Rust - where to start? The first steps. Rust Single Player Rust Single Player

Rust is an interesting survival game in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by zombies and other players. Your task is classic survival in a huge world. In addition to you, this world is inhabited by zombies, animals, as well as other real players. Among the animals, there are rabbits, bears, wolves and other representatives of the fauna. The developers paid special attention to this aspect. Survival lovers simply have to download the Rust torrent and start solo or joint survival with their friends. A constantly updated repack with Russian is available on our website. Updatable because the game is under development. If you are interested, you can read some kind of devblog of the developers, where they post all the information about the current developments.

The plot of the game is quite simple. You are one of the survivors in a vast world. After the disaster, most people turned into zombie creatures. They roam the world in search of fresh meat. In fact, this is a typical survival game with its own characteristics. You will appear in a world with nothing. You will not have any improvised means or necessary things for the first time. All this you have to get yourself. The main game actions take place in a forest. Here you will hunt, get your own food, fight with zombies and other players. The main thing here is to survive and get resources.

The gameplay is built in the style of a classic zombie survival game. You appear in the world, you have nothing. All things, items, etc. need to be crafted by yourself, having obtained a certain amount of resources. In the game, you can build huts, you can rob other players, you can make alliances, hunt, and so on. All this you can do if you download the game from our site, especially since it is absolutely free. The game world is hostile to the player. Your allies can become your enemies in an instant, so be extremely careful.

Hunting. Hunt animals to get food and people to get valuable things.
Items. A huge number of different items.
Zombie. Crowds of disfigured zombies can devour you in a second.

How do I connect to the server?
1. Launch the game via Launcher.exe or a shortcut on the desktop.
2. Start Steam and log into your account.
3. Enter the game and press F1.
4. Enter connect ip: port, where "ip" is the server's IP address and "port" is the port number.

Repack features:
Version: 2210 (2.01.2020 / 4534779), Happy New Year!
Built-in list of pirate servers.
Release prepared by R.G. Alkad by KosiakS.

Installation order:
Attention! Before unpacking files, the installer deletes all files in the destination folder. The installation path must not contain Russian characters!
1. Run the Setup.exe file.
2. Following the prompts of the installer, configure the installation parameters and install.

Type: Client Game
Genre: MMORPG, survival
Release date: 2013
Download the game RUST on Steam

If you have just started playing Rust, then most likely you will immediately have a lot of questions: where to start, how to find clothes, why am I dying, who is killing me, and much more ... As a rule, a similar situation is observed in any game, but - this is a separate "element". In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you want to quickly develop and get used to the game, so that in the future your house will not be "overloaded", read our review on the first steps in playing Rust!

A naked man or how I ended up on the beach ...

By default, all players will find themselves somewhere near the water, for example, near the ocean or a small river. And you will be completely naked, with a torch and a stone. The principle of the game is simple - to survive! You must not only survive, but also find clothes for yourself, crafting them from various objects and collecting from boxes, looking for food, collecting resources and much more. So where do you start?

First, we advise you to go over the map to master it. One of the common mistakes beginner players make is assembling resources. Believe me, you will lose them in 5 minutes, maybe in 10! If none of the players kills you, then most likely you will either die in the sea or stumble upon a wolf or a bear. Since you have no weapons, the chance to stay alive is zero.

On the map, you can navigate by the following points: redtown - infected cities, wolf statues, satellite dish, airfield, large lakes. Typically, each map on a server has a unique landscape, but the structure may be similar.

What to collect first of all inRust

Let's say that you are already familiar with the map. What to do next? We recommend that you first craft yourself 3-4 sleeping bags, and run around the map again. Find all infected cities and next to them (try not to enter the infected sector) leave sleeping bags. This is necessary in order to quickly teleport and collect loot (so far we are only interested in recipes) at all points. The most important recipes will be the following: ax, ammo for AK or pistol, pickaxe, combination lock.

Next, choose a place, preferably in a hidden area (inside the forest) and chop down a tree. Just chop it away from your house. It is a renewable resource, but if you often cut down a tree, then your house will be visible from any point and the likelihood of a raid will increase. At first, try not to accumulate resources, but immediately invest them in construction!

