Linguistic errors. Speech errors: types, causes, examples. Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

Speech is a channel for the development of intelligence,
the sooner the language is acquired,
the easier and more completely the knowledge will be absorbed.

Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin,
Soviet linguist and psychologist

We think of speech as an abstract category, inaccessible to direct perception. Meanwhile, this is the most important indicator of a person’s culture, his intelligence and a way of understanding the complex connections of nature, things, society and transmitting this information through communication.

It is obvious that when learning and already using something, we make mistakes due to inability or ignorance. And speech, like other types of human activity (in which language is an important component), is no exception in this regard. All people make mistakes, both in speech and in speech. Moreover, the concept of speech culture, as the idea of ​​“”, is inextricably linked with the concept of speech error. In essence, these are parts of the same process, and, therefore, striving for perfection, we must be able to recognize speech errors and eradicate them.

Types of speech errors

First, let's figure out what speech errors are. Speech errors are any cases of deviation from current language norms. Without their knowledge, a person can live, work and communicate normally with others. But the effectiveness of the actions taken in certain cases may suffer. In this regard, there is a risk of being misunderstood or misunderstood. And in situations where our personal success depends on it, this is unacceptable.

The author of the classification of speech errors given below is Doctor of Philology Yu. V. Fomenko. Its division, in our opinion, is the simplest, devoid of academic pretentiousness and, as a result, understandable even to those who do not have a special education.

Types of speech errors:

Examples and causes of speech errors

S. N. Tseitlin writes: “The complexity of the speech generation mechanism is a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors.” Let's look at special cases, based on the classification of types of speech errors proposed above.

Pronunciation errors

Pronunciation or spelling errors arise as a result of violation of the rules of spelling. In other words, the reason lies in the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, sound combinations, individual grammatical structures and borrowed words. These also include accentological errors - violation of stress norms. Examples:

Pronunciation: “of course” (and not “of course”), “poshti” (“almost”), “plotlit” (“pays”), “precedent” (“precedent”), “iliktrichesky” (“electric”), “colidor” ("corridor"), "laboratory" ("laboratory"), "tyshcha" ("thousand"), "shchas" ("now").

Accent: “calls”, “dialogue”, “agreement”, “catalogue”, “overpass”, “alcohol”, “beets”, “phenomenon”, “driver”, “expert”.

Lexical errors

Lexical errors are violations of the rules of vocabulary, first of all, the use of words in meanings that are unusual for them, distortion of the morphemic form of words and the rules of semantic agreement. They come in several types.

Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it. This is the most common lexical speech error. Within this type there are three subtypes:

  • Mixing words that are similar in meaning: “He read the book back.”
  • Mixing words that sound similar: excavator - escalator, colossus - colossus, Indian - turkey, single - ordinary.
  • A mixture of words that are similar in meaning and sound: subscriber - subscription, addressee - addressee, diplomat - diploma holder, well-fed - well-fed, ignorant - ignoramus. “Cashier for business travelers” (required – business travelers).

Word writing. Examples of errors: Georgian, heroism, underground, spender.

Violation of the rules of semantic agreement of words. Semantic agreement is the mutual adaptation of words along the lines of their material meanings. For example, you cannot say: “ I raise this toast", since “to lift” means “to move,” which is not consistent with the wish. “Through a door that is ajar” is a speech error, because the door cannot be both ajar (open a little) and wide open (wide open) at the same time.

This also includes pleonasms and tautologies. Pleonasm is a phrase in which the meaning of one component is entirely included in the meaning of another. Examples: “the month of May”, “traffic route”, “residence address”, “huge metropolis”, “be on time”. Tautology is a phrase whose members have the same root: “We were given a task,” “The organizer was a public organization,” “I wish you long creative life.”

Phraseological errors

Phraseological errors occur when the form of phraseological units is distorted or they are used in a meaning that is unusual for them. Yu. V. Fomenko identifies 7 varieties:

  • Changing the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “As long as the matter is the case” instead of “As long as the trial is the case”;
  • Truncation of phraseological units: “It was just right for him to hit the wall” (phraseological unit: “beat his head against the wall”);
  • Expansion of the lexical composition of phraseological units: “You have come to the wrong address” (phraseological unit: go to the right address);
  • Distortion of the grammatical form of a phraseological unit: “I can’t stand sitting with my hands folded.” Correct: “folded”;
  • Contamination (combination) of phraseological units: “You can’t do everything with your sleeves folded” (a combination of phraseological units “carelessly” and “hands folded”);
  • Combination of pleonasm and phraseological unit: "Random stray bullet";
  • Use of phraseological units in an unusual meaning: “Today we will talk about the film from cover to cover.”

Morphological errors

Morphological errors are incorrect formation of word forms. Examples of such speech errors: “reserved seat”, “shoes”, “towels”, “cheaper”, “one and a half hundred kilometers away”.

