How to make horseradish appetizer with tomatoes. Step-by-step photo recipe for preparing horseradish with tomatoes and garlic for the winter without cooking so that it does not sour. Classic recipe for making horseradish

Dedicated to all thrill seekers

Horseradish - this seasoning is called “Gorloder”, “Hrenoder”, seasoning “Ogonyok”, Russian adjika, “Hrenovina”, “Cobra”, seasoning “Vyrviglaz”, “Thistle”, “Horseradish snack”, “Hrenovina”, and in general it is just table horseradish. Unless there are countless options for additives. For those who cannot imagine life without thrills in the culinary sense, “Culinary Eden” has prepared a selection of recipes for fiery horseradish. It’s easy to prepare horseradish: chop all the ingredients, mix, put in jars and refrigerate. This For those who want to make something spicy for the winter, there are recipes with cooking and sterilization. By the way, it is believed that you need to dig horseradish root in those months whose names have the letter “r”, that is, September, October, November. At other times, it does not have that pungency and unique mustard smell.

But first, a few words about the benefits of the burning “weed.” This is an excellent antimicrobial agent that protects against colds, gastrointestinal infections and other infections. Horseradish cleanses the blood, lowers sugar levels, simulates kidney function, improves appetite, and stimulates the activity of the stomach and intestines. Horseradish helps to cope with excess mucus and is used as an expectorant. Horseradish contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits! But all these benefits are useful for a maximum of 2-3 weeks after the horseradish is cooked. The longer a hot seasoning is stored, the less vitamins, essential oils and other biologically active substances it contains. So, if you have the opportunity to store horseradish roots “alive”, buried in the sand in the basement - keep it! And prepare the horseradish as needed. Owners of city apartments have to stock up on horseradish for future use and in large quantities, but, as they say, there’s nothing to be done about it.

A few words about safety precautions. In order not to cry over the meat grinder, advanced users have come up with a simple and effective remedy: put a plastic bag on the neck of the meat grinder and tie it tightly, and tie the same bag on a ring with a lattice. But sometimes this does not help, and housewives operate in respirators and even gas masks. It is best to grind horseradish using a manual meat grinder, and last, after all other ingredients.

And now - recipes! Since the principle of preparing any type of horseradish, be it a horseradish maker, a gorloder, an ogyonok or a horseradish, is the same, we will limit ourselves to listing the necessary products and their quantities.

Horseradish snack

4 large horseradish roots,
5 kg tomatoes,
1 large head of garlic,
1 tbsp. salt.

3 kg tomatoes,
1 kg horseradish,
1 kg garlic,
salt, sugar to taste.


1 kg of tomatoes,
300 g garlic,
300 g horseradish,
1 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. 9% vinegar.

Chronoder garlic

1 kg horseradish,
1 kg garlic,
10 tbsp. salt,
20 tbsp Sahara.

Vyatka horseradish

1 kg of tomatoes,
1 large horseradish root,
100 g garlic,
sugar, salt.

Horseradish with plums

1 kg of tomatoes,
100 g horseradish,
100 g plums,
1 head of garlic,
salt, sugar to taste.

Horseradish "Table"

1.5 kg horseradish root,
1 tbsp. salt,
3 tbsp. Sahara
1 lemon.

Grind the horseradish roots in a meat grinder, add salt and sugar, pour in boiling water, stirring quickly until the consistency of a thick paste. Divide the resulting mixture into clean jars, add a few drops of lemon juice into each, and close the lids. Before use, you can mix it with sour cream.


1 kg hot pepper,
1 kg garlic,
1 kg of tomatoes,
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 large horseradish root,

Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder, horseradish root last. Mix with vinegar and leave for 12 hours. Place into clean jars and seal (do not roll up). Keep refrigerated.

Horseradish snack with carrots

2 kg tomatoes,
100 g horseradish root,
100 g garlic,
600 g carrots,
1 pod of hot pepper,
8-10 drops of 70% vinegar,
salt to taste.

Gorloder with sweet pepper
3 kg tomatoes,
1 kg sweet pepper,
2-3 hot peppers,
1 cup garlic,
salt, sugar, ground black pepper to taste.

10 sweet peppers,
20 pods of hot pepper,
4 horseradish roots,
2 bunches of parsley,
2 bunches of dill,
200 g garlic,
2 kg of tomatoes,
4 tbsp. sugar,
4 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. vinegar.

Quick table horseradish with beets: Mix grated horseradish with grated raw beets. This mixture does not last long.

Or another quick recipe: grind a medium horseradish root and 2 apples through a meat grinder, season with sour cream and honey or vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar.