Never reinforce the whole house with iron! Here you need to understand the construction technique and accumulate a sufficient amount of resources so that your home is left without weaknesses. But at the initial stage it is difficult, so start with the simple things, which are discussed in this manual.

What to craft first

The first things you will need in the game are tools, namely a pickaxe and an ax, if recipes have already been collected for them, or an ordinary stone pickaxe and an ax, which can be done by default after the first authorization on the server. Next, craft several boxes (at first only small ones are available to you) and locks with a key. No need to waste resources on clothes! It can be found without any problems in redtowns and barrels that are scattered around the roads.

The game Rust is an online survival game with other real players. In this article, you will learn all the nuances and tricks of this game.

A small group of creative and talented developers Garry’s Mod based on Half-Life 2 wanted to create a game similar to DayZ, but added crafting, resource extraction, hunting and removed zombies to it so as not to make an exact copy of this game. It was released at the end of 2013 and is still in active development.

Graphics. The game has good graphics, a beautiful change of day and night, water, volumetric trees and grass, clouds and sky, anti-aliasing, etc. The game has the Uniti engine, which is why it produces such a beautiful picture in the game.

Physics. The game has realistic physics. When chopping trees, they will fall, when a stone breaks, it will break into smaller pieces, when objects fall out of the player's inventory, they will also roll and fall.

Now closer to the gameplay. You spawn at a random point in the world and have the first items with you, this is a stone and a torch. The stone is your first weapon and tool for mining wood and a torch that will light your way at night. In order to craft the first armor, things and build the first shelter, you have to collect a lot of resources. You need to chop down a tree, get stones, look for useful things. Sometimes your house can be attacked and robbed, this is an online game and therefore whole groups of people can come to you, so of course it is better to play at least two, but if you want to survive alone, then you will need a lot of resources. Further, you will need food for further survival. To do this, you can craft a fire and kill a boar or a deer. You can try to get food with a stone, or gather some resources and create a bow. After you have obtained the first meat, you need to fry it over a fire and only then eat it.

Starting weapons and armor

In order to continue to survive, you will need initial armor and weapons. The weapon is also the bow, and armor, which can be crafted with leather, which can be found or killed by animals. The game has cold nights and biomes, so this armor will be necessary for you. It will also give a small boost to your character's defense.

First refuge. After you have obtained some initial resources, it's time to think about your first shelter, where you can settle down and develop further. To make a regular wooden house, you need a lot of wood. For convenience, it is recommended to make a stone ax, this will speed up the process of extracting wood at times.

After you have obtained wood for construction, you need to build walls, ceiling, floor and doors. But the wooden door is not very strong and therefore you can be quickly hacked, so it is better to start collecting resources for the iron door and other improvements for the house. It is also important to be very careful when choosing the place of your home. Ideal are places near the spawn of various animals, wolves and bears for farming, places where there is a lot of wood and stone, places with large vegetation to make it difficult to find your home.

The main place of the house

After you settle in your usual house, you will eventually run out of space for various chests and places of work. From now on, you should start thinking about a complete, secure and large home. To do this, you will need a lot of resources such as wood and iron fragments. The place and construction must be chosen wisely, and therefore it is recommended that it is built away from a large accumulation of loot, respectively, of people and various hazards. Be careful when building, because at this time you may be noticed by other players.

Various biomes and structures

There will be a large number of different biomes and loot locations in your environment. The game has a normal biome in which there are forests and there is no great danger. The desert, in which there are no forests and a variety of vegetation, the high temperature with which players need to be extremely careful, refers to. And the snow biome, which contains many glaciers and icebergs, the presence of dangerous animals and low temperatures, to find here you will need warm clothes and weapons. The game has a large number of various structures with very valuable loot. This can be a factory, a gas station, a port, a cistern, a lighthouse, and more.

Airplane and airdrop

The game has a plane that flies at a random time and on a random trajectory. Drops various resource boxes. It cannot be flown because it never sits down.

Raids, explosives and weapons, and components to it

The game is played by many players and for survival they raid each other. In order to get inside your neighbor's house, you need C4 explosives. To create, which you will need an explosive that can be created and found in various locations in the world. Explosives it may take an indefinite amount, so you should always, first, have a good look at the house you want to rob. Also, the amount of explosives needed depends on the quality of the walls and doors.