Syntax errors

Syntactic errors are associated with violation of the rules of syntax - the construction of sentences, the rules of combining words. There are a lot of varieties, so we will give just a few examples.

  • Incorrect matching: “There are a lot of books in the closet”;
  • Mismanagement: “Pay for travel”;
  • Syntactic ambiguity: “Reading Mayakovsky made a strong impression”(have you read Mayakovsky or have you read Mayakovsky’s works?);
  • Design offset: “The first thing I ask of you is your attention.” Correct: “The first thing I ask of you is your attention”;
  • Extra correlative word in the main clause: “We looked at those stars that dotted the whole sky.”

Spelling mistakes

This type of error occurs due to ignorance of the rules of writing, hyphenation, and abbreviation of words. Characteristic of speech. For example: “the dog barked”, “sit on the chairs”, “come to the train station”, “Russian. language", "gram. error".

Punctuation errors

Punctuation errors - incorrect use of punctuation marks when...

Stylistic errors

We have dedicated a separate section to this topic.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

How to prevent speech errors? Work on your speech should include:

  1. Reading fiction.
  2. Visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions.
  3. Communication with educated people.
  4. Constant work to improve speech culture.

Online course “Russian language”

Speech errors are one of the most problematic topics that receive little attention in school. There are not so many topics in the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course “to” to these topics. During the classes, you will have the opportunity to practice competent writing skills using a special system of multiple distributed repetitions of material through simple exercises and special memorization techniques.


  • Bezzubov A. N. Introduction to literary editing. – St. Petersburg, 1997.
  • Savko I. E. Basic speech and grammatical errors
  • Sergeeva N. M. Speech, grammatical, ethical, factual errors...
  • Fomenko Yu. V. Types of speech errors. – Novosibirsk: NSPU, 1994.
  • Tseytlin S. N. Speech errors and their prevention. – M.: Education, 1982.




– violation of the norms for the formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech;


– violations of word usage norms caused by ignorance of the meaning of a word;

– violation of lexical compatibility;

– non-distinction of paronyms;

– failure to distinguish shades of meaning of synonyms;

– polysemy that cannot be removed in a sentence;

– semantic redundancy (pleonasms, tautology, repetitions);

– errors in the use of phraseological units and stable combinations;


– violations of syntactic connections in phrases(violation of the norms of coordination / control / connection between the subject and the predicate);

– syntax errors at the level offers:

– violations of the structural boundaries of the proposal, unjustified parcellation;

– violations in the construction of homogeneous series;

– different structural design of homogeneous members;

– mixing direct and indirect speech;

– violation of the type-temporal correlation of homogeneous members of the sentence or predicates in the main and subordinate clauses;

– separation of the subordinate clause from the defining word;

– lack of connection or poor connection between parts of the utterance;

– the use of an adverbial phrase without connection with the subject to which it refers;

– break of participial phrase.


actually-communicative – violation of word order and logical stress, leading to the creation of false semantic connections ( The office is filled with desks with small passages);

logically-communicative (violation of cause-and-effect relationships, combination of logically incompatible concepts in one series)

Stylistic(violation of the requirements of unity of functional style, unjustified use of emotionally charged, stylistically marked means):

– use of colloquial words in neutral contexts;

– use of book words in neutral and reduced contexts;

– unjustified use of expressively colored vocabulary;

– unsuccessful metaphors, metonymies, comparisons.

Pay attention to deviations from the norm, representing different types of contaminations, characteristic, according to the observation of L. P. Krysin, for the modern language situation:

1) mixing semantically different words due to the similarity of their formal appearance ( leash - sling: hand on a leash - instead of on a sling),

2) mixing formally different words due to the similarity of their semantics ( last - extreme in a queue situation);

3) mixing of syntactically different constructions due to their semantic identity ( point out what, talk about what → point out what);

4) mixing stylistically different units due to their semantic identity ( wife - spouse);

5) confusion of words due to formal And semantic their closeness to each other ( become - stand up: stand on watch - stand on watch, the river has become - the river has risen);

6) contamination syntactically identical and similar constructions, including semantically different lexemes ( play a role, matterplay meaning);

7) mixing syntactically different constructions due to the formal and semantic proximity of control words ( justified by what, based on what → justified by what).

