When the post ends in. Orthodox fast calendar

As expected, right after Shrovetide begins Great post, which ends on the eve of the great holiday of Easter - April 30.
The essence of this process is a deep moral and physical purification of a person through limitations in everyday life and spiritual self-improvement. This also applies to nutrition, as well. In the Christian tradition, Lent occupies a key place. He also has a second name, "The Forty Day" - in memory of the event (fasting) which Jesus adhered to in the desert for 40 days.

Great Lent in 2016: what date begins and ends
The most severe week of fasting is Passion Week, and believers also do not use anything on the first day of fasting - Clean Monday and on Good Friday (the last Friday on the eve of Great Sunday). On other days, they try to adhere to certain rules. On Monday, Wednesday, Friday, they eat foods that have not been thermally processed - vegetables, bread, seeds, water, fruits, dried fruits, honey. On Tuesday and Thursday - hot food, excluding oil. On weekends, they eat lean food with vegetable oil. Sometimes, you can eat fish. In 2016, this day coincides with April 7 (Annunciation holiday) and April 25 (Palm Sunday) on this day, you can also eat fish caviar. it coincides with Lazarev Saturday.

It is strictly forbidden to eat meat, all dairy products, eggs during the fast! Alcohol is excluded, except for a small amount of wine. You should restrain yourself in carnal pleasures, do not allow bad deeds and foul language. A detailed food calendar in accordance with the days of Lent 2016 is below.

Great post 2016: food calendar for every day
The first week of Lent 2016: what you can eat
Monday, March 14th - Complete abstinence from food.
Tuesday, March 15 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Wednesday, March 16 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 17 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Friday, March 18 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 19 - cooked food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 20 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

The second week of Lent 2016: what you can eat
Monday, March 21 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday March 22nd - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 23rd - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 24 - Boiled plant foods without oil.
Friday, March 25 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 26 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 27 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

The third week of Lent 2016: what you can eat
Monday, March 28 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday March 29th - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 30 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday March 31st - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 1 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 2 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 3 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

The fourth week of Lent 2016: what you can eat
Monday, April 4 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday April 5th - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 6 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 7 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 8 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 9th ​​- boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 10 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Fifth Week of Lent 2016: What You Can Eat
Monday, April 11 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 12 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 13 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 14 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 15 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 16 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 17th - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Sixth week of Lent 2016: what you can eat
Monday, April 18 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 19 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 20 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 21 - Boiled plant foods without oil.
Friday, April 22 - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 23rd - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine, caviar.
Sunday, April 24th - Fish are allowed.

Holy Week of Great Lent 2016: what you can eat

The strict week of Great Lent 2016, each day has its own name. It should also be noted that during Holy Week the fast is intensified and is really strict.
Monday, April 25 (Good Monday) - dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 26 (Good Tuesday) - dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Wednesday, April 27 (Holy Wednesday) - dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 28 (Good Thursday) - dry eating (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Friday, April 29 (Good Friday) - Complete abstinence from food.
Saturday, April 30 (Holy Saturday) - dry food (bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Sunday, May 1 (Resurrection of Christ) - Easter, end of Great Lent.

Orthodox Christians are coming Christmas post which is also called Filippov post... This post is set to honor Nativity of Christ.

When the Nativity Fast begins and ends in 2016-2017

Believers begin fasting on November 28 (November 15, old style), 2016, and end on January 6, 2017 (December 24, old style) with the onset of the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

Thus, the fast lasts forty days - from November 28, 2016 to January 6, 2017 inclusive. The Nativity Fast ends with the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Conjuration (eve of fasting) -27 (14) November - falls on the day of the memory of the saint Apostle Philip that is why fasting is also called Filippov.

What is also called the Nativity Fast

Christmas or Filippov post popularly called Filippovki... There is also an even older Old Russian folk name for the Christmas fast - Karachun.