There are a large number of weapons, as well as additional components and improvements to it. So, for example, you can attach a laser sight, telescopic sight, and much more to a rifle.

There are many weapons in the game, these are various pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, throwing weapons, etc. To craft them, you will need to collect a lot of resources.


After good development in the game, you need to make the best armor. The game has a large amount of armor, it is often crafted from metal, steel and other valuable resources. There are also anti-radiation items, they are one of the best in the game and have great protection.

Of course, this game is best played with a group of 2 to 5 players, but if you want to play alone, then it's just as real.

This game is really good and well worth the money. It is constantly updated and refined by an excellent development team who are constantly working to improve the gameplay for you. It definitely needs to be played.

  • Rust is a brutal, ruthless game. There are no rules, no compassion, no one will help you, but every first one will kill you and take all your things for himself. Be careful.
  • Rust is still in the Alpha phase, so performance issues may arise. Every second is precious, so when you first launch the game, pay attention to the settings.
  • Collect resources, they are necessary to create everything in the game. There is always something to collect and what to create.
  • Before starting construction, make sure you have everything you need.


  • After every wipe, everything starts from the beginning. All the beaches in the game are filled with naked stones that kill each other. Your first priority is to get out of this hell and quickly.
  • While you run, open boxes, smash barrels, and collect resources that will come across you. Crates and barrels contain essential ingredients needed to craft items and food to keep you alive.

Collecting resources!

  • When you are far enough from the respawn beaches, start collecting resources to build your base.
  • You have a stone in your hands, with it you start the game and are resurrected after death. Use it to collect wood from trees. Stones, iron ore, sulfuric ore, high quality metal ore are knocked out of boulders. Collect 300 wood to make a spear, this primitive weapon will help you defend yourself in the first stage.
  • Find boulders. They are always the same shape, shiny, and have stripes of silver, gold or brown. Hit them with a stone until you have 325 stones; 200 for a stone ax and 125 for a stone pick.

  • Axes are suitable for harvesting wood and butchering animals, a pickaxe is needed for breaking boulders.
  • Hunting is an essential part of survival. Use a spear, ax, or whatever weapon you have for hunting. Kill and butcher an animal, you get meat, bones, fat and skin.
  • Collect cannabis bushes, you will get fabric used for making clothes and more. You can get some cloth and food by smashing tall cacti, but be careful, you can get hurt.
  • Predators such as wolves and bears are much more dangerous than cacti. When you meet them, you can quickly turn from a hunter into a prey, if you do not have the necessary equipment and weapons.


  • In order to start building you need a plan! And not only in the head, there is such a tool - "Building plan". It is made of paper, and paper is made of 5 wood.
  • You will also need a mallet (made from 100 wood), with which you can upgrade buildings to wood - stone - metal - armored levels.
  • The door and the lock should be made in advance. Safety comes first.
  • A tool cabinet (made from 1000 wood) should also be made in advance and used instead of a cat for housewarming.
  • You should not immediately start building Fort Knox, for the first time a 2x1 cabins is enough.
  • When you build walls with a building plan, immediately upgrade them to the level of a tree or higher, since the twigs from which they are made do not provide any protection.
  • After you've built the walls, place the tool cabinet and log in to it. Install the door and lock.
  • You can get the key and lock the door by holding the E button on the lock. If the indicator turns red on the lock, the door is locked. Don't lose your key, it's in your inventory.
  • Don't forget the roof! Players can land each other and climb up to you through an open window or a missing roof. Be careful, close doors behind you and put bars on windows.
  • Typically, walls and doors have an inside and outside. The inside is weaker, and the outside is more resistant to burglary with a tool. For example with axes and picks. Place the doors so that they open inward. Then they will be located with the strong side out.
  • A gateway, an important part of any home. This is a small 1x1 room in front of the exit, separated by doors from the street and the central part of the house. If the enemy watched and killed you on the way out, the second door in the airlock will prevent him from getting inside the house without hindrance.
  • Now you can develop your base. In the same room as the "tool cabinet", you can place your sleeping bag, a couple of drawers, a fire for cooking and treatment, and a stove.
  • Your sleeping bag is your resurrection point. Keep in mind, every time you respawn on it, the cooldown refreshes (300 seconds!). Bags within 20 foundations also receive a cooldown. You can have up to 8 resurrection points on the screen, but they can block the resurrection button. You can remove the bags by pressing the X in the corner of any of them.
  • It can be difficult to make a stove at the beginning of the game, you can melt cans in a fire to get some metal fragments while you don't have a stove.


