Conspiracy for the lover to call. Conspiracies for the guy to call for different situations. A conspiracy to add a family

We have made a selection of love conspiracies for you. Conspiracies to attract a loved one, love conspiracies for a husband or wife, and many others.

Selection - Conspiracies for love

Only the most powerful and proven conspiracies that will help you attract your soul mate, strengthen the love of your husband or your lover.

Strong conspiracy to love her husband

Conspiracies for your husband's love are used only if it seems to you that your husband has lost interest in you. Such love conspiracies work especially well if the couple was married in a church. But for those who did not get married, the conspiracy will also work.

This strong conspiracy for her husband's love is read three times in a row, looking at the growing moon:

“I will stand on the threshold of the church and create a talisman for my family. My dear husband (husband's name), give me your peace. I stand in front of you, and behind my back is a holy protective icon. I will bow to her and stand at the altar. I gave the slave (husband's name) my heart, my soul. So now he would be jealous of me, he would not let go of me anywhere. Would love me, shore and caress. As a mother suffers for her children, so you will suffer for me, love and wait for me, and never change. My word is strong, true. Amen.

Another strong conspiracy for the love of a husband should be done like this. In the morning, when you wash, look in the mirror and slander into a bar of soap:

"As people look in the mirror, so the husband would look at his wife but not see how quickly the soap will wash off, so quickly the husband will love his wife, what is the shirt on his body is white, so the husband would be clean and bright."

"As was the shirt on the body, so was the husband to his wife."

Thus, the husband's dislike and indifference to his wife should go along with the old garment. The shirt should then be discarded.

When cooling the feelings of a spouse

When you first felt that your husband has grown cold towards you, but feelings for your spouse are still burning in your soul, then you can awaken in him his former passion with the help of magic. For the ritual, a red silk ribbon should be prepared.

The tape should be placed under the sheet on the matrimonial bed before bed. The next morning, you need to wake up very early and carefully pull out the tape. The edge of the tape must be passed over the lips of the husband, so as not to wake him up, and he did not suspect anything.

Z Then you need to go to another room and weave a ribbon into your hair and say the following words:

“I will wake up early in the morning, the Servant of God, (my name), but I will go to a clean field, to look for my beloved. If I look in all four directions, I won't see anyone! I will address with sincere words to the wind that walks across the wide field, I will ask him to call my beloved to me. And then I will return home and see my beloved there. He will sit in the entryway, sulking, and miss me, Servants of God (his name). I will gladly hug him and accept him. My words are strong and strong. And so it will happen. Amen".

After that, the tape must be removed and hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it. After such a ceremony, the husband will very quickly wake up in his soul the former passion for you and the relationship will improve.

Rite of passage with wine

Allows you to enhance the sexual attraction of the husband and the ceremony with wine. The ceremony is a romantic dinner with enchanted wine. Talking alcoholic beverage in a glass before dinner in complete privacy.

The conspiracy sounds like this:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), speak intoxicating red wine with a strong spell. My beloved husband, the Servant of God (spouse's name), will drink a sip of wine and will want me, he will not be able to live without me any longer. His thoughts, day and night, will be only about me. He will love my body, I will always awaken a strong passion in him. Amen".

Words need to be pronounced once, putting all your feelings into them. After this, this charmed drink can be drunk with your beloved husband.

Love conspiracy on smoke

Write on a blank sheet of paper with your hand the words of a love conspiracy:

“I will get up early, wash my white face, go out the door and into the clear field, and turn my gaze to the east. And there are three ovens: copper, iron and brick. And as those furnaces flare up and burst with heat from heaven to earth, so the heart, soul and body of the servant of God (name of the beloved) about me, the servant of God (his name) would have flared up. And my words are strong - stronger than iron, denser than copper and harder than brick. "

Then roll the paper into a tube and put a dry wormwood sprig in it. Next, set it on fire from one end and whisper the plot written on it into the smoke.

Love conspiracy on the needle

Speak the words of a love conspiracy on a new purchased needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into the clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you a sharp arrow into a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of clear servants of God (name of the beloved). So that she dries up for me as a servant of God (her name) and yearns always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled. "

Hide this needle discreetly in the house or in the things of your beloved.

Love conspiracy - How to meet your betrothed

If all else fails, you can resort to magic. For this, there are conspiracies that are used so that a betrothed-mummer appears in their lives.

When it is raining or snowing, place the dishes on the window, the ground, into which water or snow will be collected. After the rain stops or the snow ends, the dishes can be brought into the house. If you had snow, then wait until it melts. For the conspiracy to work, you need to pronounce it on Friday during the growing moon. It is best if it is a day between 2 and 14 lunar days. In principle, water can be collected a little earlier, there is nothing terrible in this. Now, the conspiracy: "How to meet the betrothed." Take water and splash it over the corners of your bed, a few drops are enough. Sit down in the center of the bed with the rest of the water. And repeat three times:

"I ask You to present me a person through this sweet, fresh rain, who will ease my sorrow of loneliness."

Then, leave the water in an open container and let the water evaporate. The main thing is not to run every hour to the bank and do not look to see if the water has evaporated or not. After the ritual, go to bed.

Read the special handkerchief plot, which you use to wipe your face three times before entering the courtroom. The conspiracy reads as follows:

I will stand, blessing,
I will go crossing myself
From door to door, from gate to gate.
I will go out into the open field,
In this open field they stand
Iron locks, damask gates.
I will become a servant of God (name),
Between the iron constipation,
Damascus gates
And I will put a crown of gold on my head,
I will put a bright month.
On this bright month I will put
Red sun
To this in the red sun
Can't nobody
Neither get angry or upset.
And so would the servant of God (name)
Nobody could
Neither be angry nor upset:
No kings-princes, no kings-princes,
Neither worldly courts, nor earthly courts.
And neither the whole world is right glorious
Couldn't get angry or upset
The servant of God (name).
If they were in front of me
Like a leaf in front of a grass
And below the low water, the cut grass.
The sky is the key, the earth is the lock.
Keep away from my words.

Conspiracy to soften cruel hearts

If you have to communicate with people on whom your well-being depends, but they are for one reason or another angry with you, then you should, before contacting them, read such a conspiracy three times in a row:

Jesus Christ, stand up to help me.
I go to the room, they sit there
Kings with kings, lords with lords,
All power over me, dumb as walls.
They take the plates, I take the knife out from under my heart,
I plug my enemies' throats.
My top, my truth, my victory.
I'll turn around on all sides
And I am not afraid of you, my enemies. Amen.

Wealth conspiracy

If you see a lot of goodness that will appeal to you, or a large amount of money that you can only dream of, put the fig and read a special conspiracy - all the wealth will go to you. The conspiracy words are as follows:

You don’t care, but I’m full of boxes,
And I’m full of bins and barns,
House of good, wallets of money,
Gold with silver.
I am a prince and a merchant, I have a crown of happiness. Amen.

A conspiracy for wealth and good luck

Good luck and success will accompany you in everything, if on any Thursday you dig a hole near your house and throw a coin, a small remnant and a cockroach into it, and then bury it all, saying:

How quickly the soap is washed
My bad luck would have disappeared so quickly.
How many cockroaches a thin mistress has,
I would have had so much luck and money.
Conspiracy for good luck, I bury luck,
I fall asleep with damp earth. Amen.

A quick word (to fulfill a wish)

If during the year you at least once saw a star falling and managed to say a quick word at the same time, then under New Year go outside, look at the sky and make a wish - it will definitely come true.