The meaning of the Nativity Fast

Saint John Chrysostom This is how he characterized the essence of fasting: “Those who believe that fasting is just abstinence from food is mistaken. True fasting is at a distance from evil, in curbing the tongue, in setting aside anger, taming lust, stopping slander, lies and perjury. "

The history of the establishment of the Nativity Fast

The establishment of the Nativity Fast dates back to early Christianity. At first, the fast was seven days, but gradually it was transformed into forty days. V Orthodox churches The Nativity Fast is one of four multi-day fasts church year and serves to prepare the body and spirit of the believer for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. The Nativity Fast is not the strictest one and its rules are similar to the summer Petrov Fast. According to the church charter, meat and dairy products, as well as eggs are completely prohibited during the entire Nativity Lent.

Christmas post 2016-2017: food calendar by day

hot food without oil

Fish allowed

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil

And the wine

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil, fish allowed

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil, fish allowed

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food with vegetable oil

hot food without oil

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed

hot food without oil

dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits)

hot food without oil

dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits)

Nativity Fast and New Year

V New Year it is better for believers not to interrupt their fast, but they should not condemn unchurched relatives and friends who are not averse to celebrating the New Year's holiday with a feast. The believer must remember that condemning one's neighbor is a sin, especially during fasting. Also, when inviting guests, you should take care that on the festive table, at which they will sit, including those who are fasting, there are both fast and lean dishes. And since the New Year 2017 will come on the night from Saturday to Sunday, it will be easy to observe the rules of fasting and not quarrel with fellow believers: on this day, those who are fasting are allowed fish and wine.

What to eat on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve- this is the last day of the Nativity Fast and the Eve of the Nativity of Christ. The word "Christmas Eve" comes from the name of the dish "sochivo", which is prepared from wheat, lentils or rice. Sochivo is traditionally eaten on the evening of January 6 (after the first star appears in the sky). According to the strict monastic charter, this should be done after complete abstinence from food throughout the day. And after you have eaten the juice, you can start your festive meal.

Folk omens

The last day before the Nativity (Filippov) Lent is Philip's Day, the day of remembrance of the Apostle Philip. The people call this day, which falls on November 27 (14), Kudelitsa. This day is considered the eve (eve) before fasting. On Kudelitsa in the villages, the last weddings were finished to play, because during the fast weddings are prohibited. Towards the war ended the tow-house - the time when women and girls prepared tow - refined flax or hemp fiber, prepared for spinning.

Philip's spell is the beginning of the Christmas "cold" fast. Another name for the post is Karachunovsky, Karachun. The ancient word "karachun" meant darkness, death and the longest night of the year, which falls on December 21-22.

Sayings and ceremonies on Kudelitsa and Filippovka

Filippovki - to celebrate the last date of the wedding.
On Filippovo, they take out a snack from the house to the courtyard so that cattle can live, they also invite brownies to dinner.
Who did not get married before Filippovki - pray to God and wait for a new meat-eater.
Fasting is not a drinker for weddings, it won't brew beer, it won't invite you to a feast-conversation.
You will not strain in the winter, there will be nothing to weave in the summer.

Fasting is a complex spiritual practice, coupled with the bodily and spiritual limitations of a believer and respecting religious traditions. This publication will provide a complete calendar Orthodox posts in 2016, in order to facilitate the Christian's quest and give him a reliable tool for union with God. It is important to take into account that fasting is not only restrictions on food intake, but additional spiritual practices associated with prayer and the struggle with worldly passions.

Fasting Calendar 2016 and Nutrition

Great Lent in 2016

Lent in 2016 falls on the following period of time: the beginning of the fast - March 14, the end of the fast - April 30. This time of asceticism is divided into seven weeks. Moreover, the first and the last involves the most stringent restrictions on food intake. This is due to the fact that on the first day of the first week of fasting and on the fifth day of the last week, Orthodox Christians completely refuse to eat. The second day of the first week involves the use of only bread and water, and the first three days of Passion Week they eat food raw and without oil. In general, the rules for eating are distributed according to the days of the week, which will be presented below.