  • Hard work and jogging will make you hungry and thirst unbearable. Make a fire, put wood and raw meat in it, after a while it will cook. Do not overdo it, the meat can burn if you do not take it out in time! Burnt meat is not edible.
  • You can quench your thirst by drinking water directly from a river or lake. You cannot drink salt water from the sea. Water can be filled into bottles and other containers. You can also find bottled water in boxes.

Melt till you drop

  • Furnaces are needed to melt ore. Sulfur ore is smelted into sulfur, Iron ore into metal fragments, high quality metal ore into high quality metal ingots.
  • To make a stove, you need 50 low-grade fuel (animal fat and tissue), 200 wood, 200 stone.
  • Fragments of metal are used to create many things, as well as to improve the base. The sooner you start getting them, the faster you will improve your equipment and base.
  • Sulfur is needed to create ammunition and explosives. 95% of the sulfur produced is converted into gunpowder, the remaining 5% into explosives. In the beginning, you will focus on smelting iron ore, but do not throw away your sulfur ore, you will need it later.
  • High Grade Metal (HQM) is used to craft high tier weapons, better armor, armored doors and walls. MVK is very difficult to collect, there are only 1-3 ore units in one boulder. Keep it safe and never throw it away.
  • If you don't need coal while you are smelting, you can divide the ore into four parts, then the furnace will spit it out. Let it disappear, but the sulfur / metal will melt a little faster. Make sure the stove is spitting out charcoal and not metal or sulfur.


  • Now that you are comfortable in this hell, you must fight with all your might to not only survive, but also thrive.
  • Keep expanding your base.
  • Upgrade your weapons and equipment.
  • Find comrades, one is not a warrior in the field. Show your strength, plunder other people's supplies and expand your territory.

Novice and inexperienced Rust players sometimes ask themselves the question: is it possible to play here alone? In general, here we can mean at least two options for the development of events. That is, you want to see the same Rust, but at the same time no one bothers you to roam the world, collect resources and develop? Or perhaps you mean a full-fledged game with a storyline and missions? Let's deal with both cases.

How to play in Rust alone without strangers

Since the plant does not include any instructions or tutorials from the start of the game, the player is confused. What to collect? Where to run? Where is the shooting from? Whose buildings are these? How to build a house? So many questions and so few answers. So there are still spears flying around with arrows, you do not have time to collect something, begin to delve into the essence of the gameplay, as they immediately kill and force you to do everything again. Terribly infuriating. Familiar situation?

Naturally, in the chaos, you start to think about how to play separately a little, in order to understand how and what is being done in the game, and then start surviving with everyone.

There are at least two ways out of the situation. You, as a beginner, most likely immediately went to the official server, where people are teeming with people, and there are five people for every meter of the playing space. Of course, in such conditions, you cannot learn to play. However, if you go to the Community tab in the list of servers, you can find play places where there are not so many people or not at all. We select any empty server, connect and, please, you are alone. Go wherever you want, do what your heart desires.

Where there are 1-5 people in the game, you can also feel quite comfortable. Disgrace, as on the official will not be. Every ten seconds they will not kill you for the reason that you still need to meet on the map.

Single player Rust. Does it exist?

To date, there is no such option. That is, all game events unfold online. There are similarities to quests that have been introduced recently. That is, players have the opportunity to find applications for access cards of three levels, which are scattered around the world, but Rust is still far from a full storyline, and even more so, a single player game. Perhaps this news will be somewhat upsetting, but it is.


Also, to understand what and how is happening in Rust, you can organize your own local server on your computer. There are tons of guides on the Internet describing how this is done, both in text and video format. Your server guarantees you that NOBODY will connect to it and spoil the fruits of long labors. It will turn on and off only at your request. To slowly grasp the essence of things, this option is ideal.

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