The wizard of folk tales Anna Korolkova. There were also fairy tales by Anna Korolkova Fairy tales of an n Korolkova

Thanks to this simple woman from a Voronezh village, many pearls of folklore have been preserved. Her fairy tales became known truly distant lands from their native land. They were published even in faraway Japan so that schoolchildren from the Land of the Rising Sun could get acquainted with the best examples of Russian folklore. But the talent of the peasant storyteller gained special fame in her homeland, where she became a member of the Writers' Union on a par with recognized literary masters. Meanwhile, she had only six months of study at the parish school behind her ... This February marks the 120th anniversary of her birth.

"He does not tell a fairy tale, but weaves lace"
Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova (1892 - 1984) was born in the village of Staraya Toyda, Bobrovsky district (now - Anninsky district), in the family of a poor peasant. From an early age, young Annushka worked in the field, looked after cattle, nursed children, being in the service of wealthy fellow villagers. And she was also gladly invited to village celebrations - to entertain guests with folk tales and songs. People especially fell in love with her fairy tales. Their lively little girl knew how to present them in an extremely exciting way: with jokes, jokes, by roles, in different voices. Even adults were amazing! They said about her: "she does not tell a fairy tale, but weaves lace." Annushka's love for folklore was inherited. Her grandfather, orphaned at the age of 6, was at one time the guide of a blind singer, thanks to whom he learned many folk songs. Anna's grandmother was known in the village as a wonderful storyteller. In addition, the local beekeeper Stepan Rastrygin, who lived to be 116 years old, introduced the young storyteller to many nursery rhymes and tales. Meanwhile, Anna's life was by no means fabulous. At the age of 20, the girl was married into a large family, where she became the tenth daughter-in-law. They lived hard and poor. It was especially hard during the famine of 1920-1921. But natural optimism helped Anna to cope with all adversity. Her love for creativity did not leave her life either.

How "Voronezh women" conquered the capital
In 1933, Korolkova and her husband, who came from the same village, moved to Voronezh. By that time, she was already the keeper of the hearth of a large family. Anna Nikolaevna's husband got a job at the S.K.Kirov plant. Korolkova herself led the household, and then began to participate in public life cities. Gathered vocal friends and organized a choir. An amateur group rehearsed in one of the factory barracks. Soon there was a rumor in the city that in the evenings at the Kirov plant "local women are arranging concerts" and crowds of spectators flocked to the rehearsal. And on March 8, 1938, the first real concert of the choir took place in the club. The singers, in whose repertoire there were both old folk songs and ditties on the topic of the day, were welcomed with a bang. In the summer of the same year, they were sent on their first tour - to Yaroslavl, to the All-Union Olympiad of amateur art groups of enterprises chemical industry... There the Voronezh choir walked around the ensembles with a solid creative experience and returned to their hometown with a victory. After a while, the Korolkovsky singers were invited to the capital. They took part in a concert in the Column Hall of the House of Unions. This time, Molotov and Stalin were among the spectators who gave them a thunderous ovation. Then, by special order, all the Voronezh artists were encouraged with a cash prize and given them a "special prize" - several cuts of bright fabrics for sewing costumes for performances.

"You must study literature!"
During the Great Patriotic War, Korolkova was evacuated to her native Old Toyda, where she organized a song group. Then he joined the Voronezh Folk Choir, which was headed by Konstantin Massalitinov. During wartime, the artists gave concerts to Soviet soldiers. Later this choir became famous all over the world. Anna Nikolaevna herself performed with him until 1944, and in the victorious 1945 she returned to Voronezh and recreated the amateur choir at the Kirov plant, with which she worked for 10 years.
All this time, Korolkova did not part with fairy tales. Back in Yaroslavl, her talent as a storyteller was especially noted by a professor of art and gave advice: "You must study literature systematically!" In the late 1930s, 32 "fairy tales from Korolkova" were recorded by the folklore researcher Tonkov. In 1941, her first “fairytale collection” was published. This was just the beginning. When the war ended, other publications followed - in the USSR and abroad. In the 1950s, Korolkova's creative baggage included about 100 works. In addition, Anna Nikolaevna has long been a consultant to the well-known youth ensemble "Lada", was a frequent guest on radio and television - on programs dedicated to folklore. She devoted her whole life to the preservation and promotion of folk art.

