But also throughout. During or during which is correct? Proper organization of the day and employment

Which is correct: during the day or during the day? This question is asked by many students. high school. An exhaustive answer to it can be obtained from the presented article.

general information

Summing up

Now you know in which cases the letter “and” should be written at the end of the expression “during ...”, and in which - “e”. To remember the described rules, we present them in a shorter form:

1. The letter “e” is always written at the end of the word “during” if it is a complex preposition that means “in a certain period of time”. Such a service part of speech can also be recognized by the fact that it cannot be questioned, but can be easily replaced by a synonym (at the time).

2. At the end of the word “during”, the letter “and” is written, if this is a noun in In order to determine this part of speech, it is enough to ask the question to the presented expression: “in what?” - during. Also, between a preposition and a noun, you can easily put a word (for example, in a slow current, in a rough current, etc.).

Exercises to consolidate the material

To remember the above rules of the Russian language, we recommend that you independently complete the following tasks:

1. Find mistakes in sentences:

  • Within 14 days I must return to Moscow.
  • There were many whirlpools along the river.
  • I will be released within the day.
  • During my life I have seen a lot.

2. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences:

  • Why didn't you come to me during the lesson?
  • Oh, how many months we used these papers, no one knows.
  • In the turbulent flow of the river, I noticed a man.
  • Over the course of the year, we fought several times.
  • During this year, I will definitely visit you.
  • How was it possible to swim in the strong current of the river?
  • In the turbulent course of my life there were so many events that you can’t remember everything.



suggestion from the genus

It is used when referring to a time period, event or action during which something happens, and corresponds in meaning to the word: in the course of something, during something.

Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 .

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In Russian there are two possible options the use of the words “during” and “during”. To choose the right one, you need to determine what part of speech the word in the sentence is.


During- such a combination in a sentence is often a complex preposition, which is always written with the letter “e” at the end of the word. Used in constructions such as: within an hour, during the day, within two minutes, etc. Can be replaced by synonyms: during, for (for some time), during, in the course.
You must submit documents within two days
No one has lived in this house for three years.
Throughout the game, the referees followed us
We've been doing this for a very long time.
Money should arrive within an hour

During- very rarely, such a construction in a sentence can act as a combination of a preposition with a noun in the form of an accusative case (into what?)
Engineers have made changes to the fluid flow
A dye was added during a clear liquid

During- the combination of the preposition “in” with the noun “current” in the form of a prepositional case answers the question “in what?”. The letter “i” is written at the end of the word. You can add a definition between a preposition and a noun without losing the meaning of the sentence.
Changes recorded in the course of the river – Changes were recorded in the studied course of the river
There can be many surprises in the flow of a mountain river - There can be many surprises in the fast flow of a mountain river
There were stones in the flow of the lava flow – There were stones in the slow flow of the lava flow
We wondered for a long time that it floated in the course of the river
There's an unsolved mystery in the flow of time

Important! If the context of the sentence implies “the passage of time” as some abstract physical quantity that has the property of fluidity, then the combination of the preposition “in” and the noun “flow” (the prepositional case form) is used. Usually used with an explanatory word (adjective), which says that the word “flow” is a noun, and not a complex preposition.
In the inexorable course of the day, the hour of reckoning was getting closer
In the rapid course of life, he did not have time to do the main thing
In a crazy day, I forgot to call home

Some people look back with nostalgia to the past, when ideas about relationships were more romantic, morals were stronger, and values ​​were more greater value. Others think that using the Internet makes life easier. In fact, each era has its pros, cons and rules. Find out how people met and built relationships in different decades of the twentieth century!

The advent of dates

The very concept of relationships appeared only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Prior to this, courtship had been quite covert and devoid of emotion. Women met men in the presence of their parents and only to choose a partner for marriage based on the social and financial status of both. In those days, no one went on dates. With the advent of the twentieth century, the situation changed. Couples could appear in public unsupervised. However, the date still set marriage as its goal. This is the main difference from the modern situation, when marriage may not even be talked about for several years. In the old days, no one even thought about dating just like that, without any serious intentions. Changing a large number of partners was also unacceptable.

