Recipe for horseradish tomato snacks for the winter. The classic recipe for horseradish (horserader): why it doesn’t get any hotter, and why does a cook need a gas mask. To prepare you will need

Most of all, the horseradish appetizer made from tomatoes with horseradish is liked, of course, by men. An unusually hot, hearty horseradish tomato appetizer for the winter is also suitable for those who cannot imagine their life without hot sauces. There are so many names this crappy winter snack has. She is called the gorloder, and the tear-out eye, and the spark, and even the cobra. The reason for this is the extraordinary spiciness of the dish. But most often you can hear the name horseradish appetizer made from tomatoes with horseradish or horseradish, due to the very large amount of horseradish in the recipe.

I got this recipe for horseradish tomato appetizer from my dad. He knows better than anyone else how to prepare a horseradish appetizer so that the end result is an amazingly delicious sauce. Dad’s recipe for horseradish appetizer is very simple and straightforward, but the proportions of tomato, horseradish and garlic are chosen perfectly! We open the first jars of the horseradish snack for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

This horseradish tomato and horseradish appetizer goes best with homemade sausage, boiled pork and festive jellied meat. Do you already want to quickly prepare this crappy winter snack with garlic? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to prepare a horseradish tomato appetizer.


  • 2 kg tomatoes,
  • 250 g hot pepper,
  • 250 g garlic,
  • 250 g horseradish,
  • 1 glass of vinegar,
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of salt (not heaped).

How to make a horseradish snack:

Peel the pepper, garlic and horseradish. During this procedure, do not touch your face with your hands, otherwise it will start to burn. It’s best to prepare the dish while wearing gloves.

Wash the tomatoes. Cut in half and remove the core as for juicing.

Grind everything in a meat grinder - tomatoes, peppers, garlic, horseradish.

Transfer the mixture into a deep saucepan so that it is convenient to stir. Add sugar, vinegar and salt as required in the recipe for horseradish tomato snack for the winter.

Mix everything. Taste it. You may need a little more salt or sugar. Wash the soda cans. There is no need to sterilize them. For this amount of ingredients you will need approximately 3 liter jars. Place the horseradish tomato appetizer in them. Cover with a nylon lid. Store in the refrigerator.

You can rest assured that the sauce will not ferment or spoil, unless, of course, you keep the horseradish tomato and horseradish appetizer in the cold all the time. The dish contains enough vinegar. In addition, it contains such a large amount of horseradish, garlic and pepper, which themselves are preservatives, that the dish simply cannot spoil.

Despite the spiciness, this horseradish winter appetizer with garlic is quite a healthy dish. Horseradish, hot peppers and garlic will prevent you from catching the virus in winter, will help strengthen your immune system, lower sugar levels and even cleanse your blood. However, be careful. It is recommended to use it in very moderate quantities and only if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

A special feature of Russian national cuisine is the great variety of spicy seasonings, one of which, horseradish, is extremely popular. This wonderful seasoning sauce, horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, goes well with a variety of dishes and is easy to prepare.

All modern cooking recipes are based on the basics: ripe tomatoes, horseradish root, garlic, salt and sugar. The amount of vegetables may vary depending on the desired end result. You just have to remember that tomatoes should make up more than half of the total weight of the food. The amount of garlic and horseradish per 1 kilogram of tomatoes can vary from 100 to 500 grams.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic - food preparation and basic seasoning recipe

An appetizer of horseradish with tomatoes and garlic is prepared very quickly and simply, and does not require any special equipment. In order to prepare a snack, you will need the usual things that are in any kitchen: a meat grinder, both manual and electric (you can use a food processor instead); small glass containers and lids, you can use both screw and regular ones.

When preparing, you must adhere to the general recommendations - sterilize the jars and boil the lids.

Jars are sterilized in different ways: steamed or in boiling water. Then they are dried, and the adjika is laid out using sterilized equipment.

Many cooking options make it possible to add apples, plums, carrots and other ingredients to adjika made from horseradish and tomatoes with garlic. But the general principles of preparation remain the same everywhere.

So, the classic recipe is based on ripe red tomatoes, ripened garlic, horseradish roots and salt. In this case, there are two main methods of preparation. First: all vegetables are chopped in a meat grinder or using a food processor. You need to mix them and place them in glass containers. Store this seasoning in a cool place for no more than 3 months. The second method differs only in that all crushed products are boiled or pasteurized in a water bath for 40 minutes.

