How to understand that Satan is near. How to find out that a person has sold his soul to the devil. Early references in Old Testament texts

I quote Ruslan Blayvirton:

Well, just the purest Krishnaism or any other esoteric, spiritual teaching full of love and light is described here. Since these points are present in all modern spiritual teachings and, in principle, they all teach approximately similar things. And proceeding from this, what then is not Satanism, Bognovism, so to speak? :sigh:

Well, you give: Krishnaism (more correctly, Vaishnavism, or devotion to God) is a concept not about indulging one’s pleasures here and now, but about devoted and selfless service to the Almighty, which Krishna is revered in this teaching, in order to realize one’s eternal nature in order to return to the spiritual realm and forever behold the incomparable God as the Absolute Truth, since there can be no greater happiness for a spiritual particle than to merge into one with its boundless primary source. Having torn away from a single whole, a living being is infinitely lonely in the world of illusory passions. It’s immediately obvious that you don’t understand what you started to talk about here, otherwise you would know that Hare Krishnas follow strict self-restraint in all senses of earthly existence, from nutrition to marriage, and also act on the recommendations of a spiritual teacher, and not of their own free will . The devil in Hinduism is Maya, an illusory energy that covers matter, as a result of which it only seems to be the reason for the existence of all living things, which is why it is so attractive. In fact, matter is only a mirror reflection of the spiritual world, which is the eternal true cause of everything that exists. Desires, for a moment, in this teaching are considered the cause of the world of illusory suffering, therefore it is highly not recommended to indulge them. That is, this philosophy is fundamentally opposed to Satanism in key aspects, if, of course, everything is understood correctly. No one knows for sure how true such a worldview is, therefore it is customary to trust authoritative teachers. In any case, such views to some extent streamline life in human society, don't they? As for desires, according to Vaishnavism, they cannot be satisfied, because they increase by indulging them, just as a plant grows by watering. Therefore, Satanists end their lives badly quite often, because initially innocent desires grow, causing anger, pain, not only to themselves, but also to those around them. Orthodoxy also warns that there are three roots of sin: lust of the eyes (greed), lust of the body (debauchery), worldly pride. All three sins, if not dealt with, eventually lead the sinner to kill their own kind. What kind of freedom is there: after all, if you take revenge yourself, then they will also take revenge on you as the offender, which causes fear with hatred, poisoning the whole buzz from pleasure: "The rich man offended and threatens himself ..." (Sirah). According to the Vedic philosophical tradition, this is the trap of Maya (the devil), which makes one pay for a moment of pleasure - years of suffering. After all, you have to pay for everything, including the consequences, which is called karma. While self-restraint eventually leads to harmony, peace and abundance. “That which at first is sweet like honey, but later becomes bitter like poison, is called passion, the same thing that, on the contrary, at first seems bitter like poison, but later becomes sweet like honey, is called goodness ...” Here it is just about choosing a path: indulging passions or self-restraint. For example, two farmers are reluctant to work, but they have to. One indulges laziness, the other works. As a result, the first will steal from hunger, go to prison, and the other will enjoy the fruits of his own self-restraint. Um... I hope, buddy, I explain clearly?))

Satanism is a subculture that is very popular among young people, although older adherents are also found. As a rule, these people are passionate about the worship of dark forces for a long time, which does not prevent them from going about their lives, while teenagers give all their strength and all the time to “serving darkness”, as a result of which they launch themselves. Of course, there are not very many such followers, but, nevertheless, they are found.

Conclusion: Satanism as a passion and commitment to style for teenagers is a serious danger.

As a subculture, Satanism appeared in the 1960s of the last century. The place of origin was North America. It was there that the religious figure Anton Szandor LaVey organized the first organization, it was he who became the very first priest in the history of modern Satanism. At that time, the economic crisis flourished, the culture of punks and hippies developed. Based on them, and also taking into account the processed ideas of LaVey, a movement of worshipers of Satan arose. The high priest claimed that man is an ordinary animal, according to scientific statements. Therefore, animal instincts are not alien to him. Then it was a real information explosion not only for the public, but also for the church and government, since in a short period of time more than 100 thousand people joined the LaVey organization.

Worldview of Satanists

The adherents of this subculture have an image of Satan rooted in their minds as a kind of symbol of power and unlimited freedom. Absolutely everything that happens around them is interpreted from the point of view of abstract evil and mysticism. The ideals in Satanism are completely reversed:

the Christian devil is the main deity of Satanists, vices become virtues and vice versa. True Satanists perceive life as a constant confrontation between darkness and light, and the follower of the dark religion fights on the side of darkness and is absolutely sure that sooner or later she will win.

