What benefits are granted to holders of the Order of Courage? Lists of recipients of the Russian Federation

This article might not exist. Because the Order of Courage itself does not provide any benefits. And we would have nothing to write about if we limited ourselves to information from secondary sources. But we are extremely meticulous, so quickly catch an article about something that at first glance does not exist... about benefits and payments to Russians awarded the Order of Courage.

Who are the holders of the order?

If you have never encountered state awards before, let us explain why and to whom the Order of Courage is awarded.

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1099 of 09/07/10, the Order of Courage has the status of a state award and is awarded in cases of a person demonstrating exceptional fearlessness and courage in protecting law and order, saving the lives of civilians in the event of an accident or catastrophe, as well as in the selfless performance of duty ( military, state, civilian) in conditions of increased risk to their own life and health.

To receive the Order of Courage it is not necessary to have citizenship of the Russian Federation. This award is free from national, state and racial differences and is currently the most popular award in the Russian Federation. Today in Russia the number of people awarded this distinction has long exceeded 100 thousand people. Since 1994, the Order of Courage of the Russian Federation has been the full successor to the Soviet Order "For Personal Courage".

But let's return to the topic of our conversation. What benefits does the Order of Courage give to its recipient?

One-time payments

Having encountered information that citizens who have the Order of Courage are not entitled to either payments or benefits, many interested people stop all searches. And in vain. Because they are still entitled to at least two types of payments. Which? Now we'll tell you.

The first is the so-called presidential payment. Subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 765 of July 25, 2006 secures the right of Russians in the civil service to receive a one-time financial payment within 30 days from the date of publication of the corresponding award document.

The size of the one-time presidential payment for awarding the Order of Courage is:

  • five full salaries of military personnel, employees of the internal affairs department and other bodies of the executive system of the Russian Federation (Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, etc.);
  • five ex-officio salaries for prosecutors;
  • additional payment for class rank to employees of the Investigative Committee in the amount of five times;

The process of assigning and receiving payment is regulated by the relevant department. If you were awarded the order in accordance with all the rules, but you still did not receive the payment (or did not even know that you could receive it), you need to submit a report or application to the authorized body about the assignment of payment to you. Next, you need to get a written answer at all costs about why the money was not paid to you on time.

This answer is your shield in court. Having received it and armed with evidence that you are right, you can begin to assert your legal rights. But remember that the statute of limitations for such cases is only 3 months from the moment you learned about the violation. Be prepared to prove why you didn’t take care of your rights earlier.

The second type of payments is severance pay upon dismissal for police officers and military personnel (Federal Law No. 247 of July 19, 2011 and Federal Law No. 306 of November 7, 2011). For holders of the Order of Courage, there is a benefit when paying such benefits - it is increased by one official salary or one military salary.

Thus, a police officer or military officer receives severance pay in an amount equal to:

  • those who served less than 20 years = 2 full salaries + 1 for the Order of Courage;
  • having served for 20 years or more = 7 full salaries +1 for the Order of Courage.

Specific payments and benefits

The Order of Courage can become the basis for receiving a “monthly bonus for performing tasks with a risk to life and health in peacetime,” which is due to police officers and military personnel. This allowance amounts to one additional salary for a military position.

At the Federal level, the Order of Courage allows you to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and all the accompanying benefits. According to Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5 of January 12, 1995. In this case, the citizen must reach retirement age and have sufficient experience to assign him an old-age insurance pension. An outstanding work history (more than 35 years) is only required when specified by law in the relevant region. Today, labor veterans have privileges in almost all regions of the country: in some places these are cash payments, and in others a full range of social services.

The holder of the Order of Courage, 3rd degree, has a preference when receiving the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Having performed yet another, fourth, deed deserving of an award, the full holder of the Order of Courage immediately receives the title of Hero of the country. This title, in turn, is the basis for receiving a wide variety of benefits, from payment of utilities to monthly additional payments.

Remember also that persons who received the Order of Courage for feats committed in “hot spots” are recognized as combat veterans and can receive their privileges precisely on this basis. A complete list of such “hot spots” can be found in the Appendix to Federal Law No. 5.

As for regional legislation regarding order bearers, it looks very disappointing. Regional budgets are extremely rarely able to “sponsor” additional payments even to those categories of beneficiaries designated by government authorities as mandatory. What can we say about those to whom benefits and payments are provided “at will”.

However, to find out about possible bonuses in your region, you need to contact the department that issued the awards. If there are any, you will definitely be informed about them.

The Order of Courage is an award established in our country in 1994 by presidential decree. This order is awarded for:

  • courage and bravery;
  • selfless act;
  • actions performed in the performance of duty in dangerous conditions.

