Walkthrough stalker nlc 7 i'm tagged

The game has a lot of tasks that are directly related to the main game task of the GG, but which can still be ignored, and at the same time the "life" line of the GG will not end in any way - the player will reach the end and see the credits. Should such tasks be considered plot tasks or not? What is a plot, and what is just an appendage to it, an offshoot for the sake of interest? This is all pretty subjective. Everyone decides for himself.

But we can say for sure that there is a chain of tasks, without which the player will not be able to bring his GG to the final point of the game. At the same time, he must necessarily go through some certain key points in order to be able to move forward to the next one. Yes, without them freeplay is possible and the game will be able to "live and live", perform various tasks, but not move on.

How long the player walks towards them, what he does in the interval between them, what other tasks he performs - does not matter for the game. The bottom line is that all of them must be passed sequentially, one after the other, so that the GG can crawl to the final.
Perhaps this is the "storyline" of the tasks. And it is very strongly intertwined with the line of the original game, the only difference is in the game's motives, goals and methods of implementation.
Here is the sequence of such tasks.

1. Bring the artifact to Sidorovich

At the very beginning of the game, at the first meeting with GG, Sidorovich asks to bring an artifact from the decay. It is not necessary to bring the exact "Medusa" from that place. The main thing is to bring any artifact to Sidorovich, otherwise he will get hung up on his request and will not give any further tasks.

2. Obtain documents from Agroprom

How and when the GG receives Sidorovich's call for a conversation does not matter. But after the call, Sidorovich will ask to get documents from Agroprom. You can steal them, you can take them in action, you can buy them from Sherstyuk, you can also bring Sidorovich not documents, but a demobilized album found in the Agroprom subway on a tip from the Deserter. In any case, this will give a pass to the Bar and the opportunity for the Bartender to give the next task.

3. Bring the documents from x-18 to the Bartender

How long the GG will look for an opportunity to get into x-18 and what he will do for this does not matter. It also does not matter how long he will carry the found documents from x-18 to the Bartender and what he will do at this time. It is important to get the Bartender's assignment, get into x-18, find the document, bring the Bartender.

4. Bring the documents from x-16 to the Bartender

This task can drag on for a long time, since getting into x-16 (without knowing right away how) is not easy. It doesn't matter how he gets there, how he gets out and how long he takes with the report. Time and methods do not matter. The GG must get into x-16, find the document and bring it to the Bartender.

5. Enable scanners on Radar

The task is given by Sakharov at Yantar. He also needs to report. Only then can the Burner be turned off. Time and methods are also not important.

6. Turn off the Burner

In fact, according to the plot, the GG does not turn off the Burner. But going on this assignment, he does not know it yet. The essence of the task is to go through the Radar, get into x-8, pull the switch (it does not turn off the Burner, but supplies power to the door at the exit from x-6), get out through x-6 and return with a report to the Bartender. The timing is also not set and the GG can then wander around the Zone as much as he pleases and do what he pleases.

7. Return to the Bar

It doesn't matter how long it takes for the GG to get to the Bar and in what ways, but it is there that the key playable character Ivar will be located, which gives the further direction of action.

8. Do what Ivar asks

Further, you just need to be guided by what the key characters Ivar and the Doctor say. Ivar asks to contact the scientists at the Rayon Center, and then read the Strelka's notes. The Doctor's notes. Thus, the further path is obvious - the Raytsentr, Bar, Misty Thicket (the Doctor is there). The doctor talks about the "den" - Strelka's cave laboratory. That is, it is necessary to visit the Cave and deal with the documents found there.

10. Visit x-10

In x-10, no one specifically sends. The GG, as it were, decides to go there after visiting the Cave, and then the Bar. In the x-10, the main task is to turn on the backup power line in order to get into the x-12 later.
After that, it will be possible to get into x-12 (on the Radar), which previously had no power.

11. Turn on the Burner in x-12

In x-12, no one specifically sends. GG, as it were, decides to go there and turn on the Scorcher after talking with Ivar and reading the Shooter's notes. How he gropes his way there, what he will do for this, how long it will take to "blunt", does not matter. But in order to get there and get out of there, he needs a decoder to open the doors, since no one will give the codes. The decoder can be obtained from Vergas.
You need to get into x-12, turn on something and get out of there through the Ivankovsky regional center.

12. Talk to the Ghost

After turning on the Burner, you need to talk to Ivar in the Bar. And after that, the Ghost will call GG. After the conversation, it will become obvious that you need to meet again with Ivar or the Doctor (Or both, and when completing the quest to move the Fang, possibly also with the Fang). Then again with the Ghost. After the second conversation with the Ghost, it will be necessary in any case to go to Pripyat (it does not matter whether the GG was there before and whether he met with Lebedev).

13. Complete the quest for planting "seeds"

"Seeds" is a conventional name. These are actually certain artifacts that the GG must put next to the "Matrix" at certain locations. This quest is given either by Lebedev in Pripyat, OR much earlier by the Monoliths in the Misty Thicket. One way or another, it must be fulfilled, since only after that the GG will be able to receive a "pass" to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant from Lebedev. (A player can actually get to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at any time if he knows the path. But only after completing this task, he will be able to exit from there and continue the game, and not end it there.)

14. Visit the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and find a way out

It is necessary to go through both locations of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, find the Strelka records, understand what is required, and based on the information received, find the entrance to the Monolith control bunker.

15. Exit the Control Bunker

In the Bunker, the player (and with him the Bullseye) finally reaches the game goal - he realizes himself, understands who he is. This he will tell the Doctor in the final conversation.
But there are two possibilities in the Control Bunker:
You can immediately go to the Misty Thicket and meet with the Doctor. After that, no quests are expected. Further - free play. Or you can walk through the dungeon, understand what is required next, and go to the final quest. Both are acceptable, since having entered the freeplay, the player can again go through the same path to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and now go to the final quest (if he wishes).

