The best assembly of graphic mods for Stalker - Call of Pripyat. The best assembly of graphic mods for "Stalker - Call of Pripyat Call of pripyat graphic mods

Call of pripyat complete
Author: Dolgov Studio
Fashion language: Russian / English
Translation author: Barklay and exzebiche
Distribution: Free distribution
Version: 1.0.2 (final)
Required hard disk space: ~ 1.7 Gb
The real name of the weapon. All weapons in the game now correspond to weapons in real life ().

The weather in the system of this mod is built of two main components: the classic atmosphere, which has the usual course of changing the time of day, and the atmosphere, which shows an incredible variety of weather conditions and landscapes in different places of the game.

Graphical enhancements include:
- Texturing remote decorations and increasing visual distance.
- 11 dynamic weather loops (up from four in the base game), including unique probability factors for each area of ​​the map.
- Authentic scenery using original photographs of the industrial city of Pripyat before the emergency time.
- Smartly written horizon line that reminds everyone of the well-known "locations" of the game.
- Panorama of the night sky, constellations and the full moon in high resolution.
- Dynamic depth of field that changes with weather conditions.
- The atmosphere of emissions, their sequence with dramatic landscapes has been worked out.

Applied patches and textures that fixed the visual flaws of the game. With thousands of new and reworked original textures, the game environment remains crisp and does not fade away in the distance. These textures have been cleverly tweaked, giving this mod the artful styling of the entire series.

Most notable improvements:
- Metal and concrete structures look realistic and reflect the physics of the real ones.
- Earth and foliage color corrections, textures are unique for each play area.
- Reworked grass foliage to make it more realistic.
- New textures for most weapons.
- Refined textures of bodies of people and mutants.
- New, detailed textures such as smoldering debris, leaves, sand and rocks.
- The transport in the game is like a real one.

Artificial intelligence has been greatly improved, giving bots new abilities such as:
- The choice of weapons. Bots are now able to determine the best weapon for the situation, the distance to the target and the switching of the firing modes.
- Using the "upgrade". Bots can upgrade their weapons with silencers and grenade launchers, and use them as appropriate
- Arming the allies. Bots can enter into trade relations with the player and use his weapons and ammunition.
- Friendly fire. The bots have become more discriminating and more attentive, if there is a threat to hit in their own way, they will not shoot. They change positions for fire and go to the world themselves.
- Close combat. Bots use butts and knives in close combat.
- Wounds. Bots are able to heal themselves with a first aid kit and apply a bandage when bleeding.
- Recharge. Bots can reload their weapons when they see fit to do so.
- Silence. Silent footsteps, the use of a knife, a weapon with a silencer, and the sounds of falling will go unnoticed by nearby enemies.

Since STALKER Call of Pripyat is the most stable version of all the previous series, and does not require a lot of bug fixes. Nevertheless, there are some remaining errors and failures, and we tried to fix them.

Here are just a few of the fixes:
- Inaccessible caches. Makes available caches that were inaccessible in the original due to being stuck in the texture or leading to stuck character.
- Fixed mission with scanners for anomalies on Jupiter.
- Fixed health of three Burer dwarfs in laboratory X8, which made them too tenacious.
- The hero's helmet when viewed from a third person now matches the equipment.
- Correction of both individuals and flocks of crows.
- After a certain time, the corpses of bots are removed, which helps to improve the game and increase its performance

Since the first version of the mod was made abroad and more adapted for the English-speaking population, when translated into Russian, the meaning and piquancy of humor was lost. Plus there were a lot of grammatical mistakes and flaws. In this version, all the shortcomings have been eliminated and now the player can enjoy the game to the fullest. Some parts of the user interface have also been changed to be more understandable.