Task 2: Find, correct and qualify errors in the following sentences:

1. Those girls who focus on their eyes are mysterious, preferring to experience their problems in silence, listening more than talking (

2. “Who do I look like? Yes, for office plankton!” – says festival director Pavel Toporkov (;

3. If you carry a full set of decorative and care products with you every day, this not only indicates that you like to buy new items and can afford it, sometimes it is a hint of your frivolity. (“

4. “The main facade faces Lavrentiev Avenue, the main street of Akademgorodok. The object being viewed from afar represents the letter “A” - Academy Town. (

5. So, in general, modern television looks terrible - a hotbed of falsehood, violence and lack of culture (;

6. A girl who doesn’t take care of herself at all actually doesn’t respect not only men, but also herself (;

7. I think your readers can answer this question themselves: Academgorodok is one of the leading scientific centers, what happens here also happens in all science (;

8. I will take the liberty of asserting that the current leadership is not anti-Semitic. (;

9. To avoid these problems, there is “Axeril” (Advertising);

11.Using its functions, the device is effective for muscle training (Advertising);

12.Together with the children’s sports complex, your child’s training will be joyful and healthy (Advertising);

13. She is reserved, self-confident, one of those who cannot be called easy and superficial, and tries to interest men with the help of personal qualities, and not with a bright “wrapper” ( 76653/);

14.Participants noted problems in the understanding of the term “innovation” and the lack of its legislative confirmation. Agreeing with them, the first vice-governor of the Novosibirsk region Vasily Yurchenko invited those gathered to organize a round table to discuss what constitutes innovation (;

15. It’s curious, but the most brutal, let’s face it, bulldozer clearing of the electoral field was carried out in the 35th district, advanced from the point of view of the Internet. There were no communists in it, the incumbent deputy Agafonov wisely chose not to be nominated, and all self-nominated candidates were removed from the elections. (;

16. When they approached me and asked if I would like to be an instructor, I refused: “No, I probably can’t handle it.” (

17. Gowns, graduation caps and memories of the university - attributes of the April Fool's show (

18. First, a pumped-up young man with a low bass voice and the name Matvey was invited to the stage from the audience (

19.His father, Augusto Pinochet Vera, served at customs, his mother, Avelina Ugarte Martinez, raised children: the future general was the eldest of three brothers and three daughters in this family (“Around the World,” 2003.09.15);

20.… I was separated from the porch of the laboratory building by a long line all the way to the road leading from Koptyuga Avenue. No matter what they say, this day will be remembered, but it’s a pity that the students were not allowed to ask the Prime Minister questions. (

21.NATO leadership was shocked by such an outburst. (

22. He failed to find money in the apartment, and in order to hide traces of the crime, he set the apartment on fire. (

23.“ I have been able to tell them apart since birth, although they can be very similar to each other., says a young mother about two seemingly identical boys, one of whom is fast asleep, and the other is smiling. – Especially if they wear hats" (

24. Despite the fact that animals have a more developed sense of smell, there will be no problems.

25. Simonov’s poem “Wait for me” became a bestseller.

26. Another problem blamed on television is that many, especially the younger generation, are reading less.

27.Thanks to it (TV), we can quickly find out the weather forecast for today.

28. Now that TV is so deeply rooted in society, it is difficult, if not impossible, to cancel it, as economists say.

29...after all, Western countries and the United States are rushing to specifically “educate” our youth about “worldwide democratic values.” We often hear about television programs promoting free intimate relationships, so-called sex - a form of perverted sexual desire.

30. The revolution did not crown all of Mayakovsky’s dreams and hopes, and, realizing this, Vladimir shot himself.

31.The heroines of Akhmatova’s poems most often had a tragic fate. This includes unhappy love, betrayal, and long wanderings along the path of life, most often dark and gloomy.

32.The revolution left a deep mark on both the poetry of A. Akhmatvova and her life.

33.Personality and history, interacting with each other, create the soil on which beautiful flowers of poetry subsequently grow.

34.According to the writer, there are two types of such people - the proletariat,<…>looking for shelter, and the bourgeoisie, representing nothing of themselves.

36.Many people supported the writer for his ability to tell the truth to his face.

37. Knowing about the power of television, it is a logical question,<…>.

38.When looking at modern Russian TV, a rather depressing picture emerges.

39. By reading “Dead Souls” we can look at ourselves from the outside.

40. So, for example, in one of the episodes of the program “Incredible, but true,” they showed a story about how mammoths supposedly did not become extinct many thousands of years ago, but exist today, burying their dead in the ground.

41.You cannot place all the blame for the poor upbringing of young people on the parents.

42. How to interest a teenager in switching the channel with a program about how to “build love” to the “Culture” channel.

43. Those who were in power and had more rights than responsibilities found themselves left out of Fortune.

44.And later she (A. Akhmatova) said goodbye to him (Blok), notifying him (the poet’s) death in poetry.

45. (About the woman A. Akhmatova met in the prison queue (“Instead of a preface to the “Requium”)) But her suffering did not remain silent.

46.Those who<…>stood in prison lines to convey an insignificant crumb of love and care through the hands of the guards to his relatives,<…>

47.Gogol, writing “Dead Souls,” hesitated for a long time about what he would present to human judgment.

