How to make an electric fireplace yourself. Modern electric fireplace with their own hands. Parameter calculation and design

This effect is facilitated by a special reflector installed in many modern electric fireplaces. Its principle of operation is based on the collection and further reflection of the thermal power coming from the heating element. In addition, today there are many models of electric fireplaces equipped with special speakers, the sound of which is an imitation of the hiss of burning coals or the crackling of firewood.


Among the positive characteristics of such heating devices, the following features can be noted:

Such heating equipment is not without some disadvantages:

  1. To connect it, you need the presence of a separate power line, otherwise, the load coming from it will cause frequent power outages.
  2. Necessary provide room ventilation since a working fireplace contributes to the combustion of oxygen in the air.


The next section provides step-by-step instructions for making an electric fireplace with your own hands, but for now let's figure out what types of devices there are.

Due to their practicality and reliability, functional and aesthetic qualities, electric fireplaces always remain desirable appliances in any apartment or country house. By choosing one or another shape, size, finish of the device, you can create an original interior design at home.

No matter how different the products may be in their appearance, their design is always the same. Each electric fireplace has a hearth that acts as a firebox, as well as a portal that acts as a decorative element and is responsible for the attractiveness of the device.

There are certain criteria by which electric fireplaces are divided into types. First of all, these are the types of hearth and portal, modes of operation, location, material of manufacture. Let's take a look at each of these criteria in turn.

The design of electric fireplaces suggests the presence of a built-in or replaceable hearth. In the first case, the presence of a special cassette controlled remotely is implied, in the second, the separate acquisition of a portal and a hearth of appropriate sizes is meant.

Modern electric fireplaces for the most part operate in two operating modes, connected only for heating the room or for the device to perform a decorative function. Thus, it can be used as both a heater and an interior decoration.

Depending on where in the room you want to install a fireplace powered by electricity, choose models of the following types:

  • portable, with good mobility and low weight, you can move around the apartment or take it with you to the country;
  • wall-mounted, conveniently placed on any side structure and do not interfere with free passage;
  • stationary for which a certain place is allocated in the house;
  • corner helping to rationally use the living space;
  • floor, which are suitable for installation anywhere in the apartment, but to maintain their efficiency, moisture and direct sunlight should be avoided.

From what type of portal the consumer chooses, the appearance of the electric fireplace and its compliance with a particular style of interior depend. If you want to install an electric fireplace in the house, which in appearance resembles a classic version, you should pay attention to models of strict forms and natural tones. In such a device there are no unnecessary decorative elements: only a hearth and a portal.

For an interior made in country style, a simple electric fireplace in a natural stone edging is suitable. Original models, in the execution of which metal and glass are used, will organically fit into the high-tech style.

Remarkable portals with interesting color and texture solutions, with multiple shelves and decorative inserts characterize heating devices that fit the Art Nouveau style.

Depending on the material of manufacture, the edging of the electric fireplace can be wood, plastic, plaster, stone, steel and glass.

Preparation for self-construction

How to make such a device with your own hands? Let's take it step by step.

Before you get started, you must do the following:

  • understand what style of interior the future device should fit;
  • determine the dimensions, commensurate them with the parameters of the room where it is planned to be installed;
  • highlight the location of the device;
  • pick up the tools required for work: a hammer, a screwdriver, a building level, a screwdriver, scissors for cutting metal.

Making an electric fireplace

As the best material, the use of which will positively affect the appearance of the device, you should choose drywall, which has high fire safety and strength. In addition, U-shaped metal profiles or wooden slats are required.

Below is a step-by-step instruction for the construction of an electric fireplace:

Final stage of work

If you want to create an imitation of a traditional fireplace, you can build a semblance of a full-fledged chimney. It is recommended to make a frame of this design using a profile and sheathe it, for example, with the same drywall. For decorating an electric fireplace, textured plaster, facing artificial stone or VD paint are suitable.

When using homemade electric fireplaces, it is prohibited:

Is your home so lacking in warmth and the desired comfort? Why not install an electric fireplace, which is quite possible to do it yourself. And we will gladly help you with advice!

It is this highlight that will become the main difference between your home and others belonging to your relatives and friends or neighbors. And it will be doubly pleasant if you do everything yourself. It is not difficult to make a modern electric fireplace with your own hands - this is proved by the example of the masters who personally installed such architectural novelties at home.

The advantage of this approach is that you do not hire professional craftsmen and do not spend quite a lot of money.

