How many grams are in one white marshmallow? Marshmallows in chocolate (1 pc.): calorie content, composition. Homemade marshmallows. Sweets not prohibited by nutritionists

Snow-white sweetness

If we talk about energy value, then a lot depends on the type of marshmallow. You can compare how many calories are in white and chocolate-covered marshmallows - the difference will be significant.

The classic vanilla version of the sweet contains about 300 kcal per 100 grams. If it is made using agar-agar, then 290 kcal. When adding pectin - about 305 kcal. The most satisfying option is the one based on gelatin (325 kcal).

Regular white marshmallows are the lowest calorie and natural. It can be given even to children from two to three years old.

But, when calculating how many calories are in white marshmallows, do not forget to take into account that sometimes they are sprinkled with powdered sugar, coconut shavings, waffle crumbs, added marmalade, jam, chocolate, etc. All this deliciousness can come back to haunt you in the form of extra centimeters at the waist.

Sweets for those losing weight

How many calories are in vanilla marshmallows? Only 275 kcal per 100 grams. One piece weighs approximately 50 grams. Therefore, with one marshmallow of two halves you will eat approximately 140 kcal.

Sometimes options with milk flavors are included in the list of dietary options, but read the packaging carefully. How many calories are in creme brulee marshmallows, for example, depends on the composition used by the manufacturer. This can be either 300 kcal or 325 kcal per 100 grams.

Pink sweetness

Soft pink marshmallows are made using berry puree or dyes. It is clear that the first method is preferable: the delicacy turns out tastier and healthier. Usually they use cherries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. for this.

But since we are interested in how many calories are in pink marshmallows, we must say that with dye it turns out to be less filling - 280 kcal versus 305 kcal in the berry-based version.

Chocolate sweetness

A heavenly treat for chocolate lovers, but a forbidden fruit for those losing weight. If the thought comes to you that nothing will happen from one little thing, remember how many calories are in chocolate-covered marshmallows - as many as 400 kcal, provided that the chocolate is dark. This is comparable to the energy value of cookies.

If we are talking about a delicacy in white chocolate with various internal additives and coconut flakes, then the calorie content will be about 500 kcal, that is, 250 kcal in one piece.

Balance the amount of effort spent in the gym and think about whether it’s worth canceling out for the sake of a moment of pleasure. If you can’t overcome the temptation, then at least buy those marshmallows that are covered in dark chocolate. There will be some benefit from the extra kilogram.

Chewy sweetness

Little cute marshmallows, or chewy marshmallows, are, unfortunately, a completely different story. It has fewer benefits, but more energy value - 318-330 kcal per 100 grams.

If you remember how many calories are in chocolate-covered marshmallows, then marshmallows don’t look so filling compared to them. But the latter is more harmful to the figure because it contains a lot of sugar.

However, this is not quite a marshmallow, since it lacks applesauce and egg white - essential components of the classic version of the airy delicacy.

How to make marshmallows

Since we are talking about how many calories are in marshmallows and why they are healthy, it would be useful to tell in general terms what such sweetness is made from.

Applesauce (sometimes with the addition of other fruits or berries) is beaten with egg white and sugar. Fructose can be used instead of the latter. Then a thickener (agar-agar, pectin, gelatin) is added, due to which a gelatinous structure is formed. If pectin is used, the delicacy is sour. Gelatin marshmallows have a slightly rubbery consistency.

The mass is poured into wooden molds and allowed to brew for four hours, and then dried at a temperature of 30 degrees.

The finished marshmallow halves are removed from the molds and folded together, and this is done by hand.

Natural marshmallows are often not white, but slightly yellowish - the color of apple raw materials. To diversify the taste and color, various confectionery toppings, chocolate, marmalade, food coloring, and essences are used. How many calories the marshmallow ultimately accumulates depends on what ingredients were used during the manufacturing process.

The benefits and harms of marshmallows

Pectin (E440) normalizes intestinal function, lowers cholesterol levels, and has an antiviral effect. Since it does an excellent job of removing toxins, heavy metals, and salts from the body, it is useful for people living in environmentally hazardous areas or employed in hazardous industries.

Gelatin, although it increases calorie content, strengthens bones and joints.

Glucose tones and saturates the blood with oxygen.

If instead of sugar the marshmallow contains fructose, then even diabetics can safely eat the treat, and there are fewer calories in this version.