Quick crap

1 kg of tomatoes,
300 g horseradish root,
200-300 g garlic,
salt, ground black pepper to taste,
sour cream 35% fat.

Cut the tomatoes crosswise, blanch in boiling water, rinse with ice water, remove the skin. Mince the garlic and horseradish, mix all the ingredients, add salt and ground pepper. Add a little high-fat sour cream to the resulting mass and mix well.

Horseradish pickled

1 kg horseradish root,
200 ml 3% vinegar,
15 g salt.

Grind horseradish in a meat grinder, mix with salt and vinegar, heat in an enamel bowl. Place in jars and sterilize: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes. Roll up.

Adjika "Ogonyok"

2.5 kg tomatoes,
500 g sweet pepper,
500 g sweet and sour apples,
500 g carrots,
120 g garlic,
75-100 g hot pepper,
50 g parsley,
50 g dill,
250 g vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. 9% vinegar,
ground black pepper.

Peel the apples from seeds, and grind all the ingredients, except the herbs, through a meat grinder. Add vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and ground black pepper to the resulting mass and cook over low heat. Cook for about 2 hours. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped herbs. Place in sterilized jars and seal.

Boiled horseradish

3 kg tomatoes,
100 g garlic,
200 g horseradish root,
400 g sweet pepper,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. salt,
ground black pepper to taste.

Grind the tomatoes and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, mince the horseradish root, garlic and sweet pepper, add to the tomato mass and cook for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add sugar, salt and ground pepper, place in sterilized jars, and roll up.

Horseradish marinated with beets

1 kg horseradish root,
1 kg beets.
4 glasses of water,
2 cups 3% vinegar,
40 g salt,
40 g sugar.

Boil the beets for an hour, peel and cut into thin slices. Grind the horseradish root. Place in jars, alternating with horseradish in layers. Pour in the marinade and place for sterilization: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes. Roll up.

As you can see, there are not many options. And what can you come up with when preparing a killer spicy horseradish or adjika? Burning horseradish in winter will help you avoid all colds. Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Spicy seasoning made from horseradish with the addition of a wide variety of ingredients is called horseradish, horseradish, Russian adjika, or ognik. Throughout Russia - in Moscow, the Urals, Siberia - this snack is incredibly popular, especially in winter. Horseradish won people's love not only for its spicy pungency, but also for its healing properties.

How to make horseradish

There are many options for preparing horloder; each housewife uses her own ingredients and tricks to prepare this unusual fragrant seasoning for the winter. Cooking horseradish requires horseradish, garlic and tomatoes (although there are exceptions). The principle of preparing a chrenoder is to grind and mix the components. The main components determine the benefits of the finished product:

  • horseradish normalizes intestinal function, acts as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory agent;
  • garlic is a popular antibacterial substance;
  • tomatoes are rich in microelements and vitamins.

With cooking for the winter

Horseradish, prepared for the winter, is ideal for meat, fish, potatoes, pasta, dumplings and many other products. To enjoy the spicy taste all winter, you will need a recipe for horseradish for the winter with cooking. The crushed ingredients are turned into sauce and rolled into jars, which must first be sterilized. Maintaining cleanliness will keep the product in proper form until spring.

No cooking

Heat treatment does not always preserve all the benefits of products. Therefore, the horseradish recipe is a way to make a delicious sauce for the winter that retains maximum benefits. Preparing horseradish for the winter is possible without boiling, because the rhizome of the spicy-aromatic plant is an excellent preservative. This sauce can be stored for a long time, so you can safely prepare it in large quantities, serving it on weekdays and at holiday feasts. To prevent the spicy mass from turning sour, it can be frozen in small portions.

Horseradish recipe

  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

A simple recipe for horseradish with a minimum number of ingredients is an excellent way to process rhizomes. The rich, fragrant mass will add spice to any meat dish or soup. The sauce does not contain tomatoes, beets, plums or other softening ingredients, so the garlorder will turn out vigorous. You can store the sauce in the refrigerator or cellar all winter.


  • horseradish – 1 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 g;
  • cinnamon, cloves - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the rhizomes of the spicy plant, grate or mince.
  2. Divide the mixture into sterile jars so that it occupies 2/3 of the container.
  3. Add sugar and salt to the water, bring to a boil, add spices.
  4. Cool the liquid to 50 degrees, add vinegar.
  5. Pour the marinade into jars and roll up.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 34 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The traditional recipe for preparing classic horseradish contains only three main components. The main difficulty of the process lies in the pre-processing of vegetables. You can simplify the procedure if you neglect removing the seeds from the tomato. In this case, you cannot store the finished product for a long time, since the seeds can quickly cause fermentation.