Many researchers of this subculture are sure that Satanism itself is considered seriously only because Christianity exists, because without it there would simply be no context for the emergence of a “different” religion.

Satanist signs

  1. The main sign of Satanists is an inverted five-pointed star (pentagram) with two rays facing upwards. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, it has become a symbol of Satan with the light hand of the occultist E. Levi. Also known is the imposition of such a star on the image of a goat (the sign of Baphomet).
  2. Six-pointed Star of David.
  3. 666 - the number of the beast, according to the Bible, is a symbol of the Antichrist or the Great Beast.

How to recognize a Satanist by appearance

The clothing style of Satanists is the subject of much debate. Many believe that worshipers of Satan should look appropriate - gloomy and tasteful. Quite a stable association: a man in black clothes with a cross around his neck, with long hair and a look "not of this world." He has heavy shoes and a large number of metal inserts on his raincoat/jacket/shirt.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Adepts of Satanism dress as they want and see fit, because they are sure that appearance is not the most important factor. For them, the main role is played by the state of mind, awareness of their belonging to a subculture. This means that a person who has rethought his personal ideals can be an office clerk, a RAP executive, the chairman of a large holding company, or a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Higher Mathematics, but at heart he remains a true Satanist.

If we judge the style of clothing by the musical groups that are most often associated with the subculture, then we can say that we are here with clear evidence. The musicians, covered in leather and hung with chains, barbers forgotten and smeared with blood (is it blood?), show what Satanism symbolizes for them, which in itself is rather gloomy. Hence the corresponding colors in the robes. However, it is important to remember that not every person in the dark is a Satanist.

Music of Satanists

It was aggressive, harsh and mind-blowing music that acted like a powerful tranquilizer on unprepared people. After VENOM, other bands began to appear, which significantly expanded the track list of songs related to the black metal genre. These included BATHORY, CELTICFROST, BURZUM, DISSECTION, IMMORTAL and many more.

Later, black metal began to transform, as a result of which it gradually turned into several genres - classical, symphonic, post-apocalyptic, depressive, industrial and others. The heaviest were Death-Black and Terror-Black.

Of course, the subculture of Satanists has not done without the so-called "poseurs". This word is used by true Satanists for those who simply like a temporary fascination with the dark side, who want to stand out from the crowd, or those who simply love the color black. According to LaVey, a real Satanist can only become one who renounces morality and principles, lives for himself and seeks happiness in harmony with darkness...

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I. The first trick of the devil is to try to convince everyone that he does not exist. Disguised, trying to look like everyone around. He is called the prince of darkness because, weaving his intrigues, he seeks to hide in the shadows, to remain incognito. He has a number of alibis prepared for any actions.

II. A person possessed by the devil certainly has a hidden or obvious moral vice. The possession of vice manifests itself as mental lameness, although God marks many sons and daughters of sin with an innate physical defect.

III. The devil is always a misanthrope. The devil cannot love and does not tolerate those who love. Each manifestation of tenderness the devil meets with furious malice.

IV. The devil is extremely aggressive and extremely cruel. In the manifestation of power and cruelty, he finds vicious voluptuousness, bringing the husband subject to him to the eruption of the seed. At the bottom of the soul of any leader, the devil lurks.

V. The devil, looking like an anarchist, always strives for power. He recognizes no authority but his own. His obedience to something is always temporary and ostentatious.

VI. The devil is the father of lies and the first deceiver: he promises mountains of gold, but pays with broken shards.

VII. The devil is the first intriguer. Cunning is his innate trait. Possessed by a morbid curiosity about all sorts of secrets. He spreads gossip and slander, finding special pleasure in it, and reports his intrigues only in order to once again laugh at the gullible. Everything he does is based on cold calculation.

VIII. The devil is the Trojan horse of all times and peoples. The father of all traitors and provocateurs, all mentally unbalanced and eternally dissatisfied people.

IX. The devil loves to disguise himself as an angel of light, a fighter for the ideals of the Church and the State, while he himself secretly defends vice. The greatest sinners give the impression of special holiness.

X. The devil loves to hide behind the best human feelings. Behind the ranting about high love, the mortal sin of incest is very often hidden - the Sin of Oedipus, Electra and the ungodly Caligula, who lived with his sister, like a husband.