Eternal fabulous values
Korolkova's “fairytale repertoire” is extremely diverse. It contains heroic legends, magical stories, everyday tales, and nursery rhymes ... The plots of many of them are found in different storytellers, but each storyteller conveys them in his own way, with nuances that turn the well-known adventures of fairy-tale characters into a unique work. Researchers of Anna Nikolaevna's creativity note her lively language, saturated with bright, memorable images, an excellent sense of form, loyalty folk traditions... In the presentation of Korolkova, there is always a characteristic of Russians folk tales composition - beginnings, endings, common places. But, at the same time, her tales are independent works of art, in which the original author's style is felt. Korolkova also has very rare fairy tales, such as "Prince Peter's Faithful Wife", dating back to the Old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". And how much wisdom and kindness are in Korolkov's tales! Their positive heroes defend their native land from enemies, teach by their examples to be honest, generous, noble ... It's a pity only now you rarely see Anna Nikolaevna's fairy tales in bookstores.

"Ancient Russia itself was heard in her dialect"
The remarkable Voronezh sculptor Antonina Tolmacheva worked on the portrait of Anna Korolkova in the early 1970s. Antonina Artemovna shared with us her memories of the storyteller:
- I have never seen Anna Nikolaevna as a woman in the street. She always met me dressed in a Russian folk costume and sat on her chair like a monument. You know, Korolkova had a finished sculpture! I just worked with her, and I easily performed her portrait in three versions. Then all these options were presented at all-Union exhibitions.
A special impression was left by communication with Anna Nikolaevna. We talked a lot while she posed for a portrait. Korolkova had an excellent memory, and there were always interesting details in her memories. And how she told fairy tales! It is imperative to repeat the programs with her participation on television, because now you simply cannot find such a unique speech. Ancient Russia itself was heard in her wonderful dialect!

Perpetuation of memory. In honor of Anna Korolkova, a street in the Levoberezhny district of our city was named. The Voronezh family reading library No. 39 bears her name. A memorial plaque was erected on the house where Anna Nikolaevna lived (Leninsky Prospekt, 12) in the year of the storyteller's centenary.

Chastushki from Korolkova. Anna Nikolaevna is known not only as an outstanding storyteller, but also the author of wonderful ditties. She was sensitive to events in the country and the world, and this was reflected in her well-aimed quatrains. Korolkova's repertoire included ditties dedicated to the successes of Soviet machine operators, the record of pilots under the command of Chkalov who made a non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver and the victory of the Red Army in the battles on Khalkhin Gol ...

Tatiana Bubnova
Wizard of folk tales Anna Korolkova

Fun script for senior preschool kids age:


purpose: to acquaint with the work of the Voronezh storyteller Korolkova

A. N.; foster a love of fiction.

Leading: Her life is like a Russian folk song, truthful and

lyrical, kind and daring, sad and sad. The life of Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova, long, rich, multifaceted ... Anna was born Nikolaevna on February 15, 1892 in the village of Staraya Toyda, Voronezh province. Childhood of a lively and inquisitive girl was difficult. From the age of 8 she was given to serve rich people. She walked after cattle, spun, knitted, worked in the field, looked after the master's children, played with them, told fairy tales and sang Russian songs.

Song "You're a little winter ..."

Leading: But, despite all the severity of life around strangers, the girl found time to walk with her friends, have fun, sing and dance - a rare wedding did without her participation.

Dance folk"Lady"

Leading: Anna Nikolaevna spent her childhood and youth in the village. Here she got married. In 1933 Anna Nikolaevna and her family moved to Voronezh. Hunger made people leave the village. She could not stay at home, she was born for people. On a voluntary basis, she began to go to schools and kindergartens. Tales told, helped to make gifts and crafts for children, and children for Anna Nikolaevna recited poetry and danced.