A quick word - I KNOW.

How to get your lot back

With the help of damage, you can take away not only health, but also a happy share. Thank God that there is a special rite that helps to scold the unfortunate from troubles and misfortunes.

Pour black cow milk into a bottle, hide it on your chest and go to church. There, settle for matins, then light nine candles and return home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way. Place milk on an empty table, light a candle next to it. Sweep floors everywhere. During the ceremony, do not be distracted either by knocking on the door or by phone calls - nothing should bother you.

The feeling of falling in love is always accompanied by numerous experiences. Calls to each other can become a real problem when one person is waiting for attention or a regular telephone conversation, and the other is hesitant to dial a number, fearing to seem annoying. You can push your beloved or beloved to this with a simple conspiracy. There are many rituals designed for such purposes, but each of them is among the least dangerous from the point of view of magic.

Simple ways

Before carrying out the ritual, it is important to understand the main rule of conspiracies - to pronounce words, to carry out rituals is necessary only if there is confidence in your desires and feelings. For fun, such methods should never be used. Any conspiracy, even the safest one, is an interference with the energy of another person.

To call a loved one:

“My beloved, (name), why don't you call and talk to me? After all, I'm a stately girl, good-looking, good for everyone and everything, but for you - beloved. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will echo, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

Strong conspiracies for the guy to call immediately after reading:

“My light is dear, my light is dear, why did you forget me? Turn your gaze to me, dial my number. "

“In an open field, in a clean expanse, there are four oak trees, four whirlwinds. Four oak trees, four whirlwinds go, look for the servant of God (name) put sadness in his heart, so that he grieves about me, the servant of God (name). I will close my strong conspiracies with forty locks, I will give the keys to the pike-fish, so that she does not tell anyone. "

“In the Russian land a city lies, in that city a stately house stands. In the house my beloved lives (name of the chosen one), he calls himself. One (the name of the chosen one) is bored, does not know happiness with fun. He will take his phone in hand, dial my number by heart. He will invite me on a date, he will only find happiness with me ”.

Rituals using additional attributes

For any item that was in the hands of the chosen one or the chosen one:

“I lie down, pray, and when I get up, I am baptized. There are worms underground, and animals above the ground. The sun and the moon have risen, and I am alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Key. Lock. Language".

On phones connected with a red thread (your phone and the device of your chosen one or your chosen one, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which should be left with you, and the other should be put to your beloved):

“The bell rings me. I want to hear my favorite little voice every hour, every day. Let him need me like stars in the sky, like a river in water. Let the love spark between the phones fly by, but it will be stuck forever and ever. May it be so!".

To your phone:

"Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you do not eat, do not drink, but you will find peace when you call me, tell me about yourself."

For any subject of the chosen one, so that he calls within half an hour:

“(Name), you are interesting to me, you are pleasant to me, but why don’t you call, you don’t talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, dear to you, interesting to you. Take your phone, dial my (your name) number. My voice in the receiver will echo, and your heart will fill with joy. "

To the photo to be called by the one who loves:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! How good it was to us remember, open my heart, soul. Remember my number quickly, make an appointment as soon as possible! "

On a napkin or scarf with diagonally tied knots that the chosen one held in his hands (read exclusively on the growing moon, during the ritual one must look at the sky):

“I tied a knot on a handkerchief, I made a guess of your name, my beloved. Only your heart longs for me, and let my face be in your dreams. In the morning take your phone and dial my number. "

To the phone (on your phone you need to dial the number of your beloved and say the words):

“Call - because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call - because you want to love me. Call - for you cannot live without me. "

Strong conspiracy to call

If contact with a person occurred relatively recently or there was only an acquaintance, then the conspiracy to the call should be read according to different rules. For the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and make a stronger one. In situations where communication occurs regularly, you can apply simple methods impact (on your own phone or object).

An example of a ritual:

  • the table must be covered with a bright red cloth
  • in the middle of the table, place a red candle in a candlestick or on a saucer
  • put the phone in front of you (screen up)
  • looking at the phone, one must not only remember the person's face, but also imagine the upcoming dialogue as realistically as possible (the words must be literally "heard")
  • after such actions, the words of the conspiracy are read three times:

Gypsy rite

For the ceremony, you will need a glass two-thirds filled with red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. You need to make a pendulum from a ring and thread, light a candle. Having pronounced your name, you must wait for the ring to hit the glass walls as many times as there are letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped). Similar actions are carried out with the name of the chosen one or the chosen one. The ring on the thread must be dipped into the wine and wait until the candle burns out or its flame goes out. After the ceremony, one must drink wine and mentally imagine the long-awaited dialogue.

Conspiracies for a specific person to call are read at any time. For the ritual, you can use your own energy forces or apply some attributes. Getting a picture of a guy or a girl is much easier now. You can use, for example, social networks. If a person is interested at a meeting, then you can prepare in advance by letting him hold a sheet of paper (even a regular napkin will do). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the ritual. In the absence of self-confidence, the result may not meet expectations.

Rules for reading conspiracies for a call:

  • during the ceremony, it is necessary to imagine as clearly as possible the facial features of a man or woman, on which the conspiracy is read
  • when performing a ritual, the atmosphere around should be as favorable and calm as possible (there should be no children, no animals, or other objects nearby that can distract from)
  • if there is an object that was held by the chosen one or chosen one, then when reading the necessary words you must hold it in one hand, and in the other - a lit church candle
  • you cannot use the conspiracy for selfish purposes (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
  • if there is no candle, then it is recommended to read the plot after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows over the face during the ritual)
  • the call conspiracy refers to love magic, so it is too often used on different people not worth it (negative consequences may occur)
  • it is recommended to read the plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame goes out)
  • if a mobile phone is used in the ritual, then while reading the conspiracy it is necessary to present the digits of the number of a loved one or beloved, the music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the voice of a person
  • pronounce the words as confidently and clearly as possible (stammering, incorrect pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
  • simple conspiracies (without using additional attributes) can be read at any time of the day, repeating words 3 or 9 times in a row
  • if there is no photograph or object that the chosen one was holding, then when reading the conspiracy, you must hold your cell phone in your hand
  • when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind the right person, does not affect his feelings, so the upcoming telephone conversation can be of almost any topic (work moments, discussion of a situation, etc.)

Despite the fact that calling conspiracies are considered one of the safest, and it will not be difficult to carry out the ritual even in the absence of experience, it is difficult to call rituals weak. With the help of such spells, you can remind yourself of yourself even to a person whom you have not seen or heard for many years. The only condition for success is that the chosen one or the chosen one has your phone number.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell so that he called to read at home - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


If your beloved man or boyfriend stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting you, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person urgently calls you, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. This ritual will be able to catch up on longing for a sweetheart and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to your meeting. The conspiracy to call will make the one who you need to remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ceremony to remind yourself, go to the open window in your house and read the words of a strong conspiracy so that someone who loves to call and read the conspiracy so that the guy calls right now you need 9 times:

Bring me to my doorstep.

Love spell on a young man to call

I think a lot of people have had a situation, the guy asked you out on a date, you met and everything seemed to be great, and he liked you. In the end, he took the phone and. disappeared, no call, no SMS. Using a love spell on a young man to call, you can open your way to happiness. This conspiracy does not guarantee unlimited and endless love on his part and your eternal family happiness. But he will make the guy finally remember you and dial your number, strengthen his desire to meet you again. The conspiracy for the guy to call can be done as follows. Take a photo of the guy and a piece of paper with your phone number on it. Put this piece of paper on the photo with the inscription down, so that the phone number is in front of the guy's head, and say the following spell three times:

My clear falcon, my long-awaited, beautiful!