48. Having asked Chichikov a question: “Maybe they (dead souls) will be useful to me on the farm?”, The box lost all meaning for revival.

49. Chichikov tries to communicate in a delicate way his intention to purchase such a strange product.

50.This indicates that the inner world of people is always in harmony with the outer.

51.<…>absurdity and harmony always accompany each other.

52. A civilized person will not want to be ruled like a herd.

53.Many humorous programs are provided specifically for young people.

54. (About the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”) Its entire essence served to benefit the Soviet government.

55. Remembering E. Goryukhina, I take off my hat to her.

56. My horizons completely lacked interest in politics and the world around me.

57.TV is harmful and has a negative impact on people.

58.Every day we receive a wide flow of information.

60. Personality, history, and Akhmatova herself are intertwined in the poem.

61. There are television programs whose falsity and distortion of reality cannot be doubted.

62. Uncultured language is prohibited on TV.

63.The hall was bursting with stormy applause.

64.If we speak in a metaphor, then TV is a window to the world and to the news of all public life.

65.Readers instantly believe the deception, as if flying into a bright light.

66.And aggression is already in the air.

67.TV is harmful and has a negative impact on people.

68.TV absorbs our attention completely, focusing visual and auditory receptors on itself.

69. Every time before presenting information, a journalist is faced with a question<…>

70.Belikov walked with a raised collar and a long-brimmed hat.

71. The ground is ripe for revolution.

72.Solzhenitsyn had to experience everything: persecution by the authorities, prison, work in the Sharashka, exile.

73. Natasha Rostova’s ideals changed, now she dreamed of a happy family life and how she would have many children

74. The play “The Cherry Orchard” played a great role in the spiritual life of the Russian intelligentsia

75. Onegin can be put on the same ladder as the best people in Europe.

76. Let's move to distant Yershalaim, to the palace of the prosecutor's office of Judea Pontius Pilate.

Krysin L.P. On the typology of lexical “irregularities” // Russian word, one’s own and someone else’s: Studies in modern Russian language and sociolinguistics. M., 2004. pp. 229-237.

Violation of lexical compatibility is caused by semantic errors of two types - logical and linguistic. I. Logical errors are associated with failure to distinguish between concepts that are close in some respect. Often the writer or speaker does not distinguish between spheres of activity, cause and effect, part and whole, related phenomena, genus-species, species and other relationships. To avoid creating a situation where you meant one thing and said something else, you need to check the meanings in a dictionary. all dubious words entering into coordinating or subordinating relationships in a sentence. So, in the sentence Residents of a seaside town witnessed a large theatrical performance, we find an error in the phrase

witnesses to the performance. The word witness means “eyewitness”; This is the name given to a person who finds himself at the scene of an incident. This word is associated with the sphere of judicial and legal activity. In the field of theatrical and concert activity, which is discussed here, the word spectator is used. This error is associated with a failure to distinguish between areas of activity.

The erroneous combination of rising prices is due to a failure to distinguish between the related concepts of prices and goods: goods become more expensive, and prices rise. Similar errors in the proposals: The Commission will solve this long-standing problem; He raised a toast to friendship; The session adopted a decision aimed at improving the noted shortcomings; The timely launch of the plant raises concerns; There are 52 trees in the park; As a result of the plague epidemic, people left the city. All errors are explained by failure to distinguish between related phenomena: it is not the problem that is delayed, but its solution; they raise not a toast, but a glass; improve not shortcomings, but work; they fear not that the plant will be launched, but that it will not be launched on time; they are not laying trees, but a park; people leave the city not as a result, but because of the plague. Possible fixes in these cases:... will speed up the protracted solution to the problem;... made a toast; eradicate shortcomings;...that the plant will not be launched on time; ...52 trees were planted; As a result of the plague, the city was deserted.

2. Linguistic errors are associated with failure to distinguish between denoting words that are in any semantic relationship. These are mainly synonyms and paronyms:

1) failure to distinguish between synonyms, words that are close or have the same meaning, leads to errors in use:

a) the words role and function in the meaning of “work, circle of activity” are synonymous, but genetically they are associated with different signifiers: role with the sphere of theater and cinema, and function with logic. Hence the established lexical compatibility: the role is played (played), and the function is performed (performed); in the meaning of a measure of influence, degree of participation, the word role is synonymous with the word meaning in the sense of importance. But their compatibility is different: it plays a role, but it matters;

b) the words brave and courageous are synonyms, but brave is associated with the external manifestation of the named quality, and courageous is associated with both external and internal, therefore a thought, decision, idea can only be courageous, but not brave;

c) coinciding in the meaning of “material evidence of something.” success" the words trophy and prize have different lexical compatibility: the trophy is captured, the prize is received, won; in the example Ten teams took part in the competition for an honorary trophy, it should be corrected: for an honorary prize; d) the words skyscraper and high-rise building (high-rise building) are synonymous, but skyscraper is associated with the USA, and high-rise building is associated with our country; the phrase New York high-rise buildings is a linguistic error; similarly, one should distinguish between a hut (southern Russia and Ukraine) and a hut (northern Russia); patrimony (XI-XVII centuries), estate (XV-early XVIII centuries) and estate (from the 19th century), etc.;

