19 August predictions of the matron. The last prophecies of Matrona (4 photos). Why is the President of Ecuador accused of treason

Published on 8/18/17 12:08 PM

End of the World 2017: in their material, journalists refer to the prediction of the apocalypse of Matrona of Moscow.

Recently, rumors appeared in the press that on August 19, 2017, the end of the world, allegedly predicted by Matrona of Moscow, would occur: the eldress was allegedly talking about a large-scale catastrophe that would happen on this day on Earth.

Experts have been trying for a long time to decipher the prediction of the saint, who, by the way, predicted the beginning of the Great Patriotic War... According to one version, Matrona predicted a change in the world and the stay of people in the great intcbatch sorrow, and such that no one had ever experienced before.

According to another version, the saint said that in August 2017 many people would die without a war.

"There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everyone will be on the ground, and in the morning they will rise up. And everything will go to the ground," says the prophecy of Matrona of Moscow.

The end of the world on August 19, 2017 is canceled: the ROC commented on the rumors of the apocalypse

However, representatives of the Church were skeptical about the talks about the Moscow apocalypse allegedly predicted by Matrona. The clergy warned believers to treat this information as nonsense, "inherent in a human person."

The ROC explained the spread of rumors about the end of the world on August 19, 2017 by the propensity of some people to nightmares.

The death of the Earth was predicted many times, but so far none of the predictions has been justified.
Humanity is threatened with another Armageddon - the next end of the world, according to the predictions of clairvoyants, is expected on August 19, 2017.

A terrible tragedy was predicted by one of the most famous and revered saints in Russia, Matrona, and one of the most mysterious fortune tellers of the 20th century, Vanga.

During the existence of the Earth, the death of our planet was predicted many times - fortunately, none of them came true, although many sincerely believe in the next such predictions.

Of course, theoretically this is possible - our planet is essentially a star, and celestial bodies have a certain "shelf life", but no one knows the exact date of such an event.

At the age of twelve, Vangelia and her sisters returned home, and it was then that they fell under a strong hurricane, which carried the future soothsayer hundreds of meters away from her native village.

After this incident, her eyesight deteriorated sharply, but, nevertheless, she had a chance not to go blind. The necessary operation could not be carried out due to the fact that the Vanga family did not have the necessary funds so she spent the rest of her life in blindness.

Many people learned about it during the Second World War. It was then that she shocked everyone when she began to talk about the location of the missing soldiers. And since that time, many people began to come to her for help. Despite the fact that she helped people for free, wages all the same received, but from the state.

Vanga died of breast cancer, because she did not have enough money for the operation, due to the fact that she spent all the money on charity.

Many psychics, including Wanga, argue that a terrible event may occur on August 19th of this year, which will lead to the end of the world.

It is this day that many associate with a global catastrophe on Earth. Vanga's prophecy says that humanity will grieve over the loss of a huge number of people.

People accept the next “end of the world” skeptically, because earlier there were similar predictions that never happened. Vanga argued that it was on August 19, 2017 that many people would die in connection with the war, which could begin in a matter of minutes if at least one of the conflicting countries starts active actions.

In addition, the soothsayer said the phrase: "The moment will come when the people will go from the desert." Specialists who are involved in deciphering the predictions of the Gospel suggest that it comes about the inhabitants of Africa and some residents of Asian countries. Indeed, right now, a really huge number of people are moving to Europe.

Therefore, her other vague hints of war at the end of the summer of 2017 have a good chance of coming true.

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that should take place in 2017. Her words “Without warriors, everyone on earth will die and it will be in the distant 2017” are already beginning to make waves of fear on people.

Matrona calls on humanity to turn to God, before it's too late, not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She argued that difficult times filled with sorrow and pain would come.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - autumn 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie on the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy instills a chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, inveterate skeptics do not believe such predictions and are in a hurry to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation for the statements of the clairvoyant.

But even modern scientists cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body that will start the process of destroying all life on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic mood of Matrona's predictions, humanity does not stop believing in better times... After all, even the great soothsayer said that after the Apocalypse there will be peace and tranquility. The people who survived will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the world will end in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter! ...

The prophet Matrona of Moscow, popularly known as the Holy Matronushka or the Healer Matrona, was a legendary person not only in the history of Russia, but also in world history. This great eldress lived a long and difficult life. Many trials and many historical events have fallen in her life, about which Matrona knew and warned humanity in advance.