Responsibility belongs to the gentleman

In the first decades of the twentieth century leading role played by a gentleman. If a young man was interested in a girl, he should have proposed to her by going to her house and meeting her parents. If he was invited again, this meant that he could come to visit and communicate with the girl at the time indicated by her parents. In the 1920s, this approach was already considered obsolete. Couples began to go on dates, and it was believed that the man should pay for everything, and the woman had to choose the time of the meeting. It was a big change: earlier people they could not even appear in society together if they were not married, this would be a real scandal.

The difference between courtship and dating

The difference lies in freedom. Traditional courtship is limited by many rules and rituals, but dating is much less restricted. When people start dating, their connection becomes personal and closer. Why has the approach changed so much? All because people began to spend more time in society, in educational institutions, at work. They met with a lot of people. Couples started to appear. A system was born that resembled modern approach and the strict rules of courtship were forgotten. The middle of the twentieth century was a turning point, after which almost everything related to relationships changed.

Matching couple and falling in love

With the advent of dating, attention shifted to love, the search for a suitable partner was already forgotten. Previously, love was not considered significant for a successful marriage, it was assumed that it should appear after the wedding. With the advent of dating, people began to dream of romance and fell in love before they got married. A romantic atmosphere came to be seen as necessary for a relationship. The theme of love appeared in art, books and songs were actively written about it, films were made, essays were published in magazines. Young couples themselves chose their lovers and did not discuss practical issues. Instead of improving their social position, people wanted to be happy in love. They no longer looked for a couple for reasons of wealth and origin, it was personal sympathy that gained importance.

stable relationship

In the middle of the twentieth century, couples declared that everything was stable and serious in their meetings if the girl accepted some kind of gift from a man. The relationship had more to do with youth than family planning. Sexual relations have also changed. Before this topic was never openly discussed, sex was allowed only in marriage. Over the years, it began to be perceived as a source of pleasure, so the topic became freer. In the fifties it was still quite strict, nevertheless, changes had already begun, which led to a rapid increase in the population in subsequent years. This was extremely important for society after a serious loss of population during the Second World War.

Free love

In the sixties the youth rebelled. The old social norms were forgotten. While in the fifties the subject of sexuality had just begun to be discussed, in the sixties the focus was on freedom and the emancipation that accompanies it. For the first time in history, sex was no longer considered a way to destroy one's reputation. Hippies have forgotten all the limitations of the past. Became available birth control pills to help avoid pregnancy. People were more free to express their emotions. Sex before marriage is no longer taboo. Partners began to enter into short-term relationships. There were no rules for dating anymore. Young people began to do whatever they want, when they want. This is as close as possible to contemporary culture, in which there are practically no restrictions. So, the sixties were the beginning of complete freedom.

Dating and technology

The next major change in the culture of relationships was the emergence of various services for finding a couple on the Internet. Interestingly, the concept appeared before the Internet became widely available. Students from Harvard back in 1965 came up with a mechanism for finding a pair. In 1991, the Internet officially became available to everyone and dating sites began to appear. By the end of the twentieth century, people were already actively using the Internet to find romantic partners. Now such sites are also very popular, although many are not looking for a serious relationship there, relying only on a short relationship.

Relationships in the twenty-first century

In 2017, almost everyone is familiar with apps that make finding a match easier. Some people think that this approach is very convenient, others think that this is a serious problem. Why is it that more and more modern people cannot find happiness in love, although technology makes it easier to find it? The thing is that individuality is becoming more and more important in modern culture. Think about the very concept of a selfie. The generation of young people these days is more focused on themselves than ever before. Combined with a loose attitude towards sex, finding a serious partner can be quite difficult. Relationships have lost value. Many people still want to settle down and start a family sooner or later, but a change in attitude towards love can seriously interfere with finding a partner who looks at life in a similar way.

Has the situation gotten worse or better?

Arguments can be found in favor of any assessment of the current situation. At modern man much more freedom of choice, he can independently determine with whom he wants to spend his life. People now choose their own rules or refuse them altogether, they can look for a partner among a large number of connections. On the other hand, this is what makes relationships in 2017 so difficult. What does the other person want? Is he looking for a serious relationship or just wants to have fun? What is he thinking about? This is a real puzzle! However, this does not mean that love does not exist. It doesn't matter if you meet on the street or on the Internet, you can still find your other half. The main thing is not to give up and keep looking. True romantic feelings remain relevant, whatever the fashion, values, rules of society and popular technologies.

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