Stalker Lost Alpha detailed walkthrough. Walkthrough Stalker Lost Alpha: Lost Alpha Walkthrough Guide. Tools for rough work

The very first village, the village of newcomers. In one of the houses on the left side, in the room of which there is incomprehensible vegetation on the ceiling, there is a basement. The entrance to it is littered with boxes. It contains two first-aid kits and a bunch of canned food :)

In the Village location, when we are looking for ecologists for the first time, in the dungeon, in one of the lockers there is an Ecologist's suit.
Also in this subway are boxes containing tools. The secondary assignment for finding these tools is given by the scientist DeeDe.

In the village of newcomers (On the Cordon) there is a well, if you look into it, you can see the corpses
Such a trick, when on the Cordon, on the instructions of Sidor, you need to take out the bandyuk at the coal plant, before going to the plant, a video is played in which the bandyuk speaks to the mercenary and they have 2 sig550s with a pizza glushak and a grenade launcher. So if you take this task and do not go to the factory (the main thing is that the video does not play) but go around on the left side, then this thug and hiring can be killed (for example, you can borrow from the SVD on the bridge from the soldier) and you can remove 2 whitefish 2 berets and hiring suit. Do you like gambling? Means You will definitely like Azart Play, slots, jackpots, card games, etc.

Dark Valley: in the upper right corner of the map, where there are a lot of all sorts of holes, springs, we are looking for an anomalous field, there is a trailer, we go in and take Leroux300, with a silencer and a grenade launcher.
Dark Hollow: on the krisha gas station near the coast where there are many ships we find charges for the RPG, the RPG itself lies at a stop, next to the transition to the TD.

Cordon: at the place where the Stalker base was in the ChN, in one of the houses near the Tunnel we will be met by Brownie :)
Dark Valley: do not forget about the warehouse, at the Bandyuk base, in the place where the PM was in the original, made of sweets, there is a Revolver and a very useful shotgun.

Dark Valley: Near the Bandits' base at a gas station lies the corpse of a Stalker, he has a rare BM-16.

Forest: The most notable is the Yellow Dwarf. You can take a walk to look at that rascal running behind the Bandits' parking lot closer to the transition to the Bar.

In the Research Institute Agroprom, on a mission where you need to look for the Shooter's things in the dungeon, there is a room in which a quest book is located. To the right of the stash with a book, on the wall where the net is torn off and the pipe runs, there is a hidden cache. It is closer to the corner on the left (when looking at this side) in the hole from which the pipe passes.
There I found an AKMS (which everyone is looking for, but he is so-so, you can't even attach optics), a couple of first-aid kits and an artifact that gives 100% health, 10% bullet resistance and breaks.

In the Dark Hollow, after turning onto the road leading towards Korodon, on the left side of the roadway, look for a cross with a gas mask, in the center of an anomalous group with an increased background radiation. there are several twists around the group + the cross itself is a cache. it contains SVD, SVU, OTs-14 "Thunderstorm", about 5 ordinary first-aid kits + cartridges for SVD and "Thunderstorm".
A dark hollow. Refueling with rent. Where is a cave in a rock next to a hill on a staircase. There is an elite detector in the stove.
in a dark hollow (see screenshot where) in a village, find a house in which a fire is burning, climb through a window where there is no frame and there is a backpack in the stove, this is a hiding place there is an excellent artifact and there is good profit in this house. Watch out for the chimera and zombies in the village !!!

In a dark hollow, in a small village east of the southern exit from the mines, in a house with a clogged entrance, there is a cache, there are 2 cool arts. In the house located in the southeastern part of the map, near the infected tunnel, there is an elite detector in a cache.
In the dark ravine. There will be a Cross to the left of the road and there are a lot of anomalies around. Cache cross

Vintorez is in the Dark Hollow and there is also a Thunderstorm with IED and SVD. The cache is located next to the intersection. How to go to Kordon, on the left there will be 2 houses, and there will be zombies wandering nearby. And if you look in the direction of Kordon, you will see an anomalous field, there are a couple of artifacts and a cross. There is a cache.

On amber on the platform with the car, which is next to Sakharov's bunker, right in the back of the guard booth in the locker there is an LR300 and a bubble of wine.

Near Sakharov's base there is a descent into a pit, a stalker stands near him, offering him help, he gives you a quest to search for his weapon in this cave. We get down, we go along the tunnel, then there will be a crowd of blood-sucking types. You can use pheromones (which Sakharov gave, the quest is done along the way with him). We pass through the room with a furious background (even run =)) We grab the Thunderstorm and back to the surface. For this quest, the stalker gives us SEVA.

Army warehouses, the village of bloodsuckers, in the tower, on the penultimate flight of stairs, there is an LR 300 with bunches of BB rounds.

also in one of the houses in the stove (possibly random) swag.