  1. Monday. Food is eaten raw and without added oil.
  2. Tuesday. Boiled foods can be eaten, but without the addition of oil.
  3. Wednesday. The rules for Monday are repeated.
  4. Thursday. The rules for Tuesday are repeated.
  5. Friday. See point 3.
  6. Saturday. It is allowed to eat cooked food with the addition of oil and drink wine.
  7. Sunday. The rules for Saturday are repeated.

Petrov post in 2016

This fast is proclaimed in memory of the ascetic preparation of Saints Paul and Peter for the preaching of the Gospel. Peter's fast is not strict and involves a simple abstinence from eating dairy and meat products. It becomes tougher only on Fridays and Wednesdays, when the Orthodox tradition allows the use of boiled fish. Peter's Lent in 2016 falls on the following period: June 27 - July 11.

Assumption Lent in 2016

This post is an ascetic preparation of a Christian for the triumph of the Assumption. Holy Mother of God... If you are wondering when the Assumption Lent will be in 2016, then it falls on: August 14 - August 27. This fast is not inferior to the Great Fast in terms of the severity of abstinence: Monday, Wednesday, Friday presuppose dry eating; cooked food is allowed on Tuesday and Thursday, but the addition of oil is prohibited. Drinking wine and oil (vegetable) is allowed only on Sunday and Saturday. On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Orthodox tradition allows the use of fish.

Nativity Fast 2016

This post is timed to the Nativity of Christ and falls on November 28 - January 6. Also, this post is sometimes called Filippov, since November 27 is dedicated to the memory of St. Philip. It is worth noting that the start date of the Nativity Fast may vary if November 27 falls on a Friday or Wednesday (i.e. one-day fasts). This is the case this year as well. In this regard, the final fasting time is as follows: November 28, 2016 - January 6, 2017. The prescriptions for prohibitions on eating food are identical to the Dormition Fast. In addition, fish and wine are allowed on 4 December.

One-day fasts in 2016

  1. Fasting every Wednesday and Friday. The most important thing is to abstain from dairy and meat products.
  2. Epiphany Eve - falls on January 18, 2016.
  3. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - falls on September 27, 2016.
  4. Prophet Elijah Day - falls on August 2, 2016.

Thus, the above is a full-fledged calendar of Orthodox fasts for 2016.

Orthodox fasts and their meaning for Christians

Easter (Bright Resurrection of Christ) is the central event among all Christian holidays. This holiday symbolizes the atonement of human sins before the Lord through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and the victory of good over evil through his miraculous resurrection. It is Easter that makes people think about their life on Earth and reconsider all their values.

What is the date of Easter - the most important and main holiday of all Christians, in 2016? The date of Easter falls on different days, and even months, every year. But it is always necessary - spring. This period ranges from April 4th to May 8th. Sometimes it happens that the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord coincides with the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. In this case, it is called Kiriopasha.

In the upcoming 2016, the number of celebrations of Orthodox Easter will be considered late, as it is celebrated on May 1. Another national holiday will also be held on this day. But for all believers, the main event will remain the date of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. It is on this day that people all over the world once again receive the hope of salvation and deliverance from sins.

Thanks to the solar-lunar calendar, you can calculate Easter in 2016 and in all other years. Also, to calculate the date of the onset of Easter, you can use the help of special tables, the so-called Easter, which are compiled by the church. Studying this calendar, you can see that such Christian holidays as the Ascension of Christ, the Trinity and the Day of reverence for the Holy Spirit directly depend on the day of the Resurrection of Christ. There are even mathematical formulas for determining the date of Easter in any year.

The celebration of the day of the Bright Resurrection of Jesus Christ is accompanied by a mass of Christian traditions. Almost all Easter traditions arise in divine services. Thus, the Easter service is necessarily performed throughout the night. You can't finish it earlier. It is from this night on and throughout the next forty days that everyone greets each other: "Christ is risen!", And in response they say: "Indeed he is risen!" With such a greeting, be sure to kiss three times. Very often after this, an exchange of colored eggs occurs.

The most thrilling moment in the Passover service is the appearance of the Passover fire in the main temple in Jerusalem. This fire spreads to all other churches, from which the parishioners light their candles, and then during the year they try to maintain it in the lamps at home.