Dance Balalaikas

Leading: Korolkova As a creative person, I could not live without songs. Soon she organized a choir - but what!

Song "In the Voronezh open spaces"

Leading: The War has begun.

Dance "Blue scarf"

Leading: During the war years, she composed many proverbs, ditties, songs and fairy tales. Anna Nikolaevna with the chorus travels to the front line, gives concerts in military units and hospitals, thereby raising the morale of the soldiers.

Dance "Quadrille"

Leading: After the war Anna Nikolaevna continued to live and work in the city of Voronezh, and during the summer she left for her native places in the village of Toydu, met with her girlfriends.

Sit on the porch, let's play songs and dance.

After all, nothing in the world is more mile than the native place.

Verse Voronezh

Dance "Darkie"

Leading: A life storytellers Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova was long and very difficult, but she was always cheerful, knew and composed: ditties, jokes, proverbs, and fairy tales that we still love. But to feel all the beauty and wisdom fairy tales it is necessary not only to read, but to look.

Fairy tale retelling"The Man and the Bear"

Leading: Dear friends - fairy tales the joy of our childhood, let's not forget them. Thank you all for your attention. Come to our fairy world.

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Her life is like a Russian folk song, truthful and lyrical, kind and daring, sad and sad. Or maybe she can be compared with those fairy tales that she, a little inquisitive girl - a farm laborer listened with love and greed, remembered, and then told the whole world.
The life of Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova, nee Glazkova, is long, rich, multifaceted ... She was filled with hardships and troubles, joy and victories, inspiration and undivided love, recognition of ordinary people and at the state level. Having finished one class of the parish school, unable to write, she became a member of the Writers' Union. Her fairy tales were published not only in our country, but also in Japan, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Bulgaria. Magic, and more!

What are the components of such success? Where are the roots of this miracle? “I have a love for Russian folk songs, for fairy tales and sayings from an early age,” Anna Nikolaevna herself recalled. “This is from grandfather Ustin Sergeevich and from my mother.” Listening to, and soon retelling what she heard from her grandfather and beekeeper Stepan Ivanovich, she early experienced an unusual shock: it turns out that a folk word can amaze with accuracy and depth of content, moreover, if you speak in a chant, you can simply fascinate the audience. Possessing a brilliant memory, an extraordinary flair and knowledge of human nature, from an ordinary nanny and a courtyard girl, she turned into an inimitable and original collector of a placer of folk art: proverbs and sayings, parables and epics, ditties and jokes, fairy tales and legends.

The storyteller's works delight and fascinate not only with limitless creative imagination and wisdom, they amaze and penetrate the soul, as they are realistic and close to common people. But in order to feel all the beauty of a folk tale, one must not only read it, but hear it from the lips of a storyteller. Talented storytellers are extremely rare, they are like nuggets. Among them is our compatriot - the old-fashioned storyteller, the master of the spoken genre Anna Korolkova. Researchers of her work, familiar with her personally, noted the extraordinary sincerity and melodiousness of the storyteller's voice. “Her voice, a young, crystal clear stream, poured through the hall, warming the hearts of those present,” our fellow countryman writer Semyon Borzunov recalled about the meeting.

A remarkable storyteller, a great hard worker, she was also distinguished by her outstanding organizational skills. A village girl who left for the city with the desire to save her family from hunger does not focus on personal problems, but, striving to be useful, organizes an amateur choir of girls - fellow countrywomen. Initially, they perform on the factory stage, and with the beginning of the Finnish War they travel to hospitals. Anna herself writes lyrics for him and composes melodies, rehearsals, finds scenes for performances. On the basis of this choir, which quickly gained popularity by performing not only songs, but also topical lively ditties and jokes, a Russian folk choir was created in Anna in 1943 under the leadership of K.I. Massalitinov, with whom Anna Nikolaevna was associated with a long creative friendship and a common love for folk art.