It will take you much less money to create a favorite place to relax with your own hands. Such an electric hearth framed by a false fireplace can be installed both in a private mansion and in an ordinary apartment building.

When choosing materials for your electric fireplace, you can bet on electric hearths that accurately mimic the flames of a traditional fireplace (), as well as on the efficiency of heat supply. So, we figured out the pluses. Let's get to work.

For beginners, the main tips of the masters will not be superfluous:

  • Such an electric fireplace looks best in a house made of wooden beams or in a country house (although in an apartment the benefits of an electric fireplace will be no less).
  • If your room is not too large, then you can consider the option of installing a special corner fireplace.
  • Before proceeding with the installation of an electric fireplace, it is advisable to make a sketch and outline drawings with the desired dimensions.
  • Decide on the place where you would like to build a fireplace (there should be an outlet nearby). On the sides there should be at least a meter of free space.
  • In fact, there are many finishing options. It all depends on the style and color of your furniture and interior space.
  • You can decorate the fireplace with artificial stone. It will not require much effort and effort, and outwardly it will look great.
  • It is advisable to make an elevation for the fireplace and close it with a plastic plinth.
  • It is important that the dimensions of the electric hearth match the dimensions of the firebox (otherwise you risk not assembling your fireplace).
  • The most simple, affordable and convenient will be to make an electric fireplace from drywall sheets.
  • Drywall sheets are installed on top of a frame made of a metal profile or a wooden beam.
  • When installing the outlet, it is better to connect a switch to it. This will allow, if necessary, to turn it off without pulling it out of the socket.

You can make such an aristocratic decoration of the hall as an electric fireplace to your taste (choose both style and color). It will be easy enough to decide on the electrical component of the fireplace - the firebox. Moreover, it will not be necessary to do it yourself, but to buy it in a store. Therefore, you only have to take care of framing your electric fireplace and creating a metal profile for it.

Installing an electric fireplace with your own hands will not take so much time. You need:

  1. Buy countertops and necessary materials (firebox, drywall, plastic plinth, nails, metal profile, metal scissors, water-based paint).
  2. Assemble the portal frame.
  3. Carry out electrical work.
  4. "Sheath" the frame with sheets of drywall.
  5. Putty and carry out the final alignment of the frame.
  6. Seal up the seams.

And now in order. You bought a firebox in a store, and decided on the place where the fireplace will stand (just do not install a bulky structure in a small room). First you start working on the "pedestal" for the electric fireplace, and only then on the framing frame.

Do not forget to conduct communications in advance and resolve, if any, problems with electricity. You will also have to take care of ventilation for your electric furnace (it is better to buy a shallow and small electric furnace. Currently, the minimum depth is about 70 mm).

As soon as the preparatory work is completed, the metal profile is sheathed on top with a special material - drywall. It is not difficult to make an electric fireplace from drywall with your own hands - it will take no more than an hour. The same amount for sealing the entire outer surface.

Take a piece of countertop that is cut to the size you need. To do this, prepare an MDF material with a laminated protective layer (neither high temperatures nor moisture will be terrible). For a front fireplace, you cut a rectangular slab with an electric jigsaw (pentagonal for a corner fireplace). In this case, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pedestal must necessarily be larger than the area of ​​​​your fireplace portal.

We make an elevation for the fireplace in the form of a rectangle from a profile (later it can be closed with a plastic plinth). Let's get to the frame. To do this, we prepare drywall (it is also not afraid of temperature changes) and work with a metal profile (we use a rack and a guide). The profile should be fastened with self-tapping screws of small length. You will also need metal scissors, a marker, a screwdriver and a screwdriver.

Do not forget that the entire wall area that your fireplace will occupy must be covered with heat-resistant material (asbestos sheet). Marking on the wall is easier to do with a marker, do not forget about using a level. Next, we fix the guide profiles according to the existing markings using dowels with nails and self-tapping screws (do not forget to reinforce the frame in the place where the electric furnace will stand).

the inside of the frame,

When making the inside of the frame, keep in mind that the dimensions will increase due to the hearth itself and the sheathing. Even if it is a fairly thin heat-resistant tile, you will need to "fit" into the dimensions. In the manufacture of the chimney, a profile for partitions is used. The frame for beauty is made up to the ceiling (you can do without a chimney). Then you solve the issue with electrical wiring (if you haven’t decided before). Inside a homemade portal, it is better to wind the wire in a metal hose.