From the beginning of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, Great Lent ends. On this day, the rite of consecration of cakes, curd beads and eggs is performed in the temples. Other products may also be brought. With the consumption of this consecrated food, fasting ends.

Easter service always begins with a procession of the cross at midnight, accompanied by prayer singing in honor of the holiday. On this day, everyone can ring the church bell in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After the silence of the bell towers on passionate days, the gospel sounds especially solemn and melodious, announcing the victory of life over death.

The beginning and course of Great Lent in 2016

Our Savior Jesus Christ Himself was tempted by the devil for forty days. All this time he was not allowed to eat, and he did not eat any food. Therefore, the essence of Great Lent is the memories of the life of Christ on our sinful land, of his painful death.

After the Nativity of Christ, it is allowed to eat any food. But, as in previous years, fasting before Easter 2016 begins after the preparatory week (Pancake Week or Meat Pastry), during which the ban on meat consumption is already in effect. Due to the fact that entering into fasting is gradual, it is not very difficult for those who will fast for the first time.

Preparation for the most basic fast in Christianity begins four weeks before its onset. Fasting itself lasts for six weeks, called weeks. All of them have their own specific name in accordance with the serial number (first, second, etc.). You cannot eat certain foods in each of them. The first and last weeks are considered the most severe weeks of Great Lent. It was at this time that the fast was greatly strengthened.

While the weeks of Great Lent last, and until its very end, it is necessary not only to establish bans on the use of food and not eat much of what we are accustomed to, but also to pray according to church rules, preparing ourselves for repentance. Without prayer and confession - it will be just diet time.

Looking at the calendar, you can see that Lent in 2016 will begin on March 14th. In addition to half of March this year, it will cover all of April. So it will be possible to enjoy something tasty only with the onset May holidays, which falls on the bright holiday of Easter in 2016.

For easier orientation and perception, you can draw up a food calendar for Great Lent.

Many people have a desire to fast for the health benefits. At the same time, for those new to this business, the problem immediately arises of not knowing what can be eaten during Great Lent and what is not? But here we must not forget that fasting without prayer and good deeds will always be a semblance of a diet. There will undoubtedly be health benefits, but nothing will happen for the spiritual renewal.
At first glance, it always seems to uninitiated people that it is very, very easy to observe the rules of Great Lent. It would seem that it is difficult there - not to eat meat, fish and dairy products, vegetable oil, and that's it. But in fact, the list of things to eat during Lent is quite extensive. But finding out what to eat is quite simple: just carefully read the composition of the product. Even chewing gum is banned, since it contains gelatin - a substance of animal origin.

The use of salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, juices, compotes, fruit and berry jams and preserves quite well brightens up a meager lean table. Also on such days, mushrooms are welcomed. Greens in combination with all kinds of seasonings will give lean dishes a richer taste.

But, in spite of the severity of the process, indulgences are possible in nutrition during the days of Great Lent. So pregnant women, nursing mothers and sick people, whose treatment requires eating certain foods, may not fast as strictly. On Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on the days of remembrance of the saints, they are allowed to eat vegetable oil and wine (except for the last week). On big days church holidays cook fish dishes.

Especially for those who first decided to fast, and for those who do not have a very deep knowledge of all the intricacies of nutrition these days, food calendars were invented during Great Lent. They disclose information about lean nutrition in sufficient detail. Therefore, with such a “helper”, fasting in accordance with all the established rules will not be difficult.

Now everything will directly depend on the endurance of the person.

For many, it seems that the choice for preparing a lean dish is a rather complicated process. But in fact, there are a lot of recipes for cooking lean food. To make a definition with a choice lean dishes was not a painful process for you, you can independently compose a daily menu during the weeks of Great Lent. For a good housewife, making a varied, tasty and healthy lean food for every day will not be a problem.

What date will Christians celebrate Catholic Easter 2016?

