Gas boilers with access to the boiler. How to choose the right gas boiler with a boiler. Remote storage tank

All their pros and cons will become more clear in comparison with similar models in which hot water is “prepared” in a flow heat exchanger.


  1. Providing the house with hot water, regardless of the pressure in the HV line. The peculiarity of double-circuit gas boilers is that their automation, with a sharp decrease in pressure in the circuit, may not transfer the unit to the DHW mode. This happens during the hours of increased water intake. As a rule, in the evening, when the housewives cook, wash, bathe the kids. For models with a built-in boiler, all this is not critical - they will provide a hot water house in any case. Even if the automation of the protection circuit closes the gas fittings and the boiler stops for a while, hot water will still flow from the boiler.
  2. When connecting this heater no additional hardware required, according to people who don't know enough. By analogy with conventional models, it joins two main communications - water supply and industrial / voltage networks.
  3. Extended operating period. This is due to the fact that traditional double-circuit wall-mounted boilers, if necessary, constantly switch from one mode to another. As a result, increased wear of individual components. In this regard, heating installations with a boiler are more durable, that is, their non-repair period is somewhat longer.
  4. Optimal combination indicators such as boiler power and tank capacity for water. Those who choose the option of providing hot water supply with a single-circuit unit with the connection of a separate boiler, moreover, on their own, are most often not satisfied with the result. The reason is in the irrational distribution of thermal energy, which is caused precisely by the wrong selection of equipment. In boilers with a built-in boiler, its capacity exactly corresponds to the power of the installation, so there are no problems with heating, increased gas consumption for such models.
  5. The DHW tank protects the HW circuit from overheating, as it performs the function of a kind of "buffer" capacity, taking part of the thermal energy for the preparation of hot water.
  6. The consumption of "blue fuel" double-circuit boilers with a built-in boiler is somewhat less. But with the expectation of the future, the savings can be quite impressive.
  7. Lack of inertia of the DHW circuit. Hot water comes out immediately after opening the tap.


In fairness, it should be noted that not all the disadvantages of wall-mounted boilers with a boiler are of great importance in terms of installation and further operation. A serious analysis of the relevant information allows us to conclude that some of them are contrived (as a rule, by competitors), while others come from a superficial understanding of the essence of the issue. How significant the existing shortcomings are, everyone will be able to assess on their own, knowing the features of their home and their own capabilities for caring for the RH system. What is put in minus double-circuit boilers with a boiler?

  1. Built-in tank increases the dimensions heating system and its weight. Fair, but only partly, since we are only talking about an increase in a few cm and kg(depending on the model).
  2. Small boiler volume. And this means that such a unit will not fully provide the need for hot water with its large analysis. Double-circuit wall-mounted boilers with a tank for domestic hot water are available in several modifications. The minimum capacity of the boiler is 10 liters, the maximum is 60. For a family of 5 - 6 people, 35 - 40 is quite enough. This will be confirmed by any specialist, since it is unrealistic, for example, for all households to take bath procedures at once or to open all the hot water taps at the same time . The already marked “Baxi” boiler is equipped with a 40-liter boiler. As they say, in most cases, "behind the eyes." In addition, many models have the ability to connect a storage boiler (for example, 250 or even 500 liters). Therefore, talk about the fact that hot water will go literally a matter of minutes, at least, is incorrect.
  3. Maintenance becomes more difficult heating unit. This is due to the need for regular cleaning of the DHW tank. Quite rightly, if not for a single nuance. In any house there are other devices (except for the boiler heat exchanger), one way or another related to water in their work. A zealous owner, in order not to engage in systematic repairs of the same washing machines, dishwashers, and so on, always thinks through water treatment issues. Depending on the quality of the liquid in private homes, various modifications of filters or treatment plants are installed. So to say that some special problems will arise with the boiler boiler is completely pointless.
  4. High price. Significant drawback. But you have to pay for any convenience, and hardly anyone will argue with that.
  5. The complexity of choosing an acceptable model and its strapping. Undoubtedly. The main difficulty that many experience when assessing the feasibility of purchasing boiler equipment is determining the optimal capacity of the installation. The most common recommendation is a proportion of 1 to 10 (kW / m 2). But this ratio is averaged, and does not take into account many factors - structural features (wall material, layout), its location on the ground, and a number of others. With regard to double-circuit boilers with a boiler, such a formula does not work at all, since part of the thermal energy is spent on preparing hot water.