16. Get to the Monolith

In the final quest, the GG (having already realized himself) decides to get to the Monolith and understand the Shooter's plan (at his level of understanding, as he can).
Finding the way to the Monolith is the main task.
During this search, the player will have the opportunity to reach one of the final endings (or both, if he repeats the actions, but in a slightly different way). This is not to say that these are good and bad endings, there is no happy ending anyway. These are just two endings. But in one of them, the GG still does what the Shooter tried to do, but could not.

17. Watch the end credits

Only after completing all these steps will the end of the game be finally reached and the player will see the credits. After that, you can start a new game, if by that time there is still strength left for it :)

As the game progresses, the GG may remember something. These are not tasks, but memories and self-awareness are one of the main game tasks of the GG.
There are 5 memories tied to specific events. They are always the same in any game.
- A memory in a tunnel at the Garbage.
- Memories in the Agroprom subway.
- Memories in x-16.
- Remembrance in the Red Forest at the cross.
- Memories while cooking "Pendulum".

And there are 10 memories from my life.
There are 7 possible variants of these memories. Which version of the "life" of the GG will fall out - is laid down at the start of the game. Each memory comes as the GG walks around the Zone and they very briefly and fragmentarily reflect the main life events, sufficient for the GG to somehow become aware of himself at the end. As the memories progress, the gap between them gets larger and larger (that is, the gameplay manager remembers less and less often, and with a certain playing style, the "fast" player may not get all 10 fragments, although this does not matter for the gameplayer's comprehension). The longer the player lives in the Zone and moves more, the more his GG gets impressions, and with them associative memories. Something like this.

Video walkthrough of NLC 7 "Rethinking".

Video walkthrough of NLC 7 mod assembly "Rethinking / Rethinking" based on Shadows of Chernobyl. Happy viewing!
If you go through the mod on your own, there are timecodes of some key events in the video description. And you can also download the save that I made in order to experiment with something, see something, figure out something.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 01. Acquaintance with the village of beginners

Examining the game settings.
Conversation with the Swamp Doctor.
We study the game interface.
Loot in the Novice Village on Korodon.
We take the task from Sidorovich - to bring the artifact. They give us a knife.
First death, anomaly.
We find and bring the artifact to Sidorovich. We are given a belt for artifacts.
The next task from Sidorovich is to bring a container with an artifact.

StalkerNLC7. Series 02. Container for Sidorovich

3 container spawn locations.
Loot under the bridge (energy bank).
The spawn location of the container for Sidorovich is "southwest of the ATP".
We go in and loot the ATP (broken pistol, roll, empty canister).
Find the Medusa artifact at the ATP.
We take the container for Sidorovich, the spawn location is "north of the ATP".
Find another Medusa artifact.
Meet the military under the railway bridge, Major Kuznetsov.
Second death, anomaly.
The spawn place of the container for Sidorovich is "near the elevator".
We loot the corpse of the bandit and find the notebook on the elevator.
We hand over the container to Sidorovich, we get a new PM and cartridges for it.
We agree with Vergas about the repair of the notebook.
Operation Medusa. We bring one of our radioactive jellyfish with ATP.
We take the task from the Wolf to search for documents in the tunnel under the railway bridge.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 03. Documents for the Wolf

We take away from Vergas the repaired notebook.
We trade with Sidorovich.
We sleep.
We are moving forward on a mission.
In the tunnel with electrons we find documents for the Wolf, a PB pistol, an artifact.
We find the jellyfish behind the railway embankment.
We find a stash in the attic.
Talk to the Swamp Doctor.
With the help of the pistol we get the artifact from the radioactive truck.
We find the artist's notebook in the corpse.
We talk with father Diador.
We return to the Novichkov village through the military checkpoint under the railway embankment.
We find a gas cylinder at the military checkpoint.
We hand over the documents to Wolf and get our first AKS74-U machine gun.
We take the task from Sidrovich - to bring Nimble's flash drive.
We exchange artifacts from Sidorovich for first-aid kits and antiradi.
We find out from the Wolf that Nimble is held captive by the bandits at the ATP.

StalkerNLC7. Series 04. Save Nimble.

We save Tolyan.
Errors in the implementation of the script for Tolyan.
Talk about real stalkers.
We talk with Petrukha, choose a peaceful option for passing the quest to save Nimble.
We talk with the Wolf about the peaceful salvation of Shustry.
We talk with the bandits and Nimble. We'll have to look for the PDA in the Intestine location.
We talk with Petrukha, Wolf and again with Petrukha about going to Kishka.
We agree with Dan the hunter. We pass to the location of the Intestine.
Meet Kostya Samurai.
We find the camp of Dolgovtsy and Clear Sky.
We meet Ignat and Prosha at the Sawmill.
We find a gas station. We find the PDA for the bandits.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 05. Nimble Flash Drive

The tail of the pseudo-dog has deteriorated.
We hunt zombies.
We are changing with Prosha.
We return to Cordon.
We pay for the passage to Dan - the hunter.
Getting ready for a talk with the bandits.
We give the PDA to the bandits and buy out Nimble.
We take away the flash drive from Nimble.
We take from Nimble a task for a jacket with chain mail.
We return to the Village of Novices.
We hand over the task to save the Nimble Wolf, we get the Fort pistol and artifacts as a reward.
Farthing with gasoline.
We hand over the USB flash drive to Sidorovich, we get the special forces unloading as a reward.
We study the work of unloading.
We take from Tolyan and hand over the task for 5 dog tails.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 06. Moving to the Sanatorium

Getting ready for the trip to the Sanatorium
How to defeat NPCs stuck in the doorway
We clean the road to the Sanatorium
Find a can of gasoline
We find the corpse of a bandit with a mixture of unknown origin