  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • garlic – 250 g;
  • horseradish – 250 g;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel tomatoes and remove seeds.
  2. Peel the horseradish.
  3. Pass the garlic, roots, tomatoes through a meat grinder.
  4. Add salt, sugar, mix the aromatic paste thoroughly.
  5. Distribute the homogeneous mass into sterilized jars and screw on the lids tightly.
  6. For storage, horseradish is sent to a cool place for the winter.

With beets

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 68 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with beets is a bright, vigorous seasoning that will reveal the taste of familiar dishes in a new way. The homemade horseradish recipe for the winter is so simple that you can start creating the appetizer at any time. The simplest products will be used. The main secret of the delicious sauce is the fresh and vigorous root, collected in the fall. By adding a few ingredients, you'll have a treat you can enjoy all winter long.


  • horseradish – 400 g;
  • beets – 200 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • table vinegar (9%) – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and chop the root. It will be difficult to grate strong horseradish, so it is better to do it in a meat grinder or using a blender.
  2. Peel the beets and chop. You can only use beet juice, without pulp.
  3. Combine all the ingredients from the recipe and mix thoroughly.
  4. The amount of water can be adjusted based on the juiciness of the beets.
  5. Place the prepared sauce in pre-sterilized jars, close the lid tightly, and store in the refrigerator.

With tomatoes and garlic

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 41 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic for the winter is a classic variation, the taste of which can be easily changed by adding additional products, such as plums, to the usual ingredients. Horseradish prepared for the winter acquires a special piquancy, sourness and an incredible fruity aroma. Plum horseradish adds new flavors to ordinary dishes for the winter. It’s easy to prepare fire seasoning, but for novice cooks it’s better to take a detailed recipe with a photo.


  • horseradish – 300 g;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 200 g;
  • hot pepper – 1 small pod (optional);
  • sour plums – 200 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vinegar (9%) – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean, wash and dry the products.
  2. Pass everything through a meat grinder, mix, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
  3. Place in sterilized jars, close with lids, and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.
  4. If you need to increase the shelf life, you should boil the mixture before placing it in jars.

No tomatoes

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish for the winter can be prepared at home without tomatoes. One of the original recipes is horseradish without tomatoes with garlic, bell pepper and hot pepper. This snack is unusual, fiery and incredibly tasty. Fans of culinary thrills will highly appreciate this interesting product. How to prepare such a unique treat? Even a novice cook can cope with the task: observe the proportions and follow the instructions to treat your household to an original dish.


  • horseradish root – 200 g;
  • bell pepper – 200 g;
  • red hot pepper – 200 g;
  • garlic – 200 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel, wash and grind the products in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Mix all ingredients, add salt to taste.
  3. Transfer the mixture into sterilized jars with lids and store in the refrigerator for 6 months.

With apples for the winter

  • Cooking time: 15 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 53 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with apple for the winter goes better than other types of horseradish with cold meat dishes: jelly, boiled pork, jellied meat. The seasoning is also served with soup, salad, and it is also appropriate for a sandwich. If you store the horseradish for a short time, you can do without vinegar. When you don’t have fresh horseradish on hand, dry powder prepared from the root in advance is suitable: for this, the rhizome is grated on a coarse grater, dried in the oven and ground in a coffee grinder. Before use, you need to soak it in warm water. You can diversify the recipe with lemon zest, peppers, garlic and other products.


  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish root – 50 g;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • vinegar 9% – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the apples, remove seeds and peel, bake in the oven or cook in the microwave.
  2. Scrape the top layer of skin from the root, grind it together with the apples in a meat grinder.
  3. Mix all ingredients and place in sterile jars.
  4. Use refrigerator for storage.

No garlic

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 48 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with tomatoes without garlic becomes especially piquant if you add hot and sweet peppers to it. How to prepare such a sauce? Just chop and mix the ingredients! Ready-made hot sauce is eaten a little at a time, so it is better to store it in small jars. Serve the seasoning with meat dishes, adding a Russian spirit to your favorite dish. Spicy, rich horseradish will add its own zest to any feast.


  • horseradish – 200 g;
  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • sweet red pepper – 0.5 kg;
  • chili pepper – 1 pod;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and chop the root.
  2. Peel tomatoes and peppers and grind them in a meat grinder.
  3. Mix all ingredients, add salt and vinegar.
  4. Place the sauce in sterilized jars with lids and store in a cool place.