During the war years, she composes many proverbs, ditties, epics and legends for children and youth, women and soldiers, raising their morale. Deeply patriotic allegorical tales "The treasured sword - kladenets and the magic ring", "Wise mother", "The wolf - a man-eater", necessary and in demand by the common people. Throughout her life, Anna Nikolaevna has been promoting folk poetry. She was a welcome guest in any audience. She manages to connect traditional fairy-tale plots with certain geographical places, people, events, and draw the moralizing conclusion necessary for specific listeners. In kindergarten, she tells entertaining and crafty tales about animals that teach children to distinguish between good and evil, decency and cunning. With schoolchildren, she recalls episodes of her childhood, tells magic and satirical tales, makes riddles, introduces folk signs... In the student environment, Korolkov vividly and vividly tells about the life of the pre-revolutionary village, about peasant holidays, rituals, folk poetry. With her innate pedagogical instinct, the storyteller sensitively captures the mood of the audience, gradually fascinates the audience, without deliberate edification, relying on the historical and poetic experience of the people, instills in them a sense of beauty, pride in their people, love for their native land.

The bright, creative, rich activity of Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova was rightfully awarded with State awards. In 1946, the most expensive medal for her was “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. ”In the same year, Anna Nikolaevna, who gave birth to seven and raised six children, was awarded the“ Motherhood Medal ”of the 1st degree. In 1972, 80 - year old indomitable worker Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Korolkova's name is included in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Grateful old people call the central street in their village by the name of their countrywoman. In Voronezh, on the house in which Anna Nikolaevna lived for many years, a memorial plaque was erected.

During her lifetime and after her death, Anna Nikolaevna's books, which were published several times, were read, as they say, to the point of holes. Several generations of children considered their favorite collections "Geese - Swans", "Finist - Clear Falcon", "Goroshina", "Dikovina", "Golden Jug", "Russian Folk Tales". Deep old age was happy. Daughters Tamara and Seraphima, with whom she lived out her long and eventful life, sacredly observed the Christian commandment: "Honor your parents!" Until the most last days they wrote down fairy tales and wise thoughts not just of their old mother, but witnesses of steep milestones and events of our rearing era. After all, she survived the last tsar, three famines (1920 - 1921, 1932 - 1933, 1946), three wars, two revolutions. Anna Nikolaevna died on January 4, 1984, on the eve of perestroika, at almost 92 years of age. On the 115th anniversary of her birth, the bright image of a sorceress, sorceress, storyteller does not seem to have gone into the earthly firmament, but as a White Swan, whose gentle sonorous voice sounds to this day. Her original and life-affirming creativity, filled with the imagination and wisdom of the people, is in demand today!

Gogoleva N.A., Director of MUDOD Anninsky House of Children's Art

in the photo Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova

Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova (1892-1984) - Russian writer-storyteller, native of the village of Staraya Toyda, Anninsky District, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1957). Her fairy tales were published both in the USSR and abroad.

Her life is like a Russian folk song, truthful and lyrical, kind and daring, sad and sad. Or maybe she can be compared with those fairy tales that she, a little inquisitive girl - a farm laborer listened with love and greed, remembered, and then told the whole world.

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The life of Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova, nee Glazkova, is long, rich, multifaceted ... She was filled with hardships and troubles, joy and victories, inspiration and undivided love, recognition of ordinary people and at the state level. Having finished one class of the parish school, unable to write, she became a member of the Writers' Union. Her fairy tales were published not only in our country, but also in Japan, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Bulgaria. Magic, and more!

overheard in Pribyuzhie:
In the Anninsky district, construction of a new building of the local central regional hospital may begin from 2020

What are the components of such success? Where are the roots of this miracle? “I have a love for Russian folk songs, for fairy tales and sayings from an early age,” Anna Nikolaevna herself recalled. "This is from grandfather Ustin Sergeevich and from my mother." Listening to, and soon retelling what she heard from her grandfather and beekeeper Stepan Ivanovich, she early experienced an unusual shock: it turns out that a folk word can amaze with accuracy and depth of content, moreover, if you speak in a chant, you can simply fascinate the audience. Possessing a brilliant memory, an extraordinary instinct and knowledge of human nature, from an ordinary nanny and a courtyard girl, she turned into an inimitable and original collector of a scattering of folk art: proverbs and sayings, parables and epics, ditties and jokes, fairy tales and legends.