How good it was for us to remember, open your heart and soul for me.

Rather remember my number, invite me to a date!

Leave the photo and paper in this position overnight. In the morning, remove the leaflet with the phone number from the photo and set it on fire. When it burns down, open the window and scatter the ash. If you did the ceremony correctly and with great desire, soon you need to wait for the call.

Love spell on a young man to call

If you don't have a photo of the guy you want, you can use another conspiracy to get the guy to call. It is convenient for its simplicity, as it can be pronounced at any time of the day and anywhere. To get a call from a guy, you need to say a love spell:

The city lies in the Russian land, in that city there is a house.

A good fellow is found in that house.

A good fellow (name) is called.

One (name) is bored, does not know his happiness.

He will take the phone in his hand and dial my number.

He will call me on a date, he will find the long-awaited happiness.

The situation is complicated by the fact that it is usually used after a short-term acquaintance and, therefore, usually there is neither a portrait of the guy, nor his belongings at hand. However, this is not so scary. Anything he touched, such as paper, a pen, a lighter, or a mobile phone, will do. If he did not touch anything, but left his phone number, then this number will do, which needs to be written down on a piece of paper. Holding this object in your hand, remember your meeting and his look. In this case, you need to say nine times:

My falcon, (his name), why don't you write,

don't you call, don't you talk to me?

I'm stately, I'm nice, I'm unusual, I'm pretty,

dear for you, interesting for you.

Take your phone and dial my number.

your heart will fill with joy.

If you pronounce the conspiracy correctly and with conviction, the “victim” should remember you and get bored. He will want to hear your voice again and make a new appointment. And then it's up to you!

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    There are many ways of magical love spells based on a person's photo. If in the old days they used to conjure named icons, as well as the odic look and visualization of the image of a person during the ceremony were in use, today the work of a magician is simplified by the presence of such a wonderful thing as a photo. You can use not only traditional photos, but also digital format on the screen. An easy love spell of a man from a photo on the phone is simple and affordable, just for beginners who are at the very beginning of the magical path.

    Such love rituals are not a real love spell in the full sense. These are love suckers, working on the mental strength of the performer, as a quick fulfillment of the desire for a guy to call is not a love spell, but a challenge. Here, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is a good example of how you can bewitch a guy you like on your own using his photo in digital format.

    Simple home love spell for a guy from a photo on the phone

    Look at the photo of the one you want to bewitch, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

    Rituals like such an independent love spell of a guy on the phone, as a rule, work (if they do), on the personal power of the magician - the performer. The result can manifest itself both as a slight suck, and as a love gum, well, and as a magical challenge, including.

    What is the essence of a call love spell?

    Under the influence of Powers - whatever, in witchcraft practices there are many of them, they are different, have a different nature and character of manifestation, the right person comes to the performer personally, or in other ways comes into contact. So, what is usually called strong on the Internet love spell on the call beloved man, in reality, is a magical ritual of calling. And now let's see what kind of love rituals are these, and how to do them yourself.

    For a loved one to call - a love spell or a magic call?

    Similar to ways of bewitching your beloved boyfriend, there are different types of challenges. These magical rituals can be safely divided into demonic, cemetery, white, neutral, elemental. They do them before the main effective love spell of a beloved guy, and can also be performed after him. Depending on what type of love spell on a man the performer chooses. So, for a love ritual with food, you first need to call for a person to come. If a magical effect is chosen at a distance, for example, a love spell by a phone number, and according to the conditions of the rite there is no reservation - not to see your beloved guy, and not to communicate with him in any other way for a certain number of days, then a magical call for a man to come is done after the main witchcraft in the complex ritual.

    The love spell for a call is not tied to the moon (unless a specific lunar phase is indicated in the ceremony), and therefore you can read a love spell on a guy's call at any lunar phase, then, when an objective need arises. Ideally, it is necessary that the called loved one comes to the performer in person. but letter in social networks, SMS or phone call can be seen as positive result love spell to call ex-boyfriend... If a lover does not want contact, and he is forced to do so by magical means, he will most likely follow the simplest path.

    Well, and, of course, as always, a lot depends on the strength of the one who makes the challenge. For a guy to call, you need to choose a love spell call that you will read at home, and do it effectively.

    A magic call for a guy to call soon is a useful thing in love spelling practices.

    However, you need to understand that just a love call made to a man is of little use. It is necessary to follow up with a magical love spell that will make a man do what is required of him. It doesn't have to be super strong love spell made from photo, but this program should form the concept of the behavior of a loved one, in relation to whom complex magical work is being carried out. However, thinking that the call only makes the ex-boyfriend show up is also wrong. Magic love spells have a love effect - the guy comes to the performer, because it seems to him that he cannot do without this person. A love conspiracy to call a guy can work in the morning, in a few days, or in an hour. It all depends on the specific situation, and the compatibility of people. Be that as it may, a love clouding of the mind is observed in all victims of a witchcraft conspiracy to challenge a man to a woman who loves him.

    Strong love spell - a challenge for a man to call or appear in person

    This love spell is a call made on your own so that your beloved guy will soon call on the phone or come to the girl. To do on the waning moon, the impact on the lover comes through the power of black magic. The purpose of this home ritual for love is for a man to call quickly after a quarrel and breakup. In order to make this love spell on a phone call yourself, you need to prepare:

    If, as in this case, you want to conjure a man with witchcraft, the mirror should be square or rectangular. When a woman is influenced, mirrors are taken without corners - round or oval.

    Set the photo of your beloved guy vertically. Place and light black candles on both sides of the photo. Place a mirror in front of the photo. It should reflect both the photo and the candles. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that it is curious that the reviews of people practicing the rituals of black magic, who made a love spell on a phone call, give an understanding that the lover does not just get in touch in any accessible way, he is personally.

    Putting this whole structure, take a knife in your right hand, and read the love spell 9 times so that the guy calls:

    Lightly stab the reflection in the mirror with a knife 19 times. With each injection, read the words of a love conspiracy:

    Then put the magic knife on the mirror with a point against the photo of your beloved guy. Pour salt on a knife, on a mirror. Then put the photo of the person being called on the salt, while pronouncing the words of the strongest love spell on her husband's call:

    Leave everything overnight. Remove in the morning, pour salt at the intersection. Leave without looking back.

    The witchcraft ritual can be performed after a strong love spell to read so that the bewitched husband calls, or appears. This witchcraft challenge is very strong, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to note that the effectiveness of any rite of love magic is always individual. It all depends on the will and resistance of the victim of the conspiracy, and on the connection of the practicing magician with the Forces.

    An independent simple love spell on the phone - to bewitch a loved one by voice

    You can bewitch your beloved guy by talking to him on the phone. The phone in this case is an intermediary, a link between you and the guy you like. The phone conveys all the shades of voice and emotions of the person who speaks to you. Therefore, using a mobile phone, you can make an effective love spell at a distance, acting on the energy centers of the lover and husband. There are many varieties of such bindings, and such love spells by phone number look like very simple things that are accessible even to beginners.

    To make an easy love spell for love, you need to call a man and say words about love, set him up for a romantic wave. Ask the man a question, and when he answers you, listening to him, read the conspiracy to yourself three times:

    An independent love spell over the phone at home can be done in another way. Call the man, and in the process of talking, as you exhale, mentally pronounce "love you", and while inhaling, say: "do you love me".