StalkerNLC7. Episode 07. Monster of the Sanatorium

Find the slime artifact.
The Sanatorium monster has been defeated.
Lutaem Sanatorium.
We return to Cordon.
Find a jacket for Nimble.
We take the ointment for the Clumsy from the Swamp Doctor.
We find a can of gasoline on the farm.
We give the ointment to Neumekha and get a container for the atrefacts.
We give the jacket to Nimble.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 08. Going to the Garbage Dump

We "clean" the cordon from artifacts.
Getting ready for the trip to the Garbage.
Luggage storage at Stas.
We leave to the Garbage.
We save Yurik.
Assignment for the gun from Nut.
Conversation with the Bes.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 09. Good Bandit - Dead Bandit

Find a stalker suit
Fight with the chimera.
We help Shurik, we get binoculars, we find the artifact Blood of the Stone.
Helping Gray to fight off the bandits, we get a tip on the Mole.
And again the fight with the bandits.
Find the barrel for Yurik (MP5 chambered for 9x18).
We save Filka Laptya and get a tip on the gun for Diman Orekh and the Flash artifact.
We find the PS3-9d and AK-74 armored suit at the Dolga checkpoint.

StalkerNLC7. Episode 10. Helping the Stalker Imp

We give Yurik his machine gun, we get an artillery mod.
Give Yurik the burer's paw, get a tip for the Emerald Medusa artifact.
We take away with the fight the Emerald Medusa.
Fight with bandits.
We find a suit. mercenaries.
How to save the Imp from anomalies.
Night battle for the Imp.

NLC 7 I'm Tagged Reimagined by SeregA-Lus Download via torrent

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl - NLC 7. I'm Tagged - Rethinking (2017) PC RePack by SeregA-Lus

The assembly contains two game balances: "Light" and "Default". The first one with various innovations of the game balance, and the second retains the settings for the most part unchanged from the release version of NLC7. To switch to a different balance (and back), enter the g_game_balance default command (or g_game_balance light) in the console, then immediately enter the cfg_save command and exit the game. The storyline of the assembly with the ending from Mikelik, as well as with an alternative ending from him, similar to the assembly of Mikelik NLC 7.5. One of the main components of the assembly is a quality weapon. Some of the weapon visuals of the release version of NLC7 have been replaced with better ones. Some visuals have been reworked. Removable sights have been introduced. Also, one of the features that distinguish the Light balance from the December release is the changed weapon balance and other weapon ballistics, adapted to the game distances.

Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Action / Shooter / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher: Syak & CO
Publication type: Repack
Game version: 1.0006

Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn

System requirements:
Operating System: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / (64-bit) Full Dynamic Lighting
Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
Video Card: 1024 Mb / nVIDIA® GeForce ™ / ATI Radeon®
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0c
Free space on hard disk: 14 GB

THIS IS A WORK OF PEOPLE. IT'S MADE BY PLAYERS FOR PLAYERS. The basis of this product is the assembly of NLC7_light from SOB and Co. When compiling this build, the wishes of many players were taken into account. Some of the changes are on the conscience of the authors.

Additions, changes and fixes to the NLC7_light assembly from Mikelik.
1. Added the final quest after the Tagged realizes himself. After the quest, no freeplay is expected - definitely the end of the game and credits. You need to get to it in the Monolith control bunker. The possibility of going to the previous ending is also left, as it was - a conversation with the Doctor and further freeplay. In this case, there is no direct access to the final quest. But you can go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant again in freeplay and go to the final quest.
2. Added a sleeping place in Limansk.
3. Added a vice in Kishka, Limansk, Agro, at the base on Swamps, in X-12.
4. Added a fireplace in the Bar in front of the dog lover.
5. The reputation and rank of the GG are added for some important plot and secondary tasks (and not only for and cyclical quests).
Changes. Reputation for completing story missions has been reduced.
1. "Underground Agroprom" in exceptions for theft.
2. Removed the mill from the Bar location (not the place for such an archaic structure in the industrial area of ​​the Rostok plant)
3. Kuznetsov always has first-aid kits (let him trade and not show off, since Kuzi himself is not often at the place).
4. Kuznetsov in the dialogue does not mention special first-aid kits, but speaks about simple ones, which corresponds to the sale - 2 per bottle, not 1.
5. Petruha gives a half-full pseudo tail (and not almost faded, as it was before).
6. From Fang for a psi helmet - a useful bonus.
7. The number of documents bled in the X-8 has been significantly reduced (these tons of waste paper are useless).
8. The number of documents laid down in the X-18 for Sakharov has been significantly reduced. (Sakharov takes the docks; the title has been corrected.)
9. Disabled dialogues between Sakharov and the Cook about the teleport to Pripyat (it is not logical for them to know the fast way there).
10. Disabled spawn of cats at Nut's house in Gut. The jerboas are slightly pushed aside.
11. Shinkar asks for 3 claws, not 7 for a teleport (there was an unrealistically high price even for NLS).
12. Found "Compasses" are designed for 5 teleports.
13. Added a dialogue with Lukash about the departed Vasiliev (after "turning off" the Radar).
14. Initially, there is no transition from Pripyat to Chernobyl and vice versa. Transitions to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and from there are only plot-based (it is illogical to go back and forth to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as if it were to your home).
15. The receivers of the Barman and Mikhalych have been rearranged so that the player can turn off the music if he wishes.
16. After returning from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the spawn of cats and dogs in Limansk near the bandits' house is disabled (because of them, a stupid war begins, which is no longer necessary in terms of the plot).
17. Sidorovich always takes rare art and does not show off.
18. Aquatic always have water.
19. It is enough to lead Matveev through the Wild Territory to Bar. A dialogue with Sakharov about this has been connected.
20. You can report to Sakharov about the beacon for Matveyev.
21. Tasks for Sakharov's teleports are connected.
22. Dialogue with Psycho for Max is connected. And with Max about Psycho.
23. Mikhalych takes the Sparrow's potion.
24. Fixed Max teleport from AC to Amber (thrown to Cordon).
25. Fixed dialogue with Sakharov about Vasiliev (if not led by Matveyev).
26. Added description for emerald build.