The storyteller's works delight and fascinate not only with their boundless creative imagination and wisdom, they amaze and penetrate the soul, as they are realistic and close to common people. But in order to feel all the beauty of a folk tale, one must not only read it, but hear it from the lips of a storyteller. Talented storytellers are extremely rare, they are like nuggets. Among them is our compatriot - the old-fashioned storyteller, the master of the spoken genre Anna Korolkova. Researchers of her work, familiar with her personally, noted the extraordinary sincerity and melodiousness of the storyteller's voice. “Her voice, a young, crystal clear stream, poured through the hall, warming the hearts of those present,” our fellow countryman writer Semyon Borzunov recalled about the meeting.

A remarkable storyteller, a great hard worker, she was also distinguished by her outstanding organizational skills. A village girl who left for the city with the desire to save her family from hunger does not focus on personal problems, but, striving to be useful, organizes an amateur choir of girls - fellow countrywomen. Initially, they perform on the factory stage, and with the beginning of the Finnish War they travel to hospitals. Anna herself writes lyrics for him and composes melodies, rehearsals, finds scenes for performances. On the basis of this choir, which quickly gained popularity by performing not only songs, but also topical lively ditties and jokes, a Russian folk choir was created in Anna in 1943 under the leadership of K.I. Massalitinov, with whom Anna Nikolaevna was associated with a long creative friendship and a common love for folk art.

During the war years, she composes many proverbs, ditties, epics and legends for children and youth, women and soldiers, raising their morale. Deeply patriotic allegorical tales "The treasured sword - kladenets and the magic ring", "Wise mother", "The wolf - a man-eater", necessary and in demand by the common people. Throughout her life, Anna Nikolaevna has been promoting folk poetry. She was a welcome guest in any audience. She manages to associate traditional fairy-tale stories with certain geographical places, people, events, to draw the moralizing conclusion necessary for specific listeners. In kindergarten, she tells entertaining and crafty tales about animals that teach children to distinguish between good and evil, decency and cunning. With schoolchildren, she recalls episodes of her childhood, tells magical and satirical tales, makes riddles, introduces folk signs. In the student environment, Korolkov vividly and vividly tells about the life of the pre-revolutionary village, about peasant holidays, rituals, folk poetry. With her innate pedagogical instinct, the storyteller sensitively captures the mood of the audience, gradually fascinates the audience, without deliberate edification, relying on the historical and poetic experience of the people, instills in them a sense of beauty, pride in their people, love for their native land.

The bright, creative, rich activity of Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova was rightfully awarded with State awards. In 1946, she received the most expensive medal for her - “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” In the same year, Anna Nikolaevna, who gave birth to seven and raised six children, was awarded the “Motherhood Medal” of the 1st degree. In 1972, 80 - year old indomitable worker Anna Nikolaevna Korolkova is awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Korolkova's name is included in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Grateful old people call the central street in their village by the name of their countrywoman. In Voronezh, on the house in which Anna Nikolaevna lived for many years, a memorial plaque was erected.

During her lifetime and after her death, Anna Nikolaevna's books, which were published several times, were read, as they say, to the point of holes. Several generations of children considered their favorite collections "Geese - Swans", "Finist - Clear Falcon", "Goroshina", "Dikovina", "Golden Jug", "Russian Folk Tales". Deep old age was happy. Daughters Tamara and Seraphima, with whom she lived out her long and eventful life, sacredly observed the Christian commandment: "Honor your parents!" Until the very last days, they wrote down fairy tales and wise thoughts not just of their old mother, but witnesses of steep milestones and events of our rebellious era. After all, she survived the last tsar, three famines (1920 - 1921, 1932 - 1933, 1946), three wars, two revolutions. Anna Nikolaevna died on January 4, 1984, on the eve of perestroika, at almost 92 years of age. On the 115th anniversary of her birth, the bright image of a sorceress, sorceress, storyteller does not seem to have gone into the earthly firmament, but as a White Swan, whose gentle sonorous voice sounds to this day. Her original and life-affirming creativity, filled with the imagination and wisdom of the people, is in demand today!