We are proud to inform you that a special guest, world renowned sound engineer and composer Michael "sQwurm" Tornabene, known for his work for games, films, television and media at exhibitions around the world, has worked on the game. His contributions include new sounds for creatures, anomalies, doors, reworked footsteps, and more. The ambient sounds have been improved and each map now includes its own theme song that varies between day and night. In addition, all weapon sounds have been replaced with comprehensive counterparts. All new sounds have been incorporated into the game without removing the original sounds unique to the game, ensuring superior sound and consistency.
Call of Pripyat Complete introduces over one hundred guitar and song sound options. 23 new compositions. Live music was recorded specifically for this game, creating an unforgettable atmosphere.
The fate of the bots that fall into the emission wave is now in the hands of the player. You can decide if they turn into zombies (so that you can kill them later), or just die! This feature is selected during game setup.

Change Bots. Added a lot of models and skins for bots. Their variety has been increased.
- Sleeping bag. Now, to spend the night, you do not need to go to the base. Buy a sleeping bag from a merchant, or on rare occasions you can find one, and sleep in the fresh air of the area!
- Money. Players will be able to randomly collect small amounts of money from dead bots.
- Lamps. If the light of a light bulb interferes with you, then by firing or detonating a grenade nearby, you will break it.
- NVG. The functionality of the device has been improved.
- Teleport. Allows the player to navigate between points in the environment with the ability to save location coordinates for future use.
The colors of the panels have been muted to avoid distraction, and the inventory window is now semi-transparent, allowing the player to see what is happening and what weapons they are using.

Here is the best collection of mods for the original "Stalker - Call of Pripyat", which do not affect the plot in any way, but improve the graphics of "Stalker" to the level of modern games. This assembly does not change the balance of the game, does not add quests or locations, that is, we have the same true stalker in front of us, but a stalker that surprises with its flighty drawing, and does not disappoint with a wretched picture of 10 years ago. The weak point of the legendary game these days is precisely the graphics - bushes emerging from the air, poor textures, meager NPC models, poor depiction of the weather, etc. We offer an easy solution to this problem!
To do this, you need to install four mods for "Stalker - Call of Pripyat" from the famous Polish modder Cromm Cruac.

1. AtmosFear-3 (173 MB)

2. Absolute-Nature-4.04 (636 MB)

3. Absolute-Structures-v.1.0 (212 MB)

4. Absolute-Scopes-Texture-Pack-v1.2 (20 MB)

(All links are direct download links from Google disk. Verified! You don't need to have a Google account to download files! You only need an archiver to unpack, we recommend WinRar or 7-Zip.)

Screenshots of "Stalker - Call of Pripyat" after installing graphical modifications:

Optionally, the Absolute-Structures-v.1.0 mod can not be installed at all, since it only improves the models of buildings and some other objects. The rest of the mods are required to be installed!

AtmosFear-3 replaces all skyboxes with new, carefully drawn ones, and also completely changes the weather phenomena that can be customized. The emissions became truly impressive, majestic and mesmerizingly frightening. There were such weather chips as psi-storm and radioactive fallout, which can zombie or kill NPCs. The mod allows you to customize the weather for yourself - from clear to hurricane, or set the weather depending on the time of day. AtmosFear-3 really makes the game feel atmospheric!

Absolute-Nature-4.04 - changes the nature of the zone beyond recognition. Now the flora of the game is diverse and beautiful - from slender birches to poplars and willows eaten by radiation. For each location, you can customize a different flora theme - from lush summer greenery to a moldy dead forest. This mod redraws the new grass, making it truly believable, now there is no appearance of grass and bushes from the air, as it was in the original.

Absolute-Scopes-Texture-Pack-v1.2 - mod fixes a bug for widescreen monitors, removing the offset of the scopes to the left and centering them correctly. It is obligatory for installation, it weighs little, it copes with its task 100%.

Important! This assembly must be run under DirectX 9 with improved full lighting, as the mod author himself advises. For DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 bugs and crashes are possible due to incorrect processing of bloom effects. In general, the mods are very stable and have been tested many times, the author has done an excellent job on the bugs. Before us appears the old new "Stalker", painfully familiar and familiar, but transformed and improved almost to perfection in graphic terms!