XI. The devil is a relentless innovator, he is also the first extremist, always strives for extremes and will never be satisfied with half measures.

XII. The devil is always a nihilist and a cynic. Secretly despises, whatever it may be, the truths of the Holy Church and the human order and rejects them in practice, if he is not afraid to drop the mask from his face.

XIII. The devil likes to do everything in the dark, behind and vice versa. Perversion of taste is the primary sign of the devil. The habit of contradiction is an indestructible property of the devil.

XIV. The devil is dangerous only when he is not seen, and as soon as he reveals himself, he becomes vile, ridiculous and pathetic.

XV. The devil is always prone to irony and sarcasm, but he cannot stand irony and ridicule over himself.

XVI. The devil is always prone to destruction and self-destruction, murder and suicide. Finds pleasure not only in torturing someone, but also in provoking others to hurt him.

XVII. The devil always knows better than others how to influence people, how to win friends, because the dark sides of life are visible to him better than simpletons who are not used to peering into the darkness.

XVIII. The devil is a party of parties and a union of unions. Those possessed by the devil quickly recognize each other by intimate signs. According to the law of similarity, they are drawn to each other. They create a secret cohort within any organization, with the help of which they seize power in the organization.

XIX. Legion is the name of the devil. Wherever you look, the devil will always be between us, for half of humanity, to one degree or another, is possessed by the sin of fornication. Homosexuals and lesbians are the first servants of the devil, but they make the most capable spies for the cause of the Holy Order.

XX. The truth about the devil is such a dirty thing that people labeled with the devil cannot take it in peace.

XXI. When you think you've finally trapped the devil, you'll see him sitting in your own chair. For, faced with the intrigues of the eternal enemy of mankind, the heart of an honest servant of the Lord is filled with bitterness. This interferes with the work of the Inquisition of the Holy Roman Church: some sinners need only be isolated, others, like Jews, should be deprived of their rights, and only the incorrigible should be burned alive, without shedding blood.

Let me summarize. Moral Imperative of Good: Treat others as you would like to be treated. The devil, acting with others as with dumb cattle, demands to be treated as God. Being an immortal essence, the devil imagined himself equal to God in everything. He is tirelessly jealous of people for Him. Exorbitant pride prevents him from humble himself before the Lord. That is why humility is the first virtue of a warrior of the Order of the Holy Grail.

These incorruptible truths were proclaimed to me, the servant of God Christobald, by the prophet John, who appeared to me on the night of October 6-7, 1582 from the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Recorded authentically in the monastery of Saint Sebastian by the novice Diego, Seville. Friday, October 12, 1582

Satanism is perhaps the most disreputable religion in the world. Very often this movement is branded as a catalyst for the most heinous and cruel crimes. However, despite this, Satanism exists and continues to develop. According to unofficial statistics, several million people are currently adherents of this religion in the world.

Who do the followers of this dark movement consider their patron? In the Abrahamic currents, Satan is, first of all, the main antagonist of the heavenly forces and the Creator in particular. Even his name itself is translated from Hebrew as "resisting God." Common synonyms for Satan are:

  • Devil.
  • Lucifer.
  • Sly.
  • Beelzebub.

Representatives of the most common religions today - Christianity and Islam - consider Satan the main culprit of all human misfortunes, the personification of evil, pushing people onto the path of spiritual death. After Eve was seduced in paradise, this once beautiful angel was turned by the Creator into a vile snake, forced to crawl on his belly all his life.


So, Satanism is a movement or religion, whose representatives consider the enemy of God, the rebel Satan, to be their patron. The origin of this, today quite numerous movement, falls approximately at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the doctrine of Satanism cannot be considered completely new, of course. For example, the same humanistic revolution of the Renaissance can be presented not only as essentially anti-Christian, but even as an anti-religious movement. The advice of the Apostle Paul about achieving eternal life through spirituality was opposed by its adherents to the active assertion of the interests and rights of the flesh.

Existed in different centuries in different countries and all sorts of occult and magical secret societies. Actually, Satanism itself did not exist, however, some Catholic priests in past centuries held black masses and other dark rituals. From the literature, for example, the sorceress-diabolist Frenchwoman La Voisin, who lived during the time of Louis XV, is known. This woman is credited with carrying out a huge number of dark rituals, including the sacrifice of babies, as well as many poisonings.

Aleister Crowley

Devilism flourished, thus, perhaps, all the time that Christianity existed. The history of modern Satanism began with Aleister Crowley. It is this person that many consider the ideological inspirer of the dark current. A. Crowley became famous primarily for the fact that he actively promoted this religion in the early twentieth century.