There are no fats in natural marshmallows, only proteins and fruit carbohydrates, which provides undeniable advantages over other desserts.

Of course, all this is true if you buy marshmallows made from natural ingredients and without unnecessary additives, such as dyes and flavors.

Also, we should not forget that it is still a sweetness; consuming it in large quantities promises problems with teeth and metabolism. And some components can cause allergies.

How to choose marshmallows?

When buying sweets in a store, pay attention not only to how many calories are in the marshmallows, but also to the quality.

Give preference to a product that is white or yellowish in color. Dyes often hide various imperfections. And it will be even more strange if you find coloring in the composition of white marshmallows. The grayish color indicates that not the highest quality ingredients were used for production: dry or frozen proteins.

If you choose chocolate-covered marshmallows, it is advisable to inspect its surface in bright light: it shines, which means the manufacturer has covered the delicacy with natural chocolate; remains matte, then you are most likely looking at a confectionery glaze that contains little chocolate, but a lot of unnecessary animal fats and soy.

Marshmallows should be soft. Hardness means it's been on the shelf for a long time.

If there are cracks on the surface, then the product does not contain enough pectin.

These are the marshmallow subtleties. Enjoy sweets, but be careful. Bon appetit.

The first mentions of marshmallows are found in ancient Greek sources. People at that time believed that the recipe for this sweet was given to them by the god of the wind, in whose honor marshmallows got their name.

Modern marshmallow production technologies are far from those used by our ancestors, but the love for this type of sweet and its taste remains unchanged throughout this time.

What is marshmallow and what does it contain? Let's figure it out.

The airy consistency and delicate taste of the delicacy is created by beating egg whites. Gelating properties are the merit of agar-agar or gelatin. Another component of the classic marshmallow recipe is applesauce.

Only such a combination of ingredients in a dessert can ultimately result in a product with the “correct” characteristics and properties.

The calorie content of 100 grams of marshmallows is 304 calories.

The marshmallow recipe has been modified and improved over the centuries. b, each manufacturer tried to bring something of its own to the traditional delicacy recipe - unusual and new. Today, we have available varieties of marshmallows that differ both in composition and taste, as well as in external characteristics and nutritional value.

In an effort to improve the taste of their products and diversify their assortment, manufacturers offer us marshmallows coated with a layer of chocolate glaze. Dark chocolate is most often used for it., whose bitter taste most successfully emphasizes the sweetness and airiness of the marshmallow itself.

The calorie content of 100 grams of marshmallows in chocolate is much higher and amounts to 396 calories.

The weight of 1 marshmallow is approximately 35 grams. So when you treat yourself to something delicious, don't forget that you've added an extra 139 calories to your diet.

With a high calorie content, everything is clear, but does marshmallow have any beneficial features? Undoubtedly.

  1. Experts consider marshmallows the most healthy type of dessert due to the high content of plant polysaccharide – pectin. It helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and helps eliminate toxic substances.
  2. Glucose, which is part of marshmallows, is an assistant to our brain in perceiving information and the ability to work productively and fully.
  3. Protein is a building material for our muscles, and microelements (phosphorus, iron) have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels.

When choosing a variety of marshmallows to buy, choose white or yellow products - they do not contain artificial colors, so the benefits of consuming sweets will be maximum.

Calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate "Sharmel"

One of the favorite and popular varieties of delicacy is Charmel chocolate-covered marshmallows with creme brulee flavor.

The calorie content of 100 grams of such dessert is traditionally high and amounts to 387 kcal per 100 grams of product.

If you decide to treat yourself to a cup of tea and a portion of marshmallows, then a 135 kcal increase to your daily diet is guaranteed (and this is provided that your tea was without sugar).

Energy value of marshmallows "Neva"

Vanilla marshmallow from the Neva confectionery factory has the most delicate taste and aroma. The composition declared by the manufacturer includes only natural ingredients. The proposed packaging of the product is also convenient - 6 pieces in a sealed cellophane package.

The calorie content of Neva marshmallows is 305 kcal per 100 grams of product.

This product will be a great addition to any family feast or tea party!

The taste of marshmallow has been familiar since childhood. This delicate delicacy was invented in Russia and improved by confectioners in France. Its name is of French origin, meaning "light breakfast". The name itself suggests that this type of marshmallow is a dietary product. It is made from a variety of fruit purees with the addition of sugar, egg white, and a thickener (pectin, gelatin or agar). This is a tasty and, importantly, healthy delicacy, loved by both children and their parents. There are many varieties of it that differ in color and taste. There are also many manufacturers, so you need to choose the most conscientious ones who make truly high-quality delicacies.