With tomato paste

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 47 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to cook horseradish if you don’t have ripe tomatoes on hand? Arm yourself with tomato paste! This will somewhat worsen the benefits of the finished product, but if you choose the right paste, it will not spoil the taste at all. Give preference to jars that do not contain preservatives or modified starch. Horseradish with tomato paste is prepared even faster, because it does not require preparing tomatoes.


  • tomato paste – 400 g;
  • horseradish – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 200 g;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vinegar 9% – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the root and pepper and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Mix vegetables with tomato paste and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and boil for another 1-2 minutes.
  4. Place in sterilized jars and seal.

Horseradish appetizer - cooking secrets

When preparing horseradish for the winter, use a few tips to ensure that the seasoning is a success, and you need a minimum of time and effort to prepare it:

  1. When choosing the main component for the garlorder, give preference to pieces that are not too small or large. The most delicious rhizome will be 25 cm long and 3 cm wide. There should be no stains or damage on its surface.
  2. You can store fresh root in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks if you wrap it in cling film. Freezing of the product is allowed.
  3. In recipes, you can use green tomatoes along with ripe tomatoes, or prepare a horloder exclusively with this unripe product.
  4. When storing horseradish, some of the spiciness is lost, so you can put a little more garlic, horseradish and hot pepper in jars that you plan to open by the end of winter.
  5. To store the finished horseradish, you can choose a freezer. Small portions of the sauce will definitely not turn sour, and they only need to be defrosted before use.
  6. You can soften the fiery preparation before serving by adding honey or sour cream to the sauce.

Learn how to cook delicious.


Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic is a favorite snack, suitable both for meat dishes and serving as a dressing for borscht or other vegetable soups. This winter sauce has been prepared in Russia for quite a long time and it is considered an excellent prevention of colds, thanks to its pungent taste and vigorous filling. The horseradish roots for the sauce are chosen to be dense, hard and white. If it is soft, it will not be suitable for cooking.

To prepare we will need:

Tomatoes – 1 kg;

Garlic – 2.5 heads;

Horseradish root – 1-2 pcs;

Sugar – 1-2 tablespoons;

Salt – 2-3 tablespoons.

Horseradish roots need to be soaked in cold water for 15-20 minutes. Then we drain it, peel the root and cut it coarsely, just for convenience when scrolling through a meat grinder. We install the middle grill and chop the horseradish, and then the tomatoes and garlic cloves. Stir the resulting mixture and season it with salt and sugar. The sauce can be eaten immediately, but if it sits for a day, it will only taste better. We put the horseradish into small jars and put it in the refrigerator or other cool place.

When grinding horseradish and garlic through a meat grinder, tie the exit with a bag so that the vegetables fall straight into it. This is necessary in order not to cry over the workpiece because of its sharpness.

For the winter - a very healthy snack that can be served with fried potatoes or a meat dish. Ripe pickled tomatoes are good in winter, very good.


Tomatoes – 2 kg;

Horseradish – 100 gr;

Garlic heads – 4 pieces;

Dill umbrella – 1 piece;

Sugar – 3 tablespoons;

Salt – 2 tablespoons;

Lavrushka – 1 piece;

Allspice – 5 peas;

Cherry and currant leaves - 1 piece each;

Vinegar – 1 tablespoon.

First, we washed the tomatoes and pricked them in the stem area. This will allow the skin to remain intact when pouring the hot marinade. Then it’s time for the horseradish root – peel it and cut it into slices. Now we put the tomatoes in sterilized jars, add horseradish circles between them and at the very top, under the neck of the jar, the composition is crowned with leaves and dill.

Now let's start the marinade. Boil water (1.5 liters), add sugar and salt, spices. Pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes and leave for 5 minutes. After this, pour the liquid into the pan and bring to a boil. Pour it into the jars again and after five minutes pour it back into the pan. We carry out this procedure 3 times in total. The third time, when the jars are filled with marinade, add vinegar to the top and immediately roll up the lids. This is enough to open a jar of delicious preparation in winter.

Horseradish cannot be rolled up like ordinary preparations. The sauce is prepared without heat treatment, and when seamed, botulism bacteria may form in it.

Adjika can also be prepared without heat treatment. In any case, salt acts as a natural preservative, and the absence of cooking allows you to preserve vitamins. I would like to tell you how to prepare this vigorous adjika from horseradish with tomatoes and garlic. The spicy ingredients in the sauce have an antimicrobial effect, relieving colds and flu.

From this quantity of products you will get approximately 2.5 liters of sauce.