2) failure to distinguish between paronyms (words that partially coincide in sound) also leads to errors in use; Most paronyms are words with the same root, differing in suffixes or prefixes and, as a result, shades of meaning, as well as stylistic coloring. Wed:

a) simplify-simplify: common root and general meaning “to make simpler”, but the second verb has an additional meaning “to make simpler than it should”;

b) misconduct (fault) - act (action committed by someone); ^.

c) guilty (who has committed a crime) - guilty (who has been guilty of something, who has violated the rules of morality, politeness, etc.);

e) pay and pay differ in the way of control: after the first, a prepositional construction is used, after the second, a non-prepositional construction (accusative case) is used: pay for the fare - pay for the fare.

You notice. Paronyms are often in synonymous relationships, and, therefore, all recommendations for distinguishing synonyms apply to them.

To identify the specifics of words connected by paronymic relationships, it is necessary to correctly understand the morphological composition of the word and the method of its formation. For example, in the pairs assimilate-master, complicate-complicate, make heavier-weighted, words with the prefix o- have the meaning of a higher degree of manifestation of the action; in pairs hygienic-hygienic, logical-logical, practical-practical, economic-economical, distinguished by the suffixes -ichesk-/-n-, the second adjective denotes a characteristic that can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent (qualitative adjective). Hence the compatibility: hygienic norm - hygienic fabric, logical laws - logical conclusion, practical application - practical clothing, economic policy - economical device.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the Moscow Patriarchate (the official name of the Russian Orthodox Church) and the Moscow Patriarchate (the set of institutions under the direct supervision of the Patriarch). Paronyms can be associated with different versions of the common root: short (small in size, the opposite of long) - short (stated briefly , in a few words). Therefore, a short text, but a brief retelling of the text. See also variants of the root in the words spiritual (connected with the inner, moral world of a person) and spiritual (connected with the mental state of a person). Therefore, "spiritual requests, but peace of mind .

Borrowed words may also appear in paronymic relationships: stdtus (legal status) - statute (charter, regulation on something); cf.: obtain the status of an independent state - a UN statute; parity (equality) AND priority (superiority, advantage), dequalification (loss of qualifications) - disqualification (deprivation of qualifications), etc. To distinguish between paronyms of foreign origin, it is necessary to refer to dictionaries of foreign words. .

Below are frequency pairs of paronyms: close-near coincide in meaning: 1) “located nearby, at a short distance” - close (close) mountains, but the second adjective indicates a greater degree of proximity, in this case we are talking about several mountains, of which some are closer than others; 2) “closely related” - close (neighbor). relative, but the second adjective in this meaning is outdated;

execute-execute have the general meaning of “to carry out, bring to life” - to carry out (fulfill) an order, but the second verb has a bookish character;

distant-distant coincide in meaning: 1) “located at a great distance; coming from afar; having a large extent” - distant (distant) edge, distant (distant) echo, distant (distant) distance, but at the same time the second adjective can indicate a more distant object compared to another, located further away - the far end of the garden; 2) “distant over a long period of time, relating to the distant past” - distant (distant) past, but in this meaning the second adjective is outdated;

long-long coincide* in the meaning of “ongoing, prolonged” - long (long) conversation, long (long) pause, but long indicates length in time, and long emphasizes the procedural meaning of the noun; long is usually combined with the names of periods of time (long night, long winter), f long - with the names of actions and conditions designed for a long period (long flight, long treatment); ,

agreements differ in that a treaty means a written or oral agreement, a condition of mutual obligations (agreement of friendship and cooperation), and an agreement is an agreement reached through negotiations (an agreement to include an issue on the agenda);

friendly-friendly coincide in the meaning of “based on friendship, expressing friendship”, but differ in that the word friendly has a bookish coloring and an additional meaning of “mutually benevolent”; s?.: friendly states-friendly pat on the shoulder;

desired-desirable differ in that the first adjective means “the one desired” (a welcome guest), and the second means “corresponding to desires, interests, necessary” (desirable change in the resolution);

meaning-significance coincide in the meaning of “importance, significance”, but differ in the degree of importance; y-word significance is higher; cf.: social significance - social significance; in other uses, the word meaning means “meaning, content,” and significance means “the presence of meaning”; cf.: the meaning of a word is the significance of what is said;

truth (truth, the actual state of affairs) - truth (correspondence to truth); f.: the desire for truth - the truth of the assumptions made;

