The three largest rivers in South America. Rivers of South America. Fauna of South America


Length in km

Basin area in thousand km

Amazon (with Ucayali)

Amazon (with Marañon)

Paraná (with Rio Grande and La Plata Estuary)

Madeira (with Mamore)

San Francisco

Japura (with Kaketa)


Paraguay, river

Rio Negro

Uruguay, river


Amazon river

The largest river in South America is the Amazon. Most of its basin lies south of the equator. The area of ​​this most extensive river basin in the world is over 7 million km 2, the length of the river from the main source (the Marañon River) is 6400 km. If, however, Ucayali and Apurimac are taken as the source of the Amazon, then its length reaches 7194 km, which exceeds the length of the Nile. The flow of water in the Amazon is several times higher than the flow of all the largest rivers in the world. It is equal to an average of 220 thousand m 3 / s (the maximum flow rate can exceed 300 thousand m 3 / s). The average annual flow of the Amazon in the lower reaches (7000 km 3) makes up most of the flow of all of South America and 15% of the flow of all the rivers of the Earth!

The main source of the Amazon - the Marañon River - begins in the Andes at an altitude of 4840 m. Only after confluence with the first major tributary - Ucayali - within the plain, the river receives the name Amazon.

The Amazon collects its numerous tributaries (more than 500) from the slopes of the Andes, the Brazilian and Guiana highlands. Many of them are over 1500 km long. The most numerous and largest tributaries of the Amazon are the rivers of the southern hemisphere. The largest left tributary is the Rio Negro (2300 km), the largest right and largest tributary of the Amazon is the Madeira (3200 km).

Part of the tributaries, eroding clayey rocks, carry very muddy water ("white" rivers), others, with clear water, dark from dissolved organic substances ("black" rivers). After falling into the Amazon Rio Negro (Black River), light and dark waters flow in parallel, without mixing, for about 20-30 km, which is clearly visible on satellite images. south america river waterfall

The width of the Amazon channel after the confluence of Maranyon and Ucayali is 1-2 km, but downstream it increases rapidly. At Manaus (1690 km from the mouth) it already reaches 5 km, in the lower reaches it expands to 20 km, and at the mouth the width of the main channel of the Amazon, together with numerous islands, reaches 80 km during the flood. In the western part of the lowland, the Amazon flows almost at the level of the banks, in fact, without a formed valley. To the east, the river forms a deeply incised valley which contrasts sharply with the watershed.

The Amazon Delta begins about 350 km from the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its ancient age, it did not move into the ocean beyond the boundaries of the native shores. Although the river carries out huge masses of solid material (an average of 1 billion tons per year), the process of delta growth is hindered by the activity of the tides, the influence of currents, and the lowering of the coast.

In the lower reaches of the Amazon, tides have a great influence on its regime and the formation of its coasts. The tidal wave penetrates more than 1000 km upstream, in the lower reaches its wall reaches a height of 1.5-5 m. The wave rushes against the current at great speed, causing strong excitement on sandbars and banks, destroying the coast. Among the local population, this phenomenon is known under the name of "pororoka" and "amazunu".

The Amazon is full of water throughout the year. Twice a year the water level in the river rises to a considerable height. These maxima are associated with rainy periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. The greatest flow in the Amazon occurs after the rainy season in the southern hemisphere (in May), when the bulk of the water is carried by its right tributaries. The river overflows its banks and in the middle reaches fills a huge territory, creating a kind of giant inland lake. The water level rises by 12-15m, and in the Manaus region, the width of the river can reach 35 km. Then comes a period of gradual decrease in water flow, the river enters the banks. The lowest water level in the river is in August and September, then there is a second maximum associated with the summer rains of the northern hemisphere. On the Amazon, it appears with some delay, around November. The November maximum is significantly inferior to the May one. In the lower reaches of the river, two maxima gradually merge into one.