An interesting fact is that it contains virtually no fat.

The calorie content of the product is about 323 kcal per 100 g.

100 grams is approximately 3 pieces. Through mathematical operations we find out that calorie content 1 pc. white marshmallow is about 107 kcal. Compared to marshmallows in chocolate (132 kcal per 1 piece), its calorie content is significantly lower. So, a morning cup of tea, flavored with just one piece of this delicacy, will supply the body with useful substances and give the morning and the whole day the taste of your favorite sweetness.


Due to the presence of beneficial nutrients in thickeners and purees, nutritionists recommend including it in the diet even for children. Well, for many women, in addition to its usefulness, the nutritional value of 1 piece of white marshmallow will also be important. to be able to include it in your diet.

Marshmallow contains useful substances such as gelatin, pectin, glucose, which will be useful for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for improving well-being. Another advantage is the very low fat content.

This delicacy is useful for mental work due to its high glucose content, so it can be consumed even by children.


You should not include treats in your diet if you have health problems such as diabetes, obesity, or if you are allergic to its components.

Marshmallows during a diet

When losing weight, eating it in large quantities is not recommended. The maximum daily portion is 1 piece, which contains approximately 100 kcal.

It is worth noting that when following a diet, it is best to eat plain white marshmallows without additives or dyes, since they have the lowest calorie content of all varieties and types.

Energy value per 100 g of product:

  • calorie content - 323 kcal
  • proteins - 1.7 g
  • fats - 0.3 g
  • carbohydrates - 80 g

Marshmallow is a confectionery product made from egg whites, agar-agar or gelatin, apple marshmallow and sugar.

Marshmallow, which is quite high in calories, is consumed with tea or coffee; when cut into small pieces, it is added to a cup of hot chocolate, and in America this confectionery product is roasted over an open fire.

For the first time, marshmallows have a calorie content per 1 piece. averages 108 kcal, was prepared in Ancient Egypt. To prepare it, the juice of various plants was used in combination with nuts and sweeteners. In the 14th century in the Russian Empire, marshmallows were prepared using apple marshmallow. Much later, at the beginning of the 19th century in France, confectioners began to add sugar to the juice of plants, as a result of which marshmallows acquired a taste that is known to this day, and later they figured out adding gelatin to it, which turned marshmallows into a quickly prepared product.

Marshmallows come in a variety of flavors, shapes, sizes and colors. Most marshmallows sold on store shelves are added with gelatin, rather than the traditional powdered marshmallow root from which this sweet confection was first made.

The effect of marshmallows on the human body

Despite its high calorie content, marshmallows are a fairly healthy sweet thanks to the pectin they contain, a polysaccharide of plant origin. Pectin has an antiulcer effect in the human body, promotes the elimination of toxins, waste and metal salts, and also reduces cholesterol levels.

The protein contained in marshmallows is a building material for the muscular frame of the human body, and glucose increases the brain’s ability to work longer and better perceive information coming from the external environment, and also strengthens the immune system.

Also, despite how many calories there are in marshmallows, this sweet product is considered one of the most dietary, especially if it contains agar-agar algae, since when consumed in small quantities it does not harm either the figure or human health.

Marshmallows do not contain vitamins at all, since they are simply destroyed during the preparation process. However, it contains quite large quantities of iron, phosphorus and other useful macroelements, which have a positive effect on the growth and density of nails and hair, as well as on blood vessels.

If gelatin is used in the preparation of marshmallows, then its taste will be much worse than that of its agar-agar counterpart, moreover, the calorie content of gelatin marshmallows will be much higher. When choosing marshmallows, it is better to give preference to white or yellow products, since they do not contain artificial colors.

Marshmallow is contraindicated for diabetics; if consumed in excess, it can cause tooth decay and metabolic disorders.

Calorie content of marshmallows: nutritional and energy value of the product

The calorie content of marshmallows is high, so this product is not used in almost any diet as a dietary product, however, if you eat 1-2 halves a day, there will be no particular harm to your figure.