Many people listened to Matrona, but few heard. At the same time, the last prophecy of the holy matron described everything that happens to us today and what awaits us in the near future. History literally cites the last prophecy of Saint Matrona as follows: “Everyone will die without war! At night all the dead will lie on the ground. And in the morning they will rise, and a new Era will begin for all mankind! "

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Prophecy of the matron about the fate of Russia

When a small, blind girl made a sensational statement that the royal family would die at the hands of the Bolsheviks, no one believed. Have you seen anything, the most powerful man in the country, and will be shot with his entire family? Yes, the tsar could destroy the blind seer herself, then just the girl Matronushka from a poor family, and all her relatives with just one tin. And about the Bolsheviks, in those days, they never heard of a dream. The native girls did not spread about the words of Matrona, if not at all, they took her conversations for children's fantasies. But, after a few years, the fame of the little blind seer was found out in her native village and in neighboring counties.

With the advent of Soviet power, the life of Matrona herself and her fellow villagers changed dramatically. It is worth recalling that the Reds considered it a matter of honor:

  • eradication of Faith in God;
  • the destruction of all manifestations of religion;
  • destruction of churches;
  • shooting of priests.

An interesting fact: the younger brothers of the Matrona were in the People's Council of the county (the village of Syabino, Tula province). That is, the brothers of the great seer, the servants of the Lord, advocated the rejection of God and the great Church. History is silent about how Matrona lived in such conditions, and how two completely different directions were reconciled in one house. Only one thing is known, Matrona predicted the coming of Soviet power, calling it the power of Satan, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

One of the most terrible prophecies of the then young fortuneteller was the announcement that the Second World War would begin, and many people would die in it. There is unproven information that when German troops approached Moscow, Stalin himself came to Matrona for advice. He did not believe much in predictions, but the fame of the people's seer reached his ears.

Just on the eve of the planned evacuation from Moscow, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, granted an unofficial visit to Matronushka's apartment. What they talked about remains a mystery, only unofficial sources claim that the prophetess calmed the Great Leader and said: “You don’t need to run away from Moscow! Red Rooster (Soviet Power) will defeat the enemy! "

Matrona predicted the start of World War II

Oddly enough, Stalin heard Matrona and believed her. The evacuation was canceled, Hitler's troops did not enter Moscow, and soon our army went on the offensive. The "Red Rooster" won, as the prophetess said.

But the old woman also spoke about our times. The last prediction of Matrona said that if the people of Russia succumb to provocations, believe the liars and instigators, there will be another Great Revolution in the country. And this Revolution, according to Matronushka, will lead to the fact that Russia will begin to disintegrate into separate parts and the aggressors - Europe, China, the United States - will take control of the power in the once-scattered great country.

Matrona of Moscow calls people to Faith, to self-knowledge and self-improvement. She asks to remember God, to carry his word in their hearts and not to renounce his Kingdom. Only in this way, the Seer said, it will be possible to save oneself and one's country for their descendants free and give them a chance to avoid slavery in the power of an aggressor who does not honor God and his Will on Earth.

Only if people put Faith in their hearts will they go through these difficult times with honor and Russia is waiting for 1000 years of prosperity and prosperity. Matrona's prediction for 2017 for Russia said that only the unity of the inhabitants of this country, their Faith in the Lord would help them overcome the sorrows that fell to their lot.

The prophetess pointed to 2017 as a turning point in the life of mankind

Prediction of the Great Old Lady for 2017 for Ukraine

The last prediction of Matronushka for Ukraine as a state concerned our time. More specifically, the period from 2015 to 2017. It was this time that the great seer attributed to the end times, and spoke of it as the non-open beginning of the End Times. The prophetess pointed to 2017 as a turning point in the life of mankind.

In particular, her predictions for this period applied to several countries of the former Soviet Union - Ukraine and Russia. As Matrona said, 2017 will be marked by great world changes. People will turn away from God, and Satan's power will come into the world. But humanity does not recognize the devilish principle in the new rulers, since they will glorify the Lord with false tongues, doing their evil deeds under the cover and with the blessing of the corrupt church.

“The Lord is not to blame for the fact that in his House all over the Earth the Devil will establish power. The fault is the people who let the demon into their souls, closing their hearts from God! " The great old woman predicted that, having turned away from God, people would lose the last stronghold, which gave them a chance to survive in a world under the rule of the Devil. She said that there would be a terrible fratricidal war.