Tomatoes – 2.5-3 kg;

Bell pepper – 1 kg;

Hot pepper – 1 piece;

Horseradish – 2-3 roots;

Garlic – 2-3 heads;

Salt – 50 gr.

Wash and dry the vegetables. Cut the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut into large pieces. We clean the sweet peppers and hot peppers from seeds, remove the stalks and chop them coarsely. Peel the horseradish roots and garlic, divide the horseradish into several parts.

Now grind all the vegetables with a meat grinder, add salt and stir. The sauce is ready, distribute it into jars or bottles. This recipe for adjika with horseradish and tomatoes and garlic is prepared very quickly and does not require much effort.

It is better to store horseradish and adjika without heat treatment for more than six months. Then the sauce loses its taste.

Horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and garlic has many names. Some even call her Russian. From time immemorial, horseradish has been grown in Russia. Its root is an excellent antimicrobial agent, cleanses both the gastrointestinal tract from infections and can cope with a stuffy nose. It contains more vitamin C than the berry richest in this vitamin – black currant. Eating horseradish helps cleanse the blood, restore appetite, lower blood sugar levels, and horseradish root also has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and stomach. But keep in mind that horseradish has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines in the absence of diseases such as gastritis, duodenal ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Horseradish is the favorite sauce of the male gender. Men really like to put a heaping spoonful of seasoning on cutlets or potatoes, and, bursting into tears of emotion, eat what they got. To please your beloved men, prepare for them tomatoes with horseradish and garlic recipe.


Tomatoes – 1 kg;

Large bell pepper – 2 pcs;

Horseradish – 80 gr;

Garlic – 40 gr;

Salt – 1.5 teaspoons;

Sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Wash and dry the vegetables. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the stems. We cut the peppers, remove the seeds and tails. Peel the garlic cloves and horseradish root. We cut the horseradish into 2-3 pieces for ease of processing. Now we twist all the vegetables with a meat grinder. Leave the horseradish last for chopping.

After this, add salt and sugar to the rolled mixture and stir. Let it sit for a day and fill small jars.

To prepare horseradish sauce, choose varieties of tomatoes with fleshy flesh to reduce the amount of moisture. Plum tomatoes or the Ox Heart variety will be good, but it is best to use red fleshy tomatoes - the shade of the finished sauce directly depends on the intensity of the color.

Adjika is also prepared in different ways. Housewives are inventing more and more new sauce recipes. Here's this one adjika with horseradish and tomatoes without garlic It is prepared very unusually for lovers of classical performance.

You will need:

Tomatoes –2.5 kg;

Carrots – 1 kg;

Sweet pepper – 1 kg;

Sour hard apples – 1 kg;

Garlic – 250 gr;

Hot pepper – 2 pods;

Sugar – 150 gr;

Salt – 1/4 cup;

Sunflower oil – 150 g;

Vinegar 9% – 150 ml.

First of all, wash the vegetables well, dry them and cut them into large pieces. Remove seeds and stems from peppers (both sweet and hot) before slicing. Remove the skin from the horseradish roots with a knife or potato peeler and peel the garlic cloves. Grind tomatoes, sweet peppers, juicy carrots, sour apples, hot peppers, garlic cloves and horseradish with a meat grinder.

Mix everything in a saucepan, light a small fire under it and let the mixture cook for one hour. After this time, salt and sugar the adjika, add vegetable oil. We additionally squeeze the garlic through a press and add it to the sauce. This should only be done if you want to give the adjika even more spice. Then boil the sauce for another 15 minutes and fill the jars. We close the lids to roll them up and turn them over onto the lids and place them under the blanket. The jars are left to cool overnight, and in the morning they can be put away in a storage area.

To prepare garlic and horseradish for stuffing, puree them in a blender. This will be faster than cutting with a knife, but it won’t turn the vegetables into mush, like using a meat grinder.

I recently tried a recipe in which green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic were in the company. It turned out to be spicy, but very tasty, and with an irresistible force I was drawn to the jars again and again. All the same, after picking ripened tomatoes from the bushes, their green friends remain, which will not have time to turn red. So that you can put them to work, and so that they also turn out delicious, try repeating this recipe.


green tomatoes,

horseradish root,

garlic and a bunch of parsley.

Marinade: water – 1 liter,

sugar – 3/4 cup,

salt – 2 tablespoons,

vinegar 6% - 3/4 cup.

The amount of vegetables is not indicated, because I always cook by eye. Wash the vegetables and dry them. Now cut each tomato into 4 parts, without cutting all the way through. It turns out to be a kind of flower with 4 petals. Horseradish and garlic are either cut into small cubes or chopped using a blender. We stuff each tomato with garlic and horseradish, and place it in sterilized jars with the “petals” facing up. Sprinkle a layer of tomatoes with parsley and fill the entire jar.