Corrections from Zagolski.
1. Strengthening - "Spreading" the costumes works correctly.
2. Theft from nychek, robbing everything and everywhere. See above for exceptions.
3. Payment for luggage storage, it works properly.
4. Some other fixes in scripts that did not work.
5. Fix damage to "Pendulums", artifacts "Compass" and "Dandelion".

Trading - from Dmitry (GrayCat)
1. Traders revised, corrected, on the subject of assortment, pricing and "altruism". Different NPCs ask for a different price for the same product.

From a group of comrades (result of joint discussion by Mikelik, Mari, waylander, igor.doc.)
Changes, fixes, additions.

1. Rearmed NPCs in all locations, almost removed from the game SIGs and ILs.
2. Abakans and almost all weapons with optics have been taken away from the NPC. Abakans remained in hiding places and awards.
3. The entire long barrel will now be in the second slot, get used to it.
4. The Wolf's Cache, since Petruha has a conversation. Little bonus. Not "useless" and not "so-so." The answer is below. Proposals to continue this thread are accepted.
5. Inserted KEP's quest on the AU about the cache of an "unknown stalker", since there is a game dialogue. Available to those who have not yet communicated with the CEP, after defending the Barrier. For the rest, unfortunately, it will not be available.
6. Inserted Voronin's quest about a case from TD, available after x16.
7. Prices from traders, barter. Bugs have been fixed, changes have been made to the assortment and the cost of the goods. Prices for some goods are reasonably increased.
8. New trunks: Fort-17 at Sherstyuk and Agram 2000 at the Sultan.
9. Sherstyuk instead of SN. Abakan, AK-74N with PSO included.
10. Kuznetsov has AK-47 instead of RPK-74, Sherstyuk now has RPK-74 instead of PKM in exchange.
11. The quest has been changed for the bartender, to bring PKM, he will ask for RPK-74.
12. Have Zhila instead of Abakan and MP-5, now Uzi and AKS. The dry ration has been removed from the exchange. Trouble with the engine, as smart people explained.
13. Forester in RL changes parts only for shot, zhekans, drums and vodka.
14. The quest for dismantling the blockage in the X-18 has been corrected. The Bartender will help you to disassemble it - for money, and the Raven - for artifacts of the second level.
15. Cyclic tasks (quests) - fixed, which can be fixed. Corrected, taking into account the changes, the quests themselves, rewards, the number of required items and the execution time. The rest are off. Wolfhound has been disabled from quest givers. A quest for the ownerless "Healing Beryl" has been added to Lukash.
Special thanks to Lemberg-73 for being vigilant.
16. Added a bonus from Seraphim, after installing the third scanner. Previously, this "useful" bonus in the game was able to get a few players. The time for installing scanners has been increased to 5 days.
17. Fixed dialogues that do not have a game continuation.
18. No strengthening - "smearing" weapons on the Swamps.
19. The flashlight shines - a little brighter and a little further.
20. Fixed, corrected inaccuracies in item descriptions, etc.
21. Revised all loot in caches, removed obvious "garbage". In theory, if the cache script works correctly, there won't be much "fat". And it turns out that the main rewards, the player does not receive for completing quests and tasks, but stupidly snagging someone else's - acquired.
22. Pendulums and Modifications have been removed from the caches, almost all Dummies. Airships and Dandelions have been removed from the caches, at the initial locations, except for the Hog's cache
23. The Sultan has a little perturbation.
24. Lived and changes are not charged PDA, only the price has increased.
25. At the CEP in the Swamps, for the quest "disappearance" of the nerds, Stechkin and AK-74 with an increased magazine were added to the reward.
26. Zombies and Chimeras are slightly reinforced by small arms. Burst damage added to Chimeras.
27. Added PDA to military and mercenaries, mercenaries are connected to caches.
28. The percentage of PDA loss in zombies has been raised.
29. Hog gives Bison for an accordion, instead of MP 5.
30. Replaced some of the rewards from the NPCs.
31. Shell, BBB and SR have only positive properties. Fixed symbion config, now art will be more in demand. Configs have been tweaked to the modifiers, maybe they will fail less when lifting and hitting on the GG.
32. At Tooth, the price for recipes for Mods has increased by 30%.
33. Specific services of traders and other NPCs have risen in price.
34. Returned the shaking during the Ejection. Time did not change ± 36 hours.
35. Screw and quest to repair the Flamethrower. We hope everything (timers) will work correctly.
36. Semyonov's decoder spawns in a room with cells, at the x16 console.
37. Added the ability to attach the 1PN93 "Malysh" sight to the AK-104.
38. Trade. NPCs sell junk at different prices.
39. Arnie does not exchange the Artist's album, art without properties.
40. Cache of Bricks. Content and text corrected.
41. Reduced wear of exoskeletons when walking.
42. The loss of PDA in the NPC loot is increased by 10%, not of caches, but of PDA.
43. Fixed title in the game menu.
44. In Borov's hiding place, on the AU, there are three exes in random, to whom which one will fall out.
45. Some additions for measurements on Yantar and Radar. Whoever gets there will appreciate it, share their opinion.
46. ​​Now you can get the entire line of Soul modifiers without using the services of the Tooth. We carefully read the dialogues. Some of the recipes are given by NPCs, some are a game bonus.
47. Mikhalych - the text about the "power engineer" Sparrow has been sent.
48. Shinkar - about claws, corrected text in PDA.
49. Corrected, added entries in the PDA.
50. Removed "af_medus_new" that spawned after Semetsky's "death", crashed.
51. Lisaped no longer takes up weapon upgrades. Until something intelligible comes up.
52. The attack of the bandits at the Dump was postponed to a lighter time of the day at 17.00.