And not in a figurative, but in a literal sense, a brother will come out against his own brother against his own blood with a knife and a barrel, and blood will be shed. What Matrona said, history cites literally:

“And the Caines will give birth to peace, and they will go to war against their brothers, they will go against God. But Abel will not bow his head and there will be fratricide legal and the corrupt church will bless the destruction of man himself! "

Now this prophecy is especially relevant against the background of what is happening in Ukraine on the territory of Donbass. Eastern Ukraine, engulfed in flames, does not know what it is doing. And the Seer Matrona said: “At this time people from Ukraine will run away! They will not run of their own free will! Fear will be to blame. Fear of war and hunger, impoverishment will lead to the fact that people will abandon their homes, their native graves and land and flee to other countries, to a foreign side, where no one is waiting for them! "

Precisely as the prediction of Saint Matrona for 2017 stated, the enemies of Ukraine will begin offensives, but they will not gain power in the country by war, but exchange freedom for gold. Desolate devastated villages and cities from which people will go to other countries in search of food and better life will be sold by the government for a pittance and Ukraine will forever lose its integrity and cease to be a country in the truest sense of the word.

Matrona predicted difficult tests for Belarus

Prophecy of Matrona for Belarus

Saint Matrona's predictions regarding Belarus are also not rosy. For 2017, Matrona predicted difficult trials for this fraternal country for us. The West is increasingly taking root in the territory of Belarus and destroying its way of life from within. Many will succumb to provocations. And blood will be shed. The power of Belarus will brutally stifle attempts to destroy the country. Many show trials will pass, many people will suffer for their attempt to stage a coup. But the old woman said that this attempt would be the last. The hostile Western countries will no longer risk causing trouble to this peaceful and stable country.

Prophecy of the Matrona for Europe

For Europe this year, the prediction of Matrona of Moscow for 2017 predicted strong internecine conflicts. The beginning of a terrible internal religious war, Christianity will fight Orthodoxy without realizing that they are, in fact, fighting with themselves. Most European countries will acquire a new government. The military will come to power, and they will put things in order in Europe with their rather brutal methods. And blood will be shed again.

Matronushka's words fully confirm what was once done by Vanga's prophecy. Europe has embarked on the path of self-destruction and can no longer stop striving to gain power through weapons and fear. Despite the fact that many soothsayers point to the fact that most Europeans will seek salvation in Russia, Matrona Matrona did not think so. She said that the war in Europe would be so cruel that not many would be able to escape.

Yes, we also heard about the horrors of impending cataclysms, so we collected all the fragmented information in one article. Read on about August 19, the prediction of Blessed Matrona and reasons to think about the end of the world in 2017.


We did not have time to move away from and, as there was another reason to worry about our health and emotional state, and even about the state of planet Earth. So, in the media and social networks they are actively discussing information that the end of the world will occur on August 19, 2017. And all because of the prophecy of the blessed Matrona and the observed omens.

Prophecy of Blessed Matrona, Saint Russian Orthodox Church, says that at the end of the day "people will fall to the ground", and at sunrise they will "rise" and "the world will be different."

Blessed Matrona's prediction about the end of the world 2017

Of course, they wrote about the end of the world many times in different years. During the entire existence of life on Earth, the end of the world was supposed to happen 16 times. But this is only an official figure. The most global, in which everyone believed, and even, was regarding the 2012 apocalypse from the Mayan prophecies. On the this moment, many believers believe in the end of the world on August 19, as the long-standing prophecy of a global natural catastrophe was deciphered from a popular healer and healer - Saint Blessed Matrona. The literal prediction of Matrona, which they have been trying to decipher for a hundred years, sounded like this:

At the end of the day, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will be different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced.

And although Matrona's words do not imply the end of the world, they are interpreted in different ways. Numerologists, fortunetellers on the Book of Changes and Feng Shui experts are convinced: this is the day of the beginning of great cataclysms. Astrologers, however, report that on August 19 a celestial body will fly up close to the Earth, which will bring with it an epidemic that is fatal for all mankind, or simply destroy our planet.

What to expect from the end of the world on August 19, 2017

On August 19, 207, a giant asteroid fall, a supervolcano eruption, or a powerful burst of solar activity may occur. Earthquakes are also very likely. Yet many believe that on August 19, heavenly forces will save all who sincerely believe.

The next coming end of the world is being discussed in Russia. Allegedly, Saint Matrona predicted that this would happen on August 19, 2017.

“At the end of the day, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will be different. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before, "- such a phrase is attributed to the saint.

And someone sincerely believes in it. Meanwhile, our planet has already been repeatedly predicted destruction. Fortunately, so far these predictions have not come true. However, you need to be ready for everything, and therefore we publish the schedule of the upcoming ends of the world. Just in case.

Each time, these periods became shorter in time. In this regard, after a while, another turning point in the history of our state may come, which is very likely to turn into a catastrophe.

Dates of future "Ends of the World"

2020 year

Isaac Newton calculated that the end of the world will come exactly this year, who, in turn, took biblical predictions as a basis. The exact date is not indicated. But wait and see.

2023 year

According to the prediction of Nostradamus, the Earth will go out of its orbit. Well, in general, nothing can be done, we will wait.