From the mouth to the city of Manaus, the Amazon is accessible to large ships. Vessels with a fairly deep draft can penetrate even as far as Iquitos (Peru). But in the lower reaches, due to the tides, the abundance of sediment and islands, navigation is difficult. Deeper and more accessible to ocean-going ships is the southern arm, Para, which has a common mouth with the Tocantins River. On it stands a large ocean port of Brazil - Belen. But this branch of the Amazon is now connected with the main channel only by small channels. The Amazon with tributaries is a system of waterways with a total length of up to 25 thousand km. The transport value of the river is great. For a long time, it was the only route connecting the interior of the Amazonian lowland with the Atlantic coast.

The rivers of the Amazon basin have large reserves of water energy. Many tributaries of the Amazon, when entering the lowlands, cross the steep edges of the Brazilian and Guiana highlands, forming large waterfalls. But these water resources are still very poorly used.

South America is the wettest continent on the planet, as this is facilitated by the abundance of precipitation and rich water resources. There are more than 20 major rivers on the mainland, among which the majestic Amazon, one of the largest rivers in the world, certainly occupies the palm. The rivers of South America stretch across all countries of the continent, saturating them with valuable moisture.


The Amazon belongs to the three largest rivers of the Earth, including the Nile and the Yangtze. With all its numerous tributaries, the Amazon carries about ¼ of the world's river water reserves.

The dimensions of the largest river in South America are impressive:

  • the length reaches almost 7 thousand km;
  • width - up to 50 km;
  • depth - up to 100 m.

During the rainy season, which begins in March and ends in May, the Amazon overflows its banks. During this period, the water level in the river rises to 20 m or more. As a result, large areas of land are flooded. And so it goes on year after year.

Rice. 1. Amazon Delta

The longest river of the continent crosses the territories of nine countries, and plays a big role in transport communication. This is due to the fact that one of the most developed sectors of the economy throughout South America is river navigation.

The Amazon rightfully ranks first in the diversity of flora and fauna - there is no such rich nature in the whole world as in the Amazon Delta. That is why the river annually attracts scientists, researchers and ordinary tourists from all over the world who want to admire its natural beauties.

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Rice. 2. Fauna and flora of the Amazon


In second place in the list of the largest rivers in South America is the Parana. It flows through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. This is a very picturesque river with numerous tributaries and waterfalls. Their formation is associated with the structural features of the river bottom, as well as its full flow.

The real pride of the entire continent is the complex of Iguazu Falls, located in the national parks of Brazil and Argentina. The complex has the shape of a crescent and consists of many large and small waterfalls, the number of which can reach 275, depending on the pressure of the water and the season.

Rice. 3. Iguazu Falls

On the map of rivers and lakes of South America, such large rivers as the Orinoco, Paraguay, Madeira, Tocantis, Araguaia, and Uruguay occupy a special place. Each of them has unique characteristics and features, but all of them are united by great importance in the economic sphere of the entire continent. In addition, the rivers of South America are home to a large number of fish, amphibians, aquatic animals and birds, and plants. They take an active part in the water cycle on the mainland, providing it with a sufficient level of moisture.

It is the richest in terms of water resources. Of course, there is not a single sea on the mainland, but the rivers of South America are very full-flowing and so wide that in a weak current they resemble huge lakes. According to statistics, there are about 20 large rivers here. Since the continent is washed by the waters of two oceans, the rivers also belong to the basins of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. At the same time, the Andes mountain range is a natural watershed between them.

The largest river on the mainland of South America. The Amazon is one of the greatest rivers on the planet

From the school geography course, we all know that one of the largest rivers not only on the South American continent, but also in the world is the Amazon. It, together with its many tributaries, carries a quarter of the world's river water. The Amazon flows immediately through the territories of nine countries and is an important water artery for them, especially in terms of transport links. River navigation is one of the most developed on the entire continent of South America. The Amazon River in some parts reaches 50 km in width (well, why not the sea?), And its depth in some areas is as much as 100 meters. It is not surprising that in relation to the diversity of flora and also belongs to the palm. More than 2,000 species of fish live in its waters, including piranha, eel, stingray, etc. In fact, everything does not have such a rich nature as on the mainland of South America. The Amazon and its tributaries annually attract tourists from all over the world. There are many scientists among them (entomologists, ornithologists, zoologists, etc.)