1. Fix exchange of canisters from Jack Pavlov
1. Gunsmith from the Gunsmith (aka Mari).
- new configs on the "Light" balance
- revision of configs on the balance sheet "Default"
- ballistics on the balance sheet "Light"
- new models of weapons and add-ons in the assembly: AK-107/108, FN2000, Mini Dragunov, APS, RPK-74, RPG-7, Gauss pistol / Gauss rifle, SVD-S, TOZ-34, TOZ-66 , Saiga-12K, Vepr-12, AKM "Spetsnaz", Mossberg500, Fort-17, ultrasound, removable sights and silencers
- edits of the models of the release mod NLC7
- textures, hood settings, weapon sounds and other little things

Latest weapon fixes:
- updated visual of PP UZI + new sounds
- edits APS: model, texture
- Winchester 1200 replaced by FORT-500
- added missing bump texture to Beretta pistol
- changed the sound of reloading the pistol FORT-17
- replaced the sound of the shot Remington 870

Weapon Assistance: PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Alkseur, _Andrey_, Ghost-2142
Adaptation of all of the above to the NLC_Light assembly - from the authors of the assembly Mari, waylander, igor.doc
Full passage of NI with a new ending and most of the fixes, tested - from Cordon to Sarcophagus and back.
Thanks vvdok and -R-V-S-
P.S Thanks to all those whose names have not been named, but who responded and the inaccuracies and errors they identified were corrected and included in this patch.

Changes and additions:
1. Inserted a quest to "improve" artifacts in the Misty Thicket. We speak with scientists in the Swamps. (thanks Mikelik)
2. Added dialogues for the Raven. There is an opportunity to pick up on "unique" things.
3. Revised recipes for artifacts of the "Dummy" class and some artifacts of the 3rd level. We look at pictures of recipes. Previously received recipes will not work. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
4. Changed the characteristics of artifacts, modifiers and absolutes in the direction of "improvement".
Description of rare artifacts. Thanks olodkav.
5. Artifacts now disappear when worn on the belt when the wear is above 85%. Thanks to Zagolski.
A separate option, for amateurs, where artifacts explode.
6. Revised plot caches and stalkers' caches.
7. Changes to barter for some merchants and characters.
8. NVD for exoskeletons from den1s.
9. Chimeras are slightly weakened, Giants are slightly strengthened.
10. Rewards and costs for completing some cyclic quests and at the request of stalkers have been revised. Rasp and Chinese, take any Savior. Sakharov will also take the "smeared" suit.
11. Tweaked the repair of armor and weapons with repair kits and in a vice.
12. There is a continuation of the Wolf's cache on ZX, but available only to those who have not yet found it.
Well, on the little things, about 50 points ... mostly not related to the gameplay.

Description of work on weapons:
1. Replaced the visual of the Famas G2 machine (sold by the Sultan)
2. Replaced the visual of the pistol Beretta-93
3. The visual of the Beretta-92 pistol has been refreshed. Minor model edits, texture changed.
4. Added removable sights for the following weapons:
- automatic machine AS Val
- SIG552 submachine gun
- G36 Compact submachine gun
- Famas F1 submachine gun
- Famas G2 assault rifle
- UMP45 submachine gun
- submachine gun Bizon
5. Added silencers to weapons:
- UMP45 submachine gun
- submachine gun Uzi
6. Minor changes to the Fort-17 pistol.
7. Minor revisions of the Vepr12 rifle
8. Replaced textures of some weapons with more detailed ones and bump to them.
9. Replaced the sounds of gunshots:
- automatic machines of the G36 line
- pistol Beretta-92
- Browning High Power pistol
10. Added the sound of a shot with a silencer to the UMP45 submachine gun.
11. removed the rocking of the Fort-12 barrel during aiming.
12. Changes in the description of some types of weapons.
13. Reduced the magnification of the 1PN93 sight to its original value.
14. With the PKM machine gun, on the balance of Light, you can now run.
15. Rebalancing of pistols and submachine guns of 9 mm caliber.

Patch 2.5.1 from 09/10/2017 includes all previously released patches and fixes for build 2.5
1. The recipes are completely revised. Radically.
2. Added 5 new ones. "Chunk of Meat", "Slime", "Sea Hedgehog", "Battery" from "Snowball" and "Twist" from "Jellied".
3. Added an eye to the poltergeist. The eye has been added to a couple of recipes.
4. Added glow to artifacts from Zagolsky.
5. Added a quest about "Pendulums". Continuation of the gauss pistol quest.
6. There is a possibility of "charging the Compass" in the radar.
7. The Sultan is tweaked.
8. Trade.
9. New icons, dreams, end credits.
10. And a lot of little things ...
Thanks - mikelik, Grisli, Paradox, vvdok, -R-V-S-, Graycat, den1s

Hanging Stas
Unfortunately, there is a problem with the hanging logic of Stasik - Sidorovich's guard.
Most often this manifests itself when Sidorovich arrives after a rest.
Stasik either stubbornly sticks around his campfire in the house, or is somewhere not far from the Novice Village.
At the same time, all dialogues work for him, and the door to Sidorovich opens, but at the same time messages about problems appear in the console.

The ways
1. At about 5.30 am, go to Kuznetsov under the bridge and wait there at 6.20 am.
Make a save at this time, completely exit the game, and after loading this save, return to the DN.
Stasik will be at his workplace.
What works here is that Stasik finds himself outside the zone of the game "life" and normally fulfills his task.
2. Also at half past five, go to the Swamp, and wait there for 6.20, then make a save for safety, exit the game, load this save and return to the Cordon in the DN.
The result will be the same as in the first option.
3. Go to the swamp and wait for the release.

Bug with unkillable Zombies
The armed zombies have a bug, well, you can't kill them, at least get enough sleep. Reboot from your desktop. This bug is from the old engine.
Also advice to shoot armed zombies in the body.

Dark valley
So that the bandits do not suddenly become enemies.
When completing the quest to save the long-term man, try to complete everything without intermediate saving.
Heal the wounded bandit only after the rescue of M. Luber.

P.S. You cannot save near Sidorovich and near quest NPCs! Sidor can simply disappear!