The nutritional value and calorie content of marshmallows per 100 g is:

  • Lipids – 0.2 g;
  • Saturated fat – 0.1 g;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids – 0.1 g;
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids – 0 g;
  • Cholesterol – 0 mg;
  • Sodium – 80 mg;
  • Potassium – 5 mg;
  • Calorie content of marshmallows – 326 kcal;
  • Carbohydrates – 81 g;
  • Dietary fiber – 0.1 g;
  • Sugar – 58 g;
  • Proteins – 1.8 g;
  • Vitamin C – 0 mg;
  • Calcium – 3 mg;
  • Iron – 0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 – 0 mg;
  • Magnesium – 2 mg.

The calorie content of 1 marshmallow weighing 33-35 g is 108-114 kcal, which is why it is better not to consume more than one piece per day for those who want to lose weight.

The nutritional value and calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate per 100 g is:

  • Lipids – 0.3 g;
  • Saturated fat – 0.66 g;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids – 0.036 g;
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids – 0.376 g;
  • Cholesterol – 0 mg;
  • Sodium – 7 mg;
  • Potassium – 10 mg;
  • Calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate – 396 kcal;
  • Carbohydrates – 68.7 g;
  • Dietary fiber – 0.2 g;
  • Sugar – 58 g;
  • Proteins – 0.89 g;
  • Vitamin C – 0 mg;
  • Calcium – 3 mg;
  • Iron – 0.2 mg;
  • Magnesium – 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 – 0 mg.

The calorie content of 1 chocolate-covered marshmallow weighing 33-35 g is 130-138 kcal.

How many calories are in marshmallows: homemade recipes

Everyone knows that sweets prepared at home contain much less harmful additives and dyes, and their properties are much healthier than their store-bought counterparts.

Making marshmallows yourself is quite simple, the main thing is to strictly follow the recipe. There are many recipes for preparing this delicacy at home, the simplest of which are the following:

  • Recipe 1 – apple marshmallows with cocoa. To prepare homemade marshmallows, the calorie content of which is per 1 piece. will be 33 kcal, you need to peel and cut two medium-sized apples into thin slices. After this, they need to be sprinkled with a little sugar to make the apples a little sweeter, and baked in a baking dish in the oven for 15 minutes. at a temperature of 180°C. While the apples are baking, pour two egg whites into a bowl and mix them with 2 tbsp. sugar and beat with a mixer until a thick foam forms, gradually adding sugar (in the end you need to add 200 g of sugar). One pack of gelatin should be filled with cold water and left to swell for 5-7 minutes. The finished apples must be removed from the oven and placed in a plastic glass, where they must be blended with a blender until pureed. Add gelatin to the finished applesauce and mix thoroughly. Then the mass obtained from gelatin and applesauce must be added to the protein foam in three additions, beating thoroughly (mixing vigorously) after each addition. The finished mixture is poured into molds (silicone, paper or plastic) and left for 15-20 minutes. min is left in the freezer, after which it is sprinkled with cocoa powder. You should get about 20 pieces. marshmallows, the calorie content of which is quite high, so more than 3-4 pcs. It is better not to use it per day. Instead of applesauce, you can use berry, pear or any other fruit puree;
  • Recipe 2 – lemon marshmallows with chocolate. Pour 15 g of gelatin with cold water (100 ml) and leave it to swell for 5-7 minutes, then heat it in a water bath. A pack of dry lemon jelly (50 g) must be mixed with 100 g of sugar, pour in 100 ml of hot water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, after which gelatin is added and the resulting mixture is beaten with a mixer for 15 minutes. until thick white foam forms. Then a pinch of citric acid is added to the resulting mixture, mixed thoroughly and beaten with a mixer for another 5 minutes. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and left in the refrigerator overnight. The finished marshmallow is poured with melted chocolate on top and cooled for 15-20 minutes. The calorie content of 1 marshmallow in chocolate is known to be slightly higher than that of its counterpart with the addition of cocoa powder, and amounts to 130-140 kcal per unit of the finished product.


About marshmallows:

Marshmallow is a very popular sugary confectionery product. As a rule, the preparation of this delicacy includes the following steps: puree (fruits and berries) is beaten together with sugar and egg white, after which a gelatinous filler (this can be pectin or some other) is added to the resulting mass.

To give the marshmallow the required shape, it is placed in special molds and allowed to harden. Marshmallows have many different varieties.

It can be covered with chocolate, vanilla, or marmalade can be added to it; In order for the marshmallow to acquire the desired color, food coloring, acids and essences are used.