    Conspiracy for someone who loves to call: purpose and features of use

    Telephones are firmly entrenched in our lives. They connect close people, allow you to hear your own voice, even if its owner is on the other side of the earth. By the will of fate, an accidental phone call can start a new relationship or, on the contrary, completely destroy existing ones. It is not surprising that the telephone can become a key attribute of a magical ritual - for example, a conspiracy calculated for a beloved boyfriend or man to call.

    When should a conspiracy be used?

    The conspiracy for the one who loves to call helps to inspire the beloved with thoughts about the one who uttered these magic words, makes him want to hear her voice. But in this case, nevertheless, the feelings of the young man and the impulse to make a phone call are not natural - they appear as a result of the influence exerted by the ritual.

    Therefore, a conspiracy to call from a lover is not at all as innocent and careless as it seems at first glance. Not a single magical interaction can be regarded as a joke, including conspiracies of this nature. However, a conspiracy to have someone who loves call is considered one of the least dangerous love rites. He does not impose strong feelings, does not cause an irresistible attraction to the performer.

    You can use such a conspiracy in all sorts of situations when it is simply necessary for a loved one to dial your number. The most common use cases are:

    • after the first date, if the young man you like is in no hurry with the call;
    • after a major quarrel, when you need to make peace with your loved one;
    • after parting, when you can't forget your boyfriend and you want to restore your old relationship;
    • when you just want to hear your favorite voice, but you don't have the courage to dial the number yourself, etc.

    Each girl will have her own reasons for using conspiracies for a phone call from a guy she just likes or loves. And below are the effective magic words and the rituals that accompany them. Every girl can cope with them, regardless of whether she has practical experience in using witchcraft or not.

    What conspiracies can be read in order for a loved one to call?

    Conspiracy for beginners to call a loved one or beloved

    You can use it after a first date or quarrel. This is one of the safest ceremonies. The use of a conspiracy to call a loved one should start with visualization: as clearly as possible to imagine the image of a sweetheart, his features, focus on him and on your desire. And then pronounce the conspiracy:

    "My favorite, (guy's name) why don't you call me, why don't you talk to me? After all, I am a pretty and stately girl, pleasant for everyone and everything, but for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me soon. My voice will echo, your heart will beat with joy. Amen".

    In order for the conspiracy to give the desired result, you must certainly believe in it.

    A simple conspiracy to the phone for a guy to call

    Take your phone in your left hand, screen up. Cover the phone screen with your right hand and read 9 times:

    “Let the servant of God remember (guy name) me, servant of God(his name), let him call me as soon as possible. Just as plants cannot do without the sun, so they cannot do without me. It will be my desire to hear my voice and see my image. Only me alone will want and wait for a meeting with me. As I said, so be it. "

    They say about this conspiracy that the guy often calls immediately after reading it.

    Strong conspiracy to have a loved one call

    With the help of the conspiracy below, a young man or man of interest can be forced not only to call, but also write or even come to you. You need to read the words 9 times at the open window (preferably by heart) - a call from a beloved will not keep you waiting. Text:

    “I call, (own name) , you,(guy name) , to my porch. Angels guiding you(guy name) , I put: one - in front, another - behind, two - on the sides. To me you, angels, darling(guy's name) lead, look at his thoughts to me, bring his feet to me, bring him to my doorstep. Remembering me, do not return to me in a dream. Amen (3x) ”.

    You can wait for a call and requests to meet from a loved one after applying this conspiracy the same evening - magic words are characterized by very quick action.

    Another strong conspiracy against a message from a man:

    Conspiracy on a phone call from a man (for reconciliation)

    This conspiracy can be used if you had a big quarrel with your loved one and want to make up, or broke up altogether, but want to resume relations with him. For the ritual, pre-purchase at the church 2 candles, get the most fresh photo of your beloved and place it in the frame.

    The ritual begins with memory and visualization. Remember the best and most enjoyable moments that were in your relationship, imagine that they are happening now, right in this moment... Then put a photo of your beloved on the table, and lighted candles on either side of him. Look closely at the features of your own face and say in a clear, confident tone:

    “I appreciate happy days with you and remember, my dear. Let you remember all this: how you cannot live without me. I am the only one for you, let your soul fly to me. Call and talk, revive our feelings. Amen!"

    Be sure to tune yourself in to the positive result of the conspiracy and do not doubt it, and very soon you will hear the voice of your lover.

    Conspiracy to call or write


    If your beloved man or boyfriend stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting with you, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person urgently calls you, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order make a loved one call, write or come to the person he called. This ritual can make a sweetheart longing and will make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to your meeting. The conspiracy to call will make the one who you need to remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To make it on my own trouble-free ceremony to remind yourself, go to the open window in your house and read the words of a strong conspiracy so that the one who loves calls and read the conspiracy so that the guy calls right now you need 9 times:

    I call on (my name) you (man's name) right up to my porch.

    I put you (man's name) guide angels,

    Two on the sides, one in front, one in the back,

    You lead dear (man's name) to me,

    Thoughts (name of a man) to (your name) behold,

    Carry legs (name of a man) to (your name),

    Bring me to my doorstep.

    Remembering, do not come back to me in a dream.

    • “I needed my dear husband to call me urgently, but he was away and very busy. I myself read the conspiracy so that the person called and after 10 minutes the phone rang. A nice man spoke to me affectionately on the phone and everything I wanted to hear from him I heard. "
    • “The conspiracy to call the right person very urgently helped me a lot in moments of despair and was able to force the man who loves me and really needs me to quickly contact me by phone and call himself. Now our relationship is fine and we are together with my husband again, this is how this strong conspiracy to call helped me. "
    • “If you want to force someone to urgently call you, then there is a strong conspiracy so that the right person will immediately call the best approach. I had never believed in such magic before, but fate turned out so that one day I had to try and read this conspiracy on my own. Imagine my surprise when the phone rang and it turned out that the one I had just read called conspiracy words... It's a miracle and a conspiracy that really works. "

    The action of the conspiracy to return and admonish is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever the beloved is, even in another city, he will have desire see you and will not disappear until the moment when he returns to you. In love as in war - all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. And if a loved one went to a rival? Here, the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure means to which a loved one cannot resist him. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel between a husband and wife who left home.

