What is Street Workout? Workout - what is it, how is it useful, where to start? What does workout mean

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What is Street Workout?

Street Workout (“Street Workout” - from the English “street training”) is one of the types of physical education classes in which all exercises are performed on outdoor sports grounds: on structures (horizontal bar, bars, horizontal and vertical stairs, dug-in wheels, benches and etc.) or on the ground without their use.

Calling workout a sport is not entirely correct, since it has not yet been officially recognized as such in any of the countries, although competitions are organized in it, including. international championships. Given its mass character and the growth in the number of fans, it is possible that this may soon change.

This unofficial sport has a number of advantages, and this is not only accessibility for almost any person. Workouters or street athletes, as they also call themselves, are usually fans of a healthy and active lifestyle, as a result of training they acquire high physical performance, relief figures (especially the torso), and most women consider this to be much more attractive than huge, "steroid-loving » inhabitants of rocking chairs.

Where did street workout come from?

Many guys went in for sports on horizontal bars, uneven bars and other structures back in the days of the Soviet Union. It was in the USSR that the tradition was born to place sports grounds (with horizontal bars, stairs and other structures) in courtyards near apartment buildings. This tradition has continued to this day, while the requirements for the sites are regulated by law, although they are not mandatory. In our time, the sports ground is one of the few remaining tools for introducing young people to sports and active recreation of life, since the remnants of the Soviet cultural enlightenment system have long been destroyed.

In educational institutions, standards for pull-ups, push-ups were introduced, and the benefits of playing sports were actively promoted. Similar standards are passed even now in educational institutions, and not everyone is able to fulfill the norm without preparing.

Since 1993, Calisthenics has been actively developing the direction of sports activities in the United States, in which the weight of one's own body was mainly used for training. In the early 2000s, the exchange of information became more accessible thanks to the Internet, and this also contributed to a more active exchange of information between the CIS and the West. At this time, videos with records began to appear and gain popularity, where African Americans with impressive figures performed various tricks on horizontal bars, bars and other structures and without them. Many of these videos were called Ghetto Workouts, most likely due to the fact that the participants in the videos themselves lived in ghetto areas (areas in large cities inhabited by ethnic minorities). But the exact reason for the name of the videos can only be confirmed by their author. Part of the video was signed as Street Workout, this name is more used and known today.

These videos were distributed on phones back in the days of infrared ports, causing great interest among the youth of the post-Soviet space. Gradually, both the number of such videos on the network and the number of fans of this direction grew. Then separate sites dedicated specifically to street training began to be created, competitions began to be held, celebrities appeared among street workouts, quite often this direction began to be mentioned on television. The date of the emergence of the Workout (a), as a separate direction, is considered to be 2008. It is widespread among the CIS countries, most of all in Russia and Ukraine, in the west, such activities remained under their former names.

Workout classification includes two main areas (styles):

Street Workout is a kind of street workout, in which they mainly train to perform various elements, gradually learning new ones and complicating and perfecting the old ones.

Ghetto Workout is a kind of workout, in which the emphasis is primarily on training strength indicators to increase the number of possible repetitions in individual exercises (different types of pull-ups, push-ups) or the time of performing static exercises (holding the body in any position that requires effort ). But you can also find the definition of Ghetto Workout as an activity that also develops the mind, and also does not require a horizontal bar or other structures, but implies the possibility of exercising in any conditions and in any place.

Handstand is an additional kind of workout, in which training is devoted to handstands, walking on hands, push-ups in such a stance, power exits to the rack (matches), bouncing on hands, etc.

You can also find other classifications. For example, yard gymnastics is sometimes considered as one of the varieties of street workout. Gimbarr is sometimes also referred to as a workout. This is also a street sport that came from Colombia. But it is rather a separate discipline. The elements performed in jimbarra require the development of not so much strength as coordination of movement, flexibility, persistent learning of exercises, many of which are very traumatic and are often performed from insurance. It is officially recognized as a sport in its homeland, Colombia. But in the CIS, Jimbarra competitions are usually held as one of the workout styles.

But often, the guys involved in sports fields do not consider themselves to be a separate style of street training. They just learn the elements that are interesting to them and work on strength indicators. The types of workout videos can be viewed below to better understand the difference between them.