Modern Satanists do not like to advertise the fact that it was Crowley who "recreated" all sorts of supposedly ancient spells and rituals. Therefore, today the name of this occultist is quite thoroughly forgotten. Once he was considered "the great magician of the twentieth century." A. Cowley glorified himself not only with numerous sexual orgies using drugs and a loyal attitude towards National Socialism, but also with some scientific works.

The idea of ​​a superman

In addition to Aleister Crowley, the German philosopher, a representative of irrationalism, Friedrich Nischze, is also considered the inspirer of modern Satanism. It is his idea of ​​the superman that in this current is the equivalent of an individual who is able to find for himself the main goal and meaning of life on his own.

Anton LaVey

Thus, Satanism is a dark movement, the ideological inspirers of which can be considered Aleister Crowley and Friedrich Nischze. The founder of the new Church of Satan in the last century was an American of French origin, Anton LaVey. It was this man who in the 60s formulated the main provisions of the new doctrine. Virtually all modern Satanists are members of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan.

Commandments of Satan

People who for some reason are interested in this religion would certainly like to know what the commandments of Satanism are. Of course, this religion has its own philosophy. There are only nine commandments of Satan. They look something like this:

  • instead of abstinence, a person should indulge his instincts;
  • instead of spiritual dreams, one should choose a full-fledged existence in the material world;
  • enemies need to take revenge, and not turn the other cheek;
  • instead of hypocritical self-deception, it is worth showing wisdom;
  • mercy can be shown not to flatterers, but only to those who deserve it;
  • you should behave responsibly only with responsible, and not with spiritual vampires;
  • man is the animal most dangerous to all other animals;
  • all sins, which Satan represents, do not lead to spiritual death, but to physical, emotional and mental satisfaction.

"Black Bible"

The main provisions of the dark teachings, including the commandments of Satan, were outlined by Anton LaVey in a book specially written for this. It is called "The Satanic Bible" and includes four main sections:

  • "Book of Satan".
  • "Book of Lucifer".
  • "The Book of Belial".
  • "The Book of Leviathan".

According to many representatives of the intelligentsia, The Satanic Bible is a completely consistent and rational work that can arouse interest primarily among adolescents and young people. Judging by this work, generally accepted ideas about this religion are often erroneous. After all, the ideology of Satanism is often presented as condoning irresponsible and cruel deeds. However, judging by the work "The Satanic Bible", such behavior is absolutely at odds with the foundations of the ethics of this teaching. At the forefront of LaVey's religion is, first of all, the independence of the individual. That is, for perfect deeds, a person must answer to himself, and not to God or the devil.

Actually, the Fallen Angel himself, according to the teachings of LaVey, is a symbol of freedom, rebellion against injustice, self-development. The status of the Church of Satan in our time is official. It is allowed in many countries of the world. In our country, the Russian Satanic Church was officially registered in May 2016.

The main symbols of Satanism

Initially, this religion was designated mainly only by inverted crucifixes. After the publication of the LaVey bible, the pentagram with the image of a goat (Baphomet) inside became the main symbol of Satanism. Of course, this pentacle was not invented by the founder of the Church himself. Most likely, its prototype is the symbol of the Goat of Mendes (the incarnation of Neter Amun). The latter was called by the Egyptian priests "hidden, abiding in things" and was considered a kind of dark force penetrating all nature.

The inverted cross and Baphomet are thus the main symbols of Satanism. But, of course, they are far from the only ones. Includes religion and other signs. For example, three sixes are very common. They can be depicted as 666 itself, or as FFF (F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet).

Satanism as a religion: the gods

In essence, there are no gods as such in this movement, of course. The main patron of the flock in this case is actually Satan himself. Also, in their rituals, representatives of such movements can turn to various kinds of demons. In addition to Baphomet, the most popular include:

  • Astaroth.
  • Behemoth.
  • Abaddon.
  • Leviathan.
  • Asmodeus.

These are, of course, not exactly the gods of Satanism. Demons in this religion are considered rather different faces of Lucifer himself. Sometimes representatives of this trend also use fictional dark characters in rituals. For example, LaVey's book Satanic Rituals describes a way to address Jehovah, of course, Satanists also believe. After all, Satan must resist someone.


The essence of Satanism lies, therefore, in the freedom of choice of a person and his independence from any Higher powers. Of course, in this religion there are not only symbols and philosophy. Carry out, as already mentioned, its representatives and all sorts of rituals.