seconded (about a person sent on a business trip) - business trip (belonging to a business traveler); Wed: hotel for business travelers - travel certificate;

docked-compartment designate a type of carriage divided into compartments, the second word is of a professional terminological nature;

unhappy and unhappy differ in the degree of unhappiness: the word unhappy is absolute, unhappy is relative; cf.: unhappy person - unlucky day;

ordinary - ordinary differ in that the first word emphasizes inconspicuousness, unremarkability, and the second - typicality; cf: ordinary person - ordinary day;

special-special differ in that the first word means “unlike others, different from them”, and the second means “large, significant”, cf.: special person - special importance of the issue;

prepare - prepare coincide in the meaning of “carry out work to complete, implement something,” but differ in that the first verb contains an additional indication of the preliminary nature of the work; cf.: prepare a text for translation - prepare a text for translation;

make peace - reconcile: in the meaning of “tolerate something, get used to something,” the verb is used to reconcile (come to terms with what happened), and in the meaning of “stop the state of quarrel,” the verb to reconcile has the meaning of a temporary, incomplete action and a colloquial nature; cf.: neighbors made peace - neighbors made peace;

look-examine differ in that the second verb more strongly expresses the purposefulness of the action; cf.: look at the one who entered - examine the one who entered;

provide-present differ in that the first verb has the meaning: 1) “to give at disposal, use” (to provide someone with the word “premises”); 2) “to give an opportunity, the right to smth. do” (let the dispute be resolved by yourself); the second verb means “deliver, present, report” (present evidence, necessary materials to the court); Wed also: he is given the opportunity to have different-different coincide in meanings; 1) “all kinds, all kinds, varied”; “different, dissimilar”; the word different emphasizes dissimilarity * originality; Wed: different points of view - different points of view.

The error in choosing a paronym is one of the most common in modern texts, for example: The speaker deliberately omitted (instead of: omitted) some facts; arrows with flint (instead of: flint) tips; On that day the first demonstration took place (instead of: took place); 3)

pleonasm (semantic redundancy) occurs when the meaning of a word is duplicated by the words with which it is combined. Widely known are such erroneous combinations as timing of time (instead of: timing), free vacancy (instead of: vacancy), memorable souvenir (instead of: souvenir), full house (instead of: full house), supporting bridgehead (instead of: springboard), testing and approval method (instead of: testing the method), debuted for the first time (instead of: debuted or performed for the first time), in the month of May (instead of: in May), five rubles of money (instead of: five rubles), save every minute of time (instead of: every minute).

The highlighted words in the following sentences are clearly superfluous: It was found that existing prices are inflated (non-existent prices can be neither overestimated nor underestimated); Illegal pilferage of state property (plundering cannot be legal); Existing experience is successfully exchanged (if there is no experience, then it cannot be exchanged); They turned the ocean into a launch pad for launching strategic weapons (can only be launched from the launch pad); The leading leader of this party made a statement (a leader is one who leads, leads); A press conference was held between the champion and journalists (press conferences are held only for the press, then eci> journalists); It is necessary to establish an upper price ceiling (the ceiling is what is at the top); We need to take a look at this. through the eyes of a future descendant (a descendant is someone who replaces someone, that is, it can only be in the future).

Often in a sentence the pronouns his, himself are redundant: Before his death, he wrote a will (they don’t write wills before someone else’s death); In his report... the scientist said... (in someone else's report he could not (>b* do this); Exactly! these teams met each other in an anniversary match (often in the verb meet has the meaning of mutual action; cf .; made peace, quarreled, etc.); , L i 4)

Tautology, in contrast to pleonasm, where meanings and not words are repeated, is a repetition within a sentence of the same word, related words, homonyms. If

Pleonasm is a hidden redundancy, while tautology is open, obvious. So, the sentence needs to be edited:

Along with the achievements, a number of shortcomings were noted (as follows: ... shortcomings were also noted);

When selecting illustrations for a book, it is necessary to take into account their artistic merits when selecting them (it follows: when selecting illustrations, one must take into account their artistic merits);

In conclusion, the narrator told another funny story (follows: ... stopped at, told, brought, etc.);

The duration of the process lasts several hours (follows: the duration of the process is several hours);

The disadvantages of the dissertation include the insufficient development of certain specific issues (follows: ...lack of development of individual issues);

As one might expect, everything was clarified the next day (follows: ...the next day);

The following features should be noted... (should: it is necessary to note... or... such features);

In response to this, we received the following response (follows: A response was received to this).