2036 year

It is assumed that by this time the asteroid Apophis should have reached the Earth. However, new data from scientists prove that the possibility of a collision of this asteroid with our planet is extremely unlikely.

2098 year

Another cosmic catastrophe is predicted by Elias Otis, who based his calculations on the Revelation of John the Theologian.

2242 year

In their writings, Ibn Ezra Abraham (XII century) and Abu Mahar (IX century) argue that this year the era of the Sun will end and a world catastrophe will come.

2780 year

This end of the world was calculated according to the prophetic icons painted at the end of the 18th century according to the predictions of Abel the Seer.

3000 year

Astrophysicists from the University of Oxford claim that this year will be the end of the world. And the reason for this will be the Taurida meteor shower, which will pass through the solar system.

3797 year

Another disaster forecast from Nostradamus. It is believed that this prophecy is found in his "Letter to the Son of Caesar."

4006 November 1

Allegedly, this date of the end of the world was encrypted by Leonardo da Vinci in his most mysterious fresco "The Last Supper".

The exact date of the end of the world has been named

The next apocalypse that frightens humanity should come on October 12, 2017. This time, all living things threaten to destroy a space object with a diameter of 40 meters.

Terrible predictions about the death of humanity appear with enviable regularity. A new threat to earthly civilization was seen in space. A group of researchers noticed a mysterious object with a diameter of 40 meters approaching our planet at high speed.

According to experts, this messenger of the apocalypse will collide with the Earth on October 12, 2017 and the consequences will be dire. The planet's ozone layer will disappear, which will lead to a sharp climate change and the death of all living things.

This is far from the first such warning about the end of the world. Dangerous asteroids are reported frequently, but every Solar system there is enough space for cosmic bodies to miss each other safely.

According to The Mirror, on April 19, a giant asteroid will approach the Earth by 1.1 million miles (1.8 million kilometers). According to experts, this object has not approached our planet at such a distance for the past 400 years. The next time it will happen in 500 years, they assured.

The future from Vanga

  • 2008 - Assassination attempt on four heads of government. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the reasons for the third world war.
  • 2010 - The beginning of the third world war. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as usual, then nuclear weapons will be used first, and then chemical weapons.
  • 2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, neither animals nor vegetation will remain in the Northern Hemisphere. Then the Muslims will start a chemical war against the surviving Europeans.
  • 2014 - Most people will suffer from abscesses, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
  • 2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
  • 2018 - China becomes the new world power. Developing countries turn from being exploited into exploiters.
  • 2023 - Earth's orbit changes slightly.
  • 2025 - Europe is still sparsely populated.
  • 2028 - Creation of a new source of energy (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. A manned spacecraft is launched to Venus.
  • 2033 - Polar ice melt. The level of the World Ocean is rising.
  • 2043 - The global economy is booming. Muslims rule in Europe.
  • 2046 - Any organs are grown. Organ replacement is becoming one of the best treatments.
  • 2066 - During the attack on Muslim Rome, the United States uses a new type of weapon - climatic. A sharp cold snap.
  • 2076 - Classless society (communism).
  • 2088 - A new disease - aging in a few seconds.
  • 2097 - Aging is defeated.
  • 2100 - Artificial Sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
  • 2111 - People become cyborgs (living robots).
  • 2125 - Signals from space will be received in Hungary.
  • 2130 - Colonies under water (with advice from aliens).
  • 2164 - Animals are turned into demihumans.
  • 2167 - New religion.
  • 2183 - The colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands independence from the Earth (as the United States once did from England).
  • 2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
  • 2196 - Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.
  • 2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. It's getting colder.
  • 2221 - In search of extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
  • 2256 - Spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.
  • 2262 - The orbits of the planets are gradually changing. Mars is threatened by a comet.
  • 2273 - Mixing of yellow, white and black races. New races.
  • 2279 - Energy from nothing (probably from a vacuum or from black holes).
  • 2288 - Time Travel. New contacts with aliens.
  • 2291 - The sun is cooling down. Attempts are being made to light it up again.
  • 2296 - Powerful solar flares. The force of attraction changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall.
  • 2299 - In France - a partisan movement against Islam.
  • 2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.
  • 2341 - Something terrible is approaching the Earth from space.
  • 2354 - An accident on one of the artificial Suns leads to drought.
  • 2371 - Great famine.
  • 2378 - New rapidly growing race.
  • 2480 - Two artificial Suns will collide. Earth at dusk.
  • 3005 - War on Mars. The trajectories of the planets will be violated.
  • 3010 - The comet will ram the moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
  • 3797 - By this time, all living things will perish on Earth, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for new life in another star system.

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