The best modification of the legendary "Stalker", which really changed the familiar Zone. 27 locations, hours of walking around the Exclusion Zone. The hours-long plot is quite interesting, given the addition of cars cut in the Shadows of Chernobyl, a large list of tasks and, of course, the included support for DirectX 10. After the return of all the cut parts of the game, new opportunities became possible: requesting help from nearby stalkers, thanks to which you can make new acquaintances and earn extra money money if the task turns up. Passage of the game Stalker Lost Alpha is unrecognizable in comparison with Shadow of Chernobyl, and in case of difficulties, we recommend looking at the guide for the passage of the game Stalker Lost Alpha, which is located below.

Cordon - the beginning of the game.
The start of the Lost Alpha game, as in the original version of the Stalker PM game, takes place at the Cordon location, where the main character wakes up in one of the rooms located in the bunker of our familiar Sidorovich. Having risen to the top, we will have a dialogue with the merchant, who gives us the first task. The task is not very difficult, it is necessary to find the artifact, it will not be difficult to find it either, after leaving the bunker, take it to the left while looking at the mini-map where the mark of its location will be indicated. Look more closely so it is hard to see it in the grass, the detector signals will help you. After you find the artifact, Sidorovich will give a few more simple tasks, after completing which you need to move in the direction of the Garbage.

Dump location.
Having got to the Dump, by analogy with the original PM, we respond to the call of the Imp and help to defend the attack, then we do not forget to help the stalker named Yurik. After assistance has been provided to all those in need, we follow to the hangar to meet with the Gray. From a conversation with Gray, the main character understands that his path lies not somewhere but to Agroprom.

Location Agroprom.
After switching to Agroprom, by analogy with the original of the game, we immediately move forward to help a stalker named Mole. After his rescue, the Mole, as a token of gratitude, tells us about the existence of the Shooter's cache and describes in detail the location of his notes. We go down to the bottom and start searching, after you find a shelter and notes, go in search of a cache, which will be located in one of the passages between the corridors. You will recognize this place by the hospital gurneys standing there. On this, our mission in the dungeon is completed, after which we find the way to the top and get out.

After you find yourself on the surface and take the first breath of fresh air, a message will be sent to the PDA asking for help. The sender of which will be a certain Pied Piper. You can find this character in a trailer located in a swamp. After talking with the Pied Piper, to find out that he needs to get a certain case with documents, you kindly agree and go to the research institute where on the third floor the cherished case with documents inside will be waiting. You will need to deliver these documents to the bartender, who is located at the Bar location.

Location Bar.
To get to the Bar, you need to move along the road until you hit the barrier, after passing which it is worth turning left and then moving straight along the road. Having passed the block post we get to the bartender and, having given him the documents found at the Agroprom, we move to comrade Petrenko, who can be found in Bar.

Dark Valley.
The first thing to do after going to the location is to go to the farm and find a stalker named Demon in one of them. From a conversation with which it will become clear that you need to get to the factory, which is the bandits' base. After the Demon expounds his plan, we proceed to implement it. The first we find the entrance to the factory - it is located in the mouth in the hollow behind the factory. Poltergeists constantly graze in this place. There you will also find three corpses of bandits from one of which you need to take a suit and put it on.

After dressing up in a bandit suit, you can safely go to the Borov base. Having entered the territory, you need to find one of the hangars in which there will be an overpass, near which you will find a drunken bandit and in a conversation he will tell you the password to enter the factory. Once inside, we are not lost, the location of the buildings has been greatly changed, our goal is a workshop with machines in which we find a stalker named Vadik. From a conversation with him, we learn about the whereabouts of the documents, they are located on the second floor of one of the administrative buildings.

Next, the fun begins that the appeared military men will arrange for us, who will shoot everything that moves, it is possible that the main character will also hit. Therefore, it is necessary to climb to the top as quickly as possible. Having got out into the fresh air next to the building, we find one of the wonders of the domestic auto industry called NIVA and push the gas as hard as possible.

It is necessary to move towards the gate, which, according to the original, was the transition to the Cordon. Our walk will be complicated by the helicopters chasing us, but without paying attention to them and without letting go of the gas pedal, we cross the border of the locations and continue moving in the Dark Hollow.

Dark Hollow.
Having got to the location under a flurry of bullets, we continue to move towards the railway tunnel. Moving along the tunnel until you see a rift in the left wall. After passing through it, you will find yourself in a place called Mines. We go straight to the stop, then turning to the left we lose consciousness from a blow to the head. When you wake up, you will see the head of the Sin group in front of you. The leader's name is Veles, after a nice conversation, you get a new task from him to search for documents located at the Borov base. Having got to the surface, we take the direction to the Borov base. On foot or by car, it's up to you to decide.

Borov base.
At the Borov base, there will be some surprises as well. The head of the bandits will invite you to play a guessing game where the price of losing can be your life. The correct answer is under the number 4. Then you get the code from the safe and take the documents. As soon as the documents are in your hands, the bandits become enemies, and you will have to shoot a lot in order to get out of the base. After shooting everything moving your PDA will inform you that it is time to go down again to the next laboratory, this time X-18.