A tautology is especially undesirable if the forms that coincide in their sound appearance are different meanings of a polysemantic word or homonyms, for example: Chatsky’s lyrical monologues are distinguished by sincerity and thereby differ from the etiquette of the salon speech of lovers (follows: Chatsky’s lyrical monologues are sincere and thereby differ from the salon speech of lovers ;

The important point is that we currently do not have any information on this issue (it should be noted that we currently do not have any information on this issue);

We have guests from France (follows: We have guests from France or: Today we receive guests from France);

Now they are expecting certain steps from him, without which, in the opinion of some, his further political career is impossible (follows: ...they are waiting for very specific steps or: such steps, or: they are waiting for steps).

Source: Electronic catalog of the industry department in the direction of “Jurisprudence”
(libraries of the Faculty of Law) Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky St. Petersburg State University

Linguistic errors in regulatory documents.

2. Use of the names of masculine officials in the singular (chairman, director, candidate, etc.). Parallel names of the feminine gender have a colloquial, even reduced stylistic connotation, therefore they are categorically excluded in the texts of regulatory legal acts.

3. The use of verbal nouns and adjectives (execution, finding, non-fulfillment, non-compliance, importance, necessity). It seems inappropriate to replace already existing nouns with parallel verbal forms (chairman of the court - presiding judge of the court).

Syntax of normative documents.

In a sentence as part of a legal text, predominantly direct word order must be observed, which is due to the increasing informational role of word order in written speech towards the end of the sentence. The use of various kinds of inversions shifts the semantic emphasis in the phrase and distorts the original meaning. For example:

A decision made at the local level can be canceled ... or declared invalid by a court in the manner prescribed by law. (Using the definition of “invalid” next to the word “court” can lead to a completely different interpretation of the phrase: “invalid court” instead of “invalid decision.” Therefore, the sentence should be structured like this: A decision taken at the local level can be canceled ... or recognized by the court void in accordance with the procedure established by law.)

- ...accountability to the district Council of People's Deputies within the limits of its powers of local government bodies of the Novousmansky district... (should be written: ...accountability of local government bodies of the Novousmansky district to the regional Council of People's Deputies within the limits of its powers...).

You should avoid using both overly short and very long sentences. An increase in the number of words in some cases to several dozen significantly complicates the understanding of the text, since when reading there is a loss of logical meaning. On the contrary, a sentence that is too short does not allow the author’s necessary thought to be expressed fully enough, so brevity should not come at the expense of meaning.

Phrases should be of simple construction, without overloading them with subordinate clauses and various kinds of complications (participial, adverbial phrases, so-called obsessive phrases that destroy the logical structure of the sentence, etc.). Errors in the use of connecting or disjunctive conjunctions and punctuation marks are unacceptable; omissions of words (...the district Council of People's Deputies temporarily assigns the duties of the head of the district to one of the deputy heads of the district administration... - to one of them), incomplete sentences, negative constructions (The decision on self-dissolution is made by two-thirds of the votes of the elected number of deputies. Such a decision cannot be adopted by the district council of people's deputies less than a year before the end of the term of office of the deputies. - follows: Such a decision can be made by the district council of people's deputies no less than a year before the end of the term of office of the deputies.).

One can give many examples of violations of language norms (spelling, lexical, morphological, syntactic) in legal acts. Their presence indicates the need for the legislator to master the rules and techniques of legal writing, as this will ensure the greatest effectiveness of legal norms at the stage of interpretation and implementation. The level of perfection, clarity and clarity of the law largely depends on the level of development of language norms. The linguistic embodiment of a normative act must ensure universal accessibility and maximum convenience for its study and application. To achieve high quality of content and form of a legal act, it is necessary:

Develop and legislate a system of linguistic-stylistic rules of regulatory documents in accordance with the norms of the Russian language;

Establish mandatory linguistic examination of normative legal acts at the level of constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities (with the involvement of specialist linguists);

For students of law faculties of higher educational institutions, introduce the study of relevant disciplines in the form of courses or special courses (for example, “Language and Law”, “Legislative Technique”, “Forensic Linguistics”, “Stylistics of Lawyer’s Business Speech”, etc.).

Develop the study of legislative technology in relation to various branches of law in order to identify specific means, techniques and rules for creating normative documents.

See: E.S. Shugrina. Technique of legal writing: Educational and practical work. allowance. – M., 2000. – 272 p.; Legislative technology: Scientific and practical. allowance. – M.: Gorodets, 2000. – 272 p.; Problems of legal technology. Collection of articles / ed. V.M. Baranova. – Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. – 823 p.

For example, the Regulations on linguistic examination of the laws of the Voronezh region and other legal acts of the regional Duma, approved by Resolution of the Voronezh Regional Duma of March 18, 1999 No. 780-II-OD.

Many words that are in common use but have specific legal meanings can cause serious confusion when used in documents that are not intended for lawyers but for ordinary people.

The unity of terminology is not always maintained. For example, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, representatives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly are called members of the chamber in Section One, and deputies in Section Two, and the document does not provide an explanation for such discrepancies in word usage.