You can take not only red tomatoes, but also yellow ones. If apples or plums are added to horseradish, they usually use unsweetened varieties. It will be better if the apples are green and slightly sour. The same can be said about plums. It is believed that to prepare high-quality horseradish seasoning with tomatoes and garlic, horseradish should be dug only in the second half of autumn or early spring, before the first thunderstorm. Such roots are the most useful, since by this time they acquire the desired strong taste.

Recipe 1: Classic horseradish with tomatoes and garlic


A kilogram of ripe thick-walled tomatoes;

60 grams of horseradish roots;

1-2 large garlic heads;

3 teaspoons salt;

1 teaspoon sugar.

Cooking method

First of all, let's prepare everything you need. Wash and dry the tomatoes. We thoroughly clean the horseradish roots and wash them in running water. Divide the garlic into cloves and peel.

We pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, then the garlic (it can be passed through the garlic grinder). Now we scroll through the horseradish roots.

Mix all the crushed ingredients and add sugar and salt to the mixture, mix everything again. We transfer the snack to dry glass containers, close it and put it in a permanent storage place - in the refrigerator. This snack can be stored for up to a month.

Recipe 2: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic based on vegetable oil


200 grams of peeled horseradish roots;

2 kilograms of red and well-ripened tomatoes;

200 grams of garlic;

1 tablespoon each of sugar and salt (coarse grain);

3 tablespoons table vinegar;

half a glass of sunflower oil.

Cooking method

We clean and wash the horseradish roots well. Fill with cold water and leave to soak for one hour.

After an hour, put the horseradish into a meat grinder and mix with grated garlic, let it brew.

At this time, wash the tomatoes and rub them through a meat grinder, preferably 2 times in a row. Add salt, sugar and mix. We put all this into a saucepan and put it on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for about half an hour.

Then pour vinegar and oil of vegetable origin into the boiling mixture. After 10 minutes, add garlic mixed with horseradish to this mixture.

Mix everything together thoroughly and remove from heat.

The cooked appetizer of horseradish, tomatoes and garlic is poured into sterilized small jars.

All that remains is to roll up the lids and put them in storage. Such crap is stored longer, and vegetable oil prevents it from souring and prevents the appearance of mold.

Recipe 3: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic with plums


300 grams of peeled horseradish roots;

1 kilogram of ripe red tomatoes;

200 grams of garlic;

200 grams of sour plum;

1 tablespoon each of sugar and salt;

100 grams of table vinegar.

Cooking method

The process of preparing horseradish with tomatoes and garlic with the addition of plums does not take much time: wash and dry all prepared products.

We pass tomatoes, garlic, plums and horseradish roots into a meat grinder. Mix everything, add salt, sugar and vinegar.

Place in jars and store in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.

The mixture can be boiled, then it can be stored longer. The appetizer will perfectly complement any dish with its spicy, slightly sour taste and pleasant plum aroma.

Recipe 4: Horseradish with tomatoes, garlic and pepper


300 grams of horseradish;

2 kilograms of red tomatoes;

1 kilogram of red sweet pepper;

300 grams of red hot pepper;

300 grams of garlic;

1 glass of salt;

1 glass of table vinegar.

Cooking method

We wash and dry the vegetables. Peel the pepper, both bitter and sweet, from seeds, peel the garlic and divide it into slices, peel the skin from the horseradish. First, grind the tomatoes into a meat grinder. Next, we do the same with garlic, pepper and horseradish.

All prepared products are thoroughly mixed with each other.

Add vinegar and salt to the prepared mixture and mix everything again. Let it sit for a short time.

We drain the excess liquid that appears on top, and pour the remaining mass into sterilized small containers.

You can close it with regular nylon lids. The prepared appetizer of horseradish, tomatoes, garlic and pepper should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably on the bottom shelf.

Recipe 5: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic with the addition of apples


5 small horseradish rhizomes;

3 medium-sized garlic heads;

2 kilograms of tomatoes;

1 kilogram of apples;

1 small spoon of vinegar essence;

salt, sugar, ground hot pepper and other seasonings to taste.

Cooking method

As in other cases of preparing horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, all vegetables are thoroughly washed and dried.