Let's sum up the workout:

There is no single classification of workout, just as this unofficial sport itself can be interpreted with some differences in different sources by different authors. But this does not change the essence, as well as the benefits of the development of this direction. Not so important is the origin of the workout, which is described above, or where the street workout came from. Accessibility and impressive results achieved by people who have devoted themselves to this occupation make street workout more and more popular.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that if it is possible to visit the gym constantly and without much material damage, then it is better to exchange it for street workouts. The opposite, of course, can be argued by street workout fans. But people for whom the rocking chair is so accessible are a small fraction of a percent. The horizontal bar and bars can be bought and installed at home on the wall for less than 70 USD. And to build these structures in the yard, if they are not there, is even cheaper. There are a number of workout exercises, for which, in general, there is no need for any structures.

Do not puzzle over theory, but move on to practice. Training, of course, you need to start with basic exercises (pull-ups with different grips, push-ups on the uneven bars and from the floor in different versions, exercises for the press with lifting, both torso and legs, etc.). Complex elements and exercises will be developed with experience, after the muscles are sufficiently developed.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «WORKOUT» in dictionaries.

  • WORKOUT - noun Date: circa 1894 a practice or exercise to test or improve one "s fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance, ...
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • WORKOUT — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun (-s) Etymology: work out 1. : a practice game, bout, or run: an exercise designed …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT - /werrk"owt"/ , n. 1. a trial or practice session in athletics, as in running, boxing, or football. 2. a structured …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT - n. training of the body; training; practice, drills; fitness test
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • WORKOUT - noun Date: circa 1894 1. : a practice or exercise to test or improve one "s fitness for athletic competition, ability, ...
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • WORKOUT - ■ noun a session of vigorous physical exercise.
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • WORKOUT - n (ca. 1894) 1: a practice or exercise to test or improve one "s fitness for athletic competition, ability, or ...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • WORKOUT — workout BrE AmE ˈwɜːk aʊt AmE \ ˈwɝːk- ▷ workout|s s
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT - / ˈwɜːkaʊt; NAmE ˈwɜːrk-/ noun a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit: She does a …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT - work ‧ out /ˈwɜːkaʊt $ ˈwɜːrk-/ BrE AmE noun a period of physical exercise, especially as training for a …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
    English basic colloquial vocabulary
  • WORKOUT - n. a session of physical exercise or training.
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT - n. a session of physical exercise or training.
    Oxford English vocab
  • WORKOUT - (workouts) A workout is a period of physical exercise or training. Give your upper body a workout by using …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT — (~s) A ~ is a period of physical exercise or training. Give your upper body a ~ by using handweights. …
    Collins COBUILD - English Dictionary for Language Learners
  • WORKOUT — noun COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ ADJECTIVE good ▪ Bruno commented later that he was getting a good workout for his …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • WORKOUT - [C]a vigorous/light workoutHe can lose up to four pounds in sweat in an hour"s workout.
    Cambridge English vocab
  • WORKOUT — Synonyms and related words: athletics, audition, bench test, breather, calisthenics, constitutional, daily dozen, drill, dry run, exercise, exercising, flight …
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
    Slang English vocab
  • WORKOUT — noun
    Oxford Collocations Dictionary Second Edition
  • WORKOUT — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good ▪ grueling/grueling , hard , intense , strenuous , vigorous ▪ light , low-impact ▪ daily …
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • WORKOUT - n. 25B6; EXERCISE SESSION, keep-fit ​​session, training session, drill; warm-up; exercises, aerobics; informal, dated daily dozen.
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • WORKOUT - (n.) A physical exercise session. * /My morning workout consists of sit-ups and push-ups./
    Dictionary of English idioms
  • WORKOUT - exercising, practicing a sport, weight training, work out I feel good after a workout - after jogging or swimming.
    English Idioms vocabulary
  • WORKOUT - n. A physical exercise session. My morning workout consists of sit-ups and push-ups.
    American Idioms English vocabulary
  • WORKOUT - n AmE sl The same gangster will either whimper or scream with fear when the workout begins - The same gangster ...
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Colloquial Vocabulary - Glazunov
  • WORKOUT - n AmE sl The same gangster will either whimper or scream with fear when the workout begins - The same ...
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Colloquial Vocabulary
  • WORKOUT — workout n AmE sl The same gangster will either whimper or scream with fear when the workout begins
    English-Russian New Dictionary of Modern Informal English
  • WORKOUT - The same gangster will either whimper or scream with fear when the workout begins - The same gangster or whimper, ...
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Modern Informal English
  • WORKOUT - noun 1) sports. workout; warm-up 2) total. test, verification (of abilities, efficiency, etc.) 3) eq., jur. settlement* (search for a mutually beneficial solution by interested parties, e.g. …
    New English-Russian Dictionary of Financial Management
  • WORKOUT - n. Pronunciation: " w ə rk- ˌ au ̇ t Function: noun Date: circa 1894 1: a practice or …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • WORKOUT - n (US college sl) petting
    Dirty English-Russian vocab
  • WORKOUT - n. exercise 1) to get, have a ~ 2) a daily ~
    The Bbi Combinatory Dictionary of English - A Guide to Word Combinations
  • WORKOUT—outwork
    Anagrams English vocabulary