According to A. LaVey, fantasy plays an important role in any religious activity. It can manifest itself to the maximum only when performing special ritual actions. Therefore, the founder of the Church of Satan developed several rites, which can be divided into two main categories:

  • practical effective;
  • ceremonial.

The magic of Satanism is usually based on turning to some kind of demons in order to achieve personal goals. LaVey and the well-known black mass are not considered ceremonial by Satanists. In their opinion, this is precisely an effective ritual, the main purpose of which is liberation from the dogmas of the Christian church.

It is also believed that both men and women can perform satanic rites. Of course, when conducting rituals, their participants also use all kinds of symbols of Satanism - inverted stars, black candles, crosses, pentagrams.

Satanic "sins"

The main qualities that representatives of the LaVey movement should not possess are:

  • stupidity;
  • lack of breadth of views;
  • ignorance of the experience of generations;
  • herd conformism;
  • unproductive pride;
  • rudeness of nature, lack of a sense of aesthetic, noble;
  • solipsism;
  • tendency to self-deception;
  • pretentiousness.

Satan and Lucifer - what's the difference?

For many people, these two characters are identical. However, historically there is a difference between Satan and Lucifer. The most important difference between these names is age. Lucifer is a much more ancient demon that appeared in mythology back in the pre-Christian era. For example, the Romans identified it with the morning star - Venus. From the ancient Greek name "Lucifer" is translated as "Bringer of light." Since ancient times, this demon has been a symbol of the desire for freedom, open rebellion. The same principles are professed by Satanism itself (photos of the rituals and symbols of this religion are presented on the page).

In the Christian understanding, Lucifer is actually a fallen angel who declared himself equal to God (in retaliation for the latter's love for people) and rebelled. As a result, he and the angels who joined him (a third of the entire composition) were cast into hell, where they remain to this day.

Satan, compared to Lucifer, appears to be a somewhat more mundane character. No wonder he is considered the Prince of Peace. Satan is first mentioned in the Torah, a Jewish religious book from which Christians and Muslims later drew information. Here Satan is presented, for the most part, simply as an accuser or witness to the bad deeds of man. Actually, in the personification of evil, the enemy of God, he was already transformed only in Christianity and Islam.

Baal Zebuv

This ancient pagan god is also often identified with the concept we are considering (Satanism). The Devil and Beelzebub in some sources are identical characters. Historically, the latter is considered to be a transformation of the ancient eastern god Baal-Zevuv. And this deity, in turn, was once allegedly offered numerous sacrifices, including human ones. And put an end to this, of course, Christianity.

Reliable archaeological evidence that people were sacrificed in the temples of Baal, however, does not exist. Actually, this god transformed into Beelzebub back in the Middle Ages. In the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus, he is called the prince of the underworld, the supreme sovereign of the infernal empire. In some cases, in ancient sources, Beelzebub is identified with Satan, in others, he is considered his main assistant.

Lilith is the first woman

Of course, Satan, like almost any self-respecting god, also has a wife. In fact, he has four of them. However, the main one is Lilith, the first woman who escaped from paradise. According to the Alphabet of Ben-Sira, three angels were sent after her by the Creator. However, Lilith flatly refused to return to her husband. For such an offense, God punished her by killing 100 of her demon children every night.

In Jewish philosophy, Lilith is a winged monster that harms newborns. Jews believe that at night she kidnaps babies and drinks their blood or replaces them with demons. She does not touch, by agreement with the angels sent by God, only those children over whose bed her name is written.

In the Kabbalistic tradition, Lilith is a demon who appears to men, seduces, and then kills them. It is in the literature of this direction that she is first mentioned as the wife of Samael (Zohar).

In the modern satanic tradition, Lilith can be identified with many black goddesses - Kali, Hekate, Helya, etc. We can also talk about two Liliths - the eldest and the youngest. The first is actually the wife of Satan, and the second is the wife of the demon Asmodeus.

Other wives

In addition to Lilith, the spouses of Satan and the mothers of demons are also considered:

  • Naama;
  • Agrat;
  • Looking for Zennunim.

There are other female demons in Satanism - Lamia, Mahkhalat, Elizaddra. Lilith differs from the rest in that she used to be mortal. Most of the other demons were cast down from heaven along with Lucifer. In the rituals performed by representatives of this movement, among other things, such signs of Satanism as the “Black Moon” of Lilith and the lamen of Naama can be used.