The dates of Catholic and Orthodox Easter usually do not coincide. This disagreement arises due to the fact that Catholics count the days in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. Most often, the celebration of Catholic Easter is a week ahead of Orthodox. But there are years when this holiday falls on the same day for everyone.

At the same time, differences exist not only in numbers, but also in traditions.

The festive service among Catholics is called Mass, where Easter candles are lit after sunset. In the morning, after Mass, believers visit the homes of relatives and friends with the singing of festive songs, which are very similar to Orthodox Christmas carols. You can not only exchange colored eggs, but also exchange palm branches for them.

Among Catholics, a rabbit is considered a symbol of the holiday of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. There is even a belief that it is he who carries the Easter eggs. On this day, sculptures and images of a rabbit decorate everything around. Many Western housewives even bake cookies in the shape of this glorious animal.

By the way, Catholic Easter in 2016 falls on April 27, which is seven days earlier than Orthodox. It is a pity that the celebration did not take place on one day. One could observe gorgeous celebrations in all countries of our planet.

Easter cake recipes and a festive table

In order to know how to compose the menu for Easter 2016 in accordance with all traditions, you need to follow some established rules.

To begin with, the presence on the festive table is mandatory meat dishes(after all, they were so lacking during the fast). Fish, since its use was allowed during Lent, should be absent.

The festive table must be covered with a bright tablecloth. Flower arrangements are also welcome.

Easter cakes and eggs are a must on the festive menu for Easter. They eat them throughout the week, right up to Krasnaya Gorka. It is believed that Easter cakes should be tall - this will bring happiness to the family. In that case, when the pasks did not work out - unfortunately. We wish you to celebrate Easter 2016 with high Easter cakes!

The baking of a symbolic festive cake goes back to the distant past. At the moment, more than twenty delicious cake recipes are known. The dough for baking them has always been made in large quantities. Also, for its preparation, a large amount of eggs is required, butter and sugar. Thanks to this recipe, a tasty cake can be stored for a long time and not stale. Making Easter cake dough is a rather demanding procedure. It must be protected from drafts, kept warm, be sure to be in good mood and not create unnecessary noise. Depending on the size of the cake, the baking time in the oven or oven can take up to two hours.

Along with the preparation of classic Easter cakes, curd pasta is also prepared. Delicious recipe Easter cottage cheese can be different, but it must necessarily be square in shape with the image of flowers, a spear, a cross and a cane. Above should be placed an inscription in the form of the letters "ХВ".

Previously, special wooden forms were used for this purpose. Nowadays, even getting a plastic similar form is quite problematic. Therefore, resourceful housewives make it in a square shape, and create the missing images with the help of decorations.

Today, it has become very popular to add condensed milk to recipes for cottage cheese Easter. This technique makes its taste richer, and the consistency more delicate.

The general rule for decorating Easter cakes is the presence of the letters "ХВ" on top of them. You can even sculpt such an inscription out of dough.

The most common and simple method Decorating Easter holiday cakes is a glaze made from egg white and sugar. On top of it, you can sprinkle with bright multi-colored sprinkles, chocolate or lay out ornate patterns from them.

You can also use confectionery mastic for decoration. You can even create volumetric decorations from it.
Festive Easter cake is usually served on a large platter or plate. Colored eggs are placed around it. Also, this "composition" can be supplemented with beautiful and fresh fruits and flowers.

There are no strict rules on how to decorate a cake for the bright holiday of Easter. You can show imagination and creativity. This will create an unforgettable holiday feeling.

The recipe for Easter cake, proven over the years

Products for 3 kg of flour (sometimes it takes more!):

  1. 2 cups milk
  2. 10 eggs
  3. 400 g butter or margarine
  4. 3 cups sugar
  5. 80 g yeast
  6. 3/4 tsp salt
  7. 200 g raisins
  8. 1 pack. vanillin
  9. 200 g sour cream
  10. some cinnamon

Easter cake preparation process:

  1. Dilute yeast in 2 glasses of warm milk. Pour in 500 g of flour, stir, put in a warm place (it will do twice).
  2. Add egg yolks, mashed with sugar, vanillin. Add flour, butter, sour cream, salt. Knead.
  3. Then add the whites whipped into a thick foam and continue to knead until the dough comes off the walls of the dish.
  4. Put the dough in a warm place, let it double in size. Add raisins, let the dough rise again!
  5. Cover the molds with oiled parchment. Divide the cake dough into 1/3 of the tins, let it go into the oven. Check the readiness of the cake by a match.