It's time for the marinade. The indicated amount of water, granulated sugar and salt is enough for two 1.5 liter jars. Pour water into the pan, put it on the fire and wait for it to boil, after which you can turn off the fire. Pour salt and sugar into the pan, stir until the grains dissolve. Now pour out the vinegar and fill the jars of tomatoes with marinade.

The jars should be rolled up, but it is better not to turn them upside down, so as not to disturb the beauty in them. By the way, if for some reason you have unused tomatoes left, you can cut them into halves and put them in jars without filling. While filling, sprinkle the tomatoes with parsley, garlic and horseradish, then pour in the hot marinade. After rolling, the workpiece prepared in this way can already be turned over onto the lids. Leave the jars to stand for a month and you can try what happened as a result.

Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Peel the horseradish roots and soak them for 1 hour in cold water. While the root is soaking, let's start with the tomatoes. For horseradish, it is better to choose varieties that have less moisture. Cut them into large pieces and then grind them using a meat grinder. We also pass garlic through it, and then horseradish. Mix the resulting mass together and add salt, hot pepper, granulated sugar and vegetable oil. Mix again and taste what comes out – if it’s too spicy, then dilute it with crushed tomatoes. If you are satisfied with the taste of the sauce, then fill the jars with it and close the lids. That's all. Can be put away for storage.

The first time after cooking, the sauce is very spicy, so it is impossible to eat it. Leave the horseradish to stand for a month and it will become soft.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic without horseradish is very tasty. Yes, this is such a paradox. The sauce is moderately spicy, very similar in consistency to ketchup. It is called tsitsibeli, and comes from Greece, where it is quite popular as an addition to meat.

In Rus', one of the most popular snacks was called “horseradish”. It probably achieved its popularity due to its beneficial antimicrobial properties and bright, spicy sensations. This snack is also called boiled horseradish, and this option will allow you to preserve the preparation longer. This recipe for tomato “horseradish” for the winter can be stored for a long time. The main thing is to keep it out of sight, because when you see such deliciousness, your hand automatically reaches for the jar...

So, let's prepare:

  • Horseradish, root: 200 g;
  • Tomatoes: 3 kg;
  • Garlic: 2 medium heads or 10 cloves;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper: 400 g;
  • Salt: 3 tbsp;
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp;
  • Black pepper (ground).

Wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters and grind through a meat grinder. Pour into a thick-bottomed saucepan or cauldron and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut as convenient. Soak the garlic in water and peel. Peel the horseradish and chop it coarsely. Grind all this in a meat grinder and combine with tomato puree. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Add salt, pepper, sugar to the horseradish, adjust the taste, and boil. Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

Bon appetit!

Horseradish: a recipe for preparing for the winter without cooking with aspirin

A recipe for making horseradish without cooking for the winter with aspirin is an unusual snack option that is guaranteed to be stored in the refrigerator.

The snack is so common that it began to be produced industrially. But many housewives still prefer to do it themselves. There are a wide variety of recipes for this sauce. It is easy to prepare and does not require a long list of ingredients. The basis is always the use of fresh horseradish root, tomatoes (only red or red and green mixed), and garlic. All elements are ground into puree, and then salt and pepper are added to them. Due to horseradish and garlic, the seasoning has a long shelf life, even in the refrigerator.

Let's prepare:

  • Horseradish root;
  • Garlic (head);
  • Tomatoes (1kg, ripe, juicy, whole);
  • Sugar

We sterilize the dishes. This amount will yield about 1 liter of horseradish. It is better to take a small container.

We take horseradish root, clean it, wash it and cut it into pieces.

We peel the garlic. You can pre-soak it - things will go faster.

Wash the tomatoes, cut out the stem, cut into 4 parts.

Now the hardest part is chopping the horseradish. We put a plastic bag on the meat grinder, under the nut that tightens it, and another one on top of it. You can get by with just one. We lock our children, husband and pets in the farthest room, otherwise we cannot do without tears. We ourselves will have to cry a little - horseradish is very tear-producing. Cover the bowl with horseradish with a bag.

We also chop the garlic and tomatoes in a meat grinder. Combine with horseradish, add salt and sugar. Pour into jars. For better storage, add an aspirin tablet. But this is an option (aspirin is not safe). Let's roll up. We store it in the refrigerator all winter.