Gentile opinion

Thus, for the Jews, Satan is a witness to the actions of man, a slanderer and accuser before God. For Christians, this character is the personification of evil, leading a person astray. What do pagans think about Satanism? Christians are known to dislike both of these religions. Indeed, in Satanism and paganism there is something in common - the rejection of God or gods as a force that must be worshiped in any way. Well, or on which you can shift the responsibility for your actions. However, many Satanists at the same time consider the Creator an enemy that Lucifer will defeat sooner or later. The pagans, of course, have a slightly different attitude towards the gods. Representatives of this religion consider them not some kind of Absolute that controls human life, but rather more powerful partners than people. Representatives of this religion do not consider any god an enemy.

The pagans do not deny the existence of Yahweh for the most part. However, many representatives of this religion consider him at the same time rather boring, spiteful and unbalanced. Some pagans equate Yahweh with the dark beginning - the devil, explaining this, among other things, by the similarity of the very names of these two characters.

Actually, Lucifer himself is sometimes identified by representatives of this religion with the god Wotan (Odin) or the Russian Veles. Also, sometimes Satan in this religion can be associated with Chernobog.

Satanism in Russia today

In our country, Satanism as a religion appeared in the time of the USSR. In Moscow, for example, the first such groups were noted in the 70s. In those days, however, they were very few in number. But gradually this religion gained popularity in the USSR, spreading to other cities and towns. In the 80s, quite large satanic societies already appeared in the country. In the 90s, being a follower of one of these groups also became very fashionable.

At the moment, Satanism in Russia is represented mainly by the religious society "Russian Church of Satan", whose members are followers of LaVey. Of course, there are other, in most cases, closed and secret currents of a similar orientation in the Russian Federation today. Of the most famous, the following can be distinguished: "Black Angel", "Southern Cross", "Green Order".

In general, the entire spectrum of adherents of the dark forces in Russia is divided into two main groups:

  • the Satanists themselves;
  • demon worshipers.

With some stretch, all kinds of practicing sorcerers and witches can be attributed to the adherents of Lucifer.

Christians on Satanism

The attitude of the members of the ROC towards the representatives of this trend, of course, in most cases is sharply negative. Christians are doing their best to bring this movement to naught. Moreover, they direct their religious anger not only to the Satanists themselves, but also to all the movements that the ROC classifies as such, and even to representatives of culture. For example, in 2014, the pro-Satanic Polish band Behemoth had problems due to problems. The latter, on the initiative of Orthodox activists, was even expelled from Russia (officially for violating the visa regime).

Of course, Christian priests also express their opinion about this religion. For example, those who wish can read A. Kuraev's book "Satanism for the Intelligentsia". It is dedicated not only to this dark current itself. It also tells about other directions and movements that the Russian Orthodox Church ranks as Satanism.

Among such religions in the book “Satanism for the Intelligentsia”, Kuraev refers, for example, to the “Living Ethics” of the excommunicated Roerichs, paganism, occultism, Blavatsky’s theosophy, etc.

Light Satanism

There is such a movement in the world today. It is believed that light Satanism is primarily a philosophical worldview based on common sense. At the forefront, representatives of this trend put their own mind and life experience accumulated in past years. The main god of light Satanism is Satanail. The light in this flow symbolizes the human consciousness, not clouded by any dogmas. After all, one of the names of Satan - Lucifer - literally means "Lightbringer".

Light Satanists, unlike ordinary ones, do not perform magical rituals. Representatives of this trend believe that they, being, in fact, crutches, they simply do not need. In very bad situations, when it is already impossible to do anything on your own, a bright Satanist can turn to Satanail for help. The main moral principle of this doctrine is the freedom to choose one's own path.

Little Known Facts

Actually, almost everyone knows about Satanism itself today. For the most part, people believe that representatives of this movement summon demons, hold a black mass, wear inverted crosses, from time to time make sacrifices to their dark god, etc. There are several little-known facts associated with this church that the reader may want to know about. discover:

    In order to become a member of the Church of Satan LaVey, you need to make a rather large financial contribution. Once upon a time, this amount was only about $2. Today, due to inflation, this church can only be entered for $200.

    Officially, the Church of Satan is categorically against any black magic. Its representatives do not practice "evil" rituals.

    The biggest sinners in the eyes of Satanists are people who are deprived of intelligence.

Encyclopedia Satanica classifies 16 different groups as Satanism. Their ideology is very different. In the world today there are various satanic cults - from those dedicated to Cthulhu to gnostic esoteric ones.

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