Repack features:
Nothing cut / Nothing recoded
Game version: 1.0006
Game version: patch from 11.03. 2018

The repack was updated 03/19/2018. added patch from 11.03. 2018. Added add-on, save anywhere (set as desired).

Spawner for NLC 7 I'm Tagged

The NLC 7 mod was presented to the players as a story project, with the original name "I'm Tagged", which immediately after the release, generated a lot of controversial reviews. The players were divided into two camps, those who did not care about the presented realism and those who, on the contrary, experienced a lot of positive emotions from the passage, enjoying the hardcore gameplay and the everyday life of the protagonist close to reality in the Exclusion Zone.

Surviving the game, especially for a newbie, became significantly difficult, given the peculiarities of the gameplay, an unprepared stalker involuntarily had the impression that everything around really rebelled against him. An adapted spawner for nlc 7 I Am Tagged will help to save the day and help to fully enjoy the game.

The spawner is fully compatible with the open version of nlc 7 I Labeled, an assembly from SOB'a and Mikelik. The spawner is equipped with a convenient and intuitive spawn menu, with quick navigation through sections and items sorted in them. With its help, the main character can be equipped and dressed in the best armored suits, armed with rare and lethal models of small arms, improve his financial situation, generate or restore any game element necessary for the plot. In addition to the script for spawning game items, the developer tried to simplify the gameplay by bringing its mechanisms closer to the original game. The spawn menu is fully adapted and includes all items. artifacts, quest items, weapons, etc.

Cheat edits to facilitate gameplay:
Returned to the standard save system by pressing the F5 key (now there is no need to light fires to save).
The number of cartridges was increased to 30, in the left and right slots from 10 and 30 respectively.
Reduced the stamina limit when running the main character.
Returned the health regeneration system from 0 to 0.01%.
Matches in the game are only needed to start a fire, respectively, their cost is reduced, and the number in the box is increased to real values ​​- from 38 to 45 pieces.

Management and launch:
During the game, you must press the ESC key.
Once in the main menu, press F1.
Next, moving through the tabs (Weapons, Ammunition, Sheds, Costumes, Artifacts, Items, Quest, Animals), select the required game item and press the "Get" button.

How to install the spawner:
Unzip the downloaded archive.
Copy the resulting gamedata folder to the game folder.
When copying, agree to replace the files.

Name: Spavner nlc 7 I Labeled for assemblies SOB'a and Mikelik

About the article:
In this article, we will consider all the main NPCs in all locations of the Exclusion Zone. After reading this article, you will find out their location, role, capabilities, etc.

Quest NPCs

There are many so-called quest NPCs in the game, that is, those that can give tasks or somehow guide the GG through the game. The five most important NPCs are immortal and theoretically nothing can happen to them. They give the most important plot tasks, without which it is impossible to completely complete the plot. The rest of the NPCs, although each are needed in their own way for the game, but in their absence (death), the plot should not collapse. Many players make it their task not to lose a single quest NPC for the whole game. A list of such "important" NPCs at locations has been compiled for them, indicating their role in the game. Doctor

The first one we meet at the Cordon. During the game, he may disappear for a while and he is nowhere to be found. But at the right moment it appears in any case. He does not give assignments, but everything that he tells the GG matters.


Merchant in the Cordon. Gives an important plot task at the beginning of the game. Without it, there is no access to the luggage room on the Cordon. During the game, he can disappear for a while according to a certain schedule - every 6th, 7th day of the game, he is not there. Also gives random (random, optional) tasks. At the right moments in the game, it gives transitions to some locations.

Assistant professor

The techie at the bar. Gives important storylines of the GG as the game progresses. Helps to solve some plot tasks.


Chief Scientist at Yantar. Gives important storyline missions and directions in the course of the game. Also gives random (random, optional) tasks. Trades. It takes with artifacts, writing money to the virtual account of the YG and debiting from it for purchases. At the right moments in the game, it gives transitions to some locations.

Main NPCs



Repairs weapons and armor. Gives an optional task to search for medicines in the Sanatorium (useful for Sparrow). Charges the PDA. Sells repair kits. Over time, the prices for his services and the price of repair kits are growing. You can buy unloading from him. After turning off the Vyzhigatel, he will move to the Ivankovsky regional center.


Sidorovich's guard. Provides access to a luggage room, but only if Sidorovich is in place. When he is not there, he sits in a house on the outskirts of the Novice Village. With Stas, you can play dice and win vodka or lose an artifact of the first level. Up to three wins per day.


Senior in Novice Village. Gives you several specific tasks. It can also issue random (random, optional) tasks. After taking documents at Agroprom he will move to Warehouses, later to Limansk. You can get from him some kind of recipe for art transformation. Gives 5000 for passage to Kishka in the case of Shustry (they can be healed and not go to Kishka).


Wolf's assistant. Can help in attacking ATP bandits if needed. Asks to bring a gun, gives a positive "Bengal fire" as a reward. Gives a doggy tail to exit Gut in the case of Nimble. You can get from him some kind of recipe for art transformation. Later he moved to the Forgotten Farm.

Sad sack

Gives you a couple of simple tasks. Gives quests a container for 8 artifacts. You can get some kind of recipe for art transformation from him. For vodka talks about six NPCs.


Prisoner at the ATP. Gives the task to find a jacket, talks about the burer in the Sanatorium and the "Bubble" artifact. Gives a dosimeter on assignment. You can get some kind of recipe for art transformation from him. Walks around the Zone. Can wander into the Dump and Bar, later to Pripyat.


The main warrior under the bridge. Trades in ammunition and first aid kits. Skips for the railway, at first for 3 bottles, then if you establish relations with him for 1. Later, after one of the tasks, he will skip for free. Starts trading with GG if you bring him 10 bottles of vodka. You can get some kind of recipe for art transformation from him. You can buy unloading from him for vodka.