It is better to take green apples that have a slightly sour taste. Tomatoes, garlic and horseradish roots are passed through a meat grinder. Rub the peeled apples into a fine grater. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture, namely salt, sugar, ground pepper and vinegar.

Mix everything again and put it on low heat. After boiling, cook the mixture for 5 minutes and leave to cool.

After the appetizer is completely cold, pour it into pre-prepared dishes. We roll up the lids and place them in a permanent storage place, preferably in the dark.

Recipe 6: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic – Vyatka horseradish


1 kilogram of ripe fleshy tomatoes;

1 fairly large horseradish root;

100 grams of garlic (you can use dried garlic);

salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method

The Vyatka horseradish, horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, prepared from the listed products, got its name from the name of the place from where the snack became widespread.

The recipe is reminiscent of the classic version, since only the main ingredients for horseradish are used in the preparation, without any additives.

Washed and dried tomatoes are crushed with a meat grinder.

If you take fresh garlic cloves during the cooking process, be sure to chop them in any way; if dry, just add the powder to the rolled tomatoes.

The horseradish root is crushed last. All components are mixed, salt and sugar are added and the mixture is placed in glass containers.

Recipe 7: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic “Thistle”


1 kilogram of hot pepper;

1 kilogram of garlic;

1 kilogram of tomatoes;

1 large horseradish root;

1 cup apple cider vinegar;

salt to taste.

Cooking method

Washed, dried and peeled vegetables are passed through a meat grinder twice. Horseradish is chopped last.

Mix everything and add vinegar and salt. Now leave the seasoning for 12 hours. During this time, excess liquid will separate, which must be carefully drained from the total mass.

The remaining mixture should have a fairly thick consistency. We put it in small jars and close the lids. “Thistle,” prepared correctly, can be stored for up to one and a half years, preferably in a dark and cool place, such as a cellar.

The appetizer turns out to be very spicy and is added to the main dish very carefully.

Recipe 8: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic “Ogonyok”


2 kilograms of ripe tomatoes;

half a kilo of horseradish;

120 grams of garlic;

half a kilo of bell pepper;

half a kilo of green apples;

half a kilo of carrots;

100 grams of hot ground pepper;

250 grams of sunflower oil;

50 grams each of parsley and dill;

2 tablespoons of diluted vinegar;

salt to taste.

Cooking method

First of all, prepare the vegetables. Wash the tomatoes, wash and peel the peppers, carrots, horseradish root, garlic, apples.

Grind all the prepared vegetables in a meat grinder, mix thoroughly and put on low heat.

Cook for an hour. Now add vegetable oil, hot pepper, salt and vinegar. Cook for another hour.

Finally, add finely chopped herbs to the resulting seasoning. Turn off the heat and immediately pour the mixture into small sterilized jars, cover with lids and turn over.

After the seasoning has cooled, put it in a cool place for storage.

Recipe 9: Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic “Tomato sauce”


1 kilogram of well-ripened tomatoes;

2-3 strong horseradish rhizomes;

80 grams of rolled garlic mass;

Salt to taste and desire

Cooking method

During the cooking process, take red ripe tomatoes and grind them into a meat grinder. You can, of course, use brown or yellow tomatoes, but it is advisable to use red ones.

We wash the horseradish rhizomes, peel them and also put them into a meat grinder. We peel the garlic and press it into the garlic press.

We quickly stir all the ingredients, add salt and pepper as you wish and, without boiling, place them in a clean, sterilized, dry glass container.

  • To process horseradish and other snack components, it is better to use a manual meat grinder. Moreover, horseradish is rolled after all other necessary ingredients.
  • Most housewives, when preparing horseradish with tomatoes and garlic, use plastic bags, placing them over the neck of the meat grinder and its grate.
  • Horseradish will stop being so spicy if you soak it in cold water 2 hours before cooking.
  • In order to prepare horseradish with tomatoes and garlic correctly, you need to use horseradish dug up no earlier than mid-autumn. As part of a spicy snack or adjika, horseradish retains its beneficial qualities only for 3-4 weeks. Therefore, it is better to prepare the horseradish roots themselves for future use and make a snack as you eat them.
  • You can also make horseradish from dried horseradish roots. They are dried as follows: the roots are peeled from the rough skin, passed through a meat grinder and dried at low temperature in the oven. After drying, they are ground in a coffee grinder and stored in a glass container.
  • The most common way to prepare horseradish with tomatoes and garlic is the classic one. But by showing your imagination, you can come up with new recipes and get a completely unique taste of this dish.