    There is good white conspiracy for marriage, after reading which you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is not so decisive that he does not make an offer to marry you can do it. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry the one who, in Easter week, read on him the words of the Easter conspiracy for a quick and successful marriage - read on

    Love conspiracies that you can read yourself can be done both during the day and at night. At night, the strongest love conspiracy should be read on the full moon, this time is considered the most suitable for conducting magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person to yourself and read a strong love conspiracy on him, you can carry out a ceremony for eternal love using his photo and a red church candle by doing everything yourself. Another very good and quick love conspiracy is done with candles and needles and refers to black magic. As you can see, there are a lot of love conspiracies that need to be read on candles. You can read them

    A conspiracy in a cemetery made for love is committed for life. You can read a love conspiracy on cemetery land both during the day in white light, and black night by the light of the moon. All strong love spells that need to be read in a cemetery is called a cemetery love spell for eternal love and refers to black magic. To independently make a love rite on the cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and love the person for whom you are ready to conduct the ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will not reveal the great secret of the black wedding and you will know the best love conspiracies that should be read in the cemetery. By choosing and executing

    Many are interested in how to independently make a love conspiracy from a photograph of a loved one. By itself, this is a very light love ritual with reading the words of a magical conspiracy that evokes strong feelings of love in a person. You can read a love plot on your own both at home, and by choosing a faster black love plot using a photo and conduct a love ritual in a cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of a person who is bewitched, his presence when you read a love plot is not required. You should also know that a love conspiracy based on a photo cannot be removed; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To

    This magical rite of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and successfully get married, you just need to perform a simple rite with reading a love conspiracy to meet with your beloved. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ceremony, take any small roadside stone that fits in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special conspiracy on

    In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for a quarrel, you need to read the reconciliation conspiracy looking after him. In fact, right after the reading, the friend will strongly want to return my friendship and begin to feel guilty about the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is this:

    This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him that were before the quarrel. You need to read the conspiracy for reconciliation in the church in front of the icon Mother of God... Very soon after the ceremony, you will make peace and will no longer quarrel over all sorts of trifles, constantly finding compromises that suit you. Put a candle to her and bowing, read the white conspiracy - a prayer to make peace with what you need

    If quarrels with your husband began to occur in your family and you have a feeling that he is cheating, correct this situation and restore a happy family life this strong conspiracy against her husband from his betrayal will help. Immediately after reading the conspiracy from treason, the husband will love only his wife, experiencing next to her an endless feeling of love and happiness. The conspiracy is read on bread, which the husband must eat with any meal. Before you sit down at the table, read this conspiracy over a piece of bread. As soon as the husband eats the bread conspired from betrayal, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and most friendly

    Cheese week is celebrated from March 7 to 12, also known as Shrovetide. Pancake week conspiracies that need to be read on a loved one so that his love for you becomes even stronger. After reading this love conspiracy for Shrovetide, a guy or a man will fall in love with you so much that he will soon make an offer to play a wedding and you will successfully marry a loved one to whom you have recently read a love spell. A love spell is read on a pancake pancake that needs to be treated to the person whom you decided to bewitch to yourself. Here are the conspiracy words you need

    On January 19, at the Epiphany of the Lord, it is customary to read a strong love conspiracy for the love of the one you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom the white Epiphany conspiracy was read will love his other half very much and will forever love and be faithful to her. Many who performed this magical rite on the night of baptism and spoke to the light and strong love of their chosen one have already lived together in love and harmony for many years, without quarreling or cheating on each other. Light a church candle holding it in your left hand with your right, pour a sip of holy water into a transparent glass. Without releasing the candle, take the glass in your right hand and

    Love conspiracy read in Maundy Thursday will allow you to forever bewitch a loved one to yourself. In love magic, there are many love conspiracies that need to be read on their own, many of them act at any distance from the bewitched, forcing him to return to his beloved after a quarrel, but the most powerful conspiracies are those that need to be read in large church holidays such as a conspiracy for love on Maundy Thursday about which the conspiracies for today will tell. A love conspiracy on Maundy Thursday should be read on water, but not a simple one from the tap, but on a sacred one in a church, where you also need to buy 1 candle that you bring home for a magical rite of love per day

    To reprimand yourself from longing for your loved one with whom you broke up, this light white conspiracy will help, which frees you from love longing and strong sadness for your beloved and gives peace of mind for the person you broke up with. Three times in a row, read the words of the conspiracy from the love anguish of sadness and sorrow over food or drink that you need to sit down and drink in dinner, and then go to bed. Waking up in the morning, you will completely get rid of the feeling of love and affection for your former love thus, once and for all, relieving yourself of love anguish. Conspiracy words from longing and sadness to be read over food and drink

    To improve relations and make peace with a loved one after a quarrel (husband, wife, relatives, friend or girlfriend.) In the old days, they read this strong conspiracy for reconciliation. Very often, after reading this conspiracy, the person on whom the magical influence was directed is the first to realize his guilt and is looking for an excuse to quickly make peace. To do this, as it gets dark in the evening, you need to go outside and, moving away from the bright light, look at the sky. You need to wait for the appearance of the first star and looking at it three times in a row to read the conspiracy that makes the person the first to go to reconciliation after

    After a quarrel with your beloved spouse - husband or wife, a conspiracy to reconcile the spouses will help to reconcile, which must be read immediately after the scandal and, despite any circumstances, the spouses will quickly reconcile. Both the wife and the husband, as well as their parents who are worried about the happiness of their children, can read a conspiracy that will help persuade a person to reconciliation. This is a white conspiracy prayer to St. Irina that will help reconcile the spouses and preserve peace and love in the family after a severe scandal. The words of the conspiracy must be read in front of the icon of the Holy

Sometimes it is unbearable to sit and wait for some gesture in your address from the guy you like. In this situation, conspiracies will help, which are read so that your loved one will definitely call. They can work even if the guy doesn't have your phone number, but under these circumstances, of course, the chances are less.

Be careful in reading the conspiracy, read it thoughtfully, with the correct installation. Its effectiveness depends on the accuracy of reproducing the conspiracy. Do everything exactly according to the instructions below, and you will definitely succeed.

This article lists the most powerful and not difficult to reproduce conspiracies for a loved one to call. Although phone calls have entered our lives not so long ago, nevertheless, conspiracies are strong enough and work the way you expect them to.

Simple conspiracies that will make a man call

Before reading magic words, one must surrender to visualization. At the same time, they clearly and tangibly represent their sweetheart with a phone in his hand, draw how he is dressed, how he looks. You need to wish with all your heart that he would call you. Thinking about this, they pronounce the conspiracy:

“My beloved, (name), why don't you call me and talk to me? After all, I'm a stately girl, good-looking, good for everyone and everything, but for you - beloved. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will echo, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

Examples of conspiracies for a call

You should not say the words loudly, but you must believe in them with all your heart. Your energy and the power of your thoughts will do their job, and the guy will definitely call.

Visualization conspiracy

There is another visualization conspiracy. It is used at the beginning of the development of relations. If you met a young man once, and there is no continuation of the relationship, you can use this conspiracy to get the guy to call. The plot below should be read 9 times:

“My dear (name), who I met once, why are you silent for so long, don't write, don't call and don't talk to me? Take your phone quickly and dial my number! Your soul (name) will be filled with joy when you hear my voice in the receiver! "

When these words are read, you have to think exclusively about the guy whose voice you yearn to hear on the telephone receiver. You need to imagine how he picks up the phone and dials your number. To enhance the effect of visualization, it is better to pick up some thing that belongs to him, or at least something that was in his hands. You can understand whether your appeal to magic has worked if you hear a call in the near future.

Call in a relationship

If you have a great relationship, which is overshadowed only by inattention on his part and the minimum number of calls, you can use a conspiracy to call the right person. Young people do not perceive the absence of telephone conversations as tragically as girls. A guy can get bogged down and not even think about how a girl is suffering without talking to him. If you have been waiting for a call for a long time and to no avail, you can rectify the situation by reading the following lines:

“Strong, strong, strong, strong I speak to the servant of God (name) for an early call. I dare him from other matters and urge him to come to his senses. Let his thoughts renounce everything, and let his hands reach for the phone. Let no trouble happen to him, and he will return alive. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

This conspiracy is not only aimed at making a person call, it also protects him from all possible dangers. While reading it, you should imagine how a man is calling you, mentally remove all obstacles from his path. All your emotions must be put into these words and must be repeated several times. Then the result will not have to wait long.