Easter cake with candied fruits and raisins
  1. Milk - 350 ml
  2. Butter - 300 g
  3. Chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
  4. Yeast (fresh) - 40 g or active dry yeast - 1 sachet (11 g)
  5. Sugar - 300-400 g
  6. Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 g)
  7. Salt - 1 tsp
  8. Candied fruits - 150 g
  9. Raisins - 150 g
  10. Cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons

Glaze products:

  1. Egg white - 1-2 pcs.
  2. Powdered sugar - 180-250 g
  3. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon

Sugar sprinkling for cakes (optional) - to taste.

Ecology of life. Health: Immediately after Maslenitsa, which ends on March 13, Great Lent begins. Fasting is observed with particular rigor during the first and passionate weeks.

Great post. Fasting is observed with particular rigor during the first and passionate weeks.

Great post 2016: What you can't eat
- Complete abstinence from food is taken on clean Monday. The rest of the time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food (water, bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - food with vegetable oil.

Fish is allowed on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 24 in 2016). On Lazarev Saturday (23 April 2016), fish caviar is allowed. V good friday(in 2016, April 29) you cannot eat food before taking out the shroud.

Great post 2016 first week:

Monday, March 14th - Complete abstinence from food.
Tuesday, March 15 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Wednesday, March 16 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 17 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Friday, March 18 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 19 - cooked food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 20 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2016 second week:

Monday, March 21 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday March 22nd - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 23 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, March 24 - Boiled plant foods without oil.
Friday, March 25 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, March 26 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, March 27 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2016 third week:

Monday, March 28 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday March 29th - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, March 30 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday March 31st - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 1 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 2 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 3 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2016 fourth week:

Monday, April 4 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday April 5th - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 6 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 7 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 8 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 9th ​​- boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 10 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2016 fifth week:

Monday, April 11 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 12 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 13 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 14 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Friday, April 15 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 16 - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.
Sunday, April 17th - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine.

Great post 2016 sixth week:

Monday, April 18 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Tuesday, April 19 - Boiled vegetable food without oil.
Wednesday, April 20 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Thursday, April 21 - Boiled plant foods without oil.
Friday, April 22 - dry food (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).
Saturday, April 23rd - boiled food with vegetable oil, wine, caviar.
Sunday, April 24th - Fish are allowed.

Holy Week is a strict week of Great Lent 2016, each day has its own name. It should also be noted that during Holy Week the fast is intensified and is really strict.

Monday, April 25 (Good Monday) - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Tuesday, April 26 (Good Tuesday) - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, April 27 (Holy Wednesday) - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Thursday, April 28 (Good Thursday) - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Saturday, April 30 (Holy Saturday) - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

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Our expert is dentist Marina Kolesnichenko. Striking copper A common situation: one root remained from a broken tooth, and the X-ray also showed inflammation around it. Most doctors pass a verdict - removal. But still the "doomed" can be saved
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Member of the faction of the political party "United Russia". Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. Vitaly Milonov was born on January 23, 1974 in the city of St. Petersburg. His parents: naval officer Valentin Nikolaevich and primary school teacher
Danil transverse - biography and work of Danil transverse in which school he studied
Young Russian comedian Danila Poperechny, also known as Spoontamer, is a typical representative of a new generation of artists. Earlier, actors of the spoken genre performed on the stage, and now they are becoming stand-up comedians and video bloggers.
Danil Poperechny: humor is not for everyone
Raise a Russian stand-up from your knees - no more, no less. A statement striking in its pretentiousness. But this red-haired guy, more than once "beaten" for his tough humor, completely devoid of censorship, continues to joke mercilessly over events and opponents. For him, no for