Horseradish appetizer for the winter is a spicy dish that is prepared with the addition of horseradish root. Of course, not only horseradish, but also other products are often added there. Such as garlic or onions, peppers or tomatoes, as well as eggplants or zucchini. In fact, there are really a lot of recipes for such a spicy and savory snack for the winter, so we will now look at the most popular recipes for preparing such a preparation.

Horseradish snack for the winter with the addition of beets

To prepare such a preparation you will need to take the following products:

  • Freshly dug horseradish root - one kilogram;
  • Beets - one kilogram;
  • For the marin you will need to prepare the following products:
  • Water – exactly 4 glasses of filtered or spring water;
  • Vinegar 3% - 2 cups;
  • Salt – 40 grams of salt;
  • Granulated sugar – 40 grams of sugar.

The beets must be washed and placed in a pre-prepared pan with water. Cook the beets for a whole hour, after which you need to peel them and cut them into very thin slices. After fasting you need to chop the horseradish root. Place everything in jars, constantly alternating with prepared horseradish. Fill the contents of the jars with marinade. The jars must be sterilized, which will take at least 20 minutes. Roll everything up.

Horseradish winter snack with tomatoes

To prepare a horseradish snack for the winter with tomatoes, you will need to take the following products:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kilograms;
  • Fresh garlic, you can take any variety – 100 grams;
  • Horseradish root – 200 grams;
  • Sweet bell pepper – 500 grams;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • Add ground pepper to taste.

First you need to take the tomatoes and grind them through a meat grinder. Then put them to cook over medium heat, constantly keeping it all under control, stirring from time to time. Everything should be cooked for 25 minutes after it boils. While you are doing this, you need to peel the horseradish root and run it through either a meat grinder or a blender. The same should be done with garlic and sweet pepper. All this must be mixed into the prepared tomato mass and cooked for 10 minutes. At the very end, before turning it off, you need to add granulated sugar and salt to taste, as well as ground pepper and transfer everything into sterilized jars. Roll everything up.

Horseradish winter snack with carrots

To prepare a horseradish snack for the winter with carrots, you will need to take the following products:

  • Tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • Horseradish root – 100 grams;
  • Garlic – 100 grams;
  • Carrots – 600 grams;
  • Hot pepper - one pod;
  • Vinegar essence 70% - literally 10 drops;
  • Salt to taste.

To begin with, the tomatoes are sorted and washed, cut into large pieces and cooked for half an hour over low heat. After this, rub everything through a sieve and cook for another half hour, but without the skins. Next you need to take horseradish, grind it, add it to the tomatoes. Using a blender, grind the garlic and add it to the tomatoes. The carrots also need to be cut into small pieces and passed through either a meat grinder or a blender. At the very end you will need to add hot pepper and salt. Cook everything for about 30 minutes after adding the last ingredient. Turn off. Add bite in the specified quantity. After this, you need to pour everything into sterilized jars and seal for the winter.

Horseradish snack for the winter - a simple recipe
  • To prepare this horseradish snack you will need to take the following products:
    3 liters of tomato sauce obtained from fresh tomatoes minced through a meat grinder;
  • Peeled garlic cloves - one glass;
  • Rolled horseradish - one tablespoon;
  • Salt – 100 grams of salt;

Everything needs to be ground, mixed, and then left for about one hour at room temperature to infuse. After that, you need to take the jars that you have already washed and sterilized in advance, pour this mixture into them and put them in the refrigerator. It stores very well without the slightest temperature treatment, you just don’t need to take a snack from it with a spoon, but pour out as much as you need for use.

To prepare this recipe for horseradish snacks for the winter, you will need to take the following products:

  • Horseradish roots – 600 grams;
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
  • Water – 0.8 liters

First you need to thoroughly wash the horseradish roots. After this you need to cut it all into very small pieces. Fill the pieces with regular filtered water one at a time. After this, you can take and twist the roots prepared in this way either in a meat grinder or in a blender. Next, you need to fill everything with the required amount of boiling water. Once it cools down, add a little sugar and vinegar, salt. Cover everything with sterilized lids and place in a saucepan with water to sterilize. After boiling, it will be enough to hold it in hot water for 20 minutes. After this, roll everything up, cool, and store only in the cold.

