental clinic, allows you to restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. But since this procedure is quite expensive, many people prefer to solve this problem on their own, using pharmacy teeth whitening products.

But coming to the pharmacy, many are faced with one problem - a wide range, which greatly complicates the choice in favor of one or another remedy. Therefore, now we will talk with you about which teeth whitening products are sold in the pharmacy and which of them are the most effective.

Various means for whitening teeth are sold in the pharmacy, reviews of which can be viewed on any official website of the manufacturer. First of all, I would like to note the special whitening toothpastes. They are easy to use and cost about 200-500 rubles.

Their use should be alternated with conventional toothpastes, as whitening enzymes can break down and wear away tooth enamel. As practice shows, the use of special whitening pastes does not give instant results. In one course of treatment, which is 3-4 weeks, you can whiten your teeth by 1-2 tones. The disadvantage of such pastes is that they do not contribute to the destruction of tartar, which also appears on the surface of the tooth enamel.

Natural toothpastes, which are presented in the American online store iHerb, are especially effective and efficient. Due to their special composition, such pastes gently remove plaque and calculus from teeth, whitening them at the same time. Also, an important feature of these products is their concentrated formula, thanks to which very little paste is needed to brush your teeth, so it lasts for a long time.

Today, many buyers have already appreciated the effect of such pastes. The following tools are especially popular among them:

  • This paste is distinguished by its natural composition and purest ingredients. Her main feature is a concentrated xylitol (25%), which destroys pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and acts as an excellent prophylactic against caries. This paste gently whitens teeth and removes tartar and plaque at the same time. Thanks to its natural ingredients, the product can be used by both adults and children from two years old.

  • ... This product, like all products of this brand, has a unique composition that does not contain harsh chemical substances... The paste contains only natural ingredients: plant extracts, soft polishing substances, etc. The paste has a double effect. It effectively removes calculus and plaque from teeth and whitens them gently. Suitable for the whole family. Teeth become noticeably whiter and stronger after just 7 days of daily use.

  • The secret of the effectiveness of this paste lies in its unique composition, which contains 23 natural extracts. This product gently whitens teeth, restores natural whiteness, removes plaque and calculus, and eliminates bleeding gums.

There are also pharmacy products for teeth whitening, reviews of which in most cases are positive. And these are special pencils that help to brighten the tooth enamel by 3-4 tones in just one application.

These pencils are very convenient to use. His appearance they look like an ordinary pen, but there are also pencils, which are presented in the form of a small container and a brush. The latter, by the way, are much more convenient to use. The advantage of such pencils for teeth whitening is that their use helps not only to brighten the tooth enamel, but also to improve the quality of teeth cleaning.

In addition, there are also special teeth whitening gels. They are used twice a day. After applying the gel to your teeth, you do not need to rinse your mouth. The gel is gradually washed off by means of saliva. For such a gel to be really effective, doctors recommend using a mouth guard. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Some whitening gels come with mouth guards in their kit. A small amount of whitening gel is applied to them and put on the teeth. Leave it overnight.

You can also buy special disposable teeth whitening strips from pharmacies. They are used for a long time, usually about 2 weeks (the exact duration of the course is indicated in the instructions for use). I use them 2 times a day, applying the strips to my teeth and leaving them on for 30 minutes.

In just one course of application of such strips, you can lighten the tooth enamel by 3-4 tones. The only drawback of this method of teeth whitening is that when it is used, there are unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and irritation of the mucous membranes of the gums. But according to the manufacturers themselves, this phenomenon is normal and is not a contraindication.

Means for whitening teeth in pharmacies have different prices. Their cost can vary from several hundred rubles to several thousand. Therefore, when choosing a suitable remedy, you should first of all pay attention to the cost of the drug and, of course, its effectiveness.

Whitening pencils still have an excellent value for money. They are really effective. But if you do not observe, then the effect does not last long.

But in any case, before purchasing such means for lightening tooth enamel, you should only after visiting the dentist. These preparations contain active abrasive components that contribute to the destruction of dark plaque. But they also affect the very tooth enamel in the same way.

And if it is already exhausted and reacts to a sharp change in temperature, then such funds cannot be used. In addition, they can also negatively affect the oral mucosa. Therefore, if you have ulcers or open wounds in your mouth, then the use of such drugs is contraindicated for you.

It should also be noted that all these gels, pencils and pastes help to brighten only natural teeth. If you have implants, then after such home bleaching, they will become too noticeable in the dentition. Therefore, if you have false teeth, you should think carefully before using whitening products.

Do you need preparation before using pharmacy teeth whitening products?

Before using pharmacy teeth whitening products, you must first prepare. You need to carry out a number of activities to strengthen the tooth enamel. This requires you to revise your diet. You should eat plenty of foods that contain calcium and vitamin D. These include various fermented milk and dairy products.

In addition, a few days before the whitening procedures, you must start taking. They can be purchased at the pharmacy, but you should first consult your doctor.

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