It must be said that marshmallows compare favorably with many other sweets in that they have beneficial properties. Marshmallow contains components that have a beneficial effect on various organs of our body and the processes occurring in it.

The great-grandfather of modern marshmallow is an oriental airy delicacy that was made from eggs and sugar. But the marshmallows that have survived to this day, based on applesauce, were invented in Russia. The inventor of the most popular marshmallow pastille in Russia and abroad in the 19th century is the merchant Ambrosy Prokhorov. The delicacy was called “Belevsky”, named after the town in which the merchant lived. This marshmallow was to the taste of the royal and royal families and common people, and the merchant even published a book with tips on how to make it.

Proper marshmallows are made from applesauce, egg whites, sugar and gelling additives - most often agar-agar or pectin. Gelatin is used less often, and this is no longer considered a completely classic recipe. Why is marshmallow considered a fairly harmless sweet and recommended for children? It contains virtually no fat, is low in calories (the average marshmallow has about 125 calories), and the jelly-forming components have a lot of useful properties.

Agar-agar, which is produced from algae, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and liver, is able to remove toxins and has a good effect on the thyroid gland. It contains iron, calcium, potassium, copper, vitamins B5 and E.

Pectin does an excellent job of removing heavy metal salts from the body and improves blood circulation. Those who suffer from high blood cholesterol can use marshmallows as a means to lower it, which is also helped by pectin.

Quite often you hear the question - how many calories are in marshmallows?

The calorie content of this sweet delicacy interests many. These are those of us who want to get rid of extra pounds, and those who are used to monitoring their appearance, in particular their body weight, and therefore counting calories in food.

So, the calorie content of marshmallows may vary. This is determined by its composition.

The calorie content of marshmallows averages from 300 to 326 kcal per 100 grams. product

How many calories are in vanilla marshmallows:

As we have already said, the calorie content of marshmallows is influenced by the method of its preparation.

The calorie content of vanilla marshmallows is approximately 305-315 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in chocolate covered marshmallows:

The calorie content of chocolate-covered marshmallows will certainly be significantly higher than that of regular marshmallows. The reason for this is the high calorie content of the chocolate with which it is covered. Chocolate can be black or white.

The calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate is about 396 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in white marshmallows:

The calorie content of white marshmallows is about 305 kcal per 100 grams. product

How many calories in 1 marshmallow:

Now let’s find out how many calories fit in one “piece” of marshmallow. Let’s take, for example, marshmallows with a calorie content of 326 kcal per 100 g. product. One piece of marshmallow is approximately 33 grams. Then, by simple calculations we get:

Calorie content of 1 piece of marshmallow – 107.6 kcal

Recipe for making marshmallows at home:

By the way, it won’t be difficult for you to make store-bought marshmallows at home! Marshmallow is based on gelatin, which is what makes the dessert so weightless. However, if you are preparing dessert at home, you can make it according to another recipe, for example, based on cream or fruit. However, no matter what recipe you choose, the resulting dish will be tasty and tender.

Here's a recipe for classic apple marshmallows.


  • 725 grams sugar
  • 160 grams of water
  • 4 large apples
  • 1 egg (white)
  • 8 grams agar
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • powdered sugar

How to cook:

Mix agar with water in a small saucepan and leave to soak. Meanwhile, prepare the apples. Cut the fruit in half and remove the core of the apples.

Bake the apples in the microwave or oven. It only takes 4-5 minutes in the microwave.

Gently scrape the apple pulp out of the skin using a teaspoon. Place the pulp into a blender bowl.

Grind it into an absolutely smooth puree, and then add 250 grams of sugar, vanillin and stir so that the sugar dissolves under the influence of the residual temperature. Let the resulting mass cool.

Meanwhile, place the water with agar on low heat and bring it to a boil, stirring.

Add the remaining sugar to it and stir.

Boil the syrup for 5 minutes until the syrup flows from the spoon and forms “threads”.

When the syrup is ready, remove it from the heat.

Add the egg whites to the applesauce and beat until fluffy.

Now, without stopping whisking, pour the hot syrup into the protein mass in a thin stream. The marshmallow mass will greatly increase in volume. Continue beating until stiff peaks form and the mixture is just above body temperature.

Using a pastry bag, pipe marshmallows onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Leave the marshmallows at room temperature to dry overnight, then sprinkle them generously with powdered sugar.

Glue the marshmallow halves together in pairs with their bottoms - since they are sticky, this will be very easy to do.

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