Horseradish winter snack with lemons

To prepare horseradish snacks for the winter with the addition of lemons, you will need to take the following products in advance:

  • Horseradish root - approximately 1.5 kilograms;
  • Salt - a tablespoon;
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  • Large lemon - one piece.

The horseradish root needs to be washed and then peeled. Grind it through a meat grinder. Immediately mix the required amount of salt and granulated sugar, then be sure to pour boiling water over everything. Mix everything as quickly as possible until it becomes something like a paste. After this, you need to put everything into very clean jars, and pour a teaspoon of lemon juice into each. Seal tightly and store refrigerated.

Horseradish spicy snack for the winter

To prepare such a very spicy horseradish snack for the winter without cooking, you will need to take:

  • Horseradish - half a kilo;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Beetroot juice – 4 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons.

The beet juice will need to be boiled. Horseradish must be washed, peeled, grated and mixed with cooled beet juice and salt. Place everything in jars that you have sterilized in advance and compact it very tightly. Then fill it all with vegetable oil so that it is about 2 centimeters above the horseradish. Close and put in the refrigerator, the workpiece is stored very well.

Horseradish is a spicy sauce made from crushed tomatoes, horseradish, garlic and salt. All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. Black, red, sweet, bell peppers, granulated sugar, table vinegar, and carrots can also be added. Horseradish is very common in the Urals and can have other names, for example, horseradish, gorloder, ogonyok, horseradish appetizer, Siberian adjika.

The tomatoes in the horseradish recipe are red, less often green, and their quantity can vary depending on what level of spiciness you want to achieve. The more tomatoes, the less spicy. Store the snack in a cool place; the snack can stay in the refrigerator for a long time even without being preserved. Horseradish and garlic are excellent preservatives and the more of them in the sauce, the better and longer it will be stored. Horseradish is often served with dumplings, other meat and simply savory dishes. Some particularly ardent fans of horseradish spread it on bread.

It is worth noting the health benefits of horseradish, this sauce is an excellent antimicrobial agent, it protects against colds, lowers blood sugar levels, regulates the excretory system, and even improves appetite. In terms of vitamin C content, horseradish can compete with citrus fruits.

Let's look at several ways to prepare horseradish.

Horseradish recipe with tomatoes and garlic


  • 1 kg of ripe juicy tomatoes,
  • 80 g horseradish,
  • 60 g garlic,
  • a couple of pinches of paprika,
  • 3 tsp salt,
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

Horseradish roots must be young. The old root is easy to distinguish - it is yellow and loose, such a root is not suitable. If you wish, you can peel the tomatoes before cooking; this is very simple to do - pour boiling water over them for 2-3 minutes, and then simply peel them like boiled potatoes. After this, place the tomatoes in a food processor bowl or grind through a meat grinder. Add salt, sugar, ground paprika. Although, if the tomatoes are from your home garden, you may not need sugar at all.

Wash and peel the horseradish roots. Now it needs to be crushed. Using a meat grinder is not very convenient, since the knives constantly get clogged, and you often have to disassemble the entire structure. It is much more convenient to use a food processor. The garlic cloves need to be peeled and also chopped, you can pass them through a special press.

Now mix all the prepared ingredients, place them in pre-prepared sterile jars and screw the lids on tightly. No need to sterilize. It is very convenient to use small jars so that the opened preparation will not be stored for long - horseradish will lose its “fiery” qualities. Despite the fact that horseradish is perfectly stored, even in closed jars the properties are lost over time, so you can close several jars with a large amount of horseradish and garlic - you will open these jars last.

How to cook thick horseradish

Some housewives find horseradish made from whole tomatoes watery, so it is made from tomato grounds. Such grounds remain in large quantities after the production of tomato juice using a juicer.

Accompanying ingredients are horseradish, garlic, hot pepper and salt.

If the tomatoes were not the most ripe, then horseradish may turn out to be sour, and in this case it is better to add a little sugar. Grind the horseradish, garlic and hot peppers using a food processor, and if you decide to use a meat grinder, then tears are guaranteed - very caustic and aggressive fumes will come from the ingredients for the sauce. As for the proportions, they are as follows: for 6 liters of tomato mass you need to take:

  • 2 pods of hot pepper,
  • 350 g garlic,
  • 450 g horseradish.