Portals for electric fireplaces are often bought as a set together with an electric hearth or separately after choosing a suitable model, however, not many people decide to design and assemble it with their own hands, as they believe that this process is very complicated and costly.

Portals for electric fireplaces can be assembled at home with your own hands from various materials, which determine the final total cost of such a frame, the first thing to decide before starting work is the style in which it will be done.

Styles and solutions for portals

Portal for electric fireplace can be:

  • Classic - suitable for decorating most rooms and rooms in houses, apartments, has simple features, straight shapes that are combined with a more elegant themed decor;
  • Country - eco-friendly and natural materials are used for such a fireplace, such as natural minerals, marble, granite, sandstone and other stone;
  • Hi-tech - at the heart of such a fireplace portal are materials such as transparent glass, steel, chrome surfaces, plastic and other modern materials;
  • Modern fireplaces, as well as classic ones, are easily combined with any premises and can partially intersect with the classic direction. Art Nouveau is characterized by the use of original forms, bright and contrasting shades.

Before you do it yourself or buy a portal for an electric fireplace, you need to choose a suitable model that will perfectly match and intersect with the electric hearth, decor and interior of the room chosen for installation!

An electric fireplace portal must be correctly selected or made, but many people often make a number of mistakes and do not take into account some of the nuances:

  • Determine the correct and appropriate style that will be used to make the fireplace portal and decorate the room, also pay attention to the height and dimensions of the structure. If a low design suits you, you can give preference to an English fireplace, while among more bulky designs, imitations of fireplaces in the style of Russian stoves are very popular;
  • An electric fireplace will be lost if you deepen it very much or hide it in a frame; also, when choosing a hearth and a portal, you must take into account their size, as well as a combination with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If you prefer the classics, then the firebox will occupy two-thirds of the portal in height and half the width;
  • Before you make a portal, you need to buy a suitable hearth, otherwise in the end it simply won’t fit in the frame in size or won’t be combined with it in its style.

Do-it-yourself portal for an electric fireplace

If you want to buy an electric fireplace and are going to make a portal for it with your own hands, we recommend that you listen to these tips:

  • To assemble the structure, choose only durable refractory materials, as well as cladding that will fit the firebox and the interior of the room in style;
  • The hole into which the firebox will be inserted must be of ideal shape and size so that the hearth enters it and does not damage the surface;
  • If you plan to assemble a fireplace portal made of wood with your own hands, it will fit well into a country or classic interior, and it is recommended to use synthetic glue to join and connect the elements;
  • It is possible to assemble a suitable portal that fully meets all the stated requirements only with the help of a preliminary drawn up project with all measurements and, preferably, an image of the structure from various angles and in section.

The most popular frame for electric fireplaces is a plasterboard portal, which can be easily assembled by hand; polyurethane, plywood, chipboard, MDF and other durable and reliable materials can also be used instead of this material.

To work, we need to acquire:

  • Galvanized metal profile and design project;
  • Self-tapping screws with fine threads;
  • Plasterboard, paint;
  • Plaster.

The electric fireplace, the installation of which will be carried out by hand, will be made using the following technology:

  • First of all, a base is created from the metal profile, fastened with self-tapping screws, after which a frame is assembled into which an electric hearth will be installed, we strengthen such a frame with metal profiles, create a podium;
  • An electric fireplace, a video about which you can view on the Internet, is then sheathed with sheets of drywall, it is also necessary to take into account that there is an electrical outlet close to the location of the fireplace. The upper part of the fireplace is assembled from the metal profile, which imitates a chimney, after which it is also sheathed with plasterboard;
  • The surface of the fireplace portal is first primed and then puttied, it is important that the plaster solution is sufficiently dense and thick, and it is better to give preference to a gypsum-based composition, since such a surface will be smoother and even;
  • A corner electric fireplace made of drywall at this stage of the work must be painted, for these purposes it is better to use facade paint and, after it dries, additionally treat the portal with varnish;
  • Now we start decorating the space near the fireplace and the shelf, if any, for this, paintings, mirrors, figurines, candles can be used.

You can also assemble a portal for an electric hearth or a false fireplace from materials such as:

  • Metal profiles and drywall;
  • Self-tapping screws, tiles (stone);
  • Drawings, special glue (can be replaced with liquid nails);
  • Board for creating a shelf above the firebox.

As in the first case, first of all, a skeleton is created from a metal profile, which is sheathed with drywall, after which the portal is lined with stone or tiles and a wooden tabletop is installed and fixed on top.