Laboratory X-18.
We can enter it by going down to the basement of one of the admins. buildings, having previously entered the code received from Petrenko in the message. The code from the door is 5271. Having gone down to the laboratory we search the security room, there the first documents will lie in the table. There you will also see a computer for which you need a hacking code that will appear later. So let's move on.

Leaving the room, we turn left and move straight in the direction of the door, then we go downstairs where we see a table, above which there is a shelf with documents number 2. We take the documents, we go along the way, we find and kill the burer, whose hand Petrenko asked to bring. Next, we go into the room with elevators, we make our way into the right shaft and begin to climb along it until we reach an open door through which it will be possible to get into the secret room.

In this room we find a corpse lying behind one of the installations. We take away the Pda from the corpse, which will contain the code 9231 from the computer, which you will find next to it on the table. The cherished documents number 3 will also be on the table. All we have to do is find two more documents. Document number 4 is in the room above the one where you found the burer, you can get into it through a gap in the floor. You will find document number 5 in the basement in one of the rooms, look for a table, they are on it.

Then we go to Veles to hand over the completed tasks. As soon as he returns the weapon to you, we go to comrade Petrenko. After appearing in the bar, at the entrance we will be met by a certain stalker from the Sin group, as a result of which Petrenko and the bartender stop communicating with us. To solve this problem, we go to Rostock to carry out the task of Veles. In order to do this, we need to get to the Rostock plant. When you enter the location, you will immediately receive a task, the goal will be to meet with the leader of the Duty grouping.

Location Rostock.
After meeting with the leader of the Duty, we get another task to destroy the surviving mutants. To do this, we go into the tunnel and take an old gas mask from one of the ecologists and move to the plant. At the factory, our goal is to find 3 PDA and kill 4 bloodsuckers. You will find the first two PDA at the construction site. To search for the third one, you will need a gas mask obtained from environmentalists, so near the building and inside the premises of the administration building, where the entrance will be poisonous gas. It is necessary to search for PDA on the second floor.

One bloodsucker will meet you almost at the entrance to the plant. The rest will be waiting near the places where you will find the PDA. All tasks are completed, we go to report to the leader of the debt, who will inform you that the key to the laboratory must be taken from Petrenko. We move to the Bar.

After arriving at the Bar, we go directly to Petrenko, then to the bartender. We return back to Petrenkoi and gives the key and code 4526 to enter the X-14 laboratory.

Once again at the plant, we go to the transition to the secret laboratory, there will be a mark on the map. We find ourselves in a corridor very similar to the one that was in the Sarcophagus. Moving along the corridor, we find the code door, enter the code, we pass. We find the second door after passing through the right corridor and open it with the same code. Once in the laboratory on the table, we will see documents and a PDA that must be brought to Veles. In the same room we see a passage in the wall and a door, open it (it opens without a code), go in and kill the bloodsucker, which we learned about from a conversation with Petrenko. After the reprisal with him, the task can be considered completed. Next, we move to the Mines to Veles to report on the implementation.

At Veles.
Veles will report. that secret merchants from the Dead City will get in touch with the main character. In the meantime, you get out of the mines, you will receive a message from Professor Sakharov, which says that he has something to do with you. And if this is how we go to Amber to the professor.

From Sakharov we receive a task to search for documents that are in the hands of mercenaries who are stationed in the Dead City. We take the task and after arriving in the city, we go to the school. We freely pass to the leader of the mercenaries, but when talking to him he recognizes the shooter and the main character turns into a prisoner, losing all belongings and weapons. In captivity, we meet with the Bolotnaya doctor, who tells the GG that his PDA is faulty. The liberators of the two friends, oddly enough, are the military. After being released, we go straight along the corridor and after opening the save we take our things. Then we return to Sakharov.

After words of gratitude, the professor says that he can restore the PDA, but for this he needs details. The first thing that is needed is new wires, we go down to the laboratory behind them and in one of the rooms on the rack we find wires. The second thing we need is the boards, which, according to Sakharov, we can get from the bog doctor. And that means you need to run to the Big Marshes.

Big Swamps.
As soon as you appear in the swamps, get ready to meet with military helicopters that will fire at you. Hide in the thickets of reeds and after waiting for the military to leave, go to the doctor. After talking with him, it turns out that the main character is the Shooter, and in this regard, we need to find the Ghost. You can find it at the location Army Warehouses.

Location Army Warehouses.
To look for the ghost, we go to the village where the bloodsuckers lived, namely to its eastern part. There will be a bunker in which the Ghost will be. The ghost will ask you to pick up the artifact stolen by the mercenaries. We leave for the village, where in the original we met the Skull's long-time man. Having dealt with the mercenaries, it turns out that it was another detachment and they have no art. We go to a meeting with the accompanying person, together with whom on the way we fall under the blowout and he dies. Having reached the blocked tunnel, we meet and destroy the mercenary. Having searched it, we find the very artifact. We carry to the Ghost, he also sends us to Sakharov at Yantar.