People who do not have enough space in an apartment or house to equip a boiler room often try to save space and purchase a double-circuit boiler. This is a smart choice, however, in order to provide the family with hot bath and household liquids, care should be taken to have additional equipment. Choosing a suitable tank is not difficult, you can take a tank or other container. However, to make the task easier, you can simply buy a special gas boiler with a boiler.

Possibility to connect a boiler

A boiler for a gas boiler is a storage tank, inside of which a heat exchanger is placed. This model, in fact, is a double-circuit, as it has a connection for both the heating system and the hot water supply.

Double-circuit models have a built-in flow-type water heater, which single-circuit models cannot boast of. The advantage of a gas boiler with a built-in storage tank is that there is no need to create an indirect heating boiler. In addition, water is heated much faster than in single-circuit versions and does not reduce the efficiency of the heat carrier for heating.

A separate boiler can also be connected to double-circuit boilers to provide more hot water. Such equipment belongs to the technique of layer-by-layer heating. You can also buy a double-circuit gas boiler with a built-in indirect heating boiler. Such devices are combined with the boiler, although separate devices can be purchased. Depending on what is best for you: ease of transport and installation or compact placement - you can choose a separate or adjacent model.

If a single-circuit boiler is already installed, a special layered heating boiler can be purchased for it, which is equipped with a flow-through liquid heater. If you need to save space in the apartment, you can opt for a single-circuit boiler with a built-in indirect heating boiler.

Heater power

Depending on the power of the gas burner, the flow rate of the liquid in the instantaneous water heater varies. Also, the rate of water heating depends on the design features of the heat exchanger. A feature of heating the liquid is its short contact with the heat exchanger, therefore, in order to warm the coolant to the desired temperature, a lot of heat is needed. To increase the performance of the heating element, it is necessary to increase the power of the burner and increase the gas flow.

In order for the water temperature in the shower to be 40 degrees, you will have to adjust the burner to a generated power of 20 kW, but if the burner is not designed for such power, then it is impossible to take a warm shower. The bath also needs a powerful burner, as the water must be heated quickly in large volumes for a normal set.

Most boilers have a capacity of about 20–30 kW, and 10 kW is enough to heat a house. Thus, all the difference can be used to provide domestic hot water. Modulating burners have been developed for boilers with water heating, which cover the range from 30 to 100 percent of the maximum power.

However, even the weakest boilers have excess power, which leads to frequent switching on and off of the burner. This process leads to rapid wear of equipment and increases fuel consumption. These problems make buying a more powerful boiler model to provide more hot liquid an unprofitable and unjustified solution.

That is why in dual-circuit models a boiler is provided that contains hot water, which allows it to be given in large volume while taking a shower or bath. Thus, layer-by-layer heating of water is optimal: it ensures the normal operation of the equipment and does not lead to burner wear.

In double-circuit models with stratified heating, water is heated using a plate radiator or a tubular water heater. The presence of an additional heat exchanger is beneficial in condensing models, since it provides additional heat from the combustion products. The liquid enters the boiler with layer-by-layer heating already heated, which allows you to quickly prepare the hot liquid in the required volume.

Floor double-circuit gas heating boilers with a boiler have a number of advantages.

  1. The flow of hot water into the upper layers of the boiler allows you to take a shower 5 minutes after turning on the heat exchanger. In contrast, boilers with an indirect heating boiler provide longer heating of the liquid, since time is spent on the convection of warm water from below the heat source.
  2. The absence of a heat exchanger inside the storage tank allows you to collect more warm water for domestic needs. The performance of such boilers is 1.5 times higher than in models with indirect heating.

Work of a gas boiler with a boiler - video

Frequently asked Questions

Most often, people do not understand why there is also a boiler in the boiler. The fact is that the built-in model allows you to ensure comfortable use of warm water. This allows you to quickly ensure the availability of hot liquid when opening several points of water intake, which a conventional double-circuit boiler will never cope with.

Moreover, there are cases when a small pressure of warm water is needed, which a boiler with an instantaneous water heater is not capable of, since the lower pressure limit is limited in it.