Horseradish for the winter: Ogonyok recipes

A very unchildish spicy dish received such an affectionate name. It is also called “cobra”, “gyurza”, “hrenoder”. This seasoning has long been known in the Urals and Siberia. It provides excellent warmth during the cold season and also prevents ARVI. It can be served with all main courses; it goes especially well with dumplings or pasta.

Recipe for horseradish for the winter “Ogonyok”:

  • Ripe red tomatoes or red and green tomatoes, proportion 5:2 (total 5 kg);
  • Bell pepper (10 pcs.);
  • Horseradish, root (500 g is enough);
  • Garlic (300-400 g);
  • Hot pepper (5 pages);
  • Salt (7 tablespoons without a slide).

What are we doing?

  • We clean the horseradish and add it in cold water. An alternative is to freeze it in advance.
  • Wash the tomatoes and cut them into halves or quarters.
  • Garlic can be soaked and then peeled.
  • We clean the bell pepper, remove the seeds and wash it.
  • Remove seeds from chili peppers.
  • To avoid watery eyes due to the pungency of horseradish, we put the bag on the meat grinder and secure it tightly. Let's scroll through the horseradish. We do not remove the polyethylene. Next, grind the hot and sweet peppers and garlic.
  • Place the mixture in a large bowl or pan and cover tightly with a lid. Now we grind the tomatoes and send them there.
  • Salt. Leave for 60 minutes.
  • We wash and sterilize jars and lids. It is advisable to choose small containers.
  • We package and roll up. Store in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

A general rule for all “horseradish” recipes: the ratio of tomatoes and horseradish in the appetizer changes the overall taste and spiciness of the dish. If there is more horseradish, as well as garlic, then the horseradish becomes spicier. If you need a less spicy seasoning, then you need to add more tomatoes. You can also grate 1 Antonovka apple. The acidity of the sauce can also be adjusted, then add sugar to taste.

Often, for better storage, vegetable oil is poured under the lid as a buffer to prevent microbes from multiplying. When used, the oil is drained. This method is used not only in horseradish, but also in other winter sauces, for example, tkemali.

For variety, you can add cucumbers minced in a meat grinder to the “light”. To do this, it is better to take large cucumbers and first peel them. Add cucumber puree to taste.

“Ogonyok” with plum

It’s already autumn, the time for preservation is ending, and you still don’t have a single seasoning? Then the simplest and most common recipe is horseradish! Fast and tasty. Your family will appreciate it.

Another interesting version of horseradish with plum. In this recipe you will need:

  • Horseradish (100 g);
  • Tomatoes (1 kg);
  • Plums (100 g);
  • Garlic (1 goal);
  • Salt (to taste);
  • Sugar (2 tbsp).

You need to remove the skin from the plums (you can first dip them in boiling water, then in cold water). Prepare the remaining ingredients as indicated in the first recipe. And grind them. Add salt and sugar. Place into jars and seal.

Cooking horseradish at home for the winter without tomatoes

Beetroot and plum cherry

The combination of beets and plums in an appetizer gives a new taste and consistency. Cooking horseradish at home for the winter without tomatoes is an interesting option, shall we cook it?

To do this, let's take:

  • Horseradish root: 150 g;
  • Plums: 100 g;
  • Beets: 900 g;
  • Vinegar: 3 tbsp;
  • Sunflower oil: 3 tbsp;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt and sugar: 2 tbsp each.

Let's get started.

  1. Boil young beets directly in their skins for 40 minutes, cool, peel and cut.
  2. We pass the peeled horseradish root through a meat grinder, as indicated in the previous recipe.
  3. Remove the pits from the plums, peel them and grind them in a meat grinder.
  4. Mix everything, add salt, sugar, pepper, vegetable oil.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat, drain excess liquid, pour in vinegar and stir.
  6. Pour into jars and seal them. Jars and lids must be sterilized and dried to prevent bacteria from multiplying.
  7. This recipe is interesting because the sauce can be used on its own, or as a dressing for first courses (borscht, beetroot soup, cabbage soup).

Lemon horseradish (raw)

Horseradish can be dried and ground into powder. Then the vitamins will be preserved in it. You can use horseradish powder to make lemon horseradish. Then, in terms of the amount of nutrients, it will be a real vitamin bomb! You will need:

  • Dry ground horseradish: 300g;
  • Lemon: 1 pc.;
  • Garlic: 6 cloves.
  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, remove and grate the zest on a fine grater.
  2. Soak horseradish powder in lemon juice.
  3. Mix the mixture with zest, grated garlic and salt.

And in the end, let us remind you that the cook is a bit of a magician. He knows how to change the taste of the most ordinary dishes by adding a little hot sauce to them. Horseradish is an ideal version of this seasoning. We wish you bon appetit!