Restoring relationships

How to get back a former relationship
Sometimes a call is needed not in order to establish a relationship, but in order to restore it, return what was lost, and make peace.

  • In this case, a fairly strong ritual is needed that can make serious changes. To perform such a ritual, you need a photograph.
  • Moreover, the fresher it is, the better.
  • In order for a loved one to be able to defeat resentment and his anger, you should carefully prepare for reading the conspiracy so that he calls.

A prepared photograph is placed on the shelf, candles from the church (2 pieces) are placed next to it, a mobile phone and a sheet with their phone number are placed next to it.

Candles are lit, they look at the photograph, remembering the wonderful time spent together. Then they read the conspiracy:

“(Name), remember our joy, remember our happiness! Remember how desirable you were! After all, I am your happiness, joy and love! Take the offense, dial my number, return our happiness! "

The words are repeated 6 times. Then they hide the picture, and in the candle flame they burn a sheet with a written telephone number, the ashes are carefully collected and thrown into the open window into the wind.

Strong rituals for the darling to call

The rituals outlined here have a much more powerful effect on the target.

  1. The man should stop doing any other business until he speaks to you on the phone.
  2. And this is already quite a strong influence on fate.
  3. So such actions can end unpredictably and lead to unexpected consequences.

But they are ideal for those girls who do not intend to wait and urgently want to hear the voice of their beloved.

Very powerful conspiracies

First, you can try to make a strong name call, in most cases it is enough for a dear person to call. Having prepared a large red candle, you need to write on a blank white sheet of paper with black paste. This must be the person's full name. Then the sheet is set on fire from a candle flame and the following words are read:

"Body and soul burn on fire until you call me!"

The text is repeated 3 times. This must be done faster than the leaf with the inscription will completely burn out.

If the above method doesn't work, you can use black pepper. First you need to count the peas correctly. There should be as many of them as your dear has lived in the world. The peas are thrown into a hot frying pan, where a little vegetable oil is first poured. As soon as the peppercorns are hot, they will bounce on the surface of the pan. In this case, you need to say this:

"As this pepper jumps and toils, so let (name) spin until he calls me!"

The absence of a call after such a conspiracy for the guy to call speaks about how bad and painful he is at the moment and he simply cannot gather strength. So before carrying out such a ritual, you need to think carefully, is it worth it to make your husband or just your beloved suffer?

A simple conspiracy to call

First turn on the memory on full power and restore before your eyes the image of a loved one or husband, as if he is in front of you in reality. Remember all the little details: facial expression, twinkle in the eyes, posture. Then the following words should be read aloud nine times.

The goal is a conspiracy for the guy to call. It is necessary to reawaken the feelings in the man, which will lead to the fact that soon he will want to call and do something pleasant.

Call conspiracy with a candle and a photo

If you have a photograph of your beloved man, it makes things a little easier. When there is a picture of the husband in front of his eyes, it frees up the resource.

You don't have to try so hard to keep a visual image in your memory. Take the photograph in your left hand and in your right hand the church candle, which you need to light first.

  • Another detail of the conspiracy - you need to open a window or window.
  • Firstly, the absence of obstacles in the form of a wall or a closed door contributes to the establishment of an invisible energy connection between a woman and a man.
  • Secondly, it is a strong gust of air from the window that should extinguish the candle flame - for this conspiracy to take effect, it is not recommended to extinguish the candle yourself.

Call Conspiracy with Photo and Ribbon

A beautiful ritual for which you need to choose an exquisite red ribbon. The ribbon is a symbol of your feelings and connection with the desired person. Therefore, approach her choice consciously, do not take the first one that comes across. It is important that you like her.

  1. This time you have to go to bed after midnight.
  2. Take a photo of your loved one and tie it with a red ribbon to your phone.
  3. Think about how imperceptibly but irreversibly a subtle invisible connection is established between you and your chosen one and the circulation of energy is activated.

Then put your phone with a photo under your pillow, next to you, and start reading the plot itself. After the conspiracy, immediately close your eyes and try to sleep soundly.

Conspiracy to call the one who is needed

You need a photograph of your loved one, as well as a blank sheet of paper. Write your phone number on the sheet and attach a photo so that your face coincides with the inscription. After that, immediately read the conspiracy.

In the morning, remove the photo from the sheet and burn it. Blow the ashes into the wind. The ritual is aimed at making the loved one put off their affairs and remember about you. Also, this conspiracy can help if you have been married for a long time, and your husband is busy all the time - after the ceremony, he realizes that he wants romance again. Whatever happens in your personal life - get ready for a quick date.

A few more important notes on conspiracies

What do you need to know? Key Features:

  • Don't do anything just for the sake of curiosity. Use magic only when you are completely sure of your strong desire, the need to make the chosen person yours.
  • Don't tell anyone. The fewer friends learn about the conspiracy after reading it, the better. Ideally, no one should know. The fact that you performed the ritual for the guy to call you is your personal secret.
  • You need to read the conspiracy with a sincere heart.

A phone call is always not an end in itself. This is just a sign that we are interesting to this person, he is interested in us and has a strong desire to meet. What happens in reality, on a date - again depends on us. Will it be possible to capture the attention (and with it the heart) of our chosen one, will he become a loved one, and in the future - a husband? All this is in the hands of the girl.

Rituals using additional attributes

For any item that was in the hands of the chosen one or the chosen one:

“I lie down, pray, and when I get up, I am baptized. There are worms underground, and animals above the ground. The sun and the moon have risen, and I am alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Key. Lock. Language".

On phones connected with a red thread (your phone and the device of your chosen one or your chosen one, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which should be left with you, and the other should be put to your beloved):

“The bell rings me. I want to hear my favorite little voice every hour, every day. Let him need me like stars in the sky, like a river in water. Let the love spark between the phones fly by, but it will be stuck forever and ever. May it be so!".

To your phone:

"Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you do not eat, do not drink, but you will find peace when you call me, tell me about yourself."

For any subject of the chosen one, so that he calls within half an hour:

“(Name), you are interesting to me, you are pleasant to me, but why don’t you call, you don’t talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, dear to you, interesting to you. Take your phone, dial my (your name) number. My voice in the receiver will echo, and your heart will fill with joy. "

To the photo to be called by the one who loves:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! How good it was to us remember, open my heart, soul. Remember my number quickly, make an appointment as soon as possible! "

On a napkin or scarf with diagonally tied knots that the chosen one held in his hands (read exclusively on the growing moon, during the ritual one must look at the sky):

“I tied a knot on a handkerchief, I made a guess of your name, my beloved. Only your heart longs for me, and let my face be in your dreams. In the morning take your phone and dial my number. "

To the phone (on your phone you need to dial the number of your beloved and say the words):

“Call - because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call - because you want to love me. Call - for you cannot live without me. "

Strong conspiracy to call

If contact with a person occurred relatively recently or there was only an acquaintance, then the conspiracy to the call should be read according to different rules. For the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and do a stronger ritual. In situations where communication occurs regularly, you can use simple methods of influence (on your own phone or object).

An example of a ritual:

the table must be covered with a bright red cloth
in the middle of the table, place a red candle in a candlestick or on a saucer
put the phone in front of you (screen up)
looking at the phone, one must not only remember the person's face, but also imagine the upcoming dialogue as realistically as possible (the words must be literally "heard")
after such actions, the words of the conspiracy are read three times:

Beloved voice yes dear, I want to hear you. You stole my heart, but you sunk into my soul. Dial my number urgently (phone number), because it is important for me! "

Gypsy rite

For the ceremony, you will need a glass two-thirds filled with red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. You need to make a pendulum from a ring and thread, light a candle.