In this 4K video, you can see the work of this graphical mod assembly from Cromm Cruac in full detail:

Recently, another game project about the adventures of a fighter in an infected zone was released, only now you can enjoy the best game add-ons that are included in this game collection. As usual, you play as a desperate fighter who has been thrown into a zone infected with a dangerous infection. But only this time, you can switch between add-ons to find out even more information. In the game Stalker Call of Pripyat with mods, the torrent of which you can download for free on our website, you will go through an unusual path. On the way, you will have to master not only weapons, but also your mental abilities.

Story line

Now in the game you will be able to develop your character in different locations. You find yourself in an abnormal area in which terrible events take place. You were transferred here by government officials. And now you will go down into the dungeons, look for documents in factories and factories, and you will also fight the most formidable enemies of inhuman origin. The city is dead, complete confusion reigns there, disfigured monsters and monsters that have been exposed to radioactive radiation are walking around the locations. Only your hero is able to learn everything in order to stop the further threat. Each expansion has its own side missions that you must complete. Your main fighter, who used to be a scientist, will be able to bring the most important information to the headquarters.

Game mechanics

In any expansion that you open, you will have to study the maps in order to find valuable artifacts and learn about the potential deployment of the enemy. In terms of weapons, there is a complete choice. Take yourself a pistol, machine gun, shotgun, but just do not forget to switch between game modes. Each installed mod is another opportunity to earn good bonus points. In the game Stalker Call of Pripyat fashion 2016, the torrent of which you can download for free on our games website, you must study your character so that he can quickly respond to all situations. But monsters and bandit groups will hinder you as a player during the game.

Game nuances

In the game you can not only engage in research activities, you can also arrange a real hunt for predatory animals. Boars are what you need to hunt to get food for yourself. And in general, you need to be extremely careful in the game, otherwise you yourself can become prey!

Features Stalker Call of Pripyat with mods

  • A huge number of new locations. As you progress through the game levels, you will see unusual territories - these are abandoned farms, these are factories, where there are many unusual artifacts needed for your character. Also, underground slums are also a tidbit for the hero in terms of finding hidden objects. But mutants guard them carefully.
  • Mysterious objects. It is to them that you should pay attention. After all, first-aid kits, weapons, equipment, provisions and clothing are also needed by your character.
  • Radiation level. Without a gas mask, you should not even come close to the enemy. Yes, and you only need to explore the territory by putting on such an apparatus. Without a gas mask, the radiation level will rise, and your hero will simply die from a lack of oxygen.
  • Provisions. You cannot survive without food, so you also need to look for food for yourself, which you need to put in the game piggy bank.
  • Mutants. In all territories, in all game modes, you will meet hungry enemies who strive to taste human flesh. So beware of the monsters, although you will have good weapons to fight them. You can download Stalker Call of Pripyat fashion via torrent for free from our game site.

On this page, by the button below you can download the Stalker Call of Pripyat with mods via torrent for free.

This global mod has absorbed all the best from the Sigerous mod, a new plot and characters, features and interface. The game has been redesigned from scratch!
One of the best global mods that will transform the Zone! The authors of this modification focused on graphics, on the effect of the zone, and they succeeded!
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A new storyline about what happened at the beginning of the game. How scientists tried to solve the "mystery of the zone" and where did the first group of scientists with a detachment of military go. The zone began to become overgrown with rumors, and only you will find out the truth!
You have completed the entire game, but you want more? This mod will show you what happened after the end of the main plot of Clear Sky, what will happen to the heroes and where the thirst for knowledge of the Zone will drag you!
Another mod, after passing which, you will learn a lot about the Zone and why the Shooter was so eager to the center that he was drawn there, and how he managed to survive in the most difficult trials ...
Now every step you take will affect the outcome of the battle, the ending of the game imagines a tree and which of the branches of development to go along is up to you. You will have to think about your every step ...
Are you tired of looking for hidden things? Pass difficult quests? Or do you just want to feel like the "master of the zone"? Then this mod is for you, it gives you access to all the items of the game!

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