The Order is awarded to people who have shown courage in saving people, maintaining order, fighting the elements, and crime. Awarding the order can be individual or group (for example, awarding a crew, company, etc.). The order is often awarded posthumously. Re-awarding is possible. Three Orders of Courage and the commission of a heroic deed are grounds for conferring the title of Hero of Russia. There are holders of 4 Orders of Courage in the country. The vast majority of these orders were awarded for participation in hostilities in the North Caucasus. In total, there are more than 80 thousand holders of the Order of Courage in our country.

What benefits are awarded to those awarded the Order of Courage?

Unfortunately, benefits and payments are not awarded for the Order of Courage. The order itself does not give the right to benefits, however, the order for awarding the order may specify personal benefits or payments, although this happens relatively rarely.

Benefits and payments to holders of the Order of Courage may be established by regional legislation. For example, they may be exempt from paying utility bills or provided with free travel on city or suburban public transport.

The liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel were awarded the Order of Courage - for these categories of citizens the order is an addition to the basis for benefits and payments. When preparing documents, it is always better to indicate the presence of an order, although it in itself does not give the right to payments. By the way, 10% of the salary is due to current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs if they have the Order of Courage.

The Order also gives the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” with sufficient work experience or length of service. This rule applies in Moscow and some other regions.

No payments are currently provided to widows and children of deceased or deceased holders of the Order of Courage.

In Russia, as in other countries, there is a list of various state awards, which represent the highest form of encouragement for citizens who have shown special merit to the Motherland.

The main and fundamental goal lies in encouraging and stimulating people to work even more fruitfully for the good of the Fatherland in the future.

The Order of Courage is of particular importance, since this award is given only to those who were not afraid in a difficult situation and behaved heroically. In other words, he risked his life to save others.

But not all people who have received the Order of Courage are aware of the benefits and privileges that come with it.

Grounds for award

A citizen who holds the Order of Courage can count on the respect of others, the satisfaction of personal ambitions, as well as receiving some material preferences.

The appearance of this insignia dates back to 1994. Status adjustments were made in 1999 and 2010. Bonding the latter Decree No. 1099 of September 7, 2010, which talks about the improvement of state awards, fell to the lot of the head of state of that time - Dmitry Medvedev.

The award can be presented to any Russian citizen, who showed courage and bravery in life-threatening conditions.

In this connection, the title of cavalier most often gets:

  • employees of government agencies and ordinary citizens who took part in any rescue operation or work aimed at eliminating an accident or disaster;
  • law enforcement defenders;
  • persons whose performance of duties involves a situation dangerous to life and health.

The Order of Courage is also awarded to foreign citizens. By the way, over the entire period of validity, more than 100 thousand people were awarded this title.

State assistance to awardees

The Order of Courage itself does not imply any benefits or payments, but an order containing information about its conferment may establish a list of personal privileges, although this is not always practiced.

Main advantages regional authorities establish for courageous and heroic citizens. For example, they can travel for free on urban and suburban public transport, and also have an exemption from paying utility costs.

First of all, the holder of the Order of Courage must apply for a one-time transfer, which is otherwise called presidential award. This guarantee is regulated by Decree No. 765 of 2006. In accordance with this document, all government employees are entitled to one-time financial assistance, and its accrual and payment should not be delayed for more than 1 month from the moment a particular award was presented.

Knights of the Order of Courage the following premium amounts are provided: 5 salaries if we are talking about a military man, an employee of the internal affairs department or another service that is part of the executive structure. A citizen whose place of employment is the Investigative Committee can count on a five-fold additional payment for a class rank.

The transfer of funds is regulated independently in each individual authority. A holder of the Order of Courage who has not received a monetary payment must write a report of appropriate content. This paper cannot be left unanswered, that is, the citizen will receive back a detailed explanation of what happened, which can later be used to go to court.

Next pay is a severance pay assigned to each retiring military or police officer. In this situation, the following benefit deserves attention: the size of the increase in the payment amount must correspond to one salary.

That is severance pay will be calculated in the following sequence:

  • duration of work that has not reached the 20-year mark involves the payment of 2 salaries + 1 additional unit for the award;
  • a period of employment exceeding the 20-year threshold - 7 salaries + 1 additional payment for the title of cavalier.

By the way, a serviceman applying for such a payment has no right during the course of service, commit any offense that has the following consequences:

  • deprivation of military rank;
  • detention;
  • failure to fulfill at least one clause of the signed contract;
  • a court ruling prohibiting him from holding a military position.

And if it is planned to change the power structure, then applying for payments at the previous place of duty does not make any sense, since all incentives will be provided only at the new place.