Like the rest of the largest rivers in South America, the Parana passes through the territory of several countries: Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. It got its name from the Indian tribes living on its shores. "Parana" is translated from Indian as "big". This river has many tributaries. Some of them have beautiful waterfalls. Their formation is associated with the relief of the basin of these rivers, as well as their full flow, which is explained by the fact that they receive food from many small channels and streams. They carry their water streams resulting from the huge amount of precipitation. That is why almost all the full-flowing rivers of South America form waterfalls. Parana has four of them, with the most famous of them being Iguazu. But on the tributary of the La Plata is one of the most beautiful cities in South America - the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo.


In the list of “Largest rivers in South America”, the Orinoco takes third place. It flows through the territories of two South American countries, namely Venezuela and Colombia. This river differs not so much in width as in length, being one of the longest on the continent. The Orinoco coast is a favorite place for tourists from various countries. Here you can see beautiful natural landscapes.


Several geographic features can be found under this name in South America. Translated from the Indian, this word means "horned." Paraguay flows through the territories of two large countries - Brazil and Paraguay, and in some areas it represents a natural border between these states. And in other areas, it is a watershed between two parts of Paraguay - South, undeveloped, and North, where more than 90 percent of the country's total population lives. By the way, some rivers of South America also serve as natural boundaries separating the territories of two or even three neighboring countries.


This river is also one of the largest. It is formed as a result of the confluence of many small rivers. Its name is Portuguese and means "forest". Isn't that a strange name for a river? However, the fact is that it constantly floats growing on the banks. This river was first described at the beginning of the 18th century by the Portuguese Francisco de Melo Palleta. It was he who named her Madeira. Later, it was already well studied by Landrad Gibbon, a lieutenant in the US Navy. By the way, this river serves as the border between Brazil and Bolivia.


As noted above, the largest rivers in South America flow through several states at once. But the basin of this river is completely located on the territory of one country - Brazil. It is the central water artery of this state. The inhabitants of the states of Goias, Maranhao, Tocantins and Para use the water of this particular river. Its name translates as "toucan's beak".


Araguaia is a tributary of the Tocantins and also claims to be one of the largest Brazilian rivers. Depending on the season, it can be both calm and stormy. In the area of ​​Bananal Island, Araguaia forms two branches and smoothly bends around it.


Uruguay merges with the Parana, and these two rather large rivers of South America form the bay-estuary of La Plata, the maximum width of which is 48 km. It stretches to the Atlantic coast for 290 km and has a funnel-shaped depression. When it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the river forms many waterfalls. Its power is also used in energy.


“Big River” is what the local Indians call it. It is a right tributary of the Amazon. As already mentioned, the entire basin of the most powerful river is distinguished by a large variety of flora and fauna and is of considerable interest to biologists, zoologists, etc. The same can be said about the Para river.

Rio Negro

And the name of this river is translated as “black”. It originates in Colombia, but flows mainly through Brazil. In its upper reaches, it is very stormy and swift, but when it descends, it becomes a real "quiet". Its main tributary is the Rio Branco.


This river was named in this way because of its full flow. After all, from the Indian its name is translated as “big water”. This river forms a whole cascade of waterfalls, and such a beautiful sight is simply breathtaking. The banks of this magnificent river are considered reserved and are included in the territory of the National Park of Argentina and Brazil.


After reading this article, you have learned which rivers in South America are the largest and deepest. There are many such rivers on the mainland, but the largest are the legendary Amazon, named after the Greek warriors, as well as the Parana and Orinoco.

South America is the fourth largest and fifth most populous continent on the planet. This is the southern mainland of the Western Hemisphere with a total area of ​​17.8 million sq.m.

From the east, the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean, from the west and north by the Atlantic. In the north, it borders on North America, connected to it by the Isthmus of Panama.

Along the western border of the mainland is a chain of mountains - the Andes, further east, closer to the north, tropical rainforests extend, located in one of the largest Amazon basins in the world. The southern extreme point of the continent is Cape Horn, and the highest is the mountain in the Andes Aconcagua (height above sea level - 6962 m). The driest area on the mainland is the Atacama Desert, and the highest navigable lake on earth is the lake in the Titicaca Andes.