Korolkova Anna Nikolaevna Anna Nikolaevna was born back in 1892 in the village of Staraya Toyda, Anninsky district, Voronezh region. Anna Nikolaevna inherited her creative gift. The Korolkova family loved to sing and tell. The fame of the storyteller and songwriter was won by her grandmother Maria Potatyevna - not a single wedding in the village could do without her. Anna Nikolaevna's grandfather, Ustin Sergeevich, knew many songs, riddles and jokes. Little Anyuta learned the hard peasant lot early on: from the age of 9 she was a nanny, a laborer, a servant. Having lost her mind for the day, she and her friends ran late in the evening to the old beekeeper - grandfather Stepan, who knew many fairy tales and willingly told them, and she was surprised and remembered, absorbed like a sponge. Her memory was amazing. Anna Nikolaevna remembered 132 fairy tales by heart, not counting tales and legends. But Korolkova almost did not know how to write, she only signed, and read well - she learned herself. In 1933, Anna Nikolaevna's family left for Voronezh. Her husband worked at a factory, and she raised six children. And when the evacuation of Voronezh began in 1942, she returned to her homeland, to Staraya Toyda, with her large family: daughters and grandchildren. Korolkova came to her small homeland famous: both listeners and readers knew her. Just before the war, the collection Songs and Tales of the Voronezh Region was published, which included some of her tales. Her works were broadcast by radio. In her native village, A. Korolkova organized a choir, with which she traveled to the front-line area, gave concerts in military units. Anna Nikolaevna prepared almost the entire repertoire of the choir herself, she was its artistic director and soloist. The soldiers, exhausted from wounds, on crutches, bandaged, stood, sat, lay and listened to songs that delighted, surprised, encouraged them, helping to overcome pain, return to life. And the choir rehearsed until late at night, prepared new numbers. Many members of the choir stayed overnight in a spacious peasant hut, where Anna Nikolaevna and her children were sheltered by her old friend. It won't be long before the composer K.I. Massalitinov will unite amateur groups, and the newly created Voronezh Russian Folk Choir will acquire a distinctive creative face. He will be applauded by listeners from all over the world. Not a single program of the choir was complete without perky, ringing ditties, choruses, non-cheeky songs, often composed on the topic of the day by Anna Nikolaevna. But the main thing in the life of Anna Nikolaevna is the creation of fairy tales. In Korolkova's repertoire, we find fairy tales of all genre varieties. And about the heroes ("Ilya Muromets", "Dobrynya Nikitich") and magic ("Sivka - Burka", "Sister Alyonushka"), and socially - everyday ("Husband and wife", "About the master"), and various narratives, borrowed from popular prints (for example, tales about Bove Korolevich and Eruslan Lazarevich) and children's tales about animals ("Kolobok", "A goat and four kids". "A cat, a rooster and a fox", etc.). Korolkova were first published in 1940. in Voronezh, in the collection "Songs and Tales of the Voronezh Region". Then they appeared in the newspapers Kommuna and Literaturnaya Rossiya, in the almanac Literaturny Voronezh, in the magazines Kolobok, Rise, Rabotnitsa, and also appeared in various folklore collections. And in 1969. they were published in a separate collection in Moscow, by the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences. Anna Nikolaevna received worldwide fame. Her fairy tales were published abroad in 1970. - on the German, and in 1976. in Japanese. In 1957. she is admitted to the Writers' Union. Folklorists, literature and musicologists have recorded from her a lot of wedding, love, family and other non-ritual lyrical songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings and riddles. For merits in social and literary activity A.N. Korolkova was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and several medals. A street in the Levoberezhny district of the city of Voronezh is named after Korolkova. In Starotoydenskaya high school Anninsky district, material was collected and the museum of A.N. Korolkova. The central street of her native village is now named after her.

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