Location Amber.
Having given the necessary boards and artifact to the professor, we are waiting for him to repair our PDA. In the meantime, you can chat with Kruglov. We take away the PDA and from the message that came immediately, we find out that we need to urgently arrive at Petrenko.

Fighting is going on in Bar. We find Petrenko and carry out the mission to destroy the helicopters. We climb to the roof of the building where the arena was located, find a killed soldier with a grenade launcher and shoot down two helicopters. We return to Petrenko and find out that we need to follow Voronin and the Barman in the vicinity of Pripyat.

The outskirts of Pripyat.
In the basement of the Department Store we find the newly created Bar. You will not be able to get into it since the door to it will be closed. In order to get inside we speak with Lelik, who is standing next to him. Going inside, we go and talk to the bartender. The bartender sends to Voronin, and he, in turn, to Ivantsov. We are looking for Ivantsov in the basement of a grocery store. Ivantsov explains to the shooter that it is necessary to turn off the installation in the X-16 laboratory and on the radar. But before completing the task, you need to take a tuned PSI helmet from Sakharov. We go to Amber.

However, not everything is so simple, the professor informs us that he does not have a helmet. He was transferred to a laboratory located at a cement plant. This is followed by a proposal to take an unconfigured helmet in order to protect yourself from strong radiation when crossing the territory of the Radar.

Cement factory.
After passing the Radar, we find ourselves in a certain village. Immediately at the crossing on the left you will see a car, get into it and rush along the road in the direction of the tunnel with the crossing, until the start of the ejection. The release catches up with the years on the transition, after which you will find yourself in the bunker of the scientists of the cement plant. From a conversation with scientists, we learn that the tuned helmet is in the possession of a group of scientists who are currently taking measurements. Due to the loss of contact with the group, we will be asked to go in search of the group. We move to the mark, which will lead us eventually to the village, on the old dam. We move towards the dam, approaching it we go down the stairs and see a door under the chimney, we enter the bunker. We discover that there is no one there, then we receive a message from an unknown named Hermit. We go to him in the old church, go up to the second floor and find out that the traces of scientists lead to the X-19 laboratory. We go into it and there we find the corpse of one of the scientists and, taking the tuned helmet from the killed, we go to the X-16 laboratory.

Laboratory X-16.
After entering the laboratory, the main character is in a kind of oblivion, before his eyes are military men, scientists, in other words, we arrive in a dream. Next, you need to talk to all the scientists below and going upstairs to the main console we see two talking scientists. After a while, the task for switching on the 1, 2 and 3 control panels is activated. After turning them on, turn on the main console. After turning it on, the main character wakes up and the timer turns on. Further actions will take place by analogy with the original version of the game PM. We turn off all the consoles, jump into the gap in the floor, get into the tunnel and go out to the surface. After leaving the surface from the sent message, we learn that it is necessary to move to the Radar to meet with the hermit.

After arriving at the radar, we look at the mark on the map, where the hermit's location is marked. At one of the trailers, you will see a cross between a man and a kink. During the conversation, it turns out that this is one of the workers of the X-10 laboratory. After talking with him, we learn that a key is needed to enter the X-10. He will give us the key only after we bring his equipment hidden on the radar. We receive a task to search for the Hermit's cache. The way is not close, we advise you to use the car. We return the things found in the cache, in return he tells us the code 218 from the safe. Moving among the radioactive piles of garbage, we find the former house of the Hermit, open the safe and take the documents from the bunker. Then we go to the X-10.

Laboratory X-10
Upon entering the laboratory, we immediately receive two tasks. Disable lock # 1 and 2. Move to the left along the corridor until you see a transparent greenish image of a scientist. Approach it and climb the stairs, after which you will find yourself in the room, where the installation for disabling the first lock will be located. We return and in one of the corridors we stumble upon two burers, kill them and go further, keeping to the right, we see the corpse of a scientist next to which lies the PDA. We select it and remember the code. We'll need it later. Further into the room with huge vertical installations you will see a metal staircase, climbing up it there will be a control panel for disabling the second lock. After turning off the locks, our goal is to turn off the PSI installation, we return and find two arguing transparent scientists, next to them there will be a door. We go into it by first entering the code that was recorded in the PDA of the murdered scientist 3823. Entering the room you will see another corpse of the scientist next to him PDA. We select the PDA and turn off the switches on the two main consoles. After disconnecting, we return to the door to the exit from the lab, but it turns out to be closed. Next, the door will open, the timer will turn on and you will need to destroy the fire poltergeist that appeared at this moment. At the time set by the timer, we need to leave X-10. Then we stomp in the vicinity of Pripyat to meet with Voronin.