When you start studying phrasal verbs, you will inevitably come across this group of phrases. Work out translation of a phrasal verb of this type has different contexts, which can be conditionally combined into several groups. Schematically, these semantic subgroups can be represented as follows:

  1. Decide, understand, figure out
  2. Plan, distribute, develop,
  3. exercise, exercise,
  4. Calculate, manage, achieve, receive.

Thus, this type of verbs fits into a logical and easy-to-remember chain, greatly facilitating their study. Let's take a closer look at each subgroup.

Work out translation of a phrasal verb in the context of "understand, find a solution"

Phrasal verbs with this meaning are used in several contexts: to realize, to solve a problem, to understand, to understand, to find an answer, to find out, to find out.

In such cases, the phrasal verb of the work out group is synonymous with the expression to figure out.

Translation work out in the sense of "plan, develop"

Combinations with this design matter to draw up, develop a plan, set up, settle, invent, create.

Work out in the meaning of "go in for sports, exercise"

Such translations of this verb are familiar to many Russians, since the yard sport of the same name is successfully developing in the country. In English-speaking countries, this context is also used quite often.

Other English topics: The indefinite form of the verb in English: the infinitive and its use

The use of work out in the context of "calculate, achieve"

In order to talk about your achievements and successes in English, you can use the combination work out, then the translation of the phrasal verb will sound like this: achieve a result, work, achieve success, act successfully, as well as count, calculate, end, exit, to dry up, to be exhausted.

Additional designs

The phrasal verb work has common combinations with other prepositions. Here are some examples of such constructions and their translation.

  • Workon / at - work on smth., influence. Iwork on my project (I am working on my project).
  • Workagainst - work against, harm. He works against my project (He harms my project).
  • Workup - wake up, cause a reaction. Youshouldnotwork up a disturbance (You should not provoke riots).
  • Work yourself up - wind yourself up. Don't work yourself up (Don't start).
  • Work off - to compensate, work off. Jack worked off his debts (Jack worked off his debts).

Memorize phrases and translations, and practice using them more often in conversation. Good luck in learning a foreign language!

Workout is a subculture that promotes outdoor workouts as a free and effective alternative to traditional fitness clubs and gyms. It is enough to look at those who have been doing horizontal bars and parallel bars for several years to see that such training can give excellent results in terms of health, strength and beauty of the body.

Many people think that on the horizontal bars and bars you can only pull yourself up, push up and pump the press. This is not true. Using imagination, you can come up with a huge number of different exercises and their combinations, which will not only increase the load on the workout, but also make it more interesting. Creativity is one of the key features of workout. This is clearly demonstrated in the video below.

The idea of ​​a workout goes far beyond the sports ground. It consists in the transformation of the achievements obtained on the horizontal bars into the achievements of real life. Many people told me how acquaintance with the workout changed them for the better, helped them get out of a difficult life situation or decide to seriously change their lives. For example, moving to another city, moving to a new job, or enrolling in a prestigious university.

Another component of our subculture is sociality, which is expressed in the principle “everyone teaches everyone”. We do not dwell on ourselves, but, on the contrary, we strive to share our experience with everyone. And we do it for free. Local communities based on outdoor playgrounds with horizontal bars now exist in many cities in Russia and in other countries.