In addition to the payments listed above, the Order of Courage provides a number of other privileges. For example, a gentleman an allowance is due, if he risked life and health while performing certain government tasks. That is, many military and police officers have the opportunity to obtain such a privilege. This increase in salary corresponds in amount to one salary.

By the way, it will not be difficult for the owner of this type of award to apply for it, which in turn allows you to count on a wide variety of preferences and benefits.

True, this is not possible without performing the following important conditions:

  • gentleman's retirement age;
  • availability of sufficient quantity.

By the way, a long period of work (at least 35 years) is not so critical in this case. Much depends on what regulations have been adopted and are in force on the territory of a particular subject. The list of benefits provided also depends on the place of official residence, but the main ones remain unchanged. Thus, often only the amount of the monetary premium changes.

A Russian cavalier who has received 3 Orders of Courage can become a Hero of Russia according to a simplified scheme. The latter is automatically assigned after the citizen commits a heroic act for the 4th time. The privileges and benefits provided in this case significantly exceed those provided to labor veterans and other groups of the population. If the reason for receiving this award was any hot spot, it means that the person becomes a combat veteran and the owner of the corresponding benefits and payments.

State support for relatives

The bulk of the kind of bonuses for holders of the Order of Courage are provided by local authorities, but due to meager funding, they often do not have enough funds to adequately support this category of citizens.

But, the presence of related titles (, veteran of labor or) entails the assignment of additional payments and privileges, including those of a regional nature. You can find out more detailed information at the social service department at your place of registration.

Having the Order of Courage allows you to calculate to provide some additional benefits:

  • a citizen employed in law enforcement agencies or a military personnel with this rank can apply for certain benefits and state financial assistance;
  • A current employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is entitled to a 10% salary increase.

When filling out various papers, you need to report the availability of awards, as this can significantly affect the resolution of issues regarding the assignment of benefits and preferences.

The Order of Courage implies various privileges and contributes to the receipt of many payments, but here relatives of the gentleman, awarded posthumously, cannot receive anything.

An example of this award is presented in the following video:

Today, there are many people on the territory of the Russian state who have state awards, among which is the Order for Courage. It can be obtained by citizens who, regardless of the danger to their lives, risking their health, helped people in tense situations. But the fact is that few people know about this award and it is quite difficult to find a notice about it. In particular, this concerns the question of what benefits and privileges are granted or awarded for receiving the Order of Courage.

The Order of Courage award was founded in 1994 and is considered a state award. It can be received by absolutely any citizen, regardless of citizenship, who has shown courage and great heroism in the critical situation that has arisen. For example, these are:

  • rescuing people involved in accidents or at the epicenter of a disaster;
  • performance of official duty, which implied a risk to one’s life and health;
  • valiant service in protecting law and order.

But one of the main conditions for receiving such an award is the fact that a citizen serving and applying for the Order of Courage must not commit any actions that could interfere with this. These include:

  • removal from a military post;
  • arrest (detention) for committing a crime;
  • if there is such an action as failure to fulfill at least one of the points specified in the specified contract agreement;
  • there is a court decision on deprivation of the opportunity to hold any military position.

In such cases, the citizen is deprived of all privileges and, accordingly, receiving such an order is out of the question.

The award provided can only be earned and received only upon presentation for the award after the signing of the corresponding decree by the President of the Russian Federation. If it was obtained illegally, then such citizens face punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 80,000 or forced labor for up to one year. A three-month arrest is also provided.

What benefits and incentives are provided to holders of the Order of Courage?

Despite the fact that this award for courage is considered a state award, very little information can be found about it. One of the questions that interests the holders of this order is what it gives and what benefits or payments there may be. According to the adopted law, holders of the Order of Courage are granted a fairly small list of such privileges.

Main types of incentives

The primary action that is taken after receiving the award to its owners is a one-time payment that must be transferredno later than one month from the date of signing the relevant order.
In addition, military personnel and police officers or employees of the executive service, prosecutor's office or investigative committee5 salaries are paid at once.
It is also possible to receive after leaving work having20 years of continuous work (2 salaries + 1 bonus), more than 20 years of work (7 salaries + 1 additional bonus). This applies to military personnel and police officers.
This Order of Courage provides the opportunity to accept the title of “Veteran of Labor”which, in turn, gives the right to purchase appropriate benefits.
If there are 4 orders, a citizen is given the opportunity to receive the title of Hero of the Russian Federation in a simplified formbased on this, many more privileges are provided, which include not only preferential benefits, but also financial incentives
The presence of such an award provides an opportunity for its owner, namely, internal affairs officers and military personnel who perform work with an increased risk to life and healthto increase wages by one salary

But still, regardless of the fact that this award is of a state nature, the decision to provide benefits and payments is decided at the district level, so quite often they are not made. Often, for the Order of Courage, benefits and payments are provided for free travel on public or suburban transport. They are also given a discount or may be 100% exempt from paying utility bills.