The outskirts of Pripyat.
Again we go to the warehouses, then to MG, then to the radar and turn in the vicinity of Pripyat (the town of Chernoble). We go to the bar, talk to the bartender, then go to Voronin. Voronin complains that an old, military development - an earthquake machine - is tortured and must be turned off. We go to turn off the car. Car in the bunker under the old dam, laboratory x7. After the transition, we immediately go straight, a green hologram will follow us, we do not need to shoot at it, in front of the first ladder we turn into the corridor to the left. We go straight to the wall and turn to the right, go again without turning anywhere through the door and turn again to the right. We go again all along the corridor and reach the ladder, above it hangs a poster "Caution, low ceiling", climb it, turn to the left and again the ladder up, climb it and then go down. We are again in the corridor, turn to the right and go to the first turn to the left. Before reaching the wall, we turn to the door to the right, go straight and again the stairs with the poster "Caution Low Ceiling" rise, turn right along the stairs, again along the stairs and here we are in the room where this earthquake machine stands. It resembles an installation with a brain, as in an underground laboratory on Yantar.

Disable it and go back. In one of the corridors there will be a ghost in a dark cloak with a hood and there will be a fiery stripe in front, you cannot cross it, you just need to stand and wait, the ghost will disappear and the stripe will also disappear. We go to Voronin. Voronin is delighted, thanks and says that someone left a note for us. We go to a meeting, it turns out to be a guide. He says that we must go to the Fang. We go to the warehouses and talk to the fang. He sends him to Pripyat to meet with a ghost at the hotel. We must go to Pripyat. Before moving from the warehouses, a message from the ghost comes to the radar that the direct passage to Pripyat is blocked by the military and you have to go through the dungeons of Pripyat. Transition to the dungeons on the radar.

Dungeons of Pripyat.
After the transition, we find ourselves in the hospital from the clear sky. There we meet with the guide. He accompanies us to the entrance to the dungeons and then we go on our own. We fall into the tunnel, we go and from the left we see a long staircase. We rise along it, at the top there is immediately some kind of swag, we go straight and turn to the left. We fall into the room where there are holes in the floor, and there is a Kamaz in the passage. We jump into the one opposite the Kamaz. We go straight, we see an armored personnel carrier and a ladder on it, go up the stairs and go along the tunnel behind the Kamaz. We see a half-buried tunnel with twisted pipes and under the pipes lies the corpse of a stalker, on the pipe there is another one. We jump onto this pipe, then we move to the flooring and in a small cave lies a corpse, and near it documents. We take these documents and there we find some kind of code (4134), while we do not know where it comes from and just remember it.

We continue to move along this tunnel. We turn to the right, the body of a dump truck is visible there, we turn again to the right. We climb the second metal column to the higher level. We go to the end of the room, turn into the opening to the right and see a hole in the floor with a ladder. We go down and go along the tunnel to the blockage, turn left into the side tunnel. We go along it, at the fork we turn into the right tunnel, and we get to the hole in the floor. There is a staircase on the left, we go down it. We go further along the tunnel, on the way again a hole with a ladder, we go down below. We pass further and run into a coded door. A message comes that you need to find documents with a code. And we have already picked up some documents with the code. We apply this code and find ourselves in the standard Pripyat dungeon from the call of Pripyat. We pass into the main hall. We immediately go to the control room and go up to the very top, in the original RFP there was a control panel, we go out to the balcony and walk along the balcony, we find the stairs and go up to another balcony, again we go and again we find the stairs to the uppermost balcony, we climb on it and go in the opposite direction to the room and there will be a transition to Pripyat.

After the transition, a message immediately comes about helping the military to fight off the Monolithians. We go and shoot several monoliths. A message comes that I need to meet with Vasiliev. We go to a meeting, Vasiliev at the school on the second floor. He thanks us and asks to help ecologists to carry out measurements. We go to the ecologists. Environmentalists on the second floor of the kindergarten. The chief ecologist asks to accompany his colleague to the bus station, protect him and help in taking measurements. At the bus station itself, there is a burer, it is necessary to destroy him immediately upon arrival on the second floor, two zombies rise up the back stairs on the second floor, they also need to be destroyed, otherwise they kill the botan and the task fails. After that, we approach the scientist and help him to take the measurement. The task is set off and we cheerfully run together with the scientist to the kindergarten to the chief ecologist.
The chief ecologist bows down in front of us and gives us an orange suit and an elite detector.
A message comes that you need to meet with the ghost at the hotel. We go to the hotel, find a room and talk to the ghost. We get the task to go to the nuclear power plant. Transfer to the nuclear power plant in the same place, behind the stadium. You can go through the stadium, but there are snipers, or you can go around the stadium on the right, there are a couple of suckers waiting for us. We go through the passage to the nuclear power plant.