Deputy Wolf after his departure. Appears after the assignment in x-18. You can get some kind of recipe for art transformation from him. Later he sets up teleports for GG to Gut, Swamps, Warehouses, Amber.

Talks about Gray in the Garbage and Red. Gives a couple of simple tasks and artifacts as a reward. Will move to Agroprom in the tunnel to Ryzhiy. After turning off the Burner, it will disappear from the Zone. You can get some kind of recipe for art transformation from him.

Ivan Nebov

Appears after the first return of the GG from the Junkyard. Gives (not for nothing) Walnut's gun. Tells about the base of "Clear Sky". You can get from him the transition from Cordon to Swamps. Then he leaves for Limansk.


Appears in the Fox house behind the railway after the return of the GG from x-16. Tells where to find the Doctor (in the Agroprom subway). Can give a transition from Cordon to Forgotten Farm. After visiting the GG zone "Tesla" can give a map of the safe path along "Tesla" for vodka.


Appears wounded by the trailer after taking the task to save Nimble. Gives you a simple quest for an Art Transform recipe. Later, on the instructions of the Wolf, you need to find a walkie-talkie. Walks around the Zone. Can wander into the Junkyard and the Bar.

One of the hunters. Guards the crossing between Cordon and Kishka. Will not release from the Guts, if you do not provide him with the right amount of monster parts. Changes them to fractions. The further along the game, the less fractions it gives.

Vasya Motor

A stalker who walks next to the generator. For a full canister of gasoline, he gives out 2 thousand rubles + a present (Once a day). Charges batteries for 700 rubles



Neutral gopnik. Threatens Yurik. To redeem that one, you need a level 1 artifact. Asks to find him a gun. Can give him an alternative transition Dump - Dark Valley and a cache in the Valley with "Twist" and "Night Star" (random in properties - as luck would have it). Having received a gun, he moves to Kishka. There he asks for skins of flesh for a dubious tip to the cache

Stands in the dump of technology, looking for help to fight the gopniks (no one will respond). For help can give "Gravi" with completely positive properties. Also in the Bar for help Bes will be given a "Twist" with completely positive properties. After the fight with the bandits, he leaves for the Dark Valley. Later, it can be useful in solving the issue with the "Black Mark" (will point to the Raven), it can also give a decoder for the doors, when it will be necessary to turn on the Burner (randomly). Can issue an Art Transform recipe.


Chief in the Hangar. For help, he will talk about the Mole at the Agroprom. After a showdown with the bandits, he moves to the Dark Valley. Later on the Radar, it can give a decoder for the doors, when it will be necessary to turn on the Burner (randomly). Can issue an Art Transform recipe.


Stands at the transition from the Landfill to the Bar. Asks for a flamethrower as a pass to the Bar. Allows without it, if the issue is resolved according to the documents from the Agroprom. Gives a number of tasks for the monster parts, for which he gives out recipes for art transformations and artifacts (after three such tasks he will give "Mother's Beads"). Can rent a flamethrower. Also gives optional (random) tasks. After turning off the Scorcher, he leaves the Junkyard in the Dark Valley. He says how you can get into x-10.


Wounded near the unfinished building. If you do not have time to save him, he can die at the hands of a bandit. He points to Nebov on an assignment to find a gun for Nut. Can give Flash. Then he moves to the Dark Valley. While he is wounded, you can take him to AKS in good condition.


A newcomer who is being robbed by Orekha's group. If you do not buy him back, he will most likely be killed. Sits at the crossing to the Cordon. He asks to bring him a special machine gun. Will give a recipe for art transformation. Asks for the hand of the burer (in fact, he will be glad for the claw of the chimera or the hand of the controller). As a reward, he tells where to find the "emerald" artifact (needed to enter x-16). Then he usually leaves for Cordon.


Appears in the Hangar after taking documents from Agroprom. Sells food. Gives optional (random) tasks. Can help to disassemble the blockage at the entrance to the x-18.

Bandit at the checkpoint

Appears after turning off the Scorcher at the former "Debt" checkpoint near the transition to Bar. Talking about the checks about the entrance to the X-10 at the former Borov base in the Dark Valley.

Lyokha Tambovsky

Appears at some point when the GG starts looking for parts to repair the flamethrower.

Wounded in the woods

When you first enter the Landfill, it lies in the woods behind the swamp. For help, he will give binoculars. Later he will move to the Hangar and tell about Lyokha the old man (after this conversation, the old man can be handed AK Strelka for a good artifact).


The main long-term worker in the basement of the debt base. Provides access to a storage room (the price for it is constantly growing). Gives a number of one-time tasks, and can also issue optional (random) tasks. To get to him, you need to agree with the security (Plichko) or talk to the Barman after visiting x-16.


Considered Voronin's deputy. Gives a one-time task in the Warehouses. Can issue random (random) tasks. Needed in solving the issue with Rasp (exchange of Kochergi for Shaggy).


Considered Voronin's deputy. Vendor on the territory of the Bar (cartridges, equipment). Is in Bar on schedule 2 in 2 - two days on the spot, two days away. Gives a number of one-time tasks, and also gives out random (random) tasks. Also needed for a letter assignment. Can give you a recipe for art transformation. Gives the recipe for the Ruby Spring. Can give the transition Bar - Wild Territory. Buys Playboy magazines for a lot.


Repairman at the bar. Repairs only weapons. Declares that he can upgrade weapons, but does not yet. Charges the PDA. Service prices are rising.

Arnie Lanky

Repairman at the bar. Repairs armor, usually expensive, but can repair very poor condition armor that cannot be repaired otherwise. Helps in solving a case for Kuznetsov.

Constantly at the bar. At some points, the game may be temporarily absent. Sells information, in particular recipes for art transformations and art modifications. Gives a number of random (random) tasks. Provides various useful information. It can help to get to Borov (search for x-18), it also helps to solve the problem of the Rat. Can help indicate the entrance to x-18 in case of Borov's death. Can sell information about the transitions Bar - Wild Territory, Bar - Army Warehouses.