  • Having pronounced your name, you must wait for the ring to hit the glass walls as many times as there are letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped).
  • Similar actions are carried out with the name of the chosen one or the chosen one.
  • The ring on the thread must be dipped into the wine and wait until the candle burns out or its flame goes out.

After the ceremony, one must drink wine and mentally imagine the long-awaited dialogue.

How to read conspiracies correctly?

Conspiracies for a specific person to call are read at any time. For the ritual, you can use your own energy forces or apply some attributes. Getting a picture of a guy or a girl is much easier now.

You can use, for example, social networks. If a person is interested at a meeting, then you can prepare in advance for a conspiracy by letting him hold a sheet of paper (even an ordinary napkin will do). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the ritual. In the absence of self-confidence, the result may not meet expectations.

Rules for reading conspiracies for a call:

during the ceremony, it is necessary to imagine as clearly as possible the facial features of a man or woman, on which the conspiracy is read

when performing a ritual, the atmosphere around should be as favorable and calm as possible (there should be no children, no animals, or other objects nearby that can distract from the ritual)

  1. if there is an object that was held by the chosen one or chosen one, then when reading the necessary words you must hold it in one hand, and in the other - a lit church candle
  2. you cannot use the conspiracy for selfish purposes (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
  3. if there is no candle, then it is recommended to read the plot after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows over the face during the ritual)

the conspiracy to call refers to love magic, so you should not use it too often on different people (negative consequences may arise)

it is recommended to read the plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame goes out)
if a mobile phone is used in the ritual, then while reading the conspiracy it is necessary to present the digits of the number of a loved one or beloved, the music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the voice of a person

pronounce the words as confidently and clearly as possible (stammering, incorrect pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
simple conspiracies

Without using additional attributes

  1. can be read at any time of the day, repeating words 3 or 9 times in a row
    if there is no photograph or object that the chosen one was holding, then when reading the conspiracy, you must hold your cell phone in your hand
  2. when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind the right person, does not affect his feelings, therefore the upcoming telephone conversation can be of almost any topic (work moments, discussion of a situation, etc.)
  3. Despite the fact that calling conspiracies are considered one of the safest, and it will not be difficult to carry out the ritual even in the absence of experience, it is difficult to call rituals weak.

With the help of such spells, you can remind yourself of yourself even to a person whom you have not seen or heard for many years. The only condition for success is that the chosen one or the chosen one has your phone number.


For example, the first stage of your communication is a telephone conversation. For many, it happens on its own. In the case when the man does not want to dial your number in any way, it is worth making a love spell so that the guy would call.

This is not a complete captivity of a person, but only the launch of a program in his field, aimed at one action. A bell is not a one hundred and eighty-degree turn of your life, so you won't have to answer for it.

And after the conversation, a date can happen, then a second, and so on. The call can serve as the beginning of a natural romance. You just need to "help" the client - to inspire him with the desire to dial the number. How to do it? Yes, it is not difficult, given that he has these cherished numbers.


1st ritual for a guy to call
Take your phone in the evening. Write the number on a small piece of paper with a red felt-tip pen. Attach to your machine. Cast the spell:

“The swallow flies south to find out what the dear friend wants! Returns home, says that he is with me! Fly, beauty! Let (name) not cope with longing! You instill in him a need, and deep sadness! Without my voice, let him not sleep! Let the telephone ringing disturb him in his dreams! And talk to me, let him dream! "

Put the device under the pillow and go to bed. Watch what images your subconscious mind throws at you at night. If the impression of sleep is pleasant, he will call soon. When dark images come, it means that the person thinks badly of you! This is an alarming sign. Better to abandon your plan. If nothing was dreamed of, repeat the ritual on the second night.

2nd ritual for a guy to call

Sit in front of a mirror. Take a photo of the person you want to bewitch. This is to reinforce your imagination. Wear red.

  1. If there is no completely scarlet dress (costume), then throw a piece of red fabric over yourself.
  2. We need a background. Light red candles on the sides of the mirror.
  3. Position the phone so that it is within your field of vision.
  4. Concentrate, introduce your counterpart. It is necessary to create his image "dense".

That is, you can practically feel his presence next to you. Project this imaginary "clone" into the mirror. When you get to the point where you feel like the guy is sitting next to your reflection in the mirror, imagine that a wire ties your foreheads. It is easier for people to imagine a cord or rope. Do as you like. It is only necessary that a line of communication be created from your forehead to his.

Now imagine a situation when he just needs to contact you. The bottom line depends on your relationship and imagination. Give him what you can think of. For example, he desperately needs to contact you to find out information about mutual acquaintances. Have you passed it on? What is the answer? You will feel it. Only at first it will be so elusive that it will be necessary to repeat the procedure in order to recognize what your victim is broadcasting.

  • As soon as you catch the opposite effect, move your gaze to your pipe and "send" energy into it. If you couldn't feel anything, then just look at your phone and say aloud: call!
  • That's all. If you do everything correctly, you will hear a call signal shortly.
  • If something fails, then you can repeat it at any time. This love spell for the guy to call can be performed at any convenient time.
  • Experts advise to spend it in the evening, realizing that it is easier for a non-specialist to concentrate in the silence and comfort of semi-darkness.


I must say, despite the fact that the effectiveness of such a ritual is not too great, but, as a last resort, you can try. Please note that you will have to make every effort to turn the situation in your direction. It is advisable to "organize" a real thread that will connect you. That is, use mutual acquaintances, social networks, or something else.

If there are absolutely no real connections between you, then the effectiveness of the ritual will be in question.

  • There is a way out here: find his account in social networks and knock on friends, write a message or send a gift.
  • If you do not want to log in, then do it incognito.
  • It doesn't matter if he will understand that it is you.
  • It is necessary to achieve such a situation for this person to pay attention to your energy.

The ritual is carried out to the wind. If there is no way to go to the mountains or to another place where a hurricane is raging, then turn on the fan. Just create a more powerful flow. Point it at the open window. Get into the flow. Create a mental image, the essence of which is: your feeling at the moment when the guy calls you. That is, it is boring to imagine that you are already talking to him. What are your feelings, thoughts, feelings and so on? Detail everything, right down to the smile on the face. Is it done? Read the spell out loud, straight into the stream:

“I call upon the force of the wind! Come, make your dreams come true! Capture my desires, transfer my desires! I appeal to the strength of the wind! Carry my order, instill it in that hour! Let the Slave (name) suffer, languish with desire! I order! I'm punishing! So that Slave (name) thoughts do not calm down, do not stop until the time when they receive my gifts! Amen!"

When you read it, mentally "let" your feelings into the created channel. This is an exercise for the imagination. You imagine that the wave is on social networks or through mutual acquaintances in another suitable way. If you do everything right, then answer all calls. The desired one will definitely be. Just keep in mind that the object may simply have a wrong number. Don't get lost here!

The power and magic of a conspiracy to get a guy to call

What determines the strength of the conspiracy

A conspiracy for a sweetheart to call is one of the most harmless ways to influence a person's desires and feelings. Despite the fact that in this conspiracy the elements of a love spell are most often used, their power is directed only to certain actions of a person, which make him later think about his feelings for a girl.

It is quite understandable that if a young man calls a girl, then she is interested in him and, on a subconscious level, a young man has just such a picture that, without using magic, makes him dig a little in his soul and decide on a relationship.