Twisted horseradish, garlic and pepper are added to the already salted tomatoes, everything is mixed and placed in prepared jars. Close the jars with regular nylon lids and put them in the refrigerator; you can store the freezer in this form for about 4 months. If you store the snack longer, it will become less hot. If your horseradish turned out spicier than you planned, then an ordinary grated sour apple, for example, the Antonovka variety, will save the situation.
Sometimes sunflower oil is also added to the freezer so that the top of the workpiece does not become moldy.

Recipe for tomato sauce with butter

The recipe looks like this:


  • 1.5 kg tomatoes,
  • 250 g horseradish,
  • 250 g garlic,
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 3 tbsp. salt,
  • sunflower oil to taste.

Cooking process:

Horseradish roots need to be thoroughly washed and then peeled. Also peel the garlic and cut each tomato into 4 pieces. Start twisting the horseradish through the meat grinder, and to prevent the caustic fumes from irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes, you can use a little trick - put a plastic bag on the meat grinder and secure it with an elastic band. After the horseradish, twist the tomatoes and garlic. In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, garlic and horseradish, add sugar, salt, mix well. Place horseradish into prepared jars and pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top of each jar to form a film of 2-3 mm. You can screw the jars with regular screw caps or nylon caps. Such a freezer is stored in the refrigerator throughout the winter.

Other horseradish recipes

There are several other ways to prepare horseradish and they differ not only in proportions, but also in the list of ingredients. You can try this recipe:

for 1 kg of tomatoes, take 300 g of garlic and horseradish, 1 tbsp. salt and sugar, ½ tsp. vinegar 9%.
All ingredients are crushed and mixed.

Horseradish with garlic without tomatoes

There is a garlic horseradish. No tomatoes are added here, take 1 kg of horseradish and garlic, as well as salt (1 tbsp) and sugar (2 tbsp), chop and mix.

For Vyatka horseradish, take 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 large horseradish root, 100 g of garlic, salt and sugar. There can also be plum horseradish: 1 kg of tomatoes, 100 g of horseradish and plums, 1 head of garlic, salt and sugar to taste.

Horseradish “Table” includes: 1.5 kg of horseradish, 1 tbsp. salt, 3 tbsp. sugar and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. The appetizer is prepared as follows: horseradish roots are twisted through a meat grinder, then mixed with salt and sugar, and poured with boiling water. After dividing the resulting mixture into jars, add a few drops of lemon juice to each and screw on the lids.

A horseradish snack with the promising name “Thistle” includes 1 kg of hot pepper, garlic, tomatoes, 200 ml of natural apple cider vinegar, 1 large horseradish root, salt to taste. All ingredients are crushed, poured with vinegar and infused for 10-12 hours. Then the snack is placed in clean, dry jars, screwed on with lids and stored in the cold.

If you want to prepare horseradish with carrots, then prepare the following ingredients: for 2 kg of tomatoes, take 100 g of horseradish root and garlic, 600 g of carrots, 1 pod of Ogonyok pepper, 10 drops of 70% vinegar, salt to taste.

If you want to prepare chrenoder with sweet peppers, then take: 3 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of sweet peppers, 2-3 hot peppers, 150 g of garlic, salt, sugar and spices (ground pepper) to taste.

Even if you are intimidated by the nuances of preparing horseradish appetizers, still take courage. Besides the fact that you'll have a few jars of excellent hot sauce, you and your loved ones will forget what seasonal colds are.

Bon appetit!