If an award was made, but no funds were received within the specified time frame, then it is worth writing a corresponding application to the social security authorities. But this needs to be done as soon as possible. The thing is that all payments on this issue have a 3-month statute of limitations.

If during the period specified by law the required accruals were not made, then it is also necessary to write a corresponding report and send it to the department that made the award. After reviewing this document, they must send a response, which should include an explanation of why payments are not being made. Having such a document, you can go to court to resolve this issue.

Where to go to get benefits

Basically, all benefits and payments are handled by the social protection authorities. But quite often, award benefits or benefits are not received in certain regions of the Russian Federation, explaining such situations by the fact that municipal authorities do not have money for such payments. In this case, it is worth contacting the department that made the award and request an explanation for what reasons there were no payments and what privileges the Order of Courage provides in the place of residence of the person who received such an award.

In addition, it is worth noting that in the event of a change in the power structure, the awardees must apply for incentives and other privileges at the new place of service.

What is due to relatives if the Order for Courage is received posthumously?

When the award occurs posthumously, relatives (parents, spouses or children) are entitled to appropriate benefits for the Order of Courage, for example:

  • free trips to the recipient's grave with a return ticket, issued once a year every year;
  • the family is given the opportunity to obtain housing if it is recognized that they are in immediate need of it;
  • To the parents of those posthumously awarded the Order of Courage, the state guarantees the right to receive medical and social services out of turn.

But all this also relates to issues that should be clarified in the social services at the place of residence, since such privileges may not be provided in certain regions of the Russian state due to insufficient government funding for preferential categories of citizens.

The statute and description of the order were approved on June 1, 1995. The order was established as an analogue of the Soviet Order “For Personal Courage”, which, according to the statute, occupied a place in the Soviet award system after the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The author of the drawing of the order is the artist of the State Heraldry E.I. Ukhnalev.

The basis of the order is the militia cross. When approving the design of the order, E.I. Ukhnalev proposed an option with an applied gilded double-headed eagle, larger in size. However, this option was not approved. The leading specialist of the State Heraldry, candidate of historical sciences P.K. Kornakov, took part in the development of the sketches of the order. On the instructions of the State Heraldry and the Commission on State Awards, he also sculpted the order. Author of the idea Order - State Armed Master of the Russian Federation G.V. Vilinbakhov. The order is produced at the Moscow Mint.

The Order of Courage is awarded to citizens for selfless acts, courage and bravery shown in saving people, protecting public order, in the fight against crime, during natural disasters, fires, catastrophes and other emergency circumstances, as well as for bold and decisive actions committed when performing military, civil or official duty in conditions involving risk to life.

The first Decree on the award was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on November 11, 1994. The awards were given to helicopter commander V.P.A. Fanasiev and deputy commander of the flight squad V.E. Ostapchuk for the courage and bravery shown in rescuing people from the Yakhroma motor ship, which suffered a disaster in the Barents Sea 1.

25.11.1994 In 2009, a large Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2118 was signed on awarding the Order of Courage to 17 military personnel “for the courage and bravery shown in clearing mines and neutralizing explosive objects.”

The overwhelming number of awards were made for battles in Chechnya (including for the 1st and 2nd military campaigns). Among those who earned awards on the battlefields are the commander of the 58th Army, Lieutenant General V. Shamanov; Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Colonel General A.L. Shkirko. In 1995, the head of the information group of the intelligence department of the Airborne Forces headquarters, 39-year-old Colonel V. Selivanov, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. Having fought in Afghanistan for two years and participating in 57 combat operations, he is a holder of the Order of the Red Banner and 2 Orders of the Red Star, he twice - in 1985 and 1991. - nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. From December 14, 1994, he was part of the task force in Chechnya and died on January 1, 1995 in Grozny.