Upon entering, we receive the task to talk to the commander of the raid squad. We help them first destroy the armored personnel carrier outside the gates, then destroy the ambush of the Monoliths, we destroy the grenade launchers with a motorbike, we talk with the commander, he asks to destroy the mutants, there will be 2 waves of mutants and then zombies will appear, we shoot everything, we talk to the commander, he leads us to the captain.
We approach captain Makarov, he says something there, then starts talking to us. He offers to sit in an armored personnel carrier and conduct reconnaissance for the presence of monoliths on the territory of the nuclear power plant. We drive along the road until the kerosene runs out, we return back, Makarov is at war, we shoot all the monoliths and after that we talk with Makarov, he tells us that the entrance to the sarcophagus is where we shot the monolith. We go to the Sarcophagus (door code 4237).

In the sarcophagus, go to the corridor and run into the door, open it and go into the room. We go to the computer on the table and try to open it, nothing happens - there is no power. There was a task to find the battery. We go to the opposite door from the entrance. Again we go along the corridor, go up the stairs, everything is the same as in the sarcophagus of the original, we go into the room of the destroyed reactor, how to go to the monolith, and there will be a case under a piece of metal. We take the battery out of it, the task appears to supply backup power. We go back to the room with the computer. At the entrance, we watch a movie and we pass to the control panel, marked in the PDA, and smoke comes from the lower part of it. We approach and press the key to use, I have it E, the task appears to take the codes from the main generator. We go to the computer, open it and download the text file, the lowest one. We get the task to get to the generators.

When entering the generators, we immediately see the Ghost, talk to him and run after him through the generators. As soon as we bypass the generators, the Ghost will talk to us again and we will receive the task to find the secret tunnel, go through it to the base territory and destroy all the military there. After that, we meet the ghost and go to the entrance x2, in the original it is Varlab. The ghost opens the door and we go downstairs.

Laboratory X2.
The laboratory resembles X18, but here it is a little different. After entering, we are waiting for the door to the stairs to open. We go to the next level, we find the control panel for the emergency generator, it does not need to be turned on, the generator must be refueled. We find fuel and go to the installation. When you hover the cursor over the pipe, an inscription appears, press the "execute" button, then go ahead and turn on the generator. There was a task to disable the lock. We go down even lower, there will be a code door on the right, we go left. We find the remote control and disable the lock. Now we need to get special, privileged, access. We find the computer on the table and turn it on. We find a text file at the bottom, the lowest one, and download it to our PDA. That's it, we got special access. Now we need to turn off the lock, go to the next room and find bullets there, turn it off. Now you need to go through some kind of scanner. You have to get to the code door and try to open it, nothing happens, you need a code, and for this you need to find the administrator's computer and get the code from the door. We go down to the next level. We open the grate and go into the room, find the computer and turn it on, find the sys system file, the lowest one, open it and write down the door code (code 2345). We go again to the door and enter the received code. We open the door and go to a laboratory similar to that in x18, where the documents were taken. We see a computer on the table, but we don't need it. We go to the control panels, to the right of the table with the computer, three pieces stand along the window.

We approach the middle control panel, there is a switch on it, and when you hover over it with the mouse, the words tips_war_gen_switcher will appear, press the "execute" button. And the task is triggered, a new task appears "to meet the ghost in the cemetery." We go to the cemetery and talk to the ghost. After talking to us and watching the film, we are thrown to the cordon in the basement to Sidor.
Then the freeplay begins.

"Stalker" is a cult third-person shooter that is beloved by fans of post-apocalypse, games like "Fallout" and just good players. The project tells about the life and life of hunters for artifacts in the exclusion zone - the limits of Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Stalkers are divided into groups, each of which pursues its own goals. There are also bandits fugitive from justice, military sent to maintain order, as well as mercenaries, whose origins raise more questions than answers.

A group of enthusiasts from the Dez0Wave Team decided to recreate the very atmosphere of the "dream stalker" that was promised by the GSC developers in the form of screenshots of their planned locations. But as it turned out, in the end everything was redone, reworked and stripped down. And so "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl" came out. For many years, Dez0Wave collected information bit by bit in order to recreate the original idea, and implemented a large-scale addon - "Stalker: Lost Alpha". The passage is not much different from the original. Read more in the article.

History of creation

When "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl" was just being developed, screenshots of the upcoming release were popping up on the Web every now and then. Gamers were very pleased with the graphics, ideas, atmosphere. After the release of the game, everything was great, but not as in the pictures. The graphics have been lowered, many locations have been removed, a number of previously conceived mutants have been removed, and the behavior of NPCs has been simplified. Volunteers from Dez0Wave and decided to return everything to the intended origins. The usual title was chosen as Back to The Roots, but later changed to S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Lost Alpha.

What changed

The main changes affected, of course, the graphics. It has been completely redesigned and reimagined. In the new version, the vegetation is more thoroughly worked out, NPCs behave smarter - the characters no longer just stand still, but periodically make forays around the neighborhood in search of swag or artifacts.

Added about 27 completely new locations. Some were developed from scratch, but most of the same enthusiasts had to discuss day and night in various forums, collect information bit by bit, and only then get to work.