Floor models with a built-in storage tank look like a refrigerator. They hold up to 100 liters of liquid, which is quite enough to provide warm water to the whole family.

The connection diagram of a double-circuit gas boiler with a boiler practically does not differ from the standard connection. An important difference is the need to connect not only to the heating system, but also to the water supply. It is necessary to crash into the system before the water exit points, but after the toilet bowl. This will ensure that hot liquid exits from all water intake taps. It is best to consult with the masters to connect everything correctly.

Homeowners buy indirect gas boilers because these appliances work well in conjunction with heating boilers to ensure a stable supply of water and heat to the home.

Advantages of a gas boiler

Gas-fired storage boilers use heat th exchange to ensure a stable hot water supply in a house or apartment. Such devices support the supply of several water supply points at once: kitchen sink, bath and shower. Therefore, buying an indirect gas boiler is an excellent investment in home improvement.

Why storage water heaters of this type are in demand:

  • supply of water in large volumes;
  • economical fuel consumption due to the operation of an indirect heating source;
  • long service life (about 50-60 years with high build quality);
  • good thermal insulation, allowing you to maintain a high temperature of heated water;
  • stable water supply to several points in the house at once (kitchen sink, shower, bath).

How to choose a gas boiler in the Mosoblgaz store

Explore the catalog of our online store if you need to buy a reliable device for heating and hot water in the house. We are confident that thanks to the wide range of the Mosoblgaz store, you will find a suitable indirect heating gas boiler that suits you in all respects:

  • volume of the tank;
  • type of control;
  • thermal power;
  • dimensions and weight.

Accumulative type gas equipment perfectly performs its functions both in residential buildings and in utility rooms, as well as in public places. Our staff will select for you the device that meets all the requirements. Experts will advise you on the model, based on the goals and layout of the room.

When contacting Mosoblgaz JSC, you will receive favorable terms of cooperation:

  • installation of equipment by experienced craftsmen;
  • further maintenance of devices;
  • consultations of professionals on issues of interest;
  • free shipping on purchases over 30,000 rubles (in the Moscow region).

Do you have any questions? Contact us by phone on the site.

If it is possible to connect main gas to the house, then an automated gas boiler will be used to prepare hot water and heat the house. Today, this is a self-evident solution due to the cheapness of natural gas and the ease of use of the boiler.

It's not hard to choose, but...

With the choice of a gas boiler, problems usually do not arise. It is known that a wall-mounted boiler with a closed type burner, in which a short chimney exits through the wall, is most preferable for low heating capacities - up to 30 kW.

With the power of the boiler, everything is also clear - it is selected according to known criteria or according to the recommendations of specialists.

But the main difficulty is the question of whether to choose a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler. And also whether an indirect heating boiler is needed or not, because these are significant additional expenses. And if you buy a boiler, then how to connect it to the boiler.

Features of the operation of each of the boilers

In a single-circuit boiler, the liquid can be heated in only one heat exchanger for heating the house. There is no heat exchanger for water supply, and the boiler has two hydraulic connections - supply and return for heating.

In a double-circuit boiler, heating liquid and hot water (DHW) can be heated.

In order to get hot water for domestic needs with a single-circuit boiler, an indirect heating boiler must be connected to it. This is a large container in a heat insulator, inside which there is a coil for passing the coolant from the heating system.

The DHW boiler is connected to the heating circuit according to a special scheme. Which, as a rule, provides the so-called "Priority of the boiler". If the water in the DHW system has cooled below the set value, then the boiler switches completely to heating the boiler. When the water has warmed up, usually to 50 - 55 degrees, the heating is turned on again.

Additional equipment for connecting the boiler

Additional equipment is installed with the boiler:

  • Expansion tank in the DHW system - a device that compensates for the increase in the volume of water during heating. Capacity - 1/10 of the volume of the boiler.
  • A circulation pump that will provide hot water and pressure in the DHW system.
  • Safety valve, as well as additional pipelines, taps and other elements of the system.

It is also necessary not to forget that it is not so easy to mount all this on your own if you have not “turned the screws” before. We'll have to invite a specialist.

A boiler with a boiler and other elements of the system in the kitchen is unlikely to be placed. Yes, and it is not rational because of the clutter and noise of the equipment. Therefore, it is desirable to allocate a separate room for it - a boiler room.