The power of a love spell to call a young man does not oblige him to anything at all. The conspiracy does not force a young person to change himself, act radically, or even influence the fate of other people. He will just pick up the phone and call, and what can be negative in a simple call. In addition, it is in the hands of each girl to turn the conversation in the right direction, so that next time the young man wants to call of his own free will.

Types of conspiracies to call a loved one

A conspiracy for a person to call does not require any complex rituals. Sometimes it is enough just to utter words on the phone so that after a while the long-awaited call will ring.

The power of the word is obvious and what we think about often comes true, so you need to be very careful in your desires.

If, after a previous meeting with a young man, some of his objects remained, for example, a lighter or a handkerchief, a pen, or even a personal item of the girl that he touched, then you can conduct a conspiracy on this subject.

You can also conduct a conspiracy on the phone number of a young man, which you just need to write on a piece of paper and read the conspiracy on it. To carry out a conspiracy on an object, you must pick it up and read the following words over the object 9 times:

"My dear, (name of the young man), why don't you call, don't write,
why don't you talk to me?
I am beautiful, I am pleasant, the best and the cutest,
for you I am dear and the most interesting.
Take your phone and dial my number,
and when you hear my voice, peace will appear in your heart, joy in your soul, and sweetness in your body. "

After these words, the desired man should have some memories associated with the girl, and after a short period of time he will dial her phone number.

The simplest conspiracy for a man to call is carried out on a cotton or linen handkerchief. At the tip of the scarf, you need to tie a knot and say 3 times on it:

“I tied a handkerchief with a knot, and tied my desire with it. Help me higher forces, help the young man (name) remember me, miss me, dial my phone number. I tied a handkerchief with a knot, I told you my desire. Soon everything will come true, my phone will wake up from the long-awaited call, the sweet voice in the receiver. "

Carry the scarf with you until the young man calls, then it must be burned.

Ritual if you know the phone number

Take the thing he touched, or his photo, or write his phone number on a piece of paper. Show what you have chosen to perform the ritual to the Moon at night. And say this spell for a love spell:

“As the moon looks at me, as the night longs for the white day,
So you are a servant of God (guy's name) longing for me, run to me.
I am a beauty, illuminated by the moon, I am fitting, placed in your thoughts.
As the breeze murmurs in the foliage, so will my voice live in you.
Run faster, bring your speech.
As you hear my dear voice, your heart will be filled with love longing! "

They said a conspiracy and go to bed, putting the thing that they said under the pillow. If everything is done correctly, the next day the desired call will definitely be. The main thing is that the ritual must be carried out with conviction, without feeling even a shadow of doubt. Then everything will definitely work out. Your thoughts will be passed on to the guy. He will remember you and feel like calling you.

Conspiracy to the phone if there is no number

If you do not have a phone number or a guy's belongings, and you really want to call him, you can use the following conspiracy. Take your cell phone. Imagine well the situation when he calls you. You can visualize his photo on the phone screen, you can - the music of the call, you can - your feelings. And if it works out, then it's better all at once. This will be much more effective. Now, looking at the phone seven times in a row, read this conspiracy:

“My beloved (name) you miss, you miss, you look at that phone - you are jealous! You were offended, you sulked, turned away from the phone! My beloved (name), you take the phone in hand, call your beloved (your name)! As my voice will sound in the receiver, so will your heart beat! Love will flow into your body, as my voice will respond! My beloved (name) call! Connect our hearts! Amen!"

After reading the conspiracy seven times, keep the visualization of your conversation for a while. This will make the connection between your energy bodies stronger. If everything is done correctly, the guy should call you within three days.

Conspiracy to call a guy who doesn't know your number

This conspiracy is used if you met a guy, you liked him, but there was no continuation of the acquaintance. In order not to suffer and not suffer in the unknown, you can do a small magic ritual to remind the guy of your existence.

  1. Usually, even if he did not ask for your mobile number, the call will certainly follow. (Everything is within reason, if he has the opportunity to find out your phone number from mutual acquaintances!)

    Stand in front of a large mirror. You should see yourself from the waist down. The reflection should not cover the entire surface of the mirror.

  2. Take a good look at your image and think about what could attract his attention (face, eyes, lips, etc.).
  3. Now imagine that your Guardian Angel is behind your right shoulder, and your favorite guy is behind your left.
  4. Read the plot nine times in a row, trying not to lose images in the reflection:

“Any (name) got lost, got lost in a deep forest! My angel, you go after him for the mountains into the forests, or fly to heaven! Let the Servant of God (name) be found! He will turn to me with the news! My angel, don't let me down! Bring the servant of God (name) to me! Amen!"

After reading, you need to cover the mirror with a handkerchief for a while so that the energy is preserved. If a guy knows your phone number, after a conspiracy, he will definitely call. And if there is no opportunity to know him, he will try to meet with you in the place where you met. So go to meet your destiny exactly where the acquaintance happened!

Conspiracy for a guy to call and apologize

And if you are in a quarrel with a guy and you want him to call first, then you can use another conspiracy. You can, of course, be the very first to go to reconciliation without resorting to magic. It's even better.

  • This will make you look wiser and more feminine. But this is not always possible.
  • It happens that the circumstances are not clear to you and you cannot understand what is happening. Then you can turn to magical powers for assistance.
  • Perhaps a little push from you will keep a strong relationship that will lead both of you to happiness.

For the ritual, a photo of a loved one is used. It is imperative to carefully look into his face and imagine that he is currently talking to you. Then take a piece of paper and write his phone number on it. Cut the leaflet with the number so that only numbers remain on it (the edge should be as small as possible). Put a piece of paper with a number on the photo (it should represent a mobile phone). Read the following words three times:

“As a stork flies to the south, as a fish swims in the ocean,
As the earth cannot be without a clear sun,
So you (name) do not sleep without me (name), do not eat, according to my words, you yearn.
Like a nightingale in a grove chirps, sings songs, love calls,
So you (name) miss my speech (name), you remember me with your heart!
As you hear my answer in the receiver, the trace of your melancholy will be gone. Amen!"

Speak while imagining that he is already dialing your number. You can even imagine that music is playing from your phone's speakers, which usually means it is ringing. The visualization must be very convincing. Now roll a piece of paper with his phone number into a small ball and tie it to your mobile phone with a red thread (or yellow, white, green). The color of the thread will depend on the relationship you want.

  • Red is passionate love
  • yellow - romance,
  • green - friendship,
  • white - marriage proposal.

Wear the balloon tied to your phone until it rings. You won't have to wait long! Then it is better to burn the piece of paper so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. This is a magical binding that can be used to destroy your relationship.

The second conspiracy to call when parting

This conspiracy is used in case of separation. When you broke up "forever", and you want to keep the relationship, if you can't take the very first step, but really want to continue pleasant communication, then use the following slander:

“The crows have arrived, we scattered to the sides! The birds flew away - let the beloved (name) return! Holy Mary, help! Save our love and save! Servant of God (name) Let the servant of God (name) send a message. Holy Mary! Send his heart flying! Let him not toil and suffer, but rather dial my number. Amen!"

You need to read five times in a row, having a good idea of ​​your ex-boyfriend. There is one indispensable condition, you must stop being angry and offended by him. What's done is done, you need to go further without anger and negativity. Remember all the good things that happened between you, and read the conspiracy. Your beloved guy will certainly call you! If the conspiracy for some reason did not work, there are other stronger conspiracies for reconciliation. Use them.

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