The new plot is based on the same story of the Tagged One from "Shadow of Chernobyl". He must restore the lost memory and eliminate the stalker Shooter. Everything is the same, but Dez0Wave has reworked everything so much that there is a desire to replay the game. Several side quests have been added to add variety to the project.

Emissions have been added, during which monsters lose their minds and begin to behave simply unpredictably. There are shelters where NPCs can hide from emissions. You should be careful here, because in one shelter there may be members of warring groups.


In STALKER: Lost Alpha, the monsters cut by the developers have returned: chimeras, burers, a green dwarf, as well as an incomprehensible "Misha Gummy" with a good-natured face, which some players identify as a kind of burer, others - a cut out pseudo-human (photo below).

And also in the forest on the way to the metallurgical factory you can meet a very strange and aggressive creature. Outwardly, he is very similar to a burer, but naked. Perhaps this is a green dwarf.

Tagged in "Stalker: Lost Alpha"

The passage as a process has also undergone some changes. For example, the main character has quite human needs - he is hungry, thirsty and tired. So he needs to be fed, watered and allowed to sleep. Violation of the regime is fraught with loss of stamina, which will make it very difficult to play Stalker: Lost Alpha. The passage will turn into torment, and the Tagged One will fall from fatigue at every step, and short dashes in order to dodge bullets will end in long shortness of breath. Especially if the backpack is packed to overflowing.

The downside is that the inventory remains the same as in "Shadow of Chernobyl". It was more logical to borrow one from The Call of Pripyat.

The mechanics of the flashlight have been changed - it is now hung on a belt, and a supply of batteries is required for operation. Otherwise, the hero can stay in pitch darkness nose to nose with some kind of controller.

Another innovation is the ability to communicate with stalkers via PDA.

Buy transport

The game "Stalker: Lost Alpha" has become more diverse: vehicles have appeared, which is quite justified - there are many locations, and they are large. There are both civilian and military equipment. There is a chance to find it while wandering around the zone, or you can simply purchase it from merchants.

For example, at the Bartender's "100 Roentgen" the player has the opportunity to take one car of his choice. The price is only rather big:

  • the usual domestic "six" - 120,000;
  • army-standard "Niva" car - already 150,000;
  • the same car, but the medical one costs the same;
  • UAZ will also cost 150,000;
  • tractor T40 - similar cost;
  • the usual "Niva" is already 200,000;
  • "Muscovite" both a regular and a convertible will cost the same price;
  • similarly with the six-convertible;
  • and also in the presence of RAF 33111 for 200,000;
  • KAMAZ is already more expensive - 300,000;
  • the most expensive - BTR-70 - 500,000.

Search for a car

If you are reluctant to spend such money, you can search for yourself. The main thing is not to be lazy and thoroughly research the locations. For example, near the exit from the Dark Hollow near an abandoned building, there is an abandoned example of an army transport - UAZ.

There is a "Muscovite" near the road in the same location. If you carefully climb the abandoned village, the player will find a tractor, and "Niva" is located near the bandit base at the entrance. You just need to steal silently without getting a burst of automatic weapons after.

There is also a white "Niva" near the transition to the abandoned warehouses.


To be honest, installing mods on Stalker: Lost Alpha is a bit silly. In fact, the addon includes a significant number of updates. The developers have added new types of weapons and armor. The game even returned the group "Sin" cut by the GSC company. In general, it is only recommended to abuse mods in an already modified game for those who are vitally important to have a strictly defined mod in stock, giving something extremely necessary. For example, a rainbow unicorn.


A separate point is to highlight this mission under the dome of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This part is not much different from the original passage of the game "Stalker: Lost Alpha". The sarcophagus is still the same: you need to find a computer, supply power to it, find the battery, return to the room where the PC is, start it and download the codes. All this is accompanied by strange visions, the presence of a bloodsucker, dwarfs and the voice of the Monolith.

In the original version, it was full of Monoliths, and you had to fight for every section of the corridor. It is a very illogical move on the part of Lost developers to remove fanatics.

Perhaps, for this you can put a bold minus to the release.


In conclusion, a few words of criticism should be said about the project. You need to start with the presence of console commands. Cheats for "Stalker: Lost Alpha" are not only provided, but are already integrated into the game. The treasured key launches the input line, one has only to write g_god 1, as the Tagged One becomes invulnerable to enemy shots and to radiation fields and anomalies, has an infinite supply of cartridges and can carry any weight in his backpack. That is, one team turns the game into something like Skyrim.

Codes for "Stalker: Lost Alpha" from doors, safes and computers can still be found on their own. But due to the fact that many elements have been added to the game that create the effect of cluttering the gameplay, no one becomes immune from bugs, crashes and the loss of this information. Therefore, some passwords have to either be brute-force or be searched for in the vastness of the entire Network.

In the game "Stalker: Lost Alpha", the passage of almost all side missions is reduced to tedious monotonous running through huge half-empty locations in order to get out of point A and come to point B.

Although it is stated that the story of the Tagged One was supplemented with many interesting elements, these are of very dubious content and raise more questions than answers. Such innovations only spoil the plot of the classic game.