Features, disadvantages of a double-circuit boiler

A double-circuit boiler is a mini-boiler room in a “one cabinet”, it already has both safety devices and circulation pumps, and in
individual models and expansion tanks. And all this is placed in a small apparatus suspended on the wall.

The performance of direct water heating in the circuit is not high - the calculation is only for one open tap. This means that only one person can take a shower and it is desirable that he not be disturbed at this time by opening a hot tap in the kitchen, and the bathroom should not be too large, since it takes a long time to fill it with high temperature water.

Each time the tap is opened, the second circuit of the boiler will be switched on if the water heating mode is set. Frequent switching on of the boiler often simply worries the owners - will it break prematurely?

Placement of a double-circuit

The main purpose of double-circuit boilers is small houses and apartments, where the equipment is located next to the kitchen, but not far from the bathroom. Short distances are a must for this type of boiler - the shorter the hot water path to the consumer, the better so that you do not have to wait too long for hot water to go.

Experts believe that the maximum distance from the heating circuit to the tap is 7 meters. If more, then it all becomes just wasteful. The usual distances are from 1.5 to 3 meters. But the priority of placement is the kitchen, where the hot tap opens often.

When do you need a boiler?

For a large house, where there are significant distances between DHW consumers, and also where there are high costs of hot water, or where people want to consume a lot of hot water, you need to choose an indirect heating boiler - it can instantly give an "avalanche" of heated liquid without significant temperature fluctuations.

You can also make a system of constant circulation of hot water between the tap and the boiler, and if you open the tap even 20 meters from the boiler, you will immediately get hot water.

This is much more economical than waiting a couple of minutes, lowering tons of cold water. Under such conditions, with a double-circuit boiler, the lack of secondary circuit power will already cause significant inconvenience.

Boiler volume

Typically, boilers are installed with a volume of 80 to 300 liters. The volume of the boiler, in principle, is not greatly limited by the power of the boiler and is selected according to preferences. The more baths you take, the more you need a boiler. Let's just say that even 300 liters is not enough for a large bath with hydromassage - you need 500.

In most cases, the choice is limited to sizes of 100 - 200 liters.
The same volume will very quickly heat up a conventional gas boiler with a capacity of 12 - 20 kW.

A question of price

A double-circuit boiler is only slightly more expensive than a single-circuit one. But the set - a single-circuit boiler, plus a boiler, plus the entire system for the boiler is very tangible for the price - several hundred dollars more expensive than a double-circuit boiler.

Another factor pushing to make the same choice is the lack of information. People often do not know why they still need an expensive boiler element and all the difficulties associated with it, and do not want to figure it out. And this often leads to the following result.

How not to connect a DHW boiler

This situation often happens. Feeling the lack of comfort in using hot water from a double-circuit boiler, the residents decide to rectify the situation and buy a boiler. But how to connect it?

The answer, it would seem, is obvious - without additional automation, cheaply, directly to the second free circuit of the boiler.

But this cannot be done. The second circuit is limited in temperature to 60 degrees, so that there are no burns from hot water. Therefore, it will never heat the water in the boiler up to 60 degrees, even up to 50. When heated, the return temperature of this circuit will rise to 50 degrees, and the boiler will work in an abnormal mode, with a minimum flame, constantly turning off and on, etc. Therefore, it remains to connect the boiler, as it should be according to the classical scheme, to the high-temperature heating circuit.

Boilers with built-in DHW tank

These are floor-standing devices that resemble a refrigerator in appearance, but can be low-power, i.e. This is a fitted samples of wall-mounted boilers. With a boiler capacity of up to 100 liters, they can also be wall-mounted.

The peculiarity is that boilers combined with a boiler can be installed as a stand-alone device not only in the boiler room, but also in another utility room - a handy thing with a lack of space, and you don’t need to mount the system together.
It is not recommended to install any boilers in places where people are permanently located, as they are noisy. Installation in the kitchen is more of a necessary measure.

As a result, we figured out when it is worth buying a double-circuit boiler, and when you need a single-circuit one. But in principle, it seems that there is no need to save on the hot water supply system. It should be as comfortable as possible. Therefore, a boiler with a single-circuit boiler is still a priority.

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