Fireplace portal made of parquet, stone and wood

Often, after repairs in a house or apartment, various building and finishing materials remain, which can always be used and thereby save money, diversify the decor. For example, you can make a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands from the remnants of a laminate or parquet board, for these purposes we need:

  1. Collect the remnants of parquet and prepare them for work;
  2. Buy two tones of stain, one is more calm and the second is quite bright and contrasting;
  3. Prepare several wooden bars, about three pieces;
  4. Get self-tapping screws and a special adhesive suitable for these purposes.

  1. With the help of wooden bars we create a base or a so-called frame, for this we fix them to the wall in the form of a future frame, for fixing we use prepared self-tapping screws;
  2. Now we proceed to cutting and preparing the parquet board, for this we cut it into elements of various lengths and cover it with a stain of certain shades (it will be more interesting to use contrasting and fairly bright colors);
  3. The parquet board is preliminarily laid out on the floor, all necessary adjustments are made, after which the portal is transferred to the wall and fixed with glue. In order for the boards not to fall off, it is necessary to create a supporting mechanism, which may consist of one or more sticks, which are removed immediately after the glue dries;
  4. After the portal is completely dry, you can start decorating it; various figurines, flower vases, and photo frames are placed on the shelf. Of course, such a portal can be supplemented with an electric fireplace, but it will look more interesting if you simply decorate its firebox, for example, with candles, ceramic or decorative firewood, LED garlands or lamps.

It is best to supplement such a portal with an electric classic hearth, with a depth of up to 6-8 centimeters, while the width of each parquet board will be about 100-150 millimeters, if the hearth is more massive and deep, more parquet will be needed to build such a frame.

A fireplace portal made of stone, although it looks very advantageous in any interior, but the cost of its construction is quite high, since natural and environmentally friendly materials are used for cladding. Also, the stone has a lot of weight, as a result of which the portal is assembled from brick, and for structures with a high mass, floor reinforcement is required and a foundation can be erected, which is not very convenient.

It is also difficult to make wooden fireplace portals with your own hands; for the manufacture of such a design, a properly selected scheme, a professional tool and an experienced craftsman are required; for gluing wood, only synthetic-based glue with water is used.

Making portals for electric fireplaces is a rather ambiguous process, if your main goal is to acquire an inexpensive frame for an electric hearth by any means, then you can easily make it yourself from drywall, plywood or MDF. However, if your priority is high quality and impeccable appearance, and not cost, you can order a fireplace portal from the master from materials such as wood or stone with a higher cost.

If you make a portal for a fireplace insert yourself, you need to prepare a full-fledged and high-quality drawing, you should not save your time and effort at this stage, since this is the key moment. After that, it is important to choose the right materials, which together are able to create a high-quality, durable and stable frame that can hold an electric hearth with its usually considerable mass. All the parameters of the firebox, its height, width and depth must correspond to the electric fireplace, which is why it is he who is first of all chosen and the frame is assembled under it.

Do-it-yourself portals for fireplaces with all of the above have one significant advantage over purchased ones, the fact is that the frame made by you or the master will be unique, one and only in its kind, fit into your interior and emphasize the electric hearth.

This video talks about how to assemble a wall portal for an electric fireplace from inexpensive improvised materials with your own hands:

To make additional heating in the apartment functional and at the same time unusual, it is recommended to use electric fireplaces. These devices are quite easy to install in the wall and connect to the home network. Further, for readers of the information portal "", the simplest instruction will be provided on how to properly install an electric fireplace in an apartment with your own hands!

What should be considered before installation work?

Before you make a purchase of a heater and proceed with its installation, it is necessary to solve several important questions:

  1. What is the main purpose of the device?
  2. Where will the hearth be located?
  3. What design will it have?
  4. How will the electric fireplace be connected to the network?

We will briefly tell you about each nuance of self-assembly.

So, the first thing you need to decide is what this data will be used for in the house and apartment. Most often, the installation of an electric fireplace is carried out for decorative purposes - to make the living room more comfortable or to give the bedroom a romantic atmosphere. However, this does not mean that such a device will not perform its main function - space heating. The power of an electric fireplace usually varies between 1-2 kW, which is quite enough to heat a room of 20 square meters. meters. If a room lacks a central heating system, such equipment can save the day and make the room warm.