Is it possible to freeze horseradish for the winter?

Horseradish is a very hot seasoning with a simple composition. In fact, the required ingredients are tomatoes and horseradish. The combination of fresh vegetables requires a preservative, and a natural question arises: is it possible to freeze horseradish for the winter? Those who tried it in cold weather say: “This is what a person yearns for in winter!” They do it like this.

  • Take horseradish root (100 g), peel, wash and grind in a meat grinder.
  • Peel the garlic (100 g), wash it and grate it.
  • Wash tomatoes (1 kg), dip in boiling water, then in cold water and remove the skin. Grind in a meat grinder.
  • Mix everything. Add 2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. The damn thing is ready!

Experienced housewives freeze the sauce in the freezer, always in small portions. This is very convenient - it doesn’t clutter the refrigerator with jars, and you don’t have to be afraid that the product will ferment. They use 0.5 or 1 liter plastic bottles and mayonnaise buckets. You need to defrost at room temperature. After defrosting, the taste does not change at all, but the sauce becomes a little thinner.

There is another freezing option. Only grated horseradish pulp is frozen. In winter, take it out, add garlic and pickled or frozen tomatoes. To freeze, choose any recipe for horseradish from tomatoes; prepare more of it for the winter - it’s very convenient. And it turns out very tasty!

Step 1: .

Place the garlic on a cutting board and, using a knife, separate the cloves from the head. Then we lightly press down the component with the tip of a handy tool and peel it off. Rinse the cloves under running water and place on a clean plate.

Step 2: .

Wash the horseradish root thoroughly under running water, wipe with kitchen paper towels and place on a cutting board. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from the component and then cut into medium pieces. Transfer the chopped horseradish to a free plate.

Step 3: .

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the place where the tail was attached. Now cut the ingredients into four parts and place them in a medium bowl.

Step 4: .

Before canning a horseradish snack, we need to sterilize the jars with lids so that the sauce does not turn sour. Therefore, first of all, we thoroughly rinse everything under running warm water, using a kitchen sponge and detergent. Important: We process the jars until they begin to creak unless you run wet fingers along the inner walls. This will be a sign that we have completely washed off the detergent, and now there will be no foreign odors or tastes in the sauce.

Immediately after, place the jars with lids in a large saucepan and fill it with regular cold tap water so that the liquid completely covers the contents. Place the container on medium heat. As soon as the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat to maximum and boil the jars with lids for 7–10 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the burner and carefully transfer the contents onto a clean cloth towel, which we cover the kitchen table with in advance. Important: We place the jars upside down so that they gradually cool and no dirt gets into them.

Step 5: prepare a horseradish snack for the winter.

Place tomatoes, horseradish pieces and garlic in portions into a blender bowl. Using the turbo mode, grind all the ingredients until they form a homogeneous mass.

When the mixture is ready, pour it into a large, deep bowl. Add salt here to taste. Now, using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly and taste. If you find the horseradish appetizer not spicy or salty enough, then add a little more salt and garlic to it. Grind the last component separately in a blender and only then pour it into a bowl. Mix everything well again and move on to the final stage of preparing the sauce.

Using a ladle, pour the snack into sterilized glass jars and close the lids tightly. Important: To prevent the mass from turning sour, cover its surface with one centimeter of vegetable oil. Now we put the containers in the refrigerator and let it brew for a day.

Step 6: Serve horseradish appetizer for the winter.

When the horseradish snack has infused, take it out of the refrigerator and transfer it from the jar to a deep bowl. We serve the sauce at the dinner table with fried potatoes, bread, various types of meat dishes, as well as jellied meat, saltison and various other foods that you like along with this unforgettable spicy appetizer!
Enjoy your meal!

Due to the fact that horseradish appetizer is prepared without heat treatment, it retains much more nutrients and vitamins than other sauces. The only thing to protect yourself from the dish turning sour is to cover it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. In the event that you do not want to wait for winter, but want to enjoy the snack now, you can do without fat;

In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can also add dried basil, oregano, ground coriander, tarragon, and a mixture of peppers to the appetizer to taste;

If you like dishes with a little sparkle, then in addition to horseradish and garlic, you can add a couple of small chili peppers to the sauce;

If you don’t have a blender at hand, don’t worry, because a meat grinder will come to your aid instead. In this case, use this kitchen appliance only with a fine wire rack and be sure to put a food-grade plastic bag on the end. To do this, you need to tie the bag with a bow. This method will protect you from getting juice in your eyes and burning your hands.

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