Croupier at the bar. Plays for artifacts, but only during the day. Helps find the Hunter's gun.


NPC in the bar. He asks to find a gun through Bald. Gives you a recipe for art modification. Can give a task for bloodsuckers in the Warehouses. Having received a gun, he leaves the bar.

Father Diador

The preacher is not clear what kind of faith. It is only necessary for the deserter-Sanka to sing a service to his friend in the Marshes.


Security guard at Voronin's headquarters. For admission to Voronin, he asks to bring an "emerald" artifact. Gives Soul. Having received the "Izumrud", he leaves for the southern checkpoint "Dolga", where he can easily die. He needs to have time to exchange the emerald artifact for a check before he dies (the artifact is needed to enter x-16).


Security guard at the southern checkpoint "Dolga". Gives a number of optional (random) tasks. Of the one-time tasks, he asks for a journal (lies in Tuzla in the Swamps), gives a tip to the unique Vintorez for it.

The sultan

Unique weapon dealer. Located on the territory of Bar, but outside the base - behind the northern checkpoint "Dolga". Weapons are exchanged only for special artillery pieces through their people at the Forgotten Farm.


Sits all the time by the fire in the middle of the "Duty" base. Strumming on the guitar. Only needed to talk about six NPCs while drinking.


Some kind of dark personality. He hints that he knows Marked and Arrow, but does not say anything specific. Mention Ryab (the case with the wounded in the Warehouses).

Changed the Nychki Guard

Provides paid luggage storage for a week for a period. Access to it at any time, but each access is paid - 50 patrons. It is not recommended to keep a lot of artifacts with him, especially expensive ones, otherwise he will "fall asleep" forever and everything in the stash will disappear. In any case, he is guaranteed to "fall asleep" after turning off the Scorch.


The drunkard at the bar. Can give some one-time tasks. Can tell one of the ways to get rid of the "Black Mark".

Dark Valley


The leader of the bandits in an unfinished factory. Gives a number of one-time tasks, and can also issue optional (random) tasks. Indicates where the entrance to x-18 is. Can help with the analysis of the blockage in x-18. Can help with improving the reputation of the YG. After turning off the Scorcher, he will move to Limansk.


Bandit merchant. Changes weapons, cartridges and grenades for food and vodka. Also provides a luggage room for food. After turning off the Scorcher, it disappears from the Dark Valley - there will be no access to the storage room.


The leader of a group of bandits at the factory (entrance to x-18). Robbing GG. If you kill him, Borov will not be offended, but will not help in the analysis of the blockage. Needed to exchange Kochergi for Shaggy (hands over the note to Ivantsov). Gives a good reward for the Savior (if you first bring the Rat to the Bar). Later he leaves and does not appear anywhere.


Sits constantly at the farm. Gives you a number of specific tasks. It can also give optional (random) tasks. Can help to disassemble the blockage in the x-18. Can redeem the "Black Mark" (if Red or Demon tell about it beforehand). Tells about "Clear Sky" in the Swamps.


Maybe on the farm, then on the outskirts of the location near the transition to the Misty Thicket, next to the Imp. Tells about six NPCs.


Injured at a gas station. For salvation, he gives a recipe for art modification as a reward. Goes to the Crow's farm. If you bring Oksana to Kordon and tell Vlad, then he leaves for Kordon. As a reward, he talks about the Giant in the Intestine (a paw from him is possible).


Dolgovets at the transition to the Landfill. He asks for help to save Lyuber. Then it can be at the Dump or walk around the Zone (Swamps, Kishka, Agroprom).


Prisoner long-term. If you save him (at the request of Puli), he asks to find the PDA. Later he will give a task for vodka and parts of monsters, for which he will give an "emerald" artifact (needed to enter x-16).


The captive long-term man in the basement of Borov. Can be saved - exchanged for Kocherga (via Rasp). After turning off the Scorcher, it can be at the former base of Borov instead of Prapor.


A wounded bandit at the transition to the Garbage. If you help him, then after some time he will send a message that the GG can freely pass to the bandit base and to Borov. He offers to play dice at the Borov base.



Dealer. Sells ammunition and weapons for vodka. To start trading, you need to bring him a black box of a helicopter. Located at point on schedule 2 in 2 - two days in place, two days missing. It can also sell the transition from Agroprom to Forgotten Farm and sell the unique Vintorez (tip from Kitsenko). If you shoot the military at the main base of Agroprom, you will become an enemy.


Stalker. Lies wounded in the tunnel. If the GG cures him at the request of Fox, he will give the Kisel detector. Can tell you the Ruby Spring recipe when needed. After turning off the Scorcher, he moves to the Doctor's hut in the Misty Thicket. Tells about the cache in the Ivankovsky regional center.


Stalker. He asks for help to fight off the military. Leads the GG to the entrance to the Agroprom subway. There he talks about the Strelka's cache, about Sherstyuk and the Deserter. He talks about the possibility of strengthening the ammunition in the Swamps. For finding it, the PDA gives GG Saigu. Then he sits with Red in the tunnel. After turning off the Scorcher leaves the Zone.


A soldier in a trailer in a swamp. Asks for food. Tells about a possible way to the Forgotten Farm and about a demobilized album (bringing it to Sidor is a sufficient condition for passage to the Bar). Later he points to a suitcase with documents for Sakharov (Agroprom - Yantar crossing).


A wounded neutral gopnik. Lies near the swamp. Appears there when we ask the Associate Professor where Lyuber's PDA is. If you help him, he can tell about Smoked (PDA Lyuber) and give the Agroprom - Swamp transition. Then he leaves for Cordon.


A wounded neutral gopnik. Lies in the Agroprom subway (entry from the middle of the location). Appears there when we ask the Tooth how to get to Hog. If you help him at his request, then after the report to Zub you can go to Borov in the search for the entrance to x-18, and Zub will have a request to check the caravan at Agroprom.

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