The mutants that were cut out earlier do not have any unique abilities, their artificial intelligence is absolutely not optimized for the events taking place around them. They are just pieces of cannon fodder, because their presence in the game has absolutely no value and is devoid of any semantic load.

The economy inside the game is absolutely unbalanced. Such a lot of money can fall out of any pseudo-dog that the player can buy all the goods from all the game's merchants and run immediately to storm the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, without too much straining.

In view of the above negative aspects of the project, a number of gaming communities are very skeptical about STALKER: Lost Alpha, describing the project as a discrepancy between a colorful cover and a low-quality internal component. During the time spent on development (2007-2014), it was possible to carefully think over all the details of the game. Therefore, a number of skeptics passed a non-appealable verdict: "If you can't - don't take it!"

Stalker fans and fans, rejoice! An addon for S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl has appeared on the Internet. Moreover, this is not just another and uninteresting addition, but a real major DLC that completely changes the game and allows you to enjoy the new Stalker. So, Lost Alpha will bring back to the game everything that we loved so much before the appearance of Shadow of Chernobyl ..

Our native Cordon has grown considerably in size. It will take at least fifteen minutes to run the map from one end to the other. And that's not counting the numerous forks, bridges, dungeons, etc. And the most interesting thing is that this is only one location out of twenty seven! In order for the gamer not to fall asleep while getting to the destination, cars were returned to the game. The choice is large, ranging from the old, rotten Zaporozhets and ending with a brand new, shiny armored personnel carrier, it all depends on your desire and wallet.

The first quest involves cleaning the factory from malicious bandits, then the first real weapon will fall into our hands. At first, the game does not let us out into the "fresh air", making it clear that we should not deviate from the storyline. But after gaining experience, weapons and points, you can walk around the vastness of Lost Alpha to your heart's content. But even here everything is not so good. The vastness is huge, but there is nothing special to do .. Although no, you can spend hours digging in the dump in search of the necessary "trick", you can explore the underground laboratory, hunt for artifacts, and complete mini-quests. But you will soon get tired of it and the huge world will remain not in demand, but on the contrary stressful.

The labeled one became even more human. You can't do without food, water and sleep, as soon as one of these parameters falls below the norm, consider everything, gone. It darkens in the eyes, hands are shaking, nothing good follows from this. Surviving is not easy at all, a dark night is not a test for the faint of heart. The flashlight eats batteries like mad, darkness - even gouge out an eye. Dangers lie in wait for you at every turn. Additional patches will be released to Lost Alpha, which will undoubtedly add even more polish and interesting quests to the game. In the meantime, we play what we have. P.s .:

Stalker Lost Alpha Walkthrough

Wallpaper from games - Stalker protagonist
Watch dogs walkthrough. Watch Watch dogs 2014, video.
STALKER shadow of Chernobyl walkthrough video
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Walkthrough

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Lost Alpha is an independent add-on to the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl. This modification does not depend on the original version. It took the developers a long time to create it.

For fans of stalker lost alpha, the passage causes conflicting reviews. Some argue that it is almost impossible to get to the final, while others do not see any difficulties.

There are many rumors about the passage of such a place as a laboratory in the story of the game. In stalker lost alpha, the passage of laboratory x18 begins with obtaining a code for entering the laboratory itself. You can get this code by talking to Veles. When you get the code, go down to the basement of the office building along the steps leading to the laboratory x18. Your task is to find five folders with documents and a computer. Especially for you, we have prepared a clear description of the location of these items in order to reduce precious search time.

The full walkthrough of stalker lost alpha is to reveal all the secrets of the game, explore every abandoned corner, enjoy the game to the fullest. Features and walkthrough from gleb stalker lost alpha can be viewed in the video. By the way, I would like to note that Gleb's video works are especially popular among players.

Passage of the game stalker lost alpha full passage will open before you great opportunities for exploring the stalker world. Will give access to many caches that store very valuable things. But if you are not in the mood to wander the abandoned streets of locations in search of hiding places, then you can look for a guide with a full description of stalker lost alpha passage x18.

As conceived by the authors of the mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Lost Alpha, you will face difficulties in such a location as the Dungeons of Pripyat. In stalker lost alpha dungeon pripyat, the passage begins with your hero getting into an abandoned hospital and meeting with a guide, who will lead to the entrance of the dungeons. Stock up on ammo, as on the way of research you will have a sea of ​​zombies and bloodsuckers. In the Pripyat Dungeons themselves, you need to find the documentation with the code for the door, which lies in the tunnel near the stalker's corpse under the torn pipeline.

Difficulty can be caused by the stalker lost alpha dark valley passage, where you will encounter at first glance with impossible tasks. In fact, this is not the case. Do not waste time, and do not go to the Bartender, but immediately follow the tasks. After finding all the caches and completing the quests, find a white car that you need to drive away swiftly, otherwise you will be shot from a helicopter and die.

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