In sports you compete with others, in workout you compete with yourself

Sport is a zero-sum game: if one wins, the other loses. This condition underlies any sport. That is what creates the competitive component. The problem is that this leads to negative consequences. Yes, everyone strives to develop in order to defeat others, but at the same time, not a single competing athlete will reveal to you their secrets of preparation. He doesn't want you to become better, stronger, let alone surpass him.

Sports, even team sports, are still a story about an individual victory, and a workout is about a collective one.

Workouters have a different attitude to victories. We believe that the only person you truly compete with is yourself. And every day you should strive to be better than you were yesterday. That's why I don't think about surpassing anyone. I think about getting better myself and helping someone else get better too. If I find out an effective way to double my pull-ups in a month, then I will gladly share it with everyone.

Today success in training, tomorrow - in everything else

Imagine for a second a person who is dissatisfied with his life and, in particular, with his reflection in the mirror. Let's say his name is Vasily. He learns about workout and decides to try it. The first thing Vasily will need to do is go outside and find the nearest platform with horizontal bars. That is, the workout from the very beginning makes a person leave the comfort zone and start doing something. Already at this stage, many have difficulties, as they are embarrassed by other people, their form and the fact that they can’t do anything. But if Vasily set a goal for himself, then he will find a way out. Will look for sites away from home, practice early in the morning or late in the evening.

The gradual overcoming of one's insecurity in order to achieve the goal has a positive effect on the character and willpower of Vasily. Over time, he begins to notice changes in himself: shortness of breath disappears, the stomach tightens, muscles appear. At some point, these changes begin to notice others. And now Vasily comes to work in high spirits. He sees that hard work can change something here. Then he decides to transfer to a new place in his company, where he had long wanted to get, but he lacked self-confidence. Vasily improves his technical knowledge, enrolls in English courses and applies for a vacancy in the European branch of the company.

This example is exaggerated, of course, but it does a good job of showing how one change leads to another. And it all starts with the first step - for example, with horizontal bars and bars. And the main task of workout culture is to bring a person to them.

On the horizontal bars, as in the gym, you have only one way - hard work

Do you need a coach to get results? No. Do you need different powders in colored jars? No. Do you need trendy equipment and the latest fitness techniques? Also no.

All you need to get in shape is to regularly perform simple physical exercises and figure out your diet. Pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and calorie balance are the secret to success.

If you work out on street horizontal bars, then no one will push you to train, and the money paid for the subscription will not put pressure on your conscience. You can come up with a bunch of excuses to stay at home and lie on the couch, but if you want to achieve results, then you have only one way - hard work.

Workouters do not interrupt workouts. Even at -40 °C

Photo: Anton Shcherbakov / WorkOut Photostock

Workout is a street subculture, so we work out on horizontal bars all year round, regardless of weather conditions. And I'm not just talking about Moscow. Our guys in Chita also practiced at -40 °C. There is nothing difficult in exercising in the cold, although this imposes certain restrictions on the content of the training. You need to dress warmer, stretch and warm up longer, focus on simple exercises and more repetitions.

Getting started is easy

I will hardly be mistaken if I say that people of any age and gender can engage in horizontal bars and parallel bars. The variety of exercises with your own weight allows you to choose a load for any level and gradually develop. It is hardly possible to come up with something more affordable and effective.

A few years ago we launched the WorkOut website. Its goal is to unite all street workers from different cities and countries and give them the opportunity to communicate and share their experiences. The WorkOut website has a huge database of outdoor sports grounds. In it, you can not only see where the nearest horizontal bars are, but also find out who trains on them. So you can meet like-minded people who live nearby.

We didn't reinvent the wheel. All knowledge about sports exercises and proper nutrition has been known for a long time. We simply collected information from more than 1,000 sources, from school textbooks in biology, chemistry and physics, to modern publications in foreign scientific journals. Processed, structured and presented in the form of a 100-day educational course. All the participant has to do is apply this knowledge.

The database of sites, all reference materials and the 100-day workout program are available for free. If you want to get in shape, develop willpower, or just feel like part of the workout movement, the best time to start is now.

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