Among the countries in South America, Brazil has the largest area and population. Countries bordering the Caribbean (including Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname) form Caribbean South America.

The mainland has rich natural resources of silver, gold, iron ore, copper, oil and tin, mainly exported to most countries.

South America is the birthplace of one of the world's largest massifs of humid equatorial forests (selva) in the Amazon basin, the second highest mountain range of the Andes after Asia, paradise beaches (northeast of Brazil) and the highest Angel Falls on earth.

A developed network of inland waters has formed on the mainland. The rivers of the mainland are mainly rain feed type . Streams that feed the largest rivers of the plains originate from mountain snows and glaciers.

The territory of the mainland is divided by the features of the relief into two main sewage basins. Atlantic Ocean basin occupies the entire flat part of the continent with the largest rivers. To Pacific Ocean belong to relatively short rivers flowing down from the western slopes of the Andes.

In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner plateaus of the Andes, there are basins of insignificant size. internal runoff . There are few glaciers in the mountains. Despite the fact that the Andes mountains are high and reach the snow line, there is little rainfall due to the dry climate of the Pacific coast (influence of the cold Peruvian current).

The first explorers of the rivers and lakes of the mainland were the Spanish conquerors, who used the rivers as transport arteries.

Rivers of South America

The most famous and largest rivers of the mainland are Amazon, Parana, Orinoco .

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Remark 1

Amazon - not only the main water artery of South America, but also the most full-flowing river in the world.

Amazon Basin is more than $7$ million $km²$. The Amazon itself originates from the confluence of the rivers Maranion and Ucayali and flows from west to east, emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the channel, taking into account the river. Maranyon as the main tributary, is $6400$ km. The Amazon Valley is a flat plain with a very slight slope. On its way, the river receives more than $500$ inflow. Since the maximum precipitation in the northern hemisphere occurs in April-October, and in the southern - in October-April, the Amazon receives a large amount of water all year round. That's why she bears the title the deepest river in the world . The maximum water level falls on March-April (there are more right inflows). During this period, the water level rises by $10–15$ m. Rivers overflow their banks, spilling over the entire valley.

In the middle reaches, the width of the river is $5$ km, and in the lower reaches it exceeds $20$ km. During ocean tide, a wave up to $4 m high moves upstream for many kilometers. The locals call this wave "pororoco". In the delta and lower reaches of the river, there are many islands formed by river sediments. The origin of the name of the river is explained in different ways:

  1. In local language "amazunu" means noisy, rushing water .
  2. But a more common version says that the river was named after warlike women from ancient legends - Amazons . The reason is that the first explorers of the river were attacked by warlike tribes of Indians, among whom there were many women.

Orinoco river originates from Guiana Plateau and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. In the middle reaches, a branch separates from the Orinoco River and carries water to the Amazon. Such a phenomenon is called bifurcation . The mouth of the river, like that of the Amazon, has a vast delta.

On one of the tributaries of the Orinoco is Angel Falls . Its height is $1054$ m.
This is the highest waterfall in the world.

Parana river originates from brazilian plateau . It is the second largest river in South America. On its tributary Iguazu the most picturesque waterfall of the same name is located. Parana and Orinoco are characterized by seasonal fluctuations in water levels.

The waters of the rivers are inhabited by rare animals (fish, reptiles). Unique natural complexes have formed on the banks of rivers and lakes.

mainland lakes

There are few lakes in South America. The largest lake in the Central Andes Titicaca . It lies in a deep depression, at an altitude of $3812$ m.

Among large lakes, this is the highest mountain lake in the world.

The largest water surface area is Lagoon Maracaibo . It is located in the northern part of the mainland and occupies a deep-sea basin of tectonic origin. The water in the lake is fresh. But during high tides, the salty water of the Caribbean Sea enters here.

Environmental problems

The rivers of South America play an important role in human economic activity. These are transport arteries (often the only ones in that part of the mainland), and a source of energy, and habitat for commercial fish species.

But the exploitation of natural resources requires a balanced approach. Because, violating the natural balance, a person can destroy the unique natural complexes of rivers and forests located along these rivers.

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