Classic horseradish made from tomatoes, horseradish and garlic for the winter, recipe with photos

What is hidden behind the romantic name “crap”? What is it and what is it eaten with? Here it is, the great and mighty Russian language. Don’t get me wrong, horseradish is not a bad dish that the unfortunate housewife didn’t make. This is a very tasty spicy seasoning sauce made from tomatoes, garlic and, of course, horseradish. This dish is a traditional Russian dish, common in Siberia and the Urals. Classic horseradish is similar to raw adjika with tomatoes, a recipe with a photo of which can be viewed at the link. But in adjika, the main ingredient is tomatoes and chili peppers, and in horseradish, horseradish is responsible for the piquancy. In addition to horseradish, garlic gives the sauce its spiciness; in some recipes, ground black and red pepper is added. The appetizer is also called chrenoder, gorloder, spark, cobra, tear out your eye. It is impossible to eat especially spicy versions of the sauce without tears, but how healthy it is! Horseradish is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent; when combined with garlic, it will kill any microbe. True, such a spicy snack is not suitable for everyone: this hot sauce is contraindicated for children and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, so please be careful. Tomatoes are a source of fiber, pectin, organic acids, vitamins and much more. By increasing the concentration of tomatoes and reducing the amount of horseradish to suit your taste, you will achieve the spiciness that you like.

How to cook horseradish? As for adjika, aromatic, fleshy, dark red tomatoes are used. Ripe tomatoes can be partially replaced with green ones: the benefits are no less, but the taste is more piquant. The number of tomatoes regulates the spiciness: the more there are, the softer the horseradish. An important point: it is the horseradish root that is used; cucumber leaves or horseradish in a jar will not work. At home, the spicy snack is prepared very quickly. Just grind the vegetables in a meat grinder and add spices. I offer you step-by-step instructions for preparing horseradish.


  • 1 kg of meaty tomatoes;
  • 100 g peeled garlic;
  • 100 g horseradish root;
  • 2 tsp without a hill of salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp 9% vinegar.

A classic recipe for making horseradish with tomatoes, horseradish and garlic for the winter

1. Cut the tomatoes a little and immerse them in boiling water for 10 minutes. This will help us quickly separate the skin. Sometimes tomatoes go into the meat grinder unpeeled, but we will remove the skin so that it doesn’t get stuck in the meat grinder. And the consistency will be softer and more homogeneous; such a sauce will be much more pleasant to eat.

2. Peel the garlic cloves. How to do this quickly and easily: pour boiling water over the cloves for 3 seconds, but no more, so that the garlic does not cook. Now the skin comes off easily.

3. Peel the garlic from the soggy skin.

4. Now it’s horseradish’s turn. It is better to take a freshly dug root of medium size: about 25 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. There should be no mechanical or other damage on it. We clean the root with a knife. I had 140 g of root, it became 85 g, and it turned out stunningly spicy (and incredibly tasty, of course). So you can use less horseradish (or more tomatoes). There is a little culinary trick: if you want to reduce the spiciness of horseradish, pour boiling water over it.

5. Peel the tomatoes.

6. Cut the fruits into 2-4 parts to remove the hard center.

7. Pass the horseradish and garlic through a meat grinder. Horseradish, when crushed, releases caustic essential oils that cause lacrimation. To protect your eyes, you can place a plastic bag over the meat grinder and tie it. The horseradish will immediately go into the bag.

8. Next, skip the tomatoes. You can also use a powerful blender.

9. Add salt, sugar, vinegar - preservatives that allow you to store horseradish raw. We add these ingredients to taste, depending on who you like. Sugar and vinegar complement each other: if it turns out sour, add sugar, if it turns out sweet, add vinegar. The traditional recipe doesn’t use vinegar, but we’ll add it to be on the safe side so that the horseradish doesn’t ferment. And one more thing: if the tomato variety is sweet, then you will need less sugar.

10. Mix thoroughly. The photo in the recipe shows that the result is a liquid red and white vegetable mass. You can leave the freezer for an hour to release any air bubbles. Then you can taste it and add salt to the snack if necessary.

11. Pour the horseradish into sterilized cooled jars. How to do this, see here. It is better to take small containers, for example from baby food. We take small jars so that the melter does not go sour.

12. Screw on the sterilized lids. Horseradish without cooking is stored in the refrigerator or freezer (the taste is the same after defrosting). The first month the snack retains all its properties, then the spiciness becomes weaker. Should I cook the stock or not? Boiling extends the shelf life of horseradish, but there are fewer useful substances after heat treatment. If you decide to play it safe, then cook the horseradish for 15 minutes and immediately roll it up.

13. Horseradish, prepared according to the classic recipe, is combined with dumplings, served with potatoes, meat and fish dishes. For those who don’t like too spicy a snack, you can mix horseradish with honey or sour cream.

Spicy, spicy and incredibly healthy horseradish is ready. Bon appetit!

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