Charter of the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region, ch. I, art. 1.

Charter of the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region, ch. V, art. 19.

Charter of the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region, ch. IV, art. 18.

Currently, Russian lawyers are actively developing and improving such courses (see: Law: collection of training programs. - M.: Yurist, 2001. - 205 p.

A source of information:
Scientific and practical conference ¨Constitutional readings¨. (

Contents Linguistic errors around us: reasons for their occurrence and classification. Linguistic errors around us: causes of their occurrence and classification. a) Language norm and deviation from it a) Language norm and deviation from it b) Types of errors. b) Types of errors. c) Causes of occurrence. c) Causes of occurrence. d) Fighting errors. d) Fighting errors. e) “Slang” words in our school. e) “Slang” words in our school. Conclusion and work prospects. Conclusion and work prospects.

Purpose of the work: to draw the attention of schoolchildren to linguistic errors in our speech and to correct them. draw the attention of schoolchildren to linguistic errors in our speech and their correction. Tasks: Tasks: -study theoretical material about the language norm and deviations from it, -study theoretical material about the language norm and deviations from it, -collect typical errors and classify them, -collect typical errors and classify them, fight errors. Deal with mistakes.

Language norm and deviation from it Norm is the generally accepted use of words, their forms, syntactic structures, enshrined in dictionaries, reference books and recommended by them, as well as confirmed by the use of words by authoritative writers, scientists, and the educated part of society. Norm is the generally accepted use of words, their forms, syntactic structures, enshrined in dictionaries, reference books and recommended by them, as well as confirmed by the use of words by authoritative writers, scientists, and the educated part of society. An error is a violation of norms. An error is a violation of norms.

Types of errors Spelling Spelling Punctuation Punctuation Grammar Grammar Speech Speech Factual Factual Logical Logical Outdated spelling Outdated spelling Non-existent spelling Non-existent spelling Mixing Latin and Cyrillic Mixing Latin and Cyrillic

The fight against mistakes First, carry out campaigns to promote literacy and education among the population. Firstly, carry out campaigns to promote literacy and education among the population. Secondly, open sites that ridicule the errors and also contain an explanation of how they need to be corrected. Secondly, open sites that ridicule the errors and also contain an explanation of how they need to be corrected. Thirdly, monitor your speech and spelling and help your friends with this. Thirdly, monitor your speech and spelling and help your friends with this.

Jargon words in our school In recent years, jargon words have overwhelmed our speech. People seem to forget the literary language, gradually switching to slang expressions. In recent years, jargon has overwhelmed our speech. People seem to forget the literary language, gradually switching to slang expressions.

Questionnaire questionnaire Questionnaire questionnaire Do you use jargon? Do you use jargon? Why: Why: –You want to better express your thoughts; – you don’t want to be different from your peers; – afraid of being ridiculed by others; – you cannot replace jargon with literary words; -other options. What jargon do you use most often? What jargon do you use most often? How do you understand the meaning of these words? How do you understand the meaning of these words? How many times a day do you use these words: How many times a day do you use these words: –15 times; –610 times; – more than 10 times. Do you think, as a result, speech becomes... Do you think, as a result, speech becomes... -better; -worse; – I find it difficult to answer.

Conclusion A person’s speech is a litmus test of his general culture, mastery of a literary language is a necessary component of education and, conversely, “linguistic illiteracy,” as M. Gorky also said, “is always a sign of low culture.” A person’s speech is a litmus test of his general culture, mastery of a literary language is a necessary component of education and, conversely, “linguistic illiteracy,” as M. Gorky also said, “is always a sign of low culture.”

Articles By topic:
There is a contrast with the conjunction a
76. Spelling particles NOT with different parts of speech, NOT and NI. 1. They are written separately: particles would(b), same(g), li(l) (would have read, would have gone, the same), particles here, after all, they say, as if, etc. (He's not from here. You know that!); 2. Written with a hyphen:
“Not with different parts of speech” is one of the topics in Russian that always causes difficulties. And the point here is not so much the complexity of the topic itself, but the amount of information that needs to be remembered: the rules for using a noun are not always suitable
The Fog Index is an effective weapon for influencing mass audiences. The Gunning Index is calculated using the formula
How to create a flowchart of a selling text - watch the video tutorial by Daniil Shardakov. “In this video tutorial I will show you how to create a flowchart of selling text. From this flowchart you can make as many selling texts as you like, which are then very convenient
Some sort of separation?  Whether.  Cases when a comma before “and” is not needed
Is it a particle? It is distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. Why, holy fathers, have you eaten too much henbane, or what? M. Bulgakov, Running. To remember, perhaps, the youth that flew by? S. Yesenin, Rash, talyanka, ringing, rash, talyanka, boldly!.. Because h