Knights of the Order of Courage are also: Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Colonel General of the Police V. Rushailo; the chief military representative of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation to NATO, Colonel General V. Zavarzin (for the forced march of Bosnia-Kosovo); Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Stepashin (1998); Commander of the North Caucasian Military District, Lieutenant General A.V. Kvashnin; member of the Russian national tennis team A.E. Chesnokov; Honored Masters of Sports of the Russian Federation A.V. Beketov, A.Yu. Nemov and A.I. Chemerkin (for the XXVI Summer Olympic Games); graduate of Demyanovskaya secondary school, Kirov region S.V. Vologdin (posthumously); 19 employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for performing work on the sunken nuclear submarine “Komsomolets” (December 26, 1994); 111 people for eliminating the consequences of the earthquake in Neftegorsk, Sakhalin Region (August 11 and September 18, 1995); cadets Garkovenko A.V. and Andreev A.F. landed inside an airborne combat vehicle-1 on a PBS-915 (06/20/1998); 31 paratroopers - participants in the forced march Bosnia-Kosovo (08/02/1999); 117 crew members of the sunken nuclear submarine "Kursk" (all posthumously - 08/26/2000); officers of the naval engineering service of the Pacific Fleet, Colonels G.I. Kotov, V.E. Pavlovsky and E.M. Cherkasov.

08/22/1996 By Presidential Decree No. 1225, five members of the crew of the IL-76 civil aircraft captured by the Taliban were awarded the Order of Courage for heroism, courage and perseverance shown during their liberation from forced stay in Afghanistan.

On December 25, 1998, cosmonaut-researcher of the Cosmonaut Center Yu.M. Baturin was awarded the Order of Courage. According to established rules, for his first and, moreover, successful space flight, he should have been awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. However, this did not happen. The reason is as follows. By 1997, Yu. Baturin was an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation on defense and security issues, chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on Chemical Disarmament, a member of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation and had the rank of active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class. B. N. Yeltsin reacted negatively to his assistant’s decision to become an astronaut, but did not prohibit him from preparing for the flight. However, over the next few months, Yu. Baturin was relieved of all posts and positions. Thus, he was released from the post of assistant to the President of the Russian Federation “due to staff reduction.” After the flight, Yu. Baturin was nominated for the title of Hero, but B.N. Yeltsin personally crossed out this idea. Yu.M. Baturin still became a Hero of Russia, but for his second flight and under a different president.

On July 5, 1999, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 871 on awarding the Order of Courage to more than 700 Black Sea sailors who showed courage and perseverance in 1955 during the tragic death of the battleship Novorossiysk in the harbor of Sevastopol. It took three years to establish the exact places of residence of the awardees. In total, the lists compiled in 1955 in hot pursuit included 719 people: everyone who was listed as dead at that time, and another 117 sailors who distinguished themselves during rescue operations. It was possible to collect only half of the addresses, and the Order of Courage was awarded to only a small part of the sailors, mostly Russians. The rest of the orders remained unawarded, and many of the veterans and relatives of the victims do not even know that they can receive these insignia.

On February 29, 2000, in Chechnya, the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division was killed in a battle near Ulus-Kert. There are 6 people left alive. 22 participants in the battle were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. The remaining 68 people were awarded the Order of Courage.

In October 2002, a tragedy occurred in Moscow - terrorists took hostages at the Cultural Center on Dubrovka during a performance of the musical “Nord-Ost”. For the courage shown in rescuing the hostages, the Order of Courage was awarded to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the USSR I.D. Kobzon and the head of the department of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor L.M. Roshal (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30 2002).

In March 1968, the Soviet missile-carrying submarine K-129 with a crew of 98 people perished under unknown circumstances near the Hawaiian Islands. The very fact of the sinking of the submarine was hidden in the USSR for a long time.
In 1975, the US press revealed details of a secret CIA operation undertaken to raise the boat. October 22, 1998 For the courage shown in the performance of military duty, the boat commander, Captain 1st Rank V.I. Kobzar, and the entire crew were posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

On May 9, 2004, the Order of Courage was awarded to the sailors of the K-19 nuclear submarine that suffered an accident in July 1961 in the North Atlantic. Then they did the almost impossible - they saved the ship, managed to disable the main power plant and shut down the reactors, bringing the boat into a safe radiation state.

On August 4, 2005, the Pacific Fleet submersible AS-28 crashed in Berezovaya Bay off the coast of Kamchatka. Having become entangled in a fishing net, the device was unable to surface on its own. The crew of seven sailors remained at a depth of 190 meters for more than three days. To save the crew, rescuers from the USA, Great Britain and Japan had to be brought in. The rescue operation was completed successfully: the sailors and the bathyscaphe itself were saved. For the courage and dedication shown during the performance of a special task, the entire crew of the bathyscaphe: senior midshipman S.K. Belozerov, deputy chief designer of JSC Center Design Bureau Lazurit G.V. Bolonin, senior lieutenant A.I. Ivanov, captain 1st rank B I. Lepetukh, Lieutenant Commander V.V. Milashevsky, Senior Midshipman A.V. Popov, Midshipman A.V. Uibin were awarded the Order of Courage.

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