The next, no less important issue is the location of the electric fireplace in the room. It is up to you to decide where it is best to place it, but consider the following requirements:

  • Direct sunlight and bright light bulbs will degrade the quality of artificial fire, so it is better to place the device in a darkened corner or drywall niche.
  • If you choose a suspended design option (more on that later), the hearth should hang no lower than at a height of 1 meter from the floor. Otherwise, the rest of the interior elements will close it.
  • Complementing the previous requirement, it should be noted that the place of installation and connection of the electric fireplace must be such that it is the "highlight" of the interior of the room. Various cabinets, paintings and figurines should complement the electric heater, but not dominate it in design.
  • If the room is spacious, it is necessary to install an electric fireplace in the center, but not in a secluded corner.
  • There should be a socket near the selected connection point so as not to pull a new line from the junction box.
  • We strongly do not recommend placing a fireplace under the TV, because. heat generation may adversely affect the operation of the screen.
  • If you want to make an interior according to Feng Shui, place a fire in one of the corners. It is believed that negative energy accumulates in the corners of the room, which is neutralized by the positive energy of the corner electric fireplace.
  • In the event that the area of ​​​​the room is small, but you still want to install this type of electric heater in it, buy a corner case. In this case, you "kill two birds with one stone": save free space and make your dream come true.

The third question in a row is the choice of a suitable design, depending on the installation location of the electric fireplace in the apartment with your own hands. It should be noted here that electric fireplaces are corner, wall-mounted, built-in and attached (all 4 options are shown in the photo below). As for the last two options, the attached hearth does not need to be mounted on the wall, but it is enough just to move it to a suitable place, which greatly facilitates installation work. With the installation of a built-in electric fireplace, things are more complicated, because. for installation, it is necessary to make a special drywall construction or a niche in the wall. The advantage of a portal heater is that it can be lined with natural stone or wood, making it look like a real wood-burning fireplace.

Well, the last nuance is the way to connect the electric fireplace to the mains in the apartment. Everything is quite simple here - due to the low power, the fireplace can be connected to a regular outlet, the main thing is that powerful electrical appliances should not be connected to this electrical point anymore. Pulling a new line from the junction box is not entirely reasonable, unless, of course, the place for the electric heater is chosen not at the stage of overhaul. If you're really thinking about installing an electric fireplace while you're renovating your apartment, run one separate outlet in the right place and you won't know the hassle.

The wires are visible - the socket is installed incorrectly

Having dealt with all the nuances, you can proceed to connecting the electric fireplace to the network with your own hands, which we will talk about later.

Main process

Consider how to properly connect an electric fireplace to the network using the example of a step-by-step photo instruction. For you, we will provide a more sophisticated technology when you need to install a portal housing (built into the wall).

An electric fireplace with a three-dimensional image of a flame and a heating function immerses observers in a calm world of comfort and homely warmth. For a while, you forget that this is just an imitation. The picture looks so realistic. And if you add a frame stylized as the interior of the room, then you can imagine yourself a real aristocrat, because the presence of a fireplace in the room was the first sign of a noble family.

Before you make an electric fireplace with your own hands, establish the reason for such an act. This is saving money or implementing your own project. In any case, it is necessary to start work with full desire and optimism.

Original makeshift building

Preparation for work

It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to make a home-made fireplace in a couple of hours, no matter how some experts write about it. If you want to get a really good result that you will enjoy, then you should carefully plan all the stages of work and start preparing.

Instead of inventing playing patches that imitate a flame, or highlighting the hearth with red light, it is worth spending a certain amount of money to buy a ready-made replaceable electric hearth, and make the frame yourself. In this vein, we will build our algorithm of actions. First of all, you will need a set of tools, including:

  • screwdriver, drill, perforator;
  • stationery knife;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • a hammer;
  • pliers;
  • metal scissors;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper abrasive.

The simplest possible design

The next thing to think about is the material. To make a more detailed calculation, you will have to make a drawing of the portal and calculate its surface area. The length of all ribs will be equal to the total length of the metal profile from which we will make the frame. You can fasten the profile to each other with self-tapping screws - “bugs”. Sheathing the body is easiest with drywall. It is easy to handle and does not deform when the temperature rises. The downside is that the structure will turn out to be quite heavy and will have to be attached to the wall.

It is necessary to choose the material for the countertop, on which you can put a vase of flowers or a glass of wine. Ideal for these purposes is an MDF sheet, the surface of which is covered with a laminated film.

It remains to think about the external decor. Here the choice is diverse, since you can use any material: ceramics, wood, plastic. The high degree of fire safety of the electric fireplace allows this to be done. But the most natural will look like a decorative stone. It can be processed with a grinder and glued to liquid nails.

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